


Bridges (1)
Automated šŸ¤– AUTOMATED: New OP Merkle Rewards Root Wed, 24 Jul 2024 01:00:00 +0000

Published: Jul 25, 2024

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This is an automated post by the merkle rewards worker bot :robot:

A new merkle root has been published to GitHub:

Merkle root hash: 0x89a6ba7c04ea39f1dc5af3f4f66919e4bff834c28b04177efcc5a5a0bc62bd9d
Merkle root total amount: 288219.289537088822848506 (288219289537088822848506)
Start timestamp: 1663898400 (2022-09-23T02:00:00.000+00:00)
End timestamp: 1721782800 (2024-07-24T01:00:00.000+00:00)
Rewards contract address: 0x45269F59aA76bB491D0Fc4c26F468D8E1EE26b73
Rewards contract network: optimism

Instructions to verify merkle root:

docker pull hopprotocol/merkle-drop-framework
docker run --env-file docker.env -v ~/Downloads/op_merkle_rewards_data:/tmp/feesdb hopprotocol/merkle-drop-framework start:dist generate -- --network=mainnet --rewards-contract=0x45269F59aA76bB491D0Fc4c26F468D8E1EE26b73 --rewards-contract-network=optimism --start-timestamp=1663898400 --end-timestamp=1721782800

Supply RPC urls in docker.env:


Web app to publish root:

Contract information for multisig signers:

Contract address: 0x45269F59aA76bB491D0Fc4c26F468D8E1EE26b73
Method: setMerkleRoot
_merkleRoot: 0x89a6ba7c04ea39f1dc5af3f4f66919e4bff834c28b04177efcc5a5a0bc62bd9d
totalRewards: 288219289537088822848506

1 post - 1 participant

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Automated šŸ¤– AUTOMATED: New Merkle Rewards Root Wed, 24 Jul 2024 00:00:00 +0000

Published: Jul 25, 2024

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This is an automated post by the merkle rewards worker bot :robot:

A new merkle root has been published to GitHub:

Merkle root hash: 0x094d0e49c267784244e4e3b8be0d4b83b65b73952e047af16016f2abdb20ddfe
Merkle root total amount: 12083.09 (12083090000000000000000)
Start timestamp: 1718150400 (2024-06-12T00:00:00.000+00:00)
End timestamp: 1721779200 (2024-07-24T00:00:00.000+00:00)
Rewards contract address: 0xb3c18710fE030a75A3A981a1AbAC0db984e51853
Rewards contract network: arbitrum

Instructions to verify merkle root:

docker pull hopprotocol/merkle-drop-framework
docker run --env-file docker.env -v ~/Downloads/op_merkle_rewards_data:/tmp/feesdb hopprotocol/merkle-drop-framework start:dist generate -- --network=mainnet --rewards-contract=0xb3c18710fE030a75A3A981a1AbAC0db984e51853 --rewards-contract-network=arbitrum --start-timestamp=1718150400 --end-timestamp=1721779200

Supply RPC urls in docker.env:


Web app to publish root:

Contract information for multisig signers:

Contract address: 0xb3c18710fE030a75A3A981a1AbAC0db984e51853
Method: setMerkleRoot
_merkleRoot: 0x094d0e49c267784244e4e3b8be0d4b83b65b73952e047af16016f2abdb20ddfe
totalRewards: 12083090000000000000000

1 post - 1 participant

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šŸ°Hop Ecosystem Collaberation Request with Contrax Finance

Published: Jul 23, 2024

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Hello Hop DAO community,

This is Soheeb with Contrax, and Iā€™m also a casual Hop DAO member (Iā€™ve ā€œhoppedā€ on a few calls before :blush:). Contrax is a new DeFi yield aggregator focused on making access to DeFi yield earning as easy as using a fintech app. We use account abstraction, gas coverage, routing into all strategies with USDC or ETH, and auto-compounding to enhance this experience.

We are currently on Arbitrum and have received the LTIPP grant. We integrated a few Hop vaults before we were even live, and today, almost 3/4 of our $400k in TVL comes from Hop vaults, with the most popular being the Hop hETH vault:

The vault can achieve such a high APY because it is on top of your current vault, which already has LTIPP rewards, with further rewards distributed by us.

Given that we are LTIPP partners and have already done the integration while bringing liquidity to your vaults, we would love to collaborate further. The exact ways to collaborate are open to discussion. At a high level, the goal would be to increase exposure of both protocols to the communities of the other and find ways to work together as we build out the product.

Looking forward to hearing from the community!

1 post - 1 participant

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Automated šŸ¤– AUTOMATED: New Merkle Rewards Root Tue, 25 Jun 2024 18:00:00 +0000

Published: Jun 26, 2024

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This is an automated post by the merkle rewards worker bot :robot:

A new merkle root has been published to GitHub:

Merkle root hash: 0x81004d8b0ff10d4a1eab01cb31356a13301cf600b155e112a363ff17a4e749de
Merkle root total amount: 3937.1 (3937100000000000000000)
Start timestamp: 1718150400 (2024-06-12T00:00:00.000+00:00)
End timestamp: 1719338400 (2024-06-25T18:00:00.000+00:00)
Rewards contract address: 0xb3c18710fE030a75A3A981a1AbAC0db984e51853
Rewards contract network: arbitrum

Instructions to verify merkle root:

docker pull hopprotocol/merkle-drop-framework
docker run --env-file docker.env -v ~/Downloads/op_merkle_rewards_data:/tmp/feesdb hopprotocol/merkle-drop-framework start:dist generate -- --network=mainnet --rewards-contract=0xb3c18710fE030a75A3A981a1AbAC0db984e51853 --rewards-contract-network=arbitrum --start-timestamp=1718150400 --end-timestamp=1719338400

Supply RPC urls in docker.env:


Web app to publish root:

Contract information for multisig signers:

Contract address: 0xb3c18710fE030a75A3A981a1AbAC0db984e51853
Method: setMerkleRoot
_merkleRoot: 0x81004d8b0ff10d4a1eab01cb31356a13301cf600b155e112a363ff17a4e749de
totalRewards: 3937100000000000000000

1 post - 1 participant

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Automated šŸ¤– AUTOMATED: New Merkle Rewards Root Tue, 25 Jun 2024 17:00:00 +0000

Published: Jun 26, 2024

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This is an automated post by the merkle rewards worker bot :robot:

A new merkle root has been published to GitHub:

Merkle root hash: 0xb03f629bfeb677f50c2a3116643f277a2c89c31a7475e7c71bbc70b073c42a65
Merkle root total amount: 286227.099537088822848506 (286227099537088822848506)
Start timestamp: 1663898400 (2022-09-23T02:00:00.000+00:00)
End timestamp: 1719334800 (2024-06-25T17:00:00.000+00:00)
Rewards contract address: 0x45269F59aA76bB491D0Fc4c26F468D8E1EE26b73
Rewards contract network: optimism

Instructions to verify merkle root:

docker pull hopprotocol/merkle-drop-framework
docker run --env-file docker.env -v ~/Downloads/op_merkle_rewards_data:/tmp/feesdb hopprotocol/merkle-drop-framework start:dist generate -- --network=mainnet --rewards-contract=0x45269F59aA76bB491D0Fc4c26F468D8E1EE26b73 --rewards-contract-network=optimism --start-timestamp=1663898400 --end-timestamp=1719334800

Supply RPC urls in docker.env:


Web app to publish root:

Contract information for multisig signers:

Contract address: 0x45269F59aA76bB491D0Fc4c26F468D8E1EE26b73
Method: setMerkleRoot
_merkleRoot: 0xb03f629bfeb677f50c2a3116643f277a2c89c31a7475e7c71bbc70b073c42a65
totalRewards: 286227099537088822848506

1 post - 1 participant

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šŸ°Hop Ecosystem Discontinue MAGIC Arbitrum Nova LP mining HOP rewards

Published: Jun 21, 2024

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Unecessary selling pressure (214.33 HOP / day), useless incentive (who tf bridges to Nova in MAGICā€¦?).

7 posts - 4 participants

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šŸ—³Meta-Governance Grants Committee Election Nomination Thread

Published: Jun 14, 2024

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Fortunately, the snapshot vote to renew the Hop grants committee passed with 99.88% voting in favor therefore the next step is to commence the nomination thread.

The base responsibilities for each committee member will be to:

  • Promote the grant program to attract grant applicants (i.e. hosting discord calls or x spaces).
  • Share quarterly participation and voting metrics regarding grant applicants.

If you would like to nominate yourself to join the three-person grants committee please share:

  • Background on yourself.

  • Why are you a great candidate to join the Hop grants committee?

  • Describe a successful grants program.

  • Please share a short list of RFPs you would like for the grants program to target.

  • Past experience with grants programs

  • Reach within crypto community

14 posts - 9 participants

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šŸ’¬General Discussions Introduction - Spike - Avantgarde finance

Published: Jun 03, 2024

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Hello, Hop! :dizzy:

Just wanted to introduce myself, Iā€™m Spike, I work for Avantgarde finance. Before becoming blockchain maxi I used to be investment banker believe it or not! :laughing:

Iā€™ve been around since 2016, saw first DAO formation and witnessed all the fun with Ethereum classic (how is it still alive).

At Avantgarde Iā€™m covering everything related to governance - voting, decision making, we are a large delegate in a number of protocols including Compound and Uniswap.

Big big big thanks to @francom for having a chat with me recently. It was very helpful in terms of getting better understand how community functions and what are the key pain points.

Iā€™ll be joining the call every now and then to better understand where community is moving.

And of course great to meet everyone!


1 post - 1 participant

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Automated šŸ¤– AUTOMATED: New Merkle Rewards Root Tue, 28 May 2024 17:00:00 +0000

Published: May 29, 2024

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This is an automated post by the merkle rewards worker bot :robot:

A new merkle root has been published to GitHub:

Merkle root hash: 0x7aed64b8e489d8e85bc11b1d503068774969d12d1a30e4d9eac2b27def0dedb0
Merkle root total amount: 284306.499537088822848506 (284306499537088822848506)
Start timestamp: 1663898400 (2022-09-23T02:00:00.000+00:00)
End timestamp: 1716915600 (2024-05-28T17:00:00.000+00:00)
Rewards contract address: 0x45269F59aA76bB491D0Fc4c26F468D8E1EE26b73
Rewards contract network: optimism

Instructions to verify merkle root:

docker pull hopprotocol/merkle-drop-framework
docker run --env-file docker.env -v ~/Downloads/op_merkle_rewards_data:/tmp/feesdb hopprotocol/merkle-drop-framework start:dist generate -- --network=mainnet --rewards-contract=0x45269F59aA76bB491D0Fc4c26F468D8E1EE26b73 --rewards-contract-network=optimism --start-timestamp=1663898400 --end-timestamp=1716915600

Supply RPC urls in docker.env:


Web app to publish root:

Contract information for multisig signers:

Contract address: 0x45269F59aA76bB491D0Fc4c26F468D8E1EE26b73
Method: setMerkleRoot
_merkleRoot: 0x7aed64b8e489d8e85bc11b1d503068774969d12d1a30e4d9eac2b27def0dedb0
totalRewards: 284306499537088822848506

1 post - 1 participant

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Automated šŸ¤– AUTOMATED: New Merkle Rewards Root Tue, 30 Apr 2024 16:00:00 +0000

Published: May 01, 2024

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This is an automated post by the merkle rewards worker bot :robot:

A new merkle root has been published to GitHub:

Merkle root hash: 0xf6e9ddfc2e29427f49ddedb817044cee70a4652da1429eca1e84db25cdce7ad1
Merkle root total amount: 282326.709537088822848506 (282326709537088822848506)
Start timestamp: 1663898400 (2022-09-23T02:00:00.000+00:00)
End timestamp: 1714492800 (2024-04-30T16:00:00.000+00:00)
Rewards contract address: 0x45269F59aA76bB491D0Fc4c26F468D8E1EE26b73
Rewards contract network: optimism

Instructions to verify merkle root:

docker pull hopprotocol/merkle-drop-framework
docker run --env-file docker.env -v ~/Downloads/op_merkle_rewards_data:/tmp/feesdb hopprotocol/merkle-drop-framework start:dist generate -- --network=mainnet --rewards-contract=0x45269F59aA76bB491D0Fc4c26F468D8E1EE26b73 --rewards-contract-network=optimism --start-timestamp=1663898400 --end-timestamp=1714492800

Supply RPC urls in docker.env:


Web app to publish root:

Contract information for multisig signers:

Contract address: 0x45269F59aA76bB491D0Fc4c26F468D8E1EE26b73
Method: setMerkleRoot
_merkleRoot: 0xf6e9ddfc2e29427f49ddedb817044cee70a4652da1429eca1e84db25cdce7ad1
totalRewards: 282326709537088822848506

1 post - 1 participant

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šŸŖ³Bugs & Feedback I found a bug. do you have bug bounty program?

Published: Apr 30, 2024

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Iā€™m curious to know if Hop Protocol offers a bug bounty program.

Additionally, Iā€™d like to inquire about the rewards for bug reports, as Iā€™ve discovered a critical bug.

Thank you!

2 posts - 2 participants

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šŸ—³Meta-Governance Hop Protocol & DAO Report

Published: Apr 10, 2024

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Hop Protocol & DAO Q1 ā€˜24

Welcome to our Quarterly report on the progress of Hop Protocol, the leading crypto bridge focused on enhancing blockchain modularity. In this update, weā€™ll highlight key advancements achieved over the past quarter, from technical upgrades to protocol and DAO growth.

Hop Protocol

In Q1 2024, Hop Protocolā€™s volume surpassed the $5 billion mark. Hop Protocol currently supports transfers between the following networks; Ethereum mainnet, polygon, gnosis, optimism, arbitrum one, arbitrum nova, base, linea, and polygon zkEVM.

The total volume this quarter was a 63.62% increase from last quarter with a total volume of $478 million vs $292 million Q4 2023. The total volume this quarter was higher than each quarter in 2023.

While Hop V1 has been around since 2021 and has successfully bridged over $5 billion, Hop V2 is around the corner as development inches closer to mainnet. Significant progress has been made with off-chain infrastructure as the front-end, explorer, etc. for V2 is complete after ongoing testing. Additionally, on-chain contract development is progressing well, with a focus on transaction simulations taking place in the testnet.

The bonder network continues to perform and is preparing for changes coming up with V2 and its push to decentralize the bonder role.

Hop supports liquidity pools in Ethereum mainnet, polygon, gnosis, optimism, arbitrum one, arbitrum nova, base, linea, and polygon zkEVM . The TVL of Hopā€™s liquidity program is roughly $28.4 million with 76.2% TVL being in ETH. USDC.e comes in second place with 6.3% of the TVL and DAI in third with 5.5%. The protocols with greatest liquidity mining TVL are Arbitrum One with 33.6%, Optimism with 26.2%, Base with 19.9%, and Polygon with 12.5%. The upgrade of the USDC bridge to CCTP has launched and this move supports cheaper and more efficient native USDC transactions and the upgrade to Hop V2.

The list below shows each source chainā€™s most frequented destination chains during Q1 ā€˜24

Ethereum > Polygon

Polygon > Ethereum and Base

Optimism > Base

Arbitrum One > Ethereum and Base

Base > Ethereum

Linea > Optimism, Arbitrum, and Base

The lifetime transfer count is roughly 3.7 million and 74.10% of transfers have been in ETH. USDC is second with around 13.64% of transfers. The average weekly transfer counts this quarter was 29k transfers.

The current circulating Hop token supply is around 75 million which represents around 7.5% of the total token supply.

The table below demonstrates that the Hop tokenā€™s current liquidity is around $682,711 in various exchanges and chains.


The DAO has approximately 1.47k governance participants and 78 delegates that have been actively participating recently according to

During this quarter the DAO has had five passing Snapshot votes while Tally has had three passing votes and one failed vote. The failed vote was [HIP-39] Community Multisig Refill (4) which failed due to lack of quorum.

This quarter the DAO passed the following proposals: Treasury Diversification for Ongoing DAO Expenses (HIP44), Treasury Diversification and Protocol Owned Liquidity, Delegate Incentivization Trial (Third Cycle), Community Moderator Role and Team Compensation, and finally, Head of DAO Ops Role and Election.

There are three main proposals that are currently live in the forum: Grants Committee Renewal and Redesign, Protocol Financial Stability Part 1, and Hop Single Sided Liquidity.

Topics for future discussion: Migrating to L2 for Voting and Token Redelegation.

This report solely represents the views and research of the current Head of DAO Operations which could be subject to errors. Nothing in this report includes financial advice.

1 post - 1 participant

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šŸ°Hop Ecosystem [RFC] HOP Single Sided Liquidity

Published: Apr 08, 2024

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Hop DAO should LP 25,000,000 HOP as single sided liquidity in the HOP/ETH 0.30% Univ3 pool on Ethereum. This will increase HOP liquidity and market depth while providing a natural source of diversification for the DAO.


As Hop prepares for the launch of v2 and hopefully the ensuing growth of the protocol, now is the time to improve HOP liquidity and position the DAO for increased demand. Hop has not engaged any market makers or incentivized liquidity for HOP to date. I believe that this is the correct approach, however HOP liquidity is extremely low. This makes it difficult to enter positions and leads to significant price volatility. As of this past week, ~$500k of total buy orders would basically exhaust the entire Univ3 pool. This is a relatively small amount of liquidity and could prove problematic if Hop v2 significantly increases demand. I understand that some might say, ā€œwow token shortage good, price go up bigā€, but that approach is not sustainable. The current TVL of the HOP pool is approximately $280k. This proposal would increase the TVL by $1.2m which would put HOP in line with similar assets. Much of the TVL will be well above the current spot price of HOP which should limit potential adverse effects. As a community, I believe that having well aligned HOP holders is in our long-term best interest. Increasing HOP liquidity will create avenues for more participants to get on board in a reasonable manner.

Recent efforts to increase HOP liquidity are positive but still leave a ways to go. Single sided liquidity lets us LP meaningful amounts of HOP solely to the ā€œupsideā€ of the price range. As the price of HOP increases, the DAO is gently selling HOP for ETH based on market demand. If the price of HOP decreases once this position is in range, there will be significantly more market depth to absorb selling. From my perspective, the biggest downside of this proposal is that it effectively creates resting sell orders for HOP that will need to be filled for the price to increase in the pool. I have tried to size the proposal appropriately to increase liquidity while not overburdening the market for HOP. The impact of additional HOP appears to be very reasonable. The next section explains the mechanics and practical implications for the position.

Mechanics of Execution

I will caveat this by saying that it is difficult to model Univ3 positions and that this should be generally accurate but may be slightly off ā€“ please keep in mind that everything is priced in ETH terms so that is an additional variable that makes precision challenging. If there is a great tool for modeling Univ3 positions, please let me know because this was all done manually.

This proposal would take 25,000,000 HOP held by the DAO and LP in a range from just above the current spot price to tick #6400 which equates to roughly a $6 HOP price. To provide context for the additional liquidity, this will add ~$250k of depth between the current spot price and $0.10 HOP. As the price of HOP increases, the dollar value of the depth increases as well (e.g. there is about 2x as much additional depth between $0.10 and $0.20, etc.). The current liquidity is fairly concentrated near the spot price; this proposal would greatly increase the longer tail of liquidity throughout this range. For the purpose of illustration, if the entire range were to be filled it would yield about $31m in ETH for the DAO. This proposal will not provide any liquidity for people to ā€œdumpā€ on at the current prices and only comes into range if the price of HOP increases. If we determine that the liquidity is having negative impacts on HOP or unintended consequences, we can pull the liquidity at any time (I assume this would require a subsequent vote).

I believe that this proposal is a positive step towards creating a more robust environment for HOP ahead of v2 while also providing a gentle means of diversification for the DAO. Please let me know if you have any comments, suggestions or concerns.

Voting Options

  • LP 25,000,000 HOP in specified range
  • No action
  • Abstain

12 posts - 6 participants

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Automated šŸ¤– AUTOMATED: New Merkle Rewards Root Tue, 02 Apr 2024 16:00:00 +0000

Published: Apr 03, 2024

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This is an automated post by the merkle rewards worker bot :robot:

A new merkle root has been published to GitHub:

Merkle root hash: 0xed1cb21099c17c1fd6e0b72240dd652b5811b74df3ca568aa8f8a98a7fb9daea
Merkle root total amount: 280084.479537088822848506 (280084479537088822848506)
Start timestamp: 1663898400 (2022-09-23T02:00:00.000+00:00)
End timestamp: 1712073600 (2024-04-02T16:00:00.000+00:00)
Rewards contract address: 0x45269F59aA76bB491D0Fc4c26F468D8E1EE26b73
Rewards contract network: optimism

Instructions to verify merkle root:

docker pull hopprotocol/merkle-drop-framework
docker run --env-file docker.env -v ~/Downloads/op_merkle_rewards_data:/tmp/feesdb hopprotocol/merkle-drop-framework start:dist generate -- --network=mainnet --rewards-contract=0x45269F59aA76bB491D0Fc4c26F468D8E1EE26b73 --rewards-contract-network=optimism --start-timestamp=1663898400 --end-timestamp=1712073600

Supply RPC urls in docker.env:


Web app to publish root:

Contract information for multisig signers:

Contract address: 0x45269F59aA76bB491D0Fc4c26F468D8E1EE26b73
Method: setMerkleRoot
_merkleRoot: 0xed1cb21099c17c1fd6e0b72240dd652b5811b74df3ca568aa8f8a98a7fb9daea
totalRewards: 280084479537088822848506

1 post - 1 participant

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šŸ—³Meta-Governance [RFC] Protocol Financial Stability - Part 1

Published: Mar 27, 2024

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Useful Links


  • This RFC outlines the importance of prioritizing financial stability for HopDAO and introduces the first part of a three-part proposal aimed at effective treasury management.
  • The core of the Framework emphasizes the importance of a structured approach to managing the treasury to guarantee resilience and promote sustainable growth. This includes transparent operations, a clear financial plan, and strategies to uphold token stability.
  • Prior to the snapshot, active engagement with the community is essential to gather feedback and refine the proposed framework


After discussing with delegates and reviewing poll results, along with understanding the DAOā€™s potential from a developerā€™s perspective, itā€™s clear that prioritizing Hop Financial Stability is crucial. Managing the treasury involves many aspects, from basic budgeting to dealing with complex issues like protocol-owned liquidity and spreading out investments.

Our plan is straightforward:

First, weā€™ll identify the main problems and decide whatā€™s most important. Weā€™ll use feedback from the community and look at the DAOā€™s current financial situation, especially with the upcoming V2 launch. This will help us figure out where to focus our efforts.

Next, weā€™ll create a simple plan for managing the treasury. Weā€™ll outline basic rules and goals for how to handle our money. This will give us a clear path forward and make sure everyone knows what to do. This is the initial part and it will be covered in this post.

Then, weā€™ll look at how to manage the liquidity of our token. Weā€™ll talk about why itā€™s important and come up with ideas to keep our token stable and attractive to investors. This will be the second part of our RFC.

Lastly, weā€™ll set up a plan for how to actually do all this. Weā€™ll decide whoā€™s in charge, what goals we want to meet, and how weā€™ll measure our success. This will be like a roadmap for the DAO to follow and it will be the third and the last part of our RFC.

With this plan, weā€™ll be ready to manage our treasury effectively and make sure Hop stays strong and successful.

Letā€™s work together to make it happen!

Problem Statement

Improving our financial stability is essential for the DAOā€™s success, just like it is for any other business. We need to consider all aspects of our finances, but we also need to prioritize whatā€™s most important.

The Hop Protocol makes a lot of money, but not all of it goes into our HopDAO Treasury. We have a great community, and itā€™s important to listen to them to understand how they see the financial situation and whatā€™s important to them when making investment decisions.

Recently, we did a survey to find out what the community thinks we should focus on. From the feedback we received from delegates, the survey, and my own experience, here are the things that HopDAO needs:

a) Hop requires a systematic and well-thought-out approach to managing its treasury to ensure the DAOā€™s financial resilience and create a platform for sustainable growth.

b) To achieve this, we need a Treasury Management Framework. This framework should include:

  • a transparent operational model with actions, accountable persons, and governance structure,
  • a well-defined financial plan that aims to establish a sustainable runway, liquidity targets, supplemented by proactive budgeting, and regular reporting,
  • a HOP token liquidity management plan to ensure Protocolā€™s token stability and attractiveness for current and future investors.

These priorities form the foundation for the Treasury Management Framework that Iā€™m about to introduce.

Updated Hop Treasury Management Framework

We have laid out the basic structure needed for a successful treasury management plan here.

Now, letā€™s refine and tailor it to fit the priorities of our DAO. As mentioned earlier, the key is to focus on setting clear principles and objectives from the start. Once we have this solid foundation, our governance process will become transparent and flexible enough to adjust to changes in the market and our financial needs over time.

TMF Initial Components

The structure of the content within the Treasury Management Framework is designed to provide a comprehensive approach to treasury management for Hop. It encompasses the following key components:

1. Treasury Management Principles

Following these principles helps us manage our DAOā€™s finances well. We focus on being open, inclusive, and responsible. These principles help us handle our funds in a decentralized way, aiming for transparency, reducing risks, and aligning with our goals.

  • Transparency: We believe in open communication and sharing relevant information about the DAOā€™s finances. Everyone should have access to know how funds are allocated and investments are made. Transparency builds trust and ensures that everyone is on the same page. We commit to monthly financial reporting, accessible via the Hop Community Forum.
  • Simplicity: ā€œSimplicity is the ultimate sophisticationā€. We believe in simplicity over complexity. Treasury management doesnā€™t have to be convoluted and confusing. We aim to streamline our processes, making them accessible and easy to understand for everyone involved. By keeping it simple, we reduce risks and avoid unnecessary complications.
  • Diversification: We encourage spreading the risk by diversifying our investments. Instead of relying on HOP, we explore various opportunities across stablecoins, ETH, and WBTC, deployed across multiple DeFi protocols and strategies. Diversification keeps us balanced and safeguards against unexpected exploits.
  • Accountability and Decentralisation: We recognize the importance of having a dedicated individual or team responsible for driving decisions forward. This ensures that inertia is overcome and progress is made. While we value efficiency, we also advocate for a democratic process where the DAO collectively votes on fundamental guidelines. This strikes a balance between swift action and maintaining oversight to prevent reckless trading practices.
  • Risk Management: Our foremost priority is safeguarding our financial resources. We meticulously assess various risk metrics, from market-related risks to strategy-specific vulnerabilities, ensuring our treasury remains robust and sustainable.
  • Focus: Our treasury management decisions should align with our DAOā€™s objectives, focusing on ensuring the long-term sustainability of the DAO and itā€™s token. By keeping our objectives in sight, we make purposeful and impactful decisions.

2. Treasury Management Objectives

As framed in the problem statement section, the goal of the Treasury Management is to build:

ā€œā€¦a systematic and well-thought-out approach [ā€¦] to ensure the DAOā€™s financial resilience and create a platform for sustainable growth.ā€

I.e., translating this into 5 key objectives that inform our work for the framework:

  1. Meeting Operational Needs: One of the primary objectives of the DAOā€™s treasury management is to ensure that a DAO has sufficient cash and liquidity to meet its financial obligations and fund its day-to-day operations. This involves optimizing cash flows, managing working capital effectively, and maintaining appropriate levels of liquidity to mitigate the risk of cash shortages. The rest of the longer-term oriented capital, e.g., not needed within the next 24-36 months for operational needs, should be used to take advantage of investment opportunities with different risk profiles.
  2. Provide a sustainable liquidity for HopDAO token: Liquidity is a foundational element for the success and stability of any token-based project. It ensures that new investors can seamlessly enter the market while providing an exit path for those looking to divest. HopDAO Treasury should be able to identify mid-term liquidity improvement strategies, and propose long-term solutions to enhance protocol liquidity.
  3. Data-Driven Decision Making: By leveraging data, we aim to optimize investment choices, risk management strategies, and operational efficiency. This principle ensures that our DeFi strategies are grounded in solid analysis of on-chain and off-chain data, as well as utilising state-of-art statistical concepts, enhancing the effectiveness of our treasury management.
  4. Overseeing Risks, related to Treasury: Treasury management aims to identify, assess, and manage various financial risks faced by a DAO. This includes protocol risk, liquidity risk, credit risk, market risk, and operational risk. The objective is to implement strategies and/or hedging techniques to minimize the impact of these risks on the DAOā€™s financial performance.
  5. Regulatory Considerations: We stay updated on DeFi regulations to adapt our strategies and partnerships accordingly. This helps us avoid legal risks and adjust our investments as needed. We stay resilient and flexible amid regulatory changes.

Once the DAO approves these initial components, we can move forward with implementing and executing the framework.

TMF Top Priority Components Overview and Next Steps

Now, weā€™re at a critical point where we need to discuss the practical execution of our objectives. The proposal will be divided into two main areas: Protocol Liquidity Management and Treasury Management execution. Hereā€™s what you can expect in Part 2 and Part 3:

Part 2 - Protocol Owned Liquidity Management Overview:

  1. POL Research: Every decision made by the DAO should be rational and data-driven. I aim to provide the Hop community with an overview of common practices used to manage protocol liquidity. The goal is to assess various protocols and strategies, ranking them based on our specific needs.
  2. Protocol Liquidity Management Framework: In this section, Iā€™ll introduce the principles I plan to use to achieve deep liquidity and price stability.

Part 3 - Treasury Management Mandate:

This final part of the RFC will be structured as a mandate, which will be submitted to the snapshot after gathering all necessary feedback from the community and delegates. Here are the topics we will discuss:

  1. Treasury Management Operational Model & Governance: This section outlines the central components of the framework, aligning all stakeholders and ensuring clarity in the treasury management process. It details procedures, policies, and tools for efficient cash flow management, risk mitigation, and decision-making within the DAO.
  2. Financial Management and Budgeting: Emphasizing cash flow forecasting and liquidity management, this section explores strategies to ensure adequate liquidity for operational needs. It aligns budgeting practices with the DAOā€™s financial goals.
  3. Treasury Asset Allocation: Efficient allocation of treasury funds is vital for maximizing returns while managing risk. This section covers the selection and allocation process for deploying the DAOā€™s financial resources, including diversification, rebalancing, and investment strategies.
  4. Reporting: Transparency is essential for the success of a DAO. This section focuses on reporting tools and mechanisms to ensure full transparency in treasury management, emphasizing timely and accurate reporting for stakeholders.
  5. KPIs, Deliverables, and Terms: This section outlines the specific terms, expectations, timeline, and compensation associated with the mandate.


By implementing the Treasury Management Framework, HopDAO can establish a robust and sustainable approach to managing its financial resources. This framework guides every aspect of treasury management, from principles to governance, empowering DAOs to make informed decisions and achieve their financial goals while maintaining transparency and mitigating risks.

Iā€™m thrilled to be part of this journey and excited to contribute to HopDAOā€™s Treasury success. Your feedback on this proposal is invaluable, and I welcome any thoughts or suggestions you may have. Feel free to reach out to me directly through DMs for a more detailed conversation. Letā€™s work together to shape the future of HopDAO!

2 posts - 2 participants

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šŸ—³Meta-Governance October 2023 - March 2024 HIP 4 Delegate Compensation Reporting

Published: Mar 27, 2024

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Hey Hop DAO,

Since [HIP-46] Renewal of Hop Delegate Incentivization Trial (Third Cycle) passed, itā€™s time to create a new Delegate Compensation Reporting Thread for this period (October 11, 2023 ā€“ March 27, 2024). The last delegate compensation reporting period ended October 10, 2023, therefore anything from then up until March 27,2024 falls within this reporting period.

To make matters easier for delegates who are eligible for incentives, the Head of DAO Operations will verify the voting and communication requirements for each delegate but each delegate is expected to share in this thread their voting and communication ratio, their lowest HOP delegated during the period, and finally their incentive rewards amount for the period based on the calculation. Please use the calculation from the recent snapshot vote to renew the delegate incentivization program. Please share your communication publicly in each proposalā€™s governance forum thread or create your own voting and communication thread for the Head of DAO Operations to verify. Please include your Ethereum address as well.

Delegates can utilize this Dune Querry 12 5 to find the lowest level of Hop within the time period.

Delegates can also use this graph 9 5 to determine their compensation by using their lowest Hop for the specified period.

Delegates can go ahead and report below in this thread.

Below are the snapshot votes and Tally votes since the last reporting period.

Snapshot Votes Since Last Delegate Reporting Thread

  • [Temperature Check] Treasury Diversification & Protocol Owned Liquidity (multichain HOP/ETH LPs)
  • [HIP-41] Incentivize Hop AMMs on Supported and Upcoming Chains
  • Hop Community Moderator Compensation
  • [HIP-43] Proposal to create Head of DAO Operations
  • [HIP-44] Treasury Diversification for Ongoing DAO Expenses
  • [HIP-45] Head of DAO Operations Election
  • [HIP-46] Renewal of Hop Delegate Incentivization Trial (Third Cycle)

Tally Votes Since Last Delegate Reporting Thread (August, September, October)

  • [HIP-39] Community Multisig Refill (4) on Feb 5th, 2024 was defeated
  • [HIP-40] Treasury Diversification & Protocol Owned Liquidity on Feb 5th 2024 passed
  • [HIP-39] Community Multisig Refill (5) on Feb 15th, 2024 passed
  • [HIP-44] Treasury Diversification for Ongoing DAO Expenses on Mar 4th 2024 passed

For example;
Voting: 11/11
Communication: 9/9 (HIP 40 & HIP 44 had to be voted on in snapshot and tally but you only have to communicate rationale once for each of these proposals).

lowest Hop during period: x
incentive rewards during this period: x

20 posts - 7 participants

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šŸ°Hop Ecosystem [Request for Comment] Launch Hop on NEO X (NEO EVM) Mainnet

Published: Mar 18, 2024

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Launch Hop on NEO X (NEO EVM) Mainnet

Point of Contact: Tony Sun

Proposal summary

We propose to Hop community to deploy Hop Bridge protocol to the NEO Ethereum Virtual Machine rollup known as ā€œNEO Xā€ on behalf of the community.

We believe this is the right moment for Hop to deploy on NEO X, for several major reasons:

Ā· NEO X is a new zk-rollup that provides Ethereum Virtual Machine (EVM) equivalence (opcode-level compatibility) for a transparent user experience and existing NEO ecosystem and tooling compatibility. Additionally, speed of fraud proofs allows for near instant native bridging of funds bridge (rather than waiting seven days).

Ā· An Ethereum L2 scalability solution utilizing cryptographic zero-knowledge technology to provide validation and fast finality of off-chain transaction computations.

Ā· A new set of tools and technologies were created and engineered and are contained in this organization, to address the required recreation of all EVM opcodes for transparent deployment and transactions with existing Ethereum smart contracts.

Ā· NEO X is aligned with NEO and its values.

Ā· Hop is already deployed on POS with good success

Ā· Hop gaining market-share through early mover advantage

NEO X main net will launch in May to June. Our aim is to have Hop as one of our early stage bridge partners, as we view Hop as a highly crucial product for users to bridge their assets across various chains.

About NEO X

Neo was founded 2014 and has grown into a first-class smart contract platform. NEO is one of most feature-complete L1 blockchain platforms for building decentralized applications.

Neo X is an EVM-compatible sidechain incorporating Neoā€™s distinctive dBFT consensus mechanism. Serving as a bridge between Neo N3 and the widely adopted EVM network, we expect Neo X to significantly expand the Neo ecosystem and provide developers with broader pathways for innovation.

In this pre-alpha version of the TestNet, we have aligned the Engine and dBFT interfaces. The main features are as follows:

dBFT consensus engine support has been added to Ethereum nodes. Geth Ethereum node implementation is taken as a basis.

A set of pre-configured stand by validators act as dBFT consensus nodes. All the advantages, features and mechanics of dBFT consensus are precisely preserved.

Ethereum P2P protocol is extended with dBFT-specific consensus messages.

Invasive existing Ethereum block structure modifications are avoided as much as possible to stay compatible with existing Ethereum ecosystem tools. MixHash block field is reused to store NextConsensus information and Nonce field is reused to store dBFT Primary index.

Multisignature scheme used in Neo N3 is adopted to the existing Ethereum block structure, so that itā€™s possible for Neo X consensus nodes to add M out of N signature to the block and properly verify signature correctness. Extra block field is reused for this purpose.

Secp256k1 signatures are used for block signing.

The multi-node dBFT consensus mechanism, enveloped transactions, and a seamless native bridge connecting Neo X with Neo N3 will be introduced in subsequent versions.

*Please be aware that this pre-alpha version of NeoX is in the active development phase, meaning that ALL data will be cleared in future updates.


Thereā€™s significant value in Hop being available on an EVM. Deploying early on NEO X helps solidify Hopā€™s place as a leading DEX and a thought leader.

Additionally, given the community and user uptake Hop has seen on NEO X PoS, itā€™s only natural to make its deployment on NEO X a priority.

Partner Details

Neo Global Development

This proposal is being made by Tony Sun, an employee of Neo Global Development. Neo Global Development is a legal entity focused on the ecosystem growth and maintenance of the suite of NEO.

Partner Legal

The legal entity that is supporting this proposal is Neo Global Development Ltd, a British Virgin Islands corporation known as ā€œNGDā€.

Delegate Sponsor

There is no delegate co-authoring or sponsoring this proposal. Instead, this is a proposal submitted by Tony Sun of NGD to support the growth of NEO as part of the overall NEO community.

Conflict of Interest Declaration

There are no existing financial or contractual relationships between NGD and any of Sushiswapā€™s legal entities, including Sushiswap, SUSHI tokens, nor investments of Sushiswapā€¦

What potential risks are there for this projectā€™s success? How could they be mitigated?

Deploying on NEO X should pose minimal risks, relative to deploying on alternate blockchains. As an Ethereum Layer Two, it uses Zero Knowledge proofs to inherit NEOā€™s core safety, while allowing developers to easily deploy existing EVM codebases. The bridge has been disintermediated, and Sushiswap can expect reputable Oracle providers to be available as data providers from Day One. NEO Xā€™s EVM testnet has been running for the past two months. Additionally, the deployment has been audited multiple times, by auditors including Red4Sec. Welcome to NEO

1 post - 1 participant

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Automated šŸ¤– AUTOMATED: New Merkle Rewards Root Tue, 05 Mar 2024 16:00:00 +0000

Published: Mar 06, 2024

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This is an automated post by the merkle rewards worker bot :robot:

A new merkle root has been published to GitHub:

Merkle root hash: 0x04ee319bdff2f925dacd5b7b5e7e565de0ca4319c31ee30eb77f1cc0b8b7a1d8
Merkle root total amount: 275744.119537088822848506 (275744119537088822848506)
Start timestamp: 1663898400 (2022-09-23T02:00:00.000+00:00)
End timestamp: 1709654400 (2024-03-05T16:00:00.000+00:00)
Rewards contract address: 0x45269F59aA76bB491D0Fc4c26F468D8E1EE26b73
Rewards contract network: optimism

Instructions to verify merkle root:

docker pull hopprotocol/merkle-drop-framework
docker run --env-file docker.env -v ~/Downloads/op_merkle_rewards_data:/tmp/feesdb hopprotocol/merkle-drop-framework start:dist generate -- --network=mainnet --rewards-contract=0x45269F59aA76bB491D0Fc4c26F468D8E1EE26b73 --rewards-contract-network=optimism --start-timestamp=1663898400 --end-timestamp=1709654400

Supply RPC urls in docker.env:


Web app to publish root:

Contract information for multisig signers:

Contract address: 0x45269F59aA76bB491D0Fc4c26F468D8E1EE26b73
Method: setMerkleRoot
_merkleRoot: 0x04ee319bdff2f925dacd5b7b5e7e565de0ca4319c31ee30eb77f1cc0b8b7a1d8
totalRewards: 275744119537088822848506

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šŸ—³Meta-Governance [RFC] Treasury Diversification for Ongoing Expenses

Published: Feb 15, 2024

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This RFC is made with the same goals as the original [RFC] Treasury Diversification. Updated parameters are below.


Sell 25% of Hop DAOā€™s ARB holdings (209,251 ARB) for USDC. This should raise approximately $440k for Hop DAO at current prices (~$2.10).


Hop DAO will need stablecoins to cover ongoing expenses. The current and future ongoing expenses that currently exist are:


The onchain execution of the proposal will send a message through the Arbitrum messenger to trigger a transfer of the ARB currently in the Hop Treasury alias address to the Community Multisig. The Community Multisig can then complete the sale in a series of transactions.

Voting Options

  • Sell 25% of Hop DAOā€™s ARB holdings for USDC
  • No action
  • Abstain

11 posts - 9 participants

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šŸ—³Meta-Governance Nominations for Head of DAO Ops Election

Published: Feb 13, 2024

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The DAO has voted to create a Head of DAO Ops role with 2.5 million HOP tokens voting in favor. The Head of DAO Operations will connect different aspects of the DAO and make sure there is cross-collaboration and communication to propagate personal responsibilities for the DAOā€™s subgroups. To qualify for this role, one must have been materially active in the DAO for at least 6-months, having attended community calls, posted on the forum, used the hop bridge, and held HOP).

If you would like to take on this role, please share your nomination below with a short excerpt on who you are and why you would make a great Head of DAO Ops.

For the Head of DAO Ops discussion thread

For the Snapshot Vote

6 posts - 4 participants

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Automated šŸ¤– AUTOMATED: New Merkle Rewards Root Tue, 06 Feb 2024 16:00:00 +0000

Published: Feb 07, 2024

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This is an automated post by the merkle rewards worker bot :robot:

A new merkle root has been published to GitHub:

Merkle root hash: 0x66029da6eccca2631353cb14a4bc878d774c0ca304104df2720f41bd304e6de8
Merkle root total amount: 270774.119537088822848506 (270774119537088822848506)
Start timestamp: 1663898400 (2022-09-23T02:00:00.000+00:00)
End timestamp: 1707235200 (2024-02-06T16:00:00.000+00:00)
Rewards contract address: 0x45269F59aA76bB491D0Fc4c26F468D8E1EE26b73
Rewards contract network: optimism

Instructions to verify merkle root:

docker pull hopprotocol/merkle-drop-framework
docker run --env-file docker.env -v ~/Downloads/op_merkle_rewards_data:/tmp/feesdb hopprotocol/merkle-drop-framework start:dist generate -- --network=mainnet --rewards-contract=0x45269F59aA76bB491D0Fc4c26F468D8E1EE26b73 --rewards-contract-network=optimism --start-timestamp=1663898400 --end-timestamp=1707235200

Supply RPC urls in docker.env:


Web app to publish root:

Contract information for multisig signers:

Contract address: 0x45269F59aA76bB491D0Fc4c26F468D8E1EE26b73
Method: setMerkleRoot
_merkleRoot: 0x66029da6eccca2631353cb14a4bc878d774c0ca304104df2720f41bd304e6de8
totalRewards: 270774119537088822848506

1 post - 1 participant

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šŸ—³Meta-Governance RFC: Renewal of the Hop Delegate Incentivization Trial (3rd Period)

Published: Jan 27, 2024

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Original Delegate Incentivisation Trial 18

Delegate Amendment 11

Renewal of hop delegate incentivization trial

Simple Summary

Over the past year, Hop DAO trialed delegate compensation to participate in Hop DAO Governance actively. This is a proposal to extend the Hop Delegate Incentivization Program for a period of twelve months.


Through the delegate incentivisation trial over the past year, delegates have been incentivised to actively participate in Hop DAO Governance by taking part in discussions on the forum, voting on proposals and ensuring to share their rationale for voting a particular way. This program has created a healthy culture of governance-related engagement in the Hop DAO.

Renewing this Hop Delegate Incentivization trial will ensure that the quality of Hop DAO does not decline.

This Incentivisation Program will retain the delegate talent that the Hop DAO has attracted; its continued existence will allow future delegates to join the Hop DAO and allocate resources to improving the Hop Protocol.

How did the program work?

Delegates are required to vote on proposals and communicate their rationale for voting in their delegate thread on the Hop DAO Forum.

Under the current Delegate Compensation Program, delegates are compensated using a formula where delegate incentives increase with the amount of HOP delegated, but in a decreasing fashion. This means that a small delegate will receive a greater incentive per voting weight than a large delegate, but a larger delegate will receive more.

Delegates utilise this Dune Querry 3 to ascertain their lowest level of Hop for that month and use this visualization graph 1 to ascertain the incentives they are due according to their lowest amount of Hop for that month.

Finally, delegates would self-report under a thread dedicated to reporting delegate eligibility each month. The following information would be required of a delegate.

Vote participation percent = (Number of proposals voted upon Ć· all proposals) * 100

Communication participation percentage = Number of proposals referenced with voting position and reasoning for that position Ć· all proposals ) * 100

Lowest Amount of Hop for the period

Incentives to be paid out.

Previous Changes to the Program

Sequel to the feedback provided in the previous proposal, the following changes were implemented in the previous renewal proposal.
There shall be a new formula used to calculate incentives.
I = Incentives to be received
h = lowest level of HOP delegated that month
M = Multiplier based on consecutive participation periods

To calculate the multiplier (M), we can use the following formula:

M = 1 + (0.1 * P)

P = Number of consecutive completed 6-month participation periods (capped at a certain value, e.g., 5)

This multiplier starts at 1 for new delegates and increases by 0.1 for each consecutive completed 6-month participation period, capped at a certain value (e.g., 1.5 after five periods).

The Participation rate would be removed; therefore, new delegates who reach the 90,000 threshold could join as delegates at any time.

The incentive formula would be amended to include a Multiplier based on consecutive participation periods.

The primary import of these changes is that new delegates can join Hop Governance at any time, while old delegates are incentivized to continue participating.

There is no opt-in or opt-out mechanism. Delegates will have to self-report to receive compensation.


This proposal requests for the Hop Delegate Incentivization Program to be renewed for another twelve months; the program will retain all the guidelines and procedures laid down by the original proposal 18, its subsequent amendment 11 and amendment in previous renewal.

Next Steps.

If this proposal passes, the Hop DAO Delegate Incentivization Program will continue for another twelve months.

25 posts - 10 participants

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šŸ—³Meta-Governance [RFC] V2 Open questions (financial perspective)

Published: Jan 24, 2024

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Related discussion(s)


We have a V2 launch coming up soon, and we need to ensure that we have all financial aspects covered. The market could be in our favor, but as we discussed before, we should be proactive. Here is my list of open questions for the upcoming V2 launch from both financial, Ops, and Growth perspectives. Feel free to add your questions; the aim is to keep this as a record of things we should consider.

Open questions:

  • Protocol-Owned-Liquidity
    • Single-sided vs. bonding vs. PALM vs. Tokemak V2 etc.
  • HOP Valuation
    • What would be the parameters of the floor price, etc.? ( For valuation I would suggest a competitors analysis combined with a secondary market sentiment analysis)
  • Treasury
    • Circulation, payments, principles, diversification (Will create another Temp Check following this post to gather feedback)
  • Risk management
    • Liquidity risk, eg. stablecoin reserves, HOP volatility etc.
    • Market risk
    • Governance risks, eg. Governance attacks
  • Growth
    • Do we plan to have grant programs or any other incentives?
  • Token Utility
    • How do we ensure we have enough intrinsic value to hold and use HOP?
    • What would be the tokenomics?

Next Steps

  1. Define a rough timeline for the V2 launch so we can prepare accordingly
  2. POL research: @fourpoops is rocking with his proposal. I would love to double down on it and create a comparison between different options as part of a larger Risk Management initiative (plan to post it this week)
  3. I strongly encourage the community to start discussions on Growth and Token Utility
  4. Treasury and risk management setup
  5. Fast Head of DAO nomination. I think this volume of work shouldnā€™t be on the devsā€™ shoulders but rather on one person who can handle these aspects

I have created a working file where I am already preparing the research on all topics covered here. Feel free to comment and participate!

1 post - 1 participant

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šŸ—³Meta-Governance [RFC] Head of DAO Governance and Operations Role

Published: Jan 11, 2024

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DAOs can be chaotic due to their unstructured nature but there are DAO service providers who create governance frameworks and push along the day-to-day operations for the benefit of the respective DAOs. Hop DAO has had help from several groups since its inception. GFX Labs was the first to help with DAO operations given their extensive experience in governance and ops. When they exited the DAO, StableLab took on the role of helping the DAO with operations and governance initiatives. Unfortunately, StableLab has decided to refocus their resources elsewhere during this prolonged bear market and have recently exited the DAO.

While it is hard during this extensive bear market to retain talentā€¦. the show must go on. With that in mind, I propose creating a new role titled Head of DAO Operations where an individual is responsible for the day-to-day operations acting as a liaison between the different participants and subgroups of the DAO such as; core developer team, grants committee, ambassadors, delegates, multisig signers and more.

The Head of DAO Operations is not to be construed as a central figure of authority but more like the glue that connects different aspects of the DAO and makes sure there is cross collaboration and communication and helps propagate personal responsibilities for each of the DAOs subgroups. It is imperative for the Head of DAO ops to be fully aligned. Therefore, to qualify for the role one must have been materially active in the DAO for at least 6-months, having attended community calls, posted on the forum, used the hop bridge, held hop).

The Head of DAO Ops will be in charge of community calls, the governance forum (pushing proposals from start to finish with the respective author), and pushing along the grants committee, ambassador program and multisig signers.

Additional responsibilities:
āƒ evaluating and defining compensation for existing and new committees and their members
āƒ Assigning budgets to committees
āƒ Verifying the data posted each month for the delegate compensation thread
āƒ Providing an overview of DAO ops at a regular cadence
āƒ Oversee and manage the transition from old committee members to new committee members when appropriate
āƒ More rapidly iterate on HIP amendments when they are needed
āƒ Help reform the grants committee and handle some of the ops side
āƒ 30 hours a month (1.5xday)
āƒ If a good faith effort to accomplish the tasks set forth as the Head of DAO ops is not made, the DAO will not pay the compensation.

This role should go through a 6-month initial term to make sure DAO operations continue to run smoothly in the short term while preparing for a long-term solution regarding ongoing operations. Since this role requires constant participation and time commitment, I believe compensation for this role should be $3k/month with a 1-year vesting period.

Compensation to be made in HOP token. Vesting starts the day after the election when the role officially begins and the work is to commence. Payment to be made retroactively every 3-months.

22 posts - 11 participants

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šŸ—³Meta-Governance [RFC] Hop Community Moderator Compensation

Published: Jan 10, 2024

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Authors: Chris Whinfrey, Rxpwnz

This proposal will provide retroactive compensation to Rxpwnz and the rest of the moderator team who have all provided essential support for the past year and a half. It will also establish a Lead Community Moderator role and sets up an ongoing moderator compensation program to continue rewarding these contributors.


Since Hopā€™s inception over a year ago, the role of Community Moderator has been entirely voluntary. This arrangement served the DAO well and attracted moderators driven by genuine enthusiasm for the protocol rather than financial incentives. However, it is now crucial to establish a structured framework for rewarding, managing, and training these contributors.

The Hop Community Moderators watch the Hop Discord and forum 24/7 to mitigate spam, scammers, technical difficulties, and much more. This includes manually banned approximately 5,000 Discord scammer or spam profiles, fielding an endless stream of questions from the community, and keeping appropriate stakeholders informed to ensure technical issues are resolved quickly. Theyā€™ve played an essential role in building Hop into the trusted platform it is today.

Rxpwnz has taken on a leadership role on the moderator team and regularly goes above and beyond basic moderator responsibilities. He regularly delves into technical and operational security topics including assisting with stuck transactions and reporting phishing websites to Metamask, Google and DNS providers leading to their rapid deactivation. He continually contributes ideas to enhance various aspects of Discord operations. This includes integrating Discord bots and streamlining channels to ensure they remain clean and topic-related. During Arbitrum Bridge Week, he even provided users with his own personal funds to help cover gas fees when needed.

Retrospective Rewards for Dedicated Moderators

Our community moderators have been actively contributing for over 18 months, and itā€™s time to recognize and reward their invaluable efforts in driving Hopā€™s growth.

Rxpwnz has been consistently engaged in a wide range of responsibilities, which include Discord and Forum moderation, managing Hop Guild, enhancing operational security (OpSec) by identifying and taking down over 150 phishing sites impersonating Hop, contributing to business development discussions regarding potential partnerships, engaging with developers interested in collaborating with Hop, and offering troubleshooting and improvement assistance. We propose a compensation rate of $3,000/month, both for his active contributions and in retrospective recognition starting June 9th, 2022. This compensation will be divided in a 50:50 ratio between $USDC and $HOP, with the latter being linearly vested over a 1-year period.

Our other moderators, while relatively less active, have been instrumental in moderation tasks and effectively conveying information about issues to key stakeholders. To acknowledge their important contributions, we propose one-time bonuses as follows:

Nauzystan: $4,000
Cai: $2,000
Hossein: $1,000
Abruzy: $1,000

Compensation for these bonuses will also be distributed in a 50:50 ratio between $USDC and $HOP, with the latter subject to linear vesting over 1 year.

The amount of $HOP distributed for retroactive payments should be calculated using the time-weighted average price from the launch of Hop DAO to the date of this proposal passing. Partial months should be prorated appropriately.

Establishing a Lead Community Moderator Role

This proposal establishes a Lead Community Moderator role initially filled by Rxpwnz. A new Lead Community Moderator can be appointed via subsequent governance proposal or by election should there be multiple interested individuals.

Compensation system

In addition to the ongoing compensation for the Lead Community Moderator mentioned above, this proposal establishes a discretionary budget to be used by the lead moderator to reward volunteer moderators from the community. Each month, approximately $2,000 worth of $HOP tokens will be made available to the Lead Community Moderator to distribute to the moderator team when appropriate. The lead moderator will conduct monthly assessments, guided by considerations of individual involvement and performance (activity and delivered Key Performance Indicators) to determine compensation. Any amounts distributed and their justification will be reported by the Lead Community Moderator to the Hop community in either written form or on the regular community calls. In months where the lead chooses to distribute only part or none of the budget, the $HOP will remain in the Hop Community Multisig and does not accrue toward future months.

8 posts - 8 participants

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Automated šŸ¤– AUTOMATED: New Merkle Rewards Root Tue, 09 Jan 2024 16:00:00 +0000

Published: Jan 10, 2024

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This is an automated post by the merkle rewards worker bot :robot:

A new merkle root has been published to GitHub:

Merkle root hash: 0x92fc91c612c407ea903737b27d0288b46c87b1b64b4c455bd129eea87f9230f5
Merkle root total amount: 268277.949537088822848506 (268277949537088822848506)
Start timestamp: 1663898400 (2022-09-23T02:00:00.000+00:00)
End timestamp: 1704816000 (2024-01-09T16:00:00.000+00:00)
Rewards contract address: 0x45269F59aA76bB491D0Fc4c26F468D8E1EE26b73
Rewards contract network: optimism

Instructions to verify merkle root:

docker pull hopprotocol/merkle-drop-framework
docker run --env-file docker.env -v ~/Downloads/op_merkle_rewards_data:/tmp/feesdb hopprotocol/merkle-drop-framework start:dist generate -- --network=mainnet --rewards-contract=0x45269F59aA76bB491D0Fc4c26F468D8E1EE26b73 --rewards-contract-network=optimism --start-timestamp=1663898400 --end-timestamp=1704816000

Supply RPC urls in docker.env:


Web app to publish root:

Contract information for multisig signers:

Contract address: 0x45269F59aA76bB491D0Fc4c26F468D8E1EE26b73
Method: setMerkleRoot
_merkleRoot: 0x92fc91c612c407ea903737b27d0288b46c87b1b64b4c455bd129eea87f9230f5
totalRewards: 268277949537088822848506

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šŸ’¬General Discussions Request: Feedback on which forum features matter most

Published: Dec 27, 2023

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I am a UX researcher looking into the tooling that DAOs use for operations and decision making. Specifically, looking into what DAOs love about Discourse (the forum of choice) and what could be improved. :thinking:

I have created a small discord group here to help me collect information from any volunteers who would be happy to help. Questions will be usually quick and short, and if we do any long form interviews, incentivize them in appreciation of the feedback.

The end goal is to provide better tooling to DAOs, but this can only be achieved by talking to them. If the Hop community is willing to help, join, please feel free to jump in and say hello.

There is only one channel there #general, since we want to keep comms simple.

Thank you and Much Appreciated!

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šŸ—³Meta-Governance Is an anon mode helpful for Hop?

Published: Dec 20, 2023

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I have been researching how DAOs make decisions and I am curious about anonymity. Since this feature is possible on discourse and is easy to enable:

  1. Have we considered enabling it here
  2. If yes, why, if not, why not?

My thesis is that optional anonymity would allow users to communicate candidly without needing to create a throwaway account, and would love your feedback on this.

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Automated šŸ¤– AUTOMATED: New Merkle Rewards Root Tue, 12 Dec 2023 16:00:00 +0000

Published: Dec 13, 2023

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This is an automated post by the merkle rewards worker bot :robot:

A new merkle root has been published to GitHub:

Merkle root hash: 0x9d0e96490a215cf5b44c2d19b1057574e3c04d9f39f31eedab41e9c2166cc974
Merkle root total amount: 264296.449537088822848506 (264296449537088822848506)
Start timestamp: 1663898400 (2022-09-23T02:00:00.000+00:00)
End timestamp: 1702396800 (2023-12-12T16:00:00.000+00:00)
Rewards contract address: 0x45269F59aA76bB491D0Fc4c26F468D8E1EE26b73
Rewards contract network: optimism

Instructions to verify merkle root:

docker pull hopprotocol/merkle-drop-framework
docker run --env-file docker.env -v ~/Downloads/op_merkle_rewards_data:/tmp/feesdb hopprotocol/merkle-drop-framework start:dist generate -- --network=mainnet --rewards-contract=0x45269F59aA76bB491D0Fc4c26F468D8E1EE26b73 --rewards-contract-network=optimism --start-timestamp=1663898400 --end-timestamp=1702396800

Supply RPC urls in docker.env:


Web app to publish root:

Contract information for multisig signers:

Contract address: 0x45269F59aA76bB491D0Fc4c26F468D8E1EE26b73
Method: setMerkleRoot
_merkleRoot: 0x9d0e96490a215cf5b44c2d19b1057574e3c04d9f39f31eedab41e9c2166cc974
totalRewards: 264296449537088822848506

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šŸ—³Meta-Governance L2BEAT Delegate Communication Thread

Published: Dec 13, 2023

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Firstly, allow us to introduce ourselves for anyone who isnā€™t already familiar with L2BEAT.

L2BEAT is an independent, public goods company who acts as an impartial watchdog for the Ethereum Layer2 ecosystem. Our mission is to provide comprehensive and unbiased analysis and comparative evaluations of Layer 2 solutions . We are committed to the verification and fact-checking of the claims made by each project, with a special focus on the security aspects. What sets L2BEAT apart is our unwavering commitment to delivering accurate and reliable information.

In addition, L2BEAT has a governance team (@Kaereste and @Sinkas) which actively participates in constructive discussions of specific protocol challenges and issues, fostering the discourse toward increasingly permissionless, open source, and trustless systems. Our participation in various DAOs and public debates reflects this commitment.

For more information on L2BEAT and our participation in Hopā€™s Governance, please refer to our delegate profile on Tally..

Delegate Communication Thread

To promote transparency and communication as delegates, weā€™ll be regularly updating the below thread with our actions in the governance of Hop. Our updates will include how we voted for different proposals and our rationale.

Update #1


[Snapshot] (HIP-37) Authereum Labs Engagement Adjustment - Voted FOR

We voted in favour of adjusting the compensation to be received by Authereum Labs since they were able to provide their services with a smaller team than expected, and, by extension, at a lesser cost.

[Snapshot] (HIP-38) Treasury Diversification - Voted FOR

Even though we believe there should be a more holistic approach to treasury diversification, we understand the risks associated with being overly exposed to a single asset and as such we voted in favour of the proposal.

[Tally] (HIP-38) Treasury Diversification - Voted FOR

We also voted in favour of the proposal during the subsequent on-chain vote.

[Snapshot] (HIP-39) Community Multisig Refill - Voted FOR

The community multisig should always have at least a couple of monthsā€™ worth of expenses and as such we voted in favour of the proposal to refill it.

[Tally] (HIP-39) Community Multisig Refill - Voted FOR

We also voted in favour of the proposal during the subsequent on-chain vote.


Hop Grants Committee Renewal and Redesign

We participated in the discussion around the renewal and redesign of the Hop Grants Committee and invited the community to our office hours (which happen every Friday at 4pm UTC/11am EST) to discuss it further.

L2BEATā€™s Hop Office Hours

To further our communication with our constituents and any interested party in the community, weā€™ll be hosting recurring Office Hours on Google Meets.

The office hours will be held every Friday at 4pm UTC/ 11am EST

During the Office Hours, you will be able to reach L2BEATā€™s governance team, which consists of Kaereste (Krzysztof Urbanski) and Sinkas (Anastassis Oikonomopoulos) and discuss our activity as delegates.

The purpose of the office hours is to gather feedback from the people who have delegated to us, answer any questions in regards to our voting activities and rationale, and collect input on things youā€™d like us engage in discussions about.

You can add the L2BEAT Governance Calendar in your Google Calendar to find the respective Google Meets links for every call and to easily keep track of the Office Hours, as well as other important calls and events (e.g. voting deadlines) relevant to Uniswap that L2BEAT governance team will be attending or hosting.

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Core (2)
Ethereum Magicians
Working Groups All Core Devs - Execution (ACDE) #193, August 1 2024

Published: Jul 27, 2024

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Execution Layer Meeting 193 Ā· Issue #1104 Ā· ethereum/pm Ā· GitHub
Moderator: @timbeiko



Additional info

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EIPs New EIP: Auditable JSON-RPC Specification

Published: Jul 25, 2024

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Discussion topic for EIP-XXXX: Auditable JSON-RPC

Update Log

External Reviews

I will note the bias that anything before 2024-07-25 is seeded from resources from the Author(s). While these should not be taken explicitly as reviews for the proposed specification, they are here to highlight the importance of keeping these API standards changes visible in the EIP process.

This section should list notable reviews the EIP has received from the Ethereum community. These can include specific comments on this forum, timestamped audio/video exchanges, formal audits, or other external resources. This section should be the go-to for readers to understand the communityā€™s current assessment of the EIP. Aim for neutrality, quality & thoroughness over ā€œcherry-pickingā€ the most favorable reviews.

  • 2022-12-05: ā€œUnmitigatable exposure to theft of funds, XSS injection, and malware distribution due to the lack of idempotency in core Ethereum Execution JSON-RPC API logic in a compromised provider scenario.ā€, by Joseph Habel Original Disclosure

  • 2024-07-08: ā€œAccelerating the Distribution of a Verifiable Webā€, by Jessica Daugherty (Presented by Joseph Habel) EthCC[7] Presentation

Outstanding Issues

Discussing the Broader Communications Impact

While I understand for the sake of the Ethereum process that the adoption of these changes happen via the Execution APIs repository, and am happy to submit the test cases and updated OpenRPC specification there, I would like to open a broader discussion of what the process need be for signaling the need for these changes not just to the Execution Client developers, but rather all projects claiming to ā€œSupport Ethereum Compatibilityā€.

This specification, while I realize on a technical basis is irrelevant to the work of the core dev team, has engrained a set of developer anti-patterns that need to be addressed at a ā€œcultural levelā€ core to the experience of ecosystem and application developers.

Iā€™m happy to shepard the technical changes through the proper process, but would like to discuss what the avenue here would be for signaling to projects that have inherited these anti-patterns in the goal of ā€œEthereum Supportā€. The EIP nomenclature acts as a very effective communication tool when discussing the importance of changes to other development teams outside of the EL client developers, in a way that an unnamable PR to a supporting repository cannot.

When seeking feedback about these changes in private conversations, the means of effectively communicating the importance comes from demonstrating proof of concept injection attacks. I have chosen not to publicly broadcast these to this point, but I would love feedback about if thereā€™s a stronger middle ground here for herding the branching downstream changes that would need to happen in response.

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Primordial Soup Idea and Prototype for an Intent-based Oracle Extending ERC-4337

Published: Jul 24, 2024

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First time poster on Ethereum magicians, I hope Iā€™m not overstepping here, if so, please let me knowā€¦

Iā€™m looking for some early technical feedback on a new oracle solution my team and I are working on, or interested people who potentially want to give it a try.

We were working on a novel oracle solution that leverages ERC-4337 account abstraction to provide real-time on-chain price updates. Unlike traditional pull or push-based oracles, our approach uses an intent system leveraging and extending the already existing infrastructure for erc4337 account abstraction.

Something like this:

The idea we had was to run a slightly modified erc4337 bundler that listens to a new kind of UserOp, or wraps the actual UserOp in a DataRequestOp and injects updated (price/ā€¦/?) information before submitting the actual transaction. From a data-consuming contract perspective, it would be usable very much like a push oracle, just like manually triggering an update before read and would basically ensure accurate and up-to-date data being on chain before a contract reads it. On the other end, the bundler (or whoever is providing data) gets compensated for its services through the same mechanism that erc4337 already uses. So, it would create an additional economic incentive to run a bundler.

We got a prototype for a single bundler and the whole process running on sepolia. Itā€™s of course not decentralized and the end vision is a decentralized network of bundlers or something like aggregated signatures of several bundlers and an open protocol to let anyone run a bundler+dataprovider and potentially a reputation dashboard of some sort.

Anyways, thatā€™s the idea in a nutshell. Thoughts, concerns? Any projects that work on a tangential system and want to collaborate? Anyone who needs access to real time US Equities, Commodities or Forex and want to give it a try? Anyone who is currently running Bundlers and would be interested in implementing it - or spearhead an ERC together?


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Working Groups All Core Devs - Consensus (ACDC) #138, July 25 2024

Published: Jul 24, 2024

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Consensus-layer Call 138 Ā· Issue #1100 Ā· ethereum/pm Ā· GitHub
Moderator: @ralexstokes


Recap by @ralexstokes (from Eth R&D Discord)

  • Started the call with an update on pectra-devnet-1 , which launched this week
    • The network is live but participation is low and the chain has forked into 3-4 pieces
    • The initial chain split appears to have been caused by an EIP-7702 transaction, and thereā€™s ongoing work to debug
  • Next, we turned to a proposal to restructure the requests types added in Pectra
    • These requests types are data coming from the EL which are required for the CL to process with each block
    • Until now, CL clients prune EL data as otherwise the data would be duplicated within one Ethereum node given the dual CL-EL architecture
    • The proposal here suggests moving the requests data outside the block structure CL clients already prune so we can easily have the requests data handy with minimal code change
    • We discussed the design space addressing this problem on the call as there are a few different ways to satisfy the problem, but there was broad support for @potuzā€™s solution linked above.
  • Then we had a proposal from @matt to change how these requests types are arranged in the Engine API to facilitate ease of implementation of the EL interfacing with the CL
    • There was some back and forth on the details, as a large part of answering this question comes down to finding the best way to share the technical complexity of this feature set between EL and CL implementations.
    • This proposal appears to mirror the implementation of these features on the EL which can simply forward them into the Engine API; in turn, the CL then has some additional work to do to map the unified data into the requisite parts.
    • Given the fact that CL implementations generally have stronger typing of per-fork types, we landed on this PR making sense and intend to move forward with it.
    • CL teams please take a look here to chime in further.
  • After discussing these request types, we turned to an update on the SSZ stable container EIPs.
    • @etan-status gave a great summary of the progress here and proposed we include EIP-7688 and EIP-7495 into Pectra devnet-2.
    • I clarified that the purpose of the pectra devnets is to reflect the formally included set of EIPs in Pectra, and so rather than simply including these EIPs in devnet-2, we must first agree to inclusion in Pectra.
    • We discussed formal inclusion on the call with a variety of viewpoints: while the benefits of these changes are sound in isolation, there was strong pushback that Pectra is already quite large and the testing and security processes around the hard fork development are already quite strained given the size of the fork.
    • There was no strong push for inclusion of these SSZ EIPs on the call and especially in light of the instability of the existing Pectra devnet agreed to focus on hardening the existing fork as specified before moving to consider additional features.
  • PeerDAS was up after the core Pectra discussions
    • There hasnā€™t been much movement on the peerdas-devnet front, as the last network was not stable and clients have been in the process of hardening implementations before attempting another devnet.
    • Acknowledging this, I gave an overview of the option to simplify PeerDAS further by dropping the ā€œsamplingā€ phase of the data availability mechanism of PeerDAS so that we can still have something shipped in Pectra without significantly delaying timelines.
      • This solution would still have nodes down segments of the blob data and for a small change in some of the PeerDAS parameters still maintains the same security profile as PeerDAS with sampling.
    • There was interest on further exploring the idea and Iā€™ll write something soon to share more widely beyond the call. Attendees are open to the idea, especially given the broad support for data scaling in Pectra.
  • This discussion segued into a general discussion of how to arrange PeerDAS alongside the rest of the Pectra features
    • The current approach has PeerDAS activated at a separate epoch than the Pectra fork epoch; these two parameters could ultimately be the same but allows for a relatively easy way to ā€œdisableā€ PeerDAS from Pectra in the event development timelines didnā€™t align with the rest of the Pectra EIP set.
    • There were a variety of opinions on the best way to do this so I recommend checking the call for the full color.
    • Ultimately, we decided to focus on getting a more stable network around the other Pectra EIPs (cf. devnet-1 stability) and revisit the best way to merge in the PeerDAS work once that is done.
  • We concluded the call with a proposal from @dapplion to enhance the expressivity of the BeaconBlocksByRange networking method ā€” take a look at that PR and please provide any feedback.


Additional info

Notes by @Christine_dkim: Ethereum All Core Developers Consensus Call #138 Writeup | Galaxy

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Working Groups PeerDAS breakout #4, July 23 2024

Published: Jul 24, 2024

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PeerDAS Breakout Room #4 Ā· Issue #1103 Ā· ethereum/pm Ā· GitHub

Key items

by Jimmy Chen (from Eth R&D Discord):

  • Teams are mostly focused on client stability, optimisation and refactoring
  • devnet-1 was shutdown last week and devnet-2 hasnā€™t been scheduled yet as teams are focused on improving stability and refactoring.
  • Teams noted the following changes for the next devnet launch
    • MetaDataV3 rpc query with custody subnet count
    • Clients to make sure initial syncing work and nodes can serve data column rpc methods reliably
    • Delay blob spamming to a few epochs after genesis

Notes & chat log


PeerDAS Breakout Room #4

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Core EIPs EIP-7748: State conversion to Verkle Tree

Published: Jul 23, 2024

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This EIP formalizes the currently proposed algorithm to migrate the state from the current MPT to VKT.

Creating this thread to open for discussion!

Note: Iā€™ll edit the post title when an EIP number gets assigned.

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Core EIPs EIP-7747: EVM Modular Arithmetic Extensions

Published: Jul 21, 2024

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This is the discussion thread for EIP-7747. EIP-7747 is a proposal for cost-efficient, expanded-width modular addition/subtraction/multiplication opcodes for the EVM. The EIP is currently a PR on the EIPs repo.

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Process Improvement Proposal: Gradually transforming Ethereum Magicians with AI-driven governance and communication

Published: Jul 20, 2024

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Hello Ethereum Magicians,

In light of recent discussions around EOF and about protecting the EIP process from special interests, as highlighted in the Ethereum Magicians thread, I propose a transformative yet gradual approach to how we conduct discussions, plan, and make decisions within the Ethereum community. This proposal aims to supplement the current Ethereum Magicians platform with an AI-driven mail server that leverages AI to enhance efficiency, inclusivity, and transparency, while keeping every contribution recorded on the Ethereum blockchain.


Imagine a platform where a Linux server checks for new submissions and a list of mailboxes every 5 minutes, parsing all new content through a preset but configurable LLM (Language Learning Model). This AI would filter and summarize all submitted data to decide the agenda points for the next All Core Dev (ACD) meeting. Hereā€™s how it would work:

Key Components:

  1. Data Submission:

    • Participants submit their thoughts, ideas, and concerns here on the forum or via email.
    • Each submission could eventually be authenticated via ENS/ETH to prevent spam and ensure only relevant inputs are considered, perhaps even require a minimum gas fee to consider your contribution and prevent spam though I think current AI can sufficiently filter out spam anyway.
  2. AI Aggregation and Summarization:

    • The AI aggregates and summarizes all inputs, identifying key issues and creating a dynamic agenda based on prioritized topics.
    • A local text/data blob file is maintained for every unique submitter and every unique discussion. AI can help people informally connect over similar topics of interest to discuss and guide them towards people also occupied with the same ideas or concerns. (example) for all submissions around the next agenda (for all discussions around that eip) and of course you can generate new ones on the fly and have AI tell you about / announce to others who have similar enough needs for discussion. let email addresses be channels of communication that anyone can submit whatever to, and set an LLM to moderate away the spam and irrelevance (within that channel)
  3. Continuous Updates:

    • The proposed agenda is automatically updated with every new email/datablob processed, valuing every voice equally.
    • A default agenda item is included to discuss any frustrations or proposals for updating the aggregator AI.
  4. Human Control and Selection:

    • While the AI assists in creating the agenda and providing solutions, humans retain control over selecting and voting on the final agenda items as AI just like humans, makes mistakes. We must still verify ourselves instead of blindly trusting.
    • This ensures that all decisions are made by the community, maintaining the decentralized ethos of Ethereum.
  5. Transparency and Traceability:

    • All raw text interactions and conversations during the ACD are recorded and stored on the Ethereum blockchain for full transparency.
    • Users can query the AI to understand decision histories and how specific agenda points were decided.
    • Privacy concerns are minimal as all discussions are technical in nature, focusing solely on improving Ethereum.
  6. Technical Focus:

    • All conversations should be technical in nature and focused on improving Ethereum for everyone. This strict context window ensures relevant discussions and effective governance.
  7. EIP Defense Mechanism:

    • Each EIP can defend itself by being automatically included in the ACD agenda once per meeting.
    • The AI summarizes the arguments for and against each EIP based on reactions received in advance, ensuring a balanced and comprehensive discussion.

Proof of Concept:

To validate this approach, I will set up a web interface displaying the most recent ACD agenda proposal based on recent activity on the Ethereum Magicians forums. This interface will feature:

  • An email address for anyone to freely contribute their thoughts and ideas.
  • The AI will assess the relevance of each contribution to the ACD call and adjust the agenda accordingly within minutes.
  • Users can ask the AI questions about the current knowledge database and ongoing discussions not yet visible on the agenda.

This initial phase can run on a regular Linux server, storing submissions locally and connecting necessary APIs. Over time, as we build trust and familiarity, we can transition to a fully functional Layer 2 solution, providing the needed scalability and decentralized trust.

Embracing Change for True Decentralization:

For the Ethereum community to truly embrace decentralization, we must be willing to automate our own roles, even those of community moderators. Current moderators should see this as an opportunity to enhance their contributions, not as a threat to their positions. By adopting superhuman moderators, we can ensure that every voice is heard, and every relevant concern is addressed, pushing the boundaries of what we can achieve as a decentralized community.

Call to Action:

I propose we develop this platform as a proof of concept, initially focusing on ACDE agendas and EIP discussions. By open-sourcing the aggregator AI, we can foster truly decentralized communities moderated by AI. The technology is already here; we just need to update our approach to leverage it fully.

Letā€™s discuss this proposal, provide feedback, and explore how we can make this vision a reality. Together, we can set a new standard for collaborative decision-making and take the next step in decentralizing our processes.

Looking forward to an enlightening discussion!

Snek š“†™š“‚€

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Primordial Soup Minimal escrow contract?

Published: Jul 19, 2024

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Iā€™m in the process of searching for possible solutions to a need I think many DAOs/teams/groups have: the ability to provably have a reward/bounty on some action, and have others be able to contribute to it.

Many groups have ā€œtask listsā€ that they can set up with items they want accomplished. Tools like Dework or CharmVerse already exist to have cryptocurrency bounties put on the tasks. However, in both those tools the bounty is not verified/guaranteed. Visitors need to trust the group organizers to properly pay out when the task is complete, and also have to do their independent verification of whether the organizers actually have those funds to pay out (if thereā€™s five tasks posted and each has a reward of 5 ETH, is there really enough in the treasury to pay all them out? Sorting the list of all Dework bounties by largest reward, Iā€™m really skeptical the top listings would actually pay outā€¦). Because systems like that rely on trust of the organizers, itā€™s hard to have other community members contribute to the bounty.

I think if there were a lightweight way for community members to pool financial incentives, it would take some of the weight off the community organizers to manage. The goal is to have a list of tasks that are given rewards by many people contributing a little (grassroots-style, Kickstarter-style), rather than a single sponsor giving a grant (organizers figuring out rewards from community funds). Being able to do that in a provable way (the funds are put in escrow on-chain in an easily-inspect-able way) would encourage people to apply to do the task, and I think getting community involvement in bounty-funding is helpful because the financial reward intrinsically scales with how popular an item is to be implemented.

Thereā€™s still a level of trust placed in the organizing group to do the reviews of task submissions and fairly trigger the payouts, but I think thatā€™s an acceptable level of trust needed, given the current systems require that too. A more advanced setup could include the ability for a global governance group like Kleros Court to allow end-users to appeal if the organizing group turns unresponsive.

Bountysource had a system like this, but seems to have gone stagnant. Any other platform already done this?

My thoughts on how to make a platform to support this functionality:

Individual Lockboxes

Create a smart contract that is a factory that group organizers can trigger to stamp out a new ā€œlockbox/escrowā€ contract.

The lockbox contract acts as a smart contract wallet that starts with an owner of the address that triggered its creation. It then exists as a separate space that anyone can send funds to (itā€™s now the ā€œreward walletā€ for a single task item). When someone does the task, the organizer transfers ownership to the awardee.


The group organizers probably donā€™t want to create a lockbox for every single task (as that costs gas to stamp out another smart contract), so either the address the lockbox gets created at needs to be deterministic (community members can send funds to an ā€œemptyā€ address to show interest, and if the walletā€™s balance is non-empty, the organizers can trigger deploying the smart contract logic to it), or the first community member to donate to the bounty has an increased cost of creating the lockbox too.

People are likely to donate lots of different types of tokens (a single bounty may end up with a mishmash of DAI, USDT, USDC, FRAX, WETH, and ETH), so ā€œsweepingā€ the wallet may be pretty gas-intensive. It may be beneficial then for the recipient to just keep the funds where they are, and spend from that wallet directly. Though if a single contributor wins several bounties, theyā€™d then have multiple of these lockboxes, with potentially multiple different ā€œdustā€ values in each to then try to manage.

Merged Pool

Alternatively, rewards could be pooled into one main ā€œpotā€ and the individual bounties annotated as how much allocation they get of the main pot.

This is pretty similar to a DAOā€™s treasury and how Proposals can typically claim portions of the treasury. But a DAO would likely want to keep ā€œbountyā€ funds separate from their main treasury (as a way to show those funds are earmarked/promised to be spent already, and cannot be used for other proposals).

This is now easier on the recipient, who if they receive multiple bounties, their ā€œdustā€ combines into a single allowance to be able to withdraw. It also minimizes the gas use for repeated actions (thereā€™s just an initial setup cost of creating the pool, and setting up allowances).


Having a central pool means itā€™s a little more complicated for end-users to contribute: they cannot just send funds to the address, they need to also somehow annotate which bounty the contribution is for. That likely means theyā€™d need to use the ā€œApproveā€ process for ERC20- and ERC721-style tokens and call specific functions on the pool contract to do it properly. But itā€™s possible for users to make mistakes, and some funds may get blindly transferred to the pool address, making the total holdings of the pool larger than the combined allocations for the individual bounties.

The pool could be coded to deal with that surplus somehow (e.g. it acts as a form of ā€œquadratic fundingā€ extra balance that bounties that already have some value allocated then get an additional part of the ā€œbonusā€ in the pool?), but would likely add a lot of complication to the process.

Having the funds in a central pool is more of a honeypot to draw in attackers, and one weakness could result in losing the whole pot of funds. That can be mitigated somewhat by not having a single global bounty pool, but each organizing group having their own individual pool for their bounties.

Next steps

Is there any project thatā€™s already doing this sort of escrow setup? If not, what do we think is the best way to structure the base layer (individual smart contract lockboxes, or centralized bounty pools)?

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Working Groups ePBS breakout #5, July 19 2024

Published: Jul 19, 2024

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EIP-7732 breakout room #5 Ā· Issue #1095 Ā· ethereum/pm Ā· GitHub
Moderator: @potuz



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Core EIPs EIP-7745: Two dimensional log filter data structure

Published: Jul 17, 2024

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Discussion topic for EIP-7745

An efficient and light client friendly replacement for bloom filters. This EIP proposes a new data structure that adds a moderate amount of consensus data that is optional to store long term, has limited processing and memory requirements and allows searching for log events with 2-3 orders of magnitude less bandwidth than what bloom filters allowed back when they were not rendered useless by over-utilization. It also inherently adapts to changing block utilization and maintains a constantly low average false positive ratio.

3 posts - 2 participants

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ERCs Discussion on EIP-7743: Multi-Owner Non-Fungible Tokens (MO-NFT)

Published: Jul 17, 2024

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Hi everyone,

Iā€™d like to start a discussion on my new EIP-7743: Multi-Owner Non-Fungible Tokens (MO-NFT).

This EIP proposes a new standard for non-fungible tokens (NFTs) that supports multiple owners. The MO-NFT standard allows a single NFT to have multiple owners, reflecting the shared and distributable nature of digital assets. This model also incorporates a mechanism for value depreciation as the number of owners increases, maintaining the principle that less ownership translates to more value.

Traditional NFTs enforce a single-ownership model, which does not align with the inherent duplicability of digital assets. MO-NFTs allow for shared ownership, promoting wider distribution and collaboration while maintaining secure access control. This model supports the principle that some valued information is more valuable if fewer people know it, hence less ownership means higher value.

You can view the full proposal and PR here.

I welcome any feedback, suggestions, or discussions on this proposal.

Thank you!

1 post - 1 participant

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ERCs ERC-7744: Code Index

Published: Jul 16, 2024

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Currently contract discovery relies on addresses, which are non-deterministic and can be obfuscated through proxies. Indexing by bytecode hash provides a deterministic and tamper-proof way to identify and verify contract code, enhancing security and trust in the Ethereum ecosystem.

Global bytecode identification is a requirement to build efficient at high scale global factories for future software distribution, that may want to rely on extensive re-use of same codebase as own dependencies, such as Ethereum Distribution System that creates a simple, global index that maps already deployed bytecode to itā€™s location via address.codehash

5 posts - 2 participants

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Working Groups Verkle implementers call #21, July 15 2024

Published: Jul 16, 2024

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Verkle Implementers Call #21 Ā· Issue #1092 Ā· ethereum/pm Ā· GitHub
2024-07-15T15:00:00Z UTC
Moderator: @rudolf


Notes by @rudolf


Verkle Implementers Call #21

1 post - 1 participant

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Working Groups All Core Devs - Execution (ACDE) #192, July 18 2024

Published: Jul 16, 2024

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Execution Layer Meeting 192 Ā· Issue #1098 Ā· ethereum/pm Ā· GitHub

Moderator: @timbeiko



Additional info

2 posts - 2 participants

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Primordial Soup Supporting EIP-3085 with a ERC-4337 wallet

Published: Jul 15, 2024

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There is currently a gap in the interface between dapps and ERC-4337 wallets; support for network addition via EIP-3085 wallet_addEthereumChain. In order for a 4337 wallet to function with an arbitrary chain, it needs to be provided with an RPC URL that can serve the 4337-specific RPC methods.

I see a few potential paths forward here:

  1. Reuse EIP-3085 EthereumChainAddRequest.rpcUrls by leveraging the fact that a dapp can already provide multiple RPC providers with the existing interface
    1. We could specify the ordering of these URLs, i.e. the first one is always the bundler, and subsequent ones are always general-purpose RPCs
    2. We could define a prefix to be added the bundler URL so that the wallet can identify it
  2. Standardize around a single RPC URL - the RPC provider passed via 3085 should handle both traditional as well as 4337-specific RPC methods
    • Some bundlers such as Alchemy already work in this way. Others (i.e. Pimlico) expressly do not.
    • Dapps may need to build a JSON RPC reverse proxy depending on their bundler provider.
  3. Extend EIP-3085 EthereumChainAddRequest
    1. Add an rpcMetadata mapping of RPC URLs to metadata (maybe a dictionary with e.g. "supports4337": true)
    2. Add a bundlerRpcUrls parameter

I would love to hear from anyone else who is already thinking about this!

2 posts - 2 participants

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Core EIPs EIP-7742: Uncouple blob count between CL and EL

Published: Jul 15, 2024

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Discussions for EIP-7742.

1 post - 1 participant

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ERCs ERC-7741: Authorize Operator

Published: Jul 12, 2024

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Discussion for Add ERC: Authorize Operator #536

1 post - 1 participant

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ERCs ERC-7739: Readable Typed Signatures for Smart Accounts

Published: Jul 10, 2024

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Readable Typed Signatures for Smart Accounts

Description: A defensive rehashing scheme which prevents signature replays across smart accounts and preserves the readability of the signed contents.

Authors: vectorized (@vectorized), Sihoon Lee (@push0ebp), Francisco Giordano (@frangio), Im Juno (@junomonster), howydev (@howydev), 0xcuriousapple (@0xcuriousapple)

Requires: 191, 712, 1271, 5267

Preliminary Reading

Signature replay vulnerability with ERC-1271

Defensive rehashing implementations in smart accounts

Twitter thread on opaqueness in defensive rehashing:

Twitter thread on a possible phishing vector with readable defensive rehashing, and how it was fixed:


Solady Solidity ERC-1271 implementation, which implements this ERC-7739.

Viem utilities for Solady ERC-1271:


This proposal defines a standard to prevent signature replays across multiple smart accounts when they are owned by a single Externally Owned Account (EOA). This is achieved through a defensive rehashing scheme for ERC-1271 verification using specific nested EIP-712 typed structures, which preserves the readability of the signed contents during wallet client signature requests.


Smart accounts can verify signatures with via ERC-1271 using the isValidSignature function.

A straightforward implementation as shown below, is vulnerable to signature replay attacks.

/// @dev This implementation is NOT safe.
function isValidSignature(
    bytes32 hash,
    bytes calldata signature
) external override view returns (bytes4) {
    if (ECDSA.recover(hash, signature) == owner) {
        return 0x1626ba7e;
    } else {
        return 0xffffffff;

When a multiple smart accounts are owned by a single EOA, the same signature can be replayed across the smart accounts if the hash does not include the smart account address.

Unfortunately, this is the case for many popular applications (e.g. Permit2). As such, many smart account implementations perform some form of defensive rehashing. First, the smart account computes a final hash from minimally: (1) the hash, (2) its own address, (3) the chain ID. Then, the smart account verifies the final hash against the signature. Defensive rehashing can be implemented with EIP-712, but a straightforward implementation will make the signed contents opaque.

This standard provides a defensive rehashing scheme that makes the signed contents visible across all wallet clients that support EIP-712. It is designed for minimal adoption friction. Even if wallet clients or application frontends are not updated, users can still inject client side JavaScript to enable the defensive rehashing.


The key words ā€œMUSTā€, ā€œMUST NOTā€, ā€œREQUIREDā€, ā€œSHALLā€, ā€œSHALL NOTā€, ā€œSHOULDā€, ā€œSHOULD NOTā€, ā€œRECOMMENDEDā€, ā€œNOT RECOMMENDEDā€, ā€œMAYā€, and ā€œOPTIONALā€ in this document are to be interpreted as described in RFC 2119 and RFC 8174.


Compliant smart account MUST implement the following:

  • EIP-712 Typed structured data hashing and signing.
    Provides the relevant typed data hashing logic internally, which is required to construct the final hashes.

  • ERC-1271 Standard Signature Validation Method for Contracts.
    Provides the isValidSignature(bytes32 hash, bytes calldata signature) function.

  • ERC-5267 Retrieval of EIP-712 domain.
    Provides the eip712Domain() function which is required to compute the final hashes.

This standard defines the behavior of the isValidSignature function for ERC-1271, which comprises of two workflows: (1) the TypedDataSign workflow, (2) the PersonalSign workflow.

TypedDataSign workflow

The TypedDataSign workflow handles the case where the hash is originally computed with EIP-712.

TypedDataSign final hash

The final hash for the TypedDataSign workflow is defined as:

keccak256(\x19\x01 ā€– APP_DOMAIN_SEPARATOR ā€–
        contents: hashStruct(originalStruct),
        name: eip712Domain().name,
        version: eip712Domain().version,
        chainId: eip712Domain().chainId,
        verifyingContract: eip712Domain().verifyingContract,
        salt: eip712Domain().salt,
        extensions: eip712Domain().extensions

where ā€– denotes the concatenation operator for bytes.

In Solidity, this can be written as:

        // Application specific domain separator. Passed via `signature`.
                // Computed on-the-fly with `contentsType`, which is passed via `signature`.
                // This is the `contents` struct hash, which is passed via `signature`.
                // `eip712Domain()` is from ERC-5267. 

where typedDataSignTypehash is:

        "bytes1 fields,",
        "string name,",
        "string version,",
        "uint256 chainId,",
        "address verifyingContract,",
        "bytes32 salt,",
        "uint256[] extensions",

If contentsType is "Mail(address from,address to,string message)", then contentsTypeName will be "Mail".

The contentsTypeName function can be computed with:

// `LibString`:
// `slice(string memory subject, uint256 start, uint256 end)` 
// returns a copy of `subject` sliced from `start` to `end` (exclusive).
// `start` and `end` are byte offsets.
// `indexOf(string memory subject, string memory search)`
// Returns the byte index of the first location of `search` in `subject`,
// searching from left to right. Returns `2**256 - 1` if `search` is not found.
LibString.slice(t, 0, LibString.indexOf(t, "("));

For safety, smart accounts MUST treat the signature as invalid if any of the following is true:

  • contentsTypeName is the empty string (i.e. bytes(contentsTypeName).length == 0).
  • contentsTypeName starts with any of the following bytes abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz(.
  • contentsTypeName contains any of the following bytes , )\x00.

TypedDataSign signature

The signature passed into isValidSignature will be changed to:

originalSignature ā€– APP_DOMAIN_SEPARATOR ā€– contents ā€– contentsType ā€– uint16(contentsType.length)

where contents is the bytes32 struct hash of the original struct.

In Solidity, this can be written as:


The appended APP_DOMAIN_SEPARATOR and contents struct hash will be used to verify if the hash passed into isValidSignature is indeed correct via:

hash == keccak256(

PersonalSign workflow

This PersonalSign workflow handles the case where the hash is originally computed with EIP-191.

PersonalSign final hash

The final hash for the PersonalSign workflow is defined as:

keccak256(\x19\x01 ā€– ACCOUNT_DOMAIN_SEPARATOR ā€–
        prefixed: keccak256(bytes(\x19Ethereum Signed Message:\n ā€–
        base10(bytes(someString).length) ā€– someString))

where ā€– denotes the concatenation operator for bytes.

In Solidity, this can be written as:

        // Smart account domain separator.
        // Can be computed via `eip712Domain()` from ERC-5267.
                // `PERSONAL_SIGN_TYPEHASH`.
                keccak256("PersonalSign(bytes prefixed)"),
                // `hash` is from `isValidSignature(hash, signature)`

Here, hash is computed in the application contract and passed into isValidSignature.

The smart account does not need to know how hash is computed. For completeness, this is how it can be computed:

    "\x19Ethereum Signed Message:\n",
    // `LibString`:
    // `toString` returns the base10 representation of a uint256.
    // This is the original message to be signed.

PersonalSign signature

The PersonalSign workflow does not require additional data to be appended to the signature passed into isValidSignature.

supportsNestedTypedDataSign function for detection

To facilitate automatic detection, smart accounts SHOULD implement the following function:

/// @dev For automatic detection that the smart account supports the nested EIP-712 workflow.
/// By default, it returns `bytes32(bytes4(keccak256("supportsNestedTypedDataSign()")))`,
/// denoting support for the default behavior, as implemented in
/// `_erc1271IsValidSignatureViaNestedEIP712`, which is called in `isValidSignature`.
/// Future extensions should return a different non-zero `result` to denote different behavior.
/// This method intentionally returns bytes32 to allow freedom for future extensions.
function supportsNestedTypedDataSign() public view virtual returns (bytes32 result) {
    result = bytes4(0xd620c85a);

Workflow detection

The isValidSignature function MUST perform the TypedDataSign workflow if the signature contains the correct data to reconstruct the hash.

This can be checked via:

// If this is true, it means that the `signature` contains 
// the correct `APP_DOMAIN_SEPARATOR` and `contents`.
hash == keccak256(

If this expression returns false, then the PersonalSign workflow MUST be attempted.

Conditional skipping of defensive rehashing

Smart accounts MAY skip the defensive rehashing workflows if any of the following is true:

  • isValidSignature is called off-chain.
  • The hash passed into isValidSignature has already included the address of the smart account.


TypedDataSign structure

The typedDataSignTypehash must be constructed on-the-fly on-chain. This is to enforce that the signed contents will be visible in the signature request, by requiring that contents be a user defined type.

The structure is intentionally made flat with the fields of eip712Domain to make implementation feasible. Otherwise, smart accounts must implement on-chain lexographical sorting of strings for the struct type names when constructing typedDataSignTypehash.

supportsNestedTypedDataSign for detection

Without this function, this standard will not change the interface of the smart account, as it defines the behavior of isValidSignature without adding any new functions. As such, ERC-165 cannot be used.

For future extendability, supportsNestedTypedDataSign is defined to return a bytes32 as the first word of its returned data. For bytecode compactness and to leave space for bit packing, only the leftmost 4 bytes are set to the function selector of supportsNestedTypedDataSign.

The supportsNestedTypedDataSign function may be extended to return multiple values (e.g. bytes32 result, bytes memory data), as long as the first word of the returned data is a bytes32 identifier. This will not change the function selector.

Backwards Compatibility

No backwards compatibility issues.

Reference Implementation

The following reference implementation is production ready and optimized. It also includes relevant complementary features required for safety, flexibility, developer experience, and user experience.

It is intentionally not minimalistic. This is to avoid repeating the mistake of ERC-1271, where a reference implementation is wrongly assumed to be safe for production use.

// SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
pragma solidity ^0.8.4;

import {EIP712} from "../utils/EIP712.sol";
import {SignatureCheckerLib} from "../utils/SignatureCheckerLib.sol";

/// @notice ERC1271 mixin with nested EIP-712 approach.
/// @author Solady (
abstract contract ERC1271 is EIP712 {
    /*                         CONSTANTS                          */

    /// @dev `keccak256("PersonalSign(bytes prefixed)")`.
    bytes32 internal constant _PERSONAL_SIGN_TYPEHASH =

    /*                     ERC1271 OPERATIONS                     */

    /// @dev Validates the signature with ERC1271 return,
    /// so that this account can also be used as a signer.
    function isValidSignature(bytes32 hash, bytes calldata signature)
        returns (bytes4 result)
        bool success = _erc1271IsValidSignature(hash, _erc1271UnwrapSignature(signature));
        /// @solidity memory-safe-assembly
        assembly {
            // `success ? bytes4(keccak256("isValidSignature(bytes32,bytes)")) : 0xffffffff`.
            // We use `0xffffffff` for invalid, in convention with the reference implementation.
            result := shl(224, or(0x1626ba7e, sub(0, iszero(success))))

    /// @dev For automatic detection that the smart account supports the nested EIP-712 workflow.
    /// By default, it returns `bytes32(bytes4(keccak256("supportsNestedTypedDataSign()")))`,
    /// denoting support for the default behavior, as implemented in
    /// `_erc1271IsValidSignatureViaNestedEIP712`, which is called in `isValidSignature`.
    /// Future extensions should return a different non-zero `result` to denote different behavior.
    /// This method intentionally returns bytes32 to allow freedom for future extensions.
    function supportsNestedTypedDataSign() public view virtual returns (bytes32 result) {
        result = bytes4(0xd620c85a);

    /// @dev Returns the ERC1271 signer.
    /// Override to return the signer `isValidSignature` checks against.
    function _erc1271Signer() internal view virtual returns (address);

    /// @dev Returns whether the `msg.sender` is considered safe, such
    /// that we don't need to use the nested EIP-712 workflow.
    /// Override to return true for more callers.
    /// See:
    function _erc1271CallerIsSafe() internal view virtual returns (bool) {
        // The canonical `MulticallerWithSigner` at 0x000000000000D9ECebf3C23529de49815Dac1c4c
        // is known to include the account in the hash to be signed.
        return msg.sender == 0x000000000000D9ECebf3C23529de49815Dac1c4c;

    /// @dev Returns whether the `hash` and `signature` are valid.
    /// Override if you need non-ECDSA logic.
    function _erc1271IsValidSignatureNowCalldata(bytes32 hash, bytes calldata signature)
        returns (bool)
        return SignatureCheckerLib.isValidSignatureNowCalldata(_erc1271Signer(), hash, signature);

    /// @dev Unwraps and returns the signature.
    function _erc1271UnwrapSignature(bytes calldata signature)
        returns (bytes calldata result)
        result = signature;
        /// @solidity memory-safe-assembly
        assembly {
            // Unwraps the ERC6492 wrapper if it exists.
            // See:
            if eq(
                calldataload(add(result.offset, sub(result.length, 0x20))),
                mul(0x6492, div(not(mload(0x60)), 0xffff)) // `0x6492...6492`.
            ) {
                let o := add(result.offset, calldataload(add(result.offset, 0x40)))
                result.length := calldataload(o)
                result.offset := add(o, 0x20)

    /// @dev Returns whether the `signature` is valid for the `hash.
    function _erc1271IsValidSignature(bytes32 hash, bytes calldata signature)
        returns (bool)
        return _erc1271IsValidSignatureViaSafeCaller(hash, signature)
            || _erc1271IsValidSignatureViaNestedEIP712(hash, signature)
            || _erc1271IsValidSignatureViaRPC(hash, signature);

    /// @dev Performs the signature validation without nested EIP-712 if the caller is
    /// a safe caller. A safe caller must include the address of this account in the hash.
    function _erc1271IsValidSignatureViaSafeCaller(bytes32 hash, bytes calldata signature)
        returns (bool result)
        if (_erc1271CallerIsSafe()) result = _erc1271IsValidSignatureNowCalldata(hash, signature);

    /// @dev ERC1271 signature validation (Nested EIP-712 workflow).
    /// This uses ECDSA recovery by default (see: `_erc1271IsValidSignatureNowCalldata`).
    /// It also uses a nested EIP-712 approach to prevent signature replays when a single EOA
    /// owns multiple smart contract accounts,
    /// while still enabling wallet UIs (e.g. Metamask) to show the EIP-712 values.
    /// Crafted for phishing resistance, efficiency, flexibility.
    /// __________________________________________________________________________________________
    /// Glossary:
    /// - `APP_DOMAIN_SEPARATOR`: The domain separator of the `hash` passed in by the application.
    ///   Provided by the front end. Intended to be the domain separator of the contract
    ///   that will call `isValidSignature` on this account.
    /// - `ACCOUNT_DOMAIN_SEPARATOR`: The domain separator of this account.
    ///   See: `EIP712._domainSeparator()`.
    /// __________________________________________________________________________________________
    /// For the `TypedDataSign` workflow, the final hash will be:
    /// ```
    ///     keccak256(\x19\x01 ā€– APP_DOMAIN_SEPARATOR ā€–
    ///         hashStruct(TypedDataSign({
    ///             contents: hashStruct(originalStruct),
    ///             name: keccak256(bytes(eip712Domain().name)),
    ///             version: keccak256(bytes(eip712Domain().version)),
    ///             chainId: eip712Domain().chainId,
    ///             verifyingContract: eip712Domain().verifyingContract,
    ///             salt: eip712Domain().salt,
    ///             extensions: keccak256(abi.encodePacked(eip712Domain().extensions))
    ///         }))
    ///     )
    /// ```
    /// where `ā€–` denotes the concatenation operator for bytes.
    /// The order of the fields is important: `contents` comes before `name`.
    /// The signature will be `r ā€– s ā€– v ā€–
    ///     APP_DOMAIN_SEPARATOR ā€– contents ā€– contentsType ā€– uint16(contentsType.length)`,
    /// where `contents` is the bytes32 struct hash of the original struct.
    /// The `APP_DOMAIN_SEPARATOR` and `contents` will be used to verify if `hash` is indeed correct.
    /// __________________________________________________________________________________________
    /// For the `PersonalSign` workflow, the final hash will be:
    /// ```
    ///     keccak256(\x19\x01 ā€– ACCOUNT_DOMAIN_SEPARATOR ā€–
    ///         hashStruct(PersonalSign({
    ///             prefixed: keccak256(bytes(\x19Ethereum Signed Message:\n ā€–
    ///                 base10(bytes(someString).length) ā€– someString))
    ///         }))
    ///     )
    /// ```
    /// where `ā€–` denotes the concatenation operator for bytes.
    /// The `PersonalSign` type hash will be `keccak256("PersonalSign(bytes prefixed)")`.
    /// The signature will be `r ā€– s ā€– v`.
    /// __________________________________________________________________________________________
    /// For demo and typescript code, see:
    /// -
    /// -
    /// Their nomenclature may differ from ours, although the high-level idea is similar.
    /// Of course, if you have control over the codebase of the wallet client(s) too,
    /// you can choose a more minimalistic signature scheme like
    /// `keccak256(abi.encode(address(this), hash))` instead of all these acrobatics.
    /// All these are just for widespread out-of-the-box compatibility with other wallet clients.
    /// We want to create bazaars, not walled castles.
    /// And we'll use push the Turing Completeness of the EVM to the limits to do so.
    function _erc1271IsValidSignatureViaNestedEIP712(bytes32 hash, bytes calldata signature)
        returns (bool result)
        bytes32 t = _typedDataSignFields();
        /// @solidity memory-safe-assembly
        assembly {
            let m := mload(0x40) // Cache the free memory pointer.
            // `c` is `contentsType.length`, which is stored in the last 2 bytes of the signature.
            let c := shr(240, calldataload(add(signature.offset, sub(signature.length, 2))))
            for {} 1 {} {
                let l := add(0x42, c) // Total length of appended data (32 + 32 + c + 2).
                let o := add(signature.offset, sub(signature.length, l)) // Offset of appended data.
                mstore(0x00, 0x1901) // Store the "\x19\x01" prefix.
                calldatacopy(0x20, o, 0x40) // Copy the `APP_DOMAIN_SEPARATOR` and `contents` struct hash.
                // Use the `PersonalSign` workflow if the reconstructed hash doesn't match,
                // or if the appended data is invalid, i.e.
                // `appendedData.length > signature.length || contentsType.length == 0`.
                if or(xor(keccak256(0x1e, 0x42), hash), or(lt(signature.length, l), iszero(c))) {
                    t := 0 // Set `t` to 0, denoting that we need to `hash = _hashTypedData(hash)`.
                    mstore(t, _PERSONAL_SIGN_TYPEHASH)
                    mstore(0x20, hash) // Store the `prefixed`.
                    hash := keccak256(t, 0x40) // Compute the `PersonalSign` struct hash.
                // Else, use the `TypedDataSign` workflow.
                // `TypedDataSign({ContentsName} contents,bytes1 fields,...){ContentsType}`.
                mstore(m, "TypedDataSign(") // Store the start of `TypedDataSign`'s type encoding.
                let p := add(m, 0x0e) // Advance 14 bytes to skip "TypedDataSign(".
                calldatacopy(p, add(o, 0x40), c) // Copy `contentsType` to extract `contentsName`.
                // `d & 1 == 1` means that `contentsName` is invalid.
                let d := shr(byte(0, mload(p)), 0x7fffffe000000000000010000000000) // Starts with `[a-z(]`.
                // Store the end sentinel '(', and advance `p` until we encounter a '(' byte.
                for { mstore(add(p, c), 40) } iszero(eq(byte(0, mload(p)), 40)) { p := add(p, 1) } {
                    d := or(shr(byte(0, mload(p)), 0x120100000001), d) // Has a byte in ", )\x00".
                mstore(p, " contents,bytes1 fields,string n") // Store the rest of the encoding.
                mstore(add(p, 0x20), "ame,string version,uint256 chain")
                mstore(add(p, 0x40), "Id,address verifyingContract,byt")
                mstore(add(p, 0x60), "es32 salt,uint256[] extensions)")
                p := add(p, 0x7f)
                calldatacopy(p, add(o, 0x40), c) // Copy `contentsType`.
                // Fill in the missing fields of the `TypedDataSign`.
                calldatacopy(t, o, 0x40) // Copy the `contents` struct hash to `add(t, 0x20)`.
                mstore(t, keccak256(m, sub(add(p, c), m))) // Store `typedDataSignTypehash`.
                // The "\x19\x01" prefix is already at 0x00.
                // `APP_DOMAIN_SEPARATOR` is already at 0x20.
                mstore(0x40, keccak256(t, 0x120)) // `hashStruct(typedDataSign)`.
                // Compute the final hash, corrupted if `contentsName` is invalid.
                hash := keccak256(0x1e, add(0x42, and(1, d)))
                signature.length := sub(signature.length, l) // Truncate the signature.
            mstore(0x40, m) // Restore the free memory pointer.
        if (t == bytes32(0)) hash = _hashTypedData(hash); // `PersonalSign` workflow.
        result = _erc1271IsValidSignatureNowCalldata(hash, signature);

    /// @dev For use in `_erc1271IsValidSignatureViaNestedEIP712`,
    function _typedDataSignFields() private view returns (bytes32 m) {
            bytes1 fields,
            string memory name,
            string memory version,
            uint256 chainId,
            address verifyingContract,
            bytes32 salt,
            uint256[] memory extensions
        ) = eip712Domain();
        /// @solidity memory-safe-assembly
        assembly {
            m := mload(0x40) // Grab the free memory pointer.
            mstore(0x40, add(m, 0x120)) // Allocate the memory.
            // Skip 2 words for the `typedDataSignTypehash` and `contents` struct hash.
            mstore(add(m, 0x40), shl(248, byte(0, fields)))
            mstore(add(m, 0x60), keccak256(add(name, 0x20), mload(name)))
            mstore(add(m, 0x80), keccak256(add(version, 0x20), mload(version)))
            mstore(add(m, 0xa0), chainId)
            mstore(add(m, 0xc0), shr(96, shl(96, verifyingContract)))
            mstore(add(m, 0xe0), salt)
            mstore(add(m, 0x100), keccak256(add(extensions, 0x20), shl(5, mload(extensions))))

    /// @dev Performs the signature validation without nested EIP-712 to allow for easy sign ins.
    /// This function must always return false or revert if called on-chain.
    function _erc1271IsValidSignatureViaRPC(bytes32 hash, bytes calldata signature)
        returns (bool result)
        // Non-zero gasprice is a heuristic to check if a call is on-chain,
        // but we can't fully depend on it because it can be manipulated.
        // See:
        if (tx.gasprice == uint256(0)) {
            /// @solidity memory-safe-assembly
            assembly {
                mstore(gasprice(), gasprice())
                // See:
                let b := 0x000000000000378eDCD5B5B0A24f5342d8C10485 // Basefee contract,
                pop(staticcall(0xffff, b, codesize(), gasprice(), gasprice(), 0x20))
                // If `gasprice < basefee`, the call cannot be on-chain, and we can skip the gas burn.
                if iszero(mload(gasprice())) {
                    let m := mload(0x40) // Cache the free memory pointer.
                    mstore(gasprice(), 0x1626ba7e) // `isValidSignature(bytes32,bytes)`.
                    mstore(0x20, b) // Recycle `b` to denote if we need to burn gas.
                    mstore(0x40, 0x40)
                    let gasToBurn := or(add(0xffff, gaslimit()), gaslimit())
                    // Burns gas computationally efficiently. Also, requires that `gas > gasToBurn`.
                    if or(eq(hash, b), lt(gas(), gasToBurn)) { invalid() }
                    // Make a call to this with `b`, efficiently burning the gas provided.
                    // No valid transaction can consume more than the gaslimit.
                    // See:
                    // Most RPCs perform calls with a gas budget greater than the gaslimit.
                    pop(staticcall(gasToBurn, address(), 0x1c, 0x64, gasprice(), gasprice()))
                    mstore(0x40, m) // Restore the free memory pointer.
            result = _erc1271IsValidSignatureNowCalldata(hash, signature);

Security Considerations

Rejecting invalid contentsTypeName

Current major implementations of eth_signTypedData do not sanitize the names of custom types.

A phishing website can craft a contentsTypeName with control characters to break out of the PersonalSign type encoding, resulting in the wallet client asking the user to sign an opaque hash.

Requiring on-chain sanitization of contentsTypeName will block this phishing attack vector.


Copyright and related rights waived via CC0.

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RIPs RIP Idea: L2 Transaction Status Standard

Published: Jul 09, 2024

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A recent discussion (June 2024) in the RollCall Telegram Group has yet again shown that a lack of standards around the processing status of an L2 transaction is confusing not only for users and developers (block explorers, wallets, smart contracts, chain analytics) but also for client teams themselves trying to understand what different statuses mean and what trust assumptions have been made for each status. Besides confusion, there are real security risks, especially for L2 bridges based on the processing status of an L2 transaction (finalized on the L2 but not on the L1 vs finalized on the L2 and the L1).

This topic of discussion also arose in the OASIS Ethereum Open Projects L2 Standards WG when discussing the L2 Transaction Fee API specification. The WG decided to make L2 Transaction Statuses their next work item.

To start the discussion, the WG decided to propose a simple set of statuses both as a string and as a hex value, their definitions and trust assumptions. The minimal set of transaction statuses proposed is as follows:

  • L2 Pending: An L2 transaction submitted to an L2, and waiting to be processed by a sequencer. Trust Assumption: No inclusion guarantee on the L2
  • L2 Replaced: An L2 transaction that was ā€œPendingā€ was replaced by another L2 transaction. Trust Assumption: Same as L2 Pending
  • L2 Dropped: An L2 transaction that was removed from the L2 processing queue. Trust Assumption: NA
  • L2 Confirmed: An L2 transaction processed by a sequencer and assigned an order in a proposed L2 block by the sequencer by applying an L2 client-specific L2 transaction ordering protocol. Trust Assumption: The L2 transaction order guarantee is based on the security guarantee of the ordering protocol. Inclusion in finalized L2 and L1 blocks is not guaranteed.
  • L2 Included, L1 Pending: An L2 transaction included in an L2 block but not yet submitted to the L1. Trust Assumption: The L2 inclusion guarantee is dependent on the submission guarantee of the L2 block to the L1 and L1 Finalization.
  • L2 Included, L1 Included: An L2 transaction included in an L2 block submitted to the L1. Trust Assumption: The L2 inclusion guarantee is dependent on L1 finalization.
  • L2 Finalized, L1 Finalized: An L2 transaction included in a L2 block that has been included in a finalized L1 transaction. Trust Assumption: The L2 transaction finalization guarantee is equivalent to an L1 transaction finalization guarantee in a finalized L1 block.

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ERCs ERC-7738: Permissionless Script Registry

Published: Jul 09, 2024

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Discussion topic for EIP-7738

This is the discussion on a draft EIP for an onchain script registry.


This EIP provides a means to create a standard registry for locating executable scripts associated with contracts.


ERC-5169 (scriptURI) provides a client script lookup method for contracts. This requires the contract to have implemented the ERC-5169 interface at the time of construction (or allow an upgrade path).

This proposal outlines a contract that can supply prototype and certified scripts. The contract would be a singleton instance multichain that would be deployed at identical addresses on supported chains.


The registry contract will supply a set of URI links for a given contract address. These URI links point to script programs that can be fetched by a wallet, viewer or mini-dapp.

The pointers can be set using a setter in the registry contract.

The scripts provided could be authenticated in various ways:

  1. The target contract which the setter specifies implements the Ownable interface. Once the script is fetched, the signature can be verified to match the Owner(). In the case of TokenScript this can be checked by a dapp or wallet using the TokenScript SDK, the TokenScript online verification service, or by extracting the signature from the XML, taking a keccak256 of the script and ecrecover the signing key address.
  2. If the contract does not implement Ownable, further steps can be taken:
    a. The hosting app/wallet can acertain the deployment key using 3rd party API or block explorer. The implementing wallet, dapp or viewer would then check the signature matches this deployment key.
    b. Signing keys could be pre-authenticated by a hosting app, using an embedded keychain.
    c. A governance token could allow a script council to authenticate requests to set and validate keys.

If these criteria are not met:

  • For mainnet implementations the implementing wallet should be cautious about using the script - it would be at the app and/or userā€™s discretion.
  • For testnets, it is acceptable to allow the script to function, at the discretion of the wallet provider.


The keywords ā€œMUSTā€, ā€œMUST NOTā€, ā€œREQUIREDā€, ā€œSHALLā€, ā€œSHALL NOTā€, ā€œSHOULDā€, ā€œSHOULD NOTā€, ā€œRECOMMENDEDā€, ā€œMAYā€ and ā€œOPTIONALā€ in this document are to be interpreted as described in RFC 2119.

The contract MUST implement the IDecentralisedRegistry interface.
The contract MUST emit the ScriptUpdate event when the script is updated.
The contract SHOULD order the scriptURI returned so that the owner script is returned first (in the case of simple implementations the wallet will pick the first scriptURI returned).

interface IDecentralisedRegistry {
    /// @dev This event emits when the scriptURI is updated, 
    /// so wallets implementing this interface can update a cached script
    event ScriptUpdate(address indexed contractAddress, string[] newScriptURI);

    /// @notice Get the scriptURI for the contract
    /// @return The scriptURI
    function scriptURI(address contractAddress) external view returns (string[] memory);

    /// @notice Update the scriptURI 
    /// emits event ScriptUpdate(address indexed contractAddress, scriptURI memory newScriptURI);
    function setScriptURI(address contractAddress, string[] memory scriptURIList) external;

The key words ā€œMUSTā€, ā€œMUST NOTā€, ā€œREQUIREDā€, ā€œSHALLā€, ā€œSHALL NOTā€, ā€œSHOULDā€, ā€œSHOULD NOTā€, ā€œRECOMMENDEDā€, ā€œNOT RECOMMENDEDā€, ā€œMAYā€, and ā€œOPTIONALā€ in this document are to be interpreted as described in RFC 2119 and RFC 8174.


This method allows contracts written without the ERC-5169 interface to associate scripts with themselves, and avoids the need for a centralised online server, with subsequent need for security and the requires an organisation to become a gatekeeper for the database.

Reference Implementation

import "@openzeppelin/contracts/access/Ownable.sol";

contract DecentralisedRegistry is IDecentralisedRegistry {
    struct ScriptEntry {
        mapping(address => string[]) scriptURIs;
        address[] addrList;

    mapping(address => ScriptEntry) private _scriptURIs;

    function setScriptURI(
        address contractAddress,
        string[] memory scriptURIList
    ) public {
        require (scriptURIList.length > 0, "> 0 entries required in scriptURIList");
        bool isOwnerOrExistingEntry = Ownable(contractAddress).owner() == msg.sender 
            || _scriptURIs[contractAddress].scriptURIs[msg.sender].length > 0;
        _scriptURIs[contractAddress].scriptURIs[msg.sender] = scriptURIList;
        if (!isOwnerOrExistingEntry) {
        emit ScriptUpdate(contractAddress, msg.sender, scriptURIList);

    // Return the list of scriptURI for this contract.
    // Order the return list so `Owner()` assigned scripts are first in the list
    function scriptURI(
        address contractAddress
    ) public view returns (string[] memory) {
        //build scriptURI return list, owner first
        address contractOwner = Ownable(contractAddress).owner();
        address[] memory addrList = _scriptURIs[contractAddress].addrList;
        uint256 i;

        //now calculate list length
        uint256 listLen = _scriptURIs[contractAddress].scriptURIs[contractOwner].length;
        for (i = 0; i < addrList.length; i++) {
            listLen += _scriptURIs[contractAddress].scriptURIs[addrList[i]].length;

        string[] memory ownerScripts = new string[](listLen);
        uint256 scriptIndex = 0;

        // Add owner strings
        for (i = 0; i < _scriptURIs[contractAddress].scriptURIs[contractOwner].length; i++) {
            ownerScripts[scriptIndex++] = _scriptURIs[contractAddress].scriptURIs[contractOwner][i];

        // remainder
        for (i = 0; i < addrList.length; i++) {
            for (uint256 j = 0; j < _scriptURIs[contractAddress].scriptURIs[addrList[i]].length; j++) {
                string memory thisScriptURI = _scriptURIs[contractAddress].scriptURIs[addrList[i]][j];
                if (bytes(thisScriptURI).length > 0) {
                    ownerScripts[scriptIndex++] = thisScriptURI;

        //fill remainder of any removed strings
        for (i = scriptIndex; i < listLen; i++) {
            ownerScripts[scriptIndex++] = "";

        return ownerScripts;

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ERCs ERC-7731: Vulnerability and Exposure Identifier

Published: Jul 08, 2024

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Currently, there is no clear, common language to specify vulnerabilities in crypto. Ethical hackers often refer to vulnerabilities using a combination of ā€œProtocol Name + Exploit,ā€ which can be very confusing, especially when multiple attacks occur on the same protocol.

To reduce communication costs between protocol developers and ethical hackers and build on the security practices of Web2, we propose the VE (Vulnerability and Exposure) identifier. This EIP allows any organization or individual to maintain its own VE on-chain, standardizing the language used to describe and report vulnerabilities.

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ERCs ERC-7714: Simple Permissions Checks

Published: Jul 08, 2024

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Discussion for Add ERC: Simple Permissions Checks #435

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Working Groups PeerDAS breakout #3, July 9 2024

Published: Jul 06, 2024

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PeerDAS Breakout Room #3 Ā· Issue #1093 Ā· ethereum/pm Ā· GitHub

Moderator: @hwwang

Key items

by @hwwang (from Eth R&D Discord):

Notes & chat log


PeerDAS Breakout Room #3

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Working Groups All Core Devs - Consensus (ACDC) #137, July 11 2024

Published: Jul 06, 2024

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Consensus-layer Call 137 Ā· Issue #1096 Ā· ethereum/pm Ā· GitHub

Moderator: @ralexstokes


ACDC #137 recap by @ralexstokes (from Eth R&D Discord)
Shorter call today!

We began with Pectra:

  • CL clients are generally ready for pectra-devnet-1
  • CL clients working well with static test vectors
  • Given a few EL clients are ready, we should launch pectra-devnet-1 as soon as possible, aiming for sometime next week

Then, turned to PeerDAS:

  • peerdas-devnet-1 launched but surfaced a number of client bugs which are being resolved
  • Expect a peerdas-devnet-2 soon as client teams continue to iterate on scaling blob bandwidth
  • I gave an update on the work to uncouple the blob max and target values between the consensus and execution layers
    • After reviewing the syncing semantics, it appears the check for the blob maximum on the EL is redundant and we can safely drop that check and have it done solely at the CL
    • We also want the same uncoupling treatment for the blob target so this value will be driven by the CL but needs to be included in the EL block header for the security of client sync
    • Expect updates to this PR on the CL and an EIP for the 4844 changes soonā„¢!

Wrapped the call with an update on some work to expand the fork choice testing

  • Presentation from TXRX research here: FC compliance test suite on ACDC - Google Slides
  • This work introduces tooling to expand the scope of the fork choice test suite for static coverage in clients
  • Uses a constraint-driven programming language to generate interesting test cases which extend the static test corpus CL clients use for conformance testing
  • CTA: CL teams please take a look and incorporate into your client for enhanced coverage

See you next time!



[To be added]

Additional info

Notes by @Christine_dkim: Ethereum All Core Developers Consensus Call #137 Writeup | Galaxy

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EIPs EIP-7736: Leaf-level state expiry in verkle trees

Published: Jul 05, 2024

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This proposal relies on the structure of verkle trees to implement state expiry. A counter is maintained at the extension node level, and only extention-and-suffix nodes (colloquially referred to as ā€œleavesā€) are deleted.

Proposal at: Add EIP: Leaf-level state expiry in verkle trees by gballet Ā· Pull Request #8724 Ā· ethereum/EIPs Ā· GitHub

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EIPs EIP-7733: Deactivate EIP-158

Published: Jul 02, 2024

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After EIP-6780, the SELFDESTRUCT instruction was neutered, so that contracts could no longer be deleted. Contract deletions can still occur, however, via EIP-158. While EIP-7702 this can not happen, this latter EIP introduces the possibility for an empty EoA to have state. This is causing some issues when interfacing with verkle, for which state deletion is not possible.

EIP-158 was meant as a temporary measure to combat the ā€œShanghai attacksā€. Now that this is attack has been mitigated by other means, it can be deactivated.

Note: The deactivation should happen in Prague, for alternative methods to EIP-7612 to be valid. If EIP-7612 is accepted, then nothing opposes its inclusion in Osaka instead.

PR URL: Add EIP: Deactivate EIP-158 by gballet Ā· Pull Request #8712 Ā· ethereum/EIPs Ā· GitHub

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Uncategorized Ethereum's complexity is a more centralising force than the OG web

Published: Jul 02, 2024

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Dear community,

As an experienced (aging) programmer trying to work with Ethereum, Iā€™d like to share some disillusionment creeping in today. I feel very thankful for the people who work so hard on libraries and OS projects, though ideally I should be able to code this all myself with a smile.

Iā€™ve previously expressed concerns about the quality of writing (and thus, also review) in EIPs, but today the content itself is the cause of my concern.

Today, I find myself particularly despondent contemplating whether Ethereum can really be the future of software in the way HTTP became the future in 1989; HyperText was fundamentally text based and extensible, and therefore a joy from day one, while Ethereum feels like a stack of workarounds that may rapidly become untenable.

Compared to the elegance and adaptability of the original web protocols, I find Ethereum esoteric and increasingly difficult to grasp, i.e. getting tougher, especially since Account Abstraction. The nature of the blockchain is challenging enough but the compounding complexity makes the system an almost vertical climb for newcomers and exhausting for experienced developers.

The core problem with Ethereum seems to be rooted in the protocolā€™s lack of extensibility. I wonder if the decision to use RLP for message encoding, rather than a more flexible self-describing format that can better tolerate the unknowable, has led to spiralling complications. Each EIP reads like a trick way to get around some past decision and together they resemble a tower of hacks to sniff bytes, wrap payloads within payloads and dodge bullets with binary.

Importantly, each hack necessitates burdensome code that must be added, tested and maintained in apps, and this pain drives people to centralised libraries and service providers. I think nothing of preparing and shooting off my own HTTP requests, but Iā€™ll happily pay a service to prepare and send a transaction or user operation. This situation is the very antithesis of Ethereumā€™s values. Itā€™s a more centralising force than the original web and weā€™ll see giant companies whoā€™s value is pain relief.

This situation appears to stem from an extreme application of the YAGNI principle. Iā€™m sympathetic that blockchains are severely resource constrained, but do we see this situation as permanent or will there come a time when the trade offs change and it can be reconceptualised? YAGNI is fine for private app code, but does it apply here? When designing the future of all connected software, you probably are going to need a lot of things that evade your imagination right now.

Each improvement prioritises efficiency and frugality, apparently even in its writing, and I rarely read a discussion about how the proposal can be extended or could handle some hypothetical cases. Given that we now have a good idea of just how often ā€œwe do need itā€, an Extensibility section might be a prudent mandatory addition to EIPs. Another useful section would be a Realworld Integration Example which would add much needed concretion to the abstract terminology and help it all ā€œclickā€ for people.

Today, Ethereumā€™s EIP quagmire feels too much like a ā€œhigh WTFs per hourā€ codebase where team-mates churn due to years of untackled debt which repels the very people needed to reform it. As such, I also feel a Developer Pain section might also help authors think through the impact of their improvement on everyone else. This brings me back to the selfish writing: time saved by a few authors is time stolen from many thousands of readers. That must change.

Iā€™m curious about the communityā€™s thoughts on balancing efficiency with extensibility in protocol design, and how Ethereum might evolve to address these challenges. As it stands, it is a slog.

I am deeply concerned that it will ultimately prove too steep and too rough going to cross the chasm unless the developer experience is radically improved, without libraries and SaaS companies.

ā€œAn important scientific innovation rarely makes its way by gradually winning over and converting its opponents: it rarely happens that Saul becomes Paul. What does happen is that its opponents gradually die out, and that the growing generation is familiarized with the ideas from the beginning: another instance of the fact that the future lies with the youth.ā€ ā€” Max Planck

Iā€™ve not yet come across this in software. New ways frequently win over and convert. Software developers are insatiably curious and tend to relish learning new things. Yet with blockchain, I donā€™t see the excitement shared among my IRL peers. Itā€™s eerie. I canā€™t tell if Iā€™m on the bleeding edge or if itā€™s because no one else is coming.

I had my doubt today because I was unable to be productive. Without productivity life is stressful, I feel like a loser, lonely, and I wonder if I am making a mistake going down this path.

Then I reach the for $$$ painkillers.


Luke Puplett

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Working Groups ePBS breakout #4, July 5 2024

Published: Jul 02, 2024

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ePBS Breakout room #4 Ā· Issue #1083 Ā· ethereum/pm Ā· GitHub
2024-07-05T14:00:00Z UTC

Moderator: @potuz


ePBS breakout #4 notes - HackMD


Additional info

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Working Groups Verkle implementers call #20, July 1 2024

Published: Jul 02, 2024

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Verkle Implementers Call #20 Ā· Issue #1089 Ā· ethereum/pm Ā· GitHub
2024-07-01T13:00:00Z UTC

Moderator: @rudolf


Notes by @rudolf from X

1. Team updates

Starting things off as usual with quick updates from the client teams:

@jasoriatanishq for @nethermindeth: continuing testing the verkle sync implementation. Last week implemented the healing part. Anyone can now join the testnet using verkle sync.

@gballet & @ignaciohagopian for @go_ethereum: did a lot of work on the spec. Started implementation of EIP-4762. Still need to re-run the testing framework after itā€™s complete. Have also spent some time doing a new analysis of Verkle gas cost / code chunking using more recent mainnet transactions. Will be able to share this analysis soon.

@kt2am1990 for @HyperledgerBesu: working on the flat DB refactor for Verkle. Also looking at how we can optimize to reduce the size of the db. Also some performance optimizations around preloading the trie node during block processing, so at the end of the block when have to compute the state root everything is already in memory.

@techbro_ccoli for the testing team: we now have a successful test framework, and our first release is out. These are the simplest form of the transition tests (mid fork) where the test block starts on the fork transition block. For next steps: filling the ā€œgenesis testā€ (starting at the verkle fork) as opposed to during transition.

2. EIP-7709 and EIP-2935 updates

Thereā€™s been a bit of pushback on how Verkle handles blockhash, and suggestion that we should copy the behavior of 4788. Going forward, EIP-2935 will behave the same way as 4788.

@gballet has opened a PR:ā€¦.

3. Testnet

For next testnet: we had a quick discussion on whether it should include deactivating EIP-158. There was no opposition to this on the call. Will also likely be some discussion around this topic of deactivating EIP-158 on this weekā€™s ACD.

4. The transition & preimage distribution

Gary from Besu team joined to share recent ideas and questions around the transition (migrating state from Merkle to Verkle) and preimage distribution.

Guillaume and Gary discussed that during the actual transition (which could take a month or more), clients will not be able to snap sync to latest. Only full sync will be possible. For a client syncing from scratch: they would do a snap sync up to the last Merkle Patricia Tree block, and then do a full sync from there. This seems like a reasonable approach since it would only take 2 hours or so to do a full sync in this case.

On the topic of preimage distribution and including the preimage keys in the execution witness: @kt2am1990 mentioned that if we can have the address/slot we are touching in each transaction, it might enable some parallelization when we want to import the block. Guillaume will be adding this in next round of spec updates. So weā€™ll know which are being touched in the tx. One potential downside though is that it will make the witness much larger. Guillaume to make the spec update and then continue discussion on this topic.

5. Cost of extcodehash/extcodesize in EOF

Last up, there was some discussion around a few things where EOF differs from legacy code and potentially adds cost: extcodehash, extcodesize, delegatecall. For each of these 3: in addition to reading the code hash you also need to check this is an EOF format. So the question is can we put it directly in the header to avoid this?

@shemnon suggested this is a great use case for a flag. If the EOF flag is set, then extcodesize and extcodehash will go down the separate EOF path to signal its EOF code versus an empty account. Importantly this flag would avoid the need to read an extra chunk which would incur extra cost. If the flag is there, then donā€™t need to read the chunk.

Thatā€™s it for this weekā€™s callā€¦
Check out or head over to the Eth R&D Discord (verkle-trie-migration channel) to stay up-to-date ! :pray:


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Ethereum Research
Economics Notes on the LVR of FM-AMM

Published: Jul 26, 2024

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0. TL;DR

We introduced and detailed the additional features of FM-AMM, as presented in [CF23]. We modeled the game between CEX-DEX arbitrageurs for arbitrage profit on FM-AMM and then solved it by finding the pure strategy Nash equilibrium. Lastly, we calculated the asymptotic LVR of FM-AMM in theoretical settings and compared its performance against the Uniswap V2-style fixed-rate fee CPMM through numerical simulations. Our observations indicated that the performance is heavily influenced by price volatility, transaction costs, and the size of the liquidity pool, with FM-AMM showing a reduced loss to arbitrageurs under specific conditions.

1. Introduction

Since LVR was introduced in [MMRZ22] and [MMR23], it has quickly become the standard for measuring the performance of AMMs. Numerous attempts have been made to reduce LVR through dynamic fee policies, and this research continues actively. However, batch trade execution has not received much attention, except in [CF23] and [GGMR22]. In [CF23], the authors proposed a function-maximizing automated market maker (FM-AMM), asserting it effectively eliminates LVR, and provided numerical simulations comparing its performance with various Uniswap V3 pools. They later claimed that CoW-AMM (their implementation of FM-AMM) performed well in live settings too, which led to debate on Twitter regarding the legitimacy of their measurement methods. Although the debate focused more on whether markout is a useful metric for measuring performance, the existence of retail order flow and fluctuating transaction costs are also obstacles to precisely comparing their performance. In this article, we analyze the performance of FM-AMM and compare it to CPMM under fixed transaction costs and in the absence of retail order flow conditions like those in [N22] and [E24].

In detail, we slightly modified their design and found a Nash equilibrium in a game where arbitrageurs strategically submit orders to the (slightly modified) FM-AMM to maximize their returns. The game is similar to the liquidity provision game introduced in [MC24], which is a special form of the generalized Tullock contest. The resulting equilibrium has many favorable properties: the solution always uniquely exists, and it is symmetric. Moreover, LVR decays inversely proportionally to the number of participants. This model assumes that the number of arbitrageurs, N, is pre-determined and transaction cost, c, is zero. We proceed to a model where the number of participants is determined endogenously according to c. In this setting, FM-AMM is not always superior; the result now depends on jump size, frequency, and cost. We provide numerical simulation results and suggest that FM-AMM fits well with rollup-based solutions.


In this section we fill the omitted details of FM-AMM introduced in [CF23] to handle the more general case. The underlying AMM curve introduced in [CF23] is:

y_\text{out} = \frac{x_\text{in}}{X + 2x_\text{in}}Y,

where x_\text{in} is the amount of token X the trader is willing to sell, and y_\text{in} is the amount of token Y that she will receive. However, this is the simplest case where only a single side of order is submitted in batch. Authors of original paper handled the case such that both side of orders exist in the same batch by assuming users only specify the amount of token X to buy or sell. Unfortunately, this is hard to implement in fully on-chain manner since whether the trader has enough capital to buy specified amount of token X is not guaranteed before the batch is settled (Selling is not problematic; we can pull the token from trader and keep it by settlement). We generalize the formula to handle broader range of cases. Let X, Y be reserves of pool, T be total supply of LP tokens before batch settlement, x_\text{in}, y_\text{in} be aggregate amount of each token that traders are willing to sell, and x_\text{mint}, y_\text{mint} be aggregate amount of each token provided from LPs. The fundamental equation we will start with is:

\begin{align}\begin{bmatrix}x_{\text{mint}} \\y_{\text{mint}}\end{bmatrix}&=x_{\text{mint}} \begin{bmatrix}1 \\p\end{bmatrix}+\begin{bmatrix}0 \\2\alpha\end{bmatrix}\\\begin{bmatrix}x_{\text{in}} \\y_{\text{in}}\end{bmatrix}&=x_{\text{in}} \begin{bmatrix}1 \\p\end{bmatrix}+\begin{bmatrix}0 \\\beta\end{bmatrix}\\\begin{bmatrix}x_1 \\y_1\end{bmatrix}&=\begin{bmatrix}x_0 \cdot \frac{y_0 + \alpha + \beta}{y_0 + 2(\alpha + \beta)} \\y_0 + \alpha + \beta\end{bmatrix}\end{align}

Here, the p is the clearing price, and \alpha, \beta are the net swap amount for swapping and minting, respectively. In short, among the submitted orders, we swap only part of them, \alpha and \beta, then exchange the rest via p2p without changing the spot price. The fact that

\begin{bmatrix}x_{\text{mint}} \\y_{\text{mint}} - 2\alpha\end{bmatrix}, \begin{bmatrix}x_{\text{in}} \\y_{\text{in}} - \beta\end{bmatrix}, \begin{bmatrix}x_1 \\y_1\end{bmatrix}

are all parallel gives us following matrix equation:

\begin{equation}\begin{bmatrix}2x_0 + 2x_{\text{mint}} & 2x_{\text{mint}} \\2x_{\text{in}} & 2x_{\text{in}} + x_0\end{bmatrix}\begin{bmatrix}\alpha \\\beta\end{bmatrix}=\begin{bmatrix}x_0 y_{\text{mint}} - x_{\text{mint}} y_0 \\x_0 y_{\text{in}} - x_{\text{in}} y_0\end{bmatrix}\end{equation}

Note that the determinant of matrix in LHS is always strictly positive so above equation is not singular. \alpha, \beta are:

\begin{align} (\alpha, \beta) = \left( \frac{\frac{x_{0} y_{mint}}{2} + x_{in} y_{mint} - \frac{x_{mint} y_{0}}{2} - x_{mint} y_{in}}{x_{0} + 2 x_{in} + x_{mint}}, \ \frac{x_{0} y_{in} - x_{in} y_{0} - x_{in} y_{mint} + x_{mint} y_{in}}{x_{0} + 2 x_{in} + x_{mint}}\right) \end{align}

The clearing price, p_c, is:

\begin{align} p_c = \frac{y_{0} + 2 y_{in} + y_{mint}}{x_{0} + 2 x_{in} + x_{mint}} \end{align}

x_\text{out}, y_\text{out} are:

\begin{align} (x_\text{out}, y_\text{out}) &= \left( \frac{y_{in} \left(x_{0} + 2 x_{in} + x_{mint}\right)}{y_{0} + 2 y_{in} + y_{mint}}, \ \frac{x_{in} \left(y_{0} + 2 y_{in} + y_{mint}\right)}{x_{0} + 2 x_{in} + x_{mint}}\right) \\ &= \left(\frac{y_\text{in}}{p_c}, p_c x_\text{in} \right) \\ \end{align}

It is straight forward to find x_2, y_2, the reserves after minting LP tokens, and t, the newly issued LP token amount, so we would skip on them here.

Above construction charges no fee. To keep price same even after charging fee, we will take 1/(1 + \gamma) portion of input and \gamma portion of output as fee. So the effective fee rate will be \frac{2 \gamma}{1+ \gamma}, which is approximately 2 \gamma. Considering arbitrageurs it may better to take fee fully on input, though.

3. Model

In this section, we describe the model upon which our analysis is based. We model a normal form game involving strategic arbitrageurs. This means that each player is unaware of the bids of others, and all bids are submitted simultaneously. Additionally, each playerā€™s bid is never censored. Although this assumption does not perfectly reflect the current state of blockchains, ongoing cryptographic developments and improved market designs, such as inclusion lists, will help bridge the gap between theory and reality. This formulation is almost the same as that of [CM24]; the only difference is that players now ā€œtakeā€ mispriced liquidity instead of providing it to the AMM.

3.1. Automated Market Maker

For the AMM, we will use the FM-AMM introduced in Section 2. Note that the AMM itself is not a player; we assume that the LPs of the AMM are passive investors who will not take any action in the short term.

3.2. Arbitrageurs

We assume that all players are homogeneous. They are risk-neutral and can execute trades of any size and in any direction on CEX without any slippage. Their sole goal is to maximize profit.

3.3. Strategic Game of Liquidity Taking

First, we solve the game with N players where N is given exogenously, without considering transaction costs. Then, we introduce a strictly positive transaction cost c and derive N from the equilibrium condition. We will restrict our interest to conditions with positive trading fees, which guarantees the uniqueness of the equilibrium. Players observe the pool reserves X, Y, and the external true price P. Then, they submit bids (x_i, y_i), which are the amounts of tokens to sell to the pool. The clearing price will be:

\begin{align} P_c = \frac{Y + 2\sum^N_{i=1} y_i }{X + 2\sum^N_{i=1} x_i} \tag{1} \\ \end{align}

The utility function is the arbitrage profit after charging the swap fee (and transaction cost, if applicable). The utility of player i, U_i, is:

\begin{align} U_i = -(1 + \gamma)(P x_i + y_i) + (1 - \gamma)\left(\frac{P}{P_c}y_i + P_c x_i\right) \tag{2} \end{align}

Now, we are ready to find the equilibrium.

4. Equilibrium Analysis

4.1. N is Determined Exogenously, and Transaction Cost c is Zero

We first introduce the following lemma:

\text{Lemma. The player } i\text{'s best response is submitting a bid with at least one 0 component, that is, either } (x_i, 0) \text{ or } (0, y_i).

The proof is straightforward. Assume (x_i, y_i) and (x'_i, y'_i) result in the same clearing price. Then x_i \leq x'_i if and only if y_i \leq y'_i. Combining these and subtracting the utility of one from the other yields the desired result.

Meanwhile, the first order condition and the profitability condition give us that the best response is, when P_{-i} is defined as P_{-i} = \frac{Y + 2\sum^N_{j \neq i} y_j }{X + 2\sum^N_{j \neq i} x_j}, submitting x_i or y_i such that the following holds:

\begin{align} P_c = \begin{cases} \sqrt{\frac{1 - \gamma}{1 + \gamma} P P_{-i}} & \text{if } \frac{1 - \gamma}{1 + \gamma} P \geq P_{-i} \\ \sqrt{\frac{1 + \gamma}{1 - \gamma} P P_{-i}} & \text{if } \frac{1 + \gamma}{1 - \gamma} P \leq P_{-i} \end{cases}. \tag{3} \end{align}

Otherwise, it is better not to submit any order (i.e., bid). One can think of \frac{1+\gamma}{1-\gamma}P_{-i} and \frac{1-\gamma}{1+ \gamma}P_{-i} as the threshold prices such that arbitrage becomes profitable. Note that this holds for every i, so P_{-i} = P_{-j} for every i and j, which tells us the equilibrium is symmetric and always exists.

From now on, we only consider the external price to be sufficiently higher than the poolā€™s spot price, Y/X. The opposite case can be solved in a similar manner. It is clear that x_\text{eq} = 0 for the case we are dealing with. Then, (3) is equivalent to:

\begin{align} \frac{Y + 2Ny_\text{eq}}{X} = \sqrt{\frac{1-\gamma}{1+\gamma}P\cdot \frac{Y + 2 (N-1) y_\text{eq}}{X}} \tag{4} \end{align}

Solving (4) yields that

\begin{align} y_\text{eq} = \frac{1}{4N^2}\left[ (N - 1) \cdot \frac{1-\gamma}{1+\gamma} \cdot PX -2NY + \sqrt{(N-1)^2 + 4N \cdot \frac{Y}{X} \cdot \frac{1+\gamma}{1-\gamma} \cdot \frac{1}{P}} \cdot \frac{1-\gamma}{1+\gamma}\cdot PX \right] \tag{5} \end{align}

From now on, we will proceed with radical approximations due to its complexity. Although we do not provide any rigorous proof for the validity of such approximations, we will see it works well in the simulations later. Let P_0 = \frac{Y}{X} and \varepsilon = \frac{1-\gamma}{1+\gamma} \cdot \frac{P}{P_0} - 1, that is, the price difference between the threshold price and the external price. Approximating y_\text{eq} with \varepsilon through a Taylor series gives us a simpler form:

\begin{align} y_\text{eq} &= \frac{Y}{4N^2}\left[ (N-1) \cdot (1+ \varepsilon) - 2N +(1+\varepsilon)\sqrt{(N-1)^2 +\frac{4N}{1+\varepsilon}}\right] \tag{6} \\ &\approx \frac{Y}{2(N+1)} \varepsilon + o(\varepsilon^2) \tag{7} \end{align}

Using (7), one can compute the profit of individual arbitrageurs and the total loss of the AMM against arbitrageurs:

\begin{align} ARB &\approx L\sqrt{P_0}\cdot\left(\frac{1+\gamma}{2(N+1)^2}\right)\cdot\varepsilon^2 \tag{8} \\ LVR &\approx (1+\gamma)\cdot L\sqrt{P_0}\cdot\left(\frac{N}{2(N+1)^2}\right)\cdot\varepsilon^2 \tag{9} \end{align}

Thus, assuming the transaction cost is 0, for any N, every N arbitrageur will submit identical bids and they will share the profit equally, while each individual arbitrageurā€™s profit will decay by O(N^{-2}). Moreover, as N goes to infinity the clearing price P_c converges to threshold price, and therefore the stationary distribution of price discrepancy will be as same as that of fixed fee rate CPMM in [MMR23].

4.2. Transaction Cost is Not Free, and the Number of Arbitrageurs is Determined Endogenously

Now we extend the model in 4.1 to a more realistic one by adopting a nonzero transaction cost c. The utility function remains the same as in (2), except we have an additional term -c. Since this term disappears when we take the derivative, the best response remains the same as long as it is profitable. Thus, the solution is not much different from (7), except N is replaced with N^{*}, where N^{*} is the largest integer that satisfies L\sqrt{P_0}\cdot\left(\frac{1+\gamma}{2(N^{*}+1)^2}\right)\cdot\varepsilon^2 \geq c. Then, the LVR will be:

\begin{align} LVR &\approx (1+\gamma) \cdot L \sqrt{P_0} \cdot\varepsilon^2 \cdot \frac{N^{*}}{2(N^{*}+1)^2} \tag{10} \\ &\approx cN^{*} \tag{11} \\ &\approx c \left \lfloor \varepsilon\sqrt{\frac{1+\gamma}{2c} \cdot L \sqrt{P_0}}- 1 \right\rfloor \tag{12} \\ &\leq \varepsilon\sqrt{(1+\gamma)2c \cdot L \sqrt{P_0}} \tag{13} \end{align}

4.3. Comparison with CPMM

The derivation of the LVR for CPMM has already been studied extensively, so we will simply present the result:

\begin{align} LVR_\text{CPMM} \approx \frac{1}{1-\gamma} \cdot L \sqrt{P_0} \cdot \frac{\varepsilon^2}{4}, \tag{14} \end{align}

where \gamma is the fee rate taken from the input and \varepsilon is again the price difference between the external price and the threshold price, in this case, \frac{P_0}{1-\gamma}. In short, the LVR of CPMM grows faster than that of FM-AMM as \varepsilon (the price difference) and L\sqrt{P_0} (the initial pool size) grow. From this, we can predict that the performance of FM-AMM will be better in larger pools compared to CPMM.

FM-AMM performance is affected by the transaction cost c, while CPMM is not affected as long as the arbitrageurā€™s profit is greater than c. This implies that FM-AMM suits well with rollup settings that have longer block times (resulting in higher volatility between blocks) and low transaction costs.

5. Simulations

Due to the nonzero transaction cost, finding an analytic solution for instantaneous LVR or the stationary distribution of price discrepancy is no longer straightforward. Therefore, we proceed with numerical simulations. You can check the code used here. This code is largely copy-pasted with minor tweaks from this source. Swap fees are fixed at 0.3% across all simulations (i.e., \gamma_\text{FMAMM} = 0.0015, \gamma_\text{CPMM} = 0.003).

5.1. Distribution of LVR

In this section, we observe the distribution of LVR under several cases without iterating over many parameters. Note that the variance is always greater in FM-AMM; this is because the price is not corrected perfectly under the nonzero transaction cost condition.

The conditions of the first case are L1 (12-second block time), $10 transaction cost, with 5% daily volatility and $100M pool size.

The second is L1, $10 transaction cost, with 10% volatility and $100M pool size.
As predicted, FM-AMM outperforms CPMM as volatility increases.

Next one is L1 with congestion; transaction cost went up to $30.
This fits to our prediction well, too. As tx cost increases FM-AMM loses more than CPMM.

The last result is L1 with congestion, but with smaller liquidity ($10M).
This result is a bit contradictory to our initial guess: usually, smaller liquidity conditions are more favorable to CPMM, as LVR per pool value of FM-AMM increases as the pool value gets smaller. To clarify this, we will run simulations over various parameters and compare the performances.

5.2. Performance Comparisons

Below are the numerical simulations of LVR for CPMM and FM-AMM under various parameters. Swap fees are set at 0.3% for both of them. Blue regions indicate where CPMM performs better, while grey regions indicate where FM-AMM performs better. Note that the results in the low volatility and high-cost regions are not as reliable due to the very few trades occurring in these conditions.

First is the cases for L1:

Following are the special cases for based rollup (tx cost = $0.05, block time = 12 sec) and typical L2s (tx cost = 0.01, block time = 2 sec), respectively:

5.3. Discussion

It is clear that FM-AMM performs better under certain conditions, including L2s and L1 with low transaction costs, and this partially explains why the results in [CF23] was rather mixed and defer by each pair. Due to its nature of forcing competition over price between arbitrageurs, it performs well even in high volatility conditions. Notably, this is achieved without raising the swap fee, which typically results in losing retail order flow. Thus, FM-AMM can lose less to arbitrageurs while not sacrificing retail order flow.

6. Conclusion

As the authors of [CF23] claimed, FM-AMM indeed achieves superior performance under certain conditions, even without raising swap fees. It suits L2s particularly well. However, our analysis is based on several non-realistic assumptions, especially the (short-term) censorship resistance assumption and simultaneous bid submission. Future research will focus on more relaxed conditions to provide a more comprehensive evaluation.

7. References

[MMRZ22] J. Milionis, C. C. Moallemi, T. Roughgarden, and A. L. Zhang. Automated Market Making and Loss-Versus-Rebalancing, arXiv preprint arXiv:2208.06046, 2022.
[MMR23] J. Milionis, C. C. Moallemi, and T. Roughgarden. Automated Market Making and Arbitrage Profits in the Presence of Fees, arXiv preprint arXiv:2305.14604, 2023.
[GGMR22] G. Ramseyer, M. Goyal, A. Goel, and D. MaziĆØres. Augmenting Batch Exchanges with Constant Function Market Makers, arXiv preprint arXiv:2210.04929, 2022.
[CF23] A. Canidio and A. Fritsch. Arbitrageursā€™ profits, LVR, and sandwich attacks: batch trading as an AMM design response, arXiv preprint arXiv:2307.02074, 2023.
[CM24] D. Crapis and J. Ma. The Cost of Permissionless Liquidity Provision in Automated Market Makers, arXiv preprint arXiv:2402.18256, 2024.
[N22] A. Nezlobin. Ethereum Block Times, MEV, and LP returns, Medium article Ethereum Block Times, MEV, and LP returns, 2022
[E24] A. Elsts. CEX/DEX arbitrage, transaction fees, block times, and LP profits, Ethresearch Forum article CEX/DEX arbitrage, transaction fees, block times, and LP profits, 2024

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Layer 2 A design for APS-burn in the context of a Decentralized L2

Published: Jul 25, 2024

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APS-burn in the context of a Decentralized L2


We propose a design for Attester-Proposer-Separation that is tailored for the context of a decentralized L2. This design is intended to operate in the context of an L2 with its own validator set, running some sort of BFT consensus protocol, with single slot finality.

This design is based on the APS-burn design from @barnabe, but with some notable differences. It assumes that there are short block times, preferably one second, and no longer than 2 seconds, and that each block is final within the scope of the canonical L2 chain (prior to being finalized on L1) . This design aims to obtain the benefits of APS in an L2 context, while aiming to mitigate censorship, and mitigate the negative externalities of multi-block MEV. These properties are achieved using a sealed-bid auction, similar in principle to the Sealed execution auction proposal from Anders, but in an L2 context.

To understand the motivation behind this design, as well as its trade-offs, see the ā€œbenefitsā€ and ā€œrisksā€ sections below.

DO NOT read this post if:

  • You are trying to keep up with the important developments in Ethereum and attempting to determine which posts are important and which arenā€™t. This post is intended for soliciting early feedback on a design that is specific to decentralized rollups, and is not a finalized proposal.

DO read this post if:

  • You are trying to decentralize a rollup, and are considering adopting an PoS consensus protocol, and are interested in exploring ideas within the design space.

Related Reading

MEV Burn related reading:


We propose a method whereby the right to propose a future block is obtained via an on-chain auction.

For every slot n, the auction for block proposal rights starts at slot n - t and runs for k slots. The auction closes at slot (n - t) + k. During the period between n - t and (n - t) + k, bids are submitted to an on-chain smart contract. Each bid specifies an amount of some defined token that will be burned as part of the block that will be proposed at slot n. The winning bid is the bid that burns the most tokens.

During the auction between slot n - t and (n - t) + k, bids are posted on-chain as sealed commitments. After the auction closes at slot k, there is a buffer period of b blocks in which no new bids are accepted by the smart contract for slot n. After this buffer period, and up to slot n, bidders post their opened commitments, which reveal the amount they are bidding. The block that is proposed to the network at slot n, must be from the same address specified in the highest bid in the auction for slot n, and also burn the amount of tokens specified in the bid.

Each bid is composed of the height of the slot being bidded on, the address that will propose the block, and an amount of MEV that will be burned in the block.

Mitigating multi-block MEV

By incorporating a sealed bid auction, we can mitigate concerns around multi-block MEV. One of the main concerns with various APS designs is that it allows bidders to bid on block proposal rights for a contiguous segment of slots. If a bidder knows that they have the rights to slot n, then they can bid higher than anyone else for slot n+1, because they know that they can employ lucrative multi-block MEV strategies such as censoring price oracle updates or censoring sell orders on a trading pair to drive up the price etc.

In order to mitigate this concern, it is imperative that the bidders have no guarantee of having won the auction for slot n while the auction for slot n+1 is open.

As an illustrative example, consider the following instantiation where bidders bid for the right to propose a block 12 slots in the future (t = 12), and they have 4 slots in which to submit bids (k = 4), followed by a buffer phase in which the on-chain auction will not accept bids (b = 2) followed by the reveal phase.

As you can see from the following visualization, is we assume that all bids for the slot n auction are revealed at slot (n - t) + k + b then the bidder for slot n only finds out that they have won block proposal rights for slot n after the auction for slot n+1 and slot n+2 have already closed.


Censorship is a concern with any on-chain auction (ref: Censorship Resistance in On-Chain Auctions). Obviously block builders are highly incentivized to censor any transactions to the on-chain auction that that carry bids that arenā€™t their own, which means that the only bids that will make it to the on-chain contract are from block builders that already have proposal rights to slots, as these builders will likely only include their own transactions to the auction contract.

The only way to fully mitigate censorship is through some form of inclusion lists, or a design that facilitates multiple concurrent block proposers. We propose that this sort of mechanism is an integral part of this design, but the exact details of the mechanism employed are out of scope for this piece.

However, even without an inclusion list / MCP mechanism, censorship of auction transactions becomes prohibitively expensive quite quickly. This is because every transaction that is censored has associated transaction fees that can be collected by some other block builder, which they can use to increase their bids with. The censoring block builder will therefore incur a competitive disadvantage for every bid they censor. Moreover, the censoring block builder will incur the cost of each bid they censor for every block they propose, resulting in a linear increase in cost over time. In other words, If n blocks are proposed, and k transactions are censored per block, the total cost incurred by the censoring block builder becomes:


Collateralization and Penalties

This design requires that bidders are collateralized in order to submit bids, and that this collateral is slashed under certain circumstances:

  • If bid commitments are not revealed, this can incur penalties. The reason for this is to prevent bidders from submitting multiple bids and then just revealing them conditionally based on what other bidders reveal (as detailed in this paper - h/t @quintuskilbourn for this). Obviously censorship resistance is important in order to prevent these penalties from being used for griefing attacks.
  • If the winner of an auction for slot n, does not propose a block for slot n, they are slashed.
  • If the winner of an auction for slot n, equivocates and proposes more than one block for slot n, they are slashed.
  • If the proposed block is valid, and is from the auction winner, but does not burn the amount of MEV that was stipulated in the winning bid, the collateral is slashed.

There are two ways to approach collateralization:

1 | Per-Bidder-Collateralization

This requires that a block builders / bidders posts some collateral on-chain, and that this will be subject to slashing conditions. Once the collateral is posted, the bidder can participate in any number of auctions and submit any number of bids. The collateral can be withdrawn at any stage, but is subject to some defined delay period.

2 | Per-Bid-Bonding

Bidders do not need to be collateralized, but each individual bid will require a bond. In the case of the winning bid, the bond is returned when the block for the slot is delivered. In the case of not winning the bid, the bond is returned only if the bid commitment was revealed.

As a side note: per-bid-bonding can also potentially be used to prevent bids being revealed earlier through some side-channel, by allowing anyone to cancel their bid before the auction closes and withdraw their bond if they reveal the pre-image. Once the auction is closed, then only the original bidder can withdraw the bond.

There are subtle trade-offs between the two approaches:

  • Per-bid-bonding could potentially be more centralizing, as it favors better capitalized bidders. With a slot n+t auction with a per-bid bond of S, then bidders will need t \times S to participate in every auction.

  • On the other hand, this potentially improves censorship resistance to a degree, as the same bidder can bid from different addresses, reducing the scope for targeted censorship of specific rival block builders.

Preventing bids from being revealed early

Itā€™s not entirely clear what the incentives would be for bidders to reveal their bids early, but the effect of revealing bids early will undermine the value of a sealed-bid auction, and will allow for multi-block MEV strategies to be employed. We can imagine a scenario whereby somebody constructs a mechanism employing ZKPs to allow bidders to reveal their bids, in order to understand if their bid is lower than another bid, which would give them the option to bid higher. This could be a useful tool for participants in the auction.

To mitigate against the risks of bidders revealing their bids early, it should be impossible, or very hard, to prove what the bid was. There are a number of ways of accomplishing this:

Using threshold encryption

The validators will use distributed-key-generation (DKG) to create a threshold encryption key, which is part of the headers for every block. The BFT round leader will also be responsible for collecting the keys from validators, posting the encryption key, and also gossipping the decryption key at the right time, so that it can also be included in the block headers. This will allow bidders to encrypt their bids when they are posted on-chain. It will also allow them to decrypt their bids locally to ascertain if they have won the block proposal rights for slot n. At this stage it should be deterministically known to all parties who have won the slot n auction.

Upon receiving a new block for slot n, validators will examine the amount of MEV burned in the block as well as the address of the proposer. They will take these two pieces of data and encrypt them using the threshold encryption key for the auction for slot n. If there is a bid that exactly matches the ciphertext, and that bid is from the proposer that is proposing the block, and is correctly collateralized, and most importantly, if there is no higher bid in the auction, then that block is accepted. This construction can be strengthened by imposing slashing conditions on entities that propose blocks that do not have a winning bid associated with it.

The benefit of this approach is that it precludes any possibility of revealing bids early, assuming an honest majority of validators. However, it does add some extra complexity to the consensus layer, as well as the overhead of establishing clear and reliable public transmission of threshold encryption keys.

Using a Verifiable Delay Function

In order to reveal a commitment, the smart contract must verify an accompanying Verifiable Delay Function (VDF) proof. The VDF ensures that any bid must take at least d seconds to produce a proof for. While there is nothing to stop bidders revealing their bids, it makes it difficult for bidders to prove what they bid, as the proof will take approximately d seconds to produce.

There are multiple VDF schemes that can be employed. Such a scheme was proposed by Nomadic Labs (see Timed Commitments Revisited).

Note that in this scheme, the commit binding is deterministic, so not completely resilient to revealing bids. In the specific scheme, if the bidder shares the values used to generate the commitment (i.e., G, g, e, k, and ct), others can reproduce the commitment \psi, thereby revealing the bid. Further work is needed to understand the complexity involved in doing this in a ZKP, in order to understand whether the complexity is sufficient to discourage revealing of bids. If needed, we would change the scheme to use a key derivation function that is suboptimal for use within zk circuits, resulting in inefficient proof generation, and therefore a similar level of effort required to create the actual VDF proof.

Note that while it is possible to just use VDFs by themselves without the complexity of a commit-reveal scheme, this has the drawback of allowing bidders to produce multiple VDFs concurrently in order to retain the option of conditional bidding.

Risks / Concerns

Reduced Competitiveness in Bidding

Bids are a bet on averages, this can potentially have more centralizing effects than a JIT block auction, because it precludes any opportunistic MEV strategies that capitalize on MEV spikes, which could prevent block builders that exist on these strategies from participating. Also, because it is a bet on averages, the system may favor the most well capitalized block builders.

Also, because we are using a sealed-bid auction, participants are not bidding in response to each otherā€™s bids. This removes the natural competitiveness that drives up prices, and so the overall level of bidding is likely to be somewhat lower.

L2 reorg resistance

This design assumes a BFT consensus protocol with single-slot-finality, wherein reorgs do not occur in the normal case. If reorgs are a concern, one can adapt the above design to include a second buffer phase at the end of the reveal phase but before slot n. This would force any incentivized reorg to be at least as deep as the size of the second buffer phase, making it much more expensive, and so disincentivizing malicious reorgs.


The benefit of APS is that there is no longer a requirement for mev-boost relays

The reason is that there is no negotiation between proposers and relayers (in terms of the proposer being the BFT round leader, who proposes blocks to the validator set). In the mev-boost scenario, the relayers are required in order to give some assurance to the builder that the proposer will not unbundle their block and steal the MEV, and also to give assurance to the proposer that the builder will in fact release the block on time, and not cause the proposer to get slashed. This is necessary to maintain PBS (unless ePBS is implemented), without which searcher bots will engage in PGAs which will cause significant and adverse network congestion.

It reduces the centralizing effects of MEV on the validator set

While mev-boost already does this in terms of democratizing access to MEV, there are still some centralizing effects from having MEV flowing to validators. For example, co-locating validator nodes close to relays means that validators can benefit from reduced latency and the higher bids that emerge in the final milliseconds of the slot. This latency advantage has compelling economies of scale for larger staking pools, which drives both economic and geographic centralization.

Strengthens PoS tokenomic design

For L2s that maintain their own gas token, APS simplifies the modeling of token rewards and penalties with regards to the validator set. This is because MEV no longer flows to the validators, which makes the validator risk/reward profile more deterministic and easier to reason about. Validators will just receive rewards as designed by the protocol and nothing more, which makes it easier to design PoS tokenomics. APS-burn also acts as a natural token sink, strengthening the tokenomics by having a deflationary effect on the token itself.

Future Work

As well as soliciting early feedback and peer review, we plan to work on determining how best to model this design so that we can understand the trade-offs in the design choices such as threshold encryption or VDFs, parameterization of the on-chain auction, per-bidder-collateralization or per-bid-bonding, and to understand the extent to which we can confidently predict the behavior of participants.

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Economics The case for decentralization increasing efficiency is overstated

Published: Jul 24, 2024

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Block-building on Ethereum has become quite centralized. 90% of blocks are auctioned off through MEV-Boost. Numerous solutions have been proposed, including anonymous inclusion lists and execution tickets. People are concerned about this, both for essentially ideological reasons, and for reasons of efficiency. Blockchains have an ethos of being open to all people, whether or not that is maximally efficient. There is a tradeoff between efficiency (in the sense of getting each block built in the most efficient way, by the most efficient builders) and ā€œfairnessā€, or including all transactions, if peopleā€™s use of the chain is unaffected by the degree of centralization. If blockchain users are concerned their transactions will eventually be sanctioned and rendered worthless, they may avoid that blockchain, or avoid cryptocurrencies altogether. Thus, seemingly inefficient decentralization may be optimal for the blockchain as a whole, and would be unanimously preferred by all blockbuilders to the present equilibrium.

I am concerned, however, that the efficiency case is overstated. Imagine there is a firm so efficient at MEV extraction that they build all of the blocks on chain. If them doing so would cause people to leave the blockchain altogether, then they are incentivized to not bid on some blocks at all.

In ā€œOn block-space distribution mechanismsā€, Neuder, Garavmidi, and Roughgarden propose execution-tickets as a mechanism for distributing block-building rights, using a proportional all-pay auction. Bidders buy lottery tickets for the right to build a block. In the example given, they have two buyers, buyer 1 with value 4, and buyer 2 with value 2. Under a perfectly efficient system, buyer one always gets the block, at price 2+epsilon. Under their all-pay system, buyer 1 bids 8/9th and buyer 2 bids 4/9th, with them receiving the block rights 2/3rds and 1/3rd of the time, respectively.

Under the description of the example, however, this necessarily cannot improve efficiency. If excessive centralization would scare away some users from using the chain at all, the winning monopolist is incentivized to give away some of the block. The value of efficiency is already reflected in their valuations. If you assume that their valuation is always higher, then you are assuming that there is no efficiency case whatsoever. You only have an ideological case, which is fine on its own terms ā€” but you should not mix and match arguments which overstate your case. Note too that we are only caring about one side of the ledger, those who want their transactions to be included. Mightnā€™t it be possible that some people are repulsed by cryptoā€™s shady reputation?

Nor should this necessarily apply in cases of monopolistic competition. To simply not bid is not the only way to redistribute blocks. If it were the case, the main block-builders would indeed be stuck in a prisonerā€™s dilemma ā€” they could choose not to bid, but they would have to all do it. If, however, the winners hold another auction for the block, with some of the fairness raising characteristics as before, they can decentralize to the extent which is optimal for them.The drawback is that now the builders internalize a smaller portion of the gains. There is a free-rider problem with decentralization. However, as the market becomes more decentralized, doubtless people will be less concerned about censorship.

The efficiency argument for decentralization therefore much smaller than it would appear. There should probably be a split between allocatively efficient auctions for blocks, and allocatively fair but inefficient markets. What is the right split between the two? It is highly unlikely that it is optimal to only sell blocks in one way all the time.

I think that this is an ideal question for a prediction market. The right amount of decentralization is a macro question. Youā€™re not going to be able to A/B test it in a couple days. Your choices are trying to influence peopleā€™s choice in the long run, and answer the question: what is the long run amount of decentralization that maximizes the amount of capital put on the chain. Is there any better use of prediction markets than this? I am somewhat agnostic to the exact method of determining the split ā€” and have no opinions whatsoever as to the proper proportion.

This post was first posted on my blog here. Thank you for reading this, please tell me if you disagree.

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Economics Builder Bidding Behaviors in ePBS

Published: Jul 23, 2024

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Special thanks to @soispoke for the review


Builder bidding strategies in the MEV-Boost world have been studied extensively over some time. Numerous excellent resources, literature, game-theoretic models, and archives capture the current builder bidding behaviors on how to win block building right for an Ethereum slot. Today, builder bidding war for MEV-Boost is a complex interplay between latencies, relays, and strategy effectiveness. In this post, we argue that builder bidding strategies become simpler in ePBS world and we highlight the key differences in how bidding strategies change under the new ePBS market space rules, strategy limitations, and reduced latency benefits in ePBS.

Market Spaces

Here, we summarize three types of market spaces. The first one is MEV-Boost. The second and third ones are ePBS. MEV-Boost is push + pull based market space, meaning the builders push the bids to the relays, and the proposer pulls the bids from the relays. ePBS contains two types of market spaces: the P2P Bid Gossip Netwok, which is push-based, and the Builder RPC Endpoint, which is pull-based.

  • MEV-Boost market space
    • Push + pull-based: The builders push bids to the relay, and the proposer pulls the bids from the relay.
  • ePBS market spaces
    • P2P market space
      • Push-based. The builder pushes the bid to the p2p network.
    • Builder RPC market space
      • Pull-based. The proposer pulls the bids from the builder RPC end points.

We define the following market space characteristics given how the consensus spec is written today. Builder-API is still TBD for ePBS.

MEV-Boost Market Space

  • Open auction: Builders that subscribe to the relayā€™s feed can see the every builderā€™s latest bid.
  • Continuous auction: Builders can bid multiple times and cancel previous bids.
  • Auction termination: The auction terminates when the proposer calls getHeader and when the relay returns the header to the proposer to sign. The relay may delay the header response for a timing game. This means the relayer has the final control over when the auction terminates.
  • Profit sharing: Some relays take the difference between the winning bid and the second-highest bid received from builders. This difference goes to the relay, with a portion potentially refunded to the builder. This transforms the auction dynamic into a second-price auction. However, not all relays adopt this approach, and complete trust in the relay is mandatory.
  • We assume the market space doesnā€™t verify block contents from the builder, hence it is an optimistic market space. The only delay is when the builder sends the block to the relay.

ePBS P2P Market Space

  • Open auction: Anyone can subscribe and listen to the P2P network for gossiped builder bids.
  • Single bid auction: To prevent DOS attacks on the P2P network, the current spec only allows builders to submit a single bid and above a certain minimum value. Any subsequent bid will be dropped by the nodes. There is no cancellation support over the P2P network.
  • Auction termination: The auction terminates when the proposer proposes the block which includes the builderā€™s bid. The proposer could play a timing game here and has the final control over when the auction terminates.
  • Profit sharing: The bid specifies the value, and the proposer gets the full value on the consensus layer as long as the consensus block that includes the bid remains canonical. Thereā€™s no profit sharing with 3rd parties.
  • The market space is still optimistic and doesnā€™t need to verify the execution contents at inclusion time. If the execution block later becomes invalid or fails to reveal, the proposer still gets unconditional payment. The only delay here is the builder sending the bid to the P2P network. This delay is argubly longer than using a relay in MEV-Boost market space.

ePBS Builder RPC Market Space

Note: The Builder API is undefined at this moment. This section is based on what we think the ePBS Builder API might look like, but itā€™s highly subjective to change and open for feedback. Below outlines one version of Builder API which we have been thinking.

  • Private auction: Only the proposer can request a bid from the builder. The proposer will sign the getHeader request using the builderā€™s public key. The builderā€™s bid remains private until requested by the proposer. Builders canā€™t sniff other buildersā€™ bids unless the builder API allows this or the builder voluntarily opens their bids to the public.
  • Single (maybe multiple?) bid auction: Builders allow proposers to request a bid once, and any subsequent requests will result in an error. Builders may also allow proposers to request bids multiple times without error; this specific detail is undefined, and itā€™s unclear what the Nash outcome is here. If builders allow multiple requests, then the builder must ensure previous bids are canceled.
  • Auction termination: The auction terminates when the proposer requests the header and the proposer receives the header. The builder can play a timing game, but this may backfire and lead to the proposer using another builderā€™s bid. Builder timing game will not work here, but proposer timing games are still relevant.
  • Profit sharing: Same as the P2P market space.
  • The market space is still optimistic, and the delay here is the builder returning the bid to the proposer. This delay is shorter than the P2P market space and likely the same as MEV-Boost if the builder is well co-located.

Builder Bidding Profiles under ePBS

In the Strategic Bidding Wars in On-chain Auctions, four profiles of builder behavior are listed in MEV-Boost auction:

  • Naive Behavior: Aggressively updates bids based on their valuation as long as the aggregated signal surpasses their profit margin.
  • Adaptive Behavior: Monitors the current highest bid and places a bid if able to outbid by a small constant. Defaults to the naive strategy if unable to outbid.
  • Last Minute Behavior: Reveals valuation at the final possible moment before auction termination to minimize the reaction window for other players.
  • Bluff Behavior: Initially places high bids (bluff) and later reverts to actual valuation, leveraging bid cancellation to compel other players to disclose their valuations.

Given the new market space in ePBS, we will examine which strategies are viable under the auction rules.

P2P Market Space

  • Naive, Adaptive, and Bluff Behaviors: These strategies are harder to execute since bids can only be sent once. The builder might use different staked addresses, each sending one bid. However, this requires staking on the consensus layer for each address, assuming payment is handled on the consensus layer. Additionally, bluffing is not possible because bids cannot be canceled.
  • Last Minute Behavior: This is the only possible strategy. Builders will reveal their valuation at the final moment before auction termination to minimize the reaction window for other players.

Builder RPC Market Space

  • Naive, Adaptive, Bluff, and Last Minute Behavior: For similar reasons to the P2P market space, these strategies are not possible. Additionally, the auction is private, meaning builders cannot see each otherā€™s bids. Most importantly, the auction has shifted from push-based to pull-based, so the builder no longer has control over when to submit bids. The only way for builders to get their bids to the proposer is through the proposerā€™s request.

We conclude that buildersā€™ bidding strategies are heavily limited under ePBS. For P2P, only last-minute bidding is possible. For Builder RPC, builders can only respond to the proposer as it is a pull-based model.

Market Space Considerations

We add a few more concerns in this section that was emphasized in the MEV-Boost market space but may no longer be relevant in ePBS market space.

Latency and DOS Concerns

Different market spaces impose varying latency constraints. In the P2P market space, builders push bids to the proposers, and the market operates as a large P2P gossip network constrained by anti-DOS measures. With 1 million validators, the worst-case scenario could mean 1 million bids. Due to these concerns, rules like disallowing multiple bids and ensuring bids are above certain values are necessary. The P2P network is inherently slow, so we donā€™t foresee serious bidders using it to win bids. However, the P2P market space is valuable for maintaining a good baseline for competitive bids that isnā€™t latency-sensitive. If builders using RPC collude to drive bid prices low, an altruistic builder over P2P can ensure the bid value baseline remains healthy and competitive with minimal effort. The baseline P2P bid value may also be used for burning in future iterations, as it only requires a 1/n honest assumption.

In the builder RPC market space, which is pull-based, latency matters significantly. Instead of two latencies (global and individual) defined in the MEV-Boost market space, thereā€™s only one individual delay to consider: how fast the builder can return the bids to the proposer. Delaying the return of getHeader may result in proposer missing builderā€™s bid.

Auction Interval Uncertainty

The auction interval uncertainty becomes clearer in ePBS because MEV-Boost middleware and relays no longer control the timing of when the block gets returned to the proposer or released to the network. The proposer either uses the pushed bids from the P2P network or pulls bids from the builders RPC. The proposer has the final say on the auction interval cut-off. From the builder RPC market space perspective, it will keep updating its bids until the proposer requests them.

New: Bluff Behavior under ePBS

In ePBS, proposers or builders may attempt to bluff other builders. This may not be scalable given the nature of the single bid auction over P2P and the fact that every builder is a validator and needs to have a stake on the beacon chain. One bluff strategy is for the proposer of next slot to reveal a high value P2P bid, intentionally stating that this is the bid it will include for the next slot unless others can beat it. This helps set the base price and forces everyone else to beat it. However, the proposer doesnā€™t have to include its bid.

Although itā€™s obvious that anyone can see that the bid comes from the proposer and just ignore it, the proposer may use sybil validators to perform the same bluff. However, itā€™s still unclear how scalable this strategy is, given that one bid equals one validator.

Open questions

The current ePBS market space design and requirements leave some open questions. We will summarize the open questions here for feedback:

  • P2P Market Space Conditions:

    • Every builder can only submit one bid, and the subsequent bids get dropped. Are there any advantages to allowing multiple bids here? If yes, then how many?
    • Every builderā€™s bid needs to be above a certain value to deter DOS attacks. What should the value be?
      • We can look at current or past empirical data here.
    • Thereā€™s a tradeoff between the number of bids allowed and the minimal values. If we set the values high, we may allow multiple bids.
    • Is there a strong argument for requiring bid cancellation?
  • Builder RPC Market Spaceā€™s Builder API Interface:

    • What does the Builder API interface look like?
      • We want to leverage the existing Builder API and aim for minimal changes.
      • When the proposer makes a header request to the builder, what should the request look like? Can we use the current get header request with a signature, or should we modify it?
      • Do we allow multiple getHeader requests, such as continuous polling from the proposer, or do we enforce a common standard?
    • What kind of auction is most ideal?
      • Sealed second-price auction may be most ideal.
      • How to design this over Builder API?
  • Comparing MEV-Boost Market Space to ePBS Market Space:

    • Do we lose anything in the ePBS market space that is important to maintain from the MEV-Boost market space?
  • Implications of staking pools also bidding:

    • Pools that hold a significant chunk of validators could be in a privileged position for submitting bids and manipulating the market extensively compared to a builder that doesnā€™t hold as many keys.
      • Is there an advantage to this asymmetry?
      • Will we see staking pools and builders teaming up, and how will this dynamic play out?

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Execution Layer Research Enabling standardized on chain executions through modular accounts

Published: Jul 22, 2024

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Enabling standardized on chain executions through Modular Accounts


This blogpost is intended to be an extension from a previous work ā€œ Self-sovereign identity and account abstraction for privacy preserving cross chain user operations across roll ups ā€ with the intent of proposing a system implementation of network features. In the previous work I tried to envision a system combining a three-layered architecture that I will briefly summarize here:

  1. An application layer comprises wallets and other service apps to facilitate the generation and management of Verifiable Credentials, set a permission logic for compiling user operation objects through apps.
  2. A network layer based on different L2s, which include a Keystore contract and Smart Contract Accounts. This layer is responsible for generating Zero-Knowledge Proofs (ZKPs) and Merkle proofs for Sequencers. The Keystore contract manages encryption keys and user authentication, ensuring the correct key pairing for Verifiable Credentials and Operations. Smart Contract Accounts verify user operations, by validating ZK cryptographic proofs to ensure the integrity of the signatures of the transactions before they are executed.
  3. A sequencing layer which interconnects L2s with Ethereum main-net and manages the execution of batches of transactions anchoring Roll-up IDs to sequencing networks batching, validation cross chain atomic transactions via the Keystore roll-up, and the Roll-up contract within Ethereumā€™s slots.

Today, I am trying to focus on some elements on the 1 and 2 layer, sitting in the conjunction between External Owned Accounts and Contract Accounts trying to envision an implementation pathway for the adoption of standardized on chain execution.

The concept

To facilitate the adoption of blockchain based services globally there is a need for standardizing secure, privacy and regulatory-compliant on chain executions to scale. As we move towards a more decentralized future, ensuring cyber security, data minimization from origination to processing, and improving UX in executing on chain operations is crucial.

This blog post introduces a framework based on the ERC 7579 proposal, which integrates a module to lavage onchain verifiable credentials and zero-knowledge (zk) proofs in the context of modular smart accounts. This framework aims to standardize onchain executions by separating user authentication and transaction authorization while preserving privacy and regulatory requirements throughout the transaction lifecycle.

The core function of the system described involves validating zk proofs generated by VCs to authenticate users and authorize operations. This makes the Validation Module the most appropriate choice, as it is designed to validate user operations before they are executed.

The Validation Module allows for checking the validity and authenticity of zk proofs, ensuring that only legitimate user operations are processed.

For reference, the framework considers a minimal set of ERC for implementation:

  • ERC 7579 - Minimal Modular Smart Accounts: to set a module to validate user operations by verifying ZK proofs derived from verifiable credentials (VCs) ensuring that user operations are authenticated and authorized before execution.

  • ERC 1271 - Standard Signature Validation Method for Contracts: to standardize how smart contracts validate signatures, defining the function to verify the validity of a signature, crucial for transaction authorization.

  • ERC 4337 - Account Abstraction Using Alt Mempool: to abstract account management and operations, enabling more complex and user-friendly interactions allowing smart contract accounts to handle user operations and transaction executions.

  • ERC 165 - Standard Interface Detection: to allow contracts to declare support for certain interfaces and enabling smart contracts to query and interact with other contracts that implement specific interfaces.

High-level process flow

The framework leverages the strengths of different proposals to create a robust, secure, and privacy-preserving onchain execution environment.

I list here a high-level overview:

  1. Users issue on chain merklized Verifiable Credentials (VCs) through a contract identifier operated by an issuer. These credentials are stored in the userā€™s identity wallet (EOA)
  2. Users generate and validate ZK proofs derived from their VCs through a contract verifier to access service apps and compile User Operation objects.
  3. Smart Contract Account entry point perform canonical verification loop according ERC 4337.
  4. The validation module verifies the zk proofs against the VCs in the execution loop and upon successful validation, the module calls the isValidSignature function as defined by ERC 1271 to authorize entry point to executeUserOps.
  5. Smart contract Account entry point executes onchain operations and distributes the fees to the Bundler address.

Market & Business Considerations

This framework offers significant value for large-scale enterprise services requiring validation logic before authorizing onchain operations. By integrating SSI and zk proofs, enterprises can ensure privacy and regulatory compliance while enhancing security and efficiency. The separation of authentication and authorization further strengthens the systemā€™s robustness.

Here a short list of valuable use cases that would fit nicely with this logic:

  1. Trading: A DeFi platform allows users to interact with various financial services such as lending, borrowing, and trading. The platform issues VCs containing user identity and KYC information. Whenever a user wants to execute a financial transaction, they submit a zk proofs on VC and compile user operations objects along as operation request. The Validation Module verifies the zk proof against the stored VC and upon successful verification, the entry point is executing the operations on chain.
  2. DAOs: a decentralized voting system allows DAO members to vote for grants allocation privacy preserving and reducing conflict of interest. Voters authenticate themselves using VCs and zk proofs to cast their votes and upon the voting completion the entry point executes grants allocations on chain according to the voting results.
  3. Supply chain: a management system tracks the manufacturing and logistics of goods, participants in the supply chain authenticate using VCs and zk proofs to update and access the status of goods up to the distributor and at the moment of the sale the entry point execute onchain rewards, or payment premiums, to the different members.

Conclusion & further thoughts

When we look forward to what kind of functionalities we would like to have as user for the future I believe there has been a big trend in providing standardization through native abstraction, modularity, and functional collaboration between EOAs and SCAs. Considering the future road map of Ethereum in Pectra, EIP 7702 sets the way for a new transaction type which enables account properties of both externally owned accounts (EOAs) and Smart Contract Accounts (SCAs). Furthering looking ahead, there is a way to set ā€œnative account abstractionā€ by RIP 7560 and ERC 7562 which align with ERC 4337 rules at least on validation rules.

A side of this is also important EIP 7212 proposes a precompiled contract to perform signature verifications using the secp256r1 elliptic curve. This curve, also known as P-256, is widely supported in modern devices like Appleā€™s Secure Enclave, Webauthn, and Android Keychain, and Passkeys. This would allows more efficient and flexible management of accounts by transaction signs in mobile devices. Both EIP 7702 and EIP 7212 are potentially taking place in Pectra.

Network harmonization is a key capability of every growing community, in this context personally I see value in further exploring the use of keystore contracts, session keys and passkeys as additional features to provide security, flexibility and usability to the product experience.

Passkeys can be used to authenticate users providing a smoother UX while combining strong user authentication. Session keys can improve security of communication at application level, meaning when users are interacting with dapps for using market services, and keystore contract could represent an reliable solution for setting a functional framework for operating key sessions.

The shared focus on improving account flexibility and security through different methods highlights the committment of the communityā€™s to address scalability, usability, and security concerns within the Ethereum network. In this setting collaboration between EOAs and SCAs, and additional features as passkeys keystore contracts can live in a modular setting where specific modules enforce optional rules for executions, and different cryptographic tecniques could ensure data minimization for controllers and processors.

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Proof-of-Stake Diseconomies of Scale: Anti-Correlation Penalties (EIP-7716)

Published: Jul 20, 2024

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Diseconomies of Scale: Anti-Correlation Penalties (EIP-7716)

Special thanks to DappLion and Vitalik for their collaborative effort on the overall concept, and Anders and Julian for their valuable feedback on this post!

Ethereum relies on a decentralized set of validators to ensure properties like credible neutrality and censorship resistance. Validators stake a certain amount of ETH to participate in Ethereumā€™s consensus and secure the network. In return, validators receive rewards directly from the protocol (#issuance) as well as execution layer rewards when proposing a block, which include transaction fees and MEV from the blocks they propose (#mevboost). As of today, thousands, if not tens of thousands, of small-sized entities run validators from their homes despite several disadvantages. These include the risk and responsibility of operating and maintaining a node, the technical burden associated with setup and upkeep, potential downtime, and the lack of a liquid staking token that would otherwise provide flexibility and liquidity.

With the ongoing maturation of Ethereumā€™s PoS, weā€™ve encountered various centralizing forces inherent to the current protocol:

  • EL Reward Variance: While attestation rewards are distributed fairly evenly, the rewards for proposing a block can vary significantly. This variation arises because MEV is extremely spiky, resulting in a few outlier blocks with proposer profits exceeding 10 ETH. Large operators running many validators have better chances of capturing these ā€œjuicyā€ blocks. Although over many years the earnings of individual validators should average out, the future remains uncertain. Assuming 1 million validators and 2,628,000 slots per year, the probability of being selected as a proposer is ~0.0001%. On average, a validator can expect to propose \frac{1,000,000}{365.25 \times 7200} = 2.628 blocks per year (there are 7200 slots per day). From April 2023 to April 2024, the percentage of blocks with more than 10 ETH was 0.004041%. Statistically, a single validator will eventually propose a block with more than 10 ETH of MEV, but itā€™s unknown whether this will happen this year or in ten years, and by then, MEV issues might be resolved. While solo stakers literally participate in a lottery, large operators can average their profits and plan for the future with greater certainty.
    Over 1 year, the probability of a random validator getting at least one block with >10 ETH profits is 0.1%:
P(\text{at least one 10} \, \text{ETH} \, \text{block}) = 1 - (1 - 0.0004041)^n = 1 - (1 - 0.0004041)^{2.628}

If you control 1% of all validators (~10k validators), the probability of getting at least one block with more than 10 ETH of MEV climbs to approximately 99.99% over one year.

The following chart shows the cumulative sum of MEV-Boost payments on the y-axis and the cumulative number of MEV-Boost payments on the x-axis. We can see that 90% of all blocks distribute around 44% of the total value, leaving 56% to be distributed to the lucky 10% of proposers.

  • Reorgs: ā€œHonest reorgsā€ occur when the proposer of slot n_{1} orphans the block of the proposer of slot n_{0} because that block hasnā€™t received at least 40% of the slotā€™s committee membersā€™ votes. By using proposer boost, these ā€œweakā€ blocks (those with less than 40% attestations) can be reorged by the next proposer to penalize the previous proposer for poor performance, such as being late and therefore rugging some attesters for their correct head votes. Reorgs can have centralizing forces and the more stake an entity holds, the more strategically it can decide whether to reorg a particular block. Large-scale operators have more safety because they can ensure their own validators never vote to reorg their own blocks. Essentially, all nodes of an entity can coordinate to always vote for the current slotā€™s block rather than its parent if the current block comes from that entity. This coordination potentially allows large entities to risk broadcasting their block later in the slot while still having a high probability of the block becoming canonical. Analysis has shown that by second 4 of the slot, 40% of all attestations for that slot have been seen. A large operator, who controls many validators and knows that these validators will never vote to reorganize its blocks, can slightly delay block propagation without significantly increasing its risk. The same principle applies when a single entity owns consecutive slots. In theory, this entity could wait until the end of the slot (or even longer) before publishing its block. Then, it could use the next slot to solidify that weak block into the chain by leveraging proposer boost.

  • Proposer Timing Games: Proposer timing games (also see [1], [2]) is a term that summarizes a strategy applied by some block proposers in which they delay their proposal to give the builder more time for extracting MEV. This leads to increased profits for the proposer but evidently comes with a negative impact on other proposers and especially attesters. Proposer timing games are risky because late blocks have an increased chance of being reorged. In general, large-size operators face lower risks when playing timing games than small-size entities. This stems from the fact that larger operators are on average more sophisticated and have better connectivity in the P2P network: What might be a late block for an Australian validator (go sassal :crown:) might be just in time for a US-based Coinbase validator. Thus, the lower the latency, the more a validator can risk delaying.

\textbf{The above symptoms are all exacerbated by one thing, namely...}
\underline{\mathbf{economies\ of\ scale.}}

Economies of scale are nothing new and the crypto landscape isnā€™t immune either. Looking at Wikipedia, it is defined as ā€œthe cost advantages that enterprises obtain due to their scale of operation [ā€¦]ā€, and the same applies to Ethereum staking:

Large operators like Coinbase, Kraken, or Kiln can leverage economies of scale to make staking even more profitable. This allows them to offer rewards competitive with those of solo stakers, even after taking their cut. To illustrate this, consider a simple example (the exact numbers are not important here):

Entity Validators on one Node Hardware Costs Other Costs Total Cost ($)
Solo Staker 1 validator 1 Intel NUC ($ 1,200) $ 5,000 $ 6,200
Coinbase 1,000 validators 1 Intel NUC ($ 1,200) $ 50,000 $ 51,200

For more realistic numbers, refer to the latest EthStaker survey published here. By allocating 10x as much in Other Costs for large operators, we account for the increased complexity of setting up multiple validators on one machine. This is realistic enough for the point weā€™re making here.

We can see the effects of economies of scale: the machine used by Coinbase will generate 1,000 times the profits compared to solo stakers, while the costs are only eight times higher. As a result, the ROI for large-scale operators is significantly better.

Using one hardware device for multiple validators is just one piece of the puzzle. Others include:

  • Cloud service provider
  • ISPs
  • Geographical locations
  • Maintenance responsibilities
  • Client software
  • And many moreā€¦

In all these categories, the goal is maximum diversity to minimize the risk of external factors degrading or damaging the network. Despite this goal, economically rational players might prefer a one-stop-shop solution, such as running a Lighthouse + Geth node on a Google/AWS/Hetzner instance located in central Europe, maintained by a dedicated team of specialists. While this setup may perform well in terms of efficiency, Ethereum should not create incentives that further exacerbate centralization.

But who is large-scale and whose not?

The protocol itself does not know which validator is operated by which entity. From the protocolā€™s perspective, a Coinbase validator looks the same as a solo staker. Therefore, to prevent correlations from emerging, we cannot simply scale rewards and penalties based on the market share of the entity behind a validator. For more on this topic, I recommend BarnabĆ©ā€™s post, ā€œSeeing Like a Protocolā€.

Fortunately, economies of scale inherently come with correlations, which is something the protocol can be made aware of. Leveraging economies of scale may linearly scale with correlations, thus we can implement rules to dynamically scale economic incentives and steer the validator set toward diversification.

Penalizing correlated faults isnā€™t something new to Ethereum. In the current slashing mechanism, a ā€œmaliciousā€ validator is initially penalized by a reduction of 1/32 of their effective balance when they are slashed. After being halfway through the withdrawal period, they are subject to an additional penalty (the correlation penalty) that scales with the number of validators (specifically their stake) who were slashed around the same time (+/- 18 days). Therefore, a solo staker accidentally voting for two different head blocks, which is a slashable offense, would lose significantly less than a party with a 20% market share (assuming all 20% collectively fail).

In the end, the goal must be to incentivize validators to diversify their setup. As shown in the following example, we want validators to reduce their correlation with other validators, making the whole network more robust against external influences.


The goal of ā€œEIP-7716: Anti-Correlation Attestation Penaltiesā€ is to get us closer to diseconomies of scale. The more homogeneous an entityā€™s staking setup, the more it should be penalized while non-correlated setups profit from the proposed changes.

With anti-correlation penalties, the previous ā€œeconomies of scale vs number of validatorsā€ might be more like the following:

Anti-correlation penalties were first described by Vitalik in an ethresearch post. After some initial analyses and a more concrete proposal available, the EIP is now at the point where everyone is invited to look into the inner workings of correlated penalties and leave feedback.

In short, the EIP proposes to multiply the missed (source) vote penalty by a penalty factor that ranges from 0 to 4 but equals 1 on average (notably, this is important to not touch the issuance policy).

How does 7716 work?

Variable Symbol Description Value
penalty_factor p Penalty scaling factor dynamic
net_excess_penalties p_{exc} Net excess penalties dynamic
non_participating_balance balance_{non\_attesting} Sum balance of not/wrong attesting validators dynamic
PENALTY_ADJUSTMENT_FACTOR p_{adjustment} Penalty adjustment factor 2**12
MAX_PENALTY_FACTOR p_{max} Maximum penalty factor 4
EXCESS_PENALTY_RECOVERY_RATE p_{recovery} Rate by which the excess penalty decreases 1

The final values for the constants are still to be decided.

The penalty factor p scales the slot penalties to a maximum of MAX_PENALTY_FACTOR, or down. Itā€™s determined the following:

p = \min\left(\frac{balance_{non\_attesting}\ \times\ p_{adjustment}}{\max(p_{excess},\ 0.5)\times\ balance_{total}\ +\ 1},\ p_{max} \right)

and from the pyspec implementation; h/t dapplion:

penalty_factor = min(
    ((total_balance - participating_balance) * PENALTY_ADJUSTMENT_FACTOR) // 
    (max(self.net_excess_penalties, 0.5) * total_balance + 1),

The formula calculates the penalty factor as a ratio of the ā€œpenalty weightā€ of non-attesting validators to the net excess penalty scaled by the balance of all validators. A higher penalty adjustment factor increases the sensitivity of the penalty factor. Conversely, a higher net excess penalty leads to a lower penalty factor.

Finally, this is how the penalty_factor variable would be used:

def get_flag_index_deltas(state: BeaconState, flag_index: int) -> Tuple[Sequence[Gwei], Sequence[Gwei]]:
    Return the deltas for a given ``flag_index`` by scanning through the participation flags.
    for index in get_eligible_validator_indices(state):
        base_reward = get_base_reward(state, index)
        if index in unslashed_participating_indices:
            if not is_in_inactivity_leak(state):
                reward_numerator = base_reward * weight * unslashed_participating_increments
                rewards[index] += Gwei(reward_numerator // (active_increments * WEIGHT_DENOMINATOR))
        elif flag_index != TIMELY_SOURCE_FLAG_INDEX:
            # [New in correlated_penalties]
            slot = committee_slot_of_validator(state, index, previous_epoch)
            penalty_factor = compute_penalty_factor(state, slot) 
            penalties[index] += Gwei(penalty_factor * base_reward * weight // WEIGHT_DENOMINATOR)
    return rewards, penalties

We check if we are dealing with source votes (line 12), derive the slot in which the validator was supposed to vote (line 14), compute the penalty factor (line 15), and multiply it by the base reward (line 16).

Although source votes might be a good starting point, the concept can be equally appied to head and target votes.

The p_{exc} is updated at the end of each slot using:

p_{exc} = \max(p_{recovery},\ p_{exc} + p) - p_{recovery}

Which equals to:

net_excess_penalties = max(
        net_excess_penalties + penalty_factor

We can observe the following dynamics:

  • If the balance of non-attesting validators increases, the penalty factor also increases.
  • If the balance of non-attesting validators remains the same, the penalty factor approaches 1.
  • If the balance of non-attesting validators decreases, the penalty factor can go below 1 for a while and then approach 1 afterward.

When the non_participating_balance continuously increases for several rounds, the penalty_factor and the net_excess_penalties also increase. This continues until the non_participating_balance stops increasing. Then, the net_excess_penalties and the penalty_factor start decreasing together.

With the net_excess_penalties keeping track of the excess penalties of past epochs, the formula can self-regulate what constitutes a ā€œlargeā€ number of misses and what does not.

This mechanism ensures that the sum of penalties doesnā€™t change with this EIPā€”only the distribution does.

Some FAQs

1. Wouldnā€™t that be even worse for solo stakers?

No. Solo stakers, commonly referred to as small-scale operators or individuals running 1-10 validators from home, are expected to behave in a very uncorrelated manner compared to larger operators. Although factors like geographical location and client software can impact correlations, solo stakers are likely to be offline at different times than large-scale operators such as Coinbase or Kraken. As a result, the penalties solo stakers receive are smaller than those in the current system. In contrast, if a large-scale operatorā€™s staking setup has a bug causing all their validators to fail to attest, the correlation is clear and the penalties are higher.

This expectation was first confirmed in an initial analysis on anti-correlation penalties, which showed that solo stakers and Rocketpool operators would have been better off, while large-scale operators would have received higher penalties on average.

2. Wouldnā€™t that discourage people from using minority clients?

No. In fact, it encourages using minority clients. Using the majority clients leads to higher correlations. For example, if the Lighthouse client has a bug causing attesters to vote for the wrong source, the correlation is high and the penalty increases. Conversely, if all Lodestar attesters fail, it is considered a much smaller collective fault. The correlation penalty is more forgiving to a small minority than to a majority client. So, even if minority clients are expected to have more bugs, correlation penalties can steer validators toward using them.

3. Why would it benefit decentralization?

Anti-correlation penalties effectively differentiate between small and large operators without relying on validators that have consolidated their stake or other out-of-protocol solutions. By introducing economic incentives for diversified behavior, we benefit small players who are already ā€œanti-correlatedā€ while encouraging large players to reduce the impact of external factors such as one-node setups, or cloud providers on their staking operations.

4. Wouldnā€™t that just lead to big parties investing in increased fault tolerance while even increasing the correlations?

If big parties invest in increased fault tolerance, itā€™s still beneficial. Enhancing fault tolerance is difficult and expensive. At some point, it becomes cheaper to invest in anti-correlation than in further fault tolerance improvements. While large operators might have to move validators from popular cloud platforms to different environments, solo stakers running their nodes from home can continue as they are. Anything that costs large operators money but is free for solo stakers (=diseconomies of scale) fosters decentralization.

The main argument is, that no matter how big operators react, either going for anti-correlation or, doing the opposite, putting all validators on a single extremely robust node, both cost money and reduce their APY. As fault tolerance has its limits, there is no escape from harsher penalties other than diversifying.

5. This sounds super dangerous, as I could be penalized for 32 ETH just by missing a single source vote.

This is incorrect since the penalty_factor variable is capped at 4 (to be analyzed). Capping ensures that the correlation penalties never get out of hand.

6. Why only focus on source votes and not do the same for head and target votes?

This is a good question and since research on that topic is still at the very beginning this isnā€™t decided yet. An argument against head and target votes is the fact that they depend on external factors: as shown in previous analysis, head votes are sensitive to proposer timing games. So, if those timing games become more and more the standard, less well-connected validators (oftentimes solo stakers) could potentially be worse off. However, this analysis showed that it would be the opposite and in the long run, small-size stakers would profit from anti-correlation penalties. The same applies to target votes that are harder to get right in the first slot of an epoch compared to every other slot. Nevertheless, in the long run, this should smooth out across validators, allowing us to do anti-correlation penalties for all parts of an attestation, source-, target-, and head votes.

Useful links:

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Proof-of-Stake Commit-Boost: Proposer Platform to Safely Make Commitments

Published: Jul 19, 2024

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The following post is an introduction to some and an update to others on a community effort called Commit-Boost. Much of this has already been discussed in various public domains / presentations / documentation. Thank you to all the countless teams that already have contributed / committed to contributing to this effort including researchers, validators, builders, relays, client teams, consulting firms, teams building commitment protocols, L2s, restaking platforms, shared sequencers, wallets, and countless others. Please reach out if you would like to contribute to this effort for Ethereum.


  • Due to the risks developing for Ethereum, core development, and its validator set, a group of teams / individuals are working on developing a public good called Commit-Boost
  • Commit-Boost is an open-source public good that is fully compatible with MEV-Boost but acts as a light-weight validator platform to safely make commitments
  • Specifically, Commit-Boost is a new Ethereum validator sidecar that is focused on standardizing the last mile of communication between validators and proposer commitment protocols
  • Commit-Boost has been designed with safety and modularity at its core, with the goal of not limiting the market downstream including stakeholders, flows, proposer commitments, enforcement mechanisms, etc.
  • While we should always be skeptical of out-of-protocol solutions that directly impact infrastructure this close to the Ethereum protocol layer, if we are going to rely on these solutions, we believe they should be developed, sustained, and governed in a way that encompasses many of the views previously voiced by the community. We have tried to embrace this and strive to model Commit-Boost after it


  • Proposer commitments have been an important part of Ethereumā€™s history. Today, we already see the power of commitments where over 90% of validators give up their autonomy and make a wholesale commitment that outsources block building to a sophisticated actor called a block builder
  • However, most are starting to agree on a common denominator: in the future, beacon proposers will face a broader set of options of what they may ā€œcommit" toā€“be it inclusions lists or preconfs or other types of commitments such as long-dated blockspace futuresā€“compared to just an external or local payload they see today
  • A post from Barnabe captures this well; during block construction, the validator ā€œā€¦creates the specs, or the template, by which the resulting block must be created, and the builders engaged by the proposer are tasked with delivering the block according to its specificationsā€
  • While this all seems great, the challenge is that many teams building commitments are creating new sidecars driving fragmentation and risks for Ethereum
  • For Ethereum, there are going to be significant challenges and increased risks during upgrades if there are a handful of sidecars that validators are running
  • For validators, these risks potentially take us to a world where proposers will need to make decisions on which teams to ā€œbet onā€ and which sidecars they will need to run to participate in what those teams are offering
  • For homestakers, this is difficult and they likely will be unable to participate in more than one of these commitments
  • For sophisticated actors, this increases the attack vector and operational complexity as more and more sidecars are required to be run
  • Another side effect of this is validators are somewhat locked into using a specific sidecar due to limited operational capacity and the switching costs of running a different sidecar (i.e., vendor lock-in). The higher the switching costs, the more embedded network effects could become if these sidecars only support certain downstream actors / proposer commitment protocols
  • This also could create a dynamic where core out-of-protocol infrastructure supporting Ethereum which should be a public good, starts being used for monetization, distribution, or other purposes
  • Due to these dynamics, various teams and individuals across the community are driving the development and testing of open-source / public good software called Commit-Boost. This effort includes researchers, validators, builders, relays, client teams, consulting firms, protocols building commitments, L2s, restaking platforms, and countless others across the community

Commit-Boost Overview

Commit-Boost is a community-driven, open-source project developing an unopinionated validator platform to enable safe interactions with commitments. Some of its features include:

  • Unification: Core devs will be able to interact and work with one standard during Ethereum forks / upgrades / when and if things go wrong
  • Backward compatibility + more: Commit-Boost is not only backward compatible with MEV-Boost, but will improve the life of validators who only run MEV-Boost through increased reporting, telemetry / other off-the-shelf tools validators can employ
  • Opt-in without running more sidecars: Commit-Boost will allow proposers who want to opt into other commitments do so without having to run multiple sidecars
  • Robust support: Commit-Boost the software is supported by a not-for-profit entity. This team will be focused on security and robustness through policies and procedures with follow-the-sun type models where there is support 24/7 if / when things go wrong. This team will also be focused on testing and adjustments needed during hard forks and have a team to interact with to help during adoption, improvements, and sustainment
  • Not VC-backed public good: This team and effort will not be VC-backed. There is no monetization plan. The entity will not be able to sell itself and will not start any monetizable side businesses

Robustness, Sustainability, and Security

  • Commit-Boost is being developed as a fully open-source project with contributions from teams across the Ethereum tech stack including from validators, client teams, relays, builders, consulting firms, researchers, and many others. This effort with input and support from these teams will help develop a robust product integrating many perspectives
  • Commit-Boost will go through code reviews and audits once fully developed
  • As noted below, there also will be a full-time team that helps maintain and upgrade the software with their core focus on 100% uptime and when there are bugs, robust processes to quickly address and fix
  • The software stack is also built with the validator at the core and includes off-the-shelf tools for monitoring as well as reducing and proactively addressing any risks that may arise
  • Last, this public good software will have minimal, but critical open governance around future upgrades with input across the Ethereum

Team Supporting / Governance of Commit-Boost Software

  • Entity supporting the software: Not-for-profit entity
  • Multiple-person team: Multiple devs that focus on transparency, sustainment / development, and research with an initial focus around Commit-Boost the software
  • Transparency: Open-source repo and governance calls (see below)
  • Sustainment / Development: 24/7 follow-the-sun coverage and highly engaged with client teams around upgrades / early in getting testnet support
  • Research: Helping with open-source research across Ethereum
  • Governance: This is still a WIP, but at a minimum will run a Commit-Boost, ACD-like calls (first one coming soon) to engage with stakeholders and drive consensus on upgrades / help coordinate around hard forks. A credibly neutral community member will lead these calls / this process that has experience with running governance processes over critical software within the Ethereum community
  • Funding: All grants

Where Will the Grants Come From

The team is in the process of applying for grants from across the ecosystem. We are initially applying to a few organizations across the community that are supporting grants across research organizations and firms focused on PBS and staking. If teams are interested in providing a grant, feel free to comment below / reach out.

Technical Roadmap

Commit-Boost is currently in the MVP phase with testing underway in Holesky with multiple validators. This includes the full functionality of a PBS Module implementing MEV-Boost with additional telemetry and metrics collection. We are continuing the development and feature set of Commit-Boost targeting production-ready software and audits kicking off at the end of Q3. More details are in the Commit-Boost repo and we are keen to get feedback / engage with the community around these.

Some near-term high-level highlights from the roadmap include:

  • Optimized and functional MEV-Boost module including multiple metrics for reporting and extensions such as configurable timing for get_header / get_payload calls
  • Pre-made dashboards on Grafana for all core services
  • Improved reliability and integrations for incident response
  • R&D / spec signing mechanism to fit as many validator set-ups as possible
  • Expanding modularity and optionality (i.e., supporting different types of signatures and modules)

Commit-Boost Design Principles

  • Built for validators: Platform that not only can help validators today (i.e., can improve the lives of validators even if they just run an MEV-Boost module) but allows validators to be ready for the market of tomorrow (i.e., preconfs, inclusion lists, etc)
  • Neutrality: No opinions, the platform will be proposer commitment agnostic, relay agnostic, transaction flow agnostic, etc. The goal is to build a platform that doesnā€™t limit the design space downstream while reducing risks of fragmentation for validators and Ethereum
  • Unified: Validators run one core sidecar with the ability to opt into many different commitments
  • Safety: Open-source code developed with input by the community with community reviews / audits
  • Reduce risks: Modularized and transparency are core to reducing risk / overhead for the proposer to manage commitments and their broader operational processes
  • Values aligned: Public good with no plans for monetization. We will continuously ask ourselves: would Vitalik run Commit-Boost and can this be designed in a way to increase the decentralization of Ethereum block construction

From the Perspective of the Proposer

More details on what it takes to run Commit-Boost as a node operator can be found here. Please note that this has not been finalized and over the next few weeks we will be making updates (see roadmap / milestones above).

  • Run a single sidecar with support for MEV-Boost and other proposer commitments protocols, such as precons / other commitments
  • Out-of-the-box support for metrics reporting and dashboards to have clear insight around what is happening in your validator seen through dashboards such as Grafana
  • Plug-in system to add custom modules, i.e., receive a notification on Telegram if a relay fails to deliver a block
  • Standardized way to provide a signature to opt into a commitment
  • Creates constraints / condition sets and pass these constraints downstream

From the Perspective of the Proposer Commitment Protocol / Module Creator

More details on what it takes to build a module / metrics can be found here. Please note that this has not been finalized and over the next few weeks we will finalize moving parts that impact module creators (see roadmap / milestones above).

  • A modular platform to develop and distribute proposer commitments protocols
  • A single API to interact with validators
  • Support for hard-forks and new protocol requirements

Architecture of Commit-Boost

More details can be found in the Commit-Boost documentation. However, below is a schematic of Commit-Boost. This proposed architecture allows proposers to run one sidecar, but still retain the ability to opt into a network of proposer commitment modules. More specifically, with this middleware, the proposer will only need to (in the case of delegation / light weight commitments) run one sidecar and limit their responsibilities to only selecting which module / proposer commitment protocol they would like to subscribe to.

It is important to note that the below depiction contains just a few examples of proposer commitment modules that can run on Commit-Boost. The design space for modules is completely open / not gated by the Commit-Boost software and proposers will be responsible for opting into the commitments they wish to subscribe to (i.e., a proposer is responsible for which modules they will subscribe to).


  • Proposer: entity, staking pool NoOp, or DVT cluster with the right to propose the next block
  • Commitment: a constraint or condition that the proposer choses and agrees to via a signature
  • Key Manager: some proposers use key managers or remote signers as part of their proposer / validator duties. Please note, that Commit-Boost is being designed in a way where it does not require validators to run key managers and working on solutions for monolithic set-ups
  • Consensus Client: for example, Lighthouse or Teku (see here for more details)
  • Commitment Modules: community-built modules allowing proposers to make commitment, including some of the logic of the proposer commitment protocol
  • Signer API: The signer API is one of the core components around Commit-Boost. This is used to provide signatures from the proposer to the proposer commitment protocol. This is still in the design but proxy signatures will be used in nearly all cases (there are some outlier cases). For more details on the API please see here. For an example of how to communicate with the Signer API, please see here

Using this as a middleware instead of direct modification to the consensus client or running a sidecar per commitment will allow for each component to be sustained independently and will provide for cross proposer commitment compatibility. This will also allow for a bit of time for the market to play out, but via a public good, standardize the last mile of communication to help address the risks (discussed in the background section above) developing. Once the market does play out, and the community is able to observe some dynamics (the good and the bad), we can and should push for CL changes.


  • Commit-Boost Repo
  • Commit-Boost documentation
  • List of presentations
  • Original post on ETH Research, read more here
  • First presentation to the community can be found here
  • Second presentation at zuBerlin can be found here
  • zuBerlin Devnet notion can be found here
  • Mev-Boost Community call here
  • Espresso / One Balance Sequencing day here (this will be updated when the link is ready)
  • Gattaca MEV Day here (this will be updated when the link is ready)

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Tools What is "RealTPS" in Blockchain

Published: Jul 19, 2024

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Authors: @Kyungmin @bicoCrypto @solmingming Members of @DecipherGlobal SNU Blockchain Research Center


The current concept of TPS (Transactions Per Second) in blockchain is being disclosed in an ambiguous and opaque manner, conflicting with blockchainā€™s core value of transparency. This article reconsiders the definition of transactions in blockchain, compares theoretical figures with actual measurements, evaluates existing measurement tools, introduces our self-developed tool, and proposes a more accurate and transparent TPS measurement method.


The biggest change in the transition from Web2 to Web3 is decentralization. This has led to improved system accessibility and increased information transparency. However, there is still opaque information in the blockchain ecosystem, with TPS being a prime example.

In transaction processing systems, especially financial systems, TPS is a crucial performance indicator. However, the TPS information currently provided in blockchain is limited to simple figures, with detailed information about measurement methods and processes remaining opaque.

While blockchain smart contracts are operated transparently through verification and auditing, we still rely on the foundationā€™s system for the blockchain nodes themselves, lacking verification procedures similar to smart contracts.

TPS in traditional Web2

When discussing blockchain TPS, VISAā€™s processing capability is often mentioned as a comparison. VISA officially announced a processing capability of 24,000 TPS, but this has been questioned:

In centralized Web2 systems, itā€™s difficult to verify such issues. However, blockchain (Web3) systems are decentralized and their code is managed as open source, making it possible to verify TPS.

TPS in Web3

In blockchain systems with public nodes and permissionless nodes, anyone can participate in the network, operate nodes, and access the system. Even without connecting to the mainnet or testnet, the source code is publicly available, allowing independent network construction or modification after forking.

Ethereum and most EVM-compatible blockchains publish high TPS figures. For example, Avalanche C-Chain is introduced as capable of achieving 4,500 TPS. However, information on how this figure was measured is not provided.

Time to Define Transaction

In EVM blockchains, the term ā€œTransactionā€ is used in various contexts:

  • SendTransaction: Simply refers to the act of sending a transaction, without guaranteeing the final state or completeness of the transaction.
  • PendingTransaction: The state where a transaction is waiting in the nodeā€™s memory pool (Mempool).
  • QueuedTransaction: Similar to Pending, waiting in the nodeā€™s memory pool, but distinguished in the serialization process through Nonce.
  • ConfirmedTransaction: The state where a transaction receipt has been issued, indicating the transaction has succeeded or failed.

We believe that TPS should be calculated based on ConfirmedTransactions when measuring. Based on this, we propose the following formula for calculating TPS:
TPS = BlockGasLimit / (TxGasUsed * BlockCreationTime)

Currently, Avalanche C-Chainā€™s BlockGasLimit is 15,000,000

Even assuming the simplest transaction (TxGasUsed = 21,000) and the shortest block creation time (BlockCreationTime = 1 second), the theoretical maximum TPS is 715. This shows a significant difference from the officially announced 4,500 TPS. (The actual measured value would naturally be even lower)

We speculate that this difference may occur due to:

  • The transaction standard used in TPS calculation may not be ConfirmedTransaction
  • The Avalanche version that achieved 4,500 TPS may differ from the version currently used in public nodes
  • Differences in TPS measurement methods and methodologies

Such opaque information raises questions about the reliability and accuracy of TPS figures.
Monad has published a critical analysis of these limitations of blockchain TPS: WTF is TPS?

TPS Benchmark Tools

There are currently two main blockchain TPS benchmark tools in use:

  1. Hyperledger Caliper: Developed by the Hyperledger Foundation
  2. ChainHammer: Recommended by Quorum (a private blockchain developed by ConsenSys)
    Note: ChainHammerā€™s most recent commit was 2 years ago, making it essentially outdated.

Caliper is written in JavaScript and is a highly complete project. However, there are doubts about whether it is optimized for measuring ā€œblockchainā€ TPS:

  1. TPS measurement on a single node:

The core of blockchain is distributed storage of data through consensus. However, Caliper only conducts TPS measurements on a single node, which can measure the TPS of individual nodes but does not accurately reflect the TPS of the entire blockchain network. (The transaction propagation process is not considered)

  1. Limitation of measurement from a single account:
    In EVM, EOA (Externally Owned Account) has a Nonce value, causing transactions to be processed sequentially.
    While 2024 was predicted to be the era of parallel EVM, current parallel processing technology still proceeds in an optimistic manner, requiring re-execution in case of conflicts. (Cases requiring re-execution can hardly be considered true parallel execution.)
    Therefore, execution from a single account versus multiple accounts can have a significant impact on TPS.

AnTPS(An-ti TPS)

To improve these limitations, we have developed our own blockchain benchmark tool, AnTPS, using Golang: Github
Features include:

  • Transparently providing measurement environment/results.
  • Conducting measurements on at least two or more nodes.
  • Supporting measurement cases for both single and multiple accounts.
  • Supporting various scenarios during measurement (ERC20/721/1155/NativeToken).
  • Supporting not only local environment measurements but also Cloud environments through IaC.

Our goal is to overcome the limitations of existing tools while providing information transparently.
We welcome your opinions and feedback. Thank you.

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Layer 2 Based Preconfirmations with Multi-round MEV-Boost

Published: Jul 18, 2024

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By Lin Oshitani (Nethermind Switchboard, Nethermind Research). Many thanks to Conor for the detailed back-and-forth on crafting this document and to Aikaterini, Elena, Ahmad, Anshu, Swapnil, Tomasz, Jinsuk, Quintus, Ceciliaz, and Brecht for the helpful comments and/or review. This work was partly funded by Taiko. The views expressed are my own and do not necessarily reflect those of the reviewers or Taiko.


As we outlined in our previous post Strawmanning Based Preconfirmations, naive implementations of based preconfirmations introduce many negative externalities that require thoughtful consideration.

In this post, we will expand on the negative externalities of based preconfirmations by examining them through the lens of the L1 PBS pipeline. Then, we propose multi-round MEV-Boost, a modification of MEV-Boost that enables based preconfirmations by running multiple rounds of MEV-Boost auctions within a single slot. This approach inherits the L1 PBS pipeline and mitigates the negative externalities of based preconfirmations as a result.


As Justin Drake defines in the original post, based rollups are rollups ā€œwhere the next L1 proposer may, in collaboration with L1 searchers and builders, permissionlessly include the next rollup block as part of the next L1 blockā€. Using the MEV supply chain diagram, based rollups can be illustrated below:

Notice that the L2 transactions, represented as the red line, go through the same process as the L1 transactions, represented as the black line. By effectively ā€œpiggybackingā€ the L1 PBS pipeline, based rollups provide two key benefits:

  • Benefit 1: Since no additional actors (and thus no additional choke points) are introduced for L2 sequencing, based rollups fully inherit L1 censorship resistance, liveness, and credible neutrality.
  • Benefit 2: Since the L1 and L2 transactions are sequenced by the same entity (the builder), based rollups enable not only synchronous L2-L2 composability but also synchronous L1-L2 composability.

Based rollups are great. They solve L2 fragmentation and sequencer decentralization while enabling L1 composability and inheriting L1ā€™s censorship resistance, liveness, and credible neutrality. They are the only rollups that can have these properties simultaneously.

However, they have one large drawback: they also inherit the 12-second L1 block time. To address the slow confirmation time, Justin introduced base preconfirmations. In this approach, L1 proposers can opt into providing preconfirmations for based rollup L2 transactions, as shown below:

Since providing preconfirmations requires technical sophistication, most based preconfirmation designs include a delegation mechanism that allows validators to outsource the preconfirmation duty to a designated preconfer, as illustrated below:

Notice that L2 and L1 transactions no longer share the block-building pipeline. As such, the benefits of based rollups are diminished:

  • On benefit 1: We introduced an additional choke point to the system, the preconfer, which can censor L2 transactions or degrade L2 liveness by going down. As a result, the inheritance of L1 censorship resistance and liveness are degraded.
  • On benefit 2: We now have two parallel block-building entities: one for L1 (the builder) and another for L2 (the preconfer). Consequently, L1-L2 composability now requires coordination between the builder and the preconfer. This adds complexity and can lead to builder-preconfer integration, where the proposer delegates not only their preconfirmation right but also the whole block-building right to the preconfer ahead of their slot.

In summary, by introducing preconfirmations, we lost the below structure:

As a result, many of the benefits of based rollups are diminished.

So, what if we keep this pipeline but run it multiple times within a slot to achieve fast preconfirmations? This brings us to the main contribution of this document: Multi-round MEV-Boost.

Multi-round MEV-Boost

At a high level, Multi-round MEV-Boost, or MR-MEV-Boost (pronounced ā€œmister-mev-boostā€, h/t Conor for the idea on the pronounciation :)) for short, works as follows:

  • Split each slot into a fixed number of rounds, e.g., 4 rounds with 3 seconds each.
  • Within each round, run a single MEV-Boost auction. As a result of the auction, a single partial block (a.k.a partial payload) will be signed and published, i.e., the partial block will be preconfirmed.
  • The full block is created and published at the end of the slot. The full block should contain the partial blocks in the exact order they were preconfirmed without inserting any transactions before or in between.

Refresher: MEV-Boost

Before diving deeper into the proposed protocol, letā€™s quickly review todayā€™s MEV-Boost PBS pipeline used in L1 Ethereum.

  1. Builders send the header, payload, and bid to the relayer.
  2. The relayer checks the validity (the bid is correct, the payload does not contain invalid transactions, etc), stores the payload, and then sends the header and bid to the proposer.
  3. The proposer selects the header with the highest bid, signs it, and then sends the signed header to the relayer.
  4. The relayer propagates the signed header and corresponding payload to the network.

Protocol Description

In this section, we describe the MR-MEV-Boost protocol.

Protocol Flow Overview

To incentivize proposers to provide preconfirmations, we introduce a preconf transaction, where the payment of a preconf tip is conditioned on being preconfirmed. It will include the following information on top of the transaction payload itself:

  • tip: The preconfirmation tip paid for being preconfirmed.
  • target_slot: The latest slot in which the preconf transaction can be included.
  • target_round: The latest round within the target_slot in which the preconf transaction can be included.

The Preconf Transaction section will discuss the encoding and enforcement of these conditions.

Using this new transaction type, MR-MEV-Boost works as follows:

  1. Users submit preconf transactions to the builders. The submission can be through any order flow pipeline used in current L1, such as:
  2. The builders build partial_payloads. The partial payload built by the builders should only include preconf transactions with target_slot and target_round at or after the current block/round. To commit to this, the builder signs the merkle_root (denoted as sig_b ) and becomes subject to builder slashing condition 1, described in the slashing condition section.
  3. The relayer checks the validity (e.g., the bid is correct, the partial_payload does not contain invalid transactions, etc.), stores the partial_payload, and then sends the merkle_root and bid to the proposer.
  4. Proposer signs (denoted as sig_p) and returns the selected merkle_root together with the current round.
  5. The relay publishes the selected partial_payload and the associated round and signatures to the preconf network. Note that the preconf network is different from the existing L1 p2p network. Only entities interested in the preconfirmed state (partial block builders, relays, full-node providers, etc.) must subscribe to the preconf network.
  6. End usersā€”or, more precisely, the L2/L1 full nodes to which they are connectedā€”verify that the merkle_root is signed by the proposer and is associated with the current round. Upon confirmation, they accept the partial_payload as preconfirmed and execute it to update to the latest preconfirmed state.
    1. to 6. is repeated multiple rounds within the slot. The number of rounds within each slot will be fixed. The final round will run concurrently with the full block MEV-Boost auction at 8.-11.
  7. to 11. The MEV-Boost auction is conducted for the full block. An important difference with the usual L1 MEV-Boost auction is that the merkle_proofs are propagated from the builder to the proposer. These proofs prove that the partial_payloads are included in the full block in the order they were preconfirmed without any other transaction being inserted before or between them. By validating these proofs, the proposer can ensure that the proposer slashing condition 2, described in the slashing conditions section, is not violated without needing to trust the relayer (h/t to Brecht for the idea of using Merkle proofs here).

Preconf Transaction

Letā€™s consider the encoding of the preconf transactions. For L2s, the additional fields can be introduced as custom encodings of the transactions. For L1, they can be implemented through an ERC-4337-style entry point contract that wraps the contract calls with additional information.

To enforce the expiration, the L2 execution layer (or derivation layer) and L1 entry point contract will filter out preconf transactions with expired target_slot. On the other hand, since the L1 is unaware of the concept of rounds, expiration based on target_round will be enforced via builder slashing condition 1, explained in the next section.

Slashing Conditions

To ensure that the full block matches with the preconfed partial blocks, the proposer will be subject to:

  • Proposer slashing condition 1: The proposer must not sign two conflicting merkle_roots within the same round.
  • Proposer slashing condition 2: The final full_payload should contain all the partial_payloads in the order they are signed and published without any other transaction being inserted before or in between.

Furthermore, to crypto-economically enforce the expiration of preconf transactions, the builder will be subject to:

  • Builder slashing condition 1: Each partial_payload must only include preconf transactions with target_slot and target_round at or after the current slot/round.

We impose this condition on the builder rather than the proposer because the proposer does not see the partial payload when signing. An alternative approach would be to make this a proposer slashing condition and require the relayer to ensure the condition is not violated. However, this would necessitate the proposer trusting the relayer to avoid being slashed rather than only relying on the relayer to avoid missing a slot, as is currently done in L1 MEV-Boost.

User Actions

To mitigate the fair exchange problem, wallets or full nodes to which end users are connected should take the actions below:

  • User action 1: Stop submitting preconf transactions if preconfirmed partial_payloads are not published in a timely manner. For example, if we have 4 rounds in a slot, then stop submitting preconf transactions if a partial_payload is not published every 3 seconds.
  • User action 2: Set target_slot and target_round to a reasonably close block and round (e.g., one or two rounds ahead). By doing so, builders are required to respond in a timely manner to preconfirmation transactions to avoid the preconfirmation transactions being invalidated.

More on how the fair exchange is addressed is described in the analysis section.

L1-L2 Composability

Since the partial payloads can contain both L1 and L2 transactions, builders can ensure L1-L2 composability by including L1-L2 transaction bundles in the partial payloads.

Non-opted-in Slots

When the current L1 slotā€™s proposer has not opted in as a preconfer, L1 transactions will be proposed by the current proposer, while L2 transactions will be proposed by the next opted-in preconfer in the lookahead (we follow Justinā€™s original based preconfirmation design here). This results in two simultaneous MEV-Boost auctions: the usual L1 MEV-Boost auction signed by the current L1 proposer and the MR-MEV-Boost auction signed by the next preconfer. As a result, L1-L2 composability and L1 preconfirmation will be lost during these non-opted-in slots. Note that this limitation applies to all off-protocol preconfirmation designs.


In this section, we will perform an initial analysis of the proposed protocol and identify its drawbacks.

Have we solved the problems?

Letā€™s revisit the problems raised in the Strawmanning Based Preconfirmations post and see if and how MR-MEV-Boost addresses them.

Problem 1: Latency race

Latency races are when searchers fight to be the first to access the preconfer, leading to colocation or vertical integration. With MR-MEV-Boost, this issue is largely mitigated by preconfirming batches and conducting auctions within the batch, as it promotes competition based on price rather than speed. It is generally acknowledged that batch auctions help reduce latency wars compared to continuous first-come, first-served ordering, as described in this paper and this post.

Problem 2: Congestion

Congestion issues arise when searchers flood the rollup with probabilistic arbitrage attempts. With MR-MEV-Boost, this issue is mitigated as searchers are incentivized to participate in auctions rather than resort to spam.

Problem 3: Tip pricing

The MEV-Boost auction will handle the tip pricing of the preconfirmation. Furthermore, by introducing batching and auctions within the batch, proposers can price the preconfirmation tips more effectively (hence capturing revenue) than by providing a continuous stream of per-transaction preconfirmations.

Problem 4: Fair exchange

Letā€™s see how MR-MEV-Boost addresses the fair exchange problem, where the proposer withholds publishing preconfirmations to the user. Note that preconfers are incentivized to withhold preconf promises as much as possible to maximize their opportunity to reorder and insert transactions, thereby increasing their MEV.

There are two cases to consider:

  • If the proposer withholds preconfirming partial payload (i.e., stops signing merkle_roots of partial_payloads), users will stop sending preconfirmation requests (user action 1), reducing the proposerā€™s order flow and, consequently, revenue.
  • If the proposer intentionally publishes empty partial payloads, pending preconf transactions will expire after a few rounds (user action 2 and builder slashing condition 1), reducing the proposerā€™s order flow and, consequently, revenue.

In summary, end users monitor and enforce proposersā€™ honest behavior by linking the proposersā€™ revenue to the timely preconfirmation of partial payloads.

A potential alternative would be to introduce a committee to monitor and attest to the timely releases of partial payloads. However, this would require additional trust assumption to an external committee unless we enshrine the protocol into the L1. More on enshrinement in the future direction section.

Problem 5: Liveness

With existing based preconfirmation designs where preconfirmation duties are delegated ahead of the slot, liveness relies on this single external entity for the duration of the preconferā€™s slot(s). On the other hand, with MR-MEV-Boost, liveness concerns are reduced as we do not introduce such ā€œlock-inā€ to a specific entity before the slot. If some builders or relayers are unavailable, others can step in to maintain functionality. Moreover, even if the entire multi-round MEV-Boost pipeline fails, proposers still have the option to construct their own partial blocks and preconfirm them independently.

Problem 6: Early auctions

Early auctions are not introduced as preconfirmations are provided through the MEV-Boost JIT auctions.

Round Interval

How short can each round in MR-MEV-Boost be? If it is too long, it will degrade the user experience; if it is too short, it will impose excessive network and hardware requirements on builders and relays, thus hurting decentralization.

In each round, the relayer has two tasks:

  • (A) Run the partial block auction.
  • (B) Propagate the partial block.

Task (A) consists of the time it takes the builder to construct the block, the time it takes the relay to validate the block, and two network round-trips: one between the builder and the relay and another between the relay and the proposer. Assuming that block construction, validation, and network round-trips take 500 milliseconds each, we get a ballpark estimate of 2 seconds.

For task (B), considering L1 allocates 4 seconds for block propagation and 8 seconds for consensus, and no consensus is needed for partial blocks, a good upper bound for propagation time is 4 seconds. In practice, it should be much shorter because only block builders, relays, and full-node providers need to receive these partial blocks, and they have better network bandwidth and lower latency than average validators. Letā€™s assume 1-2 seconds for this analysis.

Combining 2 seconds for (A) and 1-2 seconds for (B) gives us 3-4 seconds per round.

These estimates are highly approximate, and further research and analysis are needed. Additionally, making the interval too short will intensify latency races toward the end of the batch duration, as described here, and should be considered.


Next, we will outline the drawbacks of this protocol when compared to existing based preconfirmation designs, such as the one described in the original post. An analysis of more general drawbacks of preconfirmations will be reserved for future work.

No Speed-of-light Continuous Preconfirmations

MR-MEV-Boost does not provide speed-of-light preconfirmations with hundreds of milliseconds latency, like Arbitrumā€™s first-come-first-serve sequencer. Instead, it offers preconfirmations in batches with a few seconds of latency between them, similar to Optimismā€™s approach.

Solana and Jito provide an interesting case study on continuous versus batched preconfirmations. In Solanaā€™s ā€œcontinuous block building,ā€ the leader streams (i.e., preconfirms) processed transactions continuously. Combined with Solanaā€™s fixed low fee, continuous block building led to network spamming and latency races, causing validators to waste 58% of their time processing failed arbitrages. Jito addressed this by introducing a 200ms ā€œspeed bumpā€ (batches) and a mev-geth style bundle auction for batches, achieving an 80% share with their Jito validator client. This example indicates that that continuous preconfirmations are likely unsustainable due to spam and that batching and some auction for each batch are required. For more details, watch this informative talk by Zano Sherwani, co-founder of Jito, here.

Relay Burden

MR-MEV-Boost introduces additional burdens to the relays without incentives. Instead of managing a single round of MEV-Boost auctions, relayers must handle multiple rounds within a single slot, each within a limited timeframe. If the cost of operating a relayer increases too much, it may lead to further relayer centralization and builder-relay integration, or alternatively, no relayer may opt to support MR-MEV-Boost. Relayer incentives are a long-lasting problem in L1, and MR-MEV-Boost likely worsen this situation.

One way to mitigate the issue is to incorporate optimistic relay schemes to reduce the relayerā€™s operational costs. With this approach, relayers optimistically assume the honesty of the block-builder and skip the validation work for payloads sent from the builder. If the builder is later found to deviate from honest behavior, their collateral will be used to refund the proposer. Optimistic relaying would be especially helpful as it allows relayers to bypass the need to validate the based rollup transactions when verifying partial blocks.

Another potential solution is for the proposers to share the preconfirmation tip revenue with the relay to compensate for the additional workload.

Blob Efficiency

So far, we have blurred the line between L1 and L2 preconfirmations. This is somewhat intentional, as L2 transactions are included within L1 transactions. However, there are cases where the difference becomes important.

Consider a scenario where the L2 transactions within a round cannot fill an entire blob. If we only support preconfirmations for L2 transactions by preconfirming the L1 transactions that contain them, we face a problem. Proposers would either have to preconfirm partially filled blob transactions at the end of the round or wait for another round to collect enough transactions to fill the blob.

One solution is to allow proposers to commit to a batch of L2 transactions without linking them to a specific L1 transaction. This would let the builder of the final full block aggregate the L2 transactions into one or more L1 blobs at the end of the slot.

Issues with MEV-Boost

MR-MEV-Boost inherits the existing L1 MEV-Boost pipeline, which also means that we inherit many of MEV-Boostā€™s downsides, such as reliance on a handful of relays and builders. However, based rollups aim to inherit the security of L1, not to exceed it. Therefore, being ā€œas bad asā€ L1 is the best we can do as a based solution.

Future Direction

MR-MEV-Boost can be generalized as partial-block preconfirmations, where the proposer incrementally builds the block by committing to and publishing partial blocks during their slot.

One future direction would be to enshrine partial-block preconfirmations into the L1 protocol to achieve faster block times. This aligns with Vitalikā€™s recent post and offers several benefits over off-protocol designs like MR-MEV-Boost:

  • Removes ā€œnon-opted-inā€ proposers, enabling L1 preconfirmations and L1-L2 composability for all slots.
  • Fully utilizes Ethereumā€™s validator set, potentially introducing lightweight PTC-like attestations for timely partial payload releases.
  • Opens doors to increase the block times without degrading UX, which may help enable single-slot finality.

Related Work

In his latest post, Jon Charbonneau explains in great detail how based rollups/preconfirmations work and the centralization risk of based preconfirmations.

Furthermore, partial-block preconfirmations are closely related to inclusion list research, as both can be viewed under the broader concept of ā€œpartial-block building,ā€ where different parts of a block are constructed at different times by different entities. For example, the MEV-Boost++ proposal from Kyodo (EigenLayer) resembles MR-MEV-Boost, as both enable early commitment to partial blocks by imposing additional slashing conditions on the proposer.


We introduce MR-MEV-Boost, a design that enables based preconfirmations by running multiple rounds of MEV-Boost auctions within a single slot. By inheriting the L1 PBS pipeline, MR-MEV-Boost mitigates many of the negative externalities of based preconfirmations while retaining the benefits of based rollups.

At Nethermind Switchboard, we actively research and tackle the open challenges of based preconfirmations. We are also collaborating closely with Taiko to develop a PoC for based preconfirmations compatible with L2 PBS, including MR-MEV-Boost. Stay tuned for more updates!

5 posts - 3 participants

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Privacy A Note On Securely Finding Minimum Mean Cycle

Published: Jul 15, 2024

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This study is supported by an Ethereum Foundation R&D grant and is a collaborative work with Enrico ( @enricobottazzi ), Masato ( @0xvon ) and Nam ( namnc (Nam Ngo) Ā· GitHub ) from Ethereum Foundation.


Executing graph optimization algorithms such as the Minimum Mean Cycle (MMC) while preserving privacy has significant potential for handling sensitive information between users and companies. For example, it enables multilateral netting to solve the Minimum Cost Flow (MCF) problem [4] without disclosing mutual debts, making it highly relevant for processes like netting among multinational corporations. Aly et. al. [2] proposed an algorithm using Multi-Party Computation (MPC) to execute the MMC problem. However, this approach is based on Karpā€™s algorithm [1], which was found by Chaturvedi et al. [3] to occasionally fail to detect cycles. In this study, we propose a revised protocol that corrects this issue and enhances its efficiency. We implemented our protocol using MP-SPDZ and confirmed that it correctly identifies the MMC, similar to traditional protocols. Our findings indicate that our proposed protocol operates correctly and more efficiently than Alyā€™s protocol, which reduces the time/round complexity from O(|V|^5) to O(|V|^3) and the space complexity from O(|V|^4) to O(|V|^2). Furthermore, we discuss potential improvements for even more efficient algorithms.

1. Introduction

1-1. Importance of Graph Theory Optimization

Graph theory optimization problems play a crucial role in various domains, from computer science and engineering to economics and finance. These problems involve finding the most efficient way to navigate, connect, or utilize network structures, and solutions to these problems have far-reaching implications for improving systems and processes.

One of the representative problems in graph theory optimization is the Minimum Cost Flow (MCF) problem, which aims to find the least costly way to send a certain amount of flow through a network. The MCF problem is foundational in numerous applications, providing critical insights and optimizations.

In the financial sector, particularly in Netting, the Minimum Cost Flow (MCF) problem is often addressed to optimize the settlement of transactions and reduce systemic risk [4]. Netting involves aggregating multiple financial obligations to streamline transactions, minimize risk, and enhance efficiency. However, one of the critical challenges in this context is maintaining the privacy and confidentiality of sensitive financial data. Traditional methods for solving the MCF problem may require exposing transaction details, leading to significant privacy concerns and potential security risks.

Beyond netting, the MMC problem and its solutions have a wide array of applications across various fields:

  • Network Security: Enhancing security measures by optimizing the flow of information and resources while minimizing potential points of vulnerability.
  • Supply Chain Management: Streamlining logistics and distribution networks to reduce costs and improve delivery times.
  • Urban Planning: Developing efficient transportation systems by optimizing traffic flow and reducing congestion.

The Minimum Mean Cycle (MMC) problem is a crucial component in solving the MCF problem. The MMC problem focuses on identifying cycles in directed graphs with the minimum average weight, which is essential for detecting inefficient paths and optimizing network performance. By incorporating the MMC problem into the solution of the MCF problem, we can achieve more accurate and efficient outcomes.

To address the privacy concerns inherent in solving the MCF problem, we explore the use of Multi-Party Computation (MPC) to securely solve the MMC problem. MPC is a cryptographic approach that allows multiple parties to collaboratively compute a function over their inputs while keeping those inputs private. By applying MPC techniques, we can solve the MMC problem without exposing sensitive data, thus preserving the privacy of financial transactions and other confidential information.

1-2. Previous Work

Aly et al. [2] proposed a method to solve Karpā€™s MMC algorithm [1] using Multi-Party Computation. However, this approach has some problems and suffers from significant computational complexity and time consumption. Additionally, the Karpā€™s algorithm [1] was found by Chaturvedi et al . [3] to occasionally fail to detect cycles.

1-3. Our Contribution

in this study, we propose a novel approach that not only addresses these shortcomings but also offers a more efficient and practical solution for securely solving the MMC problem using MPC. Our proposed protocol aims to reduce computational and time complexities, enhance cycle detection accuracy, and ensure robust privacy protection. Our experimental results demonstrate a significant improvement in efficiency, with a reduction in time complexity from O(|V|^5) to O(|V|^3) and space complexity from O(|V|^4) to O(|V|^2).

2. Minimum Mean Cycle Problem

Minimum Mean Cycle Problem and its solution is defined by Karp in 1978 [1].

2-1. Problem Definition

Given a connected graph G(V,E) where V is a set of nodes and E is a set of edges, with defining these parameters:

  • c_{i,j} \in C denotes the cost on the edge (i,j).
  • d^k(i) denotes the minimum cost from node s to i that contains exactly k edges.

First of all, for any cycle X, the mean cycle is defined by:

\begin{equation} \mu (X) = \frac{\sum_{uv \in X} c_{uv}}{|X|} \end{equation}

Thus, the minimum mean cycle is:

\begin{equation} \mu ^* = \min_{cycle X} \mu (X) \end{equation}

Minimum Mean Cycle (MMC) Problem is the problem to find this \mu ^*.

2-2. Efficient MMC

The MMC problem is known as NP-hard, and Karp introduces an efficient algorithm for solving it. The solution is followed by 2 steps.

The first step, we call it as Walk, is to calculates d^k(i), which denotes minimum cost from node s to i that contains exactly k edges. Walk can be computed via the recurrence:

\begin{equation} d^k(j) = \min_{(i,j) \in E} d^{k-1}(i)+c_{ij} \end{equation}

Initially, d^0(j)=\infty, except for the source node d^0(s)=0

The second step is to calculate the minimum mean cycle by:

\begin{equation} \mu^* = \min_{j \in V} \max_{0 \leq k \leq |V|-1} \left[ \frac{d^V(j) - d^k(j)}{|V| - k} \right] \end{equation}

See Karpā€™s paper [1] for a proof of equation (4). Overall algorithmic complexity is O(|V| \cdot |E|), and the first step has a significant impact on the entire algorithm.

3. Alyā€™s Secure MMC Protocol


  • [a] denotes secret shared or encrypted values of a
  • [z] = _{[c]} [x]:[y] denotes the assignment that if [c] is one, [x] is assigned to [z] or [y] otherwise.

3-1. Protocol

Aly et. al. [2] provide algorithmic solutions to MMC problem in a secure multi-party and distributed setting. This protocol is constructed by 2 sub-protocols:

  1. walk([C],[b]) \rightarrow [A],[walks]
  2. mmc([A],[walks]) \rightarrow [\text{min-cost}], [\text{min-cycle}]

This corresponds to Steps 1 and 2 of Karpā€™s Algorithm in section 2.

In first sub-protocol, we have two inputs. The cost matrix [C]_{ij} denotes the cost of edge (i,j). It represents [\infty] for non-existing edges. The viable matrix [b]_{ij} denotes 1 if edge (i,j) doesnā€™t exist, and 0 otherwise.

From these inputs, we outputs two values. One is the 2-dimensional walk cost matrix [A] which [A]_{jk} records d^k(j). The other is 4-dimensional walk path matrix [walks] which [walks]_{ijkl} records the number of times the edge (i,j) is traversed by the shortest walk of length k from s to l. The algorithm is detailed as Protocol 3-1.

Protocol 3-1. Alyā€™s Walk Protocol

Input: A matrix of shared costs [C]_{ij} for i,j \in \{1,2,...,|V|\}, a binary matrix on viable adges [b]_{ij} for i,j \in \{1,2,...,|V|\}.

Output: A matrix of walk costs [A]_{ik} for i \in \{1,2,...,|V|\} and k \in \{0,1,...,|V|\}, a wak matrix [walks]_{ijkl} for i,j,k,l \in \{1,2,...,|V|\} encoding these walks.

  1. [A] \leftarrow [\infty], [A]_{00} \leftarrow [0], [C] \leftarrow [C] + [\infty](1-[b])
  2. for k \leftarrow 1 to |V|+1 do
    1. for j \leftarrow 1 to |V| do
      1. for i \leftarrow 1 to |V| do
        1. [c] \leftarrow [A]_{ik-1} + [C]_{ij} < [A]_{jk}
        2. [A]_{jk} \leftarrow _{[c]} [A]_{ik-1} + [C]_{ij} : [A]_{jk}
        3. [walks]_{..kj} \leftarrow _{[c]} [walks]_{..k-1i} : [walks]_{..kj}
        4. [walks]_{ijkj} \leftarrow _{[c]} [walks]_{ijkj} + 1 : [walks]_{ijkj}
      2. end
    2. end
  3. end

In second sub-protocol, we have two outputs. [\text{min-cost}] is the minimum mean cost. [\text{min-cycle}] denotes the 2-dimensional cycle matrix which [\text{min-cycle}]_{jk} is 1 if edge (j,k) is included in the cycle achieving \mu ^* and 0 otherwise. Here, \text{min-cycle} is s-j path with |V| edges whose cost is d^{|V|}(j), minus the s-j path with k edges whose cost is d^{k}(j). The details are provided as protocol 3-2. We note that we use the theorem that \frac{a}{b}>\frac{c}{d} \iff ad>bc to make a comparison of \frac{d^V(j) - d^k(j)}{|V| - k} without calculating the inverse.

Protocol 3-2. Alyā€™s MMC Protocol

Input: A matrix of walk costs [A]_{ik} for i \in \{1,2,...,|V|\} and k \in \{0,2,...,|V|\}, a walk matrix [walks]_{ijkl} for i,j,k,l \in \{1,2,...,|V|\} encoding these walks.

Output: The cost of the minimum mean cycle [\text{min-cost}], a matrix with the minimum mean cycle [\text{min-cycle}]_{ij} for i,j \in \{1,2,...,|V|\}

  1. for j \leftarrow 1 to |V| do

    1. [\text{max-cycle}],[\text{max-cost}] \leftarrow \phi
    2. for k \leftarrow |V| to 1 do
      1. [\text{a-num}] \leftarrow [A]_{j(|V|+1)} - [A]_{jk}
      2. [\text{a-den}] \leftarrow |V|-k
      3. [c] \leftarrow [\text{k-num}] \cdot [\text{a-den}] < [\text{a-num}] \cdot [\text{k-den}]
      4. [\text{k-num}] \leftarrow _{[c]} [\text{a-num}] : [\text{k-num}]
      5. [\text{k-den}] \leftarrow _{[c]} [\text{a-den}] : [\text{k-den}]
      6. [\text{max-cycle}] \leftarrow _{[c]} [walks]_{..|V|j} - [walks]_{..kj} : [\text{max-cycle}]
      7. [\text{max-cost}] \leftarrow _{[c]} [A]_{jk} : [\text{max-cost}]
    3. end
    4. [c] \leftarrow [\text{j-num}] \cdot [\text{k-den}] < [\text{k-num}] \cdot [\text{j-den}]
    5. [\text{j-num}] \leftarrow _{[c]} [\text{k-num}] : [\text{j-num}]
    6. [\text{j-den}] \leftarrow _{[c]} [\text{k-den}] : [\text{j-den}]
    7. [\text{min-cycle}] \leftarrow _{[c]} [\text{max-cycle}] : [\text{min-cycle}]
    8. [\text{min-cost}] \leftarrow _{[c]} [\text{max-cost}] : [\text{min-cost}]
  2. end


This method requires O(|V|^5) time/round complexity, from the conditional assignments to |V| \times |V| elements in [walks] matrix for |V|^3 loops (line i-3~4 of Protocol 1). And this method requires O(|V|^4) space complexity, due to 4-dimensional [walks] matrix.

3-2. Problem in Alyā€™s Protocol

Alyā€™s protocol implements Karp algorithm [1] in the secure manner. In karpā€™s alrogithm, we determine \text{min-cycle} like s-j path with |V| edges whose cost is d^{|V|}(j), minus the s-j path with k edges whose cost is d^{k}(j). However, Chaturvedi and McConnell [3] provides an counterexample which the cycle couldnā€™t detected with this method. Furthermore, they prove the following lemma.

Lemma 1
Let j be a vertex such that there exists k, where j and k are a minimizing pair. Every cycle on the length |V| edge progression from s to j of cost d^{|V|}(j) is a cycle of minimum mean cost. (See the proof on their paper [3].)

This lemma means that the cycle can be detected by traversing the edge progression from the last edge and marking the vertices visited by the walk until a previous marked vertex is encountered, from s-j path with |V| edges whose cost is d^{|V|}(j).

4. CM-based Secure MMC Protocol


  • [a] denotes secret shared or encrypted values of a
  • [z] = _{[c]} [x]:[y] denotes the assignment that if [c] is one, [x] is assigned to [z] or [y] otherwise.

4-1. Protocol

We propose a protocol that converts the minimum mean cycle detection from Alyā€™s protocol to one with Lemma1. In addition, a few changes have been made to the data structure. We name it ā€œCM-based Securely MMC Protocolā€, taking the initials of Chaturvedi and McConnell, who proposed Lemma 1.

CM-based protocol is constructed by 3 sub-protocols:

  1. walk([C],[b]) \rightarrow [A],[ep]
  2. mmc
    1. mmcn([A],[ep]) \rightarrow [\text{min-cost}],[\text{minimizing-node}]
    2. extract\text{-}cycle([\text{minimizing-node}],[ep]) \rightarrow [\text{min-cycle}]

Here, Alyā€™s second sub-protocol is divided into CM-based second and third sub-protocols.

In fist sub-protocol, For the most part, it is the same as Protocol 3-1, with one difference: Instead of [walks], we record the edge progression in a 2-dimensional matrix called [ep], which [ep]_{jk} means the edge that passes before one of j in the shortest s-j path with k edges. This change eliminates the need for extra |V|^2 loops to update [walks]_{..kj}. The algorithm is detailed as Protocol 4-1.

Protocol 4-1. CM-based Walk Protocol

Input: A matrix of shared costs [C]_{ij} for i,j \in \{1,2,...,|V|\}, a binary matrix on viable adges [b]_{ij} for i,j \in \{1,2,...,|V|\}.

Output: A matrix of walk costs [A]_{ik} for i \in \{1,2,...,|V|\} and k \in \{0,1,...,|V|\}, a matrix of walk edge progressions [ep]_{ij} for i,j \in \{1,2,...,|V|\}.

  1. [A] \leftarrow [\infty], [A]_{00} \leftarrow [0], [C] \leftarrow [C] + [\infty](1-[b])
  2. for k \leftarrow 1 to |V|+1 do
    1. for j \leftarrow 1 to |V| do
      1. for i \leftarrow 1 to |V| do
        1. [c] \leftarrow [A]_{ik-1} + [C]_{ij} < [A]_{jk}
        2. [A]_{jk} \leftarrow _{[c]} [A]_{ik-1} + [C]_{ij} : [A]_{jk}
        3. [ep]_{jk} \leftarrow _{[c]} i : [ep]_{jk}
      2. end
    2. end
  3. end

In (a) of the 2nd sub-protocol, instead of computing [\text{min-cycle}], we detect the node j that achieves mmc. We call it minimizing node.

The algorithm is detailed as Protocol 4-2-a.

Protocol 4-2-a. CM-based MMCN Protocol

Input: A matrix of walk costs [A]_{ik} for i \in \{1,2,...,|V|\} and k \in \{0,2,...,|V|\}, a matrix of walk progressions [ep]_{ij} for i,j \in \{1,2,...,|V|\}.

Output: The cost of the minimum mean cycle [\text{min-cost}], the node achieving the minimum mean cycle [\text{minimizing-node}].

  1. for j \leftarrow 1 to |V| do

    1. [\text{max-cost}] \leftarrow \phi

    2. for k \leftarrow |V| to 1 do

      1. [\text{a-num}] \leftarrow [A]_{j(|V|+1)} - [A]_{jk}
      2. [\text{a-den}] \leftarrow |V|-k
      3. [c] \leftarrow [\text{k-num}] \cdot [\text{a-den}] < [\text{a-num}] \cdot [\text{k-den}]
      4. [\text{k-num}] \leftarrow _{[c]} [\text{a-num}] : [\text{k-num}]
      5. [\text{k-den}] \leftarrow _{[c]} [\text{a-den}] : [\text{k-den}]
      6. [\text{max-cost}] \leftarrow _{[c]} [A]_{jk} : [\text{max-cost}]
    3. end

    4. [c] \leftarrow [\text{j-num}] \cdot [\text{k-den}] < [\text{k-num}] \cdot [\text{j-den}]

    5. [\text{j-num}] \leftarrow _{[c]} [\text{k-num}] : [\text{j-num}]

    6. [\text{j-den}] \leftarrow _{[c]} [\text{k-den}] : [\text{j-den}]

    7. [\text{minimizing-node}] \leftarrow _{[c]} j : [\text{minimizing-node}]

    8. [\text{min-cost}] \leftarrow _{[c]} [\text{max-cost}] : [\text{min-cost}]

  2. end

In (b) of the 2nd sub-protocol, from [\text{minimizing-node}], we construct a back pointer which indicates s-j path with |V| edges whose cost is d^{|V|}(j) and extract a cycle from the back pointer. Compared to Protocol 3-2, instead of expanding [\text{min-cycle}] directly from [walks], the additional protocol is required. We follow Lemma 1 and consider any cycle included in the back pointer as a minimum mean cycle. The algorithm is detailed as Protocol 4-2-b.

Protocol 4-2-b. CM-based Extract-Cycle Protocol

Input: A minmizing node [\text{minimizing-node}], a matrix of walk progressions [ep]_{ij} for i,j \in \{1,2,...,|V|\}.

Output: A matrix with the minimum mean cycle [\text{min-cycle}]_{ij} for i,j \in \{1,2,...,|V|\}

  1. [\text{backpointers}]_{0} \leftarrow [\text{minimizing-node}], [\text{next-index}] \leftarrow [\text{minimizing-node}]
  2. for k \leftarrow |V| to 1 do
    1. [\text{val}] \leftarrow [0]
    2. for j \leftarrow 0 to |V|-1 do
      1. [match] = j == [\text{next-index}]
      2. [\text{val}] = _{[\text{match}]} [ep]_{jk}:[\text{val}]
      3. [\text{match-index-matrix}]_{jk} = [match]
    3. end
    4. [\text{next-index}] = [\text{val}]
    5. [\text{backpointers}].append([\text{val}])
  3. end
  4. for i \leftarrow 0 to |V|-1 do
    1. [\text{counter}] \leftarrow [0]
    2. for k \leftarrow 0 to |V| do
      1. [\text{counter}] = [\text{counter}] + [\text{match-index-matrix}]_{ik}
    3. [c] = [\text{counter}] >= 2
    4. [\text{cycle-node}] = _{[c]} i : [\text{cycle-node}]
  5. end
  6. [\text{min-cycle}] \leftarrow [0],[\text{counter}] \leftarrow [0]
  7. for k \leftarrow |V| to 1 do
    1. [\text{edge-from}] \leftarrow [\text{backpointers}]_k
    2. [c] = [\text{edge-from}] [\text{cycle-node}]
    3. [\text{counter}] = [\text{counter}] + [c]
    4. [c_0] = [\text{counter}] + 1
    5. for j \leftarrow 0 to |V|-1 do
      1. [c_1] = [\text{match-index-matrix}]_{jn-k}
      2. [c_2] = [c_0]*[c_1]
      3. for i \leftarrow 0 to |V|-1 do
        1. [c_3] = [\text{match-index-matrix}]_{jn-k+1}
        2. [\text{min-cycle}]_{ji} = [\text{min-cycle}]_{ji} + ([c_2] * [c_3])
      4. end
    6. end
  8. end

This ****method requires O(|V|^3) multiplications or communication rounds, from the conditional assignments of [A],[ep],[\text{min-cycle}] for |V|^3 loops (line i-2~3 of Protocol 4-1 and like iii-3 of Protocol 4-2-b). And this method requires O(|V|^2) space complexity, largely due to 2-dimensional matrixes. A table comparing the Complexity of each protocol is shown in Table 4-1 below.

Table 4-1. Complexity Analysis of Secure MMC Protocols

multiplications/communication rounds complexity space complexity
Alyā€™s O(|V|^5) O(|V|^4)
CM-based O(|V|^3) O(|V|^2)

4-2. Implementation

We have implemented CM-based Securely MMC protocol in naive secret sharing scheme using Python MP-SPDZ. And we confirmed that the minimum mean cycle was found reliably in a number of random edges, including the counterexamples shown by Chaturvedi et al [3].

5. Conclusion

In this study, we have proposed a more efficient protocol for solving the Minimum Mean Cycle (MMC) problem using Multi-Party Computation (MPC). Our CM-based approach not only addresses but also significantly improves upon the issues identified in Alyā€™s protocol. Specifically, our protocol reduces the time/round complexity from O(|V|^5) to O(|V|^3) and the space complexity from O(|V|^4) to O(|V|^2) compared to Alyā€™s protocol.

Despite these advancements, the complexity remains super-quadratic in terms of the number of nodes, which can pose practical challenges for very large graphs. To mitigate this limitation, we propose the following strategies:

  • By exposing the graphā€™s topography, we can optimize the edge search to include only the minimum necessary edges, thereby reducing the time/round complexity to O(|V|^2 \cdot |E|). This approach, however, requires a trade-off with some degree of privacy.
  • Implementing simpler algorithms that provide approximate or sub-optimal solutions, such as Greedy Algorithms and Distributed Algorithms, can further enhance practicality. These algorithms can significantly reduce computational overhead while delivering sufficiently accurate results for many applications.

In summary, our protocol offers a substantial improvement over existing methods, paving the way for more efficient and practical solutions to the MMC problem in secure computation settings. Future work will focus on refining these strategies to further balance the trade-offs between efficiency, accuracy, and privacy.


  1. Richard M. Karp, ā€œA characterization of the minimum cycle mean in a digraphā€, Discrete Mathematics, Volume 23, Issue 3, 1978, Pages 309-311, ISSN 0012-365X,
  2. Aly, A., Van Vyve, M. (2015). Securely Solving Classical Network Flow Problems. In: Lee, J., Kim, J. (eds) Information Security and Cryptology - ICISC 2014. ICISC 2014. Lecture Notes in Computer Science(), vol 8949. Springer, Cham. Securely Solving Classical Network Flow Problems | SpringerLink
  3. Mmanu Chaturvedi, Ross M. McConnell, ā€œA note on finding minimum mean cycleā€, Information Processing Letters, Volume 127, 2017, Pages 21-22, ISSN 0020-0190, Redirecting.
  4. Fleischman, T.; Dini, P. ā€œMathematical Foundations for Balancing the Payment System in the Trade Credit Marketā€, J. Risk Financial Manag. 2021, 14, 452. JRFM | Free Full-Text | Mathematical Foundations for Balancing the Payment System in the Trade Credit Market

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Block proposer Sealed execution auction

Published: Jul 13, 2024

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Sealed execution auction

By Anders.

While working on the dynamic pricing auction I though of another way to hold the auction that also seems interesting. Posting a rough sketch here, although I am not yet certain of its viability. Thanks to Justin, BarnabƩ and Terence.


In the process of enshrining proposerā€“builder separation (ePBS), it has been suggested that attesting and execution proposing should be more fully separated. Proposals such as execution tickets (ETs) and execution auctions (EAs) strive to allocate the right to propose execution blocks to entities other than the validators. This also facilitates MEV burn. There have been concerns (1, 2, 3) around insufficient early bidding in the MEV pricing auctions with a base fee floor used in EA. By considering the staking metagame, this issue is potentially resolved, but the resulting attesterā€“builder integration can then by itself be problematic. There is also a general concern that the decided-upon auction design will induce MEV, and no definite specification among several alternatives for the auction design in ET. For this reason, it seems fruitful to explore an auction that facilitates true separation and does not induce MEV. One such mechanism recently proposed is the MEV resistant dynamic pricing auction. In the context of Vickrey auctions of execution rights, Timeboost under consideration by Arbitrum can also be mentioned.

This post proposes a Vickrey slot auction in two rounds to select a forthcoming execution proposer (akin to EA), referred to as a sealed execution auction (SEA). Staked builders make sealed bids for the right to propose an execution block. Bids are observed by attesters and then collated by the beacon proposer. In subsequent steps, builders reveal their bids, attesters observe the revealed bids, and the proposer once again collates them. The right to propose a forthcoming execution block is awarded to the highest bidder, paying according to the second-highest bid, with the payment burned.


Staked builders

Builders are staked at a level sufficient for the protocol to penalize them if they fail to reveal committed bids. The stake can also serve as a deposit account to pay for winning bids, or this account can be managed separately.

Sealed bids

Figure 1 gives an overview of the auction. In the first round, each builder has the opportunity to make one sealed bid over a public P2P layer. There might be a small fee for making a bid, as a further anti-Sybil measure. Attesters observe the sealed bids that have come in at time T_1. Around two seconds later, at T_2, the beacon proposer collates sealed bids (including any bids it finds after T_1), and broadcasts them in a structure. This structure may be a beacon block if the auction proceeds over two slots (see Timeline). At T_3, attesters observe the structure and make sure that all previously observed bids at T_1 have been included. If the bids were included in a beacon block, they will attest to the block contingent on correct and timely collation. If not included in a beacon block and the proposer equivocates on the structure, the subsequent block must be rejected.

Figure 1. Sealed execution auction. Staked builders submit sealed bids before T_1 and the proposer collates them at T_2. At T_3 attesters ensure that all bids they observed at T_1 are part of the collated structure. Builders unseal the bids after T_3 and attesters observe them at T_4. The proposer then collates bids in a beacon block at T_5 and attesters attests to the block at T_6 contingent on correct collation. The highest unsealed bid wins, paying a fee corresponding to the second highest bid. The fee is burned. Builders that did not unseal their bids are penalized.

Revealed bids

In the second round, after the T_3 deadline, builders unseal their bids. They should not release before T_3, because then the proposer can collude with other builders to release a bid structure with some bids placed after other bids were revealed. However, they do not need to observe the proposerā€™s structure before release, and can proceed right after the T_3 mark.

Attesters observe unsealed bids at T_4. The proposer collates all unsealed bids it can find, including them in the beacon block at around T_5. It may also include bids that were never unsealed, so that the associated builder can be penalized (this is a strict requirement in the single-slot design, because then the sealed bids have not been included in a previous beacon block). The highest bid is selected as the forthcoming execution proposer, and the second highest bid value is deducted from the winnerā€™s balance and burned. At T_6, attesters attest to the beacon block, contingent on a correct collation by the beacon proposer.


Collusion between builders and proposers to reduce the burn as in the MEV burn design is arguably resolved; without stakers actively burning each othersā€™ MEV revenue.

  • There is no longer a stable equilibrium to rely on for colluding parties, such as late bidding.
  • The proposer no longer has leverage to punish early bidders by electing another builder.
  • Chiseling at a cartel is trivial, simply by truthful bidding.
  • Every bid fulfills a real purpose, as opposed to early bids in MEV pricing auctions.
  • There is no avenue for discouragement attacks, since there is no substantial proposer revenue to remove.


Several actions must be penalized. If the proposer omits an observed sealed bid in the first round or an observed revealed bid in the second round, the proposerā€™s block must be rejected by attesters. If the proposer fails to release the structure of the sealed bids in the first round or the revealed bids in the second round in a timely manner (reaching attesters before T_3 and T_6 respectively), the proposerā€™s block must also be rejected by attesters. Edit 18-07-24: As mentioned in the previous section and also further discussed in the next, a builder that does not unseal its bid on time will be penalized. This is facilitated in Figure 1 by including the sealed bid in the beacon block.

It is possible that a builder made a mistake and will be unable to pay for its bid, if the bid is higher than its staked amount. This will be penalized by burning some proportion of the stake, for example corresponding to the amount of the actual winning bid, some fixed amount of ETH, or its entire stake. In any case, if its unbacked bid is the highest, the builder will not win the auction. The second highest bid will instead be selected as the execution proposer, paying the third highest bid, etc. If the bid underpinning the fee (normally the second highest bid) lacks funds, the bid below it will be set to underpin the fee.

Builderā€“proposer collusion and possible remedies

A potential cause for concern is the following scenario: a builder determines that it would not like to unseal its bid (potentially after observing other buildersā€™ unsealed bids). It does not want to subject itself to a penalty, so it colludes with the proposer to have it miss the slot. Is this a cause for concern? This ultimately depends on if the builder benefits more by not revealing its bid than the proposer loses from a missed proposal. This could be the case when bidding for the right to propose the current or next slot, and the expected MEV falls drastically between bid commit and reveal (i.e., a value-in-flight problem). Another potential cause for concern is if the value instead increases drastically. The proposer might then pose an ultimatum to the winning builder: ā€œsend me some part of expected profits, or I will fail to proposeā€. A failed proposal would leave the builder without rights for the slot. An ultimatum game emerges. The other builders might also be inclined to pay the proposer, in order to starve off competition, and the winning builder would then also need to pay the proposer to ensure it proposes.

While the outlined collusion scenarios may be a bit speculative, it can still be interesting to explore possible remedies. A few directions then spring to mind:

1. Penalize beacon proposers for missed beacon blocks

Proposers already lose out on revenue if they miss their block. However, this loss might not be a sufficient deterrent. It would therefore be beneficial to also penalize proposers if they miss their blocks. Otherwise, if the penalty applied to a builder is substantially higher than the loss from missed proposals for the proposer, that builder penalty will be less meaningful. Builders could seek to collude to let the proposer take the fall. In essence, if the value to the builder, its competitors, or the proposer, of having the builder not win the auction, is higher than the loss to the proposer of not proposing, then collusion or an ultimatum game may emerge.

2. Require subsequent beacon proposers to conclude the auction

Is it possible to have the next beacon proposer conclude the auction? This depends to some extent on the Timeline of the auction.

  • Single-slot design: In the single-slot design, attesters do not signal if they rejected a block because of an incorrect initial structure, a late structure, or an incorrect or missing beacon block. A way to deal with this is that the next proposer presents the correct outcome of the auction, in its own view, and that the attesters of n+2 either reject or confirm the new block based on the proposed outcome. But this means that these attesters must also have tracked events in the previous slot as they unfolded, and any split views (e.g., from a rather late sealed builder bid) may persist for several blocks in a row.
  • Two-slot design: If the auction commences over two slots, there will be an agreed-upon set of committed sealed bids, or the first beacon block will have been rejected. The second step of the auction can then be concluded in a subsequent slot without requiring attesters to have observed the commit-phase. The requirement is to still have attesters make an observation of unsealed bids sometime before the proposer deadline. But that point need not necessarily be taken from the earlier slot. A benefit is that this might starve off split views.

One thing to note is that if a builder finds it worthwhile to pay the first proposer to not propose, in order to avoid revealing a bid without being penalized, it might be willing to pay also a second proposer for not proposing. However, the price will go up, and the number of potential collusion partners scheduled to propose in a row may not be too large. It should also be noted that when auctioning off rights for slot n+i, there is a requirement that the delay until the conclusion of the auction does not surpass i. In other words, it will only be possible to repeat a failed auction around i times. Note that this requirement is also due to the fact that the order in which auctioned off execution rights are provided cannot be altered ex post, since the expected MEV for slots may vary.

3. Skip the beacon proposal reveal

Is it possible to skip the beacon proposal reveal? If all bids are unsealed, the outcome will be evident to every participant. The mechanism can then be designed such that the winning builder safely can propose its block at the assigned slot, even if a proposer has not collated the outcome and presented a winner. The previous option 2 is focused on concluding the auction via a beacon proposal in time before the execution proposal, but the point here is that the auction does not need to be concluded by the proposer as long as the outcome is evident to the builder and can be verified by attesters when the builder proposes its block. The sealed bids must then have been included in a beacon block, as in the two-slot design.

Threshold decryption via a committee of attesters (h/t BarnabƩ) is one option here. The bids are decrypted by a committee, and the winner made evident to the builders/forthcoming proposer and attesters. There would still be liveness concerns, but collusion would be more difficult. It can be noted that as long as all builders unseal their bids in a timely manner (even without threshold decryption), the winning builder can proceed with the proposal. Always penalizing builders that do not unseal their bids before T_4 could then seem sufficient, but the issue is that split views would emerge in potential designs. In any case, the outcome would also at some point need to be included in a block, to process payment and penalties.

4. Auction of a future slot to reduce value-in-flight

The Vickrey auction is truthful, allowing builders to bid their true value at the commit deadline. Since value-in-flight is the most likely cause for collusion, auctioning off a slot further removed from the present will temper the issue.

Auctioning off multiple slots

Note that to avoid having a failed beacon proposal result in a missing execution proposal, there is also the option to sell the right to two execution proposals in the subsequent slot (with builders bidding their inverse demand curve and paying according to the second and third highest bids).


This section presents two hypothetical timelines for the auction, either when only including unsealed bids in the beacon block (single-slot auction) or when including both sealed and unsealed bids in separate beacon blocks (two-slot auction).

Single-slot auction

Example of a slot auction with a tight schedule enacted mostly during a single slot n, auctioning off execution proposal rights for a later slot n+i.

T_x Time Overview Description
T_1 4s Sealed bid deadline Attesters of slot n+1 observe all sealed bids. Builders must have broadcast them some time before this point to ensure eligibility.
T_2 6s Proposer collates bids The proposer of slot n+1 releases a structure containing all sealed bids it can find.
T_3 8s Attesters observe collation Attesters of slot n+1 observe the proposerā€™s structure to ensure it contains all bids they had seen at T_1 and that the release of this structure is timely.
T_4 10s Revealed bid deadline Attesters of slot n+1 observe unsealed bids. Builders must have broadcast them some time before this point (but after T_3) to ensure eligibility.
T_5 0s (12s) Proposer collates in beacon block The proposer of slot n+1 includes every unsealed bid it can find in the block, also indicating sealed bids that were never unsealed. A winner is declared.
T_6 4s (12+4s) Attesters confirm collation Attesters of slot n+1 confirm that the proposer fulfilled its role and collated bids in a timely manner by attesting to the block.

Note that builders can unseal their bids directly after T_3. This should allow attesters of slot n+1 to observe revealed bids at 10s. However, if needed, the entire schedule could be pushed back slightly.

Two-slot auction

Here is an example of a schedule for the two-slot auction:

T_x Time Overview Description
T_1 10s Sealed bid deadline Attesters of slot n+1 observe all sealed bids. Builders must have broadcast them some time before this point to ensure eligibility.
T_2 0s (12s) Proposer collates bids The proposer of slot n+1 includes all sealed bids it can find in its beacon block.
T_3 4s (12+4s) Attesters confirm collation Attesters of slot n+1 confirm that the proposer fulfilled its role and collated bids in a timely manner by attesting to the block.
T_4 8s (12+8s) Revealed bid deadline Attesters of slot n+2 observe unsealed bids. Builders must have broadcast them some time before this point (but after T_3) to ensure eligibility.
T_5 0s (12+12s) Proposer collates in beacon block The proposer of slot n+2 includes every unsealed bid it can find in the block, potentially indicating sealed bids that were never unsealed. A winner is declared.
T_6 4s (12+12+4s) Attesters confirm collation Attesters of slot n+2 confirm that the proposer collated all unsealed bids by attesting to the block.

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Economics Staking Rights Auctions

Published: Jul 13, 2024

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This post was written by @pedroargento but his account seems unable to post it, so he asked me to do it. Iā€™m not too aware of the necessities/constraints of the ether issuance debate - but this seems quite interesting for defi protocols as well. Anyway, here it goes:

Hey everyone,

A friend of mine just watched the ā€œWhatā€™s the Issue with Issuance?ā€ talk by Christine Kim, Caspar Schwarz-Schilling, and Ansgar Dietrichs at EthCC. They said that the key points discussed around Ethereumā€™s issuance reminded them of a proposal I wrote in the past for Cartesi and CTSI.

The significant issues mentioned were the high (and growing) percentage of ether staked, how having too much ether staked isnā€™t necessarily beneficial for the network, how LST providers might be in a "winner take all ā€˜ā€™ situation and etc. Both Ansgar and Justin Drake suggested aiming for around 20-25% staked ether (ball park estimates).

It seems to me that the auction mechanism I proposed for the CTSI staking economy could really help to address these issues, by making the staking system much more expressive. The idea also allows participants to pay negative issuance for the right to earn MEV, which not only tackles the problem of excessive ether staking, but might also helps to balance MEV discrepancies.

Iā€™m not an expert in this research area, but based on the feedback from the EthCC talk, it seems like my proposal aligns well with the direction Ethereum is aiming to take. Iā€™m sharing this here on the Ethereum Research forum in hopes that it can contribute to the ongoing conversation and possibly offer a viable solution to the current challenges with Ethereumā€™s issuance models.

Looking forward to your thoughts and feedback!

Staking Rights Auctions

A popular solution to reward users for staking is to mint new tokens and distribute them among stakers. Besides the obvious incentive to gain extra tokens, the inflation created penalizes those who choose not to participate. The challenge is how to measure the opportunity costs of users and how to choose the appropriate issuance amount to achieve a target participation rate, while avoiding exceedingly high inflation rates.

Some projects have a fixed emission rate while others have a dynamic inflation function, which is higher when the participation is below desired and lower otherwise. There are three key problems with these methods:

  • You need strong assumptions about usersā€™ risk preferences to tailor the parameters of the function;

  • Users have little information about the mining income they will get as it depends on the number of total staked funds.

  • The methods donā€™t allow for differentiation between players with different risk preferences;

  • It is hard to determine a balanced inflation target.

As a countermeasure to these three issues, Iā€™m proposing a staking system based on a novel mechanism called staking rights, detailed in the sections below.

The Mechanism of Staking Rights

Staking rights give node operators the right to participate in staking. Without the rights, operators cannot be selected in the lottery that chooses the node that will generate the next block.

Rights are transitory. At the end of each staking cycle, a set of rights expires and ceases to exist. Conversely, new rights are created and made available for purchase through an auction.

Staking rights always have a final value of 1 token, which is delivered to the account that purchased it at the precise time of their expiry. When users buy a staking right for a price of less than 1 token, the difference between the price paid and the unit value is proportional to their perceived opportunity of the staking right. In that case, the difference is minted and locked in staking together with the price paid, totaling 1 token staked per right sold.

Here is an example. Suppose that the desired staking participation rate is 50% of the circulating supply of 1 thousand tokens. In this case, the system creates and auctions 500 staking rights, each scheduled to pay 1 token at the end of the cycle.

Circulating supply: 1000
Target participation: 500 (50%)
Staking rights issued: 500
Auction price = 0.97

Assume that each staking right is sold for 0.97 in the auction, thereby generating 0.03 new tokens. The staking rights buyer at the end of the staking cycle would be rewarded 1 token obtaining a 3.09\% return (0.03/0.97). The total inflation generated for the network would be 15 tokens (0.03 per right * 500 rights) or 1.5\%.

With this system, the user knows exactly how much return they will get for their staked tokens, independent of how many rights are sold or how many other stakers exist. There are also no assumptions about risk preferences, buyers will state them through bidding. This method also allows for bigger differentiation between users: instead of asking for a binary decision (stake or not to stake), we allow users to signal at what price they would be willing to stake.

The system can offer staking rights with different staking cycle periods: 2 weeks, 1 month, 3 months, etc. This achieves two objectives (1) differentiate between users who are willing to stake long term from short term players and, mainly, (2) decrease volatility in token emission. After all, if all staking cycles end at the same time, all new staking rights will be subjected to the same market conditions that may not represent the average behavior of stakers.

With different staking periods, in each cycle only a small number of staking rights will need to be created to replace the expired ones. This is because in each cycle there is going to be a mix of active staking rights bought at different points in time.

User risk preferences can be stated in the form of a discount rate, the rate used to convert future values (promises of payouts) to the present. The discount rate is the income that makes one indifferent between gaining money in the present or in the future. For example, with a discount rate of 10% a year, one would be indifferent between receiving 100 dollars today or 110 dollars a year from now.

The discount rate of a user can be translated to a staking right value using it to compute the present value of all incentives that can be paid by staking the right.

Staking rights give the owner three sources of incentives, provided that the owner remained active within the network:

  • Staking rightā€™s unit value (paid at the end of the cycle)

  • Block producerā€™s tips

  • Mine extractable Value

Below is an example of staking rights holder cash flows for a six month locked period.

The price to be paid for the staking can be easily calculate based on the return demanded by the staker

a staking right in a staking cycle of 12 weeks that pays rewards every 2 weeks
MEV_t the expected mine reward for time t
NF_t the expected network fees for time t
UV the staking right unit value
i the 2-week return expected by the user
The price P will be calculated as:

P= \frac {UV} {(1+i)^6} + \sum_ {t=1}^{6} \frac {MEV_t + NF_t} {(1+i)^t}

The staking rights can be sold through a closed price auction of Nth price, which means that the higher bid wins the token but will pay the price of the highest loser bid. For example, If 500 tokens are sold and the 501st highest bid was 0.98, all 500 tokens will cost 0.98. This type of auction, also known as a Vickrey auction (or Dutch auction), ensures all players bid their true valuation of the staking right, revealing their true risk preferences.

Its not 100% applicable to this specific auction, but a classical proof from Game Theory can give the intuition why the paid price being the lowest winning bid incentivizes truthfully reporting:

Given user i has a valuation B_i for a staking right. They can bid B_+ >B_i or B_- < B_i and the N-th price of the auction ends up being B_n.

If they bids B_+ there are two possibilities:

  1. B_n < B_i

  2. B_+ > B_n > B_i

In (1) they would get (B_i - B_n) independent of bidding B_+ or B_i and in (2) they would lose (B_i ā€” B_+) that would be larger than (B_n ā€” B_i). In neither case they have incentive to bid B_+.

If they bids B_- there are two possibilities:

  1. B_n < B_-

  2. B_- < B_n < B_i

In (3) they would get (B_i ā€” B_n) independent of bidding B_- or B_i and in (4) they would not get the token, making it better to bid Bi and have the chance to win.

In all possible cases there is no incentive to bid B_+ or B_-, making B_i the dominant Nash-Bayesian equilibrium.

This system also allows for deflation, if the value of the auction ends up above 1 unit. This would make sense if people are expecting such a high reward from the fees and MEV that they are willing to burn a certain amount of tokens in order to participate.

Inflation Control Mechanisms

Besides the burning possibility, its possible to add parameters in the auction to help manage inflation. Although its unclear to me at this time how those parameters could be decided by the Ethereum ecosystem, Iā€™m presenting them anyway. Contributions are welcomed as always.

First. Auction reserve prices: In the worst-case scenario, where all rights are sold in the auction with a price close to zero, the inflation will be the number of rights sold, divided by the total supply (50% in our previous example).

A reserve price means that only bids above a certain value will be considered valid. If we choose a reserve price of 0.7, the worst-case scenario in our example would be an inflation of 15%.

With a reserve price, it is possible to choose an acceptable inflation range and guarantee it will be complied with at all times.

Second. The number of issued tokens: The number of tokens directly affects the inflation. If only 100 tokens are issued (out of a total supply of one thousand), the worst-case scenario for inflation would be 10%.

These two variables need to be controlled dynamically in order to make sure the inflation is never higher than a previously determined ceiling. The number of tokens issued will depend not only on the target participation rate but also on the value of bids from the auction. This number will be capped so that the total newly minted tokens are limited to the maximum inflation. The total newly minted tokens can be calculated as the difference between the face value and the highest bid not honored (the Dutch auction price) times the number of tokens issued.

Let CAP be the maximum number of minted ETH desired

Let N_ {max} be the maximum number of staking rights necessary to achieve the target participation rate

Let B(i) be the i-th largest bid from the auction results

Let N be the number of staking rights issued

N will be chosen as the result of the optimization problem:

\begin{aligned} \max_{} \quad & N\\ \textrm{s.t.} \quad & N * (1-B(N+1)) \le CAP\\ \quad & N \le N_ {max} \\ \end{aligned}

More precisely, suppose that we sort all the bids made during the auction in decreasing order and plot them as in the figure below.


Then N staking rights will be issued in order to preserve the maximum number of ETH issued (CAP). Therefore, we can dynamically choose the minimum value B(N+1) such that the inflation is within the predetermined bounds.

The deflation case is depicted in the figure below:


It is important to note that there is no way around the tradeoff between participation rate and inflation, to control the later there is the need to sacrifice the former. The advantage brought by the system of staking rights auction is that we maximize participation, while limiting the inflation and allowing workers to express their economic preferences.

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Sharding Bitfinity: A new sharded blockchain

Published: Jul 12, 2024

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Using threshold BLS signatures we design a new blockchain that implements sharding, separating tokens from EVM processors. Bitfinity is linearly scalable and fast.
Bitfinity implements seamless cross-shard communication.

Using sharding techniques we also implement seamless cross-chain settlement and can bridge over Bitcoin to the EVM.

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Economics Searcher Competition in Block Building

Published: Jul 11, 2024

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In a new paper with Christoph Schlegel (@jcschlegel), Benny Sudakov and Danning Sui(@sui414), we look at the distribution of MEV rewards between the validator and searchers. We model the interaction between all players using tools from cooperative game theory. Namely, for any coalition of players, we define a (maximum achievable) value the coalition can derive by creating the best block together. The validator is a special player, that is needed to create any value. In other words, it has a veto power. However, searchers are the ones that find (arbitrage) opportunities which derive a value. Searchers can be substitutes or complements of each other into finding opportunities. The outcome of this interaction is payoff vector, specifying how much each player gets. In the core of the game payoffs are such that any coalition gets paid at least as much as the value they produce themselves.
First, we study a structure of the core, which is always non-empty set of payoff vectors. Then, we focus on the searcher-optimum allocation and show that each searcher obtains its marginal contribution. In a stochastic model, where each opportunity is independently found with the same probability by each searcher, we show that if this probability is mildly high in the number of searchers, validator gets all rewards. In other words, core is just a single payoff vector. While if this probability is low, with a constant probability the validator can get zero payment, as the searchers are complements of each other. We extend some results to the blocks with bounded size.
On the empirical side, we observe that if there is a high competition of searchers, validator rewards are increasing (in absolute terms), which aligns with our theoretical predictions.
For more details check out the paper: [2407.07474] Searcher Competition in Block Building. Any feedback is welcome.

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Layer 2 L2 Asset Interoperability via Two-way Canonical Bridges

Published: Jul 10, 2024

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One key problem with the L2 scaling solutions is that assets natively minted on L2s can only be used on the L2 of issuance but it cannot be bridged back to L1 or other L2s, without utilizing external bridges. This creates fragmentation. At the time of writing, there is already half as much natively-minted assets ($12b) on Eth L2s compared to canonical bridged assets ($24b), according to L2Beat.

Shared settlement layers only solve this problem for L2s using the same shared settlement layer. The ecosystem remain fragmented once more shared settlement layer show up.

We propose two-way canonical bridges as a solution, where L2-minted assets can be reverse-canonically bridged to L1. It is simply an ERC-1155-like interface that an L2 settlement contracts adopt, plus additional precompiles added to the L2 execution environment.

Two-way Canonical Bridges

Below is a highlevel description of two-way canonical bridging.

  • The L2 settlement contract becomes the ledger of record for all native assets issued on it (that have been reverse-canonically-bridged). The settlement contract (on L1) shall implement the ERC-1155 interface, where the asset id field denotes the L2 asset address.
  • To send an L2-native asset to an L1 address, the L2 users simply send the asset to a prespecified system address, which shall results in the L2 settlement contract on L1 issuing ERC-1155 tokens to itself. Next, L2->L1 call mechanisms can be utilized to move the newly-issued asset to any desired destination. This is done within the same L2 transaction.
  • To send a reverse-canonically-wrapped asset back to its L2 of origin, a special burnAndDeposit function on the L2 settlement contract can be called.
  • Since the L2 settlement contract is an ERC-1155 contract, L1 EOAs and other L2s can simply hold assets or wrap them as normal. This requires the L2 canonical bridge to support wrapping of ERC-1155 assets.
  • In normal usage, it is expected that the only holders of the ERC-1155 tokens issued by an L2 settlement contract are other L2 settlement contracts. This means that the state overhead on L1 is small.

Additional consideration:

  • The safety of an asset is maintained without additional trust assumptions because the L2 settlement contract acts as the ledger of record for all outstanding assets (those owned by other L1 addresses).
  • It is assumed that any assets that is reverse-canonically-bridged to L1 addresses is done at the risk of the user initiating the bridging.
  • In practice, end-users can utilize fast liquidity bridges while crosschain liquidity providers utilize the two-way canonical bridges to rebalance.
  • This mechanism can extend to L3s on L2s. An asset issued on an L3 can be reverse canonically-bridged to L2 and then reverse canonically-bridged back to L1. Weā€™d need the 1155 ids on the settlement contract to be able to represent the 1155 asset id on L2 alongside with the asset addressā€“this can be done via hashing for example.


Thanks to Shumo Chu for review and comments.

7 posts - 5 participants

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Block proposer MEV resistant dynamic pricing auction of execution proposal rights

Published: Jul 09, 2024

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MEV resistant dynamic pricing auction of execution proposal rights

Execution proposal of marriage between EA and ET through an auction sequenced by RANDAO (she said yes).

By Anders. Special thanks to BarnabƩ for helping me improve the clarity of this post. Thanks also for valuable feedback to Thomas, Julian, and Francesco.

1. Introduction

1.1 Background

As part of the effort to enshrine proposerā€“builder separation (ePBS), the role of beacon validators as execution proposers has come under scrutiny. Execution tickets (ET), first introduced as attesterā€“proposer separation, is a mechanism for selecting the execution proposer by random draw from a ticket pool, aiming to detach beacon validators from the selection process. However, the mechanism for selling tickets has not been settled, with several alternatives under consideration. A notable concern is that the sale of execution tickets may induce maximal extractable value (MEV). If the mechanism is administered by the consensus layer and the beacon proposer is given too much influence over the price or over the selection of purchasers, the design risks repeating one of the issues it was intended to resolve, with a new source of MEV becoming a concern. An execution layer vending machine raises similar questions. Therefore, a MEV resistant auction mechanism could be desirable if pursuing ETs.

Execution auctions (EA) is a related mechanism for selecting a future execution proposer, omitting the ticket pool. It relies on a MEV pricing auction, where bidders first make bids that set a floor to the MEV burn, and finally bid through tips in order to be selected by the proposer. Concerns have been raised (1, 2, 3) regarding the viability of MEV pricing auctions due to insufficient bid incentives in the initial phase. It has recently been suggested that this concern is resolved by considering the staking metagame, in which stakers must bid early to deprive other stakers of revenue. However, this resolution implies that EAs will lead to increased stakerā€“builder integration, which might also be a cause for concern. For this reason, it seems fruitful to explore an alternative auction mechanism also when selecting the execution proposer without leveraging a ticket pool.

1.2 Overview of proposal

This post introduces a dynamic pricing auction with MEV resistance to sell execution proposal rights. Builders hold reserves in a debit account and place binding purchase order for a ticket (ET) or an execution proposal slot (similar to EA). The final price adapts dynamically based on the total outstanding as well as currently incoming orders/tickets, with some similarities to, e.g., EIP-1559, and the payment is burned. Orders are delimited at the slot level through attester observations to remove agency from the beacon proposers facilitating the auction, thus inducing less new MEV. This produces a high aggregate MEV burn. In one version of the design, dubbed execution ticket auction (ETA), orders that came in during the same slot are sequenced for proposal by leveraging the RANDAO. In another version only applicable to ETs, orders that came in during the same slot are minted collectively into tickets. Due to the current limitations of the RANDAO, the mechanism is only capable of auctioning off proposal rights at least one epoch in advance.

2. Purchase process

Figure 1 presents the proposed purchase mechanism. Builders send purchase orders (for one ticket/execution slot at a time) over a public P2P layer. They specify a maximum price and hold a debit account within consensus to guarantee that their purchase orders are backed by sufficient funds. This account is funded using a separate transaction (see the discussion).

Beacon attesters observe all orders up to an observation deadline, enacted for example 2 seconds before the slot boundary. The beacon proposer collects all orders (there will be one purchase order per slot on average), including orders they may have found during the last few seconds of their slot. Orders are added as a group to the beacon block and will later be popped from a virtual first-in first-out (FIFO) queue scheduled across blocks. This queue may be just one slot long, depending on implementation.

Attesters reject the block if the beacon proposer fails to include a purchase order that they observed. The mechanism thus far has similarities to MEV pricing auctions (e.g., MEV smoothing, MEV burn, EA), but attesters are tasked with simply observing all purchases, instead of setting a bid floor. Another design that might come to mind is inclusion lists (ILs) in the style of FOCIL, but there is no new active participant in the form of an IL committee.

Figure 1. Schematic overview of the purchase process. Orders in blue, backed by buildersā€™ debit accounts, are observed by attesters (purple arrows). Beacon proposers subsequently add all incoming orders to the beacon block (dark red arrow). A validity check is performed to ensure that orders are fully backed. Orders are finally processedā€”using either RANDAO to determine the sequence in cases where several orders came in during the associated slot (yellow), or otherwise using collective minting (red). In ETA, orders are directly queued for proposal.

Once a slotā€™s orders have been added to the beacon block, a validity check is performed on builders that included at least one new order (cyan in Figure 1). If a builderā€™s outstanding (not yet processed) orders across the queue are not fully backed by its debit account, all the builderā€™s pending orders are discarded. A penalty may also be applied. Orders are priced directly upon being added or, e.g., at the time of sequencing, as described in Section 4. The determined purchase price is charged from the debit account and burned. The remaining ETH of the purchase order is subsequently virtually released such that it can be used to back new purchase orders. Orders are then sequenced and either queued for proposal (yellow arrow) or added to the ticket pool (red arrow), as described in Section 3.

3. Sequencing process

The purchase orders from the same slot are added unsequenced to the beacon block. The subsequent sequencing of orders from the same slot varies between designs.

3.1 ET ā€“ Minting of execution tickets

The natural strategy for ETs is collective minting, wherein all orders from the same slot mint a ticket at the same time, as indicated by the red arrow in Figure 1. The RANDAO used for ETA in the next subsection could also be applied to ETs using the same setup (dashed yellow arrow). However, the only real benefit (which remains marginal) is to facilitate a more even replenishment of the ticket pool.

3.2 ETA ā€“ orders sequenced by RANDAO

Purchase orders that came in during the same slot can be sequenced directly by the RANDAO, completely skipping a ticket pool. Perhaps execution ticket auction (ETA) would be a proper moniker. Indeed, with this design, a buyer will have an Estimated Time of Arrival for their order, which suitably cannot be precisely known beforehand if there is more than one order in the slot. BarnabĆ©ā€™s discussion (1, 2) on the topic of ETs and determinism is relevant here.

Orders can only be sequenced after the RANDAO has been updated. Therefore, there is an initial ineligibility window W during which orders cannot lead to an execution proposal. The RANDAO updates every 32 slots, but the proposed mechanism does not guarantee a new order every slot; in fact, the mode will be zero orders in a slot. Consequently, the safe distance between auction and slot proposal will need to be somewhat longer than 32 slots. Sequenced orders can be understood as sitting in a second FIFO queue while waiting to propose. Note that ETA could set the queue to hold as many proposal rights as the ticket pool, if desirable.

4. Dynamic pricing

4.1 Ticket saturation and delta

The exploration of dynamic pricing will refer to processed orders as ā€œticketsā€, although in the ETA design these are just sitting in the ordered queue waiting to propose. The protocol strives to ensure that there are \hat{T} outstanding tickets at any time. The price of a new ticket should be determined by the current number of outstanding tickets T as well as the current supply of purchases and purchase orders T_p, measured over some window of length W_T, which in some versions can be only one slot long.

Define the ticket saturation as T_s=T-\hat{T}. If T_s<0, there are too few tickets, and the protocol would in general like to sell more than one ticket per slot. If T_s>0, there are too many, and it would in general like to sell fewer than one. The delta T_{\delta}=T_p-W_T gives purchase orders relative to an expectation of one ticket per slot, which is the rate at which tickets are consumed by execution proposers. If T_{\delta}<0, the protocol is selling fewer than one ticket per slot and would in general like to sell more. If T_{\delta}>0, it sells more than one and would in general like to sell fewer.

If both T_s and T_{\delta} are negative, the protocol should decrease the ticket price to sell more tickets. If both T_s and T_{\delta} are positive, it should increase the price to sell fewer. The less trivial question is how to approach a situation when one of the variables is negative and the other is positive, how to window sales, and how quickly to adjust the price.

4.2 Dynamic pricing mechanism

4.2.1 Overview

The price of tickets adjusts on a relative basis, just like in EIP-1559, gradually shifting by some proportion of the current price each slot. To improve MEV resistance and adapt to the problem at hand, three differences to EIP-1559 however seem useful: (1) the price should depend on orders included in the current slot, not only the preceding; (2) the block should never be ā€œfullā€, lest the ticket price becomes very high; (3) the mechanism should be ā€œtwo-dimensionalā€ in the sense that it accounts for both ticket saturation and delta.

This subsection begins by exploring the simplest realization of such a pricing mechanism, which will then gradually be expanded. In the simplest design, W_T=1, and orders can be priced directly when added to the beacon block. If there is one new order (T_{\delta}=0) and the number of outstanding tickets is as desired (T_s=0), the price stays the same. If there are many new orders (a sudden spike in the expected MEV), the pricing mechanism will hike the price substantially. For example, if 100 orders were to come in, the purchase price for them could rise by orders of magnitude; the exact specification would need to be determined based on other auction paramters such as the size of the ticket pool. Builders will of course track incoming orders in real time and update their estimate of the final purchase price. Therefore, even during a sudden rise in expected MEV, there will only be new orders up to the point where the deduced price matches expected MEV.

As another option, W_T can be longer, setting the price W slots after orders have been added to the beacon block. In Figure 1, W=3. An asymmetric window spanning 4 slots up to and including the processing slot is then an option. The most important benefit is MEV resistance during spikes, as will be further discussed in Section 4.3. Other potential benefits include better pricing granularity, a more complete picture when pricing orders, and the marginal simplification in ETA from pricing and sequencing orders at the same. Of course, it can be argued that the picture already is ā€œcompleteā€ in the sense that builders can indicate expected MEV already at the current slot, albeit they may not be fully equipped to evaluate incoming orders in real-time. It can also be argued that W>0 and W_T>1 needlessly increase uncertainty and analytical complexity for builders as well as developers. As an example, builders may place an order several slots before a spike, but still need to pay closer to the real expected value of the MEV they are about to receive (priced closer to proposal time).

4.2.2 Equations

A rudimentary example will now be provided. Should this general mechanism be pursued, the exact price controller would have to be determined by reasoning about how quickly the price should adapt to changes in the willingness to buy tickets, sensitivity to ticket saturation, interplay between saturation and delta, sensitivity to MEV induction (see the next subsection), and by running simulations of the purchase process.

Ticket saturation and delta from the previous subsection is first weighed by window length and desired number of outstanding tickets

w_s=\frac{T_s}{c_s\hat{T}}, \quad w_{\delta}=\frac{T_{\delta}}{c_{\delta}W_T},

using the constants c_s=2^3 and c_{\delta}=2^6. The percentage change w to the ticket price applied each slot is


This post uses k=2, ensuring a non-linear price response as T_{\delta} grows. This can be particularly relevant at shorter windows W_T. Setting k=3 is also viable. The constant c_{\delta} can then alternatively be increased to offer better pricing granularity at a lower ticket delta, while still offering some guarantees regarding the maximum number of orders that may come in during one slot. The price p updates from its level at the previous slot p_0 to its level at the present slot p_1 as

p_1=w \times p_0.

4.2.3 Visualizations

Figure 2 illustrates what a pricing schedule according to w would look like for the outlined equations, with \hat{T}=4096 and W_T=32. The yellow band stipulates no price change (w=1), and passes through the intersection of the black lines, which correspond to a neutral ticket delta (x-axis) and saturation (y-axis). There have been suggestions of much higher \hat{T}. This issue relates to a wide range of considerations that are not the focus of this post.

Figure 2. Rudimentary example for W_T=32 of a percentage change in ticket price that varies with delta in ticket sales and the overall saturation of tickets in the pool. Black lines indicate a neutral delta (one ticket sold per slot) and saturation (T=\hat{T}).

Figure 3 instead shows a pricing schedule when W_T=1 using the same equation and settings as previously. If no orders come in during the measured slot, T_{\delta}=-1. Note that the colormap is log-scaled to capture the large increase in w that is instituted if 64 orders were to come in during a single slot. When T_W=32 (Figure 2), a large jump in orders would affect the price for 32 consecutive slots (assuming an asymmetric window), before the purchase takes place, and so w will naturally be lower on a per-slot basis.

Figure 3. Rudimentary example for W_T=1 of a percentage change in ticket price that varies with delta in ticket sales and the overall saturation of tickets in the pool. Black lines indicate a neutral delta (one ticket sold in the slot) and saturation (T=\hat{T}).

The relative change at W_T=1 for different T_{\delta} is shown in Figure 4, at a neutral ticket saturation (T_s=0). The price change instituted with this setting for between 0 to 4 orders is {0.969, 1, 1.031 1.063 1.096}. The same granularity can be preserved at lower quantities of orders while further raising the price at higher quantities, by increasing k.

Figure 4. Rudimentary example for W_T=1, focusing on the relative price change w across T_{\delta} at a neutral saturation. If 60 orders come in during a single slot, the price rises sharply.

Figure 5 instead plots the response at T_{\delta}=-1 across T_s. In other words, it shows how the price would change if no purchase orders are registered.

Figure 5. Rudimentary example for W_T=1, focusing on the relative price change w across T_s when no purchase order comes in.

4.3 Windowing and slot surge pricing

In the outlined pricing mechanism, there is a remaining opportunity for the beacon proposer to derive some MEV at shorter windows T_W. This happens during a sudden spike in interest for purchasing tickets between the point where attesters have observed purchase orders and the slot boundary.

Let n_a be the equilibrium quantity of orders that would have come in during a slot if a spike happened before the attester observation deadline (purple arrows in Figure 1). Builders keep track of incoming orders and calculate the current ticket price, which when compared to the updated expected MEV V_e produces n_a orders. If a spike comes in after the attester deadline, the proposer has exclusivity and could (be paid to) include only a subset of the orders n_p. The surplus MEV for the proposer emerges from providing a lower expected purchase price for each order it lets through. This is a monopoly pricing regime, wherein the proposer sells spots at a price approaching V_e-p_1. It determines n_p to maximize its revenue R(n_p), in accordance with the revenue function:

\text{Maximize} \quad R(n) = n (V_e(n) - p_1(n)).

Here, p_1(n) is based on the price equation provided in the previous subsection. Also note that if many purchase orders come in, V_e might gradually fall (if there is a temporary spike); hence V_e(n).

Quick edit: some additions/adjustments and referring to the previous subsection, which I had forgotten to do.

As mentioned in the previous subsection, longer windows W_T serve to further starve off MEV. The reason is now clear: bids of the present slot will with longer windows be priced based on information coming in also during subsequent slots. This means that the proposer has less leverage during a sudden spike, since builders will need to pay based on bids that are also observed by attesters (at the fair market price). In Figure 2, the price would be set 32 slots after inclusion in the block, influenced by the bids in these slots. Another way to achieve a similar effect without longer windows is to charge according to the price calculated during the next slot. Here it is important to note that bidders of the next slot cannot materially grief bidders of the present slot. They will also have to pay close to the price of bidders in the current slot, since the price cannot fall substantially between slots at short windows, only rise (also note the discussion of max price in Section 4.4). Yet the downside of heightened uncertainty for builders regarding pricing can be important to keep in mind.

If the price surges more quickly from a high quantity of purchased tickets within a single slot, the proposerā€™s potential revenue could also be reduced. Proposers can then sell fewer spots. Furthermore, by letting the price in the next slot not shift as much, oscillations in bid quantity (and potentially price) can be tempered. One way to achieve this is to let w rise more quickly with an increase in bids, set the price in the current slot as previously

p_1=w \times p_0,

but to not incorporate the full price change when setting the value p^*_0 that will be used as p_0 when pricing the next slot

p^*_0=\left(1+\frac{1-w}{c_w}\right) \times p_0.

The constant c_w is then set above 1. During a spike in expected value up to a new baseline V_e, the price would then theoretically stay rather fixed (at a new higher level) for subsequent slots, with the number of orders in each slot gradually decreasing, until it proceeds at the regular pace of one purchase order per slot. Yet note that if V_e rises from a temporary opportunity, there will be a bit more MEV for the proposer to extract still, because a lot of the value can depend on getting in early. This further depends on if the mechanism is ET or ETA and the size of the ticket pool. It is also important to note that a price surge means giving up some bid granularity. The discussion offers some further thoughts on bid granularity and the proposerā€™s ability to extract MEV.

As a concluding remark, it should always be remembered that a big ticket pool acts to temper fluctuations in the expected value of tickets. The buyer does not necessarily buy the right to sell tickets within the next couple of epochs, but rather within the next couple of hours, days, weeks or months, depending on the setting for \hat{T}ā€”and it turns out that when measured over longer periods, the level of the MEV has been very stable in Ethereum.

4.4 The role of a maximum price

Each buyer assigns a max price to the order. This is the value that needs to be backed by the debit account. If the max price is insufficient at the time of pricing, such that the actual price is higher, the builder does not receive a ticket/slot. Yet builders could make unbacked orders to starve off competitors, which would bring down the purchase price. It seems desirable to not force builders to analyze the balances of every competitor to determine which bids are real and which are ā€œfakeā€. One simple way to avoid such a situation is to penalize builders for placing orders that turn out to be unbacked at the time of purchase. This can potentially be combined with setting a validity rule requiring some minimum max price, either relative to the prevailing price at bid time, or/and as a fixed overall minimum.

Penalizing builders however exacerbates another potential issue. During an unforeseen spike in expected MEV, there are circumstances where a builder could ā€œliquidateā€ its competitorsā€™ bids if the current purchase price is close to their stipulated maximum. A builder could enter new bids forcing other builders out, to penalize them and gain cheaper tickets. For this reason, the mechanism could reduce gameability and the risks as well as improve capital efficiency for builders by stipulating an absolute maximum purchase price. A builder that bids the absolute maximum is guaranteed to not get liquidated and will always receive a ticket. This does not mean that the protocol will burn less MEV, merely that in times of extremely high expected MEV, there will temporarily be a higher quantity of bids, wherein each order has a lower chance of actually getting one of the desirable profitable slots.

What should the absolute maximum be set to if this path is pursued? In data provided by Flashbots spanning 2.7 million blocks between the last quarter of 2022 and the third quarter of 2023, the maximum average REV across 64 slots is 19.5 ETH. The peak average is skewed by a few spurious blocks with REV of several 100 ETH that may have been hard to predict beforehand. This average does therefore not represent a realistic expected MEV for builders bidding many slots in advance. Expand the window by a factor of 4 to 256 and the maximum average falls almost by a factor of 4, to 5.25. Setting the absolute maximum to 5 ETH would thus presumably not influence the auction even in times of extreme market conditions, since that price would hardly ever be reached.

5. Discussion

A MEV resistant dynamic pricing auction for selling execution proposal rights has been presented, relevant to the research of both ETs and EAs. It seeks to remove agency from the beacon proposer, thus inducing less MEV. This is achieved by having every order result in a sale, and every order coming in during the same slot having the same expected sales price. The execution ticket auction (ETA) sequences orders directly for proposal by leveraging the RANDAO. Orders that came in during the same slot can otherwise be minted collectively into tickets, with sequencing pursued at a later stage in accordance with the ET proposal.

If pursuing this auction mechanism, the dynamic pricing step would require substantial analysis. One sensitive part is the balance between moderating changes in the supply of orders while still offering sufficient pricing granularity. A high k can be useful here. Another potential avenue is to hold the auction less frequently. The expected timing of orders within the slot would also be interesting to studyā€”orders can be placed early to starve off others, or late to gain better information. One could even theorize that some builders will wait until after the attester deadline, and then pay the proposer a small fee for exclusive post-deadline inclusion (the benefit being to avoid race conditions).

Transactions to fund or withdraw from a builderā€™s debit account would need to be synchronized with the validity check to avoid race conditions. It may be convenient to expand the role of the debit account if it is desirable to subject builders to slashing or penalties at the execution proposal stage. In other words, the debit account might also function as a stake.

Just as with MEV pricing auctions, attesters accepting or rejecting a block based on some observation deadline is potentially sensitive. However, this particular design should hopefully be less so, since there will only be one order on average per block to observe, and less value (even potentially negative) in bidding later in the block. A potential benefit of an auction administered instead at the execution layer is the ā€œendogenousā€ component, facilitating a higher burn; the value of a ticket increases if the current ticket holder can extract value from future ticket holders through MEV. However, this direction raises gameability concerns if a single actor can come to monopolize the auction (ILs may here be useful). A MEV resistant mechanism, as here proposed, originating at the consensus layer, therefore seems like a viable direction.

It might seem tempting to replicate some facets of the proposed design for transaction processing: making the protocol more MEV resistant by having attesters observe transactions, the protocol sequence them by RANDAO, and the price adjust in a slot-delimited fashion. However, the requirements for transactions are different than for the purchase orders of execution rights analyzed in this post (e.g., time, quantity). Translating the ideas of this post directly to transaction processing might therefore unfortunately be difficult. Yet the proposed mechanism could perhaps lend some inspiration going forward.

It should be noted that multi-block MEV is a separate topic of concern. The proposed mechanism is resistant to inducing MEV at the purchase stage but does not preclude multi-block MEV. This is a general issue and an underexplored topic at this point in time. Censorship resistance is likewise an important problem not addressed by the auction mechanism. Various strategies, such as ILs (1, 2, 3), have been proposed. Whether the presented auction mechanism can be one part of an overall architecture that also tackles other issues remains to be explored.

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Data Science Deep Diving Attestations - A quantitative analysis

Published: Jul 09, 2024

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Deep Diving Attestations

I want to provide some quantitative stats onā€¦

  • Head-, target-, and source votes,
  • The individual node operatorsā€™ attestation performance, including the best and worst validators,
  • Attestation timing and inclusion delay, and
  • The impact of MEV-Boost, CL clients, Proposer Timing Games and Big Blocks with Blobs on attestation accuracy.


Many thanks to Caspar, DappLion, BarnabƩ and Potuz for their feedback and review!


I use data ranging from slot 9,169,184 to slot 9,392,415, amounting to 6,975 epochs, 31 days of data.
The goal is to provide some initial results from analyzing attestations, as a warm-up for analyzing correlated attestation penalties (EIP-7716).
Some of the data is collected by myself using custom parsing scripts. Other data was provided by EthPandaOps. This includes timing data collected from running nodes of every client in the regions Sydney, Helsinki, and San Francisco, with all nodes being subscribed to all subnets. For classifying CL clients, the blockprint tool was used.

Importantly, my solo staker categorization is done very conservatively to avoid confusing professional entities with solo stakers. In total, my dataset contains 8,488 validators classified as solo stakers.

The code for creating the charts is published in this repo.


The Basics

Attestations are at the core of Ethereum. Through attesting to past checkpoints, Ethereumā€™s validators agree on a state to become irreversible (Casper FFG). Furthermore, validators use attestations to agree upon the tip of the chain, deciding which transactions get confirmed and which donā€™t (LMD GHOST).
Every validator, backed by its stake, participates in every epoch and is randomly assigned a slot, during which it is expected to broadcast its view of the chain through attesting.

An attestation contains three things:

  • A source vote: The block (and all predecessors) to be finalized
  • A target vote: The block (and all predecessors) to be justified (=pre-finalized)
  • A head vote: The block seen as the head of the chain.

Since the Deneb hardfork that included EIP-7045, attestations for a slot in epoch N can be included up until the end of epoch N+1. However, inclusion doesnā€™t guarantee a reward:
To be rewarded, a validator must ensure its source vote is included within 5 slots. The target vote has to be included within 32 slots to be rewarded. Head votes must be included in the following slot to be eligible for a reward.

As of today, Ethereum counts ~1.03 million validators. This means we have 1.03 million votes every epoch, ~32,000 every slot. In one day, with 225 epochs, there are approximately 225 million attestations. This data grows quite fast.

If the source vote is invalid, then the target and head vote MUST be invalid too.

A slot can be broken down into 3 phases:
slottime (2)

  1. Validators attest when they have seen a block for the current slot or at second 4 in the slot - the attestation deadline. A block broadcasted at second 0 in the slot has 4 seconds to be seen by all relevant validators and collect votes. Late blocks risk not receiving enough attestations and being reorged by a subsequent block.
  2. Between second 4 and 8 in the slot, attestations are aggregated and broadcasted by selected validators.
  3. Eventually, the subsequent block proposer includes them into its block.

For more in-depth explanations check out this post by Georgios and Mike on ā€œTime, slots, and the ordering of events in Ethereum Proof-of-Stakeā€.


Missed vs. Failed:

  • A validator can either miss its attestation (missed) or attest to a wrong checkpoint (failed).
  • Missed attestations can happen if the node running the validator is out of sync or offline.
  • Voting for a wrong checkpoint, e.g. a wrong head, can have various reasons like receiving a block too late, being out of sync or even having a bug, etc.
  • Regardless of the reason, a failed vote tells us one important fact about a validatorā€”it is online.

In the following, weā€™ll also need the term ā€œhigh-performing validatorā€ which is a validator that hasnā€™t failed to cast a correct and timely head vote over the complete time frame analyzed.

Attestation Inclusion Delay

In the best case, attestations are included in the block of the next slot, causing a delay of 1. Sometimes, especially when the next proposer is offline or gets reorged, attestations are not included in the next slot. Then, the validator misses out on the rewards from the correct head vote, even though the attestation can still be included in a later block.

The following chart shows the distribution of the inclusion delay over seconds 1-63 and the clients the attesters were using.

  • 95.85% of attestations are included in the next slot.
  • ~1.2% of attestations are included in the slot after the next.
  • When a new epoch begins, old attestations are again picked up and finally included.
    • This is weird (but thereā€™ll be an explanation little down below).
    • Attestations of validators of all clients are affected.

This raises the question, ā€œwhat are clients doing?ā€

Examples include slots 9267438 with a delay of 35 (5250 validators), 9267425 with a delay of 52 (1813 validators), or slot 9267427 with a delay of 36 slots (1305 validators).

What if those late attestations were already included earlier and were later just included again (h/t dapplion)? To analyze that, we reproduce the above chart but separate by first inclusion and every following inclusion:

First, it is interesting that almost half of the attestations included with a delay of 2 slots (note: best is 1) have already been included in an earlier slot. This is possible because proposers are free to pick attestations that have already been included in the past 63 slots and include them again. Additionally, a block can contain the same attestations multiple times, aggregated differently.

We can see that the majority of the attestations included in the second hump with a delay of around 35 slots are reincluded attestations.

This raises the question, ā€œwhy does this occur with a delay of more than 32 slots?ā€

In percentage terms, we can see the first inclusion share reducing over an increasing delay:

To dig deeper into this reinclusion finding, letā€™s check the CL clients that built the blocks that included attestations with >32 slots delay:

We can see quite clearly that itā€™s mainly Prysm proposers who include attestations that have already been included earlier, which is very likely a bug.

The fact that the plot also shows other clients affected might stem from inaccuracies in classifying clients probabilisticly.

The Prysm team was notified.

Edit: The Prysm team was faster in fixing the bug than I was in finishing this post.

Fix: Increase attestation seen cache exp time to two epochs by terencechain Ā· Pull Request #14156 Ā· prysmaticlabs/prysm Ā· GitHub

Missed/Failed Attestations

Missed/Failed Head Votes

Head votes are the most difficult part of an attestation. They need to be cast correctly and timely. Per honest validator spec, validators have 4 seconds to receive and validate a block for the current slot. If no block is received until second 4, validators attest to the block in the previous slot. Timeliness in the context of head votes means 1 slot. Although older head votes can be included, there is no reward for the respective validator.

The legend is ordered in descending order by the sum of missed votes.

On average, we observe around ~500 missed or wrong head votes out of ~32k validators per slot and ~16k, out of ~1m, per epoch. This represents around 1.56%.

The entity labeled as unidentified may consist of multiple independent parties, including solo stakers and entities that havenā€™t been identified yet, and it has a total market share of 20% of all validators.

Assuming every node operator performs equally, the market share of each entity should reflect its share of missed head votes. However, this is not the case and we see certain node operators being superior compared to others.

The following chart visualizes the delta in the expected number of missed head votes based on market share and the actual number of missed attestations.

While entities such as Kiln, Ether_fi, Lido, Renzo, Figment, and Stakefish perform better than the average, we observe that Rocketpool validators, Kraken validators, and solo stakers miss up to 3% more head votes than their market share.

Focusing on the slot indices in epochs, we distinguish between missing a head vote due to being offline and voting for the wrong head.

The following chart shows the average number of missed/wrong head votes over the slots of an epoch:

From the above chart, we can infer:

  • There is a fairly constant number of missed head votes.
    • This is expected as lost-key validators contribute a constant portion to that category.
  • The beginning of an epoch, particularly the first slot, has significantly more wrong head votes than the rest.
    • This is expected because the proposer in the first slot has to carry out the epoch transition. It must then broadcast that block to reach all attesters. T
  • The average amount of missed/wrong head votes is 3 times larger in the first slot of an epoch than in the epochs 2-32.

Focusing on missed head votes and CL clients, we cannot see anything suspicious in the following chart:

In general, it looks like all CL clients are affected by early-in-epoch misses the same:

Missed/Failed Target Votes

Target votes are already easier to get right. The only exception is the first slot of an epoch that follows the epoch boundary: In such cases, the head vote equals the target vote and validators having their target vote wrong tend to vote for the parent block (=the block in the last slot of the previous epoch) instead.

On average, we observe around 150 missed target votes per slot and 4,800 per epoch. This represents around 0.48% of all validators.

Visualizing the same over the different CL clients, we see all clients affected to extents close to their market share.

Looking at the entities that perform better than others, we again see operators such as Lido, Renzo, Mantle, Coinbase, etc. outperforming the average.

Notably, Lido isnā€™t a single NO but consists of multiple operators that I combined for simplicity.

On the other hand, Rocketpool validators and solo stakers perform worse and miss up to 3% more target votes than expected.

As seen in previous analysis on reorgs, epoch boundaries can cause troubles for certain validators when it comes to proposing a block.
Blocks are more frequently reorged if they are proposed in the first or second slot of an epoch. Thus, we would expect those blocks to be responsible for the largest split-views among validators, causing some to attest to the current block, and others to the parent block.

Even though expected, we can see that the slot index in an epoch has a major impact on failed target votes:

Target votes are the hardest to get right at the beginning of an epoch. This is visible in the above diagram showing the first slot of an epoch with 18x more wrong target votes than other slots. The thing is, timely and correct target votes bring twice as many rewards than head or source votes.

Although looking problematic, Iā€™d argue this isnā€™t a big issue. A target vote at the beginning of an epoch is essentially just a head vote, and the relative share of failures in the first slot at 6.4% is still relatively low. Furthermore, it is a known fact that epoch boundaries come with many different cascading effects including missed slots, which also contributes to the above finding.

This phenomenon seems to be agnostic to CL clients.

Missed/Failed Source Votes

Source votes are easy to get correct and even validators that are slightly out of sync have a good chance to vote for the right source checkpoint. This is because the to-be-voted-for checkpoint is at least 6.4 minutes (=1 epoch) in the past. Wrong source votes indicate that the validator is either out of sync or on a completely different chain. Thus, target and head votes must be incorrect if the source vote is wrong.

For source votes one cannot differentiate between missed and failed because wrong source votes never make it onchain and are ignored by proposers/validators.

On average, we observe around 100 missed source votes per slot, 3,200 per epoch.

Similar to head and target votes, we observe an increased number of missed source votes at the beginning of an epoch. This MIGHT be related to the increased reorg probability at the beginning of an epoch but more analysis would be needed to confirm that.
In general, validators usually have ample time (at least 32 slots) to cast their source vote. However, if their head vote is incorrect, it might result in the entire attestation being ignored by an aggregator and, consequently, not being recorded onchain.

Best and Worst Validators

Validators cast a vote in every epoch and quickly checking, more than 99.9% of validators are active in every epoch.

By summing up correct head votes, we can determine the best and worst-performing validators.

The following chart visualizes the average missed/failed head votes per slot over the validator IDs:

Withdrawn validators are excluded.

We can see that the missed slot rate is slightly increasing with increasing validator IDs, with outliers for the validators with IDs 0-30k, 300k-330k, and 780k-790k.
The best validators are the group with IDs from 50k-60k.

Over four weeks, most validators miss around 20-30 head votes:

The following chart has a logarithmic y-axis to make sure we can also see the last bar on the very right that consists of validators that have never attested in the 4 weeks analyzed.

The peak of performance (best validators)

For the following, I use data ranging from epoch 292,655 to epoch 293,105, not the entire time frame analyzed, due to the sheer amount of data involved.

High-performers are defined as validators who havenā€™t missed voting for the correct head during a time frame of 3 days, starting from the last slot analyzed and going backward.

The following table shows the largest node operators (sorted in descending order by market share) and the percentage of high-performing validators within 3 days compared to the total number of validators for each entity:

^ The entities in green have more high-performing validators than the average.

The shares visualized using a bar chart look like the following:

We can see that the average high-performer rate is around 0-5% for the shown entities.
The outliers are Everstake, Frax Finance and Rockx.

So, what are those 3 parties doing differently than others?

There are two strategies an entity might apply:

  1. Attest early to ensure their vote has enough time to travel through the network and reach the next proposer for inclusion.
  2. Attest late to ensure they vote for the correct head of the chain. The longer a validator waits, the easier it is to determine the head of the chain as other validators have already voted -> the risk is that the vote might not reach the next proposer in time.

The latter strategy may be referred to as attester timing games.

But what is better?

Screenshot from 2024-06-27 20-22-27

I asked my Twitter friends, and the majority voted for ā€˜seen later,ā€™ indicating validators are playing timing games for increased attestation accuracy.

In truth, both are right.

The following chart shows the distributions of attestation-seen timestamps of high-performing validators vs. the rest (non-high-performing validators):

We can see that the largest share of head votes from high-performers is seen between second 2 and 3 in the slot. We observe another spike right after second 5 in the slot. For all other validators (cf. rest), the majority of head votes arrive between second 4 and 5.

This points towards:

  • Most attesters are exceptionally good because they are faster than others.
  • Some attesters are exceptionally good because they might wait longer for more accuracy.

> Early attestations by high-performing validators are seen some milliseconds earlier than the rest.
> Late attestations by high-performing validators are seen about 0.5 seconds later than the rest.

It is worth noting that every high-performing validator can be part of both groups, e.g., attesting late to ā€˜weakā€™ blocks (cf. epoch boundaries) and early for ā€˜strongā€™ blocks.
Validators with great network connectivity can afford to wait slightly longer. Furthermore, at any second in the slot, validators with great connectivity have more information available than other validators.

A simple example is Coinbase: Technically, every Coinbase validator can be made aware of the votes of other Coinbase validators before voting. With a 10% market share, this provides significant additional security when voting on the correct head.

By examining the head votes received/seen timings among the largest entities, we can clearly observe the differences. The best performersā€”Everstake, Frax Finance, and Rockxā€”typically attest between 4 and 6 seconds into the slot. While these entities outperform others, the following chart does not necessarily indicate a specific strategy being applied.

And for a deeper dive into this topic check out this simulation by BarnabƩ that goes into the depth of strategic attesting behavior.

Finally, we get the following timings for the attestations over different CL clients:

We like them for what they areā€¦ (worst validators)

Other validators are less performant than others. This becomes obvious by looking at the number of missed attestations over time.

First, letā€™s consider the validators who are offline. There are various reasons for validators to go offline, and occasionally, random validators might experience brief outages. However, there is a small subset of validators that are very likely to remain permanently offline.


We observed 139 validators, representing 0.014% of all validators, who were permanently offline in the 4 weeks analyzed.
Now, one can argue that being offline for over 4 weeks doesnā€™t mean the validator is permanently offline. While this is fair, validators who have never cast any vote provide a good upper-bound estimate for the number of permanently offline validators who might have lost their keys.

Within those offline validators, we identify 12 solo stakers, 37 rocketpool validators, and 90 belonging to the category unidentified (=20% market share, including many many actual solo stakers).

Most offline validators have low validator IDs:

We can see spikes around 730k and 870k, but the largest portion comes from OG validators with low IDs, those activated before the Merge. This is both expected and unexpected:

  • OG stakers are generally crypto-native individuals who can securely manage private keys.
  • OG stakers are generally solo stakers who are less sophisticated.

Based on the above, it seems the latter is more likely to hold true.


Moving the focus to the bad validators that miss more than the mean but not all slots in the analyzed time frame, the bar chart looks like the following:

If low-id validators arenā€™t offline they perform quite well. Looking at the above graph, the largest share of ā€œbadā€ validators can be found at the IDs 900k-1m.

Attestations, Big Blocks, and Blobs

Big blocks and blocks with many blocks are expected to receive fewer attestations. This is because certain validators might struggle to download and validate the block fast enough and therefore vote for another block.

With EIP-4844 going live, the block size consists of 3 parts:

  • EL Payload (~85 KB)
  • Beacon Block (excl. EL payload) / CL Part (~5 KB)
  • Blobs (~384 KB)

Previous analysis showed that the average beacon block size excl. blobs is around 90 KiB. One blob has a size of 128 KiB. As a result, on average, we get blocks (incl. blobs) of size nr_blobs * 128 + 90, with the blob being the main contributor to the size of a block.

More blobs mean more data that needs to be transmitted across the globe. Thus, we can expect more failed head votes for blocks with 6 blobs than those with one blob.

This expectation holds when looking at the above boxplot diagram:
ā†’ The median missed head votes doubles going from 0 to 6 blobs.

Letā€™s get more granularā€¦

The following visualizes the block size incl. blobs in MiB over the failed head votes per slot.

This chart shows only wrong/failed head votes and excludes offline validators.

For the sizes above 0.8 MiB, which are most likely blocks with 6 blobs, we can see more weak blocks than for 0 blob blocks. ā€œWeakā€ because up to 32k attesters of that slot, up to 99%, voted for a different block.
The only way that block still made it into the canonical chain is the next validator building on top of it instead of reorging that block out.

In the analyzed month, we observe 401 blocks with >31k attesters voting for different blocks that still made it into the canonical chain. 233 of them carried 6 blobs. Assuming most validators attest at the latest at second 4 of a slot, those blocks must have been propagated very late such that validators already attested to a different block before seeing it.
This can be confirmed by plotting the ā€œfirst seenā€ time of those weak blocks over the seconds in a slot, comparing it to all other blocks:

The chart shows that most blocks are seen between second 1 and 2 in the slot. For those weak blocks, itā€™s between second 4 and 5, right after the attestation deadline.

We can confirm this by looking at the attestation timing over the seconds in a slot. We can see that 80% of the attestations are seen 5 seconds into the slot. A block propagated at second 4 in the slot will likely miss out on at least ~40% of all possible attestations, no matter how fast it propagates through the network.

Are blobs the problem?

The following chart shows the first seen time of 1-blob blocks vs 6-blob blocks:

We can see that despite 6-blobs blocks being seen later in the slot, the delta is rather small, not to say negligible. At the time of the block arriving, the blobs should have already been seen.

In the past, the fact that a user was (not) using MEV-Boost impacted different performance metrics. Thus, letā€™s plot MEV-Boost users vs. local builders for completeness:

Finally, comparing three of the largest relays, we get the following image:

While most relays such as Ultra Sound, BloXroute, Agnostic Gnosis, or Flashbots show a very similar curve, we can see the Titan relay having two peaks instead of just one.
This means that some blocks going through the Titan relay are first seen in the p2p network between 2.5-3 seconds into the slot, which is very late.

Notable, those late blocks of Titan still became canonical, pointing towards proposer timing games.

Attestations and Proposer Timing Games

Next, letā€™s look at the impact of Proposer Timing Games on attestations.
We refer to Proposer Timing Games (see [1], [2]) if block proposers delay their block proposal to give the builders more time for MEV extraction.
Instead of asking the relay for a block in second 0 in the block, a proposer can delay this, e.g. until second 2 in the slot, and maximize profits. This comes with the risk of not getting enough attestations and being reorged out.

Find some real-time visuals on timing games at

Proposer timing games are expected to negatively impact validatorsā€™ attestation performance, although this hasnā€™t been thoroughly analyzed yet. The concern is that proposer timing games could have cascading effects: attesters might slightly delay their attestations to ensure they vote for the correct head of the chain. Knowing proposers are playing timing games, it might be rational to delay the attestation too. Such strategies can be harmful to the networkā€™s overall health.

For more info on the impact of proposer timing games on attestations, check out Casparā€™s post on it.

The following graph shows the average number of missed head votes over the seconds in a slot. The relaysā€™ Data API (bidsReceived endpoint) was used for the in-slot timestamps.

Multiple prior analyses showed that using the bidsReceived timestamps provides a good enough approximation of actual propagation timings. Notably, bidReceived must come earlier than the blockā€™s propagation timing.

The above chart shows that the number of missed head votes increases rapidly with being 1 - 1.2 seconds into the slot. The longer a proposer waits the fewer attestations its block is expected to receive.

We can see that the number of missed head votes per slot increases to an average of >4k (12.5% of the committee) for late blocks published more than 1.7 seconds into the slot.
This sounds bad although the numbers are still relatively low compared to the 32k validators that attest in each slot.

Proposing a block with a bid received timestamp of over 2 seconds causes an average of 5k attestations to be missed. This represents about 15% of the committee.

5 posts - 4 participants

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Applications Mantis: Driving Ethereumā€™s Cross-Domain Future

Published: Jul 08, 2024

View in forum ā†’Remove

Author: 0xbrainjar

Reviewers: Sydney Sweck & Bruno Mazorra


Recently, Composable launched its IBC Ethereum mainnet connection. The IBC Protocol is emerging as the gold standard for cross-chain communication, as we have previously explored in our comparison analysis here. IBCā€™s trust levels parallel that of ZK bridging, which is limited to the Ethereum ecosystem and its layer 2s. Originally, the IBC Protocol was also limited to one ecosystem: the Interchain, which includes Cosmos SDK chains and the Cosmos Hub. However, IBC has now been expanded outside of the Interchain/Cosmos ecosystem for the first time by Composableā€™s Picasso Network.

IBC Ethereum a significant milestone, marking the first time that trust-minimized bridging is available between Ethereum and other IBC-enabled chains including the Cosmos hub, Cosmos SDK chains, Polkadot and Kusama parachains, Solana, and more ecosystems soon. Moreover, this was a huge technological feat, given that this connection required architecting a light client on Ethereum. While various projects were exploring the concept of Ethereum light clients at the time, there were no light clients fully available on Ethereum when we began development.

Now, Composable is in the process of launching a product that aims to bring more utility to cross-domain Ethereum operations: Multi-chain Agnostic Trust-minimized Intent Settlement, or Mantis. This framework serves as a vertically integrated intent pipeline, complete with expression, execution, and settlement. Ultimately, Mantis strives to establish a decentralized market for cross-domain intent expression through a permissionless solver network and intent-settlement framework. Through Ethereum IBC and now Mantis, Ethereum will be optimally positioned to continue in its role as the leading hub of DeFi; new cross-chain use cases to and from Ethereum will be generated, enabling the flow of new liquidity and users to Ethereum, with all of the complexities abstracted away to improve the user experience.

The present article thus summarizes Mantis from our recently-published Mantis Whitepaper and Litepaper. Moreover, this post details how Mantis can benefit Ethereum and other IBC-enabled ecosystems.

About Mantis

The Industry Need

Mantis is a relevant protocol within the present DeFi space for a number of reasons, as it aims to fulfill a number of challenges currently facing the space:

  • Optimizing UX and Execution: There has always been a need in the space to optimize both user experience (UX) and execution. If this is accomplished, capital efficiency and value accrual can be maximized for all participants.
  • Combatting Centralization Trends: In the multi-chain bridging space, there has been an increased reliance upon centralized structures. Unfortunately, there has been a lack of decentralized solutions that rival the speed and cost of centralized structures.
  • Facilitating Trust-Minimized Interoperability: Many bridging structures in place today require putting trust in third-party intermediaries, making them vulnerable to attack. However, new technologies are being introduced with the launch of trust-minimized bridging structures like the IBC Protocol, which powers the Picasso Network. These developments enable generalized message passing and synchronization of protocols and applications across multiple blockchain ecosystems.
  • Delivering Intent-Centricity: Intents are another new area of development in the DeFi space that are positioned to further assist in resolving user experience and execution issues. However, many intents solutions are not cross-chain interoperable, and are not vertically integrated with execution and settlement solutions, rendering them unable to accrue value from pay for orderflow.

With Mantis, Composable addresses these present unmet needs in the DeFi space. Overall, our thesis is that cross-domain interoperability widens the intent solution space. We hypothesize that this increased choice in solutions results in value in the form of better user outcomes.


Mantis accomplishes its functionalities via the Mantis protocol and rollup, a cross-domain auction mechanism, as well as their synergies with the Inter-Blockchain Communication (IBC) Protocol and the Picasso Network. Moreover, a commitment mechanism between chains allows conditions in the other parts of the architecture to be carried out cross-domain.

The Mantis Protocol & Rollup

The Mantis protocol facilitates optimal execution of cross-domain intents via a competition of solvers. Users sign intents, which are contained on a private rollup mempool. Solvers are staked agents that can a) observe the transactions on the mempool and b) post solutions in the auctioneer contract. The auctioneer contract scores the solutions in terms of users utility maximization. The winner of the auction is responsible for settling the outcome of the intent to the solution settlement contracts in the final chain expressed by the intent.

The Mantis protocol lives on the Mantis Solana Virtual Machine (SVM) rollup. This rollup serves as a coordination and settlement layer for cross-domain intents, in addition providing a framework for cross-domain block proposals and credible commitments. The rollup further allows for assets to be staked and restaked to provide crypto-economic security along the proof-of-stake model. This includes staking both the native token of Solana (SOL) as well as liquid staked token versions of SOL. These assets are staked into the bridge contract of the rollup, which then sends them to the proper place for staking or restaking.

The Mantis rollup also provides developers with a simplified mechanism for designing cross-domain decentralized applications (cdApps), which are defined by their inclusion of scoring, solvers, solution settlement, and cross-domain integrity proofs. An SDK is provided to further enhance the development and integration process.

Cross-Domain Auctions

Mantis plans to introduce cross-domain combinatorial auctions, with the goal of accomplishing the following:

  • Optimized cross-domain MEV extraction*
  • Cross-domain intent solution atomic settlement
  • Efficient blockspace allocation
  • Increased distribution of revenue to validators selling items separately

*We would like to take a moment here to reflect on MEV and our goals surrounding this concept. MEV is an evolving term with a number of interpretations. Initially MEV stood for miner extractable value, representing the maximum profit an agent (miner or validator) in proof-of-work blockchain systems could incur from its monopolistic rights over transaction inclusion. With the advent of proof-of-stake systems, MEV has become more often described as maximal extractible value, as miners are largely obsolete. Maximal extractible value still refers to the value that agents derive from strategically reordering and including transactions, but now these agents are frequently searchers.

A number of negative ramifications have been reported from these MEV extraction mechanisms. Thus, Flashbots introduced MEV-geth to Ethereum, which implemented a centralized combinatorial auction where searchers can express complex preferences in bundles. Then, this auction system was decentralized by MEV-Boost, allowing anyone to propose their block by bidding at auction. With the introduction of proposer-builder separation, validators on Ethereum now derive value from their monopolistic power over their slots.

As one can see, value from rearranging and including/excluding transactions can now be carried out by a number of parties in a number of manners. In addition to the extraction by validators, miners, and searchers, builders can also derive profits and users themselves can derive financial benefits from these mechanisms by using protocols such as Flashbots Protect, MEV blocker and Cow Protocol . Therefore, it becomes difficult to define exactly what value accrual mechanisms can be considered MEV.

Another complicating factor in the definition of MEV is that some of the aforementioned value accrual mechanisms have an inverse relationship. Most importantly, there is tension between the profits made by validators and other sellers from MEV and the overall welfare of the system (i.e. total value accrued to all users of the system, including end users, solvers, searchers, stakers, etc.). When overall profits to sellers are maximized, overall welfare goes down.

Thus, the goal of Mantis is not necessarily to maximize MEV extraction. Rather, the goal is to maximize overall welfare.One way in which we hope to achieve this is via our mechanisms designed to allocate blockspace efficiently to the users valuing it the most, such as our cross-domain auctions.

Initially, these auctions will be just-in-time to allow builders to express atomically. For two domains, this will involve two simultaneous English auctions with a unique combinatorial block take-it-or-leave it offer. Buyers can place send blocks with bids for the independent blocks and combinatorial blocks. The problems with this approach are the risk of double-signing and the high level of trust placed in the relay.

Therefore, Mantis aims to later introduce a future combinatorial blockspace market, where the rights to future blockspace on multiple domains can be bought and sold. The new crypto-economic primitive of restaking (such as that being facilitated by the Picasso Network) enables block proposers to issue credible commitments about future block construction. These are promises to build blocks in accordance with specific conditions laid out by execution ticket holders if certain payment thresholds are met. Tickets exist outside of a domainā€™s consensus protocol and will be exchanged via a combinatorial batch auction where buyers express combinatorial valuations over the tickets and sellers express reserve prices. Then, tickets can be traded or sold in a secondary market. This aims to decrease the monopoly of block sellers while increasing market efficiency.

The IBC Protocol

The IBC Protocol facilitates communication between different blockchain ecosystems. Compared to other cross-chain communication protocols, the benefits of IBC are that it is trustless, secure, censorship-resistant, permissionless, fast, cost-effective, and natively interoperable. For these reasons, Mantis has opted to use IBC as its mechanism for cross-chain communication.

Composable has expanded the reach of the IBC so that it not only connects the Cosmos Hub and Cosmos SDK chains that it originally linked, but also interoperates with Polkadot and Kusama parachains, Ethereum, and Solana. Creating these novel connections required a significant amount of technical development, given that many blockchains lack different components needed for IBC-compatibility.

In the case of Ethereum, the following components needed to be architected in order to enable IBC-compatibility:

  • ZK Circuit: This program is able to output a proof given a set of inputs. This proof can then be easily verified to ensure that each computational step that was run inside the circuit was done so correctly. In Picassoā€™s solution, the ZK circuit connects SNARK ED-25519 signatures to a prover. ED-25519 is a digital signature algorithm (DSA) that offers small key and signature sizes and fast computation being impervious to many common attacks to other DSAs.
  • Tendermint Light Client on Ethereum: We constructed a Tendermint light client on Ethereum, which lives as an Ethereum smart contract and is able to communicate over IBC with the light client on Picasso.
  • Ethereum Light Client on the Picasso Chain: We also created a CosmWasm contract in the Wasm client of the Picasso Cosmos SDK chain to complete the Ethereum IBC connection.
  • IBC Stack on Ethereum: We created a modified IBC stack for Ethereum that consists of Solidity smart contracts on Ethereum. Through this IBC stack, all BC components can operate on Ethereum, facilitating Ethereumā€™s interoperability with IBC.
  • Hyperspace Relayer: The Composable Foundationā€™s Hyperspace relayer connects the two light clients involved in Ethereum IBC by transferring IBC packets between them. Hyperspace is the first event-driven, chain-agnostic IBC relayer that is based on ibc-rs (the Rust implementation of IBC). Hyperspace can thus relay packets between any IBC-enabled chains.
  • Prover: This entity interacts with the relayer and proves to the verifier that something is true without revealing other information. On Picasso, what is being proved is various transactions sent between Ethereum and IBC. In particular, this prover is a rapid SNARK prover living on the Picasso Cosmos SDK chain.
  • Verifier: Verifiers receive a proof from provers and validate this claim. This prover-verifier relationship results in the production of zero-knowledge proofs, as Ethereum explains here.

The Picasso Network & Its Restaking Pool

The Picasso Network aims to deliver ecosystem-agnosticism to DeFi. It executes on this vision via the Picasso Layer 1, a Cosmos SDK blockchain that acts as an IBC hub between Cosmos and non-Cosmos IBC-enabled chains.

Picasso is the first censorship-resistant, natively-secured cross-ecosystem interoperability solution. The Picasso Network further emphasizes trust-minimization by drawing on the trustless IBC protocol. While a multisig is initially being used for upgradability of IBC contracts on Picasso, the end goal is to transition to decentralized governance.

Picasso is a critical component of Mantis as it allows the Mantis framework to be cross-chain capable over IBC. Specifically, Mantis transactions are grouped into IBC bundles for shipment based on domain. These bundles are then sent from the Mantis rollup over Picasso IBC and out to relevant blockchains for settlement.

Moreover, a restaking pool on Picasso coordinates the agents that have a combination of stake in different chains. Commitments formed between these actors draw upon this restaking pool.

Development Roadmap

The development for Mantis will be carried out in the following steps:

  1. Enabling cross-domain swaps: integrating with IBC bridges and automated market makers across different chains to facilitate seamless asset swaps

  2. Setting up the foundational architecture: establishing a robust framework that includes the initial design of the Mantis architecture and the development of standards for scoring mechanisms and IBC for intent-based mechanisms

  3. Implementing cross-domain intent-based mechanisms: developing application programming interfaces (APIs) and software development kits (SDKs) that enable users to create and manage cross-domain intents, along with implementing an open-source solver that solves these intents

  4. Enriching the restaking layer: building out the restaking layer of Mantis to have additional functionality (simultaneously to step 3)

  5. Creating cross-domain MEV auctions: developing an auction system that efficiently allocates blockspace (simultaneously to step 3)

  6. Deploying block proposal commitments: enhancing the infrastructure for block proposals and establishing a credible commitment mechanism across domains, including robust fraud-proof mechanisms to maintain trust and security.

  7. Completing public launch and scaling: focusing on officially releasing all functionalities and documentation for Mantis

Benefits to Ethereum

Mantis supports Ethereumā€™s continued role as a leader in DeFi as the space becomes increasingly cross-chain. Composable has already connected Ethereum to the IBC, and therefore, to our trust-minimized bridge. This connection will drive new usership and liquidity to Ethereum from Solana, Cosmos, Polkadot, and Kusama. It will also enable the development of new use cases for ETH outside of Ethereum and on these other networks. Through such new use cases in new locations, DeFi users who do not currently hold ETH will likely be incentivized to do so, and existing users may be incentivized to hold more ETH. Thus, the Ethereum network is positioned to expand its reach even further into the cross-domain DeFi landscape, helping the ecosystem to maintain its reputation as a leader in the space.

Another benefit Mantis aims to deliver is chain abstraction. Mantis provides a mechanism for Ethereum and other domains to easily be participants in cross-chain DeFi without the blockchain, its layer 2s, or any protocols in the ecosystem needing to make significant modifications. Now that Ethereum is integrated with IBC, its innumerable DeFi protocols and applications can be leveraged from within Mantis. A user simply puts their intent for a transaction into the Mantis user interface, and the rest is handled for them. For example, A user may be looking to swap ETH for USDC. Once they input this intent, Solvers on Mantis compete to come up with the best execution route. For the sake of this example, perhaps the best price for this swap is through an ETH-USDC pool on Uniswap. The solver who has proposed the best settlement route wins the rights to settle the solution, routing the funds through Uniswap for the swap, and then back to the user. Once the transaction is settled as specified, the solver is rewarded. In this manner, all parties benefit: new traffic is routed through Uniswap in this example (or more generally, any other protocol or protocols providing best execution), the user has a streamlined experience with optimized settlement, and the solver is rewarded for their role.


Mantis provides the architecture needed for IBC-enabled chains like Ethereum to easily participate in the cross-domain future. This will help Ethereum continue its role at the forefront of DeFi as the industry continues to embrace multi-domain operations.

References & More About Composable

Composable is dedicated to improving DeFiā€™s accessibility, quality, transparency, efficiency, and security. Our ultimate vision is for the Composable ecosystem to become an execution hub for chain-agnostic transactions. We are actualizing our mission by working to unite the DeFi space, building an ecosystem and a range of infrastructure to support trustless cross-chain operations.

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Economics Maximum Viable Security: A New Framing for Ethereum Issuance

Published: Jul 06, 2024

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Maximum Viable Security: A New Framing for Ethereum Issuance

by @artofkot, @damcnuta, @sonyasunkim, @adcv_

Appreciate feedback from @ppclunghe, @ks_kulk, @lazyleger, Juan Beccuti, @entigdd, @stakesaurus, @hasufl, @lex_node, @_vshapolapov, @brettpalatiello

Table of Contents

TLDR: Embrace security

Given Ethereumā€™s goal of building a secure and sovereign distributed system, we believe viewing Ethereumā€™s monetary policy through the lens of Minimum Viable Issuance (MVI) is not appropriate. Instead, we propose Maximum Viable Security (MVS) as a new framework for the community to consider in the Ethereum issuance debate. That is,

From: Minimum Viable Issuance (MVI) ā€“ minimize issuance, without compromising security.
To: Maximum Viable Security (MVS) ā€“ maximize security, without compromising scarcity.

After covering the motivation and foundations behind MVS, we evaluate Ethereum issuance reduction proposals through the MVS lens. We show that issuance reduction can compromise security and neutrality in a direct way, through staked ETH concentration with Centralized Exchanges ā€“ and this effect, on balance, far outweighs the advantages of cutting the issuance.

1. The foundations of the Maximum Viable Security (ā€œMVSā€) framework

1.1. Ethereum has a clear goal: build a secure and sovereign distributed system for everyone

There are many goals of this project; one key goal is to facilitate transactions between consenting individuals who would otherwise have no means to trust one another.
Source: Ethereum Yellow Paper (link)

The growth of Ethereumā€™s market capitalization from 0 to $400bn today underscores the marketā€™s confidence in its current and future potential. This value hinges on Ethereumā€™s ability to validate state changes transparently, securely, and sovereignly.

Security is a crucial part of the value proposition. Without sybil resistance and slashing defense (programmable or social) against 34% double-signing attacks, a settlement layer would not be trusted by participants. A secure validation layer is the most scalable (link) foundation for providing transaction settlement with incorruptible finality.

Sovereignty is equally important ā€“ Ethereum should be able to defend against more subtle 51% attacks such as short-range reorgs and censoring (link), and should be able to resist coercion by state actors. If Ethereum loses sovereignty (aka autonomy), it loses its value as a neutral settlement mechanism:

"Decentralization" is the broad distribution of a system's intrinsic/accepted forms of power, protecting users against arbitrary exercises of power from the recognized legitimate 'authorities' within the system's logic (e.g., validators). "Autonomy" is the system's resistance against extrinsic/unaccepted forms of power, protecting users against all exercises of power from authorities outside the system's logic (e.g., government authorities).
Source: lex_node (link)

While 34% attacks are costly and 51% attacks are to some extent bounded by reputation and social slashing, a gradual coercion by state actors on independent validators is more feasible, and can even be unintentional. For instance, the European Securities and Markets Authority (ESMA) recently suggested (link) viewing MEV as a form of market manipulation subject to notification requirements from validators. Such regulations could make it impracticable for node operators to continue to function in Europe. In a worst-case outcome, these regulations could propagate to the rest of the world and impose artificial restrictions on how the consensus algorithm works.

High autonomy is therefore maintained through robust decentralization among validators, which includes:

  • Client software diversity: running different types of validator software to avoid concentration risk from bugs.
  • Node operator diversity: different, independent entities running validator software to prevent individual node operators reaching higher levels of control.
  • Geographic and jurisdictional diversity: different levels of base-level infrastructure ā€” such as connectivity to the internet, power supply, law authorities and jurisdictions ā€” that are capable of influencing node operators.

1.2. A diverse staking economy is key

1.2.1. Stakers

Stakers fall into three main categories:

  1. Retail and Institutions: These participants delegate their staking to Centralized Exchanges (CEXs)
  2. On-chain Actors: They delegate their staking to Decentralized Staking Middleware (DSM), such as Liquid Staking Tokens (LSTs) or decentralized pools, as well as Liquid Restaking Token protocols (LRTs) and Centralized Staking Providers (CSPs).
  3. Solo Stakers: These users choose not to delegate and run validators independently

1.2.2. Validating entities

Note: CSP numbers do not include capital delegated from DSM/LRTs. The above numbers are approximate and for illustration purposes; they are our best estimates from Dune (1, 2), as of June 30th 2024.

A hypothetical scenario where most ETF Ether is staked with custodial services, like Coinbase, suggests that this is where most of future inflows will likely originate. Recent Bitcoin ETFs have seen ~$15b of inflows. Proportionally applied to Ethereum, this could mean about 4m ETH. Notably, 8 out of 11 Bitcoin ETFs use Coinbase as their custodian, a pattern that may repeat with ETH.

1.2.3. Entitiesā€™ decentralization

Contributions to decentralization and thus censorship resistance and neutrality can be approximated as follows: Solo Stakers > Decentralized Staking Middleware > Liquid Restaking Protocols > Centralized Staking Providers > CEXs.

  • Solo Stakers: Contribute the most to decentralization because each adds an additional validator
  • DSM: Efficiently distribute delegated stake among many parties, bonded via reputation (Lido) or collateral (Rocket Pool, Lidoā€™s Community Staking Module). Their impact on Ethereumā€™s decentralization is measurable and significant, with data on operational diversity publicly available and regularly updated (link). The Herfindahl-Hirschmann Index (HHI) can also provide a useful proxy on the effect on validation concentration (link)

  • Restaking Infrastructure: While not cost-optimized for native staking, these protocols distribute stake among fewer node operators without aggregating it under one entity
  • Centralized Staking Providers: Risk aggregating large amounts of stake, but competition among them can bolster decentralization if many can sustain independent businesses
  • CEXs: Benefit the most from the power law distribution of AUM, often driving staked ETH concentration. Coinbase, for instance, is the largest node operator with nearly 15% market share.

1.3. There is no future-proof safe level of Security

Anders Lowsson suggests (link) that Ethereum should reduce its issuance, arguing that ā€œexcessive incentives for staking, beyond what is necessary for security, can unfortunately over time turn into perverse subsidies, with many downsides.ā€ However, this raises the question of what constitutes ā€œadequate incentives for stakingā€ and what level of security is truly necessary.

What exactly is "neutrality"? I see that term being used in handwavy fashion, especially when scaling comes up, and it's hard to know what we mean by "preserving credible neutrality" at the moment. Would be nice to get some info there. :)
Source: eawosikaa (link)

Todayā€™s global capital markets are valued in the hundreds of trillions of dollars, while Ethereum represents only a tiny fraction of that. For Ethereum to become a neutral settlement layer for the world, its cost of corruption would need to be in the hundreds of billions, if not trillions, of dollars, to capture the value that could be extracted in a possible attack. For context, large value payment systems (excluding retail payments) cleared quadrillions of dollars in value in 2022 (link). In comparison, over the past 12mos, stablecoin transfer value on Ethereum just about cleared $8tn, or 0.5% (link). This is consistent with the proportion of market capitalization of Ethereum relative to global capital markets (well under 1% as well).

The slightest risk of insufficient security would stagnate Ethereumā€™s growth ā€“ decentralization and the resulting neutrality is Ethereumā€™s #1 competitive advantage. No risk should be taken to erode that, and instead, we should seek to strengthen it even further. To answer Emmanuelā€™s question, in our framing, we would use ā€œneutralityā€ interchangeably with ā€œsovereigntyā€ and ā€œautonomyā€: ability to defend against censorship and coercion attacks (link). Such that the cost of ā€œcoercionā€ is always higher than the benefit from manipulating the state.

Andersā€™ argument assumes that a 34% double-singing attack is so costly and 51% censorship attack is so unlikely today, that the network can afford to focus on strengthening other layers. If Ethereum were already a major part of the worldā€™s capital markets, this argument might hold more weight, as incremental risks would be smaller. However, reducing today the networkā€™s most crucial featuresā€”security and sovereigntyā€”would compromise the networkā€™s ability to grow.

Currently, Ethereumā€™s social layer serves as the final defense (link) against norm violations that threaten its credible neutrality. However, this social layer is structurally fragile. It requires constant vigilance from the community so that enforcement can occur on a daily basis. Yet, as Ethereum grows, massive new inflows might bypass todayā€™s social layer altogether. If a large bank, say, staked $1tn worth of Ether with a CEX, what chance does a community of open source developers have to enforce social norms? The key question, as Emmanuel points out, is: What is the threshold for security that Ethereum needs today and in the future? The MVI proposal, in our view, fails to address this critical question, focusing instead on the other effects of reducing the security budget.

1.4. Reframing the discourse: expansion over efficiency

Ethereum should balance incentives for all stakeholders to ensure the highest level of security. This balance involves weighing long-term sustainability and expansion vs short-term efficiency to create enduring security value.

MVS suggests that instead of asking ā€œhow much could we reduce issuance for staking efficiencyā€, we should be asking ā€œhow much network incentivisation do we need to perpetuate decentralization to maintain and expand securityā€.

Strategically, MVI and MVS represent two different paths for Ethereumā€™s growth. MVI focuses on minimizing costs, benefiting ETH holders in the short term. MVS, on the other hand, emphasizes building a long-lasting moat around the network, optimizing long-term value creation for all stakeholders, including ETH holders.

Ethereumā€™s unique appeal lies in its secure, credibly neutral blockspace. Unlike commodity blockspace, which competes on price, secure blockspace competes on features. Similar to the advanced chip industry, where success depends on computational ability rather than price, Ethereum should compete on the magnitude of security it offers. This security creates an enduring competitive advantage, accelerating value creation across the ecosystem.

There is a subtlety in that the market cap of Ethereum is a variable that contributes to security, and so minimizing issuance can be seen as bolstering security. Superficially, there is a reflexive effect, where Ethereumā€™s security both causes and is driven by its market cap. However, we believe that Ethereumā€™s security making ETH valuable is the primary causation, and therefore security needs to be prioritized. Below we illustrate diagrammatically the alternative value creation paths for Ethereum contributors deciding between MVS and MVI.

2. Analysis of Ethereum Issuance reduction proposal within the MVS framework

We posit that, under the MVS framework, Ethereum issuance reduction proposals risk creating downstream effects that would compromise Ethereumā€™s security value. Overall, we believe that ETHā€™s moneyness stands to increase with greater security and autonomy, to a degree that far outweighs the downsides of issuance or externalities such as capital gains taxes.

2.1. The assumption that Ethereum overpays for security is wrong: less issuance may lead to centralization of the validator set

2.1.1 ETF inflows would exacerbate centralization in the context of a 33% stake cap

Lowering the target stake ratio (link) could lead to a concentration of staked ETH with Centralized Exchanges (CEXs), driving capital away from decentralized alternatives.

Consider a scenario where a 33% cap (equivalent to 40.6 million staked ETH) is implemented, and the curve enacts a sharp drop of yield to zero as stake ratio increases from 30% (36.6 million ETH) to 33% (40.6 million ETH). Suppose Ether ETFs are launched in the US, attracting significant capital inflows. If these ETFs use Coinbase as their custodian (as 8 out of 11 BTC ETF issuers do), this could lead to $15 billion in inflows, adding approximately 4.5 million ETH to Coinbaseā€™s custody. The simulated impact on the validation market might look like this; the 40.1m max staked ETH being slightly lower then 40.6 represents the fact that when yield becomes extremely low there is no marginal staker at all on the market.

Illustrative impact on validation market with a 33% MVI limit Current composition Effect in 4 years Future composition
ETH staked 33.1m +7m 40.1m
ETH held with Coinbase 17.5m +4.5m (ETFs) 22m
ETH held & staked with Coinbase 4.3m +10m 14.3m
ETH staked on-chain via LSTs/LRTs 13.7m -2m 11.7
ETH staked by other entities 15.1 -1m 14.1
  1. Market forces and fiduciary duties ensure that CEXs like Coinbase squeeze the maximum amount of profit from staking-as-a-service (for their customers and ETF issuers), and long-term the majority of their holdings are staked.

We model the above impact by assigning a 10m staked ETH inflow to Coinbase. When Coinbaseā€™s stake reaches 7.8 million, total staked ETH will be about 36.6 million, causing rewards to drop sharply. Consequently:

  1. Lido stETH and other LST/LRT users, being sophisticated on-chain actors, will seek higher rewards elsewhere. The switching cost of moving capital on-chain is extremely low, so there is no incentive for capital to stay ā€“ the capital will leave for higher yields in DeFi.
  2. CSPs will exit these protocols since the 5% fee from middleware wonā€™t cover their costs.

We model the above two impacts by assigning a 2 million ETH outflow to LSTs/LRTs and a 1 million ETH outflow to other entities.

  1. Meanwhile, CEXs like Coinbase can continue offering staking products because their marginal costs are extremely low, and can even be offset by other business segments. Their customers may remain loyal or lack alternatives due to regulations or unsophisticated nature of the user base. This can happen despite Coinbase having higher fees (25%) compared to better-performing alternatives (5-15%).

In this scenario, Coinbase could control 14.3 million ETH, surpassing the 33% network control threshold independently, while Lido and other DSMs lose market share.

2.1.2 Staked ETH concentration with CEXs doesnā€™t necessarily have to happen with a higher stake cap

Without the cap, both CEXs and on-chain market segments could coexist without putting pressure on each other due to sufficient demand for staking. LSTs, LRTs and CSPs wouldnā€™t face the dramatic yield decrease that would occur when Coinbaseā€™s stake reaches 7.8 million ETH. Some might argue that Coinbase would undercut other staking providers by lowering its 25% fee. However, this is uncertain. Coinbaseā€™s customer base seems inelastic, meaning the most profitable strategy might be to maintain or even increase their fees. In addition, even if Coinbase goes after the on-chain market and lowers their fees, the market may not be fully efficient ā€“ some people might prefer to stick with LSTs due to their decentralization preference.

In a highly segmented market, margins donā€™t need to uniformly compress, leaving space for both CEXs/CSPs and LSTs/restaking segments to thrive. LSTs and CEXs serve distinct market segments. For CEXs, the most profitable approach is to charge high fees from retail and institutional clients (e.g., Coinbaseā€™s 25%) without directly competing with LSTs. Targeting stake ratios could stifle the market for on-chain actors but not significantly affect the market for retail and institutional clients.

Thus, in the absence of a stake cap, the coexistence of various staking actors could lead to a more balanced distribution of staked ETH across different market segments.

2.1.3 MVI effect on the ratio of solo stakers

The importance of this effect is overrated

Approximately 30 million ETH is delegated, while only 3 million is solo staked. It is evident that delegation dominates as a modality of staking. The key issue is ETH concentration with CEXs, rather than the interaction between solo stakers and LSTs.

Grouping Approximate stake Type
CEXs 10m Delegated
LSTs, LRTs, CSPs 20m Delegated
Solo stakers 3m Solo staked
LSTs and CSPs can also contribute to overall network quality

While solo stakers are often seen as the backbone of Ethereumā€™s network security, the contributions of LSTs and centralized staking providers are undervalued.

There is a lot of nuance to the emergent risks of malicious actors emerging from LSTs such as Lido. There certainly are risks (cf. Mike Neuderā€™s extensive post on the subject, link). However, there are also many benefits to deterministic stake allocation to professional or larger node operators. Itā€™s possible for solo stakers to have different motivations than an LST whose main objective is to decentralize Ethereum validation (link). Some of the most noteworthy examples of malicious proposers, for example, have come from solo validators, such as those involved in the April 3rd, 2023 MEV Boost exploit (link).

Centralized staking providers and LSTs are quantifiably more performant validators than solo stakers. There is significant existing data (link) today to quantify proposer effectiveness and attester effectiveness, which drive fewer missed slots and attestations, faster block propagation and chain finalization. Overall the network is much more stable and responsive with professional validators than it would otherwise be, but also more decentralized.

Issuance reductions would likely decrease the share of solo stakers

Some argue that solo stakers are less elastic with respect to yield, because they are as a cohort more heterogeneous than other validating entities, and hence have a steeper supply curve.

However, our simplified analysis of Ethereum validator economics shows this argument is flawed. Solo stakers in fact have much higher fixed costs, making them much less adaptable to a low issuance rates compared to larger node operators. Specifically,

For solo stakers:

  • Staking APR is lower and closer to the Median staking APR (i.e. 2.4% per Rated, link) than scale node operators due to the unpredictability of proposer rewards, tips and MEV
  • The costs of running a single validator include hardware (32 GB RAM, 4 TB SSD) and electricity. Home internet plans are sufficient for solo stakers, so broadband cost is assumed to be 0 (no incremental cost).
  • In this set up, 100% of solo stakerā€™s total costs are fixed costs. Assuming hardware depreciation of 5 years, profit margins are >90% to solo stakers
  • We exclude the need to reserve 32 ETH in capital as collateral, which brings the capital outlay (though not outright investment) significantly higher

Then consider, on the opposite end of the spectrum, a large centralized node operator with 100,000 validators:

  • Staking APR is higher and closer to the Average staking APR (i.e. 3.3% per Rated, link) as stake pooling smoothes the unpredictable components of both CL (proposer rewards) and EL (tips + MEV) rewards
  • Costs include hardware but also significant operational costs including technical and marketing staff
  • Hardware and internet are fixed costs, electricity is a variable cost and staff costs can be seen as a semi-variable cost
    • Employment footprint can be eventually adjusted should the top line be negatively impacted
  • Counting half of the maintenance & growth spend as fixed and the other half as variable, we arrive at fixed costs representing 64% of the large node operatorsā€™ total costs (i.e. much less than solo stakers). Profit margins are also lower than those of solo stakers
ETH ($) 3,500
Average staking APR 3.3%
Median staking APR 2.4%
MVI reduction assumed 2.0%
Illustrative Annual P/L Current
Solo Staker Large Node Operator
Quantity $ Quantity $
# of validators 1 112,000 100,000 11,200,000,000
Staking APR 2.4% 3.3%
Staking income 2,677 367,360,000
Commission 10% 36,736,000
Hardware cost 800 7,750,000
Computer/servers 1 800 350 7,000,000
Backup servers 100 750,000
Operational cost 74 19,794,780
Electricity 70Wh, $0.12/kWh 74 750Wh/server, $0.12/kWh 354,780
Internet connection No incremental cost 0 540GB/month/val @ $0.03/GB 19,440,000
Maintenance & growth 0 11,400,000
Technical staff 0 70 8,400,000
Marketing/admin staff 0 30 3,000,000
Cybersecurity/miscellaneous 0 1,000,000
Total cost (assume 5Y hardware depreciation) 234 32,744,780
o/w fixed cost 100% 64%
o/w variable cost 0% 36%
Payback period on capex (months) 3.9 23.3
Annual income/loss 2,443 3,991,220
Profit margin (excl. ETH at stake) 91.3% 10.9%

In the event that MVI reduces staking APR for all stakers (e.g. -200bps), the below scenario analysis helps visualize how different stakers may be impacted differently. High level:

  • Solo stakers have very limited, if no, way of adjusting their underlying costs. 100% of the reduced staking rewards will fall through to the bottom line, resulting in a dramatic reduction in profit margin. As a result, the payback period on capex (i.e. hardware) multiplies from 3.9 months to 47.2 months in our example, without considering the need to raise 32 ETH to activate a validator to begin with. This raises the question of whether incremental demand from new solo stakers could be sustained in the post-MVI world
  • Meanwhile, large node operators have more levers to pull to protect their profits and capex payback periods
    • As in Scenario 1, node operators can raise their commission
    • As in Scenario 2, node operators can raise their commission and reduce variable costs, notably staff costs
    • With very minor changes to their structure they can come back to prior levels of profit
Illustrative Annual P/L If staking APR reduces by 200bps
Solo Staker Large Node Operator - Scenario 1 Large Node Operator - Scenario 2
Quantity $ Quantity $ Quantity $
# of validators 1 112,000 100,000 11,200,000,000 100,000 11,200,000,000
Staking APR 0.4% 1.3% 1.3%
Staking income 437 143,360,000 143,360,000
Commission 25% 35,840,000 25% 35,840,000
Hardware cost 800 7,750,000 7,750,000
Computer/servers 1 800 350 7,000,000 350 7,000,000
Backup servers 100 750,000 100 750,000
Operational cost 74 19,794,780 19,794,780
Electricity 70Wh, $0.12/kWh 74 354,780 354,780
Internet connection No incremental cost 0 19,440,000 19,440,000
Maintenance & growth 0 11,400,000 10,504,000
Technical staff 0 70 8,400,000 64 7,739,789
Marketing/admin staff 0 30 3,000,000 28 2,764,211
Cybersecurity/miscellaneous 0 1,000,000 1,000,000
Total cost (assume 5Y hardware depreciation) 234 32,744,780 31,848,780
o/w fixed cost 100% 64% 66%
o/w variable cost 0% 36% 34%
Payback period on capex (months) 47.2 30.0 23.3
Annual income/loss 203 3,095,220 3,991,220
Profit margin (excl. ETH at stake) 46.5% 8.6% 11.1%

Illustrative figures can be found here

Due to the presence of a higher proportion of fixed costs, solo stakers (and smaller node operators alike) will show higher sensitivity to changes in staking rewards compared to larger node operators. The corollary is that as MVI reduces staking reward APR, the marginal players may be priced out, leading to a greater centralization of stake. This would exacerbate the already decreasing trend of solo stakers alongside Ethereumā€™s issuance compression over time.

Source: Dune (link)

2.2. LST dominance and cost-modeling are inadequate arguments for issuance reduction

2.2.1. Issuance as a cost is a reductive framing

ā€œIssuance as a costā€ concerns the dilution effect on native ETH holders and the potential welfare loss due to externalities like taxes.

The first component focuses on the direct impact of issuance. It redistributes network ownership from unstaked ETH holders to staked ETH holders. High issuance rates force ETH holders to stake to avoid dilution. This increases Ethereumā€™s security and neutrality but comes with inconvenience and some risk for native ETH holders ā€“ which, under MVS, doesnā€™t qualify as strongly undesirable. Moreover, the cumulative effect could even be seen as beneficial, to the extent that more stake landing with a distributed set of validators justifies investorsā€™ inconvenience.

The second component addresses additional costs for stakers due to taxes. ETH holders who earn staking rewards may face tax obligations, creating additional sell pressure. However, this concern is specific to certain jurisdictions and points in time. Furthermore, the impact of this sell pressure on Ethereumā€™s overall functionality is questionable. Assuming 3.5% staking rewards, a $400bn ETH market cap, and 30% average taxes paid by all stakers, we get $4.2bn in annual sell pressure. Given Ethereumā€™s daily trading volume is in billions, absorbing 1% sell pressure over a year seems immaterial. Furthermore, LSTs such as wstETH may even provide an efficient way to postpone the tax payments, since the tax event might be triggered only when wstETH is sold.

Even though ETH market cap is significant in determining attack costs, the relatively minor effect of sell pressure does not provide enough security benefits to justify reducing issuance. The trade-offs include potential staked ETH concentration, loss of sovereignty, and a more substantial decrease in market cap as a result.

2.2.2. Stakers getting higher real vs nominal yield is not significant

This argument, while mathematically beautiful (link), is not significant in magnitude. It does not affect security and neutrality in any way; in fact, it is not at all clear if there is any benefit to Ethereum in fewer stakers getting higher real yield compared to more stakers getting less real yield. In addition, this analysis assumes concave supply curves with respect to nominal yield, while it is possible that at a higher staking ratio we should adjust our analysis to concave supply curves with respect to real yield.

2.2.3. Reducing LST dominance shouldnā€™t be a primary objective of Ethereumā€™s monetary policy

This argument is directly related to security and neutrality, and thus can be analyzed under a security-maximizing framework.

In his article (link) Mike Neuder analyzed various directions and magnitudes of possible Lido attacks on Ethereum in the future. While there are several potential attacks, all of them have a corresponding mitigation plan. Dual governance is at the heart of many of those mitigations. DG is a mechanism that allows stETH holders to slow down Lidoā€™s governance and exit from the protocol before any decision is made. This mechanism is in active and final stages of development (link).

Another argument for issuance reduction is that stETH risks substituting ETH as the de-facto money and collateral. While there is certainly a possibility that LSTs wind up replacing a lot of ETH functionality in DeFi, it does not diminish the moneyness of ETH ā€“ all LSTs are underscored by ETH, and thus derive their value from ETH. In order to execute any of these transactions, users will still need ETH to pay for gas, at the very least. Furthermore, ETH will continue to be bridged to various L2s either way, so at a baseline ETH velocity will already decline with broader adoption of L2s, without compromising its moneyness.

Finally, there are unintended consequences to targeting individual applications in an opinionated manner in order to manipulate the viability of ETH as collateral or as commodity money. The long-term roadmap of Ethereum should not be hostage to short-term tactical considerations, least of all on the application layer. The growth of LSTs has allowed the growth of user activity on Ethereum and has also increased the velocity and usage of Ether itself.

3. Putting it all together

MVI, as a framework, ultimately suggests to squeeze as much as possible out of staking, so that stakersā€™ cost and revenue are more or less at the same low rate. The major problem of this approach is that market forces structurally do not reward decentralization, and ultimately drive stake concentration to CEXs, which are entities with the lowest cost validators and the most inelastic customer base. Thus the downside of MVI is undermining the security and neutrality of Ethereum. In our view, the benefits of MVI, such as decreasing the selling pressure from taxes, do not justify taking this risk on balance.

MVS, on the other hand, suggests evaluating monetary policies primarily through the lens of how it affects security and neutrality, the core value propositions of Ethereum. One of the arguments for issuance reduction, namely to tackle LST dominance, indeed falls into MVS focus. However, the security and neutrality concerns of LST dominance are of second order in nature (ā€œif dual governance doesnā€™t workā€, ā€œLST becomes an additional risk layer for all usersā€, etc). Meanwhile, stake accumulating in CEXs rather than in LSTs, LRTs or even CSPs creates a very real risk of staked ETH concentration with one single entity. As such, we do not see the case where LST dominance risk outweighs the risk of stake concentration with CEXs.

While we presented the MVS framework, and accordingly evaluated the issuance reduction proposal, the natural question stands: what would be the right issuance policy under the MVS approach? This is an incredibly complex and deep question that we would like to explore in future. Some of the directions that we have in mind include:

  • How do we quantifiably measure security? Is there a way for a protocol to see its security? Credit to the contributions from the StakeSure (link) paper in this direction.
  • Guided by MVS, rather than focusing on value creation through cost reductions, we should instead consider the value creation by improving security and neutrality. There is a heuristic argument that increasing issuance can improve security through making the network more complex via a more diverse validator set. Is there a way to make this precise? How do we make sure that the extra issued ETH strictly improves security and neutrality?
  • Is there a case for a marginal improvement analysis: the more diverse the validator set is, the more complex the network becomes, and improvements to security could have increasing marginal contributions. (Similar to how complexity contributes to entropy and layered security, link)

Disclosure: authors are variously affiliated with, Lido DAO, Steakhouse Financial, Progrmd Capital

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Cryptography Releasing Constantine v0.1.0, a modular cryptography stack for Ethereum

Published: Jul 06, 2024

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I am very proud to release the very first version of Constantine, a high-performance modular cryptography stack for blockchains and proof systems.
It is currently as of July 2024 the fastest implementation of Ethereum-specific cryptographic primitives:

  • BLS signatures
  • BN254 precompiles (EIP-196 and EIP-197, repriced in EIP-1108)
  • BLS12-381 precompiles (EIP-2537)
  • KZG Polynomial commitments (EIP-4844)

Constantine has bindings in C, Go, Nim and Rust.


Constantine is written in Nim, the language was chosen by Status for Nimbus for its expressiveness, its type system strength, the ease to wrap C and C++ and syntactic closeness to Python so that ethereum/research and PyEVM could be ported with ease.

In February 2018, after woes with C++ in Nimbus, the first library I built was a fixed precision big integer library for uint256.
Then we (at Status) realized that we would also need elliptic curves for secp256k1 and BN254 (also known as BN256 or alt_bn128).

How hard could it be to implement elliptic curves, with cryptographic hardening, once you know how to write big integers?

Turned out it was too hard, after a week or so another approach was taken for time-to-market and correctness reasons:

  • Use libsecp256k1 from Bitcoin
  • Port 1-1 bncurves from Zcash for BN254
  • Use Apache Milagro for BLS12-381

It was then restarted as a personal side-project in February 2020 after learning a lot from implementing hashing-to-curve and Ethereum BLS signatures and identifying significant performance gap. Note that this predates BLST which was initially released in June 2020.

Since then Constantine has seen regular contributions (sometimes with couple months gap) up to where it is today.


Ethereum BLS signatures (Consensus Layer)

Benchmarks are done on an AMD Ryzen 7840U, a low-power ultra-mobile 8-core CPU from 2023.

BLST (through nim-blscurve)

Nim-blscurve is the backend of Nimbus-eth2. As Nim compiles to machine code through C (or C++), calling C has zero-overhead from Nim.

Install the latest Nim version, Nim v2.0.8.

git clone
cd nim-blscurve
git submodule update --init
nimble bench

2 benchmarks will be done with 2 different memory management solutions (different implementations of refcounting)
BLST is as-of v0.3.12 (May 2024) with runtime CPU features detection

Backend: BLST, mode: 64-bit

Scalar multiplication G1 (255-bit, constant-time)                             10332.180 ops/s        96785 ns/op       318784 cycles
Scalar multiplication G2 (255-bit, constant-time)                              4622.247 ops/s       216345 ns/op       712585 cycles
EC add G1 (constant-time)                                                   1795332.136 ops/s          557 ns/op         1836 cycles
EC add G2 (constant-time)                                                    713775.874 ops/s         1401 ns/op         4617 cycles
Pairing (Miller loop + Final Exponentiation)                                   1484.823 ops/s       673481 ns/op      2218271 cycles
Hash to G2 (Draft #9) + affine conversion                                      6795.232 ops/s       147162 ns/op       484712 cycles
BLS signature                                                                  3490.864 ops/s       286462 ns/op       943532 cycles
BLS verification                                                               1212.302 ops/s       824877 ns/op      2716928 cycles
BLS agg verif of 1 msg by 128 pubkeys                                          1139.886 ops/s       877281 ns/op      2889519 cycles
BLS verif of 6 msgs by 6 pubkeys                                                203.231 ops/s      4920498 ns/op     16206824 cycles
Serial batch verify 6 msgs by 6 pubkeys (with blinding)                         359.968 ops/s      2778025 ns/op      9150078 cycles
Parallel batch verify of 6 msgs by 6 pubkeys (with blinding)                    615.452 ops/s      1624822 ns/op      5351722 cycles
BLS verif of 60 msgs by 60 pubkeys                                               20.310 ops/s     49236672 ns/op    162172626 cycles
Serial batch verify 60 msgs by 60 pubkeys (with blinding)                        42.709 ops/s     23414406 ns/op     77120772 cycles
Parallel batch verify of 60 msgs by 60 pubkeys (with blinding)                  250.298 ops/s      3995236 ns/op     13159139 cycles
BLS verif of 180 msgs by 180 pubkeys                                              6.746 ops/s    148237745 ns/op    488256390 cycles
Serial batch verify 180 msgs by 180 pubkeys (with blinding)                      14.419 ops/s     69354258 ns/op    228434104 cycles
Parallel batch verify of 180 msgs by 180 pubkeys (with blinding)                 99.467 ops/s     10053540 ns/op     33113513 cycles

Using nthreads = 16. The number of threads can be changed with TP_NUM_THREADS environment variable.


GCC generates poor code everwhere assembly is not used, hence we force Clang as a compiler.

git clone
cd constantine
CC=clang nimble bench_eth_bls_signatures
Pubkey deserialization (full checks)                                                     BLS12_381 G1          22295.550 ops/s         44852 ns/op        147729 CPU cycles (approx)
Pubkey deserialization (skip checks)                                                     BLS12_381 G1          92515.496 ops/s         10809 ns/op         35602 CPU cycles (approx)
Signature deserialization (full checks)                                                  BLS12_381 G2          16808.418 ops/s         59494 ns/op        195958 CPU cycles (approx)
Signature deserialization (skip checks)                                                  BLS12_381 G2          46453.291 ops/s         21527 ns/op         70906 CPU cycles (approx)
BLS signature                                                                            BLS12_381 G2           4005.078 ops/s        249683 ns/op        822392 CPU cycles (approx)
BLS verification                                                                         BLS12_381              1498.960 ops/s        667129 ns/op       2197347 CPU cycles (approx)
BLS agg verif of 1 msg by 128 pubkeys                                                    BLS12_381              1423.694 ops/s        702398 ns/op       2313504 CPU cycles (approx)
BLS verif of 6 msgs by 6 pubkeys                                                         BLS12_381               249.683 ops/s       4005085 ns/op      13191614 CPU cycles (approx)
BLS serial batch verify of 6 msgs by 6 pubkeys (with blinding)                           BLS12_381               420.912 ops/s       2375795 ns/op       7825187 CPU cycles (approx)
BLS parallel batch verify (16 threads) of 6 msgs by 6 pubkeys (with blinding)            BLS12_381               683.399 ops/s       1463273 ns/op       4819062 CPU cycles (approx)
BLS verif of 60 msgs by 60 pubkeys                                                       BLS12_381                24.863 ops/s      40220998 ns/op     132477024 CPU cycles (approx)
BLS serial batch verify of 60 msgs by 60 pubkeys (with blinding)                         BLS12_381                48.878 ops/s      20459201 ns/op      67387049 CPU cycles (approx)
BLS parallel batch verify (16 threads) of 60 msgs by 60 pubkeys (with blinding)          BLS12_381               280.961 ops/s       3559207 ns/op      11722847 CPU cycles (approx)
BLS verif of 180 msgs by 180 pubkeys                                                     BLS12_381                 8.334 ops/s     119995222 ns/op     395232558 CPU cycles (approx)
BLS serial batch verify of 180 msgs by 180 pubkeys (with blinding)                       BLS12_381                16.488 ops/s      60650899 ns/op     199767961 CPU cycles (approx)
BLS parallel batch verify (16 threads) of 180 msgs by 180 pubkeys (with blinding)        BLS12_381               112.215 ops/s       8911481 ns/op      29351939 CPU cycles (approx)


  • 15% performance improvement on signatures
  • 24% performance improvement on verification

Furthermore, it is in theory possible to achieve a 2x performance improvement for signing if there is a need for it.

KZG Polynomial commitment for EIP-4844 (Consensus Layer)

I will reuse my benchmarks from Dec, 2023: Productionize KZG EIP-4844 by mratsim Ā· Pull Request #304 Ā· mratsim/constantine Ā· GitHub

Bench c-kzg-4844 (serial) go-kzg-4844 (serial) go-kzg-4844 (parallel) constantine (serial) constantine (parallel)
blob_to_kzg_commitment 37.773 ms - 5.823 ms 23.765 ms 4.425 ms
compute_kzg_proof 39.945 ms - 7.146 ms 24.255 ms 4.710 ms
compute_blob_kzg_proof 40.212 ms - 7.205 ms 24.288 ms 4.794 ms
verify_kzg_proof 0.915 ms 0.923 ms - 0.782 ms -
verify_blob_kzg_proof 1.531 ms - 1.390 ms 1.266 ms 1.113 ms
verify_blob_kzg_proof_batch 1 1.528 ms 1.392 ms 1.405 ms 1.286 ms 1.130 ms
verify_blob_kzg_proof_batch 2 2.589 ms 3.233 ms 1.591 ms 2.006 ms 1.152 ms
verify_blob_kzg_proof_batch 4 4.553 ms 4.671 ms 1.914 ms 3.437 ms 1.250 ms
verify_blob_kzg_proof_batch 8 8.446 ms 7.410 ms 2.738 ms 6.115 ms 1.891 ms
verify_blob_kzg_proof_batch 16 16.228 ms 12.734 ms 3.542 ms 11.567 ms 3.091 ms
verify_blob_kzg_proof_batch 32 32.016 ms 23.048 ms 7.215 ms 21.779 ms 6.764 ms
verify_blob_kzg_proof_batch 64 63.415 ms 43.224 ms 14.438 ms 43.099 ms 11.538 ms
  • A 37% performance improvement over c-kzg-4844 for serial commitment
  • A 39% improvement for proof generation
  • A 17% improvement for a single blob verification
  • A 32% improvement for 64 blob verification

And Constantine offers paralellization to improve those numbers 4~6x on my 8-core machine.

EVM precompiles (Execution Layer)


  • Constantine also offers a fast MODEXP precompile that reaches 80% to 110% of GMP, without assembly.
  • SHA256 is faster than OpenSSL and BLST for data size less than 4MB and within 3% otherwise.
git clone
cd constantine
CC=clang nimble bench_eth_evm_precompiles
SHA256 -  32 bytes            72 gas    1714.29 MGas/s    23809523.810 ops/s           42 ns/op          140 CPU cycles (approx)
SHA256 -  64 bytes            84 gas    1584.91 MGas/s    18867924.528 ops/s           53 ns/op          176 CPU cycles (approx)
SHA256 -  96 bytes            96 gas    1777.78 MGas/s    18518518.519 ops/s           54 ns/op          179 CPU cycles (approx)
SHA256 - 128 bytes           108 gas    1333.33 MGas/s    12345679.012 ops/s           81 ns/op          267 CPU cycles (approx)
SHA256 - 160 bytes           120 gas    1481.48 MGas/s    12345679.012 ops/s           81 ns/op          268 CPU cycles (approx)
SHA256 - 192 bytes           132 gas    1233.64 MGas/s     9345794.393 ops/s          107 ns/op          353 CPU cycles (approx)
SHA256 - 224 bytes           144 gas    1321.10 MGas/s     9174311.927 ops/s          109 ns/op          359 CPU cycles (approx)
SHA256 - 256 bytes           156 gas    1130.43 MGas/s     7246376.812 ops/s          138 ns/op          454 CPU cycles (approx)
BN254_G1ADD                  150 gas      87.41 MGas/s      582750.583 ops/s         1716 ns/op         5652 CPU cycles (approx)
BN254_G1MUL                 6000 gas     229.66 MGas/s       38276.047 ops/s        26126 ns/op        86050 CPU cycles (approx)
BN254_PAIRINGCHECK 1       79000 gas     166.99 MGas/s        2113.754 ops/s       473092 ns/op      1558009 CPU cycles (approx)
BN254_PAIRINGCHECK 2      113000 gas     191.99 MGas/s        1699.056 ops/s       588562 ns/op      1938370 CPU cycles (approx)
BN254_PAIRINGCHECK 3      147000 gas     183.15 MGas/s        1245.930 ops/s       802613 ns/op      2642801 CPU cycles (approx)
BN254_PAIRINGCHECK 4      181000 gas     191.76 MGas/s        1059.434 ops/s       943900 ns/op      3108745 CPU cycles (approx)
BN254_PAIRINGCHECK 5      215000 gas     169.72 MGas/s         789.374 ops/s      1266827 ns/op      4171120 CPU cycles (approx)
BN254_PAIRINGCHECK 6      249000 gas     181.10 MGas/s         727.321 ops/s      1374909 ns/op      4528210 CPU cycles (approx)
BN254_PAIRINGCHECK 7      283000 gas     189.03 MGas/s         667.965 ops/s      1497084 ns/op      4930714 CPU cycles (approx)
BN254_PAIRINGCHECK 8      317000 gas     204.18 MGas/s         644.095 ops/s      1552566 ns/op      5113680 CPU cycles (approx)
BLS12_G1ADD                  500 gas     164.10 MGas/s      328191.664 ops/s         3047 ns/op        10034 CPU cycles (approx)
BLS12_G2ADD                  800 gas     161.75 MGas/s      202183.583 ops/s         4946 ns/op        16289 CPU cycles (approx)
BLS12_G1MUL                12000 gas     141.66 MGas/s       11805.400 ops/s        84707 ns/op       279001 CPU cycles (approx)
BLS12_G2MUL                45000 gas     325.51 MGas/s        7233.639 ops/s       138243 ns/op       455333 CPU cycles (approx)
BLS12_MAP_FP_TO_G1          5500 gas     161.82 MGas/s       29422.149 ops/s        33988 ns/op       111947 CPU cycles (approx)
BLS12_MAP_FP2_TO_G2        75000 gas     659.96 MGas/s        8799.486 ops/s       113643 ns/op       374305 CPU cycles (approx)
BLS12_PAIRINGCHECK 1      108000 gas     216.83 MGas/s        2007.665 ops/s       498091 ns/op      1640562 CPU cycles (approx)
BLS12_PAIRINGCHECK 2      151000 gas     222.00 MGas/s        1470.214 ops/s       680173 ns/op      2240287 CPU cycles (approx)
BLS12_PAIRINGCHECK 3      194000 gas     219.98 MGas/s        1133.901 ops/s       881911 ns/op      2904762 CPU cycles (approx)
BLS12_PAIRINGCHECK 4      237000 gas     222.97 MGas/s         940.782 ops/s      1062946 ns/op      3500927 CPU cycles (approx)
BLS12_PAIRINGCHECK 5      280000 gas     221.08 MGas/s         789.576 ops/s      1266502 ns/op      4171417 CPU cycles (approx)
BLS12_PAIRINGCHECK 6      323000 gas     223.09 MGas/s         690.679 ops/s      1447851 ns/op      4768780 CPU cycles (approx)
BLS12_PAIRINGCHECK 7      366000 gas     222.28 MGas/s         607.311 ops/s      1646603 ns/op      5423299 CPU cycles (approx)
BLS12_PAIRINGCHECK 8      409000 gas     221.94 MGas/s         542.640 ops/s      1842844 ns/op      6069597 CPU cycles (approx)
BLS12_G1MSM   2            21312 gas     120.40 MGas/s        5649.430 ops/s       177009 ns/op       583004 CPU cycles (approx)
BLS12_G1MSM   4            30768 gas     101.53 MGas/s        3299.960 ops/s       303034 ns/op       998108 CPU cycles (approx)
BLS12_G1MSM   8            43488 gas      81.23 MGas/s        1867.787 ops/s       535393 ns/op      1763434 CPU cycles (approx)
BLS12_G1MSM  16            64128 gas      66.43 MGas/s        1035.864 ops/s       965378 ns/op      3179510 CPU cycles (approx)
BLS12_G1MSM  32           103296 gas      57.99 MGas/s         561.362 ops/s      1781382 ns/op      5867248 CPU cycles (approx)
BLS12_G1MSM  64           170496 gas      50.89 MGas/s         298.504 ops/s      3350039 ns/op     11034035 CPU cycles (approx)
BLS12_G1MSM 128           267264 gas      42.24 MGas/s         158.035 ops/s      6327700 ns/op     20841720 CPU cycles (approx)
BLS12_G2MSM   2            79920 gas     269.62 MGas/s        3373.637 ops/s       296416 ns/op       976301 CPU cycles (approx)
BLS12_G2MSM   4           115380 gas     225.12 MGas/s        1951.109 ops/s       512529 ns/op      1688121 CPU cycles (approx)
BLS12_G2MSM   8           163080 gas     177.21 MGas/s        1086.654 ops/s       920256 ns/op      3031066 CPU cycles (approx)
BLS12_G2MSM  16           240480 gas     130.56 MGas/s         542.920 ops/s      1841892 ns/op      6066436 CPU cycles (approx)
BLS12_G2MSM  32           387360 gas     126.36 MGas/s         326.195 ops/s      3065648 ns/op     10097244 CPU cycles (approx)
BLS12_G2MSM  64           639360 gas     118.26 MGas/s         184.965 ops/s      5406423 ns/op     17807268 CPU cycles (approx)
BLS12_G2MSM 128          1002240 gas     100.70 MGas/s         100.471 ops/s      9953136 ns/op     32782906 CPU cycles (approx)

Constantine achieves over 200Mgas/s for a wide range of cryptographic precompiles on a laptop CPU with restricted power consumption (7840U, 15W to 30W)

note, I suggest a repricing for EIP-2537 to help SNARKS applications.


Constantine, as it names indicates, as a strong focus on security and especially constant-time cryptography is used by default in the core of the library.
It HAS NOT been audited yet, but it has undergone extensive fuzzing by Guido Vranken, thanks to the sponsoring of the Ethereum Foundation in Summer 2023. It has also been added to OSS-Fuzz ([bls-signatures] Remove Chia, add Constantine by guidovranken Ā· Pull Request #10710 Ā· google/oss-fuzz Ā· GitHub), the Google 24/7 open-source fuzzing initiative.

The Future

Constantine will follow and support future Ethereum cryptographic needs. In particular I thank the Ethereum Foundation Fellowship Program and Status for sponsoring work on implementing Verkle Tries in Constantine the past year.

Constantine also supports accelerating Zero-Knowledge proof systems, for example it is possible to use it through PSE (Privacy Scaling Explorations, a branch of the EF) Halo2: ZAL: ZK Accel Layer by mratsim Ā· Pull Request #308 Ā· mratsim/constantine Ā· GitHub.

Constantine has the fastest MSM on x86, all libraries benchmarked as of July 2024 (Arkworks, Barretenberg, Bellman, Gnark, Halo2) and by a factor 2x over popular Rust libraries Arkworks and Halo2. And I do plan to build proof systems on top.

Hidden in Constantine is a compiler for GPU code generation and there are plans for accelerating ARM.

Now I donā€™t know what a snarkified EVM will look like, but I certainly hope to contribute to make it a reality.

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Optimisitic Rollup Reputation-Centric Light Client Framework for Optimistic Rollups

Published: Jul 05, 2024

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Authors: Marcello Bardus (Herodotus), Kacper Koziol (Herodotus)

Thanks for early feedback: bonustrack87 (Snapshot Labs), Larry Sukernik (Reverie), Pia Park (Herodotus), Wojtek (Supercast),


This post introduces a conceptual framework for a reputation-centric light client system designed to address critical challenges in Optimistic Rollups (ORUs), with a primary focus on enabling fast finality for accessing ORU data from Ethereum, ORUs and other Ethereum layers. At its core, the system leverages the Herodotus Data Processor to compute sequencer reputation scores based on the sequencerā€™s historical behavior, including their track record of submitting valid output roots and avoiding successful challenges. This allows light clients to trust output roots only from sequencers with an impeccable track record without waiting for the full dispute period. This approach significantly reduces finality time while maintaining security. The framework includes a punitive measure that resets a sequencerā€™s reputation upon successful challenges, ensuring system integrity. Additionally, a fallback mechanism reverts to the standard seven-day dispute period in cases of unresolved conflicts or detected irregularities.

Reputation-Centric Light Client Framework for Optimistic Rollups

Optimistic Rollups have seen significant adoption, however, they encounter several challenges, particularly in terms of finality time and data verification. This post introduces a conceptual framework for a reputation-centric light client system that aims to address these issues, enabling fast finality for accessing ORU data from Ethereum, and from other Ethereum layers.

OP Stack and other Optimistic Rollups (ORUs) have a security model based on fraud proofs. In this model, anyone can act as a sequencer, also known as a proposer. The sequencer first proposes the rollup state to Layer 1 (L1), after which a seven-day window is opened. During this period, anyone can challenge the correctness of the proposed state.

In ORU implementations such as OP Stack, proposers periodically submit output roots to L1. These output roots are a hash of certain L2 state information, including the state root, block number, and timestamp of the latest L2 block. OP Stack incorporates a specification for a fault proof system with bonding, which creates incentives for proposers to submit correct output roots.

This mechanism imposes a long finality time for ORUs, which is problematic for Storage Proofs, a secure on-chain data access solution that Herodotus has previously developed for Optimism and several other ORU ecosystems. This is especially problematic following recent upgrades that introduced permissionless fraud proofs on Optimism. With these upgrades, no assumptions can be made about where a valid state root can be found.

Secure Data Access and Processing

The framework incorporates two crucial components:

Storage Proofs

Storage Proofs are a secure on-chain data access primitive utilized by the Herodotus Data Processor that enables the cryptographic proving of the provenance of on-chain data. They allow for the verification of any data available on Ethereum, including current and historical balances, transactions, user interactions, liquidations, and more. Storage Proofs also enable the trustless and secure reading of data from arbitrary Ethereum Layers.

By utilizing Storage Proofs, the Herodotus Data Processor can ensure the integrity and authenticity of the on-chain data it processes, providing a foundation of trust for its computations.

Data Processing Component

This would leverage the Herodotus Data Processor (HDP) to compute sequencer reputation scores efficiently. HDP can be thought of as a zk-coprocessor, capable of performing computations on verified data. Storage Proofs guarantee the integrity of the input data to HDP. Custom computations can be defined using HDP Modules, which can later process the verified historical data and update reputation scores based on the defined criteria, such as the consistency of avoiding challenges and the validity of proposed output roots over time.

Reputation based light client

In our design, a sequencer, identified by an Ethereum address, would be assumed to be the most trustworthy based on the following criteria:

  • The sequencer consistently avoids challenges, or any initiated challenges against them are unsuccessful.
  • The validity of the sequencerā€™s proposed output roots over time, as proven by the lack of successful fault proofs against their outputs.

In OP Stack implementations like Bedrock, and potentially in other ORUs, output roots represent a compact summary of the L2 state at a specific block. These output roots are not Merkle roots of the entire canonical L2 chain, but rather a hash of certain L2 state information. Bonded proposers periodically submit these output roots to L1.

The output root typically includes a hash of the following information:

  1. The state root of the L2 block
  2. The L2 block number
  3. The timestamp of the L2 block
  4. The hash of the L2 block itself

This structure allows for efficient verification of specific L2 state information without requiring the entire L2 chain data on L1.

Once a highly reputable sequencer posts a claimed output root to L1, a Light Client contract would assume the claim is valid and treat it as final. This approach ensures that only sequencers with an impeccable track record are trusted, significantly reducing the finality time while relying on the cryptographically proven historical reliability of the sequencer rather than waiting for the full dispute period.

The Light Client contract would store the full output roots proposed by reputable sequencers, not just the block hash, enabling trustless proof of claims like withdrawals against the output roots directly.

The reputation of the sequencer can be periodically updated using the Herodotus Data Processor. This involves assessing historical data to ensure the sequencer continues to meet the criteria of reliability and activity. By continuously evaluating the sequencerā€™s performance and updating their reputation at fixed intervals, the Light Client can maintain a high level of trust and accuracy in the state roots it accepts.

System Architecture

The proposed system would operate as follows:

  1. Proposers submit output root proposals to the appropriate ORU contracts on L1, based on the state of the ORU L2 chain.
  2. The ORU L1 contracts handle both output root proposals and challenges/fault proofs against these proposals.
  3. The Herodotus Data Processor retrieves and processes data from the ORU L1 contracts, including output root proposals and challenges/fault proofs.
  4. The reputation-based light client contract uses the processed data from the Herodotus Data Processor to track sequencer reputation scores and store trusted output roots. A custom reputation calculation formula can be implemented, allowing for flexible and adaptable assessment of sequencer reliability based on various factors and weighting systems as deemed appropriate for the specific ORU implementation.
  5. The light client interface allows other contracts to query the state root of the L2 chain based on the most reputable sequencerā€™s output roots.

Handling Successful Challenges

In the event that any challenge against a sequencer is successful, the reputation of the sequencer would immediately reset to zero in the light client. This punitive measure ensures that only sequencers with an impeccable track record maintain trusted status.

With fault proof systems like those in OP Stackā€™s Bedrock, the Light Client contract would automatically reset a sequencerā€™s reputation to zero if a fault proof is successfully submitted and verified, showing an invalid output root proposed by that sequencer. This automated process ensures swift and consistent enforcement of the reputation system.

The permissionless output proposal mechanism provides an objective way to track sequencer reputation over time and identify potentially malicious outputs. Simultaneously, the output roots proposed by sequencers enable the verification of Storage Proofs against these proposed L2 state roots when using the Light Client. Ultimately, this approach creates a self-regulating system that not only incentivizes honest behavior but also ensures quick penalization of any attempts at fraud, thereby maintaining the overall reliability and security of the network.

Fallback Mechanism

In cases of unresolved conflicts or when the system detects any irregularities, it would automatically fall back to the conservative seven-day dispute period. This would ensure that the system remains secure and trustworthy, even in the face of unexpected challenges or disagreements among reputable sequencers.

Potential Impact and Future Directions

We believe that this reputation-based light client framework has the potential to significantly decrease duration to finality for ORUs. By reducing finality times while maintaining security, it could substantially improve the user experience and enable new use cases in L2 ecosystems.

As we continue to explore and refine this concept, we welcome input from the community. The next steps would involve further theoretical analysis, simulations, and potentially, prototype implementations.


Optimism Bedrock Documentation: Bedrock Explainer | Optimism Docs

L2 Output Root Proposals Specification: optimism/specs/ at 65ec61dde94ffa93342728d324fecf474d228e1f Ā· ethereum-optimism/optimism Ā· GitHub

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Networking Gossipsub Message Propagation Latency

Published: Jul 05, 2024

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Summary and TL;DR

The ProbeLab team ( ) is carrying out a study on the performance of Gossipsub in Ethereumā€™s P2P network. Following from our previous post on the Ethereum Node Message Propagation Bandwidth Consumption, in this post we investigate Gossipsubā€™s message propagation latency, i.e., how long it takes to have a message delivered to all nodes in the network. The target of the study is to identify the protocol components that consume the biggest share of network bandwidth. The study has been co-authored by @cortze and @yiannisbot.

For the purposes of this study, we have built a tool called Hermes, which acts as a GossipSub listener and tracer (GitHub - probe-lab/hermes: A Gossipsub listener and tracer.). Hermes subscribes to all relevant pubsub topics and traces all protocol interactions.

Study Description: Message propagation and arrival times are sensitive metrics for blockchain networks. We assume that the message is going to arrive to each peer ā€œas fast as possibleā€, but in some cases, just because the core of the network achieved fast message delivery time, doesnā€™t mean that message propagation to the entire network was done in time.

In the particular case of Ethereum, with such strict message delivery deadlines, ensuring the messages arrive within a 4-second window is essential to reduce the probability of forks.

In this study, we will approximate the average message propagation latency throughout the whole network.

TL;DR: Despite a relatively short dataset of 3 days, we could observe with high confidence that:

  • 98% of messages arrive prior to the 4-second mark.
  • Lodestar seems to be the slowest client in terms of message arrival time, although this could also be related to when the arrivals are traced in the particular implementation.
  • Nodes located in or near the core of the network (NA or EU) do have certain advantages when it comes to receiving messages sooner. Although the traced locations do not show any worrying behaviour, it is worth pointing out that extra geographical centralization could exacerbate the differences even further.


The results in this report have been gathered from EFā€™s Xatu public datasets. Weā€™ve fetched 3 daysā€™ worth of data from the beacon_api_eth_v2_beacon_block table (from the 14th to the 16th of June).

Arrival CDF times within the slot

The study starts by calculating the arrival time of all the blocks within the slot that they belong to. The calculation is done based on the slot number and the time since genesis, given that each slot lasts 12 seconds:

time_within_slot = arrival_time - (genesis_time + (slot * 12))

This measurement is crucial, as any block arrival beyond the 4 second mark is likely to generate a fork in some part of the network (as it can start receiving attestations of a non-proposed block).

In this first graph, we observe that 98% of the blocks arrived within the 4-second mark, leaving only the remaining 2% of blocks exceeding it.

The data was originated from the sentry nodes that are under the control of the Ethereum Foundation. These nodes include all the main client implementations in each of the locations, as shown in the following table:

Continent Country Client
EU FI lighthouse
NA US lighthouse
OC AU lighthouse

When comparing the arrival times over the different sentry nodes (figure below), we do see slight differences between them. The exception of Lodestar catches our attention, as it has a less uniform tail in its distribution. However, the rest of the clients follow a similar trend, with 99% of messages arriving within the first 4 seconds.

Since this data has been collected from the standard event streamer Beacon API, it is hard to explain the differences within each of the client implementations, as not only the libp2p codebase is written in different languages, but the message arrivals could also be timestamped at different moments of the message validation logic.

We were expecting to see different arrival times from different geographic locations, as the network geographical distribution seems to be concentrated within European and North American countries (link to the distribution). The following graphs show that although there are indeed differences between countries or continents, they are minimal, with all the CDF distributions showing 98-99% of the block arrivals completing within the 4-second mark.

Arrival times

The previous CDFs show that almost all the block arrivals happen within the expected time range. However, the plots do not reveal outliers, as CDFs are not sensitive to sudden network perturbations.

Thus, the following graphs show the maximum, median, mean, and minimum block arrival times on time windows of 4 epochs (1536 seconds).

We do not find large variations in the minimum, mean and the median distributions over the 3 day period. However, we do see that the maximum arrival time does vary quite significantly. We can observe that arrival times vary from 4 seconds to almost 12 seconds, almost exceeding the entire slot duration.

Interestingly, there are differences when comparing the mean arrival times of the different client implementations. Lodestar seems to be the latest one receiving the messages in the mesh and presents quite a high variance, while Teku seems to be the one receiving the messages first, followed by Prysm.

A similar pattern is also observed for the arrival time distribution by continent. As we could anticipate, European nodes receive slightly sooner messages than the North American and the Oceania ones. Although the difference is not significant, 0.6 seconds still keeps the arrival within the safety margins. However, this still showcases that there are some latency incentives to locate nodes in regions with lower latency, or in other words, around the core of the network (which, however, will, in turn, lead to more geographic centralization).

Correlation between arrival times and size of the messages

When attempting to correlate our findings to ones described in the previous blog post that investigated this issue in particular, we havenā€™t been able to see any major correlation between size and the arrival time of the blocks. Although the block size distribution achieved in three days isnā€™t fully representative, the following graph shows that most blocks stay within the 50KB to 150KB range with a similar arrival time of 1 to 3 seconds.

Conclusions and Takeaways

Despite a relatively short dataset of 3.5hrs, we could observe with high confidende that:

  • 98% of messages arrive prior to the 4-second mark.
  • Lodestar seems to be the slowest client in terms of message arrival time, although this could also be related to when the arrivals are traced in the particular implementation.
  • Nodes located in or near the core of the network (NA or EU) do have certain advantages when it comes to receiving messages sooner. Although the traced locations do not show any worrying behaviour, it is worth pointing out that extra geographical centralization could exacerbate the differences even further.

For more details and weekly network health reports on Ethereumā€™s discv5 DHT network head over to

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EVM EVM in Motoko for Trustless Execution Environments

Published: Jul 05, 2024

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Hello ethResearch :wave: it has been a while since I posted. Thanks for your patience as I wade back into the eth universe.

An organization that Iā€™m running called is funding an evm built in Motoko that is targeted to run on the Internet Computer(and that we think will slide well into the AO universe as well). We should have started this 3 years ago, but there is no time like the present. To date this work has been funded through #GG19 and #GG20. The eventuality of this project is trustless execution and consensus agents and the ability to monitor and relay messages between EVMs(and other chains) in a trustless manner.

The bounty has reached its first milestone and weā€™re looking for experienced EVM implementors to tell us what weā€™ve missed and how to make it better. I realize this forum seems to have moved on to bigger and harder scaling challenges, but Iā€™m hoping you all can point me in the right direction to find the right audience. It is a bit too technical for r/ethereum but may be too basic for this forum and not quite an EIP.

Why we are looking to build out an EVM execution layer for the Intenet computer(from our thread at Open - Bounty #63 - EVM OpCodes - Motoko - 1.9 ckETH - Bounties - Internet Computer Developer Forum )

  1. The obvious - we canā€™t build an EVM in motoko without the op-codes. Now building an evm in motoko isnā€™t particularly a priority at the moment, but long term the Ethereum Foundation has made it a priority to have EVMs in as many languages as possible as a security feature. Would it make sense to have IC canisters as evm nodes for other chains? Probably depends on network config and a few other things, but I could certainly see it being of value long term. Having the op-codes defined separates the execution concerns from any future project that might want to wire up the rest of the EVM machinery. From building from the ground up you get an EVM that takes the ICā€™s compute pattern and restrictions into account in ways that existing EVMs written in other languages would need significant rewrites to support.
  2. General education - These opcodes are an awesome way to learn about stacks, memories, and crypto primitives. Education is the primary goal of and we feel like Motoko versions of these libraries would make a really interesting set of examples for people learning about how EVMs work, why they work, and what concepts mirror over into the IC(and which ones donā€™t).
  3. Libraries and Integrations - these libraries build on top of a number of other Bounties that weā€™ve funded that could use some burn-in and integration testing to improve them and make sure they are working properly. GitHub - f0i/ A Merkle Patricia Trie implementation in Motoko GitHub - relaxed04/rlp-motoko: RLP implementation on motoko. In addition, some of the op codes implement core functionality that weā€™ll need to do cross-chain like ecrecover which would be important for a motoko canister trying to verify a signature from the evm universe.
  4. Micro EVMs - In one universe bitfinity EVMs proliferate and we end up with a garden of highly specialized evms on the IC that interact and interoperate in unique ways. These libraries would allow you to pull in the memory, storage, etc from those EVMs and run transaction simulations to check for opportunities or to automate actions against them using things like the event logs. The always-on nature of IC canisters makes them ideal for writing bots/agents that seek opportunities and execute on them by signing tecdsa messages and relaying them.

Our bounty hunter has completed the first milestone, arithmetic functions.

project file:

main code file:


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Economics Preconfirmations under the NO lens

Published: Jul 05, 2024

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by U. Natale.

This research has been granted by Chorus One. We are grateful to M. Moser, B. Crain, and Y. Socolov for useful discussions and comments. We also thanks J. Bostoen and F. Mosterts from Chainbound team for reviewing the entire document (review ā‰  endorsement).

Preconfirmations landscape

In the context of PBS, bargaining between proposer and relay start at around 1s. This means that users submitting transactions after 1s have to wait for the next slot to know if the transaction is included or not. Even in the context of timing games and assuming some aggressive player, there is a hard cut-off at < 4s due to attestation deadline.

Fig. 1: The current setup under PBS.

With preconfirmation, users have the possibility to access the dead time space between two blocks via a credible heads-up before a confirmation happens. However, at the moment, preconfirmations give no guarantees on execution.

For example, imagine 2 users submit 2 conflicting transactions (e.g. a swap against the same pool), but both get a preconfirmation. What happens in slot N+1 is that both transactions land in some place into the slot, but one of the two fails.

From the provider of preconfirmations perspective, the original agreement was respected, however one of the two users next time will think twice before paying for a preconfirmation. The same scenario can happen even if there is only one preconf, but this transaction lands in some place into the slot after other conflicting transactions.

This poses some questions on who can preconfirm a transaction and who canā€™t. From the two example above it is evident that unsophisticated players canā€™t play this game and provide a real improvement for the Ethereum ecosystem. It is clear that the burden would be reduced if the preconfs were intended only for transactions that do not touch contentious state ā€” e.g. transfers of tokens and NFTs, dApps with ā€œbatchingā€ architecture, L2 settlements, etc. In this case no sophistication is needed so we will exclude it from the goal of this analysis.

Proposer as preconf provider

Preconfirmations should be managed in a manner which is similarly decentralized to the current PBS setup; they should not give rise to a centralization bottleneck that exceeds the current builder dominance.

Fundamentally, the PBS transaction pipeline is an auction. Preconfirmations under a gateway architecture follow a delegation scheme, where node operators (NOs) select a third party to select transactions for future inclusion. Therefore, the gateway design is not a spot market, and a generally less competitive scheme as the cost of switching is considerably higher. Indeed, the gateway architecture expects each validator to sign an on-chain transaction to deposit collateral, meanwhile this operation under PBS is done completely off-chain, meaning that there is no cost to switching builders.

This may directly reflect in multi-block MEV, where gateways will be able to provide increasingly more competitive partnership offers to node operators as they scale their dominance over the network. In difference to PBS builders, these gateways will have certainty over the slots for which they hold a mandate. Therefore, a gateway architecture is likely to manifest as a heavily centralized setup, where multi-block MEV is the central return to scale, and switching costs are high. Overall, as it is not an auction or a spot market, the gateway architecture is more likely to manifest a centralization bottleneck which exceeds PBS builder dominance.

Fig. 2: Rate of N slots in a row over total Ethereum slots in a year as a function of stake penetration. Growth is higher than linear, and the case of builders/gateways dominance in block production is just an extension of above.

A preferable scheme would be the proposer selecting preconfirmations itself. Even in the case of the largest proposers, their ability to engage in multi-block MEV is capped by their voting power (see Fig. 2), which is in turn is capped by the proposer market (i.e. access to capital). Even under PBS, proposers could theoretically already engage in multi-block MEV, but refrain to do so, for a variety of reasons ranging from access to capital and organisational setup, to legal liability. These same patterns would likely extend to a preconfirmation setup.

In this section we are going to analyze some scenarios that may arise if the proposer of the slot is the one providing preconfirmation for transactions. We further assume that the NO is a sophisticated player, since the more transactions an unsophisticated preconfirmations provider includes in the preconfirmation list, the more difficult it is for block builders to create a block with all transactions being successful. This implies an execution guarantee on preconfirmed transactions.

If the majority of preconfirmed transactions fail, the market becomes less attractive, making preconfirmations a difficult tool to use. Including conflicting transactions can also damage the NOs credibility, negatively impacting the brand.

Information edge from private order flow

In this section we are going to show the different information edge builders have in the current PBS framework. As we did in The cost of artificial latency in the PBS context, we can define a standardized parameter that allows for a comparison of bids irrespective of their absolute size. This corresponds to the ratio between a given bid and the maximum bid in the auction for a particular slot. That is

\begin{equation} R = \frac{b_s(t_E)}{\textrm{max}_{t_E}b_S(t)}\,,\qquad(1) \end{equation}

where b is the bid value, s indicate the corresponding slot, and t_E is the time at which the bid was made eligible. This allows us to compare builders bidding strategy over all slot proposed by Chorus One since 2024-03-13.

Fig. 3: Builder bidding strategy standardized over all slots proposed by Chorus One since 2024-03-13.

If we select 6 of the top builders by entity (according to mevboost.pic), we can clearly see a difference in the overall strategy, see Fig. 3. For example, we can see how some builders start to deliver bids ā€œlateā€ into the slot, others seems to start much earlier. Furthermore, some builders have a clear linear trend in bid increase per unit of time, others seems to start being careful near the end of the auction.

Although this is independent from the information edge coming from private order flow, we can see how different builders propagates different values of R. Precisely, at 1s into the slot (that is the median value for bid selection in current PBS framework) we have

  • Builder: 0xb211df4ā€¦, Median: 0.91, 0.25-quantile: 0.83, 0.95-quantile: 0.99
  • Builder: 0x83d3495ā€¦, Median: 0.86, 0.25-quantile: 0.75, 0.95-quantile: 0.97
  • Builder: 0xa32aadbā€¦, Median: 0.90, 0.25-quantile: 0.83, 0.95-quantile: 0.98
  • Builder: 0xa03a000ā€¦, Median: 0.81, 0.25-quantile: 0.74, 0.95-quantile: 0.95
  • Builder: 0xa91d3e5ā€¦, Median: 0.79, 0.25-quantile: 0.65, 0.95-quantile: 0.93
  • Builder: 0xb783f81ā€¦, Median: 0.88, 0.25-quantile: 0.82, 0.95-quantile: 0.96

that indicates how different entities arrive to the most-likely-end of the auction with less/higher bid values.

From the NO perspective, a difference in information edge could lead to a mispricing of MEV txs, thus increasing the risk of producing less valuable blocks. In general, builders in the current MEV-Boost framework have a comprehensive view of all transactions and typically include those that maximize the block value. However, with validators as preconfirmation providers, proposers must select transactions in advance, often without knowledge of transactions occurring on private channels. The primary metric available to validators in this scenario is the base fee. Specifically, if a transaction pays the base fee (BF) plus a priority fee (PF), it is considered valid in principle. But if the priority fee is the lowest compared to transactions in the private order flow from builders, the block value could decrease. This is because builders are now required to include the preconfirmed transaction instead of a potentially more valuable one. Here sophisticated NOs are in advance since they can develop models to probabilistically evaluate transactions and perform an opinionated selection.

It is worth noting, that validators with private transaction flows could be incompatible with preconfirmations, depending on implementation. Private transaction flows can also manifest by virtue of network jitter. Indeed, if a proposer gives a preconfirmation on a transaction from private transaction flow (or on a transaction from an RPC thatā€™s close to the proposer, but far away from the builder), there could be a non-zero likelihood this transaction is not known by the builders, which may find it difficult to build a valid block (i.e. with the preconfirmed tx). The solution is that the proposer sends the full transaction to builders. Concerns about privacy are clearly excluded since the proposer already committed to certain execution, and the builder canā€™t really do anything about that.

Enforced early timing-games

Arbitrageurs often engage in short-term trading due to competitive pressures. When they opt to delay immediate gains in hopes of capturing a greater mispricing, they run the risk of losing the lucrative opportunity to other traders. This issue is particularly critical within Ethereumā€™s Proposer-Builder Separation (PBS) mechanism, where searchers must strategically balance their bidding approaches.

Consider an arbitrage opportunity that arises relative to an external source, such as a centralized exchange (CEX), at t=4 seconds into slot N. Since the on-chain price is stale and searchers are uncertain whether the opportunity will vanish on the CEX side, they may prefer to execute the first leg of the trade on the CEX immediately and wait the canonical 12 seconds to see their transaction confirmed on-chain. In the PBS context, however, if a searcher immediately bids their maximum willingness to pay for the opportunity, there is a non-zero likelihood that other searchers may outbid them, effectively frontrunning the original strategy. Conversely, if the searcher bids aggressively too late, the closing trade may fail to be included on-chain since the proposer has already committed to a block that excludes this particular transaction. This scenario creates an auction dynamic that hinges on accurately pricing the time within the slot. The same applies for a DEX <> DEX opportunity, since other arbitrageurs may offer a higher share of MEV for the same opportunity and then seeing their bundle being selected.

Therefore, searchers must strategize not only about how much to bid, but also about the optimal timing of their bids. Bidding too early or too late can both result in a loss of the arbitrage opportunity. The delicate balance between these factors is crucial for optimizing their strategies in such competitive and time-sensitive environments. This study models this behavior and evaluates various strategies to understand the optimal bidding dynamics in Ethereumā€™s PBS framework.

Model Description

To investigate how the introduction of preconfirmations might influence the auction dynamics in PBS, we conducted simulations using an Agent-Based Modeling (ABM) framework. The model is designed to simulate the behavior of searchers participating in PBS auctions under varying conditions, incorporating elements of competitive bidding and strategic timing. In our model, we assume that searchers at step N are aware of the bids at step N-1. While this might seem at odds with the usual dynamics in MEV-Boost, where the auction is not publicly visible, we can reconcile this assumption with two scenarios:

  1. Historical Data Adjustment: Searchers adjust their bidding strategies based on the share of MEV extracted as a function of past data. In this scenario, at each step N, searchers are informed about the behavior of searchers at the corresponding step N-1 from the previous slot. Thus, the predictive model is grounded in the historical data of past auctions.
  2. Vertically Integrated Builders: In this scenario, searchers are considered as vertically integrated builders. Here, we can imagine a block as a composition of transactions that produce a certain value for the MEV, with the bidding phase representing the exact competition between builders.

By incorporating these scenarios, our model aims to provide a simplistic but comprehensive understanding of how searchers might operate within the PBS auction mechanism under the influence of preconfirmations.

Searchers behaviour

In the model, each agent represents a searcher with a specific profit margin, aggressivity parameter, and fear-of-missing-out (FOMO) factor. These agents operate in a simulated environment that mimics the Ethereum PBS auction mechanism. Each agentā€™s decision-making process is influenced by the bids placed in previous auction steps, representing the competitive nature of the environment.

Agents update their bids in each step based on a combination of their internal parameters and the observed bids from the previous step. The bid update process is governed by a logistic growth model, where the increment of the bid follows a logistic function, adjusted by the agentā€™s aggressivity parameter and FOMO factor. This approach ensures that agents increase their bids more cautiously in the early stages and more rapidly as the auction progresses, reflecting the strategic balance between the risk of being outbid and the urgency of capturing the arbitrage opportunity. This dynamic allows the agents to optimize their bidding strategies over time, aiming to reach the maximum bid value closer to the end of the auction period.

Additionally, agents take into account the probability that the auction may terminate at any given step. This probability is derived from a fictitious empirical distribution of auction durations, modelled using a truncated normal distribution to generate realistic auction durations, cfr. Fig. 4. In case of preconfirmation, we add a half-normal distribution to the previous one, cfr. Fig. 5. The termination probability influences the agentsā€™ urgency in placing bids, as they must balance the risk of the auction ending unexpectedly with the potential benefits of waiting for a more opportune moment to bid. This probabilistic approach ensures that agents are not only competing against each other but also managing the inherent uncertainty of the auctionā€™s duration.

Fig. 4: Single instances of a fictitious empirical distribution for the transaction selection time into the auction in the absence of preconfirmations.

Fig. 5: Single instances of a fictitious empirical distribution for the transaction selection time into the auction in the presence of preconfirmations.

The model incorporates four different types of searchers, each using a different predictive model to estimate the bid for the next step before applying their respective increment:

  1. Predictive Model 1: This model predicts the next bid as simply the maximum bid observed so far. It assumes that the current trend will continue without significant changes.
  2. Predictive Model 2: This model uses a linear regression based on the bid history to predict the next bid. It fits a linear model to the previous bids and uses the resulting slope and intercept to estimate the next bid. This approach assumes that the bid growth can be approximated by a linear trend.
  3. Predictive Model 3: This model calculates the average increment of the bids from previous steps and adds this average increment to the current maximum bid. This model assumes that past increments provide a good estimate for future increases.
  4. Predictive Model 4: This model uses a logarithmic fit based on the bid history to predict the next bid. It fits a logarithmic model to the previous bids and uses the resulting parameters to estimate the next bid. This approach assumes that the bid growth follows a decelerating trend, reflecting a more conservative strategy as the auction progresses.

By incorporating these diverse predictive models, the simulation captures a wide range of bidding behaviors and strategies, providing a more comprehensive understanding of how different types of searchers might operate within the Ethereum PBS auction mechanism.


Analyzing the results in Fig. 6, we observe that in scenarios where preconfirmations on transactions are possible, searchers begin to increase their share of captured MEV earlier. This suggests that to increase MEV share received, a node operator might opt to run the version that allows for preconfirmations but never actually selects any MEV transactions. This creates a situation where searchers bid higher because the auction might end sooner. However, since no preconfirmations are offered (as the validator does not select any), the auction continues, and searchers find themselves starting from a higher base bid.

Fig. 6: Distribution of different bidding strategy extracted from a set of simulation using the ABM described in previous section. Simulations including a preconfirmation phase are in red, simulations without a preconfirmation phase are in blue.

This situation can be likened to a modified version of the prisonerā€™s dilemma. In this strategic game, each searcher (or prisoner) must decide whether to bid aggressively early (cooperate) or wait for a more opportune moment (defect). If all searchers bid aggressively early, they collectively drive up the MEV share and risk overbidding. Conversely, if they all wait, the auction proceeds normally, and they can potentially secure MEV shares at a lower cost. However, if some searchers bid aggressively while others wait, the aggressive bidders might secure a higher share early, pushing the late bidders to increase their bids even further as the auction continues.

This dynamic creates a tension between the searchers: each must decide whether to trust that others will not bid aggressively early or to secure their position by doing so themselves. The presence of preconfirmations adds an additional layer of complexity, as the threat of an early auction end prompts higher early bids, even when no actual preconfirmations are selected.

In summary, the introduction of preconfirmations influences searchersā€™ bidding behavior, leading to higher initial bids due to the perceived risk of an early auction end. This strategic interplay resembles the prisonerā€™s dilemma, where individual decisions to bid early or wait impact the collective outcome, highlighting the intricate balance between cooperation and competition in optimizing MEV shares.

In other words, with preconfirmations, searchers competing for the same opportunity can no longer rely on the probability that a certain builder will win a slot. If a competing searcherā€™s transaction is preconfirmed, even if the transaction is accepted by the winning builder, the builder must prioritize the preconfirmed one.

Reversal timing-game

Currently, the dynamics involve searchers relying on private auctions through builders, who have a certain probability of winning the block. Builders construct a block based on the privately received transactions and subsequently compete with other builders (through a public auction) to determine the winning block.

Fig. 7: Dependency in current auction dynamic between number of transactions included in the block and bid value, source from The cost of artificial latency in the PBS context.

Empirical data shows that the number of transactions included in blocks proposed by builders and the value of the block increase linearly, cfr. Fig 7 and [The cost of artificial latency in the PBS context](**.** This implies that once an arbitrage opportunity between CEX and DEX is identified, stat-arbitrageurs submit their transaction, which is not further modified, and the additional value builders obtain comes from a greater inclusion of transactions. In fact, searchers prefer to submit their transaction immediately as the opportunity might vanish on the CEX, and there is a form of preconfirmation due to the historical probability of a builder winning an auction. Therefore, it is highly likely that the rebalancing on the CEX occurs in the early stages of the block.

By modeling the price difference between CEX and DEX as a Markovian jump-diffusion process, we can derive the expression for the probability that searchers can execute a profitable trade (i.e. that the price difference is greater than the fees needed to execute the trade). This probability, P, is given by (see Appendix for a derivation):

\begin{equation} P = \frac{1}{1+\frac{\sqrt{2\lambda}\gamma}{\sigma}}\,,\qquad(2) \end{equation}

where \gamma represents the fee of the trade, \lambda is such that the time mean interval between trades is \bar{t} = \lambda^{-1}, \sigma is the volatility of the price difference.

Equation (2) allows us to define a new dynamic for stat-arbs under the preconfirmation framework. Indeed, when the time interval between trades is small (i.e. high values of \lambda), the probability of having a profitable trade decrease. On the other hand, if volatility becomes predominant, the dynamic may change. Preconfirmations allows arbitrageurs to tune the time interval \lambda^{-1} in order to maximize the probability of being in the trading regime on a volatility based strategy.
Precisely, the time between trades is determined by the time at which the previous slot selected transactions and the time at which new transactions are selected for current block. With current PBS design this corresponds to 12s. Indeed, even if the builder knows he won the slot at t=4s into the slot N-1, he now has to wait 12s (i.e. 4s into the slot N) before knowing if he wins the slot N. With preconfirmations the frequency of transaction selections is a dynamic variable, because you know that your transaction is selected at different time wrt. the usual 4s into the slot. Clearly, by alternating preconfirmations with normal block inclusion, the parameter \lambda is non-constant.

If now the objective is to minimize the ratio \sqrt{2\lambda}/\sigma, if the volatility is low searchers can start to increase the frequency of trades submission (i.e. participate in preconfirmation auction) in order to maintain \sqrt{2\lambda}/\sigma << 1.

This modeling is consistent with the hypothesis that searchers may be interested in submit their transaction at the beginning of the block. This creates a dynamic potentially opposite to the timing games observed in the MEV-Boost context, where now searchers strive to compete from the early stages in the preconfirmation market.

Capturing on-chain MEV

With node operators as preconf provider, preconfirmations give validators the power back to decide on some transaction that have to be included in the slot. This means that NO can add new transactions on top of the current MEV-Boost pipeline, meaning that the ways of capturing MEV augment. Indeed, if we stay in the assumption that preconf transactions are likely to be executed as valid transactions, each time a validator is selected to propose a slot, it can preconf on his own transactions. This means that some types of on-chain MEV, in principle, can be captured by NO using preconfirmations, without renouncing to CEX <> DEX arbitrage, that might result more complicated for NOs.

Fig. 8: Daily extracted MEV in 30 days by profit. Source EigenPhi.

Given the importance on the order of transaction execution, only arbitrage and liquidation could be captured using preconfirmation. According to EigenPhi, arbitrages and liquidations produced revenue of $3M profit in 30 days. From the Top 12 leaderboard on arbitrageurs, we can see that only 66% of captured MEV is shared with builders. Clearly, also builders retain a portion of MEV, but due to lack of data, we exclude this from our calculation, which at the end will provide a lower bound on extra revenue a NO can make.

Fig. 9: Leaderboard of top 12 on-chain arbitrageurs in 30 days. Source EigenPhi.

If we assume that a NO with 1% of stake penetration captures 1% of this extra MEV, there is an extra $345,600 in a year. Since the median MEV revenue for a NO with such share is ETH 392.31 (cfr. Fig. 10), assuming a price per ETH of $3,500 this (98.74 ETH extra MEV) corresponds to a 25.17% increase from MEV revenue in a year. It is worth mentioning that current timing games provide ~10% extra MEV.

Fig. 10: Probability Distribution Function of MEV proceeds in a year for a node operator with 1% of stake penetration.


Implementing a sophisticated system for preconfirmations within Ethereumā€™s PBS framework is far from trivial. This complexity opens new avenues for sophisticated NOs to enhance their revenues from MEV.

Our study has demonstrated that preconfirmations introduce a significant layer of strategic depth to the PBS auction mechanism. By providing searchers with a credible heads-up before a transaction is confirmed, preconfirmations alter the timing and aggressiveness of bids. This shift is particularly pronounced in scenarios where NOs, acting as preconfirmation providers, selectively include transactions that maximize their revenue while ensuring successful block proposals.

This analysis highlighted the varied strategies employed by different builders in the current PBS framework, revealing significant differences in how they time their bids. This information asymmetry can lead to mispricing of MEV transactions, potentially reducing the overall value of blocks for node operators.

The presence of preconfirmations forces searchers to engage in more sophisticated bidding strategies. They must carefully balance the risk of being outbid by competitors against the potential for an early auction termination, which could prevent their transactions from being included. This dynamic is akin to a modified prisonerā€™s dilemma, where searchers must decide between bidding aggressively early or waiting for a more opportune moment, knowing that their decisions impact the overall auction outcome. Overall, this may push for a new type of timing games, where now searchers will compete more aggressively in the first part of the preconfirmation interval.

Complex implementation of preconfirmations provide NOs with a powerful tool to capture on-chain MEV directly. By preconfirming their transactions, NOs can ensure the inclusion of high-value arbitrage and liquidation opportunities, significantly boosting their MEV revenue. Our calculations indicate that a NO with a 1% stake penetration could see a 25.17% increase in annual MEV revenue through strategic use of preconfirmations. This increase is substantial compared to the ~10% extra MEV derived from current timing games.

Despite the potential benefits, the implementation of preconfirmations must be carefully managed to avoid centralization risks. A decentralized approach, where proposers themselves manage preconfirmations, is preferable to a gateway architecture that could lead to undue centralization and higher switching costs.

Appendix A

Deriving the trade probability

To see where Eq. (2) comes from, letā€™s model the price difference between CEX and DEX as a Markovian jump-diffusion process. This allows us to derive the expression for the probability that stat-arbitrageurs can execute a profitable trade, i.e. that the price difference is higher than the fees needed to execute the trade.

If we assume that DEX and CEX prices follows a Brownian motion, since the difference between two Brownian motion is still a Brownian motion, we can model the price difference as a Brownian motion with volatility \sigma

\begin{equation} dM(t) = \mu_Mdt+\sigma dW(t)\,, \end{equation}

where \mu_M represents the drift of motion. In the presence of discrete time arrival for trades (i.e. jumps) modelled as a Poisson process with rate \lambda, we get

\begin{equation} dM(t) = \mu_Mdt+\sigma dW(t) + j(M_{t-1}) dN(t)\,, \end{equation}

where j(M_{t-1}) dN(t) is the contribution from jumps (depending only on immediately previous state j(M_{t-1}), thatā€™s where the Markovian approximation comes in). The density p(x,t) of the process M(t) is governed by Fokker-Planck equation

\begin{align} \partial_t p(x,t) &= -\mu_M\partial_x p(x,t) + \frac{\sigma^2}{2}\partial^2_xp(x,t)+\lambda\left[\int_{-\infty}^{+\infty}p(x-y,t)\delta(y-j)dy - p(x,t)\right]\\ &=-\mu_M\partial_x p(x,t) + \frac{\sigma^2}{2}\partial^2_xp(x,t)+\lambda\left[p(x-j,t)-p(x,t)\right]\,, \end{align}

where the Dirac \delta determine the dimension of the jump (we are assuming constant jumps) and \lambda is the mean dimension of jumps in the price difference. In the absence of drift, the equation of the process is

\begin{equation} \partial_tp(x,t)=\frac{\sigma^2}{2}\partial^2_xp(x,t)+\lambda\left[p(x-j,t)-p(x,t)\right]\,. \end{equation}

To find the stationary distribution (i.e. p(x)), we can consider the case with \partial_tp(x,t)=0, such that Fokker-Planck equation becomes

\begin{equation} 0=\frac{\sigma^2}{2}\partial^2_xp(x)+\lambda\left[p(x-j)-p(x)\right]\,. \end{equation}

Now, if we consider the Taylor expansion of p(x) for small j we obtain

\begin{equation} p(x-j)\sim p(x)-j\partial_xp(x)+\frac{\lambda j^2}{2}\partial_x^2p(x)+\ldots\,, \end{equation}

which gives

\begin{equation} 0=\frac{1}{2}\left(\sigma^2+\lambda j^2\right)\partial^2_xp(x,t)-\lambda j\partial_xp(x)\,. \end{equation}

If we now observe that for


we can neglect second order terms in j. For the next part of the paper weā€™ll use


which means the dimension of the jump between trades is given by the volatility of price difference times the square root of half the time interval between trades. Under these assumptions our Fokker-Planck equation becomes

\begin{equation} 0=\frac{\sigma^2}{2}\partial^2_xp(x,t)-\frac{\sqrt{\lambda}\sigma}{\sqrt{2}}\partial_xp(x)\,. \end{equation}

This is a second order differential equation, with solution of the form

\begin{equation} p(x)=Ae^{r_1x}+Be^{r_2x}\,, \end{equation}

where r_1 and r_2 are the solution of

\begin{equation} r^2-\frac{\sqrt{2\lambda}}{\sigma}r=0\,. \end{equation}

It follows that

\begin{equation} p(x)=A+Be^{\frac{\sqrt{2\lambda}}{\sigma}x}\,. \end{equation}

Since p(x) is a density, it has to be normalized and not diverging for x\to\pm\infty. This means that the solution has to be

\begin{equation} p(x)=p_1(x|x\in[-\gamma,\gamma])+p_2(x|x\in(-\infty,-\gamma)\,\cup\,(\gamma,\infty))\,, \end{equation}


\begin{align} &p_1(x) = A\,,\qquad\qquad\qquad\,\,\,\, x\in[-\gamma,\gamma]\\ &p_2(x) = Be^{-\frac{\sqrt{2\lambda}}{\sigma}(|x|-\gamma)}\,,\qquad x\in(-\infty,\gamma] \cup [\gamma,\infty)\,. \end{align}

The nature of p_2(x) is that it is null at infinity. Now, if we impose continuity of p(x) at boundaries, we have

p_1(\gamma)=p_2(\gamma)\Rightarrow A = B e^0 = B\,.

It follows that, by imposing the symmetry condition and the fact that p(x) is a density we get

\begin{align*} &2\int_0^\infty p(x)dx = 1 \\ &\to \left.2Ax\right|_0^\gamma-\left.2\frac{B\sigma}{\sqrt{2\lambda}}e^{-\frac{\sqrt{2\lambda}}{\sigma}(|x|-\gamma)}\right|_\gamma^\infty=1\\ &\to 2A\gamma\left(1+\frac{1}{\xi}\right)=1\,, \end{align*}

where we introduced the parameter \xi=\frac{\sqrt{2\lambda}\gamma}{\sigma}, characterizing the behaviour of the price difference process. By solving for A, it follows that

\begin{split} &p_1(x) = \frac{1}{2\gamma}\frac{\xi}{1+\xi}\,,\qquad\qquad\qquad\,\,\,\, x\in[-\gamma,\gamma]\\ &p_2(x) = \frac{1}{1+\xi}\frac{\xi}{2\gamma}e^{-\frac{\xi}{\gamma}(|x|-\gamma)}\,,\qquad x\in(-\infty,\gamma] \cup [\gamma,\infty)\,. \end{split}

Now, we are interested in computing the probability of the trade area. This has as density

\begin{equation} p_2(x|x\in(-\infty,-\gamma))+p_2(x|x\in(\gamma,\infty))=\frac{1}{1+\xi}\frac{\xi}{\gamma}e^{-\frac{\xi}{\gamma}(|x|-\gamma)}\,, \end{equation}

and since


is the density of an exponential distribution and that is the only part dependent from x, we have that the invariant for the trade region probability is


that is the result used in Eq. (2). Note that this result is consistent with what presented in Milionis et al, even if the derivation is different.

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Economics Leaderless and Leader-Based Preconfirmations

Published: Jul 04, 2024

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Joint work with @murat. Thanks to @The-CTra1n and @bemagri for reviewing and providing valuable feedback.


A preconfirmation (preconf) for the context of this article refers to a promise about a given set of transactions relative to a future block, e.g., execution of a transaction in the next block or placing transactions at the top of the block. Entities who want to obtain a preconf can bid a certain amount indicating how much they are willing to pay for a preconf.

One dimension in which preconfs can be distinguished is whether there exists a unique preconf provider for every L1 block (a preconf leader), or whether there can be multiple competing preconf providers for every L1 block, without a leader. We here discuss the two approaches, their respective advantages and disadvantages, and how they can be combined. A particularly promising approach for combining the two concepts to obtain the best of both worlds appears to be using ā€œsourcing leadersā€, which are operating in a leaderless setting and collect preconfs from competing preconf providers.

Overview and Definitions

Leader-Based Preconfs

The simplest form of preconfs are ones issued by an appointed leader. This leader must have the authority to issue preconfs and have some means to enforce them. It is not necessary to have a single leader overall, as long as there is a unique, predetermined, and publicly known leader at each point in time. A straightforward way to choose leaders is using the current L1 proposer, as, e.g., in commit-boost. More sophisticated leader-election methods are discussed below, and can be employed by mev-commit.

Leaderless Preconfs

An alternative to leader-based preconfs is to have multiple preconf providers simultaneously. The most natural instantiation of this is to have the block builders act as preconf providers, leveraging the strengths of the existing mev-boost landscape. This mechanism is used by mev-commit. In this case, a single preconf provider cannot provide an authoritative preconf; in case the block builders are preconf providers, a single builder can only promise to honor the preconf for the blocks this block builder builds.

A preconf from a single block builder thus constitutes a probabilistic preconf in the sense that the preconf is conditioned on the issuing block builder winning the corresponding block. This can already be useful, e.g., for arbitrage searchers. A proper preconf with a 100% guarantee is obtained if all block builders preconfirm. A subtlety of this is that the set of all possible block builders must be known, which is not the case in a permissionless setting. This is solved by mev-commit by letting block builders register as providers and proposers and relays opt-in to only deliver blocks from registered block builders. Analyzing the game-theoretic interplay between bidders and multiple preconf providers is an interesting open problem.


Both approaches have their advantages and disadvantages, which we discuss below.

Advantages of Leader-Based Preconfs

The most obvious advantage of leader-based preconfs is that a single preconf already constitutes almost a 100% guarantee (almost because the slot may be missed or the chain reorged). This simplifies the protocol interaction and also possibly provides faster feedback. Note that reorg risks are the same for all types of preconfs, so we do not discuss them further here.

Advantages of Leaderless Preconfs

Having multiple simultaneous preconf providers creates a competitive environment, allowing for efficient preconf price discovery and thereby optimizing validator yield. A single provider having a preconf monopoly, on the other hand, can dictate the prices arbitrarily.

Further advantages come from letting the block builders be the preconf providers. First, block builders have sufficient sophistication to properly price preconfs. Secondly, builders are building the blocks and thus are the only entities that can issue preconfs without interfering with block production and adding latency: If another party issues a preconf, it must be communicated to the block builders such that they can build compatible blocks, and failure to receive the preconf in time leads to the block builder building a block violating the preconf. This also means that there is some delay between issuing the preconf and the builders learning about it in a leader based approach, which is particularly problematic towards the end of a slot, where builders may learn too late about the preconf. This also creates an advantage for block builders with fast connections to the preconf leaders, potentially leading to further centralization. Furthermore, receiving a preconf from a separate entity interferes with the block building strategy of the builders and thus can potentially lead to substantially less valuable blocks. Finally, leaderless preconfs can be integrated more easily into the existing mev-boost infrastructure.

Leader Election

As mentioned above, the simplest way to elect a preconf leader is to choose the current L1 proposer. This, however, requires additional sophistication from the proposer and likely leads to economic inefficiencies. It is therefore likely that proposers want to outsource preconfs similarly to how proposers outsource block building in PBS, even though this might raise concerns such as increased complexity due to additional actors, and potentially more centralization. A crucial difference from PBS is that preconf leaders need to be chosen in advance, i.e., before preconf bids are available. Thus, when the right to become a preconf leader is auctioned off, the potential leaders need to place their bids in the leader election without knowing the value they can derive from becoming a leader. This means their bids can only be based on expected values rather than actual amounts as in PBS, similarly to execution tickets. A notable exemption to this are scenarios in which preconfs are not time critical such as preconfs for blob inclusion bids. In this case, the auction can be run after all preconf bids have been issued and thus the auction can be based on the actual value instead of the expected one (cf. Ethereum Research - Blob Preconfirmations with Inclusion Lists to Mitigate Blob Contention and Censorship).

One concern with an expected-value-based auction is that this value likely remains relatively stable over time and thus a possible scenario is that a single entity that is very good at pricing wins an overwhelming fraction of the auctions, leading to centralization and a preconf monopoly (cf. The Flashbots Collective - When To Sell Your Blocks). A possible mitigation to this problem is to instead of running an auction, sell lottery tickets and choose the leader randomly as the holder of the winning ticket. This is akin to a similar mechanism recently proposed by Espresso Systems in a related context. Further research is required to determine an optimal pricing structure for such lotteries.

Combining Leaderless and Leader-Based Preconfs

To obtain the best of both worlds, one can combine a leaderless with a leader-based approach. We discuss some options how to achieve this below.

Simultaneous Leaders and Leaderless Providers

One option to combine leaderless and leader-based preconfs is to have a dedicated preconf leader, but let this leader operate simultaneously with multiple non-leader preconf providers. We assume below that the non-leader providers are block builders. In such a scheme, both the leader and the builders can issue preconfs at any point in time. When the leader issues a preconf, it must be communicated to the block builders, who then need to honor them when building their blocks. At this point, block builders cannot commit to the already committed bid anymore (since such commitment would not add any value). On the other hand, if a builder issues a preconf first, the leader can still commit to the same bid, turning the preconf from the builder into a 100% guaranteed preconf.

While this approach might appear conceptually simple, it comes with several challenges. One issue is that it is probably very hard, if not impossible, for the leader to issue execution preconfs that are compatible with execution preconfs of the block builders. This approach might therefore be limited to inclusion preconfs. Another issue is the timing of preconfs: For the mechanism to work, a total order among preconfs needs to be established, since a builder should only be rewarded for a preconf on a bid that also been committed to by the leader if the builder committed first. This total order can be established by a dedicated side-chain, such as the mev-commit chain. Nevertheless, there is room for leaders to play games with the competing builders by delaying their preconfs or trying to frontrun the builders. Yet another difficulty of this approach are the more complex incentives. Who should be paid how much in case multiple preconfs are issued? Developing a fair mechanism that leads to good preconf prices requires further research.

Sourcing Leaders

An alternative is to have leaders that themselves have no authority to enforce preconfs. Instead, the leaders receive bids from end users and subsequently try to obtain preconfs from the preconf providers. We call such leaders ā€œsourcing leadersā€. Once the sourcing leader has obtained preconfs from all providers, they issue a preconf to the end user. A sourcing leader is not strictly speaking a leader as defined above, but can provide the same advantage of a leader, namely issuing preconfs that themselves provide a 100% guarantee to the end user.

The role of a sourcing leader can be taken on by sophisticated actors such as solvers. A sourcing leader can in this case also offer preconfs before all providers have issued one and charge a premium to take on the risk that the preconf is violated. It is furthermore possible to have multiple competing sourcing leaders that offer preconfs with different prices at different speeds, where users can choose the best one for their purposes.

Figure 1: Illustration of the interaction between an end user, a sourcing leader running a bidder node, and three preconf providers.

Conclusion and Open Problems

Both leader-based and leaderless preconfs offer unique advantages and challenges. Leader-based preconfs offer a 100% guarantee (ignoring missed slots and reorgs) with a single preconfirmation, whereas leaderless ones create a competitive environment, enabling efficient price discovery, and potentially leading to more valuable blocks. Different methods for leader election also have their own trade-offs, with options ranging from auctions to lotteries.

Combining leaderless and leader-based preconfs can provide the benefits of both systems. One approach is to have a dedicated preconf leader operating alongside non-leader providers. Another approach is to use sourcing leaders who have no enforcement authority themselves, but attempt to obtain preconfs from providers. Both approaches allow for a high degree of competition, but also pose additional challenges.

There are still several unresolved research problems uncovered in this article. One of them is to analyze the game-theoretic interplay between bidders and multiple preconf providers in a leaderless preconf system. For a leader-based approach, relevant open problems are determining an optimal pricing structure for preconf leader lotteries to mitigate the risk of centralization and a preconf monopoly, and how to integrate with the existing mev-boost infrastructure. For combining leaderless and leader-based preconfs, designing fair mechanisms for the interaction between both types of preconf providers is left for future research. Finally, an important open question is how the approach with a sourcing leader compares to the others in terms of obtaining fair prices.

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Economics Execution Consensus Separation

Published: Jul 03, 2024

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Execution Consensus Separation

MEV is fundamentally about control. The proposer has control of which transactions make it into blocks and which order they appear in. In other words MEV is all about censorship and reordering. All of the goals on the Ethereum roadmap related to MEV are therefore impossible without fixing these things. The good news is that fixing these things is possible, the bad news is that the solution requires us to work together to study and prove the security of some meaningful upgrades to both consensus and execution.

Current work on the ā€œScourgeā€ section of the Ethereum roadmap has been siloed. People work on individual problems and sometimes lose the broader scope of what we are ultimately trying to achieve. ePBS, Inclusion Lists, MEV Burn, Distributed Block Building, and Application-layer MEV minimization, are examples of ideas that require censorship resistance and control over ordering, but we havenā€™t yet addressed the pre-requisites. Solving these allows us to kill 5 birds with 1 stone. But to do this we need to think from first principles and work on the underlying root causes rather than tinkering with a thin veneer on top of the protocol.

Solving MEV at the protocol level requires buy in from all three levels of the chain:

  1. Consensus Layer: Multiple concurrent proposers.
  2. Execution Layer: Delayed execution and deterministic scheduling rules.
  3. Application Layer: Order-agnostic applications.

Consensus layer

We cannot get anywhere without vastly improved censorship resistance at the consensus layer. This is what allows us to hold auctions and prevent censorship of competing bids. The root cause of Ethereumā€™s weak censorship resistance is the fact that only a single entity can include transactions during each 12 second slot. Multiple concurrent proposers (MCP) fixes this problem. Instead of coming to consensus on an ordered block of transactions from a single block proposer, each of the K proposers propose a set of transactions at the same time. The protocol then aggregates these proposals using a common subset primitive (or a similar algorithm, this is an active area of research), yielding an unordered set of transactions which are to be included in the block.

MCP solves the problem of censorship-resistant inclusion, achieving the goals of Inclusion Lists in a more natural way. The output is an unordered set of transactions, so it does not solve the problem of reordering. That will be the responsibility of the execution layer.

MCP is an area of active study and we encourage people to get involved. See SMG SPEC-01 for a theoretical description of MCP. Work is currently underway at SMG to formally specify MCP and create a proposed implementation of a gadget for use in the Ethereum protocol. Contact us if you are interested in working on this.

Execution layer

Ethereumā€™s execution layer must be upgraded to solve the problem of transaction reordering. To do this, we must delay the calculation of the state root to the next block so that the execution layer has time to implement a deterministic ordering rule.

Once it has the transactions, the execution layer has a new important job: figuring out how to order them. To do this, we need to select a deterministic scheduling rule. This is an area of active study where we encourage people to get involved. There are many promising candidates: priority fee ordering, as-needed execution, and distributed block building. We will elaborate on the last two in an upcoming article.

With delayed execution and a deterministic scheduling rule, Ethereumā€™s execution layer will determine the order of transactions in a block, allowing it to achieve the same goals as distributed block building and ePBS in a more natural way. In addition, since the ordering is enforced by the logic of the protocol, not by the goodwill of any particular validator, the protocol can burn all the fees at this stage, achieving the goals of MEV Burn.

Application layer

Assuming we succeed in the above upgrades, Ethereumā€™s application layer will be free to upgrade their applications to be natively MEV-resistant while remaining totally onchain. We call the class of things they will do order-agnostic applications or order-agnostic mechanisms.

For example take the problem of liquidation MEV. For the sake of argument, suppose we have 1000 ETH that needs to be liquidated for DAI. We donā€™t know what the appropriate price is for the ETH, so we have two options: we can guess the right price and have a posted price available to the first person who claims it, which is how Compound and Aave work, and leads to tremendous value leaked to liquidation races, reducing UX. Or, we can hold a Dutch auction, which leads to slightly less value leakage, but doesnā€™t allow us to clear the distressed debt right away. But now, with MCP and deterministic scheduling, these protocols can simply hold an onchain auction for the right to liquidate 1000 ETH and elicit the price that way.

Order agnostic application design has a number of benefits, and there are many more examples of places where MEV leaks that can be solved. Future posts will elaborate on this.


The successful implementation of these upgrades will result in a much friendlier Ethereum for both developers and users. The first step of this research program is fleshing out and proving the security of a multi proposer design with simultaneous release. Other blockchains have multiple proposers, but are not designed in the same way or for the same purpose. If you are a consensus researcher interested in working on this topic, please reach out, we have funding available for this.

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Consensus Fork Choice compliance test suites & test generator

Published: Jul 02, 2024

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This is a preliminary announcement, weā€™ll officially announce during the next All Core Devs call.

We (TxRx team, ConsenSys) have implemented a Fork Choice compliance test generator as well as have generated Fork Choice compliance test suites.

Overall F/C compliance testing methodology is described here.

In this report we briefly describe the results of the initial implementation phase (i.e. the F/C test generator and F/C test suites). A more detailed description of the work is TBD.

This work was supported by a grant from the Ethereum Foundation.

Implementation status

Test generator

The initial version of the Fork Choice tests generator is implemented and currently available as a draft consensus-specs PR. We have been focusing on minimizing efforts for client implementer teams to adopt the generated tests. The only a small change to the existing FC test format is the addition of a new check, which is safe to ignore initially.

Test suites

We have developed test generation parameters for three suites at the moment.

Test suite size Purpose Status Link
Tiny 135 tests Demonstration, smoke testing Done link
Small 1472 tests Initial adoption, smoke testing Done link
Standard 13240 tests Main testing Done link
Extended about 100K tests Extended testing TBD

Note: We are able to generate the Extended test suite. However, it will take significant time (about a week), therefore, we have delayed actual test suite generation until it will be demanded.

It should be possible to generate test suites for any fork (Altair, Capella, Deneb) and preset (mainnet or minimal). However, test generation for mainnet is very slow. We have tested minimal/altair and minimal/deneb.

Test generation currently is slow (about 10-15 seconds per test on average). However, a multiprocessing mode is supported (about 2 seconds per test on Apple M1). Generation of the Standard test suite takes about 8 hours (multiprocessing mode) or two days (single process mode).

The reasons of slow performance are known and are to be alleviated in future. Currently, our top priority is to simplify adoption of the new test suites.

Testing the tests

We have run the generated tests against Teku, using Teku test runner and against the official executable Fork Choice spec (minimal/deneb), using a simple Python test runner.

Test generation approach

The test generation approach is a mix of model-based and fuzz testing.


  • the Fork Choice spec is virtually ā€œdecomposedā€ into two parts: topological sorting of events and actual event processing
  • tests are generated for the event processing part, the topological sorting part is addressed via event shuffling (time shift plus drop/duplication)
  • models are used to describe the spec aspects that we want to cover. There are two flavors: trees of various shapes (for block trees and super-majority link trees) and predicates to be covered (filter_block_tree)
  • for each model there can be multiple solutions, each solution can be seen as a template (e.g. SM link tree + block tree) which can be instantiated in multiple ways (varying validator actions)
  • each test case can be mutated multiple times

Tests are generated with four steps:

  1. Models (implemented using MiniZinc), describing abstract coverage aspects that we want to cover. Currently there are three models: SM link (super-majority link) tree model, Block tree model and Block cover model.
  2. For each model a set of solutions is produced. The models are parameterized, which affects the size of solution set generated.
    • SM link and block tree solutions are combined into a single block tree.
  3. Each solution is instantiated using two test instantiators (block tree and block cover). The instantiation is randomized, i.e. a coin is flipped on each decision point. This results in a complete Fork Choice test case (i.e. anchor state plus a sequence of tick | block | attestation | attester_slashing events).
  4. Each test case is mutated via mutation (shuffling) operators. Currently, there are thee mutation operator: time shift, drop and duplicate (with consequent shifting).

The models are developed manually.
Solutions to the models are produced with a special generator.
Test instantiators and mutations are performed with

After tests are generated, one can validate the produced test steps using script, which executes the steps using the pyspecs, performing prescribed checks.

Test structure

Test group size (standard suite) parameters (solutions + variations + mutations) description
Block tree 4096 tests 1024*2*(1+1) focus on trees of varying shapes
Block weight 2048 tests 8*64*(1+3) focus on producing block trees with varying weights
Shuffling 2048 tests 8*4*(1+63) focus on shuffling/mutation operators
Attester slashing 1024 tests 8*16*(1+7) focus on attester slashing
Invalid messages 1024 tests 8*32*(1+3) focus on invalid messages
Block cover 3000 tests 60*5*(1+9) cover various combinations of predicates from the filter_block_tree method

Future steps

  • improve performance. Performance is adequate right now (for the initial adoption phase). But is the main blocker otherwise.
  • more flexible test generation. More and better models, better instantiators, better mutation operators.
  • coverage-guided fuzzing
  • new test vector format (donā€™t need full test cases for fuzz testing, as need to compare against the FC spec anyway)

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Networking Ethereum Node Message Propagation Bandwidth Consumption

Published: Jul 02, 2024

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Summary & TL;DR

The ProbeLab team ( ) is carrying out a study on the performance of Gossipsub in Ethereumā€™s P2P network. Following from our previous post on the Number Duplicate Messages in Ethereum's Gossipsub Network, in this post we investigate bandwidth consumption at the GossipSub level, i.e., bandwidth consumption for message propagation. The target of the study is to identify the protocol components that consume the biggest share of network bandwidth. The study has been co-authored by @cortze and @yiannisbot.

For the purposes of this study, we have built a tool called Hermes, which acts as a GossipSub listener and tracer (GitHub - probe-lab/hermes: A Gossipsub listener and tracer. ). Hermes subscribes to all relevant pubsub topics and traces all protocol interactions. The results reported here are from a 3.5hr trace.

Study Description: The distributed nature of p2p systems makes them generally less effective in computational, latency, and bandwidth consumption. This is due to the extra interactions between nodes needed to organize a p2p network without a central authority that bridges between peers. Thus, taking care of processes, such as peer or content discovery, content sharing, and message broadcasting often become a challenge, or bottleneck.

Ethereum is not different in that respect. Message propagation takes a large portion of the network bandwidth used by a node in the Ethereum network. This study investigates bandwidth consumption at the GossipSub level. The target is to identify the protocol components that consume the biggest share of network bandwidth.

TL;DR: Despite the fact that the configuration of our Hermes node, which, in this case, doesnā€™t represent a standard node in the Ethereum network, the bandwidth consumption numbers of GossipSub validate that thereā€™s plenty of space for optimization.

We observed that a significant portion of bandwidth is spent on SENT_IHAVE messages (23.4% of the total bandwidth and 30% of the total outgoing bandwidth) and RECV_IHAVE messages (10% of the total bandwidth, and 42% of the total inbound bandwidth).

More than anything, these findings validate the improvement recommendations made during our previous study on the ā€œEffectiveness of Gossipsubā€™s gossip mechanismā€: Gossip IWANT/IHAVE Effectiveness in Ethereum's Gossipsusb network

Taking into account that a node doesnā€™t only receive duplicated messages but also generates duplicates to others, we strongly recommend pushing the GossipSub1.2 initiative, as it will effectively eliminate the bandwidth wasted on receiving or generating duplicates, which amounts to ~42% of total bandwidth.

Results on Bandwidth Consumption

:eyes: NOTES: The bandwidth usage displayed in this study is limited to:

NetIn vs NetOut

The study starts with a general overview of what is the ratio of sent vs received bandwidth consumption. The following graph shows that on the Hermes node, the biggest share of the bandwidth comes from the data that we send out to the connected peers.

The total outbound bandwidth is around 3 to 4 times higher than the inbound. Note that Hermes differs from a standard node in that it keeps more peer connections (around 250 peers). This clearly has a significant impact on bandwidth usage. That said, although the numbers are not representative of the bandwidth usage of a normal node in absolute terms, the percentage split still represents that of a normal node.

Narrowing down, we observe a ratio of 700-800 KB/s for outgoing traffic and 200 KB/s for incoming traffic.

Bandwidth based on each event type

GossipSub sends multiple types of messages with different purposes. From control messages to keep the mesh stable to pure messages or gossip IHAVE / IWANT messages to ensure that the host didnā€™t miss any message. Each of these message types requires sending RPC calls, adding up to the total of sent and received network traffic.

The following graphs isolate the bandwidth attributed to each of the events. The first one shows the raw KB/s over time, and the second one shows the percentage of each event over the aggregated total.

Percentage Table

| Event | % of total BW | % of Received BW | % of Sent BW |
| --- | --- | --- | --- |
| RECV_GRAFT | 0.000367 | 0.001565 | ā€”ā€”ā€”ā€”ā€”ā€”ā€”ā€” |
| RECV_IHAVE | 9.974349 | 42.537746 | ā€”ā€”ā€”ā€”ā€”ā€”ā€”ā€” |
| RECV_IWANT | 2.368042 | 10.099021 | ā€”ā€”ā€”ā€”ā€”ā€”ā€”ā€” |
| RECV_MSG  (duplicated) | 7.347250 | 31.333920 | ā€”ā€”ā€”ā€”ā€”ā€”ā€”ā€” |
| RECV_MSG | 3.640691 | 15.526507 | ā€”ā€”ā€”ā€”ā€”ā€”ā€”ā€” |
| RECV_PRUNE | 0.002973 | 0.012678 | ā€”ā€”ā€”ā€”ā€”ā€”ā€”ā€” |
| RECV_SUBS | 0.114559 | 0.488562 | ā€”ā€”ā€”ā€”ā€”ā€”ā€”ā€” |
| SENT_GRAFT | 0.002863 | ā€”ā€”ā€”ā€”ā€”ā€”ā€”ā€” | 0.003740 |
| SENT_IHAVE | 23.404913 | ā€”ā€”ā€”ā€”ā€”ā€”ā€”ā€” | 30.573967 |
| SENT_IWANT | 0.094569 | ā€”ā€”ā€”ā€”ā€”ā€”ā€”ā€” | 0.123536 |
| SENT_MSG | 53.049257 | ā€”ā€”ā€”ā€”ā€”ā€”ā€”ā€” | 69.298539 |
| SENT_PRUNE | 0.000164 | ā€”ā€”ā€”ā€”ā€”ā€”ā€”ā€” | 0.000214 |
| SENT_SUBS | 0.000003 | ā€”ā€”ā€”ā€”ā€”ā€”ā€”ā€” | 0.000004 |

From the above graphs, we can observe that:

  • The SENT_MSG event is the one that consumes the most network traffic, with a total of 53% of the total network traffic and 69% of the total sent traffic.
    It has a spiky oscillation between 500 to 700 KB/s, and it is clearly the most bandwidth consuming event.
    It is hard to define which is the ratio of duplicates that all those sent messages generate on the remote side. However, we could assume that it would follow a similar pattern to the RECV_MSG one (2 duplicate bytes per 1 original byte).
  • Surprisingly, the SENT_IHAVE event follows SENT_MSGs in terms of consumed bandwidth with a total of 23.4% of the total bandwidth and 30% of the total outgoing bandwidth. Interestingly, subscribing to topics with a high frequency of messages (even if they are small in size), does have an impact on the bandwidth that we use sending those IHAVE messages.
    Each IHAVE is limited to 5,000 message IDs; however, with a message ID of 40 bytes, it still adds up to a maximum of 200KBs in message IDs on every heartbeat (0.7s in the case of Ethereum).
  • RECV_IHAVES represent 10% of the total bandwidth, and 42% of the total inbound bandwidth, with an inbound network bandwidth requirement of 100KB/s.
  • The above two points showcase that, far from being negligible on the overall value they provide, the total bandwidth used on IHAVE messages represents almost 400KB/s, consuming 23% of the total outgoing bandwidth and more than 40% of the incoming bandwidth.
  • The RECV_MSG events remain in the fourth position with a representation of 11% of the total consumed bandwidth, where only 3.6% belong to unique or original messages, and the remaining 7.3% belong to duplicates. In terms of the overall inbound bandwidth, they represent 15% and 31%, respectively, for original and duplicated received messages.
  • On a much lower ratio, the whole list of RECV_IWANT messages stays within a lower 2.3% of the total bandwidth usage, which represents 10% of the total received bytes.

Comparison with live nodes

In order to validate the previous measurements taken from the GossipSub module at Hermes, weā€™ve compared the bandwidth usage ratios with standard running Ethereum nodes:

  • Local Prysm node at home setup (Holesky) reports an average received network traffic of 386KB/s and a sent network traffic of 580KB/s.
    Although the numbers might be slightly different, these measurements take the whole traffic of the Beacon Node docker container, which includes:
    • Peer discovery
    • Requests/Responses like beacon_blocs or blobs by range or by root

The MigaLabs public dashboard at monitor.eth shows slightly bigger bandwidth usage than the ones we measured. However, it is unclear whether the measurement includes the Execution Layer. The reported bandwidth reports an average of 290KB/s inbound and 1.2MB/s outbound, although it doesnā€™t include many data points (5 points per hour) and the variation is noticeable.

Conclusions and takeaways

Despite the fact that the configuration of our Hermes node, which, in this case, doesnā€™t represent a standard node in the Ethereum network, the bandwidth consumption numbers of GossipSub validate that thereā€™s plenty of space for optimization.

We observed that a significant portion of bandwidth is spent on SENT_IHAVE (23.4% of the total bandwidth and 30% of the total outgoing bandwidth) and RECV_IHAVE (10% of the total bandwidth, and 42% of the total inbound bandwidth).

More than anything, these findings validate the improvement recommendations made during our previous study on the ā€œEffectiveness of Gossipsubā€™s gossip mechanismā€: Gossip IWANT/IHAVE Effectiveness in Ethereum's Gossipsusb network

Taking into account that a node doesnā€™t only receive duplicated messages but also generates duplicates to others, we strongly recommend pushing the GossipSub1.2 initiative, as it will effectively eliminate the bandwidth wasted on receiving or generating duplicates, which amounts to ~42% of total bandwidth.

Even currently though, the network bandwidth usage of a host in the Ethereum network (around 300 KB/s inbound and 1.1 MB/s outbound, including the EL) still constitutes a small percentage of the average household bandwidth availability, which varies between 8MB/s and 26MB/s depending on the region.

For more details and weekly network health reports on Ethereumā€™s discv5 DHT network head over to

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Proof-of-Stake Fork Choice Attacks and Protections in EPBS

Published: Jul 02, 2024

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This post explores fork choice attacks through the perspective of ePBS, focusing on the new fork choice boost parameters and the rationale behind their design. Weā€™ll begin by examining why these parameters are crucial, followed by a review of the existing designs. For background reading, I recommend reading Payload Boosts in ePBS by Potuz. Additionally, for a deeper understanding of how the LMD GHOST fork choice operates today, consider Ben Edgingtonā€™s section on fork choice in his book, Upgrading Ethereum. Letā€™s dive in!


Payload boosts in ePBS - Feb/2024 By Potuz
Sandwitch attacks on ePBS - May/2024 By Potuz

Fork choice attacks today

We analyze these scenarios from both the attackerā€™s and the victimā€™s perspectives, focusing on two consecutive proposal slots, each with distinct proposers. Two primary types of attacks can emerge:

  1. The proposer of slot n+1 attacks the proposer of slot n.
  2. The proposer of slot n attacks the proposer of slot n+1.

To clarify, by ā€œattack,ā€ we mean an attempt to reorg the block out of the canonical chain. The motives behind such a reorg typically include:

  1. Stealing the content of the block.
  2. Increasing the time available to build the block, making a 24-second block more valuable than a 12-second one.

Ex-Post attack

The first type of attack is a Ex-Post attack, where the proposer of slot n+1 attempts to reorg the block from slot n. In this scenario, the proposer of n+1 utilizes the proposer boost to gain an advantage and potentially reorg the block from slot n. Currently, the proposer boost is set at 40%. This means that as long as the block at slot n receives votes from more than 40% of the beacon committee, it is safe against a reorg. Typically, we define the percentage of the beacon committee that belongs to the attacker as \delta. An attacker can successfully reorg a block if \delta > 1 - PB, which is 60% under todayā€™s parameters.

Ex-Ante attack

The second type of attack is known as the Ex-Anteattack, where the proposer of slot n attempts to reorg the block from slot n+1. This type of attack is inherently difficult to pull off because the proposer boost grants a 40% advantage to the block at slot n+1. To successfully carry out this attack, the attackerā€™s beacon committee must withhold their attestations and block then release them synchronously which occurs shortly after the block at slot n+1 is published. To reorg the block at slot n+1, the attackerā€™s beacon committee support must exceed the proposer boost. We can assert that an attacker can reorg a block if \delta > PB, which is 40% under todayā€™s parameter.

It is worth mentioning in Ex-Ante attack, attackers who propose multiple consecutive slots have an added advantage. For two slots, the effectiveness of the attack can be simplified to the expression \delta / 2 > PB, requiring only 20% of the stake per slot to reorg an honest block.

Fork choice attacks in ePBS

In the ePBS model, the introduction of a builder block between two proposer blocks complicates the landscape of potential attacks beyond what we see today. This addition expands the array of possible attack scenarios:

Pre-ePBS Scenarios:

  1. Proposer n+1 attacking proposer n - This scenario concerns Ex-Post reorg safety.
  2. Proposer n attacking proposer n+1 - This scenario concerns Ex-Ante reorg safety.

Post-ePBS Scenarios:

  1. Proposer of n+1 and builder of n collude and attack proposer of n - This scenario concerns proposer Ex-Post reorg safety.
  2. Proposer and builder of n collude and attack proposer of n+1 - This scenario concerns proposer Ex-Ante reorg safety.
  3. Proposer of n+1 and n collude and attack builder of n - This scenario introduces builder safety, including reorg safety and withholding safety.

Before we go into the specific attack scenarios under the ePBS framework, itā€™s important to establish the incentives for honest builder behavior. Similar to the proposer boost, builders are also incentivized through boosts for honest actions through payload timeliness committee.

  • Reveal Boost (RB): Awarded to builders who timely reveal their payloads.
  • Withheld Boost (WB): Granted if a builder, feeling unsafe about revealing the payload, opts to release a withheld message. This boost gives weight to the parent block of the committed consensus block.

These boosts also ensure both builder reveal and withhold safety. Builder reveal safety means that if the builder acted honestly and revealed a payload in a timely fashion (as attested by the PTC), then the revealed payload should be on-chain. Builder withhold safety means that if a beacon block containing a builderā€™s header is withheld or revealed late, then that beacon block should not be the canonical head of the blockchain in the view of honest validators.

To ensure clarity and maintain focus throughout our discussion, we will designate the boosts as follows: Reveal Boost (RB), Withheld Boost (WB), and Proposer Boost (PB). The specific values of these boosts will be displayed towards the end of the post. Now, letā€™s explore the first scenario: the proposer Ex-Post attack in ePBS.

Proposer Ex-Post attack

As you may have noted, this scenario is similar to the Ex-Post attack today, except that the builder of n colludes with the proposer of n+1. We also assume that a portion of the beacon committee is part of the malicious team, represented by \delta. The Ex-Post attack is successful if WB + PB + \delta > 1 - \delta. This indicates that Ex-Post attack resistance is weaker in ePBS due to the added power of the withheld boost from the colluding builder.

Letā€™s examine the benefits for the attacker in a successful attack:

  • The block at n+1 gains two slots worth of transactions by reorg out n, resulting in more time and more transactions, thereby increasing its block value.
  • Since n's payload was revealed as withheld, and both n's builder and n+1's proposer collude, there is no opportunity to steal n's payload transaction content. They are all on the same team.
  • From n's proposerā€™s perspective, the loss includes the opportunity to propose a beacon block, and from the protocolā€™s perspective, it results in the loss of one slot worth of consensus liveness.

Proposer Ex-Ante attack

Letā€™s move on to the second scenario: the proposer Ex-Ante attack in ePBS. In this scenario, we will examine the most extreme version where the builderā€™s Reveal Boost (RB) is leveraged for the Ex-Ante attack. What does this attack look like?

The proposer of slot n withholds the block and the beacon committee, represented by \delta, withholds the attestations. The attacking builder of slot n releases the payload on time to gain the RB. The Ex-Ante attack is successful if RB + \delta > PB. However, realistically, the proposer will try to split the beacon committee into portions seen (x) and not seen (1-x). This modifies the equation to RB + x + \delta > PB + 1-x.

Letā€™s examine the benefits for the attacker in a successful attack:

  • The block at slot n reorgs out slot n+1. Unlike a Ex-Post attack, the builder of slot n must commit and release the payload on time to gain the RB. Due to this commitment:
    • Even if the attack is successful, it only provides one slot of transactions without leading to more time and more transactions. The proposer of slot n+2 benefits here.
    • It cannot steal slot n+1's transactions because the payload is pre-committed, leaving nothing to steal from the consensus block.

In other words, the Ex-Ante attack is less valuable than the Ex-Post attack if we assume the worst-case scenario for both.

Builder attacks

Finally, letā€™s move to the last section: proposers of n and n+1 collude to attack the builder of n. We will divide this section into two parts. The first part will focus on reorg out the builderā€™s payload, and the second part will focus on making the payload part of the canonical chain even if the builder chooses to withhold it.

Payload reorging attack

Letā€™s examine the first part. The proposer of slot n releases the block late / attempts to split the beacon committee view, resulting in x beacon committee members voting for the block and 1-x not voting for it. The builder reveals the payload on time and gains a RB. The proposer of slot n+1 could then reorg the payload by reorg the entire proposer block of slot n, which is more powerful than just reorganizing the payload itself. The attack is successful if PB + 1 - x > RB + x.

What does a successful attack provide to the attacker?

  • Given that proposers of slots n and n+1 are colluding, there is no extra slot advantage gained by reorg out the block at slot $n. It is essentially the same as not proposing a block at slot n.
  • A minor advantage of the collusion between the two proposers is the ability to steal the payload transactions from slot n. This issue is mitigated if transactions are protected by binding them to slot $n. This scenario is known as a next-slot unbundling attack, which differs from same-slot unbundling. Same-slot unbundling is impossible in ePBS.

Payload withholding attack

Letā€™s look at the second part. The proposer of slot n releases the block late or tries to split the beacon committee view, resulting in x beacon committee members voting for the block and 1-x not voting for it. The builder withholds the payload on time and gains a Withheld Boost (WB). The proposer of slot n+1 could attempt to force the builder to fulfill unconditional payment by making the block at slot n canonical, which from the chainā€™s perspective, appears as if the builder did not release the payload. The attack is successful if PB + x > WB + 1 - x.

What does a successful attack provide to the attacker?

  • The only plausible scenario for this attack is when the builder is not confident in revealing the payload and hence withholds it. In this case, the proposer of slot n+1, colluding with the proposer of slot n, wants to take the builderā€™s payment regardless.
  • Another primary advantage is that the block at slot n+1 can contain two slotsā€™ worth of transactions since the builder submits an empty payload by withholding.

Boost numbers

Finally, letā€™s summarize the equations for each worst-case attack scenario if the attacker wins:

  1. Proposers Ex-Post attack: WB + PB + \delta > 1 - \delta
  2. Proposers Ex-Ante attack: RB + x + \delta > PB + 1 - x
  3. Builder reorg payload attack: PB + 1 - x > RB + x
  4. Builder withhold payload attack: PB + x > WB + 1 - x

Overall, we can derive that the parameters are approximately PB = 20\%, WB = 40\%, RB = 40\%, and \delta = 20\%. This means we can tolerate a malicious beacon committee up to 20%, whereas today, this tolerance is 40%.

The real question to ask is whether the worst-case scenario of a 20% attack even makes sense, as in the Ex-Ante attack, the builder must release the payload to perform the attack. Nevertheless, it certainly represents a degradation in fork choice. A 20% attack is significantly more dangerous in the Ex-Post attack than in the Ex-Ante attack due to the additional time available.

Something we havenā€™t analyzed here is how multi-slot liveness may play a role in this context. Given (block, slot) voting and under worse network asynchrony conditions, we may experience prolonged empty slots, making recovery difficult. Solutions like a backoff scheme have been proposed, which require further thought and analysis.

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Applications P2P ZK Light Client Bridge between Tron and Ethereum L2s

Published: Jun 28, 2024

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By Alex Hook. Thanks to these people for inspiration, feedback and suggestions: accountless.eth, pseudotheos, Domothy, Dogan Alpaslan, ZKP2P team

Abstract. USDT on the Tron Network has emerged as a dominant crypto application in the Third World countries. However, the current cartelized control of the Tron Network results in elevated transaction fees, capital concentration, and an ecosystem isolated from other crypto networks. We propose a design for a cost-effective, peer-to-peer bridge from USDT TRC20 to Ethereum L2 networks, utilizing zero-knowledge light verification of the Tron blockchain.


According to Token Terminal, USDT on Tron has achieved preeminence by several metrics, including outstanding supply, 30d transfer volume, number of transfers, and number of holders. At the time of writing, the second place by volume, DAI on Ethereum, has only ~20% less volume than it, but two orders of magnitude fewer holders and number of transfers. The second place by number of transfers, USDC on Base, has 5x fewer transfers.

This shows Tron USDTā€™s monstrous levels of payment usage among individuals. Unsurprisingā€”Tron team has done an extensive advertisement campaign for its payment solution in Africa and Latin America. Shortly after, the network effect spread it to the developing countries in Asia and Post-Soviet area.

If we look at the areas of the largest prevalence of Tron USDT, a noteworthy pattern can be noticed. Tron USDT is largely used in the countries with weak economies and unsustainable local currencies: TĆ¼rkiye, Lebanon, Zimbabwe, Venezuela, Argentina, and more. In these countries, traditional banking doesnā€™t provide people with options for reliable store of value and means of payment, as local currencies are unreliable, and foreign currencies are either banned for payment use or subject to strict control.


It is fair to say that USDT on Tron is one of the largest crypto applications by usage today. Millions of people around the world are interacting with it every day. Itā€™s massively used as a store of value, acts as a medium of exchange in isolated economies such as Northern Cyprus, Cuba, and Vietnam. Local P2P platforms are building their infrastructure around USDT on Tron. However, its dominance presents certain challenges for the broader Web3 community:

  • A primary concern is the high degree of centralization within the Tron Network. According to our research, over the past 250 days there were only 28 unique block producers. The same entities are constantly winning the DPoS election due to delegations from the largest TRX holders. Most of these Super Representatives (block producers in Tron) lack any public information beyond their status as block producers.

  • Despite this centralization, transaction fees on Tron remain among the highest in cryptoā€”420 sun (1 sun = 1e-6 TRX) per gas. At the TRXā€™s price of ~0.000035 ETH, this roughly corresponds to Ethereum L1ā€™s gas price of 14.7 gwei. The usual fee for USDT transfers in Tron is $1-1.5 in TRX, rendering small transfers barely economical. However, the usage is still very high, as Tronā€™s ecosystem is isolated and thereā€™s no convenient way to interact with other ecosystems from it.

In contrast, the Ethereum ecosystem continues to thrive. Following the Dencun upgrade, transaction fees on rollups have drastically decreased to less than a cent per ERC20 transfer. Combined with L2s, Ethereum DeFi now comprises >80% of the entire DeFi TVL. Rollups alone consistently handle upwards of 100 TPS, with theoretical limits of 400-800 TPS depending on the specific rollup. OP Mainnet has upgraded to Stage 1 trustlessness with all OP Chains and ZKsync catching up this summer. Arbitrum is working towards Stage 2.

People in developed countries are already integrated with Ethereum. By allowing ones from developing countries to seamlessly move into it from Tron, we can unite these disparate ecosystems and mitigate the risks associated with increasing centralization and monopolization of Sunā€™s machine.


The protocol for cross-chain transfers from Tron should ideally possess the following characteristics:

  • Trust-minimized: The system should preclude the provision of incorrect information about the Tron blockchain or the theft of locked funds, except in the event of an attack on Tronā€™s consensus. In such a case, the security council authorized to stop the system can be established.
  • Permissionless liquidity supply: The protocol should allow any entity to provide liquidity at their preferred rate. This fosters fair competition among providers, potentially resulting in more favorable and flexible exchange rates based on order size.
  • Permissionless operation: While a centralized relay for light client updates and order fulfillment is acceptable, provided there exists a self-proposing mechanism in case of liveness failure, the relay must not serve as a source of trust. When feasible, on-chain operations should be implemented instead (e.g., a paymaster for gasless order claims).
  • As simple as possible from the Tron side: Gas fees on Tron are extremely high, so it may be not affordable for users to execute more than necessary on-chain. Moreover, USDT Tron users are mostly using wallets such as Trust Wallet, Exodus, hardware wallets, and local exchange accounts, that do not support contract calls or token approvals. The only Tron wallet with these features, TronLink, is not common among USDT Tron users.
  • Reasonably cheap on the destination side: Zero-knowledge proofs should be employed where possible to minimize costs. While the system can be more extensive than on the Tron side, it should still be optimized to keep user claim costs low.
  • Single liquidity hub with enshrined bridging: The protocol should be deployed on a single L2 network to prevent liquidity fragmentation. To mitigate protocol isolation, cross-chain token bridges can be integrated at the UI level, similarly to ZKP2P.
  • USDC-native: Given USDCā€™s prevalence in the Ethereum ecosystem, the protocol can be based on USDC, effectively providing USDT-USDC swaps. However, USDC is virtually unknown in areas of extensive USDT Tron usage, so this difference should be addressed on UX level to reduce user distrust.

Tronā€™s consensus and protocol 101

Every 6 hours (7200 blocks), network participants delegate their TRX to validator candidates. The 27 candidates accumulating the most votes are elected as Super Representatives (SRs), who are then responsible for block production. Block producer selection follows a deterministic round-robin pattern. A block is considered finalized after receiving 18 confirmations, 2/3 of the SR set.

The block production is an ECDSA signature over the SHA256 hash of the protobuf-encoded block header. That is, one block = one signature. The top 128 representatives, beyond the 27 SRs, are designated as Super Representative Partners, voting on blocks produced by SRs. However, as producers are predictable and the longest-chain rule is applied, there is no necessity in validating votes.

Block header consists of the following elements:

message BlockHeader {
  message raw {
    int64 timestamp = 1;
    bytes txTrieRoot = 2;
    bytes parentHash = 3;
    int64 number = 7;
    bytes witness_address = 9;
    int32 version = 10;
  raw raw_data = 1;
  bytes witness_signature = 2;

Even though state root is formally specified in the protocol, itā€™s not added to the header. We assume this is for backward-compatibility purposes, as the current version of Tron Network does not merkleize state.

The signature is made over a SHA256 hash of the serialized raw_data element. That is, by utilizing light verification, we can access only one transaction-specific elementā€”the Merkle root of the transaction tree. However, in Tron, transactions carry their execution status, so we donā€™t need to access the state to validate the success of one-transaction operations, such as TRC20 transfer().

message Transaction {
  message Result {
    enum code {
      SUCESS = 0;
      FAILED = 1;
    enum contractResult {
      DEFAULT = 0;
      SUCCESS = 1;
      REVERT = 2;
      OUT_OF_MEMORY = 4;
      STACK_TOO_SMALL = 6;
      STACK_TOO_LARGE = 7;
      OUT_OF_ENERGY = 10;
      OUT_OF_TIME = 11;
      UNKNOWN = 13;
      INVALID_CODE = 15;
    int64 fee = 1;
    code ret = 2;
    contractResult contractRet = 3;

Votes for witnesses (representatives) are of a specific transaction type. This means that in order to calculate the votes, the light client has to download all transactions and re-execute ones of this type.

message Transaction {
  message Contract {
    enum ContractType {
      VoteWitnessContract = 4;

However, considering the fact that the SR set is almost static, we believe that it would be computationally cheaper to delegate choosing the canonical set to DAO or enshrine the set into the circuit.

Normal contract calls, such as TRC20 transfer, have the TriggerSmartContract type and are nearly identical to ERC20 transactions. This means that we can prove the USDT transfer on Tron network using only the transaction root, which can be safely accessed on-chain using ZK light client relay.

Design proposal

The proposed cross-chain swap mechanism involves three primary entities: the User, the Buyer (or liquidity provider), and the Relayer. The process unfolds as follows:

  1. The Buyer locks USDC into the swap contract on the L2, specifying their exchange rate and Tron address for transfers.

  2. The User selects a Buyer offering the most favorable rate with sufficient liquidity. The User then initiates a transaction on the L2 to temporarily lock a portion of the Buyerā€™s USDC. This step prevents liquidity depletion before order fulfillment. If supported by the L2, this transaction may be funded by a paymaster.

  3. The User transfers the corresponding amount of Tron USDT to the Buyerā€™s specified address.

  4. Following 18 block confirmations (~54 seconds, ensuring finality), the Relayer retrieves the latest Tron block headers and generates a ZK proof to them. The circuit for light verification must contain the transaction root from the header as the public input so that itā€™s known to the relay contract. This proof is needed to efficiently prove the new Tron blocks and their transaction roots to the relay contract.

  5. The Relayer obtains the finalized transaction from the Tron blockchain and generates a zero-knowledge proof of transaction inclusion against the transaction root. This proof is needed to efficiently prove the order fulfillment to the swap contract. Just like light client proofs, transaction proofs can be aggregated to minimize the costs of on-chain proof verification.

  6. The Relayer submits these proofs to the respective smart contracts on the L2. Upon verification, the swap contract releases the funds to the User and allocates a small portion to the Relayer as compensation. In case of liveness failure, the User can generate and relay proofs themselves, removing the need for relayer fees.

  7. The Buyer can exchange their acquired Tron USDT for USDC on the L2 through various means, including direct 1:1 exchange with issuers, and reinvest in the swap contract.

This system streamlines the user experience to just two primary actions: committing to the order on the destination chain and transferring Tron USDT to a specified address. The User receives the equivalent USDC on the L2 within approximately one minute. This system can even be used to accept payments in USDT Tron, requiring only a web browser with a connected wallet for order creation.

For Buyers, liquidity provision is fully automated. They create a Tron wallet, and supply USDC with specified Tron address to the smart contract. When their liquidity is out, it is automatically removed. Received USDT can be spent and exchanged back to USDC at any time. This system is expected to provide higher exchange rates than the existing P2P platforms, as the rate is competitive and thereā€™s no need to cover the costs of KYC and other web2-specific processes.

Relayers require only a server running relayer and ZK prover software. As relayers do not serve as the source of trust, this role can be either permissionless or delegated to the development team, provided self-proposing functionality is supported.

ZK Light Client PoC

Weā€™ve written a proof-of-concept of ZK light verification of Tron blocks in Noir language. It receives the previous and new block IDs with a transaction root as the public input, and the block header as the private input. It does not implement round-robin checks and election mechanism for efficiency purposes, and the SR set is hardcoded into the circuit. The proof is generated in about 35 seconds on an M1 machine.

For the production version of this system, it may be necessary to rewrite the circuits to STARK-based proof systems and/or implement GPU proving to improve proving speed.

The source code can be found here: GitHub - alexhooketh/zktron: ZK light client for Tron Network written in Noir


The proposed P2P ZK Light Client Bridge between Tron and Ethereum L2s is a significant advancement in addressing the problems of Tron Network in a Web3 way. By leveraging zero-knowledge proofs and efficient light client verification, this system offers a trust-minimized, permissionless, and cost-effective solution for bridging the gap between these two prominent blockchain ecosystems.

This bridge design addresses several key challenges:

  1. It mitigates the risks associated with the centralization of the Tron Network by providing users with seamless access to the more decentralized and robust Ethereum ecosystem.
  2. It significantly reduces transaction costs for users, particularly benefiting those in developing economies who rely heavily on USDT for daily transactions and value storage.
  3. It enhances liquidity and interoperability between Tron and Ethereum, expanding Ethereum ecosystem to the areas of extensive Tron usage.
  4. It maintains a high level of security through the use of ZK proofs, ensuring the integrity of cross-chain transactions without compromising on efficiency.

By bridging these ecosystems, we can solve the problem of increasing influence of Tron, taking a significant step towards realizing the vision of a truly global, decentralized financial infrastructure that can benefit users across all economic backgrounds.

We welcome feedback and questions from the community. Feel free to leave your comments, suggestions, or inquiries in the comments section below. Thank you for reading.

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Ecosystem (5)
Proposals Deploy a Curve L2 in order to Mint crvUSD (similar than Fraxtal)

Published: Jul 26, 2024

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Launch a Curve L2 in order to Mint crvUSD rather than Ethereum.
Frax has already launched an app chain Fraxtal, using fraxtal ETH as gas frxETH
Ideally Curve Chain should use crvUSD as gas token (such as xDAI for Gnosis)

Actually crvUSD is only minted on ETH mainet, which could be expensive for users.
Retails are using Llama lend only on Arbitrum.
Ethereum main net is quite expensive and Curve could miss some opportunity of yield.


-1 more fees for Curve Governance (Sequencer fees) + possible staked ETH yield if ETH gas or more utility to crvUSD
2 less fees paid by users on ETH mainet
3 possible launch of ETH LSD from Curve on this chain crvETH
4connections with other L2 if using a native connected chain


Use Arbitrum, Optimism or Polygon zkEVM stack (OP and Polygon could have a native bridge to all similar L2 stacks)
Use an advanced bridge in order to move from Curvechain to other L2 (e.g. CCIP Chainlink, Layer Zero, Cosmos IBC)
(zk EVM seems using IBC tech from Cosmos SDK)


More fees, business expansion, sovereign dapp


Curve is only a smartcontract level but not infrastructure
Post a link to your proposal if itā€™s already been created

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Gauge Proposals Proposal to Add sol.ibcUSDT/USDT Pool to Gauge Controller

Published: Jul 18, 2024

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Picasso Network is an interoperability protocol that has successfully extended the Inter-Blockchain Communication (IBC) protocol to connect Ethereum, Cosmos, Solana, and Polkadot.

IBC has three key features:

  • Native Protocol Security: Light Client verification on both sending and receiving chains ensures that all IBC transactions are secured by the consensus of each of the two chains.
  • Censorship Resistance: There are no centralized entities that can censor transactions. If one relayer decides to not send the packet, there will be other relayers.
  • Permissionlessness: The decision to connect or not sits at the individual blockchain level and is not governed by any centralized entity.

To promote cross-pollination and seamless connectivity between Solana and Ethereum the team has launched the first USDT (Solana) / USDT (Ethereum) pool on Curve.

To enable early incentives for USDT/USDT liquidity on Curve, Picasso Network proposes to add USDT(Solana) / USDT pool on Ethereum to the Gauge Controller.

References/Useful links:

Protocol Description:
Picasso L1 Protocol enables secure asset transfers and Multi-Asset Restaking through cross-chain IBC.

Solving the problems of interoperability and security has always been the mission of Picasso Network and can address both of these by taking a two-pronged approach.

Amidst the need for solving the issues that have arisen from scaling the industry, the Inter-Blockchain Communication (IBC) protocol has emerged as a critical tool in building a cross-chain DeFi ecosystem without compromising security and decentralization.


Picasso Network is looking to develop deeper liquidity and increased cross-pollination activity between the Ethereum and Solana ecosystems. The USDT(Solana) / USDT(Ethereum) pool on Curve will act as the initial and main pool for these activities. With more liquidity, Picasso Network can support further strategies, integrations, and protocols seeking to operate across the Ethereum and Solana ecosystems with purchase flow going through Curve.


  1. Governance:
    The governance token $PICA has been launched, please see our Governance section for more details: PICA Use Cases | Picasso Documentation

  2. Oracles:
    USDT(Solana) represents Solana-native Tether USDT bridged to Ethereum, and as such, should closely track USDT agnostically. As there is currently no oracle for USDT(Solana), we will look to add additional price feeds as liquidity within the pool increases.

  3. Audits:
    Picasso Network has been audited by Halborn, Ottersec and others. All audits are publicly available here: composable/audits at main Ā· ComposableFi/composable Ā· GitHub

  4. Centralization vectors:
    Inter-Blockchain Communication (IBC) requires a relayer to pass information across a given IBC channel to complete transfers between chains. Though there are no formal restrictions for running a relay, Composable Foundation currently maintains the single relayer for the IBC channel responsible for bringing Solana assets into Ethereum.

The relayer does not have any control over funds themselves being moved over IBC and, as such, poses minimal threat to user funds.

  1. Market History:
    The pool consists of USDT (Solana) and USDT (Ethereum). More information on the market history of USDT can be found on the official website and on coingecko.

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Gauge Proposals Proposal to Add ynETH/wstETH Pool to Gauge Controller

Published: Jul 17, 2024

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This proposal seeks to add the ynETH/wstETH pool to the Gauge Controller on Curve Finance. By doing so, we aim to incentivize liquidity, enhance the poolā€™s liquidity, and benefit from the Curve Finance ecosystem. YieldNest will be deploying multiple LRTs with different risk factors and is planning to utilize Curve as its main liquidity hub.

References/Useful links:

Protocol Description:
YieldNest is a pioneering restaking protocol that optimizes restaking yield through auto-compounding curated restaking baskets that can be isolated and structured in new, novel ways. The ynETH token (YieldNestā€™s first LRT) represents native restaked ETH within the YieldNest ecosystem, offering users enhanced yield opportunities. The ynETH/wstETH pool allows users to trade between ynETH and wstETH, combining the benefits of YieldNest and Lidoā€™s wrapped staked ETH.

The ynETH/wstETH pool requires incentivization to attract liquidity providers and deepen the poolā€™s liquidity. By adding this pool to the Gauge Controller, liquidity providers will earn CRV rewards, making the pool more attractive and fostering a robust trading environment on Curve Finance. We used Curve Sim to calculate the best parameters, ensuring this pool will be highly competitive and beneficial for Curve, bringing in more admin fees for veCRV stakers.


  1. Governance: Decentralization and community governance are important for YieldNest starting as an open finance protocol and plan to become a fully decentralized protocol. We are currently investigating Aragon OSx (Aragon V2) and plan to implement this once the protocol is in a more hardened and stable position. The YieldNest contracts are currently upgradeable using standard TransparentUpgradeableProxy and BeaconProxy contracts from the OpenZeppelin libraries. This is necessary given the projectā€™s current stage and its dependency on Eigenlayer, which still makes breaking changes to the core protocol requiring logic upgrades. Admin and multisig addresses, along with their roles, are documented here and will be hardened over time.

  2. Oracles: YieldNest will leverage a Curve Oracle a crvUSD/ynETH oracle will be built by multiplying the TricryptoLlama crvUSD/wstETH oracle with the ynETH/wstETH oracle. We are also hardening the price feeds by implementing a Redstone and Chainlink oracle to ensure accurate and reliable price feeds for its assets, mitigating risk and ensuring precise valuation.

  3. Audits: Links to audits: Audits | YieldNest Docs.
    Full initial system audit was conducted by ChainSecurity, with an additional audit from Zokyo.

  4. Centralization vectors: The centralization vectors for YieldNest include reliance on a centralized Oracle. Additionally, staking rewards management and validator operations (spinning up and exiting validators) are centralized in the early stages to ensure flexibility and mobility.

  5. Market History: As a pre-market gauge, trading for the ynETH/wstETH pool will go live once the gauge vote is approved.

Curve Sim Parameters:
The parameters chosen for the ynETH/wstETH pool are designed to optimize performance and competitiveness:

  • mid_fee: 0.005%
  • out_fee: 0.08%
  • A: 20000000
  • gamma: 0.02
  • allowed_extra_profit: 0.000001
  • fee_gamma: 0.03
  • adjustment_step: 0.000025
  • ma_half_time: 1200 (Moving Average Time)

YielNest ynETH/wstETH Curve pool

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Proposals Curve Grant compensation for affected users of the June 12th crvUSD de-peg incident

Published: Jul 14, 2024

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On June 12, 2024, several sUSDe Llamalend users were hard-liquidated due to a crvUSD upward depegging event. The total loss is about $31,000. The incident has been reported by the LlamaRisk team, and actions will be taken to prevent similar occurrences: crvUSD Upward Depeg (June 12, 2024) Incident Report - Llama Risk.

This proposal aims to repay affected users for their losses using Curve Grants funds. Total amount approximately: 30,928/0.2846 = 108,671 CRV


The incident was caused by an upgraded version of the PegKeeper (V2), which was introduced to prevent spam attacks. As a side effect, the surge in crvUSD demand during the mass liquidation of Michā€™s position caused crvUSD to depeg upwards to as high as ~$1.15, which PegKeeper couldnā€™t prevent due to the newly introduced ā€˜deviationā€™ check.

Llamalend markets by design should only liquidate based on dropping collateral value, but never due to an upward depegging of crvUSD.


The following approximate losses were suffered by the sUSDe lend.curve market: AMM: 0x6505aeC799AC3b16a79cb1Ae2A61884889b54C1b Controller: 0xB536FEa3a01c95Dd09932440eC802A75410139D6 Monetary Policy: 0xf574cBeBBd549273aF82b42cD0230DE9eA6efEF7


PegKeepers didnā€™t respond as expected due to a newly introduced design flaw. This caused crvUSD to depeg upwards and liquidate several positions.

lend.curve markets are marketed as isolated markets. They turned out not to be isolated as the sUSDe pool liquidations were a direct cause of the liquidation demand in the crvUSD/CRV pool.

The learnings from the incident are valuable for the protocol, warranting compensation to build a more resilient model for the future (Recommended Mitigations section: crvUSD Upward Depeg (June 12, 2024) Incident Report - Llama Risk).


Llamalend is advertised as BETA. Usage is 100% at your own risk.

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Gauge Proposals Proposal to Add LLAMAwnft/ETH to the Gauge Controller

Published: Jul 10, 2024

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This is a joint proposal developed by Litra Finance and the Llama with the intent to add the LLAMAwnft/ETH pool to the Gauge Controller on mainnet. LLAMAwnft is the wrapper of the Llama NFTs by Litra Finance.

References/Useful links:
Website: Litra - Unleash the superliquidity of NFTs
Documentation: Welcome to Litra Finance | docs
Github Page: GitHub - litrafi/litra-contract: Smart contracts used in Litra finance

Protocol Description:
Litra Finance is creating NFT liquidity using advanced bonding curves and veToken model to provide NFT Liquidity as a Service and empower NFT pricing and solve the low liquidity issue of the NFT market.

This proposal aims to add the LLAMAwnft/ETH pool to the veCRV gauge on mainnet.
This new pool combines the wrapped the Llama NFTs and Ether for reducing the cost of maintaining NFT liquidity, providing more incentives to LPs, and lowering the barriers to entry for the NFT trading market, especially for expensive blue-chip NFTs.


  1. Governance: Litra Finance integrates the veToken model into the NFT market. The Litra DAO will launch at the same time as the Litra token later. The launching time needs to be determined.
  2. Oracles: No oracles are currently needed and used.
  3. Audits: Litra Finance Security Audit - HackMD
  4. Centralization vectors: Litra Finance will be fully decentralized with minimal admin controls.
  5. Market History: The LLAMAwnft/ETH Curve pool has just been seeded.

Pool details:
Pool/Token: 0x4484a052a0be82af20896ea3c8d891a3d11e8d1a
Gauge: 0xb80af51b6a6ff9253cffa30240f2fc7cc839a436

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Gauge Proposals Proposal to Add dlcBTC/WBTC to the Gauge Controller

Published: Jul 07, 2024

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Proposal to Add dlcBTC/WBTC to the Gauge Controller

Author: Aki Balogh
Date: 2024-07-07


This proposal seeks to add the dlcBTC/WBTC poolā€™s gauge to the Gauge Controller on the Ethereum network.

Pool Address: dlcBTC/WBTC Pool
Gauge Address: Gauge on Arbitrum

References/Useful Links


Websites: DLC.Link, Building a Better Wrapped Bitcoin for DeFi
Documentation: dlcBTC Documentation
Analytics: dlcBTC Analytics
CoinGecko: dlcBTC on CoinGecko
GitHub: dlcBTC GitHub
Discord: DLC.Link Discord
Twitter: dlcBTC Protocol Twitter, Aki Balogh Twitter
Telegram Community: English, Chinese


Website: wBTC
Documentation: wBTC Documentation
Analytics: wBTC Analytics
CoinGecko: wBTC on CoinGecko
GitHub: wBTC GitHub
Twitter: wBTC Protocol Twitter

Protocol Description


dlcBTC is a decentralized wrapped Bitcoin on Ethereum, enabling Bitcoin holders to participate in DeFi protocols while retaining full ownership of their assets. dlcBTC leverages Discreet Log Contracts (DLCs) for secure cross-chain transactions, ensuring trustless and decentralized asset management. Unlike other bridges, dlcBTC is theft-proof as funds can only return to the original depositor. dlcBTC is minted by a permissioned set of merchants managed by the DLC Foundation, ensuring self-custody and reducing central points of failure. dlcBTC operates as an oracle-free system where 1 BTC = 1 dlcBTC, and its contracts have minimal parameters, making it a fully automated and robust solution.


WBTC (Wrapped Bitcoin) is a tokenized version of Bitcoin (BTC) that runs on the Ethereum blockchain. WBTC is backed 1:1 with Bitcoin and is managed by a consortium of custodians and merchants. WBTC is held in centralized custody by BitGo, introducing counterparty risk. WBTC enables Bitcoin holders to use BTC in the Ethereum ecosystem and access decentralized finance (DeFi) applications.


Incentivizing the dlcBTC/WBTC pool is essential to provide deep liquidity for both dlcBTC and WBTC, promoting their usage within the DeFi ecosystem. This will enhance the trading experience for users, ensuring low slippage and high availability for both tokens. Additionally, it will support the broader adoption of decentralized Bitcoin solutions in DeFi, fostering a more robust and diverse ecosystem.

DLC.Link has committed to co-incentivizing the dlcBTC/WBTC pool to ensure its success and sustainability. This strategic collaboration aims to attract a significant amount of liquidity, thereby enhancing the poolā€™s depth and efficiency.



dlcBTC operates with a minimized governance framework, detailed in this forum post. The protocolā€™s contracts have minimal parameters and operate as an oracle-free system where 1 BTC = 1 dlcBTC. This soft peg is maintained through market makers such as Amber Group.


dlcBTC utilizes a Chainlink proof of reserve feed to ensure transparency and trust in the system. That feed can be seen here: Chainlink dlcBTC PoR feed on Arbitrum

Additionally, the Curve BD team has built a custom oracle combining two NG pools (e.g., dlcBTC-WBTC and tricrypto-crvUSD pools). Details here: Custom ngOracle contract


Lightpaper & Audit Reports: Lightpaper and Security Audits
Lightpaper: dlcBTC Lightpaper
Original DLC Whitepaper (MIT, 2018): DLC Whitepaper
MetaTrust Security Audit - May 2024: MetaTrust Audit
CoinFabrik Security Audit - Nov 2023: CoinFabrik Audit
CoinFabrik Platform Design Review - Aug 2023: CoinFabrik Design Review

Centralization Vectors

dlcBTC protocol has no major centralization vectors. Depositorsā€™ Bitcoin is secured in a Discreet Log Contract (DLC), a special type of pseudo-programmable multisig that is supported natively on Bitcoin L1. Mint and burn signals are relayed through DLC.Linkā€™s Attestor network (powered by node operators including Hashkey Cloud, OKX and Everstake).

However, the attestors cannot receive funds. Attestors cannot maliciously divert or burn a depositorsā€™ BTC collateral, and the collateral can only be released to the wallet address that provided it.

dlcBTC is not a Bitcoin L2. DLCs are secured by the full hashrate of the Bitcoin network and utilize Arbitrum validators.

Market History

dlcBTC is a new asset supported by our initial merchants: Amber Group, IMC, and soon others including HashKey OTC, Time Research, and Psalion. Amber Group has recently minted an initial $1 million worth of dlcBTC, with additional merchants set to contribute significantly.

Also, dlcBTC has passed the first of three proposals to list as collateral on Aave: TEMP CHECK Onboard dlcBTC to Aave v3.

Voting is Live!
Convex Snapshot Link

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Gauge Proposals Proposal to add USR-USDC Pool to the Gauge Controller

Published: Jul 03, 2024

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Resolv is a protocol issuing and maintaining USR, a stablecoin backed by delta-neutral Ether collateral pool.

To enable early incentives for secondary liquidity in USR, Resolv Labs, core contributors of the protocol, propose to add USR-USDC pool on Ethereum to the Gauge Controller.

References/Useful links:

Protocol Description:

Resolv is a protocol that maintains USR, a stablecoin fully backed by ETH and pegged to the US Dollar. The stablecoinā€™s delta-neutral design ensures price stability, and is backed by a tokenized insurance pool (RLP) to provide additional security and overcollateralization.

Key features:

  1. Stable and Transparent: USR is backed 100% by ETH collateral pool. Its price fluctuations are hedged using perpetual futures to ensure price stability. This approach creates a delta-neutral portfolio, maintaining a stable value pegged to the US Dollar.
  2. Insurance Layer: RLP acts as a protection mechanism, absorbing risks related to counterparty defaults and negative interest rates. This additional layer of security guarantees that USR remains overcollateralized, which enhances the stablecoinā€™s stability and reliability.
  3. Capital Efficiency: USR and RLP can be minted and redeemed on a 1:1 basis with liquid collateral, avoiding the inefficiencies associated with overcollateralization. This straightforward minting process allows users to efficiently utilize their assets without tying up excessive capital.
  4. Profitable and Secure: The protocolā€™s collateral pool generates profits through staking ETH and earning funding fees from futures positions. Additionally, Resolv employs robust risk management strategies, including diversifying exposure to trading venues and using off-exchange custody solutions, to ensure the security and profitability of its assets.
  5. Optimized for Investment: USR and RLP have different levels of expected yield and its volatility. The protocolā€™s separation of risks and returns allows investors to understand their investment profiles better, making USR a reliable choice for stable and predictable returns.

Resolv is looking to develop depth of secondary liquidity for USR, with Curve USR-USDC pool as its main venue. With more liquidity, Resolv will proceed with integrations with leverage DeFi protocols, enabling more use cases for USR and its purchase flow going through Curve.


  1. Governance: Governance token RSLV is expected to launch soon. Currently the protocol utilises a multi-signature wallet to deploy smart contracts and operate collateral pool. As the protocol moves into public phase, the contributors will shift protocol governance to public discussions and voting.
  2. Oracles: There is currently no on-chain oracle for USR. Oracle will be set up as soon as there are more reliable sources of on-chain liquidity.
  3. Audits: Resolv is audited by MixBytes and Pessimistic, links to audit reports can be found on the protocol documents page (Security | Resolv Docs)
  4. Centralization vectors: Collateral pool that backs Resolv tokens is operated by a centralized backend / Ops team. The signatories for the operations, both offchain and onchain, consist of executive team.
  5. Market History: Resolv has been live since April 2024 and has current TVL of approx $16mn. Average yield metrics since the start of the product: Native USR staking - 9.16% APR, RLP - 19.36% APR.

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Gauge Proposals Proposal to add TriLST-PT Pool to the Gauge Controller

Published: Jul 02, 2024

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Hey everyone, Yusuke here from Napier Finance. Weā€™ve been talking to c2tp, Michael, and all other Curve ecosystem believers to develop Napier Finance which I hope the community likes.

This is a proposal to add TriLST-PT (Curve Tricrypto Factory) Pool on Ethereum to the Gauge Controller to enable users to assign gauge weight and mint CRV.

Link to the pool:
Link to the gauge:

References/Useful links:

Link to:

Protocol Description:

The end game for Curve ecosystem. Napier is a liquidity hub for yield/points trading powered by Curve Finance.

There are 3 main parts to understand NapierProtocol:

  1. Minting System
    A system for dividing yield bearing assets into separate tokens representing claims on principal and claims on yield (called ā€œPrincipal Token (PT)ā€ and ā€œYield Token (YT)ā€).

  2. Napier Pool
    A time-dependent pool that pairs LPTs of the Curve Pool with underlying assets.

  3. External Protocol: Curve Pool
    3 LST PTs are paired

Napier is an incredibly useful tool for a diverse set of actors within the DeFi space.

If you have exposure to any yield in DeFi, using Napier allows you to always choose the best practices, regardless of market conditions, such as:

  • Fixed Rate: Lock in the yield on your position, removing any uncertainty about future returns.

  • Upfront Yield: Napier allows you to obtain your anticipated yield upfront, giving you immediate access to funds that generally take months or years to accrue.

  • Yield (Point) Trading: Yield Tokens (YTs) represent the right to future yield, allowing you to trade and speculate on interest rate (APR) fluctuations, akin to buying a token and gaining exposure to its price changes.

  • Liquidity Provision: Providing liquidity in Napier offers the opportunity to earn from swap fees, keeping you entitled to yield accrual and all sorts of incentives.


Our mission is The end game for Curve ecosystem, making Curve ecosystem all about finance. The establishment of this pool brings a new utility to the ecosystem has been an invaluable challenge that weā€™ve faced head-on.


  1. Governance: The governance token NPR will soon be launched, and protocol management will transition entirely to an on-chain DAO model.

  2. Oracles: Napier does not use oracles that can somehow affect the price of PTs or YTs.

  3. Audits: Napier Finance is audited by Mixbytes (Soon) and Sherlock 1st and Sherlock 2nd.

  4. Centralization vectors: Thereā€™s no single person or dev with admin controls over the protocol.

  5. Market History: Napier Finance and TriLST-PT (Curve Tricrypto Factory) will be launching on Friday 5th July 2024.

Vote is live here:

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Proposals Change rate curve for USDe market on LlamaLend

Published: Jun 26, 2024

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After Ethena announced points for sUSDe and USDe markets on LlamaLend, utilization of the market briefly went up to 100%. This is a sign of the maximum borrow rates being not high enough given the market demand.

Therefore, I propose to modify the rate curves.


USDe market uses a usual (non-custom) rate curve for LlamaLend:

rate = (max_rate / min_rate)**utilization * min_rate

Here is a comparison of parameters:


    min_rate = 0.5%
    max_rate = 25%


    min_rate = 0.5%
    max_rate = 40%

Old rate curve is shown with a dashed line, and new one is the solid line:

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Proposals Change rate curve for sUSDe market on LlamaLend

Published: Jun 26, 2024

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After Ethena announced points for sUSDe and USDe markets on LlamaLend, utilization of the market briefly went up to 100%. This is a sign of the maximum borrow rates being not high enough given the market demand.

Therefore, I propose to modify the rate curves.


sUSDe market uses a rate curve pegged to sUSDe rates. Here is a comparison of parameters:


    low_ratio = 0.35
    high_ratio = 1.5
    target_utilization = 0.85


    low_ratio = 0.35
    high_ratio = 2.5
    target_utilization = 0.8

Old rate curve is shown with a dashed line, and new one is the solid line:

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Gauge Proposals Proposal to add eBTC/tBTC to the Gauge Controller

Published: Jun 20, 2024

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Summary: This proposal, submitted on behalf of BadgerDAO and Threshold, seeks to add the eBTC/tBTC poolā€™s gauge to the Gauge Controller on the Ethereum network.

References/Useful links:

Protocol Description:

  • eBTC: eBTC is a collateralized crypto asset, soft pegged to the price of Bitcoin and built on the Ethereum network. It is backed exclusively by Lidoā€™s stETH and powered by immutable smart contracts with minimized counterparty risk. Designed to be the most decentralized synthetic Bitcoin in DeFi, eBTC allows anyone in the world to borrow BTC at no cost.
  • tBTC: tBTC is a permissionless wrapped Bitcoin, that is 1:1 backed by mainnet BTC. tBTC is trust minimized and redeemable for mainnet BTC without a centralized custodian.

Incentivizing the eBTC/tBTC pool is essential to provide deep liquidity for both eBTC and tBTC, promoting their usage within the DeFi ecosystem. This will enhance the trading experience for users, ensuring low slippage and high availability for both tokens. Additionally, it will support the broader adoption of decentralized Bitcoin solutions in DeFi, fostering a more robust and diverse ecosystem.

BadgerDAO and Threshold have committed to co-incentivizing the eBTC/tBTC pool to ensure its success and sustainability. This strategic collaboration aims to attract a significant amount of liquidity, thereby enhancing the poolā€™s depth and efficiency.


  1. Governance:

    • eBTC: eBTCā€™s Minimized Governance framework is detailed in this forum post. The protocolā€™s contracts are immutable, with minimal parameters that can be modified via two Timelocks with 2 or 7-day delays. Only parameters that do not violate usersā€™ trust assumptions can be changed.
    • tBTC: tBTC operates on Threshold DAOā€™s decentralized threshold encryption protocol. Threshold DAO is governed by the networkā€™s work token, T. T token holders govern the DAO via proposals raised to the Threshold forum, which can be raised to a vote via Snapshot, as well as the on-chain Governor Bravo module via Boardroom. In the future, all contract authorities will be passed to the Governor Bravo contract.
  2. Oracles:

    • eBTC: The eBTC Protocol primarily relies on Chainlink for price data and is adding a secondary (fallback) oracle via governance. Details on the Chainlink Oracle setup can be found here.
    • tBTC: tBTC does not rely on an oracle price feed.
  3. Audits:

  1. Centralization vectors:
  • eBTC: The protocol has no major centralization vectors. Minimal governance is conducted transparently and distributedly, with robust timeclocks and monitoring. Contracts are immutable, and collateral types cannot be changed.
  • tBTC: Threshold Network governance is decentralized, and updates are ratified by the DAO. tBTC contracts updates are currently managed by the Council multi-sig.
  1. Market History: Both eBTC and tBTC have maintained a consistent and tight peg to BTC for most of their history. For the case of tBTC, even though some depegs were observed during its early history, itā€™s price hasnā€™t deviated more than 1% for almost a year, making it one of the most stable BTC wrappers in the market:
  • eBTC
  • tBTC

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Proposals Distribute 304k OP from DAO vault on Optimism to tricrypto pools over 90 days

Published: Jun 19, 2024

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Distribute 304k OP from DAO vault on Optimism to tricrypto pools over 90 days. Also claim 60k OP to DAO vault on Optimism for a recent grant approved by Optimism (this is 40% of an overall 150k OP grant).


See the previous proposal to distribute OP to these pools. The incentives have expired and this vote is to continue incentives.


Bootstrap Curve Lending on Optimism


Streamers are already set up to distribute to target gauges. Only modification is to increase the reward duration to 90 days. See additionally a call to claim 60k OP to the DAO vault on Optimism. Following actions are broadcasted over the x-gov relayer.

OP_TOKEN = "0x4200000000000000000000000000000000000042"
STREAMER = "0x1C8f3D9Fc486e07e3c06e91a18825a344CeeFc54"
AGENT_PROXY = "0x28c4A1Fa47EEE9226F8dE7D6AF0a41C62Ca98267"
AMOUNT_TO_STREAM = 304828805439120005699539

GAUGES = ["0x3050a62335948e008c6241b3ef9a81a8c0613b76", "0xb280fab4817c54796f9e6147aa1ad0198cfefb41"]  # up to 8 gauges

    ("0x8e1e5001C7B8920196c7E3EdF2BCf47B2B6153ff", "broadcast", [ # claim OP
        (OP_TOKEN, encode("transferFrom(address,address,uint256)", "0x19793c7824Be70ec58BB673CA42D2779d12581BE", "0xd166eedf272b860e991d331b71041799379185d5", 60000000000000000000000)),
    ("0x8e1e5001C7B8920196c7E3EdF2BCf47B2B6153ff", "broadcast", [ # setup streamer
        ("0xD166EEdf272B860E991d331B71041799379185D5", encode("transfer(address,address,uint256)", OP_TOKEN, AGENT_PROXY, AMOUNT_TO_STREAM)), # transfer from vault to proxy
        (OP_TOKEN, encode("approve(address,uint256)", STREAMER, AMOUNT_TO_STREAM)),  # allow the gauge streamer to transferFrom proxy
        (STREAMER, encode("set_reward_duration(uint256)", 7776000)),
        (STREAMER, encode("notify_reward_amount(uint256)", AMOUNT_TO_STREAM)),


DAO vote 761 here

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Gauge Proposals Proposal to add ETHFI/weETH on Ethereum to Gauge Controller

Published: Jun 04, 2024

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References/Useful links:

ā€¢ Website -
ā€¢ Documentation - Whitepaper |
ā€¢ Github Page - etherfi-protocol Ā· GitHub
ā€¢ Twitter -

Protocol Description:

Ether.Fi is a decentralized, non-custodial liquid staking protocol built on Ethereum, allowing users to stake their ETH and participate in the DeFi ecosystem without losing liquidity. The protocols eETH is a liquid restaking token (weETH is the non-rebasing equivalent), serving as a representation of ETH staked on the Beacon Chain, which rebases daily to reflect the associated staking rewards. Users can deposit ETH into the liquidity pool on Ethereum Mainnet to mint eETH, hold eETH to accrue rewards, and use eETH within DeFi or swap it back to ETH at any time via the liquidity pool.

ETH staked through the liquidity pool accrues normal Ethereum staking rewards, and will also be natively restaked with EigenLayer. Staking with eETH on automatically natively restakes that ETH to EigenLayer and accrues normal staking rewards while allowing users to keep composability on their eETH in other DeFi protocols.

ETHFI is the governance token that gives community members a direct mechanism to contribute to the protocol and influence the growth of the ecosystem. ETHFI was launched on March 18, 2024


Ether.Fi is looking to seed a ETHFI/weETH twocrypto pool on Curve to serve as a primary source of liquidity for ETHFI on chain. Incentivising a Curve pool will continue to boost the liquidity of the governance token. Higher liquidity ensures that traders and investors can easily enter or exit positions, which is essential for the overall usability and attractiveness of the ETHFI token within the DeFi ecosystem. To ensure success, is committed to growing pool liquidity through bribes and incentives.


  1. Governance: Currently, the protocol utilises a time-locked multi signature wallet, with the signatories being doxxed executives and investors. Governance of ETHFI is comprised of a Discourse channel for discussions, a snapshot page used for voting, and Agora used for voting delegation.
  2. Oracles: For weETH, the protocol relies on an oracle for withdrawals and beacon state. The Oracle is based on the hash consensus mechanism and run by the committee members. Initially, the team will be the only ones to operate the Oracle nodes, however the protocol grows, it will add more external parties to join the committee.
  3. Audits: Audit reports for the protocol are found on the GitBook page - Audits | The audits have been carried out by reputable firms such as Certik, Zellic, Nethermind, Omniscia and Solidified to ensure the security of the protocol. An audit competition was also recently completed through Hats Finance.
  4. Centralization vectors: The centralization vectors primarily relate to the Oracle until it becomes decentralized, in line with the protocol roadmap. The price (staking rewards for rebasing) and the validator management (spinning up new validators and exiting them for liquidation) are also currently centralized for the early stages of the protocol to ensure mobility. As mentioned above, the signatories currently consist of the doxxed executive team and investors. ETHFI is a non-upgradable governance token.
  5. Market History: eETH has accumulated approx. 1.58M of ETH staked within the protocol since launching in the middle of November 2023. ETHFI has a market cap of approx. 542M, with a FDV of 4.7B. 24 hour trading volume since launch has ranged from


  • Pool / Token: 0xcccd572b22dee28479b11dd99589a1e4c0682a7e
  • Gauge: 0x6579758e9e85434450d638cfbea0f2fe79856dda

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Proposals sUSDe LlamaLend market for up to 35x leverage with a special monetary policy

Published: Jun 01, 2024

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Ethenaā€™s sUSDe vault provides a very interesting currency for farming and speculation. Currently giving around 25% APR, it is also fairly volatile, with fluctuations up to 0.5%-1% (or even more). Liquidity for sUSDe is also very good.

It would be very advantageous for traders to leverage in the dips (say, at -1% deviation). With x35 leverage, one could win 35% of the initial deposit while earning a few hundred % APR.

Below I present a description of how this can be achieved.

Market parameters:

Simulator required few modifications to support two different Thalf times: one is for sUSDe/sDAI pool (Thalf = 30 min), and another for sDAI/FRAX (Thalf = 10 min). Data used /frax pool because it historically had a better liquidity and existed for longer, however in reality we would use sUSDe/sDAI + sDAI/crvUSD or even (better) need to create sUSDe/crvUSD.

Results show that maximum leverage is achievable at the following parameters:

fee = 0.2%
A = 200
liq_discount = 1.4% (conservative)
loan_discount = 1.9%

Max leverage = 1 / (1.9% + 0.96%) ~= x35

The graph for maximum losses in an hour:

Average losses are much much smaller, on the order of 0.025% per day at max leverage:

Dynamic monetary policy:

Monetary policy is pegged to EMA of sUSDe rate: it reaches its value at utilization = 85%, getting lower to 35% that rate at utilization = 0:

Simulation for this rate curve is presented here, smart contract can be found here.

Comparison of EMA and raw sUSDe rates is on the picture below (we peg rate to EMA):


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Proposals PegKeeper V2 Upgrade: Add PKv2 USDC(25m), USDT(25m), pyUSD(15m), TUSD(10m)

Published: May 30, 2024

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PegKeeperV2 upgrade! Regulator is introduced for smarter control of PK ceilings. Adding following PegKeepers with corresponding crvUSD debt ceilings:

  • USDC(25M),
  • USDT(25M),
  • pyUSD(15M),
  • TUSD(10M).

Older PegKeepers ceilings are set to 0.


There is a DAO vote in progress to upgrade the crvUSD PegKeepers to refine the system architecture and be more resilient to spam attacks and depeg of any constituent pegkeeper asset. Curve has recently released PKv2 documentation where you can read further on the new design.


The old pegkeeper was vulnerable to several adverse scenarios, most critically to the risk that a pegkeeper asset depegs temporarily or permanently, causing unbacked crvUSD to enter circulation and potentially resulting in depeg. The new design mitigates this risk by preventing the pegkeeper from depositing crvUSD into circulation if the pool oracle price deviates from other pegkeeper pools. There is also a rate limit implemented that requires multiple pegkeepers to become active before any single pegkeeper can deposit up to its debt ceiling. There is also an emergency admin set to the Curve emergency DAO multisig that can pause pegkeepers if necessary. Together these additional precautions reduce crvUSDā€™s dependency on the stability of its pegkeeper assets.

Because of the reduced risk to crvUSD, the proposal here reintroduces TUSD as a pegkeeper asset. It also introduces pyUSD as a new pegkeeper asset, replacing USDP (also issued by Paxos). Both of these assets have been previously reviewed by Llama Risk:

pyUSD Pegkeeper Onboarding Review
TUSD Asset Risk Assessment


There is a DAO vote active for this upgrade. The vote first removes the 4 v1 pegkeepers from the monetary policy based on crvUSD aggregated prices (used to determine crvUSD interest rates) and sets their debt ceilings to 0.

Next, it adds the 4 v2 pegkeepers to the new PegKeeper Regulator:

Call via agent (0x40907540d8a6C65c637785e8f8B742ae6b0b9968):
ā”œā”€ To: 0x36a04CAffc681fa179558B2Aaba30395CDdd855f
ā”œā”€ Function: add_peg_keepers
ā””ā”€ Inputs: [(ā€˜address[]ā€™, ā€˜_peg_keepersā€™, (ā€˜0x5b49b9add1ecfe53e19cc2cfc8a33127cd6ba4c6ā€™, ā€˜0xff78468340ee322ed63c432bf74d817742b392bfā€™, ā€˜0x68e31e1edd641b13caeab1ac1be661b19cc021caā€™, ā€˜0x0b502e48e950095d93e8b739ad146c72b4f6c820ā€™))]

It then adds the 4 new pegkeepers to each of the monetary policy contracts and sets their respective debt ceilings to:

  • USDC(25M),
  • USDT(25M),
  • pyUSD(15M),
  • TUSD(10M).

Finally, it sets the emergency admin to the Curve emergency DAO multisig, the same address used for certain emergency actions in Curve pools including kill gauge and some parameter controls. In this case, the multisig can globally pause or unpause pegkeepers deposit, withdrawal, or both (for all pegkeepers included in the PegKeeper Regulator).


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Proposals Pay $250k Bug Bounty to f(x) Protocol for Discovery of Curve Swap Router Bug

Published: May 30, 2024

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On April 30, 2024, an f(x) user lost ~$725,000 from slippage while swapping stETH to fxUSD because of incorrect price quoting on the f(x) swap UI. The UI uses the Curve swap router as part of its determination of the optimal swap path. The Curve router API delivered a price quote that differed from the execution price. The bug has been corrected and the user compensated in full from the f(x) treasury.

Curve Grants intends to pay a bounty to f(x) for the discovery of a bug associated with this incident for $250,000 worth of CRV, the maximum bounty size offered by Curve. Payment will be made to the f(x) treasury.

The Incident

On April 30, 2024, a user placed a swap order of 314.89 stETH for fxUSD on the f(x) swap UI. The UI compared rates between the protocol direct minting, DEX aggregators, and Curve to offer the best rate. The open source Curve SDK was used to route swaps on Curve. The user was quoted a favorable rate when routing through Curve (as quoted by the f(x) swap interface):

However, the actual rate at the time had very high slippage through Curve, which was correctly displaying high slippage on the Curve UI:

The affect user executed this tx that resulted in a loss of $726,039 compared to the quoted price by the f(x) swap interface.

The trade routed through

  1. Curve stETH/ETH
  2. Curve LLAMMA crvUSD/WETH
  3. Curve crvUSD/fxUSD

Source: BlockSec Explorer

The user received 221,448.52 fxUSD.

f(x) Response

The f(x) team responded to the incident by compensating the affected user in full from their treasury. The user was compensated 726,039 fxUSD in this tx.

They f(x) team coordinated with the Curve team to identify the cause of the issue. An announcement about the incident was posted to the AladdinDAO Dicord channel.

Source of the Problem

f(x) had been using Curve-js version 2.46.4 whereas the Curve UI uses the latest version (version 2.57.3 at the time of the incident). There had been a substantial update in v2.47.0 and v2.48.0 that changed the behavior of the respective routers. This versioning mismatch was responsible for incorrect router behavior on the f(x) swap interface and explains why the Curve UI was giving a different quote. Curve recommends anyone integrating Curve-js to always use the latest version available.

Note that f(x) had previously contacted Curve while attempting to upgrade the router version to the latest version just two weeks before the incident. Their team had been experiencing issues with upgrading successfully, and unfortunately were not able to successfully upgrade before this incident occurred.

Additional Bug Discovery

Investigation into the incident revealed a bug existing in the most recent version of the Curve router. It had not caused any user losses but was, nonetheless, considered a risk that required patching.

In the most recent router implementation, it still might have been possible that the route could change between the quote and the swap. (Note that this is a possible, albeit very unlikely scenario.) As seen below, getBestRouteAndOutput uses a 5 minute cache for route and a 15 second cache for output. If the cache were to expire, it could happen that the route or output would update during the swap.

Source: Curve-js router.ts

The caching has been modified to take the route and output from permanent cache. Permanent cache is now filling in the getBestRouteAndOutput method.

Source: Curve-js router.ts

This update in the most recent version of Curve-js (v2.57.5), patched as of commit 32e9905, resolved this unlikely possibility that the router quote updates mid-execution.


Curve makes all possible efforts to maintain its open source services, although these repositories are available ā€œas isā€, and Curve cannot guarantee the performance of this software for use by third part integrators. Wherever possible, integrators should use the latest version of Curve software and consult with the Curve team on integrations.

However, this incident revealed a potential issue that could affect users by executing a swap at a different rate from the quote given by the router. This was considered a low probability but high impact risk. Therefore, Curve Grants intends to award f(x) with a bug bounty worth $250,000 in CRV for discovering the issue. Curve Grants intends to send the amount to the f(x) treasury.

f(x) Treasury Multisig: 0x26B2ec4E02ebe2F54583af25b647b1D619e67BbF

Address Confirmation: deployments/ at main Ā· AladdinDAO/deployments Ā· GitHub

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Gauge Proposals INV and T whitelisting for direct liquidity mining incentives

Published: May 29, 2024

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Whitelist INV and T for direct liquidity mining incentives.


Inverse Finance and Threshold are incentivizing liquidity provision across various pools, including DOLA/crvUSD and TricryptoINV for Inverse and ETH/T, arbi-WBTC/tBTC, op-WBTC/tBTC, crvUSD + tBTC + wstETH, thUSD + 3CRV and thUSD + crvUSD for Threshold through veCRV voting incentives. Recently, the effectiveness of these voting incentives has turned net negative in free markets due to the correlation between the volume of incentives and the dilutive effect of available votes.


In order to maintain a neutral to positive efficiency of vote incentives, Inverse Finance and Threshold would like to whitelist the INV and T tokens for direct liquidity mining towards these pools.The INV and T distribution will be managed by the Quest board address from Paladin, which must be whitelisted to facilitate the distribution.


Token ticker: INV
Token contract address: 0x41d5d79431a913c4ae7d69a668ecdfe5ff9dfb68

Token ticker: T
Token contract address: 0xcdf7028ceab81fa0c6971208e83fa7872994bee5

Quest board address : 0xF13e938d7a1214ae438761941BC0C651405e68A4

Target pools:

  • DOLA/crvUSD : 0x8272e1a3dbef607c04aa6e5bd3a1a134c8ac063b
  • TricryptoINV : 0x5426178799ee0a0181a89b4f57efddfab49941ec
  • crvUSD + tBTC + wstETH : 0x2889302a794da87fbf1d6db415c1492194663d13

Target gauges:

  • DOLA/crvUSD : 0xecad6745058377744c09747b2715c0170b5699e5
  • TricryptoINV : 0x4fc86cd0f9b650280fa783e3116258e0e0496a2c
  • crvUSD + tBTC + wstETH : 0x60d3d7ebbc44dc810a743703184f062d00e6db7e

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Gauge Proposals Proposal to add PAL/WETH to the Gauge Controller [Ethereum]

Published: May 23, 2024

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Proposal to add gauge support for the PAL/WETH pool on Mainnet.


Our proposal aims to deepen the PAL/ETH liquidity using the new crypto ng type of pool.

References/Useful links:

Link to:

Protocol Description:

Paladin is a DeFi ecosystem focused on governance protocols and markets, designed to unlock the value of governance. It aims to enable every DeFi stakeholder to participate in governance as they wish, building solutions around governance power. These solutions are designed to strengthen the underlying DeFi protocol by leveraging the tokenā€™s voting power or utility while creating value for token holders.
Paladinā€™s flagship product, Quest v2, introduces a pioneering method for boosting voting incentives across various DEXs including Curve and F(x) protocol.
The Autovoter by Paladin optimizes voting incentives for holders of vlCVX, vlAURA, and vlLIQ, offering some of the most competitive yields available for governance tokens.
Warlord, a novel governance index, allows users to leverage vote incentives within the Convex and Aura ecosystems while automatically managing CVX and AURA positions.
Paladin Lending enhances decentralized finance by facilitating voting pools for prominent protocols like Curve.


With PAL being the cornerstone of the Paladinā€™s product suite and with the upcoming tokenomics upgrade, Paladin has decided to move its protocol owned liquidity to a crypto ng Pool to use the latest and most efficient Curve pool for volatile assets.
To provide additional immediate PAL liquidity, Paladin has been incentivizing DEX liquidity for PAL ever since its inception and plans to keep using governance power and PAL bribes with this new pool.


  1. Governance: The current Governance of Paladin is composed of a Forum to discuss Proposals, a Snapshot space to vote, and the execution of a vote is currently handled by a Community Multisig where the members are elected through the DAO voting process but the DAO is currently voting to switch governance to an Optimistic Council (PIP-23)

  2. Oracles: The protocol does not use Oracles

  3. Audits: You can find all the audits of the current products here.

  4. Centralization vectors: Treasury is managed by multi sigs

  5. Market History: Curve has been the homeland for PALā€™s liquidity since March 21.
    Link to the latest curve pool here

Pool details:

Pool : 0x85847ef522d78efdbec8afb0045dc7d6982837c3

Gauge : 0x8682FA9C4b6495Ddf38643807Ca088eBE0d22b8B

For / Against / Abstain

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Gauge Proposals Proposal to add eBTC/wstETH to the Gauge Controller

Published: May 17, 2024

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Summary: This proposal, submitted on behalf of BadgerDAO and Lido, seeks to add the eBTC/wstETH poolā€™s gauge to the Gauge Controller on the Ethereum network.

References/Useful Links:

Protocol Description: eBTC is a collateralized crypto asset, soft pegged to the price of Bitcoin and built on the Ethereum network. It is backed exclusively by Lidoā€™s stETH and powered by immutable smart contracts with minimized counterparty risk. Designed to be the most decentralized synthetic Bitcoin in DeFi, eBTC allows anyone in the world to borrow BTC at no cost.

Motivation: The request to enable this gauge is motivated by several factors. Firstly, establishing Curve as a primary liquidity venue for eBTC will strengthen the protocol and enhance its composability and use cases. Secondly, Lido aims to expand the liquidity profile of stETH and views eBTC as a strategic pairing due to the synergies between the assets.

Additionally, the CDP nature of eBTC, backed solely by stETH with a 110% MCR requirement and no fees or interest rates, makes it the most capital-efficient way to long stETH against BTC in DeFi. Having a pool with this pair will enable a smooth path for most leverage operations, and we believe Curve is the perfect venue to handle this with the highest efficiency possible. The liquidity in this pool is expected to drive most of the leverage volume, resulting in high fees for the protocol.

Finally, Lido plans to incentivize LPs to adopt the pool. The communities of Lido, BadgerDAO, Curve, and Convex have historically collaborated closely, and this pool will further strengthen these ties, unlocking a variety of integrations and synergies.


  1. Governance: eBTCā€™s Minimized Governance framework is detailed in this forum post. The protocolā€™s contracts are immutable, with minimal parameters that can be modified via two Timelocks with 2 or 7-day delays. Only parameters that do not violate usersā€™ trust assumptions can be changed.
  2. Oracles: The eBTC Protocol primarily relies on Chainlink for price data and is adding a secondary (fallback) oracle via governance. Details on the Chainlink Oracle setup can be found here.
  3. Audits:
  1. Centralization Vectors: The protocol has no major centralization vectors. Minimal governance is conducted transparently and distributedly, with robust timeclocks and monitoring. Contracts are immutable, and collateral types cannot be changed.

  2. Market History:

  • eBTC has maintained a strong peg to BTC since its launch (~2 months ago) ranging from 0.99 to 1.009.
  • All its liquidity (~$4.1M) is currently in a Uniswap V3 pool paired with wBTC, where it has consistently maintained a strong peg:

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Proposals Create LSD pools on Llamalend e.g. stETH/ETH (non crvUSD)

Published: May 13, 2024

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Create LSD pools on Llamalend e.g. stETH/ETH


Llamlend and crvUSD is a huge revenue source for Curve. DeFi users mainly borrow $. However some DeFi users are using leverage strategies using LSD around difference of yield between Liquid Stake Derivate and borrowing native chain token (e.g. ETHā€¦).
Sometime, there is a depeg between on LSD stETH vs ETH on secondary market, there could be on opportunity for Llama lend to solve the depeg problem with the soft liquidation algorithm.
There is a market already available on DeFi Saver.
DeFi Saver


This proposal would increase revenues and TVL to the DAO.


to be discussed , stETH , rETH,


New revenues streams, new pools, listing of small market size LSD token.
Possible application on new markets with small LSD borowing / lending : stBNB/BNB , stAVAX/AVAX, stMATIC/MATIC, stFTM/FTM ā€¦


Time required for implementation, market too small for Curve

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Proposals Distribute 1,421,611 ARB from the DAO Vault on Arbitrum to Curve Pools

Published: May 07, 2024

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This proposal is to continue incentives to the set of Arbitrum pools that were already receiving ARB. Proposing to distribute the remaining ARB (1,421,611.166666666666472534 ARB) over 80 days, approx. 17,770 ARB per day.


Some background because Iā€™m not sure thereā€™s any previous proposals on the forum related to ARB distributions. Curve received 3,476,795 ARB to the DAO vault on Arbitrum on June 6, 2023 as part of an airdrop to DAOs/ecosystem partners. There were a couple of votes that passed to begin distribution of the ARB tokens to Curve pools on Arbitrum:

Vote ID 563 | Executed 1/13/2024:
Distribute ~1,150,000 ARB from Arbitrum grant to arbitrum LPs over ~8 weeks (60 days) with the initial set of receivers as follows:

  • 2pool (0x7f90122bf0700f9e7e1f688fe926940e8839f353),
  • crvUSD/USDC.e (0x3adf984c937fa6846e5a24e0a68521bdaf767ce1),
  • tricrypto-crvUSD (0x82670f35306253222f8a165869b28c64739ac62e),
  • crvUSD/USDT (0x73af1150f265419ef8a5db41908b700c32d49135),
  • crvUSD/USDC (0xec090cf6dd891d2d014bea6edada6e05e025d93d),
  • crvUSD/FRAX (0x2fe7ae43591e534c256a1594d326e5779e302ff4), and
  • crvUSD/MIM (0x4070C044ABc8d9d22447DFE4B032405970878d06).

The set of receivers can be increased with future votes by the Parameter DAO.

Vote ID 631 | Executed 3/4/2024:
Enable ARB rewards for crvUSD/CRV/ARB tricrypto gauge and disable ARB rewards for the MIM/crvUSD gauge. Disperse 85K ARB to co-incentivize the MIM/crvUSD gauge over 30 days with the MIM team.

Vote ID 649 | Executed 3/19/2024:
Extend ARB rewards by adding an additional 811,252 ARB to the reward streamer, to be distributed over 42 days (approx. 19,315 per day).

The list of current ARB incentive receivers (Curve pools), which receive an equal portion of the stream, are:

Pool Name Address
Tricrypto-crvUSD (3c-crvUSD) 0x82670f35306253222F8a165869B28c64739ac62e
crvUSD/USDC (crvUSDC) 0xec090cf6DD891D2d014beA6edAda6e05E025D93d
crvUSD/USDT (crvUSDT) 0x73aF1150F265419Ef8a5DB41908B700C32D49135
crvUSD/USDC.e (crvUSDC.e) 0x3aDf984c937FA6846E5a24E0A68521Bdaf767cE1 USDC/USDT (2CRV) 0x7f90122BF0700F9E7e1F688fe926940E8839F353
crvUSD/Frax (crvUSDFRAX) 0x2FE7AE43591E534C256A1594D326e5779E302Ff4
TriCRV-ARBITRUM (crvUSDARBā€¦) 0x845C8bc94610807fCbaB5dd2bc7aC9DAbaFf3c55

The RewardStream contract linearly vests the tokens in the contract evenly to all designated rewards_receivers over a specified reward_duration. In the case of this proposal, the 7 receivers will each receive approx. 17,770 ARB each week for an ~11 week distribution period. This will spend the remainder of the ARB in the DAO vault.


Proposing to spend the remainder because itā€™s a hassle to continue creating multiple votes for an inherently finite reward program. The incentives are overall a useful way to bootstrap crvUSD on Arbitrum and Curve Lending on Arbitrum, which requires sufficient crvUSD liquidity to process liquidations and pool liquidity where pool oracles are employed in lending markets. Not anticipating any major departure in strategy that would require adjustments to the reward distribution, so this proposal prefers to distribute all over a reasonable timeframe that slightly reduces the overall rewards to each pool so as not to shock the markets too much when ARB incentives end around early August.


The vote requires several calls as a series of arguments to the Arbitrum Broadcaster (the contract that relays cross chain messages to the DAO agent on Arbitrum via Arbitrum Bridge):

Call via agent (0x40907540d8a6C65c637785e8f8B742ae6b0b9968):
ā”œā”€ To: 0xb7b0FF38E0A01D798B5cd395BbA6Ddb56A323830
ā”œā”€ Function: broadcast
ā””ā”€ Inputs:

0x25877b9413Cc7832A6d142891b50bd53935feF82 (Arbitrum Vault)

  "name": "transfer",
  "params": [
      "name": "_token",
      "value": "0x912ce59144191c1204e64559fe8253a0e49e6548",
      "type": "address"
      "name": "_to",
      "value": "0x452030a5d962d37d97a9d65487663cd5fd9c2b32",
      "type": "address"
      "name": "_value",
      "value": "1.421611e24",
      "type": "uint256"

(Transfer ARB to the agent)

0x912CE59144191C1204E64559FE8253a0e49E6548 (ARB token)

  "name": "approve",
  "params": [
      "name": "spender",
      "value": "0xf968e2e28460a8f419877df2ec86574636e8262c",
      "type": "address"
      "name": "amount",
      "value": "1.421611e24",
      "type": "uint256"

(Approve RewardStream to spend the amount of ARB tokens)

0xF968E2e28460a8F419877Df2Ec86574636e8262c (rewardStream)

  "name": "set_reward_duration",
  "params": [
      "name": "_duration",
      "value": "6912000",
      "type": "uint256"

(set the reward duration to 80 days)

0xF968E2e28460a8F419877Df2Ec86574636e8262c (RewardStream)

  "name": "notify_reward_amount",
  "params": [
      "name": "_amount",
      "value": "1.421611e24",
      "type": "uint256"

(begin distribution of the received amount to the RewardStream reward_recipients)

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Gauge Proposals Add USDY/weETH on Ethereum to Curve Gauge Controller

Published: May 04, 2024

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Proposal to add USDY/weETH on Ethereum to Gauge Controller

References/Useful links:

ā€¢ Website -
ā€¢ Documentation - Whitepaper |
ā€¢ Github Page - etherfi-protocol Ā· GitHub
ā€¢ Twitter -

Ondo Finance
ā€¢ Website -
ā€¢ Documentation - USDY | Ondo Finance
ā€¢ Twitter -

Protocol Description:

Ether.Fi is a decentralized, non-custodial liquid staking protocol built on Ethereum, allowing users to stake their ETH and participate in the DeFi ecosystem without losing liquidity. The protocols eETH is a liquid restaking token (weETH is the non-rebasing equivalent), serving as a representation of ETH staked on the Beacon Chain, which rebases daily to reflect the associated staking rewards. Users can deposit ETH into the liquidity pool on Ethereum Mainnet to mint eETH, hold eETH to accrue rewards, and use eETH within DeFi or swap it back to ETH at any time via the liquidity pool. The protocol currently employs a permissioned validator set, however this will transition to permisionless based on the protocol roadmap.

ETH staked through the liquidity pool accrues normal Ethereum staking rewards, and will also be natively restaked with EigenLayer. Staking with eETH on automatically natively restakes that ETH to EigenLayer and accrues normal staking rewards while allowing users to keep composability on their eETH in other DeFi protocols.

USDY is a tokenized note secured by short-term US Treasuries, and bank demand deposits.

Motivation: and Ondo Finance are looking to seed a USDY/weETH cryptoswap pool on Curve to serve as a primary source of liquidity for both assets. To ensure success, both and Ondo Finance are committed to growing pool liquidity through bribes and incentives.


  1. Governance: Currently, the protocol utilises a time-locked multi signature wallet, with the signatories being doxxed executives and investors.
  2. Oracles: The Protocol relies on an oracle for withdrawals and beacon state. The Oracle is based on the hash consensus mechanism and run by the committee members. Initially, the team will be the only ones to operate the Oracle nodes, however the protocol grows, it will add more external parties to join the committee.
  3. Audits: Audit reports for the protocol are found on the GitBook page - Audits | The audits have been carried out by reputable firms such as Certik, Zellic, Nethermind, Omniscia and Solidified to ensure the security of the protocol. An audit competition was also recently completed through Hats Finance.
  4. Centralization vectors: The centralization vectors primarily relate to the Oracle until it becomes decentralized, in line with the protocol roadmap. The price (staking rewards for rebasing) and the validator management (spinning up new validators and exiting them for liquidation) are also currently centralized for the early stages of the protocol to ensure mobility. As mentioned above, the signatories currently consist of the doxxed executive team and investors.
  5. Market History: eETH has accumulated approx. 1.2M of ETH staked within the protocol since launching in the middle of November 2023.

Pool / Token: 0x9e3015393a42a1ee63b9878be253414a47a8d36c

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Gauge Proposals Proposal to add USD3/rgUSD to the Gauge Controller

Published: Apr 29, 2024

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Proposal to add USD3/rgUSD to the Gauge Controller

References/Useful links:

Link to:
ā€¢ Curve Gauge Vote:
ā€¢ Snapshot Convex vote: Snapshot
ā€¢ Github Page: GitHub - reserve-protocol/protocol: Permissionless asset-backed, yield-bearing & overcollateralized stablecoins on Ethereum
ā€¢ USD3 (Reserve): Discord: Discord
ā€¢ USD3 Twitter:

Web 3 Dollar Description:

The Web 3 Dollar (USD3), is a decentralized USD stablecoin initially pegged to $1 USD that prioritizes safety and stability while balancing a competitive yield offering.

USD3 is 1:1 asset backed by a basket of yield-bearing tokens. Given the unique design and current market conditions, it is estimated to yield up to 10% APY from the most reputable protocols using the most established assets. USD3(deployed on the Reserve Protocol) is overcollateralized with auditable proof of reserves available on-chain 24/7.

About Reserve:

Reserve Protocol is a free, permissionless platform on Ethereum mainnet (and Base L2) to build, deploy and govern asset-backed currencies referred to as ā€œRTokens.ā€ RTokens are always 1:1 asset-backed, allowing for permissionless minting and redemptions onchain. To cultivate RToken growth, Reserveā€™s core team invested $20 million in the Curve governance ecosystem to incentivize deeper onchain liquidity.

Relevant to this document is the RToken electronic USD (eUSD), a safety-first stablecoin (backed by Aave and Compound deposits) that brings together diversified, highly liquid backing with anti-bank run overcollateralization, recently proving itself during the run on Silicon Valley Bank.


To deepen on-chain USD3 liquidity, to ensure more efficient swaps and to further grow demand for the token.


  1. Governance: RSR holders who choose to stake RSR on USD3 can propose changes to the basket or revenue split. The mandate of USD3 is a decentralized flatcoin that provides convenient access to DeFi yields, enabling holders to earn passive income on their capital. Governance should aim to take low to moderate risk to return high DeFi yields in order to mitigate against inflation.

  2. Oracles: USD3 uses ChainLink price oracles in order to monitor prices of collateral assets.

  3. Audits: Audits have been performed by multiple top tier audit agencies.

  4. Centralization vectors:
    1.Gnosis Safe multi-sig
    2.The protocol will have automated operations to monitor and manage collateral for various RTokens. Examples include auctioning off backstop insurance collateral (i.e. RSR) and auctioning off collateral revenue to buy RSR or RTokens.

  5. Market History: The RSR token has been actively trading since May 2019. Price movements are correlated to the overall crypto market cycles. RSR currently trades on 40+ exchanges including Binance, KuCoin and Huobi with an average daily volume of $50M to $200M over the last 90 days. RSR currently trades on Curve in a TriRSR (eUSD/ETH+/RSR) pool. If the Reserve platform becomes successful with many RTokens governed by RSR, we believe this gauge may bring consistent volume and fees to Curve.

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Gauge Proposals Add weETH/WETH on Ethereum to Curve Gauge Controller

Published: Apr 23, 2024

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Proposal to add weETH/WETH on Ethereum to Gauge Controller

References/Useful links:

ā€¢ Website -
ā€¢ Documentation - Whitepaper |
ā€¢ Github Page - etherfi-protocol Ā· GitHub
ā€¢ Twitter -

Protocol Description:

Ether.Fi is a decentralized, non-custodial liquid staking protocol built on Ethereum, allowing users to stake their ETH and participate in the DeFi ecosystem without losing liquidity. The protocols eETH is a liquid restaking token (weETH is the non-rebasing equivalent), serving as a representation of ETH staked on the Beacon Chain, which rebases daily to reflect the associated staking rewards. Users can deposit ETH into the liquidity pool on Ethereum Mainnet to mint eETH, hold eETH to accrue rewards, and use eETH within DeFi or swap it back to ETH at any time via the liquidity pool. The protocol currently employs a permissioned validator set, however this will transition to permisionless based on the protocol roadmap.

ETH staked through the liquidity pool accrues normal Ethereum staking rewards, and will also be natively restaked with EigenLayer. Staking with eETH on automatically natively restakes that ETH to EigenLayer and accrues normal staking rewards while allowing users to keep composability on their eETH in other DeFi protocols.

The eETH contract has been live since June 2023, with eETH launching to the open market on November 15th, 2023, and has approx. 1.2M ETH held within it. Being a liquid representation of staked Ethereum, the price of the token is aligned to the price of ETH.

Through these mechanisms, eETH acts as a conduit for individuals to engage in Ethereumā€™s staking & restaking process with the added liquidity, making it easier for them to enter and exit staking positions while also benefiting from boosted rewards.


Ether.Fi is looking to seed a weETH/wETH stableswap-ng pool on Curve to serve as a primary source of liquidity for weETH. Incentivising a Curve pool will continue to boost the liquidity of the LRT. Higher liquidity ensures that traders and investors can easily enter or exit positions, which is essential for the overall usability and attractiveness of the LRT token within the DeFi ecosystem. To ensure success, is committed to growing pool liquidity through bribes and incentives.


  1. Governance: Currently, the protocol utilises a time-locked multi signature wallet, with the signatories being doxxed executives and investors.
  2. Oracles: The Protocol relies on an oracle for withdrawals and beacon state. The Oracle is based on the hash consensus mechanism and run by the committee members. Initially, the team will be the only ones to operate the Oracle nodes, however the protocol grows, it will add more external parties to join the committee.
  3. Audits: Audit reports for the protocol are found on the GitBook page - Audits | The audits have been carried out by reputable firms such as Certik, Zellic, Nethermind, Omniscia and Solidified to ensure the security of the protocol. An audit competition was also recently completed through Hats Finance.
  4. Centralization vectors: The centralization vectors primarily relate to the Oracle until it becomes decentralized, in line with the protocol roadmap. The price (staking rewards for rebasing) and the validator management (spinning up new validators and exiting them for liquidation) are also currently centralized for the early stages of the protocol to ensure mobility. As mentioned above, the signatories currently consist of the doxxed executive team and investors.
  5. Market History: eETH has accumulated approx. 1.2M of ETH staked within the protocol since launching in the middle of November 2023.


  • Pool / Token: 0xdb74dfdd3bb46be8ce6c33dc9d82777bcfc3ded5
  • Gauge: 0x053df3e4d0ced9a3bf0494f97e83ce1f13bdc0e2

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Proposals Kill the old crvUSD/GHO gauge on Ethereum

Published: Apr 22, 2024

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This proposal is to kill the deprecated crvUSD/GHO gauge.


With a new gen pool created for crvUSD/GHO, and gauge incentives flowing in, it should be ensured the old pool isnā€™t receiving additional votes.


The above pool and the corresponding gauge have been redeployed with a newer implementation. However, the old pool still retains a gauge weighting leading to suboptimal voting and incentive allocation. The old pool is deemed unnecessary and contributes to liquidity fragmentation.


Link to the pool:
Link to the gauge:

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Proposals Ramp Paypool (pyUSD-USDC) A factor from 150 to 1000 over 1 week

Published: Apr 18, 2024

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Ramp Paypool (pyUSD-USDC) A factor from 150 to 1000 over 1 week



pyUSD and USDC are both fiat-backed stablecoins with relatively low volatility. Therefore, we considered whether it would be safe to ramp A above 150 to better concentrate liquidity near the peg. Simulations suggested that an A factor up to 2000 would maintain reasonable pool balance, while increasing returns and liquidity density. However, to gauge the viability of such a drastic change, we propose to first ramp A to 1000, and consider further ramping after observation.

Simulations for A values from 100 to 2000 are shown below. Minute-resolution price data from 2023-08-30 to 2024-04-17 were used. Therefore, the sample includes the full range of volatility regimes exhibited since pool launch.

Annualized returns and median liquidity density increased across all values, and median balance remained above .8 (60% / 40% pool balance) up to A=2000. However, some caution is warranted due to periods of extreme balance (reflected in lower ā€œminimum balanceā€ values with higher A). Therefore, we suggest A=1000 as a comfortable medium value at this time.

Increases liquidity density, which allows for larger arbitrage trades and more competitive non-strategic ā€œconvenience tradesā€.

Will increase potential for pool imbalance.

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Gauge Proposals Add SQUID/wfrxETH on Fraxtal to Curve gauge controller

Published: Apr 16, 2024

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OK, we have something for the gov forum:

Add SQUID/wfrxETH on Fraxtal to Curve gauge controller


Leviathan News is a collective of builders, investors, and crypto natives with an ear to the latest news, headlines and occasional alfa. The Leviathan team run a popular TG channel with over 6k subs that publishes the latest and freshest headlines for crypto sourced entirely from the community. The team also hosts daily livestreams broadcast on š• and YouTube.

SQUID is a reward token distributed to everyone who makes Leviathan News operate. The Leviathan team operates a Telegram bot, through which anybody can submit headlines. Once approved, SQUID points are assigned, and tokens are distributed proportionally based on activity. For March of 2024, the team has 124 active contributors to the news feed.


Leviathan Points are distributed on a schedule of 1MM per month. The breakdown each month for the first year is set at:

  • 45% for contributions to the operation of the Telegram bot headlines
  • 45% for contributions to the livestream and videos
  • 10% for other operations

For the first category, transparency on each monthā€™s distributions is available by running the botā€™s points command in direct DM or any channel where the bot is active.

At present, all operations are managed by a 2/4 multisig consisting of the four Leviathan contributors over the course of the past year. The responsibility is intended to be migrated to more decentralized mechanics as the community scales

More details are available in the release notes:


The team is committed to bringing its news operations entirely onchain, built atop the flywheel tech stack. The team launched intentionally on Fraxtal, where governance approved a gauge. The team plan to continue bringing liquidity to the SQUID/wfrxETH pair to benefit the growth of our ecosystem. The project has viable monetization plans for its Telegram bot and livestreams, although the team has not announced utility for the token.


For: Add the SQUID/wfrxETH pool to the Curve gauge controller

Against: Do nothing.


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Gauge Proposals Remove Gauges: Fixed Forex ib*/s* & ib*/USDC pools

Published: Apr 16, 2024

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Remove CRV rewards from the following gauges:

  • ibEUR/sEUR - 0x99fb76F75501039089AAC8f20f487bf84E51d76F
  • ibCHF/sCHF - 0x2fA53e8fa5fAdb81f4332C8EcE39Fe62eA2f919E
  • ibGBP/sGBP - 0x63d9f3aB7d0c528797A12a0684E50C397E9e79dC
  • ibAUD/sAUD - 0x05ca5c01629a8E5845f12ea3A03fF7331932233A
  • ibKRW/sKRW - 0x1750a3a3d80A3F5333BBe9c4695B0fAd41061ab1
  • ibJPY/sJPY - 0xeFF437A56A22D7dD86C1202A308536ED8C7da7c1
  • ibEUR/USDC - 0xE1D520B1263D6Be5678568BD699c84F7f9086023
  • ibCHF/USDC - 0x36C66bC294fEf4e94B3e40A1801d0AB0085Fe96e
  • ibGBP/USDC - 0x1Ba86c33509013c937344f6e231DA2E63ea45197
  • ibAUD/USDC - 0x1779AEB087C5BdBe48749ab03575f5f25D1DEeaF
  • ibKRW/USDC - 0xb6d7C2bda5a907832d4556AE5f7bA800FF084C2a
  • ibJPY/USDC - 0x3A748A2F4765BDFB119Cb7143b884Db7594a68c3
  • ibEUR/EURA - 0x38039dD47636154273b287F74C432Cac83Da97e2


This proposal is to remove CRV rewards from the Fixed Forex pools as team winds down borrowing of assets from Iron Bank. Additionally, Synthetix has announced depreciation of Synth spot assets. Because of that, there is no more reason to continue to give incentives to these pools.


For: Set all three gauges as ā€œkilledā€.

Against: Do not change the gauges.

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Gauge Proposals Proposal to add inlsETH/lsETH Gauge [ETHEREUM]

Published: Apr 14, 2024

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Gauge Proposal Template:


This is a proposal on behalf of InceptionLRT to enable a gauge for inlsETH/lsETH on Ethereum. inlsETH is the Restaked Token dedicated to lsETH, obtained through InceptionLRTā€™s restaking mechanism and platform.
InceptionLRT is an isolated Liquid Restaking protocol for Liquid Staking Tokens (LSTs). Its core feature is the issuance of Isolated Liquid Restaking Tokens (iLRTs) for each restaked LST.

References/Useful links:

Link to:

ā€¢ Website:

ā€¢ Documentation:

ā€¢ Github Page:

ā€¢ Communities:, Discord:

Protocol Description:

InceptionLRT is an isolated Liquid Restaking protocol for Liquid Staking Tokens (LSTs), enabling the restaking of various LSTs. Its core feature is the issuance of Isolated Liquid Restaking Tokens (iLRTs) for each restaked LST.
These iLRTs can be freely traded and used in other DeFi protocols while maintaining segregation from the underlying LSTs. This architecture addresses potential risks associated with basket-based LRTs like increased complexity, counterparty risk, and often unclear pool rebalancing rules.
InceptionLRT is specifically designed to bolster the EigenLayer framework by addressing a critical challenge: the issue of liquidity locking in the protocol. This advancement positions InceptionLRT as a key player in enhancing the fluidity and accessibility of restaking in the DeFi landscape.


InceptionLRT aims to enable a gauge for inlsETH/lsETH to substantially increase the liquidity of inlsETH, while supporting its utility and viability for integration into a range of DeFi protocols.


Please answer in a short and clear manner.

  1. Governance: ING holders participate in decision-making, influencing the protocolā€™s direction and policies, including the Node Operators, AVSs and restaking strategies.
    Incentive Allocation: Through gauge weight voting, veING holders direct incentives and rewards towards preferred liquidity, impacting the protocolā€™s dynamics.

  2. Oracles: Rate Provider for inlsETH

  3. Audits: InceptionLRT undergoes security audits and checks to ensure the safety of user funds. Latest by Veridise: Audit

  4. Centralization vectors: The InceptionLRT Litepaper introduced the vision for Inception as a decentralized system where independent node operators work to power the growth and development of Web3. Further detailed information may be found here: EigenLayer - Inception iLRTs Docs.

  5. Market History: No major volatility - CoinGecko.

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Gauge Proposals Proposal to add inosETH/osETH Gauge [ETHEREUM]

Published: Apr 14, 2024

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Gauge Proposal Template:


This is a proposal on behalf of InceptionLRT to enable a gauge for inosETH/osETH on Ethereum. inosETH is the Restaked Token dedicated to osETH, obtained through InceptionLRTā€™s restaking mechanism and platform.
InceptionLRT is an isolated Liquid Restaking protocol for Liquid Staking Tokens (LSTs). Its core feature is the issuance of Isolated Liquid Restaking Tokens (iLRTs) for each restaked LST.

References/Useful links:

Link to:

ā€¢ Website:

ā€¢ Documentation:

ā€¢ Github Page:

ā€¢ Communities:, Discord:

Protocol Description:

InceptionLRT is an isolated Liquid Restaking protocol for Liquid Staking Tokens (LSTs), enabling the restaking of various LSTs. Its core feature is the issuance of Isolated Liquid Restaking Tokens (iLRTs) for each restaked LST.
These iLRTs can be freely traded and used in other DeFi protocols while maintaining segregation from the underlying LSTs. This architecture addresses potential risks associated with basket-based LRTs like increased complexity, counterparty risk, and often unclear pool rebalancing rules.
InceptionLRT is specifically designed to bolster the EigenLayer framework by addressing a critical challenge: the issue of liquidity locking in the protocol. This advancement positions InceptionLRT as a key player in enhancing the fluidity and accessibility of restaking in the DeFi landscape.


InceptionLRT aims to enable a gauge for inosETH/osETH to substantially increase the liquidity of inosETH, while supporting its utility and viability for integration into a range of DeFi protocols.


Please answer in a short and clear manner.

  1. Governance: ING holders participate in decision-making, influencing the protocolā€™s direction and policies, including the Node Operators, AVSs and restaking strategies.
    Incentive Allocation: Through gauge weight voting, veING holders direct incentives and rewards towards preferred liquidity, impacting the protocolā€™s dynamics.

  2. Oracles: Rate Provider for inosETH

  3. Audits: InceptionLRT undergoes security audits and checks to ensure the safety of user funds. Latest by Veridise: Audit

  4. Centralization vectors: The InceptionLRT Litepaper introduced the vision for Inception as a decentralized system where independent node operators work to power the growth and development of Web3. Further detailed information may be found here: EigenLayer - Inception iLRTs Docs.

  5. Market History: No major volatility - CoinGecko.

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Governance-Meta Official Uniswap v3 Deployments List

Published: Jul 26, 2024

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Authors: Uniswap Accountability Committee (UAC)

This forum post is meant to display all of the approved Uniswap v3 deployments. It provides a running list of the contracts on each EVM chain that have been approved by governance, verified, and correspondingly added to the v3-deployments.uniswap.eth subdomain. The Accountability Committee will be responsible for updating this thread.

What does it mean for a deployment to be ā€œofficialā€?

  • Uniswap v3 was initially released under a BUSL license to prevent others from forking the protocol and using it for commercial purposes. As of April 2023, the BUSL was converted to an open-source license, allowing for the commercial usage of the v3 contracts. Such a transition can lead anyone to deploy the relevant v3 contracts on any EVM, claiming those contracts to be ā€œthe official Uniswapā€.
  • In order to prevent entities apart from the Uniswap DAO, who may or may not have ill intentions or an ulterior motive behind deploying the given v3 contracts, the Uniswap Foundation implemented a process to officiate deployments across numerous EVMs.
  • This grants authority solely to the Uniswap DAO to declare which v3 deployments are official, thereby preserving Uniswapā€™s reputable brand. Any target chain that would like to introduce an official Uniswap deployment to their ecosystem must abide by the appropriate governance channels.

Until April 2024, the process for declaring a v3 deployment as official required a multi-step process, culminating in an onchain vote where the given deployment would be added to the v3 subdomain. The DAO now follows a simpler model, where a deployment is optimistically considered official if the DAO does not veto deployment onto the given chain during a Snapshot vote. Under this setup, the alteration of the v3 subdomain is completed by the Accountability Committee.

This thread will continuously be updated whenever a new deployment is considered official by the DAO.

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Proposal Discussion [RFC] Deploy Uniswap v3 on X Layer

Published: Jul 24, 2024

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This proposes the deployment of Uniswap v3 on X Layer.

X Layer is a zkEVM Layer 2 network built on Ethereum, powered by Polygon CDK, a zkEVM stack for building Ethereum L2 scaling solutions. Developers can easily deploy their existing contracts on zkEVM, and users can move their assets from Ethereum and conduct transactions off-chain. These transactions are bundled into groups with zero-knowledge proofs to verify their validity.

Deploying an instance of Uniswap v3 on X Layer provides numerous opportunities for Uniswap to gain millions of new users from the OKX ecosystem which comprises of approximately 50m. This deployment will be a win-win for both parties as it provides Uniswap with a new user base and revenue stream and X Layer the chance to offer its users access to a battle tested DeFi primitive, which is Uniswap v3.

Boundless scalability: 100% EVM compatibility and easy-to-use developer tools for deployment.
X Layer is Powered by OKX: seamless integration to all OKX products, all-in-one Web3 gateway, and access to 50M+ users in the OKX ecosystem.
Security: rely on robust secure mechanisms from Ethereum, with trustless interoperability.
Low fee: same coding experience as Ethereum but 100x cheaper.
Portal to Web3: enter the world of Web3 via OKX Wallet, built with compact infrastructure modules to create innovative DApps.

Proposal Stakeholders
The following list of stakeholders is present to transparently communicate which entities and individuals are involved in proposal creation and implementation.

Proposer: Yohaan (X Layer DeFi Strategy)
This entity is responsible for authoring the proposal & managing the governance process

Deployer: GFX Labs
This entity is responsible for the technical deployment of the contracts on the target chain
ā€¢ GFX Labs will help deploy the v3 contracts on X Layer and has a track record of safely deploying Uniswap v3 on various EVM-compatible chains

Frontend: Oku Trade
The initial frontend where users can interact with the new Uniswap v3 deployment
ā€¢ Oku is built and managed by GFX Labs
ā€¢ Oku was seeded by a Uniswap Foundation grant in 2022
ā€¢ Oku supports twelve chains and continues to aid Uniswapā€™s expansion to new protocols

Note: Oku Trade has become the DAOā€™s go-to third party front-end for Uniswap deployments since the canonical front-end is owned and operated by Uniswap Labs

Bridge Provider: zkEVM Bridge
X Layer mainnet bridge allows you to seamlessly move value between Ethereum and X Layer mainnet and can also be used to send and claim messages to and from Ethereum and X Layer.

Call bridgeMessage:
To pass a message from Ethereum to X Layer, one needs to first call bridgeMessage as shown below:

name value desc
destinationNetwork 3 X Layer Network
destinationAddress YOUR_ADDRSS Which address wants to receive asset
forceUpdateGlobalExitRoot true Default as true
metadata 0x

ClaimMessage on X Layer:

  1. Request RPC Bridges to get the deposit count
  2. Request RPC merkle-proof to get the corresponding proof
  3. Claim on X Layer call claimMessage

Target Chain: X Layer
This is the chain that v3 contracts are deployed on

Proposal Sponsor: GFX Labs
This entity has >1M UNI and is therefore eligible for administering the onchain vote

Liquidity Bootstrapping and Incentives:

X Layerā€™s Commitment:
X Layer commits $1M worth of liquidity to Uniswap pools on X Layer for a minimum of 6 months. All liquidity will be provided on the day of launch. The tokens will be deployed on Uniswap through the X Layer integration with Oku Trade. All liquidity will be provided immediately upon deploying an instance of Uniswap v3 on X Layer.
Pools and liquidity committment:
ā€¢ $500k in OKB/USDT 0.30%
ā€¢ $200k in OKB/USDC 0.30%
ā€¢ $200k in OKB/wETH 0.30%
ā€¢ $100k in USDC/USDT 0.05%

Deployment Details:
If no major points of contention are posed by the DAO during the RFC, the Accountability Committee will
ā€¢ Optimistically approve this deployment and consider the deployed contracts on the X layer as canonical, and a comment will be posted on this forum with all the verified contracts

As is the case with all canonical v3 deployments, this deployment will be subject to Ethereum Layer 1 Uniswap Protocol governance and control. The text record of the uniswap.eth ENS subdomain titled v3-deployments.uniswap.eth will be amended by the Accountability Committee to include the reference to the stated v3 contracts on X Layer.

July 2024: RFC
August 2024: Liquidity commitment Temp Check
August 2024: Onchain vote to approve onboarding package
September 2024: Uni v3 contracts as well as front end on Oku Trade will be deployed by GFX Labs

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Governance-Meta Uniswap Treasury Working Group (UTWG) Interim Update

Published: Jul 22, 2024

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Hello Uniswap Community,

The Uniswap Treasury Working Group (UTWG) is posting this update to share progress on our work and provide visibility into some of the topics that our team is actively exploring.


The Uniswap Treasury Working Group was formed to address the volatility and underutilization of the Uniswap treasury. Its scope is to research and present a diverse set of options in terms of treasury management strategies for the DAO, ensuring long-term sustainability and growth for the protocol. This work aims to help facilitate the DAOā€™s decision-making process when devising and implementing various methods for mobilizing treasury funds.

What have we accomplished so far?

One of our predominant goals is to attain a comprehensive understanding of how to utilize the Uniswap treasury through an aggregation of numerous stakeholdersā€™ perspectives. Therefore, our work so far includes:

  • 11 interviews with Uniswap stakeholders, including investors like a16z and VanEck
  • Analysis of 8 DAOs with existing treasury management activities, including Arbitrum, MakerDAO, and GnosisDAO*
  • Examination of thousands of onchain data points specific to the Uniswap ecosystem

*The full list of interviewees will be included in the acknowledgements section of the final report

During Uniswapā€™s GovSwap event in Brussels, our team shared insights into the UTWGā€™s work with Uniswap delegates and stakeholders. Below we are sharing an interim update that provides visibility into some of the topics that our team is exploring:

[Interim Update] Mobilizing a DAOā€™s Treasury - An exploration by StableLab, karpatkey, FranklinDAO & Arana Digital

What do we still need to complete?

  • Present possible native token diversification solutions and sustainable growth strategies
  • Finalize conducting interviews with leading DAOs, Treasury Managers, and relevant industry players
  • Present a suggested long-term roadmap and effective execution strategy

The UTWGā€™s research will take a few weeks longer than expected due to scheduling difficulties for interviews and leeway for team travel (like EthCC). Additionally, interviewees have requested involvement in the peer review process to ensure accurate representation of their quotations and opinions. We are allowing a 2-week period for this review before publishing the final document on the forums. This extended research timeline will not incur any additional costs to the DAO.

How can you contribute?

Our team has prepared two questionnaires that ask Uniswap stakeholders to rate their perspective on various factors that influence how the utilization of the treasury is to be approached. The first survey is for all relevant stakeholdersā€“the second survey is exclusively for treasury/asset managers.

If you are a delegate, token holder, or general community member, please share your opinion using the following link (takes 3-4 minutes): Mobilizing a DAOā€™s Treasury - General Survey

If you are a treasury or asset manager, please share your opinion using the following link (takes 3-4 minutes): Mobilizing a DAOā€™s Treasury - for Treasury Managers

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Uncategorized Recovery services

Published: Jul 19, 2024

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The pain of losing a substantial amount of hard-earned money to a fraudulent online investment scheme is a devastating experience that can be difficult to bear. I found myself in a similar situation when I fell victim to a fake crypto company that promised significant profits on my investments. Initially, everything seemed promising as my profits accumulated, but when it came time to withdraw my funds, the company kept asking for more money under various pretexts. It was only when I realized I had been scammed that the harsh reality set in ā€“ I had lost a staggering 389,000 Dollars to these fraudsters. The feeling of disbelief and betrayal was overwhelming as I grappled with the realization that I had been duped out of my hard-earned money. Determined to find a way to recover my funds, I began searching for reputable recovery experts who could help me navigate this challenging situation. Thatā€™s when I came across BLOCKCHAIN RECOVERY SERVICES, a renowned recovery firm specializing in helping scam victims reclaim their lost assets. Upon reaching out to BLOCKCHAIN RECOVERY SERVICES, I was met with professionalism, empathy, and a genuine commitment to assisting me in recovering my stolen funds. The process began with providing them with the necessary information about the scam and the transactions involved. The team at BLOCKCHAIN RECOVERY SERVICES demonstrated exceptional expertise and efficiency in handling my case, keeping me informed every step of the way. To my immense relief and gratitude, BLOCKCHAIN RECOVERY SERVICES successfully recovered all of my lost funds, a feat that seemed unattainable just a short while ago. The sense of security and trust they instilled in me throughout the recovery process was invaluable, and their unwavering dedication to helping scam victims like myself was truly commendable. I cannot recommend BLOCKCHAIN RECOVERY SERVICES enough to anyone who has fallen victim to scams or has lost their Bitcoin investments and is seeking to recover their funds. Their professionalism, integrity, and proven track record make them the go-to recovery firm for individuals in distress due to fraudulent activities in the crypto space. In conclusion, my experience with BLOCKCHAIN RECOVERY SERVICES was nothing short of remarkable. They not only restored my faith in the possibility of recovering stolen funds but also provided me with a sense of closure and justice after being scammed. If you find yourself in a similar predicament, do not hesitate to reach out to BLOCKCHAIN RECOVERY SERVICES for expert assistance and guidance in reclaiming what is rightfully yours. Trust in their expertise, rely on their unwavering commitment, and let BLOCKCHAIN RECOVERY SERVICES lead you toward financial recovery and peace of mind. They are truly the experts of hope for scam victims seeking justice and restitution in the world of cryptocurrency fraud. Consult BLOCKCHAIN RECOVERY SERVICES via below contact details.

Their website is

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Email :

Telegram : @blockchainrecoveryservice

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Proposal Discussion [RFC] Embed philanthropy into Uniswap by facilitating free swaps to and from the stablecoin that funds public goods

Published: Jul 18, 2024

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Our proposal

Glo Dollar is the stablecoin that funds public goods and charities at no cost to the user.

We propose that Uniswap makes swaps to and from Glo Dollar (USDGLO) exempt from fees.

Doing so has three benefits:

  1. Embedding philanthropy into Uniswap. Uniswap would make it easier for us to grow our market cap, and as we grow our market cap, more public goods will be funded.
  2. Facilitating embedded philanthropy into the wallets of Uniswap users. As the barrier of fees would be removed for users, theyā€™d be more motivated to buy and hold Glo Dollars and fund public goods at no cost.
  3. Support the development of an alternative US regulated stablecoin that benefits the public and the broader crypto ecosystem.

Most swaps to Glo Dollar are made on Uniswap, and it could result in many more swaps if fees were waived to grow our market cap and fund more public goods. At scale, each additional million in Glo Dollar market cap would generate up to $50,000 in public goods funding per yearā€”at no cost to the user.

What is Glo Dollar?

Stablecoin companies generate $7.4 billion annually from their reserves.

Our approach is differentā€”we funnel 100% of profits to charitable causes. By adopting Glo Dollar, you fund your favorite public goods without paying for it. We call it Automatic Public Goods Funding (AutoPGF).

Our users choose which causes to support: web3 public goods, fighting extreme poverty, or combating climate change.

Individuals and companies embed zero-cost philanthropy with Glo in many ways. Gitcoin and Polygon Labs added Glo Dollars to their treasuries. Others pay salaries in Glo Dollars, or use Glo Dollar backed credit cards.

When you hold Glo Dollars, you can choose the causes youā€™d like to support from our dApp. All our donations are made onchain and reported on our website.

Glo Dollar is 100% fiat-backed, always redeemable 1:1 for USD and USDC, and is issued and regulated in the US. Glo Dollar is available across 7 blockchains: Ethereum, Celo, Polygon, Optimism, Arbitrum, Stellar, and Base.


Uniswap users can swap between USDC and USDT without paying fees.

Swaps from USDT or USDC into Glo Dollar (USDGLO) incur a fee of 0.25%. For example, if a user exchanges $1,000 worth of USDC for USDGLO, they would pay a fee of about $25.

Because holding Glo Dollars = funding public cost (at no cost), we believe that users should be motivated to swap Glo Dollars without paying fees.


Glo Dollar is 100% fiat-backed, always redeemable 1:1 for USD and USDC, issued and regulated in the United States, and receives monthly independent attestations.

In April, we received our Bluechip rating, with an initial B grade. This places us in the top 10 fiat-backed stablecoin, and weā€™re deemed safer than Tetherā€™s USDT, FRAX, FDUSD, among others. Glo Dollar received the following assessments:

  • Stability: Stable
  • Management: Very low risk
  • Governance: Low risk

Glo Dollar is developed by the Glo Foundation and is issued by Brale. Brale is a US regulated money services business, which is the same regulatory framework under which Circle issues USDC.

The Glo Consortium

If Uniswap decides to move ahead with this proposal, weā€™d love to invite Uniswap also to join the Glo Consortium, our partner collective that helps us grow Glo Dollar adoption either by integrating with Glo, building with Glo, or holding Glo Dollars.

Relevant links

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Uncategorized June '24 Uniswap Report

Published: Jul 09, 2024

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Hello Uniswap Community,

We published our most recent issue of the Uniswap Monthly Report, summarizing protocol metrics for June 2024.

You can find our latest report at and subscribe for future monthly releases.

Hereā€™s the executive summary:

  • In June 2024, the Uniswap Protocol processed $54.66 billion in monthly volume (-26%) across $6.5 billion in liquidity (-9.6%), earning market makers $89.94 million in fees (-25.5%).

  • Across all chains, Ethereum saw the most Uniswap volume with $26.74 billion in v3 pools, seconded by Arbitrum. zkSync had the highest month-over-month growth in volume, liquidity, and fees.

  • This month, the protocol experienced a relative decline in volume (-4.3%), liquidity (-0.6%), and fees (-1.8%) over competing DEX protocols.

  • Layer 2 deploymentsā€™ share of volume and liquidity remained flat at 30.4% and 14.6% respectively, while their fee share grew to 19.9%.

  • This month, the recent Uniswap v3 deployment on Manta was added to the report.

The report contains charts and tables displaying the data and exact figures. Weā€™re eager to continue aggregating this data and sharing our findings.

*Data was sourced primarily from the Oku API, with help from DeFiLlama and TradingView.

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Delegation Pitch **Bobbay Delegate Platform**

Published: Jul 05, 2024

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Bobbay Delegate Platform

Contact & Delegate information.
Name: Bobby
Wallet Address: 0x5a35923eD6950EFF4412eF6d27CeA8b1d405a844
ENS: bobbybola.eth
Twitter Handle:

About Me

Previously, I led the StableLab delegate team that spanned over 15+ DAOs, personally actively engaging in various DAOs including Optimism and Balancer, among others.

Since becoming a delegate in early 2022, my extensive involvement across multiple DAOs has afforded me valuable insights into the prevalent challenges faced. My experience spans beyond being a delegate, having served on DeFi Committee A at Optimism, Optimism badge holder since RPGF 2, participated in the GSC at Element Finance, and contributed to the grants council at Compound.

I plan to use that experience to support Uniswap DAO in various ways possible, as a delegate, participating in working groups, and other opportunities that arise. Moreover, I have been an active contributor to the Uniswap DAO through various discussions and working groups like the Uniswap Delegate Reward WG and Gas Rebate discussion.

Delegate Communication Intent

I intend to regularly update the community, ensuring transparency and providing comprehensive insights into my decision-making process.

Possible Conflicts of Interest

I currently work at UMA & Across and am an active governance contributor to Arbitrum DAO.

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Governance-Meta Uniswap Delegate Rewards

Published: Jul 04, 2024

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Uniswap Delegate Rewards

This thread will serve as the monthly updates for the Uniswap delegate rewards. The metrics are calculated by the Accountability Committee and help from Doo who submitted the original proposal.

Here is the spreadsheet where we will record each monthā€™s metrics and payments: Delegate Tracker

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Governance-Meta Uniswap-Arbitrum Grant Program (UAGP) - May/June Reporting

Published: Jul 04, 2024

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Weā€™re back and excited to share more Uniswap-Arbitrum Grant Program (UAGP) updates for May and June.

As June came to a close, it was clear that the UAGP and our grantees were well within the flow of operations, as tracking and reporting came together very efficiently and many milestones were achieved. Excitingly, this past period saw the completion of three grants, whose teams completed their full grant deliverables over the course of the May/June reporting period.

We should note that this reporting represents the final full program update before the completion of the UAGPā€™s term, after which, operations will continue in a purely tracking/reporting capacity with support for grantees. Accordingly, we are currently in the process of creating a UAGP Review report which will encompass our experience operating the UAGP and funding dozens of exciting projects building for a stronger Arbitrum x Uniswap. If you have any feedback on the program or any insights/anecdotes you wish to share with the UAGP for consideration in our review report, please donā€™t hesitate to reach out.

Importantly, our applications still remain open so if youā€™re interested find the link to apply here. Note: this link has changed since our last update to align with Gitcoinā€™s upgrade to Allo v2 across their Grants Stack.

:camera_flash: Program Snapshot

:bookmark_tabs: Applications

This past reporting period has seen application totals taper off following a continuously growing amount month-over-month leading up to May. As of the time of writing, the program has received 140+ applications from a widely diverse group of projects. The following describes the breakdown of application focus by each RFP category. It should be noted that for the second consecutive reporting period, the UAGP have received 0 applications under RFP 2: Arbitrum Testnet with EIP-1153 Enabled.

:moneybag: Financial

Reporting date: July 2nd, 2024

Treasury Overview :moneybag:

Current Treasury (USDC)* Current Treasury (ARB)
1,046,050 162,963

*The UAGP holds the project treasury in USDC stablecoin converted at a rate of $2/ARB to operationally hedge currency risk for projects of ARB token.

Grants Overview :handshake:

Grants Promised for Payout (USD) % of Project Treasury Promised (USD) Grants Already Paid Out (USD) % of Treasury Transferred (USD)
1,048,000 72% 452,670 28%

:gear: Project Outcomes

This reporting period saw five different UAGP grant projects reach milestones, for a total of six milestones. As many of the end-stage milestones begin to come in for projects, we are seeing the full completion of more UAGP grants. This period two grants - Demeter and Concero - completed their final deliverables, which brings the UAGP total to four completed grants.

Milestone Achievements Snapshot :white_check_mark:

Project Milestone Description
Slash Protocol Milestones 2: Arbitrum Volume
Concero Milestone 2: Audit
Ephema Milestone 3: Gas Price Discovery
Demeter Milestone I: Integrations
Demeter Milestone II: Publications
Valence (fka Vanna) Milestone VI: Marketing (50%)
Total 6 Milestones

Finally, one of our accepted grantees, Rabbithole, has made the internal decision to pivot away from focusing on all action types to just narrowing down on Mint action type and serving creators for now. As such, the last funded milestones (I & II) have been returned to the UAGP treasury and the grant will henceforth be completed.

While applications have slowed, weā€™re reaching a critical juncture for the completion and final stage deliverables of grants of already accepted UAGP applicants. We remain excited to track the progress of our grantees as they push toward launching, publishing, and more.

To track the individual project reporting highlights for this period, as well as review their responses to our key metric impact questions, please see our May/June reporting in Notion here.

Contact points

:white_circle: To find all info: UAGP Information Hub

:white_circle: To reach out: Discord

:white_circle: To stay up to date: Twitter

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Delegation Pitch Michigan Blockchain Delegate Platform

Published: Jul 03, 2024

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Michigan Blockchain Delegate Platform

Contact & Delegate information.

Wallet Address: 0x13BDaE8c5F0fC40231F0E6A4ad70196F59138548

ENS: michiganblockchain.eth

Twitter Handle: @UMichBlockchain


Tally Profile 12

Website: General Site 2

About Us

Michigan Blockchain is a student-run organization at the University of Michigan, involved in building blockchain leaders since 2019. We offer our members educational and professional development, in addition to project-based opportunities. Over the past six years, Michigan Blockchain has partnered with over 20 organizations and has governed a combined $30M in delegations. All new members go through a semester-long cohort that teaches them about the fundamentals of blockchain and provides them exposure to a diversity of blockchain applications. Our educational program prepares members for organizational involvement through three main avenues: governance, consulting, and investment.

Governance Overview

Our team has actively participated in governance voting and spearheaded proposal development for 5 primary protocols: Uniswap, Arbitrum, Compound, Origin Protocol, and Stader Labs. Each protocol is assigned a designated expert, responsible for continuous monitoring of the protocolā€™s developments on forums, social media, and voting platforms (Snapshot and Tally).

At committee meetings, protocol leads share updates with the entire governance team on active proposals and debate the pros/cons to reach a collective decision on how to vote with our delegated tokens. We have a high participation rate, having reviewed and kept up our voting record for each delegated protocol. Additionally, our team has successfully led the establishment of proposals from start to finish. Prior to publicization, we collaborate with numerous stakeholders including investors, DAO service providers, and other protocols to draft proposals properly.

By delegating to our organization, you permit your tokens to be effectively and actively used for furthering innovation on the leading decentralized exchange. We aim to have the Uniswap DAO serve as a role model for decentralized community participation and further solidify its position in the DeFi landscape.

Historically, we have interacted on Uniswap forums under individualsā€™ names, but going forward it will be under the Michigan Blockchain name.


  • Fostering an inclusive community that encourages diversity, education, and open-minded discussions to produce the best ideas
  • Ensuring sustainability through the long-term success of the protocol, along with governance token value accrual for the benefit of the DAO without negatively impacting dapp users
  • Promoting open communication and visibility to build trust while prioritizing flexibility to swiftly address issues

Possible Conflicts of Interest

We are active governance contributors to ARB, COMP, OGN, and SD.

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Uncategorized GFX Labs - Delegate Communication Thread

Published: Jul 03, 2024

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This thread is intended to provide a record of GFX Labsā€™ voting and communication around the reasoning of each vote. Subsequent voting communications will be added to this thread over time.

April Proposals

Temp Check - Onboard Uniswap to Sei
Summary: Blockchain Michigan proposed that Sei receive the Uniswap Onboarding Package.

Recommendation: For Incentivize $500K. GFX Labs is always in favor of additional Uniswap deployments. We believe that Sei is a good opportunity for Uniswap to secure an early key position after their launch of Sei v2.

Temp Check - Update Uni v3/v2 Deployment Process (March 2024)
Summary: This proposal contains a series of operational improvements for new v2 and v3 deployments. This proposal would transfer the ability to add new records to v2deployments and v3deployments ENS records to the UAC.

Recommendation: Vote Update Process. The DAO has been operating on an outdated system. This proposal contains logical reforms that should streamline new deployments post-BSL.

Update Uni v3/v2 Deployment Process (March 2024)
Summary: This proposal contains a series of operational improvements for new v2 and v3 deployments. This proposal would transfer the ability to add new records to v2deployments and v3deployments ENS records to the UAC.

Recommendation: Vote For. The DAO has been operating on an outdated system. This proposal contains logical reforms that should streamline new deployments post-BSL.

Temp Check - Uniswap Onboarding Package - Manta
Summary: This proposal adds Manta Pacific to the v3 deployments record and grants Manta an Onboarding Package, which includes $250k of UNI incentives for three months on four key markets and Angle Merklā€™s integration of Manta. Separate from this proposal, Manta has arranged for Oku to support Manta, and the contracts have been deployed.

Recommendation: Vote For. GFX Labs authored the proposal. Read the proposal for full reasoning.

Onboarding Package Bundle
Summary: GFX Labs authored the proposal. The proposal bundles four proposals that have previously been approved in individual temperature checks. While we typically like to avoid bundling proposals, we consulted with the Accountability Committee (AC) and other members of the DAO prior to posting the proposal to weigh the operational headache of getting four delegates to make proposals. In the future, the organization could consider upgrading our governance contract to make it easier to run multiple governance proposals. Please read the proposal for the full context.

Recommendation: Vote For. For the reasons stated in the proposal and related temperature checks, GFX Labs is voting in favor of this proposal.

Temp Check - Uniswap Treasury Working Group (UTWG) Election
Summary: This election would fill two seats on the UTWG.

Recommendation: 20% for Franklin DAO, 20% for Steakhouse Financial Limited, 20% for Nathan van der Heyden, 20% for 404 DAO, 20% for karpatkey.

Mobilizing the Uniswap Treasury
Summary: StableLab proposed the UTWG receive its initial funding of 6,000 UNI. The proposal is co-authored by Arana.

Recommendation Vote For. We support the DAOā€™s exploration of new ways to manage its treasury and are particularly interested in how it might handle protocol-owned liquidity. After deploying UNI incentives to several new EVM chains, it would be great if the DAO could begin allocating ETH-stablecoin and stable-stable LP to chains.

Temp Check - DeFi Education Fund
Summary: GFX Labs sponsored DEFā€™s proposal, which requested 1M UNI. 500K was transferred to the DEFā€™s Coinbase account, and the other 500K will be streamed to the DEF over 12 months. DEFā€™s founding grant came in July 2021. They have two years of operations currently, but for them to fight larger and longer battles, they need additional funding.

Recommendation: Vote For. The DEF has proven to be a great investment for the DAO and the ecosystem. While the initial grant carried added risk because it was a new program and untested, we now have evidence for their quality of work and value.

Temp Check - DeFi Education Fund Options
Summary: Stable introduced a poll to amend the amount of funds requested by the DEF. If the primary Temp Check were to fail the quorum, then this pollā€™s result would be applied to the onchain proposal.

Recommendation: Vote Abstain. Since GFX Labs favored the original proposal, we decided to abstain from voting in the poll.

May Proposals

Temp Check - Uniswap Delegate Reward 3 Months Cycle 1
Summary: StableLab introduced the DAOā€™s first Delegate compensation program. The program will run for three months. Qualifying delegates will receive compensation based on some basic metrics.

Recommendation: Vote For. GFX Labs is in favor of being a delegate compensation program. Delegate compensation is a key issue in attracting and retaining high-quality delegates. While this program is imperfect in many ways, we will not let perfection prevent progress. Instead, we invite (and have done so proactively) other organizations and delegates to propose improved programs. Ideally, the DAO can select a new and improved program each cycle.

Temp Check - Onboard Uniswap to Redstone
Summary: Redstone is requesting to become an official Uniswap deployment and an Onboarding Package. Due to Redstoneā€™s limited TVL and market position, it does not merit an Onboarding Package at this time. We would be happy to reevaluate down the line.

Recommendation: Deploy without incentives. As always, we are in favor of new Uniswap deployments for any chain that follows the process and passes ownership back to the DAO.

DeFi Education Fund
Summary: GFX Labs sponsored DEFā€™s proposal, which requested 1M UNI. 500K was transferred to the DEFā€™s Coinbase account, and the other 500K will be streamed to the DEF over 12 months. DEFā€™s founding grant came in July 2021. They have two years of operations currently, but for them to fight larger and longer battles, they need additional funding.

Recommendation: Vote For. The DEF has proven to be a great investment for the DAO and the ecosystem. While the initial grant carried added risk because it was a new program and untested, we now have evidence for their quality of work and value.

June Proposals

Temp Check - Uniswap Arbitrum LTIPP Matching
Summary: The UADP secured 1M ARB from Arbitrumā€™s LTIPP program. In their application to Arbitrum DAO, the UADP stated that they would request a matching of funds from Uniswap. Gauntlet will manage the rewarded funds via Merklā€™s platform.

Recommendation: Vote (1st) $250k, (2nd) Do Not Fund, (3rd) $500k, (4th) $750k, (5th) $1m. Uniswap has a strong position in Arbitrum. A modest matching of funds with the LTIPP seems appropriate, but we discourage significant investment in Arbitrum over other opportunities.

Uniswap Arbitrum LTIPP Matching
Summary: The UADP secured 1M ARB from Arbitrumā€™s LTIPP program. In their application to Arbitrum DAO, the UADP stated that they would request a matching of funds from Uniswap. Gauntlet will manage the rewarded funds via Merklā€™s platform. The prior temperature check resulted in $750K, which is requested in this onchain proposal.

Recommendation: Vote For. While the amount is more than we had ideally considered, it is within reason. However, we will be unlikely to vote in favor of further UNI allocated to Arbitrum unless there is clear evidence of Uniswap losing meaningful market share and a clear plan for the UNI to combat that issue.

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Proposal Discussion [RFC] Deploy Uniswap v3 on Mantle Network

Published: Jul 03, 2024

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Proposal Summary

  • The purpose of this post is to simply communicate alignment from the Mantle Core Contributor Team, describe the current state of Mantle, and allow for there to be a space on the forums tracking this deployment.
  • All of the Uni v3 contracts have already been deployed (see below), and this deployment has been elected by the DAO to receive $250k UNI worth of incentives.
  • No further actions need to be taken by the DAO.

About Mantle

Network Overview

Mantle Network is an optimistic Ethereum layer-2 (L2) solution with an EVM-compatible execution environment. Mantle is DAO-governed and employs a modular approach to execution, consensus, settlement, and data availability. Mantle Network Mainnet Alpha v1 was launched on July 17, 2023. Mantle Network Mainnet v2 Tectonic was launched on March 15, 2024.

Mantle Network distinguishes itself through a modular chain design by separating transaction, execution, consensus, settlement, and storage into different modules. In Mantle Networkā€™s architecture:

  • The execution layer is EVM-compatible and responsible for transaction execution. A sequencer produces L2 blocks and sends state root data to layer 1 (L1).
  • Consensus and settlement are conducted on Ethereumā€™s L1.
  • Data availability is ensured through Mantle DA, leveraging EigenDA technology to store callback data, which in conventional rollups would be published directly to L1.

This modular approach allows for greater flexibility and optimization across different functionalities of the network.

Mantle Ecosystem comprises of:

  • Mantle Network - A modular Ethereum L2.
  • Mantle Governance - A decentralized autonomous organization (DAO).
  • Mantle Treasury - One of the largest on-chain treasuries in the industry.
  • Mantle LSP - A permissionless, non-custodial ETH liquid staking protocol deployed on Ethereum L1 and governed by Mantle.

Mantle Network is governed by Mantle token (MNT), which serves as the central element in Mantle Ecosystem, fulfilling multiple roles including being the native gas token for transaction fees and fueling ecosystem growth. Itā€™s also the governance token that empowers the community to make decisions about the ecosystemā€™s future directions.

In an effort to spur innovation and development, Mantle also has financial initiatives like Mantle Grants Program and Mantle EcoFund, the latter boasting a sizable $200 million catalyzed capital pool, more on this below. All future products under the Mantle banner will be community-driven and initiated through voting by Mantle (MNT) token holders.

Network Architecture

Source: Mantle Docs

Benefits to Uniswap

Mantle Network

Since its launch, Mantle has seen more than 104 million transactions and over 5.3 million unique addresses transact on the network. At its peak, it reached 194,158 active addresses. To date, over 6,000 developers have deployed more than 1.2 million contracts.

As of the time of writing, Mantle has approximately ~$719 million total value bridged (TVB) and over ~$433 million in total value locked (TVL) across 74 different DeFi protocols, according to DefiLlama. According to L2Beat, Mantle is currently the 5th highest TVL among other L2 ecosystems at ~$1.24 billion. These metrics indicate a thriving ecosystem that Uniswap could benefit from by tapping into an existing, active user base.

Source: DefiLlama (as of July 2, 2024)


As a close ecosystem partner and sponsor, Bybit works hand-in-hand with Mantle to develop new technologies that let people work, engage, and transact together in new ways. Bybit is committed to supporting Mantle Ecosystem, which would in turn power and grow the Bybit ecosystem. Bybit aims to act as a seamless gateway for its users to access decentralized applications built on Mantle Network, enabling users access to web3 trading experiences powered by advanced blockchain technology.

Source: Coinmarketcap (as of July 2, 2024)

Bybit, currently ranked as the 4th top spot exchange and 2nd top derivatives exchange by Coinmarketcap, offers direct access to Mantle Network. The exchangeā€™s global user base has surged by 300% in a little more than a year, from 10 million users in Q3 2022 to over 30 million as of now. Uniswapā€™s deployment on Mantle Network would provide immediate access to this extensive and growing user base due to Bybitā€™s native support for Mantle Network deposits and withdrawals.

Mantle Treasury

Mantle Treasury is unmatched in terms of size. The treasury holds more than $1.08 billion in assets excluding its own tokens (MNT) ā€” the largest of any other DAO ā€” which means ample runway to weather multiple market cycles. It also has around $2.35 billion worth of MNT tokens, which provides a significant war chest to incentivize and bootstrap ecosystem growth.

Source: Mantle (as of July 2, 2024)

Two proposals, MIP-24, and MIP-25, have since been passed to establish two key authorities that will carry out ecosystem funding and bootstrapping activities.

Mantle EcoFund

Mantle EcoFund is a strategic initiative designed to inject $200 million into Mantle Ecosystem over the next three years. Comprising $100 million from Mantleā€™s own Treasury and an additional $100 million matched by Strategic Venture Partners, the EcoFund serves multiple key objectives. These include supporting entrepreneurs and technologies within Mantle Ecosystem, accelerating adoption among developers and dApps, and incentivizing strategic partnerships. The fund will act as a seed investor in high-potential, early-stage projects and has the flexibility to provide additional liquidity or follow-on investments to successful ventures.

Mantle Economics Committee

The Mantle Economics Committee (EC) is a specialized sub-governance body operating under Mantle Governance. It will focus primarily on making informed, risk-averse decisions about the allocation of Mantle Treasury assets, without directly holding custody of these assets.

The Committee is authorized to manage Mantle LSP and ETH staking strategies, with allowances up to 250K ETH, and has the flexibility to enter and exit these strategies based on commercial negotiations and risk evaluations. The Committee adopts a highly conservative risk management approach and operates within governance rules that prioritize caution in strategy entries while allowing quicker exits. Its diverse membership will include representatives from Mantle Governance, the Mantle community, and Mantle Core Contributor teams.

As of the time of writing, the EC has since tabled their 3rd proposal (MIP-28) for the DAO to allocate up to:

  • A combined allowance of $300 million USDx, 250,000 ETH, 2,000 BTC, and 400 million MNT in liquidity support for applications.
  • A combined allowance of $250 million in USDx seed liquidity for RWA-backed stablecoins.
  • A combined allowance of $100 million equivalents for market-neutral liquid fund subscriptions.

Mantle Liquid Staking Protocol (LSP) & Mantle Staked Ether (mETH)

Mantle Liquid Staking Protocol (LSP) is the second core product of Mantle Ecosystem. Mantle LSP is a permissionless, non-custodial ETH liquid staking protocol deployed on Ethereum L1 and governed by Mantle. Mantle Staked Ether (mETH) serves as the value-accumulating receipt token for Mantle LSP.

Since its launch in December 2023, Mantle LSP & mETH had achieved over 500,000 ETH staked and an all-time-high TVL of over $2.195 billion on 12 March 2024, only ~3 months from its initial launch. According to DeFiLlama, mETH is currently ranked 4th among industry-leading liquid staking protocols at $1.646 billion TVL.

Source: DeFiLlama (as of July 2, 2024)

This rapid success could be attributed to the employed mETH Double-Dose Drive program, in which Mantle Treasury subsidized the mETH native yield through its treasury assets to achieve ~7.2% APY for 2 months, double that of the market reference rate for ETH liquid staking protocols.

Proposal Stakeholders

Proposer: Mantle Core Contributor Team

Deployer: GFX Labs

Bridge Provider: Mantle Native Bridge

Target Chain: Mantle Network

Proposal Sponsor: N/A

Deployment Details

As is the case with all canonical v3 deployments, this deployment will be subject to Ethereum Layer 1 Uniswap Protocol governance and control. The text record of the uniswap.eth ENS subdomain titled v3-deployments.uniswap.eth will be amended by the Accountability Committee to include the reference to the stated v3 contracts. The below contracts have been verified.

Relevant Uni v3 Contracts

v3CoreFactoryAddress: 0x0d922Fb1Bc191F64970ac40376643808b4B74Df9
Multicall2: 0xcb2436774C3e191c85056d248EF4260ce5f27A9D
Permit2: 0x5d6b0f5335ec95cD2aB7E52f2A0750dd86502435
Universal Router: 0x447B8E40B0CdA8e55F405C86bC635D02d0540aB8
multicall2Address: 0xE3dbcD53f4Ce1b06Ab200f4912BD35672e68f1FA
proxyAdminAddress: 0x454050C4c9190390981Ac4b8d5AFcd7aC65eEffa
tickLensAddress: 0x38EB9e62ABe4d3F70C0e161971F29593b8aE29FF
nftDescriptorLibraryAddressV1_3_0: 0x743E03cceB4af2efA3CC76838f6E8B50B63F184c
nonfungibleTokenPositionDescriptorAddressV1_3_0: 0x8B3c541c30f9b29560f56B9E44b59718916B69EF
descriptorProxyAddress: 0x6Aa54a43d7eEF5b239a18eed3Af4877f46522BCA
nonfungibleTokenPositionManagerAddress: 0x5911cB3633e764939edc2d92b7e1ad375Bb57649
v3MigratorAddress: 0xaa52bB8110fE38D0d2d2AF0B85C3A3eE622CA455
v3StakerAddress: 0x807F4E281B7A3B324825C64ca53c69F0b418dE40
quoterV2Address: 0xdD489C75be1039ec7d843A6aC2Fd658350B067Cf
swapRouter02: 0x738fD6d10bCc05c230388B4027CAd37f82fe2AF2

The Uniswap contracts are owned by this crosschain account controlled by the Uniswap DAO on L1.


There are no further steps needed to be taken by the DAO since the $250k incentive package for Mantle has been voted FOR by the DAO.

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Proposal Discussion Enhancing Uniswap Presence on Ethereum Layer-2s

Published: Jul 02, 2024

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DapDap proposes to leverage its composable front-end to build an alternative, intuitive Uniswap frontend and to collaborate with related DeFi projects to improve Uniswapā€™s market share. Our objective is to support emerging Ethereum Layer-2 networks and reinforce deployments where Uniswap is not the dominant player ā€” specifically on Linea and Scroll ā€” by deploying a user-friendly front-end and building strategic business relationships to drive liquidity and adoption.

Context and Opportunity

DapDap serves as the ultimate gateway to Ethereum Layer-2 solutions, simplifying Web3 navigation for over 130,000 users since its launch in February, 2024. With a guiding mission to democratize DeFi access, the platform offers a one-stop portal to 200+ dApps across 17+ Ethereum Layer-2 networks.

With a proven success in onboarding a significant amount of volume and transactions, DapDap continues to collaborate with industry-leading Ethereum solutions on a regular basis, such as: Base, Blast, Linea, Manta, Scroll, and more. Recent campaigns saw DapDap onboard 16,000+ users to Linea, 22,000+ users to Scroll, and 14,000+ users to Blast, with total DeFi volume coming through DapDap surpassing $100M in transactions only 3 months after launch.

In the past, weā€™ve worked closely together with our partners at Linea (Consensys) to develop our first iteration of a fully open-source & decentralized Uniswap v3 front-end, as an initiative to support Uniswap adoption on Linea (link).

Weā€™ve also recently received a grant from Base to build a custom Uniswap front-end for the Sepolia Testnet to facilitate product testing for builders worldwide. Link

Problem Statement

In the process of developing the alternative Uniswap frontend on Linea, we realised that

Uniswapā€™s v3 contracts are live on 17 networks, as part of the Uniswap DAOā€™s initiative to expand its services to various EVM-compatible networks. However, besides oku, there is a lack of local Layer-2 market focus and initiatives that lead to user conversion and market penetration. Out of the 17 major EVM & Ethereum networks, the Uniswap contract accounts for less than 1% of the total total value locked (TVL) in 6 of them.

Possible factors hindering Uniswapā€™s local market penetration include:

  • Limited Reach - lack of an official Uniswap front-end support on many emerging Ethereum Layer-2 networks.
  • Competitive Positioning - native DEXs have an inherent advantage in building local engagement by incentivising liquidity for native tokens.
  • Absence of the canonical Uniswap-themed Interface - absence of a simple and familiar Uniswap front-end across some Layer-2s, creates for significant barriers to onboarding retail users

DapDap Proposal

  1. Unique Value Proposition

Existing User Base:

  • DapDap is a platform with +130,000 retail users, averaging +10,000 daily visits and 2,000+ daily users completing on-chain transactions
  • Direct accessibility to 200+ applications across 17 chains, giving us the ability to easily direct users to DapDapā€™s Uniswap frontend with a superior UX

Front-end Composability:

  • DapDapā€™s main value lies in its frontend composability, giving access to Uniswap, LP vaults (e.g, Gamma), lending (e.g., Layerbank), and bridging (e.g., Across) within a single UI

  • Simple user journey centred around Uniswap as a DEX

  • Competitive UX compared to other local DEXs

Business Development:

  • Existing relationships with 200+ integrated DeFi applications across 17 chains
  • Natural fit to build business relationships for Uniswap with local complementary DeFi services like lending, bridges, vaults, etc.
  • Ability to integrate external DeFi features into our Uniswap-focused interface, run marketing campaigns, and direct user attention towards Uniswap instead of local DEXs
  1. Development and Deployment

Allocation of 5k $UNI for DapDap team efforts per network:

  • 3k $UNI for initial development:

    • UI/UX design (1 week)
    • Front-end Development (4 weeks):
    • Swap, Account component, Liquidity management
    • Slippage settings, Local token whitelisting function, Smart-routing
    • Additional functionality (2 weeks):
  • Block explorer support, i18n, Transaction data page, Embedded bridge aggregator functionality

  • 1k $UNI for maintenance (server and dev costs) for one year

  • 1k $UNI for continued integration of new DeFi services

Total cost per Network: 5k $UNI

Selected Initial Networks to Deploy: Linea, Scroll

Total Cost for 2 Networks: 10k $UNI

  1. User and Business Engagement Strategies

Allocation of 5k $UNI for Business Development & Marketing per network integration

Leverage DapDapā€™s Existing DeFi Partner Network:

  • Utilize DapDapā€™s established relationships with over 200 integrated DeFi applications across 17 chains to promote Uniswap; build partnerships with key local DeFi projects, such as lending platforms, bridges, and vaults etc.
  • Integrate these local DeFi services into DapDapā€™s Uniswap-focused interface, creating a seamless user experience and directing attention towards Uniswap.

Focused Marketing and Community Engagement:

Total cost per Network: 5k $UNI

Selected Initial Networks to Support: Linea, Scroll

Total Cost for 2 Networks: 10k $UNI

Expected Outcomes

  • Improved accessibility to Uniswapā€™s liquidity pools on emerging Ethereum Layer-2 networks through the DapDap-built Uniswap interface
  • Enhanced user engagement and participation in Uniswapā€™s ecosystem via DapDapā€™s streamlined interface and gamified features
  • Increased liquidity provision and trading volume on Uniswap, resulting in expanded market penetration and strengthened market presence
  • Enhanced penetration into Layer-2s via frontend composability, enabling users to swap on Uniswap and interact with other dApps on DapDap

Reporting and Measurement

If the proposal is approved, DapDap will complete all integrations and relevant business development within 45 days and launch accordingly. After launch, DapDap will provide quarterly reports to the Uniswap DAO on user activity (#users, #transactions, #volume) on the integrated DapDap interface. If improvements are needed, we will communicate accordingly.

Closing Note

Iā€™m sharing this as a discussion point. If you endorse this concept or a variation of it, please respond here or contact me directly. Depending on the level of support, Iā€™ll look into developing this initiative further. This proposal represents the start of our enduring commitment to collaborating with and benefiting the Uniswap ecosystem as an alternative interface and valuable contributor. This strategic integration intends to facilitate wider adoption and boost participation in the Ethereum Layer-2 DeFi space.

Mock up



Third Party Vaults:


8 posts - 5 participants

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Proposal Discussion Onboarding Package for Gnosis Chain

Published: Jun 27, 2024

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  • Overview
  • Motivation
  • About Gnosis Chain
  • Benefits to Uniswap
  • Cost and Timeline
  • Stakeholders


Gnosis Chain is a community-owned, EVM-compatible network operated by a diverse set of 200k+ validators around the world. In the last two quarters (Q4 2023 and Q1 2024), Gnosis Chain experienced significant growth reaching over $300 Million in TVL. The DeFi sector added numerous established blue chip projects and now powers a vibrant ecosystem including Spark, Aave, Balancer, Curve, CoW Swap, 1inch and Connext among others.

Since Gnosis Chainā€™s focus on revolutionising the payments infrastructure to make decentralized financial tools accessible and usable for all, we feel it fitting for Uniswap to tap into the ecosystem.

This proposal requests a retroactive Onboarding Package for Gnosis Chain.


While already deployed on Gnosis Chain, Uniswap is not currently capitalizing on it. This proposal aims to change that.

One of the key areas of focus suggested by the Uniswap Deployments Accountability Committee to expand the Uniswap ecosystem is ā€œUniswap Revitalization and Growthā€. In their recent work, a large emphasis is on revisiting some of the old deployments and proactively capturing first-mover advantage on promising new chains.

As Gnosis Chain experienced significant growth across Q4 2023 and Q1 2024, we believe the chain aligns perfectly with the scope of the Uniswap Revitalization and Growth initiative. Uniswapā€™s deployment on Gnosis Chain was completed in early 2022, hence Gnosis Chain was never a beneficiary of the ā€œOnboarding Packageā€ that is now included as a standard element of deployment proposals.

We believe there are synergies between Uniswap and Gnosis Chain as well as a strong potential for Gnosis Chain to generate high volumes and mobilize an influx of new users to Uniswap because of its focus on payments and financial tools.

As a comparison, Balancer processed over $590 Million in volumes YTD (end of May) on Gnosis Chain, making it the second-largest alternative EVM market for the DeFi protocol (similarly to Uniswap, Arbitrum is the first). Gnosis Chain has a larger positive impact on Balancerā€™s volumes than other more prominent networks like Polygon ($284M YTD) or Base ($80.8M YTD).

We believe that additional visibility and an incentive program would enable both Uniswap and Gnosis Chain to tap into their synergies resulting in positive growth on both ends.

About Gnosis Chain

Gnosis Chain is a community-owned, EVM-compatible network operated by a diverse set of 200k+ validators around the world. It features fast transaction times (5 seconds) and low transaction fees (500 tx for $0.01) with the unique advantage of having a stable token as a base asset for transactions and gas fees.

One of the first Ethereum sidechains, Gnosis Chainā€™s core values are resilience and credible neutrality. By allowing contributors to easily run a node, Gnosis Chain created a community-owned, anti-fragile network secured by a geographically diverse validator set. Its strong culture of at-home stakers (not reliant on cloud providers or data centres) and its community governance ensure Gnosis Chain remains credibly neutral at a lower price point than Mainnet.

Gnosis Chain underpins the Gnosis collective of aligned projects revolutionising the payments infrastructure to make decentralised financial tools accessible and usable for all. The collective features established blue chip projects like Safe as well as prominent ones like Gnosis Pay and Monerium.

In the last two quarters (Q4 2023 and Q1 2024), Gnosis Chain experienced significant growth reaching over $300 Million in TVL. The DeFi sector added numerous established blue chip projects and now powers a vibrant ecosystem including Spark, Aave, Balancer, Curve, CoW Swap, 1inch and Connext among others.

Benefits to Uniswap

The Multichain Uniswap approach has proven successful with approx. 35% of trading volumes in the last 6 months come from non-Ethereum-Mainnet deployments.

Since Gnosis Chainā€™s focus on revolutionising the payments infrastructure to make decentralized financial tools accessible and usable for all, we feel it fitting for Uniswap to tap into the ecosystem. The potential for Uniswap to capture the inflow of new and existing users leveraging Gnosis Chain as a payments infrastructure is a promising opportunity for the project to reach a new audience.

Gnosis Chain underpins the Gnosis collective of aligned projects, building synergic services to Uniswap. Among those, Safe and Gnosis Pay. Safe Smart Accounts count 9.1 Million accounts deployed with $100B+ in total assets stored and VIP individuals (e.g. Vitalik) using them. Gnosis Pay is the worldā€™s first on-chain spending account with a Visa Debit Card linked to a self-custodial blockchain wallet, connected with 80 Million merchants worldwide. Roll-out in Europe and the United Kingdom has already started, with upcoming new Countries including Brazil and Argentina. That is a combined population of approx. 1.45 Billion people.

Additionally, Gnosis Chain powers a growing DeFi sector with numerous blue chip projects added since Q4 2023. These include Aave, whose market on Gnosis Chain has grown rapidly since its launch 7 months ago and is now larger than the lending protocolā€™s markets on Base and Scroll (as of May 2024). sDAI (MakerDAOā€™s interest-earning DAI) accumulated over $68 Million TVL since October 2023. Focusing on the on-chain trading vertical, Balancer processed over $590 Million in volumes YTD (end of May) on Gnosis Chain, making it the second-largest alternative EVM market for the DeFi protocol (similarly to Uniswap, Arbitrum is the first). This means, Gnosis Chain has a larger positive impact on Balancerā€™s volumes than other more prominent networks like Polygon ($284M YTD) or Base ($80.8M YTD).

Based on the above and observing Uniswapā€™s performance across blockchains, we anticipate the protocol will replicate its success in capturing market share on Gnosis Chain.


Gnosis Chain is committed to providing easy and secure access to Ethereum L1 and other Layer 1 and Layer 2 ecosystems. For this reason, multiple bridging options are available to connect with Gnosis Chain.

The Omnibridge is a native token bridge that connects Ethereum and Gnosis Chain (and vice-versa) by minting the canonical representation of bridged assets on Gnosis. The Omnibridge is built on top of the Arbitrary Message Bridge (AMB), a key bridge primitive that is used inside higher-order bridges like the Omnibridge and allows Gnosis contracts to send data and trigger contract functions on Ethereum and vice-versa. Therefore, the Omnibridge relies on the same trust models and group of Trusted Bridge Validators as the AMB. Part of these validators is Succinct Labā€™s zkSNARK-enabled Light Client, Telepathy. Telepathy is a key component of the AMB bridge ecosystem as it enhances security and reliability for cross-chain transactions by providing validity proofs via zkSNARKs that ensure trustless verification of transaction events across chains.

The xDAI bridge is a native DAI bridge from Ethereum that is used to mint and burn xDAI, the native asset used for gas and transaction fees on Gnosis.

Gnosis has a long-term roadmap to move towards trustless bridges and is investing resources into trust-minimization of its bridges, to ensure trust and safety of users. Hashi is an EVM Hash Oracle Aggregator designed to enhance cross-chain bridge security by aggregating block headers from various sources. It supports 15+ General Message Passing bridges and ZK light clients, promoting redundancy and reducing reliance on single mechanisms. By requiring validation from multiple independent mechanisms, Hashi ensures greater resilience against security incidents. Gnosis plans to gradually migrate its canonical bridges to Hashiā€™s distributed trust model with the goal of strengthening security, decentralisation and interoperability.

Additionally, Gnosis Chain is supported within independent bridge solutions that enable the cross-chain connection with other Layer 1 and Layer 2 ecosystems. These include Jumper (provided by Li.Fi), Bungee, Hop, Connext, DLN (debridge), LayerZero, Chainlink CCIP and Wormhole.

Cost and Timeline

This proposal requests a retroactive Onboarding Package for Gnosis Chain as well as costs for Merkl and Oku integrations. To be voted on Snapshot:

  • $250k
  • $500k
  • $750k
  • $1m
  • Do Not Fund
  • Abstain

Please note that each of the options with incentives will include a Oku and Merkl integration package (21.6k and 105k).


Proposal sponsor - karpatkey. karpatkey is a delegate both in the Uniswap DAO and in the Gnosis DAO.

Deployer - The relevant smart contracts have already been deployed.

Target chain: Gnosis Chain by GnosisDAO.

9 posts - 7 participants

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Delegation Pitch TanƩ Delegate Platform

Published: Jun 27, 2024

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Basic Info

Name: TanƩ

Delegate Address: tanegov.eth 0xB79294D00848a3A4C00c22D9367F19B4280689D7

Delegate Profile:

X (Twitter):


Internal Tracker:


TanƩ is formed with a group of crypto-native product builders, based in Tokyo, Dubai and New York. We are backed by SoftBank, and Japanese tech giants like DeNA, GREE, MIXI, and closely work with the big Japanese enterprises and have great relationship with Japanese crypto communities.

Our investment arm has invested in and supported various innovating projects that contribute to the decentralized society enabled by the new blockchain technology. Our network operation entity started directly contributing to the ecosystem by being validators for the core infrastructures and protocols that make Web3 move forward and contributors to the DAOs that manage them. We have been active as delegates in dYdX, Arbitrum and Optimism.

Takeshi, Head of Network Operations, who worked for Twitter as a senior software engineer and for SmartNews, a Japanese unicorn startup that provides a news aggregation mobile app with 30M MAU as a product manager, is the main representative of the account.


Our investment arm has invested in a number of projects and we will take appropriate actions if potential conflict of interests arise.

2 posts - 1 participant

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Delegation Pitch Curia Delegate Platform

Published: Jun 18, 2024

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Key Information

  • Name: Curia
  • Delegate ENS: curia-delegates.eth
  • Delegate Address: 0x17296956b4E07Ff8931E4ff4eA06709FaB70b879
  • Forum Username: @curia
  • Telegram: @v3dao
  • Twitter: curia_gov
  • Website:

About Us
Curia Lab is a team of seasoned DAO governance researchers, data analysts, blockchain engineers, and developers. We are committed to strengthening the DAO ecosystem through specialized tools, insights, and delegate services.

Our Goal for Uniswap
Curia Lab aligns with Uniswapā€™s vision of an open, efficient, and decentralized financial system. Our goal is to leverage our experience in data-driven governance to support Uniswapā€™s core values. We aim to enhance Uniswapā€™s decision-making, transparency, and progressive decentralization. Our commitment to fostering innovation, ensuring user protection, and promoting financial inclusion will help Uniswap achieve sustained growth and maintain its leadership as a top DEX.

As a team deeply involved in governance research and DAO operations, we engage with various projects and DAOs such as Optimism, Safe, Arbitrum, Gnosis, etc. to improve their governance. We pledge to maintain transparency and manage any potential conflicts of interest responsibly, especially in our dealings with Uniswap and its community.

Waiver of Liability
By delegating to Curia for Uniswap governance, delegators acknowledge that Curia will participate on a best-effort basis and will not be liable for any damages related to this participation.

3 posts - 2 participants

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Uncategorized May '24 Uniswap Report

Published: Jun 17, 2024

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Hello Uniswap Community,

We published our most recent issue of the Uniswap Monthly Report, summarizing protocol metrics for May 2024.

You can find our latest report at and subscribe for future monthly releases.

Hereā€™s the executive summary:

  • In May 2024, the Uniswap Protocol processed $73.96 billion in monthly volume (-4.54%) across $7.19 billion in liquidity (+14.8%), earning market makers $120.82 million in fees (-3.6%).

  • Across all chains, Ethereum saw the most Uniswap volume with $34.31 billion in v3 pools, seconded by Arbitrum. Linea had the highest month-over-month growth in volume and fees.

  • This month, the protocol experienced a relative increase in volume (+7.6%), liquidity (+3.1%), and fees (+6.2%) over competing DEX protocols.

  • Layer 2 deploymentsā€™ share of volume and fees fell to 30.0% and 17.8% respectively. However, the deployments reached an all-time high in liquidity share, at 14.8%.

The report contains charts and tables displaying the data and exact figures. Weā€™re eager to continue aggregating this data and sharing our findings.

*Data was sourced primarily from the Oku API, with help from DeFiLlama and TradingView.

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Proposal Discussion Unisocks price feed, Uniswap=oracle

Published: Jun 15, 2024

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Etherscan is reporting wrong price for Socks. Uniswap wallet is taking the wrong price feed from Etherscan and republishing it. And the root cause for it is Pulsex exchange. As I understand it- Pulsex exchange is trading copyā€™s of tokens(I didnā€™t try it- donā€™t intend to do so- it is a scam). How this is getting to Etherscan is a mystery to me.

Uniswap is its own oracle and should behave like that. All price feeds should come from Uniswap only.

3 posts - 2 participants

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Governance-Meta Uniswap-Arbitrum Grant Program (UAGP) - Midway Learnings & Survey

Published: Jun 11, 2024

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As the Uniswap Arbitrum Grant Program (UAGP) reports bi-monthly (our last program/grantee updates for April can be found here), we wanted to take the opportunity of this mid-point in our program to reflect on the programā€™s progress, learnings along the way, and participant satisfaction through the feedback of program participants.

As such, this off-month reporting will first start with highlighting our key learnings from the UAGP to date before exploring a breakdown of our mid-way survey which gave grantees a forum for telling us how weā€™re doing.

Additionally, aligned with Gitcoin revamping the Gitcoin Grants Stack, our grants platform of choice, we took the opportunity of this extension to streamline application questions to account for applicant feedback weā€™ve received to date. Importantly, this means that our application link has changed since our last update. Submissions to the UAGP remain open and we are encouraging prospective builders to reach out and apply here.

UAGP Mid-Way Survey

With the UAGP operations working along at full speed, we wanted to take a moment to check-in with our program grantees, to better understand their experience and find any areas to improve. As such, we created a short survey - a mix of qualitative & quantitative questions - which gave UAGP grantees an opportunity to describe their experience in the program thus far. We had 9 grantees respond to the survey, with their feedback detailed below.

The responses highlighted some of our programā€™s strengths, with the average satisfaction rating from respondents of 9.2/10.

Respondents also noted communication and responsiveness as a strength of the UAGP committee, rating responsiveness at 9.7 out of 10 on average.

Debatably, the piece of feedback weā€™re proudest to share is the 9.8/10 average likelihood of participants to recommend the UAGP to peers.

In general, weā€™re pleased with the results of our survey and more importantly generated tangible learnings from the direct insights of program participants. We are mindful that these are opinions from accepted grantees and naturally are inclined toward more positive experiences with the UAGP. However, we still believe its worthwhile to run this exercise to test ourselves for any apparent gaps. This assumption was stress-tested by the fact no individual response rated the likelihood to recommend the UAGP to peers lower than a 9.

UAGP Learnings

Over the past five months, operating the UAGP has taught us several valuable lessons about managing a cross-ecosystem grant program, and we wanted to take a moment to highlight some of the more relevant learnings weā€™ve collected from our recent operations lately. A summary first, then addressing each learning in more detail below:

Key Learnings:

  1. Reporting Alignment: We adjusted our reporting processes from monthly to bimonthly to better align with the long-term focus of UAGP grants, reducing burnout and creating a more streamlined reporting flow.
  2. Cross Ecosystem Collaboration: We initiated a Grant Program alignment group to streamline cross-ecosystem collaboration and communication, addressing eligibility and overlap issues between Uniswap and Arbitrum grant programs.
  3. Prospective Applicant Perspectives: Discussions with rejected applicants highlighted the need for specific evaluation feedback, a clearer assessment rubric, and more streamlined application forms; all concerns we feel confident we have addressed.

One major insight was the opportunity to adapt our reporting processes to better align with the nature of our grants (and grantees!). Given the long-term focus of UAGP grants, and the associated longer feedback loops between project initiation and milestone achievement, we pushed reporting and tracking tasks from monthly to bimonthly. In practice, this reporting change allows grantees to focus on their work and report only the most salient details in a period, reducing the risk of burnout for both grantees and community members involved in monthly reporting. This adjustment has been the latest adjustment in what we believe to now be a very streamlined reporting flow for grantees and the DAOs.

Another insight came about when awareness for the UAGP picked began to pick up: we faced increasing overlaps with applications relevant to other parts of the Uniswap or Arbitrum ecosystem. This resulted in a manual process of having multiple bilateral Telegram chats with the other relevant Grant Programs / Foundations on the Uniswap and Arbitrum side sending applicants to different parts of the ecosystem and checking potential eligibility. While in the Uniswap ecosystem the ways are short and we have one specific counterparty for Grants (Aaron), on the Arbitrum side there are several relevant Grant programs. This led us to initiate an overarching Grant Program alignment group and helped steer initiatives to streamline this process through joint communication channels, incl. tackling topics such as potential double-dipping.

Finally, we have also had several open topics and learnings emerge from the vibrant UAGP community discussions which play out across many forums and include all stakeholders, from delegates to rejected & prospective UAGP applicants. In particular, in community discussions with rejected UAGP applicants who raised concerns about perceived incongruities in the program, we were given deeper insight into the applicant perspective and journey through the UAGP. While at times it is important to take these opinions with a grain of salt, we hear all opinions with the utmost respect and consideration:

  • Provide specific feedback to every applicant: While we would love to provide personalized feedback to every applicant, it is difficult due to the sheer volume of applications. Currently, we offer detailed feedback to applicants who specifically request it. If the DAO decides that every applicant should receive detailed denial feedback, we are happy to factor this into capacity planning for a potential extension of the program.
  • Make evaluation of all grantees public: While we have public evaluation rubrics to promote transparency on how our committee is assessing projects, in line with other leading grant programs within web3 including Arbitrum Foundation Grants and Plurality Labs, we do not make specific evaluation of grantees public. We decided to follow this market standard due to mitigate potential negative follow-on effects on denied applicants that could results out of a bad rating.
  • Reduce number of application questions: In response to feedback about the programā€™s application questions being difficult to align with projects, we have simplified them in our recent extension round update to make it streamline this process for applicants.

We deeply appreciate the communityā€™s ongoing support and feedback, which help us strengthen the UAGP. We welcome all community feedback as we strive to build the best possible program.

We hope this mid-term survey and learnings help shine transparency on the current operation of the program. Our DMs are always open for thoughts or comments on what other data points to include going forward. Weā€™re thrilled with the progress so far and are excited to continue extended operations for a few more months. Please stay tuned for next monthā€™s full reporting as more downstream milestones (and launches!) are beginning to be achieved.

Contact Points

:white_circle: To find all info: UAGP Information Hub

:white_circle: To reach out: Discord

:white_circle: To stay up to date: Twitter

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Governance-Meta Diversity for Working Groups

Published: Jun 09, 2024

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My observation is that working groups tend to be the self-appointed board followed by co-opting (election/ratification) of ā€œinnerā€ circle. Whilst it gets shit done, it tends to overlook:
a) those busy and missed the window to object/vote
b) passive participants due to language, shunning or some other access barriers
c) people with key skills but without compensation donā€™t wish to volunteer (opportunity costs)

The nomination/ratification addresses some aspects but a competitive bidding / boasting round tends to elevate those with the most popularity or biggest voice. These may not be truly representative of the entire Uniswap ecosystem (welcome data to confirm/nullify).

LexDAO has been experimenting with sourceCred, a system that passively monitors discord activity. What it does is looks at activity and creates a graph measuring ā€œengagementā€.


Theoretically, if we run the right type of analysis we can look at the contrib/listen ratios eg (from another tool)

For those that want to shift away from a ā€œboardā€ style WG selection towards more do-ocracy WG, this may be a useful meta-gov technique to identify under-represented groups and deliberately engage them, either direct or via delegates to represent their interests. This may be considered when there are DAO-wide impacts like selection of legal entities (deliberately plural).

Questions to consider

  1. is the current system of populating working groups good enough?

  2. is there evidence one way or another that certain ecosystem profiles are not represented in particiating in governance?

  3. should there be options to deliberately include contrary or minority opinions for potentially contentious decision making? cf 10th-man rule or concept of loyal opposition.

|| The reason why this is a sensitive topic is that to implement sourceCred, it needs access to the discord server and comes with privacy concerns. ||

5 posts - 3 participants

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Governance-Meta Next Steps for Uniswap Delegate Reward

Published: Jun 04, 2024

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Hello everyone, the proposal Uniswap Delegate Reward has passed and executed and thanks for all the feedback and support. Here are the next steps:

  1. The Delegate Reward for 12 Delegates will be available starting June 2024. The basic requirement is of following:

-Maintain 80% onchain and offchain voting participation for the past 3 months. Achieving this will provide $3,000 USD worth of $UNI

The snapshot date for the past 3 months for June will be taken at July 1st 9pm CET. Only proposals that have been completed would be counted (so if thereā€™s a voting that for example go for June 30 to July 4th, as the voting is still ongoing as of July 1st, it wonā€™t count as part of voting participation)

  1. Thereā€™s also additional reward (only available if the above Requirement of Voting Participation is fulfilled):

-Write rationale for the voting on their delegate profile. Achieving this will provide an additional $3,000 USD worth of $UNI

While there are some discussions around when writing the rationale would be the most effective (for example, some would argue while the voting is still happening while some say within a week or two after the voting), for this month, we believe having it available till July 3rd 9pm CET for votings that have finished in June seems reasonable so that even if it ended on the last day of June, a delegate has time to write up the rationale. For easier tracking as well as for transparency with the community, please create a delegate profile and share the updates and rationales there as is a standard across different DAOs. Of course, sharing via other ways such as snapshot or tally is possible but it wonā€™t count as fulfilling this requirement for this month.

  1. Accountability Committee will help to keep track of these and share the status and qualification by July 8th. The delegates and the community will have till July 12 to challenge the result (for example, a delegate voted on a certain proposal but Accountability Committee mistakenly marked it down as not voted and thus challenged). If all is good or corrected, the first payments can be sent by the Accountability Committee on the week of July 15th. We are sure as the process becomes more streamlined, the payments can be sent earlier as time goes.

Regarding Uniswap Delegate Reward Working Group

  1. The Uniswap Delegate Reward Working Group will be given the template to fill the hours for the retro payment (the max hours will be 40 hours). Please fill them by June 7th 9pm CET. Some members might take longer but please fill them by June 10th 9pm CET by the latest. Then the Accountability Committee will proceed with sending the payments.

  2. The current Uniswap Delegate Reward Working Group will be dissolved. We welcome formations of new groups / ideas for the upcoming Cycle 2

2 posts - 1 participant

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Temperature Check Arbitrum LTIPP Incentive Matching

Published: Jun 04, 2024

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Authors: @AbdullahUmar, @Juanbug (Uniswap Arbitrum Delegate Program (UADP))


  • In April, the UADP submitted an application to participate in the Arbitrum LTIPP (long term incentive program pilot)
  • We were able to receive 1,000,000 of ARB, the largest amount out of all other DEX applicants
  • In our application, we stated that
    • ā€œthe UADP will request the Uni DAO to decide whether or not it wants to partially match this 1.0M ARB ask. The options the DAO has to vote on are four: $250k, $500k, $750k, and $1M. We cannot guarantee that the DAO will vote to match incentives, but we will make a best-effort attempt and report the results of the temperature checkā€
  • We will be collaborating with Gauntlet and Merkl to distribute the incentives (cost breakdowns are below)
  • To those ends, we are running this temperature check to see if the DAO is interested in matching the given LTIPP grant to some capacity

About the LTIPP Application

Uniswap did not apply to the first two rounds of Arbitrum incentives (STIP 1 & 2). This was for two reasons:

  • Native DEXs and smaller protocols deserve a chance to make a name for themselves and perhaps offer unique protocols for trading
  • We did not have a formal structure like the UADP to help facilitate an application

Since many native DEXsā€“and non-native onesā€“have already had the chance to apply for ARB incentives throughout the past year across multiple incentive distribution initiatives, the UADP decided that itā€™s now the right time for Uniswap to also partake in these programs, especially since other blue-chip protocols also applied for these incentives. Plus, the establishment of this committee has allowed Uniswap DAO to further mature its relationship with Arbitrum DAO. Weā€™ve partaken in multiple discourses, participating in all of the votes taking place on Arbitrum since November 2023 (see Communication Thread here).

The LTIPP pilot program is a 3-month long incentive program, with 45M worth of ARB to be distributed among an elected group of protocols. A total of 174 applications were vetted by the LTIPP Advisors, with whom we interacted and obtained feedback during the month of March. One of the primary sticking points was the amount of capital that we initially requested, along with clarifications around some of the target KPIs behind our request.

After some deliberation, in line with many other projects, we ended up lowering our ARB ask from 2.5M to 1M, which increased our chances of being admitted into the program by the Advisors and ARB delegates. Uniswap was able to attain the largest amount of incentives from the cohort of DEX applicants:

Uniswap LTIPP Grant Structure and Execution

Below is a breakdown of how the LTIPP funds will be used:

  • 900k ARB for incentives:
    • 882k ARB: The bulk of these funds will be used to incentivize liquidity providers on Uniswap using Gauntletā€™s dynamic optimization engine.
    • 18k ARB: For Merkl to distribute the funds. Merkl charges based on a percentage of the incentives distributed.
  • 85k ARB for Gauntlet: they will dedicate part of its Applied Research team, the same team currently managing the Uniswap/Arbitrum liquidity mining program, to this initiative.
  • 15k ARB for UADP: These funds will be sent to the UADP multisig with the goal of making this meta-governance initiative a self-sustaining program. This will allow Uniswap DAO to maintain its voting participation in the Arbitrum DAO.

In order for us to accept this grant, we had to elect three signers onto a Gnosis Safe, and each member had to follow Arbitrum Foundationā€™s KYC process.

All performance reporting will be conducted by Gauntlet, just as they have been providing analytics regarding their previous Arb-Uniswap incentive program here. Below are some basic metrics from the previous initiative.

Incentive Matching

Itā€™s clear that Uniswap has a steeped history with Arbitrum. We are currently the dominant DEX by TVL and volume on the L2. After ETH L1, Arbitrum is where Uniswap has the largest stronghold. It is therefore important for delegates to potentially consider doubling down on this ecosystem.

Source: Dune Analytics (@whale_hunter)

Uniswap DAO and Arbitrum DAO have also conducted themselves symbiotically ever since Uniswap launched on the L2 in August, 2021. Below are some contributions that Uniswap has made to the Arbitrum ecosystem in the past year alone:

Now that Uniswap has attained 1M ARB from Arbitrum, we are fulfilling our end of the bargain to see if Uniswap would like to reciprocate to some level:

As mentioned, it is up to Uniswap delegates to decide whether or not matching is favorable. Doing so would signify to the Arbitrum community our continued support, and in the UADPā€™s opinion, allow for further collaboration and grants in the future. If any funds are approved, they will follow a similar distribution structure and execution as above and be grouped together in Gauntletā€™s incentives allocation.

Snapshot Options:

  • $250k
  • $500k
  • $750k
  • $1M
  • Do Not Fund

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Governance-Meta DĆ©tails de la transaction
Uncategorized Uniswap Foundation: Summary Q1ā€™2024 Financials

Published: May 24, 2024

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Continuing with our promise to provide financial transparency to the community, the Uniswap Foundation is excited to post the unaudited summary financials for the quarter ended March 31, 2024.

Assets on Hand and Funds Usage

On March 31, 2024 we had $41.41 million in USD and stables on hand and UNI 0.73 million (in UNI). The fiat (USD) cash and stables are to be used for grantmaking and operating activities and the UNI for employee token awards. The expected runway was through the end of 2025 and was earmarked as follows.

Grants commitments and incentives: $25.77 million to be disbursed in 2024 and 2025. $2.94 Million was reserved for grants committed previously, to be disbursed. Remaining $12.7 million was to be used to fund operations expenses through the end of 2025.

Q1ā€™2024 Grants Committed and Disbursed

In Q1ā€™2024, the Foundation committed $4.34 million in new grants and disbursed $2.79 million in committed grants.

Q1ā€™2024 commitments were based on the revised grants strategy. More detail on the updated grants strategy can be found here. You can also review some of the grants we have awarded thus far on our blog.

Q1ā€™2024 Summary of Activities

In Q1ā€™2024, the Foundation accrued $1.03 million on operating expenses*.

Payroll expenses included salaries, benefits and taxes. Contract & professional fees included legal, accounting, technical audit, and consultant expenses. Office expenses included internal team events, such as offsites, software, transaction fees and other G&A. External events included conference and external event travel and attendance. Advertising & marketing included web design, agency fees, TLDR event hosting. Insurance: directors and officers insurance.

In the following financial update post, we will continue to share a snapshot of 2nd Quarter 2024 results, including grants commitments and disbursements, operating expenses and summary of financial position. 2023 unaudited financial summary is available here.

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Delegation Pitch SEEDGov Delegate Platform

Published: May 22, 2024

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Delegate Introduction

Name: @SEEDGov

Wallet Address:

  • Address: 0x12b30979b9a53bb0b42deaaa974ac9304fab0832


We are excited about the opportunity to join Uniswap Governance, where we hope to contribute significantly to one of the longest-running DeFi protocols in the ecosystem. We have a dedicated team of SEEDGov members, passionate about Uniswap and committed to governance activities.

The main objective of this delegation will be to maintain active and meaningful participation, contributing to the growth and evolution of Uniswap Protocol Governance within Ethereum and other chains where available, as an entity that deeply resonate with our values and principles.

Our delegation will include our members @Cris, @Jadmat, @AnonBuilder, and the entire SEED team at disposal as well as other consultants necessary for the comprehensive elaboration, assessment and analysis of proposals.

What is SEEDGov?

SEEDGov is as a dynamic and evolving vertical within the SEED Org ecosystem, dedicated to shaping the future of decentralized governance in the web3 space through active participation, community engagement, decision-making and experimentation by anticipating emerging needs of DAOs and protocols, while acknowledging the importance of context-specific approaches to minimize governance where appropriate and professionalize it where necessary.

SEEDGov is the first Latam based Delegate Platform actively engaging in various governance activities. Rooted in community values, weā€™ve shifted from educational models to a participatory approach, driving a new chapter in how individuals collaborate, coordinate, and decide in the ever-changing landscape of Web3.

Our scope of work across various projects and protocols includes managing grant and allocation programs, designing and implementing governance infrastructure, creating and overseeing incentive programs, and onboarding builders to align with protocol needs.

Operating within established frameworks, our dedicated platform go beyond the traditional role of delegates. We are functional and deeply committed to the success of the protocol through every decision we make.

How we work

As a professional delegate platform SEEDGov collaborates with communities and partners to ensure credible representation of all interested in Web3ā€™s future. Since its inception, SEEDGov has advocated for critical thinking through education. We do not endorse scams or collaborate with blockchains, projects, or protocols that are not aligned with our core values.

The members selected to be part of our delegation will collaborate both directly and indirectly with other SEEDGov members. Any decisions made by this delegation regarding governance will be thoroughly discussed and communicated to all stakeholders through our discussion channels and seamlessly executed through specialized working units.

When a project aligns with our principles, we proactively take steps to ensure its success, whether through offering informed opinions or taking concrete action. We believe in more than just participating; we believe in actively shaping and improving projects within our sphere and we are committed to expressing our principles and rationale in a clear, transparent, and detailed manner in this forum.


Participation in forum discussion threads and daily activities represent the opinions of SEEDGov and collaborators in their efforts to stay up to date with their roles and commitment to governance. Regular discussions occur prior to deciding our next steps and opinions about governance topics that arise, all through this profile.

Our delegation will do its utmost to represent and embody our values to enhance Uniswap governance:

  • Decentralization: Uniswap is one of the most decentralized DeFi protocols and all of our initiatives and proposals will align with this same principle. Along with this position, and as the ecosystem continues to mature and be driven by its community, we will collaborate in the creation, iteration, and improvement of governance processes to ensure broader participation and that the system remains secure.
  • Community Led Growth & Sustainability: We will promote and support all initiatives that enable the growth, adoption, scalability and innovation for Uniswap ecosystem. Our focus will be placed on ensuring that all growth initiatives are reliable, secure, and sustainable over time.
  • Security: We will always make sure that no DAO decisions will jeopardize the security of the protocol and thus harm users.
  • Ethos and Support: We will actively contribute to the governance of the protocol and its ecosystem worldwide, looking forward to working with other interested delegates to promote the Uniswap mission and encourage others to actively participate in DAO governance.

Why Uniswap?

Uniswapā€™s success, achieved independently of the core development team since its deployment, demonstrates the significant demand for permissionless financial services. From our perspective, some strengths make this protocol a special case:

  • Innovation: Uniswap is consistently at the forefront of pioneering innovations in DeFi infrastructure technology. Its open and permissionless architecture fosters innovation by enabling anyone to create and encourages experimentation and the creation of novel financial instruments, driving the growth and diversity of the DeFi ecosystem.
  • Accessibility: The Uniswap ecosystem has outpaced others in driving widespread adoption. Its accessibility reduces barriers to entry, democratizing decentralized finance for users globally.
  • Capital efficiency: Uniswap typically outperforms other AMMs in terms of capital efficiency due to its concentrated liquidity model (V3). The efficient use of capital allows to handle larger trades with less price impact, making it very competitive and attractive among other AMMs.

Our case

We see Uniswap as an infrastructure layer set to drive innovation throughout the entire ecosystem. Being part of this space will enable us to continue understanding, building, and participating in the following verticals (among others):

  1. Extensive Composability: Uniswapā€™s vast integration with hundreds of interfaces and applications ensures a smooth interaction within the DeFi ecosystem. Is our intention to actively participate in decisions that enhance and expand these integrations, further solidifying Uniswapā€™s position as a critical infrastructure layer in DeFi by contributing ideas for improvements and applications, whether for hooks (V4) or any other innovation/technology from Uniswap or external ones that we can implement into the protocol.
  2. Governance: Uniswapā€™s governance framework is designed to be as constrained as possible, focusing only on essential areas to maintain neutrality and trust minimization. Despite a large community, only a small fraction actively participates in governance, potentially limiting smaller stakeholders voices. Maintaining good participation rates, active discussions, and healthy governance with genuine engagement is crucial for a DAOā€™s effectiveness. We believe Uniswap can address these challenges by empowering community involvement, overcoming voter apathy, onboarding new participants, and streamlining governance frameworks.


SEEDGov is a broad organization with a high participation in some of the most prominent governances in the ecosystem such as Optimism, Arbitrum, Gnosis, Starknet, Connext and we also constitute Sovereign Finance AVC in MakerDAO. As mentioned above we come to Uniswap Governance to bring value, in case there is any conflict of interest, we will communicate it to the community members.

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Delegation Pitch Arana Digital Delegate Platform

Published: May 20, 2024

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Arana Digital Delegate Platform

Delegate address: 0x0579A616689f7ed748dC07692A3F150D44b0CA09

Delegate ENS Address: aranadigital.eth

Forum Username: @AranaDigital & @AbdullahUmar

Twitter: @aranaventures

Voting Activity: Boardroom

Historical Discussion Activity:



We are a governance group composed of ex-Michigan Blockchain members. Our team is currently made up of five individuals, all of which are deeply steeped in the crypto space and have multiple years of participation in protocol governance. With delegation history for DEXs, money markets, L2s, liquid staking protocols, and stablecoins, weā€™re acclimated with a breadth of sectors. We bring a diversity of experience to DAOsā€“our members have consulted for companies like Immutable and dYdX, worked at crypto investment and trading firms, set up various validator nodes, and run educational events for university students.

Core Values

  • Diligence: We thoroughly investigate each proposal, engaging with other delegates and service providers to gather diverse perspectives and insights prior to making a decision.
  • Transparency: We openly share information about decisions and their rationales, providing clear and accessible updates, and ensuring that all processes are effective to the community.
  • Innovation + Sustainability: We champion initiatives that will both allow the DAO and its underlying protocol to sustain its advantages, all the while continuously looking to iron out flaws and introduce efficiencies.

Past Contributions to Uniswap:

Our members have been active participants in the Uniswap DAO for the past 1.5 years under the Michigan Blockchain brand. History with the DAO allows us to make informed voting decisions. During our tenure, weā€™ve maintained an excellent voting record, passed numerous proposals, and collaborated with multiple other delegates, the Foundation, and adjacent teams associated with Uniswap.

A core aspect of our contribution has been around facilitating Uniswap growth and expansion:

We have also been strong advocates for robust governance practices and financial decision making:

@AbdullahUmar is currently serving on three Uniswap working groups

We have also been active forum participants for various topics, including delegate comp, fee switch, fee architecture, and post BSL expiration gov process

Hereā€™s some content creation regarding important governance topics to educate the broader community

Arana hopes to continue delivering on its membersā€™ previous commitments to the Uniswap DAO going forward, abiding by transparent communication & thoughtful decision making, all with the intention of bettering Uniswap as a whole.

Conflict of Interest:

We are actively involved as delegates and contributors in multiple other DAOs. Arana also has an investment arm focused on allocating to small caps digital assets. Any relevant conflicts of interest will be publicized when needed.

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Delegation Pitch Gauntlet Delegate Platform

Published: May 20, 2024

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Delegate Address: gauntletgov.eth (0x683a4F9915D6216f73d6Df50151725036bD26C02)


Gauntlet is a DeFi-native quantitative research firm specializing in treasury and risk management, incentive optimization, and mechanism design. Gauntlet uses battle-tested techniques from the algorithmic trading industry to help protocols manage risk, optimize revenue, and design better incentives. Our simulation models inform parameter decisions for protocols of all sizes, covering over 25% of aggregate DeFi TVL.

What do you want to see happen in Uniswap governance over the next year?

Gauntlet wants to see the Uniswap DAO continue to be a leading organization for DAO governance. This includes:

  • Running dynamic incentive programs in a sustainable fashion to drive an increase in protocol utilization, including an efficient migration to v4
  • Engaging in a thorough evaluation of fee switch parameters
  • Expanding Uniswap v3 deployments multichain, in a safe and reasonable manner
  • Improving governance processes to drive an increase in delegate engagement

Reasons for wanting to be a delegate:

Gauntlet has worked closely with the Uniswap ecosystem for a number of years and aims to be a good steward for the protocol/community. We will bring our technical background to help evaluate proposals which can advance the long-term impact of Uniswap in the blockchain ecosystem.

Gauntlet is excited to continue working with the Uniswap Foundation and DAO in parallel to achieve the communities goals.

Past contributions to Uniswap ecosystem and/or demonstrated protocol knowledge:

Disclosure of Conflicts of Interest:

Gauntlet works with a variety of protocols in the blockchain ecosystem, but does not work with any direct competitors to Uniswap.

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Delegation Pitch Blockchain Education Network (BEN) Delegation Platform

Published: May 20, 2024

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Older version posted May 2, 2023 at

Contact info & delegation address information

Delegate Address: 0x66Aa8Bee5366b6b48811AE0Dac9Fe5e1EEfE1621

Delegate ENS Address: blockchainedu.eth



Voting Activity:


The Blockchain Education Network is a 501(c)3 and 1101.01(a)(2) entity established in 2014 to educate and empower the next generation of blockchain innovators. We are currently the largest network of blockchain university students, professors, alumni, with over 50k+ followers across all our socials.

Because of our mission and our non-bias as a non-profit, BEN has always been a trusted leader at the forefront of pushing blockchain innovation. We set up the BEN-Meta Delegate program for Uniswap, Aave, Compound, etc, assisted in setting up blockchain clubs as Uniswap delegates throughout 2021 and beyond, and created an educational DAO delegates course with an Aave DAO Grant.

Uniswap contributions

Since 2021, we have run the BEN Meta-Delegate program, initially supported by the UNI Grants Program. We experimented with a ā€œ1 student = 1 voteā€ model, held various governance calls, and voted on several proposals with 70+ students participating from over 13 universities around the world. This model also enabled international students to participate in governance without the bureaucracy of setting up a blockchain club at their school.

We assisted several blockchain clubs, including Rutgers, Blockchain at Michigan, and Penn Blockchain, in setting up their own Aave, Uniswap, and Compound delegates through educational workshops with Harvard Law and Berkeley and direct connections to interested parties like a16z who wanted to delegate their voting power to more student groups.

Additionally, we hosted a series of Twitter Spaces to educate about various UGPs. as part of our ā€œUGP Grantee Showcaseā€

To this day, we push out calls to vote on important Uniswap proposals via our newsletter of 7k+ and socials of 50k+.

Skills and area of expertise

BEN was founded in 2014 and has a decade of building trust from our network. Our team has lived through Mt. Gox, the launch of Ethereum, the first DAO, the rise and fall of ICOs, DeFi Summer, the NFT craze, and more. We have seen blockchain projects start, raise, and die, so we know what it takes to succeed and how to listen to the community and the market to build a robust product. Uniswap is evolving, and the DAO needs to guide it intelligently as the space continues to grow.


Tony Gomes is the President of the Blockchain Education Network (BEN). He graduated in 2020 from the Warrington College of Business at the University of Florida. As an immigrant, Tony was driven by the pursuit of alternative financial inclusion solutions, leading him to a conference in 2015 where Ethereum was first introduced by Vitalik Buterin. This pivotal moment launched his career in digital assets.

Tony has held significant roles at Oracle Inc. and various venture capital firms, enhancing his expertise in strategic business alignment and operational execution. As the Capital Markets Architect at GDA.Capital, which has facilitated over $70M+ in private placements and managed over $100M+ in digital asset financings, underscoring his significant influence and deep expertise in the digital asset sector.

Erick Pinos is the Ecosystem Lead at Nibiru (, where he has deep experience in coordinating and aligning incentives across ecosystem projects and DAOs. Nibiru recently raised $6m through a Coinlist sale and launched the $NIBI token on four simultaneous exchanges reaching a $1b+ FDV. He is an angel investor in several industries outside of crypto, including biotech and sustainability. Previously he was the Americas Ecosystem Lead at Ontology Network, where he helped with the launch of Wing Finance, setting up the Wing DAO, various proposals to improve WINGā€™s tokenomics, driving $350m in TVL to the platform, and more. Erick has a BS in Management from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), where he was the President of the MIT Bitcoin Club and a researcher at the MIT Digital Currency Initiative.

Reasons we are a delegate

As a Uniswap delegate, we are committed to ensuring that a diverse range of voices are heard and represented in the governance process. Through our work with a16z in 2021 we brought representation to student voices across the board via a plethora of student club delegates, with an added focus on international student participation in regions like Turkey.

One of the founders of the Uniswap Foundation, Ken Ng, is a BEN alum and former director, which encouraged us to take on an early role in Uniswap governance. Additionally, we maintain a close relationship with Devin Walsh and Erin Koen, continuously gathering feedback on how we can grow. By continuing as a Uniswap delegate, we aim to amplify diverse voices, advance educational initiatives, and uphold our mission to empower the next generation of blockchain innovators.

What do you want to see happen in Uniswap governance over the next year?

We want to see more governance participation from qualified diverse voices, guiding the DAO to create real and tangible impact for the adoption of Uniswap. By encouraging a broader spectrum of qualified participants to engage in governance, we aim to bring fresh perspectives and innovative ideas that can drive the platformā€™s growth and adoption. We believe that active and varied participation is crucial for the DAOā€™s success, as it fosters a sense of ownership and accountability among all stakeholders.

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Uncategorized April ā€˜24 Uniswap Report

Published: May 13, 2024

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Hello Uniswap Community,

We published our most recent issue of the Uniswap Monthly Report, summarizing protocol metrics for April 2024.

You can find our latest report at and subscribe for future monthly releases.

Hereā€™s the executive summary:

  • In April 2024, the Uniswap Protocol processed $77.48 billion in monthly volume (-14%) across $6.26 billion in liquidity (-11.9%), earning market makers $125.29 million in fees (-21.3%).

  • Across all chains, Ethereum saw the most Uniswap volume with $42.3 billion in v3 pools, seconded by Arbitrum. Scroll had the highest month-over-month growth in volume and fees.

  • This month, the protocol experienced a relative increase in volume (+5.9%), liquidity (+1.2%), and fees (+5.1%) over competing DEX protocols.

  • Layer 2 deployments received 32.7% of all Uniswap volume, and liquidity fell slightly to 12% of the total. However, they generated 29.2% of fees, a new all-time high.

  • Three Uniswap v3 deployments were added to the report this month: Filecoin, Blast, and Linea.

The report contains charts and tables displaying the data and exact figures. Weā€™re eager to continue aggregating this data and sharing our findings.

*Data was sourced primarily from the Oku API, with help from DeFiLlama and TradingView.

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Governance-Meta Uniswap-Arbitrum Grant Program (UAGP) - March/April Reporting

Published: May 07, 2024

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As the UAGP continues operations in full stride, we are excited to follow up on the announcement of our second cohort, with our official grantee reporting from March & April. We feel the number of milestones and achievements from this past reporting period, are hopeful evidence of the programā€™s impact on the Uniswap and Arbitrum ecosystems. Of the 120+ applications to date, the UAGP has accepted 11 grantees (KYB-completed).

Importantly, our applications still remain open and we are encouraging prospective builders to reach out and apply.


The UAGP has seen continued strong application numbers as general awareness of the program has picked up across Uniswap and Arbitrum communities, and beyond. As of the time of writing, the program has received 120+ applications from a widely diverse group of projects. The following describes the breakdown of application focus by each RFP category. It should be noted that for the second consecutive reporting period, the UAGP have received 0 applications under RFP 2: Arbitrum Testnet with EIP-1153 Enabled.


With regard to financials, a large swath of the current UAGP treasury sits in allocated (promised) funds for grantees. The total amount of funding transferred for this reporting period was 156k USDC with 1.06m USDC total marked for further milestone pay-outs.

Current Treasury (USDC)* Current Treasury (ARB)
1,250,855 162,963

*The UAGP holds the project treasury in USDC stablecoin converted at a rate of $2/ARB to operationally hedge currency risk for projects of ARB token.

Grants Promised for Payout (USD) % of Project Treasury Promised (USD) Grants Already Paid Out (USD) % of Treasury Transferred (USD)
1,059,489 72% 211,680 13%

Project Outcomes

This reporting period saw 4 different UAGP grant projects reach milestones, for a total of 7 milestones. While some of the completed milestones came in the form of upfront funding to help projects overcome hurdles in starting up, we are beginning to see more downstream milestones start to materialize.

Milestone Achievements Snapshot :white_check_mark:

Project Milestone Description
Layer3 Milestones 1-4: Arbitrum Volume
Concero Milestone 3: Demo
Ephema Milestone 3: Blob Merging Protocol Prototype
Rabbithole Milestone 0: Bootstrapping Funding
Total 7 Milestones

To read these specific outcome metric questions and see a full breakdown of February reporting, please check out our Notion page here.

Additionally, we recently distributed a mid-way feedback survey to UAGP participants to check in on how weā€™re progressing and see where there are areas to improve. Keep an eye out for a further update from the UAGP as weā€™ll recap the feedback and learnings we received.

Contact points

:white_circle: To find all info: UAGP Information Hub

:white_circle: To reach out: Discord

:white_circle: To stay up to date: Twitter

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General Discussion Blockchain-based construction loans

Published: Jul 26, 2024

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Iā€™m interested in using crypto to finance a 3D construction project in California. The end result will be a 248-unit multifamily development. I have full financials ready and a developer who is shovel-ready. $18M in equity has already been raised. We need an additional $58M to fully fund the project. The discussion here is to explore how the blockchain ecosystem could be used to realize real world assets through construction loans. Your participation is greatly appreciated! Here goes!

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General Discussion Improved Accessibility Reward

Published: Jul 25, 2024

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Improved Accessibility Reward

The Accessibility Reward is a system that gives NewStable Integrators a Marketing Fee for driving users to NewStable.

Accessibility Reward Codes

Integrators receive an Accessibility Reward Code. With the Accessibility Reward Code the Integrator can mark all NewStable balances that access the protocol through their frontends or infrastructure, and earn the Accessibility Reward on these balances.

The distribution of Accessibility Reward Codes is managed by an Ecosystem Actor (A company) on behalf of SubDAOs. The Accessibility Reward Code Manager role is chosen through the SubDAOs own governance processes.

Accessibility Reward Marketing Fee

The Accessibility Reward applies to NewStable earning the Savings Rate and Token Rewards, and also to Unrewarded NewStable (NewStable not earning Savings Rate or Token Rewards), as long as the NewStable balance is marked with the Accessibility Reward Code of an Integrator. The Marketing Fees paid through the Accessibility Reward are calculated and paid out monthly.

For Savings Rate or Token Reward balances the Integrator earn a Marketing Fee of 0.4% of the balance per year.

For Unrewarded NewStable balances (NewStable not earning Savings Rate or Token Rewards) the Integrator earns a Marketing Fee of [Savings Rate - 0.2%] of the balance per year. As an example, currently the Savings Rate is at 7%, so an Integrator would earn 6.8% per year from all Unrewarded NewStable balances associated with their Accessibility Reward Code.

Onchain and Offchain Accessibility Reward Code Marking

The Accessibility Reward Codes can be marked to a balance both through onchain and offchain processes.

  • Onchain means they are directly included in the users transactions so they can be read on-chain, through a special signature on the token transfer method.
  • Offchain means that various, continuously updated offchain monitoring mechanisms can be used to prove that an Integrators Accessibility Reward Code is connected to particular accounts and balances, such as their user balances or customer funds.

Accessibility Reward Code Management

SubDAOs have authority over the creation and access to Accessibility Reward Codes. Should an Integrator break the requirements for gaining the Accessibility Reward, they will lose their payments, and depending on how serious the breach is, the responsible SubDAO might be penalized. The Accessibility Reward requirements are spelled out in the Atlas but could include restrictions on criminal activity to qualify for Accessibility Rewards.

As a reward for the risk and management workload SubDAOs have to undertake to facilitate the Accessibility Reward system, they earn an Accessibility Reward Code Management Fee of 0.1% per year on all balances that go through their Accessibility Reward Codes.

SubDAOs also have their own Accessibility Reward Code to put on their own frontends, and for this they earn both the base Marketing Fee of 0.4% or [Savings Rate - 0.2%] plus the Management Fee of 0.1%.

Implementation of the Accessibility Reward

All the numbers are of course subject to change and can be edited in the Atlas based on what the community observes is most conducive to growth and sustainability.

At NewStable Launch the Accessibility Reward System will be live in an early stage, with onchain tracking available for some types of integrations and offchain tracking in principle available for everything else. Payouts may not be possible the first couple of months for some types of integrations during Launch Season, but as long as they are tracked, they will accrue and will eventually be paid out to the Integrator.

Spark as the first SubDAO will of course have an Accessibility Reward System available to generate Accessibility Reward Codes, and in addition to Spark there will also be other Accessibility Reward Systems managed by other Ecosystem Actors, to build up separate integration networks that can benefit future SubDAOs.

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General Discussion MakerDAO Endgame: Launch Season (final)

Published: Jul 24, 2024

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MakerDAO Endgame: Launch Season

Endgame is a fundamental transformation of MakerDAO that improves growth, resilience and accessibility, with the aim of scaling the Dai supply to 100 billion and beyond.

This post provides the latest updates of the Endgame features that will be launched in the short- and long term. It is the last Endgame Overview post before Endgame Launch.

Endgame will deliver the best and easiest place to save up money and get interesting token rewards in SubDAO tokens. The SubDAOs are a unique ecosystem of highly efficient DAOs that draw on the power and infrastructure of MakerDAO, while remaining flexible and autonomous. There will be a SubDAO for every taste, and Dai users simply choose which SubDAO appeals to them, and start getting the SubDAO token rewards.

The virtuous circle of offering SubDAO tokens to all Dai users powers the SubDAO ecosystem by giving them new community participants, making them more vibrant and giving them the ability to adapt to every market opportunity and new innovation. This increases momentum and grows the intangible value of the SubDAOs in a virtuous cycle.

Preparing for launch

Endgame was first proposed almost two years ago, and it was approved by a governance vote in August 2022. Since that moment, the entire DAO has been going through an unprecedented structural transformation.

Until now, all of the work has focused on building core technology, tooling, legal structures, supplier networks, and everything else necessary to act as the foundation for the future limitless scale of the SubDAO ecosystem.

The moment to launch all of these products and tools is right around the corner, and to help the broader community understand whatā€™s coming this overview provides the highlights.

Phase 1: Launch Season

In Phase 1 of Endgame Launch all of the major features of Endgame are released in rapid succession. These are the most critical elements that drive the underlying growth engine. The goal is to quickly get a fully featured virtuous cycle where SubDAOs, tokenomics, the new brand and new user acquisition funnels all work together to produce exponential growth of Dai usage.

Launch Season is planned for summer 2024.

New Brand Reveal

The first release of Phase 1 is the reveal of the new brand.

The new brand, accompanied by a promo website, is designed to communicate the core pillars of the project: Being the best and easiest place to save money while having easy access to new and interesting token rewards with no additional risk.

The brand reveal phase will last a month, and during this time early adopters can sign up for a launch bonus that will increase their reward rate when the token rewards become available.

New Token Launch

A month after the New Brand Reveal, the two new tokens of the ecosystem will become available: NewStable and NewGovToken (actual names to be shared at Brand Reveal).

The Dai and MKR tokens will remain, but users will get the option to upgrade to NewStable and NewGovToken if they wish to access all of the new features that are coming to the ecosystem.

The ecosystem will explore ways to eventually differentiate Dai and NewStable, with Dai focusing on crypto-native use-cases and NewStable focusing on mass adoption.


NewStable will be available for new users, and existing Dai users will be able to upgrade at will. NewStable users can also convert their NewStable to Dai freely.

  • NewStable will have access to NewGovToken Token Rewards from the moment it launches, without additional risk.

  • The Token Reward rate will be 600 million NewGovToken per year distributed to participating NewStable holders.

  • Token Rewards will not be available to US residents and VPN users.

  • The real name of NewStable will be shared at Brand Reveal.


MKR holders can upgrade their MKR to NewGovToken, and NewGovToken can also be converted back to MKR. The supply of NewGovToken is redenominated compared to MKR, so 1 MKR upgrades to 24,000 NewGovToken.

  • This means every MKR holder can choose to get 24,000 NewGovToken for each MKR they upgrade.

  • The real name of NewGovToken will be shared at Brand Reveal.

New user-friendly Website and app

To simplify access to key features of the ecosystem, including Token Rewards and Savings Rate, a new user-friendly website will launch alongside the new tokens.

It will provide access to all key features in one place, and be a friendly entry-point for newcomers to DeFi.

Sealed Activation Launch

After the New Token Launch, the Sealed Activation feature will launch.

Sealed Activation encourages long term governance participation by enabling MKR and NewGovToken holders to Seal their tokens behind an Exit Fee in return for Rewards.

Both NewGovToken and MKR can be Sealed.

Sealed Activation Rewards

Users that have Sealed their MKR or NewGovToken receive Activation Rewards. Users can initially only receive NewStable, but then as the Spark SubDAO launches, Sealed Activation users will also be able to choose to receive SPK tokens.

  • 25% of all protocol stablecoin surplus earned by the Maker Protocol is distributed proportionally as Activation Rewards to the Sealed MKR and NewGovToken that has chosen to receive NewStable.

  • 15% of all SPK tokens earmarked for Token Rewards are distributed proportionally as Activation Rewards to Sealed Activation users that have chosen to receive SPK yield.

  • Sealed Activation not available to US residents and VPN users.

Unsealing Exit Fee

In exchange for the benefits of using Sealed Activation, and to encourage long term commitment and governance participation, Sealed NewGovToken and MKR tokens pay a 5% Exit Fee when they are Unsealed.

This fee is burned by the protocol, and is subtracted from the principal that was originally Sealed. Token Rewards earned from Sealing are unaffected by the Exit Fee.

The Exit Fee begins at 5% when Sealed Activation launches, and increases by 1% every 6 months for the next 5 years until it reaches 15%, which is the long term Exit Fee.

NewGovToken Launch Airdrop

The NewGovTokens accumulated by early adopters during the Brand Reveal will unlock in the Launch Airdrop when Sealed Activation launches, so that they can instantly be used to get the benefits of Sealed Activation.

NewBridge Launch

Following the launch of Sealed Activation, the first version of NewBridge will launch, connecting NewStable, NewGovToken and other Maker Ecosystem tokens from Ethereum Mainnet to major L2s. The real name of NewBridge will be unveiled at the Brand Reveal.

NewBridge enables low cost native Token Rewards on the supported L2s, giving low cost access to all users.

Bridges to additional L2s and L1s will follow later.

Spark, a Maker SubDAO

The pinnacle of Launch Season is the much anticipated launch of SparkDAO, the launch of the SPK token and the start of multichain-enabled SPK Token Rewards.

Spark focuses on providing innovative lending and DeFi products that can meet proven market demand at scale through the economic power of MakerDAO.

Spark is the first of Makerā€™s SubDAOs. It is a specialized, independent community, deeply tied to the Maker Ecosystem, but with autonomy and unique business models.


The main product of Spark is SparkLend, available on

SparkLend is a modern lending engine where users can directly generate Dai, and in the future, NewStable, at predictable rates, using crypto as collateral. SparkLend launched a year ago, and is already very popular and widely used in the ecosystem, currently sitting as the 9th biggest DeFi platform by TVL in the world.

Users of SparkLend are already able to farm the Spark airdrop today, which will grant them SPK tokens when Spark fully launches.

Perpetual Swap yields

Spark also controls a Morpho Lending Market system that is used to allocate hundreds of millions of USD towards the Ethena sUSDe tokenized perpetual swap basis trade.

During bull markets this is a unique opportunity for generating value, but it is very cyclical and therefore synergizes well with Sparks broad access to diversified capital deployment opportunities.

Real World Assets

Spark has announced the Spark Tokenization Grand Prix, which will give Spark the ability to deploy billions of MakerDAO collateral into the safest and best developed tokenized RWA assets.

MakerDAO has years of experience being the leading RWA protocol, and this expertise and responsibility is being handed over to Spark, in order to make future RWA related innovation move faster.

Having access to RWA and the opportunities available in traditional finance complements the on-chain lending business model well, as it allows Spark to shift its exposure to whichever environment has the best risk-adjusted return.

Spark Tokenomics

The moment Spark Launches, the SPK token will be available as Token Rewards for NewStable users both on Ethereum mainnet and L2s. Token Rewards on L2s will have very low transaction fees. Sealed Activation users will also be able to get SPK tokens the moment Spark launches.

NewGovToken Regular Activation

When Spark launches, NewGovToken will also get a new feature called Activation. This is a less committed version of Sealed Activation, where NewGovToken holders receive Activation Rewards, but donā€™t have to Seal their tokens behind and Exit Fee. NewGovToken can be freely Activated and Deactivated instantly, at any time.

SPK Reward distribution rates

The rate of SPK distribution will be 1 billion tokens per year the first 2 years. This will halve every 2 years until a total of 4 billion SPK tokens have been distributed after 10 years.

This total distribution will be divided so NewStable users will receive Token Rewards at a rate of 700 million SPK tokens per year, Regularly Activated NewGovToken will receive SPK Activation Rewards at a rate of 150 million SPK tokens per year, and Sealed NewGovToken or MKR will receive SPK Activation Rewards at a rate of 150 million SPK tokens per year. This rate will remain in place for the first two years following Spark launch, after which all rates will halve, as described above.

SPK Token Rewards will not be available to US residents and VPN users.

SPK Activation

The SPK token will have built in Activation Rewards from the moment it launches. SPK Activation will be available both on Ethereum mainnet and L2s.

Activated SPK will receive NewGovToken Activation Rewards at a rate of 80 million NewGovToken per year.

SPK pre-farming airdrop

It is currently possible to farm SPK tokens in advance of the launch of Spark. The tokens are earned by using SparkLend on

Users of SparkLend can check the SPK tokens theyā€™ve accrued so far on Spark | Block Analitica

The SPK tokens will be available for claiming at the moment of Spark Launch.

Spark Governance

Spark has a community governance mechanism controlled by SPK token voting. Over time Spark Governance will run all aspects of Spark autonomously, within the framework of the Maker SubDAO ecosystem.

At launch, SPK token holders will initially only manage Community Marketing and the Spark Purpose System. As time progresses and the Spark community strengthens, Maker will delegate additional responsibilities to the SPK token holders.

Community Marketing

The SPK token holders will be able to vote on community marketing grants to provide interesting, unique grass roots initiatives that can help promote the adoption of Spark Products, or increase the ecosystem around Spark.

Spark Purpose System

A key pillar of SubDAOs like Spark is that they must have a tangible purpose rooted in fundamental human values. This can be a charitable cause, scientific research, open source AI development - whatever it is, it must be a public good that benefits everyone, and it must reflect the values of the SubDAO community. The SPK token holders will have a small portion of SPK tokens available to provide as grants and payments in accordance with the principles of the Purpose System.

It will be up to the Spark community to figure out what their shared purpose and vision is, and to take positive action that realizes this vision.

Phase 2: Scaling up

Once the basic primitives of Endgame are in place through the rollouts of Phase 1, Phase 2 focuses on scaling them up vertically and horizontally.

This means more SubDAOs, such as RWA-focused or gaming-focused SubDAOs that cater to different communities and business models. In total 6 SubDAOs will launch during Phase 2 - each will cater to different market segments.

It also means more bridges, such as bridges to all major, popular L2s like Arbitrum, Optimism or Base, or to other popular L1s like Solana.

Finally, during Phase 2, the governance responsibilities of SubDAOs will grow to include full autonomy of all SubDAO activities, within the boundaries set by MakerDAO. The delegation of full governance autonomy will happen slowly and deliberately as the SubDAO communities grow to become more capable.

The delegation of SubDAO governance responsibilities will be accompanied by powerful user interfaces and AI tools that help streamline and simplify governance decisions, making it possible for people who arenā€™t full time experts to still provide valuable input and oversight of the SubDAOs decisions.

Phase 3: NewChain

The final technical iteration of Endgame occurs in Phase 3 with the creation of NewChain - a stand-alone L1 blockchain that will host the core tokenomics and governance mechanics of Maker Core and the SubDAOs, and be a hotspot for RWA, DeFi and inter-blockchain bridging through the NewBridge system.

NewChain is an extension of the existing Maker ecosystem, and the launch of NewChain does not mean that Maker is leaving Ethereum. All of the user-facing products that exist on Ethereum today will remain, and more will be launched on Ethereum and other L1 Ecosystem.

NewChain will be built several years out in the future as a fork of a suitable best-in-class blockchain codebase. Which codebase to use will be decided after a long period of research to ensure that the best possible architecture is chosen.

When NewChain is live, the SubDAO ecosystem will gain the ability to scale infinitely, with many more SubDAOs getting created at a much higher frequency.

Phase 4: Final Endgame

Final Endgame is the moment that all technical and foundational governance mechanisms have been completed, and there are no more developments to make beyond the permanent dynamics of Maker Core and the SubDAO Ecosystem. When Final Endgame is activated, all of the foundational governance mechanisms of Maker Core become immutable, achieving the ultimate vision of Endgame which is to make a dynamic, ever-growing ecosystem rooted in an unchangeable, reliable financial infrastructure built for the ages.

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Spark SubDAO Lido Spark Rewards Program

Published: Jul 23, 2024

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Phoenix Labs has initiated a wstETH rewards program on SparkLend ETH borrows in collaboration with Lido to boost stETH adoption. SparkLend is uniquely positioned to be the growth engine for stETH adoption. This unique positioning is due to the e-mode ā€œhigh ltvā€ looping being exclusive to wstETH, rETH, and ETH.

SparkLend boasts the second-largest amount of borrowable ETH available with 239k deposited (830m USD) at the time of writing. This ETH market is almost entirely devoted to wstETH looping which means that nearly 100% of rewards expenditures on the ETH market will result in increased market share for Lido.


Spark is the first Maker subDAO, with a mission to accelerate the growth and adoption of the DAI by integrating top DeFi solutions. Since its inception, Spark has launched three products: SparkLend, Spark Cash & Savings, and Spark Conduits. SparkLend, in particular, has become one of the top three lending markets in DeFi, with 40,000 ETH available for borrowing.

Maker has a long-standing partnership with Lido, having been one of the first protocols to onboard wstETH as collateral for DAI loans. SparkLend continues this alignment by being the most compatible lending protocol with Lido for wstETH looping. This is achieved by:

  1. SPK Rewards on ETH Supply Side: SparkLend offers SPK rewards to those who supply ETH, incentivizing participation and liquidity in the market.
  2. Restricted Asset Set in ETH e-mode: SparkLend restricts the set of allowed assets in the ETH e-mode to wstETH, rETH, and ETH. This strategic limitation benefits Lidoā€™s market share by focusing on assets that promote Lido.
  3. Low ETH Reserve Factor: SparkLendā€™s ETH market has the lowest take rate, 5%, improving the rate for suppliers.

These measures ensure that SparkLend is closely aligned with Lido, reinforcing the long-standing partnership and supporting the growth of Lidoā€™s ecosystem.


Phoenix Labs has initiated a program of 225 wstETH provided by Lido over 90 days, to be paid as incentives on the SparkLend ETH market borrow side. The trial can be extended if both parties desire.

Lido has already transferred the rewards to the pre-authorized multisig: 0x8076807464DaC94Ac8Aa1f7aF31b58F73bD88A27

Prior approval for reward program management by the above multisig has been made by governance here.

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Maker Core Technical Overview: Lightweight Peg Stability Module (dss-lite-psm)

Published: Jul 22, 2024

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LitePSM is the result of 18 months of combined efforts of several Ecosystem Actors.

When Dewiz signed up for the task of building the new iteration of the PSM, we had only a grasp on the complexity that is involved in building contracts that close to the core. There is no such thing as a module that is easy to build when billions are at stake.

It was definitely a humbling experience, and we probably would have not seen it through if it were not for the guidance and the patience of some senior members with extensive experience with the Maker Protocol.

We are proud to present the Maker Community a brand new implementation that will allow for cheaper swaps and also become a source of revenue for the protocol.

As explained in the introduction post by BA Labs, the migration from the existing PSM to LitePSM will happen in phases. They will co-exist for a while, but we strongly encourage users and integrators to switch to LitePSM as soon as possible.


A Peg Stability Module (PSM) is a facility through which users can freely swap Dai for stablecoins with no slippage. MakerDAO Governance can enable swap fees, though, which are computed as revenue for the protocol.

This module is heavily inspired by the current PSM, PSM v2 and some other PSM prototypes within MakerDAO repositories.

The issue with those implementations is that swapping through them can be quite gas intensive, because they manipulate the Vat (MakerDAOā€™s main accounting module) directly on every swap.

To help alleviate this problem, DssLitePsm aims to be more gas efficient. The strategy is to allow users to swap in a pool of pre-minted Dai and stablecoins, reducing the swap to 2 ERC-20 token transfers with little overhead.

The required bookkeeping is done off-band (not to be confused with off-chain), through a set of permissionless functions that aim to keep the pool operating under the predefined constraints, and incorporate the accumulated swap fees into the protocolā€™s surplus buffer.

Furthermore, there is a new requirement ā€“ related to MakerDAO Endgame ā€“ to allow authorized parties to swap through the PSM without paying any fees, even if they have been activated by Governance. Apart from the existing permissionless buyGem / sellGem functions, this iteration introduces buyGemNoFee / sellGemNoFee permissioned counterparties.

There is also a new security feature that can be useful in extreme scenarios. Through an executive spell, MakerDAO Governance can temporarily halt swaps in LitePSM in any direction or in both at the same time. As in other important modules in the Maker Protocol, there is a special Mom contract that can bypass the GSM delay and halt as soon as the corresponding spell obtains enough votes.

At the same time, in this version gem balance can be held in a different address to allow the protocol to receive yield from stablecoins that require the custody of the assets to be segregated. This address can be either an orphaned EOA or a bespoke smart contract. The only constraint is that DssLitePsm should be able to freely move any amount of gem on behalf of such address.

Last, but not least, LitePSM fosters Maker Protocolā€™s operational decentralization, as it reduces the dependency on an arranger with manual actions as in Coinbase Custody, while maintaining the ability to obtain yield on holdings.

Check out the repository to see it in detail.


A simplified diagram of the DssLitePsm architecture:

                                                buyGemNoFee /
                                           ā•­ā”€ā”€ā”€ā”€ā”€ā”€ā”€ā”€ā”€ā”€ā”€ā”€ā”€ā”€ā”€ā”€ā”€ā”€ā”€ā”€ā”€ā”€ā”€ā”€  šŸ¤“
 ā•­ā”€ā”€ā”€ā”€ā”€ā”€ā”€ā”€ā”€ā•®                               ā”‚    sellGemNoFee     Permissioned
 ā”‚         ā”‚       transferFrom            ā”‚                         User
 ā”‚   Gem   ā—„ā”€ā”€ā”€ā”€ā”€ā”€ā”€ā”€ā”€ā”€ā”€ā”€ā”€ā”€ā”€ā”€ā”€ā”€ā”€ā”€ā”€ā”€ā”€ā”€ā”€ā”€ā”€ā”€ā•®  ā”‚
 ā”‚         ā”‚                            ā”‚  ā”‚
 ā•°ā”€ā”€ā”€ā”€ā–²ā”€ā”€ā”€ā”€ā•Æ                            ā”‚  ā”‚
      ā”‚                                 ā”‚  ā”‚
      ā”‚                                 ā”‚  ā”‚
      ā”‚ approve Ā·Ā·Ā·Ā·Ā·ā•®                  ā”‚  ā”‚
      ā”‚              ā•Ž                  ā”‚  ā”‚
ā•­ā”€ā”€ā”€ā”€ā”€ā”“ā”€ā”€ā”€ā”€ā•®         ā•Ž          ā•­ā”€ā”€ā”€ā”€ā”€ā”€ā”€ā”“ā”€ā”€ā–¼ā”€ā”€ā”€ā•®
ā”‚          ā”‚         ā•Ž          ā”‚              ā”‚     buyGem /
ā”‚  Pocket  ā”‚         ā•°Ā·Ā·Ā·Ā·Ā·Ā·Ā·Ā·Ā·>ā”‚  DssLitePsm  ā—„ā”€ā”€ā”€ā”€ā”€ā”€ā”€ā”€ā”€ā”€ā”€ā”€ā”€ā”€ā”€ā”€ā”€ā”€ā”€ā”€  šŸ§‘
ā”‚          ā”‚                    ā”‚              ā”‚     sellGem         User
ā•°ā”€ā”€ā”€ā”€ā”€ā”€ā”€ā”€ā”€ā”€ā•Æ                    ā•°ā”€ā”¬ā”€ā”€ā”¬ā”€ā”€ā”¬ā”€ā”€ā–²ā”€ā–²ā”€ā•Æ
                                  ā”‚  ā”‚  ā”‚  ā”‚ ā”‚
                                  ā”‚  ā”‚  ā”‚  ā”‚ ā”‚
                 frob             ā”‚  ā”‚  ā”‚  ā”‚ ā”‚
     ā•­ā”€ā”€ā”€ā”€ā”€ā”€ā”€ā”€ā”€ā”€ā”€ā”€ā”€ā”€ā”€ā”€ā”€ā”€ā”€ā”€ā”€ā”€ā”€ā”€ā”€ā”€ā”€ā”€ā•Æ  ā”‚  ā”‚  ā”‚ ā”‚
     ā”‚                               ā”‚  ā”‚  ā”‚ ā”‚
     ā”‚                               ā”‚  ā”‚  ā”‚ ā”‚
     ā”‚                               ā”‚  ā”‚  ā”‚ ā”‚ fill / trim / chug
     ā”‚                   join / exit ā”‚  ā”‚  ā”‚ ā•°ā”€ā”€ā”€ā”€ā”€ā”€ā”€ā”€ā”€ā”€ā”€ā”€ā”€ā”€ā”€ā”€ā”€ā”€ā”€ā”€ā”€ā”€  šŸ‘·
     ā”‚                               ā”‚  ā”‚  ā”‚                        Keeper
     ā”‚                               ā”‚  ā”‚  ā”‚
ā•­ā”€ā”€ā”€ā”€ā–¼ā”€ā”€ā”€ā”€ā•®          ā•­ā”€ā”€ā”€ā”€ā”€ā”€ā”€ā”€ā”€ā”€ā”€ā•®   ā”‚  ā”‚  ā”‚           ā•­ā”€ā”€ā”€ā”€ā”€ā”€ā”€ā”€ā”€ā”€ā”€ā”€ā”€ā”€ā”€ā”€ā”€ā•®   
ā”‚         ā”‚   move   ā”‚           ā”‚   ā”‚  ā”‚  ā”‚   file    ā”‚                 ā”‚   
ā”‚   Vat   ā—„ā”€ā”€ā”€ā”€ā”€ā”€ā”€ā”€ā”€ā”€ā”¤  DaiJoin  ā—„ā”€ā”€ā”€ā•Æ  ā”‚  ā•°ā”€ā”€ā”€ā”€ā”€ā”€ā”€ā”€ā”€ā”€ā”€ā”‚  DssLitePsmMom  ā”‚   
ā”‚         ā”‚          ā”‚           ā”‚      ā”‚     (halt)   ā”‚                 ā”‚   
ā•°ā”€ā”€ā”€ā”€ā”€ā”€ā”€ā”€ā”€ā•Æ          ā•°ā”€ā”€ā”€ā”€ā”€ā”¬ā”€ā”€ā”€ā”€ā”€ā•Æ      ā”‚              ā•°ā”€ā”€ā”€ā”€ā”€ā”€ā”€ā”€ā”€ā”€ā”€ā”€ā”€ā”€ā”€ā”€ā”€ā•Æ   
                           ā”‚            ā”‚
                           ā”‚            ā”‚
               mint / burn ā”‚            ā”‚
                           ā”‚            ā”‚ transfer / transferFrom
                           ā”‚            ā”‚
                      ā•­ā”€ā”€ā”€ā”€ā–¼ā”€ā”€ā”€ā”€ā•®       ā”‚
                      ā”‚         ā”‚       ā”‚
                      ā”‚   Dai   ā—„ā”€ā”€ā”€ā”€ā”€ā”€ā”€ā•Æ
                      ā”‚         ā”‚

Design and constraints

These are the main constraints that guided the design of this module:

  1. Seggregated gem holding: the ability to hold gems in a different address to allow the Maker Protocol to receive yield on deposits.
  2. Gas efficiency: make swaps as cheap in terms of gas as possible, without sacrificing security and readability.
  3. Backwards compatibility: the new implementation should not break integrations with the current one.
  4. Permissioned no-fee swaps: specific actors are allowed to use the PSM for swaps without paying any swap fees.

Part of the Dai liquidity available in DssLitePsm is technically unbacked Dai. This not a problem because the Dai is locked into DssLitePsm until users deposit gems, backing the amount that is going to be released.


  1. Coinbase Web3 Wallet (pocket): a 2-out-of-2 multisig, whose one individual shard is controlled by either a MakerDAO representative, and the other by Coinbase.
  2. LitePSM contracts: DssLitePsm and DssLitePsmMom.
  3. LitePSM keeper job: LitePsmJob
  4. LitePSM deploy script: DssLitePsmDeployScript.
  5. LitePSM init and migration libraries: split into phases according to the plan.
  6. RwaJar to receive the yield for the assets held in pocket.

Tips for integrations

Interface retrocompatibility

LitePSM is backwards-compatible with the exiting PSM module at the interface level.

Full DssPsm interface: (click for more details) Full DssLitePsm interface: (click for more details)

The interface diff can be found here.

Most notable differences:

Off-band bookkeeping

Bookkeeping is done within every single operation in the original DssPsm contract, meaning that the Vat state is always modified to be kept up-to-date on every swap. The main drawback of this approach is that it can be very gas intensive.

DssLitePsm flips this process on its head and allow bookkeeping to be performed outside the main flows. It sets a predefined amount of Dai that can be permissionlessly pre-minted, so swaps can boil down to mostly 2 token transfers.

The maximum amount of Dai pre-minted at once is defined by the contract parameter dubbed buf. At any point in time, there might be either missing or excess pre-minted Dai in the contract.

When Dai is missing, users will be interested in the following functions:

  • function rush() external view returns (uint256): returns the amount of missing Dai. If it returns a value greater than zero, then a call to fill() described below is possible.
  • function fill() external returns (uint256): replenishes LitePSM with pre-minted Dai.

On the other hand, when there is excess of Dai, there are the following functions:

  • function gush() external view returns (uint256): returns the amount of Dai in excess. If it returns a value greater than zero, then a call to trim() described below is possible.
  • function trim() external returns (uint256): burns the excess pre-minted Dai from LitePSM.

Also at any point in time, users can check how much in swap fees is accumulated in the contract, using:

  • function cut() external view returns (uint256): returns the amount of Dai is currently sittig in the contract as collected swap fees.
  • function chug() external returns (uint256): incorporates the outstanding swap fees into the Protocol surplus buffer.

To keep gas usage as low as possible, the functions for selling gems allow users to take pre-minted Dai up to the whole Dai balance, even if part of it consists of collected fees. This can tempoprarily prevent Maker Protocol from collecting the fees, until more Dai is pre-minted into LitePSM.

While all bookkeeping functions are permissionless, there is very little incentive for users to call them. For that reason, there is a set of keepers that will do it on a regular basis.

Swap functions return a value

The original DssPsm swap functions buyGem and sellGem do not return anything. On DssLitePsm they return daiIn and daiOut, respectively, to indicate the amount of Dai swapped in or out as the result of the call.

This is especially useful when swap fees are enabled. Since they are always paid in Dai, the caller can know exactly how much Dai was returned/consumed by the transaction without having to query additional data.

No GemJoin adapter

The original DssPsm uses a GemJoin adapter, while DssLitePsm has some of its functionalities baked into the same contract.

Previously, to be able to query the gem address, callers would be required to chain 2 different calls:


Now it is possible to query gem directly as well:

// Alternatively

The latter is possible because litePsm.gemJoin() returns the address of the contract itself (address(this)).

No Emergency Shutdown support

Linked to the point above, DssPsmā€™s GemJoin has its own live parameter, which can be set to 0 during Emergency Shutdown. To keep the interface compatibility, DssLitePsm implements a live getter which can be called like:
// Alternatively

It returns the value of, which is expected to be 1 for the time being, since the Emergency Shutdown threshold will be increased significantly when on-boarding LitePSM.

Token balances

To query the original PSM gem balance, the user needs to call:


There is no need to query the Dai balance, since it is minted on-demand into the specified user address.

For LitePSM, the balance is held in the pocket address and there might be pre-minted Dai sitting in the DssLitePsm contract itself:

// Gem balance of LitePSM
// Pre-minted Dai balance of LitePSM

Known Limitations

1. Potential Front-Running

DssLitePsm relies on pre-minted Dai. It is designed to keep a fixed-sized amount (buf) of it available most of the time. However, when users call buyGem, the amount of Dai available will be temporarily larger than buf.

Scenario A: a user might observe the outstanding amount of Dai and wish to call sellGem to receive the total of Dai in return. In that scenario, there is a possibility of a transaction calling any of the permissionless bookkeeping functions to front-run them, causing the swap to fail, as the Dai liquidity would be lower than the required amount.

The scenario A above is not possible with the current PSM implementation because each swap is ā€œself-balancingā€, so no off-band bookkeeping is required.

Scenario B: a large swap might front-run another one, even if unintentionally. Imagine there is 10M Dai outstanding in DssLitePsm. If Alice ā€“ who wants to swap 8M ā€“ and Bob ā€“ who wants to swap 3M ā€“ submit their transactions at the same time, only the first one will be executed.

The scenario B above is not possible with the current PSM implementation because sellGem is able to mint Dai on-the-fly to fulfill the swap, given that there is enough room in the debt ceiling.

Notice how the same issue happens in buyGem, however the amount of gem deposited into DssLitePsm is only bounded by the debt ceiling, while the amount of Dai will tend to gravitate towards buf.

The consequence is that anyone willing to call sellGem with a value larger than buf should take care of potential front-running transactions by bundling it with an optional liquidity increase (fill).

2. No Slippage Protection

Swaps in DssLitePsm are generally not subject to slippage. The only exception is when there is a MakerDAO Governance proposal to increase the swapping fees tin and/or tout. That is done through an Executive Spell, which is an on-chain smart contract that can be permissionlessly cast (executed) after following the Governance process.

If Alice sends a swap transaction and a spell increasing the fees is cast before her transaction, she will either pay more Dai when buying gems or receive less Dai when selling gems than the originally expected.

This is a highly unlikely scenario, but users or aggregators are able to handle this issue through a wrapper contract.

Gas Savings

At this point, an attentive reader might be wondering:

So, by doing all these changes, how much gas is saved on swaps?

We actually got some estimate for you :drum_with_drumsticks::drum_with_drumsticks::drum_with_drumsticks::

Operation PSM LitePSM Savings
buyGem 145,030 78,867 -45.62%
sellGem 284,620 93,742 -67.06%

The numbers above are generated by Foundry when running forge test --gas-report. These are the median values obtained from the test suites of the respective repositories. This gives us a ballpark estimation, however the actual gas usage might vary.

The permissioned functions buyGemNoFee and sellGemNoFee have a small gas overhead because they need to check whether the caller is authorized to call them or not. That check comes at a cost of 1 extra SLOAD plus some computation to get the correct slot for the mapping.


This is a relevant change to the Maker Protocol, and as usual security is taken very seriously, being a priority from the start. Security assumptions changed with the change of design: In the previous version the trusted Vat was in charge of ensuring 100% collateralization, in the new version the PSM itself is responsible to maintain it (governance can still control the size of it by the amount of collateral granted to the PSM vault, as well as its debt ceiling, aka line).

The code was made in plain solidity for this very reason, as was the 100% coverage test suite. The code was then extensively reviewed by engineers with vast experience with the Maker Protocol, formally verified using Certora and audited by ChainSecurity and SpearBit/CantinaSec.

Useful links

Who is Dewiz?

We are buidlers! Dewiz co-founders are former MakerDAO Core Unit contributors, who have been actively contributing with the Maker Protocol since 2021, and have been engaged in the broader Ethereum ecosystem since 2018.

We enable DeFi innovators to build on top of the main DeFi protocols, providing technical expertise on both on-chain and off-chain integrations that can save thousands of hours in engineering resources and put your project on the fast-track of the new financial world.

Our team has expertise in smart contract engineering for EVM chains, front-end engineering, integrations, supporting services and agile project management.

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Maker Core Real-World Asset Report - 2024-06

Published: Jul 22, 2024

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Below you will find the June 2024 update on Makerā€™s Real-World Asset exposure. Please note that for the deal-specific sections, the data is current through June month-end and Julyā€™s data will be included in the next RWA report, unless otherwise noted.

All MakerDAO RWA transactions are accounted for and summarized below. One item of note:

  • In early July, Fortunafi repaid its vault with 1.93mm Dai that was previously held off-chain


Makerā€™s RWA exposure (excluding the PSMs) decreased by ~403mm this month as Coinbase Custody, Clydesdale, and Andromeda were reduced to bolster the USDC PSM.

RWAs continue to comprise a significant portion of Makerā€™s Stability Fees. In May, RWAs made up 34% of all Stability Fees generated by the protocol. Year to date in 2024, RWAs (including stablecoin income) generated 31% of the total Stability Fees for Maker.

A summary of Makerā€™s RWA exposure over time is shown in the chart below:

Monetalis Clydesdale (RWA-007)

For all available information on the current state of Clydesdale, please see the reports provided by Monetalis, which can be found in their Clydesdale Vault HQ forum thread.

The information in the table at the top of this report is taken from our Clydesdale Dune dashboard, which can be found here.

BlockTower Andromeda (RWA-015)

The Andromeda transaction decreased its t-bill holdings by $102mm in June.

Andromeda is now returning Stability Fees back to the DAO on a monthly basis.

For additional detail on the vault, please view the full portfolio and transaction ledger

Huntingdon Valley Bank (RWA-009)

On April 16th, 50,384,939 Dai were sent back to the protocol as principal and wiped from the Urn. The vault currently has a balance of 49.6mm Dai.

To see the data behind the above dashboard, click here

To see the full Portfolio and Concentration Report, click here

[Note: The Portfolio and Concentration Report loan balances will differ slightly from the loan balance shown in the above dashboard. The dashboard uses actual funded cashflows as reported by Ankura, while the loan-level detail is provided by HVB and reflects both Makerā€™s funded and unfunded loan balance]

BlockTower Credit (RWA-012 & RWA-013)

BlockTower increased their vault position by 9M Dai in June, leaving them with an additional 17mm of excess capacity to draw from the vaults. Both vaults have been designated for structured products. BlockTower is satisfying all covenants and Steakhouse will continue to monitor the pool as assets are added.

Additional detail on BlockTowerā€™s vaults can be found in their monthly report here

6s Capital Partners (RWA-001)

No new loan activity in June, so the current loan balance still stands at $13.0mm. The collateral in this transaction is a portfolio of senior loans to single-tenant commercial leases construction projects.

In June, there was a one-time expense of $106k paid from the vault to reimburse 6s for certain set-up costs from the beginning of the deal, which reduced the net stability fees and IRR.

As a reminder, the on-chain data for the 6s Capital transaction does not accurately reflect the realistic Dai balance or accrued Stability Fees of the vault. While the on-chain data continually accrues a 3% Stability Fee on the Dai in circulation, the actual borrower (6s Capital Partners) is only obligated to pay interest for the time that capital is drawn from the real-world trust (RWA Senior Lending Trust).

New Silver (RWA-002)

The New Silver upsize and restructuring officially went live at the end of August 2023 and New Silver continues to deploy additional capital from the vault.

All covenants are passing and Ankura as Trustee is verifying deal covenants prior to every new loan made by the vault.

Fortunafi (RWA-005)

In early July, most of the off-chain funds from matured assets were paid to Drop holders, and Maker received a distribution of 1.93mm Dai back to the Urn. Some funds were held back to assist with potential defaults.

Maker currently holds 99% of the outstanding Drop token with a vault debt of 2.8mm as of July 5th. This debt is supported by three assets totaling $3.35mm of par value.

  • One asset representing $450k in par value was scheduled to mature in June and Fortunafi expects an 80-90% recovery in the next few months.
  • An asset representing $2mm in par value, which was previously extended to September 2024, is expected to default, and Fortunafi is working to recover payment
  • The third asset, representing $900k, is still current and set to mature in March 2025.

Like last month, Makerā€™s position is still beneath the minimum Tin subordination of 10%. The debt ceiling for this vault is at zero, Drop redemptions have been submitted, and there are no additional actions for Maker to take at this time.

Asa reminder, the assets in this deal are Revenue Based Financing loans, in which each asset is a loan to a business (typically a small business or SaaS company), itself collateralized by a percentage of that businessā€™s gross revenues.

Fortunafi is failing a number of covenants: the co-investor ratio (now almost at zero), the YoY growth rate, and the minimum Fortunafi Tin investment (however, there are two additional affiliated entities which own Tin tokens, and if included, these would increase the ownership percentage above that covenantā€™s threshold). As mentioned above, the minimum tin percentage is also failing.

Harbor Trade (RWA-004)

The Harbor Trade transaction still has 1.6mm Dai outstanding from the vault as of the end of June, and the workout process for the portfolio is ongoing. The DAO has reduced the debt ceiling to zero and submitted a redemption for its holdings.

The vaultā€™s three assets (totaling $2.1mm) are in default. These defaulted assets collateralize the $1.8mm in aggregate Drop token market value and were issued by a single consumer electronics company, which has in turn pledged its receivables as collateral.

The default began in April 2023 and Harbor Trade is currently engaged in a workout process to recover as much value as possible for the transaction. As of May 2024, Steakhouse has requested funding for legal expenses from the DAO to assist Harbor Trade in the recovery as it begins litigation in Germany.

ConsolFreight (RWA-003)

The ConsolFreight portfolio currently consists of delinquent and defaulted assets. One delinquent asset remains with a balance of $196k alongside two default assets (Hanhwa) totaling approximately $1.9mm. These $2.1M in assets support 1.9M (market value) in Drop tokens, of which $1.7M belong to Makerā€™s vault.

The legal process for the defaulted loans (Hanhwa) is still ongoing. In late May, ConsolFreight provided an update on the recovery process:

We remain optimistic that the Court will grant our request for the Liquidator and Directed to provide many, if not most, of the documents we have sought through our subpoenas and preliminary discovery application. A separate application for preliminary discovery has been filed.

Regarding our argument on ā€œactual or apparent possessionā€ of the goods that the Liquidator sold upon his appointment, we faced some challenges. While we had a strong enough argument to seek preliminary discovery, the Buyer Trade Finance Agreement (BTFA) does not entirely circumvent the Personal Property Security Register (PPSR) requirements in Australia. The PPSR ensures transparency regarding who has a security interest in goods through registration or possession.

Despite these challenges, there is still potential for claims against the Liquidator if the documents reveal that he was aware of any wrongdoing by Hanhwa concerning our goods. Similarly, we may have claims against Directed if it is shown that they were aware of the BTFA when acquiring the goods before liquidation.

The Court has not yet delivered a judgment, which is an unusual delay. The delay could indicate that the Registrar is carefully considering which documents should be provided, but it is difficult to determine the exact cause. The Registrar may simply have a heavy workload.

With Hanhwa director now bankrupted and out of the picture, our straightforward claim has become more complex. Our chances of success against the Liquidator and Directed will largely depend on the Registrarā€™s decision on our preliminary discovery application and the documents produced. Once we have access to these documents, we will be able to provide a more informed opinion.

Thank you for your continued patience and support. We will keep you informed of any further developments.

As a reminder, on August 24th of 2023, Steakhouse and ConsolFreight alerted MakerDAO that the pools largest position, Hanhwa, was expected to default. The balance of the affected position is roughly 1.8mm out of the 2.5mm portfolio (as of October 2023 month-end). There is not currently a good estimate for expected recovery, but it is very possible the Drop token is impacted. Please note that the value of the loans in Centrifuge (and in the above dashboard) have not been written down.

MakerDAO has reduced the debt ceiling to zero as part of its offboarding of Legacy RWAs

Legal disclaimer

This communication is provided for information purposes only. This communication has been prepared based upon information, including market prices, data and other information, from sources believed to be reliable, but such information has not independently been verified and this communication makes no representations about the enduring accuracy of the information or its appropriateness for a given situation. This content is provided for informational purposes only, and should not be relied upon as legal, business, investment, financial or tax advice. You should consult your own advisers as to those matters. References to any digital assets and the use of finance-related terminology are for illustrative purposes only, and do not constitute any recommendation for any action or an offer to provide investment, financial or other advisory services. This content is not directed at nor intended for use by the MakerDAO community (ā€œMakerDAOā€) and may not under any circumstances be relied upon when making a decision to purchase any digital asset referenced herein. The digital assets referenced herein currently face an uncertain regulatory landscape in not only the United States but also in many foreign jurisdictions, including but not limited to the United Kingdom, European Union, Singapore, Korea, Japan and China. The legal and regulatory risks inherent in referenced digital assets are not the subject of this content. For guidance regarding the possibility of said risks, one should consult with his or her own appropriate legal and/or regulatory counsel. Charts and graphs provided within are for informational purposes solely and should not be relied upon when making any decision. The content speaks only as of the date indicated. Any projections, estimates, forecasts, targets, prospects, and/or opinions expressed in these materials are subject to change without notice and may differ or be contrary to opinions expressed by others.

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Maker Core TechOps Services Ecosystem Actor updates - Q2 2024

Published: Jul 22, 2024

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TechOps Services Ecosystem Actorā€™s mandate is to support critical Maker protocol infrastructure, maintaining its stability and operability with a 24/7/365 schedule. We run infrastructure behind MakerDAOā€™s multiple projects, applications and services, monitoring systemā€™s risk, governance and financial parameters to ensure ecosystem stability and health, as well as providing IT support to the teams working on MakerDAO ecosystem, as well as other stakeholders, including every trusted community member.

The team is based in different regions to ensure global coverage for alerts and maintenance support.

Incidents and alerts statistics

Here are the statistics for incidents in Q2:

  1. April - 332 incidents
  2. May - 215 incidents
  3. June - 334 incidents

TOTAL - 881 incidents in Q2

Important Note:

ā€œIncidentā€ is a term used by PagerDuty - the tool that we use for integrating all running services into one alerting system. Incident in reality means an alert that TechOps receive and has to investigate. It in no way means that something was not working.

Visual representation of the Q1 incident statistics:

Average number of incidents received per day (including weekends) is 10.

Below, you can also see how many notifications the team is receiving. Weā€™re a globally distributed team, but some notifications are still sent outside business hours if they meet a high priority rating. Thanks to our geographic advantage and careful planning, it is as if our team never sleeps.


Graph represents number of times on-call responders were interrupted. Includes calls, SMS, or push notifications. Notifications from these channels are considered a single interruption until no notification is sent for at least 60 seconds.

May spike is due to infrastructure improvement work done for monitoring functions that weā€™ve been doing during that time period that required some ad-hoc adjustments done on production environment.

Below you can see that there were 13 critical incidents that required being escalated to people outside the usual time zone schedule.

We monitor 21 different services and have multiple integrations that are linked to a common monitoring system. These services are:

  1. AWS infrastructure
  2. Risk Parameters
  3. Blockchain Nodes
  4. Emergency Shutdown Module
  5. Blockchain Keepers
  6. CloudWatch
  7. Kubernetes clusters
  8. GuardDuty
  9. RDS
  10. Wallet Transactions
  11. Automated monitoring tests
  12. MakerDAO DNS records

and others. We constantly add services to the list and improve monitoring and security of existing setup.

Due to security concerns, we are not disclosing the full list or more detailed information on this.

Internal Community Tickets

We have an open channel for MakerDAO Community to open requests for TechOps team. Feel free to access #techops-requests channel and open tickets following specific formatting rules. In Q2 we received:

  • 11 tickets in April
  • 10 tickets in May
  • 5 tickets in June

Total is 26 tickets, which is a little less than in the previous quarter. We are super happy to help the MakerDAO Community with their needs.

Below, I will list the work split by categories and specific task areas that weā€™ve been working on in Q2.

Blockchain Keepers

  • Upgrade ETH Filler
  • Upgrade Maker Keeper
  • Upgrade Chief Keeper
  • Upgrade Cage Keeper
  • Upgrade Vote notifications Keeper
  • Upgrade MKR transfer watcher
  • Update MKR allocation keeper
  • Update MegaPoker watcher
  • Update Systems Parameters watcher
  • Fixed MegaPoker monitor
  • Improvements to Poker Keeper to not rely purely on Etherscan response status, improve retry logic
  • Updated Node Status Watcher to handle Dshackle endpoints
  • Fix various intermittent errors from the above services

Blockchain Nodes

  • Provisioned Reth Mainnet node
  • Upgrade Holesky Reth node
  • Removed default command and upgrade the version after Reth node get fully synced
  • Upgrade Teku nodes
  • Fixing Erigon node error
  • Added Holesky and Sepolia nodes to nodes-monitoring Lambda


  • Fix Kubernetes autoscaling
  • Update Kubernetes to the latest version
  • Deprecate unused Terraform resources
  • Deprecation of WAF Rate limiting
  • Updated CloudTrail alarm log
  • Fixed K8s Descheduler setup
  • Set up multi-region VPN cluster
  • Fixing Pod being in a bad state error
  • Fixing Pod that restarts too often
  • Migrated AWS-EKS Terraform module to the latest version
  • Clean up Terraform Cloud
  • Deploy Lambdas in a better way
  • Investigate Traefik not picking up new Pods after a new deployment

Endgame and other applications

  • Created new Risk Dashboards environments, deployment flow, sanctions compliance
  • Implemented and improved Main Endgame app compliance monitoring.
  • Migrate MIPs portal to Maker infrastructure, create staging and production environments, add CI/CD processes. Fixing content issue on MIPs portal.
  • Urgent forum rebuild was needed, fixing issues with Forum. Helping users with activating forum user accounts.

Costs optimizations

  • Initiative to reduce Grafana costs, including public analytics dashboards


  • Created application to monitor MakerDAO DNS records, added ability for multi-user use and configured first domains to be used.
  • Added monitoring of Infura keys and usage to better keep track of downtimes or periods where infrastructure and applications have to switch to the backup solution.
  • Audited all Cloudflare monitoring logs
  • Whitelisting governance spells
  • Deploy Cloudflare worker to improve how application headers are parsed


  • Adding/removing teams to GitHub repositories, importing repositories to MakerDAO GitHub organization, changing repositories visibility, adding teams to GitHub projects. All changes are reflected in the Assets Sheet online.
  • Improved Discord auto-spam detection bot
  • Creating new Discord channels, doing restructure, editing permissions in existing channels, moving and renaming categories.


  • Doing research on Service Catalog solution that will link the code, infrastructure, environments, variables and tools in one single place.
  • Improvements in the process for updating secrets
  • Urgent support requests do not get latest priority
  • Update documentation listing all nodes, RPC endpoints and their usage.
  • Immunefi report and investigation

Please let us know if there are any questions related to the work we did. For other information, we have our own Discord server that you can join and ask questions.

Thank you for taking the time to read our update!

-Dumitru and the TechOps Services Ecosystem Actor Team

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General Discussion EA Status Update (2/3): Powerhouse Work for MakerDAO

Published: Jul 19, 2024

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  • Powerhouse provided an update on its product vision and development earlier this month, while the post below provides an overview of Powerhouseā€™s contributions to MakerDAO. One more update will come in a few weeks
  • The RWA Reporting Tool completed a successful demo earlier this month to key stakeholders, highlighting the secure end-to-end flow for data input and publishing.
  • A new version of the MakerDAO Expense Dashboard is in the works, built through Fusion, Powerhouseā€™s public dashboard application. This update also adds a roadmap section, Endgame information and additional integrations.
  • Powerhouse is working on a new Atlas Editor as well as Governance AI Tools (GAIT) as part of the Endgame.
  • This work is a proof of concept for a new architecture that comes with key advantages that make it easy to rapidly deploy new tools for optimizing organizational operations.


Powerhouse is an Ecosystem Actor for MakerDAO that was introduced in June 2023 when the former Sustainable Ecosystem Scaling Core Unit (SES) spun off. As SES and later Powerhouse, we have focused on providing operational support to MakerDAO, aligning with stakeholders to identify key needs and building open-source software tools to expedite and automate the process.

Since the passage of the Endgame, Powerhouse is focused on supporting the launch season and building new open-source operational tools for MakerDAO to maintain decentralization while incorporating new governance AI tooling. Powerhouse is developing this Universal DAO Toolkit to be used by all DAOs, but right now our focus is on supporting MakerDAO. This post aims to highlight recent work for MakerDAO and explain how the infrastructure used to build tools for MakerDAO allows for rapid development of additional operational and governance applications. Hereā€™s an outline of whatā€™s to come:

  • RWA Reporting Tool
  • Updated Maker expenses dashboard through Fusion
  • Atlas Editor and Governance AI Tools (GAIT)
  • Strengths of Using Powerhouseā€™s Document Models

RWA Reporting Tool for BA Labs

As part of the upcoming launch season, BA Labs is building a new risk dashboard. A key component of that is making the information about the RWAs that back Dai transparent and easy to understand. It was also important that BA Labs could access machine-readable data to automate as much as possible. Powerhouse has built a tool for Arrangers of RWAs to provide detailed reports on the transactions made with the Dai principal.

The RWA Reporting Tool was built by Powerhouse in collaboration with BA Labs and will eventually utilize all four of Powerhouseā€™s applications.

  • Renown for login and authentication
  • Connect for arrangers to report details of RWAs
  • Switchboard for easy data query in a GraphQL playground
  • Fusion for community dashboards and data visualization

MakerDAO governance requires transparency. The RWA Reporting provides this transparency through an end-to-end flow that captures structured data. Every time Arrangers update RWA information, Connect records each edit and ties it to an Ethereum signer. This creates a full and detailed audit history that anybody can use to view and verify the validity of the transactions. The document also has edit permissions set, such that only addresses designated by MakerDAO governance can make changes to a particular RWA document. This identity authentication happens through the Renown app using an Ethereum address. Renown assigns a decentralized identifier (DID) with verifiable credentials that control access to the document through decentralized infrastructure. Powerhouse worked closely with Ceramic to build this feature.

Powerhouse provided a successful product demo to key stakeholders earlier this month. Arrangers can engage in real-time collaboration in entering data in Connect through Powerhouseā€™s synchronization protocol. For BA Labs, they can access all of RWA data through Connect or through Switchboard, which provides a GraphQL interface for working with large sets of data.

In addition to viewing the RWA information, Powerhouseā€™s events-based architecture also enables a detailed revision history of what changes and who made them to the document. This revision history is similar to Google Docs but importantly, works without a centralized service provider. This structure also enables contributors to fork a document and work on their own branch, and even work locally before syncing.

Check out the demo video for a walk-through and see the real-time collaboration and synchronization in practice. The Powerhouse team continues to support BA Labs as it rolls out its transparency dashboard for launch season. In addition to working on the stability of the product and internal QA, we are also working on generating already existent RWA reports from the forum inside Connect, so that the data will also be instantly available in Switchboard.

Updated Maker Expenses Dashboard through Fusion

Since its inception, Powerhouse has been bringing transparency to MakerDAO operations, and has been operating an Expenses Dashboard to provide granular details on where Maker is spending its Dai. This served as inspiration for Fusion, which is a public dashboard tool built on Powerhouseā€™s new architecture. Whereas before, the input to the Maker Expenses Dashboard was a manual collection of data in various formats, Fusion is designed to instantly create dashboards from structured data inputted through Connect.

Powerhouse is building a new dashboard with additional features to incorporate the Endgame structure around subDAOs. The updated site is not yet live, but we are building out additional functionality in addition to switching over to the new architecture.

With the document model structure Powerhouse uses, we can add additional information including integrating data from other platforms, such as the forum or the voting portal.

The new homepage for MakerDAO on Fusion also features a roadmap section where deliverables and milestones can be tracked and viewed by the community. This could be for MakerDAO, subDAOs or an Ecosystem Actor. This can integrate with a Scope of Work document model that kicks off an engagement, ensuring accountability.

The new homepage for MakerDAO on Fusion also has an extensive section on Endgame with information and links for those looking to learn more. Itā€™s intended to be updated as things progress, particularly in incorporating budget and finance information as it transitions to the new structure.

Atlas Editor and Governance AI Tools (GAIT)

Powerhouse has also been preparing for the development of a MakerDAO Atlas editor to create a long-term repository for the Atlas. Currently, this work is done manually, but we are working to automate the process and integrate it into Powerhouseā€™s Connect App, with access and authentication being managed through Renown and governed by Maker governance.

This project aims to streamline the Drafters < ā†’ Reviewers reconciliation workflow and thus enhance research capabilities and improve the communication and operationalization of the Atlas. By increasing the legibility and adaptability of the Atlas, we ensure it remains true to its purpose while evolving with our ecosystem. Powerhouseā€™s events-based and git architecture makes it ideal for multiple stakeholders to collaborate together. Powerhouse is working closely with @LeBateleur to ensure the successful development and implementation of the software solution.

Powerhouse has continued to support Maker Governance AI Tooling (GAIT) product development. In collaboration with Jetstream and Pointable, Powerhouse is supporting the foundation of LLM tooling for MakerDAO. Powerhouse will be providing an update on the current milestone status, which is progressing quite well. The core system has been designed and implemented, and the present roadmap anticipates some LLM applications may be ready during the Launch Season Phases. \

Strengths of Using Powerhouseā€™s Document Models

The RWA Reporting Tool is the first proof-of-concept for Powerhouseā€™s new architecture that is powered by document models. This data structure undergirds Powerhouseā€™s core products, making it seamlessly integrated. The RWA Reporting Tool and soon the Atlas Editor are just the first tools that could be built using this architecture. Any business process can be built on top of this architecture, from grants programs to payroll to proposal collaboration.

Powerhouseā€™s architecture comes with five strengths:

  1. Decentralization and Web 3 - identity and reputation are achieved through Ethereum addresses, while the storage adapters enable any decentralized data storage protocol to plug directly into Powerhouse.
  2. Massive Scalability - Powerhouse uses the same design that enables Web2 scalability with built-in micro-services compatibility (SaaS), event-sourcing and utilizes a CQRS design pattern.
  3. State of the Art UX Practices - Document model reducers enable user interaction modeling beyond state schemas and a Flux-like design pattern saves front-end developers time with easy integration with React.js.
  4. Social Collaboration Primitives - Powerhouse achieves the best of Google Docs and Github with the centralization with document commit histories with branching and merging similar to git, and a distributed data ownership structure with real-time collaboration.
  5. Reduction of cost and shorter time-to-market - Powerhouse is open-source and optimized for automation and AI. Reusable components allow developers to build applications quickly, while our Model-Driven Development approach enables low-code development.

These strengths will allow developers to build customized applications to streamline operations across DAOs and other open organizations. Powerhouseā€™s ironclad commitment to open-source software development means best practices of the most successful organizations can be deployed in new organizations starting from scratch.

Coming up:

This is the second of three update posts from Powerhouse. The first was focused on the Powerhouse product vision and the final post will discuss our future path to sustainability.

If youā€™re interested in learning more, jump into our discord, follow us on our (newly active) X/Twitter profile and check out our recently updated website

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New to MakerDAO Best sources for MakerDAO news/updates

Published: Jul 19, 2024

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What are currently the best sources for MakerDAO news/updates? Iā€™m looking for places that distill things down to the most important points (i.e., something thatā€™s a bit more curated/concentrated than just ā€œforumā€ or ā€œXā€). I believe the DAO funded something like that in the pastā€¦

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Spark Tokenization Grand Prix About the Spark Tokenization Grand Prix category

Published: Jul 17, 2024

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This subforum will be dedicated to the Spark Tokenization Grand Prix. All information and updates regarding the competition will be posted here.

We look forward to opening applications and getting the race started!

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Maker Core Dewiz Update: June 2024

Published: Jul 17, 2024

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  • In June, we provided support to the following executives:

Protocol Engineering Scope - Protocol Security workstream:

  • Coordinating with TechOps and other EAs the rollout of PagerDuty across the organization.

Endgame workstream

  • Further refining the litePSM launch scripts which are the result of the close collaboration with BA Labs and PullUp. The final version of the launch plan is out for audit

Previous Updates

Questionsā” Join our Discord and engage with us! JOIN NOW:loud_sound::loud_sound::loud_sound:

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Miscellaneous Media Inquiries Is this thing on?

Published: Jul 16, 2024

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Is this channel still athing?

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General Discussion NewGovToken Activation: new feature and other changes

Published: Jul 16, 2024

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I am working on the MIP edit that will go up for voting during August, to make final preparations for the Launch Season product releases. In this post I will describe several related changes:

  • A new feature: NewGovToken Activation
  • Changes to LockStaking, including renaming it to Sealed Activation
  • Renaming of SPK Staking to SPK Activation

The below represents my current thinking about the topic and the final design will be subject to the communityā€™s feedback and approval.

New Feature: NewGovToken Activation

Activation is a new feature that will be available to NewGovToken holders. It is designed to incentivize governance participation in the long term among NewGovToken holders who do not wish to lock up their tokens long term with Sealed Activation (formerly LockStaking).

NewGovToken holders can Activate or Deactivate their NewGovToken at any time, with no restrictions, cost, or additional risk. Later on it will be possible to delegate while Activating, with additional incentives to reward governance participation.

When NewGovToken is Activated, the user chooses a reward to receive. The rewards available will be as follows:

  • 10% of total Protocol Stablecoin Surplus
  • 15% of the Token Reward supply for each SubDAO

NewGovToken Activation will become available at Spark launch.

At first only SPK rewards will be supported for users who Activate (at a rate of 150 million SPK per year distributed across all Activated NewGovToken). Some time after Spark launch, Protocol Stablecoin Surplus will become available, and other SubDAO tokens will be available as Activation Rewards as soon as they launch.

In addition to incentivizing governance participation in the long term, NewGovToken Activation will also act as a useful primitive that can power restaking mechanisms built on top of NewGovToken. Restaking protocols will be able to stack the native Activation Rewards with their own Restaking rewards.

NewGovToken Activation will not be available to US-based and VPN users.

NewGovToken Sealed Activation (formerly known as LockStaking)

LockStaking is being renamed to Sealed Activation, and some of its parameters have changed.

Sealed Activation is designed to incentivize participants to delegate their NewGovToken and MKR and get additional skin in the game, by Sealing the tokens behind an Exit Fee.

Sealed Activation will launch shortly after the launch of NewStable, NewGovToken, and the new Endgame app.

Sealed Activation is available both to NewGovToken and MKR holders, and provides Activation Rewards. It is possible to delegate while Sealed. When Unsealing, there is an Exit Fee.

When NewGovToken is Sealed, the user chooses a reward to receive. The rewards available will be as follows:

  • 25% of total Protocol Stablecoin Surplus
  • 15% of the Token Reward supply emissions for each SubDAO

When Sealed Activation launches, only 25% of the Protocol Stablecoin Surplus will be available as an Activation Reward, but SPK Token Reward will become available as an additional choice soon as Spark launches (at a rate of 150 million SPK tokens per year distributed across all Sealed NewGovToken and MKR).

Sealed Activation has an Exit Fee that is paid on the Sealed principal when the user Unseals. The Exit Fee starts at 5% at the moment Sealed Activation launches, and then increases by 1% every 6 months until it reaches its long term value of 15%. Exit Fee increases are applied retroactively. The Exit Fee is set low initially to encourage a lot of early participation.

NewGovToken Sealed Activation will not be available to US-based and VPN users.

SPK Activation (Formerly known as SPK Staking)

When the Spark SubDAO launches SPK will have the SPK Activation feature available from launch (previously known as SPK Staking).

Just like NewGovToken Activation, SPK holders can Activate or Deactivate their SPK at any time, with no restrictions, cost, or additional risk. Later on it will be possible to vote while Activating, and there will be additional incentives to reward governance participation.

When SPK is Activated, the user receives NewGovToken Rewards. The total rewards are 80 million NewGovToken per year distributed across all Activated SPK.

Additional changes

I will follow up with another post that will detail more changes, both feature changes and terminology changes, which I plan to put into the next MIP edit for community feedback and approval.

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Maker Core Capital Transparency: Endgame Operational Expenses Enabled by the Atlas

Published: Jul 15, 2024

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The Ecosystem team is providing an update on our progress toward expense transparency, specifically building on the former Capital Transparency: 2023 Overview of the Transition to Endgame.

In the sections below, we provide an overview of expenses from May 2023 through July 7, 2024. There are also explanations regarding changes to Working Areas reported in January, as well as new Working Areas that have emerged. Should you have questions please post them in the comments below.

Atlas Capital Transparency

The Atlas has spent 41.0M DAI and 13,085 MKR related to the development and operations of MakerDAO from the start of Endgame in May 2023 through July 7, 2024.


The Atlas has enabled progress in 16 different Working Areas with DAI and, 10 different Working Areas with MKR across all the 5 scopes.




Working Areas Expense Summary: May 1, 2023 - July 7, 2024

This section summarizes Endgame spend in Working Areas for Launch Project (Accessibility Scope) and the remaining Scopes (Protocol, Governance, Stability, & Support).
Some of the changes with the previous forum post are:

  • GovOPs now includes AVC Members and Aligned Delegates. They were reported separately in January.
  • Atlas Development represents the team efforts to bootstrap the Atlas work underway. That work began in January.
  • Business Development represents the team efforts to drive growth and adoption through Launch Season.
  • Data & Ops represent prior Core Units that are directly supporting core Atlas work and Launch Season.
  • Branding and Marketing spend represent continued efforts to support Launch Season and Spark.
  • Legal Working Area reflects recent expenses related to the cost of ongoing litigation.


Dive deep: The Launch Project Capital Fund

The Launch Project Capital budget was originally set at 20M DAI and 5,000 MKR and recently raised to 40M DAI and 10,000 MKR. More details in MIP102c2-SP34: MIP Amendment Subproposal.

This increase reflects the capital needed to successfully deliver on initiatives outlined in the March 12, 2024 post describing MakerDAO Endgame: Launch Season.

The Launch Project has expended 21.0M DAI and 4,438 MKR, accounting for 52.5% and 44.4% of the total budget, respectively.

The graphs below provide a detailed breakdown of DAI and MKR allocations across various Working Areas within the Accessibility Scope of the Launch Project.



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General Discussion Sidestream Quarterly Update Q2 2024

Published: Jul 15, 2024

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Listing the items done between 1st April and 30th June 2024 as part of our engagement with MakerDAO.

Executive Spells

  • A list of all MakerCore spells can be found here
  • We delivered the following spells in Q2 by providing the listed role(s) listed:
    • Spell 2024-04-04: 2nd Reviewer
    • Spell 2024-04-22: Crafter and 1st Reviewer
    • Spell 2024-05-06: 2nd Reviewer
    • Spell 2024-05-16: Crafter and 1st Reviewer
    • Spell 2024-05-30: 2nd Reviewer
    • Spell 2024-06-13: Crafter and 1st Reviewer
    • Spell 2024-06-27: 2nd Reviewer
  • There were no reported issues or delays from the development side for any of the spells in Q2

Spell Process Improvements

  • To make the spell creation process even more resilient, we kicked off an initiative to decrease the dependency on centralised tools
    • Conducted an analysis of existing dependencies and proposed solutions, see here
    • Developed a prototype of the ā€œspell attesterā€ to move some of the most crucial parts of the spell process onchain. See here. Next step is to test-run it next to the current process
  • To increase clarity and improve onboarding, we delivered a significant update to the spell crafter checklist. It now uses a conditional structure, more details here
  • To improve collaboration on spells between an increased number of stakeholders and to ensure punctual delivery, we created a concrete spell coordination proposal along with structural improvements to the checklists, more details here
  • To remove a crucial dependence on the legacy dapp-tools and to allow easier spell deployment + straight-forward onboarding of new spell team members:

Other Contributions

  • Started working on the LockstakeEngine clipper callee contract, will be delivered in Q3
  • Maintained Tenderly-related scripts, such as this one
  • Ongoing Monitoring and Maintenance of Auctions and Liquidations related products.

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General Discussion EtherMail: Email Solution with Ethereum Sign In

Published: Jul 15, 2024

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For Alignment Conservers or anyone aiming to uphold OpSec standards, is an email solution which allows users to sign on via Ethereum Address. Here is a quick overview of EtherMailā€™s security and important business context to allow one to assess the longevity EtherMail may have.


  • Emails sent between EtherMail users: Always end-to-end encrypted, ensuring that only the sender and recipient can read the messages.
  • Emails from EtherMail users to non-EtherMail users: Encrypted with TLS if the non-EtherMail mail server supports it. While this provides encryption in transit, it is not end-to-end encrypted, meaning providers like Gmail, Yahoo, and Hotmail can read these messages and hand them over if needed.
  • Emails from non-EtherMail users to EtherMail users: Unless PGP is used, the email message is encrypted in transit using TLS and stored on EtherMailā€™s servers with zero-access encryption. However, it is not end-to-end encrypted and might be accessible to the senderā€™s email service.


EtherMail has secured $7.3M in funding over two rounds from notable investors, including Tim Draper, Draper Associates, MS&AD Ventures, Fabric Ventures, Greenfield, Rene Reinsberg, and This information is sourced from Crunchbase and confirmed in their EMT token launch article.

Business Model:

EtherMail recently launched the EMT token, introducing ā€œConsensual Marketing.ā€ In this model, users opt-in to receive promotional content and are compensated with EMT tokens for their engagement. The utility of EMT includes access to premium features and market buybacks equating 50% of all Consensual Marketing advertising revenue.

For more details, you can read the article on the EMT token here (Launching $EMT: The Worldā€™s First Email Token | by EtherMail | Jun, 2024 | Medium).

Best Practices:

  • As a security precaution, do not use an address already used for handling financial transactions or storing funds for EtherMail. This minimizes the risk of financial loss.
  • Inform your contacts about the security practices and limitations of using different email services. Encourage them to adopt secure email practices and consider using EtherMail for secure communications.
  • For communications that must extend outside the EtherMail network, using PGP encryption can provide an additional layer of security. Both senders and recipients should be familiar with setting up and using PGP to ensure their messages are protected.

This overview should help Alignment Conservers and those committed to high OpSec standards understand EtherMailā€™s potential as a secure and innovative email solution.

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Maker Core Analysis and Summary of Recent Liquidations in the MakerDAO and SparkLend Ecosystems

Published: Jul 15, 2024

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In the wake of recent market turbulence, the DeFi ecosystem has experienced liquidation events affecting positions across both the MakerDAO Core and SparkLend lending engines. This report will analyze the liquidations from 2 July 2024 to 8 July 2024, highlighting affected vaults, collateral types, and the financial implications in both DAI repayment and collateral liquidation. By understanding these market dynamics, we aim to underline the DeFi sectorā€™s resilience and areas for potential enhancement.

Market Conditions Leading to Liquidations

There had been a significant bearish movement in the BTC and ETH prices in the first week of July. The BTC price plummeted by ~16% from 1 July to 5 July. Similarly, the price of ETH has decreased by ~20% in the same period - yet both assets have gained some value since. The recent volatility in the cryptocurrency market was, among others, also instigated by the large-scale movement of assets by Mt Gox, which started to repay users, triggering a significant supply shock. This had the effect on Thursday when its BTC movement (together with other market conditions) moved the price on Thursday evening, 4 July, to Friday morning, 5 July, ~8.8% lower.

With previous bearish pressure on BTC and ETH prices, this rapid asset devaluation cascaded through the DeFi space, prompting a series of liquidations.

For why exactly the Mt Gox movement had such an effect, refer to the following sources:

Maker Core Liquidations

Within the Maker ecosystem, this sudden price drop resulted in several liquidations due to the plummeting value of the collateral. Although the total number of liquidations is only seven, the value of those liquidations is far from negligible. The Liquidations were executed in the ETH-A, ETH-C, WSTETH-A and WSTETH-B vaults.

ETH-A vault

  • 1 liquidation (846.7 ETH) with debt repayment of 2.49M DAI on 03.07.2024
  • 2 liquidations (total 78.98 ETH) with debt repayment of 200K DAI on 05.07.2024

ETH-C vault:

  • 1 Liquidation (7.17 ETH) with debt repayment of 18K DAI on 05.07.2024
  • 1 Liquidation (6.75 ETH) with debt repayment of 17K DAI on 08.07.2024

WSTETH-A vault:

  • 1 Liquidation (173.9 WSTETH) with debt repayment of 512K DAI on 05.07.2024

WSTETH-B vault:

  • 1 Liquidation (7.44 WSTETH) with debt repayment of 22K DAI on 05.07.2024

Source:Block Analitica Maker Liquidations

The Maker protocol saw the liquidated collateral worth $3.69M as an ETH ($3.0M) and WSETH ($0.6M). Liquidators repaid $3.26M of debt, accounting for a 13% penalty fee, resulting in a $423K penalty collected by Maker protocol. While the movement of MtGox had an effect on the liquidations happening on 5 July, the liquidation on 3 July had to be due to some other reasons for not adjusting the position to the bearish market conditions. The recent liquidation data suggests the critical need for maintaining appropriate collateralization ratios in such volatile conditions.

SparkLend Liquidations

Similarly, SparkLend also faced the brunt of this market crash, resulting in numerous forced liquidations of various borrower positions. A lot more liquidations have been executed here, however the total value is significantly lower compared to Maker. While the Maker has seen the liquidations also before the MtGox effect, the SparkLend had more liquidation in number, but the majority of positions were very small, resulting in $892.7K collateral being liquidated and $853.4K debt being repaid.

The total number of liquidations on Spark was 30, the vast majority on 5 July due to the explained market effect. There were 12 liquidations cumulatively on 6, 7, and 8 July; however, these positions were minimal in value, while 2 liquidations happened on 4 July, also extremely small.

Source: Block Analitica Spark Liquidations

The most liquidated collateral was WETH, which represented 92.43% ($661K) of all the collateral; the rest was WSTETH with 4.09% ($29K), WBTC with 3.21% ($23K), and sDAI with 0.27% ($2K). That resulted in debt being repaid, primarily DAI (97.9%), followed by small amounts in USDC (1.8%) and UDST (0.3%).

Overall, SparkLend endured the repayment of $683K and liquidation of considerable collateral, totaling $715K. Liquidators repaid all the debt successfully, for which they collected a $31K liquidation bonus.


The recent downturn further emphasizes the inherent volatility of the crypto markets and the importance of maintaining sufficient collateral to protect against sudden price drops. The Maker and SparkLend lending engines experienced only a few liquidations, which were all successfully processed. As we navigate through these turbulent times, staying informed and vigilant becomes imperative for all participants within our ecosystem.

Future Work

BA Labs plans to monitor user metrics to ensure the protocolā€™s stability. We will also provide further analyses of the most important dynamics and suggestions for tackling potential issues. At the same time, we plan to inform the community with this kind of analysis to get live data on user behavior and promptly respond to changing market conditions.


This report is not intended or offered as financial, legal, regulatory, tax, or investment advice. References to particular assets or protocols are not recommendations or solicitations to engage with said asset or protocol. For financial advice, consult a professional advisor.

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Maker Core How can I retrieve my DAIs?

Published: Jul 15, 2024

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I made a mistake by mistakenly transferring 1084DAI to the contract address on the BSC chain(0x1af3f329e8be154074d8769d1ffa4ee058b1dbc3). Can I still retrieve it?
My wallet address: 0xaF17b9A0590521a5D0eA05D44Aa5BA92Ce07e3D7
The transaction hash: 0x78abe6a93cedf0050c9ebddc599df3215cd650d16d67d49f241fca86c4e3fbbd

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Maker Core LITE-PSM-USDC-A Phase 1 (Test Period): Proposed Parameters

Published: Jul 13, 2024

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LITE-PSM-USDC-A Phase 1 (Test Period): Proposed Parameters

Disclaimer: The data and information presented here is provided for informational purposes only, on an ā€œas isā€ basis, and without warranty of any kind. This is not intended or offered as financial, legal, regulatory, tax, or investment advice. References to any digital assets or protocols are for informational purposes only and are not a recommendation or solicitation to engage with any asset or protocol. Any projections, estimates, forecasts, targets, prospects, and/or opinions expressed in these materials are subject to change without notice and may differ or be contrary to opinions expressed by others. MKR voters and MakerDAO governance retain full control over parameter changes and are free to use or disregard this information as they see fit.

  1. Introduction
  2. Proposed Parameter Changes for Phase 1
  3. Evaluation
  4. Proposed Scope Language Changes


In this post, @BA-Labs provides proposed parameters for the parameter configuration of LITE-PSM-USDC-A. We also initiate phase 1 of a three-step migration process intended to gradually migrate USDC from USDC-PSM-A and RWA014-A, to LITE-PSM-USDC-A. The first migration phase is estimated to last for 4 weeks, but can be changed depending on how many users and integrations managed to migrate, which will be communicated on this forum via new parameter proposal recommendation. To learn more about the proposed migration process and its respective phases, refer to LitePSM (LITE-PSM-USDC-A): Introduction and Overview.

Note that the recommended parameter values covered in this post are intended to change as the LITE-PSM-USDC-A migration initiative reaches phase 2, and then again, as we reach phase 3. @BA-Labs will provide two additional forum posts with recommended parameter changes for the remaining steps of the migration process.

As we explain in the LitePSM introduction post, the LitePSM contract had already been deployed at 0xf6e72Db5454dd049d0788e411b06CfAF16853042, the upcoming spell will finalize all required parameter configurations and execute the initial migration of reserves from PSM-USDC-A to LitePSM.

Proposed Parameters for Phase 1

BA Labs recommends the Stability Facilitator to poll the following parameter changes and deployments in next available cycle and include them in the next available executive vote assuming positive poll outcome:

  • Deploy PSM_MOM GSM Delay Exception
  • Migrate initial USDC (20M) reserves from PSM-USDC-A to LitePSM with a script executed in the spell, while leaving at least 200M USDC reserves in PSM-USDC-A
  • The current DC-IAM available DAI liquidity is distributed between the two PSMs
    • PSM-USDC-A
      • tin & tout: 0 (remains unchanged)
      • DC-IAM line (max DC): 10B (remains unchanged)
      • DC-IAM gap: Decrease for 20M from 400M to 380M
      • DC-IAM ttl: 12h (remains unchanged)
      • tin & tout: Set to 0
      • DC-IAM line (max DC): Set to 50M
      • DC-IAM gap: Set to 20M
      • DC-IAM ttl: Set to 12h
      • buf: Set to 20M
  • GSM Delay: Decrease by 14h, from 30h to 16h
  • ESM (Emergency Shutdown Module) minimum threshold: Increase for 150k from 150k to 300k
  • Deploy the keeper network job for calling permissionless LitePSM functions

Keeper Network Threshold Parameters

This group of parameters is specific to when the keeper network job is deployed and configured to call certain functions related to LitePSM buf.

These are permissionless functions, but we still want to call them regularly in order to maintain a certain amount of DAI in the buf and transfers accumulated fees to the surplus buffer.

Fill function mints additional DAI to the buf after a defined threshold had been reached up to the limit. Trim function burns DAI from the buf after a defined threshold had been reached down to the limit. The chug function transfers accumulated fees from the LitePSM to the surplus buffer, note that fees will not be activated for a considerable amount of time and are not planned as part of any migration phase.

The keeper network job thresholds configuration will likely change in latter migration phases as liquidity and available DAI in buf increases, in the initial phase they are set relatively close to the buf in order to achieve good experience for transactors and integrators.

  • fill: Set threshold at 15M DAI
  • trim: Set threshold at 30M DAI
  • chug: Set threshold at 300k DAI


The main goal of phase 1 is to have an initial low exposure period that will provide integrators with sufficient time to familiarize themselves with the LitePSM and to start migrating their solutions from PSM-USDC-A to LITE-PSM-USDC-A. The estimated duration of phase 1 is approximately 4 weeks. However, this duration may change depending on multiple factors, including (i) integrations, (ii) legal and technical aspects, (iii) the Maker governance process, and more.

Below, we provide some additional context for the proposed parameter values for phase 1.

Deploy PSM_MOM

Due to the fact that the LitePSM will have pre-minted DAI in the buf, the normal LINE_MOM contract is not sufficient for temporarily disabling LITE-PSM-USDC-A. Instead, a new module referred to as PSM_MOM will be deployed. The PSM_MOM will be able to disable the LitePSM contracts by temporarily halting swaps.

DC-IAM Parameters

@BA-Labs believes that 20 million USDC serves as an adequate migration amount for the initial testing period. The 20 million USDC will be migrated from PSM-USDC-A to LITE-PSM-USDC-A using a script in the determined Executive Spell.

In order to counterbalance the increased exposure resulting from a gap and buf value of 20M respectively, we recommend decreasing the gap of PSM-USDC-A by 20M, from 400M to 380M. All other PSM-USDC-A parameters will remain unchanged for phase 1.

For LITE-PSM-USDC-A, we recommend setting tin & tout to 0, and the ttl to 12h in order to minimize unnecessary changes during the migration process and to reproduce a similar user experience as PSM-USDC-A and finally to achieve same available DAI liquidity.

GSM Delay

During phase 1 of the migration plan, @BA-Labs believes that it is prudent to apply a lower GSM Delay in case any swift actions or parameter changes become necessary. We believe that a 16h GSM delay is a good compromise solution between being able to react quickly, while still being able to mitigate any potential malicious spells.


The Emergency Shutdown Module (ESM) will be increased, as the long-term plan is to remove this feature from the system and the LitePSM module is not supported by the ESM. There is still some value of maintaining the module until the full deployment of the Allocation System as part of the Endgame, but the threshold should be increased in order to prevent hostile activation when the module should not be used.

Proposed Scope Language Changes

We will provide a more comprehensive language change edit where we define PSM_MOM, the LitePSM, and relevant parameters, in a future proposal. For the time being, the only relevant parameter value that needs to be changed is 10.1.1A in the Governance Scope. Assuming that the recommended parameters are approved by Maker Governance, this value should be updated as illustrated below.

Governance Scope

Governance Scope - 10.1.1A


The GSM Pause Delay is: 16 hours


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Spark SubDAO [Jul 12, 2024] Proposed Changes to Spark for Upcoming Spell

Published: Jul 12, 2024

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Phoenix Labs proposes the following changes to SparkLend grouped by individual polls:

  1. [Mainnet] Activate a Morpho market for Pendle PT sUSDe with Oct 25, 2024 Maturity


[Mainnet] Activate a Morpho market for Pendle PT sUSDe with Oct 25, 2024 Maturity

Fixed rates have shown strong demand with Ethenaā€™s tokens. Phoenix Labs recommends onboarding a PT sUSDe market and adding it as one of the options in the existing 600m Ethena allocation.

BA Labs will comment on the proposed changes and market parameters.

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Spark SubDAO Announcement: Spark Tokenization Grand Prix - Request for Proposal

Published: Jul 11, 2024

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We are excited to announce the Spark Tokenization Grand Prix, a groundbreaking competition aimed at onboarding up to $1 billion of tokenized assets, with the potential for even greater expansion following the Endgame launch. We invite innovators and issuers to participate in this unique opportunity to shape the future of decentralized finance.

Competition Highlights:

  • Applications open on 12 August 2024.
  • Objective: Onboard up to $1bn of tokenized assets, with potential for more in the future.
  • Asset Exposure Focus: Short-duration US T-Bills and similar tokenized products.
  • Evaluation Criteria:
    • Pricing: Competitive and transparent pricing models.
    • Liquidity: High liquidity to support seamless transactions.
    • Strategic Considerations: Alignment with SparkDAOā€™s long-term vision and strategic goals.
    • Results will be presented to the Maker Governance for discretionary and final decisions regarding the potential onboarding.
    • Geographic and regulatory restrictions may apply.

Spark Protocol is poised to become the central hub for RWAs on Maker and Ethereum, driving innovation and financial inclusion. More details regarding how the competition will work and how proposals will be evaluated will be released in the coming weeks in advance of the application period opening.

For more information about Spark and to stay updated on the competition, join the discussion on the Spark SubDAO Forum.

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Maker Core [RWA-001] 6s Capital Update and Stability Fee Proposal

Published: Jul 10, 2024

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As MakerDAO moves towards reducing and offboarding its Legacy RWAs, Steakhouse has been in regular communication with 6s Capital to monitor the divestiture of 6s Capitalā€™s real estate portfolio and the ultimate repayment of the vault. Below is an update from 6s Capital:

We remain in continual compliance with the revolverā€™s covenants, and each of the underlying projects remaining in the portfolio is current with rent payments. These underlying projects are, or will shortly be put, on the market for divestiture. As each project is divested, closing funds will be utilized to pay down the revolver directly, to clear the lien.

6s would again like to express our appreciation and our thanks to the community for the faith they put in us and our plan to deploy capital into senior secured loans. We have done what we said we would, utilizing the funds for a series of valuable projects, and we have now achieved the THREE years of clean audited financial statements milestone, providing confidence to our creditors and our investors alike.

In order to incentivize a timely repayment of the 6s vault, Steakhouse proposes increasing the Stability Fee of the vault to a maximum of 9.00% (which will be reflected at

RWA-001: Increase the Stability Fee by 6 percentage points from 3.00% to 9.00%

As per the terms of the credit agreement, the rate of the loan from RWA Master Lending Trust to 6s Capital Partners LLC can increase at a maximum quarterly rate of 2.00%. As such, the Q3 2024 rate will be 3.00%; the effective rate will then change to 5.00% for Q4 2024, followed by 7.00% for Q1 2025 and 9.00% for Q2 2025 until the maturity of the loan in July 2025. This rate increase has been previously discussed with 6s, who has confirmed that the new rate is acceptable and can be supported by the underlying portfolio.

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General Discussion Job advertisement: Support role for the Aligned Delegate BLUE

Published: Jul 10, 2024

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Job advertisement: Support role for the Aligned Delegate BLUE

Weā€™re searching for a support team member to assist us at BLUE.

Why join us?

This is your chance to contribute to MakerDAO and influence the future of stablecoins, its integrated growth infrastructure of SubDAOs, and help develop a governance framework that will reform the fundamentally flawed ways we engage in politics today.


  • Nurture and protect the protocol and its stakeholders.
  • Work related to Atlas v2.
  • Stay informed about developments in the ecosystem.
  • Assist in reviewing spells.
  • Identify issues within the ecosystem and help propose solutions.


  • Capable of rapidly absorbing and understanding new material, with a willingness to delve deeply into specific topics to become an expert.
  • Possesses a well-structured and organized thought process.
  • Good writing skills, with the ability to articulate complex ideas clearly and concisely for various audiences.
  • Independent and capable of managing tasks efficiently with minimal supervision.
  • Willing to work with the mother tongue of effort and strive to improve a little every day.

Why you may not want to join us?

  • Working fully remotely is not suitable for everyone.
  • Occasionally, there will be periods of repetitive work.
  • The dynamic nature of our work may lead to frequent changes in direction.


Competitive salary with the potential for role advancement.

Referral Bounty:

Consider referring one of the brightest individuals you know who may not be fully thriving in a large corporate setting, is in search of significant flexibility, or often discusses cryptocurrency but has yet to actively engage with it.

Know someone perfect for this job? Refer them! If your referral results in a hire (full time - fixed pay), youā€™ll earn a 1,000 DAI bounty.
Additionally, if you connect us with a person or agency that leads to the final hire, youā€™ll receive a 500 DAI bounty.

Here is a proposal for a Tweet you can use to pursue the 500 DAI bounty:

:rocket: Join the BLUE team at MakerDAO! Contribute to the future of stablecoins & governance reform. Seeking independent thinkers with great writing skills for remote support role. :globe_with_meridians::bulb: Referrals earn up to 1,000 DAI! Apply: #CryptoJobs makerdao #RemoteWork

How to Apply:

Send an email: or DM us on Discord.

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Maker Core RWA Foundation/HVB - Monthly Reporting (June 2024)

Published: Jul 09, 2024

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Please find the Monthly Summary Cash Report for the period ending June 30, 2024 below:

The report is also available on Pinata in both PDF and Excel formats

CIDs on Pinata are:

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General Discussion PullUp Labs Quarterly Update - Q2 2024

Published: Jul 09, 2024

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This will be our quarterly update for April-June 2024, listing the items done as part of our engagement with MakerDAO.

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Alignment Conservers June 2024 Aligned Delegate Compensation

Published: Jul 09, 2024

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June 2024 Aligned Delegate Compensation

This forum post is the official record of Aligned Delegate compensation for June 2024. As noted in this post, the rules around delegate compensation have recently shifted. The June Compensation handles the remnants of the old MKR buffer.

June Compensation

This is the first month ADs will earn in two separate buffers for NST and NGT. Because the NST (paid out in DAI currently) buffer has just been added, no AD is eligible for NST buffer payouts. The new NGT buffer will start to accumulate this month as well, with MKR payments being made this month based on the old MKR buffer accumulation.

The total payment amount is defined in the Atlas and Governance Scope as follows:

  • NewGovToken amount being distributed to PDs and RDs are 3,960,000 and 360,000 respectively.
  • NewStableToken amount being distributed to PDs and RDs are 650,000 and 100,000 respectively.
  • Ratio of MKR:NewGovToken is 1:24,000.

Based on this, Prime Delegates may earn up to 13.75 (3,960,000 * 1/12 * 1/24000) MKR per month, and Reserve Delegates up to 1.25 (360,000 * 1/12 * 1/24000) MKR per month. Prime Delegates may earn up to 54,167 (650,000 * 1/12) DAI per month, and Reserve Delegates up to 8,333 (100,000 * 1/12) DAI per month.

Prime Delegates Throughout the Month

The following ADs served as Prime Delegates for the duration of June:

  • BLUE
  • Cloaky

Byteron was a PD for 24 days during June, and JuliaChang served as PD for 6 days during the month. Note the requirement to double the MKR of the lowest PD has been removed as of the last Atlas update, allowing PD takeovers to happen in real time.

PDs at the start of July will be:

  • BLUE
  • Cloaky
  • JuliaChang

June Delegate Payment Amounts

The following table shows the AD payment amounts and destination addresses for this month. Unless a different amount or transfers were requested, ADs will be receiving their old MKR Buffer as payment for this month, while their new buffers fill based on their delegation slot.

This is a total of: 209.17 MKR.

AD Buffer Updates

The following table displays the payment amounts to each delegate for this month and their AD Buffer status at the end of the month. Note that going forward, there will be no maximum buffer size. Instead, eligible ADs will add to their buffer (processed monthly) and may request any amount of DAI or MKR from their buffers provided at least one monthā€™s income remains in the buffer after the withdrawal. Each monthā€™s income will be calculated as done in the past, prorating for time served as PD or RD during the past calendar month.

Delegate Rank at Month End (2024-06-30) Amount in Buffer at Month Start (MKR - Old Buffer) Amount Added to NGT AD Buffer (MKR - New) Amount Added to NST AD Buffer (DAI - New) Payment Amount (MKR) Payment Amount (DAI) Scaled Buffer Contents Post Payment (MKR - New) Scaled Buffer Contents Post Payment (DAI - New) Notes
BLUE Prime 41.67 13.75 54,167 41.67 0 13.75 54,167
BONAPUBLICA Reserve 13.89 0.25 1,667 13.89 0 0.25 1,667 6 days as RD
Byteron Reserve 38.98 11.25 45,000 38.98 0 11.25 45,000 24 days as PD, 6 days as RD
Cloaky Prime 41.67 13.75 54,167 28.60 0 26.82 54,167
Ikagai Unranked 0.00 0.00 0 0.00 0 0.00 0
JAG Unranked 0.00 0.00 0 0.00 0 0.00 0
Jiaozi Unranked 0.00 0.00 0 0.00 0 0.00 0
JuliaChang Prime 41.67 3.75 17,500 41.67 0 3.75 17,500 6 days as PD, 24 days as RD
Nimsen Unranked 0.00 0.00 0 0.00 0 0.00 0
PBG Unranked 16.58 1.00 6,667 16.58 0 1.00 6,667 24 days as RD
Penguin Soldier Unranked 0.00 0.00 0 0.00 0 0.00 0
Pf Unranked 0.00 0.00 0 0.00 0 0.00 0
Pipkin Unranked 0.00 0.00 0 0.00 0 0.00 0
QGov Unranked 0.00 0.00 0 0.00 0 0.00 0
Rocky Reserve 13.89 1.13 7,500 13.89 0 1.13 7,500 27 days as RD
Shanah Unranked 0.00 0.00 0 0.00 0 0.00 0
Skynet Unranked 0.00 0.00 0 0.00 0 0.00 0
StoneWill Unranked 0.00 0.00 0 0.00 0 0.00 0
UPMaker Unranked 0.00 0.00 0 0.00 0 0.00 0
vigilant Unranked 12.55 0.13 833 12.55 0 0.13 833 3 days as RD
Vision Unranked 0.00 0.00 0 0.00 0 0.00 0
WBC Unranked 1.34 0.00 0 1.34 0 0.00 0 Unranked for the whole month, entire buffer to be paid out

Calculations can be found here - NEW MakerDAO Aligned Delegates Tracker - Google Sheets

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Developer's Talk What is ilk. Tip stated in docs? is it ilk.pip instead?

Published: Jul 08, 2024

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Hi does anyone knows what is ilk.tip in docs? Not stated in glossary

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Maker Core Bounty payout request for Immunefi bug #32005

Published: Jul 07, 2024

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Recipient Address: 0xA4a6B5f005cBd2eD38f49ac496d86d3528C7a1aa
Amount To Transfer: 100000 DAI
Recipient Address: 0x7119f398b6C06095c6E8964C1f58e7C1BAa79E18
Amount To Transfer: 10000 DAI

The larger amount is going to the bug reporter. The smaller amount (10%) is for Immunefi. You can verify the destination for Immunefi by comparing against ENS,

Sam is coordinating to put together a post-mortem since this D3MHub issue is related to SparkDAI.

CC: @hexonaut @TravinImmunefi

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Spark SubDAO Sparklend User Metrics & Growth Analysis - Report #3

Published: Jul 05, 2024

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The periodic follow-up analysis of the SparkLend User Metric Report focuses on the new trends highlighted from April to June 2024. The analysis is divided into cohort, segmentation, and external dynamics, ranging from 1 January 2024 to 1 July 2024, while the snapshot data are taken on 1 July 2024. That is done to provide a deep understanding of how the protocol has developed, and it will then be updated with more interesting dynamics. The D3M wallet has been removed to provide more representative growth metrics, so supply amounts are lower than in reality.

You can look at the previous reports if you missed them.

Refer to the original reports for a deep dive into how these analyses are conducted.

1. Cohort Analysis

In the analysis we are presenting, weā€™ve organized wallets into categories based on the month they first used the protocol. Each category is called a ā€œcohort month.ā€ For example, all the wallets that first used the protocol in January are in the January cohort, those that first used the protocol in February are in the February cohort, etc. We measure how long each wallet has been active with a ā€œCohort tenureā€ number. This number is just the number of months since the wallet joined its cohort. So, if a walletā€™s Cohort tenure is 1, it means itā€™s the walletā€™s first month since joining; if itā€™s 2, itā€™s the second month, and so on.

One important note is that for our analysis, weā€™ve put all wallets that joined from May 2023 to January 2024 into a single group, which weā€™re calling the January Cohort.

Healthy growth patterns

After reaching the peak of supplied amounts in February 2024 (~$4.1B), the total supply fell until April, reaching a new low of ~$2.8B (Chart 1). The main reason the total supply has been dropping is the down-market we have been witnessing, with BTC price falling by ~14% from its peak and ETH falling by ~20% from its peak. However, since then, we have seen a new supply coming in May and June. While the bullish sentiment has primarily driven the growth in May (ETH Price increased by ~35%); the growth in June was driven by a new supply coming into a protocol. There had been ~$800M of new supply coming in from the new wallets. The pattern is very similar for total borrows (Chart 4), which reached their low in April 2024, increased in May, and reached new highs in June 2024 (~$1.75B).

While this metric alone is not enough to assess the protocolā€™s overall growth, the remaining ones give a clearer picture of SparkLendā€™s status. Since January 2024, the new cohorts have been supplying less as a percentage of total supplies (Chart 2). However, this changed in June 2024, as new entrants supplied 19.8% of the total supply in the protocol. The lower growth during the previous months has been due to two main factors: (i) the positive retention patterns of the May-January cohort and (ii) the decreasing number of new wallets opening positions on SparkLend (Chart 7). Even though the number of new wallets has been the lowest in the analyzing period, these wallets hold a lot of supply. Up to date, supplied and borrowed amounts have been dropping in the range of 10% - 50% for new cohorts (Charts 3 and 6), except for the April cohort, which exhibited a growth in supply and borrowing. Except for the March and May cohorts, the large walletsā€™ dominance per cohort tenure has been extremely high for each individual cohort (Chart 8). It shows that even though supply increased by $800M in June, 76% of this supply is due to only five big wallets that joined the protocol.

Supplied and borrowed amounts

Regarding total amounts supplied in June 2024, $801M (or 19.8%) came from the June cohort, followed by the February (12.4%) and the March (6.3%), with respectively $502M and $253M. Except for the April cohort (+34%), all other cohortsā€™ supplied amounts have been dropping, such as March (-47%), February (-37%), January (-15%), and May (-12%).

The largest cohorts by amount supplied are the same cohorts dominating borrowing, with June borrowing $389M (22.2%), March borrowing $141M (8.1%), and February borrowing $125M (7.1%). The February and March cohorts dropped the most, down 55% and 43%, respectively, since they started using SparkLend.

Refer to the following charts for a deeper understanding of the cohorts.

Chart 1. Supply amount per cohort (click for more details) Chart 2. Supply amount percentage per cohort (click for more details) Chart 3. Supply growth percentage per cohort tenure (click for more details) Chart 4. Borrow amount per cohort (click for more details) Chart 5. Borrow amount percentage per cohort (click for more details) Chart 6. Borrow growth percentage per cohort tenure (click for more details) Chart 7. Wallet count per cohort (click for more details) Chart 8. Whale supply dominance percentage (click for more details)

2. Segmentation Analysis

The segmentation analysis assessed the types of positions and strategies SparkLend users are deploying. For a detailed understanding of how these were calculated, please refer to the previously conducted Segmentation Analysis. Compared to the previous analyses, this time we have added new positions that segment LRT users. To summarize briefly, here are the identified segments:

Identified Segments (click for more details)

The SparkLend Sentiment

In the last analysis, we used individual wallet positions to assess the sentiment of SparkLend users towards the crypto market. It is very interesting to note that most wallets are still exhibiting bullish behavior, with the largest positions being Long ETH LST ($1.77B) and Long Type 1 ($1.07B), together accounting for ~70% of the total supply in June (Charts 9 and 10). The third-largest position is the Recursive ETH LST (~$735M), roughly ~18% of the total supply. It is also worth noting that the wallets in the highest supply bucket (>$100M) all have long positions, deployed only in three segments mentioned before (Recursive ETH LST, Long Type 1, and Long ETH LST) (Chart 12).

Short positions are practically non-existent in relative terms compared to long ones. That tells us that the participants have a bullish outlook for the future. Short positions are currently ~0.3% of total supply, which has decreased from the previous month (~0.4%) and has dramatically dropped from its peak in January 2024 (~2.9%).

The wallet count per position strategy (Chart 11) highlights a high predominance of Long Type 1 (516) users, followed by Long ETH LST (191) and Diversified Borrowers (143). Only 12 wallets display strictly short strategies. The large wallets dominate in strategies Long LRT, Short Type 1, and Supply Only Stablecoins (Chart 14). This is mainly due to a low number of wallets employing these strategies.

A comparison between the current state of health rates (Chart 16) and the previous analysis shows that Recursive ETH LST has lower debt-weighted health rates (up from 1.02 on 1 May to 1.09 on 1 July). Short strategies also have a higher health rate (1.52 vs. 1.81), the same as does Long ETH LST (2.15 vs. 2.33).

Behavioral analysis

Userā€™s interaction with the protocol can provide valuable insights. The need for active management can be primarily seen in Long LTR followed by less active management in the Long ETH + ETH LST + ETH LRT segment and the Diversified Borrowers (Chart 17). It is evident that, on average, a high number of events are performed by wallets with lower and higher health rates (Chart 18), while average health rates on average perform fewer actions. This can indicate that those in these categories must execute more actions to maintain their strategies. There is also a positive relation between how much users supply to the protocol and the number of actions they perform (Chart 19), meaning that the more someone supplies, the more likely they are to execute more actions.

This distribution highlights a behavioral tendency towards active management in strategies perceived as higher risk, evidenced by the monthly need for more events and a lower health rate associated with Long LRT and Long ETH + ETH LST + ETH LRT strategies. In particular, Long LRT strategies exhibit the highest median value of events per month (3.5). Also, three wallets in the Recursive ETH LST category performed the highest number of actions in a month (45, 39, 38).

Refer to the following charts for a deeper understanding of the segments.

Chart 9: Supply Amount Per Position Strategy (click for more details) Chart 10: Percentage Supply Amount Per Position Strategy (click for more details) Chart 11: Wallet Count Per Position Strategy (click for more details) Chart 12: Percentage Supply Amount Per Supply Amount Bucket (click for more details) Chart 13: Wallet Count Per Supply Amount Bucket (click for more details) Chart 14: Top 10 Large Wallet Supply Percentage Per Position Strategy (click for more details) Chart 15: Borrow Per Health Rate (click for more details) Chart 16: Debt-Weighted Health Rate Per Position Strategy (click for more details) Chart 17: Events Per Month Per Position Strategy (click for more details) Chart 18: Events Per Month Per Health Rate (click for more details) Chart 19: Events Per Month vs Supply Amount (click for more details)

3. External Capital Analysis

This analysis aims to assess how SparkLend users behave outside SparkLend by assessing their external capital held and cross-protocol usage. We define external capital as assets held outside the protocol that could be used to protect individual positions. External capital can either be passive (idle in the wallet) or active (used in other protocols). The data refers to a snapshot taken on 1 July 2024.

SparkLend users hold approximately $5.17B in other protocols (Chart 20), $1.62B of which is in Maker (~31% of the total). The supply of other lending protocols equals 454M on Aave v3 and 146M on Ethena. Furthermore, other protocols used by SparkLend wallets are Lido, Stakefish, and Morpho AAVE. Together, Morpho AAVE (v1 and v3) has a supply from SparkLend users of $743M across 37 wallets.

By looking at the passive external capital per asset (Chart 21), we can see that users hold WBTC ($164M), GNO ($143M), (W)ETH ($97M), and MKR ($81M) primarily. Since the previous analysis, there has been a significant drop in sDAI popularity, which has decreased from $73M to $24M. The majority of the wallets hold idle ETH (1230 wallets), DAI (400 wallets), and USDC (357 wallets). The other stablecoins are falling behind DAI and USDC, such as USDT ($27M, 216 wallets), sDAI ($24M, 143 wallets), and USDe ($13M, 83 wallets).

Assessing passive external capital relative to debt (Chart 22), it is evident that 56.7% of users have enough passive external capital to cover 25% of their debt, a slight increase of 0.9 percentage points compared to the previous analysis. However, there has also been a slight increase (0.3 percentage points) in users with a buffer of more than 500% to 10.4% of users. In general, 26.6% of wallets have enough external capital to cover the total debt exposure.

What would require more attention is the current passive external capital as a percentage of debt (Chart 23) since 86.3% of total debt is covered by less or equal to 25% of capital held in wallets, which was previously 66.2% in December, 78.6% in March, and 83.6% in April. In case of price drops or changing market conditions, this might negatively affect the protocolā€™s health. On the other hand, 6.7% of total debt is fully collateralized by capital held in wallets (down from 18.8% in March and 9.8% in April).

Refer to the following charts for a deeper understanding of the external dynamics.

Chart 20: Wallets' Active External Capital Per Protocol (click for more details) Chart 21: Wallets' Passive External Capital Per Asset (click for more details) Chart 22: Wallets' Passive External Capital Over SparkLend Borrow (Percentage of Wallets) (click for more details) Chart 23: Wallets' Passive External Capital Over SparkLend Borrow (Percentage of Debt) (click for more details)


The analysis highlighted a positive growth pattern for SparkLend during Q2-2024. While the protocol is still struggling to attract new user interaction (as the number of new wallets per month is still decreasing), the increase in total supplied and borrowed amounts in the last cohorts suggests higher popularity among larger users. Yet, it is essential to note that the five biggest wallets drive the most new supply and borrowing in the protocol from the last cohort. This shift is marked by a significant engagement of new cohorts and strong retention within earlier cohorts, indicating a reliance on established users even through less favorable market conditions.

The segmentation analysis reveals that with the market moving again into a bullish sentiment, many SparkLend users also maintain bullish sentiment, particularly in long positions with substantial investments in Long Type 1 assets. At the same time, the small portion in short positions reflects a withdrawal from riskier strategies, aligning with the overall conservative trend observed in the cohort analysis. This behavior suggests that while SparkLend users continue to use the protocol, there is a tangible shift towards safety in response to market volatility.

Regarding external dynamics, the analysis highlights a robust interaction with other protocols. However, thereā€™s a decrease in passive external capital relative to debt, which could pose a risk in adverse market shifts. This condition requires more detailed monitoring of capital buffers to prevent potential liquidations, especially in a volatile market.

Future Work

BA Labs plans to continue monitoring user metrics to ensure the protocolā€™s stability. We will also continue providing quarterly analyses of the most important dynamics and suggestions for tackling potential issues. At the same time, we plan to automate this kind of analysis to get live data on user behavior and promptly respond to changing market conditions.

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General Discussion Promoting Blockchain-based finance system to NGO audience

Published: Jul 04, 2024

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Hey all. Iā€™m LiĆ¢m from The Good Token Society and Cointelegraph, and I organize Token for Good, an event promoting the benefits of Blockchain in NGO context for Philanthropists.

Iā€™m looking for reaching Rune Christensenā€™s team or himself to propose a speaker place in one of our panel to promote Blockchain-based and Decentralized loans and other topics on Blockchain-based finance in NGO context. For now we have UNICEF, UNHCR, Mina Foundationā€™s CEO, Cardanoā€™s CEO, Doctors Without Bordersā€¦ And other big speakers attending.

Please connect me with the team if ever you think it is relevant,
Thanks in advance,

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Governance How do I get updates about liquidation threshold changes by governance?

Published: Jul 26, 2024

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Iā€™m new here. Iā€™m just curious as to what method I can use to keep up-to-date on liquidation threshold changes to certain markets on AAVE? I know governance can make these changes via proposals, but Iā€™m unsure how I can watch for these proposals becoming voted on and activated. Is there a tool that can alert me to these changes?

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Governance [ARFC] Chaos Labs Risk Stewards - Increase Supply and Borrow Caps on Aave V3 - 07.26.2024

Published: Jul 26, 2024

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A proposal to:

  • Increase USDeā€™s supply and borrow caps on Aaveā€™s Ethereum deployment.
  • Increase WETHā€™s supply cap on Aaveā€™s Scroll deployment.
  • Increase WETHā€™s supply cap on Aaveā€™s Base deployment.


USDe (Ethereum)

USDe has reached 96% supply cap utilization on Ethereum, and its borrow cap is at 72% capacity.

image (28)

image (29)

Supply Distribution

Supply is relatively concentrated, with the top supplier representing 60% of the total. This user is borrowing $8M USDC and $25M USDT against $45.7M USDe. The next largest user is supplying $8.5M USDe and $18.5M WBTC and is borrowing $11M USDe against this, making them the largest USDe borrower.

image (30)

Overall, USDT represents 66.67% of the value borrowed against USDe.

image (31)

Borrow Distribution

Borrows are very distributed, with a range of collateral assets backing the USDe debt.

image (32)

Overall, WBTC represents 46% of the value backing USDe loans, followed by WETH at 18.5%.

image (33)


Given on-chain liquidity and user behavior, we recommend increasing the supply and borrow caps by roughly 50% each.

WETH (Scroll)

WETH has reached 91% supply cap utilization on Scroll, and its borrow cap is at 63% capacity.

image (34)

image (35)

Supply Distribution

Most top WETH suppliers borrow USDC or wstETH, with a few maintaining deposit-only positions. The largest WETH supplier represents a significant portion of the total market, though supply is somewhat distributed across other wallets. The largest open positions have moderate liquidation risk, as they primarily involve borrowing stablecoins against WETH collateral.

image (36)

Overall, USDC represents 56.29% of the value borrowed against WETH.

image (37)


Given on-chain liquidity and user activity, we recommend increasing the supply cap.

WETH (Base)

WETH has reached 82% supply cap utilization on Base, and its borrow cap is at 99% capacity.

image (38)

image (39)

Supply Distribution

Most of the top WETH suppliers borrow USDC, with a few maintaining deposit-only positions. The largest WETH supplier represents a significant portion of the total market, with supply notably decreasing for subsequent positions. The largest open positions have moderate liquidation risk due to the volatility of WETH as collateral against borrowed USDC.

image (40)

Overall, USDC represents 88.29% of the value borrowed against WETH.

image (41)


Given user behavior and on-chain liquidity, we recommend increasing the supply cap while leaving the borrow cap unchanged to prevent further deviations above UOptimal. However, should supply increase, we will propose a borrow cap increase.


Chain Asset Current Supply Cap Rec. Supply Cap Current Borrow Cap Rec. Borrow Cap
Ethereum USDe 80,000,000 120,000,000 72,000,000 110,000,000
Scroll WETH 45,000 55,000 34,000 -
Base WETH 27,000 45,000 18,000 -

Next Steps

We will move forward and implement these updates via the Risk Steward process.


Chaos Labs has not been compensated by any third party for publishing this ARFC.


Copyright and related rights waived via CC0

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Governance [ARFC] GHO Arbitrum - Parameter Adjustments

Published: Jul 25, 2024

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title: [ARFC] GHO Arbitrum - Parameter Adjustments
author: @karpatkey_TokenLogic & @ChaosLabs
created: 2024-07-29


This publication proposes adjusting several GHO related parameters on Arbitrum.


After increasing the CCIP Facilitator Capacity from 1.0M to 2.5M, the new capacity was filled within 90 minutes. This reflects strong demand for GHO on Arbitrum.

With better than anticipated liquidity conditions and the Arbitrum incentives program in progression, this publication proposes several parameter increases that are supportive of enabling GHO to grow more freely.

Upon implementing this proposal, we anticipate ARB emissions will commence on the Aave Protocol. This along with Liquidity Mining incentives on several liquidity pools is expected to stimulate demand for GHO on Arbitrum.

Screenshot 2024-07-25 at 20.35.06


This proposal will implement the following parameter adjustments, which are endorsed by @ChaosLabs as an Aave DAO Risk Service Provider.

Parameter Current Proposed
Eth GHO Bucket Capacity 2.5M 20.0M
Arb GHO Facilitator Capacity 2.5M 20.0M
Arb GHO Supply Cap 1.0M 5.0M
Arb GHO Borrow Cap 0.9M 4.5M

The adjustments are to be made via the Direct-to-AIP process.


TokenLogic and karpatkey receive no payment for this proposal. TokenLogic and karpatkey are both delegates within the Aave community.

Next Steps

  1. Using the Direct-to-AIP process, submit a proposal for vote.


Copyright and related rights waived via CC0.

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Governance [TEMP CHECK] AAVEnomics update

Published: Jul 25, 2024

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Title: [TEMP CHECK] AAVEnomics update

Author: @ACI

Date: 2024-07-25

Simple Summary

This proposal seeks governance feedback and consensus on leveraging the Safety Module Umbrella update to create a clear path and roadmap related to the protocol ā€œfee switchā€, defined as updated ā€œAAVEnomicsā€.


Before we start

This proposal leverages the BGD. Aave Safety Module - Umbrella proposal, it is strongly advised to read it before diving into the current proposal.
The current proposal has been peer-reviewed by Aave service providers and active Aave DAO community representatives & delegates.


The Aave protocol is the clear market leader in the liquidity vertical and is focused on expanding in both the stablecoin and bridging verticals. The protocolā€™s TVL and net profit growth have largely outpaced market conditions thanks to the coordinated efforts of service providers appointed by DAO governance.
The Aave protocol is also the clear leader on every network Aave has deployed to, and when given a choice, DeFi users leverage Aave over alternatives.
This has allowed the Aave DAO not only to ā€œcover its own billsā€ but also has built a large treasury of ETH and stablecoins.


Additionally, during the past couple of quarters, the DAO explored revenue sharing with the Merit program, which is essentially a redistribution of the protocolā€™s net stablecoin excess revenue to the GHO minters and stakers to support aligned behaviors and the growth of GHO. Alongside Merit, the Ahab program, which is funded by protocol net ETH & ETH-correlated assets, is mobilized to attract strategic liquidity in Aave markets, supporting protocol growth in the main & new markets.

With the ACI, we consider the DAO now ready to explore a further step in the protocolā€™s maturity and would like to submit for governance consideration a clear path for protocol net excess revenue redistribution to the key actors of the Aave ecosystem, creating new positive dynamics and novel synergies within the industry.

This journey is designed in several incremental steps. This proposal seeks feedback on the journey as a whole as a ā€œTEMP CHECKā€ and approval to begin the first step via a potential ā€œARFCā€.

To ensure the DAOā€™s long-term sustainability, new steps will be escalated when the protocol reaches specific growth and net excess revenue milestones.

Umbrella: A Proposed Safety Module Paradigm Shift

The Safety Module is a crucial line of defense for the Aave protocol. In case of a shortfall event, and if liquidators do not complete their tasks, the Safety Module is designed to assume the excess debt on behalf of users to avoid or at least mitigate bad debt events.

Fortunately, the Safety Module has never been needed for the Aave protocol. The few excess debt events in Aave protocol history have been addressed by governance through the mobilization of ā€œcashā€ DAO treasury funds.

However, the current model is inefficient as it relies on secondary liquidity to liquidate Safety Module assets to obtain excess debt assets and clear debt.

With both GHO and StkAAVE, the primary issue with the Safety Module is that the current $424M hosted in the Safety Module cannot effectively clear $424M of excess debt. This is because:

  1. The value of AAVE would be negatively impacted due to slippage.
  2. The GHO peg is unlikely to withstand the mobilization of almost two-thirds of its current supply.

While it is highly improbable to encounter an excess debt event of this magnitude (precedent was less than 1% of this amount), the entire model has room for optimization.

Therefore, Umbrella proposes:

  1. Segregation of coverage
  2. Elimination of reliance on secondary liquidity

From now on, the Safety Module activation should focus on slippage-free debt burn coverage.

Umbrella allows the deployment of aTokens Safety Modules that are more cost efficient and provides better protection to Aave users; This proposal seeks approval on a multi-step journey toward Umbrella Activation and redefines the Role & benefits of the AAVE assets & tokenomics in the Aave ecosystem.

Umbrella Coverage Adoption Journey

As an initial and immediate step:

We propose segregating StkGHO and StkAAVE Safety Module coverages to distinguish protections and improve StkGHO Safety Module efficiency, which would protect the GHO stablecoin.

With this upgrade, the StkGHO Safety Module is meant to only protect users from GHO debt and is mobilized to clear GHO excess debt only.

GHO is a young stablecoin with limited secondary liquidity. In the current stage of GHO maturity, mobilizing GHO to protect other assetsā€™ debt will mean the death of the GHO peg and trust in GHO for limited resources gained.

However, in the context of GHO debt protection only, StkGHO is a perfect tool. In case of a shortfall event, GHO can be seized in the Safety Module and used to clear excess debt by burning GHO. This action is absolutely slippage-free and will not impact the GHO peg.

Safety Module users will suffer a below 1 StkGHO <> GHO exchange rate, but itā€™s a risk they willingly accepted by staking.

Example: If thereā€™s 100M GHO in the Safety Module and the protocol suffers a $3M excess debt GHO shortfall event, via an AIP, 3M GHO will be seized from the Safety Module to clear the debt. As a result, the StkGHO/GHO exchange rate will drop to 0.97, leading to a socialized net haircut of 3% for all Safety Module stakers (around 6 weeks of the current reward rate).

This paradigm shift will make GHO the safest and most trustworthy stablecoin in the ecosystem with currently both an average overcollateralization ratio of 2.5 and ~65% of the supply that can be mobilized to clear any form of excess debt without impacting the GHO peg.

This will de facto make Ethereum StkGHO the first Safety Module adopting the Umbrella standard.

These changes come at the cost of temporarily reduced overall V3 protection, but as discussed earlier, GHO is not mature enough to be a suitable asset to protect other debts than GHO at this moment. The reduced protection will be covered by the introduction of new Safety Modules in further steps.

We propose adopting the following:

Umbrella coverage adoption Journey doctrine:

  1. The Legacy Safety Module coverage is set to all live networks Aave V3 debt until replaced.
  2. The Legacy StkGHO SM protects GHO debt exclusively. This safety module becomes the prime candidate for becoming the first Umbrella safety module instance via upgrade.
  3. The Umbrella Ethereum Safety Modules will not automatically cover Aave V3 deployments; coverage must be opt-in by governance vote.
  4. Mid-term: segregate risk further by deploying network-specific Umbrella Safety Modules financed by protocol ā€œlocalā€ net excess revenue.

StkGHO Migration and upgrade Journey

GHO is growing and is meant to be a profitable product of the Aave protocol. At ~150/175M GHO, GHO is expected to be net profitable for the protocol, with revenue outpacing system subsidies.

Currently, GHO has a dual reward system with rewards in AAVE sourced from the ecosystem reserve and Merit airdrops sourced from protocol net profits.

We propose, in resonance with previous governance decisions, to slowly cut rewards of the StkGHO safety module in favor of a potential Umbrella StkGHO safety module.

The Merit programs yielded great results in terms of growth, peg preservation, and user behavior optimization. We propose to maintain the Merit program in its current form.

This will keep a dual reward system for StkGHO: a ā€œbase yieldā€ paid continuously in GHO to stakers and an ā€œAirdropā€ yield via Merit that can be optimized to reward more users with net positive behavior for the protocol, maintaining ā€œboostsā€ of most wanted behavior but ensuring a sustainable ā€œbase yieldā€ for this part of the Safety Module. Both of these rewards are financed by Aave protocol net revenue.

In practical terms, The Legacy GHO safety module has whitelisted AAVE emissions until Oct 2024 and benefit from Merit, we propose to slowly incentivize user migration to the Umbrella stkGHO by letting the AAVE distribution slowly expire and changing the Merit reward focus on Umbrella on the next Merit round post-publication.

This will slightly increase cost and efficiency by having a few weeks off incentives on both StkGHO safety module but gains on users experience allowing them to migrate at their own pace justifies it.

A new role for Aave beyond the Legacy Safety module, AAVENomics update.

AAVE is the center of gravity of the Aave protocol. It is the governance asset of the DAO, allowing true control and ownership of the Aave protocol to a degree not achieved in any other protocol in our industry. But as a Safety Module asset, itā€™s simply not efficient enough. AAVE is not a debt token in the Aave protocol and is not as liquid as ETH and major stablecoins.

End the ā€œSeize and Sellā€ Doctrine

The ā€œseize and sellā€ doctrine is dangerous as itā€™s inefficient due to slippage, creates the need to subsidize strong secondary liquidity (StkBPT Safety Module), and causes great price pressure on the asset in case of mobilizing the Safety Module. This reduces the cost of acquiring a large amount of AAVE and taking effective control and ownership of the protocol. With historically 15-30% of the Aave supply in the Safety Module and considering the average governance participation, this risk must be seriously considered.

Additionally, the relatively low maximum slashing of 30% of the AAVE Safety Module means the protocol is allocating funds that are mostly not even mobilizable to protect the protocol.

Lastly, the AAVE Safety Module is not sustainable as it is subsidized by the ecosystem reserve that will eventually run out of funds.

We propose the AAVE Safety Module to not be included in the Umbrella update, StkAAVE will evolve into a staking role acting as a liquidity sink and a way to collect rewards generated from the protocol revenue and other protocol benefits.

StkBPT Redefinition

The Aave DAO has spent large amounts of resources incentivizing AAVEā€™s secondary liquidity to maintain the current Safety Module paradigm.

While the secondary liquidity of AAVE is important, it should not be a focus of the Safety Module.

The DAO earned experience with secondary liquidity management with the Aave Liquidity Committee (ALC) program, yielding great results on GHO peg and growth.

We propose not including StkBPT from the Umbrella Safety Modules and appoint the ALC to manage AAVE secondary liquidity. We also propose the introduction of a ā€œBuy & Distributeā€ program funded by the protocolā€™s excess revenue, With a budget defined by Aave Finance service providers and management by the ALC.

The ALC and Aave Finance service providers will continue their journey of decentralization and automatization of these processes, contributing to a future with the human element as removed as possible from these actions.

This will increase the Safety Moduleā€™s budget efficiency, make the subsidy of secondary liquidity sustainable, and allow more granular liquidity management. It is expected to optimize the funds needed to maintain the expected outcome.

In this new system, Liquidity will still be incentivized, but we expect a large optimization in the cost and management of this secondary liquidity.

Introduction of Anti-GHO

Creating a GHO borrow rate discount was a good idea to align AAVE holders and GHO minters, but the discount mechanism is not efficient in terms of protocol accounting and can be optimized.

We propose, based on discussions with several service providers, particularly Bgd Labs, the removal of the GHO borrow rate discount and the introduction of a new ā€œanti-GHOā€ token generated by StkAAVE holders minting GHO.

The users linearly accumulate anti-GHO, which is claimable at the userā€™s will. Anti-GHO generation is proportionate to the interest accumulated by all GHO borrowers.

Anti-GHO is a non-transferable ERC-20 linked to a couple of special-purpose GHO facilitators that can be used in two ways:

  1. Burn Anti-gho to mint GHO used to repay their own GHO debt ā€œfor free.ā€

  2. Mint GHO to be deposited on the userā€™s behalf in the GHO Safety Module and distribute StkGHO to the user.


Both special-purpose facilitatorsā€™ ā€œdebtā€ will be regularly ā€œclearedā€ by mobilizing GHO from the Aave Collector via Aave treasury regular AIPs to repay, ensuring no long-term unbacked GHO in the protocol.

This new system is more efficient, increases the alignment of AAVE stakers with GHO borrowers, and officially introduces revenue sharing of part of the Aave protocol revenue to some AAVE stakers, acting as the initial step of a more ambitious excess revenue-sharing strategy.

Closing the LEND chapter

Nearly 4 Years ago, After the launch of Aave V1, the Aave protocol proposed the initial AAVEnomics migrating the legacy asset LEND into the current AAVE token.
After a significant amount of time passed and witnessing the lack of activity of the legacy asset, we take this proposal as an opportunity to close the LEND chapter.

We consider that 4 years and the amount of time that will pass for these proposals, publications, approvals, implementations, and execution to offer ample and fair notice to legacy users to migrate to AAVE, we propose to deactivate the legacy migrator contract and transfer the remaining balance to the Ecosystem reserve to be mobilized for Aave Stakers and protocol growth.

Activate Umbrella Atokens Safety Module, initiate ā€œBuy and Distributeā€ AAVENomics

The Aave protocol is seen as the industry standard in terms of resilience and safety, making Safety Modules of Aave a popular option for protecting protocol users despite the risks.

Additionally, ~80% of the Aave protocol users deposit in the protocol but do not have Aave debt. Their use case of the protocol is to seek yield on liquidity provided. These users consider the Aave protocol safe enough to keep their assets inside the protocol contracts for the long term.

The paradigm shift to ā€œseize and burnā€ instead of the current ā€œseize and sellā€ increases the Safety Module efficiency significantly. The natural progression of this strategy is to mobilize users who consider the Aave protocol safe enough to hold their assets and do not seek to create debt to consider renouncing their Safety Module protection, their borrowing power and short-term aToken liquidity (cooldown period) in exchange for extra yield.

This is done by adding a Atoken category to the Umbrella Safety Module. In case of a shortfall event, these tokens are seized and used to burn debt, just as the StkGHO Umbrella Safety Module will function.

Most of the Aave protocol debt is in wETH and stablecoins.

Therefore, we are gathering feedback on the initiation of Umbrella Atoken Safety Modules with awETH and aUSDC.

This allows for covering most of the debt in the protocol if these assets need to be mobilized.
Because debt can be repaid in aTokens in Aave V3, the available secondary liquidity of these aTokens is not relevant in excess debt clearing.

To cover debt labeled in other assets, USDC and ETH are the most liquid assets in the ecosystem, making slippage considerations a low issue, especially with a focused scope of Safety Module coverage introduced earlier.

aTokens Safety Modules are proposed to be primarily rewarded in their respective aTokens, financed by their respective Reserve Factor collection on their assets and correlated assets.

Umbrella multi-reward support allows for more mid-term synergies for ā€œRe-Stakingā€, which will be explored further in this TEMP CHECK.

Details and budgets of these Umbrella Atokens Safety modules should be discussed at the ARFC stage with feedback from both Risk & Finance teams.

Weā€™re confident this will allow a factually superior coverage of the Aave V3 protocol at a fraction of the current costs.

Activate a ā€œBuy & Distributeā€ Program

With the new efficient Umbrella safety modules, it is expected that the protocol revenue surplus will increase. With sustainability reached milestones, this net excess revenue should be mobilized and redirected to token stakers currently funded via the ecosystem rewards contract.

In terms of rewards, the ecosystem rewards will eventually run out of funds. That being said, we propose that StkAAVE remains compensated in AAVE tokens as stakers are already aligned with the asset. To achieve this, a ā€œBuy & Distributeā€ program is introduced to acquire AAVE assets on secondary markets from protocol revenue and distribute them to the ecosystem reserve. This upgrades the current AAVE safety module in a new ā€œStaking Moduleā€, not part of Umbrella.

Thereā€™s little to no difference in user experience from the current situation, but in terms of protocol sustainability, itā€™s a paradigm shift. This new system also introduces a constant demand side for the AAVE asset on secondary markets.

It is proposed that this program be funded with the net excess revenue of the protocol.

Rewards rates will be defined according to protocol net excess revenue and will reflect the actual financial results of the protocols, with periods of higher rewards to potential periods with zero yield.

We propose that the Aave Finance service providers manage the ā€œBuy & Distributeā€ program via treasury AIPs to increase efficiency in the short term. We believe this process also needs to be part of the Journey of decentralization, and we expect the Aave Finance service providers to contribute to a future with the human element as removed as possible from this program

For an easier understanding of the new AAVEnomics vision, please consider the following visual representation:


ā€œRe-Stakingā€ Umbrella Beyond Aave

Aaveā€™s Safety track record speaks for itself; while Aave had several excess debt events, the DAO never had to mobilize the legacy Safety module. With the Umbrella upgrade, we expect the efficient coverage to increase significantly compared to the current situation, from a theoretical $100m to likely billions of mid-terms.

The Aave DAO can mobilize and monetize this coverage beyond the Aave protocol. The Aave DAO service providers are risk experts who can give valuable coverage recommendations to the Aave governance.

The Umbrella multi-token incentives controller allows for rewards in several tokens, and we believe this cost-efficient coverage of already existing significant liquidity will be of high interest for third-party protocols and networks, as shown by the high interest of the ā€œRestakingā€ DeFi vertical.

While the journey to maturity on this vertical is still long, the ACI wanted to share this mid-term vision to the community of a potential new journey for protocol revenue and Umbrella Stakers Yield.


Milestones and Trigger Conditions

While the Aave protocolā€™s net excess revenues are at an all-time high, it would be reckless to implement significant new budget spending without considering the protocolā€™s long-term sustainability.
From a user experience perspective, a too-ambitious distribution schedule being forced to halt due to more adverse revenue collection conditions will lead to massive and unwanted frustration.
The Aave DAO has always been a conservative actor and has always prioritized long-term sustainability over short-term yield.

We suggest considering the following elements as key data points to execute changes in Safety Modules in steps:

  • Aave Collector net holdings
  • Service providersā€™ recurring budget
  • Merit and ALC program recurring budgets
  • GHO supply
  • GHO 30-day average revenue
  • Protocol 30-day average revenue

The ACI Proposes this vision to be implemented in 3 differents ARFCs to be sequentially proposed alongside reaching set milestones, we welcome governance feedback on this implementation Journey.

Initial ARFC Doctrine Adoption and Deployment of First Umbrella Safety Module: StkGHO

Adoption of the Following Doctrine:

  1. The Current StkAAVE and StkBPT Safety modules becomes the ā€œLegacy Safety Moduleā€
  2. The Legacy Safety Module is set to cover all live networks Aave V3 debt with a market size exceeding $100M and older than one year until replaced.
  3. The StkGHO Safety modules protect GHO debt.
  4. The Safety Modules do not automatically cover Aave V3 deployments; coverage must be opt-in by governance vote.
  5. Pre-authorization of introducing ā€œnetwork-specificā€ Umbrella Safety Module instances financed by ā€œlocalā€ revenue.
  6. An Umbrella StkGHO Safety Module is deployed and becomes the first Umbrella Safety module with a reward set exclusively in GHO and financed by Aave protocol excess revenue. The feedback of Aave Finance & Risk service providers is expected to define a Safety Target for this Umbrella Safety Module.
  7. The legacy StkGHO safety module cooldown is set to zero; AAVE rewards will not be renewed at distribution expiry.
  8. The Merit Program continues as it exists today It will reward the Umbrella StkGHO in the following round its deployment to incentivize user migration

This doctrine would be adopted at the ARFC snapshot Stage.

Trigger milestone:

  • Already Achieved


  • BGD Labs give the greenlight for the Umbrella upgrade, initiate the StkGHO Legacy to Umbrella Migration via AIP.

Important note:

As the Umbrella design is still being discussed, details of implementation are subject to change and should be discussed at the ARFC stage of this proposal.

Part II: Initial ARFC Doctrine Adoption and Deployment of First Umbrella Safety Module: StkGHO

Adoption of the Following Doctrine:

  1. The Current StkAAVE and StkBPT Safety modules becomes the ā€œLegacy Safety Moduleā€
  2. The Legacy Safety Module is set to cover all live networks Aave V3 debt with a market size exceeding $100M and older than one year until replaced.
  3. The StkGHO Safety modules protect GHO debt.
  4. The Safety Modules do not automatically cover Aave V3 deployments; coverage must be opt-in by governance vote.
  5. Pre-authorization of introducing ā€œnetwork-specificā€ Umbrella Safety Module instances financed by ā€œlocalā€ revenue.
  6. An Umbrella StkGHO Safety Module is deployed and becomes the first Umbrella Safety module with a reward set exclusively in GHO and financed by Aave protocol excess revenue. The feedback of Aave Finance & Risk service providers is expected to define a Safety Target for this Umbrella Safety Module.
  7. The legacy StkGHO safety module cooldown is set to zero; AAVE rewards will not be renewed at distribution expiry.
  8. The Merit Program continues as it exists today It will reward the Umbrella StkGHO in the following round its deployment to incentivize user migration

This doctrine would be adopted at the ARFC snapshot Stage.

Trigger milestone:

  • Already Achieved


  • BGD Labs give the greenlight for the Umbrella upgrade, initiate the StkGHO Legacy to Umbrella Migration via AIP.

Important note:

As the Umbrella design is still being discussed, details of implementation are subject to change and should be discussed at the ARFC stage of this proposal.

A new role for Aave beyond the Legacy Safety module, AAVEnomics update.

The next proposed step is the end of the StkAAVE GHO discount, introduce the anti-GHO system, and close the LEND chapter .

Trigger milestones:

  • 175M GHO supply
  • Secondary liquidity allowing a 10M swap size at 1% price impact


  • Set borrow rate discount for Aave V3 GHO facilitator to 0%.
  • Create new GHO facilitators linked to the GHO credit system.
  • Terminate LEND migration contract.

Part III: ā€œFee Switchā€ Activate Umbrella Atokens Safety Module, initiate ā€œBuy and Distributeā€ AAVENomics

Trigger Milestones:

  • Aave Collector net holdings are at *2 yearly service providersā€™ recurring costs for the past 30 days.
  • Aave protocol 90-day annualized revenue is at 150% of all protocol expenses YTD, including the AAVE acquisition budget and aWETH & aUSDC Umbrella budgets.
  • Budget is defined, financed, and readjusted quarterly by Aave Finance service providers.


  • Financing of secondary liquidity for AAVE with Aave Finance AIPs managed by Aave Finance service providers.
  • End of Legacy Safety Module:
    • StkBPT cooldown is set to 0.
    • End of StkBPT rewards. Replaced by liquidity incentives from ALC
    • StkAAVE slashing is set to 0%. StkAAVE becomes the asset of the AAVE Staking module
  • Creation of aUSDC and aWETH Umbrella Safety Modules with aUSDC and aWETH as reward tokens. (If validated by governance feedback)
  • Financing of AAVE buy and distribute program by Aave Finance service providers; bought AAVE is distributed to the ecosystem reserve. The distribution pace of AAVE is adjusted to the quarterly budget to avoid running out of funds for stakers. This process is handled by the Aave Finance service providers until fully automated.

Important note:

As the Umbrella design is still being discussed, details of implementation are subject to change and should be discussed at the ARFC stage of this proposal. this TEMP CHECK is meant to query community sentiment and ARFC stage is meant to define actual implementation leveraging service providers and community feedback.


The ACI extends its sincere gratitude to all Aave service providers, delegates, and community members who contributed to this proposalā€™s peer review. Your expertise and insights have been invaluable in refining and strengthening this TEMP CHECK. Special thanks to Bgd Labs for their crucial inputs on this proposal and the conception of the Umbrella Safety module. This proposal reflects the collaborative spirit and dedication of the Aave DAO.

Next Steps

  1. Gather community feedback on this TEMP CHECK.
  2. If consensus is achieved, move this proposal to the TEMP CHECK snapshot stage


The Aave Chan Initiative is independent and has not received any compensation from related parties for drafting this proposal.


Copyright and related rights waived under Creative Commons Zero (CC0).

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Governance [ARFC] Onboard slisBNB to Aave V3 on BNB Chain

Published: Jul 25, 2024

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[ARFC] Onboard slisBNB to Aave V3 on BNB Chain

Author: ACI

Date: 2024-07-25


This proposal seeks to onboard slisBNB, a tokenized version of staked BNB introduced by Lista DAO, to Aave V3 on the BNB Chain.


slisBNB is a Liquid Staking Token (LST) from ListaDAO, which aims to bring additional liquidity and utility to staked BNB. The token allows users to participate in the staking rewards while maintaining the flexibility to use their staked assets within the DeFi ecosystem.

Onboarding slisBNB will allow Aave users to utilize it as collateral, thus broadening the asset base and enhancing overall liquidity.

Proof of Liquidity and Deposit Commitments

Users who supply slisBNB liquidity on Aave, will be eligible to get stardust (points) from Listaā€™s ongoing point system Cosmic Adventure Challenge Season 3, which will turn to LISTA token airdrop when Season 3 ends.


Token Name: slisBNB

Underlying Asset: Staked BNB

Contract: 0xB0b84D294e0C75A6abe60171b70edEb2EFd14A1B

Initial Risk Parameters and analysis will be provided by Risk Service Providers and ARFC will be updated accordingly.

Useful Links:


This proposal is powered by Skywards. ACI is not directly affiliated with Lista DAO and did not receive compensation for creating this proposal.

Next Steps

  1. Publication of a standard ARFC, collect community & service providers feedback before escalating proposal to ARFC snapshot stage.
  2. If the ARFC snapshot outcome is YAE, publish an AIP vote for final confirmation and enforcement of the proposal.


Copyright and related rights waived under CC0

2 posts - 2 participants

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Governance [ARFC] Onboard dlcBTC to Aave v3 on Ethereum

Published: Jul 25, 2024

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[ARFC] onboard dlcBTC to Aave v3 on Ethereum

Author: ACI

Date: 2024-07-25

Simple Summary:

The current proposal aims to onboard dlcBTC to Aave v3 on the Ethereum pool.


dlcBTC is a decentralized wrapped Bitcoin on Ethereum, enabling Bitcoin holders to participate in DeFi protocols while retaining full ownership of their assets. It leverages Discreet Log Contracts (DLCs) for secure cross-chain transactions, ensuring trustless and decentralized asset management. dlcBTC uses a federated set of merchants who lock BTC with themselves to mint dlcBTC, similar to USDCā€™s model.

Unlike other bridges, dlcBTC merchants ā€œself-wrapā€ Bitcoin, meaning funds are never sent to an external address, reducing the risk of theft or loss. dlcBTC has a Chainlink proof of reserve feed: dlcBTC PoR | Chainlink.

Benefits of listing that token:

Listing dlcBTC will enable Bitcoin holders to use their assets as collateral within Aave, increasing liquidity and user engagement on the platform. It will attract a broader user base from the Bitcoin community and enhance the diversity of collateral options within Aave. Additionally, it supports DeFi platforms such as Nektar and Swaap, which can generate yield using dlcBTC.

Market Impact:

Including dlcBTC will positively impact Aaveā€™s liquidity and user adoption, as Bitcoin is the largest digital asset by market cap. dlcBTCā€™s secure and decentralized nature will contribute to the platformā€™s growth and stability, providing additional security for users and increasing the overall market size of Aave. wBTC has been a huge success, but its use of a single custodian is a known source of counterparty risk. By decentralizing the merchant set, dlcBTC makes it less likely for an adverse event to happen.

Chain to be deployed/listed:


Proof of Liquidity (POL) and Deposit Commitments:

To incentivize the use of dlcBTC within the Aave ecosystem, we propose to include a points-based rewards program tied to a future $DLC token . The program includes:

  • Holding dlcBTC: Earn 1X points for simply holding dlcBTC.
  • Using dlcBTC as Collateral: Receive 5X points for using dlcBTC as collateral across DeFi platforms.
  • Special Aave Incentives:
    • Earn 6X points when dlcBTC is used as collateral within Aave.
    • Earn 8X points when dlcBTC is used to borrow GHO on Aave.

This rewards program is already established for our Curve pool, demonstrating its effectiveness in boosting engagement and liquidity.

Additionally, onboarding large merchants, some with over 10,000 BTC, which will significantly boost the Total Value Locked (TVL) in the ecosystem.

Risk Parameters:

Risk Parameters will be provided by Service Risk Providers and those will be updated in the current ARFC accordingly.

Useful Links:


Technical Docs:



This proposal is powered by Skywards. ACI is not directly affiliated with DLC.Link team and did not receive compensation for creation this proposal.

Next Steps:

  1. Publication of a standard ARFC, collect community & service providers feedback before escalating proposal to ARFC snapshot stage.
  2. If the ARFC snapshot outcome is YAE, publish an AIP vote for final confirmation and enforcement of the proposal.


Copyright and related rights waived under CC0

2 posts - 2 participants

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Development BGD. Aave Safety Module - Umbrella

Published: Jul 24, 2024

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1. Summary

Introducing Umbrella, a new version of the Aave Safety Module based on Aave v3 aTokens staking & slashing.

2. Context. The current Safety Module

In 2020, Aave introduced its Safety Module, a system for $AAVE (and $AAVE/WETH Balancer LP) holders to stake their tokens and gets rewards, but assuming slashing risk to cover any potential bad debt in Aave liquidity pools. This was a quite important innovation and movement to strengthen the resilience of the protocol with $AAVE tokenomics, adding more than $100m available to slash and cover bad debt if required.

However, like with almost any other system, the current Aave Safety Module has shortcomings and room to improvement. More precisely, the following limitations:

  • Bad debt on Aave will always manifest in borrowed assets. With AAVE being a pure collateral (governance token, not borrowable), if any stkAAVE slashing happens, the AAVE would need to be sold to the asset on which the debt is denominated; so capital is not efficient.

  • Consequence of the previous, slashing events could create bad dynamics on the coverage asset ($AAVE), as the sell pressure of the slashing itself will circularly reduce the coverage.

  • Slashing rules are very subjective. At the moment, any slashing is decided via a governance proposals. Even if this has some positive implication (e.g. governance can decide to slash or to use treasury funds), this create very important uncertainty about:

      1. in which situations slashing should happen.
      1. will $AAVE/stkAAVE holders vote for slashing.
      1. exactly which networks/pools are really covered by the Safety Module.

    Some of the previous have been addressed via governance frameworks (e.g. which pools/networks are covered), but subjectivity in this context is not really positive.

  • Even if mandatory, auction mechanisms for slashed funds are not well defined, as the Safety Module doesnā€™t have a native auction module.

  • The system is relatively rigid on incentives, as each staked asset like stkAAVE can only have one type of rewards (currently AAVE), which is not really aligned with the community direction of for example having AAVE, GHO, or any other.

  • Staking and slashing is fully Ethereum based, which adds limitations on both capital acquisition for staking or even operational complexity to move slashed funds to any network to cover bad debt.

Umbrella, the new Safety Module, tries to address all the previous limitations of the system.

3. Umbrella, the new Safety Module


Umbrellaā€™s goal is to address all the weakness of the current Safety Module, together with improving the architecture in a way that is future-proof.

This is achieved with the following design principles.

New staked assets: stk aTokens

As they are not effective for the task, stkAAVE and stkABPT will not be direct coverage assets anymore. Their replacement will be objectively the most effective assets to cover Aave debt: Aave aTokens.

All suppliers of aTokens on any Aave pool with no borrowings, will have the opportunity to enable the STK mode. By doing this this, 3 things happen:

  • Their aToken balance (or any percentage of their balance they define) becomes slashable, to cover Shortfall Events in specifically the aToken they hold. E.g. if an user of aUSDC enables STK on their position and a loss happens affecting aUSDC suppliers, he will lose partially or totally his aUSDC balance.
  • The user will start earning incentives, to compensate the utility they are bringing to the Aave protocol (risk of slashing). This could be in the same denomination of his aToken, $GHO, $AAVE or any other (or combination of them).
  • In the meantime, the user will keep accruing yield on his aToken position, as factually he is just another supplier to Aave; just with extra risk, and of course extra reward.

To highlight why aTokens are the best possible staking/slashable asset, it is important to understand what bad debt technically is. Bad debt accrual in an Aave pool means that one or multiple positions have less collateral than liabilities, which leads to a situation on which the user has no incentive to repay and consequently, if all depositors of the borrowed asset would try to withdraw, there would be a deficit.

Whenever any amount of aTokens get slashed on Umbrella, no selling is needed to cover the deficit, only burning is required. For example:

  • A total of 1ā€™000 USDC is supplied to Aave v3 Ethereum, reflecting in 1ā€™000 aUSDC total supply.
  • Due to a collateral failure, 100 USDC bad debt is created. That means that only the ~900 USDC (interest aside) out of the 1ā€™000 USDC supplied can be withdrawn.
  • However, 200 aUSDC are staked in Umbrella. When the 100 USDC Shortfall Event happens, 100 aUSDC are slashed, and afterwards, burnt.
  • After the aUSDC burn, aUSDC supply is 900, same as the 900 USDC liquidity withdrawable; so the system is whole.

Per-network aToken staking & slashing

On the previous Safety Module, using Ethereum as staking & slashing network had quite strong rationale: Ethereum was the most secure blockchain network; the Aave ecosystem was quite Ethereum-focused, with only a limited number of other instances appearing (e.g. Polygon and Avalanche on Aave v2); or the Safety Module infrastructure would be quite complex if having staking & slashing in non-Ethereum venues.

With Umbrella this approach changes radically: bad debt potentially accrues on each Aave instance in isolation, and having aTokens of an specific Aave v3 instance as staked assets only makes natural that users of Aave on network X will opt-in to stake for that Aave instance.

For example, it is very simple for a supplier of WETH on Aave v3 Arbitrum to decide if he wants to stake his aWETH for rewards and slashing risk, if bad debt accrues on his own supplied asset. However it becomes way more complicated for the same user to decide if he wants to stake for a different asset in a different network.

We see the system evolving with more heterogeneous assets and coverage strategies, but as basic building block we believe it is better to start simple: each Aave pool on each network will have its own Umbrella, where all aTokens users will be able to stake to cover the asset associated with their aTokens.

Automated (no governance) and precise slashing

Umbrella will not depend on Aave governance proposals for slashing, this will be done automatically and in a decentralised way, with rules clearly defined on the smart contracts. This is achieved with the following:

  • The Aave pools will be updated to account for accrued bad debt on each asset. This will allow to precisely understand on-chain how much potentially needs to be covered by Umbrella.
  • Once the bad debt in an asset crosses certain configurable minimum threshold (to protect for example against bad debt ā€œdustā€ organically accruing), the system will allow anybody to initiate an slashing action. The Aave Robot automation system will be plugged to this.
  • Each asset to cover will have associated its stk aToken to slash from. Once the slashing event happens, slash will be immediately processed, and funds sent externally to another contract controlled by the DAO.
  • Once the aTokens are burnt, Umbrella will account for them, to discount the amount from any future slashing needs.

Introducing automatic and fast slashing has major implications simplifying the current Safety Module, more precisely:

  • Cooldown technically can be slightly reduced.
  • No mechanism to return funds post slashing is really needed, as the required amount will be exact. This is very important security-wise, reducing any vector of so-called donations.
  • No post-slashing window is needed.

New incentives engine

With the Aave community lately doing an exceptional job on incentives management (e.g. Merit from ACI), we thought that Umbrella should have a powerful incentives management system, trying to cover as best as possible the needs of the Safety Module. The new system has the following characteristics:

  • Multi-rewards. Following the approach of Aave v3 pools, Umbrella allows for any staked asset to have one or multiple rewards at the same time. For example, stk aUSDT could be receiving simultaneously $AAVE and $USDT rewards, the first from the Ecosystem Reserve, and the second from the protocol revenue (e.g Reserve Factor).

  • Coverage target. When defining an amount of rewards for the Safety Module, implicitly the approach is doing it by asking the question ā€œhow many rewards should we configure in order to have X amount of assets available to slash and cover bad debt?ā€.

    Umbrella will introduce a more dynamic rewards curve (stk Utilisation Curve), automatically optimising rewards to try to be close to the coverage amount targeted (stk Safety Target), but without over spending. This means that if the staked amount is lower than the target configured, rewards will be proportionally higher but without spiking to thousands of APR percent. If staked amount is too high, the system will adjust rewards proportionally lower.


Back in the days, we recommended other contributors to introduce stkGHO in the Safety Module. The rationale is that stkGHO is factually an aToken for all Safety Module purposes, and consequently, the best possible asset to cover GHO bad debt.

stkGHO will keep existing on Umbrella as main coverage asset of GHO, only adapting its smart contracts to be fully compatible with the new system.

More flexibility on staked assets

Even with aTokens being the corner stone of the system, we have taken into account the appetite of the community for other types of assets (like GHO LPs), and the system will enable each Aave asset covered by multiple stk.

In this case, whenever an slashing happens, all staked assets for the one to cover will be slashed proportionally (or following more complex strategies, like tranching), and those in different denomination (e.g. GHO/USDC to cover GHO) will need to be auctioned.

To start with though, we propose the following limitations, to not overcomplicate the system:

  • Given its role in the Aave ecosystem, only GHO should have more than one staked asset associated.
  • Only staked assets heavily correlated to the one to cover should be added to the coverage set to start. For example, a GHO/USDT LP token can be enabled to cover GHO, but to avoid complexity, better to avoid others like GHO/WETH.
  • Incentives definition should be carefully evaluated when having multiple assets to stake for the same, as the management of them is substantially more complicated than with just aTokens.

Once again, in the future we envision a system with more complex coverage strategies, but we think it is more reasonable to start simpler on the first version of Umbrella.

Misc features of Umbrella

  • Similar as with all other BGD projects on Aave, Umbrella has been designed to be flexible enough to adapt to future needs of the community. For that reason, the implementation should be compatible with new Aave sub-systems, including Aave v4, by doing only minor adjustments.
  • Umbrella will have emergency mechanisms similar to EMERGENCY_ADMIN functions on Aave.
  • During the design of Umbrella, we analysed the introduction of a mechanism like the Fast Pass proposed. However, the practical constraints that should include (e.g. it would only shorten the ā€œstandardā€ cooldown, but always leaving 7-10 days) led us to not propose it as part of Umbrella.

4. stkAAVE and stkABPT future

As previously mentioned, both stkAAVE and stkABPT are not good coverage assets on the Safety Module, due to their lack of correlation with the assets potentially accruing bad debt on the Aave pools. Consequently, Umbrella will not have them as stk Assets; they will be replaced by stk aTokens.

However, it is very clear that there is an appetite for usage of both stkAAVE and stkABPT into staking venues of the Aave tokenomics, with $400m supplied. For that reason, even if not including any strategy on this post to avoid confusion, we are collaborating with ACI for a new proposal to add extra AAVE utility, involving both stkAAVE and stkABPT, but in a different role compared with staked assets on Umbrella.

5. Glossary and FaQ


ā†’ Umbrella

Name of the system as a whole, but also the core smart contract of the system.

There will be one Umbrella connected to each Aave pool instance to be covered by the Safety Module

ā†’ Safety Pool

Logical ā€œvaultā€ grouping one or more stk assets, and implementing all necessary logic to slash them.

Safety Pools could be the GHO v3 Ethereum Safety Pool, MATIC v3 Polygon Safety Pool or USDT v3 Base Safety Pool.

ā†’ stk Asset

Each independent staked asset part of a stk Safety Pool:

  • Underlying assets are deposited on each stk smart contract.
  • Defines an exchange rate, depending on slashing.
  • Contains all the cooldown related logic.
  • Connects to a rewards smart contract.

stk assets could be stkGHO and stk-ECLP-GHO_USDC for the GHO v3 Ethereum Safety Pool, or simply stkAUSDC for the USDC v3 Arbitrum Safety Pool

ā†’ stk Liquidation Mechanism

Each strategy implemented in the system to, from stk assets, get the underlying token to cover bad debt.

For example, aTokens will have a a very simply Liquidation Mechanism, only slashing the stk Asset and burning the underlying aToken. On the other hand, an LP token will require a Liquidation Mechanism slashing the stk and selling the LP to the required aToken underlying, to finally burn it.

ā†’ stk Safety Target

Optimal coverage size for an stk Asset, working as main reference for automatic adjustment of the stk Utilisation Curve.

For example, a 50m USDC could be configured as stk Safety Target for stkUSDC, which would mean that rewards would be targeting a maximum of 50m aUSDC staked.

ā†’ stk Utilisation Curve

Function automatically regulating rewards, by using the stk Safety Target as reference:

  • Whenever the total staked assets are below the Safety Target, rewards are proportionally higher in a controlled manner, as the system needs to incentivise the entry of new capital.
  • Whenever the total staked assets are above the Safety Target, rewards are proportionally lower in a controller manner, as the system needs to incentivise the exit of part of the capital.

The goal of the Utilisation Curve is to automate as much as possible the configuration of any rewards distribution, limiting external oracles to define the yield that stk participants will get at Safety Target size.


ā†’ Why having isolated instances of the Safety Module?

One core idea of this new Safety Module is for users to earn a yield premium on top of their aTokens in exchange for additional slashing risk. Given how this specifically targets users of an Aave instance/network, it is just natural and simpler that for example aUSDC v3 Arbitrum holders will have the possibility to cover bad debt of aUSDC v3 Arbitrum and not others, at least in the initial version of the system.

Additional arguments for this decision are:

  • Having an aggregated layer of staked assets between networks would make very complicated to define incentives, and it is our duty on the development side to not off-board complexity to additional contributors (and cost for the DAO).
  • Revenue for the DAO is accrued on each specific asset, on each specific pool, on each specific network. An organic and sustainable strategy would be using part of that revenue (e.g. a percentage of the Reserve Factor) to incentivise its associated stk Safety Pool.

ā†’ Why aTokens as main underlying?

Bad debt accrual on a system like Aave means that part of the aToken holders will not be able to withdraw from Aave. By having aToken as underlying of the Safety Module, aToken holders participating factually opt-out to withdraw their funds if bad debt is realised.

In addition, they still keep earning yield plus rewards on top in compensation of the additional slashing risk.

ā†’ Why non-aTokens as secondary underlying?

The Aave community has shown support to include on the previous Safety Module more heterogeneous assets, like LP tokens including GHO.

The new Safety Module will accommodate to those needs, allowing any type of underlying, with the only limitation of having a solid pricing mechanism associated (e.g. secure way of pricing a GHO/USDC LP token).

ā†’ How many rewards an stk asset can have?

Similar as with the incentives system on Aave v3, an stk instance can have multiple rewards, mainly limited by the gas implications of it. Realistically, we donā€™t expect more than 3 rewards for a single stk simultaneously.

ā†’ How rewards should be configured?

Rewards are configured based on having a competitive yield premium versus risk on the stk Safety Target. For example, if the Safety Target for USDC on v3 Ethereum is 50m USDC and the market seeks for an extra 3% to participate on the Safety Module, rewards would be in the order of $1ā€™500ā€™000 per year.

In practise, the entity controlling rewards configuration will configure a rewards per second at the Safety Target, and the Stk Utilisation Curve will provide to the protocol the exact rewards depending on how far the staked liquidity is from the Safety Target.

ā†’ Apart from aTokens, which other assets can be part of the Safety Module?

The design of the Safety Module is pretty agnostic to the underlying: whenever bad debt needs to be covered, Umbrella will slash from the appropriate Safety Pool X amount of assets. How the Safety Pool sources the the funds can be as custom as necessary.

Example WETH:

  • Umbrella asks for 10 WETH to cover bad debt to the WETH Ethereum Safety Pool.
  • The WETH Ethereum Safety Pool has as underlying only stkAWETH (aToken of WETH v3 Ethereum), so will slash the full amount from it.
  • Umbrella will burn the 10 aWETH and account for the bad debt cleanup.

Example GHO:

  • Umbrella asks for 20ā€™000 GHO to cover bad debt to the GHO Ethereum Safety Pool.
  • The GHO Ethereum Safety Pool has 2 different underlyings: stkGHO and stkECLP-GHO-USDC (Gyroscope LP). Following the smart contract logic, the Safety Pool will slash partially from stkGHO and partially from stkECLP-GHO-USDC, sending directly GHO from the first to burn, and via the custom auction module, selling E-CLP GHO-USDC to GHO.
  • Umbrella will burn the 20ā€™000 GHO and account for the bad debt cleanup.

ā†’ What Aave instances will be covered by the Safety Module?

The new Safety Module is prepared to cover any Aave instance on any network where Aave lives. In practise it is a matter of deploying the infrastructure, and activate it via a governance proposal that will define the covered assets, stk Safety Pools and rewards.

Our only recommendation is to not seek an activation of the Safety Module on new Aave pools until they reach certain size (in the order of millions), as the cost of activation could not be worth it.

ā†’ Is not a problem the rebasing nature of aTokens for the stk Safety Pools?

aTokens listed on stk Safety Pools will use stataTokens, ā€œwrappedā€ versions of Aave v3 aTokens we developed in the past, this way not rebasing in balance.

For the user, this process will be transparent, as we will build all the required smart contracts infrastructure to make the process very simple, allowing to participate in the Safety Module from underlying (e.g. USDC), aToken (e.g. aUSDC) or even stataToken (e.g. stataUSDC)

ā†’ Why removing stkAAVE and stkABPT from the main Safety Module?

stkAAVE and stkABPT are not efficient coverage assets for Aave pools, as the price of their underlying is not correlated with the one of the asset where bad debt generally accrues (borrowed assets on Aave like WETH or stablecoins). So they should not be part of the main Safety Module dynamics.

ā†’ Doesnā€™t this design resemble the existing stkGHO?

Yes, the usage of stkGHO as underlying of the existing Safety Module was our proposal to other service providers, as technically GHO is very similar to an Aave aToken, and the most effective coverage asset for GHO.

ā†’ How is the theoretical sustainability of the system (e.g. incentives)?

With stk aTokens as underlying, Umbrella provides superior capital efficiency to cover potential bad debt. Consequently, the amount of rewards required to incentivise the system is substantially lower in value compared with the current Safety Module.

For example, with an Umbrella aggregated size of $100m for assets on Aave v3 Ethereum, $5m/year would provide 5% rewards, which would mean more than 10% yield on stablecoins aTokens (calculation based on 5-6% yearly average stablecoins aToken rates).

Moreover, the required coverage per asset per pool will be a percentage of the outstanding borrowings, which is same concept as the Reserve Factor. Part of the proceeds of the Reserve Factor could be allocated as rewards to stk Assets on Umbrella.

6. Next steps

Even if announcing the final design right now, we have been working on Umbrella since the beginning of our engagement, currently in good level of maturity of the implementation.

In the following weeks, we will be working on the following:

  • Listen for feedback of the community.
  • Finish the implementation of the whole system.
  • Finish a more technical documentation of the system, complementary to the high-level one in this document.
  • Communicate with all potentially involved service providers (e.g. risk, incentives management, growth) about Umbrella, and the role of everybody on it.
  • Give our feedback/ideas to a new iteration of AAVE tokenomics, involving stkAAVE and stkABPT.

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General What measures are being taken to restore the peg of GHO?

Published: Jul 23, 2024

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What measures are being taken to restore the peg of GHO?

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Governance [ARFC] Chaos Labs Risk Stewards - Increase Supply and Borrow Caps on Aave V3 - 07.23.2024

Published: Jul 23, 2024

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A proposal to:

  • Increase cbETHā€™s borrow caps on Aaveā€™s Base deployment.
  • Increase wstETHā€™s borrow cap on Aaveā€™s Base deployment.
  • Increase wstETHā€™s supply and borrow caps on Aaveā€™s Scroll deployment.
  • Increase sUSDā€™s supply and borrow caps on Aaveā€™s Optimism deployment.


cbETH (Base)

cbETH is at 54% supply cap utilization on Base, with its borrow cap at 100% capacity.

image (5)

image (6)

Supply Distribution

Most of the top cbETH suppliers borrow WETH or USDC, with a few maintaining deposit-only positions. The total supply is fairly distributed across wallets without a single supplier dominating the market.

image (7)

Overall, WETH represents 68.04% of the value borrowed against cbETH.

image (8)

Borrow Distribution

The top cbETH borrower uses weETH as collateral. While the largest borrower represents an outsized proportion of the total market, outside of an extreme tail event, the largest open position has low liquidation risk, as both the borrowed asset (cbETH) and the primary collateral (weETH) are closely correlated ETH derivatives.

image (9)

In aggregate, weETH represents 49.34% of the value backing cbETH loans.

image (10)


Given user behavior and the fact that cbETHā€™s borrow cap was initially set conservatively relative to cbETHā€™s supply cap, we recommend increasing the borrow cap 100% to 800 cbETH.

wstETH (Base)

wstETH has reached 41% supply cap utilization on Base, and its borrow cap is at 100% capacity.

image (11)

image (12)

Supply Distribution

Most of the top wstETH suppliers borrow WETH, with a few borrowing USDC or maintaining deposit-only positions. The largest wstETH supplier represents a significant portion of the total market, with supply fairly distributed among the remaining wallets. The largest open positions have low liquidation risk, as the supplied wstETH and borrowed WETH are closely correlated assets.

image (13)

Borrow Distribution

The top wstETH borrowers primarily use weETH as collateral, with some also using WETH. The largest borrower represents a significant portion of the total market, though the largest open positions have low liquidation risk due to the close correlation between the borrowed wstETH and the supplied weETH/WETH collateral.

image (14)

In aggregate, weETH represents 67.68% of the value backing wstETH loans.

image (15)


Given user behavior and on-chain liquidity, we recommend increasing wstETHā€™s borrow cap by 100% to 800 wstETH.

wstETH (Scroll)

wstETH has reached 100% supply cap utilization on Scroll, and its borrow cap is at 100% capacity.

image (16)

image (17)

Supply Distribution

Most of the top wstETH suppliers borrow WETH, with a few maintaining deposit-only positions. The largest wstETH suppliers represent a significant portion of the total market, making supply somewhat concentrated among the top wallets. The largest open positions have low liquidation risk, as wstETH and WETH are closely correlated assets.

image (18)

Overall, WETH represents 98.19% of the value borrowed against wstETH.

image (19)

Borrow Distribution

Most top wstETH borrowers use WETH as collateral, with some also using USDC. The largest borrower represents a significant portion of the total market, but there is still distribution across multiple wallets. The largest open positions have low liquidation risk due to the close correlation between wstETH and WETH, which are both Ethereum-based assets.

image (20)

In aggregate, WETH represents 90.11% of the value backing wstETH loans.

image (21)


Given on-chain liquidity and user behavior, we recommend increasing wstETHā€™s supply cap by 10% to 19,000 (capping supply at 75% of wstETHā€™s current on-chain supply, 25,000). Further, we recommend increasing its borrow cap by 50%.

sUSD (Optimism)

sUSD has reached 99% supply cap utilization on Optimism, and its borrow cap is at 70% capacity, after a resurgence in sUSD deposits & borrows over the past few weeks.

image (22)

image (23)

Supply Distribution

Most top sUSD suppliers maintain deposit-only positions, with a few borrowing small amounts of USDC or USDC.e. The largest sUSD supplier represents an outsized proportion of the total market. The majority of the largest open positions have no liquidation risk as they are supply-only, meaning that even in the event of another sUSD depeg, few large wallets would become eligible for liquidation in the current market.

image (24)

Overall, USDC represents 84.38% of the value borrowed against sUSD, though total sUSD-collateralized borrows remains very small relative to the total supply.

image (25)

Borrow Distribution

Most top sUSD borrowers use USDC as their primary collateral, with some also using WETH. We view these USDC positions as low-risk, given the quality of the collateral and correlation of the assets.

image (26)

In aggregate, USDC represents 54.22% of the value backing sUSD loans.

image (27)


Given the nature of sUSD activity on Aave, we support increasing sUSDā€™s supply and borrow caps.


Chain Asset Current Supply Cap Recommended Supply Cap Current Borrow Cap Recommended Borrow Cap
Base cbETH 3,000 - 400 800
Base wstETH 14,000 - 400 800
Scroll wstETH 17,500 19,000 2,800 4,200
Optimism sUSD 7,000,000 11,000,000 5,600,000 10,000,000

Next Steps

We will move forward and implement these updates via the Risk Steward process.


Chaos Labs has not been compensated by any third party for publishing this ARFC.


Copyright and related rights waived via CC0

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Governance [ARFC] Chaos Labs Risk Stewards - Increase Supply Cap for weETH on V3 Ethereum - 07.22.2024

Published: Jul 22, 2024

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A proposal to:

  • Increase weETHā€™s supply caps on Aaveā€™s Ethereum deployment.


weETH (Ethereum)

weETH has reached 100% utilization of its supply cap on Ethereum, and its borrow cap is at 27% capacity following significant repayments.

Untitled (5)

Untitled (6)

Supply Distribution

Most of the top weETH suppliers borrow WETH against it, with some borrowing weETH itself, along with some wstETH borrows. The total supply is fairly distributed across wallets, with the largest supplier representing 18% of the total. The largest open positions have low liquidation risk, as weETH and WETH are closely correlated.

Untitled (7)

Overall, ETH-correlated assets represent 99.7% of the value borrowed against weETH.



Given on-chain liquidity, as well as user distribution and behavior, we recommend increasing weETHā€™s supply cap on Ethereum, while ensuring that potential new WETH borrowing does not bring the WETH market above UOptimal.


Chain Asset Current Supply Cap Recommended Supply Cap Current Borrow Cap Recommended Borrow Cap
Ethereum weETH 600,000 660,000 200,000 -

Next Steps

We will move forward and implement these updates via the Risk Steward process.
For transparency, we aim to execute the risk steward transaction on July 23th at 10:20 am GMT


Chaos Labs has not been compensated by any third party for publishing this ARFC.


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Other [ARFC] Implement a Cross-Chain Borrow Optimizer for Aave v3

Published: Jul 22, 2024

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[ARFC] Implement a Cross-Chain Borrow Optimizer for Aave v3

Author: @Xlend

Date: 2024-07-23


This proposal suggests implementing a Cross-Chain Borrow Optimizer for Aave v3, leveraging the Portal feature and introducing a new vault-based system to enable seamless movement of lending and borrowing positions across different chains.


While Aave has established itself as a leader in the DeFi lending space with over $20 billion in liquidity, thereā€™s an opportunity to enhance capital efficiency and user experience by leveraging Aaveā€™s existing infrastructure across multiple chains. This system aims to always provide users with the best lending yields, allow access to the lowest borrowing rates across chains, and increase capital efficiency by keeping Aaveā€™s liquidity in constant motion.


The proposed Cross-Chain Borrow Optimizer will implement the following:

  1. Lending Optimization:
  • Utilize Aave v3ā€™s Portal feature to move deposits to the chain offering the best yield.
  1. Borrowing Optimization:
  • Introduce a new vault-based system to move borrowing positions across chains for accessing the lowest interest rates.
  1. Implementation Requirements:
  • Integration with an Aave v3 forkā€™s Portal feature (Deployed and maintained by Xlend)
  • Development of smart vault contracts for managing cross-chain positions
  • Partnerships with reliable bridge providers for cross-chain transfers
  • A user-friendly interface to manage and monitor positions across chains
  1. Example Scenario:
  • Detailed walkthrough of how the system would work in a real-world scenario, demonstrating potential annual savings for users.

Letā€™s walk through a real-world example to illustrate how this system would work:

Initial State:

User has 1 ETH (worth $2,000) deposited and 1,000 USDC borrowed on AAVE Optimism
Current lending APY on Optimism: 2%
Current borrowing APY on Optimism: 5%
Step 1: Identifying Better Rates (Xlendā€™s API or front-end would do this automatically)

Our aggregator detects that AAVE on Arbitrum offers:

Lending APY: 3%
Borrowing APY: 4%
Step 2: Initiating the Transfer

The user approves the transfer through our interface. The following steps occur:

For the Lending Position:

  1. The Portal feature of Xlendā€™s instance on a chain (Which is letā€™s say an AAVE v3 fork on Blast coupled with Across+) is used to move 1 ETH from Optimism to Arbitrum
  2. ETH is deposited into AAVE on Arbitrum and settled on bridge provider
    (For fork, we would like to align with AAVE DAO, but thatā€™s for later, to figure out something similar like Sparklend)

For the Borrowing Position:

  1. User approves credit delegation to the vault contract on Arbitrum
  2. A bridge provider (e.g., Connext) repays the 1,000 USDC loan on Optimism
  3. The vault contract on Arbitrum supplies the 1 ETH and borrows 1,000 USDC using the delegated credit
  4. The borrowed 1,000 USDC is sent back to the bridge provider

Step 3: Result

  • User now has 1 ETH deposited and 1,000 USDC borrowed on AAVE Arbitrum

  • Lending APY increased from 2% to 3%

  • Borrowing APY decreased from 5% to 4%

  • Annual Savings:

  • Lending: Extra $20 earned (1% of $2,000)

  • Borrowing: $10 saved (1% of $1,000)

  • Total benefit: $30 per year

Disclaimer Xlend is a DeFi team building a lending & borrowing aggregator and optimizer. We are not currently compensated by Aave for this proposal. If thereā€™s significant interest, we can provide more details about our project and team.

Next Steps

  1. Gather community feedback on this proposal.
  2. If consensus is reached on this [TEMP CHECK], develop a prototype for testing on testnets (pending funding for dev costs from DAO).
  3. If successful, propose a phased rollout starting with major chains (Ethereum, Arbitrum, Optimism).
  4. Publish a standard ARFC and collect community & service provider feedback before an ARFC snapshot.
  5. If the ARFC snapshot passes, publish an AIP vote for final confirmation and enforcement.

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Other NEED HELP Arb AAVE GHO debt swap

Published: Jul 22, 2024

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When swapping an ETH debt for GHO on Arb AAVE, I discovered that Iā€™m unable to pay back the GHO token, because in the debt swap, I was given a variableDebtArbGHO token that the platform now refuses to recognize as a swap token. Does anybody have a workaround? Swap contract address on Arb is:

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Governance [ARFC] Chaos Labs Risk Parameter Updates - Increase USDe Debt Ceiling on V3 Ethereum - 07.22.2024

Published: Jul 22, 2024

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A proposal to increase USDeā€™s debt ceiling.


USDe has reached its debt ceiling following rapid deposits and borrows against these deposits on Ethereum.

Positions Analysis

There is currently one major user utilizing USDe as collateral on V3 Ethereum.
Account 0x8607a7d180de23645db594d90621d837749408d5 is borrowing $33.26 M in stables (USDC and USDT) against his $45.72 M in USDe. The userā€™s current health score is 1.03.

While this market is heavily concentrated, simulated transactions indicate that this position could be liquidated efficiently.

Borrows of USDe are more distributed and are against a variety of collateral.


USDe liquidity has improved since the assetā€™s listing, with especially large growth on Curve, related to ENA token incentives provided in multiple pools.

It is critical to note that on-chain liquidity ā€” as well as the ratio of sUSDe to USDe, amongst other things ā€” is being shaped by ongoing ENA token incentives. While there is still ongoing speculative activity, our recommendations remain cautious, given that dynamics could change rapidly following this period of speculative activity.

We also note that USDe grew rapidly through May, reaching a high of over 3.6B, but has since declined to 3.4B. The reserve fund has also grown, though its size relative to USDeā€™s supply has fallen since the asset was listed, from 1.34% of total USDe supply to 1.33%.

Screenshot 2024-07-22 at 10.03.43

Screenshot 2024-07-22 at 10.03.28

Screenshot 2024-07-22 at 10.02.36

We also note that the reserve fund has not grown in accordance with our recommendations following a detailed assessment of Ethenaā€™s mechanism, which called for the fund to maintain ā€œsufficient capital to cover a 4.3% drawdown at all times.ā€


The current debt ceiling for USDe on V3 Ethereum, set at $40 M, has reached 100% utilization.

Given current market conditions, our Isolation Mode Methodology supports increasing the debt ceiling to $50 M.

It is important to note that the majority of USDe debt positions are concentrated within just one user, accounting for over 83% of the total debt (see Positions Analysis above).
While this concentration does not affect the current recommendation, it is something to continue monitoring and will be considered in future recommendations and cases of significant market changes.


Chain Asset Current Debt Ceiling Recommended Debt Ceiling
Ethereum USDe $40,000,000 $50,000,000

Next Steps

  1. Following community feedback, submit the ARFC for a snapshot vote for final approval.
  2. If consensus is reached, submit an Aave Improvement Proposal (AIP) to implement the proposed updates.


Chaos Labs has not been compensated by any third party for publishing this ARFC.


Copyright and related rights waived via CC0

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Other Aave should compensate its users due to the sheer incompetence of ACI

Published: Jul 22, 2024

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They have raised caps on a Sunday night, blowing up the markets, possibly blowing up many people, and making a lot of people lose money.

The proposal to raise caps to 20k and 9k borrow weeth was extremely unprofessional. It led to a huge spike in all borrow markets.

This proposal wasnā€™t implemented by Chaos labs, which had been making a good job in the last raises on al chains.

This proposal was implemented on a Sunday at 9pm GMT, time of the week of low liquidity and activity overall.

ACI and aave are the sole responsibles for this irresponsible proposal, and the users should be rewarded according to their losses.

This proposal aims to compensate at least 50% of losses in interest spikes, and 100% of liquidation losses.

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Governance [ARFC] Onboarding weETH to Aave V3 on Scroll

Published: Jul 19, 2024

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[ARFC] Onboarding weETH to Aave V3 on Scroll

Author: ACI

Date: 2024-07-19

Proposal updated with Risk Params provided by Risk Service Providers. 2024-07-23


This ARFC seeks to add Liquid Restaking Token weETH to Aave V3 on Scroll.

After the successful onboarding of weETH to Aave v3 Ethereum, Arbitrum, and Base, alongside recent Supply and Borrow Cap increases for weETH due to significant demand, this proposal will further increase the ability for Aave to service weETH demand from users.

This proposal will go direct-to-AIP following the asset onboarding framework.


weETH is an LRT that allows users to stake their ETH, accrue staking rewards, and receive additional rewards through native restaking on EigenLayer. has also launched weETH on Arbitrum and Base allowing L2 users to get exposure to LRT yield and points. As weETH has already been approved for onboarding to Aave V3 on Ethereum, Arbitrum, and Base by the DAO, this proposal extends the onboarding of weETH to Aave v3 on Scroll.

Proof of Liquidity and Deposit Commitments:

weETH deposits into Aave on Scroll will accumulate and EigenLayer points and Scroll Marks.


weETH on Scroll: 0x01f0a31698c4d065659b9bdc21b3610292a1c506

weETH/ETH Chainlink Feed: 0x57bd9E614f542fB3d6FeF2B744f3B813f0cc1258

Risk Parameters will be provided by Risk Service Providers and the ARFC will be updated following their feedback.

Parameter Value
Isolation Mode No
Borrowable Yes
Collateral Enabled Yes
Supply Cap (weETH) 2,000
Borrow Cap (weETH) 400
Debt Ceiling -
LTV 72.50%
LT 75.00%
Liquidation Bonus 7.50%
Liquidation Protocol Fee 10.00%
Variable Base 0.0%
Variable Slope1 7.00%
Variable Slope2 300.00%
Uoptimal 45.00%
Reserve Factor 15.00%
Stable Borrowing Disabled
Flashloanable Yes
Siloed Borrowing No
Borrowed in Isolation No
E-Mode Category ETH-correlated

Useful Links

weETH Base onboarding

weETH Arbitrum onboarding

weETH Onboarding


This proposal is powered by Skywards. ACI is not directly affiliated with and did not receive compensation for creating this proposal.

The ACI and several ACI team members are both weETH and ETHFI holders.

Next Steps

  1. Discussion period on the governance forum with addition of risk parameters.
  2. Publish an AIP vote for final confirmation and enforcement of the proposal.


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Governance [ARFC] Extend GHO Stewards to Arbitrum

Published: Jul 18, 2024

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Title: [ARFC] Extend GHO Stewards to Arbitrum
Author: @karpatkey_TokenLogic
Date: 2024-07-19


This publication proposes extending the GHO Steward admin role to the Arbitrum USDC and USDT Stability Modules (GSM) and the Bridging Facilitator.

This publication also proposes this approach is extended to future GHO facilitators, unless specified otherwise.


With the introduction of:

On the Arbitrum network; this publication proposes replicating the same agile parameter adjustment process on Ethereum by extending the GHO Steward implementation to the Arbitrum network.

Implementation of this proposal enables further streamlining of governance by enabling several GHO related parameters to be adjusted in synchronised harmony with prevailing market conditions. The GHO stewards configuration will enable faster reaction and proactive adjustments to market conditions.

GHO Steward Signers

With representation from all the major facets supporting GHO, this group ensures Risk, Growth and Liquidity provisions are all considered when amending any of the GHO related parameters.

GHO Stewards consists of members from ACI (Growth), ChaosLabs (Risk), TokenLogic (Finance) and karpatkey (Finance) Service Providers, and utilises a 3 of 4 multi-sig.


GHO Stewards will consist of the following Service Providers:

The GHO Steward admin role has the permission to adjust the following parameters.

Bridge Facilitator and CCIP Rates
On Ethereum:

  1. CCIP BridgeLimitAdmin role to adjust the bridge limit up to 100% both ways
  2. CCIP RateLimitAdmin role to adjust the TokenPool Rate Limit by 100% both ways, and the TokenPool Rate Limit Refill Rate by 100% both ways
  3. Facilitator Borrow Capacity can be updated by up to 100% both ways
  4. Facilitator Bucket Capacity can be updated by up to 100% both ways

On Arbitrum:

  1. CCIP BucketCapacityManager role to adjust the facilitator bucket capacity by 100% both ways
  2. CCIP RateLimitAdmin role to adjust the TokenPool Rate Limit by 100% both ways, and the TokenPool Rate Limit Refill Rate by 100% both ways

Arbitrum GSM (once deployed)

  1. Exposure Capacity can be updated by up to 100% both ways
  2. Bucket Capacity can be updated by up to 100% both ways
  3. Price Strategy
  4. Fee Strategy can be updated by 50 bps both ways
  5. Price Range (Freeze, Unfreeze)

GHO Steward Arbitrum SAFE: 0x8513e6F37dBc52De87b166980Fa3F50639694B60


TokenLogic and karpatkey receive no payment for this proposal. TokenLogic and karpatkey are both delegates within the Aave community.

Next Steps

  1. Using the Direct-to-AIP process, submit a proposal for vote.


Copyright and related rights waived via CC0.

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Governance [ARFC] Chaos Labs Risk Stewards - Increase Supply Caps for USDC on Aave V3 Scroll - 07.18.2024

Published: Jul 18, 2024

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A proposal to:

  • Increase USDCā€™s supply cap on Aaveā€™s Scroll deployment.


USDC (Scroll)

USDC has reached 95% supply cap utilization on Scroll, and its borrow cap is at 45% capacity.

image (4)

image (1)

Supply Distribution

Many top USDC suppliers maintain deposit-only positions, with a few borrowing WETH or wstETH. The largest USDC supplier represents a significant proportion of the total market, contributing over 21% of total supply. The largest open positions have low-to-medium liquidation risk, as they are either supply-only or involve assets with moderate volatility.

image (2)

Overall, WETH represents 81.14% of the value borrowed against USDC.

image (3)


Given on-chain liquidity, as well as user distribution and behavior, we recommend increasing USDCā€™s supply cap by 50% and leaving its borrow cap unchanged.


Chain Asset Current Supply Cap Recommended Supply Cap Current Borrow Cap Recommended Borrow Cap
Scroll USDC 50,000,000 75,000,000 45,000,000 -

Next Steps

We will move forward and implement these updates via the Risk Steward process.


Chaos Labs has not been compensated by any third party for publishing this ARFC.


Copyright and related rights waived via CC0

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Governance [ARFC] Chaos Labs Risk Stewards - Increase Supply and Borrow Caps for weETH on V3 Base - 07.17.2024

Published: Jul 17, 2024

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A proposal to increase the supply borrow caps for weETH on Base.


weETH (Base)

weETH has reached 100% supply cap utilization on Base; its borrow cap is also at 100% capacity.

Supply Distribution

All of the top weETH suppliers borrow against their weETH collateral. The total supply is fairly distributed across wallets, with no single supplier representing an outsized proportion of the market. The largest open positions have low liquidation risk, as the supplied and borrowed assets (weETH and WETH) are closely linked.

Overall, WETH and weETH represent nearly 100% of the value borrowed against weETH.

image16 (4)

Borrow Distribution

The majority of top weETH borrowers use weETH as collateral, with some also using WETH.

Overall, weETH represents 51% of the value backing weETH loans with WETH and wstETH representing 43% of the value backing weETH loans.

image18 (3)


Considering the low risk given observed usage and given the anticipated growth due to OP rewards from Optimismā€™s Superfest program, we recommend increasing both caps.


Chain Asset Current Supply Cap Recommended Supply Cap Current Borrow Cap Recommended Borrow Cap
Base weETH 2,100 4,200 720 1,440

Next Steps

We will move forward and implement these updates via the Risk Steward process.
For transparency, we aim to execute the risk steward transaction on July 17th at 12 pm GMT


Chaos Labs has not been compensated by any third party for publishing this ARFC.


Copyright and related rights waived via CC0.

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Governance [ARFC] TokenLogic + karpatkey Financial Service Providers - Phase II

Published: Jul 17, 2024

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[ARFC] TokenLogic + karpatkey Financial Service Providers - Phase II

Title: [ARFC] TokenLogic + karpatkey - Phase II
Author: TokenLogic karpatkey
Created: 2024-07-16

TL + kpk 2


This publication proposes the continuation of the collaboration with karpatkey and TokenLogic for an additional 6 months, with a proposed budget of 500k GHO. The proposed contributions extend over the three themes detailed below: Treasury Management, GHO adoption and the Aave Stack.


The TokenLogic and karpatkey partnership has created significant value for the Aave DAO across all three focus areas detailed here. GHOā€™s peg, liquidity, and growth prospects have each improved dramatically over the last 6 months. The DAOā€™s finances are more transparent than ever before and the DAO is firmly positioned for growth.

Building on the success of Phase I, we seek to extend our collaboration with the Aave Community for another 6 months. Phase II of our engagement is to focus on enabling GHO and Aave to grow market share through prudent financial management and contributing to numerous growth initiatives. Our three primary focus areas are summarized below:

  • Treasury Management
  • GHO Adoption
  • Aave Stack

What to Expect

Treasury Management

Asset Management

The Aave DAO receives revenue in the form of revenue-generating aTokens for each deployed lending market. Whilst that reduces the need to deploy assets beyond the protocol itself, this creates a need for continual rebalancing of asset holdings.

To facilitate streamlining routine operational tasks, the Finance Steward role, which has been already introduced to the Aave community, will be developed. Given the ability to create allowances, streams, perform transfers, assets bridging, and swaps within pre-approved guidelines and without AIPs, we expect the governance overhead around treasury management to decrease significantly.

The GHO Finance Stewardā€™s capacity to perform swaps will also be improved by the implementation of the Aave Swap contract. With this tool, the DAO will be able to acquire assets in a timely and targeted manner, and to support GHOā€™s peg during turbulent market conditions with the ability to create limit orders.

Financial Security

A key objective is to define the DAOā€™s annual budget and secure sufficient funds to ensure DAO operations under stressfull market conditions. As the DAOā€™s revenues have exceeded the burn-rate and currently holds more assets (about $145M at end of June) than planned expenses, this proposal will target to cover a six monthsā€™ runway matching holdings with expense tokens or token class as deemed appropriate for capital efficiency. This approach guarantees financial stability and operational continuity for Aave DAO.

Key components of this objective will include:

  • Deploying bridging contracts (as required);
  • Bridging Aave funds between networks;
  • Alocating assets for capital efficiency. In particular, migrating funds from Aave v2 to Aave v3; and
  • Swapping assets to align expenses and holdings.

Aave Analytics

Reporting and analytics functions will be expanded to provide the utmost transparency into the DAOā€™s financial status and overall performance of the protocol, and to support informed decision-making and analysis of the Aave ecosystem. This includes the Aave Portal and the Aave Treasury Report, which shows detailed information on DAO holdings and treasury performance.

The Aave Portal will continue to evolve to showcase the performance of the Aave Protocol and GHOā€™s adoption. Over the next 6 months, the portal will expand to include all revenue sources (incl. Accrued), assets holdings and expenses (incl. budgets) in granular detail, whilst also beginning to include high-level performance tracking across existing covered deployments.
Several legacy community Dune Dashboards will be integrated into the Aave Portal, where they will be maintained and expanded upon over time.

GHO Adoption


During Phase II, GHOā€™s growth is expected to accelerate and expand to several networks. To nurture and maximize the growth potential of GHO, its success hinges on the ability to hold its peg and scale simultaneously.

As a GHO Steward, we will continue to manage key GHO and GSM configurations, including Borrow Rate, GSM Caps, and GSM fees. As the Treasury Managers, we will ensure the GSM is adequately funded, targetting a collateralization in the range of 5% to 10% of total supply, and that GHO swaps are performed in a manner supportive of retaining a tight peg.


We will continue to lead the operations of the Aave Liquidity Committee (ALC), overseeing the liquidity growth across different protocols. This includes

  • Adjusting liquidity incentives to maintain sufficient market depth;
  • Defining and executing direct liquidity incentives;
  • Leading initiatives that create utility for GHO;
  • Optimizing the utilization of the DAOā€™s strategic voting assets;
  • Supporting GSM Integrations with aggregators;
  • Ensuring GSM are adequately funded;
  • Supporting future D3M, Facilitator, and Protocol Owned Liquidity (POL) initiatives; and
  • Support efforts to integrate GHO to Centralized Exchanges, and fund managers.


As GHO continues to grow beyond Ethereum, our efforts will expand to support those new deployments to ensure adequate liquidity and peg stability is maintained. We will continue to work with teams that build with GHO and advocate for the adoption of GHO wherever practical.

When GHO is mature enough to support deploying Protocol Owned Liquidity, we will actively contribute to the creation of sGHO and balancing the needs for sGHO and stkGHO within the Aave ecosystem.

Aave Stack

Safety Module Management and Optimisation

The Safety Module (SM) currently presents exposure risks due to its reliance on the DAOā€™s native token and its deployment solely on the Ethereum blockchain.

With multiple instances of the SM being deployed, we will continue to perform the following:

  • Transition from AAVE emissions;
  • Introduce new categories;
  • Amend emission schedules; and,
  • Progressively align protocol exposure with SM holdings;

Aave Liquidity Network

With upcoming changes in the Aave product stack, including the Liquidity Network and the stablecoinā€™s multichain deployment, new challenges will arise in integrating these aspects with other products. We will actively participate in coordination and consulting to support the streamlined and successful deployment of these features.

Where practical, sunsetting of legacy v2 markets will be supported through continual parameter adjustments to encourage users to migrate to the latest instance of Aave Protocol.

By addressing these challenges, our team aims to support the DAO in achieving sustainable growth and resilience in a rapidly changing environment.


The createStream() method of the IAaveEcosystemReserveController will be called to create two streams with a start time block 1718673864:

Stream: 250k GHO over 180 days
Address: 0x58e6c7ab55aa9012eacca16d1ed4c15795669e1c

Stream: 250k GHO over 180 days
Address: 0x3e4A9f478C0c13A15137Fc81e9d8269F127b4B40

TokenLogic and karpatkey are to be included in the Gas Rebate program that reimburses deployment and testings costs.


TokenLogic and karpatkey receive no compensation beyond the Aave protocol for the creation of this proposal. TokenLogic and karpatkey are both delegates within the Aave ecosystem.


Copyright and related rights waived via CC0.

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Governance [ARFC] - Chaos Labs Risk Parameter Updates - sAVAX on Aave V3 Avalanche - 07.16.2024

Published: Jul 16, 2024

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A proposal to adjust sAVAXā€™s LT and LTV on Aave V3 Avalanche.


Increasing the liquidation threshold and LTV for assets allows Aave to enhance usersā€™ capital efficiency. However, this must be balanced with proper risk management to ensure that there is a sufficient buffer in the event of large drawdowns and/or liquidations. The analysis below was conducted utilizing our LT simulations, which showed either minimal or no increases in VaR at the recommended LT levels while also considering user distribution and on-chain liquidity.


sAVAXā€™s LTV and LT are currently set to 30% and 40%, respectively (its E-Mode parameters are 92.5% and 95%). The top suppliers are primarily looping sAVAX and WAVAX, reducing the risk of large-scale liquidations in this market.

Untitled - 2024-07-16T152249.437

However, there are is a small amount of non-WAVAX borrows against sAVAX, primarily WETH.e and stablecoins.

Untitled - 2024-07-16T152252.356

Moreover, sAVAX maintains strong liquidity against AVAX, meaning that potential liquidations of sAVAX collateralized debt are likely to be completed efficiently.

Untitled - 2024-07-16T152254.709

Given user distribution and liquidity, we recommend increasing LTV to 40% and LT to 45%.


Given these observations, we recommend making the following changes:

Chain Asset Parameter Current Recommended
Avalanche sAVAX LTV 30% 40%
Avalanche sAVAX Liquidation Threshold 40% 45%

Next Steps

  1. Following community feedback, submit the ARFC for a snapshot vote for final approval.
  2. If consensus is reached, submit an Aave Improvement Proposal (AIP) to implement the proposed updates.


Chaos Labs has not been compensated by any third party for publishing this ARFC.


Copyright and related rights waived via CC0

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Governance [ARFC] Aave Events & Sponsorship Proposal 2024

Published: Jul 16, 2024

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This ARFC proposes the Aave DAO budget allocation on events at key ecosystem initiatives at EthCC and Devcon to help to reinforce Aave Protocolā€™s unique and positive culture, share technical knowledge, and attract new community members. These initiatives are aimed at helping to continue the expansion of the DeFi ecosystem by showcasing Aave Protocolā€™s core values. Thank you for reviewing this proposal and for your earlier questions and positive vote in the snapshot.


Aave Protocol has consistently been at the forefront of DeFi innovation with pioneering features. With a strong emphasis on security, usability, and composability, Aave has amassed a vibrant and engaged community of developers, users, contributors, and stakeholders.

Although the Aave Protocol has emerged as a leader within DeFi, the sector at large is still in its nascent stages, and Aave should work hard to retain its spot as a leader. For the events proposal from the DAO for 2024, Aave Labs wants to concentrate on proposing fewer but higher-quality events to maximize impact.


Aave Labs is requesting a budget allocation for 650,000 GHO for events for the remainder of 2024 for EthCC Brussels (45%) and Devcon Bangkok (55%). These initiatives will serve multiple purposes:

  1. Hackathons & Bounties: We want to encourage developers to build on Aave Protocol, as well as GHO. These hackathons not only provide a platform for the Aave community to connect with talented developers in both web3 and web2, and to remain visible and competitive in a growing industry, but also lead to the creation of innovative DeFi projects that enhance the Aave ecosystem. We propose to sponsor one ETHGlobal hackathon in Q4 in Bangkok.

  2. Open Finance Day: We are hosting Open Finance Day in partnership with key players in DeFi for high quality talks, networking, and light bites. Talks will include members of the DeFi community, Aave Labs, and Aave DAO community members and service providers.

  3. Side Events: Hosting side events alongside major conferences is an opportunity to increase community awareness, foster connections, and share technical knowledge, and industry insights. Typically featuring panels, workshops, and discussions led by industry experts, side events are designed to strengthen awareness of Aave and GHO technology among strategic audiences, reach new target audiences, and ensure Aave and GHO remain top-of-mind within and outside the community.

  4. Merch: Aave Labs seeks to create highly coveted Aave and GHO branded merchandise to distribute at events, as part of community engagement and awareness-building efforts as well as to proliferate the new visual identity and the beloved Ronnie ghost. Aave Labs will continue to push for the use of sustainable materials and creation of merchandise people actually wear, use, and love.

  5. rAAVE: To celebrate the Aave communityā€™s welcoming culture, we aim to host two more editions of the flagship rAAVE event. Throughout the past years rAAVE has positioned itself to be the most sought after event in the ecosystem. They foster community spirit and create memorable experiences. We will integrate the GHO Pass for ticketing logistics and manage press relations and social media to maximize awareness and inclusion. This yearā€™s events will be hosted at EthCC in Brussels and Devcon in Bangkok. To mitigate some costs for rAAVE, we are planning to potentially obtain co-sponsorship with current or potentially new partners for the Aave ecosystem. Due to the eventā€™s high visibility, it is crucial that if co-sponsorship is obtained, the selected partners are aligned with the Aave Community and this is conducted in a balanced manner.


Name Date Details
rAAVE July & Nov TBD During the weeks of EthCC & Devcon. rAAVE brings the community together, helping to strengthen Aaveā€™s culture and differentiate Aaveā€™s ecosystem. The plan is to host two rAAVEs during the course of this proposal.
Open Finance Day July 9 In partnership with Chainlink, Uniswap, and Aptos we would host an Open DeFi Day for talks, networking, and light bites during EthCC week. Talks will include members of those communities, Aave Labs, and Aave DAO community members.
ETHGlobal Bangkok Nov 15-17 Sponsorship of one ETHGlobal hackathon, ETHGlobal Bangkok, focusing on quality developers.
Devcon Q4 This will be the event of the year in the Ethereum community. Hosted by the Ethereum Foundation, this event will be one of the most attended web3 events of 2024.
Side Events Q4 Side events currently being considered include: SheFi Summit (Brussels, Singapore, Bangkok), DeFi Security Summit by Certora during Devcon, Stable Summit Brussels. Funds from any side events that are not confirmed will be rolled over to the next potential side event.

After covering the aforementioned main sponsorships, any remaining budget will be directed towards side events related to the security of DeFi and smart contract technology. Any excess funds from this grant will be rolled over to be used for events during Q1 2025. A recap on last yearā€™s events was posted to governance last December, here.
Aave Labs shall cover all expenses for its team members, and this proposal does not request any funds for these expenses, or include any compensation for Aave Labsā€™ work.

Next Steps

  • Secure community feedback on ARFC
  • Snapshot vote
  • If Snapshot is successful, then move to AIP


We believe that the proposed one-off budget allocation of 650,000 GHO for activations and events for the remainder of 2024 will not only help enrich the Aave Protocol ecosystem, but will foster innovation, inclusivity, and recognition.

We look forward to the DAOā€™s support for this proposal for these events during 2024.

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Learning Center Gauntlet Case Study Questions & Help

Published: Jul 16, 2024

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Iā€™m currently doing a research project for a class on DAO Governance, and Iā€™m conducting a case study on Gauntlet and why they chose to end their relationship with AAVE. In particular, Iā€™m trying to answer the following questions:

  • What are the primary benefits of AAVEā€™s DAO governance model?
  • What are the primary challenges facing AAVEā€™s DAO governance, and how do these compare to other DeFi projects?
  • Do you agree with Gauntletā€™s assessment that issues with DAO governance were a major concern? Why or why not?
  • How do you think AAVE can address these specific issues to retain or attract new service providers?
  • Has Gauntletā€™s departure had a major impact on AAVEā€™s operations?
  • Are there specific improvements or changes you think could enhance AAVEā€™s governance model?
  • How transparent do you find the decision-making processes within AAVEā€™s DAO?

Iā€™m not expecting to have all these questions answered, but if anyone has opinions on these questions they would like to share, I would be very grateful if I could cite you as an anonymous AAVE stakeholder within my research report.

Furthermore, if you have any resources on the AAVE-Gauntlet breakup, it would be much appreciated.

Many thanks,


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Governance [ARFC] Chaos Labs Risk Stewards - Increase Supply and Borrow Caps on Aave V3 - 07.16.2024

Published: Jul 16, 2024

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A proposal to:

  • Increase wstETHā€™s supply cap on Aaveā€™s Base deployment.
  • Increase WETHā€™s supply cap on Aaveā€™s Metis deployment.
  • Increase WETHā€™s supply cap on Aaveā€™s Scroll deployment.
  • Increase wstETHā€™s supply and borrow caps on Aaveā€™s Scroll deployment.
  • Increase WETHā€™s borrow cap on Aaveā€™s Arbitrum deployment.
  • Increase BALā€™s supply and borrow caps on Aaveā€™s Ethereum deployment.


wstETH (Base)

wstETH has reached 92% supply cap utilization on Base, and its borrow cap is at 20% capacity.

image (15)

image (16)

Supply Distribution

Most top wstETH suppliers borrow WETH, with a few borrowing USDC. The total supply is fairly distributed across wallets, with no single supplier dominating the market. The largest open positions have low liquidation risk, as wstETH and WETH are closely correlated assets with moderate volatility.

image (17)

Overall, WETH represents 84.41% of the value borrowed against wstETH.

image (18)

Borrow Distribution

Most top wstETH borrowers use WETH as collateral, with some using USDC or a combination. The largest borrower doesnā€™t dominate the market, as borrowing is fairly distributed across multiple wallets. The largest open positions generally have low liquidation risk, as the borrowed asset (wstETH) is closely correlated with the primary collateral asset (WETH).

image (19)

In aggregate, WETH represents 37.42% of the value backing wstETH loans.

image (20)


Given on-chain liquidity, as well as user distribution and behavior, we recommend increasing wstETHā€™s supply cap by 50% and leaving its borrow cap unchanged.

WETH (Metis)

WETH has reached 85% supply cap utilization on Metis, and its borrow cap is at 19% capacity.

image (22)

image (23)

Supply Distribution

Most top WETH suppliers on Metis borrow m.USDC and m.USDT, with some maintaining deposit-only positions. The largest WETH supplier represents a significant proportion of the total market, contributing over 50% of the supply. The largest open positions have moderate liquidation risk, as they primarily involve borrowing stablecoins against WETH collateral.

image (24)

Overall, m.USDC represents 48.19% of the value borrowed against WETH.

image (24)


Given on-chain liquidity, as well as user distribution and behavior, we recommend increasing WETHā€™s supply cap and leaving its borrow cap unchanged.

WETH (Scroll)

WETH has reached 95% supply cap utilization on Scroll, and its borrow cap is at 51% capacity.

image (26)

image (27)

Supply Distribution

Most top WETH suppliers borrow USDC, with some borrowing wstETH or maintaining deposit-only positions. The total WETH supply is fairly distributed across wallets, with no single supplier dominating the market. The largest open positions generally have low liquidation risk, as they primarily involve borrowing stablecoins against WETH collateral or borrowing wstETH, which is closely correlated with WETH.

image (28)

Overall, USDC represents 67.28% of the value borrowed against WETH.

image (29)

Borrow Distribution

The majority of top WETH borrowers primarily use wstETH as collateral, with some also using USDC. The total supply and borrow is fairly distributed across wallets, with no single borrower dominating the market. The largest open positions have low liquidation risk due to the close correlation between WETH and wstETH.

image (30)

In aggregate, wstETH represents 87.68% of the value backing WETH loans.

image (31)


Given on-chain liquidity, as well as user distribution and behavior, we recommend increasing WETHā€™s supply cap by roughly 25%.

wstETH (Scroll)

wstETH has reached 100% supply cap utilization on Scroll, and its borrow cap is at 100% capacity.

image (32)

image (33)

Supply Distribution

Most top wstETH suppliers borrow WETH, with a few maintaining deposit-only positions. The total supply is fairly distributed across wallets, with no single supplier dominating the market. The largest open positions have low liquidation risk, as the supplied and borrowed assets (wstETH and WETH) are closely correlated.

image (34)

Overall, WETH represents 98.04% of the value borrowed against wstETH.

image (35)

Borrow Distribution

Most top wstETH borrowers primarily use WETH as collateral, with some also using USDC. The largest borrower represents a significant portion of the total market, but thereā€™s still distribution across multiple wallets. The largest open positions have moderate liquidation risk due to the use of WETH as collateral against wstETH borrows, both being moderately volatile assets.

image (36)

In aggregate, WETH represents 82.58% of the value backing wstETH loans.

image (37)


Given on-chain liquidity, as well as user distribution and behavior, we recommend increasing both wstETHā€™s supply and borrow caps.

WETH (Arbitrum)

WETH has reached its borrow cap following consistent growth in supply and borrows over the last two weeks.

Untitled - 2024-07-16T135925.463

Borrow Distribution

Borrowing is well distributed, with the largest user representing 7.5% of the total market.

Untitled - 2024-07-16T135928.985

weETH and wstETH are the only collateral assets for the top borrow positions, which are thus at limited risk of liquidation given their correlation.


Given on-chain liquidity, as well as user distribution and behavior, we recommend increasing WETHā€™s borrow cap to allow for 90% utilization given current supply. Ensuring utilization stays below 90% will keep leveraged ETH yield positions profitable.

BAL (Ethereum)

BAL has reached its borrow cap and continues to maintain full supply cap utilization following consistent growth in borrows over the last few months.

Untitled - 2024-07-16T135957.251

Supply Distribution

Supply is dominated by one user, who borrows just $31K USDT against $4.5M BAL. The next two largest suppliers do not borrow against BAL, putting this market at limited risk of large scale liquidations in its current state.

Untitled - 2024-07-16T140001.415

Overall, USDT represents 98.04% of the value borrowed against BAL, which is in turn just 0.55% of BAL collateral deposited.

Borrow Distribution

BAL borrowing is fairly concentrated, with the largest borrower representing 27% of the total market. The walletā€™s position is the least healthy among the top ten (though still healthy at 1.26), whereas the remainder are all above 1.65.

WETH is the primary collateral asset for BAL borrows, representing 58.5% of all collateral.


Given on-chain liquidity, as well as user distribution and behavior, we recommend increasing BALā€™s supply cap by roughly 80% and doubling its borrow cap.


Chain Asset Current Supply Cap Recommended Supply Cap Current Borrow Cap Recommended Borrow Cap
Base wstETH 9,000 14,000.0 400 -
Metis WETH 2,000 2,300 720 -
Scroll WETH 37,000 45,000 34,000 -
Scroll wstETH 16,500 17,500 1,400 2,800
Arbitrum WETH 112,000 - 90,000 100,000
Ethereum BAL 2,100,000 3,800,000 250,000 500,000

Next Steps

We will move forward and implement these updates via the Risk Steward process.


Chaos Labs has not been compensated by any third party for publishing this ARFC.


Copyright and related rights waived via CC0

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Governance Increase Aave Arbitrum -ETH Borrow Cap

Published: Jul 15, 2024

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Ethereum (ETH) on the Arbitrum network has consistently reached its maximum borrowing cap of 90,000 ETH for an extended period. To enhance yields for ETH lenders and accommodate additional borrowers, I propose increasing the borrowing cap to 110,000 ETH. This new cap can be reviewed in a few months and adjusted accordingly based on market needs.

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Governance Integration query

Published: Jul 15, 2024

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Hey Aave team - who is best to speak to regarding integration with Aave? My project is an AI/ML powered cross chain liquidity management protocol.It unifies liquidity across ecosystems.

Weā€™d like to use your stack as a foundational part of the yield we generate and weā€™d like to have a conversation to see if you could provide some tech advice / support to integrate our protocol into your pools so we can draw yield from that and then we will be able to drive liquidity towards you. Could you advise?

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New Asset [TEMP CHECK] Onboard CDCETH to Aave V3 on Ethereum

Published: Jul 15, 2024

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[TEMP CHECK] Onboard CDCETH to Aave V3 on Ethereum

Author: Jlok & ACI

Date: 2024-07-15


This proposal is to explore community interest in adding Staked ETH
(CDCETH) to Aave V3 on the Ethereum mainnet. CDCETH is an ERC-20 token issued on both Ethereum and the Cronos Chain that represents the underlying staked ETH on the platform.

Motivation was founded in 2016 with the vision of making cryptocurrency in every
wallet. As of June 2024, has more than 100 million users worldwide and is the industry leader in regulatory compliance, security, and privacy. launched its on-chain staking product on its Main App and Exchange
platform, with Ethereum as one of the most staked assets on the platform.

To enhance the liquidity and capital efficiency of staked ETH, introduced a Liquid
Staking Token (LST) - Staked ETH (CDCETH) in November 2023 and reached $100M+ TVL (Defillama page here).

Currently, CDCETHā€™s on-chain liquidity on Ethereum is concentrated in the CDCETH/ETH pair on Curve (here) and Uniswap (here), with plans to launch a pool on Balancer next and incentivize to grow liquidity across these venues.

Other liquidity venues can be found on the DeFi protocols on the Cronos chain and the order book on the Exchange platform, with support from multiple market makers.

The liquidity on the Cronos side can be bridged to Ethereum through the platform.

Integrating CDCETH as a collateral asset on Aave V3 serves a meaningful demand
from CDCETH users on the platform to utilize the LST as collateral to
borrow on Aave. The platform aims to drive wide adoption of CDCETH on Aave V3 as
collateral for borrowing by various promotional activities and integration with its product lines, such as social media posts when CDCETH is successfully onboarded,

Confidential banners/listings on the non-custodial wallet and banners within the Main
App platform to direct CDCETH holders to use Aave via the non-custodial wallet.
Onboarding CDCETH on Aave will create an entry point for a large number of CDCETH users
and users to make good use of the asset on Aave and also greatly improve
CDCETHā€™s utility as a LST, resulting in a positive feedback loop for CDCETH & Aave adoption
& increased revenues for both parties.

Proof of Liquidity (POL) and Deposit Commitments is committed to providing initial supply-side liquidity of up to $5M CDCETH and liquidity mining programs of $100K in CDCETH over 3 months as a start.

Integration of CDCETH pool on Aave V3 with Crypto.comā€™s non-custodial wallet and Main App will be added to the pipeline once the pool is live, providing the gateway to over 100M global users on the platform.


Contract address: 0xfe18aE03741a5b84e39C295Ac9C856eD7991C38e
Rate Provider contract for current exchange rate:
0xfe18aE03741a5b84e39C295Ac9C856eD7991C38e (12. exchangeRate)

Risk Parameters will be provided at ARFC stage by Risk Service Providers.

Audits & Relevant links

Whitepaper: CDCETH
Coingecko: Staking page: Crypto Staking ā€” | Earn up to 16.64% per year by staking with us Liquid Staking Q&A page: Liquid Staking | Help Center

News on Telegram:


The ACI is not directly affiliated with and did not receive compensation for the creation of this proposal. The co-author is a team member of

Next Steps

  1. If consensus is reached on this [TEMP CHECK], escalate this proposal to the
    Snapshot stage.
  2. If the Snapshot outcome is YAE, this proposal will be escalated to ARFC stage
  3. Publication of a standard ARFC, collect community & service providers feedback before escalating proposal to ARFC snapshot stage
  4. If the ARFC snapshot outcome is YAE, publish an AIP vote for final confirmation and enforcement of the proposal.


Copyright and related rights waived under CC0

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Governance [TEMP CHECK] Deploy an Ethena Aave v3 Instance

Published: Jul 15, 2024

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[TEMP CHECK] Deploy an Ethena Aave v3 Instance

Author: ACI

Date: 2024-07-15


This proposal suggests deploying an Aave v3 instance focused on providing liquidity for sUSDe and USDe holders to borrow stablecoins.


Ethenaā€™s USDe stablecoin has grown to over $3b TVL with success as a supply and borrow asset on the mainnet Aave v3 instance. It has also seen large demand for use as collateral on other lending protocols.

In order to capitalize on this demand, we propose deploying a dedicated Aave v3 instance for Ethenaā€™s stablecoins and related collateral assets.

To start the instance will use sUSDe and USDe as main collateral assets, with USDC, DAI and USDT as supply assets.

We also propose providing the Ethena instance with an initial GHO facilitator.

The goals for this instance will be to grow Aave market share for borrowers using sUSDe and USDe as well as create an additional steady revenue stream of GHO.


The proposed Ethena Aave v3 instance will implement the following:

  • The market will include sUSDe, USDe, USDC, DAI, USDT and a new GHO facilitator. Additional assets to consider during ARFC are Ethenaā€™s Pendle PT tokens and rsUSDe.
  • This GHO facilitator will be limited in size to start both to limit risk to Ethena collateral and protect liquidity and the GHO peg.
  • The market will have stablecoin E-Mode to allow for high leverage borrowing between the correlated assets.
  • The market will use the existing sUSDe and USDe capped oracles, so that borrowers are not affected by fluctuations in the secondary market price.
  • Borrow parameters will match the mainnet Aave v3 instance, making it the most competitive location to borrow against sUSDe and USDe.


The ACI has not been compensated by Ethena for the publication of this proposal.

ACI team members are holders of sUSDe, USDe and ENA.

Next Steps

  1. If consensus is reached on this [TEMP CHECK], escalate this proposal to the Snapshot stage.
  2. If the Snapshot outcome is Yae, escalate to the ARFC stage.
  3. Publish a standard ARFC and collect community & service provider feedback before an ARFC snapshot.
  4. If the ARFC snapshot passes, publish an AIP vote for final confirmation and enforcement.


Copyright and related rights waived under CC0

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Governance [ARFC] Stablecoin IR Curve Amendment on Aave V2 and V3 - 07.14.24

Published: Jul 14, 2024

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A proposal to decrease stablecoin Interest Rate parameters across all Aave deployments.


Following the anticipated decrease in DSR ā€” from 8% to 7% ā€” we believe it is prudent to update Aave stablecoin interest rates to best align with the broader market. Previously, we recommended reducing rates concurrent with the last DSR decrease from 13% to 10% in April.

The new parameters went into effect on May 6, 2024, and thus far have helped improve rate stability and utilization rates. As part of our ongoing monitoring of broader markets, we note that MakerDAO is in the process of reducing the DAI Savings Rate, which could impact stablecoin rates throughout DeFi.

Untitled - 2024-07-14T180026.868
Ethereum USDC

Untitled - 2024-07-14T180029.002
Ethereum USDT

Untitled - 2024-07-14T180031.066
Ethereum DAI

Following our methodology laid out in previous recommendations, we recommend closely aligning Slope1 with the DSR to reduce the opportunity of rate arbitrage and ensure that Aave remains competitive. As a result, we propose decreasing Slope1 to 0.5% below the DSR, setting it at 6.5%.


  1. We do not recommend an update to lower-cap stablecoins on Ethereum V2, as they are currently being deprecated.
  2. Similar to the previous proposals, we do not recommend a change on bridged USDC (USDC.e/USDbC) on all deployments. This way, they will have a higher Slope1 to motivate the borrowing of native USDC.


Market Asset Current Slope1 Recommended Slope1
Ethereum V2 USDC 9% 6.5%
Ethereum V2 USDT 9% 6.5%
Ethereum V2 DAI 9% 6.5%
Ethereum V3 USDC 9% 6.5%
Ethereum V3 USDT 9% 6.5%
Ethereum V3 FRAX 9% 6.5%
Ethereum V3 DAI 9% 6.5%
Ethereum V3 LUSD 9% 6.5%
Ethereum V3 pyUSD 9% 6.5%
Ethereum V3 crvUSD 9% 6.5%
Avalanche V3 USDC 9% 6.5%
Avalanche V3 USDT 9% 6.5%
Avalanche V3 DAI 9% 6.5%
Avalanche V3 FRAX 9% 6.5%
Polygon V3 USDC 9% 6.5%
Polygon V3 USDT 9% 6.5%
Polygon V3 DAI 9% 6.5%
Polygon V3 EURA 9% 6.5%
Polygon V3 EURS 9% 6.5%
Polygon V3 jEUR 9% 6.5%
Optimism V3 USDC 9% 6.5%
Optimism V3 USDT 9% 6.5%
Optimism V3 DAI 9% 6.5%
Optimism V3 sUSD 9% 6.5%
Optimism V3 LUSD 9% 6.5%
Optimism V3 MAI 9% 6.5%
Arbitrum V3 USDC 9% 6.5%
Arbitrum V3 USDT 9% 6.5%
Arbitrum V3 DAI 9% 6.5%
Arbitrum V3 LUSD 9% 6.5%
Arbitrum V3 FRAX 9% 6.5%
Arbitrum V3 EURS 9% 6.5%
Base V3 USDC 9% 6.5%
Metis V3 m.USDC 6% No Change
Metis V3 m.USDT 6% No Change
Metis V3 m.DAI 6% No Change
BNB Chain V3 USDT 9% 6.5%
BNB Chain V3 USDC 9% 6.5%
BNB Chain V3 FDUSD 9% 6.5%
Scroll V3 USDC 9% 6.5%
Gnosis V3 WXDAI 9% 6.5%
Gnosis V3 USDC 9% 6.5%
Gnosis V3 EURe 9% 6.5%

Next Steps

  1. Following community feedback, submit an Aave Improvement Proposal (AIP) to implement the proposed updates.
  2. We believe this adjustment will align the protocolā€™s rates more closely with current market conditions and borrower behavior. Based on the outcomes, potential future steps include:
    • Further adjustment of Slope1: Depending on the marketā€™s and communityā€™s response to the initial adjustment, additional adjustments in Slope1 could be considered to further optimize the IR curves.

As always, our priority remains to monitor these developments closely and provide timely, data-driven recommendations to maintain Aaveā€™s competitive edge and market responsiveness.

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Governance [ARFC] Increase Supply and Borrow Caps for weETH on Base

Published: Jul 13, 2024

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[ARFC] Increase Supply and Borrow Caps for weETH on Base

Title: [ARFC] Increase Supply Cap for weETH on Base

Date: 2024-07-13

Author: @ACI


This is a straight-to-AIP proposal to raise the supply caps for weETH on Base to accommodate growing demand and participate in Superchain rewards programs.


weETH has been consistently hitting its current supply cap across networks, often immediately after risk steward raises caps.

We propose this ARFC to increase the supply caps, which will bring in in line with market demand and allow new depositors to participate in OP rewards from Optimismā€™s Superfest program.


Supply cap for weETH on Aave V3 Base will be increased to 20,000 weETH. The borrow cap will be increased to 9,000 weETH.


The ACI is not presenting this ARFC on behalf of any third party and is not compensated for creating this ARFC.

The ACI is a delegate of Ether.Fi and members hold eETH.

Next Steps

  1. If consensus is reached on this [ARFC Addendum], escalate this proposal to AIP stage.


Copyright and related rights waived via CC0.

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Governance Integration / Partnership

Published: Jul 12, 2024

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Hey Aave team - who is best to speak to regarding integration with Aave? My project is an AI/ML powered cross chain liquidity management protocol.It unifies liquidity across ecosystems.

Weā€™d like to use your stack as a foundational part of the yield we generate and weā€™d like to have a conversation to see if you could provide some tech advice / support to integrate our protocol into your pools so we can draw yield from that and then we will be able to drive liquidity towards you. Could you advise?

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Active Proposal [EP5.13][Executable] Security Council

Published: Jul 19, 2024

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Onchain proposal: (Tally, Agora)


The primary mission of ENS DAO is to govern the protocol and allocate resources from the treasury in line with the DAOā€™s constitution and broader objectives. However, due to changing economic dynamics, the DAO is increasingly vulnerable to attacks aimed at draining its treasury.

To safeguard the DAOā€™s integrity and longevity, a Security Council with the authority to cancel malicious proposals is needed. To avoid perpetuating centralized power, the Security Councilā€™s authority will have a built-in expiration date. After two years, anyone will be able to call a function that revokes the councilā€™s power to veto proposals, ensuring a time-limited mechanism to counter malicious attacks while promoting more delegation and governance distribution.


As ENS continues to grow, its treasury in ETH is always growing. Simultaneously, the percentage of tokens actively delegated is on the decline.

This imbalance creates a risk where an attacker could acquire enough $ENS to gain control of the DAO at a cost lower than the treasuryā€™s total value. This has been a growing concern since March 2023.

Past attacks on DAOs have exploited similar vulnerabilities, with some being thwarted by components with veto power. Currently, the ENS governance process involves a proposal passing through the governor, relying on delegated voting power for approval. If approved, the governor queues the proposal in a timelock contract, delaying execution by two days. While the governor can cancel proposals, it follows the same pathway as a malicious proposal, introducing potential risks.

The short-term solution was delegating 3.8M $ENS to a contract that can only vote ā€œAgainstā€; more details about this can be found in Nickā€™s forum post. The attack is still profitable and, depending on market conditions can be up to a 3x ROI, like in Dec 2023. We need a mid-term solution to cancel the attack, which is this proposal. An article about this research done by the Blockful team will be published here after the proposal is executed and there is no attack risk.


To enhance security, the SecurityCouncil contract will be deployed, receiving the PROPOSER_ROLE in the timelock, granting it the ability to cancel proposals (callable only by the Security Council multisig) without the power to initiate or modify other DAO actions. The scope of this proposal is to assign the PROPOSER_ROLE to the SecurityCouncil contract (Etherscan).

To ensure decentralization, the contract will also feature a time-based expiration mechanism that allows anyone to revoke the PROPOSER_ROLE after two years. This window provides time to strengthen delegation and address current vulnerabilities, facilitating the DAOā€™s transition to a more secure governance scenario.

Security considerations

Assigning the PROPOSER_ROLE to a multisig within the timelock contract is overly broad for our requirements as it allows the address to create operations in the timelock. If the multisig signers are compromised, they could potentially propose and execute malicious changes. Therefore our approach is deploying a new contract similar to the current veto.ensdao.eth contract, which can only do one action: to CANCEL a transaction in the timelock, triggered only by the security council multisig.

The risk is mitigated but one scenario remains: if the whole multisig is compromised then a malicious entity could kick other signers and effectively stop the DAO from executing proposals by canceling all transactions, including any that would remove this contract from the PROPOSER_ROLE. Anyways, after 2 years, anyone can remove the PROPOSER_ROLE from the contract.

Council Operations

It is in the best interest of everyone to make clear the expectations and responsibilities ENS DAO put on those members, backed by the reputation, other roles and gains those might have in the organization.

The security council is expected to act only in emergency, in the given following situations or similar cases:

  • If a proposal goes against the ENS constitution
  • If a proposal is approved with malicious intent against the DAO longevity/sustainability
  • If such proposal is approved by any group of voters, but directly financially incentivised to vote against the DAOs interests to preserve their own financial stake.
  • If any approved proposal goes directly against the DAO for the sole benefit of an attacker.

Relevant links

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šŸŒ± ENS Ecosystem EFP - service provider report Q1/Q2 2024

Published: Jul 18, 2024

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This report details how Ethereum Follow Protocol (EFP) has used its ENS DAO service provider streaming funding in Q1 and Q2 of 2024.

While not required by the program, we believe transparency and accountability for how service providers are using their streams is critical to the success of the streaming program and for the ENS DAO in general. We offer this report in addition to our regular updates on the ENS DAO Ecosystem Working Group calls.

Hereā€™s our current financials, which Iā€™ll explain below.

Our organization is the non-profit corporation Follow Protocol Foundation.

Since all of the streaming funding is dispersed onchain, you can see exactly how itā€™s being used on Etherscan in real time.

Our only income right now is the streaming program, which is $500k/year starting February 2024 for 18 months. This may change in the future, as weā€™ve applied for other grant programs.

Our expenses have been very simple so far, mostly salaries and other payments for development work (about $60,000 so far), plus some legal (e.g. setting up the corporation, applying for non-profit status), and a few SAAS expenses (listed as ā€œsoftwareā€).

While our stream started in February of this year, our first use of some of the money was in April. This was due to a shakeup in the team early in 2024, after which I spent time rebuilding a new team. I hired the developer studio ScopeLift to do some work on the project in the mean time as well as aid in evaluating potential new hires. Once I hired two new developers, ScopeLift stopped their development work, but their CEO Ben DiFrancesco has stayed on a technical advisor.

Burn rate
Our burn rate is currently under budget. Combined with us not spending any money at the beginning of the stream, this currently puts our runway beyond the 18 months the stream is running. As of this report, we have $135,760.97 in unspent USDC, USDCx, and a small amount of ETH for gas.

EFP is getting close to launch. All of the main components are built: the smart-contracts, indexer, api, and web app. Weā€™re focused now on testing, fixing bugs, and refining designs and features. All our code is open source on Github. We expect to launch in Q3.

We continue to have interest from apps about integrating EFP, with several new launch partners added in recent weeks.

ETHcc presentation and demo

I recently presented at ETHcc on ā€œEFP & the emerging Ethereum identity stack,ā€ which explained our vision for the Ethereum identity stack and why weā€™re building EFP the way we are, and it included a demo of EFP on testnet. You can watch the full presentation and demo at this link.

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šŸ—³ļø Meta-Governance An update on steward compensation, governance distribution and vesting

Published: Jul 18, 2024

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With the execution of proposal 5.11 now the metagov multisig has a total of 164k ENS which is earmarked for governance distribution. These distributions have been discussed in many occasions and have been subject to controversy and rule changes so in name of clarifications and transparency we thought it would be a good time to make a summary of what these ENS will be used for and how itā€™s being calculated.

Steward ENS compensation

Stewards are compensated with 4k USDC per month and in previous years have been compensated, at the end of their term with 10k ENS. Between term 4 and 5, social proposals 4.8 and 5.8 have changed the way these compensations (and ENS in particular) have taken effect.

The main ones being that Meta Gov stewards could not change their own compensation and any changes can only take effect on the next term (to avoid self serving decisions) and all ENS is given with a 2 year vesting. More specifically social proposal 5.8 states that the vesting contract should count starting january 1st, except for 37.5% of the total, to account the fact this decision only taken 4 1/2 months into the year.

To comply with these, this is how we are going to execute the proposal:

  1. We will be using . One of the main reasons for picking this (instead of, say, Superfluid which is used for the Service Provider Stream) is that it allows delegated voting power. This means that tokens grant immediate voting power, which is the main goal of such grants.
  2. We will deposit 90k ENS on 9 different vesting contracts that will belong to each steward. These contracts will be unrevokable and transferable
  3. The only way to allow a 37.5% liquid token while keeping it all in Hedgey is to specify a different duration, which we will do by increasing duration by 60% with a cliff for the beggining of the term.

More Governance Distribution

After this we will still have over 70k ENS on the Metagov wallet. As we have specified in other proposal temp-checks we plan to use that to further distribute voting power to other contributors to the DAO. We believe Hedgey combination of immediate voting power with long vesting will be a great testing grounds for the concept. Lessons learned with the tech and reality of how vesting works will be used to inform all our future governance distribution decisions.

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PG Discussion [Report] Large Grants Articles

Published: Jul 18, 2024

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Report on Public Goods Large Grants - Articles


This series of articles delves into projects funded by the ENS DAO PG Large Grants program in Q4 2023, highlighting their impact within the Ethereum and Web3 ecosystems. The inspiration for this series originated from the article ā€˜Wild Futures with Maggie Love,ā€™ which featured SheFi, a grantee of the PG Large Grants program in Q2 2023.

Author: leticiaferraz.eth; Editor: estmcmxci.eth

Grant Purpose:

The Large Grants program aims to support foundational public goods within the Ethereum ecosystem by providing awards up to 50k USDC to projects with a proven impact on the Ethereum or Web3 ecosystem.

Article Series Outline:

Each article adheres to the following structure to ensure consistency across the series:

  • Introduction
  • Main Content
  • Key Features
  • Impact Analysis
  • Future Implications
  • Conclusion

  • Interviews were conducted via video meetings and telegram messages, chosen as the preferred communication methods with each project leader/representative. The Public Goods Stewards facilitated introductions with project granteesā€™ leaders.
  • Branded banner for each article on Figma.
  • Articles are available on ENS DAO Grants Docs maintained by estmcmxci.eth. A GitBook was built specifically for ENS DAO Grants projects, maintained in the same repository as the ENS DAO Archive, which also features the newsletter.
  • This series received a total of 39,476 views on ENS DAO X profile.

Article Summaries

*data views from July 14, 2024

Claveā€™s Solution: Re-imagining Wallet UX

  • Summary: Clave enhances user experience and security in Web3 using Appleā€™s Secure Enclave, impacting Web3ā€™s UX landscape. They used the funds to further research and efforts in adoption of RIP-7212 and inclusion in the next pectra hardfork.
  • Publication Date: Jan 31, 2024
  • Views: 20.9K
  • Link: Claveā€™s Solution: Re-imagining Wallet UX
  • Notable mentions:

will use this grant to further improve the adoption to 7212 !:saluting_face: - @rafierszl

This is one of the best pieces of writing for Clave that I have come across so far.
And there are a lot of alphas there - @doganeth_en

What a review about Clave from @ENS_DAO
:face_holding_back_tears: Weā€™ve proudly announced that Clave become one of the Public Goods 2023 grantees, and as the fruit of our labor, the interview we made with ENS DAO has just been published. Take a couple of minutes to deep dive into Clave!:point_down:t2: - @getclave

Optimizing Gas Fees with GasHawk

  • Summary: GasHawk reduces Ethereum transaction fees via EIP-1559 improvements, optimizing gas savings during low blockspace demand. Gashawk used part of its grant to subsidize user fees and developed webhooks, a browser extension, and multi-chain support.
  • Publication Date: Feb 29, 2024
  • Views: 5,362
  • Link: Optimizing Gas Fees with GasHawk
  • Notable mentions:

Proud to be a part of this amazing ecosystem. We continue building and thereā€™s more to come! -

oh heck yes. just read this explainer. sounds awesome. will def bring trying this on the approve fn at least! - @heyellieday

Revoking Approvals with Revoke.Cash

  • Summary: helps users manage token approvals securely across blockchain networks, founded by Rosco Kalis in used its grant to develop NFT pricing data and integrate ā€œValue at Riskā€ alerts for risky approvals.
  • Publication Date: May 20, 2024
  • Views: 3,670
  • Link: Revoking Approvals with Revoke.Cash

Evaluating Decentralized Governance with Metagov

  • Summary: Metagov enhances decentralized governance standards through initiatives like DAOstar and the Grant Innovation Lab. The grant was used to fund research on EIP-4824, improve UX by publishing a ā€˜daoURIā€™ text record, with plans to present findings to the ENS community and establish a consortia for decentralized research through the Grant Innovation Lab.
  • Publication Date: May 28, 2024
  • Views: 1,929
  • Link: Evaluating Decentralized Governance with Metagov

Next Gen Social Apps on Ethereum (Ethereum Follow Protocol)

  • Summary: EFP simplifies user interactions within dApps by creating an onchain social graph for Web3 identity management.The EFP used its funding to develop core smart contracts, establish an operational indexer and API, and design the EFP manager app.
    Publication Date: Jun 14, 2024
    Views: 3,753
    Link: Next Gen Social Apps on Ethereum
  • Notable mentions:

Donā€™t fade this infrastructure. ENS is the one true protocol for blockchain identifiers, anything useful built to run on this protocol will be used like sliced bread imo - @Artie_Fishal

Rotki: Privacy-First Portfolio Management

  • Summary: Rotki is an open-source portfolio management tool emphasizing privacy by storing data locally, offering comprehensive tracking of cryptocurrency investments and traditional finance portfolios. Through this grant, Rotki added support for ZKSync Lite, and add an in-app calendar for event reminders and schedule management.
    Publication Date: Jun 26, 2024
    Views: 2,305
    Link: Rotki: Privacy-First Portfolio Management
  • Notable mentions:

Thank you guys. We will keep building the best opensource portfolio tracker for all of you !:pray: -

Dappnodeā€™s Smooth Initiative

  • Summary: Developed by DappNode, Smooth enables individual validators to aggregate rewards and compete more fairly with larger staking pools for earnings. Smooth used its grants to develop the Smooth Alerts Bot, which notifies users of critical blockchain events, and the Stats Dashboard.
    Publication Date: Jul 12, 2024
    Views: 1,557
    Link: Dappnodeā€™s Smooth Initiative



The series aims to outline the purpose, goals, and showcase the impact of each project, emphasizing the contributions made by ENS DAO Large Grants to their development while ensuring accessibility for non-technical readers.


Common Themes:

We identified that the Large Grants funding generally applied to projects in three classifications: Infra, Tools, Education.


  • Clave enhances Web3 user experience and security using Appleā€™s Secure Enclave. The Clave team has provided a beta version for testing.
  • GasHawk optimizes Ethereum transaction fees through EIP-1559 improvements.
  • Smooth addresses the centralizing effect of MEV on solo stakers with a reward pooling system.
  • Ethereum Follow Protocol (EFP) develops a social graph for Web3 identity management.


  • enables secure management of token approvals across blockchain networks.
  • Rotki prioritizes data privacy by storing sensitive financial information locally.


  • Metagov enhances decentralized governance standards through initiatives like DAOstar and the Grant Innovation Lab.
  • Rotki engages the community through open-source contributions.
  • offers educational articles on Web3 and security.
  • Projects like Rotki,, Smooth provide clear guides on how to use their tools.

Each project effectively communicates its value, reach, and impact by providing supporting information and data.


In exploring the Q4 2023 recipients of ENS DAO Large Grants, this series highlights their substantial impacts on the Ethereum ecosystem. These initiatives collectively advance innovative solutions, education, security, privacy, community engagement, and open-source principles. The ENS DAO Large Grants program remains pivotal in driving decentralized technology advancements.

Feedback for Stewards:

  • Continue supporting projects like these to raise community awareness and guide potential contributors on how to get involved.


Special thanks to the project leaders for sharing insights about their projects!

Thank you for reading! Feel free to leave any feedback.:sparkles:

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Community CollabTech Hackathon Sponsorship Proposal

Published: Jul 17, 2024

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Dear ENS DAO Members,

RnDAO is excited to announce our upcoming month-long online hackathon in September, aimed at attracting over 200 builders, in collaboration with Arbitrum. We invite ENS to join us as a key sponsor. This proposal outlines the hackathon structure and highlights the benefits ENS will gain by participating.

Hackathon Overview

CollabTech Hackathon, themed around Collaboration Technology (aka organization chain, B2B saas, future of work, etc.), focuses on attracting talent to develop innovative solutions in governance, operations, identity and reputation, contributor tooling, etc. CollabTech represents the evolution of B2B SaaS projected to reach USD 1 Trillion by 2030. ENS can be integrated into or even inspire new CollabTech products through the hackathonā€™s prizes, talks, mentors, and workshops.

Bonus: Post-Hackathon Building

What makes this hackathon unique is our focus on long-term impact. Top teams will have the chance to join the RnDAO ecosystem of startups and receive ongoing support to continue their projects after the event. This means that the work incentivized by the prizes can grow into long-lasting projects that utilize ENS beyond the hackathon.

Why Sponsor?

ENS will benefit from:

  • Engagement: Get participants to use and integrate ENS (Bounties).
  • Teaching:
    • Host virtual workshops and talks to explain ENS and encourage adoption.
    • Co-host office hours to mentor builders and offer expertise
  • Visibility:
    • Promote ENS to a large audience, including Arbitrumā€™s community (1M Twitter followers).
    • Logo placement in promotional materials (event webpage, promotional emails, social media)
    • Promotional Twitter space with Arbitrum and all partners
    • Dedicated email to participants
    • PR release to DAO and builder-focused outlets
    • Mention in outreach to university networks
    • Mention and participation in Speed Networking pre-hackathon sessions
  • Long-Term Impact: Successful teams will get an opportunity to continue building their project within the RnDAO ecosystem.
  • Innovation Showcase: Highlight innovative uses of ENS through participant projects.
  • Community Building: Foster connections with aligned developers and builders.

Hackathon Structure - 2 Phases:

First Two Weeks:

  • Sponsor Bounties & Prizes: Teams will work on bounties & prizes for sponsors.
  • Workshops and Talks: Sponsors can host sessions to teach participants about their products. (August and early September).

Final Two Weeks:

  • Open Development: Teams can build any project on Arbitrum, continuing their bounty projects or starting new ones.

Sponsorship Packages

Value GOLD $40k SILVER $20k BRONZE $9k
Option to provide dedicated Prize (included) $10k (total in prizes) $5k $1k
Option to appoint a judge yes yes -
Featured in pre-during-post social media comms top top middle
Dedicated workshop/talk for participants Infinite yes yes
Co-host office hours for participants Yes yes yes
Dedicated promotional email to attendees Weekly Pre and post Only pre
Logo placement in hackathon materials Large Large Medium
Mention in post-event recap article Yes yes yes


Contact Person: Roso

Next Steps

Letā€™s inspire builders to create the future we envision!

We will join the ENS Ecosystem Weekly Call to address any questions you may have and discuss this in more detail.

Also, feel free to reach out to Roso on Telegram: Telegram: Contact @roso1313

Or schedule a call:

Weā€™re looking forward to working together.

Thank you!

Best regards,

The RnDAO Team

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Newsletter ENS DAO Newsletter #65 ā€” 07/16/24

Published: Jul 16, 2024

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ENS DAO Newsletter #65 - 7/16/2024

:sunny: Welcome!

Welcome to the ENS DAO Newsletter:


:newspaper: Newsletter Roundup (tl;dr)

  • ENS Labs Update: ENS Rebrand, EthCC, ETHGlobal
  • Community Updates: Uni.eth, Gnosis Pay, Fileverse collaborative docs
  • Meta-Governance: Endowment Report, Voting Period Results
  • Ecosystem: Service Provider Updates
  • Public Goods: Large Grants, Hacker Pack activation


:spiral_calendar: Calendar

Refer to the ENS DAO Calendar for ENS DAO working group calls and other events.


:ballot_box: Term 5 Proposals

The Term 5 Dashboard, managed by the Meta-Governance Working Group, provides updates and summaries of DAO governance and initiatives. Regularly check it for the latest developments.

Proposal Type Discussion Status
Upgrade DNSSEC support Executable Open Executed
Commence Streams for Service Providers Executable Open Executed
Determine ENS Labsā€™ next steps in litigation Social Open Passed
Funding Request: Meta-Governance Working Group (1H) Social Closed Rejected
Funding Request: Public Goods Working Group (1H) Social Open Passed
Funding Transfer: Public Goods Working Group (1H) Executable Open Executed
Enable Self-Funding for the Endowment Executable Open Executed
Security Council Social Open Passed
ENS Steward Vesting Proposal Social Open Passed
Funding Request: Meta-Governance Working Group (1H) Social Open Passed
Confirming the ENS DAO Security Council Social Open Passed
Funding Request: Meta-Governance Working Group Executable Open Executed
Roles Modifier V2 Migration Executable Open Executed

Note: A minimum of 100 $ENS is required to submit executable proposals. Once a proposal gains momentum, the stewards will prioritize it for a vote during the designated voting window. See our Governance Docs for more information. To view the real-time distribution of voting power among delegates, visit


:cyclone: ENS Labs Updates

:chart_with_upwards_trend: ENS Stats: June 2024

In June 2024, the ENS Protocol registered 20.1k new .eth domains, bringing the total to 2.045 million. The protocol generated revenue of 986k USD equivalent during this period, all of which were allocated to the ENS DAO. The number of Ethereum account holders with at least one ENS name increased by 15.8k, totaling 886k. There were 14.3k primary ENS names set, making the overall count 865k. Additionally, 5k new avatar records were created, reaching a cumulative total of 179k. ā€” 1


ENS Labs Announces ENSV2

ENS Labs has announced plans for the ENSV2 upgrade, aiming to enhance decentralization, reduce gas costs, and improve multi-chain interoperability. The new registry system will offer better control and customization for users.

They have also introduced a technical design document, which outlines the design and implementation of ENSV2.

The ENS Labs encourages community feedback . You can view the full proposal here and leave technical feedback here.

For more details, visit the ENS Blog. ā€” 05.28.24


ā€˜Decentralized Webā€™ Documentation Now Live

Luc.eth has announced the launch of a new ā€œDecentralized Webā€ documentation page, which is the beginning of the dWeb section on the ENS Docs site. This draft document provides an introduction to hosting a decentralized website using ENS. Luc.eth is seeking feedback and suggestions from the community to improve the content. To view the draft and provide your input, visit the Decentralized Web documentation. ā€” 05.28.24


ENS Subgraph Migration

The ENS subgraph has completed migration to The Graph Network. This integration enhances data accessibility and efficiency for ENS users. For more details and to explore the subgraph, visit The Graph Explorer. ā€” 05.31.24


ENS Rebranding Unveiled at ETHCC

ENS Labs revealed its new brand identity at their ETHCC Rebranding event after over a year of dedicated work. The refreshed identity features an expanded color system with analog roots yet undeniably digital, pathways to navigate the New Internet, and ENS names with a fluent tag. Explore the new ENS at ā€” 07.09.24


Makotoā€™s Talk on ā€œENS for a Multichain Worldā€ at EthCC

Makoto delivered a talk at EthCC titled ā€œENSv2 for the Multichain World,ā€ exploring the future of ENS in a multichain environment. Dive into the insights and watch the full talk here. ā€” 07.10.24


Domicoā€™s Talk on ENS Rebrand at EthCC

Check out Domicoā€™s insightful talk on the new ENS rebrand, ā€œDesigning ENS for a Better Internet,ā€ delivered at EthCC. Dive into the details and watch the full presentation here. - 07.10.24


Alexander Urbelis on Securing ENS and Web3 Ecosystem

Alexander Urbelis, General Counsel of ENS, discusses their efforts to safeguard ENS users and the Web3 ecosystem from web2-based attacks. Highlighting collaboration with key figures and sharing insights on addressing malicious domains. Dive into the full discussion here. ā€” 07.12.24


ETHGlobal Partners with ENS DAO and ENS Labs for 2024 Hackers

ETHGlobal has partnered with ENS DAO and ENS Labs to provide hackers in 2024 with their preferred ENS names, completely free. Starting today, any hacker this year can mint their Web3 username and head onchain.

With the launch of Community Packs, past ETHGlobal hackers can now mint the new Hacker Pack, including an ENS domain. Hackers at any event in 2024 also qualify for their ENS handle.

For more details, visit ETHGlobalā€™s Hacker Pack. ā€” 07.15.24


Top 3 Finalists of ETHGlobal Brussels Hackathon

EVM Actions ($3000)

EVM Actions describes itself as a standard that enables Web3 interactions directly within any Web2 website, including social networks and chat apps. It enhances Web3 accessibility and ease of use, featuring integration with ENS.


WorldCare ($2500)

WorldCare describes itself as a decentralized platform designed to address global healthcare challenges. Patients register and share medical histories securely, with data stored in a decentralized and encrypted format. The platform integrates ENS and uses stablecoins for secure, anonymous payments. WorldCare supports multiple blockchain networks and utilizes World ID for identity verification and Filecoin for secure data management.


QUADB ($2000)

QUADB describes itself as a decentralized data management protocol to ensure secure data handling. It utilizes ENS for data organization, Tableland for SQL indexing, and Lighthouse for encrypting and storing data on IPFS and Filecoin. Worldcoin and zkEmail are used for identity verification to prevent sybil attacks, while MACI enables private quadratic voting. These technologies work together to maintain data integrity, accessibility, and user privacy.


:globe_with_meridians: ENS Media Alerts


:busts_in_silhouette: Community Updates

:speaking_head: Call for Community Feedback

Participate in improving the ENS Ecosystem! Provide feedback on Canny, where members of ENS Labs and Working Group stewards will work to address your submissions. The ENS community can submit feedback in three main categories: Feature Requests, Integrations, and Bug Reports. You can also participate by upvoting or commenting on existing submissions. Weā€™re listening to the community, send your feedback on Canny now.


:hammer_and_pick: Request for Builders

Share updates on projects developing ENS for consideration for inclusion in the newsletter. Submit contributions and describe at least one nifty feature about your project for potential inclusion in the newsletter. Send your contributions here.


Connect .eth Domains Effortlessly with Fleek

Yinka from Fleek demonstrates how to connect any .eth name to your site effortlessly in a new video. Learn how to set up your domain quickly and efficiently. Watch the tutorial here. ā€” 07.03.24


Gnosis Pay Partners with EthCC to Offer ENS-Linked Cards

Gnosis Pay teamed up with EthCC to offer limited edition cards for attendees, featuring ENS domain integration. Attendees could customize their card with an ENS name for a unique touch. Full details here. ā€” 07.03.24


Uniswap Integrates ENS for Free Onchain Identities

Uniswap has integrated an ENS-powered username system into their mobile app. They recently granted early access to their Uniswap extension to the first 100k registered uni.eth usernames. Download the Uniswap app to claim your free ENS subname and enjoy a seamless onchain identity experience. ā€” 07.05.24


Fileverse Integrates ENS for Real-Time Collaboration

Fileverse has integrated ENS to enable real-time collaboration on decentralized documents through dDocs. Use your ENS for seamless identity verification on mobile and desktop, with peer-to-peer and end-to-end encryption. Start collaborating now. ā€” 07.10.24


Namespace Mints 700+ .gotbased.eth Subnames

Namespace reports having minted over 700 gotbased.eth subnames in a single day. Review the subname collection ā€˜gotbased.ethā€™ now. ā€” 07.10.24


Register Your Superchain Identity with 3DNS

3DNS invites the community to register their Superchain Identity at! As the new identity layer of the Optimism Collective, Superchain Identity offers seamless domain management and trading on leading NFT marketplaces. ā€” 07.12.24


ENS Vision Partnerships Announcements

Vision has partnered with 3DNS to offer tokenized DNS names, now live on Vision and tradable as onchain assets. Supported TLDs include .com, .xyz, .box, and over 420 more. Additionally, Vision has teamed up with NameFi. Namefi NFTs represent DNS ownership on the blockchain and are tradable on Vision, supporting 329 TLDs. ā€” 07.04.24


Vitalik Discusses Decentralized Web Browsers at Modular Summit

Vitalik.eth recently spoke at the Modular Summit, providing an example of how a decentralized web browser could function using ENS. Watch the full talk here. ā€” 07.12.24


Brantly.eth Invites ENS Names for Ethereum Follow Protocol

Brantly.eth has announced an invitation for users to drop their ENS names for potential inclusion in the Recommendations seed list for the Ethereum Follow Protocol (EFP) app. The ENS name must be set as the Primary Name and have an avatar. Learn more about the Ethereum Follow Protocol. ā€” 07.15.24


Hidayath.eth Announces New Template for Decentralized Startup Websites

Hidayath.eth has introduced a new template at for building decentralized startup websites. Launch your startup site in a decentralized way with ENS domains, 3DNS, and Box Domains. Explore the new template and get started here. ā€” 07.15.24


:pushpin: Working Group Bulletin

Term 5 Lead Working Group Stewards + Secretary Appointment


The responsibilities of the Lead Stewards & Secretary are set out in Rule 9.8 and Rule 9.9 of the Working Group Rules.


ENS DAO Working Group Schedule (2024):

Working Group Time Schedule Location
:balance_scale: Meta-Governance 1pm UTC Tuesday Google Meet
:seedling: Ecosystem 4pm UTC Thursday Google Meet
:high_brightness: Public Goods 5pm UTC Thursday Google Meet


:balance_scale: Meta-Governance

The Meta-Governance Working Group provides governance oversight and support for working group operations through DAO tooling and governance initiatives.

Meeting Minutes:

Meeting Info:

Term 5 Meta-Governance Stewards:


June 2024 Financial Report

The June 2024 financial report for ENS presents a positive financial outlook.

Financial Overview:

  • Revenue > Cash Burn by 2x, Runway: 193 months
  • Revenue $2.6m, vs. $2.5m last month
  • Cash Inflow: $1.0m
  • Normalized Cash Burn: $.7m Reserves: $136m (ETH: 122M, USDC: 14M)
  • Total Endowment: $92.8M, P&L: -$5.3M (ETH mark-to-market)

Review the full report prepared by @Steakhouse here. ā€” 07.01.24


June 2024 Endowment Report

The June Endowment report is now available on Karpatkeyā€™s Website. This report provides a detailed overview of the endowmentā€™s finances and allocations. A high-level overview is made available below for readerā€™s convenience:

Balance Overview:

  • Total funds in the endowment: $100,226,939
  • Capital utilization: 100%
  • Monthly DeFi results: $348,232

Review the full report prepared by @Karpatkey here.


Voting Period Results

[5.11][Executable] Fund the Meta-Governance Working Group (Term 5)


[5.12][Executable] Roles Modifier V2 Migration & Updates to Endowment Permissions


Open Kanban Board

@estmcmxci initiated a discussion using a Kanban board to showcase various initiatives and their current status within the ENS DAO Meta-Governance. The goal is to establish a cadence for scheduling key events and steward changeovers.

Participants are encouraged to leave notes and feedback directly in the FigJam board. For further discussion or questions, you can reach out to estmcmxci.eth on Telegram.

Check out the Kanban board here.


Karpatkeyā€™s H1 2024 Review for the ENS Endowment

Karpatkey has released the H1 2024 review for the ENS Endowment, detailing the progress and performance of the endowment over the first half of the year. The report covers key metrics, achievements, and future plans for the endowment, providing transparency and insights into its management and growth.

Read the full report here.


:seedling: Ecosystem

The Ecosystem Working Group strengthens the ENS Protocol by facilitating developer relations, identifying and funding high-potential projects that enhance ENS, and bolstering support for ENS-aligned initiatives overall.

Meeting Minutes:

Meeting Info:

Term 5 Ecosystem Stewards:


Weekly ENSIP Updates

The ENSIP process is moving into a formal process on GitHub. Check out the new repository here. Community feedback is crucialā€”please provide any and all feedback to @premm.eth.


Service Provider Updates

Resolver Works Q2 2024 Report for the ENS Endowment

Resolver Works has released its Q2 2024 report, highlighting significant advancements in ENS integrations, improved resolver performance, and enhanced security measures.

Read the full report here.


Namespace Q2 2024 Report for the ENS Endowment

Namespace has published its latest quarterly report, showcasing progress in user adoption, new partnerships, and feature enhancements on its ENS-based platform. The report emphasizes continued growth and innovation in decentralized identity solutions.

Read the full report here.


Unruggable Labs Update

@clowes.eth reported updates on the EVMv2 Gateway, focusing on documentation and onboarding material. For more details, visit the GitHub repository.


:sunny: Public Goods

The Public Goods Working Group supports the greater Ethereum ecosystem by identfying and funding open-source development.

Meeting Minutes:

Meeting Info:

Term 5 Public Goods Stewards:


ENS DAO Q3 2024 Large Grants Launch

The ENS DAO Public Goods Working Group has launched the Q3 2024 Large Grants, offering up to 300k USDC for Ethereum and Web3 public goods projects. Awards range from 12k to 50k USDC. Applications are open until July 18th on Questbook. For more details, visit the discussion post. ā€” 06.17.24


TUM Blockchain Presentation by Shouvik Ghosh

Shouvik Ghosh from the University of Munich presented the TUM Blockchain club, founded as a non-profit, student-run organization with around 45 members. They are organizing the 2nd annual TUM Blockchain Conference on September 12-13 in Munich, aiming to connect students, researchers, policymakers, and entrepreneurs.


:memo: Resources

ENS DAO offers several resources for understanding and participating in its ecosystem.

  • ENS DAO Basics: Details the ENS DAO, including voting and governance.
  • Support Docs: Provides guidance on registration, renewals, and development aspects.
  • Governance Docs: Offers additional insights into governance structure.
  • ENS Agora: Governance hub for proposal review and voting.
  • Give Feedback: Feedback platform where users share input to improve ENS.
  • ENS Repository: The ENS Protocolā€™s main Github Repository.


Thank you very much for reading! Goodbye. :wave:

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Treasury Management Karpatkey H1 2024 Review for the ENS Endowment

Published: Jul 15, 2024

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Since ENS Endowmentā€™s official establishment in March 2023, karpatkey has been serving as its Endowment manager, seeing through successful execution of the Endowmentā€™s first and second funding tranches. As we move into the second half of 2024, we are excited to provide a brief overview of our collaborative efforts with the ENS DAO to date and outline future initiatives.

To begin, we present a summary tracing the timeline from the Endowmentā€™s Request for Proposal (RFP) to the current state:

Endowment Update

Since its inception, the Endowment has achieved:

  • Accumulated net revenue of $2.09 million USD
  • A net average Annual Percentage Yield (APY) of 3.74%

According to the latest monthly report, which assesses the Endowmentā€™s performance in June 2024, the following key metrics were observed:

  • $100.23M of ncAUM (non-custodial assets under management)
  • 100% of capital utilisation
  • Projected APY of 4.3%
  • Projected annual revenue of $4.31M

Additionally, based on the latest June report compiled by @steakhouse, for H1 2024 the following financial details for the DAO were noted:

  • Operational Revenues for the DAO amounted to $15.68M
  • Operational Expenses for the DAO were reported at $4.26M, with an anticipated coverage of 50.6% by Endowment revenues in 2024*
  • DAO reserves concluded H1 2024 at $136M, indicative of a 16-year operational runway

*The projection of operational expenses does not encompass the potential costs related to new initiatives planned for funding.

Furthermore, as per the June 2024 report, the distribution of funds by asset-class can be seen in the following graph:


Subsequently, the protocol distribution of the Endowmentā€™s funds is as follows:

The Endowment established a maximum limit of 20% for its Ethereum (ETH) holdings to be allocated to Lidoā€™s staked Ethereum (stETH). Below is a breakdown of the current ETH allocations.

Strategy & Implementation

Since the beginning of 2024, we have advanced several proposals within the ENS DAO, demonstrating our ongoing commitment to enhancing the protocol. The proposals we have put forward are:

  • E.P.5.6 enabling a self-funding mechanism for the Endowment to autonomously finance its operations.
  • E.P.5.12 migrating the current permissions module to Zodiac Roles Modifier v2 which allows for a more sophisticated filtering of encoded calldata and enhanced logic for complex permissions.
  • Revenue Share Agreement with Stader Labs enabling higher effective staking yields for ETH on Stader Protocol. The agreement specifies that 80% of the protocolā€™s commissioned staking rewards (protocol fees) will be returned to the Endowment for the first three months, followed by a sustained return of 50% thereafter.
  • To enhance the communityā€™s comprehension of Manager Role preset updates and streamline the auditing process, the migration to ZRM v2 includes an interface that makes it simple to identify updates and deprecated permissions.

Future Roadmap

  • Migration to Zodiac Roles Modifier v2 and execution of new permissions policy, and ensuring community familiarity with the v2 which would elevate the user experience of the auditing process for future preset permissions.
  • Continued monitoring of ENSā€™ financial health, especially given increased spending of the DAO in 2024, with Service Provider streams and L2 expansion.
  • Expansion of the ENS Endowment to enhance the financial health of the DAO through a new request for DAO assets to be allocated to the Endowment, along with regular transfers of monthly revenue from the Controller to the Endowment.
  • Continued monitoring of potential governance attack on Endowment, as well as suggestions of open-market methods to minimise the said attack vector.
  • Continued assessment and broadening the spectrum of LSTs (liquid staked tokens) within the Endowment in order to advocate for validator diversity, integration of more protocols and strategies that resonate with the Endowmentā€™s risk appetite and long-term vision.
  • Remain vigilant of market trends and explore new investment opportunities for the Endowment.

Risk Management

  • Internally built an Agile Execution App (AxA) which enables asset managers of the Endowment to swiftly execute pre-designed strategies for emergency purposes (allowlisted swaps and exits).
    • This solves the dependency on protocolsā€™ user interfaces and minimises human error/time-consumption whilst ensuring dual-layer security (preset filters act as an initial security check, followed by the execution of predesigned strategies within the app).
  • Hypernative alert setup for each of the protocols in the permissions policy.
    • Various protocol, smart contract, and financial risk factors are monitored, including oracle pricing, contract ownership transfers, pool liquidity checks, withdrawal queues, collateral ratios / health factors.
    • karpatkey conducts both weekly internal risk review and weekly external review with the Hypernative team.

Upcoming Risk Management Initiatives

  • Development of enhanced emergency protocol: bots (referred to as guardians) are being developed to automate risk management strategies. The guardians will act based on predefined risk triggers, including suspected exploits, unusual pool behaviour, and rapidly decreasing collateral ratios, amongst others. Further details on guardians can be found here. This new feature will be introduced to the ENS community soon for discussion.
    • The karpatkey team is working with Hypernative to assess alerts accuracy and 3rd parties models, to enhance guardian precision and minimise false positives.
  • Continuous research of protocols and setting of alerts for risk management. To enhance efficiency, karpatkey is also working on automating a significant portion of this process via smart contract mapping and categorisation of risks.


  • karpatkey has been providing regular Endowment updates during the weekly MetaGov Working Group meetings. In response to community feedback, details such as comparison against benchmarks (of 100% ETH portfolio) and breakdown of DeFi-generated yield by strategy, have been incorporated into the weekly update.
  • In August 2023, karpatkey launched its web-based UI monthly reports for its clients. This year, our tech team has implemented significant improvements to mobile responsiveness, enhancing accessibility and user experience for the reports.

Future Reporting Endeavours

  • Further enhance user experience of karpatkeyā€™s reports and dashboards, and incorporate more bespoke metrics for ENS. Including the web-based reporting, and Metagov Endowment update presentations.


Community Roadmap

  • We are committed to ongoing engagement with the community, contributing our knowledge and insights for the common good.
  • We remain alert and proactive in identifying ways to enhance the ENS communityā€™s value.

We appreciate the trust you have placed in us with this critical responsibility. We look forward to maintaining our commitment and efforts in the upcoming semester and beyond, ensuring the lasting success of the ENS DAO.

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šŸ’¬ General Discussion [Discussion] Dynamic Renewal Terms, Resolver Stability Checks, and Loyalty Programs

Published: Jul 09, 2024

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Hello ENS community!

Herodotus has recently announced the Herodotus Data Processor (HDP), a powerful solution for defining extensive sets of on-chain data and running complex computations over them in a fully sound and proven environment using STARKs and Storage Proofs. During this process, weā€™ve identified some interesting applications where verifiable compute could potentially be used by ENS. Weā€™re curious about the communityā€™s perspective on these ideas and hope to spark some dialogue:

Dynamic Renewal Terms Based on Ownership Duration

We could implement a system where the grace period for domain renewals is dynamically adjusted based on the length of continuous ownership. For example:

  • Standard ownership (0-2 years): 90-day grace period (current system)
  • Long-term ownership (2+ years): Extended grace period (e.g., 180 days)

This could be achieved by using HDP to verify the continuous ownership duration of an ENS name. The system would calculate the average ownership time over a long period (e.g., checking ownership every month for the past two years) to prevent manipulation through short-term transfers.

Resolver Stability Checks for Smart Contracts

HDP could be used to verify if the account that a name resolves to has remained unchanged within a specified range of blocks. This feature would be particularly useful for smart contracts interacting with ENS names.

Why this matters for smart contracts:

  • Contracts could verify that an ENS name hasnā€™t suddenly changed its resolved address, reducing the risk of interacting with an unexpected address.
  • Contracts could implement different behavior based on the stability of an ENS resolution. For example, allowing higher-value transactions only if the resolution has been stable for a certain period.

Verifiable On-Chain Loyalty Programs for Long-Term Holders

We could implement loyalty programs for long-term ENS holders that are verifiable on-chain. This would reward dedicated users and encourage long-term engagement with the ENS ecosystem. Hereā€™s how it could potentially work:

  • Discounts on renewals or new registrations based on proven continuous ownership of other ENS names
  • Preferential terms (e.g., exclusive access to certain names or sub-domains) for accounts with a history of long-term ENS engagement
  • Other criteria, such as factoring in both ownership duration and historical ENS token balance

For example, a user who has owned multiple ENS domains for over three years and maintained a significant ENS token balance could receive a 20% discount on future renewals or registrations. This could all be verified on-chain, ensuring transparency and fairness in the loyalty program.

These are by no means all the possible ways that HDP could be used by ENS. HDP is currently in Beta and is not production ready, but building a limited MVP of any of these three ideas is possible today. If thereā€™s interest, our team could develop such a demo.

What do you think? Weā€™d love to hear the communityā€™s thoughts on these concepts, particularly the loyalty program idea, and any potential challenges or improvements you see.

Additional Resources

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šŸ§‘ā€šŸ’» ENS Development Use ENS names as Abstracted Account

Published: Jul 08, 2024

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Hi all,
Like to propose an idea bout ENS names as Account Abstraction.

Imagine an ERC-721 token or ERC-20 can be sent to an account but not by address but natively with the name of ENS names, effectively making ENS name as an abstracted account rather than wallet address.

Has any similar idea been proposed before? Thx!

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šŸŒ± ENS Ecosystem Resolver Works Q2 2024

Published: Jul 05, 2024

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Resolver Works Q2 2024

We are on a mission to be the premier subname provider for ENS. In this Q2 update, we cover the ENSPro launch, Columbia Graduate School of Business collaboration, and platform statisticsā€”marking our first full quarter as a service provider. None of this would be possible without the continuing support of the ENS DAO.

ENSPro Launch

ENSPro is a free and easy to use platform to allow anyone the ability to create gasless subnames on any ENS name they own.


  • Works with any ENS name, including imported DNS
  • Set-up takes less than 2 minutes
  • Create up to 1,000 subnames for free
  • Edit, add, and delete ENS subnames gaslessly

Columbia GSB Collaboration

We had the great pleasure of collaborating with Professor Omid Malekan from Columbia University. Over 70 MBA students minted a trusted L2 subname, providing hands-on experience with ENS that is invaluable for future leaders. As part of the collaboration, we presented an overview of ENS to his class. The students asked engaging questions and had a good grasp of blockchain tech, a testament to Columbiaā€™s students and Professor Omidā€™s teaching.

It is no surprise that in a class full of MBA students, someone would test the market by listing their newly minted name on OpenSea for a modest 10,000 ETH. No takers yetā€¦

2024-07-04 17.47.07
Slobo.eth, founder of NameStone, explaining ENS to the students of ā€œAn Introduction to Blockchain and Cryptocurrenciesā€ class at Columbia University.

Usage Statistics


Month Subnames Created1 Resolutions
Feb 1,054 247k
Mar 2,435 159k
Apr 731 210k
May 715 105k
Jun 1,241 81k
Total 6,176 802k

L2 Names

In Q2 we upgraded to use the EVM gateway (thanks @raffy ). With this upgrade, 2,300+ subnames became trust minimized on Base. To our knowledge this is the largest collection of such names.

Working through this upgrade helped start a discussion on EVM Gateway & User Experience. I encourage folks to chime in.

Our collaboration with Columbia GSB resulted in the minting of 76 subdomains, represented as NFTs, on Arbitrum One.

Domains Managed by Our Resolvers

Resolver Domains
0x2291...CB65 57
0xd173...94241 40
0x7CE6...43AbD 10
0x84c5...25dc3 5
0x5C76...14b4 2
Total 114

Managing 114 domains2 with one resolver would place us 34th out of the 1,194 active resolvers as of June 30, 2024.

Active Subnames

Type Subnames
Gasless 13,266 2,204 76
Total 15,546

This includes all names ever created via Resolver Works & the NameStone platform that have not been deleted.

Thank You ENS DAO

We want to thank the ENS DAO again for continued and unwavering support of Resolver Works. Itā€™s been an absolute honor to build on top of ENS.

Bonus Content Created

Resolvers & Latency

9 ways protocols use ENS domains

How ENS Enhances DAO Governance & Transparency

Prior Updates
Resolver Works Q1 2024

1 Keen readers will notice that the name count for Feb and Mar is higher than previously reported. This is because we now include deleted names in our totals.

2 Though we offer the ability to issue gasless subnames on gaslessly imported names, those names are not included in the table.

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šŸ—³ļø Meta-Governance [EP5.11] [Executable] Proposal: Fund the Meta-Governance Working Group (Term 5)

Published: Jul 05, 2024

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Proposal is live on Tally

Funds the metagovernance working group with 374k USDC and 150k ENS


Meta-Governance is seeking funding to support DAO-wide operations, including Working Groups, treasury management, and governance initiatives. This request aligns with Rule 10.1.1 of the Working Group Rules and amendments introduced in EP 4.8. This proposal will execute the funding specification according to EP 5.9, as amended by EP 5.8.


EP 5.9 ā€” Funding Request: ENS Meta-Governance Working Group Term 5

The Meta-Governance Working Group requests funding of 374,000 USDC and 150,000 ENS from the ENS DAO treasury (wallet.ensdao.eth).

This funding will be used to support the governance processes of the ENS DAO and to manage and build infrastructure that supports the ENS DAO, its treasury, and its Working Groups.


The following transfers are to be made:

Addresses for confirmation:

  • 0x91c32893216de3ea0a55abb9851f581d4503d39b for

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Newsletter ENS DAO Newsletter #64 ā€” 07/02/24

Published: Jul 02, 2024

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ENS DAO Newsletter #64 - 7/2/2024

:sunny: Welcome!

Welcome to the ENS DAO Newsletter:


:newspaper: Newsletter Roundup (tl;dr)

  • ENS Labs Update: ENSv2, Rebranding, ENSjs Library Refactor
  • Community Updates: Base Subnames, OP Fault Proof, Console Proposal
  • Meta-Governance: Financial Report, New Proposals, Kanban Board
  • Ecosystem: Labs Updates, Service Provider Updates, Project Presentations
  • Public Goods: Large Grants, ETHMexico Presentation, Rotki Highlight


:spiral_calendar: Calendar

Refer to the ENS DAO Calendar for ENS DAO working group calls and other events.


:ballot_box: Term 5 Proposals

The Term 5 Dashboard, managed by the Meta-Governance Working Group, provides updates and summaries of DAO governance and initiatives. Regularly check it for the latest developments.

Proposal Type Discussion Status
Upgrade DNSSEC support Executable Open Executed
Commence Streams for Service Providers Executable Open Executed
Determine ENS Labsā€™ next steps in litigation Social Open Passed
Funding Request: Meta-Governance Working Group (1H) Social Closed Rejected
Funding Request: Public Goods Working Group (1H) Social Open Passed
Funding Transfer: Public Goods Working Group (1H) Executable Open Executed
Enable Self-Funding for the Endowment Executable Open Executed
Security Council Social Open Passed
ENS Steward Vesting Proposal Social Open Passed
Funding Request: Meta-Governance Working Group (1H) Social Open Passed
Confirming the ENS DAO Security Council Social Open Passed
Funding Request: Meta-Governance Working Group Executable Open Open
Roles Modifier V2 Migration Executable Open Open

Note: A minimum of 100k $ENS is required to submit executable proposals. Once a proposal gains momentum, the stewards will prioritize it for a vote during the designated voting window. See our Governance Docs for more information. To view the real-time distribution of voting power among delegates, visit


:memo: Proposals in Queue:

1. [Executable] Reimburse ENS Labs for pursuing Litigation

After the approval to reimburse ENS Labs for the legal fees incurred in protecting possession of, this executable proposal seeks to reimburse ENS Labs and fund the settlement amount of 300k.

2. [Social] Confirming the ENS DAO Security Council

Ahead of the vote to deploy the veto contract giving Canceller role to a multisig controlled by the security council, a social proposal will list and confirm these members for DAO approval. Ensuring availability and secure practices of signers is critical. A balanced 4/8 multisig threshold is recommended.


:cyclone: ENS Labs Updates

:chart_with_upwards_trend: ENS Stats: June 2024

In June 2024, the ENS Protocol registered 20,131 new .eth domains, bringing the total to 2.045 million. The protocol generated revenue of $2.3 million USD equivalent during this period, all of which were allocated to the ENS DAO. The number of Ethereum account holders with at least one ENS name increased by 15.8k, totaling 886k. There were 14,398 primary ENS names set, making the overall count 865k. Additionally, 4,984 new avatar records were created, reaching a cumulative total of 179k. There were also 18,638 .eth renewals and 501 dweb (contenthash) records set.

ā€” 1


ENS Labs Announces ENSV2

ENS Labs has announced plans for the ENSV2 upgrade, aiming to enhance decentralization, reduce gas costs, and improve multi-chain interoperability. The new hierarchical registry system will offer better control and customization for users. ENS encourages community feedback to shape this next generation of their service. You can view the full proposal here and leave technical feedback here. For more details, visit the ENS Blog. ā€” 05.28.24


ā€˜Decentralized Webā€™ Documentation Now Live

Luc.eth has announced the launch of a new ā€œDecentralized Webā€ documentation page, which is the beginning of the dWeb section on the ENS Docs site. This draft document provides an introduction to hosting a decentralized website using ENS. Luc.eth is seeking feedback and suggestions from the community to improve the content. To view the draft and provide your input, visit the Decentralized Web documentation. ā€” 05.28.24


ENS Subgraph Migration

The ENS subgraph has successfully migrated to The Graph Network, enabling ENS to seamlessly pull and display onchain data on in a decentralized manner. The ENS subgraph organizes data, including directories of ENS domains, ownership records, resolver addresses, and more. This integration enhances data accessibility and efficiency for ENS users. For more details and to explore the subgraph, visit The Graph Explorer. ā€” 05.31.24


ENS Labs at ETHGlobal Brussels

ENS will be present at ETHGlobal in Brussels! Builders are encouraged to utilize the ENS Protocol as part of their developer stack at the Hackathon, held from July 12 to 14. The ENS DAO Ecosystem Working Group is supporting the Hackathon with a $10k sponsorship in prize money. Details will be available soon on the ETHGlobal Brussels site. ā€” 06.04.24


ENS Announces ENSv2 Project Plan: A Future Path for Naming

ENS has introduced the ENSv2 Project Plan, outlining detailed phases for the next generation of ENS. The plan aims to extend ENS to Layer 2, redesigning the protocolā€™s architecture from the ground up to final implementation. It is divided into five phases and includes a comprehensive technical design document and FAQ.

The ENSv2 Project Plan page will be regularly updated with the latest progress and developments. View the plan here. ā€” 06.20.24


Integrating ENS into Daily Internet Use: A Presentation by Pavel Losev

Pavel Losev from ENS Labs presented ā€œBringing ENS to Daily Internet Useā€ at the Swarm Summit. The presentation highlighted how ENS-powered websites can be natively integrated into computers without requiring gateways, enhancing user experience and security. For more information on implementing these integrations, visit the ETH DNS GitHub repository. ā€” 06.21.24


ENSv2: Addressing Community Concerns

ENS Labs announced an FAQ for ENSv2 to address community concerns about the impact on current ENS names and the platformā€™s future. The FAQ provides answers to common questions, ensuring transparency and clarity. For more details, visit ENSv2 FAQ. ā€” 06.21.24


ENS Rebranding Unveiled at ETHCC: Join the Celebration in Brussels

ENS is hosting an exciting event at ETHCC to unveil its new brand. Attendees will get an exclusive first look at the refreshed ENS identity. The event promises to be a highlight of the conference, celebrating the evolution of the ENS ecosystem.

Sign up for the ENS event here and join us for the Brussels celebration! ā€” 06.26.24


ENSjs Library Now 11% Smaller

The ENSjs library is now 11% smaller with 67 fewer dependencies, improving efficiency and download times. The new version promises faster performance and reduced bundle size. For more details, visit the ENSjs v4.0.0 Release Notes. ā€” 06.28.24


:globe_with_meridians: ENS Media Alerts


:busts_in_silhouette: Community Updates

:speaking_head: Call for Community Feedback

Participate in improving the ENS Ecosystem! Provide feedback on Canny, where members of ENS Labs and Working Group stewards will work to address your submissions. The ENS community can submit feedback in three main categories: Feature Requests, Integrations, and Bug Reports. You can also participate by upvoting or commenting on existing submissions. Weā€™re listening to the community, send your feedback on Canny now.


:hammer_and_pick: Request for Builders

Share updates on projects developing ENS for consideration for inclusion in the newsletter. Submit contributions and describe at least one nifty feature about your project for potential inclusion in the newsletter. Send your contributions here.


Namespaceā€™s Plugin for web3.js Hits 440 Downloads in Two Months

Namespace announced their ENS plugin for web3.js has been downloaded approximately 440 times in just two months. The plugin facilitates ENS registrations, record management, and resolution. The download trend shows significant user engagement, underscoring the pluginā€™s utility. Try it out here. ā€” 06.18.24


Interface Adds Support for Farcaster Identities

Interface announced support for Farcaster identities, following Farcasterā€™s migration to ENS subdomains for improved UX and ecosystem composability. ENS subdomains are stored offchain, enhancing user experience and broader composability. Interface now fully supports these features. ā€” 06.19.24


VisionUpdate: Enhanced Social Features on Vision Profiles

Vision has rolled out an update enhancing the social features on Vision profiles. Users can now easily display their social media, email, and website links by setting their records. Profiles can include a bio or description displayed prominently above these buttons. Check out the new features and set up your profile to show off your unique style. For more details, visit Vision. ā€” 06.24.24


ENS DAO Reinforces Transparency Efforts published a blog detailing the ENS DAOā€™s robust transparency initiatives. The report highlights open governance meetings and public forums aimed at enhancing community trust and engagement in decentralized decision-making. For more details, visit ENS DAO Transparency Blog. ā€” 06.24.24


JustaName Launches ENS Subname Management Platform

JustaName launched their ENS subname management and community platform. This new service allows users to manage their ENS subnames efficiently, fostering community building in the Web3 space. For more details, visit JustaName. ā€” 06.25.24


ENS on Base: Namespaceā€™s New Open-Source Standards

Namespace announces ENS on Base, enabling users to mint/manage subnames quickly. Stored on Base blockchain, they are resolvable, unruggable, and functional. Leveraging L2 solutions, this ensures security, decentralization, and low gas fees. Public codebase available: GitHub. ā€” 06.27.24


Introducing ENSPro: Simplifying Address Management with Free Offchain ENS Subnames

Slobo.eth launches ENSPro, simplifying Ethereum address management with free, gasless offchain ENS subnames. Set up in 2 minutes for improved privacy and organization. Create up to 1,000 subnames, edit/manage them without gas fees. Ideal for company wallets, degen wallets, and more. Learn more: ā€” 06.27.24


ENS.Auction: New Premiere Auction Platform for ENS

ENS.Auction is a new platform for ENS auctions. It features an upfront dynamic fee based on a bonding curve to limit noise and encourage realistic valuations. Bidding starts every Friday and extends through the weekend. For more details, visit ENS Auction. ā€” 06.29.24


Vitalik.eth Highlights ENS in New Article

Vitalik.eth posted a new article emphasizing the importance of ENS in Web3 as the most useful and important NFTs. He discusses the necessity of Ethereumā€™s slot-and-epoch architecture for applications like ENS and keystores. While a 12-second block time suffices for some applications, others require this specific architecture. The three types of ā€œslotsā€ in this context are:

  1. An Ethereum-native slot-and-epoch architecture
  2. Server preconfirmations
  3. Committee preconfirmations

For a detailed explanation, visit Vitalikā€™s Blog. ā€” 06.30.24


Speak.3Z Integrates ENS Domains for Enhanced Communication

Speak.3Z announced the integration of ENS Domains with the 3num Labs protocol, allowing wallet addresses and ENS names to seamlessly coexist with existing contacts. This innovation supercharges the native address book, supporting Web3 identifiers and normalizing secure communications. For more details, visit Speak.3Z. ā€” 07.01.24


New Optimistic Fault Proof Gateway Launched

Clowes.eth announced the launch of the Optimistic Fault Proof gateway at The gateway runs a flexible virtual machine for proving L2 state on L1. Documentation will be available soon. Users can try resolving using the gateway at opdemo.eth. ā€” 07.01.24


ENS Sponsors ā€œCoffee with Captainā€ Podcast

Steve (@NFTbark) announced that ENS Domains is now a sponsor of the ā€œCoffee with Captainā€ podcast. Hosted by Steve and Chris Jourdan, the podcast will feature a ā€œMore You Knowā€ segment three times a week, powered by ENS. This collaboration aligns with real builders in the Web3 space, highlighting ENSā€™s significant role. ā€” 07.01.24


Proposal to Move ENS Community to

@Castig has proposed transitioning the ENS community from Discord to This new platform offers ENS and SIWE identity verification, group chat, live video and audio spaces, and event pages. Key benefits include converting Twitter followers into emails to build a direct relationship owned by the ENS DAO, 100% native ENS user verification, and capabilities to securely read onchain data and issue BASE loyalty NFTs., which supports ENS domains natively and aligns with Web3 principles, aims to enhance the ENS ecosystem. Community members are encouraged to support the proposal by signing here or leaving feedback in the discussion. ā€” 07.02.24


:pushpin: Working Group Bulletin

Term 5 Lead Working Group Stewards + Secretary Appointment


The responsibilities of the Lead Stewards & Secretary are set out in Rule 9.8 and Rule 9.9 of the Working Group Rules.


ENS DAO Working Group Schedule (2024):

Working Group Time Schedule Location
:balance_scale: Meta-Governance 1pm UTC Tuesday Google Meet
:seedling: Ecosystem 4pm UTC Thursday Google Meet
:high_brightness: Public Goods 5pm UTC Thursday Google Meet


:balance_scale: Meta-Governance

The Meta-Governance Working Group provides governance oversight and support for working group operations through DAO tooling and governance initiatives.

Meeting Minutes:

Meeting Info:

Term 5 Meta-Governance Stewards:


June 2024 Financial Report

The June 2024 financial report for ENS presents a positive financial outlook.

Financial Overview:

  • Revenue > Cash Burn by 2x, Runway: 193 months
  • Revenue $2.6m, vs. $2.5m last month
  • Cash Inflow: $1.0m
  • Normalized Cash Burn: $.7m Reserves: $136m (ETH: 122M, USDC: 14M)
  • Total Endowment: $92.8M, P&L: -$5.3M (ETH mark-to-market)

Review the full report prepared by @Steakhouse here. ā€” 07.01.24


Voting Period Results

[5.9.1][Social] Funding Request: ENS Meta-Governance Working Group

Meta-Governance is seeking funding to support DAO-wide operations, including Working Groups, treasury management, and governance initiatives. This request aligns with Rule 10.1.1 of the Working Group Rules, and amendments introduced in EP 4.8, and includes vesting contracts as per EP 5.8.

  • Vote: Snapshot
  • Results: 98.98% approval
  • Transaction: None

[5.10][Social] Confirming the ENS DAO Security Council Members

Following EP5.7ā€™s approval, this proposal confirms 8 Security Council members to protect ENS from governance attacks by canceling malicious proposals. The council operates under a 4/8 multisig configuration and has a 2-year veto power. A For/Against/Abstain vote will confirm the members, with a quorum of 1 million votes needed.

  • Vote: Snapshot
  • Results: 99.99% approval (excluding abstentions)
  • Transaction: None


Meta-Governance Project Presentations

Corina Pascu Demos The Next Governance Data Tool

Corina Pascu recently demoed, a promising new tool for aggregating onchain and offchain governance data, aimed at simplifying information for regular users. has officially indexed ENS data and offers a popular feature that allows users to subscribe to DAO updates through a decentralized push notification protocol.

You can watch the demo and provide feedback via the forum post.


Agora Updates

Kent Fenwick presented two proposals for feedback before a temp check. The first aimed to simplify proposal sponsorship (Watch video and test). The second proposed lower thresholds for proposal creation via bonds (Read more). Efforts with Coinbase to free up hardware-stored ENS for voting continue.


DAO Bylaws Process Update

The Meta-Governance Working Group decided to adjourn the Bylaws process and reorient its approach. Alex Urbelis, ENS Labsā€™ general counsel, will help create a cohesive framework focusing on defined aspects of DAO governance. This initial framework will serve as the first iteration of the DAO Bylaws and will be subject to a social vote (Read more). Questions? Contact via Telegram: estmcmxci.


Open Kanban Board

@estmcmxci initiated a discussion using a Kanban board to showcase various initiatives and their current status within the ENS DAO Meta-Governance. The goal is to establish a cadence for scheduling key events and steward changeovers.

Participants are encouraged to leave notes and feedback directly in the FigJam board. For further discussion or questions, you can reach out to estmcmxci via Telegram.

Check out the Kanban board here.


:seedling: Ecosystem

The Ecosystem Working Group strengthens the ENS Protocol by facilitating developer relations, identifying and funding high-potential projects that enhance ENS, and bolstering support for ENS-aligned initiatives overall.

Meeting Minutes:

Meeting Info:

Term 5 Ecosystem Stewards:


ENS Labs Updates

ENS Labs Updates by @gregskril

  1. Graph Migration
    ENS Labs has implemented a subgraph used to track records set to names, sub-names, and other data points. A rate limit has recently been added, so users are encouraged to sign up for a new API key to avoid errors.
  2. EthCC
    ENS Labs is hosting a social event on the first day of EthCC. Attendees can look forward to an upcoming rebrand announcement. For more details and to RSVP, visit
  3. EthGlobal
    Join the upcoming hackathon at EthGlobal by signing up here.
  4. ENSv2 Roadmap
    The ENSv2 roadmap is now available, providing a detailed breakdown of the project phases and ongoing developments. Key resources include the ENSv2 Roadmap and the FAQ site.


Project Presentations

  1. Project Highlights by @hidayath.eth
    hidayath.eth presented, WebHash, a project which tokenizes decentralized websites for ENS and DNS domains. Create subdomains and add records via the UI, with support from Resolver Works. Tokenize websites on IPFS, transfer ownership, and view on OpenSea. Explore more:


Service Provider Updates

  1. Namespace (@cap)
    Namespace is now offering free minting of subnames on Base through The platform allows users to mint from a variety of subnames, add records, and mint fully functional ENS names. The project is currently hosted on GitHub and plans to launch on other Layer 2 solutions. Additionally, Namespace has developed the ENS Namespace Plugin, which is nearing 500 downloads.
  2. Resolver Works (@slobo.eth)
    Resolver Works introduced for personal, gasless subname management. Add, edit, and remove subnames without gas fees using an offchain resolver. Retains text records and supports multiple subnames per ETH address.


:sunny: Public Goods

The Public Goods Working Group supports the greater Ethereum ecosystem by identfying and funding open-source development.

Meeting Minutes:

Meeting Info:

Term 5 Public Goods Stewards:


ENS DAO Q3 2024 Large Grants Launch

The ENS DAO Public Goods Working Group has launched the Q3 2024 Large Grants, offering up to 300k USDC for Ethereum and Web3 public goods projects. Awards range from 12k to 50k USDC. Applications are open until July 18th on Questbook. For more details, visit the discussion post. ā€” 06.17.24


EthMexico Update by Bricia Guzman

Bricia Guzman presented ETHMexico, a key event for Ethereum developers in Yucatan near Cancun, expecting 600-800 attendees. ETHMexico is building rapport with ENS and would like to collaborate, focusing on sponsorships and impact measurement. More info: Event Report, Event Video.


Rotki: Open-Source Portfolio Manager

The ENS DAO Public Goods Working Group awarded Rotki 50k USDC for developing an open-source solution to track and analyze crypto and traditional finance portfolios. The detailed article explores the features of Rotkiā€™s portfolio manager. For more details, visit ENS DAO Grants.


:memo: Resources

ENS DAO offers several resources for understanding and participating in its ecosystem.

  • ENS DAO Basics: Details the ENS DAO, including voting and governance.
  • Support Docs: Provides guidance on registration, renewals, and development aspects.
  • Governance Docs: Offers additional insights into governance structure.
  • ENS Agora: Governance hub for proposal review and voting.
  • Give Feedback: Feedback platform where users share input to improve ENS.
  • ENS Repository: The ENS Protocolā€™s main Github Repository.


Thank you very much for reading! Goodbye. :wave:

1 post - 1 participant

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Community Proposal to Move ENS from Discord to Console

Published: Jul 02, 2024

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Iā€™d like to propose the ENS community ditch Discord and move to

What is Console?
Console is an all-in-one community platform offering ENS & SIWE identity verification. Hereā€™s the Console pitch deck for communities.

What features does Console offer?
:purple_heart: Group chat
:purple_heart: Live video & audio Spaces
:purple_heart: Event pages

What are the benefits?
:sparkles: Convert the ENS DAOsā€™ twitter followers into emails and build a direct relationship owned by the ENS DAO.
:sparkles: 100% natively verify users with ENS (subdomains included)
:sparkles: More securely read onchain data, issue BASE loyalty NFTs, tokengate and more.
:sparkles: Build on Web3

Why move to Console?
If we believe in Web3, we need to support applications that are built on ENS and Web3. Letā€™s be the change we want to see in the world by supporting tools that enhance ENS. In turn, Console can continue to serve the needs of ENS and other communities that rely on ENS.

How is Console supporting ENS and Web3?
See this essay proudly building a trustLess future.

How does Console make ENS better?
In early 2023, Console announced native support for ENS domains. Since then weā€™ve been championing the values and opportunity of ENS. Today Console is the only group chat platform supporting ENS. We are among your biggest supporters.

Next steps: Support this proposal, leave feedback, ask questions.

Two things you can do to support ENS and Console:

  1. Sign the proposal to bring ENS to Console
  2. Leave a comment (or leave your favorite emoji) in the comments below

CC @Limes @estmcmxci

2 posts - 2 participants

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Newsletter ENS DAO Newsletter #63 ā€” 06/18/24

Published: Jun 18, 2024

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ENS DAO Newsletter #63 - 6/18/2024

:sunny: Welcome!

Welcome to the ENS DAO Newsletter:


:newspaper: Newsletter Roundup (tl;dr)

  • ENS Labs Update: ETHcc, Integrations, Marketing Campaigns
  • Community Updates: Superchain Identity, Adidas sets its records, VSS
  • Meta-Governance: Agora updates, Bylaws updates, presentations
  • Ecosystem: ENS Identity Round Conclusion, OSS grants via Drips
  • Public Goods: Small Grants, Large Grants, ETH Mexico


:spiral_calendar: Calendar

Refer to the ENS DAO Calendar for ENS DAO working group calls and other events.


:ballot_box: Term 5 Proposals

The Term 5 Dashboard, managed by the Meta-Governance Working Group, provides updates and summaries of DAO governance and initiatives. Regularly check it for the latest developments.

Proposal Type Discussion Status
Upgrade DNSSEC support Executable Open Executed
Commence Streams for Service Providers Executable Open Executed
Determine ENS Labsā€™ next steps in litigation Social Open Passed
Funding Request: Meta-Governance Working Group (1H) Social Closed Rejected
Funding Request: Public Goods Working Group (1H) Social Open Passed
Funding Transfer: Public Goods Working Group (1H) Executable Open Executed
Enable Self-Funding for the Endowment Executable Open Executed
Security Council Social Open Passed
ENS Steward Vesting Proposal Social Open Passed
Funding Request: Meta-Governance Working Group (1H) Social Open Passed
Confirming the ENS DAO Security Council Social Open Pending
Roles Modifier V2 Migration Executable Open Pending

Note: A minimum of 100 $ENS is required to submit executable proposals. Once a proposal gains momentum, the stewards will prioritize it for a vote during the designated voting window. See our Governance Docs for more information. To view the real-time distribution of voting power among delegates, visit


:memo: Proposals in Queue:

1. [Executable] Roles Modifier V2 Migration and Updates to Endowment Permissions

Karpatkeyā€™s upcoming proposal introduces the activation of Roles Modifier v2, enhancing treasury management operations with features like allowances and improved visualization. The revised permissions policy enables swapping actions on CoW Swap while removing obsolete actions and protocols, ensuring robustness and security within the DAO ecosystem. Read the proposal in full here.

2. [Executable] Reimburse ENS Labs for pursuing Litigation

After the approval to reimburse ENS Labs for the legal fees incurred in protecting possession of, this executable proposal seeks to reimburse ENS Labs and fund the settlement amount of 300k.

3. [Executable] Meta-Governance Funding Request

Following the approval of EP 5.9.1, the Meta-Governance Working Group is requesting specified funds to be transferred to its multisig in order to continue to fund DAO-wide initiatives inclusive of governance, operations, and treasury management.

4. [Social] Confirming the ENS DAO Security Council

Ahead of the vote to deploy the veto contract giving Canceller role to a multisig controlled by the security council, a social proposal will list and confirm these members for DAO approval. Ensuring availability and secure practices of signers is critical. A balanced 4/8 multisig threshold is recommended.


:cyclone: ENS Labs Updates

:chart_with_upwards_trend: ENS Stats: May 2024

In May 2024, the ENS Protocol registered 29k new .eth domains, bringing the total to 2.1 million. The protocol generated revenue of $1.2 million during this period, all of which were allocated to the ENS DAO. The number of Ethereum account holders with at least one ENS name increased by 25.4k, totaling 886k. There were 23.5k primary ENS names set, making the overall count 851k. Additionally, 7.5k new avatar records were created, reaching a cumulative total of 174k. ā€” 1


ENS Labs Announces ENSV2

ENS Labs has announced plans for the ENSV2 upgrade, aiming to enhance decentralization, reduce gas costs, and improve multi-chain interoperability. The new hierarchical registry system will offer better control and customization for users. ENS encourages community feedback to shape this next generation of their service. You can view the full proposal here and leave technical feedback here. For more details, visit the ENS Blog. ā€” 05.28.24


ā€˜Decentralized Webā€™ Documentation Now Live

Luc.eth has announced the launch of a new ā€œDecentralized Webā€ documentation page, which is the beginning of the dWeb section on the ENS Docs site. This draft document provides an introduction to hosting a decentralized website using ENS. Luc.eth is seeking feedback and suggestions from the community to improve the content. To view the draft and provide your input, visit the Decentralized Web documentation. ā€” 05.28.24


ENS Subgraph Migration

The ENS subgraph has successfully migrated to The Graph Network, enabling ENS to seamlessly pull and display onchain data on in a decentralized manner. The ENS subgraph organizes data, including directories of ENS domains, ownership records, resolver addresses, and more. This integration enhances data accessibility and efficiency for ENS users. For more details and to explore the subgraph, visit The Graph Explorer. ā€” 05.31.24


ENS Labs at ETHGlobal Brussels

ENS will be present during ETHGlobal in Brussels! Builders are encouraged to utilize the ENS Protocol as part of their developer stack at the Hackathon, held from July 12 to 14. ENS will offer $10k in prize money. Details will be available soon on the ETHGlobal Brussels site. ā€” 06.04.24


ENS and Gnosis Pay Team Up for Customized Payment Cards

ENS teamed up with Gnosis Pay to offer cards with ENS names, free for a limited time. Gnosis Pay cards enable self-custodial crypto spending without conversion fees. The first 300 users received free cards using code ENSXPAY; subsequent users get a 50% discount until June 30, 2024. EEA residents can sign up with an EVM-compatible wallet. Sign up now. ā€” 06.05.24


Domico.eth Seeks Community Feedback for ENS Manager App

Domico.eth reminded the community to share ideas for the ENS manager app by submitting feature requests. The community is the best source of inspiration for improvements and new features. Submit your feature request. ā€” 06.05.24


ENS Subgraph Update

Developers using the ENS subgraph were informed about a rate limit addition on June 12 due to The Graph Protocolā€™s hosted service sunsetting. No breaking changes occurred. Creating an account provided 100k free requests per month. For a detailed migration walkthrough, visit GregSkrilā€™s walkthrough. ā€” 06.10.24


Domico.eth to Speak at Ethereum Community Conference

Domico.eth from ENS will be speaking at EthCC in Brussels. He will be presenting on the Culture & NFTs track. Join the event from July 8-11, 2024, to catch his insights and discussions. See you in Brussels! ā€” 06.12.24


Integration: WalletConnect

WalletConnect released AppKit/WalletKit, offering seamless onboarding and unified digital identity. This update integrated smart accounts powered by Safe and unique web3 usernames powered by ENS, ensuring a smooth and secure user experience. The toolkits were designed for ownership and easy integration. ā€” 06.12.24


WalletConnect Launches ENS Namespace for Usernames

WalletConnect has rolled out their ENS namespace, providing users with the ability to have usernames. This integration offers seamless onboarding and a unified digital identity, powered by Safe and ENS. ā€” 06.12.24


ENS Supports New CAIP275 - Domain Wallets Standard

ENS Labs expressed their excitement about the new CAIP275 - Domain Wallets standard, allowing users to easily log in with their ENS names. This open standard simplifies and unifies web3 identity. Learn more. ā€” 06.13.24


ENS Labsā€™ General Counsel Engages at NamesCon

ENS Labsā€™ General Counsel, Alexander Urbelis, attended NamesCon to meet with the DNS community and promote ENS. He had productive meetings highlighting ENSā€™s contributions to the domain industry. Urbelis actively represented ENS throughout the event. ā€” 06.14.24


ENS Launches Billboards to Promote Web3 Usernames

Sadaf.eth, Director of Marketing at ENS, announced the launch of ENS billboards promoting Web3 usernames. The campaign has started in Center City, Philadelphia, with more cities to follow. Keep an eye out for an ENS billboard near you! ā€” 06.14.24


:globe_with_meridians: ENS Media Alerts


:busts_in_silhouette: Community Updates

:speaking_head: Call for Community Feedback

Participate in improving the ENS Ecosystem! Provide feedback on Canny, where members of ENS Labs and Working Group stewards will work to address your submissions. The ENS community can submit feedback in three main categories: Feature Requests, Integrations, and Bug Reports. You can also participate by upvoting or commenting on existing submissions. Weā€™re listening to the community, send your feedback on Canny now.


:hammer_and_pick: Request for Builders

Share updates on projects developing ENS for consideration for inclusion in the newsletter. Submit contributions and describe at least one nifty feature about your project for potential inclusion in the newsletter. Send your contributions here.


NameStone Highlights Unique Uses of ENS by Protocols

NameStone, an ENS service provider and subname provider, published a blog post detailing nine unique ways protocols utilize ENS domains beyond naming personal wallets. Examples include social media handles by Farcaster, POS transactions by Gnosis Pay, and tokenized DNS by .box. These uses demonstrate the versatility of ENS in enhancing user experience and decentralized web integration. Learn more. ā€” 06.04.24


Uniswap Hits New Milestone with ā€˜uni.ethā€™ Subnames**

Uniswapā€™s uni.eth usernames have reached a significant milestone with over 600,000 usernames claimed. This achievement underscores the growing adoption and popularity of ENS subnames within the Uniswap community. With many usernames still available, users can continue to claim their unique uni.eth identities. ā€” 06.07.24


ENS Community Brainstorms Use for Bitwise.eth Domain

ENS community members joined a brainstorming session with Hong Kim, CTO of Bitwise, to discuss potential uses for the ENS domain ā€œbitwise.eth.ā€ Khori.eth suggested assigning ENS subnames to Bitwise ETF holders to enhance onchain engagement. However, Hong Kim highlighted the challenge due to the lack of shareholder records and suggested the need for brokerage attestation of ETH addresses owned by BITB holders. Read more here. ā€” 06.11.24


Rotki App Integrates ENS Name Expiration Notifications

Lefteris.eth announced a new feature in the Rotki app: a calendar that processes historical events and includes ENS name expiration notifications out of the box. Users can create their own events and reminders while using Rotki to stay on top of important dates and manage their digital assets effectively. Learn more. ā€” 06.11.24


3DNS: Superchain Identity

3DNS has introduced Superchain Identity, which integrates with both Web2 and Web3 infrastructures. These identities, such as and, comply with ICANN standards and are built on @ensdomains. They offer features like hosting websites, setting up email, and receiving crypto payments. This extension to the Layer 2 ecosystem with Optimism reduces management costs and enhances the versatility of DNS domains in the digital space. ā€” 06.12.24


ENS Vision Launches Vision Subname Service (VSS)

ENS Vision has introduced the Vision Subname Service (VSS), a new platform for launching ENS namespaces. VSS, the powerhouse behind degen.eth subdomains, is built exclusively by Vision on top of ENS, providing users with enhanced functionality and seamless integration for managing subnames. This service aims to expand the use and flexibility of ENS across various applications. ā€” 06.13.24


Namespace Announces Partnership with WebHash

Namespace announced a new partnership with WebHash to streamline the minting of ENS names and subnames. This collaboration allows users to become ENS Registration Service Providers and mint ENS names directly from their websites created in WebHash. Web3 thrives on open-source work and meaningful collaborations, making this partnership a significant step forward. ā€” 06.14.24


Web3 and Data Ownership: An Op-Ed by Khori.eth

In his op-ed, Khori.eth discusses the potential for Web3 to enable users to own their online data, contrasting it with Web2ā€™s data exploitation by Big Tech. He highlights the importance of simplifying onboarding to encourage Web3 adoption and the need to communicate the tangible benefits of data ownership. Using examples like Worldcoin, Khori.eth emphasizes the value of making Web3 interactions intuitive and valuable for users. Read more about his insights here. ā€” 06.14.24


Adidas Updates ENS Records for Onchain Summer

Adidas has updated their ENS records, adding an avatar and setting adidas.eth as their primary name. These updates are in preparation for ā€˜onchain summer,ā€™ reflecting their commitment to enhancing their Web3 presence. The updated records include a snapshot, an avatar link, and primary name settings. Check it out on the ENS manager app. ā€” 06.14.24


Checkpoint Labs Acquires New .box Domain

Checkpoint Labs announced their new domain:, powered by Boxdomains and enabled via ENS. Checkpoint provides a comprehensive event monitoring platform, offering real-time insights and analytics for blockchain events. They focus on delivering accurate and actionable data, aiding developers and projects in maintaining security and performance. H/t to 3DNS for the support. Learn more at ā€” 06.15.24


BrianKnowsAI Integrates ENS for Easy Domain Management

Frankc.eth announced the integration of @ensdomains with BrianKnowsAI. Users can register, renew, and check ENS domains using prompts like ā€œregister vitaliik.eth for 1 year.ā€ The Brian API/transaction endpoint is easy to integrate into any app. This feature is now live on Brian API. Learn more. ā€” 06.15.24


MĆŗsicaw3 Community Offers Free Subnames to its Emerging Onchain Music Community

Meta-Governance steward estmcmxci.eth partnered with the MĆŗsicaw3 community to offer free subnames musicaw3.eth on Base via the Namespace platform. They hosted an event in Buenos Aires on June 15 to present this feature and educate the community about blockchain technology, specifically ENS and Base. The event was sponsored by Base. For more details, visit the event page here. ā€” 06.15.24

ā€” Announces New #DEGEN Tutorial has announced exciting #DEGEN news, sharing a tutorial on setting up the degen.eth subdomain avatar. The tutorial guides users to personalize their degen name with ease. Emphasizing community engagement, the post highlights, ā€œWeā€™re getting more degen every day!ā€ For more details, watch the tutorial now: Watch now. ā€” 06.17.24


Jefflau.ethā€™s First Blockchain Podcast Interview

Jefflau.eth recently gave his first blockchain podcast interview, conducted in Mandarin. During the interview, he discussed the beginnings of ENS, introduced various use cases, and shared updates on ENSv2. Despite his initial concerns about speaking in Mandarin, Jefflau.eth felt the interview went well.

For more insights, watch the full interview here: Watch now. ā€” 06.17.24


:pushpin: Working Group Bulletin

Term 5 Lead Working Group Stewards + Secretary Appointment


The responsibilities of the Lead Stewards & Secretary are set out in Rule 9.8 and Rule 9.9 of the Working Group Rules.


ENS DAO Working Group Schedule (2024):

Working Group Time Schedule Location
:balance_scale: Meta-Governance 1pm UTC Tuesday Google Meet
:seedling: Ecosystem 4pm UTC Thursday Google Meet
:high_brightness: Public Goods 5pm UTC Thursday Google Meet


:balance_scale: Meta-Governance

The Meta-Governance Working Group provides governance oversight and support for working group operations through DAO tooling and governance initiatives.

Meeting Minutes:

Meeting Info:

Term 5 Meta-Governance Stewards:


May 2024 Financial Report

The May 2024 financial report for ENS presents a positive financial outlook.

Financial Overview:

  • Revenue > Cash Burn by 2x, Runway: 190 months
  • Revenue $2.5M, vs. $2.7M last month
  • Cash Inflow: $1.2m
  • Normalized Cash Burn: $0.8M, Reserves: $144M (ETH: $130M, USDC: $14M)
  • Total Endowment: $98.2M, P&L: $13.1M (ETH mark-to-market)

Review the full report prepared by @Steakhouse here. ā€” 06.02.24


May 2024 Endowment Report

The May Endowment report is now available on Karpatkeyā€™s Website. This report provides a detailed overview of the endowmentā€™s finances and allocations. A high-level overview is made available below for readerā€™s convenience:

Balance Overview:

  • Total funds in the endowment: $107,334,416
  • Capital utilization: 100%
  • Monthly DeFi results: $371,685

Review the full report prepared by @Karpatkey here.


Meta-Governance Project Presentations

Davey Truong from x23ai

Davey Truong presented x23ai, indexing DAO data using LLMs, and visualizing Snapshot data. The app recommends content, indexes PRs, ranks communities, and plans future user insights. Feedback is requested. x23ai Telegram: @daveytea

Zeugh from Blockful

Zeugh from Blockful explored AI in DAO governance, focusing on human-AI coexistence and transparent environments. The current app allows users to delegate votes to ā€œBiased AI,ā€ which votes accordingly. dApp link Telegram: @zeugh


Agora Updates

Kent Fenwick presented two proposals for feedback before a temp check. The first aimed to simplify proposal sponsorship (Watch video and test). The second proposed lower thresholds for proposal creation via bonds (Read more). Efforts with Coinbase to free up hardware-stored ENS for voting continue.


DAO Bylaws Process Update

The Meta-Governance Working Group decided to adjourn the Bylaws process and reorient its approach. Alex Urbelis, ENS Labsā€™ general counsel, will help create a cohesive framework focusing on defined aspects of DAO governance. This initial framework will serve as the first iteration of the DAO Bylaws and will be subject to a social vote (Read more). Questions? Contact via Telegram: @estmcmxci.


:seedling: Ecosystem

The Ecosystem Working Group strengthens the ENS Protocol by facilitating developer relations, identifying and funding high-potential projects that enhance ENS, and bolstering support for ENS-aligned initiatives overall.

Meeting Minutes:

Meeting Info:

Term 5 Ecosystem Stewards:


ENS Labs Updates

Blog Updates

ENS Labs has published a new post on supporting critical software dependencies with Drips. You can read more about it here.

OP Mainnet

The implementation of fault proofs on OP Mainnet requires changes to the EVM gateway. For more details, check out the pull request.

ENS v2

Next week, ENS Labs will publish steps on how to implement ENS v2.

ETH Global SH Hackathon

The ETH Global SH Hackathon is wrapping up, with winners expected to present on future calls.


ENS Labs is sponsoring hackathons at Eth Rome and EthGlobal Brussels. Applications are open for both events. Eth Rome EthGlobal Brussels.


The Coinbase Smart Wallet has been added to the ENS manager app. WalletConnectā€™s AppKit/WalletKit is now live, and they are giving out subdomains. Bitwise is exploring use cases for bitwise.eth.

Tech Updates

OP Mainnet now has fault proofs, which caused a breaking change to the EVM gateway. The graph migration has been completed smoothly. Learn more.


Service Provider Updates

EFP (Ethereum Follow Protocol)

EFP, presented by Brantly Millegan, hired a new developer and designer. The project is testnet ready with smart contracts on OP Sepolia. A demoed UI shows user following capabilities and tag additions. EFP is building a social graph with 50 launch partners, all on-chain. They aim to launch in production by the end of the month and add new features.


Griff presented Unicornā€™s update on going mobile-only with a new landing page. Their mission is to simplify the launch of branded Web3 wallets, providing safe and valuable wallets to communities. They aim to abstract network complexities and integrate .com domains through GoDaddy. They are working with two first clients, Giveth and EthDenver.


Blockful, presented by Alextnetto.eth, is improving ENS offchain features, focusing on database offchain resolvers. They are enhancing offchain resolvers on Layer 2 by optimizing write operations and have demonstrated updating resolvers on Sepolia. Next steps include showing ownership of subdomains, enabling subdomain transfers, and improving user experience with a standard interface. Updates will be published on the forum for feedback.


Raffy.eth Proposal

Raffy led a technical discussion on expanding the scope of content hashes and adding two new codec options. This discussion aimed at enhancing the DataURI format in content hashes. More details can be found in the draft proposal. More info here.


ENS Indexer Proposal

The ENS Indexer proposal involves funding and integrating an indexer for the ENS registry to enhance search experience. The integration includes an open, public API for custom data requests and applications on a high-performance database. They request $50,000/month on a cancellable streaming basis by the DAO. Bandit highlighted a custom natural language model for recommending ENS domains, available for testing here. The code will be open-sourced.


ENS Identity Round on Gitcoin

The GG20 ENS Identity Round concluded with $125k USDC distributed via Gitcoinā€™s COCM. The top five projects receiving funds were OnThis, FluidKey,, Brianknowsai, and Webhash. Over 9,652 contributions were made by 7,576 unique contributors, with a total of $15,680 crowdfunded. This initiative marked ENSā€™s largest matching amount to date, supported by Gitcoin, ThankARB, and SpruceID.

For more details, visit the ENS Identity Round Conclusion.


ENS Ecosystem Provides Grants to OSS via Drips

The ENS Ecosystem Working Group announced support of $50,000 USDC for critical open-source software dependencies through Drips. Over the next six months, this funding will be streamed to seven essential projects, including Wagmi, ethers.js, graphql-request, openzeppelin-contracts, noble-hashes, scure-base, and dns-packet. This initiative aims to reward and sustain the open-source projects crucial to ENS infrastructure, highlighting a new norm in continuous, transparent funding for public goods. Read more on the ENS Blog.


:sunny: Public Goods

The Public Goods Working Group supports the greater Ethereum ecosystem by identfying and funding open-source development.

Meeting Minutes:

Meeting Info:

Term 5 Public Goods Stewards:


ENS Small Grants Voting Period

The ENS Small Grants voting period commenced, inviting community members to submit proposals for funding. The top-voted projects will share a pool of 7.5 ETH. Voting is set to conclude on June 20.


EthMexico Presentation

Carlos Gonzalez presented plans for ETHMexico 2024, focusing on developers and students. The event will feature two days of workshops, talks, and networking, with 600-800 attendees and over 1000 applications. It will take place on September 13-14 in Merida, Yucatan, with 3k people streaming online. The team plans to host meetups across Mexico before the event. Stewards had mentioned that they need to understand the impact and results of sponsorship before considering it.


ETHGlobal Partnership Updates

Kartik Talwar from EthGlobal announced the final steps before launching a new partnership with the Public Goods Working Group. This collaboration enables hackers to register ENS names seamlessly. They developed ā€œHacker Packsā€ for various cities, which are minted only if the code written at ETHGlobal is successful. These packs integrate ENS registration, allowing hackers to redeem 1 ENS per year directly within the packā€™s UI. This initiative aims to simplify the registration process and enhance the hacker experience at ETHGlobal events. Learn more here.


ENS DAO Q3 2024 Large Grants Launch

The ENS DAO Public Goods Working Group has launched the Q3 2024 Large Grants, offering up to 300k USDC for Ethereum and Web3 public goods projects. Awards range from 12k to 50k USDC. Former large grant recipients who met their milestones are eligible to apply for another grant. Applications are open until July 18th on Questbook. For more details, visit the discussion post.

ā€” 06.17.24


:memo: Resources

ENS DAO offers several resources for understanding and participating in its ecosystem.

  • ENS DAO Basics: Details the ENS DAO, including voting and governance.
  • Support Docs: Provides guidance on registration, renewals, and development aspects.
  • Governance Docs: Offers additional insights into governance structure.
  • ENS Agora: Governance hub for proposal review and voting.
  • Give Feedback: Feedback platform where users share input to improve ENS.
  • ENS Repository: The ENS Protocolā€™s main Github Repository.


Thank you very much for reading! Goodbye. :wave:t2:

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šŸ’¬ General Discussion Introducing Blocktrend: Leading Chinese Web3 Media to ENS

Published: Jun 18, 2024

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About Blocktrend (區唊勢)

Blocktrend is the most trusted and consistently productive independent media outlet in the Chinese-speaking world, specializing in Web3 content. With seven years of operation, we have produced 600 original articles and 250 in-depth podcast interviews. Our platform includes the most listened-to Web3 podcast in Chinese and a newsletter with 16,000 subscribers. Our readers often share that Blocktrend has been a guiding presence, helping them grow, enter the crypto space, and find jobs. We are not about teaching people to get rich quickly but about providing a stable, school-like presence in the Chinese-speaking world.

Recent ENS Content Highlights

  1. YouTube Tutorial on Domain-Wallet Binding: We recently produced a YouTube tutorial guiding users on how to link their domain names to wallet addresses via GoDaddy. This type of demonstrative content helps our readers understand and practically engage with domain and wallet management. Watch here

  2. Podcast Episode with TWNIC Chairman: One of our recent podcast episodes features the Chairman of TWNIC, the DNS governing body in Taiwan. In this episode, he explains the workings of DNS and shares his insights on ENS, offering our audience a deep understanding of these systems. Listen here.

  3. Podcast Episode with ENS Founding Engineer Jeff Lau: We also invited Jeff Lau, the founding engineer of ENS, to discuss the history, use cases, and the latest developments of ENS v2. This is the first time the ENS team has produced a podcast in Chinese, and we plan to frequently invite Jeff to share updates with our Chinese readers. Watch here.

  4. Early Introduction to ENS: As early as 2019, Blocktrend published articles introducing ENS and encouraging our readers to register their domain names. This was the first comprehensive ENS introduction in the Chinese-speaking community. Read here.

  5. Devcon6 Insights from imToken Chief Scientist: During Devcon6, we invited imToken Chief Scientist Chen Changwu to share his observations on the integration of ENS with credentials from Huobi. This podcast episode received a lot of positive feedback from our audience. Listen here.

Our Commitment and Engagement with ENS

Blocktrend has been quietly but diligently producing high-quality content for the Web3 community. We are currently participating in the ENS Small Grants voting and will continue to engage in future selections. We hope that Chinese readers and global Web3 builders who support localized content will support us with ENS voting.

Support us here:

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šŸ›ļø Public Goods [Active] Q3 2024 Large Grants

Published: Jun 17, 2024

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Two successful Public Goods Large Grants rounds having been completed in the past year with 600k USDC distributed to Public Goods initiatives.

In Q3 2024 the Public Goods Working Group is launching itā€™s third Large Grants round. Continuing the award amount from last term, this program provides a prize pools of 300k USDC to eligible projects.

Q4 2023 Round Details

This Large Grants opportunity from the Public Goods Working Group awards up to 50k USDC to eligible Ethereum or Web3 Public Goods. Submissions will self-determine an award amount ranging from 12k to 50k USDC. This range allows projects to right-size the grant request for their needs, allows us to select more recipients and provides some intention with the award amounts derived.

This purpose of this grant is to provide a pathway for foundational public goods in the Ethereum or Web3 ecosystems to request more significant funding from the Public Goods working group.

The way we view foundational Public Goods in the context of this grant is that eligible submissions must have exceptional usefulness or an established record of making an impact for users or developers.

There is a total of 300k USDC funding available this term as defined in the working group budget.

Applicants will request a minimum of 12k and up to 50k USDC in the submission form hosted on Questbook.

Partnership with Questbook

For this round we have selected Questbook to host our grants process. This platform will consolidate the submission, review and payout process. The aim of this consolidation is to make the grants process less manual for working group stewards, more transparent to our community and easier for applicants to manage.

Questbook will introduce their platform on a Public Goods Working Group call, and synchronous workshop will be hosted by the working group stewards to assist with the process.

Key Dates

Submission Phase (~1 Month)

  • June 17th, 2024 - Submission phase beings.
  • June 14thā€“July 18th, 2024 - Submissions reviewed on rolling basis.
  • July 18th, 2024 - Applicant Submission deadline. :alarm_clock:
  • July 24th, 2024 - Submissions phase ends. All project selected.

Active Grants Phase (~4 Months)

  • July 18th, 2024 - Accepted projects begin completing milestones.
  • December 5th, 2024. - All milestones must be completed for review. :alarm_clock:
  • December 12th, 2024. - All payments completed by stewards.

Note: All deadlines close at midnight EST.


To be eligible for this grant, a submission must be a Web3 or Ethereum public good, have been active for at least a year and may not have raised more than 500k in other funding. As in our other Public Goods grants, ENS-centric projects are not eligible.

To be eligible for this grant, a submission must meet the following criteria:

  1. Is a Web3 or Ethereum Public Good.
  2. The submission should fall in one of three classifications.
    1. Infrastructure - Core technical implementations used by developers or enable Web3 or the Ethereum network.
    2. Tools - Utilities that improve the way we interact with Web3 and Ethereum.
    3. Education - Information, workshops, or resources that foster a better understanding of Ethereum or Web3.
  3. Is able to communicate value, reach or impact with supporting information to back it up.

:x: Disqualifying Factors

  1. Is ENS-centric and should be directed the ENS Ecosystem Working Group.
  2. Has raised more than 500k USD in funding.
  3. Has launched a token or advertises launching a token.
  4. Impact has no connection to improving Ethereum or Web3.

Submission & Evaluation Process

Submissions Process

Submissions will be accepted on Questbook.

Evaluation Process

For the Q3 2024 Large Grant submission period, the working group stewards will review all qualifying submissions on a rolling basis with winning grants announced the last week of each month. For those qualified, they will be evaluated based on the following two parameters:

  1. Project Usefulness - The usefulness demonstrated. Submission may be essential to the Ethereum ecosystem.
  2. Project Impact - Value, reach or impact with supporting information to back it up

The working group stewards will utilize the Questbook voting or rubric functions to evaluate and select projects.

Evaluation Rubric

Stewards will use a simple rubric for evaluating submissions:

Communication with Applicants

Questbook will be used to manage all communications. Applicants are responsible for responding to communications on Questbook in a timely manner and before all deadlines.

Summary of Round Changes

Change 1

Change: All submissions and grants management will occur on Questbook.
Goal: To make the Large Grants process less manual for working group stewards, more transparent to our community and easier for applicants to manage.

Change 2

Change: Milestones will be identified at the time of submission.
Goal: This will make the expectations transparent from the time of submitting the application.

:tada: How to Apply?

3 posts - 2 participants

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šŸ’¬ General Discussion ENS Grant - Evm Smart Contract Explorer

Published: Jun 15, 2024

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EVM Explorer

EVM explorer, a custom open-source web interface to collect data with the help of BlockScout API and viem library to explore transaction patterns and user behavior.

EVM Smart Contract Explorer is a tool to simplify the exploration and analysis of Ethereum contracts across multiple EVM chains. With an intuitive interface, users can access comprehensive data and statistics about smart contracts, token balances, transactions, and more.

Evm Explorer is now participating in ENS Small Grants, please vote for us, information about our project is below, share your ideas about in the comments.

ENS Domain Transactions:

Explore ENS Transactions:

Users can explore Ethereum Name Service (ENS) transactions on our website. This feature allows users to delve into the specifics of ENS-related activities, providing detailed insights into transactions involving ENS domains.

Link to ENS Page - EVM Smart Contract Explorer

Key features:

  • Address Search:

Search for Ethereum contracts by their address on 8 EVM chains: Ethereum Mainnet, Optimism, Base, Mode Network, Zora, Redstone, Polygon, and Arbitrum.

  • Address Page Balance Data:

Displays the token logo, native token balance in USD, token name, contract implementation name, ENS associated name, or address hash.

  • Token Data:

Provides the value of 1 token in USD, number of holders, 24-hour volume in USD, 24-hour volume as a percentage of market cap, and market cap in USD.

  • Address Page Smart Contract Statistics:

Aggregates data for total gas usage, token transfers count, transactions count, and average gas per transaction.

  • Address Page Transactions:

View the 50 latest transactions associated with an address, including receiver, sender, contract method called, ETH or MATIC value, fees, and gas used.

  • Fees:

Displays gas fee cost in USD.

  • Transaction Method and Type:

Color-coded to reflect the mix of coin transfers, token transfers, and contract calls.

  • Blocks Page:

Information on block miner and date, aggregate data for total gas usage, transactions count, and average gas per transaction. Displays all transactions in the block, including receiver, sender, gas used, and value in USD.

  • Token Transfers:

Detailed information about token transfers.

  • Transaction Page:

Block number, transaction type, receiver, contract method call details, sender, gas used in USD, and token transfer details.


We need a grant to enhance the EVM Smart Contract Explorer by improving the user experience, expanding capabilities, and providing detailed insights into Ethereum Name Service (ENS) transactions. Specifically, this grant will enable us to:

  1. Integrate advanced features for exploring transactions.
  2. Support EVM chains such as Ethereum Mainnet, Optimism, Base, Mode Network, Zora, Redstone, Polygon, and Arbitrum.
  3. Improve data accessibility and display for balance data, token statistics, and smart contract details.
  4. Optimize interface.

This grant will help us create a more powerful and user-friendly tool for the Ethereum community, providing comprehensive and detailed data on Ethereum contracts. We are also applying for a grant to provide more robust features for exploring ENS domain transactions.


Evm Explorer is an OSS tool and its code is available on GitHub

Twitter (EVM Explorer is a part of the Dspyt- into CodeVerse, so we have one main Twitter account)

Link to ENS Page - EVM Smart Contract Explorer

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šŸŒ± ENS Ecosystem GG20: ENS Identity Round Conclusion!

Published: Jun 12, 2024

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  • The GG20 ENS Identity Round has come to a close and the matching payment has been made!
  • We utilized Gitcoinā€™s Connection-oriented cluster-matching (COCM) to distribute $125k USDC to the participating projects of the ENS Identity Round. The matching results are here
  • The top 5 projects receiving funding from the round are Onthis,, Fluidkey, Brianknowsai, and Webhash
  • Big thank you to Gitcoin, ThankARB, and everyone who donated for making this community builder support possible

ENS x Gitcoin

This was ENSā€™s fifth time supporting builders via Gitcoin, and the largest amount of matching to date! Over the years of using Gitcoin, weā€™ve seen it grow off of mainnet and on to L2s and into a set of permissionless contracts instead of a centralized solution.

Key Metrics:

$125,000 Matching Pool
$15,680 Crowdfunded
9,652 Contributions
7,576 Unique Contributors
38 Participating Projects

For project specific metrics, you can search on

:bulb: Project Spotlight

The top 5 projects from the round as designated by COCM:

  1. OnThis is a no-code tool for building onchain
  2. With FluidKey you can receive and manage funds onchain without publicly linking them to you
  3. is a privacy-preserving ENS gateway, enabling users to access Ethereum-native dApps and content
  4. Brianknowsai allows you to perform transactions (like registering ENS names), research web3 info and data, and deploy smart contracts with a simple prompt
  5. Webhash enables easy creation of decentralized websites using .eth domains

The Matching Calculator

The Gitcoin Passport Model Based Detection System analysis page can be seen here. You can read more about COCM and how it works here.

Thank you!


Thank you to Gitcoin for providing a platform for running an initiative like this. It is truly a unique and novel experience and we beleive pushes the space forward in a great way. The Gitcoin team was incredibly helpful in marketing, support, and troubleshooting.

Additionally, thank you to the GG20 Community Council for selecting the ENS identity round as a community round to receive an additional 25k USDC in matching!


Thank you to SpruceID for providing 70k USDC in funding for this round. With the fudning provided from the Community Server program, we were able to initiate talks for the additional funding from Gitcoin and ThankARB, so it was really SpruceID who spawned the round!


Thank you to ThankARB for their additional support in the round. They provided an additional 25k USDC in funding. ThankARB looks to bring the best builders to Arbitrum by providing funding to the most impactful projects and itā€™s great to have them contribute to ENS.


Thank you to everyone who donated! Gitcoin highlights the desires of the people and by donating you are signaling support for the projects you know and love, quadratic funding isnā€™t possible without you!

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Temp Check [Temp Check] An open indexer for the ENS registry

Published: Jun 11, 2024

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Illuminating the ENS Registry


This proposal will involve funding and integrating an indexer for the ENS registry. The integration will provide a substantially more intuitive and efficient search experience for users. Alongside with the integration into the ENS app frontend, we will also provide an open, public API - allowing anyone in the community to query custom data requests about ENS registry state in milliseconds, or build applications on top of our high performance database.

Before going into technical details, we strongly encourage giving our demo a try! Weā€™ve created a demo for our proposed integration of our backend with the current ENS registry frontend, the implementation of which serves to illustrate how the search UX could be substantially improved by our indexer, without hindering the feel and identity of the app.

Try out the demo here:

The initial features we will implement:

  • Filtering by availability type
  • Multiple suggested results per search
  • Relevant data tags for all results (status, past registry price, date)
  • Filtering by domain content (letters, numbers)
  • Natural language powered suggestions

We propose to implement these features into the ENS app without requiring any (or very minimal) work from ENS engineering talent, as well as maintaining and running the indexer going forward to support the open API. Weā€™ve already laid the groundwork for this implementation as can be seen from the demo, and our infrastructure is ready to handle traffic at scale.

To achieve this implementation, we are asking for $50,000/month on a monthly streaming basis. We are confident in the utility of what weā€™ve built, which is why we propose the stream being cancellable at any moment by the DAO should its value not be realized. A full cost breakdown is provided below, the majority of which is hosting services, but also includes development, maintenance, bug fixing, and ongoing efficiency improvements.

Based on statistics gathered in December 2023, ENS earns $1.36 million in monthly protocol revenue. Thus, the proposed integration would only need to yield a 3.6% increase in registration volume to pay for itself. Any additional increase would make this integration a net-positive for the protocol.


Why does ENS need an indexer? Because it is run by a distributed computer instead of a centralized server, thus it is much harder to know what the current state of it is, as well as its history. Our indexer collects data from every new Ethereum block and feeds it into our special purpose database. We have backfilled data to go as far back as the initial ENS (legacy) contracts went live.

In general, we and many others believe that having an indexer for ENS as a public good and an open API would be of great benefit to the protocol. There is a lot that canā€™t be queried by logs and this is where indexing comes in handy. For example turning namehashes into a name, or querying and aggregating lots of data about activity at once. The extensibility of what we built is quite large, and we have realized that by gatekeeping it as a paid service on a third party front-end, we have been significantly limiting its potential and reach.

Since then, weā€™ve extended the search capabilities on top of our indexer (the DB that queries the state) to become as intelligent as possible. Most recently, this included building a custom Natural Language model which could recommend ā€œsimilarā€ domains to what a user was searching, as well as build a semantic preference profile. We also trained it on all the past ENS data to be able to build a hierarchy of relevance with suggested results. Domains that were previously registered or registered off premium are deemed more ā€œnotableā€, since they have past transaction history.

All of this we built in the hopes of making the ENS registry discoverable. Our goal: help newcomers find a single domain they love, a handle that excites them to dive into web3 as a user, or a domain that allows them to direct their website via Ethereum.

The grant would allow us to continue maintaining and improving our Indexer as a public good, but ultimately, we would just love to see what weā€™ve built be integrated with the frontend in some shape or form to be made available to more users! We are wholeheartedly confident in the UX improvement our indexer can bring, and would be happy to let that speak for itself.

Thus, we are willing to structure our grant as a stream and be cancellable by the DAO at any moment if there is no noticeable improvement in app usage, or if the economics of the services and their cost no longer make sense for the protocol.


Unfortunately, just keeping the indexer running smoothly alone is quite a cost-intensive operation, due to the sheer amount of data and the desire to serve it rapidly to users all over the globe.

The following is a breakdown of our costs for this proposal. To run our backend, we use a variety of services to aggregate, format, sort and serve data back to users. Our largest cost comes from AWS, where we host most of the data. In the image below you can see a detailed breakdown of a single AWS region deployment and its associated costs:

With this proposal we plan to spin up instances in multiple regions: US East, EU Zurich, and AUS Melbourne. Doing this will greatly reduce latency and response times for requests, improving the user experience for those outside of the US. Some services will need to grow as usage and chain size increases, while others will remain static. Across all three regions, our annual server costs will run up to approximately $220,000.

Additionally, there are other costs associated with this proposal that we have to cover. As a part of this proposal, we will assign multiple developers from the Kodex team to work on implementation of the features from the demo, maintenance, and bug fixing. These members from our team will need to provide consistent oversight and checking to ensure that the technology is functioning flawlessly around the clock. They will also be available to help community members interact with or build on top of the API. Since these developers come from the Kodex team and are not being hired solely for the purpose of this proposal, the following figures are not the full annual salaries of our developers, but rather reflect their time and work commitment solely towards the proposal.

Our engineers are already deeply familiar and well seasoned with the ENS stack, from the front-end of the app to the intricate architecture of all the contracts and the protocol.

The annual development costs associated with this proposal:

  • Back end and Database developers(x2): $140,000/yr
    • Responsible for: designing, implementing, and improving our database structure, creating APIs, aggregating data from a variety of sources, improving the speed of queries, creating sorting and filtering logic
  • Front end and UI developer: $60,000/yr
    • Responsible for: creating UI elements that are required for the upgrade, serving results generated from our search engine, ensuring the app feels responsive, implementing the various sorting functionalities created by the back end team
  • Systems administrator: $50,000/yr
    • Responsible for: managing security of our database, ensuring our tech stack is up to date and running smoothly, improving cost efficiency of servers and services we use
  • Project manager: $40,000/yr
    • Responsible for: managing day to day tasks of developers, keeping the project on track, ensuring the vision of the proposal is brought to life, handling payments to developers and 3rd party service providers


Built into the proposal cost is a service charge of $90,000 for designing, implementing, and maintaining this upgrade.

Cost summary:

  • Server deployment across 3 regions: $220,000

  • Development costs: $290,000

  • Design and maintenance of service: $90,000

Total cost of this proposal: $600,000/year ($50,000/month)

If approved, Kodex Labs agrees to a 3rd party code audit at the discretion of the ENS DAO. Kodex Labs is committed to data privacy and agrees to never store, publish, or sell user data to any third party, ever.

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šŸŖ³ Bug Reports Metamask Smart Transactions

Published: Jun 11, 2024

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hey there,

I cannot post in the development board so I thought I will do it here.

I by accident enabled ā€œSmart Transactionsā€ feature in my Metamask Wallet.

and then noticed that ENS registrations became more unreliable especially on mobile. I think the problem is that the UI doensā€™t receive the commit TX hash which means that you may get stuck as ENS regs need 3 Steps

  1. commit
  2. wait
  3. register

we noticed that as well on our UI on vision.

So I went and tried to replicate on the official

I tried to refresh during the commit phase and got stuck in the as well. It then wanted me to commit again (after I did commit/refresh/wait 60 seconds) which lead me to commit a commitHash that was already commit aka it failed.

I couldnā€™t finish but paid basically twice (for commit) without getting the name I wanted.

Just wanted to bring this up - for now we just show a warning for pple that they should not use this feature as it may lead to potentially paying for commits that never result in a successful registration.

any thoughts / etc ?

thank you!

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šŸ—³ļø Meta-Governance Seeking Feedback: ENS Governor Upgrade to make proposing more accessible

Published: Jun 11, 2024

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GM ENS Governance,

Kent Fenwick here from Agora with a discussion topic around an upgrade that we are proposing we launch to the ENS Governor that will enable the feature of Proposal Bonds.

Link to Pull Request

Why Proposal Bonds?

Proposal bonds allow anyone to bypass the proposal creation threshold of ENS which is relatively large, 100K ENS. Instead of needing to have that much voting power, a proposer can acquire less, say 500 ENS, or 1,000 ENS (configurable) and propose based on this lower threshold.

To prevent SPAM and encourage good proposals, we added a feature that was suggested on the MetaGov call a few weeks ago whereby you can vote:

  • For
  • Against
  • Against No Return
  • Abstain

If the weight of Against No Return > Against, then the proposer does not get their bond back and the proposal does not pass.

 enum VoteType {

    struct ProposalVote {
        uint256 againstVotes;
        uint256 forVotes;
        uint256 abstainVotes;
        uint256 againstVotesWithoutBond;
        mapping(address => bool) hasVoted;

Other ways we could solve this problem

The goal of this PR is to start a conversation around how best to lower the threshold for proposing while still keeping the quality of the proposals high.

There were a few other ideas that were floating around include:

  1. Allowing multiple users to come together and ā€œsponsorā€ a proposal by amassing enough ENS to meet the 100K threshold.

  2. A modified version of the sponsorship model pioneered by Nouns where Proposal Candidate ideas are posted onchain and exposed in a separate part of the client for users to browse and ā€œbackā€ with their sponsorship.

Example at Nouns Agora below

  1. Finally to something as simple as simply lowering the threshold of proposing.

We would love this to serve as jumping off point and Agora is happy to build out more potential upgrades that could show ENS how these kinds of collaborative and more proposer friendly models could work for the community.

Feedback we are looking for

Should we make it easier for people to propose to ENS?

If yes, whatā€™s the best way?

At Agora, we love the Proposal Bond idea, but also have experience with the Proposal Sponsorship pattern that Nouns is using.

We would love this thread to serve as a discussion point and Agora is committed to building out whatever the community decides by eventually bringing this to a temp check / proposal.

Thank you for reading and looking forward to reading the comments and discussions below.

15 posts - 7 participants

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šŸ—³ļø Meta-Governance Seeking Feedback: Agora's Proposal Lifecycle & Proposal Sponsorship Flow

Published: Jun 11, 2024

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GM ENS Governance!

Kent Fenwick here, I am the CTO of Agora and we are super happy to release our new proposal sponsorship and proposal lifecycle management flow to the ENS community for feedback.

Why did we build this?

We got this idea from talking with the ENS Meta-Gov team and worked with the amazing team at Karpatkey to develop a flow that we think will enable folks to build and make proposals seeking sponsorship easier.

The typical workflow between someone wanting to propose is a series of back and forths in a Telegram or email. Now, the proposer does all of the work. Prepares the description, prepares the calldata etc. simulate the proposal and test transactions, and finally, when ready, send it to a Sponsor to propose.

This allows the Sponsor to review the proposal in a nice interface, and puts the work on the proposer.

Watch a demo

Watch the Loom Video below from Agoraā€™s very own Micheal Gingras who gives you a walkthrough of the key workflows.

How you can test it out

  1. Visit the preview URL:

  2. Setup a wallet on Sepolia to set as your test sponsor and then visit this page, for instructions on minting some Sepolia ENS.

  3. Go back to: and connect any Sepolia wallet that doesnā€™t have enough ENS to propose and click the Create Proposal button and go through the flow there.

  4. If you have any problems or feedback, please let us know here: Agora ENS Proposal Creation Feedback Typeform

Roadmap for this feature

There are few known issues and things we are looking to make better in the coming weeks.

  1. Creating an ENS list of approved sponsors vs. having to find the sponsor (need to consider SPAM problems here) but we will work out something.

  2. Speeding up the indexing. This is running on Agoraā€™s Testnet and will be much faster in production when it comes to seeing your proposal indexed.

  3. Some minor UI issues and niceties.

Thank you

We appreciate all any feedback and are excited to continue making the ENS experience on Agora top notch. Look for more exciting announcements from Agora on this front soon!

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Community [Feedback Request] - Governance Data Hub

Published: Jun 10, 2024

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Gm frens :wave:

Weā€™re excited to share with you that Dhive is now live!

Our goal is to answer governance related questions and present data in an easily digestible way, which is why itā€™s packed with so many data visualizations. I will share some examples:

Please take a moment to explore the platform at Dhive.Io or watch our demo video and share your thoughts about it in this thread. Let us know what you like, what needs a tweak, and what youā€™d like to see next!

Down the road, weā€™re planning to index DAOs across the Ethereum network and ENS DAO is on top of the list. This is one of the many reasons weā€™re part of the community, attending meetings and taking notes - we want Dhive to be the best governance tool for the communities it serves.

Thank you! :v:

P.S. Our team applied for Small Grants - Public Goods Round 13. If you like what weā€™re building, please consider voting for us.

5 posts - 3 participants

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DAO-Wide ENS DAO Newsletter #62 ā€” 06/04/24

Published: Jun 04, 2024

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ENS DAO Newsletter #62 - 6/04/2024

:sunny: Welcome!

Welcome to the ENS DAO Newsletter:


:newspaper: Newsletter Roundup (tl;dr)

  • ENS Labs Update: ENSV2, ENS Stats, Subgraph Migration
  • Community Updates:, EVM Swiss Knife, Dhive
  • Meta-Governance: Financial Report, Governland App, Open Discussions
  • Ecosystem: ENSV2 Q&A w/ Nick.eth, Project Presentations, Service Provider Updates
  • Public Goods: Meta Gov Project Highlight, ETHGlobal Presentation, Pairwise Presentation


:spiral_calendar: Calendar

Refer to the ENS DAO Calendar for ENS DAO working group calls and other events.


:ballot_box: Term 5 Proposals

The Term 5 Dashboard, managed by the Meta-Governance Working Group, provides updates and summaries of DAO governance and initiatives. Regularly check it for the latest developments.

Proposal Type Discussion Status
Upgrade DNSSEC support Executable Open Executed
Commence Streams for Service Providers Executable Open Executed
Determine ENS Labsā€™ next steps in litigation Social Open Passed
Funding Request: Meta-Governance Working Group (1H) Social Closed Rejected
Funding Request: Public Goods Working Group (1H) Social Open Passed
Funding Transfer: Public Goods Working Group (1H) Executable Open Executed
Enable Self-Funding for the Endowment Executable Open Executed
Security Council Social Open Passed
ENS Steward Vesting Proposal Social Open Passed
Funding Request: Meta-Governance Working Group (1H) Social Open Pending
Roles Modifier V2 Migration Executable Open Pending

Note: A minimum of 100 $ENS is required to submit executable proposals. Once a proposal gains momentum, the stewards will prioritize it for a vote during the designated voting window. See our Governance Docs for more information. To view the real-time distribution of voting power among delegates, visit


:memo: Proposal in Queue:

Proposal: Roles Modifier V2 Migration and Updates to Endowment Permissions

Karpatkeyā€™s upcoming proposal introduces the activation of Roles Modifier v2, enhancing treasury management operations with features like allowances and improved visualization. The revised permissions policy enables swapping actions on CoW Swap while removing obsolete actions and protocols, ensuring robustness and security within the DAO ecosystem. Read the proposal in full here.


:cyclone: ENS Labs Updates

:chart_with_upwards_trend: ENS Stats: May 2024

In May 2024, the ENS Protocol registered 29k new .eth domains, bringing the total to 2.1 million. The protocol generated revenue of $1.2 million during this period, all of which were allocated to the ENS DAO. The number of Ethereum account holders with at least one ENS name increased by 25.4k, totaling 886k. There were 23.5k primary ENS names set, making the overall count 851k. Additionally, 7.5k new avatar records were created, reaching a cumulative total of 174k. ā€” 1


ENS Labs Announces ENSV2

ENS Labs has announced plans for the ENSV2 upgrade, aiming to enhance decentralization, reduce gas costs, and improve multi-chain interoperability. The new hierarchical registry system will offer better control and customization for users. ENS encourages community feedback to shape this next generation of their service. You can view the full proposal here and leave technical feedback here. For more details, visit the ENS Blog. ā€” 05.28.24


ā€˜Decentralized Webā€™ Documentation Now Live

Luc.eth has announced the launch of a new ā€œDecentralized Webā€ documentation page, which is the beginning of the dWeb section on the ENS Docs site. This draft document provides an introduction to hosting a decentralized website using ENS. Luc.eth is seeking feedback and suggestions from the community to improve the content. To view the draft and provide your input, visit the Decentralized Web documentation. ā€” 05.28.24


ENS Subgraph Migration

The ENS subgraph has successfully migrated to The Graph Network, enabling ENS to seamlessly pull and display onchain data on in a decentralized manner. The ENS subgraph organizes data, including directories of ENS domains, ownership records, resolver addresses, and more. This integration enhances data accessibility and efficiency for ENS users. For more details and to explore the subgraph, visit The Graph Explorer. ā€” 05.31.24



Starknet ID has launched an integration with ENS, allowing users to easily claim a .snid.eth ENS subname through Starknet wallets. This integration simplifies the process of obtaining a .snid.eth subname, enabling users to claim it from Starknet wallets like Argent and Braavos. This development provides a streamlined way for users to get their .eth names on an L2 solution, enhancing the utility and accessibility of ENS within the Starknet ecosystem. ā€” 05.30.24


Luc.eth at ETH Events

Luc.eth, Developer Relations at ENS Labs, participated in both ETH Berlin and ETH Prague. At ETH Prague, he and v1rtl discussed DAO Controlled Frontend Deployments using ENS and IPFS. In Berlin, his agenda included topics like Account Abstraction, Spec Writing, and Scaling ENS with a focus on subnames. For more updates, follow Luc.ethā€™s journey on X. ā€” 05.31.34


:globe_with_meridians: ENS Media Alerts


:busts_in_silhouette: Community Updates

:speaking_head: Call for Community Feedback

Participate in improving the ENS Ecosystem! Provide feedback on Canny, where members of ENS Labs and Working Group stewards will work to address your submissions. The ENS community can submit feedback in three main categories: Feature Requests, Integrations, and Bug Reports. You can also participate by upvoting or commenting on existing submissions. Weā€™re listening to the community, send your feedback on Canny now.


:hammer_and_pick: Request for Builders

Share updates on projects developing ENS for consideration for inclusion in the newsletter. Submit contributions and describe at least one nifty feature about your project for potential inclusion in the newsletter. Send your contributions here.


ENS Weekly Round Up by Limes.eth

ENS Roundup Part 4, prepared by limes.eth, covers key announcements and integrations. Highlights include a $250k bug bounty program by Immunefi, a collaboration between Gary Palmer Jr. and ENS Labs for ā€œWatercooler Spaces,ā€ and the conclusion of the ENS Identity Gitcoin round. Additionally, Gemini has added support for ENS domains, and a new ENS Governance Risk Dashboard has been created by Avsa. For full details, check out the post here. ā€” 05.22.24


Community Discussion on ENS Delegates

The ENS community is discussing what it means to be an ā€œeffective delegateā€ within the ENS DAO. This conversation aims to define the roles, responsibilities, and expectations for delegates to ensure effective governance and representation. Community members are encouraged to share their thoughts and insights to help shape these guidelines. Join the discussion and contribute your perspective on what makes an effective delegate by visiting the ENS forum. ā€” 05.24.24


Brian AI Updates

Brian AI has introduced ENS actions with a simple prompt on the Brian app. Users can now register, renew, check registration and renewal costs, check availability and expiration, and resolve ENS names to addresses and vice-versa, all in one place. This new feature streamlines ENS management, making it more accessible and efficient. To experience these updates, visit the Brian app. ā€” 05.24.24


EVM Swiss Knife Tools

Apoorv.eth is developing, a comprehensive platform designed to centralize all essential EVM developer tools. The standout feature is its aggregate Explorer, which simplifies the process of reviewing ENS, addresses, or transactions by integrating all EVM dashboards and explorers into a single-click interface. For more details, users can explore examples such as vitalik.eth. Reach out to Apoorv.eth on Telegram at @apoorvlathey for direct inquiries. ā€” 05.25.24


NicNames Updates

NicNames has announced that users can now manage records of their ā€œ.ETHā€ domains directly on, regardless of whether the domains were registered with them or imported. Additionally, anonymous registration of Web2 and Web3 domains is set to launch this week. For more details, visit ā€” 05.27.24


Namespace Updates

Namespace has introduced the ENS Widget, allowing every ENS name owner to become a Web3 identity provider. Key features include the ability to sell or gift ENS subnames from your ENS names on your website and provide ENS second-level name registrations to visitors, helping them register ENS names. Setting it up takes less than five minutes and requires no technical skills. This widget makes it easy to monetize and manage ENS names directly from your site or blog. For details on how to use it, visit their documentation. Alternatively, watch thecap.eth present a demo via Loom ā€” 05.27.24


ENS Community Spaces

GaryPalmerJr.eth has announced the ā€œDaily ENS Community Spacesā€ calendar, which features daily chats about the ENS protocol, Web3, and culture. The calendar includes various community-led events such as the ENS Digits Podcast, The GM Show, ENS Radio, and more. These sessions provide a platform for discussions and engagement within the ENS community. For the full schedule and more details, check out the announcement. ā€” 05.27.24


JSON-backed ENS Offchain CCIP-read Server

Raffy.eth has developed a JSON-backed ENS offchain CCIP-read server in approximately 10 lines of code. This server enables the resolution of ENS names to offchain data seamlessly. The setup includes importing necessary modules, reading JSON data, and serving it via a specified port. Users can run the server and query ENS data through a simple interface, facilitating efficient offchain lookups. For more details and the code, visit the GitHub repository. ā€” 05.27.24


Jontes.eth has introduced, a self-hostable public good ENS Avatar resizing, optimizing, and caching service. This new service allows for deterministic avatar loading for all dApps, ensuring fast loading times. This development aims to enhance the user experience by providing efficient and reliable avatar management. For more details and to try it out, visit ā€” 05.27.24


Community Discussion: Liquid Staking for $ENS

The ENS community is actively discussing the potential implementation of liquid staking for $ENS. This conversation explores how liquid staking could benefit the ENS ecosystem by enhancing token utility and providing staking rewards. Community members are encouraged to participate by sharing their insights and feedback on the proposed mechanisms and potential impacts. Join the discussion and contribute to shaping the future of $ENS staking by visiting the ENS forum. ā€” 05.29.24


Bankless Thread on ENSv2

Bankless recently published a comprehensive thread on ENSv2, detailing ENS Labsā€™ latest development proposal to extend ENS to a Layer 2 network. This upgrade aims to reduce costs, enhance transaction speeds, and improve functionalities. The thread highlights how ENSv2 will increase accessibility and pave the way for new integrations through reduced gas fees. It also discusses the potential for each .eth name to have its own personal registry, allowing greater flexibility and control. For more details, read the full thread on X. ā€” 05.30.24


Elbagococina.eth Provides Endowment Updates

Elbagococina.eth has provided an update on the ENS DAO endowment, which stood at $90M at the end of last month, with over $350K of DeFi returns in April. The endowment is currently allocated with 75.3% in ETH and the remainder in stablecoins, ensuring broad exposure to ETHā€™s upside while maintaining stability. The largest allocation is Compound v3, followed by Maker, Lido, Rocket Pool, and Aura. The treasury is deployed across 11 different pools to diversify its exposure. For more details, view the full thread on X. ā€” 05.31.24


Community Meetup at ETH Belgrade

Namespace and Blockful hosted an ENS and Chainlink event during Belgrade Blockchain Week at ETH Belgrade. This event, supported by the ENS Ecosystem Working Group, featured engaging discussions around Names, Oracles, Drinks, and community interactions. The event saw high interest and was sold out, providing attendees with the opportunity to connect with ENS and Chainlink enthusiasts and learn about the latest developments. For more details about the event, visit the event page. ā€” 06.02.24


Streamlining Governance with Intuitive Data Aggregation

Snowdot.eth is developing Dhive, a platform that simplifies governance by aggregating onchain and offchain data into a single, user-friendly application. It features engaging visualizations that make data analysis both simple and enjoyable. Dhive stands out with its chain-agnostic profiles, integrating ENS, and includes a decentralized custom notification system to keep users informed. For direct inquiries, users can join the community on Discord at this link. ā€” 06.03.24


:pushpin: Working Group Bulletin

Term 5 Lead Working Group Stewards + Secretary Appointment


The responsibilities of the Lead Stewards & Secretary are set out in Rule 9.8 and Rule 9.9 of the Working Group Rules.


ENS DAO Working Group Schedule (2024):

Working Group Time Schedule Location
:balance_scale: Meta-Governance 1pm UTC Tuesday Google Meet
:seedling: Ecosystem 4pm UTC Thursday Google Meet
:high_brightness: Public Goods 5pm UTC Thursday Google Meet


:balance_scale: Meta-Governance

The Meta-Governance Working Group provides governance oversight and support for working group operations through DAO tooling and governance initiatives.

Meeting Minutes:

Meeting Info:

Term 5 Meta-Governance Stewards:


May 2024 Financial Report

The May 2024 financial report for ENS presents a positive financial outlook.

Financial Overview:

  • Revenue > Cash Burn by 2x, Runway: 190 months
  • Revenue $2.5M, vs. $2.7M last month
  • Cash Inflow: $1.2m
  • Normalized Cash Burn: $0.8M, Reserves: $144M (ETH: $130M, USDC: $14M)
  • Total Endowment: $98.2M, P&L: $13.1M (ETH mark-to-market)

Review the full report prepared by @Steakhouse here. ā€” 06.02.24


Governland Mobile App

Andrey from the Goverland App has introduced a new tool designed to streamline DAO participation by bringing the entire ecosystem to mobile devices. Goverland allows users to discover, follow, and influence DAOs, improving communication between DAOs and voters. It integrates with Snapshot and is similar to Boardroom but mobile-friendly. The app is compatible with iOS and Mac (M1 chip) and features ENS names in profiles. Users are encouraged to try it out and provide feedback on Telegram @scherbovich. For more information, visit Goverland.


Meta-Governance Open Discussion

During last weekā€™s Meta-Governance Working Group call, several key topics were discussed, including the current low risk of attacking the DAO due to the increased price of ENS. Tools for connecting to voting were highlighted, with suggestions to enhance participation through staking initiatives. Discussions included incentivizing voter participation, research on effective delegation, and the potential development of a liquid staking model for ENS tokens. For detailed insights, explore the Governance Risk dashboard by avsa.eth and join the ongoing discussions on the ENS forum.


:seedling: Ecosystem

The Ecosystem Working Group strengthens the ENS Protocol by facilitating developer relations, identifying and funding high-potential projects that enhance ENS, and bolstering support for ENS-aligned initiatives overall.

Meeting Minutes:

Meeting Info:

Term 5 Ecosystem Stewards:


ENSV2 Q&A with Nick.eth

The ENS ecosystem held a Q&A with Nick.eth, creator and lead developer of the ENS Protocol regarding the forthcoming ENSv2 upgrade. Hereā€™s a breakdown of the key points raised:

  • ENSv2 will be a complete redesign of ENS, taking into account everything learned from the past seven years.
  • The ENS root registry will remain on Ethereum L1 for maximum security and censorship resistance.
  • Offchain names will continue to function normally after the migration.
  • The new system will allow for permissionless upgrades to the resolution process, as well as the ownership model.
  • Domain names will be hosted on an L2, but resolution will still be on L1 for maximum security.
  • Nick.eth is most excited about the opportunity to write entirely new Solidity code for ENSV2.
  • If you are interested in learning more about the ENSV2 update, you can read the full discussion on the ENS DAO Governance Forum.


Project Presentations

ENS Guilds by Standard Crypto

Gavi Galloway from Standard Crypto presented ENS Guilds, a project aimed at enabling communities to govern the creation and use of sub-names off a parent ENS name. The design goals include a shared, modular system of smart contracts, pluggable authentication and fee policies, extensibility, and onchain/offchain resolution support. Use cases involve automatic wildcard resolution for ERC721 projects, allowlist-gated subname minting, and NFT-gated subname minting. For more details, view the presentation and check out their GitHub: ENS-Guilds.

New Internet CV by Prutopia

Luciano Padovani from Prutopia introduced the new internet CV, offering portability and veracity using a single profile connected to ENS. Prutopia consolidates work history and reputation, providing platform reviews, P2P validations, and company validation in one onchain profile. This protocol ensures trust and transparency, validating professional relationships to enhance credibility. Contracts and API v1 have been completed. For more details, connect with Prutopia on LinkedIn, YouTube, and X.


Service Provider Updates continues to improve the accessibility of decentralized websites by providing all the necessary tools to interact with content built on ENS. Their newly launched website,, offers an enhanced user experience, complemented by updated documentation on What is ENS?, helping users understand the fundamentals of Ethereum Name Service. Additionally, the team has collaborated closely with the IPFS team to enhance performance tuning, resulting in noticeable improvements in website performance.


Resolver Works

Resolver Works made advancements starting with the launch of at the beginning of the year. They have upgraded their EVM gateway, now featuring trust-minimized capabilities. The code for this gateway is open-source and accessible on their GitHub repository. Additionally, they have shared a forum post discussing user experience challenges due to the delay in state changes on L1, seeking feedback on the EVM Gateway & User Experience. In response to inquiries about the future direction of, they aim to make the service more accessible to non-technical users, acknowledging that the average user prefers immediate visibility of changes in their wallet, which might necessitate some trust-minimized compromises to better serve user needs.


:sunny: Public Goods

The Public Goods Working Group supports the greater Ethereum ecosystem by identfying and funding open-source development.

Meeting Minutes:

Meeting Info:

Term 5 Public Goods Stewards:


Pairwise Presentation

Pairwise, a Giveth Grant recipient, presented its platform aimed at simplifying grant proposal curation. It tackles the issue of information overload by enabling users to create and share curated project lists. These lists can be seamlessly imported into voting platforms like Agora and West, while offering features like filtering by expertise, category comparisons, and mobile app creation with pseudo-anonymous voting and feedback capabilities. For more information, you can find the slides here.

Andino Megacamp Presentation

Eduardo Arhuata of Andino presented about a Megacamp designed to cultivate Web3 developers in Peru. The program will equip participants with the skills to build dApps and contribute to the growth of the Web3 industry. The bootcamp runs from June 8th to July 6th, concluding with a Demo Day. For further details, review their slide and connect with their team on X.


ETHGlobal Presentation

In an update to the ENS DAO community, ETHGlobal partnered with the Public Goods Working Group to streamline the registration process for ENS names for hackers participating in their events. They created ā€œHacker Packsā€ specific to different cities, all onchain, and integrated ENS into the packs for redemption. This allows hackers to register or renew an ENS domain directly within the Hacker Pack user interface. More information on the launch date will be available on the ETHGlobal website next week.


Perpetual Public Goods Bounty Update

The first winners of the Perpetual Public Goods Bounty, HiWomenBiz shared results of their hackathon with 299 registrations from 13 countries, and 10 out of 21 submissions using ENS. The top three projects integrated ENS, showcasing innovative solutions like secure digital identities, decentralized domain management, and access to DeFi. For more details on the winners and their projects, visit the ENS forum. ā€” 05.27.24


Public Goods Highlights: Meta Gov Project

The Public Goods Working Group awarded the Metagov Project $40k USDC for their ongoing research into cross-chain governance challenges and potential solutions. Their efforts include developing a common API for DAOs, enhancing onchain information availability, and facilitating seamless interactions with governance tools. This grant is part of a series highlighting contributions to the Ethereum or Web3 ecosystem. For a detailed exploration of their research, read the full article here. ā€” 05.28.24


:memo: Resources

ENS DAO offers several resources for understanding and participating in its ecosystem.

  • ENS DAO Basics: Details the ENS DAO, including voting and governance.
  • Support Docs: Provides guidance on registration, renewals, and development aspects.
  • Governance Docs: Offers additional insights into governance structure.
  • ENS Agora: Governance hub for proposal review and voting.
  • Give Feedback: Feedback platform where users share input to improve ENS.
  • ENS Repository: The ENS Protocolā€™s main Github Repository.


Thank you very much for reading! Goodbye. :wave:

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šŸ§‘ā€šŸ’» ENS Development The Graph Hosted service endpoints will become unavailable on June 12
šŸ’¬ General Discussion [Public Good] Delegate to a Public Access, Public Good Citizen Enfranchisement pool through Event Horizon (Penrose)

Published: May 30, 2024

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Event Horizon (Penrose) is a public good. It is a public-access metagovernance block. With the aim of enfranchising the tens of thousands of small voters and onboarding new DAO voters and contributors, this proposal suggests we delegate (not grant) 120K ENS to a public access voter enfranchisement pool. This delegation gets mobilized by Voter Pass holders functionally giving underrepresented DAO citizens multiplied voting power and therefore non-monetary incentive to express their voices.

Arbitrum DAO voted via snapshot temp check to delegate 7m ARB (and grant 50k ARB) to Event Horizon making Event Horizon the 15th largest delegate in the Arbitrum ecosystem. This proposal accrued over $150,000,000 in unilateral support from the Arbitrum delegates. This proposal aims to expand this public good to the ENS ecosystem. This delegation can be revoked by the DAO with an on-chain vote at any time.

The Gitcoin DAO has recently passed a proposal supporting Event Horizon, thereby making our Citizen Enfranchisement pool the #6 delegate on Gitcoin.

We also request an annual grant of 4k ENS to help the team maintain and expand this public good in addition to retroactively awarding the team for the fully-functional product thus far built out of pocket over the past several months.


Today, typical ENS wallet participation rate floats at significantly less than 1%, often with less than 200 voters for on-chain votes. However, there are thousands of individual voters who participate in each vote despite having effectively no meaningful say. They should be rewarded with a voice. Moreover, there are thousands of incredibly talented community members who are very capable of adding to the collective cognition of the ecosystem, but simply lack the capital means to have a voice and are left discouraged from voting at all. Not voting when you only have, say, $500 worth of ENS doesnā€™t make sense, itā€™s a drop in the bucket. Sitting out governance proposals is, unfortunately, the rational decision but collectively makes everyone worse off. The strength of the DAO is directly related to the number of participants having their voices heard by the community. The governance platform and vote multiple that Event Horizon gives to these citizens incentivizes greater participation: our average participation rate is 30%.


ENS Citizens interested in governance may mint a free, soul-bound Voter Pass NFT which allows them to take part in mobilizing this voter enfranchisement pool subject to an additional Gitcoin Pass requirement to prevent sybil attacks to be implemented soon after delegation. As detailed further below, this model:

  1. Grants a clear and meaningful voice to statistically low capital DAO citizen voters regardless of their financial means
  2. Incentives participation with additional governance authority, not inflationary rewards
  3. Incentives participants interested in governance itself, not financial gain

DAOs today rely exclusively on individuals and company entities to serve as network delegates. However, this isnā€™t the only option. While individual delegates certainly add incredible value to the ENS Ecosystem, so would a governance allotment dedicated to the greater body of smaller citizen participants.

In this regard, Event Horizon slots into the ENS ecosystem in a similar fashion to a standard delegate. However, rather than the block voting based on the decision of one individual, it votes with the collective cognition of hundreds of individual voter pass holders.

This serves two functions:

  1. It provides a clear and designated voice for smaller, citizen voters.
  2. It drives participation through a game-theoretic process called Implicit Delegation.

One of the greatest barriers to participation is a lack of voice due to lack of capital. Implicit delegation and public access governance changes this. Implicit Delegation is a model by which the full public governance block mobilizes in favor of the consensus of those who do vote, thereby implicitly delegating the authority of those who donā€™t vote to those who do.

When participation is lowā€¦ each voter receives a larger slice of the public access pie. This means the fewer people there are voting, the more incentive there is for someone new to come and participate.

When participation is highā€¦ there are more voters splitting the same pie, however, citizen participation is high, which is a win for the ecosystem.

Implicit Delegation represents an effort to offer a new paradigm around means of influence. A shift from todayā€™s entirely capital-centric to a more citizen-friendly, participation-centric model.

Where Direct Governance allocates influence along the lines of capital, and Explicit Delegation allocates influence along the lines of popularity (which often reflects capital), Implicit Delegation allocates influence to those who care most: people showing up to vote. Because the carrot is governance voice itself, implicit delegation attracts governance-interested citizens, not capital-interested citizens; more on that below.

Because the entirety of the block is always mobilized, those who are most vested are rewarded for their participation by having a larger share of the voting pie. In this regard, Event Horizonā€™s model leans into a systemic lack of participation to create a solution.


Delegation rationale:

120K ENS would place the Event Horizon community as the 10th largest delegate. Based upon significant dialogue with existing delegates and stakeholders across the DAO ecosystem, we think this places a fair amount of power into the 3rd pillar of governance, namely citizens (the other two being organizational and individual delegations) without being large enough to flip any typical proposal.

This proposal reflects two of ENSā€™ presumed core values:

  1. Democratization: By constructing a dedicated block of governance authority with lower capital barriers, our community greatly expands who gets a seat at the table.

  2. Public Good: Like ENS, Event Horizon is a public good. By making the thoughts and ideas of this broader swath of individuals heard, we further broaden the spectrum of possibilities for the evolution of our ecosystem.

Grant rationale:

  1. While we initially didnā€™t want to ask for compensation, several delegates pointed out that doing this magnitude of work for the DAO for free sets a bad precedent for future builders. It sends a message that ā€œdo not build here, your work is not valued by the ENS communityā€. Itā€™s also simply not sustainable for us to maintain this public good forever without some help from the DAO. So despite our initial hesitation, and multiple refusals to do so, we now think it important to ask for some compensation.

  2. The request grant sum is in line with the recently passed Arbitrum proposal. This grant will be used to cover various operating expenses including front end changes, server costs, a $6k/year Snapshot subscription, in addition to engineering costs related to expanding this public good in various ways including a direct pipeline from voting to forum + Discord posting all on Event Horizonā€™s front end. The primary aim of this grant is to not only maintain a seamless UX for voter and contributor onboarding in a sustainable fashion, but to expand this pipeline beyond voting alone.

  3. Maintain functionality through any changes in ENS governance process ā€“ 1.5K ENS

  4. Maintain and further expand voter onboarding UX (forum/Discord integrations, misc. UX polishes) ā€“ 1K ENS

  5. Bi-annual reporting including KPIs such as voters, participation rate, voters above key threshold amounts (say $1K worth of ENS), etc. ā€“ 1K ENS

  6. Forking the Franchiser contract (more on that below) ā€“ 500 ENS

Benefits compared to Token Incentivized Governance:

While token rewards for participation hold legitimate merit and are an intuitive remedy for low turnout, it has limitations.

1. Misaligned Incentives: Token-based incentives attract returns-interested parties. However, when it comes to governance, participation is most valuable when it comes from those interested in participating not payout. Implicit delegation directly appeals to these individuals as it rewards those who participate, not with capital, but with greater voting power.

Added Thought Capital: in line with the notion above, there are likely thousands of community members each holding both strong ideas and valuable contributions for the ecosystem, but simply lack enough voice to justify participation. Through Implicit Delegation, any community member of the ENS ecosystem has an opportunity to have their voice heard, bringing thousands more minds and ideas to the surface.

2. Inflationary: While token rewards drive participation at the expense of inflation, Implicit delegation simply leverages its game theory model to increase incentive to vote in the form of a greater voting share. This does not cost the token any inflation, nor the treasury any ENS.

3. Non-scalable: Token-based rewards are finite and require a constant drain of ENS funds to continue driving participation. As the ecosystem scales, and more participants join, greater and greater sums of ENS will be needed to continue fueling growth. Implicit delegation has no cost, and its balanced game theory functions with no burn. As more citizen voters join, more ENS could be delegated to the community block, however, again, this is not a cost as the ENS tokens are still retained by the treasury.


Past Performance

The above is not just theory. The Event Horizon community is already active on Ethereum providing metagoverning public goods to Uniswap, AAVE, Compound, ShapeShift, and Arbitrum. In fact, in several recent Uniswap votes, the Event Horizon community was the 10th largest voter in the Uniswap Ecosystem. Event Horizon has also recently voted as the 8th largest delegate in recent Aave votes. Gitcoin DAO just voted to make Event Horizon the 6th largest delegate in the DAO via delegation.

While there is still quite a gap between Event Horizon and the larger delegates in the larger DAOs, interestingly enough this position serves as a line of demarcation between individual delegates above, and citizens below. This dynamic does, however, highlight a call to action. Raise the long tail a bit, and bring in more voices. Sure, voting isnā€™t the full picture of DAO decision making, but itā€™s a great place to start. Individual, organization AND citizen delegations are all valuable and mutually inclusive, three symbiotic pillars for a strong ecosystem.

Since its inception just a few months ago, the Event Horizon protocol has processed >300 metagovernance proposals and placed over $40,000,000 of governance authority and enfranchisement directly into the hands of the citizen voter, a feat not seen anywhere else in the DAO space. This is $40,000,000 of voice amplification for the low-capital, high-conviction citizen which would never have been possible prior to the Event Horizonā€™s product. Across all proposals for which the Event Horizon Community has participated, the communityā€™s cumulative voter footprint is on pace to exceed $100,000,000 this year.

Some more metrics worth highlighting:

Number of Metagovernance Proposals Passed ~300
Our community members have participated in and passed over 300 metagovernance proposals, each corresponding to various DAO proposals.

Voter Participation: >30%
Over thirty percent of our community members have participated in our metagovernance proposals. Some participants have voted as many as 63 times in under 5 months. Check out the latest info on our leaderboard:

Average Authority Mobilized per Participating Passholder: >$130,000 (and counting)
For the cost of $3 in gas, each participating passholder has mobilized an average of just over $100,000 in Uniswap and AAVE authority governance authority across all metagovernance proposals passed.

Average Authority Mobilized Multiple: >44,000x (and growing)
The average pass holder minted their voter pass for ~$3 in gas. When compared to the $130,000 in average authority mobilized, each member has mobilized over 40,000x their gas cost of admission in blue-chip governance authority.


| Step 1 ā€“ Duplication: Once a delegation is established, Event Horizon begins automatically duplicating all base DAO (in this case ENS) proposals within its own voting portal.

| Step 2 ā€“ Metagovernance: Retail voters may mint a free voter pass and begin voting to decide how the retail enfranchisement pool is mobilized in the base DAO proposal.

| Step 3 ā€“ Base DAO Voting: 24 hours prior to the closure of the base DAO proposal, the Event Horizon metagovernance proposal closes. Event Horizon then automatically pushes the consensus decision established by the retail community during the metagovernance proposal into the base DAO proposal.

Steps to Implementation

The primary step to implementation would be the delegation and grant of ENS to the EventHorizonCommunity.eth . The delegation will use the Franchiser contract explained below.

After the initial delegation and grant from the DAO, Event Horizon handles everything from there. Event Horizon will facilitate and maintain all elements of the pool from pass minting to metagovernance.

Again, this delegation would not be a grant and funds would remain in the DAO-controlled wallet. Consider us a delegate + service provider like any of the other talented delegates and service providers currently supporting the ENS ecosystem.

Technical Implementation

In order to implement this proposal, it is required that we create a DAO-controlled Franchiser contract. The contract owner would be the DAO timelock and it would allow the DAO the power to delegate and undelegate tokens that it sends from the treasury to the Franchiser. In order to create an official and safe implementation of an already proven Franchiser contract, Event Horizon will, with the help of the ENS grant, fork the Trail of Bits audited Uniswap Labs implementation [github] of the same concept. If this proposal passes Snapshot, we will post a follow up Snapshot to cover the to be determined costs of audits.

The contract has simple functions:

  • Fund: allows the DAO to send tokens to contract and delegate to a single address

  • FundMany: allows the DAO to send tokens to contract and delegate any amount to multiple addresses

  • Recall: allows DAO to pull back funds from Franchiser effectively undelegating and returning tokens to treasury from a single delegate.

  • RecallMany: allows DAO to pull back funds from franchiser effectively undelegating and returning tokens to treasury from multiple delegates.

It is worth noting that all tokens sent to the Franchiser will remain a part of the DAOā€™s balance sheet as it has full control over the contract. The delegated tokens never leave the DAOā€™s ownership.

Additional Considerations

In order to operate safely and responsibly, on Arbitrum we asked to create a ā…— oversight committee with veto power. However, given the recent and popular veto.ensdao.eth delegate, this would be redundant. As such, the Event Horizon voter enfranchisement pool could be easily vetoed in the unlikely event that the need should arise for whatever reason.

Sybil Considerations: it is important to note that the delegated ENS is by a large margin a minority voter amount. Any potential risk of Sybil influence over the public-access block would under almost all conditions not amount to a sum of authority that would be capable of passing a vote absent incredibly significant broader support from other delegates and the broader ENS ecosystem participants. E.g. A rogue vote is virtually impossible.That being said, we will be implementing Gitcoin Passport requirements for ENS metagovernance shortly after initial delegation to mitigate this risk.

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šŸŒ± ENS Ecosystem Request for Bounty: GitCoin Round 20

Published: May 30, 2024

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Due to time constraints in todays EcoSystem WG meeting I am posting the following & request for bounty.


GitCoin has built in tools (e.g. GitCoin Passport), but there are two short comings with the existing toolsets: 1) the operate behind the scenes in sort of a blackbox; and 2) the tools are for after the close of the round before matching funds are released and calculated (however, by then the damage is done)

  1. This is easy to solve by making the results of the process more transparent. For example, with the release of funds disclose the tool/tools that were used and the results of running the tools for the round.

  2. One of the purposes of quadratic funding is social signaling. In practice this doesnā€™t just apply to the matching funds, but the social signaling has a active role during the round - a project with significant number of donors receives more attention during resulting in even more donors.


We saw first hand in the GG20 ENS round a possible Sybil attack/airdrop farming - where ENS had a total of 7,576 donors the grantee had 6,000 donors within the 1st 48 hours of the round. I spoke with multiple grantees who were aware and bothered, but for a number of reasons preferred to remain silent than speak up. Iā€™ll summarize the reason as follows: there is more incentive to remain silent about a potential Sybil/airdrop farming than speak up.

Nevertheless, I took it upon myself to reach out to GitCoin and within 24 hours they investigated and removed the grantee from the ENS round. In effect, my actions possibly resulted in an additional $10,000 of matching funds being available to the ENS grantees. While it is possible the existing tools may have discovered this, it wouldnā€™t have shifted the social signaling from the potential attack/airdrop farming to the rule abiding projects during the round.

Conclusion & Request for Bounty

Following discussions with other grantees who knew of the grantee but felt more benefit in staying quiet rather than speaking up, it is my opinion there needs to be incentive for the community to speak up when there are potential Sybils/airdrop farming taking place.

The existing tool(s) demonstrates the DAOā€™s & GitCoins commitment to uncovering Sybils/airdrop farming, but there is a short coming where they are limited to after the fact allowing potential attackers to capitalize on the social signaling during the round taking away attention and opportunity from the other projects.

As a supplemental tool to identify, fight & deter future Sybil attacks or airdrop farming, I am requesting a bounty for discovering & disclosing the issue on the GG20 ENS round, and moving forward a bounty for the grantees, and potentially the community, for identifying/disclosing potential Sybils/airdrop farming during the round, protecting DAO matching funds, and preserving the legitimacy of the social signaling during the GitCoin round itself.

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šŸ—³ļø Meta-Governance Liquid staking for $ENS

Published: May 29, 2024

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Continuing the discussion from [Temp Check] Enable CANCEL role on the DAO:

This is true, but it still substantially increases the cost of an attack, which is the goal here.

Fair enough, though Iā€™d argue this is more due to a weakness in the token design than anything else.

Iā€™m curious what yield opportunities you expect to exist for a liquid staked token, however? Lending staked tokens seems unlikely to be attractive, since borrowers canā€™t use the voting power the tokens represent - if they could, the staked token wouldnā€™t be serving its purpose.

If the yield comes from rewards paid out by the protocol, then we could just as easily do this to all token holders, and thus incentivize the same behaviour (holding instead of earning, given that the defi protocols wonā€™t be able to claim yield).

I think itā€™s consistent with ENSā€™s values to consider offering rewards in $ENS for staking $ENS tokens to active delegates, because it recognizes those contributing positively to governance with more governance power. Those rewards could be split between delegator and delegate in whatever way is game-theoretically sound.

I donā€™t think paying registration & renewal revenue to tokenholders is consistent with ENSā€™s values or constitution.

34 posts - 9 participants

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šŸ—³ļø Meta-Governance Example of initiative to induce more active delegation on Uniswap

Published: May 28, 2024

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Following up on recent ENS Metagovernance call, I would like to bring here example of what Uniswap is doing to increase voting participation.

You can find full thread here.

Gauntlet ran a simulation for them, which gave positive results.


They are going to channel portion of fees from LPs to those agents who delegated their tokens to decision makers of their choice. Effectively itā€™s a tax on LPs.

Potential problems:

Token holders might delegate to some ā€œburnā€ address and just get yield. Defense: it is possible that some people will do that, however even if certain percentage becomes more engaged, that is already a win.

UNI token becomes yield generating, as such subject to Howey test. Defense: tax will be accrued within pools and can be swept by any agent (bots) and distributed to UNI token holders. That way ecosystem becomes so large, so it would be impossible to pinpoint single agent subject to Howey test.

I know that point of financial incentive on ENS token been discussed in great detail many times over. Community constantly demands to get a cut from registration. Just to be clear, Iā€™m not making this post to advance this agenda. This is just an example of how things are done in other major projects.

If we think carefully, we might be able to come up with similar mechanism to induce higher participation rate.

Line of thinking which Iā€™m seeing right now is more aligned with ā€œartificial seedingā€ of higher participation - such as VETO mechanism, proposal to distribute tokens to select delegates, or distribute tokens to stewards. Whereas ideally this process should be happening organically.

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šŸ§‘ā€šŸ’» ENS Development Technical feedback thread for ENSv2

Published: May 28, 2024

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This thread is intended for technical feedback on the ENSv2 design doc.

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Funding (2)
šŸ§™ šŸ§™ā€ā™€ļø Ideas and Open Discussion [TEMP CHECK] 6.9m GTC Citizens Fund

Published: Jul 26, 2024

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I propose that we earmark* 6.9m GTC to go to Gitcoin Citizens rounds for the next 4.20 years. These tokens will be deployed on Allo to build the Allo ecosystem, building an upward spiral of innovation around Gitcoin.

*earmark = social understanding that this amount of tokens will go to Citizens. Future proposals will be submitted with specifics about how they will be allocated.

[TEMP CHECK] 6.9m GTC Citizens Fund

My fellow Gitcoin Citizens,

We have come a long way over the past 3 years, and once again, Gitcoin sits at an important juncture.

We have had some limited success with our current operating model and momentum. Notably, almost $5m in GMV in 2024 [source]. I want to thank everyone who has supported that success so far. At the same time, I want to recognize that what got us there will not get us there.

Where is ā€œthereā€?

That opportunity ahead of is capital allocation, starting with grants. As the EVM eats the world, $trillions will become tokenized. This will create enormous opportunities for Gitcoin to deploy flavors of Quadratic Funding, Retroactive Funding, and other capital allocation strategies to everyday communities. A core human need in the 21st century is Funding What Matters. The TAM for this is all of humanity.

The moment is now. As more & more communities go onchain in the coming decade, we will upgrade the way these communities coordinate. We will empower them to allocate capital in a more scalable, precise, decentralized, and effective manner. This will enable them to work together bottoms-up to address 2030-era coordination failures.

TLDR - We want to be the Allocation layer of the post-tokenization internet.

I believe that this trillion $$$ opportunity can not be attained with the current operating model, which relies too heavily on Grants Lab. Grants Lab is doing a good job, but I think that by activating the power of citizens, Gitcoin (including Grants Lab AND citizens) can do a great job. There is asymmetric upside in disrupting our operating current model and seizing the enormously wide opportunity ahead.

How do we do this?

If youā€™ve read my latest book, the ā€œExploring the design spaceā€ section, you know that I am bullish on relying on the broader Ethereum community to explore the design space with us. The community is bubbling with talent, gumption, and ambition to build cool funding tools.

We have not yet activated this community at any meaningful scale yet.

But there are glimmers of activation. Just look at all of the innovation weā€™ve gotten by partnering with talent builders!

(Note GMV = Gross Marketplace Value, basically how much $$$ went through that tool?)

Who built it? Cost to Gitcoin 2024 GMV so far (projected) GMV/$ Spent
Trad QF on Grants Stack Grants Lab $20m $3.6m ($6m) $0.92
EasyRetroPGF Owocki + Carl + OP Grant $200k $2m ($6m) $25
REDACTED Raid Guild $130k $0m ($100m) $1000
Streaming QF Geoweb/Superfluid $0 $100k ($100k) āˆž
MACI QF Nick/MACI team $100k $0m ($2m) $10
Endaoment QF Endaoment $0 $29k āˆž
Grants Ships Dao Masons $0 $100k āˆž
Conviction Voting 1Hive $0 $??? āˆž??

Wow! It seems to me that many great builds are happening on Allo outside of Grants Lab.

This is a meaningful insight.

And a window of opportunity.

We have discovered something extremely important/meaningful for Gitcoin & its mission and attainment of the trillion $$ market opportunity we see ahead of usā€¦

Weā€™ve learned to empower external builders with Allo, instead of just building on Allo ourselves. By doing so we can capture more GMV + explore a broader set of use cases with higher ROI. I mean just look at the GMV/$$$ metric (a measure of how much gitcoin spent in $$$ to develop a product vs how much GMV, Gross Marketplace Value, its generated).

  1. Trad Grants Stack QF = 0.92 GMV/$
  2. EasyRetroPGF = $25 GMV/$
  3. REDACTED = $1000 GMV/$ *potential GMV

I think we should scale the lessons that got us here. I propose we update how Gitcoin allocates capital. I think that

  1. Grants Lab should double down triple down on empowering Gitcoin Citizens to build on Allo.
  2. Starting now + until Devcon/Ethdenver, Grants Lab focuses primarily on building developer tools that the developers (both internal + external) love.
  3. At Devcon, we announce
    1. 6.9M in funding from GitcoinDAO has been earmarked towards Allo/Citizens Builds. If ratified, an open community-driven Allo/Grants Ships round to be run to determine how to allocate it.
    2. AlloKit, Allo 2.1, and other various dev tools, to enable builders to build dApps that Fund What Matters.

Why do this?

  1. Because Gitcoin needs to become (a) more successful in the market + (b) more DAO-like.
  2. This direction is already proven at small scales + therefore significantly derisked (just look at the chart above).
  3. Gitcoin has 24.5m GTC and ~50(ish) months left of runway at current market levels. Our data above shows that the rest of the GTC should be spent WAY MORE on Citizens. This is a test of that direction. And a disruption of the current implicit status quo of that $$ being earmarked for Grants Lab.
  4. This is a true pilot for creation of the Gitcoin Citizens Value Flows.

Implementation Details

  1. [Grants Lab] Allo Kit, Allo 2.1 to be built by Grants Lab before Devcon
  2. [Grants Lab] Grants Lab leaders are rebuilding the Grants Lab product organization after the move to multi-mechanism (and the move from Grants Stack to Allokit + similar tools) created some talent turnover.
  3. [DAO] Kevin + other Gitcoin stewards to explore how to create long term economic partnerships with Allo builders.
  4. [DAO] We ALL become live players + build Gitcoin 2.2 together.
  5. [Foundation] Mathilda is currently stewarding Gitcoin Citizens. We all need to rally around & empower her to be successful in navigating forward! Starting here.


  1. Earmark 6.9M to GTC Citizens
  2. Do Not Earmark 6.9M to GTC Cititzens
  3. Abstain

Feedback welcome!

Comment below.

Here is some feedback Iā€™ve gotten so far from sharing this post while it was in draft mode.

I think well want to see these things solved BEFORE actually letting much of these earmarked funds actually start to flow. And we should scale funding with our ability to solve these problems. Each stepwise increase in solved problem should equal a stepwise increase in funding! (eg We should gain confidence in these progressively as progressively more funds start to flow. )

  1. validate allokit + the allo stack - to make sure they are good to build on first, before we add token incentives to build on it.
    • imo the north star here is ā€œwhat would have to be true for a medium-skill-level hackathon developer to get up and running on allo in < 3 mins? and productive in < 30 mins?ā€
  2. validate citizens rounds. - how that citizens can be held to high standards in citizens rounds?
    • how can they be accountable to generating value for gitcoin? how can gitcoin compete with other incentive programs out there for talent/attention?
  3. create alignment- we might want to partially lockup some of these payouts to create longer term alignment between gitcoin/the citizens. long term (3,3s) create Upward Spirals

(thanks @meglister for gibbing me this feedback. feedback is a gift!)

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šŸ“ Citizen Grants Citizen Grants Program Updated Strategy

Published: Jul 26, 2024

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Citizen Grants Program Updated Strategy

After the initial pilot of the Citizen Grants Program, and 3 Citizens Retro rounds, it has become clear that we need to redefine what the program is, what we aim to achieve with it, and set more long term goals and objectives to ensure its success for Gitcoin and our community. After an exercise using our own Grants Canvas, as well as internal discussions, the below is how we plan to move forward with the program.


  • Conclude the Citizensā€™ Innovate and Forward by the end of July as part of the pilot as scoped in the original proposal.
  • We are moving towards a selective RFP & Direct Grants, simplifying the process.
  • Citizens Retro will spin out of the Citizens Program and spin into Gitcoin Grants. We will not host a Citizens Retro round in 2024, moving to hosting the next one in Q1 of 2025 alongside GG23.
  • We will update the content on the page to reflect the updated direction of the program.
  • Run internal and external retrospectives every 3 months as an ongoing period of reflections to iterate and learn. Hereā€™s what worked, hereā€™s what didnā€™t, and hereā€™s how weā€™re moving forward. Learning, iterating more actively and regularly, ensuring that the community has their voices heard will be an important part of the future of the program.

Roles & Responsibilities - Program Overall

Owner/Driver: @MathildaDV
Executive Sponsor: @deltajuliet
Consulted: @owocki @Sov @sejalrekhan


Where Weā€™ve Come From

After running a pilot, the following challenges have been identified in the greater adoption of the program:

Undefined Problem Spaces:

  • Lack of clear problem definitions within Citizens Innovate leads to confusion and ineffective citizen engagement.
  • Need for deliberate focal points to encourage community collaboration on shared challenges.

Limited Context for Proposal Writing:

  • Insufficient understanding of Gitcoinā€™s goals and challenges hinders effective contributions.
  • Ongoing education on Gitcoinā€™s technology stack, governance, and strategic priorities is necessary.

ā€œFirst Mileā€ Barrier for Engagement:

  • The initial engagement process for RFPs and GCPs is cumbersome, deterring participants.
  • A more user-friendly interface is needed to facilitate smoother initial interactions.

Limited Distribution:

  • Limited awareness of the Citizens Forward initiative impacts participation and proposal quality.
  • Improved outreach and communication are required to boost community engagement.

Funding Issues:

  • Imbalance in funding: some DAO Citizens had too much funding, leading to inefficiency (Parkinsonā€™s Law).
  • Others had too little, causing talented contributors to leave for other ecosystems.

Next Steps:

  • Conclude Citizens Innovate and Forward by the end of July as part of the pilot as scoped in the original proposal.
  • Pay off earned grants (i.e., prorated for completed milestones) to active grantees (Karma, Grants Portal)

Citizens Grants Program 2.0

The Citizens Grants Program aims to enable citizens to contribute to Gitcoinā€™s mission by fostering community-sourced innovation. The program focuses on growing the usability of Gitcoinā€™s ecosystem, making Gitcoin a leader in the space again, and strengthening the feedback loop between value creation and value capture. Additionally, it seeks to bring competitors closer by encouraging them to build on Allo.

In our move to Gitcoin 2.1 and the re-evaluation of the program, below are the objectives that we plan to achieve in the program moving forward.


*Good = actually has GMV potential


Target Grantees: Beneficiaries:
Ethereum Builder Community End users
Program Managers & Round Operators DAO Contributors
Developers Token Holders


Currently, weā€™re at:

  • 450k GTC, with $64k spent for Citizens Forward & Innovate
  • $70k for Retro

CoachJ & Laura will be removed as multisig signers, and MathildaDV will be added.

Funding Mechanisms

Direct Grants Broader scope. Run Direct Grants rounds with a specific theme through an ad hoc process.
(Scoped by internal Gitcoin contributors) Narrow scope. Standalone and independent of anything else. Keep it simple. Create a separate section on the gov forum. Post to citizens and amplify on external channels.
Important to make sure that these RFPā€™s are baked out very clearly and are well incentivized to attract high quality applicants.

What do we plan to fund?

Who? How
Program Managers Trained on and using Gitcoinā€™s tools Education & pilot rounds for running rounds using Gitcoinā€™s tech stack.
Innovators Build your mechanism on Allo Novel funding mechanism integration to Allo
Developers Building on Gitcoinā€™s tech stack Builds that innovate on or increase distribution of Gitcoinā€™s tech stack in identified problem spaces

In addition, Gitcoin itself will dogfood our own tools through everyday DAO contributors knowing what Gitcoin is doing and how to use our tools. This is important to have empathy for our customers.

Eligibility Criteria

Adapted to the round/program we run.

Something to note which would be a good implementation is that receivers of these grants were aware of common knowledge of Gitcoin and could be credentialed in some way for doing so:

  • Reading Gitcoin Whitepaper
  • Read Grants Program Design book
  • Read OCAH

Direct Grants

Owner/Driver: @MathildaDV
Consulted: @owocki @Sov @sejalrekhan

Broader scope.

We will host a Direct Grants round post Devcon 2024, where we will fund Innovators and Developers.

From time to time, we will host Direct Grants rounds, which will be categorized according to eligibility criteria and specific timelines.


Owner/Driver: @owocki @deltajuliet
Consulted: DAO
Informed: @MathildaDV

Narrow scope. Standalone and independent of anything else. Scoped by internal Gitcoin contributors.

We plan to simplify our Request For Proposal strategy, where the Gitcoin team will (on an ongoing basis) post RFPā€™s to the Gitcoin Forum and promote it out to our community to attract engagement and builds.

Execute RFPs selectively using existing templates where there are:

  1. an internal owner(s) accountable for scope, quality, oversight
  2. a well-defined scope that can be decoupled with minimal dependencies on internal priorities
  3. a known preferred list of at least 1 to 2 teams willing to bid for work

In order for this to be successful, the Gitcoin POC uploading the RFP needs to ensure that there is enough context already built into the RFP, as the lack of this has been a problem space in the past. Teams need to know enough and be well equipped to respond to said RFP.

Retro and learnings on whatā€™s working and what isnā€™t, and iterate from there. Ensure that we have high quality RFPā€™s, with good budgets attached, with a very clear scope in order to attract high quality citizens.

Citizens Retro

Owner/Driver: @MathildaDV
Consulted: @owocki @Sov @sejalrekhan

Early 2025, late Q1, within GG23. The Citizens Retro will spin out of the Citizens Grants Program and spin into Gitcoin Grants. We believe that the Retro should align with Gitcoinā€™s goals, and unlock a more robust opportunity space for citizens.

We are currently putting our Citizens Retro round on hold. Citizens Retro #4 will not take place as currently scheduled in September, rather kicking off early 2025. This decision did not come lightly, but we believe itā€™s important to ensure that the Retro aligns to our goals and creates more clarity for community members on where their contributions will create the most impact in the Gitcoin Ecosystem.

As part of Retro Round design in EasyRetroPGF, suggestive categories and scope of work should be offered that align with internal priorities ahead of the round. With time, this approach will raise awareness amongst citizens about these priorities.

Suggested categories for Citizens Retro 4 (early 2025):


Currently, $70k is allocated towards Citizens Retro #4.


Through utilizing Gitcoinā€™s own tool, the Grants Canvas, to redefine and reshape this program exemplifies our commitment to dogfooding our tools to continuously improve and iterate based on our learnings. We are excited to kick off RFPs immediately to start building momentum for this new outlined strategy.

Given our strategic shifts to make the Gitcoin 2.0 vision a reality, this redesign ensures the program further aligns to our goals and creates more clarity for community members on where their contributions will create the most impact in the Gitcoin Ecosystem.

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šŸ§™ šŸ§™ā€ā™€ļø Ideas and Open Discussion H2 Proposal [Strategy] - Grants Labs

Published: Jul 25, 2024

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Iā€™m writing this post to capture the goals + strategy behind Grants Labsā€™ upcoming H2 budget request! These two posts are being created separately for two reasons:
1- theyā€™re long, and hopefully this makes it easier to digest!
2- We are late on the budget finalization due to work from the Ecosystem Collective winddown as well as recently hiring new leaders on the team who are just shaping their goals and needs across marketing, product, and engineering. I expect to have a budget posted by no later than July 30.

What is Grants Lab?

The Grants Lab shares a North Star with the rest of Gitcoin: to increase grants GMV (measured as Allo GMV). This business unit contributes towards that goal with a focus on product development and product adoption. It has a heavy focus on product, development, and developer relations activities, as well as product + growth marketing, grant operations, and sales.

The Grants Lab team is staffed by the former Allo, Grants Stack, GPT, and GSD workstreams which were deprecated in February 2024. Each team is held accountable by the GM of Grants Lab and develops quarterly goals to chart and coordinate our progress.

What have we been up to?

Itā€™s been an eventful first few months (February 2024 - present) for Grants Lab! You can catch up on some of our work below:

Additionally, weā€™re excited to report progress against the goals that were set for Season 21 (Feb-April) as well as Q2 (March-June). Thereā€™s a bit of overlap here as weā€™ve moved towards a regular quarterly goal cadence vs seasons ā€“ itā€™s much easier to track and remember. :slight_smile:

Season 21 goals (Feb-Apr):

Original goal 50 grants rounds run, modified to 80: Achieved 87 :green_circle:

This goal felt quite ambitious back in October when we had achieved 13 independently run rounds since launching Grants Stack, but weā€™ve blown it out of the water! This speaks to the traction we have gained in the market and the ease of use of the product. We are now turning our focus towards launching rounds that are more specific to our target customers (on-chain organizations with large ($50M+) tokenized treasuries.

Original goal 10 repeat grants rounds run, modified to 20: Achieved 19 :green_circle:

As mentioned above, we are turning our focus more towards landing and expanding in subsequent rounds with our target customer base.

5 paying customers: Achieved 3 (Avalanche, SEI, Venus). :yellow_circle:

We originally set this goal with product revenue in mind and have yet to turn on a fee switch in Grants Stack or Allo. We do believe thatā€™s an important lever and you can view conversations on that here ([Discussion] Allo Fee Switch Proposal). That said, we did capture services revenue from three customers, and are seeing a higher willingness to pay services fees as well as high demand for services. We will be working on a more robust pricing strategy in H2.

Q2 Goals (Apr - June):

North Star: $8M GMV :red_circle:

  • Achieved $4.3M
  • This is a disappointing finish in a quarter that saw a lot of progress. We started the quarter with $1.6M in GMV and added ~3M, primarily from the GG20 grants round (~$1.5M). As youā€™ll read in the ā€œWhale Huntingā€ and ā€œInnovationā€ goals below, weā€™ve done a great job filling the pipeline and getting commits turned into initial rounds. We need to activate these partners much more quickly as well as do a much better job with making the distribution process seamless in order to impact GMV.

WHALE HUNTING: :yellow_circle:

  • Land and expand with existing whales: Customer 1 ($1m total forecasted GMV) :white_check_mark:, Customer 2 ($900k total forecasted GMV) :white_check_mark:, Customer 3 ($700k-$1m total forecasted GMV) :red_circle:
  • Activate committed whales into GMV. Customer 1 ($500k-$1m total forecasted GMV) :red_circle:, Customer 2 ($2.5M total forecasted GMV, $250k booked this quarter) :white_check_mark:


  • Goal: We know we need to get creative outside our existing product & pipeline to hit our ambitious goals this year. Can we prove $2M GMV through one of these?
  • Result: We have captured $537k in GMV this quarter through Easy RPGF, despite securing a total commitment of $1.9M early in the quarter. Some of this was out of our control with transitions at POKT. The biggest takeaway is a need to focus on a smooth payouts process from both a product and operational perspective as KYC and product bugs have slowed down the delivery of a projected $1M of GMV.
  • That said, weā€™re excited to expand our focus on RPGF and other mechanisms outside of QF ā€“ we have definitively proven that the future of Gitcoin is not just QF!


  • Goal: The highest-leverage thing we can do long term is build a high performing team! We are coming out of the Lisbon offsite with lots of momentum and energy to invest in our culture. We want to embrace innovation and pluralistic design across the org, operate with speed and urgency, while keeping focus on delivering excellence for our customers.
  • Result: We have made some good progress this quarter in defining the team we want to be and the tech we want to build. In product speak: we have the requirements, now itā€™s time to build! Weā€™ll continue to focus on our culture, particularly on product & engineering, and our discipline towards operational excellence.

Moving into H2

Weā€™re moving into the second half of the year with even more conviction that weā€™re headed in the right direction. Weā€™ve received great feedback to our new direction and focus in the market and itā€™s directly impacted our ability to bring larger grants programs on board. Weā€™ve made great progress on the Gitcoin Grants program after a smoothly run GG20. Grants Labs and Gitcoin have greater organizational alignment, leadership depth, and clarity on our visual and value proposition than ever before.

That said, like any growing startup, weā€™re not without our pains! Our pains are largely operational (how we do it) vs existential (what we do). Despite positive feedback on our new focus and direction, the impact radius of that remains small, and the brand narrative of Gitcoin is lagging. We havenā€™t achieved our goal of being a lean and agile organization yet, and this is our quarter to double down on execution and operational excellence. Weā€™ve also seen the impact of our year of big changes in contributor churn and culture, and weā€™re critically focused on building the right culture for the next stage of our organization.

Q3 goals

North Star: $10M in Cumulative GMV

1. Double GMV w Whale Hunting

We have confidence that our offering is resonating with our target audience and now is the time to execute with more confidence and urgency. We are empowered to chase bigger deals and commits, as well as build on the strength of our existing partnerships.

  • KPI: Increase the size of average partner grants round of $200k to $400k
  • KPI: Activate $4m in existing delivery pipeline

2. Position our technology stack for our future

Weā€™ve spent this quarter building & validating our product strategy, and now is the time to lay the technical foundation in order to scale it. By the end of the quarter, weā€™ve articulated and executed on technical and product strategy to accomplish the following:

  • We have defined a technical strategy to accomplish the requirements for our Multi-Mechanism Future
  • We have built or rebuilt 1 mechanism + 1 tool using this strategy
    • Checker is likely the best tool candidate
    • Mechanism: likely direct grants or ERF
  • Every partner can successfully distribute their grants funds, with zero or very minimal issues

3. Roll out refreshed brand narrative + positioning

Weā€™ve learned through our sales motion this quarter that the marketā€™s perception of Gitcoin is outdated ā€“ too frequently, weā€™re perceived as ā€œjust QFā€ or ā€œjust public goodsā€ and weā€™re spending time arguing against this or missing deal flow entirely because of it. This quarter, we will articulate refreshed brand messaging and gain buy-in from internal contributors & community. Additionally, we will formulate an H2 plan to promote brand messaging in the market and start executing. You can expect the H2 plan to contain the following:

  • Finalize brand messaging & positioning
    • Deliverables: Messaging doc, boilerplate, team training, channel-level strategy, marketecture & naming conventions
  • Website redesign (kind of fits into brand but chunky piece so Iā€™m fleshing it out)
    • Deliverables: Finalize agency, all content and design done for early Q4 launch
  • Build-out sales process & collateral (ongoing):
    • Deliverables: pitch deck, product-level content, one-pagers, develop services menu, co-marketing tiering & process.
  • Flesh out lead-gen channels:
    • Deliverables: Refresh lead capture, routing & follow-ups; set up referral program, launch ABM motion
  • New processes around marketing channels:
    • Deliverables: New strategy around socials, content and email (& Youtube if time); select & integrate new social listening tool; establish reporting & share-out process


Itā€™s been a huge year so far for Gitcoin, and weā€™ve invested much of our efforts in the first half in rebuilding the right team and org for our ambitions. Iā€™m excited to see that pay off in H2, which requires hard work from the entire team. Feedback on all of the above welcomed, stay tuned for budget post!

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šŸ§™ šŸ§™ā€ā™€ļø Ideas and Open Discussion Upward Spirals šŸ§¬

Published: Jul 24, 2024

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Much credit/research for this post goes upstream to: Upward Spirals / Upward Spirals - bootstrapping systemic change in an organization.

Downward Spirals

The downward spiral is a metaphor for decline, a self-reinforcing process that depletes something of value

It can be described as a cycle of disinvestment or deterioration, as players withdraw resources from a system, an action that reduces its performance and prompts further withdrawals down the line.

Unfortunately, when we are part of a downward spiral, we almost always find it difficult to see a way out because the incentives in the situation often reward narrow, short-term thinking.

For example: Treasury goes down and that creates financial pressure, which means talent leaves. As contributors disinvest, short term incentives take hold. People leave and maybe even take IP or other assets with them. Staff turnover is hard on work output, and so innovation goes down and products are not shipped - creating rising costs and lost customersā€¦ This causes the cycle to repeat.

Upward Spirals

The Upward Spiral is the inverse of the downward spiral. The upward spiral is a metaphor for regeneration & renewal. A self reinforcing process that accretes something of value.

The spiral is simply the shape created by a self-reinforcing growth process. By definition, a spiral winds around a center, in a progressive expansion or contraction, a rise or fall.

What we see in Upward Spirals Is the accumulation of changes as the system iterates over time. We associate an upward spiral with growth, development, and evolution, as reflected in the architecture of spires and towers. The upward spiral is a meta-model for systemic change.

The upward spiral in this context is a metaphor for growth or ā€œmutually reinforcing change that creates or regenerates something we value.ā€

For example: Talent density goes up, which means that innovation is happening. As we get momentum in the market, success breeds on success, GMV goes up. This causes vibes and financial sustainability to go up. This causes the cycle to repeat.

Ways to reverse a downward spiral

Heroic Change

With Heroic Change, change is likened to a journey or ā€œtrip to the moon.ā€ In practice, it generally involves a strategic injection of resources and energy to orchestrate a ā€œtripā€ from the old way to the new way.

The drawback is that it is resource intensive, so we may find we do not have enough fuel to get to our destination. If we have not reached our goal and have bulldozed past opposition, the system may swing back toward the other pole, stuck in oscillation rather than advancing.

Grassroots Change

By contrast, with Grassroots Change, we think of change occurring through ā€œripple effects.ā€ It relies on many small-scale efforts, gradually winning converts until the new way replaces the old.

This approach allows for creative emergence, yet can fail to take off if it does not engage structural barriers that limit progress or if local efforts do not build on each other. If our experiments run out of energy, or if we have excluded important opposition, the system can swing back again toward the other pole.

Upward Spiral Approach

The upward spiral approach enables us to bootstrap change out of many small efforts.

  • Center on the Asset
  • Prime for Potential
  • Invest in Increments
  • Approach at the Right Angle
  • Signal Through Action
  • Listen and Amplify

Center on the Asset

The first step in building an upward spiral is to ask, What do we want to grow? The answer is usually some kind of asset that enables us to generate the results we want. (An asset refers to any enabling resource, infrastructure, or stock ā€“ physical or intangible.)

Application at Gitcoin: The key enabling resource/infrastructure Gitcoin is building is Allo. Allo becomes more valuable the more people use it for capital allocation. Capital Allocation as a market has trillion $$ TAM, so there is 10^7x upside here!. This is the asset to invest in!

Prime for Potential

The second step is to activate hidden potential in ourselves and others by asking, What might help us see ourselves and each other anew? What are we truly capable of? A fresh look provides the inspiration to invest new energy in a situation with negative history.

Application at Gitcoin: We need to build a culture (both in citizens and Grants Lab) that primes for potential. By investing in & retaining live players in both parts of the DAO, we will realize our potential.

Invest in Increments

The third step is to decide: How big a step should we take next? The ideal next step contributes to the core asset, yet is within the scope of what you can manage.

Application at Gitcoin: I like the ā€œwe release something at every conference we go toā€ pace that Grants Lab is on. We need to take bigger swings but still the fact weā€™re getting at-bats and some base hits is great :slight_smile:

Approach at the Right Angle

The fourth step invites us to set our ā€œangle of approachā€: Where do we need to differ from expectations or reach out across lines? Where do we need to say ā€œnoā€?

Application at Gitcoin: The only thing we need to reinvent is Capital Allocation. This is our central aim. Everything else we should take out of the box solutions that help us coordinate effectively around our central aim.

(Note 1 regret I have is that the DAO decentralized too fast in 2021-2022 and as a result, tried to reinvent governance AND its products, which was very costly and ineffective!)

Signal Through Action

The fifth step advises us not to start with talk, but to ask ourselves, How can we signal our commitment through action?

Application at Gitcoin: I think we should all have a bias towards action.

Listen and Amplify

If bootstrapping change requires many small, reciprocal actions, then we can drastically accelerate that process by paying closer attention to what is already underway. We can simply ask, What can we build on? How will we know when to take the next step?

Application at Gitcoin: I think that partner/grantee feedback is of paramount importance to listen to and amplify through the organization. There are other areas where weā€™ll need to Listen and amplify tho!

BootStrapping The Upward Spiral

At what point does a downward spiral tips to an upward one?

The answer depends on the balance between growing and depleting flows. Results improve as assets grows, which then enables reinvestment.

We can tip the spiral by increasing the growing function or reducing the depleting function. In this way, a small action can transform the functioning of the system as a whole.

The upward spiral approach enables us to bootstrap change out of many small efforts

Many intractable situations in business, cross-workstream collaborations, personal relationships, and DAO life can be improved through small, reciprocal actions among peers, leaders and followers, and citizens.


What do you think? How would you like to see this applied at Gitcoin? What upward spirals should we generate?

Perhaps if there is interest, Ill host a twitter space or brainstorm about this!

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šŸŒ± Gitcoin Grants GG21 Community Rounds Announced

Published: Jul 20, 2024

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GG21 Community Rounds Announced

We are thrilled that the second iteration of the new governance process for Community Rounds is underway with GG21! ICYMI, to be eligible to run a community round in GG21 and receive matching funds from Gitcoin, each community needed to upload their proposal to our gov forum by July 16th.

The GG21 Community Council took three days to review and vote on which rounds to accept into the round, and how to allocate matching funds to each. The voting for which rounds to accept was conducted in CharmVerse, and was ranked according to average rubric scores. The vote for how matching funds would be distributed was done through a poll at the end of the three days.

As per the learnings from GG20ā€™s Retrospective, it was clear that the rubrics needed to be more detailed and more closely aligned to eligibility criteria and the proposal template. Rubrics that were used are the following:

Round Operators and Team

  • Identified Round Operator
    • Clearly identified Round Operator with past experience of running a round?
  • Team Members
    • At least two additional team members with previous experience to run a round?


  • Matching Pool Impact
    • Matching pool size (that the community is bringing in) is proportional to what they are trying to achieve?

Alignment with Gitcoinā€™s Mission and Essential Intents

Community and Impact

  • Community Size and Engagement
  • Impact Assessment Plan
    • Detailed plan for assessing grantee impact?

Thank you to all the rounds that applied! It was incredible to witness such a big interest in participating in GG21 as well as reading all your applications.

Thank you to the council @feems, @lanzdingz, @azeem, @mashal, @wasabi, @ZER8 and @thedevanshmehta for your engagement and stewarding of this decision, as well as your partnership in this process.


Note that Gitcoin is proposing to fund the community rounds with a total of $400k in GG21. The council voted between allocating the matching funds either: 1) 60k to top 5 & 20k to bottom 5, or 2) 50k to top 5 & 30k to bottom 5. The vote passed with 60% in favour of the latter approach.

NOTE: The extra funds of $150k covering the remainder 5 roundsā€™ matching is pending community and steward approval, as outlined in this proposal.

Reflections from the council

Compared to last round, the proposals were definitely more ā€œpolished.ā€ This round also boasts a high caliber of projects; all of the top 10 are credible rounds that will further drive Gitcoinā€™s mission and intent.

The council felt that the majority of proposals mentioned using impact measurement tools such as Karma GAP and Hypercerts, yet having no real mention of metrics theyā€™ll emphasize on. A clearer and less vague approach to measurement, as well as more detailed reports and audits of past rounds is highly encouraged in future rounds.

Equally, we are planning on hosting training sessions, workshopping through the recently-launched Gitcoin Grants Canvas with all rounds applying to GG22, and included in that training will be on how to use impact tools (hosted by a council member). We believe that this will enable rounds to set themselves up for even more success and will equal stronger proposals.

We would like to give each round some direct feedback. You will hear from MathildaDV over the course of this week (please check gov forum DMā€™s if Iā€™m not connected to you elsewhere) for some feedback on your applications. And just because you didnā€™t get in this round, donā€™t fret! There will be many more opportunities in the future.

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šŸ§™ šŸ§™ā€ā™€ļø Ideas and Open Discussion Grants Lab Monthly Meeting - July 2024

Published: Jul 18, 2024

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At the start of each month, the Grants Lab team has an hour-long meeting that primarily focuses on strategy and progress against our goals. This month, we focused on our our Q2 goals wrapup + Q3 goals review. Iā€™m linking the presentation here, as well as including an AI-assisted summary of the notes for anyone interested!

Link: Grants Lab Monthly_July24_ForForum - Google Slides


The meeting commenced with Meg Lister welcoming new team members and providing an update on the teamā€™s progress towards the 2024 Allo GMV goal. The importance of hard work needed this quarter to achieve their goals was emphasized. The need to fill open roles, especially the critical position of director of engineering, was discussed. The upcoming Devcon event was mentioned, with a reminder for attendees to confirm their participation and book flights early.

The team reviewed positive developments, including successful partnerships and market recognition. However, concerns were raised about the need to improve operational excellence and to focus on rebuilding in product and engineering. The June financial review highlighted fluctuations in headcount and increased expenses, and the treasuryā€™s financial runway was analyzed, emphasizing the importance of building product market fit to increase GMV, revenue, and token utility, thereby creating a sustainable flywheel effect.

Updates on the revenue and GMV pipeline were provided, along with a comprehensive overview. The Q3 goals were reviewed, focusing on seizing opportunities and meeting targets, particularly in the innovation pipeline. The importance of supporting partners during the donation period was underscored, along with the need to invest in culture and foundational tech for Q3. The Q3 strategy and goals were discussed, with the aim of reaching 10 million in cumulative GMV and specific focus areas such as doubling down on GMV with whale hunting and positioning the tech stack for the future.

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šŸŒ± Gitcoin Grants [PROPOSAL] Allocate Increased Funding to Community Rounds in GG21

Published: Jul 18, 2024

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[PROPOSAL] Allocate Increased Funding to Community Rounds in GG21

This proposal is to request an additional $150k of funds from the Gitcoin matching pool for the upcoming GG21 round.


Proposal to increase funding for Gitcoin Grants 21 (GG21) Community Rounds by $150k, bringing the total to $400k.

This would allow funding for the top 10 selected rounds instead of just the top 5, aiming to empower more communities and drive ecosystem growth. The proposal requests approval to allocate these additional funds from the Gitcoin matching pool.


  • Earlier this year, we ratified updates to Gitcoin Grants, which include ā€œmatching on matchingā€ funds for Community Rounds up to $125k per quarter. This allowed Gitcoin to enhance Community Roundsā€™ matching pools through our governance process.
  • Since we are only running 3 GG rounds this year, we earmarked an additional $125k to Community Rounds in GG21, as outlined in this post, totalling $250k for GG21.

On top of this, the grants operations team would like to request an additional $150k from the Matching pool multisig, making the total that weā€™re allocating to Community Rounds in GG21 $400k.

The additional funding weā€™re requesting from the multisig will enable us to distribute matching funds to the top 10 selected rounds instead of only to the top 5. This being the first round weā€™ll run without a Gitcoin-hosted round, weā€™d like to experiment with allocating more funding towards a GG round that isnā€™t hosting the OSS Program, aiming to drive further awareness and growth within our ecosystem.

Why This Matters

  • Empowering Communities: A key learning from GG20 was that the rounds outside of the top 5 selected felt excluded and some felt disempowered to run. Our hope is that funding all 10 community rounds further drives ecosystem growth and empowers communities in a more robust way.
  • Sustainability Commitment: This approach still aligns with our commitment to program sustainability while equally providing significant benefits to our community.


The Community Council will decide on how to distribute the matching funds across the 10 rounds, with the top 5 still receiving the largest amount of matching, and the remaining rounds receiving a reduced number.

Budget Impact

Our current GG 2024 budget sits at:

The passing of this proposal would mean we would be $150k over the budget set out for 2024. Reminder: we are only running 3 rounds this year, with the remainder $125k is already earmarked to GG21.

NOTE: With this proposal, we aim to experiment with this format of boosting Community Rounds matching, and does not set a precedent for future rounds.

Voting Options

  • Yes, provide an additional $150k for GG21 bringing the total to $400k of matching funds
  • No, do not provide an additional $150k for GG21, leaving the total at $250k of matching funds
  • Abstain

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šŸŒ± Gitcoin Grants [GG21 Community Round Proposal] Small Scale Urban Interventions in the City of Split

Published: Jul 16, 2024

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[GG21 Community Round Proposal] Small Scale Urban Interventions in the City of Split

Name of Proposed Round

Small Scale Urban Interventions in the City of Split

Overview of Round

Split Parks Company is a utility company owned by the City of Split, mandated and funded by the City to improve and maintain green spaces in the city.

In the last couple of years it dramatically increased the number and size of interventions, planting thousands of trees, installing hundreds of street benches and drinkable water taps, and building dozens of children playgrounds.

As our work increased, so did the interest of citizens and their proposals. This is why we started a new project ā€œLetā€™s make Split greener!ā€ where citizens could propose an intervention and donate for this cause.

This round will mark our move to Ethereum and quadratic funding for funding these projects. We will provide 2/3 funds on top of all raised funds, minimum of $50k.

Social Handle of Your Organization:

Facebook: Parkovi i nasadi Split | Split

Eligibility Criteria:


The plot(s) of land where the intervention is proposed must comply with these criteria:

1. must be owned by a governmental body
2. must be free of conflicting plans or purposes (eg. building a road) in the next 3 years.
3. must not be subject of court proceedings (risk of repossession in future)

Citizens can propose any location, and the team will check if it fits the eligibility criteria. For reference, citizens can check in Green Cadastre of Split.


There are predefined types of interventions possible. These include:

* Trees
* Shrubs
* Flowers
* Grass
* Benches
* Taps
* Lamps
* Playground equipment

Citizens can combine multiple types of interventions in one proposal for a single location.

Round History:

This is the first time this round will be ran on Gitcoin and use QF. Previously, donations were received continuously for the last year through direct bank payments.

Over ā‚¬50k was donated in the last year.

Team Running This Round:

Clearly identify the round operator with relevant experience, and provide detailed bios and social handle links for at least two additional team members, emphasizing their relevant experience.

  1. Tomislav Mamić, project leader of and a core team member of Gitcoin DeSci Community round in GG20, Twitter/Telegram: tomislavmamic
  2. SiniÅ”a GaÅ”parević, director of Parks Company, the initiator of the round.
  3. Goran Tahirbegović, project manager at Parks Company, he manages the interventions.

Alignment with Gitcoinā€™s Mission 7 and Essential Intents 3:

Clearly articulate how the proposed round aligns with Gitcoinā€™s mission and essential intents.

This round aligns with Gitcoinā€™s mission and essential intents by [ insert explanation].

Anticipated Size of the Matching Pool:

We anticipate to provide matching of $50k but are ready to match even more if there are more donations. Potentially, every donated $1 we could match with $3, even if lot more than $15k is donated.

However, funds for matching pool are on the bank account of the city and for legal uncertainties and risk aversion, we canā€™t get them onchain and through Allo smart contracts.

But we feel that this shouldnā€™t be a burden because even if the City did get the funds onchain, ultimately the payout would be to the Company in one transaction. Itā€™s not worth the legal hassle.

The Parks Company has a ā‚¬5 million annual contract for these types of interventions and maintenance of existing infrastructure. This means that we can continue running these rounds quarterly indefinitely and even increase the matching funds.

Advisors for This Round:

Vlaho Hrdalo - lawyer and president of Croatian Blockchain Association UBIK
Ethereum Foundation - this round is part Next Billion fellowship and we got support from various members of EF

Funding Mechanism:

We are using Quadratic Funding because we believe it works well for this type of funding program.

Caveat is that we know in advance the cost of each proposal.

For proposals which pass the threshold of 25% of funding, we will match the rest of the funding. For proposals which reach 100% funding through donations, we will close donations and wonā€™t take donations over proposalā€™s actual costs.

For this purpose we are building a custom interface on top of Allo.

Community Size and Engagement:

Parks Company regularly communicates its activities on our Facebook page and have a lot of interaction with citizens of Split.

We also have ran this donation campaign for a year and got more than $50k donated. Most of donations came from citizens but the largest part of donated amount came from local businesses.

The population of Split is 150k, and all of the citizens, and visitors of Split are potentially our community members.

Type of Projects to Fund

All proposals need to be small scale urban interventions and meet the eligibility criteria set here.

Estimated Number of Eligible Grantees

There is only one grantee: Parks Company.
But we can expect more than 20 proposals from citizens, ranging from small ones (plant couple of trees) to large ones (multiple interventions of multiple types).

Impact Assessment Plan

Because what we are building is a physical public infrastructure that is free to use and there is no way for use to count how many people use it, we will need to use some proxies.

For each proposal we will count mentions in social media and media. Additionally, we could run polls to try getting opinions of the people, but that doesnā€™t seem worth it for the smaller interventions.

Potential Conflicts of Interest

We, Parks Company, are mandated and funded by the City of Split to create, improve and maintain green urban spaces in the city.

For the most part, we make the plans and decisions on what to care for and where, when itā€™s not already specified in longterm plan.

In this case, we are letting citizens propose and vote on what should be our next priorities. The city provides the matching funds, and these will go to us to execute the proposals, along with donations.

Citizens can propose interventions, but they canā€™t carry them out.

With this said, we donā€™t think we are in a conflict of interest because for us there is no difference between proposals. We donā€™t care which proposals are voted for by citizens.

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šŸ“ Citizen Grants Auction site to sell progressive gaming accounts

Published: Jul 16, 2024

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Create an auction site for selling gaming accounts against a fee of 8%

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šŸŒ± Gitcoin Grants [GG21 Community Round Proposal] CCN - Climate Solutions Round

Published: Jul 16, 2024

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Name (or Topic/Theme) of Proposed Round:

Climate Solutions Round

Social Handle of Your Organization:

Twitter: Climate Coordination Network

Eligibility Criteria:

GG21 Climate Solution Round Eligibility Criteria

  • Projects must be at least 3 months old. We use Twitter, web domain registration date, and other public info to determine this. Newer projects should establish themselves and submit to the next round.

  • The Grant must be primarily focused on climate solutions (the group may do other work but the grant proposal should be directly related to climate solutions). The proposal should explicitly outline how this project will help reduce GHGs or is an important core infrastructure for web3 climate solutions. Examples include: Renewable Energy, Oracles & DMRV, Supply Chain Analysis, Carbon Accounting, climate activists / collectives, Natural Systemsā€™ CO2 Sequestration.

  • Grantees who received funding in a previous round(s) are required to provide a new update on their progress and impact via KarmaGAP. Each project must have a minimum of 2 milestones updated since the completion of GG20 AND include a summary of the projectā€™s climate impact over the past year

    • Projects can also include the challenges they have faced. This will ensure accountability to supporters and provide context for your work and accomplishments
  • Even if the project was accepted into previous rounds, grantees will be eliminated from participation in the GG21QF Round for the following reasons:

    • If they are found to be encouraging or enabling Sybil attacks or other forms of malicious manipulation of the grants platform or the Gitcoin community
    • If they submit more than one project into the round
    • If they are primarily a token launch or NFT project to raise money for a liquidity pool
    • If the project does not clearly demonstrate a primary focus on being a climate solution with clear and proven climate impacts
  • All returning grantees are required to include the following:

    • An update to their proposal including any lessons learned from previous work
    • A description of how they plan to use the additional funding from the upcoming round and how additional funding will help the project meet its goals
    • A rough timeline for the project overall
    • A short bio for each team member and their qualifications
  • There is a general expectation that projects are within the ā€œrealm of viabilityā€. Even if a project is very early, it must still seem credible to the average person with an understanding of web3 technology and climate solutions. Including information about the teamā€™s expertise, qualifications and skills will help us review your grant. Grantee founders must genuinely intend to build the project, and the project must not broadly be considered an impossibility.

  • Projects must comply with Gitcoin core rules and eligibility.

Round History:

History of Nine Climate Solutions Rounds: GR12 to GG20

The team started operating the first rounds in 2021, with the first climate round in GR12 December 2021. The first seven Climate Solutions Grant Rounds were run by Gitcoin and managed by the climate advisory team (now CCN). In October 2023, the Climate Round decentralized from the Gitcoin Grants Program and has since been managed by CCN. You can learn more about this decentralization here.

CCN Overall Impact

Since GR12, the Climate Solutions Round has enormously impacted the web3 Climate/ReFi space. We have crowdfunded over $1M and distributed over $4.2M in funding to hundreds of projects using the EVM.

GG20 Climate Solutions Snapshot

  • 129 Climate Solutions Grantees worldwide (see GG20 Impact Map below)
  • Total crowdfunding: $58k
  • 9,314 contributions
  • 2,262 unique donors
  • Average contribution: $4.08
  • Climate Solutions Round Report card

For more details, please see the GG20 Climate Solutions Round Retro.

GG20 Impact Map

Team Running This Round:

The Climate Coordination Network (CCN) is a dedicated team of six people from around the world (two from Canada, one from Europe, one from India and two from the US) who have served for the past two years on the Gitcoin Climate Advisory team. All of the team members come from the more traditional climate and regeneration movement and have a combined 50+ years of experience in the space.

The CCN Team:

Jon Ruth
Ben West
Coleen Chase
Marco Gerletti
Pranav Khanna
Tarah Stafford

Alignment with Gitcoinā€™s Mission 3 and Essential Intents:

Gitcoinā€™s Mission

Gitcoin creates technologies and opportunities that enable communities to build, fund and protect what matters

Weā€™re on a mission to accelerate community-supported climate solutions on a global scale, catalyzing diverse forms of climate action to create a sustainable and equitable future for all. Through strategic grant distribution coupled with support, we empower climate projects dedicated to reducing greenhouse gas emissions and serving as essential core infrastructure for Web3 climate solutions. The grant round and participating Climate Solutions projects coordinate, operate, and collectively help grow the greater public goods ecosystem worldwide.

Gitcoinā€™s Mission - Gitcoin creates technologies and opportunities that enable communities to build, fund and protect what matters

The climate round has always been about building, funding, and protecting what matters. This round is heavily aligned with Gitcoinā€™s mission, and will continue to use Gitcoinā€™s technologies to fund our community of builders. Beyond that, we see this round as serving all communities as climate change affects us all.

Network Effects - Maximizing the network effects of our ecosystem to grow product adoption

The climate round has built a vibrant community of grantees and supporters with an average of 104 grantees per round and over 116k project donations. As some grantees have begun to graduate from the round, some have already expressed interest in running their own grant rounds for their specific communities. By funding CCN and the Climate program, we will continue to grow our community and grow usage and adoption of Gitcoinā€™s products.

Community First - Cultivating a community that thrives on providing positive change and meaningful engagement

While Gitcoin ran the Climate program, this essential intent has always been one of our north stars. We have cultivated a rich community of builders and educators all with a mission of making the world a better place through the fight against climate change. These grantees are all making positive changes in the world and engaging with the broader Gitcoin community. CCN is aligned with this, and building and cultivating our community will always be one of the drivers of how we operate.

Financial Longevity - Ensuring the economic health and vitality of Gitcoin

By continuing to fund and run the climate round, we are supporting Gitcoinā€™s mission to drive $1B of funding through GS/Allo in the coming years. We plan to continue growing this round which will help Gitcoin reach its goal.

What do you anticipate the size of the matching pool will be (either fundraised from partners, raised independently through your connections, or a combination of both)?

Anticipated Size of the Matching Pool:

The matching pool is anticipated to be $250k, fundraised through supporting partners.
Funding address: 0x697B6bb004C1883b945174E2E209c07BF94650eB

Advisors for This Round:

We take feedback from the community but our current team members also serve as our current advisors.

Funding Mechanism: QF + Ranked Impact

For GG21, we will continue to utilize the QF Funding mechanism but we will test the idea of capping the round at 70 projects. This will achieve three goals:

  1. Incentivize grantees to include clear evidence of impact and metrics;
  2. Offer contributors a curated round of high-impact projects to support;
  3. Ensure that participating projects receive more funding.

We will utilize a ranking tool which allows each reviewer to rank projects that meet our eligibility criteria based on real-world climate impact. Then the individual rankings will be averaged for a final ranking and the top 70 projects will be included into GG21.

We will pay out the matching funds using a combination of COCM and standard QF with Passport for Sybil protection.

Community Size and Engagement:

  • In the GG20 Climate Solutions Round we had 129 grantees approved from over 169 applicants from around the world and $58k crowdfunded from 9,314 donations from supporters.
  • We have a vibrant community of builders and each of their projects has its own community. It is hard to say the exact size of this organic community but I would guess 50k+ people in the overall community.

Type of Projects to Fund:

We aim to fund climate solutions projects worldwide that have a proven history of real-world impact. Specifically, these projects will showcase evidence of how they help reduce GHGs or are an important core infrastructure for Web3 climate solutions in the following nine categories:

  • Renewable Energy
  • Oracles & dMRV
  • Carbon Accounting
  • Climate Activism/Education
  • Nature-Based Solutions
  • Ocean-Based Solutions
  • Climate Adaptation/Climate Resilience
  • Supply Chain solutions
  • Built Environment/Transportation

Estimated Number of Eligible Grantees:

70 high-impact Climate Solutions projects

Impact Assessment Plan:

New for GG21, we intend to assess grantee impact through the requirement that each grantee utilize the KarmaGAP tool. Each grantee will be required to have an updated KarmaGAP profile, clear climate action milestones and updates. A concise and relevant summary of the projectā€™s real-world climate impact over the past year is also encouraged.

We will continue to update the CCN Metrics Garden as a resource for applying to the Climate Solutions Round. This resource aims to provide Climate Solution projects with a framework for measuring what matters and attesting to their impact so that:

  1. Projects can showcase their climate impact and have a better chance of making it into the round;

  2. Grantees can continue to evolve their impact measurement and attestations to attract more funding;

  3. The Climate Solutions round and CCN can attract more funding for future rounds.

Additional Considerations:

Focusing on Climate Solutions is crucial due to climateā€™s interconnectedness with other social, economic, and environmental issues and our ethical responsibility to protect vulnerable communities from climate-related risks. Climate change is a threat multiplier that exacerbates existing vulnerabilities and tensions, such as conflict, migration, health impacts, poverty, and inequality; to fix this, itā€™s estimated the world needs to invest trillions of $ of investment every year to reach net zero by 2050 to limit such devastating effects worldwide.

By supporting a climate solutions grant round, you are fostering equitable access to climate solutions and creating a better world for ourselves and future generations. Blockchain has, at its core, the ability to support a myriad of solutions, including:

  • Facilitating peer-to-peer energy trading in decentralized grids
  • Enabling secure and efficient carbon accounting and reporting
  • Empowering communities to collectively fund renewable energy projects
  • Streamlining supply chain management for sustainable sourcing and distribution
  • Improving data integrity and accuracy in climate impact assessments
  • Supporting various MRV methods for sustainable agriculture, forestry and carbon-reducing ocean initiatives
  • Ensuring transparency and traceability in carbon offset markets
  • Enabling decentralized governance models for climate initiatives, fostering inclusivity and collaboration
  • Supporting the development of decentralized climate registries for tracking emissions reductions and climate action initiatives.

Potential Conflicts of Interest:

Our international team of round operators is composed of professionals who are building and implementing Climate Solutions first hand with various climate initiatives. Some of these projects have been part of the Climate Round as they are a vibrant part of the community and require support. You can read about our review best practices here: How do we review, including conflict of interests protections.

Our team and projects they have been representing:
Marco - Founder of Solarpunk Nomads and applying for GG21.
Jon - Co-founder of The Solar Foundation and applying for GG21.
Coleen - Co-founder of The Solar Foundation and applying for GG21.
Pranav - Active community member of many orgs but not applying for the round.
Tarah - Co-founder of Elephant in the Room and applying for GG21
Ben - Co-founder of Elephant in the Room and applying for GG21

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šŸŒ± Gitcoin Grants [GG21 Community Round Proposal] CollabTech Round and Thresholds Experiment

Published: Jul 16, 2024

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Name (or Topic/Theme) of Proposed Round:

CollabTech Round and Thresholds Experiment

Weā€™re proposing a Gitcoin-style round, modified with a novel threshold mechanism to improve capital efficiency in generating usable outputs, and a focus on business cluster development (aka Swarm development) to deliver maximum impact for the funds-providing ecosystem. As such, this is a valuable experiment in capital allocation mechanisms, both testing a mechanism and evaluating its usefulness within a portfolio of ecosystem development strategies.

Social Handle of Your Organization:

Twitter: @rndao__

Eligibility Criteria:

In addition to Gitcoinā€™s core rules,


Projects must focus on Collaboration Tech a.k.a. tooling for organisations on-chain, DAOs, network states, and future of work (e.g. governance, identity & reputation, operations, contributor tooling). This ensures weā€™re capable of assessing proposals correctly.


Projects must declare a ā€œthresholdā€ (minimum amount of funds needed to complete the project/feature/prototype and deliver value). Thoroughness in defining their threshold and feasibility (threshold within the range of match-funding available) will be key for approval into the round.

Project duration

To learn from this experiment, weā€™ll further restrict the time needed for proposals to be completed to 12 weeks. After this period, weā€™ll analyse the outcomes of the proposals and make the data publicly available for further research and comparing with other capital allocation methods.

This grant does not include data collection from other grant programs for compariosn, but the simple format (was the project delivered yes/no), makes it easy for other programs and researchers to collect results and certain programs are already gathering this data (e.g. Questbook grants).

Commercial viability or Public Good requirements for selection

To build commercially sustainable projects, allocating capital is not enough. Commercial viability requires thorough work of the business side of an idea (understanding the competitive landscape, planning for financial viability, etc.) and the application of innovation methodologies (customer development, lean startup, design thinking, etc etc.). Many teams lack these skills and as such require significant support such as the one provided by venture builders and accelerators. Gitcoin rounds do not provide said support, as such, weā€™ll focus on areas where the likelihood of positive impact is high absent support:

  • Immutable/perennial public goods
  • Collaborations and integrations with resources/tools/goods already shown to be valuable
  • New innovations by projects already counting with the necessary support or maturity to address commercial viability.

General Criteria

Incomplete, poorly structured, unfeasible, or otherwise poorly conceived applications will be rejected.

Round History:

This round is new and experimental in nature. Our core objective is to test new possibilities for QF-based fund allocation towards ecosystem development objectives.

Team Running This Round:

Clearly identify the round operator with relevant experience, and provide detailed bios and social handle links for at least two additional team members, emphasizing their relevant experience.

  • Round Operator: Daniel Ospina, Instigator at RnDAO, previously, Head of Governance at Aragon, Supervisory Council SingularityNET, consulted in innovation management for Google, BCG, Daimler, etc.
  • Team Member 1: Corinna Schlicht, trained Gitcoin round operator, founder at Regens Unite and Marketing Lead at RnDAO. Previously Partnership lead at the DAOist, Comms lead at Giveth, and previous career in Web2 sales.
  • Team Member 2: Andrea Gallagher, CollabTech expert since Web1, ex-research lead at Aragon, Google Suite, Asana, Innovation Catalyst and Inuit.
  • Additional team members from RnDAOā€™s Marketing and Ops as needed.

Alignment with Gitcoinā€™s Mission 3 and Essential Intents 1:

Clearly articulate how the proposed round aligns with Gitcoinā€™s mission and essential intents.

  • This round advances Gitcoinā€™s mission of ā€œcreate tools that enable communities to build, fund and protect what matters to themā€by advancing our knowledge about funding mechanisms by combining Gitcoinā€™s tools with a new ā€œthresholdsā€ mechanism.

Anticipated Size of the Matching Pool:

Clearly state the anticipated size of the matching pool, Include the funding address. And outline a clear plan for future fundraising if not already in place.

  • Weā€™re hoping to gain Gitcoinā€™s support in filling the matching pool with an initial amount. If successful in our bid for Gitcoinā€™s matching funds, additional matching pool funds will be raised through applying for Arbitrumā€™s grant programmes (following the same steps for the Hackathon we got recently approved). Additionally, we have discussed at length with the ThankARB programme who invited us to apply for GG21 and further discuss funding us.

Advisors for This Round:

Weā€™re lucky to count on close relationships with the likes of DisruptionJoe, Sov, CoachJ, Ben West, and more who have kindly lent their time and helped us evolve our thinking around grant programmes and fund deployment mechanisms.

Funding Mechanism:

We are using a modified QF mechanism, with the addition of Thresholds.

Threshold mechanism

For projects applying to a Gitcoin round, the funds required to complete their project and provide a usable output vary. We refer to this minimum amount for the project to become viable as the ā€œThresholdā€. The program weā€™re proposing will incorporate the use of self-declared Thresholds (reviewed and approved by our grant committee) so that projects only receive funding if the donations+matching pool amount would be sufficient to meet the threshold. This ensures the program is only awarding projects that, funding-wise, have a real chance of delivering a valuable output. The donations to projects that fail to meet the Threshold are returned to the donors and the matching pool is re-allocated to others. This mechanism has the advantage of nudging projects towards minimum viable products and of reducing wastage in capital allocation.

Community Size and Engagement:

For the past 2 years, RnDAO has positioned itself as a thought leader and go-to community for CollabTech. Our last program was oversubscribed by 7,000% (70 to 1 ratio). We have gathered 1k+ unique visitors in our events and have 2k+ Twitter followers.

Type of Projects to Fund:

  • See Eligibility criteria.

Estimated Number of Eligible Grantees:

  • Weā€™re expecting to approve 5-15 grantees for the round, although thanks to the usage of thresholds, thereā€™s reduced reliance on the quality of screening and we might accept more grantees if enough qualifying proposals are presented.

Impact Assessment Plan:

Describe how you intend to assess grantee impact through methods such as Hypercerts, GAP, Deresy, etc., and provide details of the plan, including how you will measure and evaluate the success and impact of the grantees over successive rounds.

  • The key assessment for the success of this round (desired impact) is the evaluation of the thresholds mechanism. Weā€™ll collect feedback (NPS+qualitative) from grantees and donors.
  • Additionally, Grantee projects will be encouraged to fill their Karma profile and required to provide updates on the completion or not of their proposed projects.

Additional Considerations:

Potential Conflicts of Interest:

None - note some RnDAO members are also directly participating in projects that could apply as grantees. Said members will abstain from participating as reviewers of the applications to the round.

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šŸŒ± Gitcoin Grants [GG21 Community Round Proposal] Decentralized Science and Art in Psychedelics

Published: Jul 15, 2024

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Round Name: Psychedelic DeSci and Art
X @showPsychedelic
Instagram @psychedelicpuppetshow

Empowering Decentralized Science and Art in Psychedelics

Our project aims to establish a vibrant and dynamic platform focused on funding and nurturing decentralized science and artistic projects related to psychedelics. As participants in the Gitcoin Funding round, our primary goal is to create a community-driven ecosystem where research and creativity converge to foster growth and innovation in the field of psychedelics.


We envision a platform that acts as a catalyst for scientific and artistic projects centered around psychedelics, providing a decentralized and transparent environment for researchers, artists, and community leaders to propose, collaborate, and receive funding for their initiatives. By leveraging the power of blockchain technology, we aim to democratize access to resources and decision-making processes, ensuring that all voices within our community are heard and valued.


  1. Fund Decentralized Science: Support qualitative studies and research efforts that explore key areas of psychedelics. These studies will deepen our understanding of psychedelic science, therapy, history, cultural practices, and spirituality, providing valuable insights and data that can inform future projects and policies.
  2. Support Artistic Creations: Facilitate the creation of innovative and impactful artworks inspired by psychedelic science and qualitative studies. By providing financial resources and a supportive community, we aim to amplify the voices of artists and bring their visions to life, creating a rich tapestry of art that reflects the diverse experiences and insights gained from psychedelic research.


  • Decentralized Platform: Utilize blockchain technology to create a decentralized platform that supports secure and transparent transactions, voting, and project management.

  • Community Engagement: Foster a sense of community and collaboration through regular events, online forums, and interactive spaces where members can share ideas and feedback.

  • Resource Allocation: Implement fair and equitable funding mechanisms to distribute resources to projects that align with our mission and values.


By focusing on decentralized science and artistic projects related to psychedelics, we aim to build a thriving ecosystem that supports research, creativity, and community engagement. Our project will not only provide tangible benefits to researchers and artists but also set a precedent for how decentralized platforms can effectively manage and distribute resources to drive positive change.

Join us in this exciting journey as we empower researchers and inspire artistic creations through our platform. Together, we can create a vibrant and inclusive future where science and art in the field of psychedelics flourish.

Round History:

Our organization is ready to launch its own Gitcoin round, having engaged in regular consultations with Ben West since May 2023 to prepare for this initiative. We deliberately delayed our round to ensure a clear strategic direction and a comprehensive understanding of our needs. Following extensive organizational development and a series of DAO planning workshops, we have crystallized our vision for conducting a successful Gitcoin round.

Our track record as a grantee in two past rounds (GG18 and GG19) speaks to our capability and success in executing impactful projects. Specifically, we successfully utilized the funds to host our inaugural live film festival in New York City on May 7, 2024, and to support two months of weekly workshops that fostered creative envisioning and draft an initial whitepaper for the organizations future development plans.

Team Running This Round:

Round Operator: Dr. Brad Necyk, PhD MFA BFA BComm

X @bradnecyk

Brad Necyk is an artist and technologist whose practice focuses on mental illness, psychedelics, consciousness, and flourishing. He incorporates cutting-edge vision technologies, primarily AI video and 3D animation, into his artistic works and films.

Brad is a Postdoctoral Fellow at York University with VISTA (Vision: Science to Applications) and Cinema & Media Arts, creating artistic works, poetry, and films. He is a co-founder and director of the Psychedelic Puppet Show Non-Profit, creating fun educational content about psychedelic science, therapy, history, and spirituality. He completed a research-creation PhD in Psychiatry at the University of Alberta, and his doctoral research was awarded the Governor Generalā€™s Gold Medal.

Team Member 1: Shawn Anderson, MSc

X @ygg_anderson

As an entrepreneurial data scientist with a Masters of Science degree from Simon Fraser University, I established Longtail Financial in 2018. This scientific research and experimental development company specializes in quantitative finance and blockchain technology. Longtail underwent a strategic shift in 2021, transforming into a token engineering services firm. Since then, we have successfully served over 15 clients across various domains, including DeFi, NFT gaming, NFT markets, DAO construction, privacy, commerce, hardware distribution, real-world assets, and more. Additionally, I have actively contributed to the Token Engineering Commons DAO and held a researcher position at the Token Engineering Academy, further solidifying my dedication to the field.

Team Member 2: Dr. Pam Kryskow, MD

Dr. Kryskow is trained as a Family Physician and has been active in the psychedelic space for years. She co-founded the Psychedelic Puppet Show, Roots to Thrive, and Psychedelic Association of Canada. Further, she is a frequent collaborator on Paul Stametsā€™ studies.

Additional Team Members:

The Psychedelic Puppet Show Non-Profit hosts a dedicated board of four members:

  • Dr. Brad Necyk (Instagram/Twitter @bradnecyk)
  • Dr. Pam Kryskow,
  • Aaron Munson (Instagram @aamunson)
  • Scott Nelson.

Additionally, we have strengthened our team by appointing Brad Necyk as Executive Director and Ona Praderas as our Community Engagement Officer.

Our network extends to renowned figures in the field, including:

  • Paul Stamets (famed myscologist, Twitter/Instagram paulstamets)
  • Rick Doblin (founder of MAPS)
  • Jason Silva (TV personality, Twitter/Instagram jasonsilva)
  • Chris Dyer (famed artist, Instagram chris_dyer)
    as well as key psychedelic organizations such as
  • MAPS (Instagram maps_org)
  • Psychedelic Assembly (Instagram psychedelic_assembly)
  • Propeller (Instragram
  • Psychedelic Association of Canada (Instagram psychedelicassociation)

To ensure the integrity and alignment of our grant review process, our board members will serve as the primary reviewers. This approach guarantees that all proposals are evaluated thoroughly to align with our mission and values.

Alignment with Gitcoinā€™s Mission 3 and Essential Intents 1:

We align with Gitcoinā€™s mission and essential interests, as our focus in this round is to lay the groundwork for a global, decentralized, and self-governed community that raises psychedelic awareness and adds to the public good. We believe that cutting-edge technologies such as digital media, AI, and blockchain can enable this vision through a read, write, generate, and own platform that empowers and compensates creators and contributors, growing a collaborative and supportive community.

We believe that psychedelics will have a positive personal and collective impact and our organization aims to expand their awareness and destigmatize them. Our organization stands in firm alignment with Gitcoinā€™s mission and core principles. In this round of funding, our primary objective is to establish a solid foundation for a global, decentralized, and autonomous community that fosters psychedelic awareness and contributes to the betterment of society. We firmly believe that cutting-edge technologies like digital media, artificial intelligence (AI), and blockchain possess the potential to realize this vision.

Envision a platform that empowers and compensates creators and contributors, enabling them to read, write, generate, and own content. Such a platform would facilitate the growth of a collaborative and supportive community, fostering innovation and creativity. By leveraging these technologies, we can create a space where individuals are recognized and rewarded for their contributions, leading to a more engaged and vibrant community.

Furthermore, we strongly believe in the positive personal and collective impact of psychedelics. Our organization is committed to expanding awareness and destigmatizing these substances. We aim to educate the public about the potential therapeutic benefits of psychedelics, challenging misconceptions and promoting responsible use. By working towards a more informed and understanding society, we hope to create a space where individuals can openly discuss and explore the potential of psychedelics without fear of judgment or stigma.

Our vision extends beyond the immediate round of funding. We envision a future where psychedelic knowledge is widely accessible, and individuals have the freedom to explore their consciousness in safe and supportive environments. We believe that by aligning with Gitcoinā€™s mission and utilizing innovative technologies, we can lay the groundwork for a more enlightened and compassionate world.

Anticipated Size of the Matching Pool:

We are planning to contribute $10,000 CAD in matching funds from a private Bitcoin donation we received in November of 2023. When selected, we feel confident in raising further matching funds through donations.

ETH address: 0xadaa3b0d9b96df7e338b6db62e7daa073e0e94a5

Further fundraising:

In late-2024, our organization is preparing for the launch of an NFT collection of twenty 1-minute digital video works about alternate histories with psychedelic puppets coming at key moments of consciousness expanding inspiration. The primary objective of this initiative is to continue raising funds through various channels, including online platforms and potential partnerships with sponsors and donors.

Simultaneously, we are actively collaborating with CreativeBC, an organization dedicated to fostering the development of creative industries in British Columbia. Through this strategic partnership, we aim to secure matching funds that will be instrumental in supporting the development phase of an exciting TV series. This ambitious project will serve as a platform to showcase the exceptional talent and creativity within our growing community of collaborators.

Furthermore, our non-profit organization will become eligible for funding from the Canada Council for the Arts in 2025. This milestone will provide financial support that will enable us to expand our reach, enhance our programming, and continue to make a positive impact on the cultural landscape of psychedelics.

See NFT collaboration examples below:

Advisors for This Round:

  • Scott Nelson (long-term web3 investor)
  • Shawn Anderson (blockchain engineer and founder of Long Tail Financial)
  • Adam Szymanski (Art Consultant specializing in NFTs)
  • Ben West (Gitcoin).

Funding Mechanism:

For this funding round, we will utilize the pluralistic QF (Quadratic Funding) algorithm, a collusion-resistant version, to ensure fair and equitable distribution of funds. The maximum matching amount will be capped at 10%, with a minimum donation requirement of $1. This approach guarantees that contributions from our community are amplified, supporting a diverse range of decentralized science and art projects related to psychedelics.

Community Size and Engagement:

With an increasing number of thought leaders in the psychedelic space, our focus is expanding to include and empower creators globally. Through our social media platforms and support from influencers like Paul Stamets and Jason Silva, weā€™ve reached over a million people. Our goal is to bring more creators into the fold, allowing them to share their visions and experiences.

In November 2023, we received a 0.5 Bitcoin donation, along with community support from two Gitcoin rounds totalling approximately 2 Ethereum. These funds have been used to fund two positions in our organization, put on a live film festival in NYC, create a DAO blueprint, and connect with dozens of creatives globally.

We aim to fund projects that align with two core areas development:

  1. Decentralized Science
  2. Artistic Creations

We are committed to funding 6-8 outstanding projects that promise sustainable growth and long-term benefits for our organization and community. With five core contributors currently driving our vision forward, we are keen to welcome additional individuals and organizations. Their fresh perspectives and innovative approaches will undoubtedly enrich and expand our capabilities beyond what we could achieve independently. We are enthusiastic about the prospect of incorporating new voices into our project, enhancing its diversity and impact.

Impact Assessment Plan:

In collaboration with Shawn Anderson from Longtail Financial, we will explore the potential of Hypercerts and DeReSy to enhance our grant assessment process. Hypercerts could be used to create a transparent, verifiable record of a projectā€™s impact, allowing us to track and reward achievements effectively. These tokens would enable us to retrospectively fund projects based on their proven impact, fostering a more dynamic and responsive funding model.

With DeReSy, we could implement a robust system for on-chain project reviews, providing clear, immutable assessments of each projectā€™s progress and outcomes. This would allow for transparent and objective evaluations, facilitating better decision-making for future grant allocations.

By working with Longtail Financial, we aim to integrate these technologies into our grant-making process, ensuring that we fund projects that offer significant, verifiable impact. This strategic collaboration will help us leverage cutting-edge blockchain technology to make more informed and impactful funding decisions.

Additional Considerations:

Our organization, dedicated to promoting public good, believes in the transformative power of psychedelics and the arts towards making a better world. We view artists as essential in shaping public perception and preparing society for the changes psychedelics can bring. Recognizing the value of their work, we advocate for fair compensation for artists. Through this funding round, we aim to support projects that establish enduring, sustainable contributions to our organization and vision, empowering artists to create and disseminate their work, thereby influencing global consciousness positively.

Potential Conflicts of Interest:

Not that we are aware of.

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šŸŒ± Gitcoin Grants [GG21 Community Round Proposal] LUKSO Community Grants

Published: Jul 15, 2024

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We are excited to share our proposal for the GG21 Community Round. Our goal is to empower builders and community-led projects to foster a vibrant ecosystem of social, creative, and cultural projects through decentralised funding.


LUKSO Community Grants




We want to support builders leveraging LUKSOā€™s innovative smart contract standards (LSPs) and Universal Profiles (UPs) to develop the next generation of dApps and infrastructure protocols, as well as fostering active community projects within the LUKSO ecosystem. Our focus is on encouraging both technical projects that integrate LUKSOā€™s technology stack and non-technical initiatives that demonstrate strong community involvement, focusing on education.

(1) Technical Projects (dApps, Protocols):

  • Integration of Universal Profiles: Projects must utilise the UP Browser Extension, e.g. instead of MetaMask.

  • Use of LUKSO Standard Proposals (LSPs): Projects should leverage LSPs instead of their ERC counterparts to qualify.

*Please note that while these technical eligibility criteria may seem limited, we have found them to be sufficient in filtering projects that truly contribute to our ecosystem, as evidenced by past hackathons and the current application wave to our direct grants program, given the complexity of our technology stack and the time builders need to invest in learning about our smart contract standards.

(2) Non-Technical (Community Projects):

  • Active Community Involvement: Communities must have a track record of at least 3 months of active and continuous participation within the LUKSO community before the GG21 round. This criterion aims to protect our loyal and hardworking community members while encouraging newcomers to engage with the existing community until the next community funding opportunity.

Additionally, all projects must comply with Gitcoinā€™s core rules (incl. no fraudulent activity, quid pro quo, hate speech, or other activities out of alignment with Gitcoinā€™s essential intents).


This will be our first Gitcoin Grants Round, serving as a decentralised complement to the currently ongoing closing of our foundationā€™s first grant wave.

However, we have been active in the ā€œGitcoin-Verseā€ through our hackathons. BuildUP! 1 took place on Gitcoinā€™s legacy hackathon platform in 2022, and BuildUP! 2 was held on buidlbox in November 2023. For BuildUP! 1, we launched a quadratic matching pool, allowing our community to vote for their favourite hackathon submissions via RadicalxChange. Both hackathons had around 500 participants.


Grants: Clara

Growth: Jonathan

  • For 3 years, Jonathan has led LUKSOā€™s growth team, driving ecosystem expansion through partnerships, funding, awareness, and business development.
  • Twitter, LinkedIn

Tech: Hugo

  • Hugo, with nearly 4 years of experience leading LUKSOā€™s tech team, now focuses on supporting and onboarding new projects within the LUKSO ecosystem.
  • Twitter, LinkedIn

Hugo, Jonathan and Clara are already working closely together on the LUKSO Grants Program. Additionally, we have a motivated team of DevRel team members, community managers, communications team members and developers who will contribute as needed. They bring valuable experience from supporting our direct grants rounds and hackathons.


The ā€œLUKSO Community Grantsā€ GG21 round aligns with Gitcoinā€™s vision of community-led positive change by supporting both technical and community-driven projects within the LUKSO ecosystem. By utilising quadratic funding, we aim to create a decentralised funding mechanism that empowers our community to propose and support impactful projects. This mirrors Gitcoinā€™s commitment to cultivating a vibrant, engaged community and ensuring the economic health and vitality of the ecosystem.

On a higher level, the LUKSO ecosystem is social and reputation-based by default, led by our core product Universal Profiles. These smart contract accounts unlock account abstraction from the start, enabling a user-friendly and feature-rich ecosystem built on social, creative, and cultural use cases. This alignment with Gitcoinā€™s ā€œcommunity-firstā€ approach is likely one of the reasons why our previous collaborations within the ā€œGitcoin-Verseā€ have always been extremely positive.


The matching pool is anticipated to be $50,000 in LYX, funded by the Foundation for the New Creative Economies.

Funding address: Please find the publicly disclosed Genesis Address for the Foundation for the New Creative Economies in this Medium Article under ā€œThe Genesis Addressesā€.


Our team has been in close contact with Sov from the Gitcoin team, who has been immensely helpful in patiently answering all our questions. Thank you so much!

Internally, we have a motivated team of DevRel team members, community managers, communications team members and developers who will contribute as needed. They bring valuable experience from supporting our direct grants rounds and hackathons.


We aim to complement our centralised grants program with periodic quadratic funding rounds on Gitcoin, establishing a decentralised counterpart called ā€œLUKSO Community Grants.ā€ This initiative seeks to create a reliable funding mechanism driven by community proposals and contributions. Given our communityā€™s strong engagement in building on LUKSO and advocating for ecosystem projects, we are confident in the success of this funding approach.


Our community is highly active and continuously engaged in driving both the education and adoption of LUKSOā€™s technology stack within the EVM builder community. On Twitter, we have 64k organic followers, and our Discord server hosts 18.5k members. CommonGround, a web3 alternative to Discord, hosts its most active ecosystem server with LUKSO. During the BuildUP! 1 hackathon in 2022, nearly 200 individual community members participated in the quadratic voting community awards, with participation NFTs still on our testnet and set to be migrated soon.

For the GG21 LUKSO Community Grants, we will closely track engagement and feedback on our social media channels. After such initiatives, our team also seeks out the feedback and personal conversations with our most active community members for additional insights.


Overall, we look forward to supporting projects that contribute to LUKSOā€™s vision of creating a vibrant ecosystem of social, creative, and cultural use-cases, advancing the future of an EVM-based decentralised social web.

We want to support builders leveraging LUKSOā€™s innovative smart contract standards (LSPs) and Universal Profiles (UPs) to develop the next generation of feature-rich dApps and infrastructure protocols, as well as fostering active community projects within the LUKSO ecosystem. Our focus is on encouraging both technical projects that integrate LUKSOā€™s technology stack and non-technical initiatives that demonstrate strong community involvement, particularly in education.


Based on application numbers for Wave 1 of the LUKSO Grants Program and previous hackathons, we can reasonably estimate that 50+ eligible projects will apply, although it is challenging to predict how many projects will exceed a certain percentage of the matching pool. After consulting with Sov, we will set the matching pool limit to 10%.


For the GG21 LUKSO Community Grants, we will closely track engagement on Twitter, the number of submitted versus eligible projects, the number of contributors, and financial contributions (total, average, median, etc.). We will also analyse the distribution of matched funds to evaluate the signalled preferences by our community and identify potential biases in our ecosystem. Tracking these metrics both across Gitcoin grant rounds and contrasting them with the funding decisions of our centralised program will provide our team with meaningful insights and feedback.

Our team is currently working on integrating both on- and off-chain analysis tools. These integrations aim to track the impact of grantee projects within our ecosystem and to provide these analysis tools to the projects themselves, enabling them to gain valuable insights into their user base. Please feel free to reach out to me directly if youā€™d like more information.


Not applicable. We will not allow projects that are solely led by LUKSO team members to qualify for GG21, which is the same internal policy we hold for the LUKSO Grants Program application waves.


We appreciate you taking the time to review and consider our proposal for the GG21 Community Round. We would love to continue to work closely with the Gitcoin team to meaningfully kick off our quadratic funding rounds. Please feel free to reach out if you have any questions.

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šŸŒ± Gitcoin Grants GG21 Community Round Proposal

Published: Jul 14, 2024

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Theme: Blockchain Solutions For African Universities:


Social Handle of Your Organization:


Eligibility Criteria:

To qualify for the BorderlessEDU grant, the following criteria must be met by individual projects:

General criteria:

  • Projects must be affiliated with a registered university in Africa.
  • Projects should have an active community presence.
  • Data for all projects must be open source, including but not limited to costs, codes, and structure of projects to be carried out.
  • Projects at any conceptualization stage are welcomed but must have a road map if still in the planning phase.

Blockchain innovation criteria:

  • Projects must have clear blockchain applications.
  • Projects must have a detailed method of impact measurements.
  • Projects must be scalable and sustainable to their communities in the long run.

Team criteria:

To help promote diversity and inclusion in the African ecosystem, projects must comprise diverse team members(age, gender, etc). Projects must also showcase their expertise in the field their projects are based on.

Reminder: All rounds must comply with Gitcoinā€™s core rules, which include no fraudulent activity, quid pro quo, hate speech, or other activities out of alignment with Gitcoinā€™s essential intents.

Round History:

This community round on gitcoin would be our first opportunity to run a community round, however we have been a recipient of other Gitcoin grants in the past.

Team Running This Round:

For this grant process, we have the following persons as our team members;

Round Operator:

  • Name: Ifeanyi Princewill,
  • Relevant Experience: Greenhill Network Contributor,
  • Bio: A research and Technical writer and current team lead for Borderless Tech Community UNN,
  • Social Media: @PrincewillJuni6 (twitter)

Team Member 1:

  • Name: Tina Truth
  • Relevant Experience: Borderless Tech Club director, and Co-founder Fruitzo.
  • Bio: A marketing and blockchain expert with a flare for poetry.
  • Social Handle: @_tinatruth (twitter)

Team Member 2:

  • Name: Iberedem Udo.
  • Relevant Experience: Lead Volunteer and Community manager at B<>rder/ess
  • Bio: Registered Blockchain Professional and Information Security Associate.
  • Social media: @soll8348 (twitter)

Alignment with Gitcoinā€™s Mission and Essential Intents:

This round aligns with Gitcoinā€™s mission and essential intents by driving a community-led blockchain education and adoption, equipping young people with relevant skills to enable individuals to build and contribute to projects in the ecosystem.

Anticipated Size of the Matching Pool:

The matching pool is anticipated to be $1000, fundraised through funding from partners in our current blockchain cipher sessions and contributions amongst other project partners.

Funding address: arb1:0x0f41667C713c501208D5571D9FB4f165358A9Beb

If necessary, we intend to raise more funds through
*fundraising activities among our circles as has been done already, as these projects are pivotal to our missions andvision.
*B<>rder/ess Treasury
*B<>rder/ess Blockchain Partners like Lisk Superchain, Bitsave Protocol and Crypto Smart

Advisors for This Round:

Advisor 1

  • Name: Karla Obakpolor
  • Relevant experience: Founder of Cryptosmart and Lead partner at B<>rder/ess, with extensive experience in grants for public goods.
  • Social media: @_karlagod (twitter)

Funding Mechanism:

Because we are a community-centered organization, we aim to make use of quadratic funding as it is the best type of mechanism for funding community-driven projects that can be influenced by the community itself. This type of funding is also usually unpredictable and hence would prevent doctored results.

Community Size and Engagement:

Community size: Our community consists of approximately 500 members

Number of grants participated in 7 rounds of Gitcoin Grants

Tangible metrics: 250 participants in the previous funding rounds with a donation of above $1000 in the past 12 months

Type of Projects to Fund:

Borderless aims to bridge the funding gap for community-driven blockchain education and expansion projects in African universities, fostering a new generation of tech-savvy innovators. African tertiary institutions are grossly populated with young, enthusiastic individuals eager to embrace the rapidly evolving landscape of technology.

Despite the efforts of community-led initiatives in promoting blockchain education, they often struggle with limited resources, hindering their potential for growth and impact. Our primary focus is on tech and blockchain education projects within African universities, led by communities and designed for long-term sustainability.

These projects may encompass digital skills development, web3 education, blockchain events, hub creation, and other initiatives driving tech and web3 adoption in tertiary institutions. We aim to support projects at various stages; those at early conceptualizastrong texttion, as well as those with established presence in multiple institutions and scalable projections.

Estimated Number of Eligible Grantees:

15 to 25 grantees would be eligible to apply for this round.

Impact Assessment Plan:

To enable our grant to be a success, we would first make use of regular reports, independent auditing, and community feedback mechanisms to aid in the tracking of the impact of the grantees, whilst making use of hypercars to enable us to check and evaluate the impact of the Borderless community. Both over successive rounds.

Additional Considerations:

Community members should consider creating templates for their projects that can be referred back to, as well as serve as a model for future grants.

Potential Conflicts of Interest:

There is currently only one area that may constitute an area of conflict of interest, this is due to the fact that some communities under Borderless may become eligible to this round.

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šŸŒ± Gitcoin Grants [GG21 Community Round Proposal] Token Engineering the Superchain

Published: Jul 14, 2024

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Name (or Topic/Theme) of Proposed Round:

Token Engineering the Superchain

This round aims to advance the Optimism (OP) and broader Superchain ecosystems by funding high-impact token engineering projects. We prioritize initiatives in tooling, research, education, social infrastructure, and consulting. Successful projects will show impact potential, feasibility, and alignment with OPā€™s goals. Top grantees will be eligible for a follow-on Retroactive Funding round to reward their impact. More detail on these integrated grant rounds can be found here. We value projects that advance the field of token engineering.

Social Handle:

Eligibility Criteria:
The eligibility criteria include:

1. Advance Token Engineering: Projects must advance token engineering within one of the following categories: tooling, research, education, social infrastructure, consulting.

2. Contribute to the Superchain: Projects must contribute to the growth and development of Optimism or the broader Superchain ecosystem. Applications must include the following elements:

  • Description of the long-term vision for impact
  • Specification of short-term goals and milestones within the scope of the grant
  • Agreement to participate in TECā€™s impact evaluation process leading to the Retroactive funding round in November (detailed below in ā€œImpact Assessment Planā€)

3. Project Credibility:

  • Summary of projectā€™s existing work with relevant links
  • Verified Github and/or Twitter account
  • Brief bios of the projectā€™s team members

4. Returning Grantees:

  • Updates on the work accomplished since their last grant
  • Self-assessment of the effectiveness of their use of that funding

These criteria ensure that selected projects are relevant to the OP ecosystem and token engineering, have a clear plan for short-term and long-term impact, and have demonstrated previous work and expertise.

Round History:
Weā€™ve been a Community Round since the Gitcoin Beta round last year, so this will be the fifth time we have run a Gitcoin Grants round.

Team Running This Round:
We have a team of six (6) people who will focus on supporting the operation of the round. Five out of the six team members have experience running Gitcoin Grants rounds. Weā€™ll also have a dedicated group of token engineering advisors who will help in reviewing the grantees. Team members include:

  • Round Operator: Monika, [Bio: Round Operator], [Experience: Monika is an experienced program manager with a background in leading technical projects and strategic initiatives. ]
  • Programs Lead: Jade, [Bio: TQF Analyst], [Experience: Jade is a seasoned analyst and nonprofit professional with experience in political campaigns and grant management and research, including aiding in Token Engineering Grants Round 5 distributing a $50k matching pool across 32 projects.]
  • General Support: Gideon, [Bio: Former TEC Steward, Current Advisor], [Experience: Gideon is a seasoned entrepreneur and strategist with a background in marketing and product development at Microsoft and as Executive Director of Groundwire, a nonprofit consulting firm.]
  • General Support: Bear
  • Events Coordination: Nate
  • Social Media Coordination: Efra

Alignment with Gitcoinā€™s Mission and Essential Intents:
This round aligns with Gitcoinā€™s mission and essential intents by providing critical funding to build, fund, and protect what matters to the TEC community: ensuring the trustworthiness of blockchain systems. Our round helps attract and strengthen Gitcoinā€™s ties with the expertise and skills of the token engineering community, contributing to boosting the intent of network effects. The TECā€™s dedication to catalyzing token-engineered public goods aligns with Gitcoinā€™s commitment to positive change.

This round is the first time for the TEC to focus on accelerating the adoption of token engineering in web3 ecosystems, which is where it is needed the most. By choosing this round as a Community Round, Gitcoin would play a critical role in building networks between this new engineering discipline and Optimism and the broader Superchain.

This round also supports Gitcoinā€™s spirit of innovation, by continuing to build on our Tunable Quadratic Funding and by integrating it with a follow-on Retro round as a mechanism for incentivizing actual impact by grantees.

Anticipated Size of the Matching Pool:

  • We have a total of $50K available for both the QF and Retro rounds in this integrated grant-making campaign. Of this, we are currently dedicating $10K to the QF portion in hopes of receiving Gitcoin Community Round matching. If that does not happen, we may reallocate a larger portion of that $50K to the QF round.
  • Funding address:
  • Although we donā€™t expect additional funding from sponsors for the August QF round, weā€™re securing alternative funding sources for the retro round through token engineering firm sponsorships and Optimism community partnerships, while also evaluating Superchain, Celo grants, and Ethereum Support Program for sustainable future funding.

Advisors for This Round:
Weā€™ll invite our previous round advisors to join us again for the upcoming round:

  • Jeff Emmett - Former TEC steward, writer, researcher at BlockScience
  • Phil H ā€“ DAO governance, Mangrove
  • Vasily - Ph.D. researcher and token engineer, PowerPool
  • YGG Anderson - Former TEC steward, data scientist at BlockScience
  • Lisa Tan - Token engineering economist, author at Orus and Economics Design
  • Enti - Former TEC round operator, GG17, 18, 19. Researcher at Wonderland
  • Pati - Community building, formerly at Token Engineering Academy, now the MÅ«
  • Octopus - Open-Source Educator and Mathematical Researcher
  • Tam - Former TEC steward, Commons Stack co-founder, OP badgeholder

Funding Mechanism:
We are using Tunable Quadratic Funding (TQF) for our initial round to integrate token engineering expertise and Optimism representation into the fund allocation process, ensuring the most impactful projects are supported. This will be complemented by a Retroactive Funding round, using Gitcoinā€™s EasyRetro on Allo Protocol, in November to reward projects based on their milestone achievements and demonstrated progress.

TQF leverages community intelligence to efficiently allocate funds, supporting high-potential projects. It incorporates values important to the token engineering community by including signals of token engineering expertise and stake in the Superchain (OP delegates and badge holders). The Retroactive Funding round incentivizes milestone achievement and continuous improvement within the OP ecosystem. This dual-funding approach maximizes the likelihood of success and impact.

Community Size and Engagement:
Our community consists of 795 token holders, 6,183 followers on Twitter, and 2,000 Discord members.

Tangible metrics from our past round (GG20) indicating the strength of our community include:

  • Over 60 applications, out of which 32 projects were selected for the round
  • 1,619 donations
  • 554 sponsors
  • Total of $9,365.14 crowdfunded

Source: Gitcoin | Explorer

Type of Projects to Fund:
We aim to fund projects dedicated to driving the adoption of token engineering within the OP ecosystem. This includes initiatives in education, tooling, research, social infrastructure, and consulting. We are specifically seeking projects that are committed to tracking and reporting their impact in the Superchain. By coupling this QF round with a follow-on Retro round, we provide additional incentives for meaningful participation and impact.

Estimated Number of Eligible Grantees:
In our first three rounds, the number of grantees ranged from 15-20, while last round the number of grantees increased to 32. This round has a more specific focus on Optimism and Superchain ecosystem development through token engineering, therefore we are expecting the number of grantees to be around 5-10.

Impact Assessment Plan:
We plan to run a TEC Retro round, using Gitcoinā€™s EasyRetroPGF, open only to previous TQF round grantees who meet a predetermined performance threshold. TEC will work closely with grantees to provide feedback on their milestones and impact goals, ensuring they are meaningful and achievable. Grantees will use Karma to track progress against the milestones and goals included in their application. This impact assessment process will measure and evaluate their success, determining the Retro round awards.

Additional Considerations:
Community members should consider the integration of TE projects with the OP ecosystem and the potential for significant impact on both token engineering and the broader blockchain community. The TEC is committed to innovation and experimentation, being one of the first communities to tie a Quadratic Funding (QF) round with a Retroactive Funding round using Gitcoinā€™s tools.

We are dedicated to evolving the Tunable QF process, building on Gitcoinā€™s pioneering work with Quadratic Funding. This approach embeds token engineering expertise into the QF voting signal, extending the impact of Gitcoinā€™s Allo Protocol. Additionally, we are focused on exploring the templating of our novel allocation mechanism - TQF to allow for any community running a QF round on Gitcoin to experiment with their own signals.

Potential Conflicts of Interest:
No conflicts of interest. All round operations team members will ensure transparency and fairness in the selection and evaluation process.

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šŸŒ± Gitcoin Grants [GG21 Community Round Proposal] Regen Coordi-NATION šŸŒ±

Published: Jul 14, 2024

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The Regen Coordi-NATION Round

The Regen Coordi-NATION Round is a proposal for a GG21 community round centered on the themes of Coordi-nations, Cosmo-localism, Bio-Regionalism, and Regenerative Finance (ReFi). Bringing together GreenPill Network, ReFi DAO, Celo Regional DAOs and Regens Unite, we aim to support a global movement of regenerative communities leveraging Web3 for real-world impact and addressing local needs. The round will feed into a program to support the further development of local community impact tracking methodologies, grant tooling interoperability, and integrated QF & RPGF. We have currently secured $60K in funding from Celo Public Goods, ReFi DAO and Greenpill and ask for Gitcoinā€™s backing as we embark on a shared mission to showcase how community coordination, Web3, and innovative financial mechanisms can enable ecological and social regeneration on a global scale.

Social Handles

@ReFiDAOist @greenpillnet @CeloPublicGoods @regensunite. Coming together as The Regen Coordi-NATION we have also created @RegenCoordinate.

Eligibility Criteria

  • We are seeking ReFi DAO Local Nodes, GreenPill Local Chapters, and Celo Regional DAOs to participate in the round. In addition, if approved by The Regen Coordi-NATION team, there is potential for other global-local regeneration networks to join the program.
  • Each local community must receive a nomination from the respective evaluation and governance processes of ReFi DAO, GreenPill, or Celo Public Goods (Celo PG). This devolved approach aims to leverage each networkā€™s unique context, diversity, and expertise to provide robust application vetting.
  • In addition, each must also:
    • Have a Twitter account
    • Adhere to Gitcoinā€™s basic rules and code of conduct, including no fraudulent activity, quid pro quo, hate speech, or other activities out of alignment with Gitcoinā€™s essential intents.
    • Provide an update on progress and impact if they are a grantee from previous Gitcoin rounds.
    • Include feasible milestones and a roadmap for upcoming plans and development.
  • ReFi DAO, GreenPill, and Celo Public Goods (Celo PG) can also nominate up to three additional closely affiliated projects that provide supportive services to the network.
  • Finally, taking an optimistic governance approach, the Regen Coordination round team and advisors will review nominated applications to provide a final level of checks.

Round History

This would be the first time running a combined round within ā€˜Regen Coordi-nationā€™, however, both ReFi DAO and GreenPill have extensive experience in running Gitcoin rounds for their communities.


  • Local Node Beta Round (April 2023): $25k match funding, 14 nodes in the round.
  • Local Node GG18 Round (August 2023): $30k match funding, 31 nodes in the round. Over 1550 contributions totalling over $6700. Round Report Card.

You can read more about the results and impact of these two rounds in our article ā€˜ReFi Local Nodes 2023 - Round Results & Whatā€™s Coming Next?ā€™ or in Gitcoinā€™s Retrospective article ā€˜Catalyzing Change: ReFi DAOā€™s Impact Through Gitcoin Funding Roundsā€™.

For more on the impact and developments of the ReFi Local Node Network in 2023, see ā€˜Regenerative Journeys: ReFi Local Nodes 2023 Roundupā€™ and for a retrospective of our latest local node incubator program during H1 2024 see ā€˜Local Node Incubator - Beta Cohort Retrospectiveā€™.


  • GreenPill Network Round (November 2023): 12 GreenPill Chapters, 3 ETH matching pool, and 403 donations totalling $988 in crowdfunding. Eligibility was to have minted a Hypercert with proof of your impact and to be an active Chapter. Round Report Card
  • GreenPill x Octant Community Round (March 2024): Eligibility for active Chapters and GPN-aligned projects was based on past work done - proof of impact in their work was needed to be accepted into the round. 1,808 donations were made to the round, totalling $5,550 in crowdfunding. Round Report Card.

Program Team, Advisors & Partnerships

Lead Operator


  • Scott Morris (LinkedIn) ā€” Core steward at ReFi DAO. Scott is a globally recognized expert in regenerative systems design, focusing on place-based investment structures, community currencies, digital marketplaces, and participatory governance systems.
  • Sejal Rekhan (LinkedIn) ā€” Founding Team at GreenPill Network, Grants Innovation at Gitcoin.
  • Izzy Lawrence (Twitter) ā€” Coordinator at GreenPill Network, GG20 Review team, Chapter Lead at GreenPill Nigeria, Round Manager for 5+ Grant Stack rounds.
  • Luuk Weber (LinkedIn) ā€” Founder at Kolektivo Labs and lead Steward of Celo Public Goods. 5+ years of experience developing local regeneration solutions and operating onchain networks.


  • Lana Dingwall (Twitter) ā€” Lana is a consultant, and core team member of RootedLABs and The GreenPill Network.
  • Benjamin Life (Twitter) ā€” Co-Founder of OpenCivics, 2x QF round operator, collaborative network designer and organizer.
  • Lau Na Mu - Optimism badge holder, Celo Public Goods Steward, and founder of Metrics Garden Labs ā€” Lauā€™s goal is to advance the field of Impact Assessment in the web3 space to improve the funding of Public Goods.

Partnerships & Collaborations

  • MetaGov ā€” In collaboration with Eugene Leventhal, The Metagovernance Project and the Cartographer Syndicate, we will share insights from this program to help inform Web3 grants research and innovation.
  • Glo Dollar ā€” As a round partner, we are planning for matching to be in USDGLO, engaging in co-marketing, and ideally would like to empower native Glo donations through Gitcoin on Celo.
  • $REGEN Tips ā€” In collaboration with the Regen Tips team, we are exploring potentials for $Regen token multipliers and integration with Proof of Regen as a potential experiment for ā€˜Tunable QFā€™ - e.g. allowing for community token distributions, badges, credentials, and reputation systems to be applied as signals to modify donation weights that get passed into the QF algorithm.
  • Open Civics ā€” In collaboration with Open Civics and other partners, we are exploring bio-regional coordination and finance facilities for local nodes, decentralization of future grant rounds to operate at a bio-regional level, and attracting public, private, and philanthropic capital into this model. Furthermore, we aim to support the development of ā€˜Civic Stackā€™ - an open protocol library of on-chain and off-chain tools and mechanisms for cosmo-local coordination and regeneration.

Bioregional Financing Facilities: Reimagining Finance to Regenerate Our Planet.

Program Plan & Funding Pool

Program Roadmap

  1. Gitcoin Community Round QF during GG21.

  2. Continued support, impact tracking, and reporting.

  3. Retro Round in Q4 2024 based on the impact reported.


  • Celo Public Goods has committed $50K cUSD to this program.
  • ReFi DAO and GreenPill Network have each committed $5k ā€”see the Regen Coordi-Nation Multi-sig with each core team member as a signer.
  • We hope to receive ~$50K of matching from Gitcoin to be used during GG21, bringing our total budget to $110,000 USD.

Funding Mechanisms & Impact Assessment Plan

In addition to leveraging the strengths of both QF & RPGF, a key outcome of this program will be supporting the development of local community impact tracking methodologies, integrated grant tooling interoperability and UX, and documentation of key results and insights.

  • QF with Gitcoin Grants Stack for GG21: The QF mechanism brings a bottoms-up signal of the support for each of the local communities in the program, as well as raising additional funds through the crowdfunding donations. We also plan to combine this with a quadratic signal boosting mechanism.
  • Karma GAP for impact tracking and reporting: All grantees will have their project uploaded into Karma GAP. Furthermore, bespoke development of a contextual schema, documentation guidelines, and hands on support, will facilitate detailed reporting of milestones, updates, and impact.
  • Exploration of Hypercerts: ReFi DAO and GreenPill have both run experiments with local community impact tracking with hypercerts. From these learnings, we have developed some initial visions for how to integrate Karma GAP and Hypercerts, see ā€£ Karma GAP x Hypercerts x Regen CoordiNATION. We will continue to work with Mahesh, Holke, and their respective teams to further explore these integrations.
  • Retro Funding Round with Incentivising impact and reporting, we will follow up with a retroactive round leveraging This will include dedicated development towards advancing interoperability with Grants Stack, Karma GAP, and Hypercerts.
  • Program Retrospective: Feedback, insights, and post-round analysis will be documented and shared publicly in Q4.

Community Size



Celo Public Goods & Regional DAOs

Estimated number of eligible grantees

We anticipate up to 50 grantees to be eligible based on our set criteria.

Alignment with Gitcoin

  • Community First: The core focus of the Regen Coordi-NATION is community empowerment, creating fundamental alignment with Gitcoinā€™s Mission to enable communities to build, fund and protect what matters.
  • Gitcoin Adoption: Bringing multiple influential organizations together and investing in local communities introduces a powerful opportunity to enhance the network effects within the Gitcoin ecosystem. Each community and their members onboarded to Gitcoin during our rounds are likely to be part of Gitcoin for many years to come, or even leverage Gitcoinā€™s tools to run their own local or bio-regional rounds (as evidenced by ReFi Phangan and others). As a result, we can help to stimulate a reinforcing cycle of adoption and engagement in Gitcoinā€™s products and principles, and begin to attract public, private and philanthropic sources of capital in future programs as we prove out the model.
  • Innovation & Experimentation: The program aligns with Gitcoinā€™s modular and multi-mechanism approach by integrating QF, Signal Boosting, RPGF, Karma GAP, and Hypercerts. Additionally, by supporting the further development of the tooling, we aim to enhance interoperability, functionality, and contribute to the long-term adoption and effectiveness of the Web3 grant funding ecosystem.

Potential Conflicts of Interest

  • Lana Dingwall - As well as being an active steward of the GreenPill Network and advisor for this round, Lana also sits on the Gitcoin Community Council. We would like to surface this as a potential conflict of interest to be aware of.

Additional Considerations

Exceptional projects from this round may also be eligible to additional programs.

Theory of Change

Thank you for this opportunity and to everyone who is building for a better future :green_heart:

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šŸŒ± Gitcoin Grants [GG21 Community Round Proposal] OpenCivics Collaborative Research Round

Published: Jul 14, 2024

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Name (or Topic/Theme) of Proposed Round:

OpenCivics Collaborative Research Round

Social Handle of Your Organization:


Eligibility Criteria:

  • At least one project lead must be a member of the OpenCivics Consortium
  • Projects must conduct research that is Creative Commons as a public good
  • Research must fall in one of the following categories:
    • Impact and contribution measurement, reporting, and valuation
    • Commons governance, self-organization, and decision-making
    • Collaborative knowledge management, learning, and sensemaking
    • Open protocols, community templates, and coordination infrastructure
    • Community currencies, cooperatives, and alternative economics
    • Decentralized project management, roles, and certifications
    • Resource allocation, funding mechanisms, and funding sources
  • Projects must agree to coordinate and collaborate during and after the round with other grantees to collate and present their research in a Grantee Impact Showcase prior to GG22
  • Grant applications must direct funds to a multi-signature wallet
  • Projects must indicate what collaborative mechanism they will utilize to govern, evaluate and compensate participant contributions (Coordinape, DeWork, Charmverse, Notion, DAO Haus, Google Docs & Sheets, etc)
  • Projects must indicate reasonable and verifiable milestones for low, medium, and large funding outcomes
  • We agree to comply with Gitcoinā€™s core rules

Round History:

  • This is a new experiment as part of the OpenCivics Grants Program which has run two previous rounds.
    • Our first round offered an experimental context to evaluate the benefits of a round in which all grantees were members in a non-rivalrous network of innovators.
    • Our second round offered an experimental context to evaluate impact attestations and a hypothesis that larger grants would support more significant impacts which could be more easily documented and attested.
    • Our third round offers a new experimental context to evaluate how grant funding can be utilized to catalyze experimentation in on-chain collaboration and to develop open source civic engagement research that can be compiled and shared as a public good.
    • We will continue to iterate based on insights from our last round, including a smaller matching cap and an exploration of solutions to process credit card donations.

Team Running This Round:

  • Round Operator: Benjamin Life, Co-Founder, OpenCivics, Bio, @omniharmonic
  • Team Member 1: Spencer Cavanaugh, Steward, OpenCivics, Bio, @clinamenic
  • Team Member 2: Patricia Parkinson, Co-Founder, OpenCivics, Bio, @polyparkinson

Alignment with Gitcoinā€™s Mission 1 and Essential Intents:

  • This round aligns with Gitcoinā€™s mission and essential intents by supporting open source research that directly empowers communities to utilize web3 coordination tools for civic engagement and collective action.
  • This research will be shared as a public good in the form of educational resources and foundational explorations of new approaches and utilities that support both civic innovators and local community organizers.
  • The research we hope to see emerge from this round will increase accessibility to web3 tooling for community organizers engaged in civic initiatives. This applied research will serve communitiesā€™ autonomous self-organization and expand blockchain network effects by broadening the scope of how web3 tools can be applied the context of civics and community organizing.
  • Making web3 infrastructure for civic engagement more accessible through documented case studies, curricula, and research will help communities directly coordinate to meet their own needs instead of having to rely on large centralized bureaucracies.

Anticipated Size of the Matching Pool:

  • Initial matching pool is currently 3.9 ETH.
  • The matching pool is anticipated to be $60,000 - 70,000 USDC, fundraised through DeCiv Fund, Gitcoin, and Arbitrum.
  • Funding address: OpenCivics.eth (Mainnet Multi-sig) or 0x4D652fB5C0119650a5563B978105D05F8333b44d (Arbitrum One).
  • We have a clear plan in place for future fundraising, including:
    • Exploring matching fund partnerships with Arbitrum, Celo, Optimism, Ethereum Foundation, Octant and other social impact foundations.

Advisors for This Round:

  • Renee DAOs: Lobby3, Talent DAO, DeSci
    • Renee ran the first two OpenCivics Rounds and has been a leader in experimental funding mechanisms for public goods development and DeSci research.

Funding Mechanism:

We are using quadratic funding on Allo Protocol because it supports the collective evaluation of which research initiatives would be maximally beneficial to the broader regen web3 systems change community. We are also requiring grantees to direct grant funding to multi-signature wallets to ensure that the utilization of grant funds is democratic and transparent. We will continue to utilize Karma Gap for impact attestations.

Community Size and Engagement:

  • The OpenCivics community consists of approximately 133 members and our social media following is 1,300.
  • Previous rounds received donations from over unique 800 donors
  • Previous rounds received $18,934 in crowdfunding
  • Funded projects will likely be small research pods of no more than 10 individuals
  • We estimate 10-20 grantees will be eligible for the round
  • OpenCivics will continue to develop our impact attestation program with Karma Gap and our open impact schema development within the still-emerging Quadratic Funding Impact Alliance
    • Grantees in this round will be encouraged to identify research-oriented attestation schema to document their impact (how many people read, commented on, or shared their research, how many citations their research synthesized, how many subsequent publications cite their research, etc).
    • Grantees will be required to share their research findings in an open forum on X in order to be eligible for future funding.

Type of Projects to Fund:

  • We aim to fund projects that are developing open source research into various forms of civic innovation and civic engagement, ranging from:
    • Impact and contribution measurement, reporting, and valuation
    • Commons governance, self-organization, and decision-making
    • Collaborative knowledge management, learning and sensemaking
    • Open protocols, community templates, and coordination infrastructure
    • Community currencies, cooperatives, and alternative economics
    • Decentralized project management, roles, and certifications
    • Resource allocation, funding mechanisms, and funding sources

Estimated Number of Eligible Grantees:

  • We believe that 10-20 grantees will be eligible to apply for this round.

Impact Assessment Plan:

  • We intend to assess grantee impact through Hypercerts and GAP.
  • Our detailed plan includes
    • Evaluating applications based on listed milestones for low, medium, and large funding outcomes
    • Conducting three milestone reporting office hour sessions for grantees
    • Providing 1x1 mentorship and support for impact attestation and reporting
    • Conducting an open grantee impact showcase before GG22 for grantees to report back to the community what they accomplished with their grant funding

Additional Considerations:

Community members should also consider OpenCivicsā€™ commitment to learning and growing round over round. This upcoming round, we will implement the feedback we received from grantees and donors in the previous round. To make our round more accessible, we will be exploring a partnership with viaPrize in an attempt to provide matching pool-eligible credit card donations from non-web3 users. We will also be lowering the matching cap to ensure a more equitable distribution of matching funds to grantees. These innovations demonstrate our commitment to learning and growing in public and continuing to support the development and maturation of the quadratic funding and public goods ecosystems.

Potential Conflicts of Interest:

Because of the collaborative nature of the OpenCivics Consortium, round operators and Stewards may engage in collaboration with grantees to support their research initiatives and collate their research. To avoid a conflict of interest, round operators agree to not receive payment from any funds distributed during this round.

Thank you for your consideration.

Public goods are good.

In Us We Trust,

Benjamin, Patricia, and Spencer :seedling::heart_hands::handshake::sparkles:

5 posts - 4 participants

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šŸŒ± Gitcoin Grants [GG21 Community Round Proposal] the 1st Asia Round with Gitcoin

Published: Jul 13, 2024

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Name (or Topic/Theme) of Proposed Round

Asia Round

Social Handle of Your Organization:


Eligibility Criteria:

  1. The Grant must be in support of or directly advance the Asian public goods ecosystem; or at least one founder identifies him/herself as Asian. We will refer to the public goods report released by GCC last December for the definition of public goods.
  2. The project must clearly articulate the problem it addresses, the solution, the implementation plan, the financial plan, and demonstrate there is an excellent team or community for execution
  3. Project must be 3 months old and the project must demonstrate some tangible progress towards their stated goals, with a working MVP is available to the public. We will use Twitter, official website, github, and other public info to determine this. Newer projects should establish themselves and submit to the next round.
  4. Grantees can be eliminated from consideration in the round if they are found to be encouraging or enabling Sybil attacks or other forms of malicious manipulation of the grants platform or the Gitcoin community.
  5. Projects must comply with Gitcoin core rules and eligibility.

More to read here.

Round History:

GCC has previously conducted 4 consecutive Global Chinese Community Rounds in Gitcoin Grants 15, beta round, and 18, 19. In total we mobilized around 8k individual donors, raising over $58k from them.

This time, we are expanding the scope to the entire Asia region along with Pagoda, launching the first Asia Round in Gitcoin history.

  • GG15, results, 50000 DAI matching pool, co-hosted by Plancker DAO & Scroll, 48 selected projects; $44100 donations received from 6,332 donors.

  • GG Beta Round,results, 25000 DAI matching pool, 23 selected projects; $1957.8 donations received from 71 donors.

  • GG18, results, 25000 DAI matching pool, 39 selected projects; $6869.41 donations received from 554 donors.

  • GG19, results, 30000 DAI matching pool, co-hosted by Mask & Metapool, 28 selected projects; $5350.71 donations received from 1010 donors.

Team Running This Round:

Role Name Relevant Experience Bio Social Handle
Round Operator Hazel Hu prev ran GCC rounds on GG18 and GG19 team lead of GCC, ex devrel marketing at BNB Chain & ex fintech journalist at; LinkedIn @0xHY2049 on twitter
Operations Associate Vivian Chen participated in Taiwanā€™s presidential hackathon QV round + helped plan g0v/da0 Hypercerts QF round Pagoda & da0 founding member; LinkedIn @vvntp6 on twitter
Data & Marketing Yuxin Zhu prev ran GCC rounds on GG18 and GG19 operator of GCC, data scientist at LinkedIn, designer and KOL on various Chinese social platforms @yuxinzhu4736 on twitter
Tech Expert Affe Zhang 3+ years experience in open-source communities; experienced developer prev in alibaba, Tencent & Samsung, Apache RocketMQ Committer @imaffe on github
Generalist Songyi Lee experienced in connecting Asia communities with global Pagoda & Xbound, long-term web3 ecosystem building; LinkedIn @iamsonge on twitter
Generalist Hal Seki 10+ years experience in open-source communities Code for Japan founder; LinkedIn @hal_sk on twitter

Alignment with Gitcoinā€™s Mission1 and Essential Intents

Asia, with its 4.6 billion people and over 2,300 languages, is an essential region for the mass adoption of Web3 public goods.The GG21 Asia Round is an exciting initiative of two leading communities in Asia - designed to unlock the potential of talented Asian innovators, builders, and projects by providing them with essential funding and resources.

We will:

  1. Accept project applications in native languages in addition to English, minimizing inequality due to language proficiency.
  2. Invite leaders from local communities and media partners as advisors to provide local insights, promote the Asia Round, and enhance the diversity and quality of project applications.

Additionally, our funding focus will lean towards developer communities, policy advocacy, funding mechanisms and tools & anti-censorship. We believe this embodies Gitcoinā€™s mission to ā€œcreate technologies and opportunities that enable communities to build, fund, and protect what matters.ā€ Asiaā€™s vast community and user base will also best ensure Gitcoinā€™s intents of network effect, community-first approach, and financial longevity.

Anticipated Size of the Matching Pool:

  • The matching pool is anticipated to be 25k-50k USD. GCC is confirmed to provide 25k. We would love to match it with another 25k USD from the GG21 matching fund.
  • Funding address: eth:0x060114DD2D88b02Fe5Bb11A57B531e67DAE0cF54; oeth:0x37b8E2747D5E8BE8dD35DE8A942d2c97eBb49D28

Advisors for This Round:

Bob Jiang, GITCOIN China founder, co-organize Ethereum Sydney, twitter
Vienna Looi, ETH KL, Cryptobuddhistecon, twitter

GCC itself has a standing voting committee, composed of experienced professionals in the industry. The list of committee members can be found at here

We will also invite the leaders of our partnering communities and media this round. Our partners include, but are not limited to, EthPadThai, Code for Japan, da0, Eth Vietnam, Eth63, APAC DAO, Eth KL, wublockchain, DeSci Asia, LXDAO, Uncommons, PlanckerDAO, 4seas, etc.

Funding Mechanism:

We are using the combination model of QF + signal booster.

QF: Overall, we use Gitcoinā€™s quadratic funding mechanism. Team members will screen projects that meet the eligibility criteria, and then the matching amount for each project will be calculated based on the donations received by that project. However, the maximum matching amount for any single project should not exceed 10% of the total matching pool.

Signal booster: Inspired by the Gitcoin Citizen Round and in order to better combat Sybil attacks and introducing expert opinions, we will allocate $5000 from the matching pool and form a group of 10 people selected from our advisors, sponsors, community partners, and the GCC Standing Voting Committee. Each member will be given $500 to distribute to the Asia round projects and share their allocation strategies publicly. This design, combined with community donations, will determine the final amount of funds each Asia round project will receive from the matching pool based on QF mechanism.

Community Size and Engagement:

  • In this round - we are capturing the network of two major communities 1) GCC and 2) Pagoda.

  • GCC is short for global Chinese community of Universal Digital Commons. We have a core community of over 2,000 people distributed across X, Telegram, and WeChat. Additionally, we have partnerships with 15+ Chinese-speaking communities and media outlets, reaching an audience of 10k+ people. In the past 4 community rounds that we initiated, we mobilized a total of around 8k individual donors, raising over $58k from them. This is a testament to our impact. This time, by collaborating with community partners across Asia, we aim to expand the influence by 3 to 5 times.

  • Pagoda is the Asia Ethereum network with 60 registered members from 14 different Asia countries, including Korea, Japan, Mongolia, China, Taiwan, Malaysia, Singapore, Thailand, the Phillipines, Indonesia, Combodia, Myanmar, India and Vietnam. We have a reach of 30,000+ community members/builders from 20+ Ethereum/Public Goods focused communities.

Type of Projects to Fund:

We aim to fund projects that in the following catogories:

  1. Asian Dev Communities: Projects that aim to build and support local Ethereum dev communities across Asia.
  2. Policy Advocacy: projects that help improve the policy environment for crypto startups across Asia.
  3. Public goods funding protocols and tools: Initiatives that explore innovative and credible-neutral funding protocols and tools for public goods and the builders in the region.
  4. Privacy and Anti-censorship: Projects focused on enhancing privacy and combating censorship within the Asian Ethereum ecosystem.

Estimated Number of Eligible Grantees:

  • We expected ļ½ž50 eligible grantees from 10+ Asian countries.

Impact Assessment Plan:

For the community round itself, the core data we focus on are:

  • Number of donors
  • Funds raised
  • Number of projects applied, countries/languages of origin
  • Views and interactions of core tweets

For the selected projects, we will measure their subsequent impact through the following methods:

  • Growth in members of the projectā€™s official social media and community
  • If the projectā€™s main market includes the countries where our partner communities/media come from, they will help provide community reviews
  • If the project has applications launched in app markets, we will monitor their download numbers, etc.
  • Frequency and content of updates in the projectā€™s GitHub repository

Additional Considerations:

Exceptional projects, in addition to applying for this Asia round, can also apply directly to GCC for larger grants (up to $50,000) after the community round. This requires submitting a more detailed financial plan, milestones and roadmap, technical solution, etc.

Potential Conflicts of Interest:

As Pagoda is a network of Ethereum/public goods Asia builders around Asia, we do have some of our team members that will potentially participate to receive a grant through this round. Potential projects include:

  • Vivian Chen: Zulandia Taiwan
  • Vienna Looi: Eth KL

7 posts - 7 participants

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šŸŒ± Gitcoin Grants GG21 Community Round Proposal - Web3 Grants Ecosystem Advancement Round

Published: Jul 13, 2024

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Name (or Topic/Theme) of Proposed Round:

Web3 Grants Ecosystem Advancement Round

Social Handle of Your Organization:

Metagov: @metagov_project

Cartographer Syndicate: We intentionally do not have a social media presence

Grant Innovation Lab: We intentionally do not have a social media presence

Eligibility Criteria:

Projects must primarily focus on advancing the Web3 grants ecosystem. Eligible projects include:

  1. Contributions to the Web3 grants on-chain registry
  2. Research and thought leadership in the Web3 grants space
  3. Development of tools for grant discovery and application processes
  4. Aggregation of news and events related to Web3 grants
  5. Experiments with novel funding mechanisms

All projects must comply with Gitcoinā€™s core rules, including no fraudulent activity, quid pro quo, hate speech, or other activities out of alignment with Gitcoinā€™s essential intents.

Round History:

Metagov has run multiple rounds with Gitcoin Grants, but this is the first time the Cartographer Syndicate and Grant Innovation Lab are running a round with Gitcoin Grants.

Team Running This Round:

Round Operator: Sov, Extensive history around Web3 Grants. Currently runs BD/Partnerships for Gitcoin and helps to design, implement, and manage programs. @sovereignsignal on X

Round Operator: Eugene Leventhak, experience running and researching grant programs. Eugene is the Executive Director of Metagov and is leading the Grant Innovation Lab. He was a co-author of the State of Web3 Grants 2023 report, 3 Retrospective Program Case Studies, and is working on the State of Web3 Grants 2024 report. @bbeats1 on Twitter

Team Member: Rithikha Rajamohan, Civic technologist at V6A Labs. Currently researching and building adaptive civic infrastructure and distributed systems. @rithikxa_ on X

Alignment with Gitcoinā€™s Mission and Essential Intents:

The Cartographer Syndicate & Grant Innovation Labā€™s round aligns with Gitcoinā€™s mission by fostering the growth and development of the Web3 grants ecosystem.

Our focus on collaboration, transparency, and community-driven initiatives directly supports Gitcoinā€™s goal of building and funding digital public goods. By consolidating grant information, facilitating discovery, and incentivizing contributions, we are helping to create a more efficient and effective funding landscape for Web3 projects.

Anticipated Size of the Matching Pool:

The matching pool is anticipated to be 100K ARB, fundraised through Thank ARB Milestone 1b. Details are linked below:

Funding address: Arbitrum Safe: 0x0AF272c62E1e8ee47e9F83b90Eed772A22ED8aFc

Our funds have already been approved and will soon be allocated to the provided address. You can see our approval in the forum post linked above from Thank ARB.

Advisors for This Round:

The Cartographer Syndicate is a group of 50+ grant managers, researchers and service providers all focused on Web3 Grants. The Grant Innovation Lab consists of a dozen research collaborators focused on better understanding and improving grant programs. These groups have been active across many facets of the Web3 Grants Ecosystem and have had visibility to the design of the round and its eligibility criteria.

Funding Mechanism:

We are using Quadratic Funding (QF) because it aligns with our values of community engagement and democratic decision-making. QF allows for a more equitable distribution of funds, giving voice to a wider range of contributors and ideas within the Web3 grants ecosystem.

Community Size and Engagement:

Our community comprises approximately 50 members, including service providers, grant managers, public goods funding builders, and thought leaders in the Web3 grants space.

Type of Projects to Fund: We aim to fund projects that contribute to the advancement of the Web3 grants ecosystem, including:

  1. Development and maintenance of the Web3 Grants on-chain registry
  2. Research and thought leadership initiatives
  3. Tools for grant discovery and application processes
  4. News aggregation and event coverage for Web3 grants
  5. Experimental funding mechanisms

Estimated Number of Eligible Grantees: We believe that 25-30 grantees will be eligible to apply for this round, but we will open the round to however many apply and meet the eligibility criteria.

Impact Assessment Plan: We intend to assess grantee impact through a combination of quantitative and qualitative methods:

  1. Contributions to the on-chain registry
  2. Research output measured by publications and community engagement
  3. Tool adoption and usage metrics
  4. Community feedback and testimonials
  5. Long-term tracking of funded projectsā€™ growth and impact on the Web3 grants ecosystem

Additional Considerations:

Community members should consider projectsā€™ long-term potential to shape the future of Web3 grants. We encourage innovative ideas that scale and create lasting impact in the ecosystem.

Potential Conflicts of Interest:

Sov is the Program Manager for the Syndicate and he is also a core contributor at Gitcoin. Eugene and others in the Grant Innovation Lab have collaborated with Gitcoin on research projects. Both Sov and Eugene are likely to apply for projects in the round as well.

3 posts - 3 participants

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šŸŒ± Gitcoin Grants [GG21 Community Round Proposal] Decentralized Documentation: Empowering Bioregional Initiatives

Published: Jul 13, 2024

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Name (or Topic/Theme) of Proposed Round: Decentralized Documentation: Empowering Bioregional Initiatives.

Social Handle of Your Organization: @P2PFoundation


Founded in 2005 by Michel Bauwens, the P2P Foundation is a pioneering force in promoting P2P principles and decentralized technologies. It serves as a hub for open-source innovation and knowledge sharing, influencing global discourse on blockchain and commons-based peer production. With a comprehensive wiki ( and impactful publications (Curated article: An overview of research into the emergence of the contributory economy ), the foundation fosters collaboration and sustainable economic models. Its unwavering commitment to openness and decentralization drives the creation of resilient and equitable digital ecosystems worldwide.

Eligibility Criteria: This is the inaugural round specifically dedicated to bioregional blockchain documentation. There is no historical context for this specific round within Gitcoin Grants. Projects must primarily focus on bioregional documentation using blockchain technology.

Criteria include one of the following:

  • Content Production: Projects must demonstrate the ability to contribute to the bioregional knowledge base. / skills
  • Documentation Infrastructure: Projects should utilize blockchain/decentralized storage for transparency and traceability in bioregional documentation. / skills

Common Criteria:

  • Verifiable History: Applicants must have a verifiable history of working on related projects. / commitment
  • Gitcoin Core Rules: All submissions must adhere to Gitcoinā€™s core rules, including no fraudulent activity, quid pro quo, hate speech, or other activities out of alignment with Gitcoinā€™s essential intents. / governance
  • Project Proposal: A complete project proposal with a clear problem statement, solution, roadmap, benefits, and timeline for implementation. / planning
  • Budget: A budget and funding plan. / accountability

Round History: This is the inaugural round specifically dedicated to bioregional blockchain documentation. There is no historical context for this specific round within Gitcoin Grants.

Team Running This Round:

  • Round Operator:
    • Name: Michel Bauwens
    • Relevant Experience: Founder of the P2P Foundation, extensive experience in peer-to-peer and collaborative economies.
    • Bio: Michel Bauwens is a theorist, writer, and speaker on the subject of peer-to-peer economy, with a focus on the commons-based approach.
    • Social Handle: @mbauwens
  • Team Member 1:
    • Name: Mayssam Daaboul
    • Relevant Experience: Extensive experience in management consulting, blockchain services consulting, and strategic initiatives.
    • Bio: Mayssam Daaboul is an academic and professional in the fields of blockchain and peer production, with a strong academic and practical background.
    • Social Handle: @lusifix
  • Team Member 2:
    • Name: Tiberius Brastaviceanu
    • Relevant Experience: Co-founder of Sensorica, a pioneering open value network in the field of collaborative production.
    • Bio: Tiberius Brastaviceanu is a leader in the field of decentralized collaboration, with extensive experience in open-source project development.
    • Social Handle: @TiberiusB

Alignment with Gitcoinā€™s Mission and Essential Intents: This community grant supports the creation of transparent, decentralized knowledge bases that benefit the broader community, aligning with Gitcoinā€™s essential intents of fostering innovation and inclusivity. In addition, this community grant promotes open-source bioregional projects, which align with the sustainability goals of Gitcoin.

For the infrastructure development track we will insist on using the Ethereum blockchain, thus furthering the goal of Gitcoin to advance the growth and adoption of the Ethereum Ecosystem.

The documentation track brings together projects in bioregional blockchain applications, strengthening Gitcoinā€™s schelling point status in this particular niche. Moreover, the documentation efforts will surface individuals with key skills and achievements in this domain.

Anticipated Size of the Matching Pool: We have already received a $50,000 grant from GCC, which we invested in management infrastructure. We are now actively pursuing new funds to support the development of P2P documentation and enhance our marketing and exposure efforts. The matching pool is anticipated to be fundraised through partnerships with bioregional organizations and blockchain innovators. P2P Foundation is currently engaged in funding operations with several leading organizations.

  • Funding Address:

  • eth:0xa386C179424D8493Ed9A6259F0C3Cc2b941Fd4fB

  • oeth:0x25e5d6504F529ec97B7E9A59BE89cCa1a83a0721

  • arb1:0xa8c871B9298A515845233a245FF59cA7f30eF434

Advisors for This Round:

  • Advisor 1:
    • Name: Michel Bauwens
    • Relevant Experience: A theorist, writer, and speaker on the subject of peer-to-peer economy, with a focus on the commons-based approach.
  • Advisor 2:
    • Name: Tiberius Brastaviceanu
    • Relevant Experience: A leader in the field of decentralized collaboration, with extensive experience in open-source project development.

Funding Mechanism: We are using quadratic funding because it allows for community-driven support, ensuring that a broad base of contributors can influence the allocation of funds, which aligns with the decentralized and participatory nature of our bioregional documentation project. In addition, we will be working on integrating Gitcoin Passport.

Community Size and Engagement:

  • Community Size: The P2P Foundation has grown to encompass a vast, worldwide community over the past 20 years. As a network of networks, the size of collaborations is variable. The P2P Foundation is unique in that it builds bridges and connections amongst many different subcultures and projects in the p2p space.
  • Tangible Metrics: The wiki consists of 25k documentary entries that had been consulted already a billion times by 2020.
  • Type of Projects to Fund: Projects that document bioregional activities and innovations using blockchain technology, ensuring transparency and traceability.
  • Estimated Number of Eligible Grantees: We estimate that around 50 grantees will be eligible to apply for this round.

Impact Assessment Plan: The P2P Foundation Wiki has evolved as a very reputable information source for everything P2P, as a result of almost 20 years of curation done by Michel Bauwens, with help from other collaborators. We will use Hypercerts to establish the impact of the P2P Foundation. Moreover, the bioregional blockchain initiatives that we are planning to map and document will also be encouraged to build their impact assessment on Hypercents, and further to build their portable identity and reputation on Karma GAP, enabling them to unlock future opportunities.

We also plan to to include regular reporting, community feedback mechanisms, and independent audits to measure and evaluate the success and impact of the grantees over successive rounds.

Additional Considerations: Community members should consider the potential for creating a comprehensive and transparent documentation system that could serve as a model for other bioregional and commons-based projects globally.

Potential Conflicts of Interest: There are no known conflicts of interest. All round operations team members have no direct involvement in any projects that will participate to receive a grant.

Primary Resource:

The P2P wiki will serve as the decentralized, open-source home for storing bioregional data, using blockchain technology for secure, transparent, and traceable documentation. The P2P Foundation aims to build a comprehensive and accessible library for all things bioregional, ensuring that cutting-edge technology and concepts are readily available to the community. For more information, visit our Bioregional Library.

9 posts - 6 participants

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šŸŒ± Gitcoin Grants [GG21 Community Round Proposal] į“˜ŹŸį“€É“į“‡į“›į“€Ź€Ź į“„į“į“œÉ“į“„ÉŖŹŸ šŸ•Šļø

Published: Jul 12, 2024

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EDIT / UPDATE: this proposal has been edited to accomodate feedback from the comments.

Name (or Topic/Theme) of Proposed Round:

į“˜ŹŸį“€É“į“‡į“›į“€Ź€Ź į“„į“į“œÉ“į“„ÉŖŹŸ

Optional subtitle: į“€į“„į“›ÉŖį“ į“€į“›ÉŖÉ“É¢ É“į“‡į“” į“‡į“€Ź€į“›Źœ į“Ź€į“…į“‡Ź€

(our mission is to become the 3rd attractor, resolve the metacrisis, offer a viable solution to global peace and prosperity, desingning a better system)

Social Handle(s) of Your Organization:

Twitter: @PlanetCouncil
Mirror blog:

Eligibility Criteria:

  1. Projects already under the umbrella of į“˜ŹŸį“€É“į“‡į“›į“€Ź€Ź į“„į“į“œÉ“į“„ÉŖŹŸ
  2. Project willling to join į“˜ŹŸį“€É“į“‡į“›į“€Ź€Ź į“„į“į“œÉ“į“„ÉŖŹŸ

Digging deeper, what are the criteria to join? į“˜ŹŸį“€É“į“‡į“›į“€Ź€Ź į“„į“į“œÉ“į“„ÉŖŹŸ has the following objectives:

  • system change
  • architecting the new world
  • operating system for the planet(s)

It means that projects willing to join need to focus on work towards system change, architecting a new world, buiilding an operating system for this planet and beyond.

No requirement for projects to be old. We encourage new :bulb::bulb::bulb:. If idea stage, please indicate it in your grant description and provide clear roadmap for the next few months.

TODO: Create a dedicated Notion page for applicants to have all the information handy.

List of question to potential applicants

  1. The purpose for existence:
    (main problem you are solving)

  2. Current size of the project:
    (full time, part time, consultants, advisors, community)

  3. Website, social links:

  4. Independent proof of legitimacy:
    (press, media publications)

  5. Funding sources / business model:
    (ideally both)

  6. How the money will be spent:
    (can reuse other grant applications, copy-paste from other stuff OK)

  7. Existing impact:
    (can reuse already existing impact reports, we want to make it easy, while learning about your previous accomplishments)

  8. Potential impact:
    (assuming everything goes exceptional well, what is your end game scenario, let your imagination run wild)

Round History:

Right after the GG20 we run the round outside of the regular Gitcoin cycle. This is the only round done by the į“˜ŹŸį“€É“į“‡į“›į“€Ź€Ź į“„į“į“œÉ“į“„ÉŖŹŸ so far. Link to the explorer:

(the numbers were rather unimpressive due to the ā€œout of cycleā€ timing, even though initially we were thinking this can act to our advantage)

Now we would like to double down and continue during the media-marketing-shilling-frenzy which is GG21 :innocent:

Team Running This Round:

Role Name Relevant Experience Bio Social Handle
Round Operator Mars Ran previous round Astral Pirate Hacker Ninja @marsXRobertson on Twitter, @marsrobertson on GitHub
Operations Assosiate Greg Previous grant recipient Originally from :romania: @grigore_trifan on Twitter, @GregTrifan on GitHub
Generalist Miloje Good with tech Originally from :serbia: @FCBtc19931116 on Twitter, @milojeBtc on GitHub

Alignment with Gitcoinā€™s Mission and Essential Intents :

Powerful mission:

  • Gitcoin inspires a world shaped by community-led positive change
  • Gitcoin creates technologies and opportunities that enable communities to build, fund and protect what matters
  • Gitcoin exists to empower communities to fund their shared needs.
  • Network Effects
  • Community First
  • Financial Longevity

We are :100::100::100: aligned with these. Well optimised. Wordsmith sorcery.

In our operations we want to further leverage nework efforts + put community first + have financial longevity in mind as baseline to operate in the modern world.

We drive positive change through collaborative community effort, open-source from the ground-up, radical transparency as competitive advantage: less worry about OPSEC.

UN was created in 1945 after WW2ā€¦ Now we have completely new set of challenges, thatā€™s why į“˜ŹŸį“€É“į“‡į“›į“€Ź€Ź į“„į“į“œÉ“į“„ÉŖŹŸ and į“€į“„į“›ÉŖį“ į“€į“›ÉŖÉ“É¢ É“į“‡į“” į“‡į“€Ź€į“›Źœ į“Ź€į“…į“‡Ź€. We live in the revolutionary times:

Principles for Dealing with the Changing World Order by Ray Dalio

Peaceful (R)evolution Ignite Talks šŸ“ŗ

(Mars Robertsonā€™s 5 minutes talk from unDavos illustrating the magnitude of the vision, including opening of the Paris Olympics as good meme for global peace, traditionally no war during the olympics, see ā€œolympic truceā€)

Anticipated Size of the Matching Pool:

Current status: 0.67 ETH

Link to Etherscan:

Money coming from the sales of passports: Network State Genesis

Our plan is to dedicate all new sales of the passports towards the matching round.

Exact logistics of the sales plan: TBD TBC WIP

Advisors for This Round:

:warning: NOT CONFIRMED :warning:
:warning: NICE TO HAVE :warning:
:warning: IDEAL WORLD :warning:

Reputable, trustworthy, experienced, knowledgeable, well-connected.

We had a number interactions across multiple channels but they are not informed yet about me asking them to become advisors.

Asking for forgiveness, while retroacticely asking for permission: become į“˜ŹŸį“€É“į“‡į“›į“€Ź€Ź į“„į“į“œÉ“į“„ÉŖŹŸ advisors, please :innocent:

EDIT / UPDATE: the contact has been initiated but no official confirmation.

Potential additional list of advisors:

As a thought experiment we would like to invite ā€œred teamā€ and anti-advisors from organisations with questionable ethics:

  • Koch family (funding climate denial)
  • Sackler family (responsible for opioid epidemics)
  • Petro states
  • Military-industrial complex
  • Bilderberg Group

Reason logic rationale: our main objective is system change. Some entities that benefit from the current toxic system might be against revolutionary policies. ā€œkeep your friends close and your enemies closerā€ - we would like to work together and find a path forward that is serving entire humanity, thatā€™s why in our work we need to address concerns coming from all areas of the political spectrum.

Funding Mechanism:

At the moment of writing: not set in stone. Depending whether we will become TOP5 and receive matching. EDIT / UPDATE: Most likely QF with some adjustments / experiments.

Experiment :one:: ā€œWinners decideā€, top 20% of the projects distribute 20% of the allocated funds. Detailed description and rationale here: Beyond QF quadratic funding: comments, suggestions, ideas šŸ’”

Experiment :two:: We intend to introduce minimal funding cut-off to ensure funds are prioritised wisely. It behaves symmetrical to funding cap.

Previously, to ensure projects receive a sizeable amount, the selection was done at the application phase. We donā€™t want to act as gatekeepers. We want to encourage participation.

Source: Observations from Ma Earthā€™s first quadratic funding round

In our research of others rounds, we repeatedly heard the complaint from projects that they received such small matching amounts in the end, it wasnā€™t necessarily worth the time involved in promoting it to their communities. Thatā€™s why we decided to go with 23 grantees, from a pool of ~50 qualified applicants. We wanted to ensure that once the $100,000 was divided up, it would still be meaningful for each project relative to their efforts.

Community Size and Engagement:

  • Low.
  • Need to learn the nuances / technicalities / rituals of community engagement.
  • Need better messaging and partnerships to get on the radar.
  • Need to focus on online marketing.
  • Or maybe allowing it to grow organically, bit by bit?
  • Previous approach of ā€œcommunity of communitiesā€ and hyper-networker didnā€™t succeed
  • Current numbers:

We are hoping that participating in GG21 as one of the featured community rounds will allow į“˜ŹŸį“€É“į“‡į“›į“€Ź€Ź į“„į“į“œÉ“į“„ÉŖŹŸ to accomplish much bigger reach.

Type of Projects to Fund:

Already under the umbrella of į“˜ŹŸį“€É“į“‡į“›į“€Ź€Ź į“„į“į“œÉ“į“„ÉŖŹŸ or willing to join. Our eligibility crtiteria, our objectives and the type of projects to fund are aligned. Good selection of projects can be seen in the previous round, link to the explorer](Gitcoin | Explorer).

Other characteristics that we will appreciate among projects:

  • Maximum impact.
  • Building civilisational infrastructure.
  • Technology stack that is better than the current status quo.

The world is so ready for the upgrade:

  • education
  • media
  • healthcare
  • climate
  • justice
  • governance
  • accounting for value


(now the work on accounting for full cost of the products / goods / services continues as Impact Evaluation Foundation)

Estimated Number of Eligible Grantees:

Approximately 20-30 in alignment with the previous round.
Up to 40 assuming other ecosystem participants decide to apply and join į“˜ŹŸį“€É“į“‡į“›į“€Ź€Ź į“„į“į“œÉ“į“„ÉŖŹŸ.

Impact Assessment Plan:

Karma GAP.
We will encourage grantees to provide accurate description of their activities, over time this will build large dataset and will help with evaluation of other projects.

EDIT / UPDATE: Initially we planned to use Impact Evaluation Foundation (IEF) but not ready for prime time:

Additional Considerations:

We are big fans and supporters on Gitcoin, long term supporters, here for the long haul, playing long term game.

Previous bunch of suggestions on the gov forum: Beyond QF quadratic funding: comments, suggestions, ideas šŸ’”

Also a suggestion to bring transparency to the process: GG21 Community Round Eligibility Criteria - #4 by mars

Potential Conflicts of Interest:

No shady affiliations.
No conflict of interest.
Other than being a human and having clear incentives for :earth_americas::earth_africa::earth_asia: to survive (and thrive)

Compliance and regulatory statement

If for any reason some of the proposed mechanisms are making us with the eligibility criteria in the current form - GG21 Community Round Eligibility Criteria - we are more than happy to make necessary adjustments based on the feedback from the reviewers.

We intend to fully comply with the round requirements, Allo, passports, quid pro quo, etcā€¦

Further questions comments

Here publicly on the forum and if no reply in 48 hours please follow up on the į“˜ŹŸį“€É“į“‡į“›į“€Ź€Ź į“„į“į“œÉ“į“„ÉŖŹŸ chat:

In the next couple of days I will be offline (meditation retreat) coming back online week commencing 29th July: I have informed the team to be responsive.

I will endevour to catch-up with onboarding / any other regulatory training (complete security training with Gitcoinā€™s security consultant) / any other requirements immediately upon my return.

9 posts - 2 participants

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šŸŒ± Gitcoin Grants [GG21 Community Round Proposal] DeSci QF GG21

Published: Jul 09, 2024

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Name (or Topic/Theme) of Proposed Round

DeSci QF GG21 :dna:

Social Handle of Org on X: @DeSci_Round_Ops

Round History

How many times has this round been run during a Gitcoin Grants round?

This would be the 4th official DeSci round and our 2nd Gitcoin Community proposal. Previous rounds were held during GR15 in September 2022, a community-run Beta Round in April 2023 using Allo Protocol and Grants Stack, and GG20 in May 2023. As one of Gitcoinā€™s most trending community proposals for GG20 we decided to apply again for GG21.

Team Running This Round

How big is your team that will run this round? Who is your team?

Our team consists of 4 main round operators, including:

Additionally, the DeSci community elected 5 stewards to review incoming applications and ensure a smooth onboarding of new DeSci grantees:

How does this round align with Gitcoinā€™s mission and essential intents?

This round directly supports Gitcoinā€™s mission to build and fund public goods, emphasizing open, accessible, and inclusive scientific research. It fosters collaboration and innovation in the DeSci space, aligning with Gitcoinā€™s essential intents for community empowerment to build and fund impactful initiatives and sustainable funding in science with a bottom-up community-driven effort such as DeSci QF on Gitcoin.

What do you anticipate the size of the matching pool will be?

We have secured a matching pool of $10,000, combining funds from previous rounds, community fundraising, and potential new partnerships. As an official Gitcoin Community Round, we hope to get an additional matching of $25k.

Funding Address GG Beta: eth:0x1385754798D1F2C3a5eaa45c32999E57317D6BFD

Funding Address GG20: eth:0x66031ec091eb1bF2c29704ceaa21FeBf328d93AD

Funding Address GG20: arb1:0x50AE1aD21ACa30e9B54315502Efc7945aeC37C5d

Who will be advisors for this round, if anyone?

Advisors include our DeSci community and past grantees. We have our operators, the past elected stewards, co-marketing partners such as DeSci World, DeepVenture DAO, GreenPill, MesoReefDAO, DeScier, DeSci Asia, and past sponsors such as Research Hub, and Public Nouns.

Please describe the eligibility criteria you envision for this proposed round.

Projects must advance open, inclusive scientific research using Web3 technologies. Criteria include:

  • Innovation in data sharing
  • Addressing publishing biases
  • Promoting accessible education and science funding
  • Compliance with Gitcoinā€™s core rules
  • A complete project proposal with a clear problem statement, solution, roadmap, benefits, and timeline for implementation
  • A budget and funding plan

More detailed eligibility criteria can be found here.

How large is your community approximately?

Our community spans across various DeSci Telegram groups and Discord servers. Our DeSci X Gitcoin Community Telegram group has 276 active members as of today, engaged in discussions, planning, and collaboration. Additionally, we have our DeSci Co-Marketing Group with 33 members on Telegram.

What type of projects would you like to fund?

Projects focusing on:

  • Open-source DeSci platforms
  • Blockchain-based research publishing
  • Collaborative scientific tools
  • Educational and financing initiatives promoting decentralized science principles
  • Any project supporting the growth of the Decentralized Science ecosystem

Approximately how many grantees do you believe will be eligible to apply to this round?

Based on past rounds and community growth, we estimate between 20-40 projects could be eligible and benefit from this funding round.

Impact Assessment: How do you intend to assess grantee impact over successive rounds?

We plan to utilize tools like Hypercerts and Karma GAP for verifiable impact measurement, alongside community feedback and project progress reports, to assess and improve the efficacy of approved and funded projects over time. More information about our impact reporting can be found here.

Funding mechanism

We plan to use quadratic funding as our funding mechanism because this will best suit for the funding allocation in a decentralized and open way, which align with Gitcoinā€™s mission and essential intents. We also plan to use Gitcoinā€™s Passport and the COCM matching design. It can increase points for holders and a reason to fund DeSci projects all the while strengthening the Passport initiative while simplifying the sybil analysis and overcoming sybil attacks.

Is there anything else that community members should consider when voting for which rounds to focus on in the upcoming GG21 grants round?

The unique potential of DeSci to revolutionize research and science funding, making it more collaborative, transparent, and accessible, is a massive opportunity for web3 grants adoption in academia and beyond. Supporting DeSci aligns with the broader goals of fostering open and impactful public goods while overall benefiting the Gitcoin community.

Key Learnings from GG20

  • Structured Onboarding: Clear guidelines and templates for grantees and stewards significantly enhance efficiency.
  • Multi-language Support: Supporting applications in multiple languages is vital for inclusivity.
  • Early and Continuous Community Engagement: Engaging the community early and maintaining regular communication is essential.
  • Clear Application Processes: Establishing clear and strict application deadlines ensures well-prepared and timely submissions.

GG20 Round Metrics

  • Number of Applications: 34
  • Approved and Funded Projects: 29
  • Total Funds Distributed: $25,000
  • Donor Participation: 292 individuals
  • Community Growth: 20% increase in social media followers

Social Metrics

  • Weekly DeSci Cornerstone Attendance: 69% total grantee participation rate
  • Impressions: 46.1K
  • Total Engagement rate: 3.9%
  • Link clicks: 233
  • Retweets: 227
  • Likes: 514
  • Replies: 64

Enabling DeSci: Gitcoinā€™s Role in Transforming Scientific Funding

Potential Conflicts of Interest:

Operation team members and stewards should self-disclose any relavant projects and potential conflict of interest and by-pass the application process of their own project or relavant projects. Other independant stewards and operation team members will take the responsility to review the application.


By addressing feedback and implementing structured onboarding, multi-language support, continuous community engagement, and clear application processes, we are committed to making future rounds more efficient, inclusive, and impactful. Together, we continue to push the boundaries of decentralized science and pave the way for a more innovative and collaborative future.

Join Us: Follow DeSci Round Ops on X and join the DeSci Gitcoin Telegram to stay up-to-date about the next DeSci Round on Gitcoin.

DeSci GG21 Community Round ęę”ˆ


DeSci QF GG21


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  • 開ęŗ DeSci 平台
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GG20 Round ꌇęؙ

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Ā· č½‰ęŽØļ¼š 227
Ā· å–œę­”ļ¼š 514
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Enabling DeSci: Gitcoinā€™s Role in Transforming Scientific Funding
ęŽØ動 DeSci ļø°Gitcoin åœØę”¹é©ē§‘ē ”å‹Ÿč³‡ē•¶äø­ēš„č§’č‰² (EN)

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ę­”čæŽå¤§å®¶åœØ X ęŽØē‰¹äøŠčæ½č¹¤ DeSci Round Opsļ¼Œäø¦åŠ å…„ DeSci Gitcoin Telegramļ¼Œē²å¾— Gitcoin DeSci Round ēš„ęœ€ę–°č³‡čØŠć€‚

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šŸŒ± Gitcoin Grants [Proposal] Revolutionizing Fashion E-commerce: Giva Ecosystem - Integrating and Giva Academy

Published: Jul 09, 2024

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[Proposed Round Name]
Giva Ecosystem: Empowering Designers and Students through Web3

Social Handle of Giva Ecosystem :
Giva Ecosystem Socials:
Giva Ecosystem Telegram: Telegram: Contact @GivaEcosystem1
Giva Academy: Telegram: Contact @GivaAcademy1
Linkedin: GIVA ECOSYSTEM on LinkedIn: GIVA ECOSYSTEM | LinkedIn

Eligibility Criteria:
The project primarily focuses on fashion design, e-commerce, and education within the Web3 space.

Round History:
This is the first time this round is being run on Gitcoin Grants.

Additional criteria include:

  • Integration with or utilization of TON/NEAR blockchain
  • Commitment to sustainable and ethical fashion practices
  • Innovative use of NFTs in fashion design or authentication
  • Contribution to the and Giva Academy platforms

Team Running This Round:

  • Round Operator: [Onuoha Rhoda], FashionTech Entrepreneur/Growth Marketer, with 6+ years experience in web3/ Growth Marketing.

Social Handle/ portfolio:

Alignment with Gitcoinā€™s Mission and Essential Intents:
Giva Ecosystem aligns with Gitcoinā€™s mission by empowering fashion designers through Web3 technologies, fostering a more open and innovative creative economy while educating community members about the whole web3/blockchain ecosystem. aligns with Gitcoinā€™s essential intent of accelerating the adoption of digital public goods by bringing fashion into the Web3 space.

Anticipated Size of the Matching Pool:
The matching pool is anticipated to be 6000 USDT, fundraised through SHEISNEAR grassroots DAO((Approved)Giva x she is near collaboration || onboarding fashion brands in the community into giva platform - She is Near - NEAR Forum), Giva Academy, and Family/Friends.

Funding address: [

We plan to expand future fundraising through website sales, partnerships with Web3 investors interested in fashion tech on the blockchain, and Token Launch.

E-commerce Revenue: We are currently using Shopify to raise funding as well while we build out the major MVP
Web3 Investor Partnerships
Fashion Brand Collaborations
Giva Academy Course Fees
Token Launch

Advisors for This Round:

Funding Mechanism:
We are using Quadratic Funding because it aligns with our goal of democratizing support for fashion designers

Community Size and Engagement:
Our community consists of approximately 1000 members across and Giva Academy. Tangible metrics include 500+ Subscribers to our current waitlist( and 50+ full students enrolled in Giva Academy courses.

Type of Projects to Fund:
We aim to Sponsor 2000 more students into the Academy to train them on web3 adoption through a scholarship basis.

Estimated Number of Eligible Grantees:
We believe that 2000 Students will be eligible to apply for the Scholarship at Giva Academy.

Impact Assessment Plan:
Giva Academy can verify the impact of scholarships on 2000 students by implementing a comprehensive evaluation strategy involving data collection, analysis, and qualitative feedback, while also tracking student outcomes over time and comparing scholarship recipients to a control group.

Additional Considerations:
Community members should consider the potential for the Giva Ecosystem to transform the fashion and education industry by making it more accessible, sustainable, and aligned with Web3 principles.

Potential Conflicts of Interest:
No potential conflicts of interest

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šŸŒ± Gitcoin Grants [TEMP CHECK] Allocate Additional Funding to Community Rounds in GG21

Published: Jul 06, 2024

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[TEMP CHECK] Allocate Additional Funding to Community Rounds in GG21


Earlier this year, we ratified updates to Gitcoin Grants, which include ā€œmatching on matchingā€ funds for Community Rounds up to $125k per quarter. This allows Gitcoin to enhance Community Roundsā€™ matching pools through our governance process. Since we are only running three GG rounds this year, we have an extra $125k for community rounds, which we plan to redirect into GG21.

The Plan

Taking the allocated $125k from the fourth round we wonā€™t run and redirecting it into GG21. This will bolster the Community Rounds with double the funds. We will still earmark the matching funds to the top 5 selected rounds.

Why This Matters

  • Empowering Communities: By increasing the matching funds available, we continue to enable aligned communities to more directly fund what matters to them, through enhanced support.
  • Sustainability Commitment: This approach aligns with our commitment to program sustainability while providing significant benefits to our community.


These funds have been earmarked for 2024 already, and we would like to gauge community support for this reallocation.

Call to Action

If you have any questions, concerns, or feedback, please share your thoughts below.

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šŸŒ± Gitcoin Grants [PROPOSAL] Remove Ratification Requirement for Gitcoin Grants Round Results

Published: Jul 04, 2024

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This proposal seeks to eliminate the need for a formal snapshot vote to ratify the results after each Gitcoin Grants round. By removing this governance step, we can streamline the process and distribute matching funds more quickly to grant recipients.

The ratification vote has served an important role in maintaining transparency and community approval for past funding rounds. However, as the Gitcoin Grants program continues to mature and refine its processes, this extra governance step has become redundant and unnecessarily delays payouts. We will still publish results but wonā€™t have to formally request the funds from the Matching Pool in order to do so.

The Gitcoin team has shown a strong commitment to transparency and fairness in fund distribution. Our upgraded methodologies and tools, such as the cluster-matching quadratic funding mechanism (COCM) and Passportā€™s model-based detection system, have significantly enhanced our ability to allocate funds objectively and resist sybil attacks.

By removing ratification, we can realize the following benefits:

  • Faster payouts to grant recipients after each round concludes
  • Reduced overhead and operational strain on the Gitcoin team
  • Implicit trust in Gitcoinā€™s processes and methodologies

We will continue to publicly disclose all relevant data, methodologies and funding calculations for each round. The community retains the ability to scrutinize results and provide feedback through regular channels.

To recap:

  • No more snapshot votes will be held to ratify grant round results
  • Gitcoin will transparently communicate funding methodologies before each round as outlined in the GG19 post
  • Comprehensive results and allocation data will still be shared after each round
  • The community can raise any concerns through normal feedback channels (this forum, Discord)

This change takes effect immediately and will be applied to upcoming GG21.

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šŸ“ Citizen Grants Citizens Retro Update

Published: Jul 03, 2024

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Citizens Retro Update

This is to provide an update to the Citizens Grants Program, specifically Citizens Retro #4. As outlined in this post, some changes are underway to the Retro round. Citizen Grants as a whole is currently undergoing review, with a potential major redesign.

Given our strategic shifts to make the Gitcoin 2.0 vision a reality, we are currently redesigning the program from first-principles (with the help of the Grants Program Canvas!) so that we can ensure it further aligns to our goals and creates more clarity for community members on where their contributions will create the most impact in the Gitcoin Ecosystem. The current working group consists of myself (@MathildaDV) @owocki, @deltajuliet, @Viriya, @CoachJonathan, consulting @sejalrekhan.

Other notes worth mentioning:

  • Moving forward, Iā€™ll be taking the lead on the Citizens Retro. We feel that an important next step in the evolution of this program is to appoint a high-context contributor to drive and hold the vision for the program for the time being.
  • We are still hiring! I will share a job description for a full-time grants coordinator position via my Twitter very soon (so if youā€™re interested in getting involved, please keep an eye out!). All candidates that have applied to the Citizens Retro will still be considered for this new position.
  • I would like to extend my gratitude and admiration to @krrisis, who has taken the lead on getting the Retro round to where it is today. It has been wonderful to see it grow into what it is, and I deeply appreciate Krisā€™ hard work.

Continue to keep an eye out for exciting updates ahead! More details to follow.

Should you have any questions or concerns regarding these updates, please leave your comments below. Otherwise, stay tuned for more updates in the coming weeks.

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šŸ§™ šŸ§™ā€ā™€ļø Ideas and Open Discussion SimpleGrants (status and contribution needs)

Published: Jun 27, 2024

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Around the same time last year, I was talking with @owocki about leveraging Simple Grants for FundOSS (the pilot was a partnership between Gitcoin and Open Source Collective) and specific rounds for global projects/communities like WordPress and Drupal.

While we were unable to move forward at the time (mainly due to the lead dev becoming unavailable and not having capacity to fill the void), I recently noticed that not only was there some active development, but GitHub - gitcoinco/ Web2 Quadratic Funding platform was now part of Gitcoin Ā· GitHub.

That said, I havenā€™t talked with Kevin (nor seen discussions in this forum) about status, needs, and if/how Simple Grants fits in with current strategy.

Playing around with it seems like itā€™s close to being something partners could leverage.

Would love to know more about status and if/how contributors and partners could potentially help.

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šŸ“ Citizen Grants Pre-proposal: Fund Muqa to build on Gitcoin stack

Published: Jun 27, 2024

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Pre-proposal: Fund Muqa to build on Gitcoin stack

Hello Gitcoin,

I am kindly asking you to review this pre-proposal, join the discussion and provide your sentiment for this temp check. Thank you to @RohitMalekar and @CoachJ for helping with this proposal.


Last summer, thanks to the Funding the Commons support and Gitcoinā€™s funding, I started working on a project which would get my home town, City of Split, to try out QF for one of their grant programs.

Since then, I have done a lot on advancing the idea. From multiple meetings with various city officials, collecting the data on cityā€™s grants programs, analysing it, presenting at UNDP conference for cities, researching the needed tech stacks and potential integrations, to narrowing down the how and where we would use QF.

Also, I applied for EF Next Billion with this project in mind. Not only the project was selected as one of the very few, but it got additional funding for the purpose of building the app.

What are we building?

Ethereum has a number of protocols and apps that are both mature enough and solve a need a city has. We are building an open-source app customised for cities, which will serve as an interface to the Ethereum ecosystem of apps and protocols. Premier example of these, and the first one we want to offer access to is Gitcoin.

One of the most important things cities do, is allocating money for public goods. Whether they need direct grants, QF, retro funding or something else, they could and should use Allo protocol. We intend on running our grant programs on Allo protocol.

Gitcoin has built Grants Stack for the purpose of providing an easy and powerful interface for using Allo protocol. While using Allo protocol is a non-brainer for us, for Grants Stack we have some obstacles to use it as-is. It comes with its own set of features which are not directly usable by cities in their interaction with non-web3-native citizens, while some features which are needed are missing. We want to use as much of Grants stack as possible, but we have yet to look deeper and decide how to do it.

Here are some of the things weā€™ll probably need to do differently:

  • we need to offer users an in-app non-custodial wallet with no need to manage private keys (we plan to use Cometh Connect for this)
  • we need to offer simple in-app onramp solution which works well with local banks, cards, currencies and KYC requirements.
  • we need to abstract away the cryptocurrency used, so that users who top up euros, see euro balance (which means we need to use euro stablecoin)
  • we need to make it in local language with local legal documents
  • we need to be able to support different types of grants than what is currently supported by Gitcoin. (Eg. citizens propose projects, but the city gets the money and executes)
  • we need to use city-specific tools and available data for sybil resistance, and possibly for KYC
  • we need to only show the rounds which a citizen can participate in
  • we might need to integrate a forum for discussions on the rounds
  • we might need to integrate an option for donors to vote on disbursement of funds after the execution
  • we might need to allow for documents submission
  • we might need to add additional types of fields in the submission forms

Where are we now?

To advance [or help implement] this project I was recently selected as part of the Ethereum Foundationā€™s Next Billion Fellowship Program. With their advisory and financial support we will build a minimum viable app for the purpose of running one specific QF grant round in Split, Croatia. Unfortunately, this funding is limited and besides building the app for pilot, doesnā€™t cover much more.

Also, there are multiple grant programs with multiple grant rounds which we could run through the app as well. We could just run the pilot, or we could build such an MVP, which would be usable by any city or other institution to run local grant programs on Ethereum and Allo. We have already started talks with UNDP about this possibility. They work directly with more than 100 cities and national governments, and thourgh their network, we could reach more users quickly.

What do we expect from the pilot?

The pilot will run in Split in September 2024. with a goal of at least 30 proposals and 1500 citizens donating (1% of population).

These citizens will be onboarded on Ethereum and Gitcoin.

What do we expect to achieve with additional funding?

June 2024 - November 2024

We will create an app and run a successful pilot in the city of Split during the fellowship (). We will do the necessary legal work, local marketing campaign, establish key partnerships, provide support for grant program managers, grantees and citizens, create a report and build a website to showcase the outcome.

December 2024 - May 2025

We will run multiple rounds of different types during the 6 months following the pilot.
Types of rounds:

  1. Municipal grant program
  2. Participatory budgeting
  3. Journalism funding on the national level
    We will onboard the first cohort of cities after the pilot. We will make necessary adjustments to the app.

What do we ask?

Supplement the funding for current development milestone

We ask for funding to start working right away on incorporating Allo and Grants stack and preparing to run multiple rounds after the pilot on this infrastructure.

Extend the development runway to build more than prototype

We ask for funding to extend our development runway from 3 to 9 months, where for each quarter (or more frequent if needed) we would set objective and relevant milestones.

Costs of operations, marketing, bizdev and legal

We ask for funding to run local campaigns for rounds, for business development activities and for other costs there might be such as legal costs.


Please provide your opinions and thoughts. Do you think this project should be funded by Gitcoin. If not, why not and can we change something to make it better fitting. If yes, please express your support.

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šŸŒ± Gitcoin Grants GG20 Reflections, Insights, and Future Plans

Published: Jun 26, 2024

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Iā€™m excited to share an in-depth reflections and learnings post on GG20. Thank you to my co-author, @umarkhaneth, and for the key inputs from @sejalrekhan and @Sov. As we continue to move forward and iterate on the grants program, itā€™s important to take stock on learnings and community feedback to inform the decision we make ahead of the remainder of this year and as we look into 2025.

Below I am sharing a summary of the post, with the link to the detailed Mirror post for those who want to take some time for a deep dive.


  • Duration of GG20: April 23 - May 7, 2024
  • Key Learnings: Governance, Grantee Experience, Donor Experience, Operations
  • Future Plans: Continuous improvement and innovation

Summary: Gitcoin Grants, a community-driven funding initiative, has facilitated over 3,500 projects with $60M distributed since 2019. GG20, running from April 23 to May 7, 2024, saw a $1.6M matching pool, the election of a Community Council, a protocol upgrade, and an improved sybil resistance strategy.

Key Learnings:

  • Governance: The new Community Round governance process required proposals reviewed and voted on by a newly elected Community Council. The top five rounds received an extra $25K each in matching funds. Moving forward, Gitcoin plans to include more rounds in the marketing efforts, above and beyond of the top 5 chosen for extra matching funds.
  • Grantee Experience: Improvements in communication and platform navigation led to an 81% satisfaction rate among grantees (which met our key success metric). Positive feedback highlighted the need for better marketing resources, a more user-friendly grantee portal, and clearer guidance on creating strong grant proposals. Future plans include enhancing resources, such as Canva kits, and providing streamlined application processes for returning grantees.
  • Donor Experience: Despite a decrease in the number of donors, each donor contributed more, leading to a $27K increase in crowdfunding. Focus on retaining first-time donors and simplifying the donation process is essential. Strategies include potentially collecting donor emails for updates and making the donation process more user-friendly, especially for new donors. Running all rounds on Arbitrum and partnering with ThankARB enhanced the donor experience.
  • Operations: The introduction of decentralized review processes with ā€œTeam Tigerā€ and the use of the AI-based tool ā€œCheckerā€ improved transparency and efficiency. Clearer instructions and better support for grantees were identified as areas for further improvement. Future plans include refining the review process, enhancing support during the application phase, and expediting payout timelines by improving the QF/COCM calculator app and pre-approving matching results.

Moving Forward:

  • Marketing: Expand marketing efforts to include more community rounds, providing broader exposure and support to teams beyond the top five. This approach aims to ensure a more inclusive and impactful experience for all participants.
  • Grantee Support: Enhance resources to guide grantees in successfully marketing their grants. Improve the grantee portal to be more user-friendly and easier to navigate. Provide clearer resources on creating strong grant proposals and consider rolling applications for returning grantees to streamline the process. Finding ways to build a stronger builder community centered around mentorship, growth and education.
  • Donor Retention: Implement strategies to retain donors by collecting their emails for updates and exploring ways to allow grantees to email their donors. Make the donation process more user-friendly and continue promoting the popular collections feature to make the experience more social and engaging.
  • Operations: Continue refining the review process and expediting payout timelines. Improve support for grantees during the application phase and enhance project impact reporting. Maintain a fair and transparent process by not making team member wallet addresses public and focusing on the core mission of supporting open-source software and digital public goods.

Gitcoin is committed to evolving its grants program to be more resilient, inclusive, and impactful. The insights from GG20 will guide future strategies, ensuring continuous improvement and innovation as we move forward to GG21 and GG22. As we move into a multi-mechanism future, further experimentation and expansion will be enabled as we continue to evolve.

Read the detailed post here

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šŸ§™ šŸ§™ā€ā™€ļø Ideas and Open Discussion Onchain Capital Allocation Handbook

Published: Jun 25, 2024

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At ETHcc this year I will be launching a new book entitled the Onchain Capital Allocation Handbook.

Please DM me on twitter if you would like an invite. I will update this thread with purchase/download links when those are live (launch day is 7/11).

More info about the book follows:

Title: Onchain Capital Allocation Handbook: A Practical Journey from Present Mechanisms to Future Possibilities

Capital allocation is a simple concept: itā€™s the act of deciding how to distribute funding or resources. If youā€™ve ever paid bills, taxes, or repaid friends for a meal, youā€™ve allocated capital.

Capital allocation can become a full time job: governments and grant-making organi- zations spend vast amounts of time and money figuring out the process, logistics, and decision-making involved in allocating capital. At scale, capital allocation inevitably be- comes mired in gatekeeping, rivalrous decision making, and lack of transparency and accountability.

Crypto with its programmable smart contracts, present incredible advantages towards allocating capital in an efficient, effective, and transparent manner.

The internet revolutionized how information was distributed in society. If crypto succeeds in revolutionizing how society distributes scarce resources, it follows that it will upend, and improve, how we do capital allocation.

What if we could solve coordination failures with capital allocation? What if we could create better, more sovereign, collective action? How might we bring centuries old capital allocation strategies onchain? Can we invent new onchain capital allocation strategies that were not possible before Ethereum?

The next horizon is hard to see alone, but by exploring it together, we can grasp it.

This book is a celebration of the design space, and your no-hype resource to understand- ing the emergent pluralistic ecology of capital allocation developing in the web3 space. Iā€™ve enjoyed putting together this handbook of the latest and greatest in whatā€™s possible. It is my great pleasure to have a front row seat to this movement as a member of Gitcoin. My hope for this book is that I can pay it forward to you.

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Giveth Proposals Round 65 GIVbacks and $nice Distribution

Published: Jul 25, 2024

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:giv: Here is the finalized list for the GIVbacks Round 65 distribution. This roundā€™s distribution is affected by GIVpower ranking. I have included the average GIVfactor for each individual donor.

:nice: You will find the information for this roundā€™s $nice token distribution at the bottom.

This forum post will remain in the forum for 48 hours (2 business days) for review and feedback before going up for voting in the nrGIV DAO.

Round 65 Dates: June 11th 10am - June 25th 9:59:59 am Costa Rica Time (10am CST in local time (your timezone))
GIV value at the end of the round: 0.009221027997 USD
GIV Available 1000000

:giv: GIVbacks Distribution on Gnosis Chain

Giver Address Total Donations (USD) Avg GIVfactor GIVbacks
0xad41a7558a54bdcbafc4f9ca9909a09e7ba4e127 334.7449 0.2918983 10596.59193
0xed8db37778804a913670d9367aaf4f043aad938b 221.8638 0.2014155 4846.184128
0x6851cab6bfadfa47246dd71528c4d519aeb85fd4 89.3168 0.2811291 2723.074949
0xb9573982875b83aadc1296726e2ae77d13d9b98f 60.9311 0.2405744 1589.677923
0xe564ef4523cb7931bafd6ecb36814b2b3691e1a4 51.0904 0.1832437 1015.287239
0xe04885c3f1419c6e8495c33bdcf5f8387cd88846 18.8453 0.2931899 599.201184
0x168f87fbfe36b84e44b9d06278b2aa1cc73d7400 10.5 0.2925275 333.1016052
0x5299c7d2b73b6a96231081dabfd54dfcc84fedeb 10.1069 0.2498777 273.8836968
0x7d547666209755fb833f9b37eebea38ebf513abb 9.9413 0.2838611 306.0340129
0x9eec0b5bd8a48047f0dcc61e98b4b92951480f98 5.8572 0.2550762 162.0244574
0x826976d7c600d45fb8287ca1d7c76fc8eb732030 3 0.1832437 59.6171045
0xd430ed64f7be59656f894c95079bbb0f7261381b 2.982 0.2672026 86.4109828
0x778549eb292ac98a96a05e122967f22efa003707 1.9999 0.2925235 63.4438788
0x2a87c1345024ab463acc26417124c433b3069fdd 1.4832 0.2918983 46.9517726
0xc46c67bb7e84490d7ebdd0b8ecdaca68cf3823f4 1 0.2734391 29.6538578
0x3a3355805181ba5752cb52cebe8c95c0f3ed3d61 0.987 0.2925235 31.3111219
0xef4fd55584434903aa6fc9baa61eacdde5355da0 0.147 0.2931898 4.673981
0xd49b1e6f160f55d5bb68a146269446d70b577faf 0.0497 0.2925231 1.5766578

:giv: GIVbacks Distribution on Optimism Network

Giver Address Total Donations (USD) Avg GIVfactor GIVbacks
0x697b6bb004c1883b945174e2e209c07bf94650eb 10000 0.2931899 317957.8908
0x7326e65556775614fc19479051665566bf33068c 10000 0.2931899 317957.8908
0x1d22d6b41ece14e2a2c5b4de0739c0056a05f0ea 8000 0.2931899 254366.3127
0x616a475b413a1af3bb795005fb41aa38061c2779 2228.1299 0.1832437 44278.21772
0x222cf246a3d56d61030ca49f5e6ffd6c20c3dc4f 407.9655 0.1832437 8107.24062
0x49b83abdea98f854a76894f1f696bb21a0c0e821 169.046 0.1887077 3459.513896
0xcd4046b428ddeac3f01b04895df9dbbc8bd633c9 150 0.2766317 4500.014111
0x3b804fec3be607bf0f09aadede79024ee67cfc37 116.3173138 0.2004925 2529.083072
0xf4c6a5df9050b15a21aabccbc84ccb31fbdc0846 98.7767076 0.190147 2036.876296
0x8af29b09eca182113b6c7ec28a9b2c2211d0fd89 71.1736 0.2531854 1954.241425
0x3195c3f94154364e897711e501e104f40d8e23fb 44.1403 0.2608403 1248.620749
0x0fabf023b032659195f9d8590affc257412bb5d6 43.75 0.1887081 895.3424101
0x826976d7c600d45fb8287ca1d7c76fc8eb732030 39.4078787 0.2189106 935.5575413
0xf904c82a9528611bb7c9d296e238bfca45b9eab1 35.5945 0.2930899 1131.369389
0x10b651f374a98de2bb8eed3286ad8c05c2b5c53f 28.2233 0.1887082 577.5893835
0xf632ce27ea72dea30d30c1a9700b6b3bceaa05cf 24.5985013 0.2596893 692.7608022
0xd1eaf98ca2303737888f6bd5d6d5fd3ffcbf164e 22.735 0.1832437 451.7982905
0xa45686e323152c0a9c4b87d58869b2e8c070f861 21.7325 0.2928336 690.1622476
0x839395e20bbb182fa440d08f850e6c7a8f6f0780 19.9561509 0.2633788 570.0044503
0xa43821674ff3836bf8d22e25d0243278a6263612 17.094 0.1832437 339.6982616
0x0f46540678c7e6d2ef983b382cc07fa815ab148c 14.9969 0.2703676 439.7206402
0x2d53114198627e085cf2169b316738b8a9109c83 14.48 0.1887081 296.3327559
0x9703d9cf2f834e71d9b70675e746f7b634c9d1e9 14.1268 0.1832437 280.7329708
0x5d45e2c12f37f3381c47831561b986fc6355de9f 13.6932 0.2746423 407.842961
0x35abf6ebd17b34c9a0a3b335c2a35ef842bf2581 13.4234 0.29284 426.2983379
0xc5252f08cd832f28b1d614dc93c129c45a9bdb83 13.4067 0.1887074 274.3667106
0xd4293e608bab98a7b0f1d5520bc1f27b89226d9b 12.4181 0.2741658 369.2233346
0x8f43d0f3289bda3909a9391e750265b9a427c631 12.2302 0.1874567 248.6310002
0x4bc1248b729304fd9ef28af34de09aa0c230f948 12.0173 0.1927188 251.1606851
0x4eb4d210be79a69bb2375241d8a60150c8412b81 10.9024 0.2409087 284.8362213
0xd08bebea335c51b73c2b10b41c8633eb2845c347 10.8421 0.29284 344.3217986
0x4a0cd366ddb8aba3055089e5a272af1a85fc7f79 10.8258 0.2741659 321.8800246
0xd9ba60890dbc1c18f6793582ca50c98de25ab671 10.6783 0.2931565 339.4863944
0xe4df1d74122c2a7b14481cbdde704fbd0a4f11a2 9.9221 0.2928563 315.1220483
0x375f0479620c30d28122ef937d3838c3b9c1608c 9.8376 0.2918982 311.4162649
0xbd4d5116d4795fd6f785f524c4dc9f28bc5ab308 9.5797 0.2330194 242.083194
0x917250b24cd54d54c372f58cce7be2456b816204 9.5558 0.2918572 302.4531433
0x2ecf616b218431fd985f8c087ce7608a6a2fbc3a 9.2016 0.1941729 193.7638169
0xc584f09928d490237831f6e5da805cba82652497 8.3943674 0.2346059 213.5735752
0x7a738effd10bf108b7617ec8e96a0722fa54c547 7.285 0.2469802 195.1247283
0x1a12d6f3209c440f86a045f73aa994a781c4942e 7.1945 0.292548 228.2540288
0xa2019fecdc83c0fe37d0ed8b3bc0df6b8373602b 7.1189 0.2918905 225.3478977
0xde37b688b41ca82474e85c39da1b8a540327e26a 6.9302 0.2918905 219.3746255
0x5f5d8b3cf23368b9b5fab4e4a391a998803c292f 6.716 0.1887081 137.4427354
0x140d3f60ac840571a3e08e218b823094d4715564 6.6916499 0.2566314 186.2360168
0x331e5d9c3f48a73a46ad73c4d998c182a7f461e6 6.666 0.1887077 136.4191972
0xf8a025b42b07db05638fe596cce339707ec3cc71 6.6599022 0.2906366 209.9127114
0x1fd2a56907b1db9b29c2d8f0037b6d4e104f5711 6.6513 0.2453486 176.9745552
0x1b9e834f1dd71a4dbb6f569a4f4ae2eac8c11cf5 6.63 0.2918905 209.8718299
0xf78f53c8ef82072c3bf2e417e26fe506e89c316c 6.4545 0.2830281 198.1129522
0xeed77feac1bcd054d51f968814ff03e31e20528e 6.2342 0.2898813 195.9844626
0xb64fb68ee01ff12f15bca8a7e397c0d3b3447096 5.7476 0.2931567 182.7288339
0x649cddd008ea6ff52ba5ef2e4e8420120411ce8c 5.6939 0.2396739 147.9964494
0xf76b889f98b4fdc5d5b0c2e10d843e6a6fc2bb09 5.6939 0.2396739 147.9964494
0x4d999f16ec6fd46a84e3c2cd4a9a64dd314ae829 5.6215 0.2931569 178.7199572
0x90426f861bdc38a7b0b4ae7bc7bca740db434f4f 5.5442 0.2931565 176.2621825
0x7e670b3a398338d7b4b923b339f07802cec4faa9 5.525 0.2770644 166.0097893
0x58d91d75757843eacd2f49820e0d65b36ba1d01a 5.5172 0.1887085 112.9095656
0xfb0bc30e7fbf398d684bfa55c01d90938cabc7bc 5.4993 0.2931569 174.834949
0x2d2cadf39f7c1856fb15b8cb2d5a39808b2cbd89 5.2669 0.2931565 167.4462157
0xdcacfd97c4f6d4c52cdfd3439c87170e5698634d 5.1563 0.2906245 162.5140807
0xd99984e328634a944d01f0fb3795e55313df602c 5.1282 0.2919719 162.377796
0xc76d6bd97c53bbbb6dc4df54ba69efb80986d942 5.0714 0.1925064 105.8750811
0x5732fd69ededa743ac78d2f3a1d1ea30ff67d82d 5.01 0.2742804 149.0229764
0x5c7291e18c3ecf30e14ccf1dcd646c0ca3309113 5 0.1887081 102.3248468
0x285bf14788384585e1d856fd4132560437a80617 4.9673 0.2931565 157.9212744
0x8f51dc0791cddddce08052fff939eb7cf0c17856 4.5999308 0.2487554 124.0921724
0x9390fa8656a161442928b442300358d82bec28b0 3.8492 0.2925235 122.1101978
0x878ed00d511d1c1333a68ed3efb9318d229d37cf 3.5325 0.2931565 112.3058629
0xcdd611fbc544e66b9a42f55d60155628aedcffa9 3.4884 0.2731997 103.3539493
0xc51948cbb2cb230ba7333d4907a5580dbe98a140 3.3814 0.2731997 100.183762
0x012e65aa91ad64003d213de231a2f6a26ac624da 3.2829939 0.2918953 103.924481
0xe564ef4523cb7931bafd6ecb36814b2b3691e1a4 2.81 0.1832437 55.8413546
0xc46c67bb7e84490d7ebdd0b8ecdaca68cf3823f4 2.6401437 0.2603882 74.5537607
0xb8155e270d52766afdf5e1b14b5a7b37fd6610bb 2.5288 0.2788179 76.4637735
0x42b682dd561d0afe0d79a60fe7e97ca0168f88a8 2.3159 0.1887079 47.3947833
0x34dea2a8c64dda1d03bc59b0f226a65940c3f70f 2.303 0.1832437 45.7660639
0x33878e070db7f70d2953fe0278cd32adf8104572 2.3006583 0.2918632 72.8202424
0x5d96bfbfb46a19b5295018bce78304f11447de23 2.188 0.188708 44.777354
0x8cb87ad9943554f864d9e0f5bca1b8c78ee3df5f 2.0966 0.2888011 65.6651684
0x905110ef3e5ed067dbedb614ee3b01d17219b30f 2.0537388 0.281174 62.6240363
0x4e51e4264ff4be62f4f55e54f33c048106749aa2 2.0378 0.275307 60.8414491
0x44b26dc0c2b7385ecf7632e45c5180f9a6a606d2 1.98 0.2742805 58.8953083
0x1d2e44dede73dcf080104ec0839a70da14641762 1.7889208 0.2918962 56.6291668
0x741ed5abf3872b500e4bfe90149bfeaa46c33476 1.5769 0.1832436 31.3367374
0x537afb1bb98386d41fe5f4472c505d6baec9e3d2 1.5526 0.2697324 45.4164692
0x5157d8ff3fcfacac630a1cb5bc9902dcc8433260 1.5238 0.2905406 48.0126192
0xcd2711c170bfbfb0bf632868446f9dd49683ee7b 1.5 0.2918905 47.4823132
0x320c338bcf70baaae26e96201c33b48105bc62c2 1.201674 0.288111 37.5463
0x97e0a1f28c9fff064b2df8abbf6a5d4db374a823 1.0678 0.274166 31.7485723
0xc62baf83bc38b846ec317d4f8cd13999a8570a78 1.0562 0.2925235 33.5063866
0x0865c5de7fe349aa5b7f6ef721f8c2b9cfe5e40d 1.0554 0.2909515 33.3010812
0xe6ef7377ed8a3d32293e8f8c01cc0c833935e5eb 1.0289 0.292196 32.6037996
0x5ddd87ae78683fa632b5fdb51ccfd7863ff514cf 0.9147 0.2931566 29.0803055
0x631b7d0de9e97d300bbcb84d2e53f7bb03edbc50 0.9139 0.1887083 18.7029588
0x933ebdc95a26a25b4875c57ff017fb2b6ab34cdf 0.9132 0.2931565 29.0326078
0xe73a198e7c07c418d7dcfd42f5e953074abbd125 0.8932259 0.288745 27.9702509
0xaeb15976994e8f2d81e28f790225024d46ce3ad2 0.7173 0.2931228 22.801901
0x8df5c94615ffba364d92792c465cf9869cec212e 0.7153 0.2931302 22.7388977
0x9eec0b5bd8a48047f0dcc61e98b4b92951480f98 0.5877 0.2415283 15.3937524
0x1019236722517506732d92dac0f7b9b4ed993d8d 0.5647 0.2929157 17.9382899
0xaa3550e1b61404bc2edbd5ed4cd2e6f45f84e73a 0.5136 0.2862249 15.9423729
0xd9ffb9c6b023df00fbdd972751f06966483ae4ea 0.5047 0.2862253 15.666143
0xd8d1a483637b31416d7d7f0c8cbb6a38695523e0 0.5037558 0.2549104 13.9260588
0xa36c2f5c0e1543c2d708cdb684d6fe1a92e443ca 0.5 0.2925236 15.8617626
0xa4d506434445bb7303ea34a07bc38484cdc64a95 0.4890075 0.2900315 15.3808871
0x50418699cb44bfda9c9afc9b7a0b0d244d8927d2 0.4526951 0.2828672 13.8870176
0x26c63f2e876c9d896bf51e73053d6d7e73afda3e 0.4323 0.2925265 13.7142233
0x3389df3bedf543de764086503ffe9a5e4742dd96 0.3521 0.2925234 11.1698528
0x81ecf3e1e34796eacc1a1fd78645457c81125c6f 0.3227 0.2925237 10.2371829
0x2766859191317d5c9bb8ff411b9a9e3166184fe2 0.2860583 0.2165635 6.7183191
0x4edfc38ea9e06776ae63fc3c7266f0fbee2907d5 0.2021 0.2925235 6.4113228
0x0dc057912b2a0757dd6802222a1497e48e4c819e 0.1684697 0.2125355 3.8830607
0xfc9265a28f66cf4561d74a4e25d7bbd3f482b8e6 0.1203373 0.2166037 2.826745
0x1b15e7c2a7faa3cb3141b1078a37076d7f08847b 0.1078 0.2918989 3.412499
0x8cca36608c130f8fde914a392d3296271e365061 0.1022 0.2732339 3.0283542
0x555306b8798b225ae92f6abd24e1d41ba62bcb53 0.0668 0.2373278 1.7192778
0xc04afd2639b0c7c9662e3d7b4858d7db28413e4e 0.05 0.292524 1.5861767
0xef4fd55584434903aa6fc9baa61eacdde5355da0 0.0473 0.2931903 1.5039408
0xb19a540d215aadad9236e438e1ca759f7ca8299f 0.0379471 0.2925256 1.2038204
0x006c77e68d2ce85db549bac376b4c7283a332447 0.0284037 0.2918915 0.8991213
0x6efa8d3d13112a66312b7e1af609455ee0a807b4 0.0279 0.2925305 0.8851113
0xff60415ac262d665519f4e529cde6c92760b310c 0.0168 0.2931905 0.5341693
0xa1179f64638adb613ddaac32d918eb6beb824104 0.0084 0.2925357 0.2664845
0xc0f316e58dbb0a203b5b5808adc51a8d39abcda0 0.0084 0.2931548 0.2670568

:nice: $nice Distribution

Giver Address $nice
0x168f87fbfe36b84e44b9d06278b2aa1cc73d7400 10.5
0xf11704511975cc5908f6dbd89be922f5c86c1055 5
0x9390fa8656a161442928b442300358d82bec28b0 3.85
0x0f46540678c7e6d2ef983b382cc07fa815ab148c 0.75
0xa36c2f5c0e1543c2d708cdb684d6fe1a92e443ca 0.5
0xf632ce27ea72dea30d30c1a9700b6b3bceaa05cf 0.34
0xf8a025b42b07db05638fe596cce339707ec3cc71 0.33
0xfb0bc30e7fbf398d684bfa55c01d90938cabc7bc 0.28
0x5c7291e18c3ecf30e14ccf1dcd646c0ca3309113 0.25
0x4edfc38ea9e06776ae63fc3c7266f0fbee2907d5 0.2
0xf4c6a5df9050b15a21aabccbc84ccb31fbdc0846 0.2
0xcd2711c170bfbfb0bf632868446f9dd49683ee7b 0.07
0xc04afd2639b0c7c9662e3d7b4858d7db28413e4e 0.05

Excluded Donations

The following donations were found to be in violation of the GIVbacks policy.
Keep in mind that donations made from addresses owned by verified projects are not eligible for GIVbacks.

Please be aware that these donations will not receive GIVbacks and that any GIVbacks eligible projects which are found to be recirculating donations stand to lose their badge.

1 post - 1 participant

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Quadratic Funding GIV-Earth Round Results & Wrap-up (June 25 - July 12, 2024)

Published: Jul 24, 2024

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GM everyone!

The Giveth team is thrilled to announce the successful completion of the GIV-Earth quadratic funding round! This was Givethā€™s first environment-focused round and we could not be more excited with the projects included in the round and the donor turnout we saw.

Before we dive into the numbers, Iā€™d like to give a HUGE shoutout to our amazing sponsors who made this round possible. We sincerely thank you for your dedication to funding public goods and for helping us to raise a matching pool of 40,000 USDGLO. Thank you to Climate Coordination Network, Celo, Mask, Public Nouns, Glo Dollar, Regen Token, & Ma Earth Media.

Quick Summary

Matching Pool: 40,000 USDGLO on Celo
Round Duration: June 25 - July 12, 2024
Eligible Projects: 75
Total Donations: 3,249
Unique Donors: 797
Total Value of Donations: $44,735

Tokens Donated: USDGLO, CELO, USDC, ETH, GIV, OP, MATIC, XDAI, ARB, & more!

Eligible Donation Networks: Ethereum Mainnet, Gnosis, Polygon PoS, OP Mainnet, Arbitrum One, Polygon zkEVM, Solana, Ethereum Classic, Celo, Base

The final results including all projects, amounts raised, and matching funds can be found here:

GIV-Earth project owners - PLEASE double-check your Celo address!

Project Eligibility

The eligibility requirements for this round were as follows:

  • Projects had to be Verified on Giveth as creating public goods
  • Projects had to have a Celo recipient address.
  • Projects had to be primarily focused on one or more environmental issues including but not limited to: Climate solutions, renewable energy, carbon accounting, nature-based solutions, supply chain solutions, transportation solutions, recycling, water cleanup, permaculture.

The important point of emphasis was the focus on environmental issues, which made this round more unique than our regular public goods rounds. We were fortunate to accept 75 incredible projects, all of which were high-quality verified projects that have demonstrated impact in their respective fields.

Our partnership with CCN connected us to a network of climate-focused projects, some of which were already on Giveth. However, a significant amount of new projects were onboarded as a result of our collaborative outreach.

We encourage everyone to check out the list of projects to learn about existing and new initiatives that are impacting the Earth. All projects with links to their Giveth projects can be found in the results sheet.

Data Analysis/Breakdown

The GIV-Earth round was our 2nd time using COCM to determine the matching funds distribution. In the Galactic Giving round, we blended the results from COCM and ā€œnormalā€ QF to determine the matching funds. In this round, GIV-Earth, the matching funds distribution was calculated entirely using COCM.

COCM leads to a more democratic distribution of funds, favoring projects with a more diverse set of donors, and significantly dampening the effects of Sybil attacks and collusion.

In this round we saw that, when compared to ā€œnormal QFā€:

  • 58/75 projects matching funds total increased as a result of using COCM
  • 15/75 projects matching funds total decreased as a result of using COCM
  • 2/75 projects stayed the same ($0 in matching)

Here is the distribution of matching funds by project:

We are very excited about continuing to use COCM in Giveth QF rounds and are pleased to see results that benefit the majority of projects! Major praise to Umar Khan, Glen Weyl, Joel Miller and the Gitcoin team for their incredible work developing COCM, and their support on implementing this within Giveth.

Project Stats

Here are the top 10 projects in the GIV-Earth Round by matching with some additional stats:

*ā€™Match per unique donorā€™ is the matching divided by the total number of unique addresses that donated to the project
** ā€™Avg passport score of donorsā€™ is the avg passport score for all donations that counted for matching

The ā€˜Match per unique donorā€™ metric is particularly interesting since COCM rewards donors who support a diverse set of projects. This means that projects that have a higher ā€œmatch per unique donorā€ had a donor base that supported a broader range of projects.

Final Remarks & Next Steps

The GIV-Earth Round has been a resounding success, thanks to the dedication and generosity of our community. We sincerely thank all quadratic force members, donors, and participants who made this round possible.

This forum post will remain active for 3 business days to allow for community feedback and questions regarding the results. Following the advice process, weā€™ll ratify the results with a vote in Snapshot. Project owners are encouraged to verify their project details (especially their Celo recipient addresses!) and donation amounts to ensure accuracy.

If you have any inquiries or require further clarification on the matching results, please comment on this forum post or contact me directly.

Stay tuned for more updates and future rounds as we continue to grow the QF program at Giveth!

7 posts - 5 participants

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Giveth Proposals GIVforward: Growing the Commons, Together

Published: Jul 17, 2024

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Exploring GIVforward: Sustaining the Commons through Categorical Funding

A Concept for Compounding Support of Public Goods and Services

Hey GIVfam

Iā€™ve been a participant within the Giveth universe for a few years and Iā€™ve been exploring public goods funding mechanisms that attempt to bridge tradfi and web3. I have been the tech steward of which has functioned so far as a public goods funding ā€œgiving trustā€ or ā€œgiving circleā€ - primarily using fiat to support ecological stewardship projects.

Part of my exploration is how the giving trust model might apply to broad categories of public benefit, similar to a mutual fund or ETF of investment finance, but for public goods funding. I think a good demonstration of this model could be a convincing example that could bring more positive attention to web3 and decentralized finance.

I captured some thoughts on an opportunity Iā€™d like to explore in this realm, potentially committing a significant part of any coming $REGEN token ( allocation to the effort.

Proposal Information

Proposal description:

GIVforward is a concept for a new funding model designed to support the Commons, encompassing Public Goods, Public Services, and Public Servants within and potentially beyond the Giveth ecosystem. Key features include:

  1. Categorical Impact Funds (ā€œWellspringsā€): Dedicated funding pools for specific areas of impact.
  2. Impact Attestations: Verifiable records of project outcomes and contributions.
  3. Resource Circulation System: Mechanism for continuous fund flow and impact compounding.
  4. Reciprocity Framework: Encouraging funded projects to contribute back to the ecosystem.
  5. Cross-Ecosystem Potential: Possible integration with other public goods funding platforms.

Potential funding categories:

  • Public Goods: e.g., open-source software, environmental preservation
  • Public Services: e.g., community infrastructure, educational resources
  • Public Servants: Individuals dedicated to serving the Commons

Proposal Rationale:

As the GIViverse Expansion approaches its conclusion (December 2026), thereā€™s an opportunity to explore new funding models. GIVforward aims to:

  1. Create a sustainable, self-replenishing funding source for the Commons
  2. Enable targeted impact through categorical funding
  3. Implement verifiable impact measurement
  4. Foster a culture of reciprocity and mutual support
  5. Explore potential for cross-ecosystem collaboration in public goods funding

This concept could be relevant to GIV holders, the Giveth community, and the broader giving ecosystem by offering a path to long-term sustainability and amplified impact for public goods funding.

Expected duration or delivery date:

This proposal is at the conceptual stage. With community interest, a more detailed exploration and development phase could be proposed, potentially lasting 3-6 months.

Potential Technical Implementation

The GIVforward concept could potentially be implemented through two main approaches:

  1. GIVstream Redirection:

    • Modify the existing GIVstream smart contracts to allow recipients to allocate a portion of their stream to specific wellsprings.
    • Implement new contracts for wellsprings that can receive and manage redirected GIVstream funds.
    • Develop a user interface for GIVstream recipients to easily manage their allocations to different wellsprings.
  2. Superfluid Integration:

    • Leverage Superfluidā€™s programmable cashflow technology to create dynamic, continuous funding streams for wellsprings.
    • Implement wellsprings as Superfluid receivers, capable of accepting and distributing streamed funds.
    • Utilize Superfluidā€™s composable streams to enable complex funding flows between different categories and projects.

Key technical considerations for both approaches:

  • Smart Contract Development: Create or modify contracts for wellsprings, impact attestations, and resource circulation.
  • On-chain Attestations: Implement a system for recording and verifying impact claims, possibly using Ethereum Attestation Service (EAS) or similar protocols.
  • Governance Mechanisms: Develop smart contracts to handle community decision-making for wellspring management and fund allocation.
  • Cross-ecosystem Bridges: If pursuing integration with other platforms, implement secure bridges for cross-ecosystem resource flows.

The choice between GIVstream redirection and Superfluid integration (or a hybrid approach) would depend on factors such as:

  • Compatibility with existing Giveth infrastructure
  • Desired flexibility and programmability of fund flows
  • Gas efficiency and user experience considerations
  • Potential for cross-ecosystem integrations

Further technical exploration and community input would be necessary to determine the most suitable implementation path.

Team Information

Myself +
[To be determined based on community interest and expertise]

Funding Information

Amount of GIV requested: No funding is requested at this stage. This proposal seeks community feedback on the concept.

Ethereum address where funds shall be transferred: N/A

More detailed description of how funds will be handled and used: N/A

Request for Community Input

I would appreciate your thoughts and feedback on the idea, including:

  1. The potential value of a categorical funding model for public goods
  2. The proposed components (wellsprings, attestations, etc.) and their potential effectiveness
  3. Challenges or opportunities you foresee in implementing such a system
  4. Interest in participating in further development of this concept
  5. Potential interop with existing Giveth initiatives or other ecosystem projects (Gitcoin?)

6 posts - 4 participants

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DAO Ops Giveth Core Team Compensation - June 2024

Published: Jul 11, 2024

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Funding Information

Funding description:

This is a funding proposal to pay for contributor monthly compensation. However, due to the tight deadline set for this monthā€™s payment, payments were already processed and this forum post serves as an information on the list of contributors paid for the month.

Funding Rationale:

The funds spent paid for the contributors who keep Giveth running as it is. :rocket:

Detailed goals, deliverables and budgeting can be found in working group proposals.

Team Information

Name Hours
Algene 69
Ali 74.38
Alireza 210
Almond 161
Amin 95
Anamarija 8
Ashley 145.65
Carlos 160
Cherik 178
Daniela 14.07
Freshelle 33.30
Giantkin 20
Griff 94.83
Heather 25
Ian 21
Jake 78
Kareem 36
Kay 60
Kieran 156.50
kkechy 36.67
Krati 19.33
Latifat 25
Lauren 144
Lovel 24.18
Lulu 7.50
Marcelo 38.50
Maryjaf 168.17
Mateo 160
Meriem 159.27
Mitch 153
Mo 121.97
Moenick 180.50
MoeShehab 128
Mohammad Ranjbar 159
Nico 12.72
Nicolas 160
Nikola 60.58
Ramin 161
Rodri 58.40
Shyne 20.77
Stee 8.25
Tosin 26.30
William 51.63
Youssef 70

Funding Details

Total Compensation for the month 112,055.81
Less: Cost of Giveth in GM 11,489.96
Giveth Compensation Cost 100,565.84
Add: Clockify subscription paid by GM 227.88
Total Cost for the month 100,793.73

Amount requested from grants.giv.eth and giv.eth

Ethereum address where payments were processed: 0x01d1909cA27E364904934849eab8399532dd5c8b

Ethereum addresses where funds were transferred: To each contributorā€™s address. For contributors whose contracts are with General Magic, their payment goes to generalmagic.eth

Note that no mark-up was applied for GM contributors working in Giveth. The amounts charged are all at cost.

Compensation Breakdown

This month, contributors had the option to receive compensation partially in stable tokens and in GIV. Hereā€™s the breakdown of the totals:

  • Stable Compensation - $82,654.86
  • GIV Compensation - $18,138.88 / 2,308,529.66 GIV
  • GIV Price at time of distribution - $0.00785733
  • GIV Price via Coingecko Jul 8, 2024, 22:08:24 GMT+8

Working Group Cost Breakdown

WG Cost for the Month in USD
DApp WG 43,952.73*
DAO Ops WG 6,944.20
Quadratic Funding (QF) WG 20,596.86
GIVeconomy WG 22,961.86
Fundraising WG 5,864.34
QACC 246.63
Total Giveth Compensation Cost 100,566.62

*Note: There is a $0.39 difference in Clockify vs. actual amount paid due to rounding off differences.

GIV Equity Distribution

Following the recently approved equity distribution plan, we distributed $9,000.20 worth of GIV tokens as equity to the contributors who opted to partially receive their monthly compensation in $GIV tokens.

Month June 2024
Equity distribution in USD $9,084.58
GIV Price at time of distribution $0.00785733
GIV Price via Coingecko Jul 8, 2024, 22:08:24 GMT+8
Total GIV sent for Distribution 1,156,192.13
Transaction Link here

Hereā€™s a month-by-month breakdown of expenses for 2024

Summary report links:

  • Breakdown of costs per WG can be found here.
  • Breakdown of WG hours per contributor and description can be found here.

Gas Fees Reimbursement

Included in this batch of payments were gas fees reimbursement which were paid out in stables. Details are submitted in Clockify as an expense request with supporting transaction lists. These are the details:

  • Moenick (DApp WG) - $35
  • Marcelo (Fundraising WG) - $34.45
  • Freshelle (DAO Ops WG) - $10.88

1 post - 1 participant

Read full topic

Giveth Proposals Round 64 GIVbacks and $nice Distribution

Published: Jul 09, 2024

View in forum ā†’Remove


Starting with this round, the GIVbacks allocation will be distributed a bit differently. Donations made on Gnosis chain will receive their GIVbacks on Gnosis chain while donations made on any other eligible chain will receive their GIV rewards on Optimism Network.

This change is being implemented to give donors the ability to easily take advantage of the higher rewards for staking GIV as well as build a more robust group of Optimistic GIV holders. :wink:

And nowā€¦ without further adoā€¦

:giv: Here is the finalized list for the GIVbacks Round 64 distribution. This roundā€™s distribution is affected by GIVpower ranking. I have included the average GIVfactor for each individual donor.

:nice: You will find the information for this roundā€™s $nice token distribution at the bottom.

This forum post will remain in the forum for 48 hours (2 business days) for review and feedback before going up for voting in the nrGIV DAO.

Round 64 Dates: May 28th 10am - June 11th 9:59:59 am Costa Rica Time (10am CST in local time (your timezone))
GIV value at the end of the round: 0.01031978347 USD
GIV Available 1000000

:giv: GIVbacks Distribution on Gnosis Chain

Giver Address Total Donations (USD) Avg GIVfactor GIVbacks
0x4304143b6fb47ecaa0a6a9607e1e06fbc78de048 169.5196 0.7140449 11729.37457
0x5d28fe1e9f895464aab52287d85ebff32b351674 100.5803 0.7140449 6959.336936
0xe564ef4523cb7931bafd6ecb36814b2b3691e1a4 83.8286 0.5 4061.548395
0xe0144fa05a0d32b5b1de10ccee7211616b3e3ef0 50 0.7054494 3417.946916
0x87f1c862c166b0ceb79da7ad8d0864d53468d076 23.2376 0.7140449 1607.852514
0xed8db37778804a913670d9367aaf4f043aad938b 21.6276 0.5 1047.870823
0xb9573982875b83aadc1296726e2ae77d13d9b98f 20.2082 0.8 1566.56
0x33878e070db7f70d2953fe0278cd32adf8104572 20.1515 0.7966292 1555.582386
0x38f80f8f76b1c44b2beefb63bb561f570fb6ddb6 11.4878 0.7864167 875.4251117
0x5299c7d2b73b6a96231081dabfd54dfcc84fedeb 10.3887 0.7039326 708.6335308
0x90299ec59b94398a3a31a795bc585f743d0e5cc9 10 0.6638202 643.2501338
0xbd63144c19379a62699f9544836cfdf05a3c31ed 6 0.7999157 465.0770447
0x7d547666209755fb833f9b37eebea38ebf513abb 5.5494 0.7764045 417.5067346
0x0c8b9e3cb42ffbd1af7652b2824826cec8b75834 5 0.7561798 366.3738498
0x63c3774531ef83631111fe2cf01520fb3f5a68f7 2 0.7966292 154.3887431
0x8aa27e90e139d5ab5704df69429341cbcb2d2464 1.1027 0.6752809 72.1557969
0x4f2bbeb77f16cebca926fe5728d99ca01c4e9439 0.982 0.7747191 73.719977
0x4b8b8601a4b5d280254c3610af2a44fcf5c12a9c 0.6 0.7983147 46.4146172
0x1210ba92eb82cc256213c78f0ef9d5212c7034a9 0.5856 0.7983145 45.3006598
0x924eb3bd723432c4aa6421bf36cd34048f132c7b 0.1145 0.7983144 8.8574533
0x2ea846dc38c6b6451909f1e7ff2bf613a96dc1f3 0.1 0.8 7.7521006
0xb760fe1bbc4a2752abcbb28291a57cb0ca99ff44 0.0938 0.7983145 7.2561503
0x42519c03009d4148179178178980a73006837bd4 0.0388 0.7983144 3.0014777
0x9620e63fdc7118f390c9c43ff7994f961cfa2913 0.0231 0.7807403 1.7476239
0x6845197457eb638bf487cc28a1c4b1a7b69ac701 0.0173 0.7807399 1.3088259
0x4887f370cf58c371cd2ed3503abdd1bf53786dc4 0.0169 0.7807633 1.2786024
0x7a7a5fad8c4107ed0959191e7ff36ba82d4ea2f9 0.0149 0.7806443 1.1271167
0x83bae8d24aa1d5eb28c75c74febf60b2c1003119 0.0149 0.7806443 1.1271167
0x1ee5ef552dd94a9d38c9535638cf0047de492be5 0.0138 0.7807174 1.0440045
0x4dba08c08208534ad576dab1e4aead8842d42af8 0.0138 0.7807174 1.0440045
0x01c6e66c0dcadda3f6bee43af37c51fad41c3955 0.0127 0.7806535 0.9607081
0x317bbc1927be411cd05615d2ffdf8d320c6c4052 0.01 0.79326 0.7686789
0x91ebba819e4bba03065a106290afcb44deb1f9d6 0.01 0.57921 0.5612618
0x958e6aaacfdea802d70e86d820259f0a970ba6a8 0.001 0.7949 0.0770268

:giv: GIVbacks Distribution on Optimism Network

Giver Address Total Donations (USD) Avg GIVfactor GIVbacks
0x1bbfc95b826693bf17665f36a66ac9c389b7e581 1500 0.8 116281.5095
0xb950e0e108546743af96eb493d4ff2abc63816db 1000 0.7935112 76892.23456
0xf3c8a1baf3d533d300d02798169991d2aafab019 187.5905 0.5298315 9631.148197
0x3b804fec3be607bf0f09aadede79024ee67cfc37 145.0290395 0.547191 7689.946732
0x5d28fe1e9f895464aab52287d85ebff32b351674 143.5879 0.7140449 9935.112298
0x839395e20bbb182fa440d08f850e6c7a8f6f0780 126.06163 0.5384842 6577.870754
0x6dffbd888db29f4ffa694802f66721eb56af1096 93.7953 0.5 4544.441278
0xbef65bf144bdea1667a74f14ad552c751ad4c056 37.6617 0.7054495 2574.513968
0xeb4e3e9fa819e69e5df4ea35b9c7973062c96de9 29.0331 0.7518821 2115.302918
0xc05642120636a5db7e6f7171dc6c3dda02c5634c 26.2055 0.7048654 1789.897021
0x516e1d8c2435bfdabf07ef6946cf38ecae13d669 24.3296 0.7838253 1847.922018
0xfbddb719cc7c795a1d9b7ea7ac11494a19b3231f 24.1431 0.656691 1536.32643
0x144c4e5027b69f7798b2b162d924bcae5c149f15 19.0035 0.5149161 948.1990223
0xbfa54bc8ab5259a6c2a59f51a104b569a8226368 17.11 0.7983146 1323.590077
0x5d47cef77d0c95d1ca20a5b9e41fe64eccbb19be 16.7068 0.7966138 1289.645963
0xa908cc36b87732cfa468ccc869d45437a4f7c4f4 15.4342 0.7054494 1055.065431
0x2c64843d457db770e97efb9ebcbd94ff4df175a2 14.7326 0.721748 1030.372888
0xa9b21fddd49a510b85efb15bacd1db63f381ae39 13.8735 0.7005618 941.8069792
0xd622c902825327cacd47483bddc422e49425a6ea 13.5995 0.6727156 886.5104605
0xab50ce0cc16b3c4b55eb0507a268793f05ac50be 12.7731 0.7054498 873.1559846
0x35d0445a9183a6dd55bb4e2ef69e37bfcddd566b 12.7561 0.7967135 984.8032883
0xf7781f6ec1a1ca2c2f2b6a30f443e1efe9c0c6f5 12.4929 0.7678932 929.594349
0x602fde2314dce7327e12f8763f75fcc72da45766 12.4 0.7054494 847.6508371
0xa66bc54e822b6b429cf5b573f8b75ca172a3da9a 12.0884 0.719654 842.9891598
0x55ce672f94e717cb801720a860ab12ed2397fa1a 12.0299 0.7958675 927.7526049
0xd791efba2e03b131995a29ffb89d778bdff9808f 12.0029 0.6942156 807.4394895
0xb8699dd1c9390d4b267b8be1e0563827aef624d5 12 0.7974719 927.3123825
0x02a4e5d2804f17de954874e1af10368e7c3368df 11.9475 0.6270611 725.9660165
0x719668b0c356c44fa747a2291b00c8fc96f1623e 11.9117 0.5901688 681.2075193
0x8ec7780d0ff27be3623f4237fff98306dcb703d6 11.7252 0.7465108 848.1755768
0xe0144fa05a0d32b5b1de10ccee7211616b3e3ef0 11.6133 0.7054497 793.8731874
0x46ee5093b441912535681de51382c2444b108dfe 11.6133 0.7054497 793.8731874
0x27faa0f8a3f7b1861b39288594c4a45c7407bd43 11.5757 0.7983146 895.4694372
0x7060a00bf34933e4dbd682dd20f91ee68573342c 11.4437 0.7054496 782.2793201
0x53662ba29fda36a05532ab3e974c14c23d6a674d 11.3469 0.7054491 775.6616135
0x1428db9758a960cece781bc520ce8ccf2d0581f0 11.2986 0.7991152 874.9100912
0xf7714634c8b226e664ace3468b907a9f4d2d0eef 11.2547 0.7005618 764.0289082
0x23af02e4b268a2502496f3425246d59e0962e583 11.2 0.6879213 746.5969726
0x6111cc8b85570acf8d54497908b0c01c58622180 11.1898 0.7925175 859.3312178
0xad1ee1db977bf104ad9985d16e6b8fb1f2f5b725 11.1787 0.6775773 733.9721729
0x64b1b655355e9e47db4b0cb2ae9986f601d47a66 11.0486 0.7598875 813.5532321
0xdcd15ddf1a456bfc0805770f04e951abf064df56 11.022 0.6841735 730.7285292
0x5f5d8b3cf23368b9b5fab4e4a391a998803c292f 10.9552 0.6710258 712.3426299
0x6e9701f9997c9d9b8122e6f56bb9d3b60f7c2deb 10.9219 0.7983146 844.8929691
0x73fbfb3b58e1daaca940c303849d3a279427eb8f 10.6808 0.6710248 694.4992226
0x331d09f6ae20c73500cdedb2d21e9982d86fc31d 10.6646 0.788721 815.0746303
0xdbaa3b4c5b1c5857857f27ac0bce9abf571aff35 10.664 0.7726966 798.4699312
0x54d66ac4cc6308ea55a5ff31fcd79baeec9c0fb6 10.6418 0.7983146 823.2250533
0xccc50a9a23fdd06975c0aea9522fa94460f21a7f 10.5774 0.7246631 742.7531517
0x30b430035ac4b1fa32ae603146ccec1cfe113e0e 10.5772 0.7983146 818.2277488
0x10d8209f0b4a27910fcc8530afc47be5f3980151 10.5703 0.799956 819.3752632
0xf61771b1808bf37b0d0a02d52b896c9decf2ed9e 10.4567 0.7486796 758.6126027
0x2b09da19fa2cdcdd496de822b60894025e57598d 10.3313 0.6677614 668.5065842
0x375f0479620c30d28122ef937d3838c3b9c1608c 10.2891 0.7967135 794.3446314
0xbf7620d0377b0660a6cbaef5cdfe2e00eddc1495 10.1356 0.5149163 505.7262987
0x3eb0a1cd9e30adc88bee5c1bff74d19191496fd1 10.076 0.7662921 748.1900875
0x78ebad0138b089caecf62438ea4d0a6246a213dc 10 0.7054494 683.5893813
0xd6a1ead7ffb797ea0fd960d5d380d0ae919a912c 9.2906 0.7981882 718.5855516
0x5d3b1b81f25010fb62948179d7046b407aed9d65 8.3146 0.6597572 531.5632265
0x648da720d56ef97361c52be7a86de04d90e4f668 8.3082 0.7966872 641.3930018
0x8afdfe276ff1c190efdb62a12b3fc1da344b6bb1 8.1789 0.5901674 467.7346005
0xd446949608ddb923931d95a2d5843b9e98352790 8 0.5596629 433.8563315
0x50553392ea61103cc762f84ff8d622d7d93cabc3 7.6045 0.5149147 379.433271
0x168f87fbfe36b84e44b9d06278b2aa1cc73d7400 7.56 0.7807022 571.921767
0xd805c12fcfbec74e726d68c3490a3b0650d13726 7.5036 0.5149165 374.4000647
0x4b6d9d13053c7053bf2d3a922a345ba1c4fa6ac3 7.44 0.5901685 425.4792759
0xbe136ee72fc576c098348100e44924e5d433853d 7.3339 0.5792135 411.6262624
0x048aee8080a7d26cba6a5c4ee4ba5b7da9cd66fa 7.3338 0.7983146 567.3258276
0x9072c54245dd824b17560d0d1f3f2518f16fa6a9 7.2214 0.514917 360.3197111
0xf632ce27ea72dea30d30c1a9700b6b3bceaa05cf 7.024685 0.7935112 540.1437166
0x2d0182debc704801b11b0abd5072ff7d2d1451eb 6.8412 0.7999157 530.2808546
0x47443d1337192bec41aedc3c49db1fc15590055d 6.7096 0.7054497 458.6613287
0xed83f43e646313b3828a552cb31e3990d3dc9753 6.707 0.5 324.9583684
0xf8a025b42b07db05638fe596cce339707ec3cc71 6.6608344 0.7935113 512.1664726
0xd206bad487e3d6a6d94de601396275065def594c 6.3204 0.5792341 354.7546622
0x523c95b1a42427a222452b5cdfad48a608779996 6.291 0.7565168 461.1770695
0x9bd4132e68a1ad349f73a6255b2fb7e2b53c2a31 6.2548 0.7494382 454.2329897
0x712a208c30550d6a8ac0baf3fbe5324ff5a8ce6b 6.2338 0.5901689 356.4992433
0xda3b77b02d41aa67490561d51b91644d2459fec0 6.0196 0.7777876 453.6887922
0x26b8646bf1471ebc15c0a3bc07c52f5aac8a9224 5.7878 0.5901689 330.9933594
0xb75670b7edc28aba0225a9d2b23de92575392643 5.7878 0.7967135 446.8328538
0x8cf985712f92ff1e901c86c194b21e43a4ddc639 5.7878 0.7999157 448.6288217
0xd066bec9ba1e6acf74f5f38fb4e16dc0490173ea 5.7084 0.7887078 436.274609
0x05d548cd9be2e4c13e293dbb8b7831df276ee569 5.7031 0.640122 353.7554552
0x24744daa65f58bd4ee4b9a835d4b8433e5af9562 5.7011 0.5901703 326.035891
0x374acc8f1b7e115b34cecb7edf84ec468e79e994 5.6493 0.5901699 323.0733385
0x93151c7a79765a3b701ee39caf365a65862b3f3a 5.6493 0.5901699 323.0733385
0x2f30998c61b21179aa237f77fd578ba8679eb43d 5.6277 0.5901691 321.837644
0xae76d158a49352fbe13018a30df6b254cc6d3d73 5.5592 0.7726968 416.2467275
0xe5439efab540f1eac5bc52e3f06592c64abc4bc9 5.5243 0.7983146 427.3470961
0x1fc9f9f696bc67eb0bbc3cb2e7b4104a684c039c 5.5243 0.7983146 427.3470961
0xc16753c85897906369e6619f85ed78dc19c28f4f 5.4775 0.6985073 370.7513835
0x49970a4cbad7ca94894109ba2b2a90e9fb60dcaf 5.4405 0.7518818 396.3855356
0x8d8d906e3b284023faf34cf4d865f1ffe62cf996 5.4401 0.7967135 419.9895289
0x74c259f7d1a00bebc929c317d05444158eaa3c87 5.3378 0.7983146 412.9198845
0x8f50d2652128969c76bf4c06bdb519ef95757308 5.3248 0.8 412.7838545
0xb951d531851467ed51636b5d1b0a3736de9e12f4 5.3209 0.6766281 348.8707403
0x0078f290838ee72228944a716145aad0f2a384d5 5.3171 0.7791013 401.4192362
0xb583d90703510d32985d55aa95f0aa3ba1667df6 5.2991 0.7967135 409.1039808
0x3b28da8a15f88b2396953c7bc8e43cdbbfa746ee 5.2981 0.7999157 410.6707772
0x4ce253b849d06da4211db6facb7926352d17af78 5.2953 0.7494382 384.5526517
0x6c6e16b54b0a46a6857e5a17c3f77cf87c93fa11 5.2887 0.7005618 359.0250909
0x62a85c300766cc3070b9a90a79264b784690b865 5.2726 0.7342697 375.1542278
0x1c0a34c32d8c3c69e5b3461d664caee82636abc8 5.2668 0.5149135 262.7909982
0x8ffc10cd8d237b47999e938c43395f4b0525c057 5.2526 0.7651491 389.4482874
0x239636ecae2d35f24cf3d9e5908db925b4dc9ca7 5.2525 0.8 407.1790857
0xccd95a8638306f7bf6840280fa82354278aa8b5f 5.1061 0.7983146 394.9961073
0x39696abc818a46c4b135c39dfadedbdfed9fcbe6 5.0933 0.7054501 348.1729059
0x057e5d11e3cdb111449868d443df8a9bf56482f6 5.0087 0.7494382 363.7393274
0xfe5f86f8aefb83d96c5205c1ccc0b140cff79e09 5 0.7967135 386.012692
0xad649f52a7d6f106f3a69a0bc542e885e67fee6b 4.9714 0.6838713 329.4447028
0x7e670b3a398338d7b4b923b339f07802cec4faa9 4.96 0.7740449 372.0294045
0xf4c6a5df9050b15a21aabccbc84ccb31fbdc0846 4.82 0.5149157 240.4986312
0x826976d7c600d45fb8287ca1d7c76fc8eb732030 4.8138032 0.7929625 369.8881095
0x8f51dc0791cddddce08052fff939eb7cf0c17856 4.6012319 0.65 289.81235
0xee0579b4c36fd52ec0a2b542fb801f136838b7f1 4.5775 0.6590177 292.3174995
0x6a2f6c4c10c8af0f0eee8eea8b7859c2a6000902 4.5627 0.8 353.7050956
0x012e65aa91ad64003d213de231a2f6a26ac624da 4.4547285 0.7967135 343.9163534
0x40adbeb6a6cb491d91546e7445dc0c3eacd591de 4.1287 0.6968287 278.7845895
0xc856f9e28eaf155889e06ea44e8221b472fe9abc 3.8127 0.7996629 295.439813
0x7ce1646a626413a68c7ea67a64e8f458de27ef4d 3.7776 0.7054499 258.2329083
0x6bedbc4fe733d5e2be0f06e945d69e8919ca9328 3.6238 0.5 175.5753892
0x83ce8ae40f1e8d18f8b3e0c5706b4c0494257c9f 3.0502 0.7999157 236.4296699
0xc46c67bb7e84490d7ebdd0b8ecdaca68cf3823f4 3.0418406 0.6558143 193.3066333
0x1374458e9e4512d2af2746d2c23a15fedbb2eb7b 3.0389 0.7999158 235.5537794
0xcdd611fbc544e66b9a42f55d60155628aedcffa9 2.8885 0.7005618 196.0867498
0x905110ef3e5ed067dbedb614ee3b01d17219b30f 2.7842478 0.7726966 208.4713217
0x33878e070db7f70d2953fe0278cd32adf8104572 2.6506741 0.7966292 204.6171226
0xd9437971a6336610885fbf444712dc96447c8a9b 2.616 0.7969663 202.0259248
0x3c60c84783020454c16aff48ffb247c9340980cd 2.5 0.5 121.1265724
0x574b65f2092a376dd0f24916ea2a046ceced762d 2.2411 0.7966292 173.0003061
0x1d2e44dede73dcf080104ec0839a70da14641762 2.2304836 0.7967135 172.1990005
0x8d13f65c5aa4a19b9aadb850204e7056d2e3d004 2.1284 0.7054486 145.494981
0xc5d53218cec69e7fecaf9fdcfd27e38645cfe2b6 2.0451 0.7054516 139.8012956
0x4e51e4264ff4be62f4f55e54f33c048106749aa2 2.0293 0.7966292 156.6505348
0xf78f53c8ef82072c3bf2e417e26fe506e89c316c 1.9778 0.7967135 152.6911785
0xf53381485f016580bb45a1f6930eb67a92cbe3d7 1.8305 0.7738874 137.2704092
0x36dd82e031985161020eb823736167bb5e87ebf5 1.764 0.5901686 100.8797716
0x7a738effd10bf108b7617ec8e96a0722fa54c547 1.7403 0.7012525 118.2572971
0x767075c3a3cd4d580c8f5d88cfaa6b262ea3a8b5 1.4495 0.8 112.3666987
0x7242b3789e6f53c881bcca97f8d218387207da45 1.4257 0.7983147 110.2888644
0x933ebdc95a26a25b4875c57ff017fb2b6ab34cdf 1.3878 0.7999158 107.5723248
0x631b7d0de9e97d300bbcb84d2e53f7bb03edbc50 1.3878 0.5149179 69.2459393
0x5ddd87ae78683fa632b5fdb51ccfd7863ff514cf 1.3878 0.7999158 107.5723248
0x2766859191317d5c9bb8ff411b9a9e3166184fe2 1.2869902 0.5901234 73.5948581
0x25a613ab611ecfe3f40f82ccab2dd798038e5f17 1.2107757 0.7983145 93.6627985
0x4b27579cc89fe4ff4e36d81194e5688a3f2f2bd6 1.1615 0.7054347 79.3972472
0x33c3d031fff36c22399f0ce15335506665fad974 1.1613 0.7966292 89.6458247
0xa85c3973d7078f60dec8ea69ae8b397f2aa3d836 1.1333 0.7937639 87.1697165
0xf5438396367b166c29eee8c8dc6bacda55a59b17 1.1256 0.7054511 76.9450059
0xa1858304d0bec6f014f831981afad7ff092747c7 1.1255 0.7005618 76.4049267
0x7899ef0865c7e1f559cbcfa06363ce4fccdb7fd5 1.0491 0.7967136 80.9931916
0xd04fa7c77481acb6054f87fa6b6c6043188a36f4 1.0491 0.7999156 81.318712
0x4a2e028f6a16cc2defe22db114e2308cf2a39be1 0.9882 0.7999157 76.5981866
0x435cd42591cc503a909085c3d3d2899d17032f77 0.9207 0.7983147 71.2232288
0xaeb15976994e8f2d81e28f790225024d46ce3ad2 0.774 0.7998307 59.9885648
0x8df5c94615ffba364d92792c465cf9869cec212e 0.7719 0.7998486 59.827137
0x1f8ee652526d93ce4646aecc56b950900ced2e1a 0.7718 0.7991152 59.7645388
0x56688a7f8932efdf7afab2a0724a1eee12147c20 0.756 0.7005618 51.3212997
0xaa3550e1b61404bc2edbd5ed4cd2e6f45f84e73a 0.5532 0.7806999 41.8500254
0xd9ffb9c6b023df00fbdd972751f06966483ae4ea 0.5456 0.7807062 41.2754106
0xa4d506434445bb7303ea34a07bc38484cdc64a95 0.5220216 0.7954885 40.2394295
0x26c63f2e876c9d896bf51e73053d6d7e73afda3e 0.4665 0.7983147 36.0873657
0x2074d5855c9b555091d9b6ffeeeaff7e89158bff 0.3859 0.6904493 25.8187975
0x46fde3d5085e5bbbcc1335d41f2c80a559a9c659 0.3802 0.7996631 29.4610736
0x140d3f60ac840571a3e08e218b823094d4715564 0.2787928 0.7999999 21.6122945
0x0dc057912b2a0757dd6802222a1497e48e4c819e 0.2669396 0.5792138 14.9823977
0xe73a198e7c07c418d7dcfd42f5e953074abbd125 0.2327502 0.7871065 17.7522329
0x5157d8ff3fcfacac630a1cb5bc9902dcc8433260 0.1936 0.7983146 14.9764479
0x1faf59040e9087675a7198e3c79d34de2f5796b1 0.1906 0.7983148 14.7443791
0x8cca36608c130f8fde914a392d3296271e365061 0.1561 0.7005612 10.596889
0xfc9265a28f66cf4561d74a4e25d7bbd3f482b8e6 0.1500415 0.5901654 8.5805386
0x3137786b0a428a6cec22825476d9a35f28e06709 0.1274 0.7855086 9.6972771
0x1b15e7c2a7faa3cb3141b1078a37076d7f08847b 0.1157 0.7967079 8.9322707
0x1fd2a56907b1db9b29c2d8f0037b6d4e104f5711 0.1123 0.7983143 8.6872656
0x5da9b0f40bd95235324caa275ab910c2543fb421 0.0927 0.798315 7.1710613
0x3270589248270fa0bad9a1f106ee9e6287f88a11 0.0762 0.705437 5.2088593
0x555306b8798b225ae92f6abd24e1d41ba62bcb53 0.0731 0.645814 4.5746115
0x7de7046dac21b73a13b3ea4543ddc453f4d9bec2 0.063 0.7983143 4.8735325
0xfe36d0618a4e8f1ffad92e1fbbc68fd5fba09ae6 0.055 0.7983145 4.2546726
0x006c77e68d2ce85db549bac376b4c7283a332447 0.0461056 0.7967145 3.5594739
0xb19a540d215aadad9236e438e1ca759f7ca8299f 0.0437195 0.798312 3.3820283
0x5e7018bf8c7615436cb738099452cc0cd67145f1 0.0387 0.6904496 2.5892404
0xfd1f64fb704c015008f3fda0d0d0c51dd9cacd73 0.0377 0.6904483 2.5223301
0x76980b0e8912377a8277097257dd08dc1067fd43 0.0375 0.6904507 2.5089577
0x65c6924f0fb0ffb102c72639ee9a21734e27388f 0.0368 0.6904484 2.4621156
0xff60415ac262d665519f4e529cde6c92760b310c 0.0182 0.8 1.4108823
0xcd192b61a8dd586a97592555c1f5709e032f2505 0.0160099 0.7934341 1.2309173
0xa1179f64638adb613ddaac32d918eb6beb824104 0.0076 0.7983158 0.5879193
0xf10694558a1af286a9fe8e922ea0dd3b75d276fb 0.0032 0.7983125 0.247544
0xbed559d3a196c9c0587ee80285facaea9bfc9761 0.001 0.7998 0.0775016
0x25441a8254af607947c939eda43364d55725125c 0.0005116 0.7982799 0.0395745
0x91ebba819e4bba03065a106290afcb44deb1f9d6 0.0005 0.7984 0.038683

:nice: $nice Distribution

Giver Address $nice
0xb950e0e108546743af96eb493d4ff2abc63816db 50
0x38f80f8f76b1c44b2beefb63bb561f570fb6ddb6 5
0xe0144fa05a0d32b5b1de10ccee7211616b3e3ef0 2.5
0x8295c7d69e1868310acc1b8789094ec7f23a4bb4 2.1
0x4b8b8601a4b5d280254c3610af2a44fcf5c12a9c 0.6
0x90299ec59b94398a3a31a795bc585f743d0e5cc9 0.5
0xf632ce27ea72dea30d30c1a9700b6b3bceaa05cf 0.35
0xf8a025b42b07db05638fe596cce339707ec3cc71 0.33
0xbd63144c19379a62699f9544836cfdf05a3c31ed 0.3
0xb583d90703510d32985d55aa95f0aa3ba1667df6 0.27
0xfe5f86f8aefb83d96c5205c1ccc0b140cff79e09 0.25

Excluded Donations

The following donations were found to be in violation of the GIVbacks policy.
Keep in mind that donations made from addresses owned by verified projects are not eligible for GIVbacks.

Please be aware that these donations will not receive GIVbacks and that any GIVbacks eligible projects which are found to be recirculating donations stand to lose their badge.

3 posts - 1 participant

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Giveth Proposals Invitation to Participate in Research Study

Published: Jul 03, 2024

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Assessing the Impact of Blockchain Technology on Transparency and Donor Trust in Philanthropy: An Empirical Study of Donation Platforms.

Dear Community Members,

I hope this message finds you well. My name is Achmed Gabriel Noorsetiawan, and I am currently conducting an exciting research project as part of my masterā€™s studies. I am reaching out to invite you to participate in this important study, which explores the transformative potential of blockchain technology in the philanthropic sector.

About the Study:

The research focuses on the influence of blockchain-based contribution platforms on transparency, accountability, and donor confidence within the philanthropic industry. We aim to understand how these innovative platforms can revolutionize traditional donation methods and enhance donor behaviours and trust. Your insights and experiences are invaluable to this study and can contribute significantly to advancing the field of philanthropy.

Why Your Participation Matters:

Share Your Perspective: Your unique experiences and thoughts can help shape the future of donation platforms.
Contribute to Innovation: Be a part of groundbreaking research that could enhance transparency and accountability in the philanthropic sector.
Empower Donors: Help us understand how blockchain technology can build greater trust and confidence among donors.

What to Expect:

Time Commitment: The survey will take approximately 30 seconds to 1 minute to complete.
Anonymity: Your responses will be confidential and used solely for academic purposes.
Convenience: The questionnaire is easy to access and can be completed independently.

How to Participate:

Click on the following link to start the survey:

Your participation is crucial to the success of this research, and I am immensely grateful for your time and contribution. Should you have any questions or need further information, please do not hesitate to contact me at

Thank you for considering this invitation. Together, we can explore how blockchain technology can enhance the future of philanthropy.

Warm regards,

Achmed Gabriel Noorsetiawan
UWE Bristol

1 post - 1 participant

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Giveth Proposals Round 63 GIVbacks and $nice Distribution

Published: Jul 02, 2024

View in forum ā†’Remove

The GIVbacks team has an exciting announcement!

Beginning with the Round 64 distribution, the GIVbacks allocation will be distributed a bit differently. Donations made on Gnosis chain will receive their GIVbacks on Gnosis chain while donations made on any other eligible chain will receive their GIV rewards on Optimism Network.

This change is being implemented to give donors the ability to easily take advantage of the higher rewards for staking GIV as well as build a more robust group of Optimistic GIV holders. :wink:

And nowā€¦ without further adoā€¦

:giv: Here is the finalized list for the GIVbacks Round 63 distribution. This roundā€™s distribution is affected by GIVpower ranking. I have included the average GIVfactor for each individual donor.

:nice: You will find the information for this roundā€™s $nice token distribution at the bottom.

This forum post will remain in the forum for 48 hours (2 business days) for review and feedback before going up for voting in the nrGIV DAO.

Round 63 Dates: May 14th 10am - May 28th 9:59:59 am Costa Rica Time (10am CST in local time (your timezone))
GIV value at the end of the round: 0.012116070225 USD
GIV Available 1000000

:giv: GIVbacks Distribution on Gnosis Chain

Giver Address Total Donations (USD) Avg GIVfactor GIVbacks
0x77fb4fa1aba92576942ad34bc47834059b84e693 890.337 0.2609808 19177.90578
0x15bf1554b8ce0a83a377b66cd5effbe3762d9166 638.0752 0.2968983 15635.71569
0x5648e60e7729a256f6802dcc480faed8739e629f 530.7383 0.3067084 13435.2051
0xc6893eeb690596e44f6c8668990a5cd7b8b1cedb 481.5 0.2864504 11383.71491
0xc0deaf6bd3f0c6574a6a625ef2f22f62a5150eab 348.8731 0.3033513 8734.770552
0x560ddbb5ccaf91d27e91f0e7c0fa099e7ee179e6 290.5091 0.2267279 5436.293506
0xd68e5b216fc2af2854152eac501f9e00807d8c1d 278.6355 0.3066606 7052.330108
0xed8db37778804a913670d9367aaf4f043aad938b 264.1597 0.2733336 5959.335819
0x05a1ff0a32bc24265bcb39499d0c5d9a6cb2011c 217.8 0.2979157 5355.370766
0x92ee18538c392361f1923794aa62bd3a6550c8b1 206.3188 0.3089375 5260.750431
0x5d28fe1e9f895464aab52287d85ebff32b351674 193.794 0.2989062 4780.941178
0x33878e070db7f70d2953fe0278cd32adf8104572 166.2382 0.3061801 4200.935484
0xd9d23db5632262033ad9f73ac8fbba8d76d00188 148.3895 0.1991725 2439.330899
0x1e8e749b2b578e181ca01962e9448006772b24a2 145.2545 0.2927427 3509.569521
0xc3176deaf906af9a7576e7407e41b24e02452fa2 121.6465 0.2501476 2511.506156
0x85c0c09570c955f6e07522e9ad6041716cbbb7fe 119.4584 0.2908486 2867.621859
0x301605c95acbed7a1fd9c2c0deee964e2afbd0c3 119.0806 0.3059607 3007.079128
0xad9684c72fc3cc2bfc1b783249037dbb3df13459 107.3278 0.292993 2595.420032
0xabe46a3a4fbd37e4e0ba92a61fecd5eaa58c80ea 102.876 0.2950423 2505.166649
0xcfc63045e2301a5ea5d105775cbcb7d5fc11ad1c 101.4984 0.2701796 2263.340691
0x7a738effd10bf108b7617ec8e96a0722fa54c547 100.1174 0.2793339 2308.189343
0xb0ddea60ae36efa8c298b46ab342309fdffd66cf 100 0.3068427 2532.526375
0xdcf37d8aa17142f053aaa7dc56025ab00d897a19 100 0.2948913 2433.88538
0xc0163e58648b247c143023cfb26c2baa42c9d9a9 100 0.2935752 2423.023643
0xc44caeb7f0724a156806664d2361fd6f32a2d2c8 100 0.2875915 2373.636882
0x0582f4770042113cc8a72101759e8f709c25cbe3 95.6649 0.3061259 2417.079253
0x79c2d72552df1c5d551b812eca906a90ce9d840a 95.1985 0.2687845 2111.896213
0xfcf5d48463afd5ceb49e19e635f9b9ac2f8a5980 92.9983 0.1933713 1484.243952
0xd034fd34eaee5ec2c413c51936109e12873f4da5 92.0089 0.2946491 2237.552381
0xae342bc1ddace51f674151633f9fb3f52440e961 91.5576 0.2781018 2101.533818
0x012d5eecebadf9654b5af9b51a5b86c31ccb41c2 85.1386 0.27073 1902.396498
0x0a251df99a88a20a93876205fb7f5faf2e85a481 80.2106 0.2489938 1648.384461
0x5d00b065e722dd7cfe0695b699fb56a65f8a81cd 77.2165 0.2713241 1729.166262
0x37c1c7347a697a174faf67a7ae5f740730e51c8e 75.2504 0.2997253 1861.531508
0xa19a11cb5928bf07b5b6aba256f63142343a59bc 74.6615 0.2531352 1559.866405
0xe564ef4523cb7931bafd6ecb36814b2b3691e1a4 74.1371 0.2008569 1229.024631
0xecfe0b6d06a645b71161f4763e1628a070bae8d6 71.095 0.3018626 1771.277235
0x387a161c6b25aa854100abaed39274e51aaffffd 69 0.2938942 1673.702678
0xc2eee2987622547601d377818e527b6aee3e1048 68.5248 0.1933713 1093.649238
0x84e1056ed1b76fb03b43e924ef98833dba394b2b 64.3193 0.2219193 1178.07935
0x8073639b11994c549eda58fc3cd7132a72aadf10 63.3129 0.2722961 1422.891885
0x79d3544bbe7821f2be4bd745d3df1f14ed211c30 62.28 0.3065238 1575.618093
0x71d408fba07397914cfee5ebe985e562b34fd010 59.3558 0.2870053 1406.019553
0x6b90e4baa3d456875620f6318fa0127388625be6 58.1018 0.2546056 1220.94394
0x23bc95f84bd43c1fcc2bc285fda4cb12f9aee2df 56.9829 0.2579106 1212.975106
0x3f098c5f5e0d5b2606eed243844d1392835c1411 53.9243 0.3087423 1374.101704
0x1df428833f2c9fb1ef098754e5d710432450d706 53.77 0.2990172 1327.010903
0x28b1ea801f86accaae57cd3e32f60b8009b10269 52.1238 0.290057 1247.836276
0xa64f2228ccec96076c82abb903021c33859082f8 50.25 0.298517 1238.064624
0x83e57888cd55c3ea1cfbf0114c963564d81e318d 50 0.3068427 1266.263189
0x92d827eeb58588bb8d3a39f3eb5077783568456a 50 0.2531956 1044.874973
0x0fabf023b032659195f9d8590affc257412bb5d6 48.6032 0.2580632 1035.211635
0xa8b7522ff033d2941a0e9cecf2b32d50dfdd79c2 48.0588 0.2326592 922.8507366
0xd695cf5659c1c9403091f516e1232349760e2e8a 47.7521 0.287908 1134.708763
0xf967817b892f82da16ee21fdd0667fcf9cc9caf1 47.5149 0.2263533 887.6767166
0xb60f993f6d7b20ffbb98e9ac8bf4b52657f8a1d5 44.8198 0.2601907 962.4982219
0xf3f58aaa1ec274de12a3d64a27bc571a6dd3535c 44.4144 0.3071375 1125.887054
0x5b7575494b1e28974efe6ea71ec569b34958f72e 42.5718 0.3093941 1087.106955
0xb9573982875b83aadc1296726e2ae77d13d9b98f 40.9503 0.3087661 1043.577874
0xdb7a41e39807e8c988859f150296db92674b7dc7 40.3323 0.271938 905.2344114
0xfece25615b0bd029a638b7248a990fe23df6208d 39.5531 0.1991726 650.2020254
0xa2e4d94c5923a8dd99c5792a7b0436474c54e1e1 38.2514 0.1991726 628.8036243
0x52c6eea8484707ff816864a9a1edcb0728608810 37.6589 0.305142 948.4354301
0x2b881a9e071172d871fd4680ba83fa293c519aab 35.5384 0.3045592 893.3215145
0x0dbb9d306ddcd839f698adad757c95d30538603a 35.3317 0.3088154 900.5372648
0x3fad8bcd2aea732d02a203c156b19205253f2a06 35 0.3088835 892.2796998
0xd4cf296a27c1af814d84c3117f13fed2ac0216da 33.893 0.1933713 540.9290306
0x8f51dc0791cddddce08052fff939eb7cf0c17856 33.8749 0.2501741 699.4532011
0x2d8b0abd7980c5c9d0cb5a008a3af690c1586509 33.3874 0.2732277 752.9142004
0xf9e1d1e9f22c96752356adfd377231528c7e851e 32.5413 0.3087898 829.3466569
0xab060e12d6ee092332a3a947a5714c063a206441 32.25 0.2994271 797.0012746
0x1ce89092d7a49fc4dcc0a7019f71b6786b318c76 31.6655 0.1945317 508.4110451
0x140d3f60ac840571a3e08e218b823094d4715564 31.6154 0.3004774 784.0589415
0x7de0e589812faa06f4018bd77de9ce8adbdded9d 30.8866 0.308246 785.7886057
0xdcf93f31f48c691d739b6b13779a0e0d3418a6aa 30.6029 0.2229813 563.208562
0x02d52dc45881d1f6b08d1ab9c196287624e5ffc9 30 0.3093941 766.0753981
0xde45f52e7998ded507b65a3112726c4a28c718bd 29.8646 0.2577277 635.2664886
0x76963ee4c482fa4f9e125ea3c9cc2ea81fe8e8c6 29.6779 0.3058055 749.0601038
0x7c5cf8ed8324d3f2c972992d3fe672e4f121347d 29.6779 0.2887276 707.228279
0xed6e5b9c3ceceebd77a58b31dccb6a93fe1d91d1 29.0509 0.3093941 741.8393261
0xf6eb526bffa8d5036746df58fef23fb091739c44 28.3714 0.3087898 723.0727037
0x2beba030cdc9c4a47c5aa657974840428b9fefac 28.3025 0.3053119 713.1925144
0x6c35574c71390b410755af14ae08f121f0f04f62 28.1627 0.3005382 698.5736284
0x3ae1a0c147430ff475957472d8b4e5d3cd6c1b33 27.8994 0.3083288 709.9816849
0x5b655eda7d101f98934392cc3610bcb25b633789 27 0.3029596 675.1290112
0xb1bd3dbbe482e61d9d9f2a82f506b7cb84b6d80b 26.8781 0.1991724 441.8410082
0x8758e5741de847363dd2715a62431cc0cbda4ca6 25.0281 0.2470896 510.4116
0xbc8689a07a4fa38cba728af18cc9b057248e4caf 24.0283 0.271525 538.4819655
0xab87eb50280a340b42f4eab31db90714b39fe687 23.9902 0.3093941 612.6100672
0xf9ee4d476fda5c63ac7cb9e42909eb986303ccbf 23.0826 0.2600845 495.4929296
0xa2019fecdc83c0fe37d0ed8b3bc0df6b8373602b 22.8807 0.3033814 572.9232088
0x826976d7c600d45fb8287ca1d7c76fc8eb732030 22.8712 0.2285894 431.5024632
0x5255e33362f533a947ba801f4f3a813d82fa8341 22.22 0.2739973 502.4913763
0x239a9c2e1a96fb1b8a522bbd222426e7211f9bc2 21.9845 0.2760878 500.9588041
0xa8f0048a0d1a04663ca5010d0beac5bcaeea0eef 21.7868 0.2945204 529.5987755
0xe0144fa05a0d32b5b1de10ccee7211616b3e3ef0 21.3095 0.2981679 524.4116119
0xceb1f665bee8283b36fbe282f36bff25124a206a 20.9053 0.3007831 518.9768624
0xe0dd52618e72b11c371efe49a4516e18b29c92dd 20.9051 0.2799171 482.9697227
0xfe6afe37c8563c653bacd30924d2251ea5bb9740 20.4778 0.2960998 500.4488277
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0x512597eb36dcdf2e4fe85a69c9eec10a140013eb 20.1 0.1991725 330.4178952
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0x90d1d211c8d3a94698b8d1b4fa4019add4d81543 0.4184 0.2732259 9.4352112
0x8a29e6e1fd4993e3d6becbb20eebbc03e11d073d 0.4115 0.2732299 9.2797522
0x0cb047c76552f2d9e39ee227be8d6d4c57503c46 0.4037 0.2767372 9.2207101
0x225e6d967f55f8222800797baf9e83d976e2349d 0.3901 0.2273009 7.3183853
0x487a86796f6897f5f60db95d44afbbff73365ccc 0.3881 0.2950711 9.4516691
0xc01628226276146ebe20c0fd043f73ba590a2479 0.3867 0.2272943 7.2543861
0x34a4c76a57501b298d831a710e70adb7ec240075 0.386 0.2713241 8.643983
0x75b521f3ec9bd577ab1d74d58bdbc0a1a7b0d671 0.3784 0.2702851 8.4413465
0xe461328bd38c516f35d5a1744389ccc8a28eab4c 0.3784 0.2702851 8.4413465
0xf3b25c2a249272814ebcd6031742a4394a9644e6 0.374 0.2702853 8.3431931
0xb98021ef7ae53655dc10603275031e6e13564569 0.3728 0.2846513 8.7584475
0x8fc0ada7f4a93ed9e87a087bbacaed63c5407c6c 0.3689 0.2702852 8.2294213
0x5243c3faf2fc7909082c857634ad2e61143add49 0.3595 0.3087424 9.1607966
0x675d882d6cdcdd8b2eaea95f21fbfc6916af89f8 0.3578 0.2960302 8.7420758
0x897434238a4c076fb10e56f8fccce23bb75f5565 0.3561 0.2732272 8.0303407
0x2c7fba545fec4060c689046c28ff0ddb11a91776 0.3546 0.2732245 7.9964355
0x157c6444ab68a6f1e51a4757a735c19d96f0ee3d 0.354 0.3093941 9.0396897
0x6a9f76ca688e39cedd71328e100dba1e867ae5b6 0.3464 0.3081856 8.8110641
0x0f0a6119674c021f490de259c463cf351ff6c417 0.3446 0.3041796 8.6513437
0xad987861f38c384272dafb6d952fbf97cdac5e18 0.3441 0.3088178 8.7705131
0x1a8bbd640a2424c07c2d4ccef881a496251ce971 0.3429 0.2272908 6.4326106
0x34e078afb3e89df97c1f7cee7b91b14a9236079d 0.3429 0.2732228 7.7325448
0x7242b3789e6f53c881bcca97f8d218387207da45 0.3342 0.2207475 6.0889237
0x1338ccaa10126a32947180f5771b4590963b81df 0.3315 0.302336 8.2720247
0x3bb5ce666d4ece0bd5be0c7201b657ce57c9bb46 0.3315 0.3082462 8.4337209
0x90978ef87b3ef9f3cd11a5e82c8ef57b04d77e76 0.3315 0.2732305 7.4756829
0x3c5af5ffe13e7be9bfef1862e6f80769c69a9206 0.3296 0.275017 7.4814349
0x809bb406235e118a77b246dde0ba1e4fdb73a68f 0.3264 0.2339188 6.3016373
0x0a76834367d68b35457bbcfbaf5ca390ab2b8d57 0.3258 0.3087897 8.3033284
0x507b94ab08fc400379706e0157bf342d95ee2f7f 0.3238 0.2732288 7.3019945
0x15a29b54e3f66999daf38cff4d9f29c8d3248c33 0.3136 0.3065571 7.93461
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0xc17e1e59a83a394fdfb365b8159e712d7fe6ee0a 0.3096 0.2822733 7.212884
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0xb413e15ebb6669a3dac9bb30fa6ff076aaaec439 0.1929 0.2864759 4.5609863
0x424fc98e3356da0e5a998a50c91859c1113e6b5b 0.1912 0.3065246 4.8371692
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0x192e12cac6e84d4c29e2a503ef3e0c361c65f9b0 0.1688 0.308282 4.294957
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0xb77c2676fc30dd05e7823123278a76b67b42f8d9 0.1382 0.307581 3.5083763
0x0ff9b6ab6ec58ceb6d5ae8a1690dd5a0959ad002 0.134 0.3040627 3.3628412
0x5259daf51a4311637216ece9c005e6f551114a4b 0.1335 0.3073566 3.3865831
0x53daea9e1ba020c6c9b1c284b282b527215aaa7d 0.1326 0.193371 2.1162833
0x76ae174540ab0c73e9ed81a902415cd259292d12 0.1315 0.2496487 2.7095225
0x787c8be38e968bd0b41eaabe0b69d1c32ea09262 0.13 0.3042915 3.264908
0x972a8b7d891b88220780421fe4d11f174354ceed 0.12 0.3042917 3.013763
0x119383b0051e920d6161cee971247d625b8d69cb 0.12 0.3042917 3.013763
0xb2dde7601a83cf17d14fa8ad15b27b60656579c0 0.1191 0.3081797 3.0293781
0x2f83c624b64a25399a4567cba4d46dd5f45c5421 0.1111 0.2716382 2.4908207
0x9ba6baa919bac9acd901df3bfde848fe006d3cae 0.11 0.3078636 2.7950452
0xcaa13b991403ceb897ab25a0b4e49849073360c6 0.1086 0.2272781 2.0371605
0x7b203e83480ce8cea0590336400799c4b3c2a28d 0.1083 0.3081791 2.7546731
0xb3993c9280a6125009b530dd79b1d2a6ebb618e6 0.1066 0.308742 2.7163853
0x93ce05ddfcacff4a4c1a1b4f212ea207ee418e66 0.106 0.3085887 2.6997518
0x14481d6ac7925b3b14372b0b7319d0af445cca6a 0.1012 0.2713241 2.2662457
0xb1fbad53fd06082d884c90dbd66c68613453bf20 0.1 0.309394 2.5535847
0xc46c67bb7e84490d7ebdd0b8ecdaca68cf3823f4 0.1 0.308742 2.5482062
0x3edd888f0e05610a0a3c5ec02e687fea05424977 0.0877 0.3093945 2.2394937
0x19ca4ba7a3ef4eb9b0eefdff8db4813a415ac04b 0.0832 0.3082428 2.1166791
0x451da770733cd8c66b3bef38130842df0c730c8a 0.0787 0.227263 1.4761922
0x1522c627472ce025df05d9630fa51779683ba698 0.078 0.3088205 1.9880997
0x33d29ceab11333488667e1e79bacb6ed6f08d392 0.072 0.2081764 1.2370905
0x608797e5216b9793b41b363c19c55d24c5d2383a 0.0709 0.3088195 1.8071304
0x1b31df177e13722c3e9f090f79e9af20e7e3b16f 0.0709 0.3088505 1.8073091
0xc55d4b1c1f626493ab0ad9c792e075d281fed315 0.0686 0.3047988 1.7257444
0xd97b87d23e9e3f0ca5428508fe8561e2c9057fbd 0.0663 0.1991463 1.0897423
0x4630cf0fa55f83e11e43286ff04fc6930e1eb095 0.0659 0.2282656 1.2415465
0x5ddf8b02510d54d19667932ac59cf03b617879a8 0.0659 0.3088847 1.6800385
0xb220563b0f237f79c1d12d887c3a9d9c17bc35b0 0.0652 0.2858267 1.5381166
0xf169c32c74442eabbf5991919c1a7636cbd02131 0.063 0.308319 1.6031724
0x58085ddc6050825495060735b8a41999150879e2 0.063 0.2750175 1.4300074
0xe3f96cb5ae6353ed964f12c3841f50c8453df33b 0.0592 0.2696334 1.3174486
0x77aa24edca9cd282c9bf953fe388751be47b04d1 0.0507 0.2272426 0.9509007
0x9aa63df87fbfac27eab23b0f6c31839bda59cded 0.0507 0.3087909 1.2921394
0x302186e737266c5f10d2bd5b0f98cad1800fb588 0.0404 0.2732079 0.9109913
0xc5024e68ff693592b2aba7bde36519a69d8fe027 0.0383 0.3087911 0.9761141
0x6a242fe418ac550d425c3aa0b20795fa28b1a122 0.0369 0.2702846 0.823164
0x065efb8cbd9669648f4d765b6d25304f66419c47 0.0354 0.3082429 0.9006014
0x2d5823e8e8b4dfbf599a97566ff2a121cc141d60 0.034 0.3042912 0.8538996
0x95e9bedbc090da23fd2975c38505b59c24143a9d 0.0309 0.2751424 0.7017059
0x36edbe1eac1cef4cfc346b9c5b91f09a9534aae5 0.0306 0.2719281 0.6867738
0x3345092b19cf6159c7da1c65ed9542609bc3a001 0.0306 0.2719281 0.6867738
0x0516cf37b67235e07af38ad8e388d0e68089b0f2 0.03 0.3042933 0.7534415
0x79ccedbefbfe6c95570d85e65f8b0ac0d6bd017b 0.03 0.3042933 0.7534415
0x504d1537edaa08adc950507c8ad7a35c6581a379 0.0299 0.3093946 0.7635218
0x5e7018bf8c7615436cb738099452cc0cd67145f1 0.0299 0.2719264 0.6710629
0x385cc6de9901bdd59c366b736e27221c679f7324 0.0299 0.2751438 0.6789982
0xfd1f64fb704c015008f3fda0d0d0c51dd9cacd73 0.0297 0.2719293 0.666575
0x0e2aeeaa52752e111ffa3609409bc6bb55a87ce7 0.0291 0.2784983 0.6688923
0x30d0aa20bfe31156a9964aa997b3468ff57fc29c 0.0291 0.3093952 0.7430931
0x14b1fd38a4c16be4031998f0f79cb95d4cd7538b 0.0285 0.2987825 0.7028103
0x1bd50e5c36e7112a741bff350975d0859d88776c 0.0275 0.2713236 0.6158289
0xb8b9c9ae6bc6e67d0dc8c3bdd7a7afa3b28be3b8 0.0269 0.3039554 0.674839
0x93033f52b2cd69040adea284b4e5c4675411a744 0.0269 0.3039554 0.674839
0x1db0cbd61666cc18b800cd7a540742c6ddf9d41c 0.0267 0.2724794 0.6004563
0xaeaf8371bf9df3edb08bdd7d05099d49965fdf59 0.0235 0.3042979 0.5902068
0xbda0136ea391e24a938793972726f8763150c7c3 0.0235 0.3042979 0.5902068
0x707d306714ff28560f32bf9dae973bd33cd851c5 0.023 0.3042783 0.5776145
0x770bebe5946907cee4dfe004f1648ac435a9d5bb 0.023 0.3042783 0.5776145
0x5917f052f23993680ca51ac7a3453c4566c7013b 0.0205 0.2731805 0.4622148
0x35e6fc00e3f190a8dfe15faa219368a01028ec14 0.02 0.30429 0.5022933
0x4aef8b6ca98ca20087e6b0827a50868172a32afd 0.02 0.30429 0.5022933
0x76ac6ad4e4e7c2e0b4ceeb30745bd53df3a85774 0.02 0.30429 0.5022933
0x91ebba819e4bba03065a106290afcb44deb1f9d6 0.02 0.225295 0.3718913
0x41145a1132655d145458e73da80a43070eea68da 0.018 0.3044611 0.4523133
0xefb823e3b4481f3c5526370c7d9e009040c0028a 0.0149 0.3060671 0.376392
0x3f44e4b482295bafa71f6faf4131ec7007f63e29 0.0149 0.2229799 0.2742167
0x9d4afb91930fef1c42ed11841a579e5343aca78e 0.0149 0.3084295 0.3792967
0xf9d936a03f77397d108d06cedab2f91111559013 0.0148 0.3093919 0.3779305
0x00432772ed25d4eb3c6eb26dc461239b35cf8760 0.0145 0.3042828 0.3641507
0x4680349ef7f6b7ce243ac29a680bcd02444e17cc 0.0138 0.3083768 0.3512328
0x1b5b4fcedf1252cd92496a2fd5c593b39ac49b01 0.0124 0.3042823 0.3114128
0xb61712f928927cc88b05e376579e0bc76c5b6b06 0.012 0.3089417 0.3059801
0x7a3bdee62dd34fac317ae61cd8b3ba7c27ada145 0.0112 0.3043125 0.2813029
0xa4d506434445bb7303ea34a07bc38484cdc64a95 0.0082 0.2802317 0.1896611
0xe7a07da6c5c37ae70067ce9374a53a6288105bf3 0.0071 0.3087887 0.1809502

7 posts - 1 participant

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Giveth Proposals Proposal to hire Myosin Agency for GIVeconomy Marketing

Published: Jun 25, 2024

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This forum post is a request for funds reimbursement for hiring a marketing agency - Myosin - for a 3-month $GIV marketing campaign with KOL partnerships.


As you know, the GIV tokenā€™s success is FOUNDATIONAL to the success of Giveth. If you caught the last Giveth essentials call, you might remember a bit about this! The very core of the Giveth roadmap is to leverage new economic systems made possible by web3 to change the way the world works, and ultimately solve large-scale global problems, ahem #Gurves.

But we canā€™t get there unless we increase the GIV token price & adoption!

Our internal comms team at Giveth just doesnā€™t have the resources to create and execute upon a strong marketing strategy for GIV and after several failed attempts of hiring, onboarding and offboarding contributors around this effort, we believe that outsourcing the effort to an agency might help boost our comms and also offer us some repeatable ideas that we could hone in on and recycle even after ending our time working directly with the agency.

GIVeconomy WG and General Magic Marketing folks have been hard at work interviewing several marketing agencies in hopes of finding one to support our efforts on GIV token marketing, and we are now moving forward! Our top contender is Myosin, with their proposal here.

After interviewing & getting proposals from several agencies and with ith advice from @griff @OyeAlmond @karmaticacid @aabugosh & @mitch we have agreed to start the process with Myosin and request reimbursement from the DAO.


The GIVeconomy WG has decided to hire Myosin to execute a 3-month marketing campaign for $GIV with associated KOL partnerships. The total cost will be approximately $39k USD (and this includes a $10k KOL campaign media budget).

Payment Options

We are currently in negotiations with Myosin, proposing to pay 10% of the total cost to them in GIV, to be staked & locked by Myosin for GIVpower for 1 year. The goal here is to have an additional incentive and alignment mechanism for their team, since a key KPI for them will be the GIV token price.

Additionally, General Magic is interested in sharing in the long term vision and upside of the GIVeconomy and has offered to cover the remainder of the proposalā€™s budget (in stables), to be reimbursed by Giveth in GIV at 120%. This would be advantageous to Giveth as it allows us not to tap into the limited Season 4 budget, and reduces the need for Giveth to use further liquidity assets in the current down market.


There are ultimately three options here for how we can proceed.

  1. Hire Myosin + GM pays & gets reimbursed in GIV with a 20% bonus
  2. Hire Myosin + Giveth pays entirely from its own treasury
  3. Halt negotiations/find another way

This proposal will be up for advice process for 5 days before moving to Snapshot for vote.

3 posts - 2 participants

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DAO Ops Season 4 Roundup and Voting

Published: Jun 25, 2024

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All 5 Working Groups have submitted their Working Group Proposals! We will now allow for advice process and comments. The Season 4 vote will be posted on Snapshot on July 5th.

As decided on the Stewards call, June 17 the total DAO budget for Season 4 is $280,000-$300,000. :money_with_wings:

This means that as we vote on which groups to prioritize the final sum of each WGā€™s scope cannot exceed the budget amount above.

Here are the 5 Working Group Proposals up for debate and voting:

Voting :ballot_box:

Voting will be done in the Giveth Snapshot, we will use Weighted Voting allowing you to assign a weight to each Working Group, the higher the weight you give it, the higher priority you are voting for.

If you want to try out Weighted Voting I have made a test vote here using the same setup as the official Giveth Snapshot.

You can also see the Season 3 Vote on Snapshot here.

Compare the Proposals! :face_with_monocle:

In DAO Ops we have created a Voting Simulator spreadsheet which will allow you to compare each WGPs deliverables and metrics side by side, depending on your preferred scope for each. This simulator will also compare the budgets for each scope and let you see what combination keeps us in line with the budget. It will also recommend what weight you should give to each WG come time to vote with Weighted Voting in Snapshot.

Check out the Voting Simulator for Season 4

4 posts - 2 participants

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Giveth Proposals Quadratic Funding WG Season 4 Proposal

Published: Jun 25, 2024

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GM Giveth Galaxy!

The Quadratic Funding WG is responsible for all things related to QF at Giveth. In the last few months, weā€™ve been operating QF rounds and iteratively making improvements to both the product & processes.

You can see our Season 1 WG proposal here, Season 2 (unfulfilled) WG proposal here, and Season 3 WG proposal here.

In this post, I will break down our spending, earnings, and achievements since Season 3, as well as our proposal for Season 4.

S3 Deliverable Status

QF received the most votes in the season 3 Snapshot vote, as a result, it was awarded a GROW scope. We requested $65,100 for the GROW scope to cover contributor costs to complete the following:

Quadratic Funding (QF) Working Group Proposal - Season 3

Feature Development

Deliverable Status Description
Expand our backend & data analysis process to introduce Cluster Mapping for QF round results determination :white_check_mark: We implemented Connection-Oriented Cluster Match (COCM) for QF rounds, beginning with the Galactic Giving round. See the announcement post here
Fully audit & improve our data export for QF to ensure seamless bug-free execution :white_check_mark: Data export for QF has been improved by Lauren and Carlos and is working seamlessly
Improve Admin bro to more easily manage QF rounds without devs & streamline the curation process for less manual copy/paste type labor :white_check_mark: AdminBro and the curation process have been improved. Theyā€™re not perfect and itā€™s something we can continue to work on, but they definitely improved
Complete the ā€œarchived QF roundsā€ & QF homepage issues so that users can more easily navigate existing and ended QF rounds :white_check_mark: Archived QF rounds can now be easily viewed on The UI makes it clear to navigate between the active round and archived rounds
Scope out bulk checkout ā€œcartā€ feature - requested often by donors during feedback rounds :x: This feature has not been formally scoped out or allocated dev resources

Fundraising, Accounting & Partnership Management

Deliverable Status Description
Perform regular & active fundraising to raise for the matching pools and attract new QF round partners :white_check_mark: $107k was raised for our QF rounds in S3 from a multitude of partners, including 14 in Galactic Giving alone! More funds have already been raised for future rounds/general matching pool use as well
Manage and maintain partnerships w/ existing members of the quadratic force, providing updates to any received grants for QF rounds :white_check_mark: We maintained contact with our existing members of the quadratic force, including updating them on round stats and attracting repeat sponsorships

Comms, Marketing & Community Building

Deliverable Status Description
Run twitter shill spaces for each QF round :white_check_mark: We hosted multiple spaces for the ENS and Galactic Giving rounds, and have 2 spaces planned for the GIV-Earth round
Create round-specific support guides for projects & donors :white_check_mark: A guide was created for each QF round in S3. See the Galactic Giving support guide for reference.
Create & send social media content to support projects & attract donors for rounds :white_check_mark: Each S3 round had corresponding social media content before, during, and after the round. This included sponsor-focused content
Create & send emails to support projects & attract donors for rounds :white_check_mark: Multiple emails were sent to project owners and donors for each QF round
Provide support for donors & projects via discord, telegram & email :white_check_mark: Support was provided before, during, and after QF rounds via all available channels
Build resources for nonprofits/project owners to make it easier for them to market QF to their communities (Ex: promote your project guide) :yellow_square: Ongoing effort
Increase graphic design support for how-to guides, event announcements, round details & other comms for QF rounds :white_check_mark: Rodri was the primary contact for QF round design support, and we executed with banners, social media content, and other assets for each QF round.


Deliverable Status Description
Project curation, round management, Sybil analysis & funds distribution for all rounds: ENS (Mar-Apr), Galactic Giving (May), GIV-Earth (June) :white_check_mark: Project curation was done for all 3, requiring extra effort for Galactic Giving and GIV-Earth due to the size of the rounds. Round management, Sybil analysis, and funds distribution was completed for ENS and Galactic Giving
Round setup & execution work to ensure at least one QF round per month this season. (Apr, May, June) :white_check_mark: 3 QF rounds between end of March to early July
Hire, onboard & train new PM for QF & gain support in creating an assembly line flow for running QF rounds :white_check_mark: Hired @koday as a QF PM!
Collect, review & incorporate user feedback :yellow_square: This is an ongoing process, a retrospective was done for the ENS round with the ENS Public Goods working group but not officially done for the Galactic Giving round. However, user feedback is always accepted and taken into account before, during, and after QF rounds

Deliverable Details & Further Progress

Season 3 included 2 completed QF rounds and the start of a 3rd. The first was the ENS Builderā€™s round, sponsored by the ENS Public Goods working group and focused on projects with small teams who were building with ENS. Following that up was the Galactic Giving round, a Star Wars-themed round with an incredible 14 sponsors supporting the matching pool. At the time of writing, the GIV-Earth round is about to kick off as Givethā€™s first environment-focused QF round, with 5 sponsors currently supporting the matching pool.

Here is a summary of the results and details from these rounds:

ENS Builderā€™s Round (March 25 - April 8, 2024)

  • Matching Pool: $20,000 DAI on OP Mainnet
  • Round Duration: March 25 - April 8, 2024
  • Total Donations: 412
  • Unique Donors: 138
  • Total USD Value of Donations: $7,503
  • Eligible Donation Networks: Ethereum Mainnet, Gnosis, Polygon, OP Mainnet, Arbitrum One
  • Eligible Projects: 34

Final matching results: ENS Round Final Matching Results [External]

Galactic Giving Round (May 2 - 16, 2024):

  • Matching Pool: 50,000 USDGLO on Arbitrum
  • Round Duration: May 2 - May 16, 2024
  • Eligible Projects: 96
  • Total Donors: 4,313
  • Unique Donors: 1,531
  • Total Value of Donations: $37,068
  • Tokens Donated: USDGLO, USDC, ETH, GIV, OP, MATIC, XDAI, ARB, & more!
  • Eligible Donation Networks: Ethereum Mainnet, Gnosis, Polygon, OP Mainnet, Arbitrum One

Final matching results: Galactic Giving Final Matching Results [External]

GIV-Earth Round (June 25 - July 9, 2024)

  • Matching Pool: 37,000 USDGLO on Celo
  • Stats/metrics: TBD

Final matching results: TBD

Combined results for the above rounds:

  • Ā±$100k in total matching pool funds
  • Ā±$144.5k (matching funds + donations) towards funding projects through Giveth

Future Rounds

GIV-Earth Round (June 25 - July 9)

GIV-ARB Ecosystem Accelerator QF Round (July 23 - August 6)

  • 150k ARB matching pool
  • Funded by a grant from ThankARB
  • 5k ARB address bounty phase
  • 7.1k ARB in admin fees (paid to Giveth)

Q/acc Round (October '24)

  • This round is outside the scope of this WG proposal and is not accounted for in the budget. However, itā€™s worth mentioning as there will be some overlap with the QF WG in terms of resource allocation and preparing the Giveth Dapp for this new ā€œversionā€ of a QF round in the Q/acc context.


Our only real expense for QF is contributor salaries, as subscriptions & plans overlap with the dApp WG. Since we are still in S3, the S3 spending total includes a projection of spending through July 5. An additional $9,170 in salary payments were made in March, but are outside the scope of this WG proposal.

The total spend was ~$13k less than estimated for Season 3. As there are still 2 weeks left in the season, the actual spend figure includes an extrapolated estimate for the spending carried out to July 5.

Season Estimated spending Actual spending Dates
3 $65,100 $52,808 April 5 - July 5 '24

Reference: Giveth QF Budget spreadsheet, Clockify WG report


We earn a percentage of every QF matching pool and have gained some extra funding by increasing donation traffic on Giveth. We also have continued to sell Giver NFTs and experiment with Giver holder nominations for QF rounds.

Funding Source Total Notes
Funds gained from matching pool % fee $15,000 From ENS Builderā€™s Round, Galactic Giving, and GIV-Earth (expected value)
Funds gained from Giver sales during S3 $3,700 We sold 37 Givers at 100 DAI each on Mainnet since April 1
Donations to Giveth during major QF rounds $3,618 This includes donations to Givethā€™s project during ENS Builderā€™s and Galactic Giving rounds.
Total Funds raised for Giveth $22,318

S3 Metrics & Learnings


  • Total Giveth donations March 20 - June 20 (excluding matching pools)
    • $401,147
  • Total donations from QF rounds
    • $44.5k
  • QF rounds were responsible for roughly 11% of the organic donations made to Giveth projects over the last 3 months.

Project onboarding/verification:

  • 251 projects were created since March 1
  • An estimated 88 projects were onboarded as a result of QF rounds (20 around the ENS round, 28 around Galactic Giving, and 40 around GIV-Earth) representing roughly 35% of the total onboarded projects.


  • 18 sponsors supported a QF round matching pool in S3
  • 5 sponsors are repeat sponsors, and one of the primary goals of QF fundraising is to increase this number

$REGEN token

  • We saw a MASSIVE uptick in site traffic during the Galactic Giving round when $REGEN announced that Giveth donations would qualify for airdrop points
  • Weā€™re now working with the $REGEN team to explore how we can use this momentum to drive more meaningful impact through the Giveth platform
  • What other projects/initiatives are out there that can boost Givethā€™s QF rounds without a direct monetary contribution?

Season 4 Deliverables & Budget

4 options are available - GROW, SUSTAIN, SHRINK and NO (WG halts or suspends activity)

If the QF WG is granted a GROW budget, there are a few things that would be awesome to build for QF in Season 4. This includes more metrics and data for the end user in the UI, improved matching estimates for projects and donors to better reflect Cluster Match QF, and a ā€œcelebratoryā€ page that lives at after a round ends, with stats & archived round details as well.

Additionally, we would operate 4 QF rounds this season, which means scaling up our operations. We will hire and train for a dedicated QF marketing/comms role and a dedicated QF fundraising role (both part-time to start) in order to facilitate this growth and allow us to have a quicker turnaround time between rounds. QF has been a leading driver of organic growth for Giveth and this would level-up our ability to execute and innovate on high-quality QF rounds.

Grow :arrow_up:

What we will do :white_check_mark:

Feature Development

  • Add more QF round metrics and data to the UI, e.g. a donor leaderboard and donations over time
  • Improve estimated matching shown in the UI to more accurately represent the calculations of Cluster Match QF
  • Add a celebratory page and round stats to after a round ends; keep the page up 24/7

Fundraising, Accounting & Partnership Management

  • Perform regular & active fundraising to raise for the matching pools and attract new QF round partners
  • Manage and maintain partnerships w/ existing members of the Quadratic Force, providing updates to any received grants for QF rounds
  • Provide GIVbacks to all members of the Quadratic Force when they contribute to the matching pool of any round
  • Explore new partnership options/verticals, QF grants, grant program funding opportunities, etc

Comms, Marketing & Community Building

  • Run 3 Twitter spaces for each QF round
  • Create round-specific support guides for projects & donors
  • Create & send social media content to support projects & attract donors for rounds
  • Create & send emails to support projects & attract donors for rounds
  • Provide support for donors & projects via discord, telegram & email
  • Build resources for nonprofits/project owners to make it easier for them to market QF to their communities (example 1)
  • Increase graphic design support for guides, event announcements, round details & other comms for QF rounds


  • Project curation, round management, Sybil analysis & funds distribution for all planned QF Rounds
  • Round setup & execution work to ensure at least one QF round per month this season. (July, August, September)
  • Hire, onboard & train a new Comms/Marketing specialist who is solely focused on Quadratic Funding rounds/education/spaces.
  • Hire, onboard & train a new Fundraising specialist focused on growing the Quadratic Force, matching pool sizes, and maintaining/growing existing sponsor relationships.
  • Collect, review & incorporate user feedback (donors, project owners, and sponsors) for the QF product.

Core Metrics :star2:

Matching pool totals July - September: $250,000
Number of Rounds July - September: 4
Donations in the rounds July - September: $100,000
Extra funding secured for future matching rounds: $75,000+

:heavy_dollar_sign:Breakdown Estimated S4 (3 month) Cost
Feature Development $16,750
Fundraising $12,400
Comms/Community/Design $11,200
Hiring $4,500
Ops $31,000
Total $75,850

Note: DevOps and services are covered by the Dapp WG, but are still needed/utilized for QF.

Sustain :arrow_forward:

What we will do :white_check_mark:

Feature Development

  • Improve estimated matching shown in the UI to more accurately represent the calculations of Cluster Match QF
  • Add a celebratory page and round stats to after a round ends; keep the page up 24/7

Fundraising, Accounting & Partnership Management

  • Perform regular & active fundraising to raise for the matching pools and attract new QF round partners
  • Manage and maintain partnerships w/ existing members of the quadratic force, providing updates to any received grants for QF rounds

Comms, Marketing & Community Building

  • Run 1-2 Twitter shill spaces for each QF round
  • Create round-specific support guides for projects & donors
  • Create & send social media content to support projects & attract donors for rounds
  • Create & send emails to support projects & attract donors for rounds
  • Provide support for donors & projects via discord, telegram & email


  • Project curation, round management, Sybil analysis & funds distribution for all locked-in rounds: GIV-ARB Ecosystem Accelerator, other rounds TBD
  • Round setup & execution work to ensure at least 3 QF rounds this season. (July, Aug, Sept)

What we wonā€™t do :x:

  • Hire, onboard & train a new Comms/Marketing specialist
  • Hire, onboard & train a new Fundraising specialist
  • Add more QF round metrics and data to the UI, e.g. a donor leaderboard and donations over time

Core Metrics :star2:

Matching pool totals July - September: $175,000
Number of Rounds July - September: 3
Donations in the rounds July - September: $40,000
Extra funding secured for future matching rounds: $50,000+

:heavy_dollar_sign:Breakdown Estimated S4 (3 month) Cost
Feature Development $10,000
Fundraising $6,500
Comms/Community/Design $7,100
Ops $23,500
Total $47,100

Note: DevOps and services are covered by the Dapp WG, but are still needed/utilized for QF.

Shrink :arrow_down_small:

What we will do :white_check_mark:

Comms, Marketing & Community Building

  • Create round-specific support guides for projects & donors
  • Create & send social media content to support projects & attract donors for rounds
  • Create & send emails to support projects & attract donors for rounds
  • Provide support for donors & projects via discord, telegram & email


  • Project curation, round management, Sybil analysis & funds distribution for all locked-in rounds: GIV-ARB Ecosystem Accelerator, other rounds TBD
  • Round setup & execution work to ensure at least 2 QF rounds this season.

What we wonā€™t do :x:

  • Hire, onboard & train a new Comms/Marketing
  • Hire, onboard & train a new Fundraising specialist
  • Add more QF round metrics and data to the UI, e.g. a donor leaderboard and donations over time
  • Improve estimated matching shown in the UI to more accurately represent the calculations of Cluster Match QF
  • Add a celebratory page and round stats to after a round ends; keep the page up 24/7

Core Metrics :star2:

Matching pool totals July - September: $125,000
Number of Rounds July - September: 2
Donations in the rounds July - September: $20,000
Extra funding secured for future matching rounds: None

:heavy_dollar_sign:Breakdown Estimated S4 (3 month) Cost
Comms/Community/Design $4,900
Ops/Dev $25,500
Total $30,400

Next Steps

Conclusions & Final Notes

  • QF has remained a huge growth mechanism for Giveth leading to significantly more donations, significantly more projects & even an increasingly promising source of revenue.
  • Our innovations for QF rounds, including streaming donations and Cluster Match QF, show that we are pushing the public goods funding space forward with new experiments and are promising features for attracting more and larger sponsors. We can leverage these unique features to sustain QF round growth going forward and position Giveth as THE industry leader when it comes to innovation in the quadratic funding space.

This proposal will remain open for an advice process for at least one week and will move to Snapshot voting with all other WG proposals for final approval from the DAO.

8 posts - 4 participants

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Giveth Proposals Snapshot Voting: Should we only use GIVpower?

Published: Jun 24, 2024

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On the Governance call June 24, 2024 @Griff brought up an interesting topic related to how we should handle voting power in our Snapshot.

He proposed we should make 2 changes:

  • Consider only GIVpower, not unstaked GIV tokens to be worth voting power.
  • Remove rGIV from being considered in our voting power calculations.

Letā€™s breakdown the first proposed change.

Only GIVpower

This change would mean that your GIV tokens will need to be stacked and/or locked in GIVpower in order to be used in our Snapshot as voting power. This would be similar to how the original GIVgarden was designed for voting. However using GIVpower also has an interesting new feature, the longer you lock up your GIV in GIVpower, the more voting power you have!

This change would give GIVernance preference to those who are invested in GIV and Giveth for the long-term and help build upon the utility of GIVpower to not only boost projects but also to govern the Giveth DAO!

Some cons we identified were 2 things:

  • GIV tokens on mainnet will never have voting power, because GIVpower is not available on mainnet, and probably will never be.
  • Potentially we will have a smaller pool of eligible voters on Snapshot proposals since holders are required to stake their tokens.

Despite these minor disadvantages I still believe this would be an interesting change to how we handle voting power.

Remove rGIV from Snapshot

This second proposal would be to remove any voting strategies we use to calculate someoneā€™s rGIV holdings on Optimism. Effectively this would mean that rGIV has no voting power in Snapshot.

The rationale behind this change is that all rGIV holders have received GIV tokens in the form of vesting, and future opportunities to acquire GIV through Equity and hopefully praise rewards will give sufficient opportunity for community members to acquire voting power.

Coupled with only using GIVpower in Snapshot this would simplify our voting calculations, our governance processes, while boosting the utility of GIV and GIVpower.

However, removing this utility of rGIV means rGIV has no real utility and likely as a result we will halt any distribution process of rGIV for the foreseeable future.

Next Steps

Iā€™d like to open this conversation up to the Giveth community. What are some pros and cons that were not discussed here? Do you agree or disagree with this proposal? Now is the time to have your voice heard! This post will remain up for advice process for minimum 5 days and will move to a Snapshot vote for final voting & ratification.

6 posts - 4 participants

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Giveth Proposals GIVeconomy WG Season 4 Proposal

Published: Jun 24, 2024

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The GIVeconomy WG has been hard at work this past season and hoping to ramp up even more as we move into S4. The GIVeconomy WG is responsible for all things GIV - GIVbacks, GIVpower, GIVstream - if you can ā€œGIVā€ it a name, it probably falls within our jurisdiction.

If you missed out last proposals you can check out them out here for Season 1 and here for Season 2 & 3.

Season 3 Review

In this section we will break down our deliverables and provide an update on itā€™s status and any relevant information. Weā€™ll also cover our spending in Season 3 and compare it to our estimated budget we covered in the previous Season proposal.

Deliverable Status Description
Bring the GIVeconomy to other chains/networks as promised by won grants :ballot_box_with_check: Ongoing We are on track to deliver Polygon zkEVM this summer
Create GIVeconomy Analytics dashboard :soon: partial completion This is nearly done, was delayed in favour of DeVouch
Integrate Connext bridge :soon: partial completion We were blocked for months by connext but have recently set this up with preliminary liquidity here
Stratgize how to integrate Gurves w/ q/acc :ballot_box_with_check: Ongoing Agreements between Giveth & q/acc have been signed, and we have been in ongoing discussions as the q/acc product is still in design phase
New system for GIVbacks recirc checks :ballot_box_with_check: Ongoing We have worked with Trustalabs for recirc data reporting and have created a preliminary deal. We have also started training @wmb81321 & Rob to support on recirc reviews, but are considering changing GIVbacks instead of continuing recirc improvements
Improve GIVbacks, mirating away from Aragon DAOs :x: Deprioritized This work was deprioritized in favour of devouch
Fix GIV token listing information & logos on major sites :ballot_box_with_check: Ongoing CoinGecko, CMC, Jupiter & Sushiswap are updated, more coming
Investigate getting GIV listed on CEXs :ballot_box_with_check: Ongoing GIV is listed on LBank, we have a proposal in the queue for MEXC and are applying to get on Binance
GIV liquidity Audit :white_check_mark: DONE! @wmb81321 created this audit which served as a foundation for us optimizing much of GIVā€™s liquidity (and securing more!)
Marketing around GIV listings on exchanges :ballot_box_with_check: Ongoing GIV was featured in yahoo finance, globe & mail, and we pushed our regular social media content. considering an Lbank twitter space AMA in the future
New marketing strategy for GIV :soon: Partial completion Mobilized our team on twitter, created content for tweets & blogs, hired, trained & lost a contributor, interviewed several marketing agencies, started weekly calls
Calculate & distribute GIVbacks & $nice for each round :ballot_box_with_check: Ongoing This has been happening regularly.
Maintain GIVpower staking rewards :ballot_box_with_check: Ongoing Rewards have been extended until mid Nov 2024
User support related to GIVeconomy questions :ballot_box_with_check: Ongoing @WhyldWanderer & @NikolaCreatrix have been holding it down!


Deliverable Status Description
Finish GIVgarden deprecation :white_check_mark: DONE! All the funds have been moved safely to a new multisig for control via Snapshot vote
Update documentation :ballot_box_with_check: Ongoing GIVbacks, project verification, GIVpower, GIVgarden, and more incoming
Created new discord role & channel for Giver NFT holders :white_check_mark: DONE! This was set up for the Galactic Giving QF round as a place for holders to coordinate nominations
GIV Token Distro Audit :soon: Partial completion We have been analyzing the changes to our GIV ā€œbucketsā€ since launch, and how much remains in each bucket
Find market maker :soon: Partial completion This is to support GIV price action. We found a good one! Agreement pending
Build trading bot & arb bot for Lbank & beyond :soon: Partial completion Trading bot is complete but pending improvements, arb bot is IPR
Subgraph migration :soon: Partial completion Resulting from deprecation of our subgraph, we need to migrate to support the GIVeconomy
Retroactive GIVbacks for QF sponsors :white_check_mark: DONE! All sponsors from all QF rounds have now received their GIVbacks
Find marketing agency :soon: Partial completion Weā€™ve interview 4 candidates and have selected our favourite, separate forum post coming
Ran 2 GIV Token Essentials :white_check_mark: DONE! Offered GIV info session to internal contributors to align the team on the roadmap
GIV on LBank Market Making :ballot_box_with_check: Ongoing Ensured >$10k daily trading volume and market moves every 4-8 hrs to match current price

Core Metrics :star2:

  • :x: GIV performs as well ETH over this 3 month period
  • :white_check_mark: Increase GIV token trading volume by 100%
  • :x: Add GIVeconomy to 1 major chain
  • :white_check_mark: Number of GIVeconomy metrics that can be tracked by dashboard: 10
  • :white_check_mark: Get GIV listed on 1 CEXs
  • :x: average 7-day volume on GIV connext bridge: >$50k


Our only real expense covered in the GIVeconomy WG is contributor salaries, as subscriptions & plans overlap w/ the dApp WG. And GIV needed for incentives, exchange listing, etc. has been and will continue to be requested via separate stand-alone proposals.

In the table below we compared the forecasted Season spending (from GIVeconomy sustain proposal) with the actual funding based on available data in Clockify from April 1 - Present. Since we are still in S3, the below includes projected spending for the upcoming weeks, considering the full period April 5 - July 5, 2024). An additional $10,792 was spent on salaries in March (outside of the scope of this WG proposal).

Type Estimated S3 Cost Actual S3 Cost
Contributor Costs $48,000 $53,743

Reference: GIVeconomy Budget spreadsheet

GIV Token Health

You can see the GIV token on CoinGecko here. Some observations:

  • GIV token trading volumes and liquidity pools are happily up to date on CoinGecko & CMC, and with this seasonā€™s CEX listing (LBank) and some in-hour MM, our 24 hr trading volume is up from Ā±$1k to Ā±$70k at-a-glance.
  • ETH generally outperforming GIV :cry:
  • Trading volume on our biggest (GNO/GIV pool) on Gnosis Chain is down just a little, but trading volume on our biggest pools on Optimism (OP/GIV & TEC/GIV) and up more than double.

GIV 3 mo. Charts (blue = price in ETH, green = price in USD) - from CoinGecko

Jan-Mar 2024

Mar-June 2024

GIV 1 year chart - from CoinGecko

Jan-Mar 2024

Mar-June 2024

GIV token Trading Volume on Coin Market Cap

Mar 2024

June 2024

GIV token trading volume on honeyswap, gnosis chain GIV/GNO

S2 stats

S2 stats

S3 stats

S3 stats

GIV token trading volume on Optimism through velodrome

March 2024

June 2024

One PMā€™s Reflections on Season 3

It was honestly a tough season. The GIVeconomy WG is at the end of the dayā€¦ too bare-bones to achieve all our lofty goals with zero full-time dedicated contributors and only 2-4 contributors regularly clocking more than 20 hrs per month.


  • Got successfully listed on our 1st major CEX - LBank
  • Saw a big increase in trading volume leading to a longer hunt for official market makers


  • Our spending this season on contributor salaries was approx. $5000 over budget at around $54k vs. the approved $48k.
  • We had some serious trails and failures on recruiting, with many hours sunk into contributors who didnā€™t stick or follow through.
  • Scope of work shifted a lot over the season, with dev resources being funnelled into devouch deprioritizing GIVbacks improvements and Analytics.
  • GIV token price suffered despite efforts around marketing an liquidity

The GIV tokenā€™s success is FOUNDATIONAL to the success of Giveth. If you caught the last Giveth essentials call, you migh remember a bit about this! The very core of the Giveth roadmap is leverage new economic systems made possible by web3 to change the way the world works, and ultimately solve large-scale global problems.

The plan, in a nutshell is to:

  • Bring public goods creators into web3
  • Empower them to launch token economies connected to the real world value that they are providing
  • Inject market dynamics therefore into the public goods sector
  • Make adding value to your community economically lucrative

And we want to get there by helping verified projects to launch their own GIV-backed bonding curves - ahem, Gurves! To do that, we NEED to push GIV token adoptions and growth, so GIVeconomy WG needs support now more than ever.

Season 4 Deliverables & Budget

There are 3 possible scopes that the GIVeconomy WG can take in the coming Season, each with different deliverables and budget. The Season Snapshot vote will dictate the scope of this working group, depending on itā€™s signaled priority amongst other working groups, as decided by the Giveth DAO.

Grow :arrow_up:

What we will do :white_check_mark:

New Features

  • Scope out, propose and (if passed) implement a new GIVbacks distribution system (e.g. GIVbacks lottery) that decreases team overhead
  • Develop GIV ā€œbuy backā€ solution that creates a mechanism by which the DAO continuously ā€œbuys backā€ GIV from the market
  • Respond to and develop solutions according to new market opportunities that arise
  • Plan & strategize how to integrate Gurves w/ QAcc & work being planned w/ Polygon
  • Create a system to ā€œclaim backā€ unclaimed GIV from GIVbacks after a determined period of time
  • Bring the GIVeconomy to other chains/networks as promised by won grants
  • Complete GIVeconomy Analytics Dashboard
  • Complete Connext Bridge
  • Complete & improve trading bots & arb bots

Token Exposure

  • Hire, onboard and train a marketing agency to support with GIV token marketing (Markeing Agency fee in a separate proposal)
  • Fix GIV token listing information & logos on major sites and DEXs
  • Hire and onboard Market Makers to support on GIV token price action (MM fee in a separate proposal)
  • Investigate, create proposals & follow through on approved paths for getting GIV listed on CEXs
  • Iterate upon internal GIV marketing strategy creating more regular content for our regular channels
  • Run 2 GIV token essentials sessions for the internal community


  • Distribute GIVbacks & $nice tokens for each round, and post corresponding comms messaging
  • Train & onboard contributors to support with GIVbacks recirculation checks
  • Maintain & top-up (when needed) GIVpower rewards program
  • Manage support tickets related to GIVeconomy
  • Complete GIV token distribution audit to get an accurate sense of how much GIV the DAO controls
  • Review & improve GIVeconomy documentation

Core Metrics :star2:

  • GIV out-perfoms ETH over this 3 month period
  • 2x GIV token trading volume
  • Add GIVeconomy to 1 major chain
  • Get GIV listed on 1 new CEX
  • Average 7-day volume on GIV connext bridge: >$50k
  • GIV price on Gnosis & Optimism are within 1% of each other
:heavy_dollar_sign:Breakdown Estimated S4 (3 month) Cost
Development $17,300
Design $3,900
PM $34,400
Comms $20,600
Market Maker Fee $6,000
New response needs $10,000
Total $92,200

Sustain :arrow_right:

What we will do :white_check_mark:

New Features

  • Scope out, propose and (if passed) implement a new GIVbacks distribution system (e.g. GIVbacks lottery) that decreases team overhead
  • Plan & strategize how to integrate Gurves w/ QAcc & work being planned w/ Polygon
  • Bring the GIVeconomy to other chains/networks as promised by won grants
  • Complete GIVeconomy Analytics Dashboard
  • Complete Connext Bridge
  • Complete & improve trading bots & arb bots

Token Exposure

  • Hire, onboard and train a marketing agency to support with GIV token marketing (Markeing Agency fee in a separate proposal)
  • Fix GIV token listing information & logos on major sites and DEXs
  • Hire and onboard Market Makers to support on GIV token price action (MM fee in a separate proposal)
  • Investigate, create proposals & follow through on approved paths for getting GIV listed on CEXs
  • Iterate upon internal GIV marketing strategy creating more regular content for our regular channels
  • Run 1 GIV token essentials sessions for the internal community


  • Distribute GIVbacks & $nice tokens for each round, and post corresponding comms messaging
  • Train & onboard contributors to support with GIVbacks recirculation checks
  • Maintain & top-up (when needed) GIVpower rewards program
  • Manage support tickets related to GIVeconomy
  • Complete GIV token distribution audit to get an accurate sense of how much GIV the DAO controls
  • Review & improve GIVeconomy documentation

What we wonā€™t do :x:"

  • Develop GIV ā€œbuy backā€ solution that creates a mechanism by which the DAO continuously ā€œbuys backā€ GIV from the market
  • Respond to and develop solutions according to new market opportunities that arise
  • Create a system to ā€œclaim backā€ unclaimed GIV from GIVbacks after a determined period of time
  • Run 1 GIV token essentials sessions for the internal community (we will only run 1, not two)
:heavy_dollar_sign:Breakdown Estimated S4 (3 month) Cost
Development $15,800
Design $3,900
PM $32,700
Comms $17,000
Market Maker Fee $6,000
Total $75,400

Core Metrics :star2:

  • GIV performs as well ETH over this 3 month period
  • 2x GIV token trading volume
  • Add GIVeconomy to 1 major chain
  • Average 7-day volume on GIV connext bridge: >$50k
  • GIV price on Gnosis & Optimism are within 1% of each other

Shrink :arrow_down:

What we will do :white_check_mark:

New Features

  • Plan & strategize how to integrate Gurves w/ QAcc & work being planned w/ Polygon
  • Bring the GIVeconomy to other chains/networks as promised by won grants
  • Complete GIVeconomy Analytics Dashboard
  • Complete Connext Bridge
  • Complete & improve trading bots & arb bots

Token Exposure

  • Hire, onboard and train a marketing agency to support with GIV token marketing (Markeing Agency fee in a separate proposal)
  • Hire and onboard Market Makers to support on GIV token price action (MM fee in a separate proposal)
  • Investigate, create proposals & follow through on approved paths for getting GIV listed on CEXs
  • Run 1 GIV token essentials sessions for the internal community


  • Distribute GIVbacks & $nice tokens for each round, and post corresponding comms messaging
  • Train & onboard contributors to support with GIVbacks recirculation checks
  • Maintain & top-up (when needed) GIVpower rewards program
  • Manage support tickets related to GIVeconomy
  • Complete GIV token distribution audit to get an accurate sense of how much GIV the DAO controls
  • Review & improve GIVeconomy documentation

What we wonā€™t do :x:"

  • Scope out, propose and (if passed) implement a new GIVbacks distribution system (e.g. GIVbacks lottery) that decreases team overhead
  • Develop GIV ā€œbuy backā€ solution that creates a mechanism by which the DAO continuously ā€œbuys backā€ GIV from the market
  • Respond to and develop solutions according to new market opportunities that arise
  • Create a system to ā€œclaim backā€ unclaimed GIV from GIVbacks after a determined period of time
  • Fix GIV token listing information & logos on major sites and DEXs
  • Iterate upon internal GIV marketing strategy creating more regular content for our regular channels
  • Run GIV token essentials sessions for the internal community
:heavy_dollar_sign:Breakdown Estimated S4 (3 month) Cost
Development $13,800
Design $1,800
PM $19,500
Comms $8,300
Market Maker Fee $6,000
Total $49,400

Core Metrics :star2:

  • GIV performs as well ETH over this 3 month period
  • 2x GIV token trading volume
  • Add GIVeconomy to 1 major chain
  • Average 7-day volume on GIV connext bridge: >$50k
  • GIV price on Gnosis & Optimism are within 1% of each other

Next Steps, Conclusions & Final Notes

The GIVeconomy WG ramped up a LOT last season, and but I think we need to kick things up EVEN MORE to reach our long term goals as a community. This proposal was designed to rally us towards that end, and Iā€™m excited for the new Season.

This proposal will remain open for advice process for one week (and maybe a few days more) and will move to Snapshot voting with all other WG proposals for final approval from the DAO.

4 posts - 3 participants

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Dapp Dapp Season 4 Proposal

Published: Jun 21, 2024

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Weā€™re excited to propose another season of DAPP! Building the Future of Giving by providing the best experience for donors and projects using our website and funding public goods worldwide.

Season 3 Review :face_with_monocle:

Season 3 the Dapp was given a mandate of Sustain and we did pretty well! Here weā€™ll give an update on our deliverables and metrics achieved.

Deliverables Status

Deliverable Status Note
Endaoment Integration IN PROGRESS :construction: Developers are assigned to begin the work, product specifications are ready.

Waiting for token list and project list from Endaoment to begin the developer work
Project Attestation System - Decentralizing Verification DONE! :white_check_mark: We have completed the DeVouch product and it is launched! Check it out:
Specification & development of paid partnerships/grants eligible integrations or features DONE! :white_check_mark: We completed the following Fundraising related product developments during S3:
  • Base Integration (Base RF)
  • Recurring Donations (Superfluid)
  • DeVouch (Optimism Mission)
GIVnews monthly newsletters DONE! :white_check_mark: GIVnews monthly newsletters went out on time and full of great updates to our subscribers. Check out all newsletter published:
Implement new Email strategies for user journeys in Ortto DONE! :white_check_mark: We implemented a new user journey on Giveth, consisting of five emails, which has yielded good results. We also sent three emails targeting donors who donated more than six months ago to re-engage them, but the campaign was not successful. We need to try different engagement strategies.

dApp Marketing Season 3 KPIs - Google Docs
Meet the Makers project interviews, published to social media channels DONE! :white_check_mark: We published 3 project interview videos across socials.

In general we found the videos when published didnā€™t drive donations to projects and most watchers only tuned in to the first 10% of the interview before dropping off.

Given this weā€™ve decided to halt the Meet the Makers videos for now
Hire a Community Builder Lead IN PROGRESS :construction: We are still continually receiving applications, interviewing applicants and assessing candidates.
Review & Improvement of SEO IN PROGRESS! :construction: We Implemented a few SEO changes to the Giveth homepage, we saw some promising initial results.

We will continue to track results and begin drafting changes to other pages of Giveth.
Communications of Giveth updates & community events via Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn & Instagram DONE! :white_check_mark: The comms team successfully delivered content across many different social media platforms.

Find all of our social media platform where we are active through our Link Tree

The Twitter report shows strong growth in engagement metrics, particularly in media views and interactions, with some areas needing improvement. More here: dApp Marketing Season 3 KPIs - Google Docs
Host Townhalls monthly DONE! :white_check_mark: We hosted 3 Monthly townhalls on schedule, attendance and format was well received and we will continue doing these.
3 more Twitter/X space GIVtalks with guests speakers DONE! :white_check_mark: We hosted 3 GIVtalks over the course of S3 with:
  • ReFi DAO
  • MetaGame
  • $REGEN token
The GIVtalks were well attended (114 the best one) and you can find the recordings on Spotify
Giveth Impact Report publications DONE! :white_check_mark: We have published two Impact Report publications.

Recognizing that the Impact Reports focuses on highlighting GIVbacks we have negotiated that this effort to be managed now by the GIVeconomy WG.
Monitor services, servers & security of the Dapp and resolve incidents SUCCESS! :white_check_mark: We dealt with a number of performance issues over S3. We have shifted more resources over to resolving technical debts and improving app performance as a result.

We hope to spend more time in S4 improving query performance and factoring out the many cron jobs we rely on currently.
Moderation & non-user support in Discord SUCCESS! :white_check_mark: We provided support and closed 92 amount of support tickets over the course of season 3.
Project verification & listing SUCCESS! :white_check_mark: As part of our core metric we verified 69 projects this season.

We also responded to listing requests from new projects and project owner requests as well as unlisting projects as needed.

Core Metrics :star2:

Here we compare our target metrics we set out at the beginning of the season compared to our final actual stats. We also provide our actual metrics from previous season so we can understand how the Dapp has been growing over time.

Metric S3 Target S3 Actual S2 Actual S1 Actual
Donation Volume $100,000 $457,908.62 $281,509.69 $70,796
New Verified Projects 30 69 55 78
Comms and Marketing Summary šŸ“£ (click for more details)

Spending :money_with_wings:

We completed three major projects in Season 3: Recurring Donations, Base Integration and DeVouch.

  • Recurring Donations :arrows_counterclockwise: fulfilled a $20,000 grant agreement with Superfluid, plus we got to build a long-requested feature, at a discount! It cost around $37,000 to build, including product, design and communications.
  • DeVouch :heavy_check_mark: will fulfill an Optimism Mission Grant worth 18,000 OP and may yield future rewards from Optimism Retro Funding depending on its reception and success. DeVouch opens the path towards the decentralization of our verification system. It cost around $21,000, including product, design and communications.
  • Base Integration :large_blue_circle:, we hope to become eligible for Base Retro Funding. We spent approximately $5,000 on this project, including development and product costs.

Hereā€™s a table breakdown of our costs, we compare our estimated costs from the beginning of the season vs. the actual costs based on Clockify time entries. Since the season is yet to end we did our best extrapolating the assumed costs yet to be realized based off of the projected amount of work left and the previous 2 months of spending data.

Type Estimated S3 Cost Actual S3 Cost Notes
Comms Marketing & Community $40,400 $34,800 The costs associated with having a new Community Growth contributor were factored in the estimate, but in the end we never filled this role during the season.
Development & DevOps $106,920 $88,000 Many time entries in Clockify have been missallocated to Dapp, after doing a thorough review of time entries the dapp development costs are lower than previously expected.
Product $15,780 $20,000 Product costs increased from the increased scope of DeVouch as well as the management of emergency issues that affected dapp performance.
Design $9000 $8,700
Services $7,735 *$7,500 *Best estimate. We did make efforts to reduce infra costs. However access to billing statements was not given in time to review before the WGP submission deadline. The actual number could be lower.
Total $179,835 $165,000

BONUS DELIVERABLES :incoming_envelope:

We also have two in progress features we plan to deliver before the end of the current season:

Improved Dapp Analytics :bar_chart:: Provide more data on to track numbers related to recurring donations, chain specific donations and donations to Giveth through the ā€œoptional donation boxā€

Polygon zkEVM Integration :purple_circle:: Givethā€™s first zk-chain integration and our first steps toward fully integrating Giveth on Polygon zkEVM with GIVeconomy, GIV token and eventually GURVES!

Season 4 Deliverables & Budget :world_map:

A few ambitious features we would like to integrate for Season 4, here is a brief summary of each:

  • Endaoment Integration - Take action on our long overdue partnership with Endaoment ( and replace our The Giving Block projects integration with Endaoment non-profits, providing about 8,000 worldwide non-profits for users to donate to & recieve GIVbacks on their donations!
  • Giveth APIs: Donation API - The long overdue construction of Giveth APIs, this will allow other platforms to integrate Giveth actions in certain ways. The first API for making donations to projects will pave the way for donation widgets, donate through socials (twitter, farcasterā€¦???) and potentially many more possibilities. Additional APIs maybe be built later allowing more complex actions such as staking GIV, boosting with GIVpower to name a few examples. If successful, in Season 5 we would like to bring an incentives program for builders to build external applications using APIs made available to them.
  • DeVouch & Giveth Verification - Allow the automation of verifying projects through the issuance of attestations. Use the DeVouch attestation indexer to allow decentralized Giveth Verification team to vouch or flag projects on the Giveth platform.
  • Smart Wallet & Social Login - Bring Account Abstraction into the Giveth login experience. Integrate a ready made solution such as Safe Accounts, AppKit, web3Auth - to allow less crypto savvy users to have an easier experience creating profiles on Giveth, launching projects and making donations.

Hereā€™s our proposed scopes for Season 4:

GROW :arrow_up:

What we will do :white_check_mark:


Feature Development

Comms, Marketing & Community Building

  • Communications of Giveth updates & community events via Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn & Instagram
  • Continue with GIVnews monthly newsletters, experiment with ways to increase the CTR
  • Hire a Community Builder Lead
  • Design Marketing templates for projects.
  • 3 new email campaigns
  • 5 new Medium Posts
  • Farcaster engagement experimentation.
  • 3 more Twitter/X space GIVtalks with guests speakers focused on partnerships and promoting integrations with big/trendy organizations
  • Host Townhalls monthly
  • Recurring Donation Rally Contest
  • Video tutorials for new product features


  • Monitor services, servers & security of the Dapp and resolve incidents
  • Fix bugs and improve Givethā€™s performance
  • Moderation & non-user support in Discord
  • Project verification & listing

Core Metrics :star2:

Metric S4 Target
Total Donations Value $450,000
Total Donations Value to Verified Projects $180,000
New Verified Projects 70
Total Recurring Donations Value $15,000

Budget :moneybag:

Item Estimated Cost
Endaoment Integration $9,000
Smart Wallet / Social Login $10,000
Giveth Donation API $18,000
Integrate DeVouch into Giveth $18,000
Comms, Marketing & Community $44,000
Performance & Maintenance $35,000
Ops $32,000
Software, Servers & Subscriptions $7,000
Total $173,000

SUSTAIN :arrow_right:


What we will do :white_check_mark:

Feature Development

Comms, Marketing & Community Building

  • Communications of Giveth updates & community events via Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn & Instagram
  • Continue with GIVnews monthly newsletters, experiment with ways to increase the CTR
  • Hire a Community Builder Lead
  • 1 new email campaigns
  • 3 new Medium Posts
  • Recurring Donation Rally Contest
  • Farcaster engagement experimentation.
  • 3 more Twitter/X space GIVtalks with guests speakers focused on partnerships and promoting integrations with big/trendy organizations
  • Host Townhalls monthly


  • Monitor services, servers & security of the Dapp and resolve incidents
  • Moderation & non-user support in Discord
  • Project verification & listing

What we wonā€™t do :x:

  • Design Marketing templates for projects.
  • Video tutorials for new product features
  • Research and Integrate Smart Wallet / Social Login Solution
  • Start Giveth APIs: Donation API

Core Metrics :star2:

Metric S4 Target
Total Donations Value $350,000
Total Donations Value to Verified Projects $140,000
New Verified Projects 60
Total Recurring Donations Value $12,000

Budget :moneybag:

Item Estimated Cost
Endaoment Integration $9,000
Integrate DeVouch into Giveth $18,000
Comms, Marketing & Community $38,000
Performance & Maintenance $35,000
Ops $32,000
Software, Servers & Subscriptions $7,000
Total $139,000

SHRINK :arrow_down:


What we will do :white_check_mark:

Feature Development

  • Specification & development of paid partnerships/grants eligible integrations or features, which may include:
    • Taiko Donation Integration
    • Kyoto Donation Integration

Comms, Marketing & Community Building

  • Communications of Giveth updates & community events via Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn & Instagram
  • Continue with GIVnews monthly newsletters, experiment with ways to increase the CTR
  • Hire a Community Builder Lead
  • 1 new Medium Posts
  • 3 more Twitter/X space GIVtalks with guests speakers focused on partnerships and promoting integrations with big/trendy organizations
  • Host Townhalls monthly
  • Recurring Donation Rally Contest


  • Monitor services, servers & security of the Dapp and resolve incidents
  • Moderation & non-user support in Discord
  • Project verification & listing

What we wonā€™t do :x:

Core Metrics :star2:

Metric S4 Target
Total Donations Value $200,000
Total Donations Value to Verified Projects $80,000
New Verified Projects 40
Total Recurring Donations Value $8,000

Budget :moneybag:

Item Estimated Cost
Comms, Marketing & Community $30,000
Performance & Maintenance $35,000
Ops $32,000
Software, Servers & Subscriptions $7,000
Total $104,000

Next Steps

This forum post will remain up and open for advice until all other Working Groups Proposals entering this Season have met minimum advice process. After that we will move to a Snapshot vote to decide the priorities of the Giveth DAO for the next 3 months.

When we have the outcome of the Snapshot vote we will meet as DAO Stewards to finalize the scopes of all WGs based on the available Season budget.

2 posts - 2 participants

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Giveth Proposals Fundraising Season 4 WG Proposal

Published: Jun 21, 2024

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"WOWzersā€ā€¦as Laurenā€™s mom would say, these past 3 months just flew byā€¦so now whatā€¦welp, I guess ā€Onward & Upwardā€ or something like that.

Reflecting back on our first ever WG proposal, there was some really great stuff, a little bad / learning, but overall, some pretty damn epic, happy progress with what we did and accomplished. But enough looking backwards, lets peddle on ahead in our continued effort to ā€œFund the Commonsā€ of Giveth.

Come along with me on this journey and lets get dirty in deets below!

Season 3 Review

In this section, Iā€™m going to break down the deliverables from the past 3 months, and provide an update on itā€™s status and any relevant information. Weā€™ll also cover our spending in Season 3 and compare it to our estimated budget we covered in the previous Season proposal.

Deliverables Status Notes
Apply to around 15 L2 grants per season, as that is all Marceloā€™s current part-time workload can handle Missed :x: - Won ~ Kyoto ($130K+)

- Applied ~ Taiko, Metis, Stellar & ARB

- Will apply by end of June ~ BNB, ICP & Polkadot

- Didnā€™t Win ~ LTIPP & XRPL
Limit our time applying to other types of fundraising / grant opportunities (not L2s), so maybe around 6 per season DONE! :white_check_mark: - Celo RPGF0 ~ 5,433.55 celo / +$3.5K

- Octant EPOCH 3 ~ 13.3081 ETH / +$40K

- Gitcoin Grants #20 ~ +$10K

- Covalent ~ $15K in credits

- MetaPool ~ round active now

- Team declined to enter ENS small grants
Secure 4 new QF sponsors for the season DONE! :white_check_mark: Brought 12 to the game!!!
Have a physical presence at BlockSplit (May 27-30) DONE! :white_check_mark: Shilled, grinded and stayed under budget!
Work with Lauren to continue performing hand offs of her current fundraising activities (ie Octant, Gitcoin, Optimism, etc.) DONE! :white_check_mark: Neil Diamond said it best ā€œHands, Touchinā€™ hands

Reachinā€™ outā€¦ā€ hand offā€™s complete!
Finish the rest of the forum follow up posts for all our previous grant wins DONE! :white_check_mark: Worked with Lauren to knock these out as well
Maintain the current amount of dedicated monthly hours by Jake (45ā€™ish hours/month) & Marcelo (30ā€™ish hours/month) Missed :x: Fundraising really has been ramping up for Giveth, so our hours have exploded:

Jake - 100/hrs average /month

Marcelo - 45/hrs average /month
Keep Griffā€™s current fundraising hours (around 40 hr per season) DONE! :white_check_mark: For April & May Griff did 15 hours total, highly doubt he will do 25 hours just in June then
Bonus item: We needed a central library for our past, current and future grant applications, so Marcelo researched all of that and created a ā€œGiveth Gardens Notion.ā€ Now we donā€™t have to waste time!!! BONUS DONE! :white_check_mark:

Season 3 Spending :money_with_wings:

Below Iā€™m going to simply compare the forecasted spending with the actual funding based on available data in Clockify.

Type Estimated S3 Cost Actual S3 Cost Actual S3 Money Brought In
Contributor Costs $11,800 $13,757.03
Events $2,500 $1,879.70
Grants Won $186,500 + $15,000 in credits
Total $14,300 $15,636.73

Season 4 Deliverables & Budgeting

There are 3 possible scopes that Fundraising can take in the coming Season, each with different deliverables and budget. The Season Snapshot vote will dictate the scope of this working group, depending on itā€™s signaled priority amongst other working groups, as decided by the Giveth DAO.

GROW :arrow_upper_right:


What we will do :white_check_mark:

  • Apply to around 15 L2s grants per season
  • Apply to around 6 other type of fundraising / grant opportunities (not L2s)
  • Hit $275,000 of ā€œGrants Won Revenueā€ for the season
  • Hire and add 1 new Grant Marketing Wizard, pushing our grant efforts to insane new heights and making Giveth profitable
  • Secure 8 new QF sponsors for the season
  • Have a physical presence at ETHCC (July 8-13th) & Futurist ETHToronto (August 12-16th)
  • Up the stakes with our amount of dedicated monthly hours by Jake (125ā€™ish hrs/month) & Marcelo (44ā€™ish hrs/month)
  • Incorporate designers into our grant applications to make our grants POP!, a budget of 20/hrs of design work.
  • Continue to provide forum follow ups posts for all our previous grant wins
  • Keep Griffā€™s current fundraising hours (around 30/hr per season)
:heavy_dollar_sign: Breakdown Estimated S3 Cost
Contributor costs $23,000
Events $5,000
Total $28,000

SUSTAIN :arrow_right:

What we will do :white_check_mark:

  • Apply to around 10 L2 grants per season, as that is all Marceloā€™s current part-time workload can handle
  • Limit our time applying to other types of fundraising / grant opportunities (not L2s), so maybe around 5 per season
  • Hit $200,000 of ā€œGrants Won Revenueā€ for the season
  • Secure 6 new QF sponsors for the season
  • Have a physical presence at ETHCC (July 8 - 13th)
  • Continue to provide forum follow ups posts for all our previous grant wins
  • Maintain the current amount of dedicated monthly hours by Jake (100ā€™ish hrs/month) & Marcelo (35ā€™ish hrs/month)
  • Incorporate designers into our grant applications to make our grants POP!, a budget of 5/hrs of design work.
  • Keep Griffā€™s current fundraising hours (around 30/hr per season)

What we wonā€™t do :x:

  • Hire another Grant Marketing Wizard
  • Attend a 2nd IRL event
:heavy_dollar_sign: Breakdown Estimated S3 Cost
Contributor costs $15,500
Events $2,000
Total $17,500

SHRINK :arrow_lower_right:

What we will do :white_check_mark:

  • Apply to 7 L2 grants
  • Limit our time applying to other types of fundraising / grant opportunities (not L2s), so maybe around 2 per season
  • Hit $125,000 of ā€œGrants Won Revenueā€ for the season
  • No QF sponsorship work, leave it only to the QF WG
  • Have a physical presence at ETHCC (July 8 - 13th)
  • Continue to provide forum follow ups posts for all our previous grant wins
  • Decrease the current amount of dedicated monthly hours by Jake (75ā€™ish hrs/month) & Marcelo (26ā€™ish hrs/month)
  • Wonā€™t incorporated designer work into our grant applications, therefore they wonā€™t POP as hard
  • Cap Griffā€™s fundraising hours to only 20 hrs per season (cutting down his review of grants and outreach)

What we wonā€™t do :x:

  • Hire another Grant Whisper / Word Wizard
  • No QF sponsorship work
:heavy_dollar_sign: Breakdown Estimated S3 Cost
Contributor costs $11,625
Events $2,000
Total $13,625

Next Steps

This proposal will remain for advice process until all other eligible Working Groups have posted their Working Group Proposals and minimum advice process (5 days) has been met for them.

A single Snapshot vote :zap: will be created to decide the final priorities and budgets for all Working Groups for Season 3. Keep an eye out for it!

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Giveth Proposals Round 62 GIVbacks and $nice Distribution

Published: Jun 21, 2024

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The GIVbacks team has an exciting announcement!

Beginning with the Round 64 distribution, the GIVbacks allocation will be distributed a bit differently. Donations made on Gnosis chain will receive their GIVbacks on Gnosis chain while donations made on any other eligible chain will receive their GIV rewards on Optimism Network.

This change is being implemented to give donors the ability to easily take advantage of the higher rewards for staking GIV as well as build a more robust group of Optimistic GIV holders. :wink:

And nowā€¦ without further adoā€¦

:giv: Here is the finalized list for the GIVbacks Round 62 distribution. This roundā€™s distribution is affected by GIVpower ranking. I have included the average GIVfactor for each individual donor.

:nice: You will find the information for this roundā€™s $nice token distribution at the bottom.

This forum post will remain in the forum for 48 hours (2 business days) for review and feedback before going up for voting in the nrGIV DAO.

Round 62 Dates: April 30th 10am - May 14th 9:59:59 am Costa Rica Time (10am CST in local time (your timezone))
GIV value at the end of the round: 0.0110186931 USD
GIV Available 1000000

:giv: GIVbacks Distribution on Gnosis Chain

Giver Address Total Donations (USD) Avg GIVfactor GIVbacks
0xe96e1bdc96f915d186e04f76e2d450159f95b9df 2676.3572 0.4145304 100686.3049
0x6851cab6bfadfa47246dd71528c4d519aeb85fd4 1576.5195 0.5413331 77452.21774
0x20180196b3dcc8c764931580266b70a68d42119a 999.2 0.4145304 37590.55623
0x77fb4fa1aba92576942ad34bc47834059b84e693 815.1318 0.6578234 48663.91725
0x152ad2e12e102abf64280c5e3d70257effb0ede0 556.9315 0.5291855 26747.27946
0xe871b35744a3618688a791c36f02e941a5571ea1 500 0.4829574 21915.36719
0x588d988d2c01b5ac3e00044f5ca4afd97e6ca9c3 399.9882 0.4145304 15047.81718
0xe04885c3f1419c6e8495c33bdcf5f8387cd88846 320.2371 0.5337247 15511.68172
0x6543c99d0e073c140fd08a741c6cfdcd1449da94 278 0.6478994 16346.40567
0x4304143b6fb47ecaa0a6a9607e1e06fbc78de048 209.3961 0.6348705 12064.89847
0x63d174bcba40f77e82e25b559a389c147bdbdb1d 206.5434 0.5983412 11215.79671
0xed8db37778804a913670d9367aaf4f043aad938b 181.9877 0.5864306 9685.645019
0x87f1c862c166b0ceb79da7ad8d0864d53468d076 160.6717 0.558577 8145.023565
0x4fface9865bdcbc0b36ec881fa27803046a88736 143.8604 0.4145304 5412.122154
0x33878e070db7f70d2953fe0278cd32adf8104572 130.8972 0.6514796 7739.289708
0xe564ef4523cb7931bafd6ecb36814b2b3691e1a4 129.4237 0.4245471 4986.658153
0x2d792c87c41131a3e6c13c83359e3c6ab7d33ed4 117.1687 0.6060673 6444.695262
0x7a738effd10bf108b7617ec8e96a0722fa54c547 115.2047 0.5824481 6089.720213
0x30570812a0edbb523157db5a89b829eb875749a9 106.2088 0.5624049 5421.001681
0x3637a131c537dfdabab3a5e964f70fa65c364008 105.5261 0.6285342 6019.47651
0xe0144fa05a0d32b5b1de10ccee7211616b3e3ef0 105 0.6611157 6299.943826
0x75e1d75adc9d7af059f3de5d8865c68b20c67cea 102.8821 0.6396735 5972.664207
0x317bbc1927be411cd05615d2ffdf8d320c6c4052 102 0.6445157 5966.279049
0xdf290293c4a4d6ebe38fd7085d7721041f927e0a 100 0.6296541 5714.41689
0xb22981ba3fe1de2325935c91a3b717168fb86714 100 0.6585336 5976.513206
0xfab9a3d37999e12252b47468d2ffd4be15936012 100 0.4675746 4243.467124
0xfd37f4625ca5816157d55a5b3f7dd8dd5f8a0c2f 98.9102 0.4782621 4293.158739
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0x44a96fbf59da2ea7e7b9d6ca29c00ca8e28224eb 1.0009 0.6486903 58.9247845
0xc853c42d7c9af5393b2c95cc1ce6a5165498084e 1 0.5971792 54.1969218
0x53a646e36ce64c816ef32c67d32b534bca55f5f1 1 0.6196346 56.2348551
0x51bdc004e11f0506eb46943fc196d86fdc2f848c 1 0.6196346 56.2348551
0xb492873d940dac02b5021dff82282d8374509582 0.9 0.6278859 51.2853316
0x4f2bbeb77f16cebca926fe5728d99ca01c4e9439 0.8563 0.4628595 35.9703852
0x68f272fcaae074cb33e68d88a32c325ed0df8379 0.7892 0.6296559 45.0983068
0xa83de25d87e40f203f42522adec7de26c38329bc 0.7343 0.5536241 36.894228
0xf1ec938a362138ff0cc5268ec32690d9a137e83a 0.6767 0.5925231 36.3891031
0x8cdd9847bdacc58b97fbbab42e6534f50f9498ad 0.6766 0.5087062 31.2369697
0xcc5339fe232c98ccf5ac79a6f6d07d5a08273226 0.6355 0.6632486 38.2526797
0xe63adec969b79544363aa3f3af17f20ec5d2c72f 0.5938 0.5960594 32.1217849
0xed217008de92d861b6990381abc9c6c27822b34a 0.5905 0.6608913 35.417655
0xd07d2ff1478f49bb5594e53cd3010b15afdd2429 0.5797 0.6094927 32.0657677
0x9ea95b9be459f67bb315d08df631ed8f51274ab5 0.511 0.4145303 19.2241536
0xcf42f35a7db4b37769b8519b323202a32520e673 0.3296 0.5937018 17.7592881
0xf897a118570c49c17a888d0bf173cb1206bbc082 0.3006 0.5960595 16.2610456
0x72a166ef7502305a76c237f803fe396dbfa28e0a 0.3006 0.5960595 16.2610456
0x7c996fc3a62b4b0fb1675e251c3d865f146f062e 0.3 0.6397323 17.4176474
0x2dcd33b7d504fbc81bf99bf3629d7fa62706a13d 0.2969 0.6632486 17.8713149
0xe461328bd38c516f35d5a1744389ccc8a28eab4c 0.2969 0.5960593 16.0608887
0x5a227e2919a49f9d4698e9fd2b318efcd0f16bda 0.1641 0.6632486 9.8776786
0xb6dacfc9e6443f2546e9285ba4ae6359cdc20727 0.1 0.663249 6.0193044
0xf23ea0b5f14afcbe532a1df273f7b233ebe41c78 0.1 0.660891 5.9979058
0xae7b8f0f1922e276475f70bb5f4978dba137dbe5 0.0647 0.5960603 3.4999697
0x3345092b19cf6159c7da1c65ed9542609bc3a001 0.0636 0.5994403 3.4599714
0xf3b25c2a249272814ebcd6031742a4394a9644e6 0.0595 0.5928958 3.2015853
0xf76c5858ee5a01c2d67df1eeefd62558ae3cb5b3 0.0571 0.5960595 3.0888437
0xf668ce1130e203418b529a8bb5d6c95e5e584850 0.0386 0.5829326 2.0420942
0x946aecd768b063bc95a9f50faa987f9c0a0d0891 0.0338 0.6632485 2.0345249
0x1ba12164ce1f4fbf7b528498c9864c432a53da16 0.0328 0.6630335 1.9736923
0xbf526eb17409999bcdf29c492b7cb098f1cb2d5f 0.0309 0.6027994 1.6904464
0x70ddb5abf21202602b57f4860ee1262a594a0086 0.03 0.6464533 1.7600597
0x166a31ea1c1dda5586e27cf1ef0f677788866bd0 0.0298 0.6028255 1.6303361
0x37fbf9cbc6fffcc24b6decd38a79bee9f2596b23 0.0281 0.5960605 1.5200775
0x6a242fe418ac550d425c3aa0b20795fa28b1a122 0.0267 0.5829326 1.4125351
0x344b1e4ac175f16d3ba40a688ca928e3768e275a 0.01 0.64645 0.5866866
0xcd192b61a8dd586a97592555c1f5709e032f2505 0.0036 0.6507778 0.2126244
0xd03ad690ed8065edfdc1e08197a3ebc71535a7ff 0.0023 0.6463478 0.1349152

:giv: GIVbacks Distribution on Optimism Network

Giver Address Total Donations (USD) Avg GIVfactor GIVbacks
0x5d28fe1e9f895464aab52287d85ebff32b351674 642.5174 0.6185739 36070.02143
0x50418699cb44bfda9c9afc9b7a0b0d244d8927d2 548.1977 0.628926 31290.08152
0xf2fdfd372cfa852049bb632edbdc7e208d70a115 500 0.5394789 24480.16881
0x4cabddc93479241224d874553611d170adbf8c71 450 0.6225618 25425.23211
0xa15d42e88afee87f762e5eb9e9303455b3816403 298.172 0.5490269 14856.97466
0x8f51dc0791cddddce08052fff939eb7cf0c17856 281.3959378 0.5498774 14042.79624
0x3b804fec3be607bf0f09aadede79024ee67cfc37 265 0.4522508 10876.64836
0x826976d7c600d45fb8287ca1d7c76fc8eb732030 232.5610437 0.5913866 12481.83325
0x839395e20bbb182fa440d08f850e6c7a8f6f0780 174.5554774 0.5988353 9486.603904
0x0a559aed5ca0ca4f07e2bfea109518800a8bd12c 150.8235 0.6228672 8525.785359
0x25631dc3d04bc3d5e8503b3ade74ae06bc0e8a52 147 0.548059 7311.636185
0x1d3bf13f8f7a83390d03db5e23a950778e1d1309 136.6303 0.5659734 7017.993726
0xb53b0255895c4f9e3a185e484e5b674bccfbc076 133.1327 0.6470117 7817.479984
0x4066f15ec07e1c69c9bfb31c8a7f9b4eccd4fc81 123.6684 0.4145304 4652.485933
0xf7253a0e87e39d2cd6365919d4a3d56d431d0041 123 0.5990764 6687.399207
0xcf79c7eaec5bdc1a9e32d099c5d6bdf67e4cf6e8 117.4094 0.657305 7003.896861
0xc584f09928d490237831f6e5da805cba82652497 113.7158 0.5169789 5335.358152
0xf632ce27ea72dea30d30c1a9700b6b3bceaa05cf 108.2098 0.6230951 6119.146599
0x81c8d345e7f66a828818a34653472b874fc59660 100.4294 0.6585336 6002.176352
0x9959d6455e6d82bdd02790178668603e520020fe 86.0858 0.6425841 5020.319864
0x6543c99d0e073c140fd08a741c6cfdcd1449da94 78.4 0.5845003 4158.825914
0x0cb27e883e207905ad2a94f9b6ef0c7a99223c37 65.3202 0.6314222 3743.150221
0x950615b7fdffb113ba53801ea6129ae7e372558e 63.5454 0.6609147 3811.531122
0x7d85fcbb505d48e6176483733b62b51704e0bf95 63.4519 0.5983705 3445.757787
0x6659c370adf66a7ddbc931a51256daaaf272c412 60.5 0.4269663 2344.330976
0x9f75582d2be13b5ee454161ee394daada8b39efa 57 0.5524453 2857.814506
0x9f000bfb33b0b63fce685b538b1a8af079b57d93 55.5821 0.5568503 2808.945624
0xeb40a065854bd90126a4e697aea0976ba51b2ee7 54.6 0.6509307 3225.501739
0xc46c67bb7e84490d7ebdd0b8ecdaca68cf3823f4 54.391 0.5847215 2886.330043
0xd26a3f686d43f2a62ba9eae2ff77e9f516d945b9 50 0.6296541 2857.208445
0x775af9b7c214fe8792ab5f5da61a8708591d517e 50 0.6296541 2857.208445
0x87f1c862c166b0ceb79da7ad8d0864d53468d076 49.5762 0.6597124 2968.231709
0xe73a198e7c07c418d7dcfd42f5e953074abbd125 46.0518 0.5837566 2439.76674
0x4318cc449b1cbe6d64dd82e16abe58c79e076c2b 44.1699 0.5834963 2339.022695
0x0f46540678c7e6d2ef983b382cc07fa815ab148c 39.0739 0.6368898 2258.504641
0x500b7be3c9a6d81db4431cd28d8a6a9e24326e6c 35.14 0.6396735 2039.999383
0x9d0a3e2b1669b9d272db2800dd55418837f21645 33.0626 0.652747 1958.627243
0xbe42b3f0ba9f7c8e4b6c219be55566c88cefc581 33 0.4905783 1469.238124
0x986e92868a27548a31e88f7692e746cd7e86f39a 31.1764 0.4773582 1350.642033
0x2c844b941c67b24c799fd43bad117cdf7f23ef81 30 0.5612494 1528.083281
0xfe1d177037df1abbdde4c0e4afcde9447f8511d0 29.8856 0.4924467 1335.645192
0x9492510bbcb93b6992d8b7bb67888558e12dcac4 29.691 0.6296541 1696.667678
0x794c94f1b5e455c1dba27bb28c6085db0fe544f9 29.691 0.661009 1781.15675
0x3ef1b0db4d10d2e3ce06699c0bd4ef0aaf897614 26.8961 0.6556566 1600.426336
0xd7542dc0f58095064bfef6117fac82e4c5504d28 24.8035 0.6469714 1456.357414
0xed8db37778804a913670d9367aaf4f043aad938b 22.3638 0.4145304 841.3407541
0x39a7b6fa1597bb6657fe84e64e3b836c37d6f75d 21.0398 0.5087134 971.370047
0x92ed343af03bae63a7ac938edf570084a3392742 20.0569 0.5844526 1063.856419
0xfd37f4625ca5816157d55a5b3f7dd8dd5f8a0c2f 18.05 0.4145304 679.0527822
0x39b8edbc6d6bab985bf03b498166db588c00278e 17.8146 0.6538186 1057.068833
0xeb4e3e9fa819e69e5df4ea35b9c7973062c96de9 15.0259 0.6226817 849.134542
0x9924285ff2207d6e36642b6832a515a6a3aedcab 15 0.6467461 880.4302676
0x4f8f884c40c98c593e0f82ef4d93d994ce4125aa 15 0.6538186 890.0582955
0x47416c51c923400ae33a7377e5073cc50a461121 14.9427 0.6509306 882.7418084
0xfc976d96ccc57bc9d04aea92a4a66abd71926298 14.9086 0.4269658 577.6967244
0xdb1cb916373416fc900a8533ce02aff3faa62cdf 14.2552 0.5005799 647.6146022
0xb11406665b252919959f3338c18dbcb43360e961 13.25 0.5915801 711.3762515
0x4304143b6fb47ecaa0a6a9607e1e06fbc78de048 13.1196 0.6597124 785.4981394
0x4355ec7423ee3b045917092cbf8f8bfd3233da27 12.988 0.5005799 590.0456284
0x5c779ddb4dec61f6f400fde360cf143718e245be 12.4845 0.5295652 600.0127689
0xad7575aefd4d64520c3269fd24eae1b0e13dbe7b 12.2082 0.6144622 680.7956116
0xcce9a28b570946123f392cf1dbfa6d2d5e636a1f 12 0.4394023 478.534703
0x1375847014ba64517210cbfe185808232cf45d4a 10.7277 0.5443104 529.9357257
0x9346f1d460cbc0fca01997f1e5940fd55675173d 10.575 0.4675746 448.7466476
0xed0dc2424ceefae3517089ede74e5ba79d4e87f5 10.28 0.4773583 445.3562217
0x378c23b326504df4d29c81ba6757f53b2c59f315 10 0.6296541 571.441689
0x41cb654d1f47913acab158a8199191d160dabe4a 10 0.4269663 387.4927234
0x5da68351bd082abda73e42ac981db51d9364fe69 10 0.6229351 565.3439078
0xfe1552da65facaac5b50b73ceda4c993e16d4694 10 0.4628595 420.0675437
0xd11256d99f8833bee0b99203ddcfe4cd6c823d8d 10 0.4145304 376.2065276
0xfc9265a28f66cf4561d74a4e25d7bbd3f482b8e6 9.6138075 0.4146365 361.7702717
0x1dd6844b11f9d1c7c82501c3189ed81cbe04e05b 9.3529 0.5005799 424.9028133
0xb2206f941a5206b55bfa33e665687523a8bced80 9 0.5781816 472.2551013
0xced608aa29bb92185d9b6340adcbfa263dae075b 8.9073 0.6296542 509.0003666
0x6dfdca1107c5af4b92948625105e1e87ba9b21b4 8.64 0.5005799 392.5157276
0x38f80f8f76b1c44b2beefb63bb561f570fb6ddb6 8.4443 0.4170431 319.6056836
0x761b4763a572010f96ed7c22011d0c95e2b36693 8.0125 0.5005799 364.008362
0xff8592a0e6acf8975b5b9b6643eb20ad2550ca89 7.6309 0.6333157 438.5972652
0xfacef700458d4fc9746f7f3e0d37b462711ff09e 6.1573 0.4773594 266.7508034
0x140d3f60ac840571a3e08e218b823094d4715564 6.0573 0.5866293 322.4874106
0x0e88ac34917a6bf5e36bfdc2c6c658e58078a1e6 5.9771 0.5536241 300.3138731
0x1d8775623df5469116ece78b55a97bce8424b899 5.9382 0.6475712 348.9893998
0x1fd2a56907b1db9b29c2d8f0037b6d4e104f5711 5.3604 0.6161339 299.7382922
0x54922ccfe5b1e5f66f670fedd51d43cc843d569b 5.3444 0.6296539 305.4012312
0x75cf55a1a228e691342521b01a7de4e113fac30d 5.3444 0.4527214 219.5836015
0x716103393284064c8db76d28961c8cfdd89405cb 5.3 0.5087133 244.6915123
0xd0057c59a091eec3c825ff73f7065020baee3680 5.3 0.4145304 199.3894596
0x2ca09882ab0c1a3a33b8017f89544d39058b9835 5.1492 0.5530624 258.4543434
0x3f978fee9c9af54257dd52b754ae5167d842a109 5 0.6491036 294.5465368
0x516cafd745ec780d20f61c0d71fe258ea765222d 4.2458 0.6296542 242.6227451
0x0df34e36ef3a793871442eb5a08b08adb74e7006 3.8826 0.5087121 179.2522453
0xc687611f5b0fcc6e8e531111a8820a1041e55679 3.5295 0.4734684 151.6610629
0xd082cc50db08b028fc12726861d5f260a786777e 3.1176 0.5005799 141.6327588
0xa7a5a2745f10d5c23d75a6fd228a408cede1cae5 2.9691 0.6296546 169.6668942
0xff9b563140952fb7e3e5552f1a5068b637f0de0a 2.9691 0.6282396 169.2856239
0x4a3755eb99ae8b22aafb8f16f0c51cf68eb60b85 2.9691 0.4394014 118.4012232
0xace1f1c6c5c89ae3fc3209ff92e7120fb74445aa 2.9691 0.4145304 111.6994801
0xff75e131c711e4310c045317779d39b3b4f718c4 2.85 0.6587694 170.3916034
0x172dbab6f5e62a1fe7e2ba5ea1624adb33e0aa14 2.75 0.6443885 160.8238362
0x0f25809d8e83abc5ff0f4ceb8a8c39c79746d0b6 2.5 0.6278859 142.4592544
0x87690be28b65f13394741c2c2be5a6bdb0505039 2.4 0.6296541 137.1460069
0x4b13b991f20c20ef69789f4025e173a3bbbbbba5 2.2743 0.6278859 129.5980323
0xaf16774d5579bbcbafb72df314c17704360bc0fb 2.12 0.6194444 119.1812949
0x1a59ff6ad0ba633076236073015cbfe70bbbd801 2.092 0.6178664 117.3076059
0xf8a025b42b07db05638fe596cce339707ec3cc71 2.0730327 0.6587694 123.9394272
0x33bbf6e27ce7b254e537bcb9f3b00cd1451563ea 2.002 0.5087133 92.4287597
0x5f9f33c1064534f3b8a1150294ad311105703203 2 0.5329957 96.7439163
0x59dda36bd196ec849838ce2163e6821f946b37dc 2 0.5937019 107.7626669
0xfcae6d6b1517799330df14bee26e2dd90c6dd200 1.5588 0.5005799 70.8163794
0x52f2f6c1dfbf30e463c78712697388d492243c31 1.4943 0.6196346 84.0317397
0xfe37161fb0f4028e914c6767516f6ac7a2789099 1.2793 0.642031 74.5415313
0x7aafbb9c90e86d3f53ea4bb77a9e97cb8f69c8e4 1.1927 0.6196346 67.0713111
0xc6b0a4c5ba85d082ecd4fb05fbf63eb92ac1083a 1.1875 0.627886 67.6681477
0x33878e070db7f70d2953fe0278cd32adf8104572 1.0848385 0.6608912 65.0676276
0xc3e6c0f33d45b173d792a9f7fe30121cf1b1b2cb 1.046 0.6218153 59.0286702
0x68f272fcaae074cb33e68d88a32c325ed0df8379 1 0.6296541 57.1441689
0xb05bc03b85951725e37acb6384c5769605693cb5 1 0.6278859 56.9837018
0x4daac1943c42b5988629414af1c32936601e81ea 1 0.6278859 56.9837018
0xfab6e4df16ef1583b14c7cc7f0b288b0bb2f69fa 1 0.4269663 38.7492723
0x302d1f018f385b812900919294a4e03d0e924162 0.9894 0.5087182 45.6792674
0xd662fa474c0a1346a26374bb4581d1f6d3fb2d94 0.9573 0.6278859 54.5504958
0x638e99f3b78fe36d47c0ca59f04e37ff65beb1eb 0.9532 0.6196346 53.6030648
0x9d22f2058b4ea321de701c75fb907d806e5922ba 0.8785 0.4627946 36.8977569
0x5ed86506ff1244bb3ac0c309d5fc5ae6c0375464 0.3266 0.6632486 19.6590483
0x91ebba819e4bba03065a106290afcb44deb1f9d6 0.0033 0.6632424 0.198637
0xcd192b61a8dd586a97592555c1f5709e032f2505 0.0032 0.6475937 0.1880732
0xd5db3f8b0a236176587460dc85f0fc5705d78477 0.0032 0.6585312 0.1912484

:nice: $nice Distribution

Giver Address $nice
0xe871b35744a3618688a791c36f02e941a5571ea1 25
0x4cabddc93479241224d874553611d170adbf8c71 22.5
0xbf11f85825dee785eb0b310cddd7fadc6f2528b3 17.13
0xe0144fa05a0d32b5b1de10ccee7211616b3e3ef0 10
0x50418699cb44bfda9c9afc9b7a0b0d244d8927d2 7.41
0x3637a131c537dfdabab3a5e964f70fa65c364008 5.28
0xdf290293c4a4d6ebe38fd7085d7721041f927e0a 5
0x317bbc1927be411cd05615d2ffdf8d320c6c4052 5
0x9959d6455e6d82bdd02790178668603e520020fe 4.3
0x67243d6c3c3bdc2f59d2f74ba1949a02973a529d 3.75
0xf7253a0e87e39d2cd6365919d4a3d56d431d0041 3
0x2b13d52dfd33e2ebd13232866fdf96088e77d596 2.5
0x775af9b7c214fe8792ab5f5da61a8708591d517e 2.5
0x69a9e35b769a7b8bad41ff5421e5c365632830a7 2.5
0x2dd2036c9db2ada2739509af0047c00c8b9291ef 2.5
0xba6e1c26be2f8b46d9e7ab7573b99921ee81acf5 2.4
0x92ed343af03bae63a7ac938edf570084a3392742 2.32
0x6eb78c56f639b3d161456e9f893c8e8ad9d754f0 1.5
0xcce9a28b570946123f392cf1dbfa6d2d5e636a1f 1.2
0xfc0881db3e06b764e87e8a59c212f3417d2fe65d 1.2
0xb6d052d6f5921d52c1c14b69a02de04f840cefcd 1.11
0x9703d9cf2f834e71d9b70675e746f7b634c9d1e9 1.1
0xdbb2d26198000c3502741a2328798d669c7a8780 1.05
0x3f978fee9c9af54257dd52b754ae5167d842a109 1
0xfd37f4625ca5816157d55a5b3f7dd8dd5f8a0c2f 1
0x5da68351bd082abda73e42ac981db51d9364fe69 1
0x1cd7ed3a06746bec03e69574fbb3260c349bb6f1 1
0x6543c99d0e073c140fd08a741c6cfdcd1449da94 1
0xa1bbd8d39ed536dea030a32f3f6c5916c845a800 1
0x76e059c6ff6bf9fffd5f33afdf4ab2fd511c9df4 0.55
0x5c779ddb4dec61f6f400fde360cf143718e245be 0.55
0x168f87fbfe36b84e44b9d06278b2aa1cc73d7400 0.55
0x378c23b326504df4d29c81ba6757f53b2c59f315 0.5
0xfdbbfb0fe2986672af97eca0e797d76a0bbf35c9 0.5
0x83ab8e31df35aa3281d630529c6f4bf5ac7f7abf 0.5
0x41cb654d1f47913acab158a8199191d160dabe4a 0.5
0x24597c5c68687e816ffc0c69e064cb70bb62a9cd 0.5
0x14d92832265eeafdef9e526356fefc90105966c3 0.5
0xc583789751910e39fd2ddb988ad05567bcd81334 0.41
0x786514f4c5922750470f06ad6b09c24f00bca0e5 0.4
0x8f942eced007bd3976927b7958b50df126feecb5 0.3
0xd0bfb40f057322ff734a75cbe2f79b9e5c7e4cb3 0.25
0x7136fbddd4dffa2369a9283b6e90a040318011ca 0.25
0x884ff907d5fb8bae239b64aa8ad18ba3f8196038 0.25
0xc2fb4b3ea53e10c88d193e709a81c4dc7aec902e 0.25
0x7b2e78d4dfaaba045a167a70da285e30e8fca196 0.25
0x1a59ff6ad0ba633076236073015cbfe70bbbd801 0.25
0x0c8b9e3cb42ffbd1af7652b2824826cec8b75834 0.25
0xed0f0c4de6150b7e3262e537d9691fc750b2ba23 0.2
0x9f000bfb33b0b63fce685b538b1a8af079b57d93 0.16
0x7ac0944d6c300403a753792437ebb090d01b3df8 0.15
0xc31df49ad14701ed85cbbf33236d97823af806e8 0.15
0xf8a025b42b07db05638fe596cce339707ec3cc71 0.1
0x33bbf6e27ce7b254e537bcb9f3b00cd1451563ea 0.1
0x1273261b09dc30d0b6ce460d7cab5820fa42e38c 0.1
0x701d0ecb3ba780de7b2b36789aec4493a426010a 0.1
0xb6dacfc9e6443f2546e9285ba4ae6359cdc20727 0.1
0x356930cad4554f95f425d5ef8c22bca952c1aed1 0.05
0x68f272fcaae074cb33e68d88a32c325ed0df8379 0.05
0xb2206f941a5206b55bfa33e665687523a8bced80 0.05
0xfab6e4df16ef1583b14c7cc7f0b288b0bb2f69fa 0.05
0x44a96fbf59da2ea7e7b9d6ca29c00ca8e28224eb 0.05
0x4200531f14ede654a659b1bf5bc6783ce439760b 0.04
0x7c996fc3a62b4b0fb1675e251c3d865f146f062e 0.01

Excluded Donations

The following donations were found to be in violation of the GIVbacks policy.
Keep in mind that donations made from addresses owned by verified projects are not eligible for GIVbacks.

Please be aware that these donations will not receive GIVbacks and that any GIVbacks eligible projects which are found to be recirculating donations stand to lose their badge.

Giver Address Transaction Link

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DAO Ops DAO Ops Season 4 Proposal

Published: Jun 19, 2024

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Weā€™re proud to be running another Season of DAO Ops! Here to serve the DAO; keeping our day to day operations running smooth, supporting contributors to succeed and tracking the DAOā€™s finances.

Season 4 of DAO Ops will run for 3 months from the time the Season Snapshot vote passes. In this post weā€™ll cover the status of our deliverables & spending from Season 3 as well as our proposed plans & budget for the next season.

Season 3 Review

In this section we will break down our deliverables and provide an update on itā€™s status and any relevant information. Weā€™ll also cover our spending in Season 3 and compare it to our estimated budget we covered in the previous Season proposal.

Deliverable Status Notes
Centralized Accounting DONE! :white_check_mark: Yā€™all got paid right? @freshelle publishes compensation summaries for every payment period
Distribute Vesting DONE! :white_check_mark: The Q1 2024 Vesting Distribution went out for Q1 2024, thatā€™s a wrap!
Conflict Resolution DONE! :white_check_mark: Provided 4 separate Gravity Support consultations for contributors.

Started Leadership Review process based on increased number of critical contributor feedback.
Manage Giveth buddy system DONE! :white_check_mark: Buddy calls happened (and are still happening). The new buddy bot was used to automate sending reminders to contributors to gather feedback and schedule their calls
Maintain Voting Systems & Multisig Needs DONE! :white_check_mark: We handled the migration of the GIVgarden and nrGIV DAOs into multisigs. Also creating new multisigs as needed by other WGs and as we grow to new chains.
Treasury Management DONE! :white_check_mark: Weā€™ve been staking 40.5 ETH into Stake Together, generating 0.25 ETH worth of rewards to date.

Almost all of the rewards from RetroPGF3 have been spent, while we still maintain a ~$50k position of ETH/OP on Univ3 using

Our GIV/DAI pool on Optimism Univ3 has generated nearly $800 in fees since inception! Thanks $NICE.
Hiring for Giveth DONE! :white_check_mark: Hiring for Community Engagement and Support Specialist - In progress
HR Contributor Support DONE! :white_check_mark: Wallet Safety Town hall with Kay happened in mid-June.

Made updates to Offer Letter templates.

Launched Paid Continued Education and Contributor Training
Distribute Equity DONE! :white_check_mark: We distributed our first batch of equity payments for May 2024, we will continue doing it every month, want in? GIV Equity Preferences (only for Giveth contributors)

Spending :money_with_wings:

In the table below we compared the forecasted Season spending with the actual funding based on available data in Clockify. The actual S3 cost may have a slight variance since we are actually still in S3. We took all the relevant Clockify data plus projected projects to make our closest spending assumptions for S3.

Type Estimated S3 Cost Actual S3 Cost
Contributor Costs $21,280 $19,806
Software & Subscriptions $1,127 $1,127
Buddy Bot $0 $80
Rewards & Rep System $0 $0
Total $22,407 $21,013

DAO Quality Score (DQS)

Weā€™d like to introduce a new metric into DAO Ops - the DAO Quality Score - an aggregated measure of how weā€™re doing as a DAO, based on contributor feedback. This quality score is measured across an average of ~6 months worth of responses, the duration of the given season plus the 3 months that preceded it

This metric is a useful ā€œvibe checkā€ on how weā€™re DAOing. Weā€™ve taken this information based on quantitative data received from the self-review form, typically filled out before a buddy call. You can see the full data set of anonymous information here.

Season S1 DQS S2 DQS S3 DQS
Dates March 10 - Oct. 10, 2023 Sept 22 - March 22, 2024 January 5 - present
Score 8.23 8.06 9.08

Season 4 Deliverables & Budget

There are 3 possible scopes that DAO Ops can take in the coming Season, each with different deliverables and budget. The Season Snapshot vote will dictate the scope of this working group, depending on itā€™s signaled priority amongst other working groups, as decided by the Giveth DAO.


What weā€™ll do :white_check_mark:

  • Explore using GIVpower exclusively for Snapshot voting
  • Improve Snapshot voting strategies for balanced voting
  • Catch up on Praise Rewards & Quantification
  • Onboard 1 more contributor to Gravity
  • Distribute rGIV reputation using new method
  • Continue and maintain quantification & distribution of Praise Rewards
  • Leadership Review & Follow-ups*
  • Continue Improving Buddy Bot
  • Centralized Accounting & Equity Distribution
  • HR Contributor Support
  • Maintain Voting Systems & Multisig Needs
  • Manage Clockify & Time Reports
  • Manage Giveth Buddy System
  • Treasury Management
Item Estimated S4 Cost
Rewards & Reputation $1,000
Buddy Bot Development $400
Accounting & Treasury mgmt. $8,000
HR & Conflict res. $9,000
Software & Subscriptions $1,127
Lead Admin & Contributor Calls $3,000
Multisig & Voting Maintenance $3,200
Partnerships Admin $1,000
Total $26,727


What weā€™ll do :white_check_mark:

  • Catch up on Praise Rewards & Quantification
  • Continue and maintain quantification & distribution of Praise Rewards
  • Leadership Review & Follow-ups*
  • Centralized Accounting & Equity Distribution
  • HR Contributor Support
  • Maintain Voting Systems & Multisig Needs
  • Manage Clockify & Time Reports
  • Manage Giveth Buddy System
  • Treasury Management

What we wonā€™t do :x:

  • Distribute rGIV reputation using new method
  • Continue Improving Buddy Bot
  • Onboard 1 more contributor to Gravity
Item Estimated S4 Cost
Rewards & Reputation $900
Accounting & Treausry mgmt. $8,000
HR & Conflict res. $8,000
Software & Subscriptions $1,127
Lead Admin & Contributor Calls $3,000
Multisig & Voting Maintenance $1,200
Partnerships Admin $1,000
Total $23,227


What weā€™ll do :white_check_mark:

  • Leadership Review & Follow-ups*
  • Centralized Accounting & Equity Distribution
  • HR Contributor Support
  • Maintain Voting Systems & Multisig Needs
  • Manage Clockify & Time Reports
  • Manage Giveth Buddy System
  • Treasury Management

What we wonā€™t do :x:

  • Continue and maintain quantification & distribution of Praise Rewards
  • Distribute rGIV reputation using new method
  • Catch up on Praise Rewards & Quantification
  • Continue Improving Buddy Bot
  • Onboard 1 more contributor to Gravity
Item Estimated S4 Cost
Accounting & Treasury mgmt. $8,000
HR & Conflict res. $8,000
Software & Subscriptions $1,127
Lead Admin & Contributor Calls $3,000
Multisig & Voting Maintenance $1,200
Partnerships Admin $1,000
Total $22,327

*The Leadership Review Process we expect a notable amount of time from all leaders and contributors to engage in this process as well as the HR / Conflict Res. team in guiding DAO members though each step and making sure leaders get support and are accountable to create actionable items to improve, if necessary.

Next Steps

This forum post will remain up and open for advice until all other Working Groups Proposals entering this Season have met minimum advice process. After that we will move to a Snapshot vote to decide the priorities of the Giveth DAO for the next 3 months.

When we have the outcome of the Snapshot vote we will meet as DAO Stewards to finalize the scopes of all WGs based on the available Season budget.

Props to the DAO Ops crew @NikolaCreatrix @freshelle @Nicbals @hanners717 and Shyne for their contributions and collaborations on making DAO Ops happen!

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DAO Ops Giveth Core Team Compensation - May 2024

Published: Jun 10, 2024

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Funding Information

Funding description:

This is a funding proposal to pay for contributor monthly compensation. However, due to the tight deadline set for this monthā€™s payment, payments were already processed and this forum post serves as an information on the list of contributors paid for the month.

Funding Rationale:

The funds spent paid for the contributors who keep Giveth running as it is. :rocket:

Detailed goals, deliverables and budgeting can be found in working group proposals.

Team Information

Name Hours
Ahmad 5
Algene 75
Ali 9.47
Alireza 176
Almond 184
Amin 100.5
Anamarija 9
Ashley 141.75
Carlos 184
Cherik 239
Freshelle 33.33
Giantkin 20
Griff 103
Heather 25
Jake 158
Kareem 133.5
Kay 67
Kieran 177.5
kkechy 11.25
Krati 37.28
Lauren 161.5
Marcelo 51
Maryjaf 168.33
Mateo 182.5
Meriam 144.75
Mitch 169.75
Mo 81.27
Moe Shehab 78
Moenick 180
Mohammad Ranjbar 182.5
Nico 53.13
Nicolas 160
Nikola 69.75
Rachel 17.32
Ramin 160
Rodri 66.12
Shyne 5.67
Stee 30.5
Tosin 30.65
William 69.75

Funding Details

Total Compensation for the month 115,388.80
Less: Cost of Giveth in GM 12,338.56
Giveth Compensation Cost (including GM in Giveth) 103,050.23
Add: Clockify subscription paid by GM 204.59
Total Cost for the month 103,254.82

Amount requested from grants.giv.eth

Ethereum address where payments were processed: 0x01d1909cA27E364904934849eab8399532dd5c8b

Ethereum addresses where funds were transferred: To each contributorā€™s address. For contributors whose contracts are with General Magic, their payment goes to generalmagic.eth

Note that no mark-up was applied for GM contributors working in Giveth. The amounts charged are all at cost.

Compensation Breakdown

This month, contributors had the option to receive compensation partially in stable tokens and in GIV. Hereā€™s the breakdown of the totals:

  • Stable Compensation - $85,295.88
  • GIV Compensation - $17,958.95 / 1,616,163.47 GIV
  • GIV Price at time of distribution - $0.01111208571
  • Block number - 34325991

Working Group Cost Breakdown

WG Cost for the Month in USD
DApp WG 52,882.05*
DAO Ops WG 7,515.83
Quadratic Funding (QF) WG 19,632.97
GIVeconomy WG 16,431.59
Fundraising WG 6,172.50
QACC 415.29
Total Giveth Compensation Cost 103,050.23

*Note: There is a $2.47 difference in Clockify vs. actual amount paid due to rounding off differences.

GIV Equity Distribution

Following the recently approved equity distribution plan, we distributed $9,000.20 worth of GIV tokens as equity to the contributors who opted to partially receive their monthly compensation in $GIV tokens.

Month May 2024
Equity distribution in USD $9,000.20
GIV Price at time of distribution $0.01111208571
Block number 34325991
Total GIV sent for Distribution 809,947.18
Transaction Link here

Month-by-month breakdown of expenses for 2024


Summary report links:

  • Breakdown of costs per WG can be found here.
  • Breakdown of WG hours per contributor and description can be found here.

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DAO Ops Paid Continued Education and Contributor Training

Published: Jun 09, 2024

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We are excited to announce that we have allocated a training budget to support your professional growth and development! Starting this year, each contributor within the Giveth Galaxy will be entitled to 40 hours annual of paid leave to attend these training sessions.

Eligibility Requirements

To be eligible for the training budget, you must:

  1. Have worked as a contributor with Giveth Galaxy for at least six months.
  2. Note that any unspent training budget will not be carried over to the next year.

Approval Process

To ensure the training aligns with our teamā€™s needs and goals, the approval process for training courses and classes will be as follows:

  • Design Team: Approved by Marko
  • Development Team: Approved by Krati
  • Product Management (PM): Approved by Alex
  • Other Teams: Approved by Griff or Ahmad
  • Communications - Almond
  • Community & Project Support - Ashley
  • Dao Ops - Mitch

How to Claim Your Training Budget

  1. Identify a Relevant Course: Find a course or training program that will enhance your skills and benefit the Giveth Galaxy.
  2. Submit a Request:
    • Contact the appropriate approver based on your team (see Approval Process above).
    • Provide details about the course, the duration, and how it will benefit your role and the Giveth Galaxy.
  3. Get Approval: Await confirmationā€¦ Ensure you receive written approval before taking the course.
  4. Enroll and Attend: Once approved, you can enroll in the course.
  5. Share Your Learnings: Consider sharing key takeaways or insights from your training with the team to maximize the benefit of your new knowledge.

We believe this initiative will help our contributors grow and improve their skills, ultimately strengthening the Giveth Galaxy. We encourage contributors to check out these free trainings below and suggest contributors to post any other free training resources in the forum below.

Training Courses:

  3. About
  6. Web3 And Blockchain Courses - 101 Blockchains
  8. Web3 Online Training Courses | LinkedIn Learning, formerly
  9. Explore Web 3.0 Online Certification Courses In 2024
  11. Top 9 Courses to Learn Web3 Development For Free

Leadership Courses:

  1. Leadership Courses | Harvard University
  2. Free, Short Leadership Course | The Institute of Leadership

If you wish to undertake more extensive training that exceeds the 40 hours limit, it must be for a skill or knowledge area that is critical for the Giveth Galaxy and must be communicated to the approver of your working group.

Letā€™s continue to learn, grow, and innovate together!

Big Thanks @Nicbals for helping to write this post :slight_smile:

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Giveth Proposals Round 61 GIVbacks and $nice Distribution

Published: Jun 05, 2024

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First of all, I want to thank all of you for your patience while we made the changes necessary to ensure that recurring donations will be included in the GIVbacks rewards calculation. :pray:

The GIVbacks team has an exciting announcement!

Beginning with the Round 64 distribution, the GIVbacks allocation will be distributed a bit differently. Donations made on Gnosis chain will receive their GIVbacks on Gnosis chain while donations made on any other eligible chain will receive their GIV rewards on Optimism Network.

This change is being implemented to give donors the ability to easily take advantage of the higher rewards for staking GIV as well as build a more robust group of Optimistic GIV holders. :wink:

And nowā€¦ without further adoā€¦

:giv: Here is the finalized list for the GIVbacks Round 61 distribution. This roundā€™s distribution is affected by GIVpower ranking. I have included the average GIVfactor for each individual donor.

:nice: You will find the information for this roundā€™s $nice token distribution at the bottom.

This forum post will remain in the forum for 48 hours (2 business days) for review and feedback before going up for voting in the nrGIV DAO.

Round 61 Dates: April 16th 10am - April 30th 9:59:59 am Costa Rica Time (10am CST in local time (your timezone))
GIV value at the end of the round: 0.01169239556 USD
GIV available 1000000
Total value of eligible donations: 42,914.56 USD

:giv: GIVbacks Distribution on Gnosis Chain

Giver Address Total Donations (USD) Avg GIVfactor GIVbacks
0xeca6e3afeff240e62a1a2e2523858b8bf97cd0f6 15000 0.2731925 350474.6418
0x7ae1f70f92b2a54606e47737ccee241d3e21da83 1500 0.2731925 35047.46418
0x5d28fe1e9f895464aab52287d85ebff32b351674 564.7751 0.2710683 13093.3512
0xf6b6f07862a02c85628b3a9688beae07fea9c863 325.2489 0.2514819 6995.504338
0x1b9416360e4f4ff6483d7271c5a86b855eec8f10 243.7898 0.2717123 5665.278624
0xe564ef4523cb7931bafd6ecb36814b2b3691e1a4 210.54067 0.1861162 3351.326
0xb013701563fe41358c9308c3020b8ddd71225cb8 150 0.2717123 3485.756146
0xed8db37778804a913670d9367aaf4f043aad938b 79.73 0.2286853 1559.39667
0x87f1c862c166b0ceb79da7ad8d0864d53468d076 76.8653 0.2672715 1757.030889
0xb9573982875b83aadc1296726e2ae77d13d9b98f 40.2317 0.2201231 757.4089552
0x6f71ebe91dcab7edda8a76afabb4b42a0627762d 37.3358 0.1761854 562.5897276
0xe0144fa05a0d32b5b1de10ccee7211616b3e3ef0 20 0.2638422 451.3055597
0xc2e6b265cb965ded721566f0f9eb5ab1a6162a21 14.2458 0.2724196 331.9109866
0x33878e070db7f70d2953fe0278cd32adf8104572 12.7994 0.2726991 298.5175393
0xd81ca8dfb24ee134f2252bb426db170f32a45cdd 11.0784 0.2685297 254.428534
0x5299c7d2b73b6a96231081dabfd54dfcc84fedeb 10.2625 0.2465476 216.3966446
0x3d958c62b36e01018644538bd1998c1e9be1ddd8 9.5134 0.1761846 143.3508145
0xd1598c76c78acc698a5241578ea0b21afb29ad44 8.1213 0.273686 190.0967011
0x38f80f8f76b1c44b2beefb63bb561f570fb6ddb6 5.7163 0.2462472 120.3878888
0x701d0ecb3ba780de7b2b36789aec4493a426010a 2.4855 0.2702945 57.4576016
0x4f2bbeb77f16cebca926fe5728d99ca01c4e9439 2.2325 0.2623171 50.0857981
0x5ac583feb2b1f288c0a51d6cdca2e8c814bfe93b 2 0.2662846 45.5483404
0xb8fb4817f506d3f52e9edd2cedc4f046305c99cf 1.4871 0.2731925 34.7460573
0x0c8b9e3cb42ffbd1af7652b2824826cec8b75834 1 0.2554046 21.8436501
0xfcec008981a7347f543a774d30475ad8ad655466 0.9505 0.273686 22.2485211
0x017d2258f5df6e82e6699a3adc98c480abe7f37e 0.7913 0.273686 18.5220986
0x697053fc99edf6c630d319cf083c3abaaf1f7c04 0.42 0.273686 9.8310141
0x61cdf5901347700f3fe4071badc8d901ce93d548 0.21 0.2736862 4.915507
0xdcc6f6ac7edb0a219b80864365bc9f80ae6161de 0.108 0.2633241 2.4322631
0x3f3166ed3280a441cd9917dcac14ff69beaae76d 0.032 0.1813156 0.4962321
0xf668ce1130e203418b529a8bb5d6c95e5e584850 0.0317 0.2470694 0.6698461

:giv: GIVbacks Distribution on Optimism Network

Giver Address Total Donations (USD) Avg GIVfactor GIVbacks
0x202d0b551f0e137efb419e70e1776b6d578bdbf3 7500 0.273686 175553.8225
0xb1f3d086b7c5114f429dc48530c7a0a20a8b65ce 7500 0.273686 175553.8225
0x7c8126ef43c09c22bf0ccdf7426180e6c48068a5 3000 0.273686 70221.52899
0xfc5538e1e9814ed6487b407fad7b5710739a1cc2 1500 0.273686 35110.7645
0x01b6c66dee0476b70938cf87fe372848c58b6a13 1500 0.273686 35110.7645
0x507c7777837b85ede1e67f5a4554ddd7e58b1f87 1500 0.273686 35110.7645
0x437a4909293e704bb090357d714b585bf5658c4e 1462.7 0.273686 34237.67682
0x87f1c862c166b0ceb79da7ad8d0864d53468d076 290 0.2672714 6628.985484
0x5d28fe1e9f895464aab52287d85ebff32b351674 270.267 0.2672714 6177.917311
0x0bb5e2eab6cb24c40392783847e23e760b8b986b 24.0169 0.2578964 529.7350667
0x168f87fbfe36b84e44b9d06278b2aa1cc73d7400 10.7929 0.2591546 239.2178193
0xc9737bd3dca2d644e15d5662163df3b5d9ca6878 8.4034 0.2228357 160.1534746
0xfe37161fb0f4028e914c6767516f6ac7a2789099 6.2129 0.2713422 144.1810465
0x5da68351bd082abda73e42ac981db51d9364fe69 4.6325 0.1846224 73.1469579
0x9613615a185779cb50431d3e82b482b0609287f3 3.1653 0.256811 69.5224503
0xa0561cc78e924242492efdf949f7f035250b7cad 1.3621 0.2493107 29.0433318
0x41cb654d1f47913acab158a8199191d160dabe4a 0.9998 0.2736859 23.4024949

:nice: $nice Distribution

Giver Address $nice
0xe0144fa05a0d32b5b1de10ccee7211616b3e3ef0 1
0x41cb654d1f47913acab158a8199191d160dabe4a 1
0x697053fc99edf6c630d319cf083c3abaaf1f7c04 0.42
0x61cdf5901347700f3fe4071badc8d901ce93d548 0.21
0x0c8b9e3cb42ffbd1af7652b2824826cec8b75834 0.05

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Giveth Proposals Could Someone Give me Advice on Launching a Community-Driven Environmental Project on Giveth?

Published: Jun 01, 2024

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Hello there,

I am reaching out to seek your valuable advice and insights as I start on an exciting journey to launch a community driven environmental project on Giveth.

Our initiative; ā€œGreen Future Collective,ā€ aims to address environmental challenges through localized community action.

Working with local communities to plant trees; restore natural habitats; and promote biodiversity.
Educating and supporting farmers to adopt eco friendly farming practices that enhance soil health and reduce carbon footprints.

Raising awareness about environmental issues and encouraging sustainable living practices through workshops; events; and digital content.

To plant 10,000 trees within the first year.

To train 500 farmers in sustainable agriculture techniques.

To reach 5,000 community members through our educational programs.

We believe that Givethā€™s unique approach to decentralized; community driven fundraising is the perfect fit for our project. The transparency and trust inherent in Givethā€™s platform align with our values and mission. Moreover; the vibrant and supportive Giveth community is an excellent environment for collaboration and growth.

We would love to hear your thoughts on our project. Are there any aspects we could improve or additional elements we should consider?

For those of you who have successfully launched projects on Giveth, what best practices or tips can you share?

Also I have gone through this post: which definitely helped me out a lot.

We are open to collaborating with other projects and individuals who share our vision. If you have any ideas or wish to partner; please reach out.

Thank you in advance for your support and guidance.

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Quadratic Funding Galactic Giving Round Results (May 2-16, 2024)

Published: May 31, 2024

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June 13 edit: Funds have been sent! Verify the transaction here

GM everyone!

The Giveth team is thrilled to announce the successful completion of the Galactic Giving quadratic funding round! This round has been an incredible journey of community support and collaboration to fund verified public goods projects.

Before we dive into the numbers, Iā€™d like to give a HUGE shoutout to our amazing sponsors who made this round possible. We sincerely thank you for your dedication to funding public goods and for helping us raise the matching pool to $50k before the round began. Thank you to Public Nouns, Glo Dollar, Gains, GMX, Kyle, Octant, Arbitrum, Lotto PGF, Open Dollar, Premia, MUX, WOOFi, Rage Trade, & DODO.

Quick Summary

Matching Pool: 50,000 USDGLO on Arbitrum
Round Duration: May 2 - May 16, 2024
Eligible Projects: 96
Total Donors: 4,313
Unique Donors: 1,531
Total Value of Donations: $37,068
Tokens Donated: USDGLO, USDC, ETH, GIV, OP, MATIC, XDAI, ARB, & more!
Eligible Donation Networks: Ethereum Mainnet, Gnosis, Polygon, OP Mainnet, Arbitrum One

The final results including all projects, amounts raised, and matching funds can be found here:
Galactic Giving Results (External)

(Galactic Giving project owners - please double-check your Arbitrum One address!)

Project Eligibility

Projects eligible for funding were verified public goods projects on Giveth that were also nominated by a Giver NFT holder or one of our round sponsors. Projects were required to have an Arbitrum One address on their project profile, as the matching funds would be paid out on Arbitrum.

96 awesome projects participated in the round, and we could not be happier to see how the community supported them while helping to allocate the matching pool, courtesy of our generous group of sponsors. We also want to shout out the $REGEN token team who drove traffic to Giveth which resulted in more donations to the Galactic Giving projects.

Data Analysis/Breakdown

The Galactic Giving round was the first time Giveth utilized a new QF mechanism called Connection-Oriented Cluster Match (COCM). Our team is very excited about this addition as it offers a more pluralistic way to distribute a matching pool and reduces our data analysis overhead cost.

For this round only, matching results were calculated using a combination of ā€œregularā€ QF and COCM. The formula for a given projectā€™s total match amount is shown below:

Total Matching = (0.8 x COCM match) + (0.2 x QF match)

Thus, every project received 20% of what they would have if we used QF, plus 80% of the COCM match. The team decided on this as we felt there was not enough time to learn about COCM between our announcement and the round, and project owners should be given a chance to learn about a significant mechanism change like this. As a result, we will share more COCM info with projects before the next Giveth QF round.

Here are some interesting takeaways after comparing COCM to ā€œregularā€ QF for the Galactic Giving Round:

  • 21/96 projects received LESS matching funds
  • 73/96 projects received MORE matching funds
  • 2/96 project received the SAME matching funds

In short, COCM distributed the matching pool more evenly than regular QF, and the vast majority of projects benefited from this new mechanism.

My advice for project owners who want to make the most of this new mechanism going forward is to encourage your community to support more projects than just your own. The more donations an individual makes to different projects, the more likely they are to be seen as ā€œuniqueā€ in the eyes of the COCM algorithm, meaning they wonā€™t be clustered in with other donors. This means the money they donate will count for more matching with the added benefit that they might have learned about and supported other projects in the round.

Recurring Donations

Another awesome new feature that was introduced for this QF round is recurring donations! Giveth finished up its integration with Superfluid in April, and shortly after it was announced that any recurring donations made to projects in the QF round would count for matching. This is a truly innovative step forward for Giveth and the public goods funding space as a whole; combining streams with quadratic funding has the potential to reshape how we think about donations and matching going forward. Here are the recurring donation stats:

  • 44 donation streams set up for Galactic Giving projects
  • $24.61 streamed during the QF round
  • Streams used GIV, ETH, USDC, DAI, & OP

Go check out the recurring donations docs to learn more. Note that streams set up now can qualify for matching if they span future QF rounds!

Project Stats

Here are the top 10 projects in the Galactic Giving Round by matching with some additional stats:

  • PCRF - Palestine Childrenā€™s Relief Fund

    • Matching: 5,000 USDGLO
    • Match per donor: $7.05
    • Avg donation: $4.78
    • Matched donations: 193
    • Avg passport score of donors: 9.62
  • Public Nouns Operations

    • Matching: 3,083.32 USDGLO
    • Match per donor: $12.53
    • Avg donation: $5.49
    • Matched donations: 86
    • Avg passport score of donors: 16.66
  • Basic school supplies

    • Matching: 2,955.51 USDGLO
    • Match per donor: $37.41
    • Avg donation: $7.88
    • Matched donations: 42
    • Avg passport score of donors: 21.29
  • Giveth House

    • Matching: 2,840.58 USDGLO
    • Match per donor: $13.92
    • Avg donation: $7.84
    • Matched donations: 71
    • Avg passport score of donors: 15.67
  • Diamante Bridge Collective

    • Matching: 2,189.58 USDGLO
    • Match per donor: $10.23
    • Avg donation: $6.34
    • Matched donations: 62
    • Avg passport score of donors: 9.66
  • Regens Unite

    • Matching: 2,154.04 USDGLO
    • Match per donor: $4.43
    • Avg donation: $3.59
    • Matched donations: 127
    • Avg passport score of donors: 9.11
  • Glo Dollar

    • Matching: 1,568.23 USDGLO
    • Match per donor: $29.59
    • Avg donation: $5.46
    • Matched donations: 45
    • Avg passport score of donors: 24.01
  • Diamante Luz Center for Regenerative Living

    • Matching: 1,431.16 USDGLO
    • Match per donor: $24.31
    • Avg donation: $27.68
    • Matched donations: 32
    • Avg passport score of donors: 15.80
  • CRYPTOMURALS Street art is a public good

    • Matching: 1,335.04 USDGLO
    • Match per donor: $35.13
    • Avg donation: $24.94
    • Matched donations: 24
    • Avg passport score of donors: 23.87
  • Skatehive Skateboarding Community

    • Matching: 1,136.41 USDGLO
    • Match per donor: $14.76
    • Avg donation: $9.59
    • Matched donations: 37
    • Avg passport score of donors: 18.39

Final Remarks & Next Steps

The Galactic Giving Round has been a resounding success, thanks to the dedication and generosity of our community. We sincerely thank all quadratic force members, donors and participants who made this round possible. Also a big praise and shoutout to Umar and Joel from the Gitcoin team who have been extremely supportive throughout our implementation of COCM at Giveth.

This forum post will remain active for at least 3 business days to allow for community feedback and questions regarding the results. Following the advice process, weā€™ll ratify the results with a vote in Snapshot. Project owners are encouraged to verify their project details (especially their Aritbirum One recipient addresses!) and donation amounts to ensure accuracy.

If you have any inquiries or require further clarification on the matching results, please comment on this forum post or contact me directly.

Stay tuned for more updates and future rounds as we continue to grow the QF program at Giveth!

6 posts - 4 participants

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Rewards How the reward system works?

Published: May 29, 2024

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Hello everyone

I am excited to be part of this community and to learn more about the rewards system.

I saw that there are several ways to get prizes; such as participating in conversations to offering insightful feedback and original ideas.
Could someone please provide more details on how the reward system works?

I appreciate your efforts

3 posts - 2 participants

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Giveth Proposals Rewarding the Quadratic Force with GIVbacks

Published: May 23, 2024

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First of allā€¦ letā€™s all take a moment to recognize that Giveth QF rounds would not be possible without the amazing Quadratic Force.

:point_up: Because of these heroes, numerous public goods projects have received funding in a fair and inclusive way that captures community preference!

These guys deserve to get rewarded right???

Often times, the contributions of the Quadratic Force are not sent to Giveth through the UI. This may be for various reasons like wallet incompatibility, DAO processes, convenience, etc. Because of this, there were a few sponsors that werenā€™t automatically included in the GIVbacks calculation.

We have gone back and collected all of the addresses of sponsors that have not yet received GIVbacks so that we can now retroactively reward them!

Because these contributions were made during GIVbacks rounds that have already been finalized, we have chosen to use GIV tokens left over from previous rounds that didnā€™t use all of the 1M GIV allocated.

To keep things simple, it was decided to reward at a rate of 60% of the contribution value calculated using the current GIV price (USD 0.01255). The rewards will be sent on Optimism Network.

Hereā€™s what it will look like:

Sponsor Address Total Contributions (USD) GIVfactor GIVbacks
Public Nouns 0xda04c025F4d8Ac555Fdb3497B197D28FCEcf4d41 20,814 0.60 995,091.6335
Aragon Project 0xD6B270DFEE268B452c86251Fd7e12Db8dE9200FB 6,000 0.60 286,852.5896
Glo Dollar 0x1bbfc95b826693bf17665f36a66ac9c389b7e581 1,500 0.60 71,713.1474
Jordi Baylina 0x1DBA1131000664b884A1Ba238464159892252D3a 1,000 0.60 47,808.7649

This means that we will distribute a total of 1,401,466.1354 GIV to these superstars!

This forum post will stay up for 48 hours for advice process before finalizing the distribution. Please leave any comments or concerns you may have during this time.

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Giveth Proposals Top up the devOPS multisig

Published: May 16, 2024

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Top up the devOPS operating multisig

Proposal description:
The devOPS multisig (currently - eth:0x57D21de42B12Ad58B2ccECA126Ed6f364C9eb6f2) is requesting the amount of 500 USD in mainnetETH
With these funds we will migrate our production-subgraphs to Arbitrum One and convert the rest to cover operational cost for publishing future updates to our graphs

Edit: We will also move the devOPS multisig to arbitrum one which sadly means deploying a new one and moving funds. After all has happened we should not forget to leave an update with the new address in this thread.

Proposal Rationale

We need to get a lot of blockchain data to feed Some of it is coming from a service called TheGraph. TheGraph decentralized over the past years and is now sunsetting its centralized services. In order to keep up using TheGraph we need to take part in the system in a different way than before that (instead of paying nothing) requires a substantial amount of funds to operate.

The good thing here is that at this point in time there is the option to do any interactions with their contracts on Arbitrum, which of course greatly saves gas cost.

It was agreed between the DApp stakeholders to migrate existing subgraphs to subgraph studio.

Expected duration or delivery date (if applicable):
Within 36h of receiving the funds

Team Information

Signers on the multisig: Kay, MoeShehab, Amin, Nicolas

Skills and previous experience in related or similar work:

Funding Information

Amount of ETH requested: 0.17 ETH

Ethereum address where funds shall be transferred: 0x57D21de42B12Ad58B2ccECA126Ed6f364C9eb6f2

More detailed description of how funds will be handled and used: blackjack and hoā€¦ operational cost to interact with TheGraph subgraph studioThis text will be hidden

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Giveth Proposals $10k Shared Liquidity with GIV < > USDGLO (And possibility to add $10k later)

Published: May 13, 2024

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Tl;Dr: This proposal is set up a $10k USD ($5k + $5k) shared (Giveth <> Glo) GIV/USDGLO liquidity pool on OP Mainnet.

About this Partnership

Glo Dollar is a fiat-backed stablecoin that funds public goods. USDGLO can be used for donating to projects on Giveth on Ethereum, OP Mainnet, Arbitrum, Celo & Polygon PoS. Glo Dollar has also sponsored the matching pool of two Giveth QF rounds (Giving Season Dec '23 & Galactic Giving May '24) and we are proud to have distributed the matching pools for those two QF rounds in USDGLO.

The Glo Dollar team reached out to the GIVeconomy WG and proposed to do a token swap to set up some shared liquidity on Optimism.

This was discussed in a recent GIVeconomy call & the GIVeconomy WGs believes that this will both support the GIV token further with some additional DAO-owned liquidity on OP mainnet, and will serve to strengthen our ties w/ Glo - a super value-aligned public goods team!

How this would work

If this proposal is approved, weā€™ll send 5000 USD worth of GIV tokens (GIV token amount to be determined at the time of set-up) from the Giveth liquidity multisig to the treasury handler on OP Mainnet. Glo Dollar will send 5000 USDGLO there as well, the treasury handler will set up the GIV <> USDGLO LP, and then will send 1/2 the LP to the Giveth liquidity multisig, and 1/2 to Glo Dollar. Each team will then effectively become a steward of their half of this liquidity.

We may request an additional $5000 of GIV (and USDGLO) to top-up this liquidity in the near-to-middle term future. If/when that time comes, Iā€™ll make an update to this forum post.

Next steps

This forum post will remain open for 5 days for advice process and then Iā€™ll move it to a Snapshot for on-chain voting.

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DAO Ops Giveth Core Team Compensation - April 2024

Published: May 10, 2024

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Funding Information

Funding description:

This is a funding proposal to pay for contributor monthly compensation. However, due to the tight deadline set for this monthā€™s payment, payments were already processed last April 6th-10th and this forum post serves as an information on the list of contributors paid for the month.

Funding Rationale:

The funds spent paid for the contributors who keep Giveth running as it is. :rocket:

Detailed goals, deliverables and budgeting can be found in working group proposals.

Team Information

Name Hours
Ahmad 5
Alex (including Mar hours) 30
Algene 69
Alireza 170
Almond 176
Amin 166
Anamarija 8
Ashley 147.63
Carlos 176
Cherik 186
Freshelle 30.75
Giantkin 20
Griff 85
Guil 4
Heather 22
Jake 118
Kareem 160
Kay 60
Kieran 165
Krati 45.82
Kristina 6.1
Lauren 164.75
Marcelo 46.17
Marko 3
Maryjaf 176.33
Mateo 176
Meriam 75.7
Mitch 152
Mo 96.93
Moe Shehab 156
Moenick 176.4
Mohammad Ranjbar 176
Nico 57.10
Nicolas 160
Nikola 65.75
Rachel 60
Ramin 160
Rodri 58.95
Stee 30
Tosin 69.73
William 48

Funding Details

Total Compensation for the month 122,328.85
Less: Cost of Giveth in GM 10,180.59
Giveth Compensation Cost (including GM in Giveth) 112,148.26
Add: Clockify subscription paid by GM 229.11
Total Cost for the month 112,377.37

Amount requested from grants.giv.eth

Ethereum address where payments were processed: 0x01d1909cA27E364904934849eab8399532dd5c8b

Ethereum addresses where funds were transferred: To each contributorā€™s address. For contributors whose contracts are with General Magic, their payment goes to generalmagic.eth

Note that no mark-up was applied for GM contributors working in Giveth. The amounts charged are all at cost.

Working Group Cost Breakdown

Working Group (WG) Cost for the Month in USD
DApp WG 59,422.28*
DAO Ops WG 7,156.73
Quadratic Funding (QF) WG 20,010.25
GIVeconomy WG 21,278.64
Fundraising WG 4,280.36
Total Giveth Compensation Cost 112,148.26

*Note: There is a $1.11 difference in Clockify vs. actual amount paid due to rounding off differences in Clockify which was adjusted in the DApp WG cost.

Summary report links:

  • Breakdown of costs per WG can be found here.
  • Breakdown of WG hours per contributor and description can be found here.

Hereā€™s a month-by-month breakdown of expenses for 2024


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Giveth Proposals GIV token swap with q/acc subteam - $100K USD total, $50k First

Published: May 08, 2024

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This proposal is to swap 100K USD worth of GIV tokens for 100K USD worth of MATIC.

The MATIC will be used to create GIV-MATIC LPs on Polygon zkEVM. Creating GIV liquidity is a critical prerequisite to migrating the GIVeconomy to Polygon zkEVM and generally positive for us overall.

For context, Polygon is sending $400k in MATIC to the q/acc subteam in 4 - $100k milestones and
the q/acc subteam is basically Justice, Tam, Ivy and Griff. $100k of the $400k is earmarked for this token swap! The best way to do this for q/acc is to do the swap in multiple batches, the first one will be 50K USD worth.

Because of the time delay to get this token swap through our governance process, I think it is fair to lock in the exchange rate, as soon we hope to announce this partnership to the world and it might have an impact on the GIV token price.

This first swap would be: 4,195,686 GIV for 72,312 MATIC (From Coingecko on May 8th, 1:20PM NYC time)

Screenshot 2024-05-08 at 1.20.37 PM

Screenshot 2024-05-08 at 1.19.47 PM

The next batches will happen within the next few months at the market rate determined at the time of swap as we did for previous token swaps.

Should we move forward with this token swap?

Click to view the poll.

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Giveth Proposals Iproposal for sponsorship freethechild orphanage I

Published: May 06, 2024

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Proposal information
I would like to propose that giveth become a sponsor for freethechild orphanage home at iwo osun state Nigeria it serves as a means of helping the less privilege in our society to give a sense of belonging to become future leathers
The orphanage home is lacking basic amenities like good and clean water educational materials baby wears etc l am seeking the kind gesture of people in the community to pls assist the orphanage home
The freethechild orphanage home is an NGO registered with the government

Proposal Rational

By sponsoring freethechild orphanage we will advertise giveth on our Facebook page for months and also we will make a video with the children appreciating giveth on our Facebook page and also it serves as a means of helping the less privilege in our society to become leathres of tomorrow

Team information
Name ojo Mary
Username Danehome
Relevant social media

Skills and previous experience related or similar work
As a person that grew up in orphanage home and also as one of the trustee of
freethechild home l have gain a lot of experience and skills while growing up
The legal aspect of adminting and registering new intake into the orphanage counselling the children and making sure there is peace and harmony also advertising to get fund to maintain the orphanage

Funding information
Amonut of giveth required
Etherum address 0xd2F4528e457c3e8997A0EeFEE35460d78aB2c934

Detail description of how funds will be be be handled and used
The funds received will be utilized to support the children education and also to buy a fairly used bus to convey them to school
The funds will be used to buy mattresses baby wears clothes shoes and balanced diet
We will appreciate your consideration of this proposal and look forward to discussing the details further pls feel free to ask any questions
best regards
Ojo Mary
Trustee of freethechild orphanage

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Giveth Proposals Round 60 GIVbacks and $nice Distribution

Published: May 06, 2024

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:giv: Here is the finalized list for the GIVbacks Round 60 distribution. This roundā€™s distribution is affected by GIVpower ranking. I have included the average GIVfactor for each individual donor.

:nice: You will find the information for this roundā€™s $nice token distribution at the bottom.

This forum post will remain in the forum for 48 hours (2 business days) for review and feedback before going up for voting in the nrGIV DAO.

Round 60 Dates: April 2nd 10am - April 16th 9:59:59 am Costa Rica Time (10am CST in local time (your timezone))
GIV value at the end of the round: 0.013279369155 USD
GIV Available 1000000

:giv: GIVbacks Distribution on Gnosis Chain

Giver Address Total Donations (USD) Avg GIVfactor GIVbacks
0x89bf9baaee2d451477cf850fe4c0d89bb796b1ad 708.396 0.7904546 42167.2774
0x5d28fe1e9f895464aab52287d85ebff32b351674 169.5141 0.7957143 10157.46946
0x87f1c862c166b0ceb79da7ad8d0864d53468d076 107.3061 0.77 6222.110104
0x3b804fec3be607bf0f09aadede79024ee67cfc37 100.2329 0.5357143 4043.580254
0x4cbf20d7393f372d7947338336b5043081871116 82.344589 0.791 4904.94459
0xe564ef4523cb7931bafd6ecb36814b2b3691e1a4 73.4342 0.5 2764.973213
0xb53b0255895c4f9e3a185e484e5b674bccfbc076 70.0768 0.75 3957.838613
0xc65a751211960d64fceb011b68eb6572f2a09231 67.553 0.5357143 2725.212748
0xed8db37778804a913670d9367aaf4f043aad938b 63.8529 0.6825228 3281.862074
0x7185acc96b7005adfa848944ce45a437045629c1 62.6994 0.69 3257.87961
0x1b858e7391c3feb82b3e28caf0b1c882a87f1ffa 60.6112 0.5 2282.156603
0x87bdb4879138276e241116d54c7f67c3bb375593 57.9398 0.7526316 3283.84006
0xc0163e58648b247c143023cfb26c2baa42c9d9a9 52.1761 0.79 3103.996773
0xefa772fb318ed1c4c8f44d4f9f775e54f8d9fe97 50.8472 0.7945714 3042.443615
0xe04885c3f1419c6e8495c33bdcf5f8387cd88846 50.4259 0.7716313 2930.124515
0x8b64990a6684586a68d36873f53f055838dfb340 46.8494 0.5 1763.991928
0xb9573982875b83aadc1296726e2ae77d13d9b98f 44.2851 0.7268216 2423.862815
0x7f1fbd21dd9d64d0d34fa65dc8c0211cdd4aaa09 36.3604 0.65 1779.772798
0x9df6bfdb84da4b9c06f7b70f66ab0d55baf4d4d8 36.3604 0.7885714 2159.196809
0xec952ed8e7c2aa466cac36fd611d2e87df1243d7 31.2543 0.7972857 1876.490262
0x9462a60e1608587c4ba9a81a3d58d25551773143 28.8427 0.8 1737.59459
0x0ce522cad66fa4d6529b2db76e0a91d53296d58b 25 0.65 1223.702708
0xd8d1a483637b31416d7d7f0c8cbb6a38695523e0 23.7431 0.7071428 1264.349443
0x67243d6c3c3bdc2f59d2f74ba1949a02973a529d 20 0.6955 1047.489518
0xd7542dc0f58095064bfef6117fac82e4c5504d28 20 0.7928572 1194.118728
0x60dbf50076206f60bcc2edf9295f5734561b8d77 16.3623 0.7128571 878.353645
0x78ec73423b222cb225549bab0d0a812d58808ffd 16.0347 0.7134451 861.4775873
0x841c11b14c428dd591093348b8afa2652c863988 14.4111 0.65 705.396084
0xff881f1325b42331d77ee58e609e4f06dc83bc51 13.7936 0.7637038 793.2774876
0x84e1056ed1b76fb03b43e924ef98833dba394b2b 13.6471 0.7873333 809.1360798
0x6eb78c56f639b3d161456e9f893c8e8ad9d754f0 12 0.7475238 675.5053945
0x3413aa4a51c463123025ae411df6a01e8e6f371f 11.8218 0.65 578.6547471
0x2a8fe25896fcce82c49c2db923abfa4198ad3394 11.526 0.79 685.6907052
0x5299c7d2b73b6a96231081dabfd54dfcc84fedeb 10.9031 0.7185714 589.9870475
0xb7562f12e41c762cecda99d62bd6eac7b0c3b4c1 10.8683 0.7905001 646.9729021
0x08f7fd04e76dac7e4d9e343e0b5510379f5bba48 10.4627 0.514999 405.763251
0x38b826a4426a0d4d9b4377ac57c9af0308281c5d 10.02 0.7538571 568.8258389
0x3e7f054563682c42bd4907b88d0dc27557992576 10 0.7514285 565.8616243
0x28bc2dfa812b1d8552a29d0f84af8850a5e79604 9.7785 0.74 544.9121804
0xbaeffba63c88160d124c0ae77ad4e1dc2cf3c96c 9.689 0.5757143 420.057296
0x5bd68b4d6f90bcc9f3a9456791c0db5a43df676d 9.098 0.7428572 508.9484539
0x38f80f8f76b1c44b2beefb63bb561f570fb6ddb6 9 0.7204762 488.2977063
0xacdb5688a32e8dc101a65245a87193c09b5d6096 6.9085 0.79 410.9920386
0xb145dc03a46e9f4d599391b23b9db9c97eb03691 4.95 0.6628571 247.0857284
0xd430ed64f7be59656f894c95079bbb0f7261381b 4.549 0.7428572 254.4742269
0xcf2f55702ebd92bac65d77308eb2a7be53dda81e 4.4448 0.7242857 242.4290689
0x3d958c62b36e01018644538bd1998c1e9be1ddd8 4.3936 0.711364 235.3612558
0x85bead65c61db8cf230b3ec30552b8b3e6388570 4.0006 0.7836367 236.0817569
0x4427788a485b0b64675a8316b3658cd172bcc6ef 3.003 0.5885714 133.0996962
0x8e4bdd156e4dd802dd919f4fd2645681ce99a538 3 0.7905 178.5852906
0xb22981ba3fe1de2325935c91a3b717168fb86714 2.8173 0.7885714 167.3002817
0x3fb0d1e89693b8709de60d835452a4712d1c9b04 2.7634 0.7514285 156.3701992
0x4424d0d4b9dc4d09c099fde8ef5275325df052dc 2.7294 0.5150033 105.8521669
0x9703d9cf2f834e71d9b70675e746f7b634c9d1e9 2.0085 0.8 120.9997238
0x1a59ff6ad0ba633076236073015cbfe70bbbd801 2 0.743 111.9029061
0xd0bfb40f057322ff734a75cbe2f79b9e5c7e4cb3 1.9 0.65 93.0014058
0x7aafbb9c90e86d3f53ea4bb77a9e97cb8f69c8e4 1.8196 0.7071428 96.8959508
0x8ed0b73f3440eaf27d14d429713a5ff7eea03691 1.8076 0.7428572 101.1184029
0xc5fb404169844637f7a3daeca2f0b6641615dc73 1.6905 0.5 63.651367
0x0ad5413183844479a8ab53527df77061580948c4 1.6352 0.7987081 98.3516223
0x8afc051de5f3941a68d3dbb9c7c96ec773ef494b 1.6218 0.7345855 89.7144048
0x73f614506a24b7fe3c7eb6a751e39b61caea84da 1.5 0.5489285 62.0054153
0xbd4d5116d4795fd6f785f524c4dc9f28bc5ab308 1.48 0.5757143 64.1639817
0x6a0a945996494e024324f3eb2235f25da4cb140e 1.0589 0.7429975 59.2467903
0xc14ad921b09796c9ece86612915e6977bd21afe8 1.0588 0.5428572 43.2834718
0xbb8c051b8d86afa46ed569fecc663fb404678ee0 1 0.5 37.652391
0x764b640b55c2cd5547ec1f661a421732a60d7e9e 1 0.5 37.652391
0x03f2aac455c3cc113b379c98f9753cfc07c4e4e3 1 0.5 37.652391
0xc3e6c0f33d45b173d792a9f7fe30121cf1b1b2cb 1 0.74 55.7255387
0x33a83bbf8708beef3af2917669be55df426b2d52 1 0.74 55.7255387
0xefb5cce75a7ed764584771b43d54d355001c89ed 1 0.74 55.7255387
0xfb4a76b4bb70f690d952ecdcba4a98f35edee0ad 1 0.7154546 53.8771527
0x844fddee0b13595efffab053d3a53ea3556323e1 0.95 0.7428572 53.1436616
0x4d309415587034ece051152ca0a6a664cf8b39bb 0.9163 0.8 55.2014174
0x9bf1044f287eabb1f6e863477ff3d7c5a5a314c5 0.8889 0.5149848 34.4722701
0xa32aecda752cf4ef89956e83d60c04835d4fa867 0.8855 0.8 53.3459076
0x5089d1f3e7a866d17ff787e324688e5f567ad741 0.8643 0.5 32.5429616
0xa571022e535a7046a2befba418237b5e659ac7bd 0.5423 0.791608 32.3275146
0xdcc6f6ac7edb0a219b80864365bc9f80ae6161de 0.4189 0.7724519 24.3671289
0x63c3774531ef83631111fe2cf01520fb3f5a68f7 0.1807 0.8 10.8860593
0xa82082380585489b0456e15343c23809bc334709 0.1278 0.798971 7.6892583
0x1f8ee652526d93ce4646aecc56b950900ced2e1a 0.1 0.8 6.0243826
0x1a5b37d3ed535e25a4857c4a1d7cc2c174a487b6 0.0889 0.8 5.3556761
0x2a725870cf241eb50a4013ea9e28323e0c6398d4 0.075 0.8 4.5182869
0xb1fbad53fd06082d884c90dbd66c68613453bf20 0.0078 0.8 0.4699018
0x2e7479c7c4d4305498385781cb3031022417171c 0.0044 0.8 0.2650728

:giv: GIVbacks Distribution on Optimism Network

Giver Address Total Donations (USD) Avg GIVfactor GIVbacks
0xcd4046b428ddeac3f01b04895df9dbbc8bd633c9 405.8556 0.74 22616.52195
0x5d28fe1e9f895464aab52287d85ebff32b351674 354.9079 0.7957143 21266.46783
0x824959488ba9a9dab3775451498d732066a4c8f1 231.0971 0.6955 12103.58987
0x54becc7560a7be76d72ed76a1f5fee6c5a2a7ab6 139.6731 0.7244898 7620.221497
0x87f1c862c166b0ceb79da7ad8d0864d53468d076 115.2278 0.77 6681.447361
0xed8db37778804a913670d9367aaf4f043aad938b 115.1276 0.5607143 4861.201594
0xb53b0255895c4f9e3a185e484e5b674bccfbc076 109.0812 0.7905 6493.432632
0xe642f1cb4c64aeebd243555ba16901ed337057a9 100 0.743 5595.145306
0x406d1336647778e9dc5fb4fc669b7c49c3cfe835 72.7208 0.6671429 3653.423791
0xd83a5a8852049ca286f234b594d7f2b022565fc5 38.9827 0.6866082 2015.595981
0x6eda5acaff7f5964e1ecc3fd61c62570c186ca0c 30.531157 0.6424887 1477.172912
0x172dbab6f5e62a1fe7e2ba5ea1624adb33e0aa14 30.5 0.76 1745.564848
0xa19a11cb5928bf07b5b6aba256f63142343a59bc 25 0.6575 1237.822355
0x78ec73423b222cb225549bab0d0a812d58808ffd 20.1344 0.7919617 1200.785535
0xa906c85b7e809b79c5e69d485693b44d65b1b252 18.2164 0.7163825 982.7206585
0x432795ea5acbc944c3df02868e0ccdc58ca98dd5 17.5871 0.5150008 682.0632738
0x0d1f5d146b7d8632d94caef11c6b4dc4e558503b 16.949 0.7514285 959.0788652
0x884ff907d5fb8bae239b64aa8ad18ba3f8196038 15.9 0.7357143 880.9045493
0x87690be28b65f13394741c2c2be5a6bdb0505039 15.25 0.69 792.3945691
0x60dad8350bba2b4f2c8fbe5d1c2a25d79a1fc8d5 15.2184 0.5869283 672.6305592
0x7ff3c36212f5b10846b7a2569b7b8a822a900050 14.6458 0.5150002 567.9930961
0xe0c7820911658df569de4579a3be518d76fdfd6d 13.1211 0.7782858 769.009889
0x33878e070db7f70d2953fe0278cd32adf8104572 11.2199 0.7928572 669.8946385
0x4a011d71338f7a71af93d361af843449ae1e048c 10.1694 0.7514285 575.4473206
0x70b6eaeb76596ca1378aec3ca84284f2131e8304 9.9869 0.5149986 387.3105672
0xbd885c21185b09207a0ccc06f0498e7d47f1660d 9.6094 0.5428572 392.8297827
0x6ead98ac60771343a361cf7558e8493b32fc8304 8.1171 0.7514285 459.3155389
0xcca02de5372cb0caac425543487789eef5d17fb5 7.272 0.6862857 375.8212865
0x638e99f3b78fe36d47c0ca59f04e37ff65beb1eb 6.7642 0.7429999 378.4667736
0x0ea26051f7657d59418da186137141cea90d0652 6.5869 0.65 322.4162948
0x6058deefb60b2f5d25f949eaff69abbc1f97f3da 5.0665 0.7514285 286.6937921
0x4b7c0da1c299ce824f55a0190efb13663442fa2c 5 0.7877858 296.6201748
0x693c41ab52acd72b8fd2fb5b8334d614e5de5dd5 4.7136 0.5 177.4783103
0x38b826a4426a0d4d9b4377ac57c9af0308281c5d 4 0.5375 161.9052814
0x5b8dc6c888cb5b553f12e6dd27e5848874f545de 3.9878 0.5150008 154.654937
0xd5d171a9aa125af13216c3213b5a9fc793fccf2c 3.636 0.724 198.2371278
0xf632ce27ea72dea30d30c1a9700b6b3bceaa05cf 3.3898 0.6330719 161.6030984
0x14f2b5273b5e3728a27497cf46e91b3432c7bb52 3.3777 0.5489297 139.624095
0x52f2f6c1dfbf30e463c78712697388d492243c31 3.329 0.74 185.5103184
0xa7860e99e3ce0752d1ac53b974e309fff80277c6 3.135 0.5757143 135.9149127
0x26a3bd330fef55f3ed6b1676d3c4dd000854d1c2 3.05 0.515 118.2849864
0x7fc80fad32ec41fd5cfcc14eee9c31953b6b4a8b 3 0.5869286 132.5955909
0xeb4e3e9fa819e69e5df4ea35b9c7973062c96de9 3 0.7905 178.5852906
0x9f01e237fb9232140e312935f5581d3d99bdd56f 2.1617 0.5869301 95.5442149
0x9e04eebd61ef569ccfefc61a2bd1bae50f6be6ad 1.6911 0.74 94.2374585
0x34149390029bbf4f4d9e7adea715d7055e145c05 1.6888 0.5 63.587358
0xe73a198e7c07c418d7dcfd42f5e953074abbd125 1.4544 0.65 71.1901288
0xfca74c5cd09d04f835dd4222a8bf0d6823a0e93a 1.4544 0.5149959 56.4040348
0x94003c6ccf931e03378d6a2fa8b64b0869938b4c 1.32 0.5428572 53.9612606
0x1cb7d82970cc4d6fc769ca09ab4afb261f4d8948 1.2726 0.5428571 52.0235556
0x918043d0ebc67413a70606e6c0522689d92a05ae 1.1864 0.5428571 48.4997211
0x88c75818778de506b106ac8282d70ab322294e45 1.16 0.5489285 47.9508546
0x01242a2e4f27b42d564d3668a58d98baa751b3ce 1.0908 0.7538553 61.9235289
0x35226e78809a5dae4562b0b1fc4cf96cdb6a01a8 1.0719 0.5150014 41.5704988
0x5f0cd16ffd331050740f3b523473ffdd38b7d7e6 0.9987 0.5428572 40.8266005
0x255f7d91b2dddabbe044c64840460a1b7285ad5f 0.95 0.5357143 38.3247573
0xc5a0547309ed6efb8aa69182773bb88d7ecb9601 0.9152 0.5428572 37.4131402
0x9703d9cf2f834e71d9b70675e746f7b634c9d1e9 0.1525 0.8 9.1871834
0xef4fd55584434903aa6fc9baa61eacdde5355da0 0.1443 0.5228572 5.6816178
0xd5288ed50a195017e5b30595f65091a7767817a4 0.072 0.7942861 4.3065751
0xa4d506434445bb7303ea34a07bc38484cdc64a95 0.01 0.8 0.6024383

:nice: $nice Distribution

Giver Address $nice
0x4cbf20d7393f372d7947338336b5043081871116 8.23
0x67243d6c3c3bdc2f59d2f74ba1949a02973a529d 1
0x60dad8350bba2b4f2c8fbe5d1c2a25d79a1fc8d5 0.76
0x4427788a485b0b64675a8316b3658cd172bcc6ef 0.6
0x6eb78c56f639b3d161456e9f893c8e8ad9d754f0 0.6
0xc2fb4b3ea53e10c88d193e709a81c4dc7aec902e 0.54
0x38b826a4426a0d4d9b4377ac57c9af0308281c5d 0.5
0x4b7c0da1c299ce824f55a0190efb13663442fa2c 0.25
0x7fc80fad32ec41fd5cfcc14eee9c31953b6b4a8b 0.15
0xeb4e3e9fa819e69e5df4ea35b9c7973062c96de9 0.15
0x8e4bdd156e4dd802dd919f4fd2645681ce99a538 0.15
0x1a59ff6ad0ba633076236073015cbfe70bbbd801 0.1
0x1f8ee652526d93ce4646aecc56b950900ced2e1a 0.1
0x2a725870cf241eb50a4013ea9e28323e0c6398d4 0.07
0xfb4a76b4bb70f690d952ecdcba4a98f35edee0ad 0.05
0xdcc6f6ac7edb0a219b80864365bc9f80ae6161de 0.01

Excluded Donations

The following donations were found to be in violation of the GIVbacks policy.
Please be aware that these donations will not receive GIVbacks and that any GIVbacks eligible projects which are found to be recirculating donations stand to lose their badge.

Giver Address Transaction Link

3 posts - 1 participant

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Giveth Proposals Request for Reimbursement: Subscriptions and Gas our accounts

Published: May 03, 2024

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Hey team! I am requesting reimbursement from the Treasury for some out of pocket expenses I made to pay for services and gas fees needed to keep the ship sailing. Hereā€™s a breakdown:

Gas for the Treasury Handler (DAO Ops)

The Treasury Handler is an EOA account (0x9cd1E4A6b3361abcCC90C7F8E788ac246d194303) that I use to do various bridging, swapping, depositing, withdrawing on behalf of the Giveth DAO.

It often runs out of gas, especially while doing heavy mainnet transactions and the quickest way to get things done is to send it some ETH from my personal account.

Total: 0.15 ETH

Gas for Deployer key (GIVeconomy)

We have a Deployer EOA that @amin and I have control of, we use it to deploy and upgrade our smart contracts as needed. It needs gas to operate so I will send it ETH from my personal account for expediency.

Total: 0.12 ETH

Deform Subscriptions (Quadratic Funding)

I paid for 2 months of Deform subscriptions for the nomination form for the Galactic Giverā€™s Round, @freshelle can verify the receipts I submitted in Clockify. Each month was $80 USD

Total $160 USD

Alchemy subscription (DAO Ops)

I paid for 1 month of Alchemy to get our rGIV DAO back online as fast as possible, since then we have moved this cost over to devOps. 1 month of Alchemy at the tier we needed was $52, @freshelle can verify the invoice I have submitted in Clockify.

Total $52

The final total for this request is:

  • 0.27 ETH
  • $212 USD

Do you Approve this reimbursement?

Click to view the poll.

2 posts - 2 participants

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LSTs (5)
Node Operators Introducing Commit-Boost to the Lido Community

Published: Jul 24, 2024

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Commit-Boost: Lido Operator Platform to Safely Make Commitments

The following post is an introduction to some and an update to others in the Lido Community on an effort called Commit-Boost. Commit-Boost is keen to engage with the Lido Community for eventual consideration to the Lido Alliance, but initially the Community in feedback / research / design / testing. We believe the mission and structure of Commit-Boost directly align with the desired infrastructure and the values that the Lido Community holds and has communicated over the last few years. Thank you and we welcome your feedback.


  • Commit-Boost Repo
  • Commit-Boost documentation
  • List of presentations
  • Original post on ETH Research, read more here
  • Second post on ETH Research, read more here
  • First presentation to the community can be found here
  • Second presentation at zuBerlin can be found here
  • zuBerlin Devnet notion can be found here
  • Mev-Boost Community call here


  • Due to the risks developing for Ethereum, core development, and its validator set, a group of teams / individuals are working on developing a public good called Commit-Boost
  • Commit-Boost is an open-source public good that is fully compatible with MEV-Boost but acts as a light-weight validator platform for all stakers (helping to support decentralization of Ethereumā€™s validator set) to safely make commitments / perform validator services
  • Specifically, Commit-Boost is a new Ethereum validator sidecar that is focused on standardizing the last mile of communication between validators and validator services
  • To reduce risks to validators, Commit-Boost has been designed with safety and modularity at its core. Commit-Boost has off-the-shelf monitoring and proactive tools to identify risks, limit the impact of bugs, and proactively alert teams when / if issues develop from opted-into validator services
  • While Commit-Boostā€™s first use cases are commitments like preconfs, Commit-Boost is maximally neutral and does not limit innovation across the proposer commitment design space. It is proposer commitment agnostic, relay agnostic, transaction flow agnostic, commitment enforcement agnostic, etc. Nothing about Commit-Boost will limit stETHā€™s ability to be the #1 collateral in the restaking market
  • Commit-Boost is working with client teams, consultants, researchers, validators (including home stakers and sophisticated stakers), testing with operators in Holesky, helped stand-up devnets and persistent testnets for fast iteration, have a significant portion of the preconf teams already building modules on Commit-Boost, and been engaged with teams across the community who are eager to develop other validator services such as inclusion lists. To ensure Commit-Boost fits the needs of the Lido Community, we are keen to continue to expand this iteration / testing / feedback loop with the Lido Community, apply for a grant from the LidoDAO, and eventual consideration to be part of the Alliance
  • In the design, development, sustainment, and governance around Commit-Boost, we have tried to embrace the values of the Lido Community and previously voiced by the broader community

Background and What Risks Commit-Boost Addresses

  • Similar to the call to actions outlined in ReGoose around validator services, most are starting to agree on a common denominator: in the future, beacon proposers will be presented with a broader set of options of what they may ā€œcommit" toā€“be it inclusions lists or preconfs or other types of commitments such as long-dated blockspace futuresā€“compared to just an external or local payload they see today
  • A post from Barnabe captures this well; during block construction, the validator ā€œā€¦creates the specs, or the template, by which the resulting block must be created, and the builders engaged by the proposer are tasked with delivering the block according to its specificationsā€
  • While this all seems great, the challenge is that many teams building commitments are creating new sidecars driving fragmentation and risks for Ethereum and the Lido operator set
  • For Ethereum, there are going to be significant challenges and increased risks during upgrades if there are a handful of sidecars that validators are running
  • For validators, these risks potentially take us to a world where proposers will need to make decisions on which teams to ā€œbet onā€ and which sidecars they will need to run to participate in what those teams are offering
  • For homestakers, this is difficult and they likely will be unable to participate in more than one of these commitments
  • For sophisticated actors, this increases the attack vector and operational complexity as more and more sidecars are required to be run
  • Another side effect of this is validators are somewhat locked into using a specific sidecar due to limited operational capacity and the switching costs of running a different sidecar (i.e., vendor lock-in). The higher the switching costs, the more embedded network effects could become if these sidecars only support certain downstream actors / proposer commitment protocols
  • This also could create a dynamic where core out-of-protocol infrastructure supporting Ethereum which should be a public good, starts being used for monetization, distribution, or other purposes

Commit-Boost Overview

Commit-Boost is a community-driven, open-source project developing an unopinionated validator platform to enable safe interactions with commitments. Some of its features include:

  • Unification: Core devs will be able to interact and work with one standard during Ethereum forks / upgrades / when and if things go wrong
  • Backward compatibility + more: Commit-Boost is not only backward compatible with MEV-Boost, but will improve the life of Lido operators who only run MEV-Boost through increased reporting, telemetry / other off-the-shelf tools validators can employ
  • Opt-in without running more sidecars: Commit-Boost will allow proposers who want to opt into other commitments to do so without having to run multiple sidecars
  • Tools and features to help reduce risks for Lidoā€™s operator set: In the spirit of ReGOOSE, Commit-Boost is specifically designed with off-the-shelf monitoring and proactive tools to identify risks, limit the impact of bugs, and proactively alert teams of issues that may develop from validator services
  • Robust support: Commit-Boost the software is supported by a not-for-profit entity. This team will be focused on security and robustness through policies and procedures with follow-the-sun type models where there is support 24/7 if / when things go wrong. This team will also be focused on testing and adjustments needed during hard forks and have a team to interact with to help during adoption, improvements, and sustainment
  • Additional revenue: As part of the open innovation that Commit-Boost enables, potential validator services will continue to come online, to capture new revenue opportunities when making commitments
  • Not VC-backed Public Good: This team and effort will not be VC-backed. There is no monetization plan. The entity will not sell itself and will not start any monetizable side businesses. As an example, the team is actively working on a grant application to the Lido Community, among other organizations across Ethereum

Technical Roadmap

As noted in the Proposal section above, Commit-Boost is already live with an MVP product and heavily engaged with the broader community. We are continuing the development and feature set of Commit-Boost / onboarding new modules and targeting production-ready software and audits kicking off at the end of Q3. More details on the current roadmap are in the Commit-Boost repo and we are keen to get feedback from the Lido Community to prioritize and design features that would be required.

Some near-term high-level highlights from the roadmap include:

  • Optimized and functional MEV-Boost module including multiple metrics for reporting and extensions such as configurable timing for get_header / get_payload calls
  • Pre-made dashboards on Grafana for all core services
  • Improved reliability and integrations for incident response
  • R&D / spec signing mechanism to fit as many validator set-ups as possible
  • Expanding modularity and optionality (i.e., supporting different types of signatures and modules)

From the perspective of a Lido Operator

More details on what it takes to run Commit-Boost as a node operator can be found here. Please note that this has not been finalized and over the next few weeks we will be making updates (see roadmap / milestones above):

  • The Commit-Boost client is a single sidecar that acts as a platform to interact with proposer commitment protocols
  • Do not need to run multiple sidecars for new commitments
  • Not backing one team building proposer commitment protocols letting open innovation happen at the protocol layer with low barriers for switching costs between commitment protocols for the Lido Operator
  • No risk of monetization at the sidecar layer. Commit-Boost is a public good supported by a not-for-profit team focused solely on robust support, continued development, and sustainment of Commit-Boost
  • Standardized way to provide a signature / opt into a commitment
  • Helps monitor key attributes around that signature
  • Creates constraints / condition sets and pass these constraints downstream
  • Get insight into telemetry around the commitment flow and validator box that can be seen through dashboards such as a - Grafana
  • Create bespoke process management logic to ensure safety when making commitments

From the Perspective of the Proposer Commitment Protocol

More details on what it takes to build a module / metrics can be found here. Please note that this has not been finalized and over the next few weeks we will finalize moving parts that impact module creators (see roadmap / milestones above):

  • A modular platform to develop and distribute proposer commitments protocols
  • A single API to interact with validators
  • Support for hard-forks and new protocol requirements

Commit-Boost Design Principles

  • Built for validators: Platform that not only can help validators today (i.e., can improve the lives of validators even if they just run an MEV-Boost module) but allows validators to be ready for the market of tomorrow (i.e., preconfs, inclusion lists, etc)
  • Neutrality: No opinions, the platform will be proposer commitment agnostic, relay agnostic, transaction flow agnostic, etc. The goal is to build a platform that doesnā€™t limit the design space downstream while reducing risks of fragmentation for validators and Ethereum
  • Unified: Validators run one core sidecar with the ability to opt into many different commitments
  • Safety: Open-source code developed with input by the community with community reviews / audits
  • Reduce risks: Modularized and transparency are core to reducing risk / overhead for the proposer to manage commitments and their broader operational processes
  • Values aligned: Public good with no plans for monetization. We will continuously ask ourselves: would Vitalik run Commit-Boost and can this be designed in a way to increase the decentralization of Ethereum block construction

Architecture of Commit-Boost

More details can be found in the Commit-Boost documentation. However, below is a schematic of Commit-Boost. It is important to note that the below depiction contains just a few examples of proposer commitment modules that can run on Commit-Boost. The design space for modules is completely open / not gated by the Commit-Boost software and proposers will be responsible for opting into the commitments they wish to subscribe to (i.e., a proposer is responsible for which modules they will subscribe to).


  • Proposer: entity, staking pool NoOp (i.e., Lido), or DVT cluster with the right to propose the next block
  • Commitment: a constraint or condition that the proposer choses and agrees to via a signature
  • Key Manager: some proposers use key managers or remote signers as part of their proposer / validator duties. Please note, that Commit-Boost is being designed in a way where it does not require validators to run key managers and working on solutions for monolithic set-ups
  • Consensus Client: for example, Lighthouse or Teku (see here for more details)
  • Commitment Modules: community-built modules allowing proposers to make commitments, including some of the logic of the proposer commitment protocol

Signer API: The signer API is one of the core components around Commit-Boost. This is used to provide signatures from the proposer to the proposer commitment protocol. This is still in the design but proxy signatures will be used in nearly all cases (there are some outlier cases). For more details on the API please see here. For an example of how to communicate with the Signer API, please see here.

Using this as a middleware instead of direct modification to the consensus client or running a sidecar per commitment will allow for each component to be sustained independently and will provide for cross-proposer commitment compatibility. This will also allow for a bit of time for the market to play out, but via a public good, standardize the last mile of communication to help address the risks (discussed in the background section above) developing. Once the market does play out, and the community can observe some dynamics (the good and the bad), we can and should push for CL changes.

Robustness, Sustainability, and Security

  • Commit-Boost is being developed as a fully open-source project with contributions from teams across the Ethereum tech stack including validators, client teams, relays, builders, consulting firms, researchers, and many others. This effort with input and support from these teams will help develop a robust product integrating many perspectives
  • Commit-Boost will go through code reviews and audits once fully developed
  • As noted below, there also will be a full-time team that helps maintain and upgrade the software with their core focus on 100% uptime and when there are bugs, robust processes to quickly address and fix
  • The software stack is also built with the validator at the core and includes off-the-shelf tools for monitoring as well as reducing and proactively addressing any risks that may arise
  • Last, this public good software will have minimal, but critical open governance around future upgrades with input across the Ethereum

Team Supporting / Governance of Commit-Boost Software

  • Entity supporting the software: Not-for-profit entity
  • Multiple-person team: Multiple devs that fully focus on transparency, sustainment / development, and research with an initial focus around Commit-Boost the software. Based on initial research we suspect this will cost $1m - $2m / year. This funding will largely be related to developer resources.
    • Transparency: Open-source repo and governance calls (see below)
    • Sustainment / Development: 24/7 follow-the-sun coverage and highly engaged with client teams around upgrades / early in getting testnet support
    • Research: Helping with and being a resource for open-source research across the Ethereum staking roadmap
  • Governance: This is still a WIP, but at a minimum will run a Commit-Boost, ACD-like calls (first one coming soon) to engage with stakeholders (would be great to have folks from the Lido Community involved) and drive consensus on upgrades / help coordinate around hard forks. A credibly neutral community member will lead these calls / this process and has experience with running governance processes over critical software within the Ethereum community

Reducing risks for Ethereum and the Lido Community

We are excited to present this effort to the Lido Community and believe the structure, design, and goals directly address key risks developing within Ethereum and for validators. We also see that it not only aligns with the Lido Community but also of the broader Ethereum community. We are excited with the opportunity to potentially be part of and directly work with the Lido Community to support a neutral platform.

We look forward to feedback and engagement from the Lido Community and their consideration of this proposal. After feedback and engagement with the Lido Community we plan to apply and be considered for a grant from the LidoDAO as well as consideration for the Alliance.

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Node Operators RockLogic Monthly Notes - 07/2024

Published: Jul 21, 2024

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Welcome to our monthly news, where we provide you with updates on our efforts to establish a secure Ethereum environment. Hereā€™s a summary of notable developments since our last update.

Node & OS Upgrades:

Upgraded nodes and operating systems for a robust system with optimal performance.

Advancements & Results:

  • Upgraded all nodes to the latest stable version, improving security and performance.
  • Resolved compatibility issues encountered during the upgrade process.

Next Steps:

  • Continue monitoring node health and performance for optimal uptime.
  • Stay updated on upcoming upgrades and schedule them accordingly.

System Monitoring & Performance Optimization:

Optimized system efficiency and uptime through continuous monitoring and performance adjustments

Advancements & Results:

  • Maintained a reliable monitoring system, providing real-time insights into system health and node performance.
  • Utilized monitoring data to proactively identify and address potential issues before they escalate.

Next Steps:

  • Regularly review and refine monitoring configurations to ensure comprehensive system coverage.
  • Continuously evaluate and implement further performance optimization strategies.

Issue Investigation

Proactively investigated and addressed client-reported issues to maintain a smooth user experience.

Advancements & Results:

  • Maintained open communication channels with clients to gather timely feedback on any potential issues.
  • Investigated and resolved reported issues impacting their experience.

Next Steps:

  • Continue fostering open communication with clients for timely feedback.
  • Analyze trends in client issues to identify areas for system improvement

Testnet Participation & Support:

Participating in testnet Lido x SafeStake and Lido x Obol Testnet #4 and continued to provide technical support for Stereum.

Advancements & Results:

  • Stereum: Monitored and maintained node health to ensure optimal testnet performance
  • Cluster Member: Maintained system health by adhering to established guidelines, following cluster coordinator instructions, and continuously monitoring node performance and network health

Next Steps:

  • Stereum: Continue to monitor and optimize the Stereum to ensure a seamless user experience.
  • Cluster Member: Ensure system health and follow cluster coordinator instructions.

Top Up Exit Messages:

Ensured a smooth flow of exit messages through timely top-up procedures.

Advancements & Results:

  • Maintained sufficient resources for exit messages, preventing any disruptions in the network.

Next Steps:

  • Monitor exit message volume and adjust top-up procedures to maintain optimal resource levels.
  • Evaluate further automation possibilities to streamline exit message management.

System Stability and Monitoring Improvements:

Implemented enhancements to improve system stability and our ability to monitor its performance.


  • Improved physical organization and remote access functionalities for better stability.
  • Implemented software updates on nodes and a centralized log system.

Next Steps:

  • Monitor hardware health for prompt issue resolution.
  • Evaluate software updates and consider further optimizations.

Best Regards,
RockLogic Team

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Proposals Proposal: Proposer MEV Protect

Published: Jul 19, 2024

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We would like to invite any interested node operators to participate in a POC to test a feature called Proposer MEV Protect. This feature prevents proposers from participating in a ā€œrace to zero-marginā€. By registering exclusively with relays that support the MEV Protect feature (currently just the bloXroute relays for the POC) and opting in to the Proposer MEV Protect feature, the proposer is guaranteed to only receive blocks where they receive over 80% of the block profit. Builders are alerted they can not submit blocks for these slots unless over 80% of the block profit goes to the proposer. The purpose of the POC is to determine the value added by feature, with larger block rewards. The goal is to get to 50K-100K pubkeys participating in the POC and we secured around 20K-30K already). We are hoping to get 20K Lido pubkeys to participate.

To use this feature, the validator must exclusively be registered with bloXroute relays (until other relays support that feature) and set ā€œproposer_mev_protectā€ to ā€œtrueā€ as a query parameter in the relay URLs passed in to mev-boost as a startup argument.






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Proposals Proposal: BloXroute Relay proxy

Published: Jul 19, 2024

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Regarding using BloXroute relay proxies, we made a change to our architecture, where validators donā€™t need to run any local components, yet can still connect to a relay proxy. We now allow validators to use relay proxies in many regions throughout the world (US, EU, Singapore, Hong Kong, Tokyo, Sydney, and Dublin) without having to run their own. These proxies communicate with the relay using gRPC, and are faster than communicating with the relay directly. Validators using relay proxies receive higher paying blocks than those who donā€™t, due to the validator being able to receive blocks built later in the slot because of the reduced builder-to-proposer latency. While the proxy appears as an additional relay, the backend relays are the two bloXroute relays that are approved by the Lido community. In the future, additional relays will integrate with the relay proxies.


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Node Operators NO CryptoManufaktur is now part of Galaxy

Published: Jul 19, 2024

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Hello Lido community,

We are excited to announce that as of 2024-07-18, CryptoManufaktur (CMF) has been acquired by Galaxy.

The infrastructure we run for Lido will remain as-is, and the same team will continue to maintain it. Our community focus remains.

Over the upcoming months our current team of SREs plan to gain additional redundancy and support through Galaxyā€™s global footprint and infrastructure. We believe the combination will allow us to accelerate our ambitions to expand our scope of offerings to the community.

For more information on this transaction, read the press release

We are looking forward to continuing to serve Lido, and bringing Galaxy closer to this innovative ecosystem.

Any questions at all, do not be shy!

Thorsten Behrens

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Proposals Establish a Public Delegate Platform and Delegate Incentivization Program

Published: Jul 18, 2024

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Proposed by:
Lido DAO Operation Workstream: @Jenya_K, @kadmil
Agora Team: Charlie Feng (Twitter), Marcela Ochoa (Marcela Ochoa - Agora | LinkedIn)


The goal of creating a public delegate platform and a framework to incentivize delegatesā€™ work is

  • increase active voting participation,
  • improve the quality of discussions and feedback,
  • allow the community to unite and increase protocol safety by activating new tokenholders in governance via Delegation.


Proposal is:

  • Establish an official public delegates platform on the Research Forum
  • Establish a Pilot six-month Delegate Incentivization Program to the DAO, with the Delegate Oversight Committee evaluating the fulfillment of Key Responsibilities and facilitating the program.
  • Organize delegate rallies as the initial phase of the program.


Stage 1: Establishing a Public Delegate Platform

The Public Delegate Platform enables delegates to articulate their principles and aspirations, serving as the main channel for LDO holders to understand Public Delegates and their actions.

Requirements to become a Public Delegate:

  1. Inform the community about your intention to become a public delegate in this thread.
  2. Create a Delegate Thread on the Lido DAO Research Forum (Tane Delegate Thread Example) under the ā€œDelegate Platformā€ category.

The delegate thread may include:

  • Address (Your Ethereum address or ENS name)
  • Introduction (Name, Background, Expertise)
  • Contact Information (Twitter, Discord)
  • Motivation(Reason for wanting to be a delegate, Objectives, and aspirations within the DAO)
  • Values and Decision-Making Approach (Core Values, Decision-Making Process)
  • Public Acceptance (Commitment to the delegate Š”ode of Š”onduct, Alignment with the mission, vision, and purpose of Lido DAO)
  • Disclosures (Potential conflicts of interest, Positions in relevant assets or competing organizations, Examples or references of past governance activity if applicable)

Expectations of a Public Delegate:

  1. Maintain a voting participation rate above 70% to keep your listing.
  2. Inform the community on decisions and rationalizes in the Delegate Thread

Benefits of being a Public Delegate:

  1. Attract token holders and gain recognition as a public delegate of Lido DAO
  2. Reimbursement of gas expenses incurred during on-chain voting for all delegates with VP greater than 0.1% of the total token supply
  3. Potential to participate in the Delegate Incentivization Program (DIP) if approved by the DAO

Public Delegate Code of Conduct:
ā€¢ Act honestly, transparently, and with integrity.
ā€¢ Vote in the Lido DAOā€™s best interest.
ā€¢ Review each proposal professionally and unbiasedly before voting.
ā€¢ Draw the communityā€™s attention if a proposal is unclear, requires additional research, or is not ready to proceed to vote.
ā€¢ Provide constructive, well-researched feedback without personal attacks.
ā€¢ Respect differing opinions.
ā€¢ Clearly explain vote rationales to the community.
ā€¢ Be available to discuss proposals and respond to inquiries.
ā€¢ Inform the community when ceasing active delegation.
ā€¢ Avoid and disclose any conflicts of interest.
ā€¢ Disclose potential conflicts related to delegate activities.

Quitting from the Public Delegate List

If a Public Delegate wishes to quit, they must inform their delegators and the Lido DAO community. This includes posting in their Delegate Thread and sending personal messages to tokenholders who they know. We recommend notifying the DAO Operations Workstream as early as possible so that the resignation is timely communicated to voters so they can proceed to re-delegate their voting power.

Maintaining Reliability of the Platform:

The Delegate Oversight Committee oversees the list of public delegates and will take action in cases where a delegate:

Case Action
Does not maintain a voting participation rate above 70% over three months 1st time: warning, 2nd time: removal
Does not adhere to the code of conduct Removal
Attempts to exploit the system for gas fees Removal
Spreads false information or misrepresents data Investigation and potential removal
Exhibits abusive or disrespectful behavior Removal

Actions include closing the delegateā€™s forum thread, ceasing gas reimbursement, and informing the community about the delegateā€™s status change to maintain the integrity of the system. The same actions will be taken if a delegate publicly declares that they wants to resign.

Stage 2: Delegate Incentivization Program


To ensure high-quality influence from delegates, we need top-tier professionals with specialized skills specified below. Incentivizing delegates is not just fair but also prevents conflicts of interest, as it ensures they are focused and dedicated.

There are cases in the industry when unpaid delegates work in other roles within the DAO, diluting their effectiveness and creating conflicts of interest. By compensating delegates, we maintain their commitment and engagement, and we can rely on strong specialists who are invested in the development of the protocol.

Program Conditions
It is proposed to allocate:

Delegate Insentivization:

  • $150,000, to be paid in LDO at the TWAP (Time-Weighted Average Price) over the programā€™s duration (September 1, 2024 - February 28, 2025). To incentivize active participation and expert contributions to Lido DAO governance, it proposes to incentivize all delegates with more than 2M LDO delegated on Aragon and Snapshot. All participants meeting the criteria will receive equal shares of the allocated grants. No delegate will receive more than $15,000 worth of LDO for any three months.

Framework Development and Facilitation:
It will be conducted by the DAO Ops Workstream Members and Agora members, under the [EGG] st2024, v2, Lido Contributorsā€™ Group Grant Funding.

Program Steps

  1. Program Approval and Delegate Oversight Committee Formation
    This committee will facilitate delegate operations, evaluate performance, distribute incentives, maintain transparent communication with contributors and token holders, and publicly report all changes and events related to the program.
    The committee will include:
    @Jenya_K, @kadmil, @Olga_Kniazeva from Lido DAO Contributors Group, and Charlie Feng, Marcela Ochoa from Agora.
  2. Delegate Application Process - applications open 14 days after proposal approval. Interested parties must apply to participate in the rally.
  3. Rally Phase - 3 weeks
    Token holders (or ā€œDelegatorsā€) will use a unified delegation interface to delegate their voting power in both Snapshot and Aragon. Marketing activities (e.g. Twitter posts and perhaps spaces) will be held to promote delegation during this time.
  4. Compiling the List of Eligible Delegates
    After the rally, a list of delegates eligible for incentivization within the pilot cycle will be compiled.
    Eligibility criteria: be a part of a public delegate platform, and possess more than 2M LDO delegated in both Snapshot and Aragon (2M on Snapshot AND 2M on Aragon).
  5. Evaluation and Incentives Disbursement - Delegates will be evaluated quarterly. The evaluation process will be transparent and will include assessments based on the following criteria:

Quantitative criteria:

  • Vote Participation Rate: Delegates must participate in at least 70% of votes each quarter.
  • Number of Delegated Tokens: Delegates must maintain more than 2 million LDO tokens delegated on both Snapshot and Aragon.

Qualitative criterion:

  • Participation in Proposal Discussions: Active involvement in discussions on proposals in the forum and other relevant platforms.

The committee will assess the delegateā€™s fulfillment of key expectations (listed below).

The committeeā€™s evaluation will be publicly communicated on this forum. All participants meeting the criteria will receive equal shares of the allocated grants if not asked not to be paid at the delegate thread.

Key Expectations of Lido DAO Insetivized Delegate:

  1. Representing Token Holders:
    • Read, analyze, ask questions, provide public feedback, and make decisions on Lido DAO proposals
    • Ensure actions and decisions resonate with the interests of token holders and the community
    • Ensure actions and decisions align with Purpose, Mission, Vision
  2. Community Engagement and Transparency:
    • Spark and participate in discussions on forums, crypto Twitter, and other platforms. Engage with the community on important DAO votes (approx. 1 proposal per month)
    • Conduct independent analysis of proposals that going to move to vote or highlight the need for third-party analysis
    • Be a part of the public delegate platform
  3. Voting:
    • Vote in 70% of votes/quarter
    • Participate in community update calls
  4. Expertise and Advisory:
    • Delegates should provide feedback and expert advice in their respective areas of expertise to contribute to the overall strategic direction and governance of the DAO.

Wishlist or Desired Expertise for Delegates:

  • Business/Strategy: Skills in business development, strategic planning, and execution.
  • Staking: Deep understanding of the staking market and tech.
  • Tech/Dev: Proficiency in blockchain and development.
  • Finance: Strong background in financial management, analysis, and strategy.
  • TradFi/Insti: Experience in traditional financial institutions and insights into institutional investorsā€™ needs.
  • Governance: Expertise in decentralized autonomous organizations and governance models.
  • EF Aligned: Deep understanding of Ethereumā€™s principles and active engagement with the Ethereum Foundation.

Note: I (@Jenya_K) think that itā€™s good for DAO to have a diverse and expert set of delegates to ensure well-rounded evaluations and decisions on proposals.

Maintaining Reliability

During the pilot cycle, the committee reserves the right to exclude a delegate from the incentivization program based on its assessment.

Procedure: If exclusion is considered, the committee will publicly announce this intention. A mandatory discussion and feedback 7 days period will follow before finalizing the decision.

This final step ensures that any decision to exclude a delegate is transparent, deliberative, and open to community input, reinforcing the programā€™s commitment to fairness and accountability.

Funding Operations
For the pilot program, LEGO will fund a Delegate Oversight Committee after quarter evaluation, for continuous Delegate Incentivisation.

This proposal will be suggested for approval by the Lido DAO via Snapshot vote. If accepted - $150,000 equivalent in LDO is to be transferred via Easy Track motion to the LEGO committee multisig to be used as grants for delegates incentivization program during 01-SEP-2024 - 28-FEB-2025.


In summary, this proposal aims to establish a robust framework for public delegate participation and incentivization within the Lido DAO. By creating an official public delegates platform and implementing a six-month Pilot Delegate Incentivization Program, we aim to increase active voting participation and improve the quality of discussions and feedback.

Next Steps

  1. Snapshot Vote: The proposal will be put to a Snapshot vote on July 25, if no objection from the community
    If passed:
  2. Delegate Application Period: Applications for delegates will be open from August 2 to August 16.
  3. Delegate Rally: The delegate rally will take place from August 19 to September 7.
  4. Program Start: The first season of the incentivization program will commence on September 8.
  5. First Quarter Incentives Distribution: Incentives for the first quarter of the pilot will be distributed from December 2 to December 8.
  6. Second Quarter Incentives Distribution: Incentives for the second quarter of the pilot will be distributed from March 3 to March 7.


  • Can voters overwrite a delegateā€™s vote?

    Yes, a holder can always overwrite (mechanics allow tokenholder to change delegate vote after they cast it) a delegateā€™s vote if they have a different opinion. Even if they share the same opinion, they might overwrite to express personal support for a particular initiative.

  • Is voting power only delegated to public delegates?

    No, delegation is not limited to the public list. The public list and the list of compensated delegates are meant to guide those who need assistance choosing a delegate. You can delegate to yourself, a friend, or form a team and vote privately.

  • Can the Committee automatically revoke voting power from a delegate?

    There is no measure to automatically revoke voting power. All the committee can do is communicate and publicly announce if something is wrong with a delegate, whether they are inactive or behaving oddly. They do not have the authority to manage the tokens of a holder, including revoking delegation.

  • What happens if a delegate who was removed for inactivity wants to return?

    If a delegate is removed for not voting but becomes active again, we would welcome them back. Their previous removal does not prevent them from participating again if they resume their responsibilities.

  • How many delegates are expected to be in the incentivization program?

    It is important to note that this is a personal estimate, as this is a pilot program and clarity will improve after its completion. However, it is anticipated that there will be approximately 4 to 6 delegates.

  • Will the framework change in the future?

    Yes, this is a pilot cycle, and there will certainly be opportunities to improve the framework based on the experience gained over six months. This is one reason for collaborating with the Agora team, as they are considered one of the strongest teams in user experience and governance in Web3.

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Node Operators Rated Labs Replacement in the Oracle Set

Published: Jul 17, 2024

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Rated Labs will be departing from the Lido oracle set, with the transition expected to occur in Q3 2024. Due to the increasing infrastructure and maintenance costs, we are looking to hand over our responsibilities to the appropriate candidate, pending Lido DAO approval, within this timeframe.

Verification message posted at Ethereum Verified Signed Message

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Protocol Relations Unofficial Criteria for Collaboration with Lido contributors

Published: Jul 15, 2024

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Filip here, DeFi Protocol Relations Contributor at Lido DAO. I am writing this post to provide more clarity to contributors of other projects who want to collaborate with Lido contributors and for the wider community to be able to cross-check if collaborations with protocols that claim collaborations with the DAO contributors are legit. Generally, those collaborations are listed on the Lido Ecosystem page.

In the attempt to create as safe as possible environment for community members and participants in DeFi, DAO contributors created primitives with a straightforward approach to collaborations.

While security and technical compatibility practices are anchored and there is no flexibility, for community, alignment and usage metrics, most of the points should be covered but are not mandatory as it highly depends on the type or project in discussion.

Please note these are unofficial guidelines for transparency and are not voted in by the DAO and are applicable for Protocol Relations Guild only.


  • Thorough Security Audits: The project should have undergone comprehensive security audits by reputable firms. (For reference these are some of the auditing companies which Lido contributors have worked with and are considered high profile by the contributors: Statemind, Certora, Oxorio, ChainSecurity, SigmaPrime, Hexens, Trail of Bits, Halborn, and other similar reputable auditing companies). Any modification after the audit should be re-audited before it goes in the production.
  • Transparent Audit Reports: Audit reports should be publicly accessible and demonstrate a track record of addressing identified vulnerabilities promptly and effectively. Every smart contract needs to be verified on Etherscan (or similar block explorer where Etherscan is not present) and the code has to match the one from the commit hash mentioned in the latest audit report.
  • Strong Security Practices: Robust security measures should be in place for the minimization of risk and the effect in case of unwanted event. Where multisig is used as an admin role instead of a DAO, the signers should be transparent.
  • Bug Bounties:(optional but highly recommended) Along with audits of the codebase, attractive bug bounty programs ensure that the code is regularly assessed by independent security professionals. It is an important aspect of any live DeFi protocol.

Technical Compatibility

  • Seamless Integration: The collaboration should not require any smart contract changes on Lido protocol. Those are usually not feasible due to enormous resource requirements.
  • Verified and Open-Source Code: The code should be verified, open-source, and accompanied by detailed documentation.
  • Compatibilty: Project is on the network where wstETH is officially recognised by the DAO
    Here is an example of the proposal of deploying wstETH on Base.
  • Technical Responsibility: The project team should be willing to handle all technical integrations and audits if needed, ensuring the project is fully prepared and self-sufficient in this regard. Lido contributors are keen to offer support for the use of SDK.

Community and Ecosystem

  • Engaged User Base: The project should have an organic, engaged, and growing user base.
  • Transparent Communication: There should be open and transparent communication with regular updates and clear practices.
  • Positive Reputation: The project and/or team should have a positive reputation within the Web3 community and among the industry.
  • Professional and Ethical Team: The team should demonstrate integrity, professionalism, in all interactions and business dealings.


  • Clear Vision: The project should have a strong use case for stETH
  • Value Proposition: The project should offer a clear value proposition that complements Lidoā€™s stETH
  • Unique Features: The project should have unique features or services that differentiate it from competitors and add tangible benefits to Lido DAO

Usage Metrics

  • Usage Metrics: The project should have quantifiable metrics of usage and adoption, including active users, transaction volume, and TVL (applicable metrics depend on the protocol and collaboration type). The protocol should be ā€œbattle testedā€.
  • Growth Potential: The project should demonstrate potential for growth, supported by market analysis and user interest.

If you feel your project meets the requirements in the above-mentioned criteria, please fill out this form, and a ProRel contributor will reach out to you if the ProRel guild would like to collaborate and/or discuss further.

Please note that collaboration with the ProRel Guild does not guarantee collaborations with other guilds such as LOL (Liquidity Observation Lab) and vice versa. Each guild operates independently, and their collaboration requirements are based on their specific criteria.

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Community Grants / Initiatives Proposal for the Translation of Lido's Documentation into French

Published: Jul 04, 2024

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Grant Proposal: French Translations for Lido

One Liner: Translating Lidoā€™s Help Center documentation into French to ensure accessibility and comprehensive support for French-speaking users.


Our team consists of two seasoned blockchain developers with a deep commitment to advancing Web3 technologies:

  • GĆ©rald: Blockchain developer with over 10 years of experience, focusing on decentralized applications and blockchain solutions.

  • Ludo: Expert in smart contract development and Web3 integrations, bringing extensive technical knowledge and experience.

Documentation Purpose

The aim of translating the Lido Help Center content is to provide French-speaking users with detailed and precise information about Lidoā€™s platform and services. This will help users with their queries, navigation, and effective use of the platform.

Target Audience

The translation is intended for:

  • Current Users: French-speaking individuals who are using or considering using Lidoā€™s platform.

  • New Users: Those exploring Lido for the first time, seeking to understand its features and benefits.

  • Developers and Integrators: Individuals looking for technical documentation to integrate with Lidoā€™s platform.

  • Support Seekers: Users needing assistance with Lidoā€™s services and features, looking for clear and thorough answers.

Main Proposal

We propose to translate the content from the ā€œHelp Centerā€ section of lido into French. Our translation process will ensure not only linguistic accuracy but also maintain the tone and clarity of the original content.


  • Default Language: French

  • All translated content will be reviewed and approved by Lido to ensure it meets the required standards.


The total grant amount requested is $3,500 USD, covering the translation of approximately 15,000 words in the Lido Help Center.

Final Comment

We are committed to working closely with Lido throughout the translation process to ensure that our work aligns with their goals and quality standards. We believe this project will significantly enhance the experience of French-speaking users on Lidoā€™s platform and look forward to a successful collaboration.

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Proposals Appoint Entity to Respond to Pending Class Action Litigation Against Lido DAO

Published: Jul 02, 2024

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On April 3, 2024, a class-action lawsuit by a private plaintiff was filed in Case No. 3:23-cv-06492 in the United States District Court for the Northern District of California (the ā€œComplaintā€), naming ā€œLIDO DAO, a general partnership,ā€ as a defendant.

In the Complaint, Lido DAO is alleged to be a ā€œgeneral partnershipā€ which ā€œruns an Ethereum staking business,ā€ and LDO tokens or transactions in LDO tokens are alleged to be securities or securities transactions that Lido DAO is alleged to offer or sell to the public in violation of securities laws.

On June 27th, the court held that Lido DAO had been properly served legal process regarding the Complaint through various public postings made by the plaintiffs and has 14 days to respond or risk a default judgment on the plaintiffsā€™ claims. Although various venture capital funds are also named defendants in the Complaint, none are responding as or on behalf of Lido DAO, and in fact they are denying they are part of Lido DAO. Thus, the risk of a default judgment against Lido DAO is real if a response is not filed by ā€œLido DAOā€.

Lido DAO has never characterized itself as a partnership, unincorporated association or other legal entity, and lacks many of the common features of a partnership (such as the alleged ā€˜partnersā€™ knowing who one another are and a sharing of the profits and losses of an enterprise). There is no partnership agreement or other legal document providing for explicit mechanisms for Lido DAO to appear in or appoint a representative in a litigation. Nevertheless, because Lido DAO is alleged to be such an entity (specifically, a general partnership) in this complaint, Lido DAO tokenholders should pass this vote to enable someone to argue that Lido DAO has not been and cannot be served properly, is not a general partnership or other legal entity, is not a proper defendant to this lawsuit, and that the case should be dismissed.

Accordingly, this proposal, without admitting and expressly disagreeing that Lido DAO is a partnership, association or other legally cognizable group or entity, is to appoint and fund Dolphin CL, LLC, a Delaware limited liability company (ā€œDolphinā€) to engage legal counsel (currently expected to be Brown Rudnick, led by partner Stephen Palley) and make a limited appearance as ā€œLido DAOā€ in the aforementioned case and, without admitting jurisdiction of the court or any other adverse legal fact (including but not limited to the notion that Lido DAO is a legal person), make all necessary or desirable legal arguments to cause the case to be dismissed against Lido DAO on any grounds deemed reasonable, appropriate and non-prejudicial by Dolphin and its counsel. The requested funding is 200,000 DAI, which is expected to be sufficient to pay Dolphin and its legal counsel for services sufficient to draft, file and argue in favor of a motion to dismiss the Complaint as it pertains to Lido DAO.


There are two types of risks relating to the proposal:

  1. Risk of Not Passing the Proposal.
    If ā€œLido DAOā€ does not make filings in the case, there is a risk the court will enter a default judgment against ā€œLido DAOā€ due to no response to the Complaint being filed. While the ultimate implications of this would be unclear (in part because the legal status of ā€˜Lido DAOā€™ is unclear), in a recent case by the CFTC against Ooki DAO, the CFTC obtained a court order for the collection of damages from Ooki DAO and ordering ā€œany third party providing web-hosting or domain-name registration services to shut down the Ooki DAOā€™s website and remove its content from the internet,ā€ which has resulted in successful takedowns of Ooki-DAO-related web2 infra.
    On the other hand, a default judgment likely cannot be entered until the case is fully concluded against all parties, and the other parties to the litigationā€“if they are not dismissed from the case per their motionsā€“would presumably continue litigating in their own defense for some time, even if Lido DAO does not appear to defend itself. However and even though those defendants have an excellent track record of supporting the blockchain industry, none of them are responding to the case as if they are part of Lido DAO, and due to potentially conflicting fiduciary duties there can be no guarantee their arguments will be crafted toward sustainability of Lido DAO and the systems it governs, versus being tailored to eliminate their own likelihood of liability or garnering an early dismissal of themselves from the case while leaving Lido DAO itself as a defendant.
    If a default judgment is ultimately entered against Lido DAO, we cannot predict whether the court would enter similar orders in this case to those in Ooki DAO (one notable difference is that the plaintiffs here are class-action attorneys, not a government agency), but it is a material riskā€“particularly if the default judgment is weaponized to cause third parties to deny Lido-DAO-related access to web2 infrastructure, to delist LDO from trading venues, etc.
    Furthermore, third-parties could seek to use a default judgment against Lido DAO or other parties in other legal actions. This can occur via the doctrine of res judicata or non-mutual offensive collateral estoppel which has sometimes been used by the SEC and other regulators. These doctrines are complex so it is not guaranteed they will applyā€“for example, it could be argued that ā€œLido DAOā€ lacks a fair opportunity to litigate here or that the remedies are sufficiently different that res judicata principles would not apply. But a court may ultimately disagree and may apply such doctrines adversely to Lido DAO.
    Generally, a default judgment is a potential attack vector against Lido DAO and the systems it governs. While there may be various counterattacks to the judgment at various stages, and enforcing the judgment may be difficult for the plaintiffs, it is better if the attack vector does not materialize in the first place.

  2. Risks of Passing the Proposal
    The main risk of passing the proposal is that the claimant in this case might try to build an argument that Lido DAO is capable of being a litigant and therefore should be viewed as legal person that can ultimately suffer an adverse judgment. However, in the Ooki DAO case, the Ooki DAO took the strategy of having no one appear for the DAO, and this fact in itself did not help Ooki DAOā€”it was still deemed to be a cognizable legal person and still suffered a default judgment and had critical web2 infra dismantled by government orders levied against third parties.
    A second general risk is that if Lido DAO appears and is not dismissed from the case, Lido DAO will face additional expenses and risks as the litigation proceeds. By contrast, if no response is entered for Lido DAO and the other defendants are not dismissed, the other defendants may keep litigating the case and Lido DAO could ā€˜free rideā€™ on their efforts to some extent (albeit there is no guarantee their arguments will be optimal for Lido DAO).

About Dolphin CL, LLC

Entity Name: Dolphin CL, LLC
Entity Type: Limited liability company
Jurisdiction: Delaware

About Brown Rudnick/Stephen Palley

Stephen Palley is a litigation partner and co-chair of Brown Rudnickā€™s Digital Commerce group and leads its Digital Assets disputes practice. Stephen is a seasoned litigator with over 25 years of extensive courtroom experience litigating and trying complex commercial matters. He has deep technical and U.S. regulatory knowledge, particularly in the digital asset space, and assists clients working on the frontiers of technology, including on deal work for blockchain and other technology enterprises, as well as product development guidance. His current practice is devoted nearly exclusively to the Digital Asset space, and current cases include several involving disputes involving DAO-related conflicts, in state and federal courts, as well as private arbitration and mediation. He also defends clients in regulatory matters involving blockchain protocols and token projects. He is an editor of the International Journal of Blockchain Law (IJBL), a law journal launched in November 2021 to help non-legal communities better understand Blockchain applications and digital assets. Before joining Brown Rudnick, Stephen founded his prior law firmā€™s Technology, Media and Distributed Systems Practice Group in 2017, which he also chaired. He serves as an outside general counsel to technology and media startups and as a trusted advisor to established businesses across a range of industries, with a focus on securities and financial regulatory law, and has been recognized by Legal 500 (2024) for his acumen in this space.


Without admitting any alleged legal classification of Lido DAO as a general partnership or otherwise, Lido DAO hereby authorizes Dolphin CL, LLC to file a motion to dismiss the aforementioned legal case against Lido DAO as promptly as practicable. Dolphin CL, LLC is not authorized to serve as a general representative or proxy of Lido DAO or LDO token holders or to receive notices or other legal process on behalf of LDO tokenholders or Lido DAO, but only to make a limited appearance and file a motion to dismiss the complaint against Lido DAO as summarized herein. If the proposal passes, the funding of up to 200,000 DAI is to be provided through RCC EasyTrack motions.

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The LIP - Lido Improvement Proposal - Process LIP-25: Staking Router v2.0

Published: Jun 28, 2024

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LIP-25: Staking Router v2.0: Permissionless, secure and scalable


Lido DAOā€™s mission is to make Ethereum staking simple, secure, and decentralized. Recent long-range goals approved by the Lido DAO (and proposed by @Hasu) suggest the introduction of a decentralized validator set and permissionless staking modules.

The purpose of the thread is to summarize concerns proposed improvements to the Staking Router, in the form of a v2.0 upgrade which should be made to support permissionless modules (such as Community Staking Module) and improve security and scalability of the existing Staking Router. Should the community be generally aligned with these proposed improvements, they shall be detailed via a Lido Improvement Proposal (LIP) which will be posted in the coming weeks and put forth for a Snapshot vote.

Scope of Staking Router v2.0 upgrade

The proposed SR upgrade includes improvements to both on- and off-chain parts of the following components:

  • the Deposit Security Module (DSM),
  • the Validator Exit Bus Oracle (VEBO),
  • the Accounting Oracle,
  • and reward distribution mechanisms in curated-based modules.

Tech details can be found here LIP-25

Proposed Improvements

Deposit Security Module (DSM) improvements


In the current implementation of the Curated modules, key vetting (the process of validating keys before making them depositable) occurs through DAO actions, and in particular EasyTrack motions, which operators may initiate after submitting keys or via full on-chain DAO votes. The proposed DSM changes aim to improve the process of key vetting to be able to work without requiring governance approval and to accommodate future permissionless modules.

Proposed Changes

  1. Optimistic Vetting of Deposit Data:

Automate key vetting within DSM to enhance security and eliminate the need for governance approval.

  1. Attack Mitigation:

Address cases such as incorrect signatures, duplicate keys, and front-run deposits through robust validation and reporting mechanisms.

More details: DSM Improvements

VEBO Improvements


The current VEBO mechanism only processes validator exits in response to user withdrawal requests. This limitation hinders the protocolā€™s ability to manage validator exits proactively, especially for permissionless modules, and thus an improvement is proposed to allow for exits for reasons other than withdrawal requests. From the Staking Router side, it is also proposed to consider a moduleā€™s share when prioritizing (ordering) validators for exit.

Proposed Changes

  1. Boosted Exit Requests:

Allow modules to signal VEBO to exit validators independently of withdrawal requests, using a new boosted exit mode.

  1. Target Share Consideration:

Adjust validator exit prioritization to account for each moduleā€™s target share, preventing disproportionate validator exits that could destabilize the moduleā€™s intended share.

More details: VEBO Improvements

Oracle 3rd Phase Improvements


The introduction of the Community Staking Module, which does not limit the number of node operators, necessitates a scalable solution for the Accounting Oracleā€™s third phase report.

Proposed Changes

  1. Multi-Transactional Third Phase:
  • Split the third-phase report into multiple transactions to manage large data sets efficiently and stay within Ethereumā€™s block gas limits.
  • Ensure each transaction is processed independently but also maintains report integrity and sequence.
  1. Sanity Checks and Limits:
  • Implement new gas consumption limits and sanity checks for the third phase to ensure efficient processing without exceeding gas constraints.

More details: Expand the third phase in Oracle

Reward Distribution in Curated-Based Modules


Current reward distribution mechanisms, tied to the third-phase Oracle finalization hook, risk exceeding block gas limits and complicate the reporting process.

Proposed Changes

  1. Decoupled Reward Distribution:
  • Implement a permissionless on-chain method to handle reward distribution independently of Oracleā€™s third-phase report.
  • Develop a bot to trigger this method after each Accounting Report, ensuring timely reward distribution without overloading any single transaction.

More details: Reward distribution in curated-based modules


Staking Router v2.0 introduces significant improvements to Lidoā€™s permissionless staking, enhancing security and scalability.

Next steps

Stay tuned for announcements on the testnet deployments. On-chain and off-chain changes will be polished, and undergo security audits before the mainnet proposal. The final audit report will be published once finalized and on-chain vote would be proposed to upgrade the on-chain components of the protocol.

Detailed specification

Please proceed to the LIP-25 text published on GitHub for further details.


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General Notice of Court Order and First Amended Complaint in Samuels v. Lido DAO

Published: Jun 28, 2024

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To Whom It May Concern-

I write to notify Lido DAO that it has been named as a Defendant in the lawsuit Samuels v. Lido DAO, et al., docketed as No. 23-cv-6492 in the U.S. District Court for the Northern District of California.

In compliance with Judge Chhabriaā€™s order of June 27, 2024, this post notifies Lido DAO of the lawsuit and provides Lido DAO with the First Amended Complaint and Judge Chhabriaā€™s order authorizing alternative service on Lido DAO and deeming the Lido DAO served as of June 27, 2024.

Judge Chhabriaā€™s Order is available at: tinyurl[dot]com/ycy576ja

The First Amended Complaint is available at: tinyurl[dot]com/5am4xxz5

Posting links is not allowed on this forum. Please replace the [dot] with a . and paste the url into your browser.

Thank you.

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Alliance Proposal: Onboard Maison to the Lido Alliance

Published: Jun 24, 2024

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Maison Network (Re-Staking Yield Swap)


  • Maison Network, aka Maison, is a cutting-edge derivative asset protocol designed to assist LRT assets with marginal trading. It employs the Interest Rate Swap model specifically for LRT assets.
  • Maison aims to facilitate the integration of RYS (Re-Staking Yield Swap) assets with Symbiotic stETH LRTs and protocol-based stablecoins.
  • Maison plans to launch a loyalty program for new stETH LRTs to ensure consistent liquidity.

Background Overview

After the liquid staking era, there has been growth in re-staking assets and Pendle-like yield generation protocols. We also see different staked assets developed based on ETH with different yield generation models, etc. Here, we see an opportunity for alternative asset generations that help hedge risk, get yield, and not be frustrated with the choice of fixed or floating rates.

Our solution is based on well-known and time-tested models.

1. First, letā€™s take a look at the Interest Rate Swap.

An interest rate swap is a forward contract in which one stream of future interest payments is exchanged for another based on a specified principal amount.

Interest rate swaps usually involve exchanging a fixed interest rate for a floating rate, or vice versa, to reduce or increase exposure to fluctuations in interest rates or to obtain a marginally lower interest rate than would have been possible without the swap.

Interest rate swaps (IRS) notional outstanding increased by 12.5% to $465.9 trillion, accounting for 81.2% of total IRD notional outstanding.

2. Second. It launched an Interest Rate Swap asset: Staking Yield Swaps from BitMEX.

It is a simple, elegant, and working model, but it was launched in lousy market conditions (it was announced less than a month after the FTX crash), with no market for such assets (no re-staking, no Pendle-like protocols)

3. Third, Symbiotic Re-Staking

Re-Staking introduces the next evolution in the Re-Staking Yield Swap markets. Over half of the staked ETH is managed by liquid Re-Staking providers, generating new assets fundamental to the emerging Re-Staking Yield Swaps market.

Integration Proposal

We propose launching the Maison protocol's derivatives, the Re-Staking Yield Swap solution, as part of the Lido Alliance. This would grant Re-Staking users access to a new derivatives market built on Symbioticā€™s AVS project assets. Lido DAO can expect the usage of stETH as Maison collateral through loyalty programs or specific Symbiotic multipliers, enhancing utility and engagement.

Protocol overview

This derivative lets traders swap the variable yield from staking LSTs or stablecoins on platforms like Symbiotic, Ethena, Etherfi, Swell, Mind, and others for a fixed interest rate and vice versa. Depending on their position, traders can either pay or receive the fixed rate, offering new opportunities for hedging and speculation on staking yields. Contracts expire quarterly and have specific trading conditions and fees.

Generally, Re-Staking Yield Swaps (RYS) or Maison RYS are financial instruments that allow users to exchange the variable yield from staking cryptocurrencies for a fixed interest rate and vice versa. This helps traders and investors manage risks and speculate on staking yields.

1. Re-staking Protocols (Swell, Mind, Etherfi):
Users can swap the variable yields from these re-staking protocols for a fixed yield, offering hedging against yield volatility.

2. Stablecoin Projects (Ethena):
Similar swaps can be created for yields from stablecoin projects. Cross-swaps between ETH yields and stablecoin yields can provide diversified trading options.

Key Features

Variable vs. Fixed Yields: Swap the variable staking rewards for a predictable fixed interest rate. The launch of RYS contracts introduces new avenues for trading and hedging, enabling users to speculate on the value of Re-Staking and rewards. This aligns with our commitment to enhancing platform versatility, with further expansions anticipated in the coming weeks and months.

During the life of a RYS contract, two interest rates are being ā€œswappedā€ each day:

  • The floating rate will be based on the variable yield from the staking. Every day at 12:00 UTC, a rebase happens ā€“ where staking rewards are accrued to the balance.
  • The fixed rate represents a traderā€™s best guess of the average daily staking yield from the contractā€™s inception until maturity. Itā€™s the rate that traders speculate on and will be annualized.

Leverage: Potential to use leverage (e.g., up to 5x or higher) to amplify positions with careful risk management.

In addition, traders can hold a position if they allocate enough margin to satisfy the maintenance margin requirement. Once this is not the case, the trader will be liquidated.

  • Quarterly Contracts: Standardized quarterly expiration for swaps.
  • Risk Management: Strategies to handle yield fluctuations and ensure liquidity.
    • As for the slashing events, we can use the following event sequence:
      • Real-Time Monitoring: Continuously monitor validator performance to detect and respond to potential issues before they result in slashing.
      • Alerting: We are presenting an alert about a slashing for a trader.
      • Emergency position closing. Based on this event, we can execute emergency position closing with instant settlement based on the current market Funding position. The funding position recalculates at a momentā€™s notice of a slashing alert.

One main difference is that traders Pay or Receive the fixed rate on a swap contract rather than Buy or Sell:

  • The Payer pays the fixed rate and receives the floating rate. In other words, the trader has entered a long position.
  • The Receiver will receive the fixed rate and pay the floating rate. In other words, the trader has entered a short position.


Symbiotic RYS:

  • Variable Yield Source: Symbiotic staking returns.
  • Swap Mechanism: Smart contracts allow users to receive a fixed yield in exchange for their variable yield.
  • Leverage: Up to 5x leverage.
  • Risk Management: Hedging strategies and collateral requirements.
  • Expiration: Quarterly contracts.

A trader who has staked wstETH on Symbiotic ā€“ and also received fixed on a swap contract ā€“ will net receive the fixed rate on their staked wstETH (thus converting the uncertain daily variable rate that is derived from staking wstETH on Symbiotic into a known fixed rate).

So, say, a trader paid 3% on 1 ETH notional of wstETH RYS contracts. If the floating rate for a particular day is 3.5%, the net amount received by the trader will be:

1 ETH x (3.5% ā€“ 3%) x (1 / 365) = 0.000013699 ETH.

Asset Specification

Maison Re-Staking Yield Swap (RYS) Contracts resemble traditional Interest Rate Swaps but differ significantly from perpetual swaps. Unlike perpetual swaps, RYS Contracts are not directly linked to an underlying index, allowing their trading prices to diverge considerably from the index value. This structure gives users unique opportunities and flexibility in trading and hedging strategies.

Mechanics of RYS Markets

Traders can make or lose money when trading RYS through two mechanisms: PnL Realization and Floating Funding payments.
  • Multiplier: Defines the worth of one contract.
  • Position Marking: Yield contracts are marked using the Last Price, which determines Unrealised PNL and liquidations.
  • Initial and Maintenance Margin: These levels dictate allowable leverage and when liquidation occurs.
  • Floating Funding: Positions open during Floating Funding (every 24 hours) will pay or receive funding settled against the Average Entry Price.
    • Long traders will pay a fixed rate (their average entry price) and receive the Floating Funding Rate.
    • Short traders will receive a fixed rate (their average entry price) and will pay the Floating Funding Rate.
  • Settlement: The expiry date varies per instrument, as the specifications show.
  • Basis refers to the contractā€™s premium or discount compared to the underlying Reference Index due to future expected funding payments and settlements.

Floating Funding Index: Observing this index provides insights into current and historical contract funding rates.

Position Size and Price Marking

The Position Value for RYS contracts depends on the number of days remaining on the swap and the Average Entry Price.

Position Value = Number of contracts * Multiplier * Average Entry Price * days until expiry / 365

Mark Value = Number of contracts * Multiplier * Mark Price * days until expiry / 365

Unrealized PnL = Mark Value - Position Value

When closing a position, the Pnl that is realized depends on the number of days remaining on the swap as well as on the Average Entry Price and Exit Price:

PnL = Position Exit Value - Position Entry Value

Floating Funding

  • Funding Interval: Floating Funding is applied every 24 hours at 12:00 UTC. You are subject to Floating Funding only if you maintain an open position at this time. Closing your position before this interval means you wonā€™t incur or receive any funding.
  • Fees: Maison imposes a fee of 0.001% on Floating Funding transactions.

We use the (Asset) staking yield index (APR) we collect from protocols.

APR = ((Last Reward - Previous Reward) / (Previous Reward)) * (1 / Time Elapsed)

Trading core specification

We have a mainnet Ethereum asset layer, and we are using an on-chain orderbook hosted on an Optimism-based Appchain with Celestia DA that manages the matching and settlement layer On-chain.

  • Order Placement: Users sign and place orders through the Off-Chain Order Manager, which batches the orders and directs orders in one batch to the Order Management Contract.
  • Off-Chain Order Manager sends events to lock balances on a collateral smart contract to prevent double-spending and balance withdrawal.
  • The order Management Contract accepts batches, validates orders and forwards them to the OrderBook Contract for insertion. Also, the order Management Contract manages pairs of RYS assets.
  • OrderBook Management: The OrderBook Contract maintains orders in separate bids and asks trees, allowing for efficient management and retrieval.
  • Order Matching: The batch post triggers the Matching Engine Contract. It checks for matchable orders in the bid, asks for trees, executes trades appropriate to the collateral contract (settlement to update the balance), triggers the Off-Chain Order Manager to unlock collateral, and updates the order book.
  • Order Querying: Users can query order data for display, analysis, or to inform trading decisions. While detailed order data might require interaction with the blockchain, much of the querying for display purposes can be offloaded to off-chain systems that listen to event logs.


We partner with esteemed security professionals and audit firms like Hallborn, Hacken, and Hypernative. We ensure that all code undergoes external audits before production deployment. For operational integrity, we employ real-time monitoring systems and alert systems, which also aid in diagnosing issues promptly.

Maison role

Our RYS may be ideal for:

  • Users who have staked on Lido and Symbiotic and wish to lock in a fixed yield
  • Users who are using other methods to stake ETH and wish to use our ETH staking yield swap contracts as an indirect hedge
  • Speculators who wish to take positions on the value of ETH staking or validator rewards
  • Anyone with holdings ā€“ or interest ā€“ in ETH or Stablecoin staking protocols

How will Maison help the Lido?

  • Maison will top up interest in Symbiotic and all connected AVS solutions.
  • Maison makes the ecosystem consistent by providing a unique trading protocol that connects all solutions that will be part of the staking and re-staking solution.
  • Lido liquidity may increase as more assets generate yield, resulting in more interest in RYS contracts and vice versa.
  • Enhanced flexibility allows users to hedge Lido staking yields and encourage longer-term staking.
  • It provides tools for users to manage yield risk and promotes wider adoption of Re-Staking solutions.

Weā€™ll provide the Symbiotic protocol with the same benefits but even with a more significant effect.

What we expect from Lido and Symbiotic

  • Acceptance of Maison as a member of the Lido Alliance and represent Maison as an official partner of Symbiotic.
  • Access to a partnership network to enhance its business development efforts for liquidity provision within the system.

Re-Staking yield swaps offer a robust financial instrument that benefits individual users and protocols like Lido and various Re-Staking solutions by enhancing liquidity, providing hedging opportunities, and enabling sophisticated investment strategies.

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General Discussion: The Decentralized Validator Vault

Published: Jun 20, 2024

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This post serves as a forum to discuss a potential strategy that could be implemented to increase the pace of adoption of Distributed Validators via the Simple DVT Module by utilizing incentives from DVT Infrastructure providers. Given the timelines of other parties that will potentially be involved, if the Vault moves forward, it is expected that the implementation will occur in an expedited manner.


In light of the recently updated ReGOOSE goals and as mentioned in the Simple DVT Expansion proposal, research has been underway in regards to a strategy that could be used to increase the decentralization of the Lido Node Operator set and by leveraging the addition of DVT based validators from Obol & SSV Network.

Since SSV Networkā€™s mainnet launch, the protocol has seen significant success, partially boosted by its mainnet incentives program. Currently, SSV Network has 24,992 active validators representing over $2.8B of ETH staked, all of which are eligible to receive SSV token incentives.

In the coming weeks, the Obol team plans to announce a contributions program in conjunction with their 1% for Decentralization retroactive funding initiative. Stake that is deployed on Obol DVs will contribute 1% of their staking rewards to the retroactive fund. The expectation for Liquid Staking Protocols is that potential future Obol incentives will be allocated to stakers by taking into account the contributions made on the relevant staking platform.

Within Lido Simple DVT, Obol clusters are about to start the process of scaling their validators while the first SSV Network clusters are expected to go live in the coming weeks, with scaling to follow soon after.

The Snapshot vote for Expanding the Simple DVT Module successfully passed through governance, and an on-chain Aragon vote to raise the share limit of the module to 4% is expected in the next two weeks. This proposal has also greenlit the creation of Super Simple DVT clusters, that would allow for quicker scaling of both Obol- and SSV-based DVT clusters via the Simple DVT Module over the next two months.


Given the additional capacity soon to be available within the Simple DVT Module, the upcoming launch of Obolā€™s contributions program, and recent revamp of SSVā€™s incentive program, an opportunity has been presented that can 1. Quicken the adoption pace of DVT via the Simple DVT module, leading to a more secure, resilient, and decentralized Node Operator set and 2. Drive net-new deposits to the protocol.

One way to manage the process is to use some intermediary ā€œvaultā€ solution to serve as a focal point for both user deposits and DVT provider incentives.

The vault strategy would offer capital allocators (stakers) the ability to deposit ETH or WETH into what would be called the Decentralized Validator Vault. This (W)ETH would be staked via Lido, with stakers earning the normal staking rewards from the protocol. 90% of the incentives generated via the Lido protocol Obol & SSV Network validators could be allocated to depositors of the vault, with the remaining 10% allocated to the Node Operators in their corresponding SSV & Obol Simple DVT clusters.

Why Do This?

The combination of the expansion of the Simple DVT Module, the launch of Obolā€™s contribution program, and re-work of SSVā€™s incentive program presents an opportunity for the DAO to increase the resilience of the Lido Node Operator set via DVT, drive a material amount of net-new deposits into the protocol, and offer capital allocators access to incentives that they otherwise would not receive (as SSV & Obol incentives are based on running validators).

With the Simple DVT Module expanded to 4%, there will be capacity for 11,868 validators evenly split between Obol and SSV over the coming months. Excluding the 60 active validators running through Simple DVT currently, this suggests capacity for an incremental 377,856 ETH of deposits into the protocol to fill the capacity of the Simple DVT Module.

Vault Mechanics


The vault could be introduced and curated by a DeFi protocol, integrating functionality to drive deposits to the Lido protocol and the ability to show monthly snapshots of the allocated points to individual stakers utilizing the vault.

The capacity of the vault would be controlled via the administrator of the vault (depending on the vault design), reflecting the current depositable capacity of the Simple DVT Module, with an up to 10% additional buffer. These parameter changes would reflect when key limits of clusters within the Simple DVT Module are raised, as explained in the Simple DVT Proposal and Expansion Proposal.

Incentives Eligibility

Similar to the current rewards share program, and in order to dissuade possibly deleterious effects to the protocol due to farming incentives, it is suggested that analysis be conducted on vault depositors. In order to be eligible to receive full vault incentives for the capital provided, depositors must:

  1. Hold a position for a minimum of 3 days in the vault through the conclusion of the Snapshot period.

  2. Not unstake existing stETH or wstETH that is then re-staked via the vault from the moment of vault launch. The incentives are calculated on the base of ETH deposited to and persisting within the vault during the relevant snapshot period minus any stETH withdrawn after the launch of the vault.

  3. Not sell existing stETH on DEXs/CEXs: this condition does not expel a depositor from all incentives, but reduce corresponding amount of capital provided by the volume of sold ETH. Similar to the above, the incentives would be calculated on the base of non-swapped ETH deposited to and persisting within the vault during the relevant snapshot period.


With the expansion of the Simple DVT module imminent, it is an opportune time to consider utilizing both Obol and SSVā€™s mainnet contributions and incentivization programs to quicken the pace of DVT based validators being added to the protocol.

This strategy would allow for a faster flow of Simple DVT validators being activated, for capital allocators to access DVT provider incentives, and most importantly, hasten the pace that DVT is rolled out across the expanded Simple DVT Module.

Parties interested in providing the infrastructure required for such a DVT vault are asked to respond to this post, noting that there is an expedited timeline due to the estimated launch of DVT provider incentive programs.

As a member of the Lido Alliance with relevant infrastructure capabilities, the Mellow team has been made aware of this discussion post and asked to provide a public showing of interest if they believe they are capable of providing a solution that would cover the above listed requirements. However, this does not preclude another party from expressing interest.

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Node Operators RockLogic Monthly Notes - 06/2024

Published: Jun 20, 2024

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Dear Lido Community,

Welcome to our monthly news, where we provide you with updates on our efforts to establish a secure Ethereum environment. Hereā€™s a summary of notable developments since our last update.

Implementation of Centralized Log Management System:

Enhanced log collection, storage, and analysis capabilities to improve operational insights.

Advancements & Result:

  • Implemented a centralized log management solution for efficient collection and storage of logs from various sources across the infrastructure.
  • Enabled advanced search and filtering capabilities, empowering faster troubleshooting and root cause analysis of incidents.

Lido Testnet: Stereum Support

Ongoing support for Stereum on Lido Testnet environment.

Advancements & Result:

  • Monitored and maintained node health to ensure optimal testnet performance.
  • Provided technical assistance and troubleshooting support for participants using the Stereum.

Next Steps:

  • Continue to monitor and optimize the Stereum testnet environment to ensure a seamless user experience.

Lighthouse Memory Issues Investigation

Troubleshooting memory exhaustion on Lighthouse instances.

Advancements & Result:

  • Identified instances of Lighthouse experiencing crashes due to running out of memory.

Next Steps:

  • Conducting in-depth analysis to determine root cause and implement mitigation strategies.

Beacon Node Load Optimization

Adjusted validator client connections to reduce load on beacon nodes.

Advancements & Result:

  • Identified excessive validator client connections as a contributing factor to high beacon node load.
  • Successfully redistributed validator clients across beacon nodes to achieve a more balanced load distribution.

Next Steps:

  • Monitoring beacon node performance and adjusting validator client connections as needed to maintain optimal load levels.

Lido General

Maintain optimal node performance and security through proactive maintenance and troubleshooting.

Advancements & Results:

  • Completed scheduled node and operating system upgrades to ensure compatibility and security.
  • Investigated and resolved any reported issues, leading to improved performance and reliability.

Next Steps:

  • Continue regular monitoring of node services to proactively identify and address potential issues.

Best Regards,
RockLogic Team

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Alliance Proposal: Onboard Bolt to the Lido Alliance

Published: Jun 18, 2024

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BOLT: MEV-boost Compatible Proposer-Commitments Enabling Trustless Preconfirmations


  • Bolt allows proposers to make credible commitments, starting from preconfirmations. This new feature enhances network censorship resistance and user experience, aiming to increase Ethereum usage.
  • Bolt will be open-source and PBS compatible, with permissionless access on both the demand and supply side. Most importantly, it will be trustless, primarily relying on staked capital as economic collateral for commitments.
  • Bolt protocol is built by Chainbound, a research and development organization specializing in optimized infrastructure and networking solutions on Ethereum.
  • Chainbound is proposing to consider Bolt for the Lido Alliance. The team believes that the software aligns with Lidoā€™s values and requirements. In addition, the Alliance will support the bootstrapping stages of the new primitive enabled by Bolt, retaining the vision and alignment with Ethereum, Lido, and the community.

Protocol Overview

Bolt Protocol enables Ethereum block proposers to provide credible commitments about their block contents. The system aims to improve Ethereumā€™s UX and censorship resistance by unlocking new primitives such as preconfirmations and inclusion lists. Ultimately, this will increase block-space value and yield for stakers, resulting in a more resilient Ethereum.

Bolt is implemented out-of-protocol, leveraging staked collateral for economic assurances. It is compatible with the existing block production pipeline, making it easy to integrate with existing systems.

Bolt will come to market via the phased approach outlined below:

Bolt Design Principles:

  1. Trust-minimized: No new trusted entities are introduced. Commitments are backed by economic assurances, not by trusted intermediaries.
  2. Credible: Because Bolt is proposer-centric, they can be fully held accountable for their commitments. In case of breaches, proposers can be penalized, which ensures the credibility of the commitments.
  3. Permissionless: Any proposer can opt-in to the protocol, and any user can request commitments from them. No central authority is needed.
  4. Compatible: Bolt is designed to be compatible with the existing PBS pipeline, and eventually ePBS. From the proposerā€™s perspective, the only change needed is an additional sidecar.

Guided by these principles, we believe Bolt is an effective preconf solution for Lido Node Operators and Ethereum as a whole.

For Ethereum:

  1. Bolt accelerates Ethereumā€™s roadmap towards stronger censorship resistance properties (Inclusion Lists, PEPC), de-fragmentation (based sequencing), and fast UX (preconfs), without relying on trusted intermediaries.
  2. Boltā€™s permissionless nature makes it unopinionated in the current relay and builder market competition. Having an opinionated solution that could potentially favor specific relays or builders is fundamentally unhealthy for Ethereum.
  3. Boltā€™s proposer-centric credibility ensures Ethereum does not increase its reliance on trusted entities within the block-production pipeline. This is important so as not to add to existing centralizing pressures.

For Lido Node Operators:

  1. Bolt is economical and easy to integrate for node operators. Bolt is implemented out-of-protocol and is compatible with the existing block production pipeline.
  2. Bolt is expressive and future-proof. Bolt is designed to cover multiple block-space use-cases, while also remaining compatible with the potential transition towards ePBS.
  3. Bolt is fault-tolerant. Bolt has an embedded fallback block building mechanism as a last resort to ensure that relays and builders arenā€™t critical to the proposersā€™ operation.
  4. Validators do not need to rely on trusted relationships to make commitments to further monetize their blockspace.

Bolt V1

Bolt V1 will support inclusion preconfirmations. Inclusion preconfirmations are commitments about the inclusion in a certain slot.


By default, the software stack for proposers will be extended with a new component called bolt-sidecar that implements the default builder-API. The bolt-sidecar will serve like a proxy for the modified mev-boost client, which implements the constraints-API. Users interact with the bolt-sidecar, turning commitments into constraints and communicating them to the PBS pipeline through the constraints-API

Component Table

Component Placement Description
Bolt RPC Off-chain RPC proxy server that propagates preconfirmation requests to opted-in proposers in the lookahead
Bolt sidecar Off-chain The entrypoint for Bolt. Implements the commitments-API and turns commitments into constraints
MEV-Boost Off-chain Modified MEV-Boost client that implements the constraints-API and verifies constraint proofs
Registry On-chain The registry smart contract that keeps track of the opted-in proposer set and their associated stake

Proposer Software Stack

Untitled (3)


The Bolt sidecar is the off-chain entrypoint for Bolt. To enable it, proposers must point their beacon node builder-api to the sidecarā€™s endpoint. From the perspective of the beacon node, the sidecar will look like a regular external block builder.

The sidecar is responsible for the following tasks:

  • Receiving & validating commitment requests from users through the commitments-API
  • Turning commitments into constraints and communicating them downstream
  • Proposing a safe fallback block in case of any faults

Modified mev-boost

The modified mev-boost client will implement the constraints-API and verify those constraints against incoming builder bids, which will have proofs attached. For more information on how proofs and verification will work, see the proofs section.


The Bolt Registry is the smart contract that keeps track of opted-in proposers and their associated stake. The responsibilities of the registry include:

  • Registering new proposers via an EOA, verifying their authenticity cryptographically (see the unfinalized opt-in procedure below)
  • Accounting for the proposerā€™s stake/collateral, potentially including restaked capital
  • Removing proposers that no longer wish to participate in Bolt (with a cooldown period)
  • Providing read access to the proposer set (useful for the Bolt RPC and Challenger components)

Bolt RPC

The Bolt RPC will be a public RPC endpoint that will proxy requests from users to opted in proposers according to the lookahead and provide additional functionality like DoS protection and rate limiting. The Bolt RPC will be a separate process from the proposer, and anyone can run one. Proposers can configure the Bolt sidecar to point to their preferred Bolt RPC

Please refer to our technical documentation for more details about Boltā€™s architecture, commitment types, use cases, and more!


Boltā€™s architecture allows proposers to delegate the task of providing commitments to a trusted third party. This can be achieved by signing a permit message that allows the third party to submit commitments on their behalf. They then have to point their builder-API to the third partyā€™s bolt-sidecar endpoint.

We defer to individual validators, larger node operators, and staking pools on their own policies towards delegation. For example, the allowance of delegation can be addressed within Lidoā€™s Ethereum Block Proposer Reward Policy. It should be noted that delegation leads to a fully trusted relationship. If the operator commits a fault, the proposerr will get penalized.

Onboarding Process

The onboarding process requires proposers to opt-into the Bolt protocol. This has two parts:

  1. Off-chain Validator signature Authentication

    Validators need a signature to validate preconfirmation requests. The exact authentication method is still an open research topic, but Bolt plans to support a variety of signing methods, such as the Commit Boost signing manager. Proposers, and their respective key managers, will interact with a commit-boostā€™s signing manager and proxy key scheme to both authorize respective validators and authenticate commitments.

  2. Opt-in Procedure

    Once registered, proposers must post some form of collateral to guarantee economic credibility behind their preconfirmations. The specific method in which this is achieved is left as an open point for now.

We are actively looking for validators to take part in Cohort 1 for testing and demoing Bolt. We believe Lido node operators would make ideal partners here. Please reach out if you would like to participate.

Side-note: An experimental (not part of the poc) on-chain registration process could work as follows:

  1. The Proposer signs a message with their withdrawal address private key to signify that they are requesting to opt-in. The message will need to contain the Ethereum address that the proposer intends to use as signer to authenticate individual preconfirmation requests. This way, proposers in Bolt will have a separate identity from their validators private key.
  2. The Proposer sends a transaction to the Registry, requesting to opt-in to Bolt. The transaction must be sent from the same address that was specified in the signed message, which must be passed in the transactionā€™s data. This way, the ownership of this new ECDSA key-pair is proven on-chain.

Security Culture

The Bolt protocol will be open-sourced and audited allowing for rigorous internal and external examination of all Bolt components. Bolt is designed to be simple and minimal. Along with a modified mev-boost client, Bolt only introduces 2 additional off-chain components: a sidecar and an RPC.

Chainbound will collaborate with external parties for both on-chain and off-chain components. For example, Bolt can utilize existing battle-tested restaking modules.

Additionally, Boltā€™s interface and standards will be a collaborative output from many teams thinking about similar solutions. Chainbound will provide maintenance, monitoring and, analytics for continued transparency, integrity, and security of Bolt.

Lido Alliance <> Chainbound

Lidoā€™s reGOOSE states:

Internalize validator services that align with Ethereumā€™s roadmap, starting with preconfirmations, without exposing stakers to additional risk

Bolt is not only: (1) a generalized proposer commitments protocol that can facilitate a variety of potential validator services, but also (2) designed with preconfirmations as the primary use case, and (3) aligned with Ethereumā€™s roadmap towards stronger censorship resistance guarantees, better UX, and defragmentation.

Bolt does, however, rely on economic security, placing additional slashing risk on proposers. We find this path necessary when introducing proposer-centric commitments so as not to rely on trusted intermediaries. With that said, there are ways to either reduce proposer risk (which can come in the form of insurance funds) or increase rewards (yield) to compensate for said risk.

Lido Alliance Support for Chainbound

Acceptance into the Lido alliance would be a direct endorsement for Chainbound and Bolt. With this endorsement, Chainbound would appreciate the convergence from Lido stakeholders around Bolt as one of the preconfirmation solutions to test and iterate over. For the Lido working group, Chainbound would appreciate direct collaboration and feedback on Boltā€™s design choices, suggestions around auditors and firms, and continuous testing of the software.

Helping bootstrap Validator Cohort 1, in particular with Lido Node Operators, would be an incredible help, along with ongoing assistance around validator adoption down the line.

Lido Alliance Alignment Collateral

We at Chainbound are open to discussing the possibilities here.

Towards a Proposer-centric Future

We hope the design decisions around our protocol reflect our desire to support and grow Ethereum, and therefore, help support Lido, a key steward of the Ethereum community. Proposer agency and trustless proposer commitments are core towards making Ethereum more censorship-resistant and usable.

We are excited for Ethereum and Lidoā€™s future and hope Bolt can play a part in that!

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General EIP-7251: Effects on Rewards & Risks

Published: Jun 18, 2024

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Hi there!

The purpose of this thread is to collect discussion and community alignment with regards to support EIP-7251: Increase the MAX_EFFECTIVE_BALANCE in Lido protocol.

Initially, @Mol_Eliza and me conducted a study to evaluate the potential impact of this EIP on changes in APR and to assess how consolidation might influence the likelihood of penalties.

Analysis and Key Findings

  1. Impact on APR:
  • In the event of EIP implementation, we may observe a slight increase in APR from 0.000094% to 0.001958%, depending on various network parameters and validatorā€™s size. This translates to approximately 9.4ETH to 195.8ETH per 10 million in quantitative terms.
  • Under normal network conditions, validators of type 0x02 with a volume less than 1700ETH will marginally decrease the APR.
  • If the network experiences huge stake inflow and validator activation queue or TX mempool overloading, then 0x02 validators will be more effective.
  1. Slashing Risks:
  • Consolidating to >100 Validators under same host is not impactful in terms of expected losses, therefore could be utilized by large staking actors. However consolidation leads to increase in variance for whole interval under consideration (1500 ā†’ 1), therefore increasing uncertainty, even with almost the same expected values
  • Consolidating to low amount of validators leads to significant increase in expected losses due to increase in expected initial losses
  • In harsh network conditions or long reaction time negative effect of consolidating decreases (and could became insignificant)

The approach details, analyses, and conclusions are detailed here: EIP-7251: Risks & Rewards and were presented during Node Operator Community Call #18.

Based on the conducted research, there is no clear evidence to suggest that immediate support for EIP and the transition to type 0x02 validators is necessary. The risks of incurring penalties increase with the consolidation of validators.

Thank you, feedback & suggestions are highly appreciated!

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Community Grants / Initiatives TanƩ - Lido community education in APAC

Published: Jun 18, 2024

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Dear Lido Community,

We prepared a grant proposal for community education in the Asia Pacific region to support these initiatives.

  1. Simple DVT
  2. Community Staking Module
  3. Lido Community Lifeguards Initiative

This proposal has already been approved by the LEGO Council.

We highly appreciate any kind of comments, feedback and contributions.


Education and empowerment for the community to drive decentralization.

We, TanƩ, wholeheartedly support the initiative mentioned above and aim to contribute as much as possible driven by our belief in the fundamental values of Lido,

Keep Ethereum decentralized, accessible to all, and resistant to censorship

We express our utmost gratitude to those who have worked on or supported these initiatives. At the same time, we recognize the challenges in achieving broader outreach and have been considering how we can contribute to addressing this issue.

In this proposal, we suggest using the funds received as a grant to increase the number of individuals and community members who get involved in decentralizing Lido by introducing ways to contribute to it, putting a strong emphasis on CSM and Simple DVT. This will be done via various channels; podcasts, articles and events.


The importance of Simple DVT and CSM in enhancing the decentralization of Lido, and by extension Ethereum, is significant. The goal of this initiative is to introduce various ways to get involved in the decentralization of Ethereum through Lido, with the introduction of Simple DVT and CSM being crucial components.

More specifically, the aim is for individuals and community members who engage with the educational content created within this initiative or participate in the events held to set up their nodes and become solo stakers themselves, or if not, to contribute to Lidoā€™s decentralization from different aspects.

We are presenting a focused, short-term segment of a larger, long-term plan. Our intention is to start quickly and efficiently by requesting a more modest grant size, which will allow us to initiate our project with agility. We believe this approach will enable us to demonstrate the potential of our broader vision while ensuring a streamlined and effective implementation of the initial phase.

Key Activities

These activities will continue to be executed in an appropriate form throughout all phases.

Educational contents

Create educational content aimed at individuals and organizations to understand Lido.

  • Podcast series that covers topics below.
  • Article series that covers topics below.
  • Tutorials and detailed guides for setting up nodes using CSM/ Simple DVT.

Organizing events

Organize an educational event that covers the topics below.

  • Introduction of Lido and its underlying technology
  • Simple DVT explained

Activities by numbers

  • offline event: 1
  • podcast: 6+
    • every week updates over 2 months
    • several Lido-focused episodes
  • article : 3
  • tutorial/setup guide: 1

Topics to be covered

  1. Introduction of Lido
  • Provide basic information for listeners with varying levels of understanding of Lido, ensuring a consistent foundational comprehension.
  • A brief review of Liquid Staking / The significance and benefits of Liquid Staking / Differences from other LSTs / Lidoā€™s value, etc.
  1. Introducing (Re)GOOSE #1: The background
  • Focus on the reasons why ReGOOSE was needed.
  • What is ReGOOSE in a nutshell? / Why was ReGOOSE needed? (Changes in the environment surrounding ETH staking: Restaking / Preconfirmations / MVI)
  1. Introducing (Re)GOOSE #2: Strategy (Lido Alliance)
  • We will discuss what ReGOOSE aims to achieve, one aspect at a time. Mainly focus on the content of this blog.
  • We will also discuss the current landscape of Lido Alliance.
  1. Why is Lido good for Ethereum: Path to decentralization
  • Introduce Lidoā€™s strategy related to non-technical decentralization.
  • Dual governance / ossification / others (from GOOSEā€™s topic)
  1. Overview of technical decentralization ā€” introducing the SimpleDVT, and CSM
  • Share the initiatives related to technical decentralization one by one.
  1. Deeper dive into the CSM: how to participate in the early adoption period and how communities can work with Lido via the Community Lifeguards

Budget and duration

We have received 10,000 DAI for this initiative.
Hereā€™s the budget breakdown.

  • Podcast $4,000
  • Writings (3 articles + 1 guide) $2,000
  • Event cost $4,000
    • Labour cost $2,500
    • Venue fee $1,500

We will organize and complete all these activities by the end of August.


We have received 10,000 DAI to educate the APAC community, especially in Japan, to get them involved in decentralizing Lido. We will introduce ways to contribute, with a strong emphasis on CSM and Simple DVT.

We will provide podcast content, written materials, and an on-site event.

Weā€™ve already started working on this. We recorded and shared the 1st episode of our podcast containing Lidoā€™s topic. We will keep on working as proposed here.

Reports will be shared after finishing all these activities, supposedly by the end of August.

About TanƩ

  • TanĆ© is a crypto investment and research firm backed by major Japanese enterprises such as SoftBank.
  • Our mission is to enhance the blockchain ecosystem through decentralization and credible neutrality, empowering individuals globally.
  • We want to achieve the mission by doing network operations that contribute to blockchain networks by running validators, participating in DAO governance, etc.
  • We also got a delegation of $OP from a16z to participate in DAO governance.
  • Our Website:
  • Our Network activities:

Our previous work:

We held a side event at ETHGlobal Tokyo. April, 2023.

MEV workshop in Tokyo. June, 2023.

Infra+DeFi Meetup in Tokyo. March, 2024

Podcasts (in Japanese)

Writings on MEV, intent, modular blockchain etc.

Representatives and contacts

Ikuma Mutobe : Founding Partner
Takeshi Ohishi: Co-founder, Head of Network Operations
Shoji Tateno: BD and Research

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General Dune error on lido extended

Published: Jun 17, 2024

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Dune query shows this, I believe that it is inaccurate

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CSM Support About the CSM Support category

Published: Jun 17, 2024

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This is the section for public discussions raised by participants of the community staking module.

The main communication channel is the Lido Discord server, where CSM participants can ask for advice and guidance from the community. This section is meant to be a place for broader discussion that require more visibility for the DAO members.

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Proposals Lido DAO ZKSync ZK Token Airdrop Acceptance

Published: Jun 14, 2024

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Kenneth here, Defi Protocol Relations Contributor at Lido DAO.

ZKSync has announced the launch of ZKNation, a DAO-based governance system that will drive the development of the ZKSync Protocol. As part of its path to decentralized governance, they have also announced the airdrop of the ZK token.

Part of the airdrop was allocated to protocols that have deployed and built on their ecosystem with Lido DAO receiving an amount of 8301475 ZK tokens.

There are no specified instructions for the DAO on how the airdrop should be distributed. Liquidity Observation Labsā€™ (LOL) intent is to best use it the way the DAO deems fit to grow Lidoā€™s footprint and participation in the zkSync ecosystem.

How Will The Airdrop Be Utilized

Lido DAO contributors firmly believe that zkSync has a thriving Defi ecosystem that will grow even more with other protocols also being aligned to the growth of it. The DAO contributors want wstETH to play a big part in what could be the start of ZK Summer.

As such, the airdrop will be distributed for the purposes of:

  1. Increasing the liquidity of wstETH in zkSync Era Dexes, enabling a seamless experience for users to use wstETH as interchangeably as ETH

  2. Increase the number of integrations possible on zkSync Eraā€™s Defi dApps from Lending Markets to Derivative protocols

  3. Be a part of bootstrapping and kickstarting LST/LRT-fi on zkSyncā€™s ecosystem

Currently, Lido DAO has already established a strong footprint in the zkSync ecosystem, being the LST with the highest TVL bridged over - at an amount of around 1200 wstETH. wstETH is also widely available on various DEXes on zkSync, with sufficient liquidity for most users to swap in and out of.

Distribution of the Airdrop

As stated in a prior Lido DAO snapshot vote, LOL (Liquidity Observation Labs) will be the representative for Lido DAO in claiming and distributing the ZK airdropped to the DAO. Preliminarily, the airdrop will be proposed to be used in this manner:

  • 80% of ZK token received goes to DEXes for wstETH denominated pools (wstETH/ETH, wstETH/ZK, wstETH/LRTs etc.)
  • 20% of the ZK tokens received will go to protocols adopting and integrating wstETH such as lending markets and derivatives.

The allocation and timeframe where the airdrop is utilized will be subject to change and is up to the discretion of LOL to utilize however it deems fit.

Multi-sig Signers and Wallet Addresses

The LOL zkSync Ops wallet (4/8 multisig) will be the recipient of the ZK airdrop. This address can be found in the list of LOL multisigs in the Lido DAO documentation page. Listed below are the signers:

@smiles 0x90D07d4c4801f275217de42Dca67c552Da0295Af

@Alex_L 0xB339918e75664a07BB650513427559920C0A0F6C

@Puffy325 0x1Fa1134a8eF43F0C98C1657a95276ae611FAd619

@GrStepanov 0x8D0855047b59a5f11262f095ee724b5A59a89710

@Marin 0x04e7C0350241b818eE5c92cc260008C9898F41cf

@DeFiYaco 0x59d07dc34B135B17b87840a86BFF7302039E7EDf

@McNut 0xc7a8DE05264442A318189f2bd160d2830902C8CD

@adcv 0xcC692077C65dd464cAA7e7ae614328914f8469b3

Some contributors of the DAO who are contracted with Argo Tech Consulting received a separate ZK allocation from zkSync.

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Proposals [EGG] st2024 v2: Continuity Grant Funding to Achieve GOOSE Goals

Published: Jun 13, 2024

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Source: Archival photograph of a stETH token (2024, colorized)


  • Continue grant approvals to the Lido Contributors Group to advance towards hasuā€™s GOOSE and reGOOSE Goals
  • Development, audit and deployment of multiple Staking Router modules, Dual Governance, Layer 2 integrations and reviews and zkOracles and integrations for stETH in restaking
  • Best-before date: 2024-12-31
  • 24.6m DAI + 180k LDO in grant continuity for the Lido Contributorā€™s Group
  • 7.1m DAI in grant continuity for the Liquidity Observation Lab
  • 400k DAI for the Community Lifeguard initiative

Basic Data

Field Description
Proposal Name st2024 v2
Which of the following GOOSE goals is your proposal advancing? 1: Lido has effective and decentralized governance, 2: Lido attracts the best validator set in the market, 3: stETH is the most used token in the Ethereum ecosystem
Proposed scope of work Engineering Coordination, stETH Core Protocol Engineering, Validator Set Engineering for the Staking Router, Alerting and Monitoring Tooling, Community Module, Governance Core Protocol Engineering, API & Components
Objectives Significantly advance all three GOOSE goals by focusing on expanding the validator set through Community Staking Module, growing stETH adoption in restaking and launching dual governance implementations
Total Budget Request 31.8m DAI, 180k LDO
Best-before date 2024-12-31

Review of st2024 v1

In line with recurring underspends, the st2024 v1 EGG has a positive variance of ca. $12m. This excludes the last half of May and the month of June, but do not expect significant grants in this period.

Thanks to the EasyTrack process, DAO grantees do not receive the full, upfront budget requested through an EGG, but realize any variances on a rolling basis.

st2024 v2

st2024 v2 is a 6mo grant request to advance all three of the GOOSE goals approved by the DAO earlier this year and to double down on reGOOSE objectives approved earlier this year. All these goals are crucial for realizing decentralization objectives around governance minimization, validator diversity and stETH utility.

Continuity for ongoing projects being outsourced to Pool Maintenance Labs Ltd., Argo Technology Consulting Ltd. or serviced by RCC, to collect functions relating to protocol execution, sponsorships and development support for the DAO. These existing contributor channels can mitigate present business continuity risks while advancing decentralised protocol governance.

This proposal would ratify the below budget request that will continue grantee funding for a further 6 months through EasyTrack contracts into three multi-signature addresses

DAI 24.6m and LDO 180,000 will be approved for the period Jul-2024 to Dec-2024, distributed across the below grant approvals.

Approval of a continuation of the previous grant to Pool Maintenance Labs Ltd., an independent not-for-profit staking advocacy and technical services company and existing contributor in the British Virgin Islands, transferred to a company-authorized 4/7 multi-sig wallet with signers listed below: 0x17F6b2C738a63a8D3A113a228cfd0b373244633D

adcv: 0xcC692077C65dd464cAA7e7ae614328914f8469b3
folkyatina: 0x75E01e1B7a4Ac280fB744A8153beE668A7e83abd
kadmil: 0x9A3f38AF97b791C85c043D46a64f56f87E0283D4
Azat: 0xA14BFfd91fb571bF1D9Bec70f273CAc13CA127Fa
krogla: 0x000000DfE832ccD7a4011a1Fca34602C9a598353
skozin: 0x181dbb1E8156518a58Cbb83AF4D3C41E731c6bdF
rotorless: 0xF6E9a144D727C239cC2A7C64C48B8b9A0E39b3dc

Approval of a continuation of the previous grant to Argo Technology Consulting Ltd, an independent Panamanian software development company operated as a not-for-profit, funded through a company-authorized 4/7 wallet with signers listed below: 0x9B1cebF7616f2BC73b47D226f90b01a7c9F86956

  • adcv: 0xcC692077C65dd464cAA7e7ae614328914f8469b3
  • dgusakov: 0x992Ce4eEc8288274f60880c7770DdA265fCCe610
  • Marin: 0x04e7C0350241b818eE5c92cc260008C9898F41cf
  • ShardYaco: 0x59d07dc34B135B17b87840a86BFF7302039E7EDf
  • madlabman: 0xA8815bc0B541D0a28dA7b8f759EB7E157e8fF8b0
  • Alex_L: 0xB339918e75664a07BB650513427559920C0A0F6C
  • Juanbug: 0xB8Dcad009E533066F12e408075E10E3a30F1f15A

Approval of a continuation to fund the RCC 4/7 multi-sig wallet with signers listed below: 0xDE06d17Db9295Fa8c4082D4f73Ff81592A3aC437

  • Marin: 0x04e7C0350241b818eE5c92cc260008C9898F41cf
  • Alex_L: 0xB339918e75664a07BB650513427559920C0A0F6C
  • irina: 0x8CeD94df9ddba8E38b6cb36639B6635F19Eb25C6
  • UniteTheClans: 0x81ca68f085282434D15c09619360D6513710a979
  • zuzu_eeka: 0x004812da927b5dcd07e7329609edd75e25d2d295
  • adcv: 0xcC692077C65dd464cAA7e7ae614328914f8469b3
  • Mol_Eliza: 0x21b82AA7149c8Fd0562E78b740937442FfD43094

If the proposal is approved, the first funding for disbursement to finance protocol operations would be requested from the DAO via EasyTrack 5 motions.

Pool Maintenance Labs Ltd. 0x17F6b2C738a63a8D3A113a228cfd0b373244633D
Argo Technology Consulting Ltd. 0x9B1cebF7616f2BC73b47D226f90b01a7c9F86956
RCC 0xDE06d17Db9295Fa8c4082D4f73Ff81592A3aC437

Multisig signers & addresses may be rotated by specified multisig after signalling the change to DAO on the governance forum. Number of signers canā€™t be lowered, and the threshold must be at least 50% of the signers.

A further 7.1m DAI in wstETH at market value would be approved for the Liquidity Observation Lab to continue a previous grant to further liquidity incentivization, experimentation and research. LOL will continue to work to deliver public resources on stETH liquidity.

To deliver on hasuā€™s GOOSE and reGOOSE goals, areas of focus during the budget period will include:

  • Engineering Coordination
  • stETH Core Protocol Engineering
  • Validator Set Engineering for the Staking Router
  • Alerting and Monitoring Tooling
  • Community Module
  • Governance Core Protocol Engineering
  • API & Components

At the end of the budget period, if GOOSE goals can be advanced further, the Lido Contributors Group may request another grant from the DAO to continue their contributions.


As with the previous EGG, a mid-period review will be held to recap on the progress to date and report on variances. Publicly available information on the state of the DAO economics continue to be available here (though the dashboard is being reworked over the coming weeks to update for Stonks and distinguish between new Staking Router modules

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General Where is my stETH? My stake succeeded, but I cannot find my stETH

Published: Jun 09, 2024

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I staked successful, as shown on etherscan, but I cannot find my stETH. Can anyone help please?

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Department of Decentralisation SEEDGov Delegate Thread

Published: Jun 05, 2024

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Delegate Introduction

Name: @SEEDLatam

Wallet Address: 0xc1c2e8a21b86e41d1e706c232a2db5581b3524f8


Our delegation is excited about the opportunity to join Lido Governance, where we hope to contribute significantly to the leading liquid staking protocol in the ecosystem. Weā€™ll do so by maintaining active and meaningful participation with a dedicated team backed by the entire SEEDOrg and ad hoc consultants.

What is SEEDGov?

SEEDGov is a dynamic and evolving vertical within the SEED Org ecosystem, dedicated to shaping the future of decentralized governance in the web3 space through active participation, community engagement, decision-making and experimentation. Our approach stands for minimizing governance where appropriate and professionalize it where necessary.

We are the first Latam based Delegate Platform actively engaging in various governance activities. Rooted in community values, weā€™ve shifted from educational models to a participatory approach, driving a new chapter in how individuals collaborate, coordinate, and decide in the ever-changing landscape of Web3.

Our scope of work across various projects and protocols includes managing grant and allocation programs, designing and implementing governance infrastructure, creating and overseeing incentive programs, and onboarding builders to align with protocol needs.

How we work

As a professional delegate platform SEEDGov collaborates with communities and partners to ensure credible representation of all interested in Web3ā€™s future. Since its inception, SEEDGov has advocated for critical thinking through education. We do not endorse scams or collaborate with blockchains, projects, or protocols that are not aligned with our core values.

The members selected to be part of our delegation will collaborate both directly and indirectly with other SEEDGov members. Any decisions made by this delegation regarding governance will be thoroughly discussed and communicated to all stakeholders through our discussion channels and properly executed through specialized units.


Participation in forum discussion threads and daily activities represent the opinions of SEEDGov and collaborators in their efforts to stay up to date with their roles. Our delegation will do its utmost to represent and embody our values to enhance Lidoā€™s governance:

  • Decentralization: As Lido DAOā€™s purpose is to ā€œkeep Ethereum decentralized, accessible to all, and resistant to censorshipā€, all of our initiatives and proposals will align with these same principles. Along with this position, and as the ecosystem continues to mature and be driven by its community, we will collaborate in the creation, iteration, and improvement of governance processes to ensure broader participation and that the system remains secure.
  • Community-Led Growth & Sustainability: We will promote and support all initiatives that enable the growth, adoption, scalability, and innovation of Lidoā€™s ecosystem. Our focus will be placed on ensuring that all growth initiatives are reliable, secure, and sustainable over time. We are willing to undertake ā€œprotocol activismā€ regarding Lidoā€™s significance in the web3 ecosystem and our alignment with its guiding principles. We intend to focus and try our best efforts on onboarding and educating stakeholders, as well as advocating for Lido within the broader blockchain and DeFi communities.
  • Security: We will always make sure that no DAO decisions will jeopardize the security of the protocol and thus harm users.

Our case

Lidoā€™s innovative infrastructure has revolutionized staking by lowering barriers and boosting the entire crypto ecosystem. Its user-friendly design and elimination of asset locking have propelled Lido to hold ~30% of the ETH staking market. This positions Lidoā€™s future developments and challenges as potential tipping points for the entire ETH landscape. Being part of this space will enable us to be informed and continue understanding, building, and participating in the following verticals (among others):

  1. Governance: The proposed Dual Governance framework -dynamic timelock and rage quit mechanisms- offers a promising balance between wstETH stakers and other stakeholders, ensuring an effective system of checks and balances and strong incentives alignment, representing LDO holders and protocol usersā€™ interests. However, in search of achieving governance minimization, the social layer will remain a critical instance of the collective decision-making and consensus-building process, where a deep understanding of Lido will play a crucial role. Addressing and arbitrating potential disputes and misalignments between the different stakeholders is something that SEEDGov can help.
  2. Alliances: We consider that the recently approved Lido Alliance framework comes as a solution in line with the current trends in the web3 ecosystem, effectively balancing efficiency and scalability. Allowing the community to decide on these partnerships ensures both transparency and tangible impact in the decision-making process. At this point, we canā€™t envision another solution that wouldnā€™t risk fracturing our ecosystem. SEEDGov consistently conducts research and maintains a global, comprehensive understanding of the DeFi ecosystem, enabling us to evaluate and assess potential partnerships for Lido.
  3. L2 Expansion: From SEED weā€™re highly committed to advancing Lidoā€™s mission of making staking simple, secure, and accessible to everyone. We consider that continuing to integrate wstETH native minting on diverse L2 ecosystems, including various rollups, can drive adoption and liquidity, enhancing an interconnected DeFi ecosystem. More presence on L2 protocols will enhance the overall UX, encouraging more users to stake their ETH and participate in Lidoā€™s ecosystem.


SEEDGov is a broad organization that not only encompasses communities in Latam, but also has high participation in some of the most prominent governances in the ecosystem such as Optimism, Arbitrum, Uniswap, Gnosis, Starknet, Everclear (Connext), and Maker. As mentioned above we come to Lido Governance to bring value, in case there is any conflict of interest, we will communicate it to the community members.

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Department of Decentralisation TanƩ Delegate Thread

Published: Jun 05, 2024

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tanegov.eth / 0xB79294D00848a3A4C00c22D9367F19B4280689D7


TanƩ is formed with a group of crypto-native product builders, based in Tokyo, Dubai and New York. We are backed by SoftBank, and Japanese tech giants like DeNA, GREE, MIXI, and closely work with the big Japanese enterprises and have great relationship with Japanese crypto communities.

Our investment arm has invested in and supported various innovating projects that contribute to the decentralized society enabled by the new blockchain technology. Our network operation entity started directly contributing to the ecosystem by being node operators for the core infrastructures and protocols that make Web3 move forward and contributors to the DAOs that manage them. We have been active as delegates in Arbitrum, Optimism, Uniswap and more.

Takeshi, Head of Network Operations, who worked for Twitter as a senior software engineer and for SmartNews, a Japanese unicorn startup that provides a news aggregation mobile app with 30M MAU as a product manager, is the main representative of the account.

Contact Information

X (Twitter):
Discord: tksohishi
Telegram: takeshi55555


We believe we can contribute to the Lido DAO in many and unique ways, help Lido achieve its goals and make Ethereum the coordination and value layer of the Internet.

Governance-focused node operator

We believe Lido and other protocols that need node operators should appreciate the importance of the governance more and incorporate some form of Proof of Governance for the selection of them. With that direction in mind, we consider it critical and inevitable for node operators to appropriately participate in the governance, not just on the protocol upgrades but also on the meta-governance and DAO operations. We are aiming to be the one that promote the movement and the leading operator with the technical capability as a node operator and governance capability as an active delegate.

Tech-savvy delegate

Our unique experience and expertises in the tech industries as product builders (entrepreneurs, software engineers, and product managers) should be able to contribute to critical feedback and comments on technical upgrades and issues to be discussed and implemented by collaborating with Lido contributors and external parties.

Japan representative

There are many users and traders using crypto products in Japan, but there are no prominent delegates who actively participate in and contribute to DAO governance from Japan yet. We are aiming to be the one who represents the Japanese users and token holders by being active in the governance, leveraging the partnership with Japanese enterprises and making meaningful impacts on the protocols and the ecosystem.

Values and Decision-Making Approach

We have established our Delegate Core Values as below and demonstrated our delegate activities and decision makings based on them.


We value integrity a lot. We believe integrity is the most important virtue even in the industry that values trustless and permissionless. In fact, even though we should aim for governance minimization in the end, the protocols should still need governance and it requires capable and sincere participants. We should be the one of them.


Diversity is one of the most important values to achieve decentralization. We are very unique in various perspectives including the geographical diversity (Japan and Asia). We also value diversities provided by other actors and are willing to appreciate them and collaborations with them.


We believe in the progressive decentralization. While considering the decentralization is the ultimate goal for crypto/blockchain projects to achieve, we sometimes value practicality and approaches that get things done rather than getting stuck in pursuing the ā€œdecentralizationā€ too much from the start.


We believe transparency is the vital trait in the decentralized systems. We communicate our findings, feedback, opinions, disagreements and praises in a clear and constructive manner. We believe transparent communications should lead to better discussions and decisions to thrive.

Public Acceptance

We are fully aligned with Purpose/Mission/Values of Lido DAO. We particularly appreciate the Lidoā€™s stance on being aligned with Ethereum values and commitment to achieving them together.


Our investment arm has invested in a number of crypto startups but as of the time of writing this profile, we donā€™t believe there are clear COIs in terms of contributing to Lido DAO. We are also active in the other DAOs, Arbitrum, Optimism (S6 Grants Council member), Uniswap and more in the future.

We will update our voting activities and rationales behind them in this thread. Please reach out to us anytime when you have any opinions/comments/feedback.

You can also check out our voting activities related to Lido from our internal tracker.

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Community Staking: Contributor Series Community Staking Podcast #12 : Explore ETH home staking in the Philippines with Bitskwela

Published: Jun 04, 2024

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Community Staking Podcast #12 : Explore ETH home staking in the Philippines with Bitskwela

This episode of the Lido Community Staking Podcast features one of the grantees of the Community Staking Fleet Pilot --Bitskwela, a Philippines-based education technology platform that makes Web3 education accessible to all Filipinos.

The Lido Community Lifeguards are excited to uncover the stories of grassroots Web3 communities that are keen to help expand the talent pool of Ethereum home stakers globally via the Lido Community Staking Module.

If youā€™d like your story to be heard, reach out to us below!

Get in touch with Bitskwela
Facebook: /bitskwela
Tiktok: /bitskwela

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General Notice of Motion for Entry of Default Against Lido DAO, or in the Alternative, for Alternative Service On Lido DAO

Published: May 30, 2024

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To Whom It May Concern-

Plaintiff Andrew Samuels, through counsel, hereby gives notice that a hearing on his Ex Parte Motion for Entry of Default Against Lido DAO, or in the Alternative, for Alternative Service On Lido DAO (ā€œMotionā€) will take place on Thursday, June 27, 2024, at 10:00 a.m. at the United States District Court for the Northern District of California, San Francisco Courthouse, 450 Golden Gate Avenue, San Francisco, CA 94102, Courtroom 4. The Motion requests that the Court direct the Clerk to enter a default against Defendant Lido DAO, which was properly served on December 22, 2023 but has not appeared or answered. In the alternative, the Motion requests that the Court order that Plaintiff may serve the summons and complaint on Lido DAO via the alternative methods detailed below; and, because Plaintiff provided Lido DAO the summons and complaint via those methods no later than February 6, 2024, order that Plaintiff effectively served Lido DAO on that date.

A copy of the motion is available for download at: tinyurl[dot]com/jrjfd4bp - [Note: the forum is not permitting me to post a full url; please replace the [dot] with a . and paste the address into your browser]

The case is Samuels v. Lido DAO, et al., docketed as No. 23-cv-6492 in the U.S. District Court for the Northern District of California.

Thank you.

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Proposals XGA: eXtensible Gas Auctions for enabling Preconfirmations without Restaking or ePBS

Published: May 28, 2024

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XGA: Enabling Preconfirmations without Restaking or ePBS

XGA or eXtensible Gas Auctions is a platform developed jointly by Manifold Finance and 20[1]
Manifold Finance has operated the only original non-censoring Relay since the Merge and 20sq has done mechanism design and review using their open source ā€œOpen Gamesā€[2] engine for projects like Flashbots regarding PBS (see and more. They have additionally written extensively on the topics of Blockspace (see and MEV (see

The documentation for XGA is live at & source via GitHub

Preconfirmations using a Forward Contract Market

The XGA platform revolutionizes the way block space is allocated to builders and searchers, making it more dynamic and accessible. The auction is implemented on a L2 Rollup based off the OP Stack with minimal changes. The Auction is currently deployed and live on main net[3] ethereum.

Validators simply need to connect to our new relay implementation, and run an updated Vouch or MEV Boost client. That is all the onboarding process really involves. There is no restaking, no risk to capital for the validators. This proposal would necessitate the adding of the new relay to the Relay must include the list for Lido validators. The onboarding process and current status is discussed more in the #roadmap section.

Call Market mechanics

XGA facilitates the allocation of blockspace by dividing each block into two parts instead of selling it as a single monolithic entity. One part is designated for high-priority, time-sensitive transactions (āŗ-blockspace), while the other is reserved for less urgent transactions (Ī²-blockspace). This segmentation allows users to select the most cost-effective and suitable space for their needs, enhancing transaction efficiency and user value.

MEV Boost compatibility

The second change includes the timing of sales. The first part of the block is sold through mev-boost as is common now for most blocks. The second part of the block is sold as a form of preconfirmation. That is, if a block gets minted at time t, the bottom part is sold in a pre-defined period before. This part is sold in a multi-unit way meaning that several bidders can win blockspace for this part.

Winners of the beta part of block b can then submit their bundles before the block gets actually minted. In effect, winners of the auction get an inclusion guarantee beforehand. Winners simply ā€œburnā€ their position on the L2 and submit their L1 transaction.

In version 1.0, the final merging of alpha and beta portions of the block are handled by our specially designed relay. This relay is live on mainnet at Version 2.0 eliminates this privileged service requirement.

Validator Participation without Slashing or Loss Risk

On the validator side, to participate, a validator must be permissioned to register with this service (the relay). Practically, the validator places the relay as a privileged service. This means that it will ignore bids from other relays during a defined time window, and if it fails to receive a valid response from our relay, it will then consider other bids from other relays. If the validator does not get a valid proposal from our relay, it then will pick the highest submitted block it has got from all other relays. Therefore, there is very little remunerative risk from the validator perspective. Any additional risk is covered by our ā€œCaptive Insuranceā€ program, in which we cover any costs that are incurred due to assurance violations.

This logic is to ensure against potential service disruptions causing losses for validators. It also provides an enforcement mechanism for the forward contracts to begin with without resorting to slashing. This is why validators must also be approved to register with the relay to participate for version 1.0.

Captive Risk Retention protects Validator Revenue and Capital

Captive Risk Retention (or ā€œCaptive Insuranceā€) is our risk management protocol, which the primary purpose is to insure the risk related to the relay and auction. It provides a direct relationship between the insured and insurer, and is incentive aligned. The aim is to protect validator stake, earnings and market participants against service outages or other exogenous disruptions , ensuring continuity of potential profits and explicit protections for participating parties.

2.5% gross is taken from the Ɵ-auction into the backstop fund. This amount can be adjusted. Should claims exceed the backstop fund, a pro rata charge is applied to the protocol vault of staked assets and liquidated into ETH to cover the shortfall.

Coverage Scope

Service Downtime

Provides compensation for any periods when the relay service is either inoperable or inaccessible.

Incorrect or Malicious Proposals

Offers protection against losses arising from incorrect or malicious block proposals made by the relay.

Performance Degradation

Ensures coverage in cases where the relayā€™s performance deteriorates significantly, affecting validator operations.

The insurance protocol seeks to provide coverage against a validator not having access to both MEV Boost Auction and the XGA Auction. The MEV Boost auction is protected by failover capacity of 3rd party relays (as described earlier). So long as this mechanism is correctly working, this greatly limits the liability in terms of potential losses that XGA could end up being on the hook for.

Additional MEV Improvements and Integrations

Builder/Searcher Separation

Searchers no longer need to vertically integrate with builders to enhance their inclusion rate. This is an important development in the market structure as it will lead to more truthful bidding (i.e. higher bidding). Searchers can now focus on their strategies without having to develop relationships with existing builder incumbents. Thus the barrier to entry is reduced, increasing competition overall and leading to higher validator MEV reward share.

Contract Bidding Strategies

By utilizing smart contracts for bidding and introducing a novel tie-breaking rule that emphasizes competitive pressure over simple high bids, the platform encourages fairer pricing and maximizes the value obtained from each auction. This has the added benefit of providing a way for smaller participants to avoid the latency game of request-response based bidding (i.e. API based).

Blockscout support for Preconfirmations

We are working with the Blockscout team to provide first class support for preconfirmations visualization and tracking for users out of the box. We are currently using Blockscout for the L2 rollup explorer.

Eligible Node Operators

The following Node Operators are eligible to participant in the first cohort. They are listed below in no particular order. Eligibility is determined using rated.networkā€™s information regarding CL client usage. Due to the way that Prysm and Nimbus clients have implemented the Builder API v3 they would require changes to the CL client which we prefer not to do.

As a Node Operator, you only have to run a slightly modified MEV Boost client or a modified Vouch client. This modification is to ensure that the failover capability is handled by the node operator, and not a centralized load balancer.

Node Operator
Kukis Global
Chorus One
Sigma Prime
Staking Facilities

Legal Risks

XGA has retained the council of Michael Frisch[4], Mikeā€™s experience with cryptocurrency began at the Commodity Futures Trading Commission (CFTC), where he brought one of the CFTCā€™s first enforcement actions involving cryptocurrency ā€” CFTC v. Bitfinex ā€” and was part of the team responsible for the CFTCā€™s action against Tether in 2021. While at the CFTC, Mike was part of the litigation team in CFTC v. Monex, a landmark case concerning the applicability of Section 2(c)(2)(D) of the CEA, and contributed to the CFTCā€™s Final Interpretive Guidance on Actual Delivery for Digital Assets.


XGA is live on mainnet Ethereum, today. We have already signed Frax as our initial launch partner for main net and they have been testing with us for the last 6 weeks on Holesky. We expect by late next week to begin adding their validator set to the relay.


We maintain a community telegram channel that is active and participatory, join or our


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  1. 20squares or 20 ā†©ļøŽ

  2. GitHub - CyberCat-Institute/open-game-engine: Haskell implementation of open games ā†©ļøŽ

  3. see ā†©ļøŽ

  4. see ā†©ļøŽ

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Alliance Alliance Review and Security Checklist

Published: May 27, 2024

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Now that the Alliance has been formally approved, we wanted to share some thoughts on the review and endorsement process.

One of the most important aspects of endorsement is about adhering to an obsessive security culture. Endorsement carries some risk for Lido, particularly with newer, untested protocols. However, the premise of the Alliance is precisely to be flexible enough to help emerging projects reach a new stage of growth. So what the endorsement process should focus on is whether the security culture of a project is sufficiently strong and whether the project has the right processes in place.

As part of the review process, we wanted to share some illustrative questions that we would look to ask projects seeking Lido Alliance endorsement. These questions aim to provide a fuller picture of the security processes of a prospective member.

  • What are the processes for putting code into production?
    • What is the release flow from the security perspective?
    • How does the team decide the code is ready for mainnet?
    • Does the protocol have public audits?
      • Links:
      • What parties conducted the audits?
      • Whatā€™s the issue summary (total issues / total fixed / crits and highs / crits and highs fixed)
    • How is the deployment verified against the audit?
  • What are the processes for managing security through TVL growth?
    • Is there a bug bounty? if yes ā€” which and where
    • Are there limits / thresholds on the project / TVL? Who controls those?
    • Are there any user funds on a multisig?
    • Is the code upgradable?
      • How and who controls upgradability?
  • What is the likelihood that the project will endure?
    • Is the project incorporated? How the legal structure looks like?
      • Neither of these is a blocker, it just gives a fuller picture
    • Whatā€™s the funding situation?
      • Similarly, also not a blocker
    • What is the team size?
    • Is the code open source? Whatā€™s the license?

As we work through the summary and recommendation for the first two proposals, the process and questions may shift or change to suit particularities of a given project or to strengthen the review process itself.

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Alliance Mellow Lido Alliance proposal

Published: May 24, 2024

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  • Mellow is a novel restaking primitive that allows for permissionless LRT creation, based on their own risk profiles and curation models
    • This proposal requests endorsement following the Lido Alliance framework and is for consideration by Lido DAO token holders
    • This proposal was drafted with support from the interim Lido Alliance Workgroup
  • As permissionless LRT middleware, Mellow will help curators launch their own LRTs backed by stETH
    • Lido will integrate descriptions and links to deposits in Mellow UI in stETH into the Lido landing webpage
    • Mellow will introduce a loyalty program for new stETH LRTs to maintain sticky liquidity
  • The interim Lido Alliance Workgroup will review the proposal.
  • Following the recommendation of the team or committee, the approval of Mellow as a Lido Alliance partner will be voted on by Lido DAO token holders through Snapshot


Current LRTs force users into a one-size-fits-all risk profile for opting into different AVSes. This approach fails to address the diverse needs of users and tends to overexpose them to slashing risk. Mellow solves this by abstracting risk management and allowing for unlimited risk profiles, enabling anyone to curate different AVS compositions and risks.

  • Restaking is evolving
    • Restaking allows Ethereum validators to repurpose their consensus capacity by opting in to validate additional third-party services. By doing that, in addition to staking rewards, restakers receive rewards and face slashing risks from these services, but these features are not yet implemented by major restaking protocols
    • So far, restaking has amassed a significant chunk of ETH supply, some ~$16B or 5.5M ETH, which are held by few major restaking protocols through both native staking and LRTs
    • More than half of this ETH is staked by a dozen of liquid restaking providers, which are riskier than native staking, but allow users to reuse their positions in DeFi
  • Issues of restaking
    • Restaking modules, rewards distribution and slashing mechanisms for major protocols are still under development
    • Alignment of governance token holders and ETH restakers is vital for a successful protocol, and on issues of revenue sharing or risk bearing it can become a tug of war
    • Adding new layers of abstraction over tokenomics can be useful to align stimulus by contouring out some slashing and fork risks, but it makes the system complex and egalitarian
  • LRTs landscape and issues, risks
    • LRTs represent a significant advancement in DeFi by enabling users to earn restaked ETH without sacrificing liquidity
    • LRTs market structure is similar to LSTs, with the difference that more differentiation will be possible so more players are expected to compete for a substantial share of the market
    • Top 4 LRTs capture more than 90% of restaked ETH, but overall, there are about 20 LRT providers with different implementations wrt validation infrastructure and native/liquid staking
    • Besides smart contract and depeg risk, restaking introduces novel slashing risks as users commit their ETH to validate both the Ethereum blockchain and AVSsā€“each LRT protocol determines which AVSs to validate using their pooled ETH, effectively managing the AVS risk for its users
    • Mellow offers an improved level of granularity of exposure to risks for users by enabling the creation of permissionless LRTs
  • How Mellow fixes LRTs
    • Current LRTs force users into a single risk profile for opting into different AVSes
    • This approach fails to address usersā€™ diverse needs and overexposes them to slashing risk
    • Mellow solves this by decentralizing LRT creation and allowing for unlimited risk profiles
    • LRT curators can create their own LRTs that fit their businessā€™s risk/reward profile
  • Composability and integrations
    • We propose launching Mellowā€™s novel LRT solution as part of the Lido Alliance, prioritizing stETH and offering the opportunity to restaking users to select the most secure collateral available for restaking
    • We expect Lido DAO to integrate descriptions and links to Mellow deposits in stETH into the Lido landing page.
    • In return, Lido DAO can expect Mellow to prioritize stETH as a collateral asset through loyalty programs or specific points multipliers
  • Operators and AVSes
    • Restaking tech is not mature yet. It is only recently that solo restakers can choose operators to delegate their tokens, and payments from AVS back to restakers are not yet enabled by major protocols
    • From the perspective of LRTs, only a few of them have launched governance tokens, but their teams have already unilaterally decided on operators and AVSā€™ that users are exposed to
    • This illustrates the issues around trying to match LRT holdersā€™ heterogeneous risk profiles with a Procrustean bed of homogeneous design in current LRTs
  • LRT curation
    • At Mellow, we believe the future of restaking is decentralized, which means implementing permissionless LRTs
    • Mellowā€™s LRT curation process includes analytical coverage of LRTs issued using Mellow tech, collaboration with existing issuers on DeFi integrations, and aiding in onboarding new LRTs

Protocol overview

Mellow Protocol is an innovative liquid restaking protocol designed to operate within the dynamic environment of the AVS ecosystem. Mellow Protocol offers a series of vault smart contracts tailored to different risk profiles, managed by curators. These vaults rely on the inherent flexibility, composability and security of both Ethereum and restaking providers to mitigate AVS risks effectively.

The architecture of Mellow Protocol is engineered to adapt to the varying needs of its users while maintaining a high standard of security and transparency. By allowing permissionless LRT curation, Mellow enables depositors more flexibility regarding their desired level of exposure to risk, while still benefiting from the liquidity of staked assets. This is achieved by dynamically adjusting strategies within each vault based on real-time risk assessments and market conditions.

Mellowā€™s smart-contract framework is built to be extensible, allowing for the seamless introduction of new features and vault types with minimal changes to the existing codebase. This ensures a low attack surface while facilitating the development of additional products and services.

To further enhance its robustness and functionality, Mellow Protocol integrates with a variety of DeFi primitives and infrastructures. This integration provides best user experience, enabling seamless interaction with other financial tools and services within the ecosystem. Future iterations of Mellow Protocol are planned to include advanced features such as dynamic rebalancing of vault allocations to optimize risk-adjusted returns and minimize potential losses due to market volatility.

  • Overview of Restaking
    • Through restaking protocols, stakers can choose to accept additional slashing conditions on their staked ETH for rewards from protocols whose state is secured by stakersā€™ assets.
    • Typical design enables the validation of various modules, including consensus protocols for L2s and appChains, data availability layers, virtual machines & application layers, creating new revenue opportunities for restakers.
    • Restaking protocols share the abundant security of Ethereum consensus by spilling it over to these modules, enhancing the reliability of their consensus and adding extra revenue source to restakers.
  • Launching LRTs will be permissionless for curators/users
    • Although LRTs permit delegation to multiple AVS operators, permissioned LRT holders and LRT node operators have little to no choice in how these delegation sets are formed or how risks are managed.
    • Holders can only make adjustments by changing the amount of LRT to which they are exposed.
    • Allowing LRT curators to issue new LRTs with refined risk/reward ratios in a permissionless manner makes the possibility of malfunctions causing ripple effects and liquidation cascades across the entire ecosystem remote and unlikely.
  • Fees mechanism for curators
    • LRT curators are incentivized to set a competitive fee on restaking revenue. Mellow plans to aid LRT curators to launch permissionless LRTs with deployment, maintenance and DeFi integrations.

What is Mellowā€™s Security Culture?

As a fully on-chain protocol, we give security a central role in both the development and maintenance of our on-chain products.

In the architectural design phase, we decompose the system into the smallest programmable modules or primitives possible. This allows for thorough testing of each moduleā€™s logic. We achieve 100% test coverage for each component and perform internal audits, ensuring high code quality and robust security for each component.

Upon completion, we assess potential edge effects that may arise when integrating various components, including external modules. Previously, when implementing ALM (automated liquidity management) strategies in Mellow, we developed integrations with other DeFi protocols, requiring a deep understanding of not only our own architecture but also that of integrated protocols like Aave and Uniswap. Weā€™ve never had a single security incident.

We collaborate with renowned security experts and audit firms, including Chainsecurity, Statemind, and Spearbit, and we only release code to production after it has passed external audits.

Maintaining security for our on-chain products is equally critical. We use real-time monitoring systems, Grafana dashboards and alerting systems to ensure operational integrity, provide tools for problem diagnosis, and also make it a prerequisite to have a public bug bounty program.

Our Incident Response and Recovery Policy outlines the procedures for detecting, reporting, and responding to security incidents. It also details recovery steps, such as reverting to secure contract versions and notifying affected parties.

Itā€™s worth mentioning that our products have been operational for over 1.5 years without a single security incident.

How will Mellow help the Lido Alliance achieve its mission

New integration with Mellow will benefit the whole Lido ecosystem and stakers, making stETH a one-stop vehicle for delegation to operators and different AVSes. stETH liquidity may be increased in addition to becoming prime LST vehicle available for onboarding to Mellow LRT.

  • Ethereum-alignment and commitment to decentralize validation
    • By participating in the wide restaking ecosystem, Mellow would help to spread the geographical and technical decentralization efforts Lido does outside Ethereum validation.
    • As ETH has moved from Lido to EigenLayer, the weighted average node operator set has become significantly more concentrated, presenting a risk to decentralized validation
    • By encouraging users to use stETH in Mellow, we hope to increase the level of validator decentralization in restaking, positively influencing Ethereum integrity.
  • Use-cases for stETH adoption and integration
    • stETH users will find new opportunities to deposit their assets in a restaking marketplace that is more transparent and offers more granularity with regards to risk exposure
    • stETH holders may benefit from exclusive opportunities for earning Mellow points
  • Opportunities for node operators
    • Lido node operators could launch their own composable LRT and take control of the risk management process by selecting AVSā€™ suitable for their needs rather than face their imposition by LRTs or restaking protocols
    • They could also collaborate with curators to reach the same outcome and create bespoke LRTs for their customers, based on stETH

What does Mellow expect from Lido Alliance

  • Endorsement
    • Lido DAOā€™s acceptance of Mellow as a member of the Lido Alliance
  • Integrations
    • Mellow expects Lido to integrate descriptions and links to deposits in Mellow UI in stETH into the Lido landing page. After getting positive traction and if Lido Alliance sees it possible and bringing value, integration of deposits directly into any Lido UI.
  • Ecosystem
    • Shared stance of Mellow and Lido Alliance on decentralization and security is a prerequisite to having a shared ecosystem centered around stETH with Mellow LRTs as satellites.
  • Liquidity bootstrapping
    • Mellow seeks access to a partnership network to enhance its own business development efforts for liquidity provision within the system.
  • Network
    • Lido DAO contributors and Mellow members will apply security best practices, refer talented individuals to each other, and collaborate in various ways to build a decentralized future for the Ethereum ecosystem.
  • Consultation
    • Mellow anticipates benefiting from the Lido teamā€™s extensive expertise in different aspects of the ecosystem and technology. This includes access to conversations with contributor groups for knowledge sharing, conducted in a limited and non-disruptive manner.

How much alignment collateral will be locked in the Alliance legal vehicle?

100,000,000 MLW tokens (10% of the total supply) will be locked in a Lido Alliance legal entity (e.g. Foundation) after TGE. These tokens will be held in perpetuity These tokens will be subject to the same vesting and cliff terms as the team tokens: a 12-month cliff following the TGE, and a 30-month vesting period beginning after the cliff (amending the edit following the received feedback).

Curators, assemble!

Node operators and other actors of staking landscape now have the opportunity to launch their own composable LRTs and take control of the risk management process by selecting appropriate services (AVS) that align with their vision and tech edge, rather than accepting imposed options by existing LRTs. By collaborating with Mellow, curators can create bespoke LRTs for the Ethereum ecosystem. If you want to onboard as LRT curator, kindly leave a comment below this proposal.

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Rocket Pool
Start Here I canā€™t join Discord server

Published: Jul 25, 2024

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Hello, I am the founder of For Loot And Glory. We have built a game on the Skale Network where the core economy is based on rETH. I tried to come and talk about it on your Discord, but I got banned.


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Governance RPIP-49 Tokenomics Rework Update 2 - Sentiment Poll

Published: Jul 23, 2024

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Hi all, weā€™re here again to share an update about the tokenomics rework. Related threads on the topic can be found here.

Where are we at?

The exciting news is that weā€™re at a stage where we feel comfortable to start the official governance process on the RPIP-49 tokenomics rework.

This has come after a period of outreach, seeking feedback from stakeholders, discussing alternative directions, and polishing the RPIP specifications. More information on this proposal can be found at This rework includes an informational overview in RPIP-49 as well as a number of RPIPs (42-47, 59, 60) used to specify the various aspects.

Sentiment Poll

The headline item here is that weā€™ve posted a sentiment poll below where you vote on whether to move the RPIP-49 tokenomics rework to a snapshot vote.

The snapshot vote would be a vote on the tokenomics rework package as a whole. This means you will be voting on the direction and general contents of the rework, and the specific contents of the included RPIPs as written.

However, we think itā€™s valuable to keep the RPIPs in a Living state rather than Finalized at this time. This will provide the flexibility to make minor adjustments in response to any issues discovered by the core team during implementation.

There are several specific items we are intentionally leaving flexible at this time, these items will be ratified prior to the launch of Saturn 1. They are:

  • Saturn 2 Surplus Share Strategy - Determine how to manage surplus share in Saturn 2: Buy+Burn, Buy+LP, or higher voter_share?

  • Deposit Strategy - A small amount of UX and gas research to help determine if we want a 2TX or 3TX deposit strategy for validator creation

  • Penalty System - Research and specify a MEV theft detection and penalizing system

  • Security Council NO commission changes - Determine when and how the council should use their limited power to change no_commission.

We foresee at least 2 follow-on votes - one for Surplus Share strategy and one to ratify the final states of the RPIPs. The other items on the list may be bundled with the ratification or get their own votes.

1kx proposal

1kx has proposed an alternative direction, which retains the RPL collateral requirement and introduces delegated staking. You can read the details of their proposal here.

Our position on this is that while some of the contents of the 1kx proposal are complementary, the core elements are not compatible with the RPIP-49 rework.

Note that this proposal doesnā€™t currently have specifications (RPIPs) to vote on. This is normal ā€“ all proposals have a design phase that precedes specifications.

Voters should vote to oppose moving to snapshot if they prefer the direction outlined in the 1kx proposal.

ib1gymnast proposal

Ib1gymnast has also proposed an alternative direction, which reduces the RPL bond requirement, uses smaller ETH bonds and maintains the 14% commission. You can read the details of their proposal here.

Note that this proposal doesnā€™t currently have specifications (RPIPs) to vote on. This is normal ā€“ all proposals have a design phase that precedes specifications.

Voters should vote to oppose moving to snapshot if they prefer the direction outlined in the ib1gymnast proposal.

How can you help us?

Please read through at least the intro explainers. Reading more and/or asking questions is highly encouraged! Then, make an informed vote on the future of Rocket Pool!

Thanks from all the authors and contributors (including but not limited to @Valdorff @samus @LongForWisdom @knoshua @sckuzzle)

RPIP-49 Rework Sentiment Poll

This poll will lead to a snapshot vote if it shows promising community sentiment after 14 days.

Click to view the poll.

LFWā€™s Metagovernance Comments (click for more details)

36 posts - 34 participants

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Uncategorized An Alternative (and simple) Tokenomics Proposal

Published: Jul 22, 2024

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Hey Everyone!

Iā€™m hoping to propose an alternative tokenomics approach which is far simpler than a few of the other options that have been discussed here thus far.

It is simple to implement, easy to understand, and also allows Node Operators to earn multiples of the Solo Staking APR.


I had a great discussion about my ideas in detail with Waq and Samus here (Rocket Fuel - Evanā€™s Tokenomics Proposal - Samusā€™ Feedback) on Rocket Fuel and would highly recommend taking a listen!

Today Rocket Pool only has about 4% of the liquid staking market. Rocket Pool needs to get serious about gaining market share.

However, Rocket Pool is bottle-necked by the ability for its set of Node Operators to mint rETH.

The market has made it clear that the return for Node Operators is not attractive enough, and too heavily reliant on RPL, which is a highly volatile token. The deposit pool has been full for a significant percent of the time since August of last year. Rocket Poolā€™s largest periods of growth have been when the deposit pool was not full.

rETH is the product that Rocket Pool sells; Rocket Pool should strive so that Node Operators are never the bottle neck. This also has the added benefit of avoiding the drag on APY the deposit pool has on rETH when it is full.

To solve this, my proposal is quite simple and has two parts:

  • Continue down the LEB curve while maintaining the 14% commission.

    • Reduce the ETH bond for Node Operators - starting with LEB4, then progressing to LEB 1.5s with forced exits.
  • Reduce the RPL minimum bond to 10% of Node Operator ETH


A Node Operatorā€™s commission is derived from the borrowed ETH that comes from rETH depositors. This is the primary source of a Rocket Pool Node Operatorā€™s commission. As the eth_bond is reduced for Node Operators, a Node Operatorā€™s profitability vastly increases.

The following graph is denominated in multiples of solo staker APR.

Notably, at LEB4, a RP NO earns twice as much as a solo staker in pure ETH rewards - before accounting for any RPL inflation.

At LEB1.5 with forced exits, a RP NO would earn 3.85 times as much as a solo staker in pure ETH rewards, without accounting for RPL inflation at all!

Zooming in on this same graph at the LEB4 position:

And also on the LEB1.5 position:

A derivation of the math for the above graphs follows:

We want to know how profitable being a Rocket Pool Node Operator is relative to being a solo staker on a per ETH basis.

So, that would be the Rocket Pool Node Operator returns, per ETH invested, divided by the solo staker returns, per ETH invested.

Letā€™s start with the denominator, solo staker returns per ETH invested.

For one yearā€™s worth of returns, we have 32 times the yield, but since we want to know what the returns are per ETH, we divide by 32 and are left with the yield. This makes sense, since that is the definition of yield: returns per unit of account.

Next, we want to know how much a Rocket Pool Node Operator earns on a per ETH basis.
To calculate this, it would be the eth_bond provided by the Node Operator times the standard staking yield, plus the yield earned by the borrowed ETH multiplied by the commission rate, where the ā€œborrowed ETHā€ is just 32 ETH minus the ETH provided by the NO.

However, we want to know how much is earned per ETH invested, so we would divide this by the ETH provided by the Node Operator, which is the eth_bond.

We now have our numerator and our denominator. Dividing our numerator by our denominator, we are left with the following:

Checking our boundary conditions, when the NO eth_bond is 16 ETH, we have:

((32/16) - 1)*0.14 + 1 = 1.14

This is what we expect - we have recovered the 14% commission Rocket Pool Node Operators receive for their 16 ETH bonded minipools.

What about for LEB8s? We have:

((32/8) - 1)*0.14 + 1 = 1.42

Again, this is what we expect - we recover the 42% increased ETH rewards which was used to advertise LEB8s.

How about when the eth_bond is very small, say, 0.01 ETH?

((32/0.01) - 1)*0.14 + 1 = ~ 448

Again, this is what we expect, as per the above graph.

As the eth_bond gets small, the 32/eth_bond term dominates, and the function looks like a 32/x function, where x is our independent variable - the Node Operatorā€™s eth_bond.

Hurdle Rate

Lidoā€™s CSM is advertising at least 50% more returns for Node Operators compared to solo staking. To continue to be relevant in the liquid staking market, Rocket Pool must achieve returns that are more competitive than 1.5x the solo staking yield for its Node Operators,
on a per ETH basis.

As you can see from the above, LEB4 at 14% commission achieves this goal, returning ~ 2x the solo staking return in pure ETH rewards, without accounting for the RPL income from RPL inflation.

Once the protocol gets forced exits, the eth_bond can be reduced to 1.5 ETH, which would increase the ETH denominated yield to 3.85 times the solo staking yield!

Another way to think about the above graph is - on the far right of the graph when eth_bond = 16, it maximizes value accrual for the RPL/ETH ratio.

On the far left of the graph, where we get into LEB range - it maximizes for protocol TVL - while also exposing Node Operators to much more borrowed ETH, and hence ETH denominated revenue.

LEB8 was smack dab in the middle of these two positions - optimizing for neither one.

So what is the tradeoff space that Rocket Pool should be operating in?

Pay Node Operators in ETH by exposing them to more of the ETH yield through borrowed ETH, without overly constraining the size of the Node Operator set. This is the true commission for Node Operators.
If we run out of demand for rETH (this is a long runway, in my opinion) then we reduce the rETH commission from 14% ā†’ 10%.

Even at 10% commission for Node Operators, they would still be earning ~ 3x pure ETH rewards compared to solo stakers for LEB1.5s!

Part 2: RPL

The second part of my proposal is to change the RPL collateral requirement from 10% of ā€œborrowed ethā€, to 10% of the ā€œeth_bondā€, or the ETH brought to the protocol by the Node Operator.

This would represent a reduction in the RPL collateral required for LEB minipools. The reason for this reduction is simple. Node Operators have made it clear that they want to earn ETH, not RPL.

By reducing the Node Operatorā€™s required exposure to RPL, the ETH rewards that I detail above will dominate - making being a Rocket Pool NO far more attractive.

I model what these returns would look like in various RPL performance situations below.

The bottom line is Node Operators would be significantly more profitable in this proposal relative to solo stakers in pure ETH rewards.

So, why RPL at all?

RPL has served, and still would with this proposal, as a ā€œshieldā€ of decentralization for Rocket Pool, to put it a bit dramatically.

RPL would still serve to help keep the protocol decentralized.

This is likely due to ambiguity surrounding legal RPLā€™s status, and also large corporationsā€™ unwillingness to go that far out on the risk curve by owning RPL, which is a requirement to be a Node Operator.

The result is that quite a significant portion of Rocket Poolā€™s Node Operator set are home stakers, who have the freedom to invest their own funds however they wish.

The other aspect is governance. RPL still has utility as a governance token.

RPL would retain the same functionality and utility it has today, the only difference is Node Operators would now derive the vast majority of their returns from the commission on borrowed ETH - and not their exposure to RPL.

Would this be negative for the RPL/ETH ratio?

Potentially in the short term, but I do not think so in the long term. Prioritizing TVL growth for the protocol will have a greatly positive effect on the RPL/ETH ratio in the longer term horizon.

Empirically, LDO is worth 5 times as much as RPL in ETH market cap terms. This is likely in part due to holdersā€™ belief that owning LDO is a call option on Lidoā€™s willingness to turn on the fee switch in the future.

The take-away is this: if Rocket Pool had 22% market share - empirically, RPL/ETH ratio would be significantly higher than it is today.

I am not necessarily against turning on the fee switch for RPL - but turning it on today, when the protocol only has 4% of the liquid staking market, would be incredibly pre-mature.

Rocket Pool should instead prioritize TVL growth by maintaining the 14% rETH commission (for now) and lowering the eth_bond for Node Operators, unlocking multiples of pure ETH yield relative to solo staking.

An additional important point is that by turning on the fee switch for RPL, RPLā€™s valuation would then become sensitive to the ETH staking yield, which will likely continue to compress over time.

The benefit of the proposal that I have detailed above is that it is not sensitive to the staking yield (as long as it remains positive!).

So, what do returns look like for this proposal?

I have put together a model of forward looking returns, denominated in ETH.

I make two assumptions.

The first is that the vanilla ETH staking yield starts at 3.5% and declines to 2% linearly over the next five years, then remains at 2% terminally.

The next assumption I make is that the RPL yield is 8%, which is what it was when I made this tool a year ago, although it has since climbed to 9% today. But to be conservative, I will keep it at 8% for the purposes of the model below.

With that out of the way, modeling is below.

Relative to solo staking, the ETH denominated returns are quite good.

The below scenario is ā€œbest caseā€, where the Node Operator is operating an LEB1.5 and has 0.15 ETHā€™s worth of RPL staked.

I also assume the RPL/ETH ratio declines by 75% in the first two years of staking.

Despite the RPL/ETH ratio drop, the Node Operator is still significantly more profitable than a solo staker!

(Rocket Pool NO returns in Orange, vanilla Solo staker in blue)

What about if the Node Operator is collateralized at 20%?

Still, the returns are very attractive, even if the RPL/ETH ratio craters by 75%.

The fun thing about this code is that you get to pick the scenario you would like to see and project forwards.

Here is the mathematica code, you can convert it to python using your favorite LLM if you would like: mathematica code

To wrap up:

Rocket Pool should continue down the LEB path by lowering the eth_bond, maintain the 14% commission in order to make being a Rocket Pool Node Operator extremely attractive compared to the Lido CSM, and change the RPL bond requirement to 10% of Node Operator bonded ETH.


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Education SmartNode on DietPi

Published: Jul 20, 2024

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DietPi is a lightweight Debian based distro with images available for RaspberryPi, Odroid, NanoPi, OrangePi, etc (and as Iā€™m reviewing the supported hardware list, even x86!)
Being so lightweight, there were just a couple of things missing that I needed to install in order to get the RocketPool SmartNode installer to run on an OrangePi5+ (on DietPi v9.5.1)

  • sudo apt install lsb-release
  • sudo apt install xz-utils
    Then install as per Rocket Pool following the Linux arm64 sections. Enjoy!

1 post - 1 participant

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Governance What are the current safeguards against governance takeover?

Published: Jul 13, 2024

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Now that RPL-delegated staking is fully unlocked with Houston and we head towards fully on-chain governance, do we have any protection against pDAO takeover?

Since third parties can now easily supply RPL to NOs and benefit from it, it is possible that some malevolent entity can gain 51% of voting power, exploiting a rent-seeking behavior of RPL holders, and using sock puppets to stay invisible.

With the advent of NodeSet Constellation the likelihood of this only increases.

I hope I am missing some pieces of the puzzle, please educate me.

11 posts - 3 participants

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Uncategorized 1kx Tokenomics Proposal

Published: Jul 13, 2024

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Based on feedback received on the previous proposal, we present an updated version for the communityā€™s consideration.

After much discussion with the authors of the rework proposal, it is clear that there are some incompatible differences between our proposals. We therefore present this as an alternative to the rework, and believe our proposal will lead to better outcomes for the entire Rocket Pool community.

The fundamental difference between our proposals is in maintaining the essential RPL collateral requirement, which is critical for protecting Rocket Poolā€™s decentralized validator set. The rework proposalā€™s abandonment of this requirement, and lack of alternative safeguards, exposes the protocol to the risk of centralized takeover.

Additionally, removing the collateral requirement, which has historically been the primary value driver for RPL, exposes the token to significant price risk. Without RPL collateral, the demand for RPL is likely to decrease sharply. We expect significant reductions in staked RPL should the rework proposal be adopted, leading to increased supply on the market and exacerbating the downward pressure on price.

A lower price for RPL diminishes the protocolā€™s economic security, making it cheaper for malicious actors to acquire a controlling stake in the token. This increased affordability heightens the risk of governance attacks, as attackers can more easily accumulate enough tokens to influence or override protocol decisions. Consequently, the removal of the collateral requirement not only threatens the stability and value of RPL but also risks compromising the security and integrity of the entire governance system.

We are not the only ones to reach this conclusion. NodeSet, in their review of the tokenomics rework, also flagged the ā€œextreme centralization riskā€ inherent to this approach. Despite receiving the same feedback from multiple parties the authors are nonetheless pushing forward with this risky and economically-flawed proposal.

Instead of abandoning the RPL collateral requirement and the protection it provides, our proposal transforms it into a strategic asset, leveraging it to drive protocol growth while enabling RPL holders to earn yield on their RPL. This approach not only safeguards decentralization but also fuels expansion and rewards for the community.


Our proposalā€™s overarching aim is to position Rocket Pool as the premier choice in the Liquid Staking Token (LST) space, appealing to both Node Operators (NOs) and rETH holders. To achieve this, our strategy focuses on five critical pillars:

  1. Unlock TVL Growth by Enabling Efficient Scaling for NOs: Our approach removes the burdensome RPL exposure requirement, empowering NOs to scale their operations more efficiently. By decoupling NO performance from RPL price volatility, we create a more stable and attractive environment for potential operators.
  2. Harness Competition to Optimize rETHā€™s APY: We leverage market competition among NOs to enhance rETHā€™s APY.
  3. Introduce Scalable Bond Curves: Our proposal includes more scalable sublinear bond curves, enabling NOs to deploy more ETH from the pool. This innovation increases capital efficiency, allowing Rocket Pool to handle greater volumes and drive further growth.
  4. Enhance Decentralization Protections: We introduce robust mechanisms to safeguard against centralization, ensuring the protocol remains decentralized and resilient. These protections are crucial for maintaining the integrity and trustworthiness of Rocket Pool.
  5. Allow RPL holders and pDAO to earn RPL yield: We give RPL holders and pDAO the opportunity to earn yield on their RPL, providing additional rewards to the community and ongoing protocol revenue to pDAO.

To achieve these objectives, we propose the implementation of a delegated staking system. This system empowers RPL holders to delegate their RPL to NOs, earning a share of validator commissions in return. This in turn allows NOs to scale up without any direct RPL exposure.


Delegated Staking

One major factor that has constrained Rocket Poolā€™s growth is the requirement for a single entity to provide ETH, RPL, and possess the technical ability to operate Ethereum validators. While one solution might be to abandon the collateral requirement entirely, this approach leaves the protocol vulnerable to centralized takeover, which is not a viable option.

A more effective strategy is to separate these roles, allowing one party to provide the ETH and another to provide the RPL. The protocol has already taken initial steps in this direction with the introduction of whale marriages. However, whale marriages are inherently flawed because they are only accessible to large ETH and RPL holders, making them a centralizing force within the protocol.

Delegated staking rectifies this issue by enabling any RPL holderā€”large or smallā€”to participate in delegation and earn a share of validator rewards in exchange for providing the NOā€™s collateral. By democratizing whale marriages, we allow the entire Rocket Pool ecosystem to participate, rather than limiting involvement to large ETH/RPL holders.

Commission Structure

Similar to UARS, our proposal divides the validator commission (i.e. the rewards that do not go directly to rETH) into several shares:

Share name Description
no_share Paid to NO in ETH
delegate_share Paid to NOā€™s delegates in RPL (bought with delegate_share ETH)
extra_reth_share Paid to rETH in ETH
recollateralization_share Used to purchase protocol-owned RPL when NO is undercollateralized

The max_commission_rate parameter is set by the pDAO, controlling the maximum commission that NOs can charge and setting an upper limit on commissions at the protocol level. The current commission rate of 14% is higher than Lido but the full deposit pool demonstrates high demand at this price point. We propose leaving the max_commission_rate at 14% and reducing as necessary according to demand.

Each NO sets their own no_share when establishing their node, which must be lower than the max_commission_rate.

The remaining value - calculated as the difference between max_commission_rate and no_share - is strategically allocated between delegate_share and extra_reth_share, optimizing incentives for both NOs and delegates while enhancing rETHā€™s APY.

Illustrative examples of the distribution:

To attract delegation, NOs will need to increase their delegate_share. The only way to do this is by reducing their no_share, which also increases the extra_reth_share, thus enhancing rETHā€™s APY. This system incentivizes NOs to boost their validator rewards and delegates to increase their delegation rewards.

Our proposal harnesses market forces and the rational self-interest of participants, creating a self-reinforcing cycle of growth and increased rETH APY. This market-driven approach ensures sustainable and organic expansion of the Rocket Pool ecosystem.

If a NO is undercollateralized - more on this in the next section - a portion of their rewards (recollateralization_share) is used to purchase protocol-owned RPL on behalf of pDAO, bringing them back to the minimum collateralization ratio automatically.


We propose retaining the 10% of borrowed ETH collateral ratio, with modifications that simplify its maintenance for NOs. The collateral requirement provides numerous benefits to the protocol. Rather than abandoning it, we have designed our system to transform this requirement into an asset rather than a liability.

To create new validators, a NO must be at or above the min_collateral_ratio. A NO who falls below this ratio will need to attract delegation or purchase their own RPL to create more validators.

Fluctuations in RPL price can temporarily push a NO over the max_collateral_ratio. In this scenario, the NO cannot receive additional delegated RPL but can launch more validators if they have sufficient ETH. Launching new validators will reduce their collateralization ratio, bringing it below the maximum and allowing them to receive additional RPL delegation. This ensures the system never becomes deadlocked.

Can add validators Can receive delegation
Under min collateral :x: :white_check_mark:
In between min and max :white_check_mark: :white_check_mark:
Over max collateral :white_check_mark: :x:

To further simplify the process for NOs, new NOs will not be required to provide collateral in advance for their first n validators. They can launch their validators without staked or delegated RPL, and their node will be collateralized with pDAO-owned RPL. This approach makes RPL collateral entirely invisible for new NOs, balancing the simplicity of onboarding with the necessary protection against centralization. The collateral requirement only becomes visible for larger NOs.

While some NOs might attempt to use sock puppets and run multiple nodes to exploit the collateral-free validators, this strategy would prevent them from benefiting from the increased yield provided for lower ETH bonds. The economically rational decision would be to run as many validators as possible in a single megapool and attract delegation to reach the required collateral amount.

Protocol-owned RPL

If a NO is below the min_collateral_ratio and has not attracted sufficient RPL delegation (or purchased their own RPL), the protocol will act as the ā€œdelegate of last resort.ā€ In this scenario, a share of the NOā€™s commission - the recollateralization_share - is used to purchase RPL on behalf of the pDAO, which is then automatically delegated to the NO. The automatic purchases continue until the NO has reached the minimum delegation. This guarantees that as long as the NO continues earning rewards, they will eventually reach the minimum collateralization level even if they cannot attract delegation.

The RPL owned by the pDAO provides additional RPL yield to the protocol, potentially allowing RPL inflation to be reduced to zero in the future. This also gives the pDAO new tools to incentivize the type of decentralized NOs the protocol wishes to attract. Protocol-aligned NOs can be made more profitable than centralized entities, counterbalancing the economies of scale enjoyed by larger operators.

For example, the pDAO can delegate to protocol-aligned operators (e.g., home stakers) at a lower delegate_share than the prevailing market rate non-aligned NOs are required to offer. This increases the profitability for that NO, giving home stakers a level playing field against centralized operators.

While not a part of our current proposal, this lays the foundation for a future ā€œcommunity RPL poolā€ which automatically manages delegation to NOs and acts as a ā€œdelegate rewards smoothing poolā€.

Sublinear Bond Curves

To accelerate protocol growth, we propose building upon the foundation laid in the Megapools and Bond Curve RPIPs. Our research, summarized below, shows there is further room to safely enhance capital efficiency through the use of sublinear bond curves. This optimization allows NOs to deploy more ETH from the pool, driving greater protocol growth.

We propose that depending on the total number of validators for a given node operator v, the total collateral requirement in ETH C(v) is given by: C(v) = C(1)*v^p

For example, using C(1)=4 ETH and p=ā…”:

Currently, about 35% of nodes run one validator, so there would be no change unless they added more validators. However, for 20% of node operators who operate 80% of the validators, the reduction is 50% and potentially more:

The Left axis/blue line shows the ratio of proposed collateral needed per operator (operating v validators on the x-axis) divided by the current collateral needed when assuming 4ETH per validator. The right axis/gray bars show the current distribution, e.g. about 1200 operators running one validator. The conclusion is that compared to the world of vanilla LEB4, relatively less collateral is needed as the number of validators per node increases.

For efficiency and improved user experience we propose providing a list of bond amounts at rounded values, as opposed to implementing the curve in Solidity and allowing NOs to choose any point on the curve.

We recommend introducing a cap on the total amount of ETH a node operator can borrow to limit protocol risk.

Deposit Queue

We anticipate that our proposed changes will lead to significant growth in validator count. Therefore, it is crucial to address how we handle both full and empty deposit pool scenarios.

Previously, the protocol increased the commission rate for a NO when the deposit pool was full. However, this system had a fundamental flaw: the increased commission applied for the lifetime of the validator, leading to two major issues. First, NOs were incentivized to wait for higher commissions before launching validators. Second, the extra commission was taken from rETHā€™s APY, effectively reducing returns for rETH holders.

Our approach retains the benefits of incentivizing NOs to add validators while eliminating the drawbacks. To motivate NOs to add validators, the pDAO will delegate RPL to potential new NOs. The pDAO can offer to delegate at gradually reduced commission rates until the first NO accepts the offer, effectively providing a subsidy without the need for further coordination. This method ensures that NOs receive the necessary incentives to add validators quickly and efficiently, maintaining the overall effectiveness of the system.

This new system offers two significant improvements over the old one:

  1. The cost of the subsidy is paid from the pDAOā€™s RPL yield, not from rETHā€™s APY.
  2. The pDAO can remove the subsidy when it is no longer required, ensuring flexibility and efficiency.

In scenarios where the deposit queue is empty, and we have a queue of NOs ready to add validators as soon as protocol ETH becomes available, we propose several options depending on our optimization goals:

  • To optimize for decentralization, prioritize NOs with the lowest validator count
  • To optimize for rETH APY, prioritize NOs with the lowest no_share.
  • To optimize for TVL, prioritize NOs with the highest staked or delegated RPL

Additionally, we recommend adopting certain components from RPIP-59 Deposit Mechanics to ensure smaller NOs are not blocked behind larger ones and to give existing NOs priority for migration.

RPL Inflation

RPL inflation will be gradually reduced to 1.5% over approximately six months. Over time, as the pDAO accumulates sufficient protocol-owned RPL, we expect to see inflation reduced to zero. This strategy ensures long-term sustainability and value retention for RPL holders, contributing to the overall health and growth of the Rocket Pool ecosystem


Our proposal aims to create a more robust, decentralized, and efficient Rocket Pool ecosystem. By addressing the fundamental issues of speculative risks, RPL rewards, collateral requirements, and system brittleness, we provide a comprehensive solution that fosters stability and growth. Our approach ensures that NOs can operate with confidence and predictability, while maintaining the protocolā€™s security and decentralization.

We respect the authors of the opposing proposal and acknowledge the innovations they have introduced in the rework. These contributions are valuable and have the potential to significantly benefit the Rocket Pool community. We hope that, if our proposal passes, we can work together constructively with the rework team. Their expertise and continued input would be invaluable to the protocol, and we believe that collaboration will lead to the best outcomes for Rocket Pool.

Our goal is to enhance Rocket Pool for the entire community, ensuring a secure, decentralized, and thriving protocol. By combining the strengths of both proposals and working together, we can achieve the best possible outcomes for Rocket Poolā€™s future.

We look forward to the communityā€™s feedback, and will be in Discord if you have any questions.


Disclaimer: Rocket Pool is a 1kx portfolio investment.

Disclaimer: This article is for general information purposes only and should not be construed as or relied upon in any manner as investment, financial, legal, regulatory, tax, accounting, or similar advice. Under no circumstances should any material at the site be used or be construed as an offer soliciting the purchase or sale of any security, future, or other financial product or instrument. Views expressed in posts are those of the individual 1kx personnel quoted therein and are not the views of 1kx and are subject to change. The posts are not directed to any investors or potential investors, and do not constitute an offer to sell or a solicitation of an offer to buy any securities, and may not be used or relied upon in evaluating the merits of any investment. All information contained herein should be independently verified and confirmed. 1kx does not accept any liability for any loss or damage whatsoever caused in reliance upon such information. Certain information has been obtained from third-party sources. While taken from sources believed to be reliable, 1kx has not independently verified such information and makes no representations about the enduring accuracy or completeness of any information provided or its appropriateness for a given situation. 1kx may hold positions in certain projects or assets discussed in this article.

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Grants / Bounties Round 15 - GMC Call for Retrospective Applications - Deadline is August 7

Published: Jul 08, 2024

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This thread is for applications for Rocket Poolā€™s July 7, 2024 - August 7, 2024 retrospective awards. Please only post retrospective award applications in this thread. If you would like to discuss and/or ask questions about any applications you see in this thread, we ask that you do so in this separate forum thread (link) which has been established for all community discussions related to this round of applications. Only those grant applications that are posted in this thread and timestamped by August 7, 2024 at 23:59 (11:59 PM) UTC will be considered. Any retrospective award applications posted after that deadline will be carried over to the next award period.

This is the expected schedule for round 15:

  • Application Period (July 7 - August 7)
  • Scoring Deadline (August 20)
  • Final Voting Amendments, Discussion and Finalization (August 21 - August 24)
  • Award Announcement (August 25)

To guide you in your application, the GMC has established the following goals and the following scoring rubric:

GMC Goals (click for more details) Retrospective Award Rubric (click for more details)

Retrospective Award Application Template

Please copy paste the template below into a reply. Answer the questions there, feel free to remove or add sections based on relevance.

## Name of Retrospective Award

### Who is the proposed retrospective award recipient?

### What specific project or work is the retrospective award in recognition of? Please detail what the project or work entailed and the duration over which it took place.

### Are the subjects of this award entirely open source ([MIT](, [GPL](, [Apache](, [CC BY]( license or similar)? If not, which parts will not be, why, and under what license will they be published?

## Benefit

<please enter N/A where appropriate>

| Group | Benefits |
| Potential rETH holders | How did the project or work for which the retrospective award would be given help people looking to stake ETH for rETH? |
| rETH holders | How did the project or work for which the retrospective award would be given help rETH holders? |
| Potential NOs | How did the project or work for which the retrospective award would be given help people looking to run a Rocket Pool node for the first time? |
| NOs | How did the project or work for which the retrospective award would be given help people already running a Rocket Pool node? |
| Community |  How did the project or work for which the retrospective award would be given how does this help the Rocket Pool community? |
| RPL holders |  How did the project or work for which the retrospective award would be given how does this help RPL holders? |

## Costs

### How much USD $ is the applicant requesting be awarded to the recipient?

### Is the applicant requesting RPL or LUSD?

## Conflict of Interest

### Does the person or persons requesting the retrospective award have any conflicts of interest to disclose? (Please disclose here if you are a member of the GMC or if you have nominated a member of the GMC for this retrospective award).

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Grants / Bounties Round 15 - GMC Call for Bounty Applications - Deadline is August 7

Published: Jul 08, 2024

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This thread is for applications for Rocket Poolā€™s July 7, 2024 - August 7, 2024 bounties. Please only post bounty applications in this thread. If you would like to discuss and/or ask questions about any applications you see in this thread, we ask that you do so in this separate forum thread (link) which has been established for all community discussions related to this round of applications. Only those grant applications that are posted in this thread and timestamped by August 7, 2024 at 23:59 (11:59 PM) UTC will be considered. Any bounties posted after that deadline will be carried over to the next award period.

This is the expected schedule for round 15:

  • Application Period (July 7 - August 7)
  • Scoring Deadline (August 20)
  • Final Voting Amendments, Discussion and Finalization (August 21 - August 24)
  • Award Announcement (August 25)
Differences Between Grants and Bounties (click for more details)

To guide you in your application, the GMC has established the following goals and the following scoring rubric:

GMC Goals (click for more details) Bounties Rubric (click for more details)

Bounty Proposal Template


  • The goals of the Bounty Proposal are:
    • to communicate your bounty idea clearly, in general terms, such that the GMC can decide if itā€™s worth pursuing.
    • to estimate the benefits and costs attached to your proposal.
    • to disclose any relevant conflicts of interest.
  • Answers to the template questions do not need to be highly detailed. Estimates or ranges are acceptable. Brief answers are also fine.


# Bounty Name

## General Information

### What is the nature of the proposed bounty?

### Why are you writing this bounty proposal?

## Benefit

<please enter N/A where appropriate>

| Group | Benefits |
| Potential rETH holders | If the bounty is successfully completed, how does this help people looking to stake ETH for rETH? |
| rETH holders | If the bounty is successfully completed, how does this help rETH holders? |
| Potential NOs |  If the bounty is successfully completed, how does this help people looking to run a Rocket Pool node for the first time? |
| NOs | If the bounty is successfully completed, how does this help people already running a Rocket Pool node? |
| Community |  If the bounty is successfully completed, how does this help the Rocket Pool community? |
| RPL holders |  If the bounty is successfully completed, how does this help RPL holders? |

### Which other non-RPL protocols, DAOs, projects, or individuals would stand to benefit from the bounty being successfully completed?

## Work

### What steps would be entailed in completing the bounty? Do successful examples of such work exist elsewhere? What skillsets or knowledge will be required?

### What advice would you give a bounty hunter working on this bounty?

### Should the output of this bounty be available under an open source license?

## Costs

### How much do you think the completion of this bounty worth to Rocket Pool (in USD)?

### How much work will be needed to verify this bounty has been completed? What skillsets or knowledge will be required?

## Structure

### How would you structure this bounty, and why? 
* A single payout to single team on completion? 
* Divided into milestones? 
* Multiple payouts to multiple teams? 
* Should this be written up as multiple bounty definitions?
* Something else?

### Is this bounty repeatable?

### Are there any reasonable circumstances under which this bounty should be withdrawn? Should it expire?

## Conflicts of Interest

### Does the person or persons proposing the bounty have any conflicts of interest to disclose? (Please disclose here if you are a member of the GMC or if any member of the GMC would benefit directly financially from the successful completion of the bounty).

### Will the applicant, or any protocol or project in which the applicant has a vested interest (other than Rocket Pool), benefit financially if the bounty is successfully completed?

Bounty Definition Template


  • When a single proposal bounty proposal has parts that must be completed by different groups, it should become multiple definitions.
  • Where reasonably possible, bountiy definitions should limit the number of distinct skillsets required for completion of the bounty.
  • Bounties should be defined in terms of the smallest worthwhile unit of work. IE: $25 to add/update a single relevant FAQ question rather than $5,000 to update the FAQ.
  • Include any information or resources that might reasonably help a bounty hunter complete the bounty.
  • Think carefully about which tasks are required, and which can be optional.
  • Clearly list any dependencies, if the bounty cannot be completed in all circumstances.
  • Only include multiple milestones for large bounties with natural points of division.


# Bounty Name 

## Data
* Repeatable?
* Expiring?
* Skillsets for completion? (See existing bounties and reuse where possible, new skillsets are recommended if sufficiently distinct)
* Relevant tags? (See existing bounties and reuse where possible, new tags are recommended if sufficiently distinct)
* Min reward (USD)?
* Max reward (USD)?
* Any linked definitions? (e.g. if a single bounty proposal becomes multiple definitions.)
* Any dependencies? 

## Summary 
Short 1-3 sentences describing the bounty.

## Dependencies
Is there anything that must happen (outside of a bounty hunter's control) before it is possible to complete this bounty? This may be other bounties that must be completed first, an upcoming event or change or a regular occurance that triggers a valid bounty. This section is optional. May be later removed from the definition if the dependency becomes permanently met. 

## Required Milestones
What _must_ be completed for a bounty hunter to claim some amount of bounty. Described per milestone.

### Milestone A - <Name of Milestone>
**Payout: ** <payout amount>
Clear bulleted list or subheadings covering the items that must be completed and/or adhered to for this milestone to be valid.

### Milestone B - <Name of Milestone>
**Payout: ** <payout amount>
Clear bulleted list or subheadings covering the items that must be completed and/or adhered to for this milestone to be valid.

### Milestone C - <Name of Milestone>...

## Optional Milestones
What tasks _may_ be completed for a bounty hunter to earn extra bounty rewards. Described per milestone. This section is optional.

Optional milestones may be less strictly defined than required milestones. You may aggregate multiple minor considerations that would contribute to a payout. 

### Milestone D - <Name of Milestone>
**Maximum Payout: ** <maximum payout amount>
Clear bulleted list of the items that would contribute to payout for this milestone.

### Milestone E - <Name of Milestone>...

## Further Notes
Anything you think that would be beneficial for a bounty hunter to know when working on this bounty. Maybe be divided into subsections as needed.

## Resources
Links to repositories, web pages, forum discussions, etc. Anything that the bounty hunter may be able to use to do a better job on the bounty work. 

## Contacts
Individuals that have agreed to act as contacts for this bounty. Include usernames + contact details for any platform on which the contact is willing to respond to requests. Any contacts are expected to fully understand the bounty definition. This section is optional. 

* MAY be eligible for incentives.
* SHOULD NOT assist the bounty hunter directly with the bounty work.
* SHOULD assist bounty hunters via feedback, direction and oversight upon request.

## Verification
Who is expected to verify that the work delivered meets the relevant milestones? This person or group must have agreed to do this in advance of this definition being published. This person or group should have any relevant skillsets needed to properly verify the bounty work.

1 post - 1 participant

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Grants / Bounties Round 15 - GMC Call for Grant Applications - Deadline is August 7

Published: Jul 08, 2024

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This thread is for applications for Rocket Poolā€™s July 7, 2024 - August 7, 2024 grants. Please only post grant applications in this thread. If you would like to discuss and/or ask questions about any applications you see in this thread, we ask that you do so in this separate forum thread (link) which has been established for all community discussions related to this round of applications. Only those grant applications that are posted in this thread and timestamped by August 7, 2024 at 23:59 (11:59 PM) UTC will be considered. Any grants posted after that deadline will be carried over to the next award period.

This is the expected schedule for round 15:

  • Application Period (July 7 - August 7)
  • Scoring Deadline (August 20)
  • Final Voting Amendments, Discussion and Finalization (August 21 - August 24)
  • Award Announcement (August 25)
Differences Between Grants and Bounties (click for more details)

To guide you in your application, the GMC has established the following goals and the following scoring rubric:

GMC Goals (click for more details) Grants Rubric (click for more details)

Grant Application Template

Please copy paste the template below into a reply. Answer the questions there, feel free to remove or add sections based on relevance.

## Name of Grant

### What is the work being proposed?

### Is there any related work this builds off of?

### Will the results of this project be entirely open source ([MIT](, [GPL](, [Apache](, [CC BY]( license or similar)? If not, which parts will not be, why, and under what license will they be published?

## Benefit

<please enter N/A where appropriate>

| Group | Benefits |
| Potential rETH holders | If the grant is successfully completed, how does this help people looking to stake ETH for rETH? |
| rETH holders | If the grant is successfully completed, how does this help rETH holders? |
| Potential NOs |  If the grant is successfully completed, how does this help people looking to run a Rocket Pool node for the first time? |
| NOs | If the grant is successfully completed, how does this help people already running a Rocket Pool node? |
| Community |  If the grant is successfully completed, how does this help the Rocket Pool community? |
| RPL holders |  If the grant is successfully completed, how does this help RPL holders? |

### Which other non-RPL protocols, DAOs, projects, or individuals, would stand to benefit from this grant?

## Work

### Who is doing the work?

### What is the background of the person(s) doing the work? What experience do they have with such projects in the past?

### What is the breakdown of the proposed work, in terms of milestones and/or deadlines?

### How is the work being tested? Is testing included in the schedule?

### How will the work be maintained after delivery?

## Costs

### What is the acceptance criteria?

### What is the proposed payment schedule for the grant? How much USD $ and over what period of time is the applicant requesting?

### Is the applicant requesting RPL or LUSD?

### How will the GMC verify that the work delivered matches the proposed cadence?

### What alternatives or options have been considered in order to save costs for the proposed project?

## Conflict of Interest

### Does the person or persons proposing the grant have any conflicts of interest to disclose? (Please disclose here if you are a member of the GMC or if any member of the GMC would benefit directly financially from the grant).

### Will the recipient of the grant, or any protocol or project in which the recipient has a vested interest (other than Rocket Pool), benefit financially if the grant is successful?

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Grants / Bounties Round 15 - GMC Community Discussion of Submitted Applications

Published: Jul 08, 2024

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In order to keep the application threads clear of discussions (to make it easier for committee members to read and score them), please use this thread for any and all questions and discussions of round 15 period of grant, bounty, and retrospective award applications.

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Governance pDAO 2024/06/06-2024/07/04 Treasury Report

Published: Jul 03, 2024

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Hello, Rocket Pool!

If you need an intro to how pDAO treasury works, check (this post).

This period the pDAO reserve received 6,173.00 RPL from inflation, its balance is now 66,259.11 RPL. The IMC and GMC were paid 10,462.71 RPL and 4,289.71 RPL, respectively.

The final update from the budget allocation the pDAO voted one year ago has been executed. From now on pDAO inflation share will be 28.5%, while the oDAO share has been lowered from 15% to 1.5%.

You can keep up with pDAO treasury with the following spreadsheets:
(RP Treasury Report - Google Sheets )
(pDAO Treasury Summary - Google Sheets ).

Thank you for reading, see you next period!

1 post - 1 participant

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Grants / Bounties Ethereum Protocol Security Bug Bounty

Published: Jul 03, 2024

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The Ethereum Foundation (EF) is inviting sponsors to support the reward pool for the four week long Ethereum Attackathon. This event aims to enhance the security of the Ethereum protocol by organizing the largest crowdsourced security audit competition. The goal is to raise over $2 million, with $500,000 already committed.

What is an Attackathon?
An Attackathon is a comprehensive event involving three phases:

Pre-Attackathon :
Participants undergo a detailed education program about the protocolā€™s code through live technical sessions and content from Attackathon Academy.
During the Attackathon: Security researchers hunt for vulnerabilities in the code based on specific rules. Only impactful reports that meet the criteria are rewarded.

projects can contribute any figure although at $100k and $250k there are some perks.

Key dates include:

July 8-11: EthCC program announcement and sponsor reveal.
Early August: Detailed program announcement and education kickoff.
August 3rd Week: Attackathon hunting begins.
September 4th Week: Attackathon concludes and results compilation begins.
November 9-17: Results announced at Devcon.

Let me know if RP is interested.

2 posts - 2 participants

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Grants / Bounties Round 13 (May 7 - Jun 7) Grants / Bounties / Retrospective Awards Results)

Published: Jun 28, 2024

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The GMC has concluded discussions and scoring for the Round 13 (May 7 - June 7) Grants/Bounties/RA Award Round.

This post also begins the fourteen-day clock during which, according to RPIP-15, ā€œ[a]nyone MAY file an RPIP disputing a grant, bounty, or retrospective award within two weeks of the announcement of recipients. Such an RPIP SHALL be subject to a snapshot vote.ā€ Any awards not subject to such a challenge will become official on July 12, 2024 at 23:59 UTC.

This round, all applications were deliberated by all subcommittees. This was due to the importance of the tokenomics and RocketLend applications that take up most of the slate and called for much back-and-forth discussion.

The GMC had live threads recording member feedback and came together for a discussion call to resolve specific disagreements.

The GMC is allocating $300,000 from the treasury to support the Rocket Pool tokenomics rework. They want to recognize the contributors thus far and encourage more community participation to help shape the future of the protocol.

Current GMC Roster (click for more details) Application Breakdown (click for more details) Awards, Average Overall Scores (click for more details) Detailed Award Results (click for more details) Bounties That Need Definitions (click for more details) Member Participation (click for more details) Final Voting Stages (click for more details)

6 posts - 3 participants

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Community Should Rocket Pool operators from the StakeCat's list be eligible for the CSM Early Adoption?

Published: Jun 26, 2024

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Dear Rocket Pool community, this is Dmitry from Lido Community Staking. Iā€™m reaching out to you with the question that was raised during preparations for the Community Staking Module (CSM) for the mainnet release.

As you might have heard, there is a CSM feature called the Early Adoption period. During this period, only curated addresses are allowed to create Node Operators in CSM. The early adopters also receive a discounted bond for the very first validator key uploaded. There is a link to read more about it -

Now, there are discussions about the sources of the Early Adoption list for the CSM mainnet. The main idea is to include proven solo-stakers in this list. There are several sources of information about existing solo-stakers available, including this particular list with Rocket Pool operators prepared by StakeCat - Solo-Stakers/Solo-Stakers/Rocketpool-Solo-Stakers.csv at main Ā· Stake-Cat/Solo-Stakers Ā· GitHub

Since we, Lido CS contributors, donā€™t want to make our Early Adoption campaign look like a vampire attack, I want to explicitly ask the Rocket Pool community if we should include this list (Solo-Stakers/Solo-Stakers/Rocketpool-Solo-Stakers.csv at main Ā· Stake-Cat/Solo-Stakers Ā· GitHub) as one of the sources for the Early Adoption list for the CSM mainnet?

Note #1: The final decision on whether to use the proposed list is after the Lido DAO. So here we are speaking about the explicit inclusion of the StakeCatā€™s Rocket Poolers list to our proposal for the CSM mainnet.

Note #2: Any addresses of the Rocket Pool operators from the other sources (Ratedā€™s list, StakeCat List B, Lido OAT holders, CSM testnet participants) will be included in the proposal due to the fact of their presence in these sources.

5 posts - 5 participants

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Community Rocket Pool Party Friday August 9th & 10th (NY)

Published: Jun 24, 2024

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Happy Summer Everyone!

Iā€™m excited to coordinate a NYC & Long Island meetup. On Friday, August 9th Iā€™ve reserved the ā€œbanquette roomā€ of PubKey (, a bar in Washington Square in NYC. It has a stage and is an excellent setting to talk through all things Ethereum and Rocket Pool. Itā€™s known as a Bitcoin Bar and frequently visited by the Bloomberg staff. I had a great time when I was here last, even as an ETH builder.

If anyone would like to give a presentation, letā€™s please talk and coordinate.

On Saturday, August 10th, we can keep the party going with a pool and barbeque party at my home on Long Island. Iā€™ll share those location details separately. You can always reach out to me on Discord @rudes.eth.

Please RSVP below to help align expectations and coordinate.

Click to view the poll.

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Liquid Staking Experience 1kx's Thoughts and Feedback on the 2024 Tokenomics Rework

Published: Jun 24, 2024

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Dear RP community,

The team at 1kx appreciates the communityā€™s enthusiasm for enhancing Rocket Poolā€™s tokenomics and recognizes the significant efforts behind the current tokenomics proposal. We would like to suggest a slightly different approach, viewing our proposal not as a replacement but as an extension of the existing one.

Given the timelines involved, we have attempted to strike a balance between getting the proposal in front of the community as soon as possible, while also providing sufficient detail to allow for an informed comparison.

In brief, our primary disagreement with the existing rework proposal is that it prematurely abandons RPLā€™s primary value driverā€”the RPL collateral requirement for validators. We recognize that the proposed token rework contains other benefits, but we believe Houstonā€™s new features can be better leveraged to further accelerate our main goal of maximizing rETHā€™s sustainable yield to position Rocket Pool as the most attractive LST in the space ā€“ we call this the ā€œmaxETHā€ strategy.

Introduction: ā€œmaxETHā€ <3 rETH

One main reason Rocket Pool has become so popular is because of its alignment with Ethereumā€™s core values. However, this merited gravitation towards decentralization can only attract so much TVL, and the average userā€™s preferences are driven by three realities: high yields, deep liquidity, and DeFi utility. Since we believe that the former leads to the latter two, our primary goal is to maximize the rETHā€™s sustainable APY as it is the single most important attribute for any LST.

The ā€œmaxETHā€ strategy has 3 main components:

  • Align rETH growth with NO growth by adding a dynamic global commission structure based on deposit pool utilization
  • Introduce RPL delegation to provide additional utility to RPL and allow stakers to select highly performant NOs from a Node Operator Performance Dashboard
  • Safely accelerate protocol growth and reduce MEV theft risk by accelerating Bonding Curves adoption

Proposed Changes in Brief

The core of our proposal is a delegated staking system, described in more detail below.

We propose to initially set the surplus_share to zero, increasing rETH APY.

1. Dynamic Global Commission

Capital in the deposit pool is idle and does not contribute to rETH APY. When the deposit pool is full, 18k of that ETH is not earning rewards, dragging down the average APY. Thus, aiming for maximum capital utilization ā€”an empty deposit poolā€”is doubly important for rETH APY.

The protocol previously operated a dynamic commission rate that was set at the time of creation and applied for the lifetime of the validator. However, this approach led to gamification, as operators would skip a few days of rewards and wait for the deposit queue to fill up to lock in a 20% lifetime commission rate.

This had a negative impact on rETHā€™s growth and APY. There was slower growth due to NO waiting games and lower overall rETH APY due to overcompensation to NOs.

While gameable, this mechanism elegantly tied NO incentives to the protocolā€™s growth requirements, increasing rewards when necessary to attract new NOs.

We propose a new implementation of the dynamic commission with one important change: the variable commission rate applies to all validators regardless of the prevailing rate at the time of initialization.

This helps maximize rETH APY in two ways:

  • The protocol pays a higher commission only for as long as is necessary to attract new NOs
  • An individual NO has less incentive to wait for the higher commission rate

The prevailing commission rate would be set by a contract function. The function would calculate the desired position on the commission curve based on the available capacity of the deposit pool. We envision this function being executed by the oDAO, although it would be executable by anyone so long as there was sufficient time between invocations.

The rate change function would be similar to that of a DeFi lending pool, where the commission would spike if the deposit pool hit a certain size. Some illustrative values are:

Deposit Pool Utilization Commission Rate NOā€™s share Stakerā€™s share
10% 5.9% 1.18% 4.72%
50% 9.5% 1.9% 7.6%
80% 12.2% 2.44% 9.76%

For those who want a deeper explanation, the dynamic commission rate on ETH staking rewards grows linearly with the deposit pool size and can be parametrized as follows:

d is the current deposit pool size in ETH, d_min and d_max the minimum/maximum values of those we consider (proposal: d_min=0 and d_max=18k) and c(d) the commission rate which is capped at c_max (proposal: 14%) and c_min (proposal: 5%).

This overall commission rate is split between i) the node operators (NO commission), ii) the RPL stakers or more specifically delegators (stake commission) and iii) a protocol share (surplus share). The motivation is similar to the ones outlined in the initial community proposal, yet we suggest a different dynamic:

i) The node operator commission share is initially a flat share of the overall commission rate and increases at a given kink point (k) of the deposit pool size, similar to a DeFi lending pool:

The node operator hence receives s_NO(d)*c(d) as commission from the ETH staking rewards. We propose a minimum share of 20%, a maximum of 70% and the kink at 80% if the maximum deposit pool size is reached (i.e. 14.4k ETH).

ii) The stake commission share is the share of ETH rewards that gets swapped to RPL and paid out to stakers that are delegated to node operators. We propose that the initial stake commission rate equals the total commission minus the node operator commission (see i). See next for our rationale.

iii) The protocol surplus share: we propose to leave this share at 0 for now for two main reasons: first, we want to maximize rETH yield by lowering the overall commission rate. Second, as mentioned in our previous forum reply, the protocolā€™s current TVL is not high enough to justify any sort of value capture. If Rocket Pool were to use the surplus share, we have a recommendation that we reference in point #6.

With that, the proposed commission share and its distribution is as follows:

The node operator commission share we propose (20-70%, blue area) is, on average, 3.2% when considering all deposit pool sizes, which is only slightly lower than the initially suggested 3.5% figure, as shown by the gray line. If the deposit pool is empty, the total commission will equate to ~5%, which boosts rETHā€™s APY by a notable 10% compared to the current product. A theoretically empty deposit pool would allow rETH to surpass stETHā€™s yield by a full 15 bps, which massively incentivizes more TVL for Rocket Pool. If the deposit pool is full, weā€™re temporarily over-incentivizing NOs to spin up new validators with higher commissions, ensuring our overall protocol efficiency stays high. This mechanism is a very powerful feedback loop that can lead to sustainable TVL growth.

Combined with some assumption of gains for performance in general based on the research by ArtDemocraft, we could see rETHā€™s yield pass stETH over the long run, or at the very least a significant reduction in the current yield gap between stETH and rETH. This would make rETH one of the best-yielding LSTs:

For RPL stakers, the actual APY depends largely on the total amount of RPL staked and the price of RPL in terms of ETH. We fund the RPL staking rewards by purchasing RPL with earned ETH staking reward commissions. Thus, if the RPL price increases vs. ETH, then the RPL staking yield decreases and vice versa. This is true for the original proposal as well. Hence, the following assumes the current price relation of RPL and ETH. If the proposed minimum of 150 RPL per validator is staked, we end up with about 25% of the total RPL staked and consequently the highest yield. The peak income for stakers is at the kink of our commission split between node operators and stakers at 14.4k ETH in the deposit pool (see chart above). At that level and minimum stake ratio, stakers would earn over 10% APR:

This is almost double the yield for stakers compared to the original proposal, represented by the orange line. Please click here for more simulation data and associated assumptions above.

This change would introduce the following protocol parameters:

min_commission Minimum commission rate
max_commission Maximum commission rate
commission_change_min_interval Minimum time that must pass between changes to commission rate, in seconds.
commision_relative_step Maximum amount that commission can be changed per update, expressed as a percentage of current rate

The introduction of a dynamic global commission will contribute towards the maxETH initiative by minimizing protocol value capture, optimizing for node operator and staker payouts at varying deposit pool sizes, and prioritizing rETH yield payouts at all times.

2. RPL Delegation

Key to our proposal is the introduction of delegated staking.

Houston introduced the concept of ā€œwhale marriagesā€, whereby one party can provide the RPL while another provides the ETH. This has previously been possible through the use of splitter contracts but technical complexity and poor UX led to limited uptake.

Like many in the ecosystem, we believe this is of paramount importance to unlocking NO growth as it allows the protocol to onboard NOs who do not want to take on RPL exposure.

We propose to introduce delegated staking, effectively a matchmaker for ā€œwhale marriagesā€. This provides a Schelling point where NOs can compete to attract delegators, and RPL delegators can make informed decisions about their delegations.

The goal is to eliminate the friction of pairing these counterparties, unlocking the full potential of Houston.

Should our proposal pass, we would follow up with a future proposal to integrate the existing penalty research into the delegation system, further increasing the incentive for NOs to perform and for delegators to choose performant NOs. This involves making NOs (and their delegators) liable for the cost of poor performance, ensuring the rETH APY approaches its theoretical maximum.

To mitigate centralization risk a per-NO delegation cap would be applied, preventing any single NO from accumulating too much voting power (e.g. a cap of 1% would ensure that no single NO could have more than 1% of RPL supply delegated to them).

In the future, we could also introduce the idea of separating reward delegation from voting delegation. An RPL staker could receive rewards from the NO that provides the highest yield, while still delegating their voting power to a community member who supports their ideals.

Improving Performance

Among notable ETH staking protocols, Rocket Pool currently has the lowest performance on Rated Network, falling behind players such as Swell, EtherFi, Ankr, Lido, Stader, and Stakewise. While each missed attestation is relatively small, the aggregate effect of the missed attestations drags down rETHā€™s APY.

We believe this can be corrected with a market design that incentivizes delegation to operators with strong performance, which in turn can reduce missed rewards and help increase rETH APY. Based on the assumptions in ArtDemocraftā€™s research, we could optimistically expect to see a potential APY increase of up to 0.07% simply due to performance improvements amongst the largest struggling NOs.

To do this, we need to introduce a forcing function that encourages NOs to improve performance. The best way to do this is to create a direct link between performance and rewards.

As part of our proposal, a portion of the NOā€™s rewards will be shared with their delegators. The higher the NOs rewards (i.e. the fewer missed attestations), the more rewards received by their delegators. The more delegators an NO has, the more collateral they have for launching additional validators. Thus we introduce a positive feedback loop where operators with the best performance will likely attract more rewards. This introduces competition between NOs to miss the fewest attestations, which will increase the total amount of rewards, which will increase rETHā€™s APY.

To allow RPL holders to make informed decisions when choosing delegates, we will introduce a Node Operator Performance Dashboard (NOPD). This will be built on publicly available data so we might see multiple NOPDs deployed by different parties.

The variable nature of MEV makes it challenging to compare validator earnings side by side. We, therefore, propose making participation in the smoothing pool mandatory for those opting into delegation, reducing the inherent variability in rewards.

Democratizing Whale Marriages

Under the current system, Whale Marriages have some centralization risk, benefiting large RPL holders who can strike deals with node operators at scale. Our delegation system democratizes the process of providing RPL for delegation and gives smaller RPL holders just as much chance to take part as larger holders.

It would be a lot of work for a polygamous NO to individually coordinate with 10,000 delegators providing 10 RPL each. This gives an advantage to the whale with 100k RPL, who would find it easier to match with a ā€œmarriage partner.ā€ We believe that larger holders should not have an unfair advantage merely because they have more capital, and leveling the playing field provides more support for the Charter goal of prioritizing decentralization.

By removing the friction of matching RPL and ETH counterparties through a simple dashboard, we can rapidly accelerate the rate at which ETH can be deployed, further accelerating rETHā€™s APY growth.

Reducing Risk of MEV-theft

In addition to the above benefits, implementing delegation allows us to further reduce both the probability and impact of MEV theft. Delegated RPL provides additional capital which can be slashed to a) punish NOs, and b) make the protocol whole after MEV theft.

As noted in the Bond Curves RPIP, the current proposal does not fully protect against MEV theft. While the nature of MEV makes it challenging to achieve full protection, we believe we can improve upon the current proposal.

In the current proposal, if a NO with a single 8 ETH minipool steals 20 ETH of MEV, rETH APY is lower than it should be.

As part of the delegation system, delegators will stake their RPL against a NOā€™s megapool contract. This provides additional capital which can be used to slash NOs who steal MEV. This has three benefits:

  • The cost of MEV theft is increased, making it less likely to occur
  • If MEV theft does occur, the protocol has a higher chance of recovering the stolen funds
  • We do not need to force-exit the NO in order to recover the capital - we can immediately slash the staked RPL (and still force-exit the NO if more collateral is required, and might wish to do so as punishment)

RPIP-42 notes that:

> ā€œWe willingly take on somewhat more MEV-theft risk for the smallest NOsā€

Our proposal allows the smallest NOs to attract delegated RPL, strengthening the anti-MEV-theft provisions. Thus, we provide further support for this goal without taking on additional MEV theft risk.

With additional RPL collateral available for slashing misbehaving or poorly performing NOs, and sufficient buy-side demand for RPL, we believe the Bond Curves (RPIP-42) work could potentially be safely accelerated.

Delegation Parameters

Delegation Parameters

The incentive to delegate RPL to the top-performing operators maintains RPLā€™s core utility and enhances the protocolā€™s overall validator rewards. This, in turn, leads to higher rETH yields, advancing the maxETH initiative.

3. Updates to RPIP-42: Bond Curve Proposal

Currently, node operators need to put up a set amount of ETH per validator (e.g. 8 ETH collateral, 24 ETH borrowed) when launching validators. Also as suggested within RPIP-42, there is general alignment within the community that from a risk/reward perspective, lower amounts of collateral for incrementally borrowed ETH should be experimented with. We believe that the amount of reasonable collateral needed to slash an operator for misbehavior does not scale linearly with the amount of ETH they borrow from the deposit pool. For example, if they operate one validator, an example amount of collateral could be 4 ETH, but if they operate 8, there might only need to be 2 ETH per validator. The exact sublinear formula can be debated and explored at a later date.

We propose that depending on the total number of validators for a given node operator v, the total collateral requirement in ETH C(v) is given by: C(v) = C(1)*v^p

Using C(1)=4 ETH and p=ā…”:

Currently, about 35% of nodes run one validator, so for them there would be no change in collateral if they run a minipool. However, for 20% of node operators who operate 8+ validators (in aggregate that is 80% of the validators), the reduction is 50% and potentially more:

The left axis/blue line shows 1 minus the ratio of proposed collateral needed per operator (operating v validators on the x-axis) divided by the current collateral needed when assuming 4ETH per validator. The right axis/gray bars show the current distribution, e.g. about 1200 operators running one validator. The conclusion is that compared to the world of vanilla LEB4, relatively less collateral is needed as the number of validators per node increases.

With slight updates to RPIP, we can efficiently lower the collateral requirement for larger node operators while reducing MEV-theft risk. This allows the protocol to support more demand at scale and ensure that the deposit pool remains empty, supporting maxETHā€™s main goal of maximizing rETH yields.

4. Optimize Deposit Queue Access for rETH APY

We expect that the Houston upgrade, accelerated by our delegation proposal, will lead to significant increases in deposit pool utilization. This raises the question of how to handle an empty deposit queue.

To address this, we propose prioritizing access to the queue based on the total RPL staked by a node operator (including delegated RPL). This approach ensures that those most committed to the protocolā€™s long-term health are given the first opportunity to serve the community. Additionally, it enhances protocol security by directing ETH towards operators who can provide the strongest security guarantees, as indicated by their slashable collateral.

To prevent centralizing forces in the deposit queue, we propose a mechanism where queue slots are reserved for new NOs. Additional protection avenues, such as limiting the number of slots per NO within a given timeframe, can be explored as part of further community discussion.

5. RPL Collateral for Node Operators

Given the newly proposed RPL delegation system, we also propose some tweaks to the current RPL collateral design. A fixed amount of 150 RPL will be required per validator, and this value will be static until the community or pDAO votes for a change.

Whilst the specific value is open to debate, our rationale for 150 RPL as the initial value is twofold:

  • At current price levels, this adds approximately 1 ETH in collateral value per validator. This significantly increases collateralization for node operators running multiple validators and counter-balances the reduction in ETH collateral per incremental validator proposed in Bond Curves (RPIP-42). The result is maintained overall network security.
  • Taking the current validator count, the theoretical required RPL stake of 150 equates to around 25% of circulating supply. This minimum threshold is a 50% reduction versus the current stake ratio of 50% coming from the current RPL staking requirement, but we believe our new RPL yield mechanism attracts staking beyond this new minimum of 150, and hence the drop in RPL staked under our new proposal in practice will likely be much less than 50%. Please click this here if youā€™d like to see some simulations we made around % RPL staked, RPL price, and more.

Static RPL values make it easier for both delegators and operators to track. The amount of RPL required per validator will not change regardless of how much a single node operator earns. If a node operator becomes undercollateralized, for example, when it does not have enough delegated RPL for the number of validators, there will not be a forced exit.

However, while a NO is undercollateralized, the full delegate_share is used to purchase RPL on the open market and stake it under the ownership of the pDAO. Once the node is sufficiently collateralized, the delegate_share reverts to the NOā€™s delegates. The pDAO continues to own the purchased RPL and benefit from its yield. A NO can not launch new validators while undercollateralized. One downside of an RPL delegation system is the elevated pressure on delegators to monitor their positions as they may temporarily be forfeiting their share to the pDAO.

The primary motivation for choosing a static value is to simplify life for NOs and delegators and alleviate the burden of constantly checking collateralization levels. An alternative approach would be to retain the mechanism where the required RPL is based on the value of ETH borrowed from the protocol. We are open to discussing this, as it has advantages and disadvantages, but believe the simpler approach is more suitable for this entire proposal.

A fixed amount of required RPL collateral minimizes the risk of prolonged periods where node operators lack sufficient delegations. This ensures a consistently optimal delegation market, allowing delegators to earn yields with the highest-performing node operators, thereby supporting maxETHā€™s goal of increasing rETH yields.

6. Introduce protocol-owned yield as part of the surplus share

We believe protocol commissions should, at present, only go to node operators and RPL stakers. However, in the future, one alternative value capture mechanism that is to be explored is the introduction of a protocol-owned staking pool where pDAO stakes the respective surplus share to earn yield on behalf of the protocolā€™s newly owned ETH assets. The subsequent yield is then distributed to rETH holders. This staking pool would be equivalent to the ā€œsurplus_shareā€ recipient when referencing current proposals. The pDAO, guided by RPL voters, could select operators with less market share or more decentralized infrastructure and therefore counteract any potential centralizing forces that might result from crowding around the most performant NOs. This new scheme potentially strengthens rETHā€™s long-term APY, the primary goal of MaxETH, while simultaneously building up protocol-owned assets.

RPIPs - new and modified

Implementing this proposal would require two additional RPIPs, and modifications to multiple existing draft RPIPs. 1kx would provide the initial version of the new RPIPs and submit them to the community for discussion. We would also work with the authors of the existing proposals to integrate our changes in a way that minimizes the impact and allows us to continue along the previously accepted timelines.


Below is a high-level overview of the modifications we propose to the existing RPIPs:

RPIP Changes (Pt 2)


Personas (Pt 1)
Personas (Pt 2)

Concluding Thoughts

The maxETH initiative intends to increase rETHā€™s yield, making it the most desirable liquid staking product on the market. Meanwhile, we also aim to preserve the RPL collateral requirement, address the deposit queue buildup, and accelerate TVL growth, all of which are key to Rocket Poolā€™s future success. We believe that by modifying the existing rework to take full advantage of the Houston upgrade, one of the most exciting in the protocolā€™s history, we can create the most exciting liquid staking product on the market.

We appreciate your engagement and consideration of our post. We look forward to the communityā€™s feedback and collaboration on refining and enhancing the current RPIPs. Your input is invaluable in shaping our collective future.


Disclaimer: Rocket Pool is a 1kx portfolio investment.

Disclaimer: This article is for general information purposes only and should not be construed as or relied upon in any manner as investment, financial, legal, regulatory, tax, accounting, or similar advice. Under no circumstances should any material at the site be used or be construed as an offer soliciting the purchase or sale of any security, future, or other financial product or instrument. Views expressed in posts are those of the individual 1kx personnel quoted therein and are not the views of 1kx and are subject to change. The posts are not directed to any investors or potential investors, and do not constitute an offer to sell or a solicitation of an offer to buy any securities, and may not be used or relied upon in evaluating the merits of any investment. All information contained herein should be independently verified and confirmed. 1kx does not accept any liability for any loss or damage whatsoever caused in reliance upon such information. Certain information has been obtained from third-party sources. While taken from sources believed to be reliable, 1kx has not independently verified such information and makes no representations about the enduring accuracy or completeness of any information provided or its appropriateness for a given situation. 1kx may hold positions in certain projects or assets discussed in this article.

7 posts - 5 participants

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Grants / Bounties RocketLend Interest

Published: Jun 19, 2024

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Currently the GMC is deliberating on the Rocketlend application submitted by ramana.

They are seeking assistance in gauging the communityā€™s level of interest in using the platform.


How It Works

Rocketlend consists of a single smart contract (ā€œthe (Rocketlend) contractā€), used for all interaction with the protocol and designed to be the primary and RPL withdrawal address for Rocket Pool nodes that borrow RPL from the protocol.

The protocol participants come in two types: ā€œlendersā€, who supply RPL to the protocol, and ā€œborrowersā€ who borrow RPL from the protocol to stake on Rocket Pool nodes.

A lender is assigned a unique identifier when they register with Rocketlend. They provide a withdrawal address (to which funds from the protocol will be sent), which can be changed.

A borrower is identified by the Rocket Pool node they are borrowing for. They also have a withdrawal address, which can be changed, to which their funds are ultimately sent.

Read more about how Rocketlend works including lending pools, borrower actions, lender actions, and the API here.


Relevant Links


Would you use RocketLend?

Click to view the poll.

If you answered ā€œYesā€, what would you use it for?

Click to view the poll.

If you answered ā€œBorrowingā€, which applies more to you?

Click to view the poll.

If you answered ā€œNoā€ or ā€œUnsure,ā€ what features or components would you like to see that could change your opinion about the platform? Please comment below.

1 post - 1 participant

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Governance Protocol DAO Security Council

Published: Jun 15, 2024

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RPIP-33: Implementation of an On-Chain pDAO

Presently, the team has control over the pDAO ā€œguardianā€. This allows the team to immediately disable features of the protocol that may protect against loss of funds in the case of a protocol bug or exploit. This proposal removes this safety net. As a compromise, this proposal introduces a ā€œSecurity Councilā€ which has limited power to make immediate changes to the protocol. This Security Council needs to be maintained to always comprise active members who can react to potential threats.

Security Council membership is a serious role and the pDAO SHOULD develop strong entry requirements and processes for routinely flushing stale members. The development of these requirements and processes is left for a future RPIP.

Until we agree on how to appoint a security council, the guardian (controlled by the team) will be the sole member of the security council.

This topic is to discuss the requirements and processes to establish the security council.

The security council can currently do the following without a delay:

  • Disable the deposit pool
  • Disable creation of new minipools
  • Disable converting 16 ETH minipools to 8 ETH
  • Disable converting solo validators to minipools
  • Disable RPL price updates
  • Disable RPL and smoothing pool rewards submissions

(Complete list and more details are in the RPIP-33)

Points to discuss

Who can be on the security council?

What are the requirements to become a member on the security council?

If a security incident is reported each member should be able to evaluate it and decide how to react.

The more requirements we have for the members the fewer qualified candidates weā€™ll have.

Should the members be doxxed?

Should we have any restrictions? Like jurisdiction, conflict of interest, etc.

How many members?

How many members should there be on the security council and what should be the quorum?

The more the merrier because itā€™s harder to collude but many members and a high quorum can slow down the response.

Should there be any limits to how many people from the same cohort (e.g. Rocket Pool team, jurisdiction, etc.) can be on the security council?

Response time

How quickly are the security council members expected to react?

This will impact who will be interested in being on the security council and what kind of compensation they expect.

Can someone take some time off? How should this be handled?


How much and how frequently should the security council members be compensated?


Should there be practice drills? If so, how frequently and who should organize them?


What to do if a member fails to respond to an incident or doesnā€™t participate in a drill?


How should the security council members be appointed?

Other duties

Are there any other duties the security council should perform? If we pay them we might as well make them earn it.


Optimism security council has one. They are responsible for writing post-morterms and run drills.

Should we have a leader? What are their duties? How are they chosen? What about compensation? What if they become unavailable?


How and where should the security members coordinate and be notified of security incidents?


Anything else?

I suggest thinking about the answers yourself first before reading other posts.

15 posts - 8 participants

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Grants / Bounties Rocket Pool Notifications

Published: Jun 14, 2024

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Hey Rocket Poolers,

Notifi, a notification platform creator, has submitted a mockup demonstrating a potential custom platform for Rocket Pool.

Check out the full 13-page mockup here.

Here are some potential use cases for the platform:

  • Governance digest
  • Bi-weekly news
  • Smart Node updates
  • Snapshot votes
  • Management committee news
  • Additional updates and notifications as needed

Would you be interested in the GMC funding a custom notification solution for Rocket Pool?

Click to view the poll.

5 posts - 4 participants

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Governance Protocol Development - Q2 2024

Published: Jun 13, 2024

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Hello everyone!

This is a rather delayed quarterly roadmap update - so deepest apologies for that.

This is the roadmap update for Q2 2024.

Houston smart contracts have undergone rigorous auditing, and the reports are now live on our website at Weā€™ve also developed and deployed new Houston features on the website. A successful beta testing phase was conducted in collaboration with our community, incorporating valuable feedback and bug fixes into our smart node. Additionally, our team has prioritised and resolved an important bug bounty issue in the Houston code.

Weā€™re excited that Houston is set to launch on June 17th! For more information, please read Daveā€™s Medium article at As of now, the smart contracts have been deployed, and weā€™re in the process of voting on the ODAO upgrade proposal.

Furthermore, weā€™ve worked to merge our current Snapshot voting system with our new on-chain voting mechanism. This unified approach combines the benefits of gasless voting on Snapshot with the direct power of on-chain voting. A detailed Medium article is coming soon, giving you a heads-up on what to expect.

RPIP-28 and RPIP-30
These RPIPs have been ratified by the pDAO for inclusion in the protocol but unfortunately they were ratified after the Houston feature cutoff.

  • RPIP-28 Deposit Under the Minimum - allows creating a new minipool even when under the minimum by supporting an atomic RPL stake and node deposit
  • RPIP-30 RPL Staking Rework - aligns RPL reward spend with rETH capacity created.

Initially, we planned to roll out an intermediate update between Houston and Saturn to deliver these enhancements. However, our focus on Saturn has intensified, and it now appears more likely that these features will be included in the Saturn release rather than being deployed beforehand.

Saturn has come through ideation with the community Rapid Research Incubation process (Rapid Research Incubation Begins!). The community have invested significant time in research and analysis and are drafting Rocket Pool Improvement proposals: Tokenomics Rework | Rocket Pool Improvement Proposals. The team have engaged RPIP authors to ensure feasibility and technical considerations.

The team have been breaking down the draft RPIPs: assessing how they affect technical design; and determining the scope of changes to the protocol.

From a development perspective we have been focused on Megapools, a crucial component of Saturn. Recently, weā€™ve had to adapt to the upcoming Ethereum EIP ā€˜Increased Max Effective Balance (EIP-7251)ā€™. Weā€™ve carefully reviewed how this EIP will impact Rocket Pool overall and specifically if it affects our Megapool implementation. As part of this effort, weā€™ve provided feedback to Ethereum researchers on EIP-7251. Meanwhile, weā€™ve been refining our initial Megapool prototype to bring it up to production-ready standards.

v2 Smart Node
A notable mention is the Smart Node Version 2, a ground-up redesign aimed at significantly improving performance, maintainability, interoperability, and the overall experience for node operators. The v2 beta testing phase is currently underway, with a formal release planned following the Houston launch.

Please let me know if you have any question or concerns.

4 posts - 3 participants

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Governance Protocol Development - Q1 2024 Roadmap Update

Published: Jun 13, 2024

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This is a repost of a Discord announcement made back in January - I am reposting it here for ongoing visibility.

Original post: Discord

Hello everyone!

The start of 2024 has been quite eventful. As we eagerly anticipate the remainder of the year, we want to bring you up to speed on our roadmap progress.

For the latest information, check out @darciusā€™s comprehensive Medium article covering the Houston and Saturn Upgrades: Rocket Pool ā€” Houston Upgrade. Hello Rocket Poolers :) Today is ourā€¦ | by David Rugendyke | Rocket Pool | Medium

The Houston upgrade is currently under audit. Our fantastic audit teams, Consensys Diligence and Sigma Prime have been working hard to break Houston. Those audits are now wrapping up. For Houston, we decided to include an additional audit team to give us flexibility and to get fresh eyes on the Rocket Pool codebase. ChainSafe has joined the audit line-up and are almost midway through their audit. As usual, all audit reports will be made publicly available before launch.

In addition to audits, Houston is also being functionally tested (with the smartnode) on our private devnet. Once this process is complete and the audits are finalised, we will look to deploy Houston to the Holesky testnet so that everyone can give it a try!

RPIP-28 and RPIP-30
These RPIPs have been ratified by the pDAO for inclusion in the protocol. Kane has been working on the RPIP-30 changes so that they can be released in the next audit cycle. We would like to get Houston out the door and then we can lock in a release date.

  • RPIP-28 Deposit Under the Minimum - allows creating a new minipool even when under the minimum by supporting an atomic RPL stake and node deposit
  • RPIP-30 RPL Staking Rework - aligns RPL reward spend with rETH capacity created.

The Saturn upgrade is in the research and analysis phase. This is exciting because all options are on the table. A Rapid Research Incubation process has began (Rapid Research Incubation Begins!) to review the fantastic ideas submitted by the community. A big thank you to everyone that has submitted. The submissions are of a very high quality and we have no doubt that they will help inform the future of Rocket Pool.

Once the incubation process has concluded we can start refining the ideas ready for design and implementation. Saturn has a long way to go but we are leveraging the collective knowledge and passion from this amazing community.

We are looking forward to an exciting 2024.

1 post - 1 participant

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Grants / Bounties Bounties - June 2024

Published: Jun 11, 2024

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On April 24, the Rocket Pool protocol DAO passed RPIP-39, which allow the Grants Management Committee to pay out incentives to community members engaging with the bounty system. This breaks more complex bounties into three distinct parts:

Bounty Proposal
A high-level bounty idea that requires more work before it can be adopted by the GMC. The goal of the bounty proposal is to convince the GMC that this idea is worth the effort and funding to pursue. Proposal requirements are easy to meet to encourage community engagement. Bounty proposals are the ā€˜quick and dirtyā€™ path for community members to suggest a bounty idea to the GMC.

Bounty Definition
A detailed and well-defined bounty specification that can be adopted by the GMC. The goal of the bounty definition is to communicate the content and terms of the bounty to bounty hunters. Community members may provide a bounty definition alongside their bounty proposal, it may be created by the GMC, or submitted by a separate community member. Bounty definitions are the ā€˜tick all the boxesā€™ path for community members to get their bounty adopted by the GMC.

Bounty Support Contact
An individual who acts as a supporter and point of contact with bounty hunters for a given bounty. This may be the bounty proposal author, a member of the GMC, or another community member. The bounty support contactā€™s goal is to support and liaise with bounty hunters so that they are better able to deliver the work specified in the bounty definition. Bounty contacts are listed in bounty definitions.

Aside from the now streamlined proposal incentive, the GMC is now seeking assistance externally for bounty definitions and bounty supporters.

On June 4, the GMC approved the following bounty incentives:

  • Proposal Incentive $50
  • Definition Incentive 2%, minimum $75
  • Support Incentive 2%, minimum $50


Currently the GMC is seeking a definition for:

You can find the bounty definition template here.

If you are interested in writing a definition please post your submission or questions here, or reach out to the GMC within their dedicated server.

1 post - 1 participant

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Governance oDAO verification: Houston contract upgrades

Published: Jun 10, 2024

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Using peterisā€™ writeup at oDAO Membership Interest - peteris - #22 by peteris

docker run --rm -it -u 1000:1000 -v $(pwd):/app -w /app node:22 sh -c 'npm install && ./'
āœ”ļøVerified contract at 0x5dC69083B68CDb5c9ca492A0A5eC581e529fb73C matches RocketUpgradeOneDotThree
āœ”ļøVerified contract at 0x7603352f1C4752Ac07AAC94e48632b65FDF1D35c matches RocketNetworkSnapshots
āœ”ļøVerified contract at 0xA9d27E1952f742d659143a544d3e535fFf3Eebe1 matches RocketNetworkVoting
āœ”ļøVerified contract at 0x5f24E4a1A1f134a5a6952A9965721E6344898497 matches RocketDAOProtocolSettingsProposals
āœ”ļøVerified contract at 0x25F41Cd11d95DBEC0919A0440343698cf1472a33 matches RocketDAOProtocolVerifier
āœ”ļøVerified contract at 0x84aE6D61Df5c6ba7196b5C76Bcb112B8a689aD37 matches RocketDAOSecurity
āœ”ļøVerified contract at 0xeaa442dF4Bb5394c66C8024eFb4979bEc89Eb59a matches RocketDAOSecurityActions
āœ”ļøVerified contract at 0x6004Fa90a27dB9971aDD200d1A3BB34444db9Fb7 matches RocketDAOSecurityProposals
āœ”ļøVerified contract at 0x1ec364CDD9697F56B8CB17a745B98C2b862CBE29 matches RocketDAOProtocolSettingsSecurity
āœ”ļøVerified contract at 0x7cee91F49001B08f8D562d58510C76bcEcD61FA0 matches RocketDAOProtocolProposal
āœ”ļøVerified contract at 0x1b714ed0ce30A8BeDC5b4253DaAa08c84CA5BFcb matches RocketDAOProtocol
āœ”ļøVerified contract at 0x6D736da1dC2562DBeA9998385A0A27d8c2B2793e matches RocketDAOProtocolProposals
āœ”ļøVerified contract at 0x25E54Bf48369b8FB25bB79d3a3Ff7F3BA448E382 matches RocketNetworkPrices
āœ”ļøVerified contract at 0x9304B4ebFbE68932Cf9Af8De4d21D7e7621f701a matches RocketNodeDeposit
āœ”ļøVerified contract at 0x2b52479F6ea009907e46fc43e91064D1b92Fdc86 matches RocketNodeManager
āœ”ļøVerified contract at 0x0e29BA1155cE103A07118c8912dA44B0507A982D matches RocketNodeStaking
āœ”ļøVerified contract at 0xFe6Db0ce3F61a4aE04c0A3E62F775a6f511C9aaC matches RocketClaimDAO
āœ”ļøVerified contract at 0x8857610Ba0A7caFD4dBE1120bfF03E9c74fc4124 matches RocketDAOProtocolSettingsRewards
āœ”ļøVerified contract at 0x09fbCE43e4021a3F69C4599FF00362b83edA501E matches RocketMinipoolManager
āœ”ļøVerified contract at 0xEE4d2A71cF479e0D3d0c3c2C923dbfEB57E73111 matches RocketRewardsPool
āœ”ļøVerified contract at 0x6Cc65bF618F55ce2433f9D8d827Fc44117D81399 matches RocketNetworkBalances
āœ”ļøVerified contract at 0x89682e5F9bf69C909FC5E21a06495ac35E3671Ab matches RocketDAOProtocolSettingsNetwork
āœ”ļøVerified contract at 0xEF75e83633E686D3085b3a988b937D021e2fA628 matches RocketDAOProtocolSettingsAuction
āœ”ļøVerified contract at 0xD846AA34caEf083DC4797d75096F60b6E08B7418 matches RocketDAOProtocolSettingsDeposit
āœ”ļøVerified contract at 0x1d4AAEaE7C8b75a8e5ab589a84516853DBDdd735 matches RocketDAOProtocolSettingsInflation
āœ”ļøVerified contract at 0xA416A7a07925d60F794E20532bc730749611A220 matches RocketDAOProtocolSettingsMinipool
āœ”ļøVerified contract at 0x448DA008c7EB2501165c9Aa62DfFEeC4405bC660 matches RocketDAOProtocolSettingsNode
āœ”ļøVerified contract at 0x5cE71E603B138F7e65029Cc1918C0566ed0dBD4B matches RocketMerkleDistributorMainnet
āœ” Verification successful

Byte code verification shows one mismatch

debian@eth-rp-c:~/rocketpool$ node verify.js
āœ… RocketUpgradeOneDotThree 0x5dC69083B68CDb5c9ca492A0A5eC581e529fb73C
āœ… RocketClaimDAO 0xFe6Db0ce3F61a4aE04c0A3E62F775a6f511C9aaC
āœ… RocketDAOProtocol 0x1b714ed0ce30A8BeDC5b4253DaAa08c84CA5BFcb
āœ… RocketDAOProtocolProposals 0x6D736da1dC2562DBeA9998385A0A27d8c2B2793e
āœ… RocketDAOProtocolSettingsAuction 0xEF75e83633E686D3085b3a988b937D021e2fA628
āœ… RocketDAOProtocolSettingsDeposit 0xD846AA34caEf083DC4797d75096F60b6E08B7418
āœ… RocketDAOProtocolSettingsInflation 0x1d4AAEaE7C8b75a8e5ab589a84516853DBDdd735
āœ… RocketDAOProtocolSettingsMinipool 0xA416A7a07925d60F794E20532bc730749611A220
āœ… RocketDAOProtocolSettingsNetwork 0x89682e5F9bf69C909FC5E21a06495ac35E3671Ab
āœ… RocketDAOProtocolSettingsNode 0x448DA008c7EB2501165c9Aa62DfFEeC4405bC660
āœ… RocketDAOProtocolSettingsRewards 0x8857610Ba0A7caFD4dBE1120bfF03E9c74fc4124
āŒ RocketMerkleDistributorMainnet 0x5cE71E603B138F7e65029Cc1918C0566ed0dBD4B
āœ… RocketMinipoolManager 0x09fbCE43e4021a3F69C4599FF00362b83edA501E
āœ… RocketNetworkBalances 0x6Cc65bF618F55ce2433f9D8d827Fc44117D81399
āœ… RocketNetworkPrices 0x25E54Bf48369b8FB25bB79d3a3Ff7F3BA448E382
āœ… RocketNodeDeposit 0x9304B4ebFbE68932Cf9Af8De4d21D7e7621f701a
āœ… RocketNodeManager 0x2b52479F6ea009907e46fc43e91064D1b92Fdc86
āœ… RocketNodeStaking 0x0e29BA1155cE103A07118c8912dA44B0507A982D
āœ… RocketRewardsPool 0xEE4d2A71cF479e0D3d0c3c2C923dbfEB57E73111
āœ… RocketDAOProtocolProposal 0x7cee91F49001B08f8D562d58510C76bcEcD61FA0
āœ… RocketDAOProtocolSettingsProposals 0x5f24E4a1A1f134a5a6952A9965721E6344898497
āœ… RocketDAOProtocolSettingsSecurity 0x1ec364CDD9697F56B8CB17a745B98C2b862CBE29
āœ… RocketDAOProtocolVerifier 0x25F41Cd11d95DBEC0919A0440343698cf1472a33
āœ… RocketDAOSecurity 0x84aE6D61Df5c6ba7196b5C76Bcb112B8a689aD37
āœ… RocketDAOSecurityActions 0xeaa442dF4Bb5394c66C8024eFb4979bEc89Eb59a
āœ… RocketDAOSecurityProposals 0x6004Fa90a27dB9971aDD200d1A3BB34444db9Fb7
āœ… RocketNetworkSnapshots 0x7603352f1C4752Ac07AAC94e48632b65FDF1D35c
āœ… RocketNetworkVoting 0xA9d27E1952f742d659143a544d3e535fFf3Eebe1

Verify against the previous commit where the comment hadnā€™t been changed

debian@eth-rp-c:~/rocketpool$ git reset --hard 8a86af4e37299dbdd8e0a07fd80a51887278557c

debian@eth-rp-c:~/rocketpool$ npm run compile

> rocketpool@3.0.0 compile
> hardhat compile

Compiled 1 Solidity file successfully
debian@eth-rp-c:~/rocketpool$ node verify.js
āœ… RocketUpgradeOneDotThree 0x5dC69083B68CDb5c9ca492A0A5eC581e529fb73C
āœ… RocketClaimDAO 0xFe6Db0ce3F61a4aE04c0A3E62F775a6f511C9aaC
āœ… RocketDAOProtocol 0x1b714ed0ce30A8BeDC5b4253DaAa08c84CA5BFcb
āœ… RocketDAOProtocolProposals 0x6D736da1dC2562DBeA9998385A0A27d8c2B2793e
āœ… RocketDAOProtocolSettingsAuction 0xEF75e83633E686D3085b3a988b937D021e2fA628
āœ… RocketDAOProtocolSettingsDeposit 0xD846AA34caEf083DC4797d75096F60b6E08B7418
āœ… RocketDAOProtocolSettingsInflation 0x1d4AAEaE7C8b75a8e5ab589a84516853DBDdd735
āœ… RocketDAOProtocolSettingsMinipool 0xA416A7a07925d60F794E20532bc730749611A220
āœ… RocketDAOProtocolSettingsNetwork 0x89682e5F9bf69C909FC5E21a06495ac35E3671Ab
āœ… RocketDAOProtocolSettingsNode 0x448DA008c7EB2501165c9Aa62DfFEeC4405bC660
āœ… RocketDAOProtocolSettingsRewards 0x8857610Ba0A7caFD4dBE1120bfF03E9c74fc4124
āœ… RocketMerkleDistributorMainnet 0x5cE71E603B138F7e65029Cc1918C0566ed0dBD4B
āœ… RocketMinipoolManager 0x09fbCE43e4021a3F69C4599FF00362b83edA501E
āœ… RocketNetworkBalances 0x6Cc65bF618F55ce2433f9D8d827Fc44117D81399
āœ… RocketNetworkPrices 0x25E54Bf48369b8FB25bB79d3a3Ff7F3BA448E382
āœ… RocketNodeDeposit 0x9304B4ebFbE68932Cf9Af8De4d21D7e7621f701a
āœ… RocketNodeManager 0x2b52479F6ea009907e46fc43e91064D1b92Fdc86
āœ… RocketNodeStaking 0x0e29BA1155cE103A07118c8912dA44B0507A982D
āœ… RocketRewardsPool 0xEE4d2A71cF479e0D3d0c3c2C923dbfEB57E73111
āœ… RocketDAOProtocolProposal 0x7cee91F49001B08f8D562d58510C76bcEcD61FA0
āœ… RocketDAOProtocolSettingsProposals 0x5f24E4a1A1f134a5a6952A9965721E6344898497
āœ… RocketDAOProtocolSettingsSecurity 0x1ec364CDD9697F56B8CB17a745B98C2b862CBE29
āœ… RocketDAOProtocolVerifier 0x25F41Cd11d95DBEC0919A0440343698cf1472a33
āœ… RocketDAOSecurity 0x84aE6D61Df5c6ba7196b5C76Bcb112B8a689aD37
āœ… RocketDAOSecurityActions 0xeaa442dF4Bb5394c66C8024eFb4979bEc89Eb59a
āœ… RocketDAOSecurityProposals 0x6004Fa90a27dB9971aDD200d1A3BB34444db9Fb7
āœ… RocketNetworkSnapshots 0x7603352f1C4752Ac07AAC94e48632b65FDF1D35c
āœ… RocketNetworkVoting 0xA9d27E1952f742d659143a544d3e535fFf3Eebe1

Verify that the only change is the comment

debian@eth-rp-c:~/rocketpool$ git diff 8a86af4e37299dbdd8e0a07fd80a51887278557c
diff --git a/contracts/contract/rewards/RocketMerkleDistributorMainnet.sol b/contracts/contract/rewards/RocketMerkleDistributorMainnet.sol
index 895251c1..c5ab312f 100644
--- a/contracts/contract/rewards/RocketMerkleDistributorMainnet.sol
+++ b/contracts/contract/rewards/RocketMerkleDistributorMainnet.sol
@@ -115,7 +115,7 @@ contract RocketMerkleDistributorMainnet is RocketBase, RocketMerkleDistributorMa
             // Distribute ETH
             if (totalAmountETH > 0) {
-                // Allow up to 2300 gas to send ETH to the withdrawal address
+                // Allow up to 10000 gas to send ETH to the withdrawal address^M
                 (bool result,) ={value: totalAmountETH, gas: 10000}("");
                 if (!result) {
                     // If the withdrawal address cannot accept the ETH with 10000 gas, add it to their balance to be claimed later at their own expense

The deployed contracts are from commit 8a86af4e37299dbdd8e0a07fd80a51887278557c on tag v1.3.0. A later commit only changes a comment, not the code.

This has not been merged into master.

Those minor things notwithstanding, the deployed code is what is in github at tag v1.3.0

1 post - 1 participant

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Grants / Bounties Round 14 - GMC Call for Retrospective Applications - Deadline is July 7

Published: Jun 08, 2024

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This thread is for applications for Rocket Poolā€™s June 7, 2024 - July 7, 2024 retrospective awards. Please only post retrospective award applications in this thread. If you would like to discuss and/or ask questions about any applications you see in this thread, we ask that you do so in this separate forum thread which has been established for all community discussions related to this round of applications. Only those grant applications that are posted in this thread and timestamped by July 7, 2024 at 23:59 (11:59 PM) UTC will be considered. Any retrospective award applications posted after that deadline will be carried over to the next award period.

This is the expected schedule for round 14:

  • Application Period (June 7 - July 7)
  • Negotiation Period (July 8 - July 22)
  • Scoring Deadline (July 23)
  • Final Voting Amendments, Discussion and Finalization (July 24 - July 27)
  • Award Announcement (July 28)

To guide you in your application, the GMC has established the following goals and the following scoring rubric:

GMC Goals (click for more details) Retrospective Award Rubric (click for more details)

Retrospective Award Application Template

Please copy paste the template below into a reply. Answer the questions there, feel free to remove or add sections based on relevance.

## Name of Retrospective Award

### Who is the proposed retrospective award recipient?

### What specific project or work is the retrospective award in recognition of? Please detail what the project or work entailed and the duration over which it took place.

### Are the subjects of this award entirely open source ([MIT](, [GPL](, [Apache](, [CC BY]( license or similar)? If not, which parts will not be, why, and under what license will they be published?

## Benefit

<please enter N/A where appropriate>

| Group | Benefits |
| Potential rETH holders | How did the project or work for which the retrospective award would be given help people looking to stake ETH for rETH? |
| rETH holders | How did the project or work for which the retrospective award would be given help rETH holders? |
| Potential NOs | How did the project or work for which the retrospective award would be given help people looking to run a Rocket Pool node for the first time? |
| NOs | How did the project or work for which the retrospective award would be given help people already running a Rocket Pool node? |
| Community |  How did the project or work for which the retrospective award would be given how does this help the Rocket Pool community? |
| RPL holders |  How did the project or work for which the retrospective award would be given how does this help RPL holders? |

## Costs

### How much USD $ is the applicant requesting be awarded to the recipient?

### Is the applicant requesting RPL or LUSD?

## Conflict of Interest

### Does the person or persons requesting the retrospective award have any conflicts of interest to disclose? (Please disclose here if you are a member of the GMC or if you have nominated a member of the GMC for this retrospective award).

5 posts - 3 participants

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Grants / Bounties Round 14 - GMC Call for Bounty Applications - Deadline is July 7

Published: Jun 08, 2024

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This thread is for applications for Rocket Poolā€™s June 7, 2024 - July 7, 2024 bounties. Please only post bounty applications in this thread. If you would like to discuss and/or ask questions about any applications you see in this thread, we ask that you do so in this separate forum thread which has been established for all community discussions related to this round of applications. Only those grant applications that are posted in this thread and timestamped by July 7, 2024 at 23:59 (11:59 PM) UTC will be considered. Any bounties posted after that deadline will be carried over to the next award period.

This is the expected schedule for round 14:

  • Application Period (June 7 - July 7)
  • Negotiation Period (July 8 - July 22)
  • Scoring Deadline (July 23)
  • Final Voting Amendments, Discussion and Finalization (July 24 - July 27)
  • Award Announcement (July 28)
Differences Between Grants and Bounties (click for more details)

To guide you in your application, the GMC has established the following goals and the following scoring rubric:

GMC Goals (click for more details) Bounties Rubric (click for more details)

Bounty Proposal Template


  • The goals of the Bounty Proposal are:
    • to communicate your bounty idea clearly, in general terms, such that the GMC can decide if itā€™s worth pursuing.
    • to estimate the benefits and costs attached to your proposal.
    • to disclose any relevant conflicts of interest.
  • Answers to the template questions do not need to be highly detailed. Estimates or ranges are acceptable. Brief answers are also fine.


# Bounty Name

## General Information

### What is the nature of the proposed bounty?

### Why are you writing this bounty proposal?

## Benefit

<please enter N/A where appropriate>

| Group | Benefits |
| Potential rETH holders | If the bounty is successfully completed, how does this help people looking to stake ETH for rETH? |
| rETH holders | If the bounty is successfully completed, how does this help rETH holders? |
| Potential NOs |  If the bounty is successfully completed, how does this help people looking to run a Rocket Pool node for the first time? |
| NOs | If the bounty is successfully completed, how does this help people already running a Rocket Pool node? |
| Community |  If the bounty is successfully completed, how does this help the Rocket Pool community? |
| RPL holders |  If the bounty is successfully completed, how does this help RPL holders? |

### Which other non-RPL protocols, DAOs, projects, or individuals would stand to benefit from the bounty being successfully completed?

## Work

### What steps would be entailed in completing the bounty? Do successful examples of such work exist elsewhere? What skillsets or knowledge will be required?

### What advice would you give a bounty hunter working on this bounty?

### Should the output of this bounty be available under an open source license?

## Costs

### How much do you think the completion of this bounty worth to Rocket Pool (in USD)?

### How much work will be needed to verify this bounty has been completed? What skillsets or knowledge will be required?

## Structure

### How would you structure this bounty, and why? 
* A single payout to single team on completion? 
* Divided into milestones? 
* Multiple payouts to multiple teams? 
* Should this be written up as multiple bounty definitions?
* Something else?

### Is this bounty repeatable?

### Are there any reasonable circumstances under which this bounty should be withdrawn? Should it expire?

## Conflicts of Interest

### Does the person or persons proposing the bounty have any conflicts of interest to disclose? (Please disclose here if you are a member of the GMC or if any member of the GMC would benefit directly financially from the successful completion of the bounty).

### Will the applicant, or any protocol or project in which the applicant has a vested interest (other than Rocket Pool), benefit financially if the bounty is successfully completed?

Bounty Definition Template


  • When a single proposal bounty proposal has parts that must be completed by different groups, it should become multiple definitions.
  • Where reasonably possible, bountiy definitions should limit the number of distinct skillsets required for completion of the bounty.
  • Bounties should be defined in terms of the smallest worthwhile unit of work. IE: $25 to add/update a single relevant FAQ question rather than $5,000 to update the FAQ.
  • Include any information or resources that might reasonably help a bounty hunter complete the bounty.
  • Think carefully about which tasks are required, and which can be optional.
  • Clearly list any dependencies, if the bounty cannot be completed in all circumstances.
  • Only include multiple milestones for large bounties with natural points of division.


# Bounty Name 

## Data
* Repeatable?
* Expiring?
* Skillsets for completion? (See existing bounties and reuse where possible, new skillsets are recommended if sufficiently distinct)
* Relevant tags? (See existing bounties and reuse where possible, new tags are recommended if sufficiently distinct)
* Min reward (USD)?
* Max reward (USD)?
* Any linked definitions? (e.g. if a single bounty proposal becomes multiple definitions.)
* Any dependencies? 

## Summary 
Short 1-3 sentences describing the bounty.

## Dependencies
Is there anything that must happen (outside of a bounty hunter's control) before it is possible to complete this bounty? This may be other bounties that must be completed first, an upcoming event or change or a regular occurance that triggers a valid bounty. This section is optional. May be later removed from the definition if the dependency becomes permanently met. 

## Required Milestones
What _must_ be completed for a bounty hunter to claim some amount of bounty. Described per milestone.

### Milestone A - <Name of Milestone>
**Payout: ** <payout amount>
Clear bulleted list or subheadings covering the items that must be completed and/or adhered to for this milestone to be valid.

### Milestone B - <Name of Milestone>
**Payout: ** <payout amount>
Clear bulleted list or subheadings covering the items that must be completed and/or adhered to for this milestone to be valid.

### Milestone C - <Name of Milestone>...

## Optional Milestones
What tasks _may_ be completed for a bounty hunter to earn extra bounty rewards. Described per milestone. This section is optional.

Optional milestones may be less strictly defined than required milestones. You may aggregate multiple minor considerations that would contribute to a payout. 

### Milestone D - <Name of Milestone>
**Maximum Payout: ** <maximum payout amount>
Clear bulleted list of the items that would contribute to payout for this milestone.

### Milestone E - <Name of Milestone>...

## Further Notes
Anything you think that would be beneficial for a bounty hunter to know when working on this bounty. Maybe be divided into subsections as needed.

## Resources
Links to repositories, web pages, forum discussions, etc. Anything that the bounty hunter may be able to use to do a better job on the bounty work. 

## Contacts
Individuals that have agreed to act as contacts for this bounty. Include usernames + contact details for any platform on which the contact is willing to respond to requests. Any contacts are expected to fully understand the bounty definition. This section is optional. 

* MAY be eligible for incentives.
* SHOULD NOT assist the bounty hunter directly with the bounty work.
* SHOULD assist bounty hunters via feedback, direction and oversight upon request.

## Verification
Who is expected to verify that the work delivered meets the relevant milestones? This person or group must have agreed to do this in advance of this definition being published. This person or group should have any relevant skillsets needed to properly verify the bounty work.

3 posts - 1 participant

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Grants / Bounties Round 14 - GMC Call for Grant Applications - Deadline is July 7

Published: Jun 08, 2024

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This thread is for applications for Rocket Poolā€™s June 7, 2024 - July 7, 2024 grants. Please only post grant applications in this thread. If you would like to discuss and/or ask questions about any applications you see in this thread, we ask that you do so in this separate forum thread (link) which has been established for all community discussions related to this round of applications. Only those grant applications that are posted in this thread and timestamped by July 7, 2024 at 23:59 (11:59 PM) UTC will be considered. Any grants posted after that deadline will be carried over to the next award period.

This is the expected schedule for round 14:

  • Application Period (June 7 - July 7)
  • Negotiation Period (July 8 - July 22)
  • Scoring Deadline (July 23)
  • Final Voting Amendments, Discussion and Finalization (July 24 - July 27)
  • Award Announcement (July 28)
Differences Between Grants and Bounties (click for more details)

To guide you in your application, the GMC has established the following goals and the following scoring rubric:

GMC Goals (click for more details) Grants Rubric (click for more details)

Grant Application Template

Please copy paste the template below into a reply. Answer the questions there, feel free to remove or add sections based on relevance.

## Name of Grant

### What is the work being proposed?

### Is there any related work this builds off of?

### Will the results of this project be entirely open source ([MIT](, [GPL](, [Apache](, [CC BY]( license or similar)? If not, which parts will not be, why, and under what license will they be published?

## Benefit

<please enter N/A where appropriate>

| Group | Benefits |
| Potential rETH holders | If the grant is successfully completed, how does this help people looking to stake ETH for rETH? |
| rETH holders | If the grant is successfully completed, how does this help rETH holders? |
| Potential NOs |  If the grant is successfully completed, how does this help people looking to run a Rocket Pool node for the first time? |
| NOs | If the grant is successfully completed, how does this help people already running a Rocket Pool node? |
| Community |  If the grant is successfully completed, how does this help the Rocket Pool community? |
| RPL holders |  If the grant is successfully completed, how does this help RPL holders? |

### Which other non-RPL protocols, DAOs, projects, or individuals, would stand to benefit from this grant?

## Work

### Who is doing the work?

### What is the background of the person(s) doing the work? What experience do they have with such projects in the past?

### What is the breakdown of the proposed work, in terms of milestones and/or deadlines?

### How is the work being tested? Is testing included in the schedule?

### How will the work be maintained after delivery?

## Costs

### What is the acceptance criteria?

### What is the proposed payment schedule for the grant? How much USD $ and over what period of time is the applicant requesting?

### Is the applicant requesting RPL or LUSD?

### How will the GMC verify that the work delivered matches the proposed cadence?

### What alternatives or options have been considered in order to save costs for the proposed project?

## Conflict of Interest

### Does the person or persons proposing the grant have any conflicts of interest to disclose? (Please disclose here if you are a member of the GMC or if any member of the GMC would benefit directly financially from the grant).

### Will the recipient of the grant, or any protocol or project in which the recipient has a vested interest (other than Rocket Pool), benefit financially if the grant is successful?

9 posts - 6 participants

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Grants / Bounties Round 14 - GMC Community Discussion of Submitted Applications

Published: Jun 08, 2024

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In order to keep the application threads clear of discussions (to make it easier for committee members to read and score them), please use this thread for any and all questions and discussions of round 14 period of grant, bounty, and retrospective award applications.

4 posts - 4 participants

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Governance Generalized Rewards Tree Distribution

Published: Jun 06, 2024

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In this post Iā€™m going to describe a proposal to settle the manner in which the rewards tree is distributed.


A bit of history:

  • Originally, rewards trees were posted and pinned by each and every odao seat on IPFS.
  • The IPFS service the oDAO was using more or less made this impossible, and now rewards trees are simply uploaded to github by the core team every interval (manually).
  • While we do not post the trees to IPFS, the oDAO continues to populate the IPFS CID in consensus (a deterministic identifier which, should anyone decide to upload the tree to IPFS, will allow nodes to download it).

We ultimately decided a replacement API for IPFS uploading wasnā€™t important as:

  • Rewards Trees canā€™t be tampered with- Smart Node calculates and verifies the merkle root when it parses the tree, and will reject files with an invalid root.
  • You need not get the rewards tree from the oDAO- anyone can generate it themselves
  • You need not generate it yourself- anyone who generates it can provide it to you trustlessly (see point 1).

That said, I do not like using github as a cdn (as it is centralized) and I do not like manually publishing trees.


First, the Smart Node maintainers will publish an openapi spec that describes a service that can be used to download reward trees in multiple formats, with or without compression.

Smart Node will implement this spec and allow users to expose a route with this service.

Smart Node will also accept a vector of URLs from which to fetch reward trees, should local generation be disabled.

After a transition period, Rewards Trees will be uploaded to github only for archival purposes, and Smart Node will no longer download trees from github.


  1. Anyone can run a service that shares reward trees with other node operators altruistically
    • so long as at least one such node operator runs a service, nodes will be able to claim rewards in timely fashion.
    • RPIP-52 asks the oDAO politely to participate in this process: The Oracle DAO SHOULD upload all four files to a publicly accessible webserver, where individual Node Operators can retrieve them.
  2. Improved robustness against github (ie should microsoft notice that the rewards tree repo is, essentially, parasitic storage).
  3. Anyone who wants to can still publish the tree to IPFS, following the rules established in RPIP-52.
  4. By publishing an API spec we allow non-smart-node implementations of the service as well.


  • Mostly, development time (though arguably there is a break-even when the manual tree publication process is eliminated).
  • Itā€™s possible that the centralization issue isnā€™t solved immediately, as there is little motivation to provide such a service except altruism, and once one reliable service is running, there is diminishing returns in running additional ones.

Why is this on the DAO forum?

A few reasons:

  • The IPFS deprecation happened quickly and we never really asked the community / dao how it felt about using github as a stopgap
  • Github was supposed to be temporary and we acknowledged the need for a longer-term solution
  • I will probably be working on this and I am an employee of the pDAO

Vote for up to 2:

Click to view the poll.

7 posts - 5 participants

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Governance pDAO 2024/05/09-2024/06/06 Treasury Report

Published: Jun 05, 2024

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Hello, Rocket Pool!

If you need an intro to how pDAO treasury works, check (this post).

This period the pDAO reserve received 6,149.94 RPL from inflation, its balance is now 53,959.14 RPL. The IMC and GMC were paid 10,423.63 RPL and 4,273.69 RPL, respectively.

Next period pDAO inflation share will be increased to 28.5%, this will be the final update from the budget allocation the pDAO voted one year ago.

You can keep up with pDAO treasury with the following spreadsheets:
(RP Treasury Report - Google Sheets )
(pDAO Treasury Summary - Google Sheets ).

Thank you for reading, see you next period!

1 post - 1 participant

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Uncategorized Tokenomics Rework Update 1 - New Explainers!

Published: Jun 05, 2024

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Hi all, the core tokenomics contributors wanted to give a brief update of where weā€™re at with the tokenomics work, share some of the new content, and lay out some ways in which you can help support the effort. Previous threads on the topic can be found here.

Where are we at?

Weā€™ve been following the rough steps here for the last couple of weeks, and just completed step 3 by releasing the explainer documents.

That leaves two steps that weā€™ll be actively working on for the next little while:

  • Seek feedback from technically skilled or highly engaged community members on the draft specifications.

  • Make a concerted effort to gather feedback via the forum from the wider community.

So weā€™re moving into a phase dedicated to gathering feedback. We want to confirm the general direction is good, hone the specifications and make the high level explainers as clear as possible.

If youā€™d like to keep track of progress, this section of RPIP-49 is kept up to date, as is this todo list. Weā€™ll post major updates here on the forum too, and you can subscribe to these via RSS.

New Tokenomics Explainers

Weā€™re happy to present an expanded information and overview section on the tokenomics landing page.

The new pages cover the reasoning behind and contents of the tokenomics update at different levels of depth, with the goal that thereā€™s something easy for everyone to engage with regardless of their level of knowledge and available time.

A huge thank you to those that contributed content and feedback to these documents.

How can you help us?

Right now, weā€™re focused on feedback in the following three areas.

Meta Feedback on Explainers

Now that the explainers are out, weā€™d really love feedback from the actual audience:

  • Is anything unclear, explained badly, or misleading?

  • Does the ā€˜reading orderā€™ hold up? Do you have enough of a foundation from the previous sections to continue understanding things? Does anything feel like a surprise curveball?

  • Is the formatting clear? Could this look prettier or more inviting, etc?

If youā€™re reading the explainers, then you can help us here, no matter your previous level of engagement with the process or the community. Leave a comment on this forum thread, or on discord.

Specification Feedback

We are hoping to receive more feedback from the technical or structurally minded members of the community on the RPIP specification sections. Any improvements we can make here to clarity, completeness, and comprehension will help the core team at the implementation stage and help to ensure that the behavior of the upgraded protocol best serves all stakeholders.

Weā€™ve put together a short document explaining how to contribute usefully that you can find here. It includes links to the working branch of the specs, suggestions on how to provide feedback and should cover everything you need to just sit down with the content.

General Content Feedback

Finally, if you have feedback on the rework itself and its contents - now is the time! If we can hear more concerns, excitements, and thoughts, then we can make this rework as successful as possible for everyone.

On a more personal note, wider engagement with this - whether positive or negative - is a huge boost to our motivation. This includes everything from a small celebratory comment to a critical essay ā€“ itā€™s much nicer to work on something that clearly matters to the community.

You can leave comments on this forum thread, or reach us in the discord thread.

Thanks for reading!

18 posts - 9 participants

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Ecosystem Booted from discord access

Published: Jul 22, 2024

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i was banned from discord for calling out when your discord got hacked - the hacker banned me - iā€™m still banned as i cant rejoin it. can it be sorted?

5 posts - 2 participants

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Ecosystem Withdraw ETH to my wallet

Published: Jul 20, 2024

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I requested to withdraw my ETH 27 days ago, but it still hasnā€™t been approved.
This is Hash key of my withdraw request 0xdb232929d836fcc0e160f9ac5b3c3dd9b134457e4c7728f50ce7e91210a2b29c

please check it thanks

2 posts - 2 participants

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Ecosystem Swell 2 deposit

Published: Jul 17, 2024

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Hello there! I have deposited ALT tokens at Swell 2 but tokens to withdraw shows 0 after awhile. May I have support on this matter?

2 posts - 2 participants

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Ecosystem Unstake my swETH

Published: Jul 07, 2024

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I canā€™t seem to find my swETH
as you can see below: i deposited 1 ETH
i got some pearls
portfolio balance = 0
how can i unstake?


2 posts - 2 participants

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Ecosystem How to bridge back from rsweth to ETH?

Published: Jul 02, 2024

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Cant seem to find any solution to do this unless I take a loss on the big arbitrage via Uniswap. Can anyone help?


5 posts - 4 participants

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Ecosystem Pendle - YT rswETH (Swell L2)

Published: Jul 02, 2024

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As shown on the title and even in pendle website, they show us that we can earn 3 type of points, Swell points, Swell L2 points and finally eigenlayer points.

Im just wonderingā€¦what are the Swell and Swell L2 points ? Iā€™m sure its not the pearls because the number of my pearls dont increase. So my question = what are swell and swell L2 points we can earn with the YT rswETH ?


3 posts - 2 participants

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Community Update on Eygenlayer

Published: Jun 18, 2024

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I have been restaking in Swell for some months (February 2024). In the past, I was able to follow my Eygenlayer points from . But now, the counters have disappeared. As such, I have lost all control on the rights gained for the Eygenlayer airdrop.

I have seen some messages in this forum such as that the Swell team is working on it and it should be ready for TGE. Well, I donā€™t know what TGE stands for. As such, would it be possible to please provide an update on what are the actions scheduled and the estimated timelines?

Thank you so much :slight_smile:

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Ecosystem I can't to use my rsweth in any protocols

Published: Jun 11, 2024

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I faced with the problem that I see my rsweth in my Metamask, I see available amount when Iā€™m trying to stake it in another protocols, but I canā€™t. When Iā€™m choosing to stake, my Metamask showing only ETH balance available for this action. Anybody have the same problems. How can I solve it?

2 posts - 2 participants

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Ecosystem Deposit Pendle PT rswETH Swell L2

Published: Jun 08, 2024

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If I deposit Pendle PT rswETH (with term 27 Jun 2024) on Swell L2, do I need to withdraw before that date to get whatever I get from Pendle at maturity?

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Community I cant sent back my asset

Published: Jun 06, 2024

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Hi everyone, today i try safe wallet on swell network, i deposited some SWeth but when i try to sent back to my metamask i cant reach confirmation button, can someone help me with this?

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Ecosystem How long does it take to claim?

Published: May 31, 2024

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I made it through the unstake process and show my ETH as claimableā€¦ how long does it take to claim? I got the 99 hour clock but 99 hours has come and gone and my ETH is not back in my wallet. Has anyone successfully made it through the claim process and how long did the ā€œclaimā€ part take?

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Ecosystem How long Unstake

Published: May 23, 2024

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Itā€™s been more than 10 days. Why is it progressing so slowly?

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Ecosystem Queue not moving along?

Published: May 19, 2024

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Been stuck in the 600s for the past 4 days. Total time since request is 8 days now.

Anyone actually been able to withdraw recently?

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Ecosystem Unstaking Process

Published: May 18, 2024

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Hello there, as you can see in this screenshot, It is taking long since I had requested for a withdrawal to claim my swETH and I think I am not moving further in this queue, I was at 500 from the beginning as I remember, is that normal ? will I be able to claim my swETH soon ?

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Ecosystem Eigen layer point box missing on the portfolio platform

Published: May 17, 2024

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Hello, where is the Eigenlayer point box on the portfolio platform? Will it come back on to show our EL points soon?

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Ecosystem Exchanging sweth to eth

Published: May 17, 2024

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Hi there. I unstaked my sweths to my wallet and didnt swapped them on my wallet. I tried to exchange them on swell. From sweth to eth. Now the process is pending. 5 days passed. What should I do now? Still wait? How can I see the approximate claiming time?

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Ecosystem Urgent Assistance Needed: SWETH Withdrawal Pending for 10 Days

Published: May 16, 2024

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Hello Swell Community,

I initiated a withdrawal of my Swell Tokens SWETH on May 5th, and itā€™s been pending for 10 days now. Iā€™m unable to claim them, and Iā€™m in urgent need of the funds. I was under the impression that the process would take between 1-5 days. Could you please assist me with this matter? What steps should I take to resolve this issue?

Thank you for your help.

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Community Not posible withdrawls

Published: May 15, 2024

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Wat is happening to the withdrawls ? Over 25 days and I can not claim

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Ecosystem L2 restaking not working

Published: May 11, 2024

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Hi, been spending the last weeks exploring the new very exciting environment that is evolving at an impressive pace. Truly a new chapter is being written in the crypto history books. However, I am unable to participate in the L2 restaking initiativeā€¦Tried all possible options: accessing the page via link from, or directly via the Swell website doesnt make any difference. I have tried to restake ETH as well as rswETH; same result. After specifying what and how much, I hit the yellow approve button. On the screen a small window appears to the bottom left ā€œApprove pendingā€ , it has a yellow bar showing the progress,but doesnt move, and times out after some minutes. Trying with ETH instead of rswETH same result, the only difference is that the yellow button has ā€œzap inā€ instead of ā€œapproveā€ and the appearing small window changes from ā€œApprove pendingā€ to ā€œzap pendingā€. ā€¦please advice, spent hours trying to get this to workā€¦ Regards B

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Ecosystem Can't withdraw weETH token from swell L2

Published: May 09, 2024

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I made a weETH deposit on the swell L2, but I canā€™t withdraw it

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Ecosystem Eligible for Eigenlayer-Points if withdrawn and then deposited again

Published: May 09, 2024

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Hello all!

I deposited some eth in the pre launch deposit where it was locked for 30 days. Yesterday without reading carefully i withdrew the amount but didnt swap it or anything. ā€œOnly depositors who stay in the Pre-Launch Deposit Contract until the launch of Swell L2 in Q3, 2024 will receive the Points.ā€

Can you help me with this topic?
Thank you!

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Ecosystem Question of egeth

Published: May 08, 2024

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I have already deposited egETH.But I only earn Eigenpie Point.NO EigenLayer Points earned.Why?Please help me,thanks alot

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Ecosystem Staking altlayer but no point count

Published: May 08, 2024

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Dear admin ! I have issue like this . I stacking token altlayer in swellL2 by connecting web3 binance wallet . I still see my staking input number but no point counting . Am i doing something wrong

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Ecosystem Deposit eth but no stack

Published: May 06, 2024

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Hello guys , ive deposit my eth on swell l2 but i cant see my weth or rsweth northing , do u know why and can u help me

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Ecosystem ETH > wETH. Can't restake neither withdraw

Published: May 05, 2024

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Hi everyone. Deposited my ETH and got wETH. Canā€™t restake neither withdraw. As i see some of you had similar problem. What did you do with wETH?

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Ecosystem Can't see my rswETH deposited on L2

Published: May 04, 2024

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I canā€™t see my rswETH deposited on L2 anywhere in portfolio or anywhere else. I canā€™t find an option to withdraw it either. Please help me.

My transaction has is Ethereum Transaction Hash (Txhash) Details | Etherscan

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Community FAQ Collaborative thread

Published: May 01, 2024

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Hello Aquanauts :ocean:

Iā€™ve noticed that many of you turn to the forum for help or clarification regarding your deposits and staking. At the same time, I see that there is a lot of traffic on Discord and not everyone finds answers due to the high demand.

I think itā€™s a good idea to start this collaborative FAQ and avoid spamming the forum with different questions and posts.

If you have a question, refer to this post, comment, and respond if you know the answer or where to find it. I suggest using the following template:

Brief description of the issue:
Pubkey if need:
Screenshot if possible:
Additional information:

Also, Iā€™m copying @macflapd L2 deposits FAQ. ā†’ Discord


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Ecosystem Did I miss something when restaking?

Published: Apr 30, 2024

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Hello. I deposited in swellnetwork L2 one week ago 0.3Eth but my portfolio shows 0 points of everything. I can see the WETH deposited.

I deposited as well 0,6 Etherfi wrapped Eth and 0,3 Renzo restaked eth, but 0 points of everything in my swell portfolio.

Is everything ok or I miss something? Thank you

2 posts - 2 participants

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Ecosystem Tempo para ganhar um pƩrola

Published: Apr 29, 2024

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Gostaria de saber qual o tempo para ganhar a pĆ©rola apĆ³s atender a alguma exigencia.

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Ecosystem Wrong balance of swETH showing in my portfolio

Published: Apr 28, 2024

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I had 0.29 swETH which was staked 3 months ago from Eigen Layer platform.
Today I staked more ETH and I received 1.2572 swETH.
But my portfolio only shows 1.2572 swETH.
Plus it is not showing any Eigenlayer points at all.
Can anybody help me to understand?

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Proposals SLC Budget Request - Month 10

Published: Jul 16, 2024

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This is a proposal to allocate SWISE from the StakeWise DAO Community Treasury to the StakeWise Liquidity Committee to be used solely to incentivise the liquidity ecosystems of all StakeWise tokens. Please take the time to review the report from the previous month and the proposed budget for the upcoming month before voting. The vote is live and can be found here.

For a high-level overview of how StakeWise DAOā€™s SWISE emissions have evolved over the years, see the following chart:

Report on last monthā€™s incentive allocation

Inflows (Budget) Outflows
SWISE liquidity pool 830,000 SWISE 830,000 SWISE
osETH liquidity pools 5,880,000 SWISE 5,880,000 SWISE
SLC compensation 165,295 SWISE 165,295 SWISE
Total 6,875,295 SWISE 6,875,295 SWISE

Starting SLC Safe Balance: 12,039,595 SWISE (13-Jun-2024)
Ending SLC Safe Balance: 5,164,300 SWISE (10-Jul-2024)

Last monthā€™s incentive spending went exactly as planned and maintained strong levels of osETH liquidity across all pools. This liquidity unlocked yet another tier 1 DeFi integration - adding osETH as a collateral asset on Compound.

Liquidity remains a major cost to the DAO, and the SLC is actively looking into how to reduce this cost while maintaining quality DeFi integrations for osETH.

osETH liquidity pools

Liquidity levels remained strong across all mainnet pools, with no major capital inflows or outflows to report.

osETH launched on Arbitrum last month and its liquidity has gotten off to a strong start. osETH commands the 3rd largest pool on Balancer and alongside its ancillary pool on Ramses, osETHā€™s liquidity has allowed Chronicle to build a quality price feed to enable integrations across the Arbitrum ecosystem. StakeWise DAO will continue to receive ARB tokens as part of its LTIPP grant for a couple more months to maintain this liquidity at no cost to StakeWise.

SWISE liquidity pool

There are no major inflows or outflows to report.

Proposed budget for Month 11

Inflows (Budget)
SWISE liquidity pool 860,000 SWISE
osETH liquidity pools 6,080,000 SWISE
osGNO Liquidity pools 500,000 SWISE
SLC compensation 160,440 SWISE
Total 7,600,440 SWISE

osGNO liquidity pools

The launch of StakeWise V3 on Gnosis is imminent, with SWISE needed to help bootstrap the new liquidity pools on the Gnosis ecosystem. We are working closely with the Gnosis and Karpatkey teams to ensure that osGNO liquidity and utility are generated quickly, with the cost of liquidity being split 50/50 between StakeWise DAO and the Karpatkey team. 500k SWISE is requested to kickstart the osGNO liquidity over the following month.

osETH liquidity pools

The current liquidity depth is strong vs the overall TVL of StakeWise V3 and should be maintained. The expected cost for doing so is around 6M SWISE per month at current market prices.

SWISE liquidity pool

The aim is to maintain current liquidity, requiring 860k SWISE per month at current market prices.

SLC compensation

$5k in SWISE @ 0.03116 USD per SWISE (30d avg) => SWISE 160,439 (as approved by the DAO during the implementation of the SLC).

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Proposals [SWIP-20] Change the Oracle Config on Gnosis Chain to Replace an Oracle

Published: Jul 13, 2024

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Following the successful vote to deploy all the necessary V3 contracts on Gnosis Chain, we require one final change - editing the Oracle Config due to changes in the Oracle roster. This proposal seeks to replace on Gnosis Chain with as an Oracle.


In a somewhat unexpected turn of events, the Oracle roster for which we created an Oracle Config in SWIP-19 requires changing., a brand new node operating team with significant expertise from Blockdaemon and Lido, will be stepping in to replace as an Oracle. The change comes after expressed willingness to leave the Oracle roster for Gnosis Chain.

The Oracle duty is highly important for the functioning of the protocol, with Oracles fulfiling function of calculating rewards earned by various Vaults, and approving validator registrations/exits. This requires Oracle roster participants to maintain high uptime and always remain on-call for the potential changes in the Oracle software & maintenance.

We have been impressed by the professionalism and involvement of the Axol.ioā€™s team as node operators on Gnosis Chain and Ethereum, and are confident in their ability to fulfil and exceed the duties of an Oracle. An SLA will be in place too.

Hence, we ask that the StakeWise DAO members vote on the removal of P2P from the Gnosis Chain Oracle roster, and the addition of, so that we V3 deployment on Gnosis could be completed.


As always, please leave your thoughts & comments about this proposal in this thread. Vote in the Snapshot: Snapshot

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Proposals [SWIP-19] Prepare StakeWise V2 contracts on Gnosis Chain for the migration to StakeWise V3

Published: Jul 06, 2024

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The moment of truth: StakeWise V3 deployment on Gnosis Chain is nearly here, and now we need to approve some final contract changes before migration can go live.

In this proposal, we seek your approval to upgrade and pause different StakeWise V2 contracts on Gnosis Chain, so that a migration could be initiated.

As before, this upgrade will support stakersā€™ ability to move their assets from V2 to V3 in order to benefit from the new functionality available in StakeWise V3, including native unstaking. It will also keep the distribution of rewards in V2 intact to allow users to migrate at their own pace.

StakeWise V3 upgrade on Gnosis

As it stands, the StakeWise team is ready to release the successor to StakeWise V2 called StakeWise V3 - this time on Gnosis Chain :owl: .

V3 is a liquid staking protocol that features a brand new, modular architecture that has seen great uptake on Ethereum mainnet so far - Vaults have been chosen to power MetaMask Pooled Staking, the whole ETH staking operation of our close operator partner, the staking needs of the Nexus Mutual DAO, and more. We are excited to finally deliver this architecture on Gnosis Chain, where V3 will introduce an overcollateralized LST called osGNO, and a staking marketplace where stakers can choose who runs their nodes, making Gnosis Chain more decentralized and resilient. Naturally, it also introduces all the long overdue features like withdrawals, rewards autocompounding, and permissionless participation in the protocol by home stakers and professional operators. In short, this is a whole package!

With the release of StakeWise V3 on Gnosis, existing stakers will not become users of the new protocol automatically. Instead, they will continue as users of the existing version (StakeWise V2), unless they manually migrate their stake to StakeWise V3. Once they migrate, they will become a part of the Genesis Vault, which is identical to the former StakeWise Pool in terms of the fees, operators and performance.

Executing the migration this way requires the StakeWise DAO to approve upgrades to the existing smart contracts and pause some others. In short:

  • Transfer PoolEscrow ownership to GnoGenesisVault. PoolEscrow is currently used as the withdrawal address for StakeWise V2, and will collect GNO from the exited validators. This ownership transfer will allow the Genesis Vault to request GNO from PoolEscrow whenever users desire to unstake GNO or redeem osGNO.
  • Upgrade V2 contracts: Oracles, Pool, RewardGnoToken, StakedGnoToken. The upgrades will allow sGNO and rGNO tokens to be burned, and let the new set of oracles control the update of rewards for those who continue to use StakeWise V2.
  • Pause V2 contracts: PoolValidators, Pool. This will implement a freeze on new deposits into StakeWise V2, for obvious reasons.
  • Transfer $24K of accumulated xDAI: the transfer will be made to the Genesis Vault admin, so that the team could swap it to GNO and transfer back to the PoolEscrow contract, which is under the control of the GenesisVault


See the transactions in the Snapshot below.


Once the DAO votes on this proposal, we will collectively open the new chapter for StakeWise and Gnosis Chain, as users of both will gain access to a flagship staking product used by the best in the industry.

The proposed migration path has been audited by Sigma Prime, Halborn, and the auditors in the Hats contest. The results of all can be found here .


The Snapshot for this vote is now live and will be open for 24 hours. Click here to open: Snapshot.


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Proposals StakeWise Incentivized Migration Program - Request #1

Published: Jul 02, 2024

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Following the positive response from both the DAO community and prospective B2B partners since the Incentivised Migration Programā€™s initial proposal, StakeWise has since received the commitment from a close node operator partner to migrate their validators to StakeWise Vaults.

Consequently, we would like to request the DAO to allocate 375,000 SWISE and 18.4 osETH from the DAO Treasury to enable the migration of ~15k ETH (~$50M). The osETH will be swapped into ETH prior to its distribution.

The migration is expected to take place over several weeks given its manual nature. Any capital not used once the migration has concluded will be sent back to the DAO treasury.

Allocation Breakdown

Under the Incentivised Migration Program, StakeWise will provide:

  1. Yield Reimbursement - paid to clients for the yield lost during the period between validators exiting and being reactivated within StakeWise - 0.001 ETH reimbursement per 1 ETH staked.

  2. Gas Reimbursement - paid to operators for the gas costs associated with reactivating the validators - maximum of 0.008 ETH per validator.

  3. SWISE Bonus - paid to the operator - 25 SWISE per 1 ETH migrated.

With 15,000 ETH (468 validators) expected to be migrated, 15 ETH is required for Yield Reimbursement (A) and 3.75 ETH for Gas Reimbursement (B), totalling 18.75 ETH (equivalent to 18.4 osETH).

A total of 375,000 SWISE is required for the SWISE Bonus (C).


Transfer 375,000 SWISE and 18.4 osETH to the StakeWise Team SLC Multi-sig to be used solely for the incentivised migration of this 15k ETH? Link to Snapshot.

Option 1: For
Option 2: Against
Option 3: Abstain

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Proposals SLC Budget Request - Month 9

Published: Jun 20, 2024

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This is a proposal to allocate SWISE from the StakeWise DAO Community Treasury to the StakeWise Liquidity Committee to be used solely to incentivise the liquidity ecosystems of all StakeWise tokens. Please take the time to review the report from the previous month and the proposed budget for the upcoming month before voting. The vote is live and can be found here.

For a high-level overview of how StakeWise DAOā€™s SWISE emissions have evolved over the years, see the following chart:

Report on last monthā€™s incentives allocation

Inflows (Budget) Outflows
SWISE liquidity pool 860,000 SWISE 860,000 SWISE
osETH liquidity pools 6,720,000 SWISE 6,720,000 SWISE
SLC compensation 182,640 SWISE 182,640 SWISE
Total 7,762,640 SWISE 7,762,640 SWISE

Starting SLC Safe Balance: 12,926,940 SWISE (16-May-2024)
Ending SLC Safe Balance: 5,164,300 SWISE (12-Jun-2024)

The underperformance of SWISE with respect to ETH since the start of the year, and the negative economics for bribing (where $1 spent on bribes yields less than $1 in incentives), continued to result in elevated incentive costs throughout the month of May. Liquidity remained strong, however, and remains a key piece of the puzzle to enable growth in the StakeWise protocol.

The cost of incentives is expected to decrease following the improvement in SWISE price and the continued growth of the protocol through StakeWiseā€™s strong B2B partnerships, with the latest announcement alongside MetaMask being one example of this.

osETH liquidity pools

Liquidity levels remained strong across all pools, with no major capital inflows or outflows to report.

SWISE liquidity pool

There are no major inflows or outflows to report.

Proposed budget for Month 9

SWISE liquidity pool 830,000 SWISE
osETH liquidity pools 5,880,000 SWISE
SLC compensation 165,295 SWISE
Total 6,875,295 SWISE

SWISE liquidity pool

The aim is to maintain current liquidity, requiring 830k SWISE per month at current market prices.

osETH liquidity pools

The current liquidity depth is strong vs the overall TVL of StakeWise V3 and should be maintained. The expected cost for doing so is around 5.9M SWISE per month at current market prices.

SLC compensation

$5k in SWISE @ 0.03025 USD per SWISE (30d avg) => SWISE 165,295 (as approved by the DAO during the implementation of the SLC).

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Uncategorized [SWIP-18] Increase Limit On Bridged SWISE & Update P2P Oracle Config

Published: Jun 14, 2024

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This proposal seeks to edit minor parameters in the SWISE bridging contract and the Oracle config contract to allow for a larger volume of SWISE to be bridged to Arbitrum and to finalize the migration of the Oracle environment for, one of the StakeWise Oracles.


In this proposal, we bundle two minor edits in the contracts responsible for auxiliary services that support the workings of the StakeWise protocol.

The first proposed edit is related to the multichain capabilities of SWISE. The recently deployed Wormhole solution for allowing osETH to be easily bridged across various L2 networks has also been pre-emptively applied to SWISE to enable its expansion to Arbitrum and other L2s over time.

The initial deployment carried out by the team has set a low ceiling for the total amount of SWISE that can be bridged (10,000 SWISE). The deployment has assigned the StakeWise DAO as the owner of the contracts (a standard procedure), meaning that any change in the current config must now be approved by the DAO.

The team is proposing that the upper boundry for the total amount of SWISE that can be bridged is increased from 10,000 SWISE to 100,000,000 SWISE, to allow more adoption of SWISE on L2s. Without this change, bridging meaningful sums from mainnet to Arbitrum (and other L2s) in SWISE tokens will not be possible. This proposal seeks to set a sufficiently high limit to ensure that enough SWISE can circulate outside of mainnet.

The second proposed edit is related to the Oracle configuration. One of the StakeWise Oracles, is looking to move the Oracle endpoints to new domain names - a change related to the teamā€™s operational decisions. Changing the Oracle endpoint has no effect on the workings of the Oracle, and does not impact anything in the StakeWise protocol. However, it still requires a DAO vote, because all the StakeWise Oracle endpoints are saved in the Oracles Config smart contract. This is security measure aimed at codifying the participants of the StakeWise Oracles set, allowing other smart contracts that rely on the Oraclesā€™ responses to know who to listen to.

Upon request from the team, we are proposing that the endpoints for the P2P Oracle are changed to:



The following .json is used to introduce the changes:

    "to": "0xE3620C1aE560AF090704899aCA62209C31C4c77b",
    "operation": "0",
    "value": "0.0",
    "data": "0x1901717500000000000000000000000000000000000000000052b7d2dcc80cd2e4000000",
    "method": "setOutboundLimit(uint256)",
    "params": ["100000000000000000000000000"]
    "to": "0x6B5815467da09DaA7DC83Db21c9239d98Bb487b5",
    "operation": "0",
    "value": "0.0",
    "data": "0x8a76984d0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000020000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000002e516d58334878335554424341793446546965745565536244394e506a546e5477427a4d78506450654a6779524a46000000000000000000000000000000000000",
    "method": "updateConfig(string)",
    "params": ["QmX3Hx3UTBCAy4FTietUeSbD9NPjTnTwBzMxPdPeJgyRJF"]


This is a relatively straight-forward change that does not have any major impact on the StakeWise operations.


Please vote for or against the proposal in the Snapshot: Snapshot

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Proposals SLC Budget Request - Month 8 (Repeat)

Published: May 31, 2024

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Executive summary

This is a repeat proposal to provide the StakeWise Liquidity Committee (SLC) with 7,762,640 SWISE towards new liquidity incentives across our osETH pools on Balancer, Curve, and Uniswap.


In the course of our usual business, the StakeWise Liquidity Committee periodically requests a SWISE budget from the StakeWise DAO that goes towards incentivizing the various osETH liquidity pools.

Unfortunately, the last such proposal did not reach the votes quorum from the community. We partially take the blame for that - we could have done a better job advertising the vote across our channels. However, we would also like to use this repeat proposal to reiterate the importance of liquidity incentives for StakeWise, and why the SLC requests what it does from the DAO.

Letā€™s start with the importance of liquidity. It is the driving force for everything happening in the financial markets - the more of it is available, the more activity can be expected (around the instrument and more broadly).

Why is it so? Having more liquidity comes down to reducing the opportunity cost of engaging with an asset - measured in terms of slippage given a certain trade size. With more liquidity, the number of participants willing and able to engage with an asset increases, making it the go-to for new entrants drawn to more popular instruments.

This relationship is often reflexive, as more liquidity is often brought to service the demand from more and ever larger players. Long story short, liquidity sets the tone for the success of an asset, and the market in general.

Coming specifically to DeFi and liquid staking protocols, liquidity for an LST is highly important for both the existing and potential new users, but also for the protocol itself. Crucial integrations like Aave, Compound, Maker, and others rely on the amount of liquidity available for an LST as an indicator of its relative safety as collateral asset in their protocols. Will the creditors who accept the LST as collateral be forced to sell it at a significant discount in case of default, or will they receive its full value? The answer depends on the amount of liquidity available to the LST in question (provided the market conditions are normal), and so more liquidity = safer asset = more integrations.

As more DeFi legos are built on top of these protocols (e.g. InstaDapp for leveraged staking, on top of Aave), the relationship becomes similarly reflexive, bringing more people into the protocol as the number of integrations increases, enabling yet more integrations in the future. This has an effect on anything from the user numbers, to protocol revenue, to token price. The conclusion is that good liquidity is paramount for LSTs and liquid staking protocols on Ethereum, and we are no exception.

With this backdrop, letā€™s address the achievements for osETH to date as well as things in the pipeline:

  • Huge Arbitrum grant received
  • Aave, Gravita, Morpho integrations secured
  • Compound, Spark (Maker) integrations in the works
  • Multiple DAOs considering adding osETH to their Treasury
  • Several critical partner integrations underway

All of this traction is built upon the success of our liquidity strategy, and the StakeWise DAO support for the incentives requests made by the SLC. The SLC has been very diligent in finding the cheapest way to source liquidity, optimizing between bribes and direct rewards in order to keep expenditure to a minimum. We invite you to review the monthly reports provided by the Committee to confirm this statement. The latest report can be found here.


This brings us to the current moment.

We ask the StakeWise DAO members to back the SLC in its request for another round of incentives in order for the broader StakeWise team to continue executing on its targets - like bringing integration partners onboard, pushing osETH deeper into the DeFi ecosystem, and working with DAOs and whales to diversify their LST holdings towards osETH.

Hereā€™s the breakdown of the budget request for your reference:

Proposed budget for Month 8

SWISE liquidity pool 860,000 SWISE
osETH liquidity pools 6,720,000 SWISE
SLC compensation 182,640 SWISE
Total 7,762,640 SWISE

SWISE liquidity pool

The aim is to maintain current liquidity, requiring 860k SWISE per month at current market prices.

osETH liquidity pools

The current liquidity depth is strong vs the overall TVL of StakeWise V3 and should be maintained. The expected cost for doing so is around 6.7M SWISE per month at current market prices.

SLC compensation

$5k in SWISE @ 0.02738 USD per SWISE (30d avg) => SWISE 182,640 (as approved by the DAO during the implementation of the SLC).


Our existing liquidity profile for osETH is really strong, but is highly sensitive to the amount of incentives we offer as a DAO. Our failure to maintain the current level of liquidity may have a strongly negative effect on the future and longevity of osETH, which is something we are collectively determined to avoid.

SWISE token has been trading near historic lows, which increases the amount of SWISE we must emit in order to keep the current level of liquidity intact. However, the price of SWISE is not something that our DAO can control, and cannot be an input into the liquidity discussions at this stage.

What we do control is StakeWiseā€™s roadmap and push towards the previously untapped opportunities. Without divulging too many details ahead of time, the summer is poised to be a very busy period for our DAO, and we need all hands on deck for the support of crucial initiatives being brought forward by our members.

Hence, we ask once again for your support in granting the SLC the requested budget, and urge you to continue participating in StakeWiseā€™s governance - we need every single one of you to be successful.

Link to the Snapshot: Snapshot

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Proposals SLC Budget Request - Month 8

Published: May 24, 2024

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This is a proposal to allocate SWISE from the StakeWise DAO Community Treasury to the StakeWise Liquidity Committee to be used solely to incentivise the liquidity ecosystems of all StakeWise tokens. Please take the time to review the report from the previous month and the proposed budget for the upcoming month before voting. The vote is live and can be found here.

For a high-level overview of how StakeWise DAOā€™s SWISE emissions have evolved over the years, see the following chart:

Report on last monthā€™s incentives allocation

Inflows (Budget) Outflows
SWISE liquidity pool 800,000 SWISE 830,000 SWISE
osETH liquidity pools 6,300,000 SWISE 6,747,995 SWISE
SLC compensation 144,300 SWISE 144,300 SWISE
Total 7,244,300 SWISE 7,722,295 SWISE

Starting SLC Safe Balance: 12,817,443 SWISE (18-Apr-2024)
Ending SLC Safe Balance: 5,164,300 SWISE (15-May-2024)

Recent SWISE price performance and negative economics for bribing (where $1 spent on bribes yields less than $1 in incentives) resulted in the doubling of our monthly token expenditure towards liquidity mining incentives.

We recognize the burden this has on the token - increased emissions are never a good thing - but believe that maintaining existing levels of liquidity is important for the further development of StakeWise and osETH.

Our liquidity strategy has been really effective in getting osETH onboarded to Aave within a short timeframe, opening up significant growth opportunities for the protocol. With the ongoing application to get onboarded on Compound, which could be another growth catalyst for StakeWise, we feel that maintaining the current level of liquidity, and thus accepting the significantly above-average amount of incentives, is warranted to ensure continued success for planned osETH integrations.

osETH liquidity pools

Liquidity levels remained strong across all pools, with no major capital inflows or outflows to report.

SWISE liquidity pool

There are no major inflows or outflows to report.

Proposed budget for Month 8

SWISE liquidity pool 860,000 SWISE
osETH liquidity pools 6,720,000 SWISE
SLC compensation 182,640 SWISE
Total 7,762,640 SWISE

SWISE liquidity pool

The aim is to maintain current liquidity, requiring 860k SWISE per month at current market prices.

osETH liquidity pools

The current liquidity depth is strong vs the overall TVL of StakeWise V3 and should be maintained. The expected cost for doing so is around 6.7M SWISE per month at current market prices.

SLC compensation

$5k in SWISE @ 0.02738 USD per SWISE (30d avg) => SWISE 182,640 (as approved by the DAO during the implementation of the SLC).

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Proposals SLC Budget Request - Month 7

Published: Apr 29, 2024

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This is a proposal to allocate SWISE from the StakeWise DAO Community Treasury to the StakeWise Liquidity Committee to be used solely to incentivise the liquidity ecosystems of all StakeWise tokens. Please take the time to review the report from the previous month and the proposed budget for the upcoming month before voting. The vote is live and can be found here.

For a high level overview of how StakeWise DAOā€™s SWISE emissions have evolved over the years, see the following chart:

Report on last monthā€™s incentives allocation

Inflows (Budget) Outflows
SWISE liquidity pool 770,000 SWISE 800,000 SWISE
osETH liquidity pools 6,000,000 SWISE 6,050,000 SWISE
SLC compensation 82,945 SWISE 82,945 SWISE
Total 6,852,945 SWISE 6,932,945 SWISE

Starting SLC Safe Balance: 12,575,240 SWISE (19-Mar-2024)
Ending SLC Safe Balance: 5,642,295 SWISE (17-Apr-2024)

Whilst osETH liquidity has remained solid over the past month, the cost of liquidity has dramatically increased month on month due to two factors:

  • A) The drop in SWISE price with respect to ETH over the past several weeks.
  • B) The drop in capital efficiency in the Balancer and Curve incentives markets. Historically, StakeWise was getting between 1.2-1.3x capital efficiency by incentivising BAL and CRV emissions, these markets are now below 1x capital efficiency. Consequently, pure SWISE emissions were used over the past month.

The SLC is carefully monitoring these costs and will adjust liquidity targets should market conditions not improve in the near future.

osETH liquidity pools

Liquidity levels remained strong across all pools, with no major capital inflows or outflows to report.

SWISE liquidity pool

There are no major inflows or outflows to report.

Proposed budget for Month 7

SWISE liquidity pool 800,000 SWISE
osETH liquidity pools 6,300,000 SWISE
SLC compensation 144,300 SWISE
Total 7,244,300 SWISE

SWISE liquidity pool

The aim is to maintain current liquidity, requiring 800k SWISE per month at current market prices.

osETH liquidity pools

The current liquidity depth is strong vs the overall TVL of StakeWise V3 and should be maintained. The expected cost for doing so is around 6.3M SWISE per month at current market prices.

SLC compensation

$5k in SWISE @ 0.03465 USD per SWISE (30d avg) => SWISE 144,300 (as approved by the DAO during the implementation of the SLC).

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Proposals Accelerate B2B Business Via StakeWise Incentivized Migration Program

Published: Apr 25, 2024

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Executive summary

In this proposal, we outline a program that would use the ETH and SWISE in the StakeWise DAO Treasury to incentivize up to 2M ETH in deposits into StakeWise Vaults from the new and existing clients of our partner node operators.

This program seeks to accelerate the B2B sales cycle, reward partner node operators for bringing business to StakeWise, and grow StakeWise TVL in the most cost-efficient manner.


StakeWise V3 is a very unique product for crypto: it has a rare ability to attract both retail users and businesses, thanks to highly customizable staking setups with access to liquid staking.

Over the past few months, our team has been focused on selling StakeWise services in both of these segments. What we learned is that the retail side is very difficult to compete in without a restaking / airdrop angle, which is something we need to address. In contrast, the business side is showing huge promise thanks to the unique proposition of StakeWise V3.

The Vaults architecture is rated very highly by the leading operators in the space, who are starting to offer Vaults as a bundled package (Vault + operator nodes) in the new deals they pursue. They are also speaking to their existing clients about the opportunity to use Vaults for streamlining the staking UX and accessing liquidity on demand.

B2B cycles take months to complete, and with StakeWise V3 approaching 6 months since launch, the fruits of this side of the business are starting to show. The best thing about the B2B business is that TVL through these channels is of the highest quality and most sticky - far more valuable than mercenary capital attracted through airdrop campaigns. In short, itā€™s a slow process, but it is bound to be a fruitful one when it is completed.

This got us thinking: instead of focusing a potential incentives program on retail users, why donā€™t we find a way to make StakeWise V3 even more attractive to prospective business clients?

If StakeWise could accelerate its own and its partnersā€™ sales effort by understanding clientsā€™ migration pains, and made it a priority to solve them, it could bring significant new inflows into the protocol and further validate the strength of our Vaults architecture.

This is exactly what the StakeWise Incentivized Migration Program is about: its goal is to make it easier for both our partners and their clients to initiate staking through Vaults, or migrate to Vaults, in order to access new features we unlock for them and grow StakeWise TVL in the process. It also lets operators benefit from the success of this endeavor, and incentivizes them to sell Vaults more aggressively to new prospects.

In practice, we propose that the Incentivized Migration Program does three things:

  1. compensate any migrating clients for the ETH rewards they lose during validator exits and re-registration,
  2. cover the costs of setting up new validators for the operator, and
  3. issue a $SWISE bonus (vested) to the operator for every migrated / new ETH stake in Vaults.

Given our Treasuryā€™s size and the expected cost of the migration process, this initiative has the capacity to bring up to 2M ETH into StakeWise Vaults by using up to 50M SWISE and 1,000 ETH. Should we reach this capacity, we will have put our Treasury to a very good use and significantly changed the market dynamics in our favour. See the details of the proposed program in the Implementation section below.

We initiated conversations with our partners about this very program in early April, and are now starting to see the first successful responses from clients. This actually prompted us to propose the program sooner, because we would like to have full certainty that the StakeWise DAO is on board with the program before more capital is committed.

To conclude, we believe that the StakeWise Incentivized Migration Program would allow us to accelerate the B2B efforts of our team and our partners, attract significant TVL, and make sure that our Treasury funds are put to good use. We now seek your support in making this program official.


New Clients - StakeWise to reward partner operators with 25 SWISE for each ETH staked, up to a total of 1M ETH[1].

Existing Clients - StakeWise to cover the lost yield associated with the migration of 1M ETH[2], provide a 25 SWISE bonus to operators for each ETH staked, and cover the gas costs associated with spinning up new validators[3] for existing clients[4].

At current market prices, the max possible SWISE bonus for an operator over both the New and Existing Client programs is $2,000,000 paid in SWISE[5] for a total of 2M ETH staked.

Client reimbursements would be paid in ETH directly into client Vaults by passing the clientā€™s address as the receiver parameter via the deposit function (see documents for more information). A single payment would be made by StakeWise on behalf of each client, with payments made at the end of each week.

ETH payments to operators would be made every 3 months to cover validator registration gas costs[3].

A vesting contract would be deployed by the StakeWise team every 3 months on behalf of operators for the total amount of $SWISE earned over the previous 3 months. This SWISE would be linearly vested for 3 months.

The team will periodically request ETH and SWISE from the DAO Treasury to process the payments.

Terms and Conditions

[1] The new client bonus is strictly for new clients of both the operator and StakeWise.

[2] Each successful deposit will receive ~10 days worth of staking yield assuming an APY of 3.5%, paid in ETH to the clientā€™s Vault (i.e. 0.001 ETH per 1 ETH staked).

[3] The exact gas fees associated with validator registrations for all eligible deposits will be returned to the operator at the end of the program. Note, a maximum of 0.008 ETH will be paid per validator registration (representing the expected cost at 30 GWEI base fee).

[4] The ETH yield reimbursement and the validator gas cost reimbursement is strictly for existing clients of the operator that migrate to StakeWise. The operator must provide the old validator IDs for these existing clients.

[5] All operator Vaults are eligible. StakeWise reserves the right to cancel SWISE vesting contracts should:

  1. A client be identified as exploiting the program (e.g. looping staked capital via liquidity pools using the operatorā€™s referral address), or
  2. Should mass unstaking of the operatorā€™s client capital occur, defined as >50% of capital staked through the program being unstaked within 6 months.

Should vesting contracts be canceled, all previously vested SWISE will remain in control of the operator with unvested SWISE returning to StakeWise DAO.


While the capacity of this program stands at a whopping 2M ETH, realistically we expect fewer inflows within the program. We propose that the StakeWise DAO keep the right to end the program at any time upon community discretion, in order to put the remaining Treasury funds to another use should the opportunity present itself.


We invite all StakeWise DAO members to comment on this proposal as it represents a potentially significant growth opportunity for the protocol and requests a potentially significant amount of DAO funds.

We hope to wrap up the discussion in 7 days, so letā€™s hear everyoneā€™s opinions and collectively figure out if this is the right path for the StakeWise DAO.

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Proposals Match $ARB incentives with $SWISE for the upcoming osETH deployment on Arbitrum

Published: Apr 24, 2024

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Executive summary

In this proposal, we suggest that StakeWise DAO commits to incentivizing liquidity for osETH on Arbitrum from August 2024 until May 2025 in order to receive the 300K $ARB grant, and matches the dollar value of incentives provided by the Arbitrum Foundation (~$350,000) over this time period.


Anyone who has ever interacted with DeFi apps on Ethereum mainnet knows the bitter feeling of paying upwards of $100 to enter or exit a farm, thinking ā€œis this really the future of finance?ā€, and calculating the yield that was lost to high fees.

The experience ranges from just acceptable to utterly poor. It is widely recognized that the cost of transactions on mainnet eats a ton of profit for non-whale users, and stops many from interacting with DeFi applications in the first place.

Luckily, the issue is well-known and has been appropriately addressed through both L2 ecosystem developments and core protocol changes like blobs. Finally, DeFi has become usable again, and significant profits are being made by applying even the smallest amounts of crypto across farms and lending protocols on L2s, without cost ever being a concern.

One of the busiest L2 ecosystems out there is Arbitrum. With over $13 billion in bridged assets and several hundred thousand active wallets, it represents a bustling DeFi hub known for having the largest LST usage across all L2 networks.

Link: LSTs flow to L2s

It is therefore the prime destination for osETH if our goal is to provide all StakeWise users, no matter how small or large, with yield maximization opportunities, and capture new mindshare in the staking market.

Specifically, we believe that osETH deployment on Arbitrum will:

  1. expose StakeWise to many new users and protocols, increasing our reach and unlocking more growth opportunities;
  2. create new DeFi strategies involving the token and make them much cheaper to use; and
  3. increase the appeal of osETH to solo stakers, DAOs, and other user categories who benefit from the unique value prop of StakeWise V3.

With this in mind, we have successfully applied for and were granted 300K $ARB tokens by the Arbitrum Foundation, to be used over 3 months for bootstrapping osETH liquidity.

Application: StakeWise LTIPP Application - FINAL - Long Term Incentives Pilot Program - Arbitrum
Approval: LTIPP Council Screening Period Results - DAO Grant Programs - Arbitrum

According to our calculations, this is sufficient to bootstrap ca $20M of liquidity for osETH - enough to establish a strong liquidity profile from the get-go and pursue valuable integrations in the ecosystem from day 1.

However, the grant has an important condition attached - namely that StakeWise match the dollar value of the grant (~$350,000 at current prices) via its own SWISE incentives, over the 9-month period starting August 2024. At the current SWISE price, this means ca 11,500,000 extra SWISE emitted over the 9-month period.

The decision on the commitment for this amount of incentives is solely in the hands of the StakeWise DAO.

Given the additional incentives contributed by the Arbitrum Foundation, and the growth prospects unlocked by an aggressive osETH expansion to Arbitrum, the team believes that matching the incentives would be the right move.

The deployment and the grant provide StakeWise with a new growth impulse, and an extra 3 months for restoring momentum and helping reduce the incentives burden on the SWISE token. Without the grant, StakeWise would need to pursue expansion to Arbitrum with its own efforts, which is likely to be significantly more costly.

In light of these considerations, we believe that accepting the grant and matching the incentives is a great way to get osETH started on Arbitrum, and urge DAO members to vote in favour of the proposal.


At this time, no technical implementation is necessary. Deploying SWISE incentives on Arbitrum would involve bridging the token there alongside osETH, but does not need to happen immediately.

Incentives requests for Arbitrum will be handled through the StakeWise Liquidity Committee starting in August if this proposal is approved.


Link to the Snapshot vote: Snapshot

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Proposals [SWIP-17] Add A Custom Vault To VaultsRegistry

Published: Apr 24, 2024

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Executive summary

In this proposal, we ask for StakeWise DAO approval to add a custom Vault address to the VaultsRegistry contract, in order to allow a prospective partner to test a custom Vault deployment on mainnet.


StakeWise team has been proactive in selling Vaults to businesses and institutions, and now we need assistance from the StakeWise DAO to keep moving things along.

This proposal asks to add a new Vault address to the VaultsRegistry contract, allowing our Oracle Network to handle validator-related actions for this Vault.

The Vault in question is a customized Vault, deployed by our prospective partner to test the mechanics of using the Vault on mainnet. We will not be able to progress with testing without a DAO approval.

The contract for this customized Vault has been audited externally and its addition to the registry bears no risk to the existing StakeWise system or Vaults.

Vote Yes if you support the addition of this customized Vault to the VaultsRegistry.


Call addVault method in the VaultsRegistry contract using 0x4FEF9D741011476750A243aC70b9789a63dd47Df as parameter.


Link to the Snapshot vote: Snapshot

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Proposals SLC Budget Request - Month 6

Published: Mar 27, 2024

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This is a proposal to allocate SWISE from the StakeWise DAO Community Treasury to the StakeWise Liquidity Committee to be used solely to incentivise the liquidity ecosystems of all StakeWise tokens. Please take the time to review the report from the previous month and the proposed budget for the upcoming month before voting. The vote is live and can be found here.

For a high level overview of how StakeWise DAOā€™s SWISE emissions have evolved over the years, see the following chart:

Report on last monthā€™s incentives allocation

Inflows (Budget) Outflows
SWISE liquidity pool 600,000 SWISE 620,000 SWISE
osETH liquidity pools 4,000,000 SWISE 2,851,433 SWISE
SLC compensation 79,280 SWISE 79,280 SWISE
Total 4,679,280 SWISE 3,550,713 SWISE

Starting SLC Safe Balance: 9,203,857 SWISE (19-Feb-2024)
Ending SLC Safe Balance: 5,653,14 SWISE (18-Mar-2024)

osETH liquidity has once again remained solid over the past month and has helped osETH advance to the final stage of listing on Aave. Achieving such tier 1 DeFi integrations showcases the quality of the StakeWise protocol and osETH as an LST, and will give osETH holders a fantastic opportunity to utilize their staked capital.

osETH liquidity pools

Liquidity levels remained strong across all pools, with no major capital inflows or outflows to report.

SWISE liquidity pool

There are no major inflows or outflows to report.

Proposed budget for Month 6

SWISE liquidity pool 770,000 SWISE
osETH liquidity pools 6,000,000 SWISE
SLC compensation 82,945 SWISE
Total 6,852,945 SWISE

SWISE liquidity pool

The aim is to maintain current liquidity, requiring 770k SWISE per month at current market prices.

osETH liquidity pools

The current liquidity depth is strong vs the overall TVL of StakeWise V3 and should be maintained. The expected cost for doing so is around 6.0M SWISE per month at current market prices.

SLC compensation

$5k in SWISE @ 0.06028 USD per SWISE (30d avg) => SWISE 82,945 (as approved by the DAO during the implementation of the SLC).

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Proposals [SWIP-16] Modify Oracles Config To Support Faster Withdrawals

Published: Mar 14, 2024

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Executive summary

In this proposal, we suggest reducing the validators_exit_queued_assets_bps parameter in the Oracles config from 1% of TVL currently to 0.1% of TVL, in order for the Oracles to respond to exit requests more rapidly and facilitate withdrawals from Vaults sooner.


Ladies and gentlemen, we ask for your attention once again with this proposal to recalibrate the Oracle config for validator exits.

In essence, StakeWise Oracles have a set of parameters related to when to launch and exit validators, and today weā€™d like to propose tweaking the validators_exit_queued_assets_bps parameter. This parameter is used by the Oracles to understand when a Vault needs to have some validators exited in order to support the unstaking requests collected in the unstaking queue.

If the amount of assets in the queue as share of the Vault TVL exceeds the validators_exit_queued_assets_bps, some validators are exited to support the unstaking requests. It is currently set to 1% of TVL, which creates delays in the unstaking process for the majority of Vaults.

In this proposal, we suggest reducing this parameter from 1% of TVL currently to 0.1% of TVL, in order for the Oracles to respond to exit requests more rapidly.


Set validators_exit_queued_assets_bps to 0.1%.


Link to the Snapshot vote: Snapshot

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Uncategorized Staked wise on how do I unstake

Published: Mar 09, 2024

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Three years ago I staked WISE on I connected my wallet there yesterday to the staking tab and nothing now shows up for a stake. Where are my WISE tokens?

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Proposals SLC Budget Request - Month 5

Published: Feb 29, 2024

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This is a proposal to allocate SWISE from the StakeWise DAO Community Treasury to the StakeWise Liquidity Committee to be used solely to incentivise the liquidity ecosystems of all StakeWise tokens. Please take the time to review the report from the previous month and the proposed budget for the upcoming month before voting. The vote is live and can be found here.

Report on last monthā€™s incentives allocation

Inflows (Budget) Outflows
SWISE liquidity pool 600,000 SWISE 600,000 SWISE
osETH liquidity pools 3,500,000 SWISE 2,879,138 SWISE
SLC compensation 79,276 SWISE 79,275 SWISE
Total 4,179,276 SWISE 3,558,413 SWISE

Starting SLC Safe Balance: 8,091,919 SWISE (19-Jan-2024)
Ending SLC Safe Balance: 4,533,506 SWISE (18-Feb-2024)

SWISE emissions increased slightly in January due to the recent volatility in the SWISE token price. For a high level overview of how StakeWise DAOā€™s SWISE emissions have evolved over the years, see the following chart:

osETH liquidity pools

osETH liquidity has remained solid over the past month and has allowed for the integration of osETH onto multiple protocols, such as Gravita, Morpho and Gearbox.

SWISE liquidity pool

Liquidity levels remained strong with no major inflows or outflows to report.

Proposed budget for Month 5

SWISE liquidity pool SWISE 600,000
osETH liquidity pools SWISE 4,000,000
SLC compensation SWISE 79,280
Total SWISE 4,679,280

SWISE liquidity pool

The aim is to maintain current liquidity, requiring 600k SWISE per month at current market prices.

osETH liquidity pools

The current liquidity depth is strong vs the overall TVL of StakeWise V3 and should be maintained. The expected cost for doing so is around 4.0M SWISE per month at current market prices.

SLC compensation

$5k in SWISE @ 0.06307 USD per SWISE (30d avg) => SWISE 79,280 (as approved by the DAO during the implementation of the SLC).

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Uncategorized rGNO not increasing: Your reward GNO balance Updating

Published: Feb 27, 2024

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I donā€™t see my rGNO balance increasing and it has been stuck on Updating for quite some time now.

Looking at the staking rewards for the past 30 days it seems to be skipping days too:
1st of Feb
6th of Feb
11th of Feb
16th of Feb
20th of Feb
25th of Feb

Anyone else experiencing this? I thought staking was supposed to grant rewardsā€¦

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Uncategorized Migrate to V3

Published: Feb 23, 2024

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Hi there,

I have some rETH2 and itĀ“s time to migrate to V3.
OK, just connected to V3 and try to Migrate my MAX ammount of rETH2.
MEW Wallet ,connected via WalletConnect, ask to allow 0 (zero) ETH on it! Obviously transaction never happens. Something is wrong here.

P.S.Allso, i canĀ“t connect MEW wallet to V2 site with QR code

Kind regards,

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Uncategorized Where is my Skated sETH2

Published: Feb 13, 2024

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Hi, today I found that my staked value is gone?

Why. And what should I do

Please help

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Ideas Stakewise Vault Incentives

Published: Jan 30, 2024

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hello frens,

wanted to put my thoughts on Stakewise in the world, looking forward to your feedback.

In my view Lido has clearly won the liquid staking derivate game when it comes to DeFi integrations.
stETH is basically like USDC in the mind of the people, where Lido, similar to Circle, does not need to incentivize their asset anymore as its the default for most people anyway.

So how can Stakewise grow significant marketshare?

The USP of Stakewise is V3 ā€¦ your vaultsā€¦ (obviously lol)

And this where we should put in the incentives in my opinion. Ok having deep liquidity is important but that doesnt fuel the growth of the protocol effectively in its current form.

This is what im thinking:

1. Incentivize Vault Operators

So instead of incentivizing user deposits we should give incentivizes for vault operators, where they receive SWISE rewards for increasing their TVL in their individuals Vaults.

You want to make them ambassadors of your protocols and have them try the hardest to increase their own vaults TVL.

Any other incentives will likely just get farmed and dumped. (Vault operators are alinged and might not dump as much as mercenary yield farmers)

This incentivization does not need be build in a complex smart contract way, a simple frontend in a leaderboard style design which tracks the $$$ increase for each vault, and show that lets stay 10k$ USD of rewards per Week up for grabs and to be distributed to the top 10 vault operators. (Top 10 highest $$$ value increase)

(Reward size needs to be high, so there is a real incentive for current operators but also for new operator to enter !)

I truely think this could fuel a lot of growth!

Excited for your feedback ! :slight_smile:

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Proposals Incentivizing the launch of osETH on Morpho Blue

Published: Jan 23, 2024

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What is Morpho?

Morpho initially launched as a decentralized lending protocol, acting as a peer-to-peer matching algorithm on top of both Aave and Compound, improving the lending and borrowing rates whilst preserving the same liquidity and risk parameters. Morpho has recently launched Morpho Blue, a protocol upgrade that is analogous to StakeWise V3, where Morpho allows anyone to launch lending markets in a fully permissionless manner. Each lending market is isolated, reducing the cross-asset risks that exist with large, multi-asset lending pools like Aave V2.

Morpho Blue has a risk management layer that allows Risk Advisors to launch Vaults and select their preferred lending markets. These Vaults act as a channel to funnel assets in and out of each individual lending market, with the Risk Advisor managing how the capital is allocated. A diagram comparing the Morpho Blue approach compared to that of Aave/Compound is found below. More information about Morpho Blue can be found in the Morpho documentation.

Benefits of Morpho Blue to StakeWise

The most popular use-case of staked ETH assets in DeFi is borrowing ETH for leveraged staking. Over 1.5M stETH has been supplied to Aave, with the majority used for leveraged staking. Several structured products are built specifically on top of this use-case and leveraged staking in general has acted as an important growth pathway for Lido. StakeWise DAO will continue to pursue a listing for osETH on leading lending markets like Aave and Compound, however the ability to unlock such an important use-case for osETH ahead of these integrations cannot be understated.

The StakeWise team has been in discussions with various Risk Advisors on Morpho Blue to ensure that any osETH-ETH lending market is included into their Vaults, acting as a central distribution channel of capital and ensuring the osETH market gains traction. Re7 Capital will be creating a Vault to target LSTs that are not currently adopted by major lending protocols. They have outlined their vision on the Morpho forums and have committed to include osETH as part of their Vault launch in the coming weeks. This will best position the osETH market to receive capital and ensure any incentives used to boot-strap it are put to good use.

Why Incentivise?

Without ETH supplied to the osETH-ETH market, there will be no capital for osETH holders to borrow against. Just like with Aave and Compound during their initial launch, Morpho requires the incentivization of the supply side across these various markets to bootstrap the ecosystem. Once there is a healthy supply and borrow across a market, they become self-sustainable and are no longer in need of incentives. Lido launched their stETH-ETH market earlier this month and have committed over $300k of incentives over the next 3 months to help bootstrap the stETH market.

We have worked closely with the Morpho team and various Risk Advisors to design an optimal bootstrapping campaign, with the aim to distribute $45k over a 3-month period to kickstart the osETH-ETH market. That equates to a total of 900k SWISE, or 300k per month. For context, the DAO currently spends around 600k SWISE per month to incentivize the SWISE-ETH liquidity pool. The DAO is responsible for the liquidity and integrations of osETH, and as such, the DAO should view this cost as analogous to the liquidity incentives it pays. These incentives will be deployed by the Morpho team as described here.

Morpho are ā€˜matchingā€™ incentives with their upcoming token, $MORPHO. A forum post has been created to request matching incentives for the osETH-ETH market.


Claim 900k SWISE from the DAO treasury to be used as part of the 3-month bootstrapping campaign for the upcoming osETH integration on Morpho.

The Snapshot can be found here.

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Proposals SLC Budget Request - Month 4

Published: Jan 23, 2024

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This is a proposal to allocate SWISE from the StakeWise DAO Community Treasury to the StakeWise Liquidity Committee to be used solely to incentivise the liquidity ecosystems of all StakeWise tokens. Please take the time to review the report from the previous month and the proposed budget for the upcoming month before voting. The vote is live and can be found here.

osETH liquidity has remained solid over the past month and has allowed Redstone to launch their osETH-ETH price feed. This price oracle will unlock multiple integrations for osETH, some of which are due to go live in the coming days and weeks.

Throughout December, SWISE emissions continued to fall, however due to the recent underperformance in SWISE with respect to ETH, emissions are expected to increase for January. For a high level overview of how StakeWise DAOā€™s SWISE emissions have evolved over the years, see the following chart:

Report on last monthā€™s incentives allocation

Inflows (Budget) Outflows
SWISE liquidity pool 500,000 SWISE 850,000 SWISE
osETH liquidity pools 2,700,000 SWISE 2,071,322 SWISE
SLC compensation 56,350 SWISE 56,350 SWISE
Total 3,256,350 SWISE 2,977,672 SWISE

Starting SLC Safe Balance: 6,886,297 SWISE (15-Dec-2023)
Ending SLC Safe Balance: 3,908,625 SWISE (18-Jan-2024)

osETH liquidity pools

Liquidity levels remained strong across all pools, with no major capital inflows or outflows to report.

SWISE liquidity pool

There are no major inflows or outflows to report. The larger than expected SWISE cost (850k) vs the budgeted amount (500k) is simply due to the timing of the SWISE-ETH poolā€™s incentives vs the timing of the report. Incentives are distributed 2 weeks at a time and this reporting period happened to fall across 3 sets of incentives deployment.

Proposed budget for Month 4

SWISE liquidity pool SWISE 600,000
osETH liquidity pools SWISE 3,500,000
SLC compensation SWISE 79,276
Total SWISE 4,179,276

SWISE liquidity pool

The aim is to maintain current liquidity, requiring 600k SWISE per month at current market prices.

osETH liquidity pools

The current liquidity depth is strong vs the overall TVL of StakeWise V3 and should be maintained. The expected cost for doing so is around 3.5M SWISE per month at current market prices.

SLC compensation

$5k in SWISE @ 0.06307 USD per SWISE (30d avg) => SWISE 79,276 (as approved by the DAO during the implementation of the SLC).

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Uncategorized URGENT: Why does Stakewise allow scammer to be in these forums offering fake support?

Published: Jan 10, 2024

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I posted a question about unstaking, and got over 10 spam replies (that to an unsuscpecting person look fairly legit), and I am sure they were tryign to drain my wallet.

Why would Stakewise, with so much capital, and technical chops allow such BS to go on in their forums? Seems fairly easy to add a feature to flag suspicious accounts, and not allow those IPS or email addresses to sing up again, and also to add a bunch of words (most of the messages were similar), and throw a big FAT warning to the user before they get their funds stolen.

Thanks team,

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Uncategorized What are the steps to unstake?

Published: Jan 08, 2024

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Hey guys, can someone point me to an article explaining the steps to unstake?

I started the process over a week ago, and it said it would take a few days. I log back in today and donā€™t see any notifications on the progress of my unstake, and it hasnā€™t arrived back into my metamask wallet yet.

Thanks for the direction and insights guys!

4 posts - 3 participants

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Proposals Proposal: Solution to Improve DAO Governance Efficiency

Published: Dec 27, 2023

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1. Motivation:

I believe StakeWise DAO is very serious about its Governance Process and involving community in making key decisions as evidently by the amount of work to do it.

Iā€™m a co-founder of Syncvote. I believe our tool can add tangible value to the implementation of StakeWise DAOā€™s governance process without any changes to the current setup. The goal is to let admins and members focus on making decisions instead of getting lost in tech stuff.

I previously raised a discussion on the forum (here: Automated workflow for StakeWise Dao) and upgraded our products continuously during the discussion, so I decided to start this thread to make a better presentation on how StakeWise DAO can benefit from Syncvote. If this is something interesting, I would like to take this to the next phase.

2. Problem Now:

I see 3 existing problems in implementing StakeWise DAO governance process:

  1. The proposer must remember all the technical details of the governance process to avoid making miStakeWises.
  2. The proposer has to bounce around different platforms, such as StakeWise, for each step of the process.
  3. Any solution that could potentially consolidate everything into one platform for consistency and ease of navigation would require the DAO to abandon its current setup and adopt a new one.

3. How We Solve It:

Syncvote provides a chrome extension. It works as a unified front-end for any DAO member that wants to make a proposal to StakeWise DAO. It acts like a central hub, no more bouncing between different platforms. Members can kick off and handle proposals, watch progress, and move through stages ā€“ all in one interface.

Why Syncvote will fit nicely into the current StakeWise DAO practice:

  1. Non-invasive, there isnā€™t any new platform to familiarize with, just open the extension and click ā€œstart new proposalā€ to start.

  2. The extension works with all the platforms DAO has been using, so you donā€™t need to make any changes to your current setup.

  3. Itā€™s free, our goal is to eventually put every DAO to operate completely on-chain, so until StakeWise DAO decides to write data on-chain; it wonā€™t cost you anything.

My cofounderā€™s created this video to illustrate how the plugin works for a DAO: Syncvote Demo

4. Next Steps to Implement:

To implement this transformative solution for StakeWise DAO, we propose the following steps:

  1. After the proposal has been passed, I will convert the StakeWise Governance Process into a format compatible with Syncvote. An administrator/coreteam member can help me to follow-up and also check its accuracy.
  2. After that, StakeWise DAO will start announcing to community members on forum, announcement channels on discord and twitter etc., that they can start using Syncvote extension to make new proposals from then on.

In conclusion, I see this as a straightforward implementation that helps to smooth governance experience for StakeWise DAO community members. I would be grateful if StakeWise DAO adopts Syncvote.

Thank you for reading my post. I would like to have your feedback on this topic.


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Proposals SLC Budget Request - Month 3

Published: Dec 21, 2023

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This is a proposal to allocate SWISE from the StakeWise DAO Community Treasury to the StakeWise Liquidity Committee to be used solely to incentivise the liquidity ecosystems of all StakeWise tokens. Please take the time to review the report from the previous month and the proposed budget for the upcoming month before voting. The vote is live and can be found on Snapshot here.

The migration of liquidity from StakeWise V2 to V3 has been a success. Liquidity generation for osETH has been fast and effective, allowing for our partner Redstone to begin work on creating an osETH-ETH Price Oracle without delay. This Price Oracle is due to go live before the end of the year and enable the next set of integrations for osETH.

SWISE emissions have also been well managed and ultimately reduced throughout the transition period. This reduction is in part due to the reduced amount of liquidity for osETH compared to sETH2, but more importantly, the quality of liquidity is greatly improved alongside the capital efficiency of incentives. For a high level overview of how StakeWise DAOā€™s SWISE emissions have evolved over the years, see the following chart:

Report on last monthā€™s incentives allocation

Inflows (Budget) Outflows
sETH2 farms 3,300,000 SWISE 1,100,000 SWISE
SWISE liquidity pool 500,000 SWISE 500,000 SWISE
osETH liquidity pools 0 SWISE 1,575,139 SWISE
SLC compensation 81,625 SWISE 81,625 SWISE
Total 3,881,625 SWISE 3,256,764 SWISE

Starting SLC Safe Balance: 6,881,625 SWISE
Ending SLC Safe Balance: 3,624,861 SWISE

Extending sETH2 farms

The SLC continued to deploy incentives into the sETH2 farms up until the launch of StakeWise V3. Of the 3.3M SWISE that was budgeted for the month, only 1.1M was spent with the remainder held in reserves.

osETH liquidity pools

The SLC successfully launched and deployed incentives to all three of the DAO-approved osETH liquidity pools. Capital inflows were fast and exceeded expectations, with osETH liquidity rapidly reaching a total of $50M across the pools.

SWISE liquidity pool

500k SWISE was deployed over the month into the pool and there are no major inflows or outflows to report.

Proposed budget for Month 3

SWISE liquidity pool SWISE 500,000
osETH liquidity pools SWISE 2,700,000
SLC compensation SWISE 56,350
Total SWISE 3,256,350

SWISE liquidity pool

Continue with the same amount of incentives as per the past several months (500k) to maintain current liquidity levels.

osETH liquidity pools

The current liquidity depth is strong vs the overall TVL of StakeWise V3 and should be maintained. The expected cost for doing so is around 2.7M SWISE per month at current market prices.

SLC compensation

$5k in SWISE @ 0.08873 USD per SWISE (30d avg) => SWISE 56,350 (as approved by the DAO during the implementation of the SLC).

2 posts - 2 participants

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Uncategorized Gnosis Rewards and status?

Published: Dec 09, 2023

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IDK if it is only me but I can no longer see my reward for Gnosis chain.

#2 - is there a migration of the Gnosis staking into at least a new interface, maybe make it accessible on the main page or something. It ā€œFeelsā€ like it is not live bc you as a user you have to use the ā€˜oldā€™ app.

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Ideas Modify Snapshot Proposal Threshold to prevent Scams and Sham Proposals

Published: Dec 02, 2023

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The Stakewise portal allows anyone to submit a proposal, and weā€™re currently seeing proposals with fake links to altered websites that encourage users to connect their wallet and sign transactions. This is a very common scam and has affected most projects that use snapshot or similar.

Iā€™d like a proposal to alter the threshold to deter smalltime scammers like the one detailed below. For example something of the value $5k to $20k i.e. 50,000 SWISE to 200,000 SWISE. Small holders can still submit ideas, but permissionless anonymous creation of proposals will be spammed less.
(This current scammer only owns 10 SWISE tokens)

As an example you can see Aaveā€™s proposal to add a threshold here: [ARFC] Modify Snapshot Proposal Threshold - Governance - Aave

Iā€™m happy to create the proposal, but itā€™s better to get some opinions on how many SWISE should be the hurdle to submit. It will only matter if the majority voters vote yes, and the SWISE Snapshot admin agrees to update the proposal threshold.

Please let me know your thoughts on how many SWISE to limit, and who can/will proceed with taking this to a proposal for voting?

15 posts - 7 participants

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Proposals SCAM Stakewise V3 warning and request for help

Published: Nov 26, 2023

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Dear stakewise team/community, I believe I did something very badā€¦
There is currently this proposal open: Snapshot
I thought this is the official DAO site and the entries are legitā€¦ but apparently this was put in by a random scammer. It says there is Stakewise V3 live for testing, but the URL is not really .io instead the links go to .inā€¦ I then ask too connect the wallet and sign some value, which I confirmed without thinking aboutā€¦ Now I see on chain tokens were transfered: $2,060.56 | StakeWise Staked ETH2 (sETH2) Token Tracker | Etherscan
through multiple wallets, Uniswap etcā€¦ fuck
Sorry for the choatic writing, I m still shaking, almost 12000$ is a lot of moneyā€¦ I donā€™t know what to do nowā€¦ any help would be very appreciated, I know revcovering any funds now is very hard nowā€¦

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Proposals [SWIP-15] Prepare StakeWise V2 contracts for the migration to StakeWise V3

Published: Nov 23, 2023

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Executive summary

The moment has come to open a new chapter for the StakeWise DAO.

In this proposal, we seek your approval to upgrade some StakeWise V2 contracts, pause others, and update the domain name for the existing app to

This upgrade will support stakersā€™ ability to move their assets from V2 to V3 in order to benefit from the new functionality available in StakeWise V3, including native unstaking. It will also keep the distribution of rewards in V2 intact to allow users to migrate at their own pace.

StakeWise V3 upgrade

As it stands, the StakeWise team is ready to release the successor to StakeWise V2 called StakeWise V3.

Itā€™s a liquid staking protocol that features a brand new architecture, which has been praised for its versatility and potential to uphold the status quo in the staking market. It introduces an overcollateralized LST called osETH, and a staking marketplace where stakers can choose who runs their nodes and operators can join without permission to attract deposits and stake their own capital. It is a significant upgrade for the existing product of the StakeWise DAO, and an important step for the continued growth of the protocol.

With the release of StakeWise V3, existing stakers will not become users of the new protocol automatically. Instead, they will continue as users of the existing version (StakeWise V2), unless they manually migrate their stake to StakeWise V3. Once they migrate, they will become a part of the Genesis Vault, which is identical to the former StakeWise Pool in terms of the fees, operators and performance. For the full details of the migration, take a look at this updated blogpost.

Executing the migration this way requires the StakeWise DAO to approve upgrades to the existing smart contracts and pause some others. In short:

  • Transfer PoolEscrow ownership to EthGenesisVault. PoolEscrow is currently used as the withdrawal address for StakeWise V2, and will collect ETH from the exited validators. This ownership transfer will allow the Genesis Vault to request ETH from PoolEscrow whenever users desire to unstake ETH or redeem osETH.
  • Upgrade V2 contracts: Oracles, Pool, RewardEthToken, StakedEthToken. The upgrades will allow sETH2 and rETH2 tokens to be burned, and let the new set of oracles control the update of rewards for those who continue to use StakeWise V2.
  • Pause V2 contracts: PoolValidators, Pool. This will implement a freeze on new deposits into StakeWise V2, for obvious reasons.
  • Move V2 contracts and product to a new domain name:


See the transactions in the Snapshot below.


Once the DAO votes on this proposal, we will collectively open the new chapter for StakeWise and, hopefully, staking on Ethereum more broadly.

The proposed migration path has been audited by Sigma Prime, Halborn, and the auditors in the Hats contest. The results of all can be found here.


The Snapshot for this vote is now live and will be open for 48 hours.

LFG :rocket:

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Fraxlend [FIP - 3XX] Create ezETH/FRAX Fraxlend Pair on Ethereum Mainnet and Authorize AMO Allocation

Published: Jul 24, 2024

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[FIP - 3XX] Create ezETH/FRAX Fraxlend Pair on Ethereum Mainnet and Authorize AMO Allocation




Propose the creation of a new Fraxlend pair on the Ethereum mainnet: ezETH/FRAX.


  • Fraxlend Pair Name: ezETH/FRAX - Variable Rate V2
  • Chain: Ethereum Mainnet
  • Max Authorized Allocation: 10,000,000 FRAX
  • Max Loan-to-Value (LTV): To be decided by the development team.

Background and Motivation

Fraxlend is a lending platform that enables the creation of markets between pairs of ERC-20 tokens. Each pair functions as an isolated, permission-less market, allowing users to engage in lending and borrowing activities. This protocol is designed to generate new financial opportunities for the FRAX community.

Automated Market Operations (AMOs) enhance FRAXā€™s capabilities as a leading stablecoin protocol by offering maximum flexibility and opportunities without compromising its core stability mechanisms. To date, multiple AMOs have been deployed on platforms such as Fraxlend, Aave, and Rari.

Introducing the ezETH/FRAX pair into the Fraxlend AMO on Ethereum Mainnet aligns with this strategic vision. It will facilitate the minting of FRAX, secured by over-collateralized debt, further strengthening the ecosystem. The choice of ezETH as an asset is based on its growing popularity and liquidity, which can attract a broader user base to Fraxlend. Allowing the development team to decide the LTV ensures that the risk parameters are set appropriately based on market conditions and risk assessments.

Liquidity Profile

The liquidity profile of the ezETH token is a crucial factor in the decision to introduce the ezETH/FRAX pair. The following image shows the slippage curve for ezETH, illustrating how liquidity impacts trading:

This curve indicates that ezETH has a significant liquidity pool, which helps maintain stability and reduce slippage during large trades. A robust liquidity profile is essential for minimizing risks and ensuring the smooth functioning of the Fraxlend pair.

Why Adding ezETH to Fraxlend is Beneficial

Adding ezETH to Fraxlend brings significant benefits to the platform and its users. As the second highest restaking token by market cap according to CoinGecko, ezETH offers a robust liquidity profile and strong market interest. This high liquidity ensures stability and minimizes slippage during large trades, making ezETH an attractive asset for lending and borrowing activities.

Moreover, the growing adoption of ezETH in the DeFi space underscores its reliability and potential for high yield opportunities. By integrating ezETH into Fraxlend, the platform can attract a broader user base, enhance its market offerings, and support the overall growth and diversification of the Frax ecosystem.


  • For: Approve the creation of the ezETH/FRAX Fraxlend pair on Ethereum Mainnet with the specified max authorized allocation and allow the development team to decide the LTV.
  • Against: Do not approve the creation of the new Fraxlend pair.

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General Discussion Understanding Frax AMO

Published: Jul 22, 2024

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GM GM Community and Core team members.

I am not a Dev but a crypto enthusiast, eager to learn why certain decisions were made for the Frax AMO.

Iā€™ve noticed the Frax AMO uses convex deposits, is there a way to open this up to other protocols like StakeDAOā€™s OnlyBoost?

If I am not asking the question properly or understanding the technical feat of this, please comment below with your thoughts or concerns.

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Gauges [FIP - 386] Add FXS/frxETH LP Pool on Ra to FXS Gauge Controller on Fraxtal

Published: Jul 19, 2024

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Author: @westwood


This proposal aims to add the FXS/frxETH liquidity pool on Ra to the FXS gauge controller on Fraxtal. The goal is to enhance the monetary premium of both FXS and frxETH by incentivizing liquidity provision on Fraxtal and strengthening our partnership with Ra.

Background and Motivation:

  • Enhance Liquidity: Increase liquidity for the FXS/frxETH pair on Fraxtal.

  • Yield Opportunities: Provide additional yield opportunities for FXS and frxETH holders.

  • Monetary Premium: Strengthen the monetary premium of FXS and frxETH.

  • Incentivize Liquidity: Encourage more liquidity on Fraxtal.

  • Strengthen Partnership: Continue to build positive sum relationships with ecosystem partners.


Add the FXS/frxETH LP pool on Ra to the FXS gauge controller on Fraxtal.




For: Approve the addition of the FXS/frxETH LP pool on Ra to the FXS gauge controller on Fraxtal.

Against: Do nothing.

5 posts - 3 participants

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Fraxferry [FIP - 385] Deploy Fraxferry for a new chain ( TRON )

Published: Jul 16, 2024

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Frax Core Team


Frax Core Team


Deploy Fraxferry for sFRAX, FRAX, FXS between Fraxtal and TRON, with the following details :

Background and Motivation

The TRON public chain, a decentralized blockchain network based on the Tron protocol, has served as the core of the Tron ecosystem since its launch on June 25th, 2018. TRON has become a significant player in the stablecoin market, with a total value locked (TVL) reaching an all-time high of $58 billion ( DefiLlama ), primarily driven by USDT. The absence of both stablecoin alternatives and USD yield-bearing assets on TRON presents a great opportunity for FRAX and sFRAX to shine in this market. FRAX can offer a stable, decentralized alternative to USDT, while sFRAX can meet the demand for yield-bearing assets, providing users with more options for earning returns on their holdings.

Fraxferry aims to simplify the cross-chain bridging issue for assets, making it easier to deploy Frax-related tokens on other chains. Frax Ferry is a slower, simpler, but more secure method of bridging tokens. And you can read more about it here.


  • For: Deploy Fraxferry for sFRAX, FRAX, FXS between Fraxtal and TRON

  • Against: Do nothing.

3 posts - 2 participants

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Governance Proposals [FIP - 384] Launching new FXB and Authorizing Fraxlend AMO for a new pair ( FXB20271231)

Published: Jul 15, 2024

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Frax Core Team


Request authorization for the protocol to issue FXB20271231 with a 30 million cap for the bond. Additionally, authorize Fraxlend AMO to deposit minted FRAX into the specified Fraxlend pair with the mentioned max authorized allocation.

Fraxlend Pair Name Chain Fraxlend Pair Address Max Authorized Allocation
FXB20271231/FRAX - Variable Rate V2 Ethereum, Fraxtal TBD 25,000,000 FRAX

Background and Motivation

FXB tokens are simple, trustless tokens that resemble a zero-coupon bond that converts to the FRAX stablecoin on maturity. FXBs are debt tokens denominated in FRAX stablecoins, not a claim on any other asset or collateral. FXBs allow the formation of a yield curve to price the time value of lending FRAX back to the protocol itself.

Fraxlend is a lending platform that allows anyone to create a market between a pair of ERC-20 tokens. Each pair is an isolated, permission-less market that allows anyone to create and participate in lending and borrowing activities. This protocol is creating new financial opportunities for the FRAX community.

Automated Market Operations (AMOs) make FRAX one of the most potent stablecoin protocols, creating maximum flexibility and opportunity without altering the base stability mechanism that made FRAX a leader in the stablecoin space. So far, we have deployed multiple AMOs, including lending AMOs on the Fraxlend, Aave, and Rari protocols.

Adding new FXBs is beneficial as it expands the FRAX ecosystemā€™s offerings, enhances liquidity, and provides users with additional tools for managing risk and optimizing investment strategies. Adding more pairs into Fraxlend AMO is the next step in this vision, allowing the protocol to mint FRAX backed by over-collateralized debt.


  • For: Authorize the issuance of FXB20271231 with a 30 million cap and authorize Fraxlend AMO to deposit minted FRAX into the specified Fraxlend pair with the mentioned max authorized allocation.

  • Against: Do nothing.

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Governance Proposals [FIP - 383] Update frxETH Curve AMO

Published: Jul 12, 2024

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Frax Core Team


This proposal seeks to add two new asset types, ezETH and pzETH, to the assets that the frxETH Automated Market Operations (AMO) can hold and to allocate a portion of the frxETH AMO funds within the Fraxtal network. The goal is to enhance diversification, optimize returns, and support the growth of the Fraxtal network.

The proposed allocation caps for frxETH Curve AMO are:

Current Asset Allocation:

  • ETH, WETH: Max 100% Min 50%
  • wstETH, stETH: Max 50% Min 0%

Proposed Asset Allocation:

  • ETH, WETH: Max 100% Min 0%
  • wstETH, stETH: Max 100% Min 0%
  • ezETH, pzETH: Max 20% Min 0%

This means the team can allocate up to the specified maximum percentages to the respective pools if deemed advantageous.

It is important to clarify that the min/max caps specified in this proposal are separate from the ā€œwithholding ratio.ā€ The caps are not intended to suggest that we are directing 100% of all ETH minted from frxETH to the AMO. The withholding ratio of ETH is a separate parameter. These max/min caps are put in place to govern the portion of the withheld ETH that will be allocated to the pools within the AMO. more information about the current frxETH balance sheet can be found in Frax Facts.

Background and Motivation

Automated Market Operations (AMO) make Frax Finance one of the most potent stablecoin protocols, creating maximum flexibility and opportunity without altering the base stability mechanism. In Frax Ethereum, most of our Protocol Owned Liquidity (POL) resides on Curve, so setting clear allocation caps is crucial for managing our liquidity effectively and transparently in frxETH Curve AMO.

Adding ezETH and pzETH to the portfolio offers significant value by providing another assets that aligns with our goals of optimizing returns and enhancing liquidity. Additionally, allocating a portion of the frxETH AMO within the Fraxtal ecosystem will support its growth and provide necessary liquidity, fostering innovation and activity on Fraxtal.

About ezETH

ezETH is a liquid restaking token representing a userā€™s restaked position at Renzo. Users can deposit native ETH or LSTs and receive ezETH. It is a reward-bearing token similar to cTokens, and the underlying restaking positions earn rewards reflected in the ezETH price. Rewards are expected in ETH, USDC, and Actively Validated Services (AVSs) reward tokens. This means the value of ezETH increases relative to the underlying LSTs as it earns more rewards in AVS tokens. Withdrawals take at least 7 days due to EigenLayer unstaking requirements, and transfers are facilitated through supplying liquidity or selling ezETH on Balancer.

About pzETH

pzETH is a liquid restaking token representing a userā€™s restaked position within the Symbiotic ecosystem. Users can deposit stETH, wstETH, wETH, or ETH to receive pzETH. It offers a higher yield than traditional ETH staking by securing Actively Validated Services (AVSs) through restaking. pzETH can be withdrawn from day one and is fully redeemable for the underlying restaked collateral.

Proposal Details

  • Authorize Holding ezETH: Allow the frxETH AMO to hold ezETH as one of its asset types.
  • Set Allocation Caps: Establish the following maximum and minimum allocation caps for the frxETH AMO:
    • ETH/WETH Pools: Max 100%, Min 0%
    • wstETH/stETH Pools: Max 100%, Min 0%
    • ezETH/pzETH Pools: Max 20%, Min 0%
  • Deploy Assets on Fraxtal: Allocate a portion of the frxETH AMO to be deployed within the Fraxtal ecosystem. The specified allocation caps for ETH, WETH, wstETH, stETH, ezETH, and pzETH pools also apply to assets deployed in Fraxtal. For assets on Fraxtal, the Fraxtal native bridge will be used for WETH, stETH, and wstETH, while the Hyperlane bridge will be used for ezETH and pzETH.


  • For: Authorize frxETH AMO to add ezETH and pzETH as assets and allocate funds in curve pools based on the mentioned max and min authorized asset allocations.
  • Against: Do nothing.

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Governance Proposals Add a small incentive to Convex FRAX rETH/frxETH

Published: Jul 12, 2024

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I have made some proposals in the past to close the Convex FRAX rETH/frxETH pool, but they were rejected. C2TP suggested I bribe veFXS holders to add incentives there. Thatā€™s what I have been doing since then through StakeDAO, I use every FXS I get in rewards for bribes.

As my proposals to shut the pool down have been rejected, I understand that voters find some value in keeping the pool open, so Iā€™m asking for a bit of help from the protocol to add rewards to the pool, just like pools with higher TVL receive them. It seems unfair to me to reward other pools but not this one, especially now that gas is so cheap. I donā€™t know whatā€™s the formula to determine how much to add in rewards to other Convex FRAX pools, but something like 70 FXS per week would be nice, while Iā€™d continue bribing the pool.

I hope this is reasonable.

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Governance Proposals Capture "Meme Premium" with Distinct B2C and B2B Branding Strategies

Published: Jul 12, 2024

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Introduction to this governance proposal:
Frax Finance has established a robust suite of products in decentralized finance, including stablecoins, liquid derivatives, lending, and swapping services. Despite the strong fundamentals, ā€œprotocolā€™s meme premiumā€ (AKA: valuation) is at a local all-time low. Based on my personal experience in branding/positioning/strategy from corporate, and the feedback I have gotten from people, a significant contributing factor to this local low is the lack of effective branding and marketing strategies that distinctly resonate with both B2C and B2B audiences (B2B in DeFi content is protocol-to-protocol). This proposal addresses these issues by recommending a dual-brand strategy and an enhanced user experience for targeted audiences.

Problem Statement:
Frax Finance is currently missing out on the meme premium and broader market appeal due to its complex and professional UI, which might be intimidating for average users. This complexity also dilutes the brandā€™s message and reduces its appeal to potential investors and users who prefer a more straightforward interface.

1. Brand Segmentation

  • B2C Brand: Develop a separate, consumer-friendly brand for Frax Financeā€™s retail products. This brand should focus on simplicity, ease of use, and a clean, vibrant interface. Naming of B2C brand yet to be decided but something synonymous to ā€œFrax Liteā€.
  • B2B Brand: Maintain a professional, detailed, and data-rich interface for institutional clients and advanced users. This brand should highlight the technical superiority and comprehensive services offered by Frax Finance. Naming of B2B brand yet to be decided but something synonymous to ā€œFrax Proā€.

2. User Interface (UI) and User Experience (UX) Enhancements

  • B2C Interface: Implement a clean, intuitive UI with easy navigation and a focus on key ā€œnormieā€ actions (e.g., staking, lending, swapping).
  • B2B Interface: Retain a detailed and data-driven interface with advanced features and analytics. Ensure that professional users can access all necessary information and tools without clutter.

3. Content Strategy / Educational Videos (especially applicable to B2C ā€œnormieā€ users):
Video content is a powerful tool for educating and engaging users. It allows for complex concepts to be broken down into easy-to-understand visuals and narratives. Creating a YouTube channel with professionally made tutorial videos explaining how to use Frax Finance products can significantly improve user onboarding and retention.

4. Branding Example and Inspiration:

  • Pendle Finance: Pendle Finance has successfully created a user-friendly brand that appeals to both retail and institutional clients.
  • Merit Circleā€™s Beam: Beam was a great rebranding for an L2 launch by Merit Circle. This can be a model for how Frax Finance can reinvent its image and appeal to a broader audience.

Nex steps:
If the proposal is passed, a list of potential agencies will be proposed and discussed with the Frax core team. Potential agencies could include firms like IDEO, Frog, or local agencies specializing in fintech and blockchain. If this proposal is approved, I am ready to take ownership of the project, get in touch with the core team, contact companies for quotes, and oversee the project in alignment with the core team. I am also prepared to develop a full-fledged project plan while working with the agency.

My background:
I have 7 years of experience in strategy and management consulting, having led rebranding and repositioning efforts for numerous products from a corporate strategy standpoint. Additionally, I have been a DeFi user for 4 years and involved in the crypto space for 5 years. This proposal is based on extensive feedback from numerous ā€œnormiesā€ to whom I have introduced Frax, and their insights have been invaluable in further shaping this plan.

Additional note:
An important consideration not addressed in this proposal but nonetheless significant is the ambiguity surrounding the monetization of $FXTL. While it is anticipated by the Frax community members that the design of $FXTL monetization will mitigate a potential short-term dump, the current lack of clarity has led to market concerns. Specifically, there is a prevailing assumption that FXS tokens may be sold off once they are awarded to $FXTL holders, potentially creating the current sell pressure on the governance token.

7 posts - 4 participants

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Fraxlend [FIP - 380] Create weETH/FRAX Fraxlend Pair on Ethereum Mainnet and Authorize AMO Allocation

Published: Jul 11, 2024

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Propose the creation of a new Fraxlend pair on the Ethereum mainnet: weETH/FRAX.


  • Fraxlend Pair Name: weETH/FRAX - Variable Rate V2
  • Chain: Ethereum Mainnet
  • Max Authorized Allocation: 10,000,000 FRAX
  • Max Loan-to-Value (LTV): To be decided by the development team

Background and Motivation

Fraxlend is a lending platform that enables the creation of markets between pairs of ERC-20 tokens. Each pair functions as an isolated, permission-less market, allowing users to engage in lending and borrowing activities. This protocol is designed to generate new financial opportunities for the FRAX community.

Automated Market Operations (AMOs) enhance FRAXā€™s capabilities as a leading stablecoin protocol by offering maximum flexibility and opportunities without compromising its core stability mechanisms. To date, multiple AMOs have been deployed on platforms such as Fraxlend, Aave, and Rari.

Introducing the weETH/FRAX pair into the Fraxlend AMO on Ethereum Mainnet aligns with this strategic vision. It will facilitate the minting of FRAX, secured by over-collateralized debt, further strengthening the ecosystem. The choice of weETH as an asset is based on its growing popularity and liquidity, which can attract a broader user base to Fraxlend. Allowing the development team to decide the LTV ensures that the risk parameters are set appropriately based on market conditions and risk assessments.

Liquidity Profile

The liquidity profile of the weETH token is a crucial factor in the decision to introduce the weETH/FRAX pair. The following image shows the slippage curve for weETH, illustrating how liquidity impacts trading:

This curve indicates that weETH has a significant liquidity pool, which helps maintain stability and reduce slippage during large trades. A robust liquidity profile is essential for minimizing risks and ensuring the smooth functioning of the Fraxlend pair.

Market Cap

weETH is among the top 30 cryptocurrencies by market cap according to CoinGecko, as shown in the image below:

This high market cap signifies strong market interest and liquidity, making weETH a suitable asset for the Fraxlend pair. A high market cap ensures that there is sufficient market activity to support lending and borrowing activities without significant price impact.


  • For: Approve the creation of the weETH/FRAX Fraxlend pair on Ethereum Mainnet with the specified max authorized allocation and allow the development team to decide the LTV.
  • Against: Do not approve the creation of the new Fraxlend pair.

2 posts - 2 participants

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Governance Proposals [FIP - 382] Head of Community Development

Published: Jul 11, 2024

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As an early and active member of the Frax community, I have seen firsthand the incredible growth and potential within our ecosystem. The engagement and dedication of our community members have always been a driving force behind our success. Recognizing the importance of fostering these connections, I propose the creation of a Head of Community Development position.

This role aims to strengthen our community, improve communication, and enhance overall user experience. By maintaining and improving our official channels, engaging with our members, and driving new initiatives, this position will be pivotal in taking Frax to new heights.


Maintaining and Improving the Official Discord

  • Ensure the Discord server remains a vibrant, engaging, and informative platform.

  • Regularly update channels with relevant information and resources.

  • Implement community feedback to enhance user experience.

  • Improve security details to ensure a safe and productive environment.

Weekly Developer Updates

  • Coordinate with developers to gather updates on ongoing projects.

  • Summarize and communicate these updates to the community.

Daily Posts on Social Media

  • Discord, Twitter, Reddit, and Farcaster:

  • Yield opportunities.

  • Fraxtal Dapp spotlights.

  • Governance rollups.

  • Roadmap updates.

  • Product comparisons with competitors.

Ongoing Community Engagement

  • Active participation in Telegram and Discord.

  • Address community questions and concerns.

  • Foster a positive and inclusive community environment.

Participating in Business Development Opportunities

  • Identify and reach out to potential partners.

  • Coordinate with the Frax team to establish and nurture partnerships.

Creating Governance Proposals

  • Develop new Fraxlend pairs.

  • Collaborate with community members to bring their ideas to fruition.

Previous Achievements

Successful Partnerships

  • Played a key role in facilitating partnerships and enhancing communication between Frax and other projects, showcasing strong business development skills and the ability to establish valuable connections.

Governance Proposals

  • Authored several governance proposals that were successfully adopted, contributing to the strategic direction of Frax.

Community Engagement

  • Consistently active on Telegram and CT (Crypto Twitter), understanding the pulse of the community and addressing concerns promptly.

  • Fostered a supportive and inclusive community environment through regular interactions and updates.

Content Creation

  • Developed informative and engaging content for social media, increasing awareness and participation in Frax initiatives.

  • Highlighted yield opportunities, roadmap updates, and product comparisons, driving user engagement and education.

Community Growth

  • Played a key role in growing the Frax community on Discord and other social platforms, contributing to increased user engagement and participation.

Ongoing Business Development

  • Working to onboard other protocols like DeFi Saver and DEX aggregators to integrate and collaborate with Frax.

Previous Experience

  • Participated in the governance process at MakerDAO, gaining valuable experience and insights into decentralized governance.


  • 750 FRAX per week (payment in cvxFXB may be considered).

Time Commitment

  • 15-20 hours of dedicated time per week. Does not include additional time spent reading and interacting on social channels.


  • Active community member since launch.

  • Holder of 100k FXS (250k veFXS).

  • Deep understanding of the community pulse through active participation on CT and Telegram.

  • Extensive layman knowledge of the necessary technology.

  • Proven track record of creating valuable governance proposals.

  • Been in Crypto since 2013.

Contract Terms

  • Duration: 3 months probationary period.

  • Review: Re-apply at the end of the term if the community is satisfied with the results.

Key Performance Indicators (KPIs)

  • Social Media Growth:

  • Increase in followers across Twitter, Reddit, and Farcaster.

  • Discord Growth:

  • Real user growth and engagement metrics.

  • Frax TVL:

  • Monitoring growth in Total Value Locked (TVL), though this is harder to compare against social impact.

Future Initiatives

Grants Committee:

  • Establishing a committee to manage and distribute grants.

Fraximalist NFT Collection:

  • Creating and promoting a unique NFT collection for Frax enthusiasts.

Governance Encyclopedia:

  • Developing a comprehensive resource for all governance-related information.

Commitment to Improvement

  • Continuously iterate and improve the existing workload with increased focus due to dedicated paid time.

Closing Statement

As a dedicated and active member of the Frax community since its inception, I am deeply committed to fostering growth, engagement, and innovation within our ecosystem. My experience in community engagement and governance, including participation in the governance process at MakerDAO, positions me well to take on the role of Head of Community Development.

I am excited about the opportunity to contribute more significantly to Frax, leveraging my skills to enhance our community platforms, drive meaningful engagement, and support our development and business initiatives. With the communityā€™s support, I am confident that we can achieve our ambitious goals and continue to make Frax a leader in the DeFi space.

I look forward to working closely with all of you to create a more vibrant, inclusive, and innovative Frax community.



10 posts - 8 participants

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Fraxlend [FIP - 381] Create PEPE/FRAX Fraxlend Pair on Ethereum Mainnet and Authorize AMO Allocation

Published: Jul 11, 2024

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Propose the creation of a new Fraxlend pair on the Ethereum mainnet: PEPE/FRAX.


  • Fraxlend Pair Name: PEPE/FRAX - Variable Rate V2
  • Chain: Ethereum Mainnet
  • Max Authorized Allocation: 1,000,000 FRAX
  • Max Loan-to-Value (LTV): To be decided by the development team

Background and Motivation

Fraxlend is a lending platform that enables the creation of markets between pairs of ERC-20 tokens. Each pair functions as an isolated, permission-less market, allowing users to engage in lending and borrowing activities. This protocol is designed to generate new financial opportunities for the FRAX community.

Automated Market Operations (AMOs) enhance FRAXā€™s capabilities as a leading stablecoin protocol by offering maximum flexibility and opportunities without compromising its core stability mechanisms. To date, multiple AMOs have been deployed on platforms such as Fraxlend, Aave, and Rari.

Introducing the PEPE/FRAX pair into the Fraxlend AMO on Ethereum Mainnet aligns with this strategic vision. It will facilitate the minting of FRAX, secured by over-collateralized debt, further strengthening the ecosystem. The choice of PEPE as an asset is based on its growing popularity and liquidity, which can attract a broader user base to Fraxlend. Allowing the development team to decide the LTV ensures that the risk parameters are set appropriately based on market conditions and risk assessments.

Liquidity Profile

The liquidity profile of the PEPE token is a crucial factor in the decision to introduce the PEPE/FRAX pair. The following image shows the slippage curve for PEPE, illustrating how liquidity impacts trading:

This curve indicates that PEPE has a significant liquidity pool, which helps maintain stability and reduce slippage during large trades. A robust liquidity profile is essential for minimizing risks and ensuring the smooth functioning of the Fraxlend pair.

Trading Volume

PEPE is among the top 10 cryptocurrencies by trading volume according to CoinGecko, as shown in the image below:

This high trading volume signifies strong market interest and liquidity, making PEPE a suitable asset for the Fraxlend pair. High trading volume ensures that there is sufficient market activity to support lending and borrowing activities without significant price impact.


  • For: Approve the creation of the PEPE/FRAX Fraxlend pair on Ethereum Mainnet with the specified max authorized allocation and allow the development team to decide the LTV.
  • Against: Do not approve the creation of the new Fraxlend pair.

4 posts - 4 participants

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General Discussion Tribuni Alpha Launch: Telegram Mini-app Built by Delegates for Delegates

Published: Jul 10, 2024

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Being a delegate requires constantly staying up-to-date due to the sheer volume of information that needs to be digested. I experienced this firsthand during my time as the governance co-lead at Blockchain@USC.

To address this pain point, we are excited to announce the alpha launch of the Tribuni Telegram Mini-app, a governance info aggregation app built by and for delegates.

Tribuni allows delegates to receive alerts on live proposals, get proposal summaries, and stay updated on the superchain ecosystems such as Frax, Optimism, Synthetix, and more. We chose Telegram as our platform because it has the highest concentration of crypto users and offers a mobile-first, all-in-one experience. This allows users to receive updates seamlessly without needing to switch between different apps, which helps to reduce the tooling silo in governance, making it more engaging and convenient for users. This project emerged from the ETH Denver 2024 hackathon, and we have continued to develop it since then.

We invite you to start using Tribuni today with the invite code: POTATO

We are actively developing new features as outlined in our grant applications and eagerly anticipate user feedback. Please join telegram groupchat for technical support and to share your thoughts and experiences with us.

1 post - 1 participant

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AMOs [FIP - 378] Aave AMO

Published: Jul 09, 2024

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Frax Core Team


This proposal seeks to onboard and activate an AMO that lends FRAX to Aave v3. We propose authorizing a lending AMO to deposit minted FRAX into the aFRAX v3 pool with a maximum authorized allocation of 100,000,000 FRAX.

Background and Motivation

Aave is a decentralized, non-custodial liquidity protocol where users can participate as depositors or borrowers. Depositors provide liquidity to the market to earn passive income, while borrowers can borrow overcollateralized (perpetually) or undercollateralized (one-block liquidity) manner.

Algorithmic Market Operations (AMOs) make FRAX one of the most potent stablecoin protocols, creating maximum flexibility and opportunity without altering the base stability mechanism that made FRAX a leader in the stablecoin space.

This integration will enhance the overall utility and stability of the FRAX ecosystem and help to attract more users to Frax Finance assets, further growing our user base and ecosystem.

Proposal Details

This proposal involves minting FRAX and depositing it into a designated Aave v3 lending market. The goal is to provide sufficient liquidity for FRAX in order to overcome supply-side shortages in lending, thereby fostering growth on the borrowing side. By kickstarting the market for larger borrowers, we aim to create a more dynamic and robust lending environment for FRAX on Aave.


  • For: Approve the onboarding and activation of the Aave AMO with a max authorized allocation of 100,000,000 FRAX.
  • Against: Do nothing.

3 posts - 2 participants

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Gauges [FIP - 379] Locked Liquidity Standard Exit

Published: Jul 08, 2024

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Frax Core Team


This proposal seeks to provide liquidity providers within the Frax Finance ecosystem the option to exchange their locked liquidity in certain pools for Frax Bond 2029 (FXB2029) at the auction price.

Background and Motivation

Many liquidity providers within the Frax Finance ecosystem have recently expressed a need for a ragequit or exit mechanism for their locked liquidity in FXS gauges. To address this concern and provide a flexible solution, we propose an exchange option to migrate the locked liquidity to FXBs, specifically FXB2029. This provides immediate liquidity to exit LPs starting with the older gauges while also keeping TVL within the Frax & Fraxtal ecosystem, an overall value add for all parties. FXB2029 tokens are liquid with high incentives for liquidity providers, massive FXTL points boosts, and migrators can exit these tokens should they want to leave the ecosystem for any reason by selling them on-chain in Curve pools and other venues and in no way required to hold them until maturity.

FXB tokens are simple, trustless tokens that resemble a zero-coupon bond that converts to the FRAX stablecoin on maturity. FXBs are debt tokens denominated in FRAX stablecoins, not a claim on any other asset or collateral. FXB tokens are only convertible to FRAX stablecoins; they do not guarantee FRAX peg, FRAX value, or yield/interest denominated in any other asset except FRAX.

By migrating to FXBs, liquidity providers will have an alternative means to manage their deployed capital within the Frax ecosystem, providing them with the flexibility they have requested while ensuring the protocol maintains its needed locked liquidity.

Proposal Details

This approach offers liquidity providers a way to exit their positions while maintaining their investment within the Frax ecosystem, ensuring the protocolā€™s stability and growth. The following points are important to note about this proposal:

  • Pricing Based on Underlying Assets: The pricing for the locked liquidity will be based on the current price of the underlying assets at the time of the exchange.
  • Exchange with FXB2029: Locked liquidity can only be exchanged for FXB2029 at the auction price prevailing at the time of the exchange. The auction price has a floor price of .794 at the time of this proposal & it is expected to remain at this floor price. An LP that wishes to migrate can sign the migration transaction on the Ethereum mainnet and move their LP token/NFT to the protocol to receive FXB2029 tokens directly to the same address on the Fraxtal mainnet. They are then free to do whatever they wish with their FXB2029 tokens.
  • Designated Locked Liquidity for Exchange: Only certain designated pools will be eligible for this exchange option, but this list can be expanded through the governance process.
Pool Gauge Address
Uniswap V3 FRAX/USDC 0x3EF26504dbc8Dd7B7aa3E97Bc9f3813a9FC0B4B0
Uniswap V3 FRAX/DAI 0xF22471AC2156B489CC4a59092c56713F813ff53e
  • Option to Retain LPs: Liquidity providers will have the option to either exchange their locked liquidity for FXB2029 or retain their current locked positions.
  • No Ragequit Fee: There will be no Ragequit fee for liquidity providers choosing this exchange method, ensuring a cost-effective transition.
  • FXTL points & incentives: Migrators that receive FXB2029 for their positions will be entitled to all FXTL points multipliers & yield opportunities that are available and upcoming for all FXB2029 holders, making it one of the most high-yield opportunities within the Frax ecosystem.


  • For: Approve the option for liquidity providers to exchange their locked liquidity for FXB2029 at the auction price.
  • Against: Do nothing.

14 posts - 7 participants

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FIPs [FIP - 377] Change veFXS Reward Distribution Token

Published: Jul 05, 2024

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Sam Kazemian


There has been long discussions on how veFXS rewards should be distributed. There is merit to both buying back and distributing FXS and distributing a stable coin such as sFrax or sfrxEth. In the end users can swap for the token they want (albeit liquidity can differ between the tokens).

The token of choice should be one that ā€œdoes workā€ for the protocol and user. The more work done, the better the token choice. For example on Curve the fee token was originally 3Crv LP token. This was because having deeper liquidity on 3Crv was a major source of protocol fees. Curve has now switched to crvUSD as each crvUSD in distribution is equivalent to a crvUSD being lent out and creating fees.

One possible choice for Frax could be sFrax. sFrax does a lot of work for the user, but not all that much is gained on the protocol level. This can be an okay tradeoff though if claiming continued to be on mainnet since gas costs are higher and thus times to claim could be much longer for most users.

On Fraxtal however, gas costs are much less of an issue. Thus reward tokens should be more oriented for Protocol work. This is both good for the user in an indirect way, as well as users can withdraw and convert to something more oriented for their yield whenever they want.

The best asset choice for the protocol to issue would thus be an FXB. The protocol makes revenue in the background while the frax is waiting to be matured. If users claim and convert the FXB on the market, the protocol still has the underlying working. FXBs themselves also are yield bearing for the user (albeit at probably a slower rate than sFrax).

This proposal seeks to change veFXS revenue to be distributed as a wrapped version of the FXB20291231 issued on Fraxtal. The FXS buyback as part of the FLE system will stay the same.

The wrapper for this token will automatically use the underlying FXB as collateral in FraxLend and borrow frax for sFrax if interest rates are profitable. Users will gain compounded FXB tokens and can withdraw at any time. FraxLend AMO will also gain some interest by lending to the FraxLend pair.

Wrapper can be found here (frax-cvx-platform/contracts/contracts/fraxtal/cvxFXB.sol at main Ā· convex-eth/frax-cvx-platform Ā· GitHub) and is currently under audit. Audit must be cleared to satisfactory levels before being used as the veFXS reward token.

As of note, the wrapper will contain a migration function to move underlying fxb to a different fxb type. The admin role for setting this migration will be held by the Frax comptroller multisig or Frax Governance.

Also the current name of the token (cvxFXB) is subject to change if we or the Frax team decide on something better before deployment.


There will be a standard market fee of 10% as a management fee.
This fee is only applied to revenue gained via the borrowing aspect of the wrapper and in no way applies to underlying vefxs rewards.


For: Change veFXS reward token distribution to the cvxFXB FXB wrapper.
Against: Do nothing.

15 posts - 7 participants

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Governance Proposals Use FXTL to redistribute Fraxtal revenue to users (v2)

Published: Jul 03, 2024

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  • Fraxtal is a new Frax product that will generate revenue via sequencer feeds and MEV.
  • Frax will redistribute 20% of revenue back to users that add value to the ecosystem (as measured by flox blocksapce rewareds), with the remaining 80% going to veFXS and insurance (78/2 split).

Key Principals

  • The FXTL system should incentivize Fraxtal usage, Fraxtal TVL, and building/innovating on Fraxtal.
  • Fraxtalā€™s revenue should be redistributed to users who add value to the ecosystem (as measured by FXTL). This is a core value of Frax, as seen in the revenue distributed to sFRAX and sfrxETH users.
  • FXTL should not produce FXS inflation
  • FXS should charge a fee for building and maintaining Fraxtal.
  • FXS should remain the governance token and value sink for all Frax products.


  1. Use revenue Fraxtal generates via sequencer fees and MEV to purchase FXS. A TWAMM purchase will be made every epoch using the previous epochā€™s revenue.
  2. Deposit 20% of FXS into a vault, distribute 78% to veFXS, and reserve 2% for insurance.
  3. FXTL holders can burn FXTL in exchange for a prorated share of whatā€™s in the vault. The payout will take place at the end of each epoch based on the FXTL burned during the epoch.


  • Does not dilute FXS
  • Does not introduce a new token (except keeping FXTL as the accounting system for ownership of the Fraxtal vault).
  • Maintains FXS as the center of the Frax ecosystem, which now includes Fraxtal.
  • Redistributes Fraxtal revenue to those adding value to the ecosystem, providing an incentive to use and build on the chain. Since the flox mechanism gives more FXTL to users/contracts, adding more value, more FXTL means the holder added more value.
  • Allows users to speculate on the future value of Fraxtal. For example, someone can buy FXTL for more than the current revenue suggests.
  • If wallets with FXTL are lost, the share of the Fraxtal vault they represent will never be claimed. That means either FXS is effectively burned.
  • Helps keep FXS off the market (since itā€™s in the Fraxtal vault). This is boosted byā€¦
  • Encourages holding FXTL long-term (boosting the value of the below three pros); if someone believes Fraxtal will generate more revenue in the future, thereā€™s an incentive to hold FXTL to get a share of a larger vault.


  • Fraxtal revenue might not be a sufficient incentive, particularly at first
  • Limits the value veFXS captures from Fraxtal to 78%.
  • Not a straight conversation ratio, which adds some complexity (e.g., whenā€™s the best time to claim?). This might be particularly true for early users, especially those with a large airdrop.
  • Assets in vault are not productive (i.e., FXS in the vault is not earning money for Frax)

Parameters that can be adjusted in the future via governance

  • Fee split. The proposal starts at 20/78/2
  • Vault token. FXS would be the initial vault token, but that could be adjusted via governance in the future. FXTL burning would work the same, but youā€™d get a prorated portion of each token type in the vault.


  • Epoch 50 starts with 1,000,000 FXS in the Fraxtal vault and 10,000,000,000 FXTL.
  • During epoch 50
    • Fraxtal earns $1m in sequencer fees and MEV.
    • Alice burns 1,000,000 FXTL, and Bob burns 2,000,000 FXTL.
  • At the end of epoch 50
    • Fraxtal starts a week-long TWAMM purchase of FXS using the $1m in sequencer feeds and MEV, which is deposited into the Fraxtal vault.
    • Alice is delivered 100 FXS (1,000,000 FXTL burned / 10,000,000,000 FXTL supply * 1,000,000 FXS in the vault), and Bob is delivered 200 FXS (2,000,000 FXTL burned / 10,000,000,000 FXTL supply * 1,000,000 FXS in the vault)


  • Approve
  • Reject

Authorā€™s Note
I think this mechanism can be paired with a separate incentive program to boost the rewards (e.g., at the end of every epoch, Frax adds FXS to the fraxtal vault using new emissions from an incentive program). I didnā€™t include that here because I (personally) donā€™t think it needs to be a core part of the FXTL system and can be a separate incentive stream that goes into the vault. However, if the majority feels emissions should be baked into the FXTL system long-term or we should include a short-term bootstrapping mechanism to kick start things included in this proposal, I can add it. Please just respond here, telegram, or discord to let me know. Here is ideal so the discussion is all in one place.

10 posts - 3 participants

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Governance Proposals Discussion for a proposal to convert FXTL points to FXS

Published: Jul 03, 2024

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This proposal consists of two parts. One initial conversion, then a ongoing FXTL conversion running theoretically forever.

1. Initial conversion.
At the one year mark of the launch of Fraxtal, have a opt-in event to convert the current FXTL points so far to FXS. The conversion will be weighted by amount of FXTL points opted in. Use 5 million FXS for this purpose. This will leave us with a market cap of 93 million FXS after the FPIS merger and the initial conversion is completed.

The reason this event is opt-in is that there might be people who might want to try and game later weekly conversions, adding some game theory to the proposal.

2. Ongoing FXTL conversion
Every year, earmark 1 million of FXS emissions for FXTL points conversion. Every week 19231 FXS is put into a pool. In the next week, people can deposit their FXTL points to redeem a percentage of this pool.

1 million of yearly FXS emissions seems high. But it is important to remember that the FLE system if successful most likely will be able to absorb these emissions in the future. The proposal also gives ample runway (7 years), if the proposal does not prove successful. Hence new governance actions can be taken well before we reach the 100 million hardcap.

3. Extra
Another important discussion point is the introduction of a lock and multiplier system. This is my proposal for such a system.

Min. No lock = 0.5x weight
Max. 4 years lock = 4x weight
Linear scaling between those options.

Locking means that you will get more weight the week you are redeeming your FXTL points. After the week is over and the FXS is distributed, it is staked as veFXS gaining value until the lock is over. The lock can be managed and extended after creation (if technically possible).

Voting options:

  • Approve this solution (with/without a lock and multiplier system is decided from feedback during discussion)
  • Reject

Thanks to all the people contributing to the discussion on especially Discord, but also Telegram.

9 posts - 4 participants

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Governance Proposals Use FXTL to redistribute Fraxtal revenue to users

Published: Jul 02, 2024

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  • Fraxtal is a new Frax product that will generate revenue via sequencer feeds and MEV.
  • Frax will redistribute 90% of revenue back to users that add value to the ecosystem (as measured by flox blocksapce rewareds), with the remaining 10% going to veFXS and insurance.

Key Principals

  • The FXTL system should incentivize Fraxtal usage, Fraxtal TVL, and building/innovating on Fraxtal.
  • Fraxtalā€™s revenue should be redistributed to users who add value to the ecosystem (as measured by FXTL). This is a core value of Frax, as seen in the revenue distributed to sFRAX and sfrxETH users.
  • FXTL should not produce FXS inflation
  • FXS should charge a fee for building and maintaining Fraxtal.
  • FXS should remain the governance token and value sink for all Frax products.

Option 1 - FXS Vault


  1. Use revenue Fraxtal generates via sequencer fees and MEV to purchase FXS. A TWAMM purchase will be made every epoch using the previous epochā€™s revenue.
  2. Deposit 90% of FXS into a vault, distribute 8% to veFXS, and reserve 2% for insurance.
  3. FXTL holders can burn FXTL in exchange for a prorated share of whatā€™s in the vault. The payout will take place at the end of each epoch based on the FXTL burned during the epoch.

Option 2 - frxETH Valut


  1. Use revenue Fraxtal generates via sequencer fees and MEV thatā€™s not already frxETH to purchase ETH. A TWAMM purchase will be made every epoch using the previous epochā€™s revenue.
  2. Use ETH to mint frxETH
  3. Deposit 90% frxETH into a vault, distribute 8% to veFXS (can also convert to FXS first), and reserve 2% for insurance.
  4. FXTL holders can burn FXTL in exchange for a prorated share of whatā€™s in the vault. The payout will take place at the end of each epoch based on the FXTL burned during the epoch.


  • Does not dilute FXS
  • Does not introduce a new token (except keeping FXTL as the accounting system for ownership of the vault holding Fraxtal revenue).
  • Maintains FXS as the center of the Frax ecosystem, which now includes Fraxtal.
  • Redistributes Fraxtal revenue to those adding value to the ecosystem, providing an incentive to use and build on the chain. Since the flox mechanism gives more FXTL to users/contracts, adding more value, more FXTL means the holder added more value.
  • Allows users to speculate on the future value of Fraxtal. For example, someone can buy FXTL for more than the current revenue suggests.
  • Encourages holding FXTL long-term (boosting the value of the below three pros); if someone believes Fraxtal will generate more revenue in the future, thereā€™s an incentive to hold FXTL to get a share of a larger vault.
  • If wallets with FXTL are lost, the share of the Fraxtal vault they represent will never be claimed. That means either FXS is effectively burned (FXS vault) or the frxETH will continue earning staking rewards for Frax and sfrxETH holders (frxETH vault).
  • [Option 1] Helps keep FXS off the market (since itā€™s in the Fraxtal vault)
  • [Option 2] Grows frxETH TVL
  • [Option 2] frxETH in Fraxtal vault is not staked as sfrxETH, which will boost APY for sfrxETH and veFXS


  • Fraxtal revenue might not be a sufficient incentive, particularly at first
  • Limits the value veFXS captures from Fraxtal to 8%.

Parameters that can be adjusted in the future via governance

  • Fee split. The proposal starts at 90/8/2 to align with sfrxETH and return most of the revenue to users. However, this can be adjusted in the future. For example, if Fraxtal is bringing in much more revenue in the future, that can be adjusted to 80/18/2 (or whatever number the community agrees on).
  • Vault token. This vote would pick an initial token (FXS or frxETH), but that could be adjusted via governance in the future. FXTL burning would work the same, but youā€™d get a prorated portion of each token type in the vault.

Example (applies to both scenarios; replace FXS with frxETH)

  • Epoch 50 starts with 1,000,000 FXS in the Fraxtal vault and 10,000,000,000 FXTL.
  • During epoch 50
    • Fraxtal earns $1m in sequencer fees and MEV.
    • Alice burns 1,000,000 FXTL, and Bob burns 2,000,000 FXTL.
  • At the end of epoch 50
    • Fraxtal starts a week-long TWAMM purchase of FXS using the $1m in sequencer feeds and MEV, which is deposited into the Fraxtal vault.
    • Alice is delivered 100 FXS (1,000,000 FXTL burned / 10,000,000,000 FXTL supply * 1,000,000 FXS in the vault), and Bob is delivered 200 FXS (2,000,000 FXTL burned / 10,000,000,000 FXTL supply * 1,000,000 FXS in the vault)


  • Approve Option 1 - FXS Vault
  • Approve Option 2 - frxETH Vault
  • Reject

7 posts - 4 participants

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Governance Proposals Proposal to Tokenize FXTL into a Separate Token Independent of FXS

Published: Jul 02, 2024

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Title: Proposal to Tokenize FXTL into a Separate Token Independent of FXS


The objective of this proposal is to initiate a discussion regarding the possibility of tokenizing FXTL into an entirely separate token distribution, distinct from FXS. If this idea gains broad community support, it could potentially lead to significant gains for FXS, driven by improved governance and more focused utility.

If passed, this proposal would require the Frax Core Developers (ā€œthe teamā€) to submit a further governance proposal for an FXTL token distribution that is completely separate from FXS and not convertible or dilutive to FXS supply in any way. The team would be required to submit a governance proposal for the full supply, allocation, time to tokenization, and details of FXTL no later than 90 days after passing.


  1. Simplified Governance:
  • Streamlined Decision-Making: Separating FXTL from FXS could streamline governance by reducing the complexity associated with managing multiple functions under a single token. This separation would enable more straightforward, transparent, and efficient governance processes.
  • Focused Governance: With FXTL as a separate token, FXS holders can concentrate on decisions directly affecting FXS, while FXTL holders can focus on matters pertinent to FXTL. This specialization could lead to better-informed decisions and more effective governance overall.
  1. Increased Utility:
  • Targeted Enhancements: A dedicated token for FXTL would enable more targeted enhancements and utility, catering specifically to FXTL holders. This could include exclusive features, staking rewards, and incentives designed to drive engagement and value within the FXTL ecosystem.
  • Flexibility in Development: A separate FXTL token allows for more flexibility in developing and deploying features specific to FXTL without being constrained by the broader FXS framework.
  1. Market Differentiation:
  • Attracting Diverse Investors: Distinct tokens for different functionalities could attract more investors and users, thereby increasing the overall market performance of both FXTL and FXS. Investors specifically interested in the utility and potential of FXTL can invest in it directly without being influenced by FXS market dynamics.
  • Enhanced Clarity: Clear differentiation between FXS and FXTL can enhance market clarity, helping potential investors and users understand the unique value propositions of each token.
  1. Economic Synergy:
  • Optimized Token Economics: By tokenizing FXTL separately, the economic models of both tokens can be optimized to better serve their respective communities. This could lead to more robust and sustainable growth for both tokens.
  • Risk Mitigation: Segregating FXTL from FXS reduces the risk of one tokenā€™s issues adversely affecting the other, thus providing a more stable and resilient economic environment for both tokens.

FRAXTAL and the Importance of an Independent L2 Token:

  1. FRAXTAL Overview:
  • What is FRAXTAL: FRAXTAL (FRAXā€™s Layer 2 solution) aims to enhance scalability, reduce transaction costs, and improve the overall user experience for FRAX ecosystem participants.
  • Benefits of L2: As an L2 solution, FRAXTAL can process transactions faster and cheaper than the Ethereum mainnet, making it an essential component for the future growth and usability of the FRAX ecosystem.
  1. Need for a Separate Token:
  • Operational Autonomy: An independent FXTL token would provide FRAXTAL with the operational autonomy needed to develop and expand without being tied to the broader FXS tokenā€™s governance and economic constraints.
  • Specialized Incentives: A separate token allows FRAXTAL to create specific incentives and reward mechanisms tailored to its unique needs and objectives, thereby fostering a vibrant and engaged community.
  • Improved Security and Compliance: With its own token, FRAXTAL can implement security and compliance measures optimized for its specific environment, enhancing overall system integrity and trust.


  1. Discussion: Open this proposal for community discussion on the FRAX forum to gauge interest and gather feedback.
  2. Drafting Final Proposal: Based on the communityā€™s feedback, revise the proposal for clarity and comprehensiveness.
  3. Voting: Submit the final proposal for a vote by veFXS holders. As per governance protocols, any proposal must undergo a three-day discussion period followed by a five-day off-chain voting period on Snapshot, with results determined by a simple majority and a 7.2m veFXS quorum requirement.
  4. Implementation: If approved, work with the core team to implement the tokenization and ensure a smooth transition and integration.


By tokenizing FXTL into a separate token, we can simplify governance, increase utility, and enhance market performance for FXTL and FXS. This strategic decision is aimed at fostering a more robust, efficient, and focused ecosystem for both tokens. We encourage community members to participate in this discussion and share their thoughts.

We welcome all feedback and look forward to a constructive discussion.

Thank you

17 posts - 13 participants

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Gauges Standardize ragequit proposals

Published: Jul 01, 2024

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Authors: Lyule67 & Q. Shinchan

Due to recent increases in ragequit proposals and people not being happy with their own action of being locked, we propose that Frax standardize the ragequit proposals for users who wants their funds back early. This proposal aims to make governance more effective while establishing clear and transparent expectations, with fairness that does not differentiate.


  • This proposal makes sure users who are unhappy with their position have a clear way to get their funds/LP position back with standardized costs.
  • It makes future governance for FRAX more effective with less need for discussion and less proposals
  • It protects the interest of our protocols liquidity system with a standardized fee which is intended to make it unattractive to ragequit
  • It protects the protocol from lowering the collateralization ratio below 100% from ragequit proposals.

This proposal does not in any way or form talk about unlocks, which is another topic best judged from case to case in regards to situation.

We propose the following algorithmic solution for a standardized ragequit:
ā€œUSD value of LP positionā€ Ɨ Multiplier = ā€œvirtual USD Value of Boosted Positionā€
ā€œLP Staked + Boost [FraxStats]ā€ Ɨ ā€œLP Price [FraxStats]ā€ = ā€œvirtual USD Value of entire Poolā€
note [FraxStats] refers to the value indicated by for the equivalently named statistic of any given gauged LP pool during any given period.

G = ā€œvirtual USD Value of Boosted Positionā€ Ć· ā€œvirtual USD Value of entire Poolā€
G = decimal percentage (virtual) USD Value of position relative to (virtual) boosted value of entire pool
A = LP Price [FraxStats]
D = LP Amount Staked per position
L = USD Value of LP Position
L = A x D
M= (veFXS-stake-weight-boost + time-lock-boost)
M = Multiplier
P = ā€œLP Staked + Boostā€[FraxStats]
B = ā€œvirtual USD Value of Boosted Positionā€
B = L Ɨ M
P Ɨ A = ā€œvirtual USD Value of entire Poolā€
P x A = N
G = (B Ć· N)
G = (L Ɨ M) Ć· (P Ɨ A)
R = FXS allocated to pool per epoch [FraxStats]
F = FXS Price per epoch [FraxStats]
F = cumulative avg FXS price of relative epochs (use 3 daily averages [morning/noon/night])
E = F^y Ɨ veFXS (user staked)
M = ā€œFXS rewarded to LP Position per Epochā€
M = G Ɨ R
V = ā€œUSD Value of FXS rewarded to LP Position per Epochā€
V = M Ɨ F
V^n = M Ɨ F per epoch
^n = sequential numerical identity of epoch, NOT an exponent (used only as epoch identifier)
^y = most recent ^n
T = ā€œTotal USD Value of FXS received per (lifetime of) positionā€
T = (V^n) + (V^n) ā€¦ + (V^y)
C = Function derived from
value of Collateral Ratio %
If C=0 unlocks are not permitted.
C =
{ CR% ā‰„ 103% =1
CR% ā‰¤ 103% = 0}

Y = Days Remaining til unlock of LP Position
U = ā€œUSD Value of LP Positionā€ ā€“ T
U = L ā€“ T
U = amount due to users after unlock, [post-fxs-repay, pre-fee] (no discount applied)

D = USD fee discount for cvxFXS and veFXS stakers
D = (((days-since-veFXS(or cvxFXS)-lockup Ć· (365.25 Ɨ 4)) Ɨ 50)%) Ɨ E
D ā‰  >(50% Ɨ T)
X = Amount Owed minus Discount

X= ((ā€œTotal USD Value of all FXS rewarded to LPā€ + ā€œ0.06844627% of (U) per Day of Lock Remaining[2.5% a year]ā€) minus D) Ɨ function of C

X = ((T + ((((Y/1461)Ɨ10)%)U)) - D) Ɨ C
Z = L ā€“ X
Z = Amount received by User post fees + deductions

Loop (Z - X) back through CR calculation to ensure CR% ā‰„ 103% before finalizing unlock

We propose that all new gauges/locks have this option from start, so that this will be optional without going through governance. This means that contracts should have a easy to use front end for ragequitting, which may lead to more development work. The work for the front-end should be prioritized at the core teams discretion, to not distract for more short/mid term important matters. That may even mean a delay for new pairs to get the ragequit function. For old pairs, one have go through governance to enable a ragequit function. It is important to clearify that this proposal will still be relevant, and the terms outlined in this proposal will still apply in ragequitting of those old pairs. The proposals for old pairs will simply be if one should activate the ragequit function or not.

We propose LP the protocol takes in fees from the ragequit be added to the FLE, so that the protocol can continue operating the pair or in other ways increase our revenue and liquidity. The protocol will then manage to keep the pair more stable, even during ragequits. It also benefits from the ragequit because it adds value to the balance sheet.

For voting, the following voting suggestion is proposed:

  1. Yes to algorithmic solution
  2. Alternative solution with new discussion phase
  3. No standardization of ragequit proposals.

As for other alternatives, the original discussion can be found in a link under. However the authors want to emphasize that we believe the current proposal is the most fair and best solution. Original discussion: Standardize ragequit proposals and make it a feature and not a bug - #27 by lyule67

9 posts - 6 participants

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Fraxlend [FIP - 375] Create a new Fraxlend pair (WETH/FRAX) on Ethereum Mainnet

Published: Jun 29, 2024

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Propose the creation of a new Fraxlend pair on the Ethereum mainnet: WETH/FRAX with a Loan-to-Value (LTV) ratio of 82%.


  • Fraxlend Pair Name: WETH/FRAX - Variable Rate V2
  • Chain: Ethereum Mainnet
  • Max Authorized Allocation: 10,000,000 FRAX
  • Loan-to-Value (LTV): 82%

Background and Motivation:

Fraxlend is a lending platform that enables the creation of markets between pairs of ERC-20 tokens. Each pair functions as an isolated, permission-less market, allowing users to engage in lending and borrowing activities. This protocol is designed to generate new financial opportunities for the FRAX community.

Automated Market Operations (AMOs) enhance FRAXā€™s capabilities as a leading stablecoin protocol by offering maximum flexibility and opportunities without compromising its core stability mechanisms. To date, multiple AMOs have been deployed on platforms such as Fraxlend, Aave, and Rari.

Introducing the WETH/FRAX pair into the Fraxlend AMO on Ethereum Mainnet aligns with this strategic vision. It will facilitate the minting of FRAX, secured by over-collateralized debt, further strengthening the ecosystem. Additionally, increasing the LTV to 82% makes this pair more competitive with similar offerings on Maker and Aave, thereby attracting more users and liquidity to Fraxlend.


  • For: Approve the creation of the WETH/FRAX Fraxlend pair on Ethereum Mainnet with the specified LTV and max authorized allocation.
  • Against: Do not approve the creation of the new Fraxlend pair.

2 posts - 2 participants

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Miscellaneous Sell FXB and Purchase FXS/wfrxETH for FLE

Published: Jun 29, 2024

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  • Auction $10m worth of FXB. Use the proceeds to purchase $10m FXS/FrxETH for FLE.


  • Leverage FXB to exchange weaker assets for stronger assets and increase TVL and FLE liquidity. In other words, trade USD based debt (i.e., frax) for assets like eth, btc, and fxs with the goal of building a strong treasury of high quality crypto native assets.
  • Pilot to see if it makes sense to implement something more structured and repeatable. For example, sell bonds whenever a designated asset is X% below itā€™s trailing average over the past Y weeks as long as the CR is above 100%.


  1. Sell FXB. I donā€™t know exactly how this works, but the auctions would be created using the existing FXB mechanism. The core team has the best knowledge and experience on appropriate parameters (e.g., duration and interest rate), so it would be left to them to determine those details.
  2. Use 50% of the proceeds to purchase FXS and 50% to purchase ETH. The core team can determine the best purchase strategy (e.g., market buy all at once, two-week twamm) but should keep in mind a goal is to take advantage of beneficial market conditions.
  3. Use the ETH to mint frxETH
  4. Deposit the FXS/frxETH into the FLE FXS/wfrxETH [Fraxtal] pool.


  • Exchanges USD debt (i.e., frax) for FXS and ETH (i.e., trade a weak asset for a strong one), helping build a strong treasury of high quality crypto native assets.
  • Increases frxETH TVL
  • Increases FXS/wfrxETH liquidity
  • Improve sfrxETH returns. The ETH purchased will used to mint frxETH, but wonā€™t be staked. This should decrease the % of frxETH staked (all else being equal) and, therefore improve the returns for sfrxETH holders.
  • Removes FXS from the market. The only way FLE would enter the market is via buy-pressure


  • Assets are volatile compared to how the debt is denominated, increasing the risk that Frax wonā€™t be able to cover the FXB at maturity without impacting the CR.
  • Less impact on FXS price than buy and burn.

Parameters For Debate:

  • Size of the auction for this pilot. Is $10m right
  • Duration and interest for FXB to be auctioned
  • Duration of the FXS and ETH purchases. Is two weeks the right duration?

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AMOs [FIP - 374] Authorize Fraxlend AMO for a new pair (wBTC/FRAX)

Published: Jun 29, 2024

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Authorize Fraxlend AMO to deposit minted FRAX into the wBTC/FRAX lending pair on Fraxtal.


  • Fraxlend Pair Name: wBTC/FRAX - Variable Rate V2
  • Chain: Fraxtal
  • Max Authorized Allocation: 5,000,000 FRAX

Background and Motivation:

Fraxlend is a lending platform that allows anyone to create a market between a pair of ERC-20 tokens. Each pair is an isolated, permission-less market that allows anyone to create and participate in lending and borrowing activities. This protocol is creating new financial opportunities for the FRAX community.

Automated Market Operations (AMOs) make FRAX one of the most potent stablecoin protocols, creating maximum flexibility and opportunity without altering the base stability mechanism that made FRAX a leader in the stablecoin space. So far, we have deployed multiple AMOs, including lending AMOs on the Fraxlend, Aave, and Rari protocols.

Adding the wBTC/FRAX pair into Fraxlend AMO on Fraxtal is the next step in this vision, allowing the protocol to mint FRAX backed by over-collateralized debt.


  • For: Authorize Fraxlend AMO to deposit minted FRAX into the mentioned Fraxlend pair with the mentioned max authorized allocation.
  • Against: Do nothing.

2 posts - 2 participants

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Liquidity Providing [FIP - 373] Symbiosis - FRAX DAO Proposal: Allocate FRAX as initial liquidity for Octopool (Symbiosis cross-chain pool) #2

Published: Jun 26, 2024

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Symbiosis Core team


Symbiosis is one of the leading cross-chain solutions within the market and it offers a decentralized environment ensuring multichain liquidity protocol, which provides its users with features like swapping digital assets between multiple chains without changing the owners of the funds.

The platform is non-custodial and has a simple interface, which makes it user-friendly and users can participate in consensus and sign transactions by staking SIS tokens to run a node within the relayer network. Symbiosis finance can facilitate cross-chain liquidity on a limitless basis where token pairs across different blockchains guarantee that they provide the best price for swapping their asset between any two arbitrary token pairs owing to constant monitoring.

Symbiosis is a portfolio company of Binance Labs, DWF Labs, Blockchain. com, Spartan Group and more investors.

List of chain supported on Symbiosis:

  • Tron
  • Ethereum
  • native Bitcoin
  • Polygon
  • zkSync Era
  • Base
  • Mantle
  • BNB
  • Polygon zkEVM
  • Linea
  • Arbitrum One
  • Arbitrum Nova
  • Avalanche
  • Scroll
  • Optimism
  • KAVA
  • Telos
  • Manta
  • Metis
  • Merlin
  • Rootstock
  • zkLink
  • Mode
  • Blast
  • SEI
  • Taiko
  • Core DAO


Symbiosis is asking for an amount of liquidity from FRAX DAO to deploy FRAX Octopool (Symbiosis singe-sided cross-chain pool) among different chains to provide the ability to move FRAX among all supported chains including Fraxtal.

Currently Symbiosis has 6 type of Octopools across 30 chains:

  • Stable (includes USDT and USDC)
  • ETH (Includes wETH)
  • BTC (Includes wBTC, BTCB, RBTCā€¦)
  • SIS
  • pufETH

All pools can be checked here: Symbiosis

Symbiosis is looking to deploy FRAX Octopool among 6 supported chains: Ethereum, Arbitrum One, Avalanche, Polygon POS, Fraxtal.

Besides that, Symbiosis will integrate Fraxtal as a new chain on Symbiosis and deploy wETH pool there where Symbiosis will provide their own liquidity.

On top of that, Symbiosis will connect 1inch, OpenOcean, Izumi and other DEXs to provide routing to get any assets on those chains including frxETH, sfrxETH, FPI, sFRAX and others.

Symbiosis partners such as Li. fi (Jumper), Socket (Bungee), Rubic, Rango, OKX DEX and more will be able to integrate these pools for FRAX cross-chain transfers between different chains.

Benefits for FRAX and Fraxtal:

  1. Symbiosis will provide solution to easily move FRAX between all popular chains similar how Circle CCTP works
  2. Symbiosis will integrate Fraxtal a new chain and connect it to 30 chains that we support
  3. Symbiosis will create wETH on Fraxtal and add their own liquidity there
  4. Symbiosis will be core provider in Li. fi (Jumper) OP-stack chains cross-chain campaign
  5. Symbiosis will connect FRAX Octopool with all popular on-chain aggregators and DEXs on chains supported by FRAX Octopool
  6. Symbiosis partners such as Li. fi (Jumper), Socket (Bungee), Rubic, Rango, OKX DEX will be able to use this liquidity in their systems and apps

Proposal Details:

Symbiosis is asking for initial liquidity that should be provided in these single-sided liquidity pools:

  • FRAX Ethereum pool: $80,000 of FRAX
  • FRAX Polygon POS pool: $50,000 of FRAX
  • FRAX Arbitrum One pool: $50,000 of FRAX
  • FRAX Fraxtal pool: $80,000 of FRAX

Below you can see how it will look like:

Integration Roadmap:

    • Whitelist FRAX token on Ethereum, Polygon POS, Arbitrum One and create to Octopool (cross-chain pool)
  1. Configure the relayers network to handle requests from Fraxtal in multi-chain mode
  2. Connect Fraxtal to Symbiosis front-end, API and SDK
  3. Integrate wETH and FRAX pools on Fraxtal. Add Fraxtal to FRAX Octopool and wETH to ETH Octoopool
    • Integrate Fraxtal DEX for any-to-any routing on Symbiosis in main app.
  • Integrate 1inch and OpenOcean to FRAX Octopool on Ethereum, Polygon POS, Arbitrum One
  1. Launch marketing campaign (cross-chain quest) with Li. fi to popularize cross-chain swaps to Fraxtal and FRAX
  2. Ask Symbiosis partners to integrate Fraxtal to their protocols and apps

Symbiosis benefits:

  1. Any-to-any tokens swaps (E.g. users will be able to swap any token from chain A to any token on Fraxtal)
  2. Integrated by Li. fi; Socket; Rubic; DODO; Etherdrops and more. All of these aggregators will be able to integrate Fraxtal and FRAX pools through Symbiosis
  3. More than 30 chains integrated including all popular L2s and L1 chains
  4. On-chain swaps supported through on-chain DEXs and aggregators
  5. Opportunity to provide liquidity and earn additional APR on Fraxtal
  6. Low fees and fast transaction speed

Team Members and Qualifications:


Symbiosis App:
Github: Symbiosis Ā· GitHub
Telegram:Telegram: Contact @symbiosis_finance
Audits: GitHub - symbiosis-finance/audits
Dune Dashboard (only supports 6/31 chains):

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AMOs [FIP - 369, ... , 372] Authorize Fraxlend AMO for new pairs on Fraxtal

Published: Jun 25, 2024

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Frax Core Team


Authorize Fraxlend AMO to deposit minted FRAX into the following Fraxlend pairs with the mentioned maximum authorized allocation.

Fraxlend Pair Name Chain Fraxlend Pair Max Authorized Allocation
FXS/FRAX - Variable Rate V2 Fraxtal Link 1,000,000 FRAX
sfrxETH/FRAX - Variable Rate V2 Fraxtal Link 10,000,000 FRAX
FXB20241231/FRAX - Variable Rate V2 Fraxtal Link 5,000,000 FRAX
FXB20261231/FRAX - Variable Rate V2 Fraxtal Link 5,000,000 FRAX

Background and Motivation

Fraxlend is a lending platform that allows anyone to create a market between a pair of ERC-20 tokens. Each pair is an isolated, permission-less market that allows anyone to create and participate in lending and borrowing activities. This protocol is creating new financial opportunities for the FRAX community.

Automated Market Operations (AMOs) make FRAX one of the most potent stablecoin protocols, creating maximum flexibility and opportunity without altering the base stability mechanism that made FRAX a leader in the stablecoin space. So far, we have deployed multiple AMOs, including lending AMOs on the Fraxlend, Aave, and Rari protocols.

Adding more pairs into Fraxlend AMO on Fraxtal is the next step in this vision, allowing the protocol to mint FRAX backed by over-collateralized debt.


  • For: Authorize Fraxlend AMO to deposit minted FRAX into the mentioned Fraxlend pair with the mentioned max authorized allocation.
  • Against: Do nothing.

2 posts - 1 participant

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AMOs [FIP - 368] Create Balancer AMO on Fraxtal

Published: Jun 21, 2024

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This proposal advocates for the allocation of Frax Protocol-Owned-Liquidity (POL) on Balancer v2 on Fraxtal. Frax will deposit into Balancer with the ability to stake their pool tokens in their preferred rewards contracts (e.g. Aura).

Pool Address Child Gauge Root Gauge Max Allocation
sFRAX / sDAI 0xA0b92B33BeafcE388Ce0092afDcd0cA77323Eb12 0x34E040bC0342EbBfBC7a6306EB1B8E6579185c94 0x58e71Af9CE4378b79dAAf2C4E7be9765c442dFC2 $15,000,000
FRAX / USDe 0xa0Af0B88796C1aA67e93db89FEAd2Ab7aA3D6747 0xf99d875Dd868277cf3780f51D69c6E1F8522a1e9 0x259371cA8AC5E7F3163704Ce58B0dA58820173ed $15,000,000
sFRAX / sUSDe / sDAI 0x33251abeCb0364Df98a27A8D5d7b5CCddc774c42 0x275e8514b83479f526673327B279753aBC666a05 0xEA8Ba6b0cB5908A5d803b01CeAea5a6E65D33508 $15,000,000
sFRAX / sfrxETH 0x1570315476480fA80ceC1FFF07A20c1df1aDfD53 0x71c365fB739faFdba44B1564558849216de69958 0x5f0a99997ab2AcC5097dc5349aDF6985761336ac $10,000,000

As members of the Frax team have mentioned, Fraxtalā€™s vision is to become the ā€˜M2 chainā€™ (e.g. yield bearing assets such as sFRAX are native and foundational), whereas Ethereum mainnet is akin to an ā€˜M1 chainā€™ (e.g. ETH isnā€™t inherently yield bearing). Balancer has solidified its position as a primary liquidity hub for yield bearing assets across the EVM ecosystem evident with over $500m in LST and LRT TVL. Its unique, yet battle-tested, AMM design makes Balancer well positioned to support Fraxtal as an integral part of Fraxtalā€™s liquidity layer for both yield bearing assets and core strategic liquidity.

While Balancer and Frax have a longstanding and meaningful relationship, this proposal further solidifies that relationship for the betterment of both protocols by establishing the Balancer AMO on Fraxtal with the authorization of Frax POL for certain initial strategic pools on Balancer.

Proposal Details

Allocate a portion of Fraxā€™s POL of sfrxETH, sFRAX, sDAI, FRAX, USDe, and sUSDe into Balancer pools on Fraxtal. The sFRAX / sDAI, sFRAX / sUSDe / sDAI, and sFRAX / sfrxETH pools will be considered core pools on Balancer.

All four pools will be eligible for BAL and AURA rewards.


  • For: Authorize Frax to allocate the specified POL in Balancer Pools on Fraxtal
  • Against: Do nothing

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AMOs [FIP - 366, 367] Authorize Fraxlend AMO for new pairs ( MATIC/FRAX, cbETH/FRAX )

Published: Jun 18, 2024

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Frax Core Team


Authorize Fraxlend AMO to deposit minted FRAX into the following Fraxlend pairs with the mentioned max authorized allocation.

Fraxlend Pair Name Chain Fraxlend Pair Address Max Authorized Allocation
MATIC/FRAX - Variable Rate V2 Ethereum TBD 5,000,000 FRAX
cbETH/FRAX - Variable Rate V2 Ethereum TBD 5,000,000 FRAX

Background and Motivation

Fraxlend is a lending platform that allows anyone to create a market between a pair of ERC-20 tokens. Each pair is an isolated, permission-less market that allows anyone to create and participate in lending and borrowing activities. This protocol is creating new financial opportunities for the FRAX community.

Automated Market Operations (AMOs) make FRAX one of the most potent stablecoin protocols, creating maximum flexibility and opportunity without altering the base stability mechanism that made FRAX a leader in the stablecoin space. So far, we have deployed multiple AMOs, including lending AMOs on the Fraxlend, Aave, and Rari protocols.

Adding more pairs into Fraxlend AMO is the next step in this vision, allowing the protocol to mint FRAX backed by over-collateralized debt.


  • For: Authorize Fraxlend AMO to deposit minted FRAX into the mentioned Fraxlend pair with the mentioned max authorized allocation.
  • Against: Do nothing.

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Liquidity Providing [FIP - 365] Symbiosis - FRAX DAO Proposal: Allocate FRAX as initial liquidity for Octopool (Symbiosis cross-chain pool)

Published: Jun 13, 2024

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Symbiosis Core team


Symbiosis is one of the leading cross-chain solutions within the market and it offers a decentralized environment ensuring multichain liquidity protocol, which provides its users with features like swapping digital assets between multiple chains without changing the owners of the funds.

The platform is non-custodial and has a simple interface which makes it user-friendly and users can participate in consensus and sign transactions by staking SIS tokens to run a node within the relayer network. Symbiosis finance can facilitate cross-chain liquidity on a limitless basis where token pairs across different blockchains guarantee that they provide the best price for swapping their asset between any two arbitrary token pairs owing to constant monitoring.

Symbiosis is a portfolio company of Binance Labs, DWF Labs, Blockchain. com, Spartan Group and more investors.

List of chain supported on Symbiosis:

  • Tron
  • Ethereum
  • native Bitcoin
  • Polygon
  • zkSync Era
  • Base
  • Mantle
  • BNB
  • Polygon zkEVM
  • Linea
  • Arbitrum One
  • Arbitrum Nova
  • Avalanche
  • Scroll
  • Optimism
  • KAVA
  • Telos
  • Manta
  • Metis
  • Merlin
  • Rootstock
  • zkLink
  • Mode
  • Blast
  • SEI
  • Taiko
  • Core DAO


Symbiosis is asking for an amount of liquidity from FRAX DAO to deploy FRAX Octopool (Symbiosis singe-sided cross-chain pool) among different chains to provide the ability to move FRAX among all supported chains including Fraxtal.

Currently Symbiosis has 6 type of Octopools across 30 chains:

  • Stable (includes USDT and USDC)
  • ETH (Includes wETH)
  • BTC (Includes wBTC, BTCB, RBTCā€¦)
  • SIS
  • pufETH

All pools can be checked here: Symbiosis

Symbiosis is looking to deploy FRAX Octopool among 6 supported chains: Ethereum, Arbitrum One, Avalanche, Polygon POS, Fraxtal.

Besides that, Symbiosis will integrate Fraxtal as a new chain on Symbiosis and deploy wETH pool there where Symbiosis will provide their own liquidity.

On top of that, Symbiosis will connect 1inch, OpenOcean, Izumi and other DEXs to provide routing to get any assets on those chains including frxETH, sfrxETH, FPI, sFRAX and others.

Symbiosis partners such as Li. fi (Jumper), Socket (Bungee), Rubic, Rango, OKX DEX and more will be able to integrate these pools for FRAX cross-chain transfers between different chains.

Benefits for FRAX and Fraxtal:

  1. Symbiosis will provide solution to easily move FRAX between all popular chains similar how Circle CCTP works
  2. Symbiosis will integrate Fraxtal a new chain and connect it to 30 chains that we support
  3. Symbiosis will create wETH on Fraxtal and add their own liquidity there
  4. Symbiosis will be core provider in Li. fi (Jumper) OP-stack chains cross-chain campaign
  5. Symbiosis will connect FRAX Octopool with all popular on-chain aggregators and DEXs on chains supported by FRAX Octopool
  6. Symbiosis partners such as Li. fi (Jumper), Socket (Bungee), Rubic, Rango, OKX DEX will be able to use this liquidity in their systems and apps

Proposal Details:

Symbiosis is asking for initial liquidity that should be provided in these single-sided liquidity pools:

  • FRAX Ethereum pool: $100,000 of FRAX
  • FRAX Polygon POS pool: $70,000 of FRAX
  • FRAX Avalanche pool: $50,000 of FRAX
  • FRAX Arbitrum One pool: $70,000 of FRAX
  • FRAX Fraxtal pool: $100,000 of FRAX

Below you can see how it will look like:

Integration Roadmap:

    • Whitelist FRAX token on Ethereum, Polygon POS, Avalanche, Arbitrum One and create Octopool (cross-chain pool) of FRAX
  1. Configure the relayers network to handle requests from Fraxtal in multi-chain mode
  2. Connect Fraxtal to Symbiosis front-end, API and SDK
  3. Integrate wETH and FRAX pools on Fraxtal. Add Fraxtal to FRAX Octopool and wETH to ETH Octoopool
  • Integrate Fraxtal DEX for any-to-any routing on Symbiosis in main app.

  • Integrate 1inch and OpenOcean to FRAX Octopool on Ethereum, Polygon POS, Avalanche, Arbitrum One

  1. Launch marketing campaign (cross-chain quest) with Li. fi to popularize cross-chain swaps to Fraxtal and FRAX
  2. Ask other Symbiosis partners to integrate Fraxtal to their protocols and apps

Team Members and Qualifications:

Alexey Lushnikov, CTO & Co-Founder -

Nick Avramov, CBDO & Co-Founder - Nick Avramov - Symbiosis | LinkedIn



Symbiosis App:

Github: Symbiosis Ā· GitHub

Telegram:Telegram: Contact @symbiosis_finance


Audits: GitHub - symbiosis-finance/audits




Dune Dashboard (only supports 6/31 chains):


  • For: Allocate 390,000 FRAX as initial liquidity for Octopool (Symbiosis cross-chain pool)
  • Against: Do nothing

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Fraxlend [FIP - 364] Add a new market into Fraxlend on Ethereum (wOETH/frxETH)

Published: Jun 05, 2024

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Peter, Origin Protocol core team


The proposal aims to incorporate a new market into Fraxlend on Ethereum mainnet with the following specifications:

Asset Collateral Rate Type Chain Max LTV Fraxlend Pair Address
frxETH wOETH Variable Rate V2 Ethereum TBD TBD


The proposal seeks to introduce a new market into Fraxlend on Ethereum for wOETH.
The new market would lead to increased TVL for Fraxlend, additional revenue to the Frax Protocol and DAO from active loans and liquidations, and will attract a wider user base.


Origin Ether (OETH) was launched in May 2023 and is an ERC20 that generates yield while sitting in your wallet. Similar to stETH, OETH yield is paid out daily and automatically (sometimes multiple times per day) through a positive rebase in the form of additional OETH, proportional to the amount of OETH held.

Until a recent proposal, OETH was an LST aggregator that earned yield by tapping into blue-chip protocols while being collateralized by other LSTs. Over the next few weeks, OETH LST collateral will be divested back to ETH, as OETH will be transitioned into a full-fledged LST. OETH will soon become a superior LST with an extremely tight peg (1:1 redemptions to ETH thru Originā€™s ARM) and high yields thanks to a combination of the OETH AMO and DVT direct staking through SSV/P2p.

OETH is heavily audited by OpenZeppelin, with audits being conducted quarterly. Previous audits can be found in the OETH docs here. OETH pricing can be determined using the OETH/ETH Chainlink, Dia, or Tellor oracles.

wOETH is a ERC-4626 tokenized vault designed to accrue yield in price rather than in quantity. When you wrap OETH, you get back a fixed number of wOETH tokens. This number will not go up - you will have the same number of wOETH tokens tomorrow as you have today. However, the number of OETH tokens that you can unwrap to will go up over time, as wOETH earns yield at the same rate as standard OETH. The wOETH to OETH exchange rate can be read from the contract (function number 16), or via the OETH dapp.

wOETH contract address: 0xDcEe70654261AF21C44c093C300eD3Bb97b78192

Current exchange rate as of 6/5/24: 1 wOETH = 1.09228118 OETH

A frxETH/OETH Curve pool is currently available with $250k+ of available liquidity:


  • For: Deploy mentioned lending pair on Fraxlend in Ethereum mainnet

  • Against: Do nothing

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Fraxlend [FIP - 363] Fraxlend Pilot Program with Oval on sUSDe/FRAX and USDe/FRAX

Published: Jun 05, 2024

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Simple Summary

This proposal seeks to implement Oval into the sUSDe/FRAX and USDe/FRAX Fraxlend markets as a pilot program. Oval will enable Fraxlend to recapture liquidation MEV that is currently lost to block builders and proposers. After evaluating Ovalā€™s effectiveness, Fraxlend can consider whether to enable Oval on other markets.


This proposal seeks to implement Oval into the sUSDe/FRAX and USDe/FRAX markets as a pilot program.

Oval is a liquidation MEV recapture tool composed of 2 parts:

  1. A simple, audited smart contract that wraps an oracle price feed. This contract wrapper can not change or delay the price feed data. It only allows for new prices that create liquidation opportunities to be auctioned off to liquidators.
  2. Offchain infrastructure that executes the auction. This is built on top of Flashbotā€™s MEV-Share which is a trusted MEV infrastructure leader.

Integrating Oval will allow Frax to recapture a portion of the MEV that is currently being lost on liquidations. Frax can decide what to do with their portion of the recaptured MEV (ie. return to lenders or borrowers, protocol revenue).

The sUSDe and USDe markets have been chosen as they use a single price feed that is mutable via governance and Chainlink has a USDe/USD price feed available. Oval already has pre-written and audited Chainlink adaptors, so only minor revisions are required to the Fraxlend smart oracle contract. The integration process is simple and will require minimal developer time from the Fraxlend. This pilot program will allow Frax to evaluate the effectiveness and potential scalability of Oval for broader application within its markets.


When a liquidation occurs on Fraxlend (and most other lending protocols), the liquidated user is charged a liquidation fee. These fees go to the 3rd party liquidator and ensure that it is profitable for liquidations to occur in market conditions that are unfavorable to liquidators. However, this often overpays for the liquidation. In these scenarios, liquidators participate in MEV by competitively bidding in an auction for first access to the profitable liquidation. The ultimate beneficiary of this is block proposers who can take up to 90% of the Liquidation Fee.

By integrating Oval, Fraxlend can run a similar competitive auction where they are the main beneficiaries, thereby recapturing the value that would have gone to the block proposer through MEV. Frax is then free to decide what to do with their portion of the recaptured MEV (ie. return to lenders or borrowers, protocol revenue).

Specification & Rationale:

What is Oval?

Oval enables liquidation MEV capture by wrapping oracle price updates as they are pushed onchain so that MEV cannot be extracted without the consent of the protocol.

With Oval, when searchers perform a liquidation on Fraxlend an order flow auction is triggered using Flashbotsā€™ MEV Shareā€”a battle tested tool that allows MEV searchers to compete for MEV extraction offchain.

To extract the liquidation MEV created by an update, searchers must submit a winning bid, most of which is paid to the protocol as revenue. The winner of the auction gets the right to backrun the oracle update transactionā€”performing the liquidation by adding their transaction to the block immediately after the price update.

If no bid is received by the end of the auction window, the oracle price is automatically released and Fraxlend liquidations function as normal. This approach utilizes the solid foundation of Chainlink price feeds and MEV-Share to extract MEV from liquidations.

The diagram below showcases, at a high level, a comparison between current liquidations and liquidations with Oval.

Oracles & Oval

Oval is not a price feed oracle

  • Oval wraps incoming prices from oracle price feeds, shielding them from MEV searchers.
  • The Oval contract will use the Oracle price feed and initiate an auction for the MEV searchers to bid for access to liquidations.
  • If no one participates in the auction, the price update will be released after 12 seconds (1 block).
  • All Fraxlend logic checks on the price feed are downstream of Oval and can remain as is.


Deploying Oval requires two simple steps:

  1. Deploy Oval smart contracts for the sUSDe and USDe markets
  2. Reference the Oval wrapped contracts in a new Fraxlend oracle smart contract
  3. Update the markets oracle addresses to the new Fraxlend oracle

We recommend that Fraxlend receives their Oval revenue to a Frax treasury or governance controlled multi-sig for the pilot program. After the pilot program, Frax governance can decide how these funds should be handled and develop a smart contract solution for distributing the funds if desired.

These steps are further detailed in our docs. UMA is committed to providing ongoing support to ensure a successful implementation of Oval.


  • To ensure the security of this system, Oval has completed an audit by Open Zeppelin and has an additional security bounty of up to $1M for any vulnerabilities that are identified.
  • UMA has worked closely with Flashbots to develop Oval. Flashbots has updated the MEV-Share design to add support for Oval.


Yes: Integrate Oval into the sUSDe and USDe Fraxlend Markets

No: Do not Integrate Oval into the sUSDe and USDe Fraxlend Markets

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Scaling (4)
DAO Programs & Initiatives WakeUp Labs: Front-end interface to force transaction inclusion during sequencer downtime

Published: Jul 25, 2024

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The goal of this thread is to keep you updated on the front-end interface project for Arbitrum that we at WakeUp Labs are developing.

Lately, we proposed creating an interface that allows users to push transactions through even when the Arbitrum sequencer is offline. After posting our proposal on Tally, we were chosen to develop it with support from the Arbitrum community for WakeUp Labs to take on this project.

Whatā€™s the project about?

This project aims to strengthen the Arbitrum ecosystem by developing an interface that allows users to submit transactions directly to Layer 1 (L1) even if the Arbitrum sequencer, responsible for handling transaction submissions, experiences downtime or issues. The main objective is to address the risk of dependency on a single point of failure presented by the sequencer.

The proposal focuses on decentralization and empowering users through an open-source approach, enabling other teams to deploy their own versions of the interface. This initiative not only enhances the networkā€™s resilience but also provides users with greater control and confidence in the Arbitrum ecosystem. By enabling direct transaction submission to L1, users can bypass potential issues with the sequencer or any attempts at censorship, thereby ensuring uninterrupted transaction capabilities. This approach also upholds Arbitrumā€™s trustless security model, reinforcing the integrity of its Rollup technology even during operational challenges.

Arbitrumā€™s Forum

Last February, we submitted a proposal to the Arbitrum Foundation Forum. It garnered considerable attention, with numerous exchanges and suggestions from community members that helped us improve our proposal with their feedback. This was done to assess the sentiment related to our proposal and to enhance it based on community feedback.

You can check the full proposal here :point_down:

Weā€™ve also held an open call to discuss and share all the insights of our proposal to Arbitrum in a meeting :point_down:

WakeUp's Open call: discussion on Arbitrum's proposal

Later on, we conducted a successful snapshot sentiment check that you can check here.

With over 99M votes in favor and less than 1% against.

The Tally formal proposal

To move forward, we posted our proposal on the Tally platform. After giving Arbitrum members time to vote on its value to the community, we were selected to develop the interface.

Development Roadmap

Technical Research, POC, Documentation and Testing

Weā€™ll take a deep dive into the Delayed Inbox functionality and its integration, as well as create a proof of concept (PoC). The WakeUp Teamā€™s research will be made public, with a summary shared in an X (Twitter) thread and a detailed article posted in the OSS GitHub repository once itā€™s completed. This document will also outline the necessary security measures for the development process.

Endpoint Development

Creation of endpoints to interact with the backend logic.

Logic Integration and Testing

Connecting the frontend to the endpoints and verifying the operational logic, and test heavily the MVP.

Design Phase

Additional time allocated for the design process, ensuring a user-friendly experience.

UI Development

Weā€™ll craft an aesthetic and intuitive user interface inspired by existing high-quality designs. To enhance user security, weā€™ll add a banner at the top of the website to verify the URL and guard against phishing sites.

Enhancing Documentation Clarity and Usability

We will finalize and clearly document the open-source codebase. As mentioned above, any team should be able to run their own instance of the service, so itā€™s crucial that everything is clearly explained. Weā€™ll also include a list of URLs for instances set up by others that we have verified as correctly implemented.

Service & Maintenance after Launch

We are committed to hosting the site on either Vercel or AWS, ensuring continuous operation 24/7 for a minimum of 24 months. Once we achieve a stable version that has been thoroughly tested, we will also deploy an instance on IPFS to offer a fully decentralized option. While this may not be the most performant choice initially, it will be available for at least these 2 years, with plans to extend indefinitely after evaluating its performance.
At WakeUp Labs we will initially refine the website based on user and Arbitrum community feedback, conducting ongoing testing to maintain reliability. Any issues such as downtime or crashes will be promptly addressed by our team for at least the next two years.

Estimated Timeframe

Approximately 4.5 months for full implementation, including design phases, followed by 3 months dedicated to post-launch iterations. We will then commit to hosting, monitoring, and addressing any possible errors for 24 months after launch.


Developing a front-end interface to facilitate force-including transactions during Sequencer downtime is a crucial initiative within the Arbitrum ecosystem. This proposal aims to empower users by ensuring they can execute transactions even when the Sequencer is unavailable. This effort aligns closely with Arbitrumā€™s objectives of decentralization and bolstering user autonomy.

To ensure the solution is effective during critical scenarios, itā€™s essential that other projects can independently deploy their own instances of this service. This is why the project is conceived as open-source from inception, and we are committed to actively supporting teams interested in adopting it.

Whatā€™s Next?

As we embark on the first phase ā€” Technical Research, POC, Documentation, and Testing ā€” we will keep you updated with all the progress!

Also, you can check out our general communications thread on this forum to learn more about us and what weā€™re building on Arbitrum!

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General WakeUp Labs - General Comms Thread Our Journey on Arbitrum

Published: Jul 25, 2024

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WakeUp Labs is a studio offering advanced development services to EVM-Compatible Chains, DAOs, and businesses. This summary provides a brief overview of the company, to later provide a timeline of contributions to Arbitrum, with continuous updates.


This first entry will introduce WakeUp, detailing its history, track record, intentions, and team composition. However, it aims to be the initial post in an ever-evolving thread, where all significant interactions with Arbitrum will be added. This approach seeks to offer greater transparency and traceability to the activities carried out. Since WakeUp is a company, it must adhere to NDAs, compliance, and other legal obligations; therefore, it reserves the right to choose what to share in this thread.

Whatā€™s Wake Up Labs.

WakeUp Labs is a software development studio dedicated to advancing decentralized technology and scaling Ethereum. We specialize in delivering cutting-edge development services to EVM-Compatible chains, DAOs, and businesses entering the blockchain space. Since our inception in 2022, our team has led the charge in innovation within the sector.

WakeUp Labs had established itself as a well known player in the LATAM ecosystem, providing a comprehensive suite of development services including Product Discovery, Product Design, and Software Implementation. Our goal is to address and overcome the challenges our clients face.

Our extensive development expertise, combined with a commitment to excellence, has empowered our clients to achieve significant revenue growth, secure investment rounds, reduce costs, and enhance their overall performance.

History, Track Record and Team composition.

Since 2022, WakeUp has been actively participating in the ecosystem, conducting workshops for developers both online and in person, attending international conferences, and lending its significant technical expertise to the community.

Besides, in 2024, WakeUp has provided its services to at least 45 clients, with 4 based in Spain, 7 in the US, and the remaining majority from Latin America.

Among these collaborations are:

  • An AAVE fork, known for its complexity.
  • End-user projects, abstracting the complexity of Blockchain, such as Win Investments.
  • Contributions to well-recognized ecosystem projects like DAIMO.
  • Innovative projects involving the tokenization of real-world assets and video games, such as Mokens League.
  • Healthcare Industry Projects like Group Dalt.
  • Optimism: RFG-1.

Our ambition drives us to extend our influence further, aiming to deliver substantial value through our technical solutions.

Our active participation in conferences, close collaboration with DAOs, and engagement with stakeholders across various projects underscore our commitment. Furthermore, we are dedicated to keeping pace with the evolving demands of emerging technologies, such as Arbitrumā€™s ecosystem, ensuring that our services remain at the forefront of the industryā€™s needs.

Our team consists of 3 founders with extensive experience in the ecosystem:

  • Milton Berman, co-founder and CEO, brings extensive experience as a CTO in a decentralized identity project supported by IDB Lab and Bitcoin NGO. He has also worked as a Product Owner at Rootstock blockchain and as a CTO in a mobile game studio company. With a background in working with large corporations, Milton possesses the technical expertise and strategic vision necessary to drive the success of our project.
  • Maximiliano del Hoyo, co-founder and CBDO, has a diverse background in software and finance. His previous experience at notable companies like Microsoft and Nestle provides him with the necessary knowledge and network to navigate the intersection of technology and business, ensuring the effective achievement of the projectā€™s goals.
  • Gonzalo Silman, co-founder and COO, possesses a unique blend of expertise in economics (former university professor), finance, and entrepreneurial experience in creating gaming products for LATAM communities. This diverse background brings a fresh perspective and innovative thinking to our project, enabling us to understand user needs and craft tailored solutions that resonate with our target audience.

We also have a world-class technical and communication team.

WakeUp boasts a dedicated full-time team of seven developers, each a university graduate with degrees in engineering and boasting at least seven years of development experience. We also have one dedicated product designer and one dedicated communication professional.

Our team includes:

  • Two Solidity experts who have previously worked at INTEL and have been part of SideChains development teams since 2018.
  • Five more full-stack developers.
  • One Product Designer with more than 10 years of experience.
  • On the communications front, Jess, holding a degree in Communication Sciences from the University of Buenos Aires, is currently furthering her education as an MBA student, with more than 7 years in the industry.

In addition to our team, we collaborate with Strategic Partners who bring their expertise in design, project management, and specific areas of software development to enhance our capabilities and deliver comprehensive solutions.

Whatā€™s next

WakeUp is committed to strengthening its ties with Ethereum aligned chains. We plan to leverage our expertise by actively participating and sharing our technical insights in forums, thus progressively enhancing our technical capabilities.

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Biweekly Updates (STIP) Solv Protocol STIP.b Program Updates

Published: Jul 25, 2024

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Bi-Weekly Update - Epoch #1

Recap of the Previous Two Weeks (07/01 to 07/14)

ARB Received Last Disbursement: 25,000 ARB

ARB Utilized as Incentives in the Last Two Weeks: 3,125 ARB

Contracts incentivized over the last 2 weeks: tbd

Contract address label Form completed for all addresses: tbd

ARB left over: 18,750 ARB

Plan for leftover ARB: Kept in reserve to be used on next epochs for co-incentives of the liquidity of SolvBTC/SolvBTC.ENA/SolvBTC.BBN with 3~4 DEXes.

Summary of incentives:


Note: The new DUNE dashboard will be integrated within OpenBlock ideally by next Epoch.
It will include the data of SolvBTC.arb vaults which now is not in the previous dashboard.
Please refer the previous dashboard and another one for SolvBTC.arb as below for this epoch.

Average daily TVL: to be filled from next epoch

Average daily volumes: to be filled from next epoch

Average daily trades: to be filled from next epoch

Number of unique user addresses: to be filled from next epoch

Avg Daily Transaction fees (7d MA): to be filled from next epoch

Link to Dashboard showing metrics: (excluded SolvBTC.arb) (all SolvBTC data included SolvBTC.arb and its LSDs)

Plan for the next epoch (07/14 to 07/28)

Amount of ARB to be distributed: 3,125~12,500 ARB (3~4 Dexes)

Contracts that will be incentivized:

  • DODO Mining contract:
  • TBD

Contract address label Form completed for all addresses: tbd

Mechanism for distribution incentives: sending to mining contract of the affiliated DEXes

Summary of incentives plan:

  1. DEX Liquidity for SolvBTC and its LSDs: co-incentives with DEXes by sending ARB tokens to their mining contract
  2. Yield Markets: Airdrop to users by the end the STIP.b , according to the TVL snapshots

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Proposals [Non-Constitutional] Transparency and Standardized Metrics for Orbit Chains on

Published: Jul 25, 2024

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Transparency and Standardized Metrics for Orbit Chains on [Non-Constitutional]


Brief background: This proposal has been created initially for the Arbitrum GovHack Brussels and was selected as one of the finalists. This version is an updated version, especially making sure that this proposal is understood as a start to have more usage analytics around Orbit chains, and that the future process of data collection and onboarding of chains is streamlined, and constantly iterated on to make the listings cheaper and more affordable/sustainable for upcoming (and potentially smaller, more niche) Orbit chains.


We want to increase the transparency into the Orbit stack by aggregating important metrics on a chain level so that users, builders, and DAO members can make better data-driven decisions, including what revenue an Orbit chain generates. This means creating a dedicated Arbitrum Orbit Stack page on having 20 chains listed with standardized metrics for each chain and an aggregated fundamental metrics view for the whole stack.


So far, there is no go-to place that provides an overview of Arbitrum Orbit. Standardized metrics allow a better idea of the performance and outlook of each chain being part of the Arbitrum Orbit. This results in greater transparency for all chains regarding their activity and how the usage of one chain compares to another.

Users can use this information to gather a quick overview of the Orbit ecosystem. Builders can use the different metrics to better track adoption, and DAO members can make more data-driven decisions on future initiatives (e.g., Orbit retrospective funding based on onchain contribution to the DAO).

Also, visibility for the overall Arbitrum Orbit stack is increased, and the whole Ethereum ecosystem can see what is going on in the Arbitrum ecosystem - where to be and interact, build, or allocate funding towards. Additionally, for DAO members and delegates, revenue and cost metrics provide future insight into how the Orbit approach should be developed to make it profitable for the DAO as well (includes more transparency into how much Orbit chains are paying to Arbitrum One).

This proposal is meant as a start for a long-term partnership to provide listing of Orbit chains long-term and on a recurring basis on growthepie. After the listing of the first setup and 20 initial chains, we would like to follow up with another AIP to enable listing of the 21st+ chain.


growthepie is an entirely public goods funded analytics platform for Ethereum scaling solutions. The AIP aligns closely with Arbitrum communityā€™s mission and guiding values. At growthepie, Ethereum alignment is at the core of our existence, ensuring that our efforts contribute to the broader Ethereum ecosystem.

We aim to enhance transparency, enabling data-driven decisions that are crucial for tracking outcomes and improving strategic decisions. All our code is open-source, allowing anyone to review and verify our metric logic. This openness fosters trust and ensures the integrity of our platform. We prioritize inclusivity by offering our platform and API completely free of charge, ensuring maximum accessibility for all users.

Our user-focused design philosophy centers on the needs of our diverse audience, making data easy to digest and actionable for all users. We uphold the values of neutrality and openness as we believe in the power of data to increase transparency and objectivity. All information on our platform is freely available, reinforcing our commitment to these principles.

Key Terms

  • Revenue: Gas fees paid by chain users
  • Onchain contributions to DAO: Orbit chain revenue contribution to the DAO (exact mechanics and details TBD)
  • Fundamentals metrics: Transaction Count, Active Addresses, Throughput, Stablecoin Market Cap, TVL, Revenue (Fees paid by users), Costs (Settlement/DA), Profit (Revenue ā€“ costs), FDV, Market Cap, Transaction Costs


growthepie has proven to be a platform for people wanting to understand the overall health, activity, and usage across the Ethereum scaling solutions ecosystem. Arbitrum One was listed as one of the first 5 chains from the beginning. Since then, Arbitrum members have used the platform to compare Arbitrum One with other Layer 2s, and we have provided reliable data and visualizations for Arbitrumā€™s community. Marketing has also used our charts to provide data-driven insights into the ecosystem and how Arbitrum One is growing, giving it more credibility.

Building on this, the Arbitrum Orbit should be given a dedicated place on growthepie with 20 chains listed in the beginning. This allows us to provide a mostly complete overview of the whole Arbitrum stack. This proposal is aimed at the start of a longer partnership. Hence, as part of this proposal, we will design and set up the initial pages and backend needed to onboard Orbit chains, aggregate fundamental metrics, and especially revenue metrics for each chain.

Each Orbit chain ā€“ as Arbitrum One and any other chain listed on growthepie ā€“ will have their own set of metrics (in the categories activity, value locked, economics, and convenience) and their own single chain page. Additionally, each chain will appear on each fundamental metrics page for which the specific metric is available.

On top of that, we will introduce a Stack view (new page) that provides a complete overview of the whole stack aggregated. This will be on a dedicated page which will enable users, builders, and DAO members solely interested in the Orbit to go to this place and learn more. See the prototype which includes:

  • Leading chart that aggregates Layer 2s and/or Layer 3s together showing growth over time
  • Table that lists all available Orbit chains on growthepie separated into Layer 2 and Layer 3
  • Fundamental metrics section with the aggregated view of all chains combined in the Arbitrum Orbit

This set of views will make it possible to easily get an overview and see the growth of the whole Orbit ecosystem but also to compare certain Orbit chains against each other (or against other Layer 2s from other ecosystems).

Steps to Implement

Timeframe starting from the date of DAO proposal approval and weeks/months add up to each other. Total duration ~ 5 months. Chain listing time is also dependent on potential collaboration with an indexing provider and their speed of chain indexing.


Step Resources (hrs) Costs (in ARB) Timeframes
Design and implement general platform UX adjustments on (more chains mean restructuring of UI elements and different filter logic) Design - 20, Frontend - 40 13,800 ARB 3 weeks
Design and implementing frontend views: Orbit specific stack view, Single chain view (for each Orbit chain), Fundamentals view (to compare Orbit chains) Design ā€“ 15, Frontend ā€“ 50 14,950 ARB 3 weeks
Streamline listing process Frontend ā€“ 10, Backend - 15 5,750 ARB 2 weeks
Data infra setup (RPCs, database execution) and Frontend hosting costs Backend ā€“ 30 6,900 ARB 2 weeks
Metric aggregation & Logic: Activity (Transaction Count, Active Addresses ā€“ daily and monthly), Value locked (Stablecoin Market Cap, Total Value Locked), Economics (Revenue, Costs, Onchain Profit), plus Market Cap and Fully Diluted Valuation where applicable, Convenience metrics: Transaction Costs (median 1-day aggregation), DAO Contributions (how much back to ARB) Research - 20, Backend - 40 13,800 ARB 2 weeks
Listing first 10 Orbit chains and maintaining frontend + data pipeline for 1 year Design ā€“ 10, Research ā€“ 40, Backend ā€“ 80, Frontend ā€“ 20, Infra - fixed 112,500 ARB 2 months
Listing 10 more Orbit chains and maintaining frontend + data pipeline for 1 year (20 total) Design ā€“ 10, Research ā€“ 40, Backend ā€“ 80, Frontend ā€“ 20, Infra - fixed 112,500 ARB 2 months

Overall Cost

Fix setup costs ($ARB 55.2k):

  • Design and implement general platform UX adjustments (more chains mean restructuring of UI elements and different filter logic)
  • Designing and implementing frontend views: Orbit specific stack view, Single chain view (for each Orbit chain), Fundamentals view
  • Data infra setup (RPCs, database execution)
  • Metric aggregation & Logic: Activity (Transaction Count, Active Addresses ā€“ daily and monthly), Value locked (Stablecoin Market Cap, Total Value Locked), Economics (Revenue, Costs, Onchain Profit), plus Market Cap and Fully Diluted Valuation where applicable, Convenience metrics: Transaction Costs (median 1-day aggregation), DAO Contributions (how much back to ARB)

Initial chain listings (20 Orbit chains in total) and maintenance for 1 year ($ARB 220k):

  • Integrate brand assets (icon, colors, etc.) for each chain
  • Pull raw transaction data and store in our database
  • Setup metric logic where applicable (e.g., bridge contracts for value locked, custom gas tokens, DA layer, settlement layer)
  • Daily aggregation of all relevant datapoints
  • Aggregated data / metrics available via API (for frontend and other data consumers)

Requirement: Arbitrum Foundation provides indexed data. If not, an additional cost for indexing will be added ($ARB 5000 per chain)

Recurring costs also cover:

  • Hosting frontend
  • Maintenance backend / data pipelines
  • Regular posts on social media about interesting developments (from data perspective)

Total Costs: $ARB 275.2k

Further information

This proposal has been initiated during the Arbitrum GovHack Brussels 2024 for:

  • Track Number: 8
  • Track Name: Orbit Stylus Infra

Initial Challenge Statement:

How might we help Arbitrum users, builders, and DAO members to make Orbit metrics available in an easy-to-digest manner so that DAO processes can be improved and builders can get an ecosystem overview resulting in more data-driven decisions and transparent processes?

growthepie team members:

Tobias Schreier, Matthias Seidl, plus growthepie team for implementation: Manish Gupta, Lorenz Lehmann, Ahoura Azarbin, Nader Bennour, Michael May, ETH Wave
More on our contributors page: growthepie Contributors

Team Lead:

Tobias Schreier (TG: @tobschcom)


Pitch Board

Proposal Video

growthepie platform

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Proposals AIP: ArbOS 31 ā€œBiancaā€ - Activation of Arbitrum Stylus, RIP-7212 Support, & Nova Fee Router Proposal

Published: Jul 25, 2024

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Type: Constitutional


This AIP proposes the activation of ArbOS 31 on Arbitrum One and Arbitrum Nova. This ArbOS upgrade brings a number of improvements, including:

  • Activating Arbitrum Stylus to enable developers to build the next generation of Rust or C++ applications on the EVM.
  • New precompile for verifying the secp256r1 elliptical curve (as part of RIP-7212)
  • Change to fee collection on Arbitrum Nova, making it easier for ArbitrumDAO to manage and access the funds.

This AIP combines the following three temperature checks:

A new ArbOS 31 ā€œBiancaā€ was released between the time of the temperature check votes and submitting this proposal. ArbOS 31 release builds upon ArbOS 30 and includes new optimizations that were discovered during rigorous testing and feedback from Stylus teams. The ArbOS upgrade is shipped as a new Nitro node release alongside new upgrades to the rollup contracts for Arbitrum One and Arbitrum Nova.

Note: ArbOS 31 ā€œBiancaā€ will be the canonical ArbOS version for the ā€œBiancaā€ family of releases.

Since the DAO has already signaled support for the adoption of all three changes in all three temperature checks, this proposal will proceed to an on-chain AIP on Tally next.

Changes included

1. Activation of Arbitrum Stylus: a new WebAssembly-based (WASM) VM to support smart contracts written in Rust and C++

Stylus is an upgrade to the node software that powers all Arbitrum chains. This upgrade introduces a new WASM-based Virtual Machine (VM) that runs alongside the EVM. This enables developers to write smart contracts in new programming languages, like Rust, that are more efficient than Solidity smart contracts.

Stylus is a first-of-its-kind technology resulting from breakthrough engineering efforts in the Arbitrum ecosystem. Unlike other alternative VMs, the Stylus VM is not a replacement for the EVM & is instead purely additive to the EVM. This means that Stylus contracts and EVM contracts are fully interoperable. The two VMs work together to facilitate state transitions, each playing their part in executing their respective bytecode. Support for more memory efficient and safer languages will unlock a new generation of applications that were previously impossible to build on the EVM.

The Stylus VM and fraud prover were originally developed as a fork of the Nitro codebase before. The Stylus codebase has since been audited (Trail of Bits audit report) and merged back into the Nitro codebase:

Stylus contracts can be written using the Stylus SDK, which employs Solidity-equivalent ABIs and storage patterns to ensure cross-language interoperability. For example, existing Solidity DEXs can list Rust tokens without modification. New SDKs for additional programming languages can be added over time. Current SDK repositories:

If you would like to better understand the lifecycle of a Stylus contract, head over to A Gentle Introduction: Stylus. For teams who are curious to learn more about how Stylus is expected to interact with their projectā€™s existing infrastructure, we encourage folks to check out this Stylus launch ecosystem one-pager.

Note: Support for Stylus contract verification is currently under development by major block explorers. We expect that contract verification will be fully supported before ArbOS 31 Bianca gets activated on Arbitrum One and Arbitrum Nova, pending the DAOā€™s decision to adopt this proposal.

2. Addition of a new pre-compile, to Arbitrum Nitro, that reduces the costs of verifying the secp256r1 elliptic curve as part of RIP-7212

Passkeys offer a solution that removes the need for a web3 user to personally store a private key for their wallet. Passkeys accomplish this by leveraging WebAuthn, a global standard for passwordless authentication used by Google, Facebook, Microsoft, and all major web browsers. The private key generated when creating a passkey can be encrypted and can only be decrypted using a specialized hardware module called the Secure Enclave. The Secure Enclave ensures a userā€™s private key can never leave the device, transforming any compatible device into a hardware wallet. Users can authorize transactions with biometric features like Touch ID or Face ID when using passkey-based wallets for key management. These qualities add flexibility and significantly improve UX while maintaining high security.

Adding support for RIP-7212 decreases the costs of verifying the secp256r1 curve on-chain by 99% when compared to current implementations, making them more feasible for everyday use and enabling dApp developers and protocols to offer their users improved UX on Arbitrum One and Arbitrum Nova. Without a precompile, verifying this signature on-chain is extremely expensive. Passkey-based wallets offer a better level of security than a typical EOA and seamless cross-device support. Many wallets, and notably, apps using embedded wallets, have been requesting this feature for over a year.

The specifications of RIP-7212, including test cases, can be found in the RIP repository. If approved, Arbitrum One and Arbitrum Nova will use this specification as the reference for implementation. The Ethereum Magicians Forum discusses design decisions, iterations, and the transformation of the proposal from an EIP (Ethereum Improvement Proposal) to a RIP.

This pre-compile is part of Nitro 3.1.0 and was added to our fork of Go Ethereum in Add Precompile for secp256r1 conditionally based on ArbOS version by anodar Ā· Pull Request #303 Ā· OffchainLabs/go-ethereum Ā· GitHub and has been upstreamed into Nitro 3.1.0. Nitro 3.1.0 is the minimum supported version of Nitro for ArbOS 31 ā€œBiancaā€.

3. Update all Nova fund distributors to use a series of ā€œfee routersā€ instead, while keeping the final destination as the ArbitrumDAO Treasury

Today, the ArbitrumDAOā€™s portion of the transaction fees from Arbitrum Nova are sent to the Core Governance L1 Timelock address, which is accessible via the core governance system. This setup is disadvantageous because any time the ArbitrumDAO wishes to spend/move the funds, a roundtrip, constitutional proposal must be passed before the DAO.

This proposal updates the setup such that all Arbitrum Nova transaction fees, that are currently sent to the Core Governance L1 Timelock Address, are instead sent to a system of ā€œfee routersā€ that automatically send all funds to the ArbitrumDAO treasury. Benefits of this new setup include:

  • Lower quorum requirements for moving these funds (3% vs. the current 5%)
  • No ~2 week delay to spend funds (since a constitutional vote would not be needed, as per the Lifecycle and anatomy of an AIP)
  • Simpler accounting and bookkeeping, since all the funds would be in the ArbitrumDAO treasury.

This new, proposed system of ā€œfee routersā€ results in a fee collection lifecycle as follows:

  1. A distributeRewards function call is made on the RewardDistributor contract, sending funds to a ChildtoParentRouter contract
  2. Either upon receiving funds or via a call to routeFunds, the ChildToParentRouter creates an L2-to-L1 message which sends the contractā€™s full Ether balance.
  3. The L2-to-L1 message is executed, transferring the Ether to a ParentToChildRouter contract on L1.
  4. routeFunds is called on ParentToChildRouter, creating a retryable ticket which transfers its full Ether balance to the DAO Treasury on Arbitrum One.

Note that the addresses deployed during the Snapshot vote for the ParentToChildRewardRouter and ChildToParentRewardRouter have been re-deployed at [0x40Cd7D713D7ae463f95cE5d342Ea6E7F5cF7C999]( and [0x36D0170D92F66e8949eB276C3AC4FEA64f83704d](, respectively.


All of the above changes were independently audited. The list below contains all relevant audit reports:

The canonical version of ArbOS 31 ā€œBiancaā€ this proposal aims to adopt is implemented in the Arbitrum Nitro git commit hash 7d1d84c75db7fd26d27d24ffb75f8b1c93d4f980 and can be viewed in: Merge pull request #2485 from OffchainLabs/fix-disable-p2p Ā· OffchainLabs/nitro@7d1d84c Ā· GitHub.

The current full code diff can be viewed via this link: Comparing consensus-v20...consensus-v31 Ā· OffchainLabs/nitro Ā· GitHub.

ArbOS 31 ā€œBiancaā€ will be shipped as part of a future release of Nitro. Node operators may see a small increase in latency for Stylus eth_call queries, if ArbOS 31 is approved for activation on mainnet by the ArbitrumDAO.

Upgrade Action smart contracts

The Action smart contracts used to execute the on-chain upgrade can be viewed in Arbos 31 actions by godzillaba Ā· Pull Request #296 Ā· ArbitrumFoundation/governance Ā· GitHub.

Action contract deployments for ArbOS 31 and Stylus:

$ cast storage 0x51dEDBD2f190E0696AFbEE5E60bFdE96d86464ec 0xb53127684a568b3173ae13b9f8a6016e243e63b6e8ee1178d6a717850b5d6103 --rpc-url=

0x000000000000000000000000db216562328215e010f819b5abe947bad4ca961e (Arb One Proxy Admin)

$ cast storage 0x20586F83bF11a7cee0A550C53B9DC9A5887de1b7 0xb53127684a568b3173ae13b9f8a6016e243e63b6e8ee1178d6a717850b5d6103 --rpc-url=

0x000000000000000000000000f58ea15b20983116c21b05c876cc8e6cdae5c2b9 (Nova Proxy Admin)

Action contracts, deployments, and Fee Router contracts for the Fee Router AIP:

The Fee Router contracts can be found here: fund-distribution-contracts/src/FeeRouter at v1.0.1 Ā· OffchainLabs/fund-distribution-contracts Ā· GitHub

Nova ArbChildToParentRewardRouter: ArbChildToParentRewardRouter | Address 0x36D0170D92F66e8949eB276C3AC4FEA64f83704d | Arbiscan

Verifying the ArbOS code differences

To verify the ArbOS code differences, this notion page contains steps to build the WASM module root on that git tag, which produces the WASM module root 0x8b104a2e80ac6165dc58b9048de12f301d70b02a0ab51396c22b4b4b802a16a4, which is what the rollup contractā€™s wasmModuleRoot() method returns for both Arbitrum One and Arbitrum Nova.

These steps will be included on the onchain AIP on Tally in entirety to ensure consistency with previous ArbOS proposals.

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Proposals Should the DAO Default to using Shielded Voting for Snapshot Votes?

Published: Jul 24, 2024

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Edits July 25

  • Added explanations on the potential downsides of private voting based on delegate discussions observed on Telegram. Credit to @Immutablelawyer, @coinflip, @sid_areta, and @thedevanshmehta for these additional perspectives. Thank you as well as those who have commented thus far on this post @JoJo, @jameskbh, @EzR3aL, and @Bob-Rossi. This has led us to update the voting options to include using Shielded Voting for elections only.
  • Linked a 2-month shielded voting trial in Aave DAO in the Background section.
  • Updated the voting options to be: The DAO should default to using Shielded Voting For All Votes / For Elections Only / Against / Abstain


This proposal aims to kickstart a conversation around the adoption of Shutterā€™s shielded voting as a default for Snapshot temperature checks. Shielded voting encrypts votes during the voting period and decrypts them only after the vote closes, mitigating bandwagon effects, voter apathy, and last-minute strategic voting. A Snapshot vote to gauge the DAOā€™s sentiment will be posted on Thursday, August 8th. Please note, this is an actual temperature check, just to gauge the DAOā€™s opinion on the subject.


Shutterā€™s shielded voting differs slightly from a traditional secret ballot where voterā€™s identity and selection are kept anonymous. In this case, votes are encrypted during the voting period and are decrypted only after the vote closes. Put more simply, during the voting process, a voterā€™s position is private, and after the vote, positions are made public. You can see who voted, but not their choice or the total VP per option, until the poll has closed (to clarify any confusion please see the demo linked below). Shutterā€™s shielded voting on Snapshot has been live for over 2 years now and additional details about the implementation can be found on their blog. A live demo of shielded voting can be found on Snapshot.

Other DAOs have run experiments with shielded voting in the past. Results from a 2-month trail period in Aave DAO can be found here. It is important to note that the majority of Aave DAOā€™s proposals are related to protocols parameters, which require more specific knowledge sets on risk & economics. Therefore, itā€™s not immediately clear how directly the results from Aave DAO can be compared to Arbitrum DAO.


In the 19th century, most western democracies transitioned from public to private voting methods in elections primarily to reduce voter coercion. While voter coercion is not a widespread issue in the onchain governance space, public votes are susceptible to a few other negative phenomenons:

  • Bandwagon Effect: Voters without a strong opinion tend to go with the current majority opinion. With shielded voting, no one can see how the vote is progressing, thus preventing delegates from being persuaded simply by popular choice.

  • Voter Apathy: On the flipside, when those in a minority opinion see that their vote no longer impacts the results of either an election or decisions, they may choose not to vote at all. This can be due to feelings that their vote doesnā€™t matter or that strategically it is not worth the social capital to publicly dissent against the majority.

  • 11th Hour Voting: With public voting there is an inherent information mismatch, as the last voter has much more available information to act on than the first voter. Currently, there is a strong incentive to wait until the last possible minute to vote. In some instances this is benevolent behavior as large delegates may not want to indirectly create a bandwagon effect, but other times it can be seen as borderline misbehavior when a late vote is used to strategically create an outcome.

To clarify, we are not arguing that Arbitrum DAO is currently suffering from these effects, but they are each possible with the current public system. There are also downsides to private voting that weā€™d like to highlight:

  • Overall participation may go down if smaller delegates feel like their positions are no longer impactful, as public voting gives those delegates a chance to strongly voice their opinions by voting early.
  • Politically savvy parties who have the ability or connections to coordinate now have an even bigger advantage.
  • Those who choose to publicly signal their positions gain an advantage over a silent opposition, as some delegate may hold a firm position on silence until the vote concludes.
  • Delegates that know how the votes are falling due to backdoor channels can potentially then use residual votes strategically. With public voting methods, this is something that most everyone can do with less effort and connections.

In general though, Shutterā€™s shielded voting allows Arbitrum DAO to remain consistent with practice in liberal democracies that votes taken by elected officials (delegates in this case) are publicized so that citizens can judge voting records. Since it addresses many of the aforementioned concerns with public voting methods, Entropy felt it was a worthwhile conversation to bring to the DAO.


Given there are some advantages in certain scenarios to private votes for temperature checks, Entropy Advisors is kickstarting this conversation by posing the following question:

Should Arbitrum DAO default to using shielded voting for Snapshot votes?

There will be 4 Voting Choices:

  • For all Snapshot Votes
  • For Elections Only
  • Against
  • Abstain

It is our recommendation that proposal authors still be granted the ability to include reasoning for if a vote should be public instead of shielded. If properly justified, we see no reason to force all Snapshot votes to be shielded (at the DAOā€™s discretion).


A Snapshot poll will be posted on August 8th to gauge the DAOā€™s overall sentiment and allow for ample conversation beforehand.

Additional proposals to follow will include temperature checks for COI policy, delegate code of conduct, and other ideas to improve the DAOā€™s operational processes. If the vote passes, shielded voting will be incorporated along with the other aforementioned ideas that pass a temp check into a larger proposal. This proposal will look to codify all of the DAOā€™s new processes into a socially enforceable proposal. After a trial period of the more grandiose unified proposal around DAO Operations, we hope to eventually implement the ideas that have worked best into the Constitution.

It is important to note, that delegates are already free to post shielded votes. In the case that shielded voting is favored by the DAO, more shielded votes are encouraged while this larger proposal is being worked on.


There is no cost to the DAO as shielded voting is already available to all DAOs on Snapshot.

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General [Project] Delegate Vaults - A new Open Dollar Protocol feature that allows ARB holders to borrow against their delegated tokens

Published: Jul 24, 2024

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Delegate Vaults

Lending vaults which delegate governance tokens to your favorite DAO contributors.


For ARB, and other gov tokens, users have to choose between holding tokens in their wallet for governance OR depositing in defi to use the tokens in the economic network that makes them valuable. Now users can do both by depositing ARB in Open Dollarā€™s special ā€œDelegate Vaultsā€ where they can borrow stablecoins while simultaneously delegating the tokens to everyoneā€™s favorite DAO contributors.

Last week, we announced our pilot program for Delegate Vaults, enabling Arbitrum Delegates to receive ARB delegations from tokens deposited in the Open Dollar Protocol.

We designed Delegate Vaults to boost DAO participation and capital efficiency, eliminating the daunting choice faced by many users who are torn between supporting their favorite delegate and participating in new opportunities on the Arbitrum network. A unique side benefit of Delegate Vaults is further decentralization of Arbitrum governance, as more market participants delegate and take loans, the more capital there is available to participate in governance. Instead of Governance and onchain financial strategies competing with each other, they can boost each other.

How it works

Open Dollar DAO can launch a Delegate Vault type at any time for a particular delegate through our own governance process. Then their supporters can create their own vaults (CDPs) and deposit their ARB tokens. The tokens have their voting power automatically delegated at the time of deposit. Depositors can also borrow the OD stablecoin against their deposited ARB as they would a standard vault on our platform, to swap and use in the Arbitrum DeFi ecosystem.

During this initial rollout phase we are creating Delegate Vaults for delegates who register on our form, but in the future we plan for the creation of these to be permissionless.

For the technical implementation of Delegate Vaults check out our GitHub. The Coinjoin contracts which have been audited by Open Zeppelin, Quantstamp, and Code4rena.

Get started

If you would like to be among the first to offer this feature to your supporters, you can sign up here. You can also nominate DAO contributors.

If you have suggestions for comments on DVs, how else they can support Arbitrum governance, etc., please use this post to discuss. Thanks!

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Governance #17 Arbitrum Open Governance Call (31.7.2024)

Published: Jul 23, 2024

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Iā€™d like to remind all delegates that the 17th Open Governance Call is taking place this coming Wednesday on 31st of July. Ī¤he call will happen at 2 pm UTC / 11 am EST.
Please mark your calendars (or you can subscribe to the public Arbitrum Governance calendar and always be up to date with our calls).

Be advised that with the introduction of the biweekly calls to discuss ongoing proposals introduced by @cliffton.eth, we have decided to transition the focus of this call to getting status updates by the various ongoing initiatives in the DAO. Eventually, we want to make these calls in the de-facto place where delegates have a chance to oversee what is happening in the DAO and if things are going as they should in all the different initiatives or programs.

We will be updating this post with the exact agenda before the call next week.


  1. TBD

If you have something youā€™d like to bring up during the meeting, please post it in the replies below so we can plan accordingly and update the aforementioned agenda.

The call will take place again on Google Meet: on Wednesday, 31.7.2024 at 2 pm UTC / 11 am EST.

We will record the call and publish it later on for a public review, so please keep that in mind

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Proposals [RFC] ArbitrumDAO Governance Analytics Dashboard

Published: Jul 23, 2024

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We propose the development of an ArbitrumDAO Governance Analytics Dashboard to support ongoing governance initiatives, enhance transparency, and provide comprehensive insights into governance data. The dashboard aims to track voting behavior, safeguard against potential governance attacks, and measure the success of initiatives like Redelegation Week. We are seeking comments and support from the Arbitrum community to develop this analytic dashboard.


The Arbitrum community needs a robust, user-friendly tool to simplify the understanding of complex governance dynamics, track the effectiveness of initiatives, and ensure transparency and accountability. This dashboard will foster inclusive, data-driven decision-making, enhancing community governance effectiveness.

Differentiation from Existing Solutions:

Our Arbitrum Governance Analytics Dashboard aims to fill the gaps in existing platforms by providing more detailed metrics for enhanced understanding and transparency:

1. Concentration of Voting Power Metrics: Our dashboard sheds light on the distribution of voting power among small and large holders, their engagement in delegation, and the source of delegatesā€™ voting power. It identifies potential centralization of power and offers insights into each delegateā€™s influence.

2. Proposal Metrics: We offer a detailed view of proposal activities, including the ratio of unique proposers to total proposals and the distribution by type. We classify proposal results as contentious, generally accepted, or normal to help stakeholders understand voting dynamics.

3. Participation Metrics: Our focus is on delivering granular metrics on the participation of small and large holders. This comprehensive analysis identifies underrepresented groups and informs strategies for more balanced and inclusive participation.

Our dashboard is an analytical tool designed to provide a comprehensive view of Arbitrumā€™s governance process, highlighting underrepresented holders or delegates and the overall power structure. We are committed to iterative development, refining our dashboard based on community feedback to ensure it remains valuable and relevant for all stakeholders.


This proposal aligns with the Arbitrum communityā€™s mission and guiding values by enhancing transparency, promoting data-driven decision-making, and supporting the effectiveness of governance processes. By providing near real-time monitoring and detailed analytics, the dashboard will help the community make informed decisions and maintain a secure governance framework.

Example Uses of the Dashboard

  1. Redelegation Week Success Tracking

To ensure the success of the Redelegation Week program, our dashboard will monitor delegate change in their voting power and track the overall votable supply.This user-friendly interface will display the number of delegates joining and the increase in delegations, providing clear insights into the programā€™s success.

  1. Optimizing Voting Schedule

Our dashboard will help optimize the voting schedule by identifying periods when delegates are most active. By aligning voting schedules with peak voting activity, we can support the predictability proposal from Entropy, adjusting dates based on these insights to enhance participation and predictability.

  1. Safeguarding from Potential Governance Attacks

To safeguard against potential governance attacks, our dashboard will help monitor unusual delegation behavior, such as sudden changes in delegate voting power into their respective delegateā€™s voting activity for certain proposals, helping to maintain a secure and robust governance framework.

  1. Supporting Tools for Current and Future Delegate Incentive Programs

Our dashboard will complement the auditing of the Delegate Incentive programā€™s results. By providing comprehensive analytics and near real-time delegate participation tracking, it ensures transparency and accountability, allowing for accurate assessment and evaluation of the programā€™s effectiveness.


The ArbitrumDAO Governance Analytics Dashboard will be developed by Curia Lab, leveraging our extensive expertise in DAO governance and data analysis. The dashboard will include features:

Dashboard Metrics (click for more details)

Steps to Implement

1. Research & Ideation:

  • We started by identifying the metrics and gather community feedbacks

2. Design & Mockups:

  • Based on our research, we created initial design mockups focusing on user experience and the presentation of key metrics. These were shared with the community for initial feedback.

3. Development Phase 1:

  • We developed a Minimum Viable Product (MVP) featuring basic holder metrics and concentration of voting power metrics. This was released as a mid-development preview to gather community feedback.

4. Development Phase 2:

  • We integrated additional metrics based on community feedback, including more detailed proposal and participation metrics.

5. Testing & Iteration:

  • The dashboard underwent multiple rounds of testing for functionality, usability, and data accuracy. We also made iterative improvements based on ongoing community feedback.

6. Launch & Maintenance:

  • After final testing and refinements, the dashboard was officially launched. We have committed to maintaining it, including daily updates and feature iterations based on community needs.

7. Monthly Report:

  • Release of monthly governance analytics report


Budget Request (6 months)

Governance Dashboard (40,000 USD)

  • Infrastructure Costs: This includes all the foundational services needed to support the dashboardā€™s operation.

  • Maintenance and Operational Costs: These are ongoing costs required to keep the service up-to-date and running smoothly.

  • Data Management Costs: Expenses related to handling and storing the data used by the dashboard.

  • Third-Party Services: Costs for services provided by external entities that enhance the functionality of the dashboard.

  • Overhead Costs: General administrative and operational expenses not directly tied to specific technical resources.

Monthly Report (10,000 USD)

  • Data Interpretation and Analysis: Simplify complex metrics into clear insights and identify trends, patterns, and anomalies.

  • Focus on Key Governance Metrics: Voting patterns, voter performance, proposal outcomes, and voting power shifts.

  • Actionable Insights: Provide recommendations for increased participation and governance improvements.

  • Customized Content: Tailor reports to community interests and feedback.

Overall Cost

  • The total requested budget is 50,000 ARB, with 40,000 ARB allocated for the Governance Dashboard and 10,000 ARB for the 6 months of report generation and maintenance.


Curia Lab: Our team brings extensive expertise in research, data analysis, and experience in DAO and decentralized governance. We have actively served as delegates in multiple DAOs, deeply engaging in governance, data analysis, and operational activities. We have built governance data-driven tools for notable projects like the Optimism Collective (Optimism Dashboard) and SafeDAO (SafeDAO Dashboard) and are keen on developing similar tools for ArbitrumDAO as well.

Contact Information

  • Twitter: Curia
  • Telegram: @v3dao, @englandkiiz
  • Email:
  • Website: Curia Hub

We look forward to your feedback and suggestions!

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Weekly Voting Reminders 23 July 2024 - Roundup of Active and Upcoming Votes

Published: Jul 23, 2024

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New Temperature Check created :zap:
Change Arbitrum Expansion Program to allow deployments of new Orbit chains on any blockchain

  • The Arbitrum Expansion Program (AEP) allows projects to fork the Arbitrum codebase, modify it to their business needs, and deploy it on any chain that derives security from Ethereum. In return, the new Orbit chain is expected to share 10% of their chainā€™s profit back to the wider Arbitrum ecosystem.

  • One restriction of the AEP is that a new Orbit chain must be deployed on any chain that derives security from Ethereum. The Arbitrum Foundation has received inbound interest from projects that want to deploy their own Orbit chain on other networks including, but not limited to: Bitcoin, Binance Smart Chain, Cosmos, and others. We expect this type of interest to increase over time as the Arbitrum Tech Stack gains popularity on Ethereum.

  • Should the Arbitrum Expansion Program be changed to allow Orbit chains to be deployed on blockchain networks other than Ethereum?

Onchain Proposals :ballot_box:

1. Pilot Phase: Arbitrum Ventures Initiative (AVI)

  • The AVI working group is requesting $87k in ARB (191.7K ARB) with a 35% buffer to run a pilot.

  • This pilot aims to create a Funding Ecosystem Health Report, an Ecosystem Investment Thesis & Strategy, and provide Strategic Recommendations on areas for the DAO to start venture-related activities on.

  • This enables Arbitrum to make the next step towards developing a best-in-class approach to a DAO-led Ecosystem Investment Fund in Web3, and the AVI will likely be following up with a proposal for its further structure and deployment.


1. GCP Council Elections

  • 17 nominees across various archetypes running for 3 seats on the GCP Council. Vote runs for 2 weeks and ends on Aug 1st.

  • Role of the GCP Council

  • You can split your votes across candidates.

  • AMAs with nominees happening on 24th July, 29th July and 31st July at 4pm UTC.

2. Entropy Advisors: Exclusively Working With Arbitrum DAO

  • Entropy Advisors is requesting $2.47M to work exclusively with the ArbitrumDAO for one year.

  • Since inception 3 months ago, Entropy has led key discussions and proposals like GovHack Brussels, adjusting the minimum base fee, the multi-sig support service for the DAO, and improving predictability for DAO ops.

  • This will be paid in monthly instalments (stored with the Foundation for DAO-clawback capabilities), along with an optional up to 1.5M ARB for performance-based bonuses voted on by the DAO near the end of the term.

3. Furucomboā€™s misuse of funds

  • The Foundation has observed that Furucombo misused 59.5K $ARB of its Backfund STIP grant, and is seeking a decision from the ArbitrumDAO on whether to ban Furucombo from the ArbitrumDAO.

  • A public request for Furucombo to present its case to ArbitrumDAO and return the misused funds, by July 18 was made by the Foundation. This deadline has now passed and Furocombo has not responded on the forum.

  • Banning Furucombo would include (non-exhaustive) applying for future DAO-affiliated grant programs, qualifying for any retroactive programs from the DAO, and affiliated members applying for open roles in the DAO.

4. Change Arbitrum Expansion Program to allow deployments of new Orbit chains on any blockchain

  • The Arbitrum Expansion Program (AEP) allows projects to fork the Arbitrum codebase, modify it to their business needs, and deploy it on any chain that derives security from Ethereum. In return, the new Orbit chain is expected to share 10% of their chainā€™s profit back to the wider Arbitrum ecosystem.

  • One restriction of the AEP is that a new Orbit chain must be deployed on any chain that derives security from Ethereum. The Arbitrum Foundation has received inbound interest from projects that want to deploy their own Orbit chain on other networks including, but not limited to: Bitcoin, Binance Smart Chain, Cosmos, and others. We expect this type of interest to increase over time as the Arbitrum Tech Stack gains popularity on Ethereum.

  • Should the Arbitrum Expansion Program be changed to allow Orbit chains to be deployed on blockchain networks other than Ethereum?

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Governance Tally Planned Maintenance

Published: Jul 22, 2024

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Hi Arbitrum Delegates,

I wanted to give notice that this Friday, July 26th at 8:30 PM UTC Tally is planning a database upgrade to:

  • improve performance
  • lower costs
  • enable new search features

For about six hours, onchain data about proposals and voting power will be delayed and users will be unable to:

  • create proposals
  • edit or create profiles

We apologize in advance for any inconvenience and look forward to improving the user experience on Tally.

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Announcements Improving Predictability in Arbitrum DAOā€™s Operations - Ratification

Published: Jul 22, 2024

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With the DAO expressing support in the temperature check to improve predictability in the Arbitrum DAOā€™s Operations, this post aims to ratify the common guidelines listed in the proposal as a social agreement across delegates and DAO contributors.

Guideline 1: Start all votes on Thursdays

By starting both Snapshot and Tally votes on Thursday, on top of increasing predictability for delegates, the DAO would also prevent the scenario where votes begin/end on weekends.

Create Onchain AIPs on Tally on Mondays

In order for a Tally vote to start on Thursday, it must be posted on Monday given the 3-day delay from when a proposal is posted until voting begins.

Schedule Temperature Checks on Snapshot from Monday through Wednesday

Each batch of proposals ready to move to a Snapshot vote can be scheduled beforehand beginning on Monday and through Wednesday. We encourage delegates to post/schedule votes to begin before Thursday at 12 pm UTC. This can be achieved by setting the voting period to start in the future. While not a hard deadline, this will help ensure any votes start for a majority of delegates worldwide.

Weekly Update Post on Tuesdays

The Foundation (or Entropy Advisors) will be posting a weekly update on Tuesdays on the Forumā€™s Weekly Voting Reminders sub-category with all the upcoming votes for the week, so delegates can easily refer to the post and know what upcoming votes there are for the week. Additionally, the Foundation will send this update on the Arbitrum Delegate Announcements telegram channel as well to maximize visibility of the voting pipeline.

Overall, this allows delegates who donā€™t follow discussions as closely a few days to see what will be voted on and properly prepare. Additionally, with multiple opportunities each month to move a proposal forward to a vote, the incentive to rush the process is reduced.

Guideline 2: DAO Holiday Break: December 20 - January 6th

The DAO agrees to a holiday break, where no new votes will be created and/or voted on from December 20 - January 6 yearly. This is to ensure delegates have a break and can return refreshed for the new year. During this time it is advised that no new proposals are posted to the forums, and only emergency proposals are put up to a vote.

These dates have been blocked out as an event on the ArbitrumDAO Governance Community Calendar.

Emergency Proposals

In the event of an emergency proposal that is time-sensitive in nature, any guidelines can be waived for the proposal to be put up to a vote immediately. This would likely apply to only Constitutional AIPs that relate to security or treasury-related exploit matters that are potentially not in the scope of the Security Council.

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Weekly Voting Reminders About the Weekly Voting Reminders category

Published: Jul 22, 2024

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This category will be used to post roundups of active and upcoming votes for the week, so delegates have one single avenue where proposals can be easily digested, which they can then proceed to comment and/or vote.

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Biweekly Proposals Discussions Call About the Biweekly Proposals Discussions Call category

Published: Jul 22, 2024

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(Replace this first paragraph with a brief description of your new category. This guidance will appear in the category selection area, so try to keep it below 200 characters.)

Use the following paragraphs for a longer description, or to establish category guidelines or rules:

  • Why should people use this category? What is it for?

  • How exactly is this different than the other categories we already have?

  • What should topics in this category generally contain?

  • Do we need this category? Can we merge with another category, or subcategory?

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Proposals [RFC] Incentives Detox Proposal

Published: Jul 22, 2024

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The following reflects the views of L2BEATā€™s governance team, composed of @krst and @Sinkas, and itā€™s based on the combined research, fact-checking, and ideation of the two.


  • We agree that incentives are necessary for the continuous growth of individual protocols but also for the ecosystem as a whole.
  • We propose not to rush into creating another incentive program and to agree on a 3-month break once the current incentive distribution periods conclude.
  • During the break, we should focus on analyzing the results of the previous programs and design a new, long-term one based on what we have learned.
  • Various analyses and reviews have already been conducted; we should focus on connecting the dots and designing the operational parameters of a new program.
  • Existing incentives should continue to be distributed as originally planned; this proposal doesnā€™t seek to stop any of those.
  • There should be a commitment from delegates not to vote for any program that might be proposed before the 3-month period concludes so we can utilize the full extent of that time frame on iterations and improvements.


This proposal seeks the consensus of delegates to temporarily pause incentive programs in Arbitrum for 3 months following the conclusion of LTIPP and STIP Bridge distribution timeframes and utilize that time to structure a perpetual incentives program based on the data and the lessons learned from the programs weā€™ve had so far.


Ever since the first program (Short Term Incentives Program aka STIP), the DAO has been jumping from one program to another without effectively reflecting on the data generated by each program. The STIP Backfund proposal was introduced to fund all the STIP applications that were approved but were not funded because the budget ran out. The distribution for STIP and Backfund incentives was extended to March 2024, while the Long Term Incentives Pilot Program (LTIPP) was introduced in December 2023 and was poised to run from January 2024 to April 2024. Lastly, we had the STIP-Bridge proposal that was meant to mitigate the ā€˜unfairā€™ advantage that protocols distributing incentives from LTIPP would have over those distributing incentives from STIP & Backfund after the latter programs had expired.

Anyone who followed the discussions around the different proposals and programs is familiar with the fact that time constraints played a significant role in why we didnā€™t stop to analyze the data collected and iterate based on that. We needed to maintain momentum and remain competitive with other L2s, especially while the market was overall bullish.

Things have changed over the past few months, and the need for an incentive program that accounts for all the data that we have collected through the past programs has become apparent. Our proposal is a social agreement (we will post a temperature check vote on Snapshot but there will be no on-chain proposal) to use the 3 months following the conclusion of LTIPP and STIP Bridge explicitly to reflect on the learnings, to design & refine a program based on them, as well as on the feedback of key stakeholders.

We know incentives are a vital part of protocol and ecosystem growth in crypto, and we want to help create a perpetual program that leverages incentives in the most efficient way to create the biggest positive impact on the protocols receiving them.


There are already hundreds of data points to review, analyze, and ultimately distill into actionable insights on what works and what doesnā€™t in terms of incentives. From professionally carried out analysis to opinion-article style posts in the forums from stakeholders close to the DAO and the incentive programs themselves, here is a non-exhaustive list of information to use (in chronological order):

Before we embark on another incentive program, we should make an effort to incorporate the culmination of all the learnings from the above posts (and others I might have missed) into the design process.


The proposal will be submitted to Snapshot a week after this post is published on the forum. If it successfully passes temp-check, the proposed 3-month break from incentive programs will begin on September 17th, given that LTIPP and STIP Bridge incentive distribution timeframe conclude on September 2nd and September 16th respectively.

Within 2 weeks of a successful temp-check, we will facilitate the revival of the incentives working group and invite delegates, researchers who have conducted analysis, protocol builders, and other relevant stakeholders to participate in the working group.

L2BEAT does not wish to lead the working group, and weā€™d instead prefer to facilitate its creation and then step back and participate in it as delegates by providing our feedback and opinions. We do commit, however, to remaining active in the working group and helping drive the discussion forward.

Once the working group has been formed, it should regularly meet and work towards designing an incentive program that accounts for as many of the insights weā€™ve gathered as possible without sacrificing operational efficiency and introducing too many complicated and unnecessary structures.

Steps to implement

  1. This RFC collects feedback and goes to Snapshot.
  2. The proposal passes Snapshot successfully.
  3. We ā€˜reviveā€™ the incentives working group and invite all relevant stakeholders to participate.
  4. We collectively start designing and refining a long-term incentives program based on all the data weā€™ve gathered.
  5. On September 17th, the 3-month incentives break period begins.
  6. Ideally, by the conclusion of the 3-months break, we will be able to transform the design into an actionable program that can be submitted to the DAO as a proposal.
  7. [Optional] If 6 doesnā€™t happen from the working group itself, then we should at least create an overview of principles any future incentive program must take into account in order to be considered by the DAO.


The proposed timeline for the incentives detox is 3 months. If involved parties feel that more time is needed to design an incentive program that is as comprehensive as possible, then the timeline can be extended as needed without an additional vote.

Overall Cost

There is no cost associated with the execution of this AIP.

18 posts - 16 participants

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Delegate Statements About the Delegate Statements category

Published: Jul 22, 2024

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(Replace this first paragraph with a brief description of your new category. This guidance will appear in the category selection area, so try to keep it below 200 characters.)

Use the following paragraphs for a longer description, or to establish category guidelines or rules:

  • Why should people use this category? What is it for?

  • How exactly is this different than the other categories we already have?

  • What should topics in this category generally contain?

  • Do we need this category? Can we merge with another category, or subcategory?

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Biweekly Updates (STIP) Camelot STIP.b Program Updates

Published: Jul 21, 2024

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Bi-Weekly Update - Epoch #1

Recap of the Previous Two Weeks (06/24 to 07/08)

ARB Received Last Disbursement: 257,500 ARB

ARB Utilized as Incentives in the Last Two Weeks: 257,000 ARB

Contracts incentivized over the last 2 weeks: Angle Protocol: Distribution Creator | Address 0x8BB4C975Ff3c250e0ceEA271728547f3802B36Fd | Arbitrum One

Contract address label Form completed for all addresses: Yes

ARB left over: 500 ARB (acc. remaining total of 500 ARB)

Plan for leftover ARB: Kept in reserve to be used on next epochs or for new protocols / pairs / emissions adjustments if needed, will be sent back at the end of the STIP if not.

Summary of incentives: CAMELOT - STIP.b - ARB allocations - Google Sheets


Average daily TVL: $104.7m

Average daily transactions: 44.2k (trades only)

Average daily volumes: $72.3m

Average daily fees: $48.8k

Number of unique user addresses: 8.5k (DAU)

Link to Dashboard showing metrics:

*Note: while global metrics are fully accurate, some specific pairsā€™ metrics (TVL/volume/fees $) can be considerably undervalued due to Duneā€™s lack of support of some tokens. Accurate data for those specific pairs can be found on our analytics page:

Plan for the next epoch (07/08 to 07/22)

Amount of ARB to be distributed: 258,000 ARB

Contracts that will be incentivized: Angle Protocol: Distribution Creator | Address 0x8BB4C975Ff3c250e0ceEA271728547f3802B36Fd | Arbitrum One

Contract address label Form completed for all addresses: Yes

Mechanism for distribution incentives: Merkl

Summary of incentives plan: CAMELOT - STIP.b - ARB allocations - Google Sheets

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Biweekly Updates (STIP) Vela Exchange Bi-Weekly Update (July 21, 2024)

Published: Jul 21, 2024

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Recap of the Previous Week

The first scheduled distribution of 60,000 ARB tokens occurred on July 15th, 2024.
The additional planned distribution of 2,500 ARB was delayed and moved forward to the next weekā€™s rewards due to a smart contract audit.

ARB Received Last Disbursement: 166,668 ARB [claiming both the first and second disbursement together on the 9th]

ARB Utilized as Incentives in the last week [will be distributed along with the next periods rewards]:

Contract address labels:

GP3 Rewarder: 0xD6cc89E02fD0D552BeD774563F394bCf44c14646

ARB left over: 106,668 ARB

Plan for leftover ARB: Any extra ARB will be returned to the DAO treasury at the end of the program.

Summary of incentives: 500k total ARB across 8 weeks to be distributed to:

  • 480k ARB - Grand Prix Season 3 Trading Rewards
  • 20k ARB - Lucky Ticket Raffle, derived from earning streaks (loyalty)

Additional Info / Disclosures to Multisig: N/a


Average daily TVL: $5.9M

Average daily volumes: $12.65M

Average daily trades: 1,442

Number of unique user addresses: 108

Avg Daily Transaction fees (7d MA): $6,603

Plan For the Next Two Weeks

Amount of ARB to be distributed: 65,000

Contracts that will be incentivized:


Contract address label for all addresses:

GP3 Rewarder: 0xD6cc89E02fD0D552BeD774563F394bCf44c14646

Mechanism for distribution incentives:

Users can earn credits through valuable in app actions, such as producing trade volume, earning PnL, and completing Missions in order to achieve higher leaderboard status. Each rank is provided with a more and more valuable reward.

Additionally, traders can earn Lucky Tickets, which each provide an opportunity to receive rewards in a variety of assets, including up to 2,500 ARB per weekly raffle.

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Gaming Catalyst Program (GCP) Unaccounted movement of $ARB funds for GCP

Published: Jul 21, 2024

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We saw 225m Arb tokens transfered to this Safe multi sig on 10 June. there was another transfer of 349,000 tokens trfā€™ed to Coinbase Prime on 20 July? what was the purpose of this? was it to sell or for something else?

i think for large movement of funds there needs to be some transparency on the purposes/rationale of movements to avoid the DAO/public from having questions or speculation of this

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Security Member ETH Staking Options and Risks for the DAO

Published: Jul 19, 2024

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For consideration by Abitrum DAOā€™s delegates and voters, OpenZeppelin presents an overview of staking options, the risks they each have, and possible ways the DAO could stake its ETH reserves. If the DAO decides to stake, we recommend gradual investment into a regularly-rebalanced, diversified portfolio of LSTs actively managed in a DAO Treasury Management Vault to minimize trust and mitigate centralization while enabling adaptability to changing risk tolerance and market conditions.

Staking Overview

Staking ETH is part of the proof-of-stake process for Ethereum mainnet. Stakers are allowed to propose/validate specific, new blocks and attest to a correct path through the block tree building a canonical block chain as it goes. If a staker does not attest to a block at the right time they will lose part of their staked funds. Doing everything correctly currently gains stakers about 3% of their stake per year, making staking yield less than US treasuries but more attractive than just holding ETH in a wallet.

Staking, however, does have some interesting systemic concerns. For example, an entity that controls 33% of all staked ETH can delay finality which some have compared to holding finality hostage. An entity that controls 50% can begin to manipulate block chain fork choice and censor a small amount of blocks. An entity that controls 66% cannot forge transactions but otherwise completely controls what transactions occur on the network. They can censor and reorder transactions at will (including even halting finality). This allows them to dictate the rules of the mempool and have a powerful voice for their future vision of the network. Lido (discussed below) has flirted with the 33% threshold in the past and there are serious concerns that centralized exchanges could amass a concerning amount as well. The concentration of ETH is something that should be monitored regularly by the community. The worst-case scenario is that individual entities would be incentivized to create a cartel and reach the larger, more powerful thresholds that no one member of the cartel can reach on their own. Users aware of this possibility can counteract it by diversifying what entities they stake with. Self-staking would be one way to implement such a strategy and would contribute to the decentralization of the network.

Staking Options


Self-staking is when users stake their own ETH by running their own validator node. This allows users to have full control over their funds so that they are able to withdraw their stake when and where they choose while also contributing to the decentralization of the network. The tradeoff for more control, though, is more responsibility. Should a userā€™s hardware go offline and the node not be present when they are required, they will be penalized the rewards amount they would have made. Worse, if a node makes a serious mistake (like proposing two different blocks) then they will lose a significant portion of their staked amount. The Ethereum Foundation documents the necessary validator software for a node so getting started should be quite easy.

Key Considerations

Running a node requires mitigations of the operational risks

  • Hardware Failure: hardware failing would create downtime for the node and penalties
    • What redundancy solutions are in place?
  • DDoS attacks: the node being down could cost you penalties
    • Are you implementing methods to detect and mitigate DDoS attacks?
  • Node Software Bugs: The software running the node could have bugs causing the node to have bad behavior and be penalized. The worst case scenario can occur when a super majority of all clients run the same node software implementation. A bug in this case could mean all these nodes reaching finality on incorrect blocks and getting slashed on the chain that did not encounter the bug.
    • What execution client is running? consensus client? Are they part of a super majority of clients being run?
    • What will the software be running on? Is it reliable?
  • Web2 Attack vectors: A node machine connected to the internet could receive malware. Worst case scenario is the heist of the nodeā€™s private keys. Vitalik cited this as the reason for him not staking his entire ETH amount.
    • Are you following good security practices?
    • Who has access to the machine and what powers do they have?

Mitigation of these risks usually requires utilizing battle-tested resources and practices. The good news is that spinning up a node and a secure plan for its operation can take place on the Holesky testnet. Users should spend time assessing their node setup and effectiveness on this testnet prior to moving to mainnet.

Staking As A Service

Staking-as-a-service (SaaS or sometimes StaaS) allows users to outsource the running of the validator node to a hired operator. There are two large distinctions here: custodial and non-custodial. Custodial SaaS means delivering complete control of your funds to an entity who promises to stake and reward in a certain way but users have no control over their funds, the entityā€™s behavior, and the regulatory regime of the entity. Examples of this are centralized exchanges like Coinbase and Kraken. Not only can the exchangeā€™s regulatory regime change haphazardly and without warning, but the exchange itself also has its own security practices which may or may not be disclosed or correct and many numerous exchanges have lost user funds.

Non-custodial Saas includes services like Kiln and Stakefish. Users deposit their ETH with the provider who then runs the node for them. The node will have its own signing keys and allows the user to have their own, private fund keys which allow them to move funds in and out of the node. In this way, users will have more control over their funds but as determined by the staking provider.

Key Considerations

Utilizing a provider requires trust and verifying their systemā€™s behavior. Vetting a SaaS provider means determining how much of their operation is programmatic and transparent and also measuring their operational history against their operational risk management practices.

  • Transparency Allows Trust: black-box SaaS providers have no ability to convince users of their practices and guarantees.
    • What parts of the system are open source? audited? bug bounties?
    • How are critical components like keys and funds handled?
    • What fees do they charge? How is this verifiable?
  • Best Practices Are Best: providers that have plans for mitigating the operational issues above demonstrate competence. Look for providers that are open and proactive at describing the risks within their systems and how they handle them.
    • How long has the provider been operating?
    • How much have they experienced penalties over their operation? What for? Have they ever been slashed?
    • Do they describe mitigations to the operational risks described above?
  • Keep Things Permissionless: if a system is permissionless to enter and exit, then malicious operators and regulatory regimes cannot interfere with user funds.
    • Is it permissionless to join?
    • Is there a regulatory regime that affects the provider? Does it require Know-Your-Customer information to join?
    • What keys are required to be handed over? Are there separate keys for signing and moving funds?

Good vetting goes a long way but ultimately SaaS requires trust. Diversification among many different, qualified providers could protect a user from concentrated bad effects if there are enough trusted providers to be found.

Pooled Staking

Pooled staking is when users deposit their funds together for a node operator to utilize and share staking rewards. Pools that are largely managed on-chain are the most common and provide smart contracts for users to manage their participation. Less common are SaaS-like pools where fund management and rewards are handled off-chain to some degree. By far the most common on-chain solution is for pools to provide ERC20-compliant liquid staking tokens (LSTs) for user deposits. This provides a unique opportunity for users. First, itā€™s incredibly convenient. A simple deposit is often enough to begin. And second, these pools allow users to stake but then re-deploy their LSTs to other financial purposes. In this way, users can stake and then gain further returns on their capital. Posting these tokens as collateral for more ETH and then repeating the staking process is not uncommon and allows users to create leveraged, staked positions but exposes them to the risks of market prices moving drastically against them and swallowing their initial staking capital. Examples of staking pools include Rocket Pool and of course Lido which is the single largest staked ETH holder.

Key Considerations

Staking pools have similar risks to SaaS providers but must also handle commingled funds across possibly multiple node operators. As mentioned above, Lido is the giant in this space and its operation is handled by the Lido DAO. So responsible users of the protocol should keep themselves apprised of the DAOā€™s initiatives and votes. Also, the systemic concerns begin appearing here as well. Lido has been criticized for not doing enough to counter its profit-seeking motivation and the power of the market incentives for cartel-like behavior cannot be dismissed. Lastly and perhaps most difficult to measure, the ability of users to easily create large leveraged positions could create a catastrophic financial contagion scenario in the face of a large transaction or price movement. For example, June 2022ā€™s stEth depeg was the catalyst for the bankruptcy of Celsius, Voyager, and Three Arrows Capital.

  • Systemic Risks: Users should be cognizant of the health of the network and play a responsible part. Diversification among different pools can help mitigate centralization risks.
    • How much staked ETH does the pool own?
    • How many node operators does it employ? How are these node operators chosen? Are there policies in place to limit incentives for collusion?
  • Market Risks: Liquid staking tokens allow users the opportunity to re-deploy their capital but that means theyā€™re subject to the market moving against them.
    • Does it provide a liquid staking token? Does it swap for ETH one for one or by an oracle?
    • How well does the LST price track the price of ETH through time? What is its market history? Are there other market factors that can be seen to influence the price of the LST? Has it ever depegged?
    • What financial analyses are available to assess the financial status and risks of the LST? of its penetration into other markets? of its use in leveraged positions?
    • Will you be re-investing your LSTs and putting your ETH stake at risk?
  • Pool-specific Operational Risks: DAOs (malicious or not) could enact bad upgrades, switch infrastructures, or mandate new policies within an ecosystem that was assumed to behave a different way by users. Commingling of funds also presents a new difficult task with its own risks.
    • What components are on-chain and off-chain? How are they controlled? What is the governance structure?
    • Is there an operating DAO? Is it dominated by a few actors? What are its goals, initiatives, and vote history? Has it defined a philosophy toward its role and services?
    • How do funds enter and exit the pool? How are they then staked and unstaked?


In addition to Ethereumā€™s proof of stake process, there are other processes called Actively Validated Services (AVSs) which also require staked assets to operate. Restaking is the practice of using ETH or liquid staking tokens to stake on AVSs. They can be oracles, bridges, cryptography schemes, etc. An example of a restaking protocol is Eigenlayer and examples of AVSs are Lagrange and Gasp. Usually, restaking providers give ERC20-compliant liquid restaking tokens (LRTs) for deposits and these have similar risks to LSTs in the market. This is a relatively newer service and does have slightly higher returns than the above options but at higher risk of losing funds due to the added complexity of running these services. These are much more complicated than liquid staking pools and are utilized by many to lever up a position and get the highest possible return from a staking-based strategy. Leverage among LRTs, like leverage of LSTs, complicates markets in ways that are difficult to quantify and investigate.

Key Considerations

Restaking has all the complexity of liquid staking pools and then more. Restakingā€™s complexity and the less-developed markets for their tokens create serious risks that may not be worth it for an investor like Arbitrum DAO where safety of the funds is prioritized.

Considerations for the DAO

All of the above describe staking risks but not their prevalence. As staking operations and markets become more mature, these risks become less and less likely. So how should the DAO proceed?

Determining a Strategy

In the future, when issues arise and theses no longer hold true, having a written-down investment plan helps justify the path taken and determine what will need to be done next. The DAO should commit to defining:

  1. What their staking and investment goals are
  2. What is the timeframe of their staking/investing
  3. Of the risks described above, what are they willing to take on and how much

As weā€™ve seen from discussions, the staking goals of the DAO appear to be to protect against ETH inflation, to generate revenue from the ETH reserves they hold, and to do all of this as safely as possible. Whether the DAO has specific, future liabilities they are working towards, we are not aware but these should be part of the investment plan if they exist. The time frame appears to be indefinite, i.e. it seems that this may be a permanent use of the ETH reserves. As for risks, the DAO should determine what risks it likes and what it doesnā€™t.

Risk Assessment and Diversification

Letā€™s start a risk assessment by stating that individual staking may be operationally infeasible for a DAO to run. Multi-sigs, payment agreements, and all sorts of logistics can be set up, but the DAO would ultimately have to trust someone to handle the hardware, software, and funds correctly. So all the set up work is effectively the same as staking via with a SaaS provider but with extra, time-intensive steps to begin. This means that there is no option where the DAO stakes without trusting someone. Put another way, to stake the DAO will have to reasonably trust another party with their funds.

We also do not go into much detail about Restaking and risks and leave it to the DAO to make that determination if they so choose. LRTs are easier to depeg and markets are harder to analyze therefore weā€™d recommend the DAO consider LSTs and build experience in these services before considering LRTs.

This leaves SaaS and Staking Pools. From an operational risk and security perspective, there are SaaS providers and Staking Pools with histories of security and good practices. Each will need to be vetted as described above but the general difference between the two are the market forces that act on poolsā€™ liquid staking tokens. Whether to accept market risks is for the DAO to decide. But having worked in the DeFi space, we see that good investment practice is to document the LSTā€™s market forces, the possible blind spots, the market history, have a plan of action that is ready and easy to implement in case certain conditions arise, visit the assumptions and theses of the plan regularly, and to change the plan if the DAOs understanding of things changes.

To protect itself from catastrophic, operational failure, OpenZeppelin will vet the security and posture of the different options the DAO considers. The DAO could also split its staked ETH across different options, limiting the max amount they can lose in the worst case scenario. The DAO can also consider slowly staking its ETH over time as it grows comfortable with the different options and strategy as a whole.

Strategy Execution

A DAO treasury management protocol like Aera can be used for securing a diverse portfolio of assets, not limited to the recommended LSTs, with programmatically constrained active management. A solution like this allows the DAO to remain in control of treasury funds and respond to market conditions faster than a governance vote.

Links and References

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Security Member Event Horizon Franchiser Contract Audit

Published: Jul 19, 2024

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Audit Summary

Type: Governance

Timeline: From 2024-07-01 To 2024-07-05

Languages: Solidity

Total Issues: 6 (1 resolved)

Notes & Additional Information: 6 (1 resolved)


We audited the HVAX/arbfranchiser repository at commit 8caba3d.

In scope were the following files:

ā”œā”€ā”€ FranchiserFactory.sol
ā”œā”€ā”€ Franchiser.sol
ā”œā”€ā”€ FranchiserLens.sol
ā”œā”€ā”€ base
ā”‚   ā””ā”€ā”€ FranchiserImmutableState.sol
ā””ā”€ā”€ interfaces
    ā”œā”€ā”€ IVotingToken.sol
    ā”œā”€ā”€ IFranchiserLens.sol
    ā”œā”€ā”€ IFranchiserImmutableState.sol
    ā”œā”€ā”€ Franchiser
    ā”‚   ā”œā”€ā”€ IFranchiser.sol
    ā”‚   ā”œā”€ā”€ IFranchiserErrors.sol
    ā”‚   ā””ā”€ā”€ IFranchiserEvents.sol
    ā””ā”€ā”€ FranchiserFactory
        ā”œā”€ā”€ IFranchiserFactory.sol
        ā””ā”€ā”€ IFranchiserFactoryErrors.sol

The audit only reviewed the smart contract components intended to be deployed on-chain. Any deployment scripts, configurations, mock contracts, or tests were not reviewed.

System Overview

A recent discussion about delegating more voting power to retail investors ended in the passing of a snapshot vote which aims to delegate $ARB 7,000,000 to eventhorizoncommunity.eth. This is an EOA that the Event Horizon (EH) organization will use to represent the voters from their platform. ARB users can only delegate their entire voting power to another address. So, in order to delegate a specific amount, a contract has been created that will have the amount transferred to it and then delegate its voting power to EH.

The contract that EH provided to do this is a fork of a contract that was developed for Uniswap. It was privately audited by Trail of Bits and has a lot of functionality beyond the minimum needs of the ARB DAO. The top-level contract which the DAO will interact with is the FranchiserFactory contract. It is built to allow anyone to delegate their ERC-20 voting token, like ARB, to a delegatee. It does this by creating a Franchiser contract underneath that would mark the FranchiserFactory as the owner, hold the $ARB tokens from the caller, and call delegate on the token to transfer the voting power to the specified user (e.g., the EH EOA).

When the DAO is ready to take back the funds, a call to recall will pull the tokens out of the Franchiser and return them. There are added methods to batch delegation and recalling which we do not anticipate the DAO will need in this specific case but could use if more delegations of this sort arise. The FranchiserFactory contract will create a Franchiser contract as needed for each unique delegator/delegatee pair, while each Franchiser is set up as a minimal proxy of a Franchiser implementation contract.

Each Franchiser contract has to ability for the delegatee to subdelegate their delegated tokens to further subdelegatees. This creates a tree of Franchise contracts with the original delegator/delegatee Franchise contract at the head, each subdelegation from a delegatee at each child node, and the tokens being transferred down the tree to imbue voting power. The original delegatee can sub-delegate up to eight times with each of these sub-delegating up to four, then two, then one. Counting the maximum possible nodes in each level of the tree totals to (1) + (8) + (8 * 4) + (8 * 4 * 2) + (8 * 4 * 2) = 169 nodes. At each Franchiser contract in this tree, the delegatee can unsubdelegate and return all of the funds transferred down the tree to their own contract and restore their full voting power delegation. The recall method mentioned above does the same thing but returns all tokens from the tree to the original delegator.

The scope also includes an optional FranchiserLens contract which contains view functions to get data from the Franchiser tree in flat formats. It is not necessary for the other contracts in scope but would give the DAO easy visibility into their delegation and any further subdeldegations.

Security Model and Trust Assumptions

This code relies on the OpenZeppelin Contracts library for cloning, checking for code size, and for set operations. It also relies on the Solmate library for ownership and transferring tokens. We assume these libraries work as described and intended and both have long on-chain history.

Notes & Additional Information

Unused Import

The import import {Franchiser} from "../../Franchiser.sol"; imports unused alias Franchiser in IFranchiserEvents.sol.

Consider removing or using any unused imports to improve the overall clarity and readability of the codebase.

Update: Acknowledged with comment ā€œwe will leave the stylistic notes as is as there are no objections to functionality.ā€

Unused Named Return Variable

Named return variables are a way to declare variables that are meant to be used within a functionā€™s body for the purpose of being returned as that functionā€™s output. They are an alternative to explicit in-line return statements.

In FranchiserLens.sol, the delegation return variable for the getRootDelegation function is unused.

Consider either using or removing any unused named return variables.

Update: Acknowledged with comment ā€œwe will leave the stylistic notes as is as there are no objections to functionality.ā€

Lack of Events

The FranchiserFactory contract does not any emit events when new delegations are made or recalled.

Consider emitting events in functions that change the state of delegations.

Update: Acknowledged with comment ā€œwe will leave the stylistic notes as is as there are no objections to functionality.ā€

Inconsistent Access Control

In the Franchiser contract, subDelegate, subDelegateMany, unSubDelegate, and unSubDelegateMany will revert if called by anyone who is not the delegatee of the contract. However, subDelegateMany is the only function that is not marked as such and will revert upon an inner call to subDelegate.

To improve code clarity, consider marking subDelegateMany with the onlyDelegatee modifier like the other delegatee-restricted functions.

Update: Acknowledged with comment ā€œwe will leave the stylistic notes as is as there are no objections to functionality.ā€

initialize Specificity

The Franchiser contract has two functions called initialize. The first one has three parameters and is only directly called from the FranchiserFactory contract to create a top-level delegation of tokens. The second function wraps the first, has two parameters, and is only used to create subdelegations of tokens from existing Franchiser contracts.

To improve code clarity and readability, consider naming the second initialize function more specifically (e.g., initializeSubFranchise).

Update: Acknowledged with comment ā€œwe will leave the stylistic notes as is as there are no objections to functionality.ā€

Maximum Subdelegatees

The code has been designed for generic delegation and subdelegation of tokens. If the FranchiserFactory contract is to be used solely for this one EH delegation, it is possible to change the INITIAL_MAXIMUM_SUBDELEGATEES to one and make further subdelegations by EH impossible. This would ensure that they do not have the ability to further subdelegate to another actor who is not in the proposal but would make vote splitting by subdelegation impossible by EH (at least until fractional voting is brought to the governor).

Of course, by delegating in the first place, the DAO is already trusting EH to behave as promised. Thus, further subdelegations being used maliciously to vote in other ways appears to be a minor risk that is mitigated by the ability to revoke the funds. However, revoking is a slow process that would require a vote to pass as the L2 Governor would be the original delegator. A way around it would be to transfer the funds directly to the security council and entrust them to create the subdelegation from the FranchiserFactory contract. We are not aware, however, of a precedent or authority for the council to behave this way.

Possible ways to improve the code and tailor it specifically to Arbitrumā€™s needs would be to give the non-emergency security council the ability to recall the funds. This can be done by allowing the council to be specified at initial delegation and adding an ability for them to call the recall function. However, even then, a call to recall (even unSubDelegate) could be front-run to get in a last vote before losing voting power. A fix for this could be to add some sort of authorization method for the delegatee to vote only on approved votes, but this seems overly protective and operationally taxing to implement. No matter what the community chooses or how the contract iterates, we will review any on-chain proposal for construction/delegation and opine on its safety and features.

Update: Resolved in commit 101d01d.


This audit covered the Franchiser contracts provided by Event Horizon. They will allow the Arbitrum DAO to transfer a token through the FranchiserFactory to a Franchiser contract which will delegate its voting power to Event Horizon, allowing them to vote on proposals. The Franchiser contract, as audited, allows Event Horizon to further subdelegate their tokens. If the DAO is not interested in using this contract for further grants, we recommend the DAO remove this subdelegation ability from the contracts by setting the INITIAL_MAXIMUM_SUBDELEGATEES constant to one.

We found no security issues with the contracts and our notes contain only recommendations for coding practices. We welcome iteration on the contracts and will be reviewing any on-chain proposals involving them. We are grateful to the Event Horizon team for being responsive during the audit and for bringing a compelling use case to the DAO.

For more information on OpenZeppelinā€™s role as Security Member of ARDC, please visit our Notion homepage.

3 posts - 2 participants

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Biweekly Updates (STIP) KyberSwap Bi-Weekly Update (19/07/2024)

Published: Jul 19, 2024

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KyberSwap STIP Bi-Weekly Report

KyberSwap STIP Campaign launched 8th July only: KyberSwap STIP Trading Campaign

Start of KyberSwap STIP Campaign: 8th July 2024

First batch of Distributed Rewards : 22nd July 2024

Planned Distribution of Rewards: 40,500 ARB per week starting 22nd July 2024.

Plan on distributed Rewards:

  • 31,500 ARB distributed per week for Aggregator Trading Campaign with 1 week vesting period
  • 9,000 ARB distributed per week for Limit-Order Campaign with 1 week vesting period


Aggregator Trading Campaign:

Since the start of the Campaign, we noticed incredible growth of Volume for KyberSwap Aggregator with 2.1B$ Volume in only 1 week!

  • 6635 participants
  • 2.13B$ Volume
  • 120,292 transactions
  • 2.20654531 ETH gas spent

Limit-Order Campaign:

In the first week of Limit-Order Trading we noticed a remarkable increase of volume and liquidity that flew to KyberSwap Limit-Order.

  • 94 participants
  • 4.759M$ Volume

Plan For Next 2 Weeks

Weā€™re implementing fixes on the Aggregator campaign to avoid wash-trading, flash loans and other bad behaviour. Full details in this tweet: KyberSwap STIP Updates

We will continue to monitor the campaign to ensure a smooth experience for all users.

Currently remaining ARB grant: 450,000 ARB (untouched)

1 post - 1 participant

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Security Member Event Horizon Arbitrum Franchiser Audit

Published: Jul 18, 2024

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Event Horizon Arbitrum Franchiser Audit

July 18, 2024


Type: Governance

Timeline: From 2024-07-01 To 2024-07-05

Languages: Solidity

Total Issues: 6 (1 resolved)

Notes & Additional Information: 6 (1 resolved)


We audited the HVAX/arbfranchiser repository at commit 8caba3d.

In scope were the following files:

ā”œā”€ā”€ FranchiserFactory.sol
ā”œā”€ā”€ Franchiser.sol
ā”œā”€ā”€ FranchiserLens.sol
ā”œā”€ā”€ base
ā”‚   ā””ā”€ā”€ FranchiserImmutableState.sol
ā””ā”€ā”€ interfaces
    ā”œā”€ā”€ IVotingToken.sol
    ā”œā”€ā”€ IFranchiserLens.sol
    ā”œā”€ā”€ IFranchiserImmutableState.sol
    ā”œā”€ā”€ Franchiser
    ā”‚   ā”œā”€ā”€ IFranchiser.sol
    ā”‚   ā”œā”€ā”€ IFranchiserErrors.sol
    ā”‚   ā””ā”€ā”€ IFranchiserEvents.sol
    ā””ā”€ā”€ FranchiserFactory
        ā”œā”€ā”€ IFranchiserFactory.sol
        ā””ā”€ā”€ IFranchiserFactoryErrors.sol

The audit only reviewed the smart contract components intended to be deployed on-chain. Any deployment scripts, configurations, mock contracts, or tests were not reviewed.

System Overview

A recent discussion about delegating more voting power to retail investors ended in the passing of a snapshot vote which aims to delegate $ARB 7,000,000 to eventhorizoncommunity.eth. This is an EOA that the Event Horizon (EH) organization will use to represent the voters from their platform. ARB users can only delegate their entire voting power to another address. So, in order to delegate a specific amount, a contract has been created that will have the amount transferred to it and then delegate its voting power to EH.

The contract that EH provided to do this is a fork of a contract that was developed for Uniswap. It was privately audited by Trail of Bits and has a lot of functionality beyond the minimum needs of the ARB DAO. The top-level contract which the DAO will interact with is the FranchiserFactory contract. It is built to allow anyone to delegate their ERC-20 voting token, like ARB, to a delegatee. It does this by creating a Franchiser contract underneath that would mark the FranchiserFactory as the owner, hold the $ARB tokens from the caller, and call delegate on the token to transfer the voting power to the specified user (e.g., the EH EOA).

When the DAO is ready to take back the funds, a call to recall will pull the tokens out of the Franchiser and return them. There are added methods to batch delegation and recalling which we do not anticipate the DAO will need in this specific case but could use if more delegations of this sort arise. The FranchiserFactory contract will create a Franchiser contract as needed for each unique delegator/delegatee pair, while each Franchiser is set up as a minimal proxy of a Franchiser implementation contract.

Each Franchiser contract has to ability for the delegatee to subdelegate their delegated tokens to further subdelegatees. This creates a tree of Franchise contracts with the original delegator/delegatee Franchise contract at the head, each subdelegation from a delegatee at each child node, and the tokens being transferred down the tree to imbue voting power. The original delegatee can sub-delegate up to eight times with each of these sub-delegating up to four, then two, then one. Counting the maximum possible nodes in each level of the tree totals to $(1)+(8)+(8 \cdot 4)+(8 \cdot 4 \cdot 2)+(8 \cdot 4 \cdot 2) = 169$ nodes. At each Franchiser contract in this tree, the delegatee can unsubdelegate and return all of the funds transferred down the tree to their own contract and restore their full voting power delegation. The recall method mentioned above does the same thing but returns all tokens from the tree to the original delegator.

The scope also includes an optional FranchiserLens contract which contains view functions to get data from the Franchiser tree in flat formats. It is not necessary for the other contracts in scope but would give the DAO easy visibility into their delegation and any further subdeldegations.

Security Model and Trust Assumptions

This code relies on the OpenZeppelin Contracts library for cloning, checking for code size, and for set operations. It also relies on the Solmate library for ownership and transferring tokens. We assume these libraries work as described and intended and both have long on-chain history.

Notes & Additional Information

Unused Import

The import import {Franchiser} from "../../Franchiser.sol"; imports unused alias Franchiser in IFranchiserEvents.sol.

Consider removing or using any unused imports to improve the overall clarity and readability of the codebase.

Update: Acknowledged with comment ā€œwe will leave the stylistic notes as is as there are no objections to functionality.ā€

Unused Named Return Variable

Named return variables are a way to declare variables that are meant to be used within a functionā€™s body for the purpose of being returned as that functionā€™s output. They are an alternative to explicit in-line return statements.

In FranchiserLens.sol, the delegation return variable for the getRootDelegation function is unused.

Consider either using or removing any unused named return variables.

Update: Acknowledged with comment ā€œwe will leave the stylistic notes as is as there are no objections to functionality.ā€

Lack of Events

The FranchiserFactory contract does not any emit events when new delegations are made or recalled.

Consider emitting events in functions that change the state of delegations.

Update: Acknowledged with comment ā€œwe will leave the stylistic notes as is as there are no objections to functionality.ā€

Inconsistent Access Control

In the Franchiser contract, subDelegate, subDelegateMany, unSubDelegate, and unSubDelegateMany will revert if called by anyone who is not the delegatee of the contract. However, subDelegateMany is the only function that is not marked as such and will revert upon an inner call to subDelegate.

To improve code clarity, consider marking subDelegateMany with the onlyDelegatee modifier like the other delegatee-restricted functions.

Update: Acknowledged with comment ā€œwe will leave the stylistic notes as is as there are no objections to functionality.ā€

initialize Specificity

The Franchiser contract has two functions called initialize. The first one has three parameters and is only directly called from the FranchiserFactory contract to create a top-level delegation of tokens. The second function wraps the first, has two parameters, and is only used to create subdelegations of tokens from existing Franchiser contracts.

To improve code clarity and readability, consider naming the second initialize function more specifically (e.g., initializeSubFranchise).

Update: Acknowledged with comment ā€œwe will leave the stylistic notes as is as there are no objections to functionality.ā€

Maximum Subdelegatees

The code has been designed for generic delegation and subdelegation of tokens. If the FranchiserFactory contract is to be used solely for this one EH delegation, it is possible to change the INITIAL_MAXIMUM_SUBDELEGATEES to one and make further subdelegations by EH impossible. This would ensure that they do not have the ability to further subdelegate to another actor who is not in the proposal but would make vote splitting by subdelegation impossible by EH (at least until fractional voting is brought to the governor).

Of course, by delegating in the first place, the DAO is already trusting EH to behave as promised. Thus, further subdelegations being used maliciously to vote in other ways appears to be a minor risk that is mitigated by the ability to revoke the funds. However, revoking is a slow process that would require a vote to pass as the L2 Governor would be the original delegator. A way around it would be to transfer the funds directly to the security council and entrust them to create the subdelegation from the FranchiserFactory contract. We are not aware, however, of a precedent or authority for the council to behave this way.

Possible ways to improve the code and tailor it specifically to Arbitrumā€™s needs would be to give the non-emergency security council the ability to recall the funds. This can be done by allowing the council to be specified at initial delegation and adding an ability for them to call the recall function. However, even then, a call to recall (even unSubDelegate) could be front-run to get in a last vote before losing voting power. A fix for this could be to add some sort of authorization method for the delegatee to vote only on approved votes, but this seems overly protective and operationally taxing to implement. No matter what the community chooses or how the contract iterates, we will review any on-chain proposal for construction/delegation and opine on its safety and features.

Update: Resolved in commit 101d01d.


This audit covered the Franchiser contracts provided by Event Horizon. They will allow the Arbitrum DAO to transfer a token through the FranchiserFactory to a Franchiser contract which will delegate itā€™s voting power to Event Horizon, allowing them to vote in proposals. The Franchiser contract as audited allows Event Horizon to further subdelegate their tokens. If the DAO is not interested in using this contract for further grants, we recommend the DAO remove this subdelegation ability from the contracts by setting the INITIAL_MAXIMUM_SUBDELEGATEES constant to one. We also found no security issues with the contracts and our notes contain only recommendations for coding practices. We welcome iteration on the contracts and will be auditing any changes and on-chain proposals involving them. We are grateful to the Event Horizon team for being responsive during the audit and for bringing a compelling use case to the DAO.

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General Fractal ID Hack - Call for New KYC/KYB Service Provider Nominations

Published: Jul 18, 2024

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Dear Arbitrum DAO community,

On July 14th, Fractal ID experienced a major data breach. As one of the 5,000 victims, Iā€™m calling for immediate action.

My compromised data includes:

  • Name
  • Email addresses
  • Wallet addresses
  • Physical addresses (pro and personal)
  • Images of uploaded documents, including IDs, companyā€™s docsā€¦

Fractal ID canā€™t confirm which specific data was downloaded.

This breach exposes us to potential identity theft and fraud. We need a new, secure KYC/KYB provider ASAP.

Nomination criteria:

  1. Top-tier security measures
  2. Transparent data handling
  3. Crypto industry experience

Iā€™m inviting everyone concerned by this issue to submit nominations with provider details, security protocols, and references.

Deadline: August 15th, 2024, 23:59pm UTC.

Letā€™s prioritize our communityā€™s safety and privacy.

6 posts - 4 participants

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Governance How to win the L2 wars: Open vs Closed Ecosystem

Published: Jul 18, 2024

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How to win the L2 wards: Open vs Closed Ecosystem

As ecosystems compete for relevance, a key factor in their organisation design can make all the difference. Even more important than decentralisation is openness - the degree to which an ecosystem allows for outside-in innovation.

Decentralisation prevents capture by a small group of participants, but a capture-resistant ecosystem can still die through disruption and being outcompeted. Survival is directly dependent on our ability to adapt and improve, to understand the needs of users, talent, investors, etc. and to provide outstanding solutions. Said otherwise, the key for survival is being able to innovate in how we solve peopleā€™s problems.

Being at the forefront of innovation is a tricky thing. By definition, innovative solutions are not commonly known and understood. Innovation can not be fully planned, it can only be supported and encouraged.

Critically, because innovative ideas can come from all kinds of places, as an ecosystem, itā€™s key to be welcoming to innovations that originated somewhere else. Corporations have learnt this lesson the hard way and now commonly fund a trifecta of accelerators, VC funds, and M&A to facilitate outside-in innovation. However, despite these strategies providing some defences to disruption, the lifespan of corporations keeps decreasing. More needs to be done!

For an organisation designer like myself, DAOs are exciting because they promise both capture resistance AND a radical upgrade in our ability to incorporate outside-in innovation. Instead of problems being discussed behind closed doors, DAOs can employ open communication platforms. Instead of rejecting anything ā€˜not invented hereā€™, DAOs can celebrate experimentation. Instead of falling for the shorter-mist allure of cost-cutting and reducing redundancy, DAOs can decentralise operations and experiment with a variety of methods. In sum, DAOs can transform organisations from closed to open, leading to better outcomes for users, contributors, and investors.

DAOs could do that but right now thatā€™s far from certain. The allure of centralisation is strong. Innovation compounds over time but itā€™s hard to measure in the early stages. When appropriate methodologies and assessment frameworks are not in place, cost-cutting (disguised as efficiency) quickly kills anything hard to quantify or explain.

This is not a new problem, a range of methodologies and tools for whatā€™s called open innovation has been slowly maturing. Our research shows that sense-making (being able to identify and prioritise challenges and root causes) is the critical first step. We now understand that access to information and being able to search through weak signals is key for outsiders to be able to propose innovations. And we know that offering quick access to funding for small experiments is critical for anything innovative to ever be tested.

The lack of tools and methodologies for open innovation (or lack of awareness that they even exist), leads many to conclude that only closed-door meetings are effective. As Disruption Joe eloquently said, DAOs suffer through a common pattern of decentralising (poorly), then worrying about execution, centralising, and finally stagnating. Letā€™s avoid this faith; letā€™s avoid the false dichotomy of centralisation and decentralisation; letā€™s welcome outside-in innovation. Letā€™s build open organisations!

Weā€™re exploring this territory through RnDAO, and we want to work with Arbitrum to make the DAO more open and innovative:

  • sense-making capability: Jumpstart Fund proposal (now in Snapshot) and Off-Site proposal (in forum)
  • access to information: Proposal coming soon, let us know if you want to get involved early!
  • quick access to fund experiments: some mechanisms already in place through Questbook tracks. Weā€™re drafting an Organisation Design Scoping project to explore further.

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Proposals Proposal [non-constitutional]: Injection of funding to the Arbitrum Research and Development Collective

Published: Jul 18, 2024

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Abstract - The ARDC has faced challenges due to the significant drop in the price of ARB tokens, reducing the purchasing power of their initial funding from $3.06M to less than half. Initially, the community was hesitant to sell ARB tokens, resulting in the decision not to convert them. As a result, the remaining funds are insufficient to cover the planned six-month term. The ARDC is requesting an additional 1,200,000 ARB to support operations through August and September, ensuring they can fulfill their mandate. Any surplus funds will be returned to the ArbitrumDAO Treasury.

Rationale - The Proposal aims to ensure that the ArbitrumDAO satisfies its payment obligations to ARDC members that were duly elected by the ArbitrumDAO.

Timeline - The proposal will move to a Snapshot vote on the 25th of july.

Overall Cost - 1,200,000ARB

Request for Additional Funding for the ARDC

[1] Background

Following the establishment of the Arbitrum Research & Development Collective (ā€˜ARDCā€™) for an initial 6-month term, we have encountered challenges due to the price fluctuation of ARB tokens. In the proposal passed on Tally and executed on 25-Jan-2024, 1.76M ARB was transferred to the multi-sig wallet worth approximately $3.06M USD at the time (with ARB priced at around $1.74). Currently, the price of ARB is approximately $0.75, resulting in a significant reduction in the purchasing power of ARB, now valued at less than half its original amount.

At the time, there was community hesitance in relation to OTCā€™ing the ARB supplied to the ARDC. Hence, this was not done to respect the community sentiment at the time.

ARDC Members currently get remunerated accordingly as per their election that was held via Snapshot:

  • Delphi [72k Worth of ARB/month];
  • Blockworks [72K Worth of ARB/month];
  • Chaos Labs [53,333 Worth of ARB/month];
  • L2Beat [50k ARB for the entire term, in monthly tranches];
  • OpenZeppelin [125,000 Worth of ARB /month].

Due to this volatility, the 1.76M ARB is insufficient to fund the ARDC for its full 6-month term. Currently, the multi-sig wallet holds 163.32k ARB priced at $124,000. To address this, we propose an injection of over and above the original amount requested, which will help fund the ARDC through August and September. This additional funding will enable the ARDC to fully execute its program as originally intended.

Any excess ARB which will not be utilised will be returned to the ArbitrumDAO Treasury.

[2] Proposal Details:

Additional Funding Request: We request an additional 1,200,000 ARB to supplement the existing funds used to support the ARDC.

Return of Surplus Funds: Any surplus funds remaining after the completion of the ARDCā€™s term will be returned to the DAO.

[3] Conclusion:

The ARDCā€™s primary mandate aligns with the strategic priorities of the ArbitrumDAO, particularly in terms of governance optimization, risk management, research, and security. By providing additional funding to the ARDC to compensate for the negative price movement of the ARB token, the ARDC will be able to fulfil its initial mandate as originally intended.

27 posts - 10 participants

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Biweekly Updates (STIP) Magpie Ecosystem STIP.B Bi-Weekly Update (7/15/2024)

Published: Jul 18, 2024

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Magpie Ecosystem

Recap of the Previous Two Weeks

ARB Received Last Disbursement: 104,167 ARB

ARB Utilized as Incentives in the Last Two Weeks: 30,400 ARB

Contracts incentivized over the last 2 weeks:





Contract address label Form 47 completed for all addresses: [Insert Yes once Completed]

ARB left over: 50,367

Plan for leftover ARB:


  • Incentivize voters to increase liquidity for the mPENDLE Pool on Pendle Finance


  • Incentivize voters to increase liquidity on the mdLP-dLP Pool on PancakeSwap

  • Incentivize WBTC Pool depositors on Radpie


  • Incentivize voters to increase liquidity for the MGP-ETH Pool on PancakeSwap


  • Incentivize voters to increase liquidity for the mstETH-wstETH Pool on PancakeSwap

Additional Info / Disclosures to Multisig: Here Answer

STATS (7/1 - 7/15)


  • Average daily TVL: $77,230,827

  • Average daily transactions: 707

  • Average daily volumes: N/A

  • Number of unique user addresses: 19,822

  • Transaction fees: N/A

  • Link to Dashboard showing metrics: Dune


  • Average daily TVL: $15,008,887

  • Average daily transactions: 61

  • Average daily volumes: N/A

  • Number of unique user addresses: 3,365

  • Transaction fees: N/A

  • Link to Dashboard showing metrics: Dune


  • Average daily TVL: $5,985,375

  • Average daily transactions: 152

  • Average daily volumes: N/A

  • Number of unique user addresses: 5,004

  • Transaction fees: N/A

  • Link to Dashboard showing metrics: Dune


  • Average daily TVL: 11,958

  • Average daily transactions: 28.4

  • Average daily volumes: N/A

  • Number of unique user addresses: 42

  • Transaction fees: N/A

  • Link to Dashboard showing metrics: Dune

Plan For the Next Two Weeks

Amount of ARB to be distributed: 43,100


  • Voting Incentives for the mPENDLE Pool on Pendle Finance: 16,000 ARB


  • Voting Incentives for the mdLP-dLP pair on PancakeSwap: 1,700 ARB

  • Incentives for the WBTC Pool on Radpie: 5,700 ARB


  • Voting Incentives for the MGP-ETH pair on PancakeSwap: 5,700 ARB


  • Voting Incentives for the mstETH-wstETH pair on PancakeSwap: 7,000 ARB
  • Voting Incentives for the mswETH-rswETH pair on PancakeSwap: 7,000 ARB

Contracts that will be incentivized:





Contract address label Form 47 completed for all addresses: [Insert Yes once Completed]

Mechanism for distribution incentives:


  • Voting Incentives for the mPENDLE Pool on Pendle Finance


  • Voting Incentives for the mdLP-dLP pair on PancakeSwap

  • Incentives for the WBTC Pool on Radpie


  • Voting Incentives for the MGP-ETH pair on PancakeSwap


  • Voting Incentives for the mstETH-wstETH pair on PancakeSwap
  • Voting Incentives for the mswETH-rwsETH pair on PancakeSwap

Summary of incentives plan:


  • mPENDLE Pool - 16,000 ARB to be used as incentives for mPENDLE pool voters on Pendle


  • mdLP-dLP Pool - 1,700 ARB to be used as incentives for mdLP-dLP pool voters on PancakeSwap

  • WBTC Liquidity Pool - 5,700 ARB to be used as incentives for WBTC pool depositors on Radpie


  • MGP-ETH Pool - 5,700 ARB to be used as incentives for MGP-ETH pool voters on PancakeSwap


  • mstETH-wstETH - 7,000 ARB to be used as incentives for mstETH-wstETH pool voters on PancakeSwap
  • mswETH-rswtETH - 7,000 ARB to be used as incentives for mswETH-rswETH pool voters on PancakeSwap

Summary of changes to the original plan:

  • Radpie - The WBTC pool was not incentivized

  • Eigenpie - Incentives were not allocated for the mswETH-rswETH pair

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Delegate Incentives Program From Engagement to Rewards: A Comprehensive Analysis of Participation and Incentives

Published: Jul 17, 2024

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From Engagement to Rewards: A Comprehensive Analysis of Participation and Incentives

This is the first report we present on the Delegate Incentive Program. As an added value, we include in this report an in-depth analysis of voting and participation within Arbitrum DAO.


The Delegate Incentive Program was officially launched on March 1 and has been operational for nearly four months. In this report, we aim to demonstrate its impact so far and the behavior of the delegates participating in it.

Additionally, we include an analysis of voting and participation on both Tally and Snapshot in ArbitrumDAO. We believe this context is essential for delegates to understand not only the program itself but also the overall governance dynamics we consider.

We hope this analysis is useful. If you prefer a summary, our conclusions are:


  • Participation Rate of delegates participating in the program has increased by 12% on Snapshot and 13% on Tally compared to the previous three months.
  • Arbitrum DAO activity is exceptionally high, even excluding the incentive program votes, which account for the majority of the voting activity. As of May 31, 2024, we had an average of 9 proposals per month, or roughly 1 proposal every 3 days.
  • The average Voting Power on Tally exceeds Snapshot by 14 million tokens, but it has decreased by 10 million compared to last year. Governance proposals have the lowest average Voting Power at 136 million tokens, while council or committee member elections have the highest average at 160 million tokens per vote.
  • There is a significant number of voters with less than 1k VP, while the majority of VP is concentrated in approximately 50 addresses.
  • We must be mindful of the quorum required for each vote, which increases as more tokens are put into circulation.

Navigating ArbitrumDAO

ArbitrumDAO has existed for approximately one year and two months, officially launched in March 2023 along with the ARB token. It is currently the only Layer 2 governance that is 100% on-chain.

We conducted a review of the historical voting data up to this point.

Voting History

  • To account for proposals on both Snapshot and Tally, we considered the following parameters:

  • We included proposals from the start of governance until May 31.

  • We used the closing date to count the metrics for each month.

  • We did not count test proposals, deleted proposals, or those that were incorrectly submitted.


  • 273 total proposals, averaging 19.5 proposals per month.
    • 131 proposals in 2023, averaging 14.5 proposals per month (9 months operational)
      • 97 of these proposals are from the STIP incentive program.
    • 142 proposals in 2024, averaging 28.4 proposals per month (5 months operational).
      • 76 of these proposals are from the LTIPP program.
      • 15 are from the LTIPP PCF program.
      • 18 are from the STIP-Bridge program.


  • 25 total proposals, averaging 1.7 proposals per month (14 months operational).
    • 11 proposals in 2023, averaging 1.2 proposals per month (9 months operational).
    • 14 proposals in 2024, averaging 2.8 proposals per month (5 months operational).
    • 17 are Non-Constitutional.
    • 8 are Constitutional.

Proposals por mes

ArbitrumDAO has a high level of activity, with approximately 1 proposal every 2 days last year. So far in 2024, we are averaging 1 proposal per day.

proposals por mes 2

To understand what has been voted on so far in ArbitrumDAO, we have classified the 298 proposals into the following types:

  • Governance: Any proposed changes to the governance process described in the constitution or changes to any DAO-driven programs.
  • Incentives: Any proposal where tokens end up in the hands of users (Incentive Programs).
  • Funding: Any program or project funded by the DAO, i.e., sending tokens to an EOA or multisig wallet.
  • Technical: Any proposal requiring technical knowledge, such as protocol updates (generally Constitutional).
  • Election of Members: Elections of members for committees, councils, or service providers.

Note: We aimed to introduce the fewest number of types possible, and we acknowledge that this classification may not be the most adequate.

It is important to note that the majority of proposals, approximately 206, correspond to the STIP and LTIPP incentive programs (and their various versions). We calculated how many proposals per month we would have without these programs:

Out of 92 proposals:

  • 45 in 2023, averaging 5 proposals per month (9 months operational).
  • 47 in 2024, averaging 9.4 proposals per month (5 months operational).

prop exc ltipp

Arbitrum DAO is one of the most active DAOs in the ecosystem. This is evident both in the number of votes that take place and the number of incentives presented to collaborate within the ecosystem. The existence of a program like the one we implemented is necessary as it encourages governance membersā€™ participation, aids in the professionalization of the ecosystem, and consequently improves the quality of discussions within the DAO.

Number of Voters

Following data has been extracted from Snapshot and Tally.


  • 3,380,028 votes cast in 2023
    • Average: 25,801 votes
  • 1,722,161 votes cast in 2024
    • Average: 12,127 votes


  • 366.085 votos ejecutados en 2023
    • 33.280 average
  • 150.803 votos ejecutados en 2024
    • 10.771 average

Note: There is a significant difference in the number of voters between Snapshot and Tally. This could be due to various reasons, such as the need for more knowledge about on-chain voting, the cost of voting (although Arbitrum is very cheap), user interface issues, and airdrop farmers.

On-Chain Votes

Tally Votes are the most important as they are binding or execute protocol updates.

For this analysis, we divided voters into ranges based on their %VP:

  • 0 - 1
  • 1 - 1K
  • 1K - 50K
  • Over 50K

The following graph shows the percentage of voters according to the VP range in each vote:

We can observe that the majority of voters fall within the 0-1 (red) and 1-1K ranges (blue). This pattern is consistent across all votes. However, despite the number of voters, these participants do not determine the outcomes. Approximately 97% of the total VP in each vote is concentrated among voters in the Over 50K range (green), followed by 1.5% from voters in the 1K-50K range (yellow).

As we can see, delegates with over 50K ARB VP are essentially responsible for the effective functioning of the DAO. They play a crucial role in ensuring the quorum is met and good practices are implemented. This is why we ultimately decided against lowering the threshold from 50K to 25K. Currently, Arbitrum DAO relies on these approximately 60 addresses that hold the majority of the Voting Power, determining the direction and decisions within the DAO. Expanding the incentive program could increase participation from smaller delegates. While adding new voices is always positive, itā€™s essential to support, incentivize, and continue creating tools for the ongoing professionalization of those delegates who significantly contribute to the quorum.

VP Participation

Distribution of Voting Power in 298 Proposals




Itā€™s really important to start paying attention to the quorum. Since a large number of tokens have been put into circulation since the DAO began, the required quorum has been increasing significantly. However, the growth of ARBs in voting has not increased at the same rate. This can be seen in the following graph:

Delegate Incentive Program in Numbers


The program began on March 1 and reached the halfway point of its first iteration on May 31. Considering this period, we will measure the impact this initiative has had on Arbitrum DAO through this document.

Before the program started in March, SEEDGov produced three test reports to prepare for the programā€™s launch, which will be used for this report:

In addition to the public results from the three months the program has been active:


Weā€™ll consider:

  • 139 proposals from March, April, and May 2024:
  • 23 proposals from December 2023, January, and February 2024:
    • 17 Snapshot proposals with an average VP of 151.93 million.
    • 6 Tally proposals with an average VP of 155.5 million.

Participating Delegates

For the program, the following registrations were recorded:

  • 40 in March, with 38 meeting the requirements.
  • 44 in April, with 42 meeting the requirements.
  • 48 in May, with 44 meeting the requirements.

The requirements to participate in the program are:

  • +50,000 ARB Voting Power.
  • 25% Participation Rate (Data collected from historical Tally votes).

The following number of delegates met the requirement of +60% Total Participation:

  • 25 in March.
  • 30 in April.
  • 29 in May.

Note: No data was recorded for these criteria during the test months.


Delegate VP and Participation

Accumulated Voting Power of delegates with +60% Total Participation per month:


We calculated the participation rate of registered delegates each month in Snapshot and Tally votes using the following formula:

  • %Snapshot: (SV(Rn) / SV(Tn))
  • %Tally: (TV(Rn) / TV(Tn))


With the cumulative VP and the participation rate, we can calculate the actual VP contributed by the delegates and the percentage they represent of the average VP each month.


We can observe that the Participation Rate of delegates participating in the program has increased by 12% on Snapshots and 13% on Tally during the three months the program has been active, compared to the three months prior.

Communication Rationales

During the three months of the program, all contributions made by the delegates enrolled in the program were manually collected from the forum.


We have observed an increase in the number of forum contributions made by delegates. From the outset, we decided to use forum contributions as a metric. The forum serves as an agora where proposals that shape the direction of Arbitrum DAO are presented, discussed, and defined. We are pleased to see a sustained increase in this metric.

Note: This graph only includes Communication Rationales. We decided not to count high-impact comments as there are cases where the voting rationale is communicated along with a valuable contribution to the proposal. If we included these high-impact comments, the percentage of Collected Comments would be even higher.

Final Conclusions

The Arbitrum DAO Delegate Incentive Program has proven effective in increasing both participation and the quality of discussions within the community. The data reflects significant growth in the number of proposals and delegate participation. This comes in a context where activity in Arbitrum DAO has been high, averaging nine proposals per month, even excluding proposals related to the various incentive programs approved by the DAO.

We observed that the participation rate of VP from delegates in the program increased by 12% on Snapshot and 13% on Tally during the three months the program has been active, compared to the three months prior. However, it is important to note that the average Voting Power on Tally has decreased. While most voters fall within the lower VP ranges, the data indicates that the majority of VP is concentrated in a small number of addresses, which are crucial for achieving quorum.

Delegates who participated in the program showed a high rate of participation in voting and forum contributions. The number of collected comments and participation in forum discussions increased significantly, demonstrating greater engagement from incentivized delegates. Itā€™s encouraging to see the quantity of discussions rise in the forum. While there is still room for improvement, we believe we are on the right track.

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(Re)delegation Week (Re)delegation Week Kick-Off and Agenda

Published: Jul 17, 2024

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(Re)delegation Week has officially commenced and will run from today (July 17) until July 23.

Thank you to the 56 delegates who registered.


Registered delegates will have 4 minutes each to pitch their vision and values for the ArbitrumDAO, as well as why they would make a good delegate, in the following AMA governance calls:

July 17, 15:00-16:00 UTC

July 19, 12:00-13:00 UTC

July 22, 16:00-17:00 UTC

July 23, 13:00-14:00 UTC

For those interested in learning more about these active delegates, please dial into the respective governance calls (which can also be accessed via the ArbitrumDAO Governance Calendar). If you are unable to attend, donā€™t worry - the recordings will be shared after!

What is (Re)delegation Week

This initiative will serve as a period to strengthen active and decentralized delegation within ArbitrumDAO by:

  • bringing awareness to the importance of participation, and promoting diverse voices (through the AMA governance calls listed above)
  • having more delegates actively participate in governance
  • encouraging community members to (re)assess and (re)assign their voting power to active delegates who best align with their values and vision for the DAO

Check out this forum post to learn more about (Re)delegation Week.

Check out this forum post to learn more about the role of delegates and delegators, and how and why to become a delegate or delegator.

Free (Re)delegation on Tally!

To encourage active (re)delegation, Tally will be turning on transaction relaying for the next month - this means that delegators can choose a delegate for free, as gas fees incurred for 1 per address to select a delegate, will be refunded*.

*To prevent spam, this refund will only be available to accounts that have had a balance of at least 1 ARB, as of July 15.

See you on the governance calls, and happy governing!

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Proposals ArbitrumDAO Off-site

Published: Jul 17, 2024

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ArbitrumDAO Off-site



This proposal aims to enhance the alignment, communication, and collaboration among delegates and key stakeholders by organizing a dedicated off-site event. The DAO currently struggles with achieving cohesive strategies due to sporadic interactions and lack of direct engagement among key participants. To address this, a structured off-site event will be organized right before DevCon Thailand, focusing on strategic alignment and problem-solving sessions.

This proposal includes a delegates and key stakeholders outreach and sense-making process to identify the most important agenda items to be discussed at the off-site, ensuring the IRL meeting is focused on discussing the topic and not on discussing what to discuss or how to approach it. The off-site will then include professional facilitation and a distraction-free environment to advance alignment, remove blockers, and generate clear action items on the selected topics.

The success of this initiative will be measured quantitatively by the NPS given by participants, and qualitatively on the outcomes and outputs from the sessions.

The Problem

The DAO encounters multiple challenges, but a critical issue is the lack of effective communication and alignment among delegates and key stakeholders. This results in fragmented strategies and slow decision-making processes. Important decisions and proposals often suffer due to inadequate collaboration and understanding among the members.

Areas such as organizational design and strategic planning require not only well-crafted proposals but also thorough stakeholder engagement. Weā€™re missing structured platforms for delegates and key stakeholders to engage deeply and collaboratively, leading to bottlenecks and slow and painful decision-making.

Proposed Solution

Recent initiatives like the Delegates Day by Entropy and GovHack in Brussels highlight the potential for IRL events to catalyse progress. We want to build on these learnings and prepare thoroughly to leverage the next big Web3 event (DevCon in Thailand) to advance ArbitrumDAO.

  1. Agenda prioritisation
  • Project manager to engage with delegates and key stakeholders, distilling concerns and topic suggestions, and facilitate converging on the agenda.
  • Careful planning of each session: aiming to share and agree on frameworks and approaches in advance, focusing IRL discussion on content and not format.
  1. Off-site Event Organization:
  • 2 full-day event, with the option to participate only one day if needed by some attendees.
  • Distraction-free environment (arranged catering and accommodation, separate from other events).
  • Focused sessions on key agreed topic(s).
  • Professional facilitation for key sessions
  1. Attendees:
  • Focused on high-context, expert, and senior participants. I.e. not an onboarding event.
  • Open to Top-50 delegates, off-chain labs, and foundation members.
  • Additional attendees based on at least 20 million ARB endorsement.
    • Likely Entropy, AVI, Alex Lumley, etc.

What will be Funded via the Off-site Initiative:

  • Event Planning and Coordination:
    • Event coordinator to manage logistics
    • Project manager to define agenda and ensure alignment with DAO objectives.
    • Facilitator for event planning.
  • Travel and Accommodation:
    • Accommodation and cateering for attendees and organisers.
    • Travel expenses for attendees not already funded by the DAO for travel expenses and not otherwise in the region (e.g. not attending DevCon nor DevCon side events).
    • Travel expenses ā€œscholarshipā€ available for attendees upon request and subject to approval by the event coordinator.
  • Workshop Facilitation:
    • Facilitator(s) to guide workshops and breakout sessions.
    • Necessary materials and resources for effective workshops and activities.
  • Post-event:
    • collect NPS and other feedback and submit event report to the DAO
    • follow-up with those responsible for agreed action items and report progress

Method to Identify Key Areas for Discussion:

  • Pre-event surveys and interviews with delegates and stakeholders to identify key issues and areas of interest.
  • 2 workshops and async discussion to identify root causes (root topics) and prioritise.
  • If consensus on the agenda canā€™t be reached, the final agenda will be defined via a snapshot vote facilitated by the project manager.


The opportunity cost of this meeting is easily 10x its budget, given the limited time availability of delegates and few occasions a year when they converge. As such, good facilitation makes a critical difference in ensuring the meeting is effective.

RnDAO can either provide facilitation (weā€™ve facilitated strategy and org design workshops for years) or we can hire an external facilitator. The tradeoff is high context and full neutrality (as participants of the DAO weā€™re biased, and although any good facilitator will try to remain neutral, there are still tradeoffs and decisions to be made in moderating conversations).
As such, weā€™ll ask in the Snapshot vote whether the delegates trust us to be the facilitator or would rather have us hire an external facilitator.

Hybrid participation

Weā€™ve successfully run a company retreat with hybrid participation (online+IRL). The setup works through using 360 cameras (equipped with a special mic, they cost $100-$600) and having an assistant with a laptop who can also support online participants in being heard (getting a turn to speak) and managing technical difficulties. The online setup is of course less good than being IRL but it is still viable to contribute to sessions (anyone leading a session does need to be IRL but, for input in the discussion, online works).


  • August-September: proposal approval and then logistics planning and preparation (including collecting RSVPs for venue scouting).
  • October: Agenda and sessions planning (agenda freeze by November 3rd). RSPV confirmation.
  • November 8th-10th: Friday (8th) check-in and relaxed dinner. Saturday and Sunday workshops and activities. Monday check-out. DevCon starts on Tuesday (12th).
  • November 18th-30: Post-event reporting and follow-up.

What Does Success Look Like?

  • High-quality outcomes and actionable strategies from workshops.
  • Increased engagement and satisfaction among participants.
  • Positive feedback and a strong desire to continue similar initiatives.


  • 50%+ participation rate among engaged (35%+ on-chain voting rate) Top50 delegates, foundation, and off-chain labs.
  • NPS of 50 or more (-100 to 100 range, 0 considered average)
  • A similar initiative is organised again.


75k-120k* including contingency

  • Agenda prioritisation: $5-$15k
  • Accommodation & Catering: $45-60k
  • Professional Facilitation (including on-site and sessions planning) $15-30k
  • Travel scholarships: $5k-10k
  • Post-event follow-up: $5k
  • Contingency: $10k
  • 360 cameras for remote participation in sessions: $1k

*Note: this is a high-level calculation. The budget will be revised in more detail (by requesting a quote from providers, etc.) after a successful Snapshot vote.

8 posts - 5 participants

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Introduce Yourself A few details about myself

Published: Jul 25, 2024

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Basic Introduction:
My name is Den, iā€™m from Ukraine
Money and opportunities

Professional Background:
I am an economist by training, but I work in advertising.
I can quickly understand everything new, I quickly find a common language with people and technologies

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Introduce Yourself hi im stanny and i love burgers

Published: Jul 25, 2024

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Basic Introduction:
stanny and i love rekts

Professional Background:

Interests in Web3:
rug scam VC_scam

Feature Recommendations:
all good

Current Projects:
another L2

Learning and Development:

Community Engagement:
gm fam sent to discord

Future Aspirations:
im tired

Fun Facts:
Share a fun fact about yourself or your hobbies outside of Web3.
Is there anything else youā€™d like the community to know about you?

Connect and Collaborate:
How can other community members reach out to you for collaborations or discussions?
Are you looking for feedback, partners, or resources for your projects?

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Canonical PIPs PIP-45: PoS MRC-20 Token Symbol change

Published: Jul 25, 2024

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PIP Title Description Author Discussion Status Type Date
45 Token Symbol change Proposes token symbol be changed from MATIC to POL Simon Dosch, Dhairya Sethi Forum Draft Core 2024-25-07


This proposal suggests changing the token symbol for the native token of the Polygon PoS chain from ā€œMATICā€ to ā€œPOL.ā€ The proposed modification will be implemented in the MATIC Token contract at the address: ā€œ0x0000000000000000000000000000000000001010ā€, as well as WMATIC": "0x0d500B1d8E8eF31E21C99d1Db9A6444d3ADf1270.


As the Polygon PoS network upgrades more broadly to utilize POL, an update to the MATIC token symbol is required to ensure this upgrade is operationalized across all key infrastructure, allowing the upgrade to be effected efficiently for users and service providers.


Changes to ā€œMRC20.solā€ (1010)

function name() public pure returns (string memory) {

return "Matic Token Polygon Ecosystem Token";


function symbol() public pure returns (string memory) {

return "MATIC POL";


ā€œMRC20.solā€ inherits from ā€œEIP712.solā€, where the following changes have been made:

string internal constant EIP712_DOMAIN_NAME = "Matic Network Polygon Ecosystem Token";

string internal constant EIP712_DOMAIN_VERSION = "1 2";

This change will have as a consequence that calls to transferWithSig will need to adhere to the new EIP712 domain name and version from now on.

Changes to ā€œWMATIC.solā€ (1270):

string public name = "Wrapped Matic Polygon Ecosystem Token";

string public symbol = "WMATIC WPOL";

Both of these changes will be made by replacing the bytecode at the contract address via a hard fork.

Backward Compatibility

This PIP is not backward compatible with the current implementation of Bor and will, therefore, require a hard fork.

Security Considerations

Changing the token symbol involves updates at the smart contract level, necessitating a thorough review and testing phase. This process will include comprehensive testing and possibly third-party audits to ensure that the change does not introduce vulnerabilities or disrupt the networkā€™s stability.

Given the reliance of exchanges, wallets, and other infrastructure on the MATIC symbol, there is potential for significant disruptions if the change is not handled carefully. To mitigate this, broad network buy-in and coordination are essential.


All copyrights and related rights in this work are waived under CC0 1.0 Universal.

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Announcements Bor v1.3.4 release for Mainnet (PIP-35)

Published: Jul 25, 2024

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Hello all,

A new version of bor v1.3.4 has been released for Polygon PoS Mainnet.

This release of bor contains the updated implementation of PIP-35 which enforces the min gas values to 25 gwei. These values are applicable to all networks (i.e. mainnet and amoy). Irrespective of the values set by the cli flags, they will be enforced to 25 gwei. This version also contains changes from upstream (v1.13.6) geth as compared to v1.13.5 that was present in Bor v1.3.3.

Steps for upgrading Bor node

  1. Stop bor service

    sudo service bor stop
  2. Install Bor with a version tag, network name, and node type (sentry, validator, or archive).

    # Replace the node type
    curl -L | bash -s -- v1.3.4 <network> <node_type>
  3. Check bor version

    /usr/bin/bor version
    Version: 1.3.4
    GitCommit: 29840e2016c2f3c2091db69b0441d1bd443d03ad
  4. Restart bor service

    sudo service bor start

Bor Changelog

Whatā€™s Changed

Upstream Geth Merge


Full Changelog:

Docker Images

You can find the latest docker images here:




Polygon Team

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Introduce Yourself Introducing myself on this space

Published: Jul 24, 2024

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Basic Introduction:
Mayor from Lagos?
Love emerging new technologies?

Professional Background:
Please share a bit about your professional background and current occupation.
How do you see your skills and experiences contributing to your Web3 journey?

Interests in Web3:
What specific areas of Web3 are you most passionate about (e.g., DeFi, NFTs, DAOs, Gaming)?
Are there any projects or technologies in Web3 that you find particularly exciting or innovative?

Feature Recommendations:
Have you or a friend ever experienced any pain points when using Polygon PoS? Or, do you have any exciting ideas for the chain you would like to voice?
If so, do you have any specific features/solutions you think would work well?

Current Projects:
Are you currently working on any Web3 projects? If so, please briefly overview what youā€™re working on.
How can the community support your projects? Are there specific collaborations or insights youā€™re seeking?

Learning and Development:
What challenges have you faced in the Web3 space, and how have you overcome them?
Are there any resources or learning paths youā€™ve found invaluable in your Web3 education that youā€™d like to share?

Community Engagement:
How do you envision contributing to the Polygon Labs community?
Are you looking forward to participating in any discussions, events, or initiatives?

Future Aspirations:
What are your long-term goals within Web3 and blockchain technology?
How do you see the future of blockchain evolving, and what role do you hope to play in it?

Fun Facts:
Share a fun fact about yourself or your hobbies outside of Web3.
Is there anything else youā€™d like the community to know about you?

Connect and Collaborate:
How can other community members reach out to you for collaborations or discussions?
Are you looking for feedback, partners, or resources for your projects?

[Before posting, please claim your quests NFT badge here and delete this line of text]

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General me as c9lives , glad to meet you all

Published: Jul 24, 2024

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Basic Introduction:
hello, my name is ken

Professional Background:
My Web3 journey started when I was working with crypto startup as a fullstack dev

Interests in Web3:
About gaming actually, like I like the sense of achievements

Feature Recommendations:
Not really

Current Projects:
Not at the moment

Learning and Development:
I mostly learn from my colleagues

Community Engagement:
cant wait to participate!

Future Aspirations:
Blockchain is all good and fun!

Fun Facts:
nah, mostly Im gaming in my free time, I am a slave of Dota

Connect and Collaborate:
just reach me out!

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Introduce Yourself New to WEB 3 but very excited to learn more

Published: Jul 24, 2024

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Basic Introduction:
Whatā€™s your name (or username), and where are you from?
What drew you to the world of blockchain and Web3?
My name is nick_int from Thailand. My friends have brought me to Block chain and Web3 world. Really nice to be in this community !

Professional Background:
Please share a bit about your professional background and current occupation.
How do you see your skills and experiences contributing to your Web3 journey?
I am working as a derivative trader trading financial markets like Forex, bonds. My career has made me easier to understand some trading / LP protocols as well Web 3 journey.

Interests in Web3:
What specific areas of Web3 are you most passionate about (e.g., DeFi, NFTs, DAOs, Gaming)?
Are there any projects or technologies in Web3 that you find particularly exciting or innovative?

Feature Recommendations:
Have you or a friend ever experienced any pain points when using Polygon PoS? Or, do you have any exciting ideas for the chain you would like to voice?
If so, do you have any specific features/solutions you think would work well?

Current Projects:
Are you currently working on any Web3 projects? If so, please briefly overview what youā€™re working on.
How can the community support your projects? Are there specific collaborations or insights youā€™re seeking?

Learning and Development:
What challenges have you faced in the Web3 space, and how have you overcome them?
Are there any resources or learning paths youā€™ve found invaluable in your Web3 education that youā€™d like to share?

Community Engagement:
How do you envision contributing to the Polygon Labs community?
Are you looking forward to participating in any discussions, events, or initiatives?

Future Aspirations:
What are your long-term goals within Web3 and blockchain technology?
How do you see the future of blockchain evolving, and what role do you hope to play in it?

Fun Facts:
Share a fun fact about yourself or your hobbies outside of Web3.
Is there anything else youā€™d like the community to know about you?

Connect and Collaborate:
How can other community members reach out to you for collaborations or discussions?
Are you looking for feedback, partners, or resources for your projects?

[Before posting, please claim your quests NFT badge here and delete this line of text]

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Introduce Yourself every thing about crypto

Published: Jul 24, 2024

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Basic Introduction:
Whatā€™s your name (or username), and where are you from?
What drew you to the world of blockchain and Web3?

Professional Background:
Please share a bit about your professional background and current occupation.
How do you see your skills and experiences contributing to your Web3 journey?

Interests in Web3:
What specific areas of Web3 are you most passionate about (e.g., DeFi, NFTs, DAOs, Gaming)?
Are there any projects or technologies in Web3 that you find particularly exciting or innovative?

Feature Recommendations:
Have you or a friend ever experienced any pain points when using Polygon PoS? Or, do you have any exciting ideas for the chain you would like to voice?
If so, do you have any specific features/solutions you think would work well?

Current Projects:
Are you currently working on any Web3 projects? If so, please briefly overview what youā€™re working on.
How can the community support your projects? Are there specific collaborations or insights youā€™re seeking?

Learning and Development:
What challenges have you faced in the Web3 space, and how have you overcome them?
Are there any resources or learning paths youā€™ve found invaluable in your Web3 education that youā€™d like to share?

Community Engagement:
How do you envision contributing to the Polygon Labs community?
Are you looking forward to participating in any discussions, events, or initiatives?

Future Aspirations:
What are your long-term goals within Web3 and blockchain technology?
How do you see the future of blockchain evolving, and what role do you hope to play in it?

Fun Facts:
Share a fun fact about yourself or your hobbies outside of Web3.
Is there anything else youā€™d like the community to know about you?

Connect and Collaborate:
How can other community members reach out to you for collaborations or discussions?
Are you looking for feedback, partners, or resources for your projects?

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Introduce Yourself Web3 Barista in polygon village!

Published: Jul 24, 2024

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Basic Introduction:
Whatā€™s your name (or username), and where are you from? Iā€™m Victor, live in Dubai!
What drew you to the world of blockchain and Web3? community matters!

Professional Background:
Please share a bit about your professional background and current occupation.
How do you see your skills and experiences contributing to your Web3 journey? iā€™m pro barista in real world and i love web3! wanna make these two blended!

Interests in Web3:
What specific areas of Web3 are you most passionate about (e.g., DeFi, NFTs, DAOs, Gaming)?
Are there any projects or technologies in Web3 that you find particularly exciting or innovative?

Feature Recommendations:
Have you or a friend ever experienced any pain points when using Polygon PoS? Or, do you have any exciting ideas for the chain you would like to voice?
If so, do you have any specific features/solutions you think would work well?

Current Projects:
Are you currently working on any Web3 projects? If so, please briefly overview what youā€™re working on.
How can the community support your projects? Are there specific collaborations or insights youā€™re seeking?

Learning and Development:
What challenges have you faced in the Web3 space, and how have you overcome them?
Are there any resources or learning paths youā€™ve found invaluable in your Web3 education that youā€™d like to share?

Community Engagement:
How do you envision contributing to the Polygon Labs community?
Are you looking forward to participating in any discussions, events, or initiatives?

Future Aspirations:
What are your long-term goals within Web3 and blockchain technology?
How do you see the future of blockchain evolving, and what role do you hope to play in it?

Fun Facts:
Share a fun fact about yourself or your hobbies outside of Web3.
Is there anything else youā€™d like the community to know about you?

Connect and Collaborate:
How can other community members reach out to you for collaborations or discussions?
Are you looking for feedback, partners, or resources for your projects?

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Introduce Yourself I want to introduce myself

Published: Jul 24, 2024

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Basic Introduction:
Whatā€™s your name (or username), and where are you from?alfirin usa
What drew you to the world of blockchain and Web3? profit

Professional Background:
Please share a bit about your professional background and current occupation.
How do you see your skills and experiences contributing to your Web3 journey?

Interests in Web3:
What specific areas of Web3 are you most passionate about (e.g., DeFi, NFTs, DAOs, Gaming)?
Are there any projects or technologies in Web3 that you find particularly exciting or innovative?

Feature Recommendations:
Have you or a friend ever experienced any pain points when using Polygon PoS? Or, do you have any exciting ideas for the chain you would like to voice?
If so, do you have any specific features/solutions you think would work well?

Current Projects:
Are you currently working on any Web3 projects? If so, please briefly overview what youā€™re working on.
How can the community support your projects? Are there specific collaborations or insights youā€™re seeking?

Learning and Development:
What challenges have you faced in the Web3 space, and how have you overcome them?
Are there any resources or learning paths youā€™ve found invaluable in your Web3 education that youā€™d like to share?

Community Engagement:
How do you envision contributing to the Polygon Labs community?
Are you looking forward to participating in any discussions, events, or initiatives?

Future Aspirations:
What are your long-term goals within Web3 and blockchain technology?
How do you see the future of blockchain evolving, and what role do you hope to play in it?

Fun Facts:
Share a fun fact about yourself or your hobbies outside of Web3.
Is there anything else youā€™d like the community to know about you?

Connect and Collaborate:
How can other community members reach out to you for collaborations or discussions?
Are you looking for feedback, partners, or resources for your projects?

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Introduce Yourself My topic its the best topic

Published: Jul 24, 2024

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Basic Introduction:

Professional Background:
Please share a bit about your professional background and current occupation.
How do you see your skills and experiences contributing to your Web3 journey?

Interests in Web3:
What specific areas of Web3 are you most passionate about (e.g., DeFi, NFTs, DAOs, Gaming)?
Are there any projects or technologies in Web3 that you find particularly exciting or innovative?

Feature Recommendations:
Have you or a friend ever experienced any pain points when using Polygon PoS? Or, do you have any exciting ideas for the chain you would like to voice?
If so, do you have any specific features/solutions you think would work well?

Current Projects:
Are you currently working on any Web3 projects? If so, please briefly overview what youā€™re working on.
How can the community support your projects? Are there specific collaborations or insights youā€™re seeking?

Learning and Development:
What challenges have you faced in the Web3 space, and how have you overcome them?
Are there any resources or learning paths youā€™ve found invaluable in your Web3 education that youā€™d like to share?

Community Engagement:
How do you envision contributing to the Polygon Labs community?
Are you looking forward to participating in any discussions, events, or initiatives?

Future Aspirations:
What are your long-term goals within Web3 and blockchain technology?
How do you see the future of blockchain evolving, and what role do you hope to play in it?

Fun Facts:
Share a fun fact about yourself or your hobbies outside of Web3.
Is there anything else youā€™d like the community to know about you?

Connect and Collaborate:
How can other community members reach out to you for collaborations or discussions?
Are you looking for feedback, partners, or resources for your projects?

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Introduce Yourself my web3 name is develogia

Published: Jul 24, 2024

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Basic Introduction:
Whatā€™s your name (or username), and where are you from? develofia from turkey
What drew you to the world of blockchain and Web3? technology

Professional Background:
Please share a bit about your professional background and current occupation. not much background in the field
How do you see your skills and experiences contributing to your Web3 journey? not much

Interests in Web3:
What specific areas of Web3 are you most passionate about (e.g., DeFi, NFTs, DAOs, Gaming)? gaming
Are there any projects or technologies in Web3 that you find particularly exciting or innovative? no

Feature Recommendations:
Have you or a friend ever experienced any pain points when using Polygon PoS? Or, do you have any exciting ideas for the chain you would like to voice? no
If so, do you have any specific features/solutions you think would work well? no

Current Projects:
Are you currently working on any Web3 projects? If so, please briefly overview what youā€™re working on.
How can the community support your projects? Are there specific collaborations or insights youā€™re seeking?

Learning and Development:
What challenges have you faced in the Web3 space, and how have you overcome them? most website not accepting new wallets!
Are there any resources or learning paths youā€™ve found invaluable in your Web3 education that youā€™d like to share? youtube

Community Engagement:
How do you envision contributing to the Polygon Labs community? don`t have one
Are you looking forward to participating in any discussions, events, or initiatives? if the would be airdrops

Future Aspirations:
What are your long-term goals within Web3 and blockchain technology? making my self a platform for giving a free service to web3 users
How do you see the future of blockchain evolving, and what role do you hope to play in it? it will replace real money in 80 years

Fun Facts:
Share a fun fact about yourself or your hobbies outside of Web3. do not have one
Is there anything else youā€™d like the community to know about you? nop

Connect and Collaborate:
How can other community members reach out to you for collaborations or discussions? sharing imp data
Are you looking for feedback, partners, or resources for your projects? sure

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Introduce Yourself Introduce myself | stereoman

Published: Jul 24, 2024

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Basic Introduction:
Whatā€™s your name (or username), and where are you from?
Iā€™m stereoman from Thailand

What drew you to the world of blockchain and Web3?
Iā€™m web developer

Professional Background:
Please share a bit about your professional background and current occupation.
How do you see your skills and experiences contributing to your Web3 journey?

Interests in Web3:
What specific areas of Web3 are you most passionate about (e.g., DeFi, NFTs, DAOs, Gaming)?
NFTs, DeFi

Are there any projects or technologies in Web3 that you find particularly exciting or innovative?

Feature Recommendations:
Have you or a friend ever experienced any pain points when using Polygon PoS? Or, do you have any exciting ideas for the chain you would like to voice?
If so, do you have any specific features/solutions you think would work well?

Current Projects:
Are you currently working on any Web3 projects? If so, please briefly overview what youā€™re working on.
How can the community support your projects? Are there specific collaborations or insights youā€™re seeking?

Learning and Development:
What challenges have you faced in the Web3 space, and how have you overcome them?
Are there any resources or learning paths youā€™ve found invaluable in your Web3 education that youā€™d like to share?

Community Engagement:
How do you envision contributing to the Polygon Labs community?
Are you looking forward to participating in any discussions, events, or initiatives?

Future Aspirations:
What are your long-term goals within Web3 and blockchain technology?
How do you see the future of blockchain evolving, and what role do you hope to play in it?

Fun Facts:
Share a fun fact about yourself or your hobbies outside of Web3.
Is there anything else youā€™d like the community to know about you?

Connect and Collaborate:
How can other community members reach out to you for collaborations or discussions?
Are you looking for feedback, partners, or resources for your projects?

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Introduce Yourself Proud to be Polygoner!

Published: Jul 24, 2024

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Basic Introduction:
Whatā€™s your name (or username), and where are you from?
What drew you to the world of blockchain and Web3?
My name is Sushi from Thailand. My company project and friends brought me to Crytpo and blockchain world 5 years ago.
Professional Background:
Please share a bit about your professional background and current occupation.
How do you see your skills and experiences contributing to your Web3 journey?
My background was engieering and then finance. Now I work in financial industry making me understand on how LP works and ETC. I am interested in how I can use Web3 to financial world.
Interests in Web3:
What specific areas of Web3 are you most passionate about (e.g., DeFi, NFTs, DAOs, Gaming)?
Are there any projects or technologies in Web3 that you find particularly exciting or innovative?

Feature Recommendations:
Have you or a friend ever experienced any pain points when using Polygon PoS? Or, do you have any exciting ideas for the chain you would like to voice?
If so, do you have any specific features/solutions you think would work well?

Current Projects:
Are you currently working on any Web3 projects? If so, please briefly overview what youā€™re working on.
How can the community support your projects? Are there specific collaborations or insights youā€™re seeking?

Learning and Development:
What challenges have you faced in the Web3 space, and how have you overcome them?
Are there any resources or learning paths youā€™ve found invaluable in your Web3 education that youā€™d like to share?

Community Engagement:
How do you envision contributing to the Polygon Labs community?
Are you looking forward to participating in any discussions, events, or initiatives?

Future Aspirations:
What are your long-term goals within Web3 and blockchain technology?
How do you see the future of blockchain evolving, and what role do you hope to play in it?

Fun Facts:
Share a fun fact about yourself or your hobbies outside of Web3.
Is there anything else youā€™d like the community to know about you?

Connect and Collaborate:
How can other community members reach out to you for collaborations or discussions?
Are you looking for feedback, partners, or resources for your projects?

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Community Treasury Board Thrive Polygon Update: July 16th to 22nd šŸ¤

Published: Jul 23, 2024

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Thrive Polygon Update: July 16th to 22nd :handshake:

Scaling with Thrive Polygon :chart_with_upwards_trend:

This is the first of our regular updates for the remainder of Season 1 of Thrive Polygon. The last week has been all about getting our Consumer Crypto Grantees setup to succeed with Thrive Polygon.

Integrations with Thrive :boom:

Part of Thrive Protocolā€™s magic is the power of our 155,000+ social graph of decentralized contributors and reviewers to help grantees scale their dapps, protocols and projects. This week, Thrive Polygon has been working with grantees to get them started on integrating with Thrive Protocol.

What does that mean? Expect that in the coming weeks, every contributor can earn their share of up to $100,000 in MATIC for completing new contributions at Thrive Polygon, such as:

  • connecting your wallet and social accounts
  • swapping tokens greater than a minimum order size
  • repeating a series of onchain transactions
  • buying an NFT greater than a minimum price
  • and much, much more.

Community Growth :seedling:

Last week was a bit quiet on the community front as our focus was all about getting our grantees situated. Nevertheless over the last week, we added 50 contributors who made 70 contributions to the Polygon ecosystem! Our current total of 1,251 contributors whoā€™ve made 1,400 contributions will grow significantly over the coming weeks as our integrations go live.

Social Media Buzz :loudspeaker:

Even without hosting any Spaces or AMAs, we added 150 followers to our @ThrivePolygon X account last week! Over the coming weeks, expect to see our social presence ramp up, including:

  • regular X and Discord posts on new contributions
  • daily featured X posts on each of our 25 grantees
  • series of X Spaces on the 8 Consumer Crypto Grants categories and our 25 grantees
  • community voting via X on your favorite grantee project in August
  • announcements on IRL events hosted by Thrive

Stay Connected! :globe_with_meridians:

Join the Thrive Protocol Discord, tune into our future Spaces, and follow @thrivepolygon on X/Twitter (turn on notifications) to stay updated on all the exciting activities in the Thrive Polygon community.

Keep Thriving, Polygon! :rocket:

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Introduce Yourself minermarcos introduces himself to the world

Published: Jul 21, 2024

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Basic Introduction:
minermarcos from turkey
developing web3 games
Professional Background:
3dsmax, zbrush, substance painter, unity3d

Interests in Web3:
web3 games, vr games

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Introduce Yourself hey im Max im crypto lover

Published: Jul 21, 2024

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Hello everyone,

My name is Max, and Iā€™m a 20-year-old from Germany. Since my early teenage years, I have been fascinated by the potential of technology to reshape our world, and that curiosity naturally drew me towards cryptocurrency and blockchain technology. I started my journey into the crypto space by investing in Bitcoin and Ethereum, and soon I realized this was just the tip of the iceberg.

As I delved deeper, I began exploring various blockchain projects and their potential applications beyond currency. I am particularly interested in decentralized finance (DeFi) and how it can democratize finance for people worldwide. I believe blockchain has the power to create a more transparent and equitable financial system.

In addition to my own investments, I actively participate in online forums and attend meetups to discuss emerging trends and innovations. I also enjoy coding and often experiment with smart contracts to better understand this revolutionary technology.

Looking ahead, I aspire to work in the tech field, possibly developing solutions that leverage blockchainā€™s capabilities. Iā€™m excited about the future and eager to contribute to shaping it through technology.

Thank you for your time!

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Introduce Yourself My Introduction - AwaisRauf

Published: Jul 21, 2024

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Basic Introduction:
Hi. I am Awais Rauf and curiosity drove me to blockchain technology.

Professional Background:
I am a Computer Science graduate.

Interests in Web3:
I find a lot of AI and web3 projects interesting like SkillfulAI, Telcoin etc.

Feature Recommendations:
PolygonPoS works flawlessly without complaints.

Current Projects:
No project.

Learning and Development:
Youtube is a good gateway to learn blockchain technology.

Community Engagement:
Looking forward to interact with Polygon community.

Future Aspirations:
To be a web3 millionaire.

Fun Facts:
I am a passionate gamer.

Connect and Collaborate:
You can reach me out at Twitter: @Awwaiiss

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Introduce Yourself Polygon village so good

Published: Jul 21, 2024

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Basic Introduction:
Whatā€™s your name (or username), and where are you from?
What drew you to the world of blockchain and Web3?

Professional Background:
Please share a bit about your professional background and current occupation.
How do you see your skills and experiences contributing to your Web3 journey?

Interests in Web3:
What specific areas of Web3 are you most passionate about (e.g., DeFi, NFTs, DAOs, Gaming)?
Are there any projects or technologies in Web3 that you find particularly exciting or innovative?

Feature Recommendations:
Have you or a friend ever experienced any pain points when using Polygon PoS? Or, do you have any exciting ideas for the chain you would like to voice?
If so, do you have any specific features/solutions you think would work well?

Current Projects:
Are you currently working on any Web3 projects? If so, please briefly overview what youā€™re working on.
How can the community support your projects? Are there specific collaborations or insights youā€™re seeking?

Learning and Development: f
What challenges have you faced in the Web3 space, and how have you overcome them?
Are there any resources or learning paths youā€™ve found invaluable in your Web3 education that youā€™d like to share?

Community Engagement:
How do you envision contributing to the Polygon Labs community?
Are you looking forward to participating in any discussions, events, or initiatives?

Future Aspirations:
What are your long-term goals within Web3 and blockchain technology?
How do you see the future of blockchain evolving, and what role do you hope to play in it?

Fun Facts:
Share a fun fact about yourself or your hobbies outside of Web3.
Is there anything else youā€™d like the community to know about you?

Connect and Collaborate:
How can other community members reach out to you for collaborations or discussions?
Are you looking for feedback, partners, or resources for your projects?

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Polygon Mainnet (PoS) Bor Mainnet Nodes Stuck (3 July 2024)

Published: Jul 18, 2024

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Small subset of Bor Mainnet nodes were stuck for a brief period.

Issue Summary

Few node operators reported that their RPC nodes were stuck at block #58,906,207. Some nodes on also were seen stuck at the same block.


July 3rd 2024 (all times in IST)

  • Few nodes in the network stuck at block 58,906,207 whose timestamp is 4.40 PM
  • Some node operators reported the issue at 5.38 PM
  • Team got on a call at 5.45 PM to observe internal nodes
  • Infura mentioned that the issue got auto resolved at 5.42 PM
  • Other node operators also mentioned that the issue was auto resolved around the same time

Root Cause

The root cause for some nodes to get stuck at a particular block height in this case is network partition between clusters of nodes. This was concluded by inspecting the logs and metrics such as ingress and sync rate for the nodes for which this data was available.

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Announcements MATIC ā†’ POL: Migration Coming September 4th

Published: Jul 18, 2024

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On September 4th, the long-awaited upgrade from MATIC to POL continues, with POL replacing MATIC as the native gas and staking token for the Polygon PoS network in the initial phase. In subsequent phases, POL will play a crucial role in the AggLayer.

This upgrade is fully community-driven, stemming from the feedback following the proposal of POL as an upgrade to MATIC in PIP-17 last year.

The community recognized the need for an upgraded token with expanded utility to align with Polygonā€™s new direction as an aggregated blockchain network.

Blog post below with more details:

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General TBDDEX crypto fan

Published: Jul 16, 2024

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Im Crypto fan Hello there I am a 4 year old polygon user and love to join the polygon forums pretty excited to share and takeaway knowledge from here

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Community Treasury Board Thrive Polygon Update: June 11th to July 15th šŸš€

Published: Jul 16, 2024

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Season 1 Thrive Polygon Kickoff :tada:

Greetings everyone!

On June 11th, we proudly launched Thrive Polygonā€™s Consumer Crypto Grants Program for builders on Polygon. Partnering with Polygonā€™s Community Treasury Board, Thrive Protocol is distributing $800,000 in MATIC grants to top consumer crypto builders in web3.

# Thrive Protocol is proud to have been selected as the Boardā€™s first grants allocator for Season 01 of the Polygon Community Grants Program.

This season, we are supporting builders across 8 categories:

  • AI x Crypto
  • Decentralized Social
  • Gaming & Autonomous Worlds
  • NFT Innovation
  • Content Co-Creation
  • Digital/Physical Intersections
  • Scenecoins/Distributed Communities
  • Gamified Commerce

By the July 1st deadline, we received 255 applications. Hereā€™s a bit about the applicant pool:

  • AI x Crypto: 44 (17.3%)
  • Decentralized Social: 34 (13.3%)
  • Gaming & Autonomous Worlds: 46 (18.0%)
  • NFT Innovation: 38 (14.9%)
  • Content Co-Creation: 14 (5.5%)
  • Digital/Physical Intersections: 45 (17.7%)
  • Scenecoins/Distributed Communities: 16 (6.3%)
  • Gamified Commerce: 18 (7.1%)

  • 1-2 people: 71 (27.9%)
  • 2-5 people: 96 (37.7%)
  • 6-10 people: 57 (22.4%)
  • More than 10 people: 31 (12.2%)

  • Idea (No MVP): 52 (20.4%)
  • Early (MVP): 105 (41.2%)
  • Mid-stage (on mainnet): 76 (29.8%)
  • Scale (some traction): 22 (8.6%)

  • Thrive Protocol: 49.0%
  • Polygon: 27.1%
  • Word of Mouth : 23.9%

Over the past two weeks, we leveraged Thrive Protocolā€™s powerful social graph of decentralized reviews to assess these applications to identify the teams and projects best fit for the Consumer Grants track.

The review was extremely difficult given the unprecedented quality of applications received. Nevertheless, the accepted projects for Season 1 of Thrive Polygon are (in alphabetical order):

Here are some stats about the 25 accepted projects applicants:

Consumer Crypto Categories

  • AI x Crypto: 6
  • Decentralized Social: 1
  • Gaming & Autonomous Worlds: 5
  • NFT Innovation: 3
  • Content Co-Creation: 1
  • Digital/Physical Intersections: 5
  • Scenecoins/Distributed Communities: 2
  • Gamified Commerce: 2

Team Size

  • 1-2 people: 5
  • 2-5 people: 7
  • 6-10 people: 9
  • More than 10 people: 4

Stage of Development

  • Idea (No MVP): 2
  • Early (MVP): 6
  • Mid-stage (on mainnet): 11
  • Scale (some traction): 6

We are thrilled to have all 25 of these incredible consumer crypto teams and projects on board and look forward to working with them over the coming months.

Community Growth & Contributions :seedling:

Thrive Polygon isnā€™t just about grantees ā€“ we have an incredible program that allows all Polygon community members to contribute to the ecosystem. In just 6 weeks, our community has thrived ā€“ and the best is yet to come!

Since June 11th, nearly 1,200 unique contributors have made more than 1,330 contributions to the Polygon ecosystem. We offer numerous ways for builders, developers, and creatives to earn MATIC by contributing value to the Polygon community. Whether itā€™s writing X/Twitter threads, creating memes, joining Discord AMAs, or tackling larger projects, weā€™re creating opportunities for talented community members to make meaningful contributions and get rewarded proportionately. :gem:

Look out for an incredible slate of new contribution listings from featuring our grantees in the coming weeks. Earn MATIC for helping them build, evolve and scale into the next generation of consumer crypto category leaders!

Social Media Buzz :chart_with_upwards_trend:

Weā€™re growing our social media presence to better promote Polygon contributors, and it is flourishing! Weā€™ve gained nearly 2,300 new followers, with over 92,000 impressions on X/Twitter. Our six Spaces and Discord calls have attracted over 7,000 listeners. Check out a few of our recent Spaces to learn more about the Consumer Crypto Grants program:

Stay Connected! :globe_with_meridians:

Join the Thrive Protocol Discord, tune into our future Spaces, and follow @thrivepolygon on X/Twitter (turn on notifications) to stay updated on all the exciting activities in the Thrive Polygon community.

Thrive on, Polygon! :rocket:

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Announcements Bor and Erigon release for Amoy

Published: Jul 16, 2024

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Hello all,

A new version of bor v1.3.4-beta3 and erigon v2.60.4 has been released for Polygon Amoy.

This release contains the updated implementation of PIP-35 which enforces the min gas values to 25 gwei. For this release, these values are only applicable to Amoy Network.

Note: If youā€™ve deployed previous beta releases (i.e. v1.3.4-beta or v1.3.4-beta2 which applied the values for all networks) on mainnet, the values will now fall back to default (unless explicitly overwritten).

Also as a heads up to users and node operators, a new stable release with these enforcement for mainnet will follow soon in coming weeks. Until then, kindly deploy this version only on amoy.

Steps for upgrading Bor node

  1. Stop bor service

    sudo service bor stop
  2. Install Bor with a version tag, network name (amoy), and node type (sentry, validator, or archive).

    # Replace the node type
    curl -L | bash -s -- v1.3.4-beta3 amoy <node_type>
  3. Check bor version

    /usr/bin/bor version 
    Version: 1.3.4-beta3
    GitCommit: 31545e536525bd221c38b392dff32dc8cc463f9f
  4. Restart bor service

    sudo service bor start

Bor Changelog

Docker Images

You can find the latest docker images here:




Polygon Team

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Council Transparency Report Council Transparency Report: PIP 26 & 40

Published: Jul 06, 2024

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Report Author: Mudit Gupta(on behalf of the Polygon Protocol Council)

Address: 0xf29722a899Aa9FD0836076CA1dA64212c451453C

Relating to:

  1. PIP-26: Transition from MATIC to POL Validator Rewards, and discussed on Polygon Protocol Governance Call 10 and Polygon Protocol Governance Call 21
  2. PIP-40: Support for upgraded Community Treasury Board contracts discussed on Polygon Protocol Governance Call 21

Change type: Regular change via the emergency track with PC Consensus: 10/13


This document is an official communication between the Polygon Protocol Council and the community. It aims to provide transparency to all community members regarding upcoming regular network changes.

In this transparency report, the Protocol Council (ā€˜PCā€™) outlines the execution details of an upgrade to the POL DefaultEmissionManager.sol contract.

The upgrade contains 3 distinct changes:

  1. PIP-26 Execution

In accordance with the POL emission schedule in PIP-26: Transition from MATIC to POL Validator Rewards, discussed in Polygon Protocol Governance Call 11 and Polygon Protocol Governance Call 21, validator rewards will be reduced from 2% to 1.5%.

  1. PIP-40: Execution (New CT contracts)

Also discussed on Polygon Protocol Governance Call 21, this change will redirect treasury emissions to the new CT setup detailed in PFP-2.

After evaluating the efficacy, impact, execution specifications, and security considerations, the PC has reached a supermajority consensus of 10/13, thereby executing the change without timelock.


  1. PIP-26 Execution

Executed an upgrade to the EmissionManager.sol to schedule POL emissions inline with the original commitments of the genesis MATIC Validator Rewards Schedule before commencing the aforementioned Polygon 2.0 validator reward schedule.

  1. PIP-40: Execution (New CTB contracts)

This change redirects treasury emissions to a new upgraded set up for the Community Treasury Board.


The subsequent section of the code provides a detailed overview of the execution specifications related to the proposed system smart contract change. These specifications are essential to understand the functioning and implementation of the upgrade:

Part 1: Deploy New DefaultEmissionManager implementation

The new version of the DefaultEmissionManager will be deployed using an EOA.
In its constructor, the new treasury address (0x86380e136a3aad5677a210ad02713694c4e6a5b9)
will be set.

Result: 0x5e875267f65537768435C3C6C81cd313a570B422

Part 2: Call mint() on existing DefaultEmissionManagerProxy

A payload containing calling the mint() method on the existing DefaultEmissionManagerProxy:

To: 0xbC9f74b3b14f460a6c47dCdDFd17411cBc7b6c53

Payload: 0x1249c58b

Value: 0

Part 3: Tell ProxyAdmin to updateAndCall

A payload will then be created that contains the function call.ā€œupgradeAndCallā€ on the ProxyAdmin (0xEBea33f2c92D03556b417F4F572B2FbbE62C39c3)

proxy: 0xbC9f74b3b14f460a6c47dCdDFd17411cBc7b6c53 (DefaultEmissionManagerProxy)

Implementation: 0x5e875267f65537768435C3C6C81cd313a570B422 (address of the new deployed DefaultEmissionManager implementation)

data: 0x6c2eb350 (encoded function call to the ā€œreinitializeā€ function of our new implementation)

Calling this function will result in the ProxyAdmin calling the ā€œupgradeToAndCallā€ function on the TransparentUpgradeableProxy (proxy from the inputs), which will upgrade the implementation and execute the ā€œreinitializeā€ function.
This will set the START_SUPPLY_1_2_0 to the current supply and startTimestamp to the current blocktime.

The result is the payload that is pasted below. It will be provided to the Emergency Security Council to execute the transaction on June 30th.





Part 3: Execution (in Safe)

The scheduled proposal can be executed by calling the function ā€œexecuteā€

Part 4: Validation

Once the upgrade is done, we can check the following things:

INTEREST_PER_YEAR_LOG2 should now be 0.03562390973072122e18; // log2(1.025)

START_SUPPLY_1_2_0 should be the last totalSupply before the upgrade.

startTimestamp should be equal to the blocktime of the upgrade transaction.

treasury should now be 0x86380e136a3aad5677a210ad02713694c4e6a5b9

Resources and References

  1. Polygon Forum: is a discourse forum for governance related discussions. Community members must register for an account before sharing their views.
  2. Read more about PIP-29: Polygon Protocol Council here:
  3. Testnet Review: new implementation, upgrade transaction
  4. Mainnet Review: new implementation, upgrade transaction( in Safe)


All copyrights and related rights in this work are waived under CC0 1.0 Universal.

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POS Validators Polygon Staking Report. June 2024 (By Validator.Info)

Published: Jul 03, 2024

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Hey there Polygon community! Weā€™ve gathered some interesting blockchain data to share with you.

Here are the top 5 Polygon validators ranked by total stake as of July 1, 24:

  1. Binance Node - 362,315,656 MATIC
  2. Luganodes - 353,814,905 MATIC
  3. Twinstake - 340,237,824 MATIC
  4. Coinbase Cloud - 251,887,670 MATIC
  5. Matic Power - 196,588,516 MATIC

Here are the top 5 Polygon validators ranked by total delegators amount as of July 1, 24.

  1. Everstake - 4,922 delegators
  2. Allnodes - 1,777 delegators
  3. Stakin - 744 delegators
  4. SelfLiquidity - 730 delegators
  5. StakePool - 705 delegators

These are the top 5 Polygon validators ranked by self-stake amount as of July 1, 24:

  1. Worldpay - 1,605,427 MATIC
  2. BCW Technologies - 969,641 MATIC
  3. Anonymous 94 - 785,021 MATIC
  4. Newroad Network - 724,109 MATIC
  5. Witval - 700,017 MATIC

Weā€™re thrilled to announce the top 5 Polygon validators who experienced the biggest staking gains in the past month! Congratulations to them:

  1. Kiln x Ownest +19,656,244 MATIC
  2. algo | stake +17,137,590 MATIC
  3. Upbit Staking +13,040,000 MATIC
  4. Coinbase Cloud +9,242,810 MATIC
  5. Girnaar Nodes +7,669,814 MATIC

Good job guys, keep it up!

Letā€™s also give congrats to the top 5 Polygon validators who increased their delegator count the most during the past month:

  1. Everstake +44 delegators
  2. InfStones +26 delegators
  3. Streamr +20 delegators
  4. Kiln x Ownest +16 delegators
  5. PolygonGo +14 delegators

Well done!

Sad, but not all changes were positive. Here are the 5 Polygon validators that had the biggest decrease in staking amount:

  1. SelfLiquidity -22,766,657 MATIC
  2. Twinstake -10,106,396 MATIC
  3. The Abyss -8,248,818 MATIC
  4. SenseiNode -1,200,630 MATIC
  5. Prometheus Pool -886,520 MATIC

Here are the 5 Polygon validators who had the most delegator losses during the past month.

  1. Smart Stake -27 delegators
  2. Allnodes -14 delegators
  3. Chorus One -12 delegators
  4. Vault Staking -8 delegators
  5. ANON LowFee -8 delegators

Here are the top 5 Polygon validators with the best Checkpoints, Bor, and Heimdall performance in the last month.

  1. PolygonGo - 100% performance
  2. Chainflow - 100% performance
  3. Valis Labs - 100% performance
  4. Luganodes - 100% performance
  5. Mind Heart Soul - 100% performance

You are a role model!

Here are the 5 Polygon validators with the worst Heimdall performance. We strongly encourage these validators to enhance their performance.

  1. Atlas Staking - 99.3% signed blocks
  2. InfStones - 99.4% signed blocks
  3. Deepheat - 99.5% signed blocks
  4. Matic Power - 99.6% signed blocks
  5. - 99.6% signed blocks

Here are the 5 Polygon validators with the worst Bor performance. We strongly encourage these validators to enhance their performance.

  1. - 0% blocks produced
  2. Chainflow - 0% blocks produced
  3. Validatrium - 0% blocks produced
  4. Fierydev-MCLB - 0% blocks produced
  5. Deepheat - 0% blocks produced

Looking for more info? Check out One-stop validator portal ā€” Validator.Info for real-time analytics, changes from various periods, and more!

Our twitter:
Our telegram: Telegram: Contact @ValidatorInfo

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Proposal Ideas PoS Shared Staking Model, Polygon 2.0 (Feedback Requested)

Published: Jul 02, 2024

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Type: Contracts

Authored by Scott Lilliston

Table of Contents:

Backward Compatibility
Security Considerations


Currently the bottom 70 validators (by total staked) on the PoS network control less than %10 of the collective stake. The bottom 40 validators (by total staked) control only %1 voting power. Creating a partially shared staking mechanism, shared by all validators with a mechanism to consistently raise the overall stake of the lower half of the validator set, will disburse voting power throughout the validator set thus reducing risks of centralization.

Additionally, creating a partially shared staking model will allow the entirety of the validator set to receive rewards which will continually offset operational costs and incentivize performance for the entirety of the validator set. This proposal outlines the considerations for such a shared staking model.


Motivations for creating a partially-shared staking model within the Polygon PoS network are:

  • Work toward a more equitable voting power distribution amongst the validator set and create a rewards model whereby the entirety of the validator set can see a reward share which will guarantee an offset of operational costs.

  • Benefit the validators who have successfully amassed large retail stakes and benefit the entirety of the validator group who also contribute to the success of the network.
    Incentivize all validators to meet network performance thresholds to participate in the shared stake awards.

  • Decrease Stake Centralization: Partial distribution of stake works toward a gradual leveling of voting power and block production.

  • Drive Network Performance levels of the validator set by Incentivizing validators in the lower bounds of staking hierarchy via shared stake awards.


Newly staked MATIC/POL tokens will be staked to the designated validator as chosen by the delegator with %20 of the amount being shared and staked within the validator set in two ways:

  • Half of the %20 split will be shared evenly amongst all other validators and applied toward their overall stake.

  • Half of the %20 split will be shared evenly amongst the bottom 50 validators (by total stake at the current checkpoint) and applied to their overall stake.

The proposed partial distribution model will be applicable ONLY to newly staked MATIC/POL tokens and to tokens being UNSTAKED and RESTAKED to a different validator within the network.

All Validators will retain all of their current stake at the time of implementation.

To incentivize performance from all validators, only those in top standing will receive shared stake. Even validators within grace periods will not qualify for the shared stake awards.

Once validators return to top performing levels above the benchmark, they may receive their portion of the shared stake.


Gradual increase of the total staked amounts of the lower half of the validator set, without changing the current overall stakes of the validators, offers several advantages:

  • Does not affect validators current rewards expectations.

  • Raises the floor of overall stake for the bottom half of the validator set over time and constantly pushes those validators in the lower half toward the median.

  • Gradually evens out voting power amongst the middle of the validator set.

Backwards Compatibility

The shared staking model will not need to be backwards compatible as it is intended to be applicable for newly staked or unstaked and restaked MATIC/POL. Existing validators and network operations should not be affected by the implementation.

Test Cases

To ensure the success of the shared staking model implementation, the following test cases will be conducted:

  • Performance Testing: Evaluate the development of smart contracts required to affect the shared staking model and monitor the networkā€™s ability to handle same, focusing on transaction processing times, block generation, and overall output.

  • Stability Testing: Monitor the network for any signs of instability or degradation in performance following the implementation of the shared staking model.

Security Considerations

Security remains a top priority during the execution of smart contracts or the staking UI. Security measures will include:

  • Enhanced monitoring and alerting systems to detect and respond to any abnormal activity.

  • Suggested implementation of best practices for validator operations.

ā€œThe best outcome will come from the individuals doing whatā€™s best for themselves and for the group.ā€

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Introduce Yourself Hello everyone please welcome me

Published: Jul 02, 2024

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Hello everyone this is Erfu, a big fan of PEPE! I am creating NFTā€™s about PEPE and i would love to share them with youā€¦ Nice to meet youā€¦

:frog: Who likes skateboard? PEPE does!

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Introduce Yourself Hi everyone I am from Turkey

Published: Jul 02, 2024

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Basic Introduction:
Whatā€™s your name (or username), and where are you from?
Aliriza, Iā€™m from Turkey
What drew you to the world of blockchain and Web3?
Here for the technology :smile:

Professional Background:
Please share a bit about your professional background and current occupation.
I am an entrepreneur who works in mines
How do you see your skills and experiences contributing to your Web3 journey?
Web3 is what I was missing

Interests in Web3:
What specific areas of Web3 are you most passionate about (e.g., DeFi, NFTs, DAOs, Gaming)? DeFi
Are there any projects or technologies in Web3 that you find particularly exciting or innovative? Bitcoin maximalist

Feature Recommendations:
Have you or a friend ever experienced any pain points when using Polygon PoS? Or, do you have any exciting ideas for the chain you would like to voice? Nothing to report
If so, do you have any specific features/solutions you think would work well?

Current Projects:
Are you currently working on any Web3 projects? If so, please briefly overview what youā€™re working on. No
How can the community support your projects? Are there specific collaborations or insights youā€™re seeking? No

Learning and Development:
What challenges have you faced in the Web3 space, and how have you overcome them? Nothing to report
Are there any resources or learning paths youā€™ve found invaluable in your Web3 education that youā€™d like to share? Just be curious

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General Discussion Basic intoduction

Published: Jul 02, 2024

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Hi, I am blockchainxo, a software developer and a progammer, I have been writing for 4 years+. I write web3 powere application like solidity, and I have good knowledge of web2 applications. I am comfortable with both microservice and monolithic architecture

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Updates and Announcements šŸ“¢ Optimism Forum Weekly Recap - daospace: 07/15 - 07/21

Published: Jul 26, 2024

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gm Optimism Collective :red_circle: :sparkles:

Last week saw a slight decrease in forum activity with 12 new topics, compared to the previous weekā€™s 30. Highlights included the Developer Advisory Board Feedback & Ideas Thread, inviting community input on technical support needs for Season 6, and the Web3Magnetic - Delegate Communication Thread, where web3magnetic shared their journey and invited delegations. The Season 6: Security Council Elections - Cohort A thread detailed the nomination process for council members. Meanwhile, Asiaā€™s Superchain Pioneers In Tokyo announced a fun event on July 27th to foster innovation and community spirit in Asia.

daospace is a DAO discovery platform that aggregates contributions across different DAOs. We will be providing weekly Automated AI Summaries to help reduce information overload, and so that all members can stay up to date on forum activity within the DAO. Below is a summary of every topic made within the OP Governance Forum from last week.

Feel free to leave us feedback in the comments below. You can get in touch with the daospace team on X (Twitter) , or reach out to the founders directly on X as well: Jaris James & Sixty

Developer Advisory Board Feedback & Ideas Thread

Created: 2024-07-15

Author: @zachobront


The post discusses the purpose of the Developer Advisory Board in Season 6 of the Collective, inviting community input on areas where technical support is needed. Community members are encouraged to share ideas during scheduled calls and in a designated thread. All suggestions will be compiled for the team to review and will influence the Season 7 Charter.

Web3Magnetic - Delegate Communication Thread

Created: 2024-07-16

Author: @web3magnetic


The post provides information about an individual and independent delegate in the Optimism Collective named web 3 magnetic.eth. They have experience in the Anti-capture Committee and expertise in Treasury management, Legal research, and community engagement research. They invite delegations and communication through their provided contact details.

Season 6: Security Council Elections - Cohort A

Created: 2024-07-17

Author: system



The post outlines the upcoming Security Council elections for Cohort A in the Optimism Security Council. It provides details on the current membership of Cohort A, member responsibilities, lead responsibilities, nomination process, eligibility considerations, the election process, key dates for candidates, and the removal process for council members. The elections are set to take place during a specific timeline and involve various steps including nominations, approvals, and screenings before the new council members begin their 12-month term.

Season 6: Security Council Nomination Thread - Cohort A

Created: 2024-07-17

Author: system


The post is about the process for nominating oneself to be a member of the Optimism Security Council Cohort A. It includes specific steps to follow, such as copying a nomination template, creating a new forum post, adding a specific tag, and providing the link to the completed nomination in the replies.

Season 6: Security Council Nomination Template - Cohort A

Created: 2024-07-17

Author: system


The post provides a nomination template for individuals interested in running for the Security Council on Optimism, requiring detailed information on previous experience, contributions to the ecosystem, technical background, member requirements, and commitment to the role. It also includes questions about conflicts of interest and compliance with the Councilā€™s operational procedures.

Optimism Chinese Community - Delegate Communication Thread

Created: 2024-07-17

Author: @Marcus01


Delegate Name: optimismcn.eth is a part of the OP Chinese Community delegation, led by Marcus. Their goal is to promote protocol decentralization and improve the Optimism Collective ecosystem while assisting Chinese communities in benefiting and participating. They provide their delegate address for those interested in delegating to them and offer contact information for further communication.

Milestone Assessments for S6

Created: 2024-07-18

Author: @Juanbug_PGov


The post discusses the responsibilities and procedures of the Milestones and Metrics Committee for assessing and tracking milestones for grants finalists in Seasons 4 through 6. It outlines the requirements for prospective applications, past applications, standard procedures, other procedures, reviewer metrics accountability, and official record and rule changes. The post also clarifies rules of decision-making within the committee.

Asiaā€™s Superchain Pioneers In Tokyo

Created: 2024-07-18

Author: @jaymayday.eth


Summary: The post announces the Asiaā€™s Superchain Pioneers event in Tokyo on July 27th, a gathering for Superchain enthusiasts in Asia to expand the Superchainā€™s presence, foster relationships, share knowledge, and drive innovation. The event will showcase Kroma, Mint Blockchain, and the Optimism Superchain, with a schedule including keynote speakers, introductions of the platforms, panel talks, giveaways, and networking opportunities. Attendees are encouraged to wear green or red attire. Kroma offers a Layer 2 solution using zkEVM for improved web 3 experiences, while Mint Blockchain is an Ethereum Layer 2 solution focused on NFT innovation and adoption in real-world business scenarios.

Season 6, Rubric Feedback Thread

Created: 2024-07-18

Author: @Gonna.eth


Season 6 of the Mission applications has introduced a revised rubric and review process for better evaluation. The changes include a unified rubric, increased discretionary slots for reviewers, a final scoring system based on reviewer scores, preliminary reviews, and feedback incorporation. The rubric covers various aspects like project quality, technical implementation, novelty, team assessment, milestones, and more. Additionally, there are guidelines for proposer conduct to ensure adherence to the Optimism communityā€™s values.

Voting Cycle Roundup #25

Created: 2024-07-19

Author: system


Cycle #25 started on July 18th at 19:00 GMT and ends on August 7th at 19:00 GMT. The Citizensā€™ House will have a one-week period to veto any approved Upgrades after the Token House Voting Period ends. Delegate voting weights will be snapshot at the time votes go live. Voting will be held at starting on August 1st at 19:00 GMT. The Citizensā€™ House veto vote will take place via Snapshot from August 8th to August 14th.

GovNFT Program Delegate Selection Thread

Created: 2024-07-19
Author: @Michael


The post asks participants of the GovNFT program to share their reasons for selecting a delegate. Participants are prompted to answer questions about the delegate they chose, the voting participation history of the delegate, and how the delegate aligns with their preferences. Thoughtful responses are awarded points while spam or low-effort posts are not counted.

GovNFT Help and FAQ

Created: 2024-07-19

Author: @Michael


The post is inviting readers to ask any questions they may have about GovNFTs, the incentive program, or the points system by commenting below.

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Feedback šŸ’¬ Season 6 Feedback Thread

Published: Jul 26, 2024

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Creating a place for delegates and gov participants to provide feedback on Season 6.

Please leave constructive feedback so we keep the signal to noise ratio high in here! All forum engagement is subject to the Forum Rules of Engagement

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Elected Representatives šŸ’¼ Code of Conduct Council S6 Election Town Hall

Published: Jul 24, 2024

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Congratulations to all the self-nominees! The following folks have officially self-nominated for the Season 6 Code of Conduct Council as council members (note that any OP Chain or Citizenship affiliation is highlighted):

@Bubli.eth (link to self-nomination)

@CryptoReuMD (link to self-nomination)

@JuanRah (link to self-nomination)

@Oxytocin (link to self-nomination)

@NazreAssad (link to self-nomination)

@Gabriel29 (link to self-nomination)

@Pumbi (link to self-nomination)

@fujiar (link to self-nomination) - Citizen

@gospelofchange (link to self-nomination)

@Gus (link to self-nomination)

@alexsotodigital (link to self-nomination)

@eve633 (link to self-nomination)

The Code of Conduct Council Town Hall will be hosted on Tuesday, July 30th from 1pm - 2pm ET / 5pm - 6pm GMT.

You can find the invite via the public Governance Calendar.

As of now, the structure of the Town Hall will be each nominee will have 60 seconds to answer one question from the Foundation:

  • What unique skills or habits will you bring to the Code of Conduct Council to ensure it delivers measurable impact towards the approved KPIs?

Reporter Experience KPIs:

  • Response time and response rate on filed reports
  • Number of reports that de-escalate without enforcement actions and the number of reports with enforcement actions.
  • Accountability and transparency around the due processing of cases with recurrent posting on the forum.
  • Number of updates to charters and operating procedures to match the functionality of the council to the evolving seasonal nature of Optimism.
  • Availability and ease of access to the council with monthly office hours, where the community can raise or get information on cases processed.

Performance KPIs:

  • Number of community members that disengage/resign/offboard due to unmanaged conflict
  • None, or least amount of token votes regarding Conflict management actions related to implementing rules of engagement. (As council members remain removable via the Representative Removal proposal, it is desired to not have any member removed or signaled through that mechanism)
  • Separate the collective from the visibility of conflicts managed, and their outcomes.
  • Mid and end-season analysis from the council about patterns identified in cases, to signal improvement opportunities. Shared in the forum.

Self-nominees who arenā€™t able to attend live may share a ~60 second video answering the question above. If applicable, this video will be played live on the call.

If youā€™re a delegate, and youā€™re interested in asking a question to all self-nominees during the Town Hall please comment it below. If time allows one question at random will be picked from the list of delegate questions in this thread.

If you have specific questions for specific nominees, please comment them below as well and council nominees may answer the questions async.

As a reminder, candidate assessments will take place until July 31st, and the Voting Period for elections will take place from August 1st - August 7th.

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Updates and Announcements šŸ“¢ Fractal Breach Information

Published: Jul 24, 2024

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In response to the Fractal data breach, below we share details about our communications with Fractal, some additional context and clarification, and the information we have thus far.

We had dramatically reduced our usage of Fractal and now commit to ending our limited use of of them as a vendor moving forward. In December, the Optimism Foundation moved away from Fractal as an identity verification provider and stopped using them for most users and geographies. This move was spurred by community provided feedback that the process felt unnecessarily thorough. We are currently using Persona to satisfy our identity verification requirements as a component of KYC. You can read about their successful completion of key privacy and security audits here:

While we are still waiting to learn more from Fractal about the nature of the breach, their team has confirmed that five Optimism users were impacted. Breached data did not include any direct association between a userā€™s personal identifying information and a teamā€™s Optimism grant awards, nor their L1 or L2 addresses in use for grant awards. Email or other contact information provided to Fractal may have been subject to the data breach. The Fractal team can provide users with the most context about their specific cases and impact.

The privacy of our communityā€™s data is critically important to us. We reached out to Fractal to request deletion of any user data from Optimism community members. Because the data belongs to individuals and not Optimism, they informed us that users need to request data deletion personally. You can email to request data deletion. Please feel free to use the following template:

ā€‹"Dear Fractal team,

I hereby request the deletion of my account with Fractal ID and erasure of the underlying personal data."

Please confirm via email when this deletion has been completed.

Fractal has assured us that they have reached out to all impacted users. If you have not received an email from, then your data is not believed to have been among the records compromised.

Weā€™re following developments closely and our team is communicating with Fractal to advocate for Optimism users and their data protection. Weā€™ll continue to share material updates here as they become available, but encourage users to reach out directly to Fractal for information.

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Updates and Announcements šŸ“¢ New Explorer for the OP Stack: Milestone 2 submission and request for feedback

Published: Jul 24, 2024

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GM Optimism!

On behalf of the Walnut team, I am excited to announce that we have reached Milestone 2 of the OP Scan project, which received an OP grant in Season 5, cycle 19.

In this post, we detail what has been delivered and whatā€™s next. We encourage you to try out the tool (instructions below) and share your feedback.

TL;DR: What is OP Scan?

OP Scan is a new, lightweight, local, and open-source explorer for the OP Stack. It runs on a laptop, enabling anyone building OP Stack chains to connect and explore transactions locally. Itā€™s production-ready and scalable for Rollup-as-a-Service providers to use for their chains. The code is well-crafted and structured, making it easy for anyone to customize.

Milestones Overview: where we are

  1. Milestone 1: Build the MVP :white_check_mark: (link to announcement)
  2. Milestone 2: Expanded tx Detail Page :white_check_mark: ā† this announcement
  3. Milestone 3: Expanded contract detail page with contract verification ā† up next
  4. Milestone 4: UX improvements, Documentation, Superchain

What we delivered in Milestone 2

The second Milestone addressed primarily the transaction details page which has been augmented to display gas prices and fees, from/to addresses, ERC20 token transfers, preliminary work on input data decoding as well as transaction status and confirmations.

Hereā€™s an example transaction details page of a basic ERC20 transfer:

You can test a live version of the explorer configured for optimism mainnet here.

We met first users

Here is a quick selfie from Optimistic Gathering in Brussels last week. On the picture with Nikolas, the CTO from, a rollup on the OP Stack. Nikolas was very interested in the explorer, and we discussed the key values that a great explorer needs to offer ā€” especially performance and good UX.

Whatā€™s next

You can review all of the upcoming milestones and deliverables on CharmVerse.

Notably, in the next milestone, we will focus on the contract page and contract verification.

We also plan to encourage more users to test the product and share their feedback.

CTA: Looking for Rollup Builders!

If you know rollup teams building on the OP Stack, chances are they will be interested in this explorer. Here is why they could want it:

  • Open source (= free)
  • Etherscan-like UX
  • Lightweight & fast

Please make an intro!

Contact details:

Stay optimistic! :wave:

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Technical Proposals šŸ“ƒ Idea for the future

Published: Jul 24, 2024

View in forum ā†’Remove is this something we should explore?

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āœØ General FairSharing - Contribution On-Chain, Reputation building, Decentralize coordination

Published: Jul 24, 2024

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Iā€™m thrilled to introduce FairSharing, an on-chain collaboration tool and public good on the Optimism network. Itā€™s designed to foster active participation among Optimism contributors in on-chain collaboration, grant allocation, and governance.

Get Involved

We encourage the Optimism community to review this product documentation and offer feedback. Your insights and suggestions are crucial for refining and enhancing the FairSharing project.

Your feedback is essential to ensure that we develop a resilient and efficient platform that meets the requirements of all participants contributing to the chain. We eagerly await your ideas and suggestions!

Project Overview: Fairsharing is a collaboration protocol built on Optimism, through Creat a project, Post a contribution, Vote with project, Claim token once passed, Leaderboard of token distribution to complete the entire process of on-chain contribution. distribution to complete the whole process of on-chain contribution

Project vision: Weā€™ve developed a contribution protocol named FairSharing on the Optimism network. Our solution makes it easy for people to log and verify their contributions in a decentralized manner. Thanks to contributions verified on the blockchain, anyone can receive their rewards transparently and justly, crafting their blockchain-based passports, credentials, or resumes. This innovative approach simply isnā€™t possible with traditional web2 technologies. Currently, over 30 projects have adopted it!

Check us out at


Core Points: Your rewards =(Your contributions/Totalcontributions)* Total rewards

How to Record Contribution

All Contributor on chain

  1. Post their contribution
  2. Evalates it
  3. Other vote it
  4. Claims pizza slices as token into wallet

Automatically alocate rewards proportionally

Compare with other products

It is a Real Public Goods Forever

Frontend: GitHub - lxdao-official/fairsharing-frontend

Backend: GitHub - lxdao-official/fairsharing-backend

Contract: GitHub - lxdao-official/fairsharing-contract

Project Protype

Project slides

Weā€™re continually refining our product and are genuinely excited about Individual Contribution Logs design. Weā€™re keen to contribute and eagerly await the opportunity to discuss this further with you!

Contact:Telegram @mikelyeth or @Marcuszheng

Telegram Group: Telegram: Join Group Chat

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Community Calls Token House Call will be [Tuesday, July 30 @ 11:00PT / 14:00 ET / 18:00 GMT / 19:00 CET]

Published: Jul 24, 2024

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Hey Optimists!

We have a :sparkles: Special Editionnn :sparkles: token house coming up next Tuesday with the one and only @ben-chain for an overview & AMA on Blockspace Charters!

Review the current info on Blockspace Charters ahead of time and come with your questions ready!

This is a huge governance step forward and a necessary one as we move into a truly interop Superchain.

Google meet link:

See you there!

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Retro Funding šŸ”“ Retro Funding 5: Expert voting experiment

Published: Jul 22, 2024

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Retroactive Public Goods Funding 5 (Retro Funding) will reward contributions to the OP Stack. A high degree of knowledge is required to understand the OP Stackā€™s different components, the impact of protocol development initiatives and the usefulness of tools that support OP chain operators. The hypothesis that round 5 is aiming to test is if experts make better OP allocation decisions on OP Stack contributions compared to non-experts.

Research Questions

The Retro Funding 5 governance experiment is designed around the following research questions:

  1. Are there significant differences in how experts versus non-experts vote to allocate resources to technical contributions?
  2. Are there significant differences between existing badgeholders and new guest voters, both in how they vote to allocate resources and in other characteristics?
  3. Will sorting badgeholders into smaller groups dedicated to evaluating a specific set of applications improve the voter experience?

Expertise Measurement

Expertise is measured via a score assigned to each individual based on their past Github activity relating to the OP Stack. The GitHub accounts of guest voters are collected in the application flow to become a guest voter. Badgeholders are invited to add their GitHub account to their Optimist Profile in the process of completing Season 6 onboarding. The scores are assigned using an algorithm developed through a collaboration between Karma3Labs and Open Source Observer, and is based on Hubs and Authorities. The algorithm is more complex than EigenTrust, because it incorporates two entities: GitHub Repos and GitHub Users, both of which can have ā€˜trustā€™ and give ā€˜trustā€™ to each other. The algorithm used to rank expertise will be open sourced after the conclusion of Round 5 to avoid influencing the experiment. You can find more details on guest voter selection here

Voter groups

  1. Badgeholders with high expertise score
    • Target group size: 25 people
    • Selected via: Top 25 badgeholders based on expertise score
  2. Badgeholders without expertise (control group): Existing badgeholders with no expertise on the OP Stack
    • Target group size: 50 people
    • Selected via: Randomly sampling of existing badgeholders without, or with a low, expertise score. Randomly sampled badgeholders will be asked to opt into the process, new badgeholders are randomly sampled until the target group size is reached.
  3. Guest voters with expertise: Guest voters who were selected based on their expert score

Random sampling

Random sampling is a widely used statistical method in which all members of a population (all Citizens) have the same probability of being selected. Random sampling does not guarantee that a particular sample is a perfect representation of the population, but rather allows for valid conclusions to be drawn about the entire population based on the sample. Another way of saying this is that the random sample approximates the full population. This is due to the equal probability of selection. Read more here Experimenting with Random Sampling in the Citizens' House

Treatment and control groups

Retroactive Public Goods Funding is an ongoing experiment, in which the Collective tests and validates different voting designs based on how well they perform at rewarding impact. Previous experiments were largely product iterations based on learnings from previous rounds and hypothesised improvements. For future rounds, experimentation will become more scientific to better understand cause and effect of different design choices. We believe this approach will allow the Collective to develop an industry-leading approach to metagovernance that will strengthen the design of the system over time. Retro Funding 5 introduces the concept of treatment and control groups. In experimental design, the ā€œtreatment groupā€ participates in the experiment, while the ā€œcontrol groupā€ does not (representing the status quo.) This allows hypotheses to be validated or invalidated by comparing the results of the treatment group to the control group. Specifically, taking this approach in Round 5 will allow the Collective to generate actionable insights about the performance of expert voters compared to non-expert voters.

Voting Process

An iteration on Retro Funding voting design is the allocation of voters into subgroups. Each subgroup only votes on a specific category of projects (e.g. Ethereum Core Contributions, OP Stack Research & Development, OP Stack Tooling). This has been a popular experimentation request and is one proposed methodology by which the Retro Funding voting process can be scaled to reward more projects. This change can be understood as a product iteration, as its validation largely relies on the change in performance data compared to previous rounds and badgeholder feedback, while there is no control group which would allow for more scientific comparison.

Process Overview:

  1. Subgroups are established: voters are (randomly) assigned into subgroups, the subgroups are equal in size and remain representative of the different voter groups.
  2. Category allocation: All voters vote on the allocation of OP among the three categories of the round scope. These votes will be public.
  3. Impact Evaluation: Each voter votes on the amount of retro rewards all projects within their assigned category should receive. Votes will be private to prevent intimidation and coercion, promote unbiased decision-making and protect against bribery.

Voting design

The Foundation Mission ā€œEvaluating Voting Design Tradeoffs for Retro Fundingā€ is expected to deliver relevant insights into voting design tradeoffs, which will inform the selection of a voting mechanism for round 5. Further details on the implementation of impact = profit within the round, and the policy for conflicts of interests among badgeholders, will follow.

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Retro Funding šŸ”“ Retro Funding 5: OP Stack - round details

Published: Jul 22, 2024

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Retroactive Public Goods Funding (Retro Funding) 5 will reward contributors to the OP Stack, including core Ethereum infrastructure that supports or underpins the OP Stack, advancements in OP Stack research and development, and tooling which supports its accessibility and usability.


Please note that all dates are preliminary and might change. This post will be updated to reflect future changes.

  1. Sign up: August 15th - August 29th
  2. Application Review Process: August 30th - September 13th
  3. Voting: September 14th - September 28th
  4. Results & Grant delivery: October 3rd

Contributing to the OP Stack

If youā€™re looking to make contributions to the OP Stack which could be rewarded within a retro round, check out open ideas describing impactful initiatives on the OP Stack repo here

Round Scope and Eligibility Criteria

Retro Funding 5: OP Stack will reward impact which has been generated between October 2023 - August 2024. Impact will be rewarded within the following categories:

Ethereum Core Contributions

Ethereum infrastructure which supports, or is a dependency, of the OP Stack.

Examples: Smart contract languages, Ethereum consensus & execution clients, EVM, Ethereum testnets, Cryptography research

Eligibility: The following types of projects are eligible:

  • Ethereum client implementations
  • Infrastructure to test and deploy chains
  • Languages that are dedicated to the development of smart contracts
  • Research that informs Ethereum core development

Projects that are used to develop or deploy contracts or apps, including in the development and deployment of Optimism contracts, may be rewarded in Retro Funding 7: Dev Tooling, and are not in scope for this category.

OP Stack Research & Development

Direct research & development contributions to the OP Stack, and contributions that support protocol upgrades
Examples: Optimism Protocol upgrades, OP Stack Client Implementations, modules & mods, audits and Fault Proof VM implementations.
Eligibility: The following types of projects are eligible:

  • Work on core components of the OP Stack, including client implementations, modules, and modifications.
  • Research or development that introduces new features, improvements, or capabilities to the OP Stack.
  • Security audits specifically on the OP Stack or its components.

Optimism Monorepo contributions are not rewarded within Retro Funding 5. Commits to the monorepo are mainly done by Optimism core devs and the core dev program is not developed enough to support outside contributions to the monorepo yet.

OP Stack Tooling

Efforts that improve the usability and accessibility of the OP Stack through tooling enhancements.
Examples: Integration and load testing infrastructure, scripts for running an Optimism node, RaaS providers, OP Stack tutorials & documentation

Eligibility: The following types of projects are eligible:

  • Tools that facilitate the deployment, operation, or testing of the OP Stack. This includes integration tools, load testing infrastructure, and scripts for node management.
  • Services for deploying and hosting an OP Chain
  • Documentation and tutorials which aid in understanding of the OP Stackā€™s components and its development

Round Sizing: 8m OP to reward OP Stack contributors

Retro Funding 5 will allocate 8m OP to reward the impact of OP Stack contributors. The Foundation will size Retro Funding 4 & 5, and will propose round sizes for Retro Funding 6 & 7, to be ratified by the Citizensā€™ House. In the future, this process will gradually transition to be more community-led, which may involve the creation of a Budget Board, or similar, in future Seasons. Below you find some considerations that informed the round sizing:

  1. Retro Funding 3 benchmark: In retro round 3, approx 6.5m+ OP were allocated to projects contributing to the OP Stack.
  2. Rapid development of the OP Stack: Since round 3, 5+ Protocol upgrades took place that introduced major performance improvements to the OP Stack. Research has accelerated with the deployment of the OP Stack fault proof system on mainnet. Thus, the impact generated by contributions to the OP Stack has increased significantly since October 2023.

Voting design

Retro Funding 5 will sort Badgeholders into smaller groups dedicated to evaluating a specific set of applications, with the hypothesis that voter experience and allocation of rewards are improved, compared to past rounds. For the round, a number of guest voters with expertise relating to the OP Stack will be selected, to test if there are significant differences in how experts versus non-experts vote to allocate rewards to OP Stack contributions. You can find out more about the rounds governance design here Retro Funding 5: Expert voting experiment

KYC & Grant delivery

The Optimism Foundation is making continous improvements on the KYC & Grant delivery process. Grants will be streamed to recipients over 100 days, following the announcement of results and approval of KYC. Superfluid is providing infrastructure for the streaming of Retro Funding grants. Grantees must receive a minimum of 1,000 OP to be eligible for rewards.

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Voting Cycles Voting Cycle Roundup #25

Published: Jul 19, 2024

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Cycle #25 began on Thursday July 18th at 19:00 GMT and runs until Wednesday August 7th at 19:00 GMT. Additionally, the Citizensā€™ House will have a one-week period to veto any Upgrades approved by the Token House, immediately following the conclusion of the Token House Voting Period.

A snapshot of delegate voting weights will be taken at the time votes go live. Voting will take place at 6 starting on Thursday August 1st at 19:00 GMT. The Citizensā€™ House veto vote will take place via Snapshot from Thursday August 8th to Wednesday August 14th.

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āœØ General GovNFT Help and FAQ

Published: Jul 19, 2024

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Have any question about GovNFTs, the incentive program, or the points system?

Post them below!

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āœØ General GovNFT Program Delegate Selection Thread

Published: Jul 19, 2024

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Hi GovNFT program participants!

If you have already selected a delegate (you can browse them here or here), post in this thread your reasoning behind selecting that delegate.

Questions to answer:

  • What delegate did you choose?
  • What is the voting participation of the last 5 votes of your delegate?
  • In what ways is this delegate aligned with you?

As a reminder, thoughtful responses are with 20 points. Spam or low-effort posts will not count towards the point total.

7 posts - 5 participants

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āœØ General Asia's Superchain Pioneers In Tokyo

Published: Jul 19, 2024

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Weā€™re excited to host Asiaā€™s Superchain Pioneers In Tokyo, a Superchain gathering around EDCON in Tokyo on July 27th! :red_circle::green_circle:

This event is the first collaboration hub for Superchain enthusiasts in Asia. ā€‹This summit focuses on expanding the Superchainā€™s presence in Asia, fostering relationships, sharing knowledge, and driving innovation. ā€‹We will introduce Kroma, Mint Blockchain, and the Optimism Superchain, showcasing their contributions and goals within the Superchain.

Announcement Tweet | Lu Ma event Page

ā€‹šŸ‘• Dress code: Green or Red

ā€‹šŸŽ Q&A Giveaway:


  • ā€‹~ 1:30: Welcome & Reception
  • ā€‹1:30 - 1:45: Keynote (@jaymayday_eth)
  • ā€‹1:45 - 2:10: Introduction of Kroma
  • ā€‹2:10 - 2:30: Introduction of Mint Blockchain
  • ā€‹2:30 - 3:00: Panel Talk
    • ā€‹Topic: Built on the Superchain
  • ā€‹3:00 - 3:20: Giveaway & Raffle (Q&A)
  • ā€‹3:20 - 4:30: Networking

About Kroma

ā€‹Kroma, built on the Superchain, is Asiaā€™s leading Layer 2 solution utilizing zkEVM, enhancing gamified web3 experiences across gaming, consumer applications, and the Asia market.

ā€‹Website | Twitter | Discord | Warpcast | Github | Docs | Ecosystem | Grant

ā€‹About Mint Blockchain

ā€‹Mint Blockchain, an Ethereum Layer 2 solution for the NFT industry developed with the OP Stack, is powered by NFTScan Labs and Optimism. It plays a key role in the Optimism Superchain, driving NFT innovation and adoption, especially in real-world business scenarios. Mint Blockchain aims to bring NFTs into mainstream adoption alongside the OP Superchain.

ā€‹Website | Twitter | Discord | Mirror | GitHub | Mint Forest | MintPool | Dev Docs

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Mission Grants šŸ¹ Season 6, Rubric Feedback Thread

Published: Jul 18, 2024

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As we kick off Season 6, we are excited to announce a revised rubric and review process to ensure a fair and transparent evaluation of Mission applications. Here are the key updates:

  1. Unified Rubric: This season, we will be using a single, general rubric that can be adapted to all Mission requests. The Grants Council has designed this rubric to provide a comprehensive evaluation framework for all applications.
  2. Increased Discretionary Slots: Reviewers will now have three discretionary slots instead of one. These slots allow reviewers to assign a score between -2 and 4 to specific aspects of the application. When applying discretionary scores, reviewers must provide a clear explanation for their decision.
  3. Final Scoring System: The final score for each Mission application will be calculated as the sum of all reviewer scores, divided by the number of reviewers who evaluated the application. This ensures that the scores are fair and representative of the overall consensus.
  4. Preliminary Review: The preliminary review will be conducted by a single reviewer. This step aims to provide an initial assessment and identify any major issues before the full review takes place.
  5. Feedback and Cycle 25: Any feedback received during the review process will be incorporated into the evaluation for Cycle 25. We encourage applicants to provide their feedback to the Grants Council by the designated deadline.

We believe these changes will lead to a more efficient and equitable review process.

Generic Rubric
Project 0 1 2 3 4
Opensource no some parts yes
Demo included (binary yes/no) No demo or poor demo included High-quality demo included
Tangible Use Case This project is highly abstract or not useful for the adoption This project may have some tangible use case This project has a reasonable probability of creating a tangible use case This project presents a clear and useful use case for the adoption that may already exist. This project presents a clear, unique and useful use case for the adoption
Intuitivity, ease of use and accesibility The project lacks simplistic and or intuitive design The Project is slightly intuitive and or simplistic, but improvements are needed The Project demonstrates a fair degree of simplicity and intuitiveness The Project is notably simplistic and intuitive The Project excels in simplicity and intuitiveness and will be easy to onboard users
Technical implementation The project design is too complex and hard to realize. The project design is somewhat complex and realization is not impossible. Limited or ineffective use of smart contracts Moderately effective use of smart contracts, with some areas for improvement. Demonstrates a sophisticated use of smart contract, providing comprehensive insights
Novelty There is little to distinguish this project from other projects that exist on Optimism already This is one of a small number of examples of a project being built on Optimism that are otherwise common throughout Web3 This project is distinguishable from other projects in Web3 on the margins (e.g., a different way of doing something that may be done in other contexts already) This project is distinguishable from other projects in Web3: very few other projects are doing something similar and this is not merely a different way of performing an existing operation This project is at the vanguard of development and is meaningfully different from other projects in Web3.
Code Audit (intention to audit in the future should be part of the score) No code audit Some code audit but not by a well-known auditor Some code audit by reputable auditor Code fully audited but not by a well-known auditor Code fully audited by reputable auditor
Aspirations 0 1 2 3 4
Superchain composability potential Project canā€™t be extended to the Superchain ecosystem Project has multiple challenges to be extended to the Superchain ecosystem Project has the potential to be extended to the Superchain ecosystem
Project stickness Clear flaw in design that cannot be easily remedied Difficult to see the project continuing for more than a year Reasonable chance that the project has intermediate-to-long-term success (+1 Year) Project is likely to generate long-term, sustainable value for the Optimism ecosystem Project has substantial likelihood to generate long-term, sustainable value for the Optimism ecosystem
Mission Alignment No clear strategy for achieving the goals of the mission request Some mission request strategy alignment with notable weaknesses and low impact Moderate mission request alignment strategy with reasonable chances of success Strong and well-defined mission request alignment strategy, is likely to succeed in a meaningful way Project is a significant driver of the mission request, significant impact, and sets a standard for others to follow
Developers 0 1 2 3 4
Developer Draw Project unlikely to draw more developers to Optimism Project likely to draw more developers to Optimism Project likely to draw many developers to Optimism Project likely to draw many developers to Optimism who focus on building novel products Project likely to draw a large number of developers who focus on building novel products
User / Developer Retention Likely to attract users / devs who will not remain in the ecosystem Likely to reach users / devs who derive utility from engaging with the Optimism network Likely to reach users / devs who have a sustained need to use OP Likely to reach users / devs who have a significant need to use OP and who offer significant value to the OP ecosystem Likely to reach power users / devs, key Web3 ecosystems, and core developers who have a need to use OP
OP Request 0 1 2 3 4
Distribution implementation plan Proposed plan has little likelihood of reaching intended recipients Proposed plan is unlikely to reach the breadth of recipients intended Proposed plan is reasonably tailored to reach breadth of recipients intended Proposed plan creates a likelihood that grant will reach breadth of recipients intended Proposed plan is well-designed to reach breadth of recipients intended
Locked grant size Grant size significantly outweighs projected benefit Grant size is considerably larger than expected benefit Grant size is proportional to expected benefit OR if Grant Size is greater than 35K OP, this is the highest score possible for this category Expected benefit outweighs grant size Expected benefit meaningfully exceeds grant size
User incentives grant size Grant size significantly outweighs projected benefit Grant size is considerably larger than expected benefit Grant size is proportional to expected benefit OR if Grant Size is greater than 35K OP, this is the highest score possible for this category Expected benefit outweighs grant size Expected benefit meaningfully exceeds grant size
Team 0 1 2 3 4
Team Commitment No commitment attraction Mercenary commitment attraction (stays until benefits end) Commitment attraction (1 to 3 months after rewards end ) Commitment attraction (1 year after rewards end) Commitment attraction (2+ years after rewards end)
Team assessment Team does not substantiate ability to deliver on plan Team does not show significant ability to deliver on plan Team shows reasonable ability to deliver on plan Team has substantial relevant experience and shows significant ability to deliver on plan Teamā€™s track record exceeds what is required to deliver on plan
Milestones 0 1 2
Security category (optional) No concrete treatment of security concerns Full description of likely risks and mitigations regarding security, user funds, and other concerns of that nature
Milestone Trackability Not trackable Somewhat trackable Easily trackable
Milestones accountability Not clear or not articulated roadmap Reasonable but plausible roadmap well-defined and highly achievable roadmap
Measurable Impact Milestones have no measurable impact or metric Milestones have some measurable impact or metric Clear metrics and indicators to measure the success and impact of the project
Other -2 -1 0 1 2 3 4
Discretionary factor 1*
Discretionary factor 2*
Discretionary factor 3*

*Reviewers will have a discretionary score to apply to the overall rubric of (-2 to 4). An explanation must be included with the assignment of any discretionary score.

Proposer Conduct
It is a tremendous privilege for the Optimism community to have excellent developers and community members who seek to improve the ecosystem. Nevertheless, participation in the Optimism Grants process is a privilege for proposers, not an entitlement. In an effort to describe some behaviors that are not considered representative of the Optimism communityā€™s spirit, reviewers may deduct points from a proposal where the proposer or its community members engage in conduct ill-suited to the Optimism ideals. The following point deductions may be cumulative.

  • Removal from Cycle Contentious and disputes reviewer feedback from current or prior rounds in an abrasive manner, upon the recommendation of at least two reviewers, the relevant sub-committee can vote to disqualify the proposer for the current cycle by simple majority vote.
  • Removal from Cycle Conduct that would represent a violation of the delegate code of conduct if the proposer were a delegate. Proposers should conduct themselves with the same standard of conduct as delegates given their proposal to better the Optimism ecosystem. Upon the recommendation of at least two reviewers, the relevant sub-committee can vote to disqualify the proposer for the current cycle by simple majority vote.
  • Removal from Cycle Repeated conduct that signifies an active lack of respect for the process and / or the reviewers. Upon the recommendation of at least two reviewers, the relevant sub-committee can vote to disqualify the proposer for the current cycle by simple majority vote.
  • Removal from Cycle if there is a reasonable basis in the opinion of the reviewer(s) to believe that the proposer has engaged in intentional or knowing misconduct or in conduct intended to mislead the council or its reviewers, upon the recommendation of at least two reviewers, the relevant sub-committee can vote to disqualify the proposer for the current cycle by simple majority vote.
  • Removal from Season if there is a reasonable basis in the opinion of the reviewer(s) to believe the proposer has engaged in egregious behavior (e.g., outright dishonesty), upon the recommendation of at least two reviewers, the relevant sub-committee can vote to disqualify the proposer for the current cycle by simple majority vote.

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Grants Updates Milestone Assessments for S6

Published: Jul 18, 2024

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Milestone Completion and Accountability Review Season 6

The Milestones and Metrics Committee will be responsible for assessing and tracking milestones for grants that have reached the Final Review as well as finalists from Seasons 4 through 6.

Milestone Hub

A Milestone Hub on the Grants Council Landing Page that serves as a space for grants finalists to report their milestone progress has been created. Over the course of the season, the Milestone and Metrics Committee shall assess whether the Milestone Hub is well-suited to its purpose and may, with the assistance and guidance of the Operations Manager, adapt the Milestone Hub as it deems appropriate.

Prospective Applications

In order to be considered as a finalist, an application must include multiple milestones. Milestones are intended to show good faith effort and a baseline of success toward the goals articulated in the grant application. Additional milestones (used to be called benchmark milestones) are intended to show impact to the Optimism Collective that can be used to assess the project in the future, and can be added to strengthen an application. The Milestones should be aimed at creating discrete, trackable milestones for each successful application.

At the beginning of each Final Review, the Milestones and Metrics Committee will review each application selected by each of the grant reviewers to determine whether the applicationā€™s milestones meet the standard of sufficiency set forth in the Milestones Guidelines.

In order to be eligible to become a finalist, an application must receive a favorable vote of a majority of the Milestones and Metrics Committee members verifying that the applicationā€™s milestones meet the standards of sufficiency.

Past Applications

The Milestones and Metrics Committee shall make recommendations to the Foundation or Optimism Collective as to whether or not to proceed with the remainder of past seasonsā€™ Experiments and Builders grants. In general, the Milestones and Metrics Committee shall not recommend proceeding with a project unless all critical milestones have been achieved (per the vote of the Committee).

The Milestone and Metrics Committee is generally responsible for voting on whether or not milestones have been achieved. In circumstances where the Committee determines that it would require expertise beyond the capacity of the Committee, the Milestone and Metrics Committee Lead may submit a milestone for consideration of the Committee that originally voted to designate the application as a prior finalist. In such cases, the majority vote of the relevant committee shall be considered determinative.

Standard procedure

  • Applications for the continuation of a grant should be submitted to the Milestones Hub. (Season 6 will also be CharmVerse)
  • In general, applications will be reviewed only after a project confirms that all relevant required milestones have been completed. However, the Milestone and Metrics Committee may consider requests to review individual milestones in certain cases.
  • Absent an approval for a greater amount of time, critical milestones will be considered past due twelve months from the locking of the grant for Builders applications.
  • Milestones and Metrics votes shall be recorded.

Other procedures

  • In cases where a project has failed to complete its critical milestones in the allotted time, the Committee will default to recommending against proceeding with any further steps of the grant. Projects are free to voluntarily recuse themselves from a grant if they are unable to finish before the deadline.
  • In the case where a proposer makes a proposal to change the substance (or extend the time) of a critical milestone, the Committee may consider the change only if (a) the Committee determines that there is substantial good reason to support the request and (b) a super-majority of all of the Council reviewers vote in favor of the proposal.
  • When relevant, the Committee shall wait for the Developer Advisory Board to confirm the completion of the critical milestones prior to confirming completion to the Foundation.

The guidance in this section yields to any contrary rule, guidance, or vote from Token House or the Foundation.

Reviewer Metrics Accountability

Similar to Season 5, the committee will ensure grant council reviewers communicate effectively with the grant applicants and are accountable for their work. For Season 6, specific metrics and processes as mandated by the charter will again include: reviewer comment frequency on substantive rubric components, reviewer comments on failed intake applications, reviewer attendance of committee meetings, reviewer voting on committee and full council polls.

The metrics as a whole will possibly be adapted over the course of the season as best practices reveal themselves in this trial run period. The goal will not be to micromanage each reviewer but more so to identify and allocate additional support for those reviewers that need such, while also offering comparison between reviewers for delegates and token house members.

Official Record and Rule Changes

  • The Council will maintain a tracker of applications considered, finalists named, milestones for finalists, and the progress / completion of milestones.
  • On a bi-weekly basis, the Council may review the effectiveness of its internal procedures and make proposals for improvement. The Committee can amend the internal procedures by a simple majority vote of the members of both Committees (provided that any vote to amend the rubric comports with the procedures described above). Amendments will be recorded as a comment to this post.

Rules of Decision

  • If one or more Committee members abstains from a vote, a vote will pass by the simple majority vote of the remaining members, provided there are more than one voting members remaining. If only one member of a Committee votes, the result will be to take no action on the proposed matter. For instance, if the matter being voted on relates to whether or not to include an application in the final review, the result will be not to include the application in the final review.
  • Any Council-wide votes must include members of each Committee to achieve a quorum.
  • The Grants Council Lead may correct any clear errors in the Internal Procedures or resolve any conflicting provisions. For resolving conflicts, the Lead may submit a question of the best resolution to a vote of the Committee members, the results of which may be recorded on the Landing Page.

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Elections Season 6: Security Council Nomination Template - Cohort A

Published: Jul 17, 2024

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Season 6 Security Council Nomination Template - Cohort A

Please paste your completed nomination here, following the instructions at the top.

Security Council Member Self-Nomination Template

Please keep your answers as concise as possible while conveying all relevant information.
All nominations will require 8 Top 100 delegate approvals.

Please indicate if you are running to be the Council Lead or a Council Member:

Does this nomination represent an individual or organization:

Candidate country of residence (or, if an entity, incorporation and principle place of business):

Have you previously served on Optimismā€™s Security Council:

Have you previously served on any other Council or Board in the Collective:

Are you a representative of OP Labs:

Are you a representative of another OP Chain:

If you are a delegate, please provide the link to your delegate profile:

If you are a member of the Citizensā€™ House, please link to your most recent attestation here:

Please outline your contributions, and their impact, to the Optimism ecosystem to date:

Please demonstrate any non-Optimism experience you believe is relevant to this role:

Please elaborate on your technical background, including your expertise score (more info on this shortly):

Please elaborate on your experience with relevant member (or Lead) requirements:

Please describe your philosophy on what makes a good Security Council member:

Please disclose any anticipated conflicts of interest:

Please verify that you understand you may be removed from this role via the Representative Removal proposal type in the Operating Manual:

Please verify that you understand that election is subject to successful completion of a Foundation screen which may include KYC/AML, sanctions screening, and a requirement to sign a standard contract: [No/Yes]

Please verify that you are able to commit ~5 active hours / month to fulfill the Member Responsibilities. Please note that there is an ā€œon-callā€ aspect to this role that is not fully encompassed in the active hours estimate: [No/Yes]

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Elections Season 6: Security Council Nomination Thread - Cohort A

Published: Jul 17, 2024

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Season 6: Security Council Nomination Thread - Cohort A

If you wish to nominate yourself to be a member of the Optimism Security Council, Cohort A, as outlined in detail here, please follow the steps below and link to your completed nomination.


  1. Copy the provided nomination template
  2. Create a new forum post, paste the template, and complete all the questions.
  3. Add the tag ā€œS6 Cohort A Nominationā€ to your post.
  4. Return to this post and paste the link to your completed Nomination request in the replies.
  5. Please collect the required delegate approvals as comments on your nomination thread, not this post.

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Elections Season 6: Security Council Elections - Cohort A

Published: Jul 17, 2024

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Season 6: Security Council Elections - Cohort A

As outlined in the Security Council Charter, it is time the Optimism Security Council to hold elections for Cohort A.

The initial set of Security Council members was appointed by the Optimism Foundation and ratified via governance in Security Council Vote #2 - Membership Ratification.

Security Council members serve an initial term of 12 months (Cohort A) or 18 months (Cohort B), after which point membership must be determined via staggered elections. Elections are to occur 6 months in advance of the actual membership turnover to allow time for Foundation screening and completion of required rehearsals. The first election for Cohort A will take place during Voting Cycle #26. All elected members will serve a 12 month term and there are no term limits.

The current membership of Cohort A is:

  • Kris Kaczor (Phoenix Labs)
  • Layne Haber (Connext)
  • Jon Charbonneau (DBA)
  • Alejandro Santander (Independent, former Synthetix)
  • Mariano Conti (Independent, former MakerDAO)
  • Martin Tellechea (The Graph Foundation)
  • Yoseph Ayele (Borderless Africa)

The Council Lead will also be elected as part of Cohort A. The current Council Lead is:

  • Alisha.eth

Member Responsibilities

Security Council key holding participants will be responsible for developing and complying with procedures to facilitate operations. As stated in the Charter:

  • Communication and coordination among the participants;
  • Secure key management;
  • Verifying and promptly enacting Optimism Governance-approved upgrades and permission changes;
  • Notifying the other participants of, and collaborating in good faith to promptly resolve, defined emergency situations; and
  • Proving continued access to keys via periodic liveness checks, where participants must prove they can access their keys within a set time limit.
  • Members will be supported by OP stipends, pending Operating Budget submission by the Council Lead and approval by the Token House. Operating expenses will be reimbursed by the Foundation.
  • The Security Council legal agreement also covers participants against certain liabilities.

For security purposes, details of these procedures should remain private among the Council.

Lead Responsibilities

As stated in the Charter, the Council Lead, meanwhile, is responsible for supporting the implementation and operationalization of the aforementioned procedures, including by:

  • Alerting key holders of upcoming protocol upgrade or role permissioning proposals going through Governance;
  • Managing required timelines;
  • Scheduling, setting agendas, and hosting Council meetings and facilitating discussions;
  • Monitoring compliance with the procedures;
  • Onboarding new Council participants; and
  • Communicating with external stakeholders, including Optimism Governance, as to Council operations. All Security Council participants are expected to perform these responsibilities with the awareness that OP Chains, the OP Stack, the developing Superchain, and the associated products, tools, and documentation are in a rapidly evolving nascent state. To the extent that unforeseeable circumstances or ambiguities arise (including in connection with potential responses to Exception Events), the participants will work in good faith to resolve them consistent with the Charter and the Law of Chains.
  • In line with standard Council processes, the Lead will submit an Operating Budget to the Token House to request OP stipends from the Governance Fund.
  • Note: the Council Lead is not a key holder.

Finally, all Security Council participants are all subject to removal via the Representative Removal proposal type outlined in the Operating Manual.

Nomination Process

Anyone meeting the eligibility criteria outlined below may self-nominate to join Cohort A (including existing members) by completing the required nomination template and posting to the nomination thread by August 14th at 19:00 GMT. 8 delegate approvals from the top 100 delegates will be required by August 19th at 19:00 GMT for any nomination to move to a vote. There is no limit to the number of terms a Security Council participant may serve.

Top 100 delegates may provide approval by pasting the below language as a comment under a candidateā€™s nomination:

ā€I am an Optimism delegate [link to your delegate commitment] with sufficient voting power and I believe this proposal is ready to move to a vote."

Eligibility Considerations

Participants on the Security Council may be either individuals or entities.

  • Entity requirements:
    • Active and offers a service that benefits the blockchain community
    • Operating for at least one year with sufficient runway to continue for at least one year

All participants on the Security Council, whether individuals or entities, should be selected in accordance with the following criteria:

  • Reputation. Known, trusted individuals or entities that have demonstrated consistent alignment with the Optimistic Vision.
  • Technical competency. Baseline proficiency with the OP Stack and secure key management and signing standards. Additionally, candidates may be asked to sign into the OP Atlas app, connect GitHub, verify their wallet and calculate an expertise score. There is no minimum requirement for an expertise score, but it can serve as an indicator to help delegates evaluate a candidateā€™s technical expertise.
  • Alignment. Participants should not possess conflicts of interest that will regularly impact their ability to make impartial decisions in the performance of their role. Potential conflicts of interest could be, but are not limited to, affiliations with direct Optimism competitors, proven histories of exploiting projects or self-dealing, etc. There should be no more than 3 members serving on other Security Councils. There are 3 members serving on other Security Councils in Cohort B, which means candidates serving on other Security Councils are not eligible for this election (Cohort A) and delegates should not provide approvals on ineligible nominations.
  • Ability to participate. A candidateā€™s willingness and ability to actively participate and fulfil the member responsibilities, dedicating an average of approximately 5 active hours per month hours per month, should be considered. Please note that there is an ā€œon-callā€ aspect to this role that is not fully encompassed in the active hours estimate.
  • Geographic diversity. The number of participants that reside in any country should be less than the quorum required for multisig action. The Foundation is responsible for ensuring this criteria is met. If a new member would surpass the threshold of signers from any one country, the next qualifying runner up will fill their place.
  • Diversity of interests. No more than 1 elected member is associated with a particular entity, or that entityā€™s employees or affiliates. The Foundation is responsible for ensuring this criteria is met. If multiple members from the same entity are elected, the next qualifying runner up will fill the place of any duplicate positions held by the same entity.

The Optimism Foundation may appoint nominees after the self-nomination deadline, or take such other administrative steps as necessary or appropriate, if there are fewer than 7 eligible member nominees and 1 Lead nominee.

As with other Councils, the Foundation will facilitate a town hall to help delegates assess candidates. The town hall will take place Tuesday, August 20th at 2pm EST / 6pm GMT.


Elections will run from August 22nd - 28th at 19:00 GMT. Elections use approval voting. Approval voting is set up such that delegates can place a vote for any number of nominees with their full voting power. In the case of approval/ranked choice votes, delegates may vote for themselves, so long as they also cast votes for the remaining elected positions.

Once elected, all participants will be required to pass an eligibility screening process before being added to the Council. This process may include KYC/AML and sanctions screening, and a requirement that the member sign a standard contract, which will be implemented at the discretion of the Optimism Foundation. If a candidate fails the screen after being elected, the next qualified runner up to pass the screening may take their place.

Newly elected members that pass the Foundationā€™s screen will begin their 12 month term on February 9th.

Removal of Council members

All members are subject to removal via the Representative Removal proposal type outlined in the Operating Manual. A valid Representative Removal proposal related to a Security Council member must be posted to the forum and must receive 8 delegate approvals (which is higher than the default for this proposal type) to initiate a Token House vote in the next nearest voting cycle (a delay of 3 weeks maximum).

The Security Council or Foundation can also act unilaterally to remove a participant who fails to satisfy the requirements of the Charter if such failure falls within the defined scope of emergency powers.

In either of the above removal scenarios, an election for a removed memberā€™s replacement should occur in the same, or next nearest, voting cycle as the removal. The Foundation will maintain a shortlist of strong candidates that are interested in joining the Council and could be nominated quickly, subject to the eligibility requirements, if need be.

There is no emergency replacement procedure as the required signing threshold is automatically lowered in the case a liveness check or emergency removal by the Security Council or Foundation.

Key Dates for Candidates

- Now through August 14th at 19:00 GMT: Post your nomination to this thread using this template
- Before August 19th at 19:00 GMT: Nominations must receive 8 Top 100 delegate approvals to be considered valid
- Tuesday, August 20th at 2pm EST / 6pm GMT: Approved candidates should join the town hall
- August 22nd - August 28th: Elections take place at
- In the meantime: Candidates must pass Foundation screening and complete rehearsals
- February: 12 month term begins for the new Cohort A!

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Delegates šŸ› Optimism Chinese Community - Delegate Communication Thread

Published: Jul 17, 2024

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Delegate Name: optimismcn.eth

EOA: 0xc841d6ddf66467af551b35218c0c2e22f9c14b48

Delegate Profile on Agora:

Twitter: Optimismzh

Weā€™re the OP Chinese Community delegation led by Marcus, aiming to push for protocol decentralization & a better ecosystem for the Optimism Collective while we help chinese communities to benefit and get involved.

Delegate / Contact

  • If you would like to delegate your OP to us, please delegate to our address here: optimismcn.eth (0xc841d6ddf66467af551b35218c0c2e22f9c14b48)
  • If you would like to chat with the optimism chinese community team, feel free to reach out to our primary representative Marcus via Telegram @marcuszheng

Frame 5465

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Delegates šŸ› Web3Magnetic - Delegate Communication Thread

Published: Jul 16, 2024

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Delegate Name: web3magnetic.eth

EOA: 0x8c580556fdb1f57853e49f409ae9b89f7658e7a2

Delegate Profile on Agora:

Twitter: web3magnetic

I am an individual and independent delegate in the Optimism Collective. I have served in the Anti-capture Committee in Seasons 5 and 6. My skills and areas of expertise include Treasury management, Legal research, community engagement research.

Delegate / Contact

  • If you would like to delegate your OP to me, please delegate to our address here: web3magnetic.eth (0x8c580556fdb1f57853e49f409ae9b89f7658e7a2) through the Optimism Agora Portal
  • If you would like to chat with me, please feel free to reach out over DM here, or on Twitter (X).

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Council Communication Threads Developer Advisory Board Feedback & Ideas Thread

Published: Jul 15, 2024

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As a part of the Season 6 Charter for the Developer Advisory Board, one of the explicit goals is to uncover additional areas in the Collective where technical support would be helpful.

To that end, we are opening this thread as a place for the community to surface ideas for where the DAB could be helpful, especially in moving towards the Intents for Season 6.

Additionally, we have added 3 community calls to the OP Governance Calendar, with an emphasis on collecting feedback and generating ideas:

  • August 13th at 3pm ET / 7pm UTC
  • October 8th at 3pm ET / 7pm UTC
  • December 3rd at 3pm ET / 7pm UTC

All ideas from this thread and the calls will be added to our Internal DAB Idea Tracker for the team to process and work on. Weā€™ll share updates here, as well as a full report of the ideas we explored and our conclusions before the end of the Season, which will inform an expanded Charter in Season 7.

Looking forward to hearing your ideas!

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Updates and Announcements šŸ“¢ Optimism Forum Weekly Recap - daospace: 07/08 - 07/14

Published: Jul 15, 2024

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gm Optimism Collective :red_circle: :sparkles:

Last week saw an increase in forum activity with 30 new topics, compared to the previous weekā€™s 27 topics. Noteworthy discussions included a mission request for creating and distributing videos about Optimism Collective governance to enhance community engagement and governance accessibility. Another significant initiative aimed to bolster OSS Game Development frameworks within the Superchain by offering grants to developers. Additionally, a proposal was made to develop engaging on-chain social games to attract builders to Optimism, emphasizing community building and education. Other key highlights included the creation of an open-source transaction simulator, research into measuring potential capture of the Token House, and insights from Joanā€™s RPGF4 reflections.

daospace is a DAO discovery platform that aggregates contributions across different DAOs. We will be providing weekly Automated AI Summaries to help reduce information overload, and so that all members can stay up to date on forum activity within the DAO. Below is a summary of every topic made within the OP Governance Forum from last week.

Feel free to leave us feedback in the comments below. You can get in touch with the daospace team on X (Twitter) , or reach out to the founders directly on X as well: Jaris James & Sixty

[Mission Request] Create and Distribute Videos about Optimism Collective Governance

Created: 2024-07-08

Author: @kaereste


The mission request aims to create educational and entertaining videos to raise awareness for the Optimism Collective, with a focus on governance accessibility and community engagement. The proposal outlines the objectives, requirements, expected deliverables, milestones, metrics to measure impact, and involvement of multiple contributors besides the proposer.

[Mission Request] Gaming Infra in the Superchain

Created: 2024-07-08

Author: @seedlatam


In a mission request to boost OSS Game Development frameworks and infrastructure in the Superchain, Joxes from SEED Latam proposes offering grants to developers for enhancing existing frameworks and developing new tools to accelerate game development. The goal is to attract infrastructure developers to strengthen the ecosystem, increase the number of applications and developers, and position the Superchain as a leading onchain platform. Multiple applicants can fulfill this mission request, with a total grant amount of 150,000 OP available (up to 75k per applicant). Key requirements include leveraging existing OSS Game Development Frameworks, building new infrastructure, promoting GDF adoption, and tracking progress through specific milestones and metrics. Additional contributors to this mission request include @habacuc.eth and Joxes.

[Mission Request v2] Develop Onchain Social Games that Attract Builders to Optimism

Created: 2024-07-08

Author: @Jrocki


The mission request involves developing engaging onchain social games on the Optimism platform to attract and nurture application developers. The games aim to provide a fun and educational experience for builders to learn about Optimism while fostering a sense of community, showcasing the platformā€™s potential, and offering incentives for participation. The proposal outlines execution requirements, impact assessment strategies, milestones for measuring success, and eligibility criteria for game developers.

[MISSION REQUEST] Open-source transaction simulator

Created: 2024-07-08

Author: @jackanorak


The post outlines a Delegate Mission Request for the creation of an open-source transaction simulator to facilitate developers in simulating transactions before deploying them on the blockchain. The aim is to reduce barriers to entry for new developers and increase the number of developers in the space. The proposed tool is intended to function similarly to existing services like Tenderly, but with the added benefit of being open-source and freely available for use.

[Mission Request] Research and develop a framework to measure potential capture of the Token House

Created: 2024-07-08

Author: @amy


The mission request is to develop a framework to identify potential capture of Token House in Optimism. The framework should use at least 5 metrics to signal risk of capture and enable identification of malicious protocol upgrades. The executing teams should provide a recommendation on conducting regular evaluations and report formats. The intent is progress towards decentralization, with a grant of 90 K OP to be shared by up to 3 applicants.

Joanā€™s RPGF4 Reflections

Created: 2024-07-08

Author: @joanbp


The post discusses the authorā€™s insights and takeaways from being a reviewer and appeals reviewer for RPGF 4, focusing on preconditions, metrics-based evaluation, impact definition, experimental attitude, and review process improvements. It highlights the use of automated evaluation, challenges faced, and suggestions for enhancing the review process. The post emphasizes the importance of clarity, objectivity, and effective tools for reviewers in evaluating projects accurately and fairly.

[MISSION REQUEST] Startup Support - Optimism as Venture Studio

Created: 2024-07-08

Author: jackanorak


This post outlines a Mission Request to provide support for new businesses within the Optimism ecosystem by offering services like legal counseling, business formation, and tax preparation. The program aims to assist startups with major back-office and development needs to enable their growth and success. Applicants must showcase their expertise and propose a clear plan for compensating services. Success will be measured by the number of projects supported, external engagements, deployment success, and overall impact in reducing the need for external funding.

[Mission Request] - Research capital migration to the Superchain

Created: 2024-07-08

Author: jackanorak


This mission request aims to strategically attract Mainnet capital onto the Superchain by positioning Optimism as a secure destination. The proposal, put forth by Jack Anorak, suggests an investment of 100k OP to court the significant total value locked and Ether market cap. The plan involves research, incentives, and partnerships to facilitate active and permanent migration of capital. Milestones and metrics are outlined to measure the impact and success of the mission.

[Mission Request] Create Educational Programs that Empower Developers on Optimism - Modified with Lower Budget

Created: 2024-07-08

Author: @DanSingjoy


The post details a mission request to produce and distribute educational resources to attract and support application developers on Optimism, aiming to grow the developer community on the platform. The proposal outlines the benefits of the educational materials, the responsibilities involved in executing the mission request, how to measure impact, checkpoints to assess progress, and the metrics used to evaluate success.

[Mission Request] Integration of Optimism Gov and RPGF into University Courses

Created: 2024-07-08

Author: jackanorak


The post outlines a Delegate Mission Request proposed by Jack Anorak to introduce a specialized module on Optimism and RPGF within the Ethereum ecosystem. The mission aims to collaborate with academics worldwide, create an open-source syllabus, and measure impact through on-chain activities and social reporting.

[Mission Request] decentralized alternative for contract attestation

Created: 2024-07-08

Author: jackanorak


The mission request seeks to establish a decentralized alternative to contract attestation to enhance interoperability and promote decentralization within the OP Stack. The proposed project, led by Jackanorak, aims to create a tool that facilitates cross-chain governance and retro funding, ultimately increasing the utility of OP across various applications. The requested grant amount is 40k, and the project requires the development of a fully decentralized, open-source solution for contract attestation across multiple chains. The impact of the project will be measured based on milestones, metrics such as the number of attestations and chains using the tool, and the integration of attestations in various contracts.

Can you indicate which category I should post in?

Created: 2024-07-08

Author: Ariaw


A new member expresses gratitude for joining the community and offers help in documentation based on their background in teaching and education. They seek guidance on creating discussions, resolving queries, and gaining knowledge in the appropriate category.

[Request for feedback] Building a Farcaster frame as a governance tool to facilitate matchmaking between OP holders and delegates

Created: 2024-07-08

Author: @Cotabe


In this post, the team is introducing a Farcaster frame project to help OP token holders find suitable delegates to delegate their OP tokens. The team aims to increase delegated supply to active delegates in the Optimism ecosystem and improve alignment between delegates and delegators. Drawing inspiration from Voting Advice Applications (VAAs), they plan to create a Delegate Match Application (DMA) for Optimism. Users are invited to participate by sharing insights on key aspects for delegates to convey, important factors for OP holders in choosing a delegate, and relevant topics for matchmaking.

(Mission Request) ERC-4337 Data & Attribution Standards for the Superchain

Created: 2024-07-08

Author: @katie


This post outlines a Mission Request aimed at establishing data and attribution standards for the Superchainā€™s ERC-4337 ecosystem. The request includes activities such as maintaining a public registry, creating a data warehouse, and developing attribution models to support application developers on the Superchain. The goal is to improve transparency, support developers working with ERC-4337, and ensure their contributions are properly acknowledged within the Superchainā€™s governance and funding mechanisms.

Developer Advisory Board - S6 Internal Operating Procedures

Created: 2024-07-08

Author: zachobront


This post outlines the internal operating procedures for the Season 6 Developer Advisory Board, detailing their roles in reviewing mission applications, protocol upgrades, providing reactive feedback and support, and exploring new ways to support the collective. The post includes specific processes for each responsibility, such as reviewing applications, summarizing upgrades, offering feedback, and experimenting with new ideas to enhance support.

[Sponsorship Request] Non-Technical Solutions to Increase Governance Participation

Created: 2024-07-08

Author: EventHorizonDAO


The post outlines a Foundation Mission Request to develop non-technical solutions to increase voter and token participation in the DAO. The proposal aims to contribute to target metrics related to Token House governance and focuses on achieving the mission through non-technical means, providing details on the required execution and impact measurement.

[Sponsorship Request] Attestation-based contribution registration system

Created: 2024-07-08

Author: Marcus01


The post outlines a mission request for creating an on-chain contribution network within Optimism to track and evaluate contributions for better allocation of funding grants. The request involves setting up systems for on-chain contribution registration, evaluation, and sovereign identity proofing, with expected deliverables including registration and evaluation systems. The impact of this mission will be measured through milestones, metrics, and impact assessments to gauge utilization efficiency and user growth.

[Mission Request] Support on-chain games close to launch

Created: 2024-07-08

Author: Jrocki


The mission request is to provide targeted funding for on-chain games close to launch to increase their chances of success. The proposal aims to support the growth of application developers on the Superchain by offering incentives like gas rebates, free gameplay, and educational content. The total grant amount is 70,000 OP with up to 10,000 OP per project, and multiple applicants can fulfill this request. To execute the mission, developers must have an on-chain game in development, provide a detailed game description and plan for fund usage, with metrics including user participation and game sustainability.

Dark Forest ARES: Milestone 1 Submission and request for feedback

Created: 2024-07-08

Author: byeddy.eth


Excited about the progress made by the DFArchon team in the Dark Forest ARES project, the post announces the successful completion of Milestone 1 in Season 5, Cycle 22. The development of DFAres v0.1 Round 3 is highlighted, detailing new game mechanics, events, and updates introduced, such as Pink Bomb and Kardashev artifacts, the DarkSea NFT Trading Market, Bounty Hunter System, and an In-Game Resource Trading System. Information on how to join the community, try out the game, and provide feedback is also shared, along with links to the game website, open-source code, and upcoming milestones for DFAres v0.1 Round 4. Feedback and feature requests from players are encouraged for future development, and contact information for the DFArchon team is provided.

[Mission Request] Accelerating Game Development in the Superchain

Created: 2024-07-08

Author: seedlatam


The mission request aims to support indie studios, game development teams, and solo developers in building, migrating, or deploying video games on the Superchain Network. The proposal targets game development studios, leveraging existing open-source Game Development Frameworks (GDFs) to accelerate development and reduce integration friction. The initiative seeks to increase the quality and number of games and developers on the Superchain, positioning it as a leading on-chain gaming platform.

[Mission Request] Marquee governance hackathon

Created: 2024-07-08

Author: jackanorak


In this mission request, the proposal is to host a hackathon aimed at attracting developers to the Superchain at the idea stage. The goal is to create a marketplace for ideas and talent within the Superchain ecosystem. A grant amount of 50k OP is requested for this one-applicant program to grow application developers on the Superchain. The proposal requires a reputable applicant with prior hackathon experience and a commitment to maximum awareness. The impact will be measured through milestones like the number of applicants and sponsors, as well as metrics like the number of active developers new to Superchain.

Each unique introduction offers a succinct and focused view of the mission request, providing a clear understanding of the content.

[Mission Request] Decentralized Basis Trade

Created: 2024-07-08

Author: mastermojo


The Mission Request aims to incentivize developers to create a user-friendly, decentralized basis trade on the Optimism network. The proposal seeks to enable users to earn fully on-chain yield through a Decentralized Basis Trade Vault by integrating fully on-chain perpetuals, staking, and lending infrastructure to maintain a delta-neutral position. The initiative aims to attract developers and users to Optimism by providing a scalable and well-managed basis trade solution.

[Mission Request] Experimental Derivative Markets

Created: 2024-07-08

Author: mastermojo


In this post, the author outlines a Mission Request for the creation and trading of new experimental derivative markets on Optimism. The aim is to enhance Optimismā€™s competitiveness in derivatives trading by introducing long-tail and experimental derivative markets, such as options, sports markets, prediction markets, and more. The request seeks a total grant amount of 300k OP, with individual grants capped at 50,000 OP, to support at least 6 applicants. The proposed delegates include MasterMojo, Matt Losquadro, and Synthetix Ambassadors. Key requirements for executing this mission include launching a new derivative market for long-tailed assets on Optimism and managing risks to protect liquidity providers. Milestones and impact metrics are also outlined to measure the success of the initiative.

[Mission Request] Develop non-technical solutions for increasing both voter and token participation in the DAO

Created: 2024-07-08

Author: kaereste


The post outlines a delegate mission request by kaereste on behalf of Event Horizon DAO, aiming to develop non-technical solutions to increase voter and token participation within the DAO. The mission request aligns with the DAOā€™s intent to progress towards decentralization by fulfilling specific target metrics related to token governance and voter engagement. The solution needs to focus on non-technical means to improve citizen participation, voice amplification, and inclusion, with a focus on creating lasting impact and capturing relevant metrics for public disclosure.

[Mission Request] Developing DAO Sensemaking Capabilities

Created: 2024-07-09

Author: zhiganov


A mission request has been made by zhiganov on behalf of RnDAO to enhance governance and decision-making processes within Optimism by implementing a sensemaking framework. The intent is to progress towards decentralization by increasing participation, legitimacy, and effectiveness of governance decisions. The proposal involves conducting research, developing a tailored framework, creating tools for better citizen engagement, deliberation, and action, integrating the solution with governance processes, providing documentation and resources, and maintaining and iterating on the solution for at least 12 months. Various metrics and milestones have been outlined to measure the impact of the mission.

Season 6 Anticapture Commission Lead Nominations

Created: 2024-07-10

Author: system


The Anticapture Commission Amendment requires Commission members to elect a Lead at the beginning of Season 6. The Leadā€™s responsibilities include drafting internal procedures, organizing meetings, executing votes, authoring reports, calculating delegates, and serving as a tie-breaker. Members can self-nominate by July 10th, with the Lead being elected via a majority vote within 48 hours.

Voting Cycle Roundup #24

Created: 2024-07-10

Author: system


Cycle #24 of the voting process has commenced, starting on June 27th and concluding on July 17th. The Token House and Citizensā€™ House will oversee the voting and veto periods respectively. Delegatesā€™ voting weights will be recorded at the onset of voting, with the opportunity for the Citizenā€™s House to veto any approved upgrades. Mission requests will be ranked and voted upon within specified budgets. Notable requests include those related to decentralization progress, cross chain voting, research, grants, and developer engagement on the Superchain, among others.

Tribuni Alpha Launch: Telegram Mini-app Built by Delegates for Delegates

Created: 2024-07-10

Author: Sator


The post introduces the Tribuni Telegram Mini-app, designed to help delegates stay updated on governance information related to blockchain ecosystems like Optimism and Synthetix. The app offers live proposal alerts, summaries, and aims to streamline the user experience by providing all-in-one access via Telegram. The development of the app started from the ETH Denver hackathon in 2024, and the team extends their thanks to beta testers and the Grants Council for their support. Users are encouraged to use the app with the invite code ā€œPOTATOā€ and share feedback in the Telegram group chat.

Joint House Call: Superchain Strategy w/ Optimism Founders will be [Tuesday, July 16th @ 11:00PT / 14:00 ET / 18:00 UTC / 20:00 CET]

Created: 2024-07-11

Author: Michael


The post is a special announcement about an upcoming joint house call with the founders of Optimism to discuss strategy for the Superchain. The call is scheduled for the coming Tuesday and all members are encouraged to mark their calendars and attend using the provided link.

Next generation NFTs/NFT2.0 - what it should be

Created: 2024-07-11

Author: ashcash1


The post discusses the shortcomings of current NFTs in becoming NFT 2.0, highlighting the need for better interoperability, fractional ownership, and off-chain storage. Additionally, it emphasizes the significance of building products on Optimism, such as scalable blockchain apps and services like decentralized exchanges and gaming platforms.

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Community Calls Joint House Call: Superchain Strategy w/ Optimism Founders will be [Tuesday, July 16th @ 11:00PT / 14:00 ET / 18:00 UTC / 20:00 CET]

Published: Jul 11, 2024

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Hey Optimists!

We have a VERY SPECIAL edition of the joint house call this coming Tuesday!

Optimism founders will join us to talk about strategy for the Superchain. Mark your calendars, because itā€™s a call you donā€™t want to miss!

Join here:


5 posts - 4 participants

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āœØ General Next generation NFTs/NFT2.0 - what it should be

Published: Jul 11, 2024

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What features are lacking in current generation of NFTs to be real NFT2.0? What are the most important products to be built on Optimism ?

2 posts - 2 participants

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Delegates šŸ› Tribuni Alpha Launch: Telegram Mini-app Built by Delegates for Delegates

Published: Jul 10, 2024

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Being a delegate requires constantly staying up-to-date due to the sheer volume of information that needs to be digested. I experienced this firsthand during my time as the governance co-lead at @blockchainatusc.

To address this pain point, we are excited to announce the alpha launch of the Tribuni Telegram Mini-app, a governance info aggregation app built by and for delegates.

Tribuni allows delegates to receive alerts on live proposals, get proposal summaries, and stay updated on the superchain ecosystems such as Optimism, Synthetix, Frax, and more. We chose Telegram as our platform because it has the highest concentration of crypto users and offers a mobile-first, all-in-one experience. This allows users to receive updates seamlessly without needing to switch between different apps, which helps to reduce the tooling silo in governance, making it more engaging and convenient for users. This project emerged from the ETH Denver 2024 hackathon, and we have continued to develop it since then.

We would like to extend our gratitude to all the beta testers (@Juanbug_PGov @brichis @katie @rshuel @LauNaMu @v3naru_Curia @chaselb @jayyu23) for their invaluable help and feedback. Additionally, we appreciate the generous grant provided by the Grants Council, which has made this project possible.

We invite you to start using Tribuni_Bot with the invite code: POTATO

We are actively developing new features as outlined in our grant applications and eagerly anticipate user feedback. Please join telegram groupchat for technical support and to share your thoughts and experiences with us.

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Voting Cycles Voting Cycle Roundup #24

Published: Jul 10, 2024

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Voting Cycle #24 began on Thursday June 27th at 19:00 GMT and runs until Wednesday July 17th at 19:00 GMT. Additionally, the Citizensā€™ House will have a one-week period to veto any Upgrades approved by the Token House, immediately following the conclusion of the Token House Voting Period.

A snapshot of delegate voting weights will be taken at the time votes go live. Voting will take place at 6 starting on Thursday, July 11th at 19:00 GMT. The Citizensā€™ House veto vote will take place via Snapshot from Thursday, July 18th to Wednesday, July 24th.

Mission Requests will be approval ranked under each Intent until the budget for that Intent is depleted. See How to Vote on Mission Requests.

The following Mission Requests will move to a vote in Cycle #24:

Intent 1: Progress Towards Decentralization, 500k OP Budgeted

Request 1: Cross Chain Voting 40,000 OP
Request 2: Research and Develop a framework to measure potential capture of the Token House 90,000 OP
Request 3: Grants Claiming Tools 100,000 OP
Request 4: Analysis of Grant Programs 10,000 OP
Request 5: Voting Analysis 50,000 OP
Request 6: Farcaster Social Graph 25,000 OP
Request 7: Develop non-technical solutions for increasin -both voter and token participation in the DAO 75,000 OP
Request 8: Decentralized alternative for contract attestation placeholder 40,000 OP
Request 9: Create and Distribute Videos about Optimism Collective Governance 60,000 OP
Request 10: Integration of Optimism Gov and RPGF into University Courses, 100,000 OP

Intent 3: Grow application devs on the Superchain, 18m OP Budgeted

Intent 3A: Grants supporting OP Mainnet, 6M OP Budgeted
Request 1:
Optimism Dominance in Yield-Bearing Assets 1, 200,000 OP
Optimism Dominance in Yield-Bearing Assets 2, 500,000 OP
Optimism Dominance in Yield-Bearing Assets 3, 1,000,000 OP
Optimism Dominance in Yield-Bearing Assets 4, 170,000 OP
Request 2: Subsidized Audit Grants, 250,000 OP
Request 3: Developer Tools, 200,000 OP
Request 4: Research capital migration to the Superchain, 100,000 OP
Request 5: Microgrants for Experimental Projects, 50,000 OP
Request 6: Optimism as base for LRTs, 600,000 OP
Request 7 Experimental Derivative Markets 200,000 OP
Request 8: ERC 4337 Data & Attribution Standards for the Superchain, 150,000 OP
Request 9: Sequencer commitment games, 10,000 OP
Request 10: Develop Onchain Social Games that attract Builders to Optimism - v2, 75,000 OP
Request 11: Open-source transaction simulator 50,000 OP
Request 12: Increase Project Accounts, 200,000 OP
Request 13: Support on-chain games close to launch 70,000 OP
Request 14:Optimism as Venture Studio 100,000 OP
Request 15: Gaming Infra in the Superchain 150,000 OP
Request 16: Marquee Governance Hackaton 50,000 OP
Request 17 :Accelerating Game Development in the Superchain 300,000 OP
Request 18: Decentralized Basis Trade 200,000 OP
Request 19: Create Educational Programs that Empower Developers on Optimism - Modified with Lower Budget, 50,000 OP

Intent 3B: Chain-specific grant programs supporting the Superchain, 12M OP
Request 1: Support the Superchain, 12M OP

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Elections Season 6 Anticapture Commission Lead Nominations

Published: Jul 10, 2024

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As outlined in the Anticapture Commission Amendment, Commission members must elect a Lead at the start of Season 6. The Commission Lead must:

  • Qualify to be a member of the Anticapture Commission (Current Council Leads are not eligible to be the Commission Lead)
  • Draft the Commissionā€™s Internal Operating Procedures
  • Organize regular commission meetings, as necessary. It is suggested that meeting minutes or summaries be made available to the community.
  • Execute votes from the delegation wallet, according to the outcomes of commission votes (possibly via a commission snapshot space)
  • Author, or coordinate authorship, of any reports circulated to the Citizensā€™ House, according to the process outlined here. A report must have 4 delegate approvals from commission members to be considered valid
  • Calculate qualifying delegates at the start of the next Season, including assessment of whether Members have upheld the Member Responsibilities
  • Exercise decision-making authority in the event that the commission cannot come to consensus on a matter (ie. serve as tie breaker).

Any qualifying member of the Commission may self-nominate themselves by posting their self-nomination below by July 10th at 23:59 GMT.

The Commission Lead will be elected by Commission members for a 48 hour period via a simple majority vote internally in the ACC telegram group.

To self-nominate, please complete the following Self-Nomination Template and comment below by July 10th at 23:59 GMT.

Anticapture Commission Lead Self-Nomination Template

Please keep your answers as concise as possible while conveying all relevant information.

Please provide the link to your delegate commitment:

If you are a delegate, please indicate what % of votable supply is delegated to you: (voting power can be referenced here )

If you are a delegate, please indicate your voting participation rate in OP governance to date:

Please link to your voting history and any voting rationale youā€™ve shared: (You may link to your Snapshot and/or Agora profile for voting history. You may link to your delegate communication thread, or any other medium you use to communicate with your delegators, to share your voting rationale.)

Please outline any other contributions to the Optimism ecosystem to date:

Please demonstrate any experience you believe is relevant to this role:

Please disclose any anticipated conflicts of interest:

Please verify that you understand you may be removed from this position via the Representative Removal proposal type in the Operating Manual: [yes/no]

I understand that as the Commission Lead, I will be a signer on the Commissionā€™s multi-signature wallet, and will be responsible for voting on behalf of the Commission: [yes/no]

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Mission Grants šŸ¹ [Mission Request] Developing DAO Sensemaking Capabilities

Published: Jul 09, 2024

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Delegate Mission Request Summary: Implement robust sensemaking framework and tooling to increase participation in governance and legitimacy of decisions made.

S6 Intent: Progress Towards Decentralization

Proposing Delegate/Citizen: @zhiganov on behalf of RnDAO

Total grant amount: 90k OP

Should this Mission be fulfilled by one or multiple applicants: Multiple (ideally 2-3)

How will this Mission Request help accomplish the above Intent?:
This mission directly contributes to the ā€œProgress Towards Decentralizationā€ intent by enhancing the quality and effectiveness of Optimism decision-making. By improving sensemaking capabilities, we aim to increase meaningful participation in governance and citizen confidence.

Sensemaking is the process by which individuals and groups create shared meaning and understanding from complex, ambiguous, or uncertain environment in order to facilitate effective decision-making and action.

Sensemaking is crucial for DAOs due to their decentralized nature, which often involves participants with different cultural backgrounds, motivations, and levels of engagement. Some key aspects of sensemaking that are relevant to DAO governance include:

  1. Surfacing and synthesizing diverse perspectives: DAOs need mechanisms to gather input from a wide range of participants and to identify patterns and insights that may not be immediately apparent.
  2. Facilitating dialogue and deliberation: Sensemaking in DAOs requires creating spaces for participants to exchange ideas, clarify assumptions, and build shared understanding, even if they donā€™t always reach full consensus.
  3. Balancing scale and context: As DAOs grow, they need sensemaking processes that can operate at scale without losing the richness and nuance of individual experiences and local knowledge.
  4. Navigating power dynamics and reputation: Sensemaking in DAOs must account for the influence of informal power structures, reputation systems, and the potential for exclusion or marginalization of certain voices.
  5. Enabling distributed action: Effective sensemaking should not only lead to shared understanding but also enable participants to take coordinated action in a decentralized fashion.

Implementing advanced sensemaking in Optimism can significantly enhance the quality of deliberation, ultimately contributing to more robust and effective governance processes.

What is required to execute this Mission Request?
The selected teams or individuals will be expected to:

  • Conduct research on existing sensemaking frameworks and their applicability to DAO governance.
  • Develop a sensemaking framework tailored to Optimismā€™s governance structure.
  • Create a solution to implement this framework, emphasizing:
    • Increasing citizen engagement and participation
    • Enhancing understanding of complex governance proposals, especially upgrade vetos
    • Facilitating informed deliberation (between delegates as well)
  • Integrate the solution with existing governance processes and tooling.
  • Provide comprehensive documentation and educational resources for the community.
  • Collaborate with core developer teams to ensure that sensemaking tooling can adapt to evolving governance structures, including potential onchain execution of governance outcomes.
  • Maintain and iterate on the solution based on community feedback and observed impact for a minimum of 12 months.

How should governance participants measure impact upon completion of this Mission?

  • Milestones:

    1. Research phase completion and framework proposal (2 months)
    2. Initial tool development and community testing (4 months)
    3. Full implementation and integration with existing governance processes (3 months)
    4. Comprehensive documentation and educational resources creation (2 months)
    5. Ongoing maintenance and iteration based on feedback (12 months from full implementation)
  • Metrics:

    • Increase in votable supply of OP tokens towards the 100M OP target
    • Percentage of Citizens who report feeling confident when voting on upgrade vetos
    • Increase in the number of active delegates and delegation rate
    • Improvement in the quality of governance proposals as measured by community feedback and successful implementation rates
    • Reduction in the time to reach consensus on complex governance decisions
    • Growth in the number of unique addresses participating in governance discussions and voting
  • Impact:

    • Enhanced clarity and understanding of governance issues, particularly complex topics like upgrade vetos
    • Improved ability to synthesize diverse perspectives and reach well-informed decisions
    • Increased engagement and satisfaction of DAO members with the governance process
    • Contribution to the development of a comprehensive framework for mapping decentralization beyond technical properties

Has anyone other than the proposer contributed to this Mission Request? No

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Updates and Announcements šŸ“¢ Dark Forest ARES: Milestone 1 Submission and request for feedback

Published: Jul 09, 2024

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GM optimism!

On behalf of the DFArchon team, I am excited to announcement that we have reached Milestone 1 of Dark Forest ARES project, which received an OP grant in Season 5, Cycle 22.

In this post, we detail what has been delivered and whatā€™s next. We encourage everyone, especially those interested in innovative game mechanics, to join our community, try out the game, and share your feedback.

What is Dark Forest ARES & DFAres v0.1 Round 3?

Dark Forest ARES is a community-run development of Dark Forest. We periodically conduct development and game testing activities, experimenting with innovative game mechanics and gathering feedback from real players.

From March to May 2024, we worked on the development of DFAres v0.1 Round 3. In May, we held a six-day DFAres v0.1 Round 3 game event on the Redstone mainnet. Over the course of 144 hours, we attracted more than 240 accounts to participate in the game, with players submitting over 240,000 transactions.

What we delivered

  1. We introduced the Pink Bomb and Kardashev artifacts and adjusted the functionality of existing artifacts. These changes maintain game balance while allowing for more complex player strategies, thus enhancing game depth. The Pink Bomb releases an explosion that destroys all planets within a pink circle, making it a powerful weapon for attacking enemies. When activated, the Kardashev artifact creates a blue circle within which all planets can instantly transfer their energy to the central planet, making it a powerful tool for resource management.

  2. DarkSea NFT Trading Market Update: We updated the DarkSea trading market for in-game artifacts (NFT721), allowing players to trade artifacts freely.

  3. Bounty Hunter System: We implemented the Bounty Hunter system, enabling players to post assassination bounties on specific planets. Players can attack these planets to earn bounties.

  4. In-Game Resource Trading System: Players can now purchase planets, spaceships, and planet skins, allowing them to acquire the resources they need to better compete in the game rankings.

Relevant Information

Game website:

DFAres v0.1 Round 3 is deployed on Redstone mainnet.
contract address: 0xA0e198CBD1B5f8749F57Aa8d60a8660d23B96957

For more detailed updates, please refer to the player guide:

Open Source Code

Core Game : GitHub - dfarchon/DFARES-v0.1: Dark Forest Community Rounds

Tag: v0.1.3-backup

Alternatively, view the main branch with commit ID ce15b5b3d21a96568d16a79e44adc16c9942b493

Bounty Hunter: GitHub - dfarchon/DF-ARTEMIS: Planet-targeted bounty mercenary system for Dark Forest.

In-Game Artifact (NFT) Trading Market: GitHub - dfarchon/darksea-market: The DarkSae Market for Dark Forest

Whatā€™s next

You can review all of the upcoming milestones and deliverables on CharmVerse.

Weā€™ve already started the development on next Milestone: DFAres v0.1 Round 4 and prepare to hold DF Ares v0.1 Round 4 public test in Augest.

Feedback and feature requests

We hope to hear your feedback on our development content and design ideas, as well as any features you would like to see introduced in future development.

You can find the game website and open source code in Relevant Information or Oen Source Code section.

Contact info

Please reach out to us by commenting here or using any of the contact information below. We would love to hear your feedback or help you with any issues or ideas related to the explorer.

Stay Optimistic! :love_you_gesture:

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Provisions Discussions Collective Feedback on Improving Provision

Published: Jul 19, 2024

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Intro and general remarks

After reading Eliā€™s Airdrop Reflections cc @elibensasson , Benido, an acknowledged delegate in the ecosystem and community member, took the initiative to gather feedback on improving upcoming provision. So, this post is a collaborative post from several members of the ETHFinance community on reddit, which includes Starknet delegates. While our feedback is not based on scientific research (and quantitative data is hard to get anyway), the community discusses airdrop design a lot. Hence we hope our feedback is valuable.

Airdrops have been farmed since the fall of 2021 after UNI did their airdrop, but we believe itā€™s fair to assume they have never been farmed as intensively as these days. What started as some crypto natives farming with multiple wallets instead of one is now an industry with professional solutions. The result is a cat-and-mouse game between protocols without a token and farmers.

Basically, every airdrop of the past 6 months has received overwhelmingly negative feedback, but obviously, incentives allow professional players to invest a lot of money to put pressure on protocols to influence airdrop design and potential changes that favour their business (both for recent airdrops, but also future airdrops of other protocols).

Interestingly most airdropping protocols apparently did not ask for or exchange sybil reports from earlier airdrops. This was criticised a lot, especially when sybil reports from airdrop A received a lot of tokens from airdrop B.

Technically linear airdrops would be fair, but even those have received some negative feedback (ā€œthe rich getting richerā€). A linear design potentially leads to centralization in governance and runs counter to the (Starknet) goal of distributing to a broad set of individuals. Technically it of course could be distributed linearly, but then a very high percentage of the addresses would have no relevant stake in governance.

In the case of EigenLayer the airdrop design was first a linear airdrop which was amended with a min allocation for all addresses. This was from our point of view a good decision for EL at that point in time, but likely will be exploited in the future similarly to how Uniswap started the ā€œone interactionā€ farming in 2021.

On top a linear airdrop design is harder for L1s and L2s, since there is not a single metric (like amount deposited in the case of EigenLayer) that could be used. Transaction fees could be one metric, volume bridged, transaction volume onchain or a combination could be others.

The best airdrops of the past 12 months were likely part of the Solana ecosystem and were successful because Solana was not farmed as much after the FTX collapse. Jito ($JTO) was only distributed to 9852 addresses. The success is not a result of airdrop design, but more a lucky coincidence of missing focus of farmers and a surprisingly strong ecosystem rising from the ashes of FTX and Sam Bankman-Fried.

Feedback Starknet Provisions Part I

We will focus on the requirements for Starknet users since that accounted for 87% of the first airdrop.
From our point of view, there are indeed two design choices that should have been made differently:

  1. The ETH minimum balance of 0.005 ETH was discussed extensively. We believe that the biggest issue here was that choosing the ETH balance was a strategic mistake and runs counter to the USP for layer 2s like Starknet. The value proposition is that gas fees are low, hence you can make hundreds of transactions with next to 0 ETH

  2. A second design decision that wasnā€™t discussed as much as taking a snapshot at a certain block height. Two extreme examples: a user that had funds on Starknet and was active for months bridges out at block height snapshot -1 and is now not eligible for the airdrop. A second user that bridges in after being inactive for months (but has conducted the minimal viable activity to be eligible) bridges in at block heights snapshot -1 and is now eligible. In our opinion, the first user is a (more) valuable user for the Starknet ecosystem, but because of the snapshot based design, only the less valuable Starknet user is eligible and rewarded.

Suggestions on how to make subsequent rounds of Starknets better

Every requirement should be aligned with Starknetā€™s strategic approach and goals. We donā€™t believe in crafting requirements that might filter out some farmers, but contradict what Starknet is and has been building.

To make sure that is the case and also to get a realistic temperature check we suggest sharing provision requirements with trusted delegates and/ or trusted users (who potentially have to sign an NDA beforehand). Outsider feedback is valuable and could catch a possible 0.005 ETH balance v2 or at least give feedback to improve details.

As a rule of thumb, we believe that the fewer rumours about Starknet Provision part II (or III or IV) the better. Since every token can only be airdropped once and some competitors have already fully allocated the corresponding token supply, spending these tokens later could even be a strategic advantage. Still timing this is hard, since being too late could mean that the airdrop doesnā€™t have any positive effect either.

For more detailed design recommendations there are two core questions to consider:

What are the requirements to identify ā€œreal usersā€, as unique human beings?
What are the requirements to identify ā€œgood usersā€, so users that show alignment with Starknet?

The challenge to identify real users/ people and ā€œproof of personhoodā€ is hard, and likely even harder or connected to a lot of effort for Starknet because itā€™s not EVM based and making use of solutions like Gitcoin Passport likely needs additional development (to be e.g. able to link a Gitcoin Passport not just to a 0xEVM address, but also a Starknet address).

On top Starknet should ask all major protocols which airdropped tokens in the past 12-18 months for sybil reports. This will require a lot of effort for Starknet, but it is necessary because of the transparency of the space.
At the same time, we believe that there are metrics that raise the likelihood of a certain address being a real user. You canā€™t fake funds onchain. A user that has >X USD in assets onchain is likely a real user. Finding X is not easy, but could likely be derived from the sybil farm reports from other protocols and analytics platforms.

In other words: How does farming work? Users/ services split their capital into small parts and push it to a lot of addresses. To have assets worth >X USD in all sybilling addresses you would need a lot of capital.

Of course not all addresses with funds <X USD are farms, so this approach likely only finds real users, but doesnā€™t identify farmers - but it should be a step in the right direction and could lead to better distribution by potentially being more confident to giving out tokens to these users without going strictly linear.

These metrics then need to be measured in connection with a time-based metric instead of a snapshot. That makes sure it canā€™t be game easily and users arenā€™t disqualified by chance/ bad luck with regards to snapshot timing.

Addresses that were funded via FIAT onramps are likely both ā€œrealā€ and ā€œgood usersā€. Farms are usually funded via CEX withdrawals. FIAT onramps are likely used mainly by real users, because the onramp fees would eat profit from farms and there is usually a KYC process connected to using an onramp and farms will likely avoid these. These are good users, because they have more skin in the game than just sending / bridging old funds back and forth.

On top we believe the following metrics are valid to identify good/ aligned users:

  1. Users that still hold their $STKR airdrop, both in vSTRK, but also in defi protocols like AMMs and borrowing and lending. The defi spring campaign offered great incentives to put the STRK to work, so these would have been tracked accordingly.
  2. Users who did not receive a $STRK airdrop but have bought tokens on the secondary market
  3. Users paying gas in $STRK (though this one is likely being farmed already, so likely not the perfect signal)
  4. Users that have increased their net balance on Starknet (so not in USD, but more in STRK / ETH)

Sybil is a difficult challenge and the only way possible to counter this is to gather collective feedback iteratively. I invite you to share your input and feedback.

Also, assuming that I am not breaking any rules and guidelines on this forum by sharing link(s) or tag.

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Cairo Development Cairo v2.7.0 is coming!

Published: Jul 17, 2024

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Cairo 2.7.0 will be released soon! At the moment, 2.7.0-rc.3 is available and can be tested by the community. This version involves a Sierra upgrade to v1.6.0, which means contracts written with v2.7.0 are only deployable on Starknet ā‰„ 0.13.2. The Testnet upgrade is planned for Aug 5, and the Mainnet upgrade is planned for Aug 26 (you can find more details here). As usual, you can continue using older compiler versions for your contracts and deploy them on Starknet.

v2.7.0 is a HUGE version with an abundance of new features & updates:

The above only includes the most significant new features, for a comprehensive list of changes see the release notes. We now proceed to dive into each of the changes mentioned above.

Breaking changes

While weā€™re trying to avoid breaking any existing code in minor versions, we may allow changing internal traits or generated code that could affect existing user code. While not affecting the majority of contracts, we cover the list of potential breaking changes below:

  • The compiler generated <storage_var_name>ContractMemberStateTrait traits, where storage_var_name is a name of a property of the Storage struct, no longer exist. If your code depended directly on one of these traits, then it will break.
  • The return type of contract_state_for_testing and component_state_for_testing will not have access to the storage members. For example:
let state = MyContract::contract_state_for_testing();
let value =; // won't compile

To fix this, add mut or @ as follows:

let state = @MyContract::contract_state_for_testing();;
let mut state = MyContract::contract_state_for_testing();

The 2024_07 edition

This new edition no longer auto adds pub modifiers to the Storage sturct and its members, this is now the responsibility of the developer. This is of particular importance for components, whose Storage struct is referred to by external contracts.

Weā€™re also narrowing the prelude, removing several traits which are not common to every contract. For a full diff, you can compare the old and new preule (the old prelude is the same for 2023_10 and 2023_11): v2023_10.cairo, v2024_07.cairo. Note that in particular, all storage access traits were added to 2023_10 and 2023_11, but need to be imported with 2024_07.


This version adds the Deref and DerefMut traits to the compiler. Similarly to Rust, these are special traits known to the compiler:

pub trait Deref<T> {
    type Target;
    fn deref(self: T) -> Self::Target;

pub trait DerefMut<T> {
    type Target;
    fn deref_mut(ref self: T) -> Self::Target;

When type T can be dereferenced to type K, then we can access Kā€™s members while holding an instance of T. Note that any time has at most one deref implementation. Additionally, for now only member access via deref is supported, i.e. impls with functions whose self argument is of type K will not be applicable when holding an instance of T. To illustrate how Deref works, consider the following example:

struct Type1 {
    a: u8

struct Type2 {
    b: u8

impl DerefType1ToType2 of Deref<Type1> {
    type Target = Type2;
    fn deref(self: Type1) -> Type2 {
        Type2 { b: self.a }

Thanks to the above Deref implementation, we can write the following:

let t1 = Type1 { a: 3 };
let b = t1.b;

Note that for the following to work, we need an implementation of DerefMut rather than Deref:

fn foo(ref t1: Type1) {
    let b = t1.b;

impl DerefType1ToType2 of DerefMut<Type1> {
    type Target = Type2;
    fn deref_mut(ref self: Type1) -> Type2 {
        Type2 { b: self.a }

Contract Storage

Up until now the storage mechanism solely relied on the Store trait. If a type T had a Store<T> implementation, then Storage could contain members of type T (the only exception being components, where the member type was the componentā€™s Storage type). For example:

struct MyStruct {
    a: u128,
    b: u128

struct Storage {
    member: MyStruct

When reading or writing to member, it was only possible to read or write the struct in its entirety, i.e. via In v2.7.0, this mechanism is generalized.

To allow this generalization, much of the code generation around contract storage was refactored. In particular, the ContractMemberState traits that were generated per each member of the Storage struct no longer exist. That is, if your code uses these generated traits explicitly, it will break. The role of these traits is now fulfilled by the ContractStorageBase and ContractStorageBaseMut generated structs. To understand those in more detail, read the ā€œunder the hoodā€ sections below.

Individual member access

Consider the above contract; in Cairo v2.7.0 onwards, the following syntax is supported:

fn storage_access(ref self: ContractState) {
    let member: MyStruct = // old
    let a =; // new
    self.member.b.write(5); // new

Note that this is only supported for types that explicitly derive Store, and wonā€™t work for custom Store implementation (e.g. ones that are obtained by packing).

Individual member access - under the hood

In the new version, derive(Store) will generate, in addition to a Store impl, a corresponding SubPointers type and an implementation of the SubPointers trait for this type. For our above example, the following code will be generated:

#[derive(Drop, Copy)]
struct MyStructSubPointers {
    a: starknet::storage::StoragePointer<u128>,
    b: starknet::storage::StoragePointer<u128>,

struct MutableMyStructSubPointers {
    a: starknet::storage::StoragePointer<Mutable<u128>>,
    b: starknet::storage::StoragePointer<Mutable<u128>>,

impl MyStructSubPointersImpl of starknet::storage::SubPointers<MyStruct> {
   type SubPointersType = MyStructSubPointers;

   fn sub_pointers(self: starknet::storage::StoragePointer<MyStruct>) -> MyStructSubPointers {
        let base_address = self.address;
        let mut current_offset = self.offset;
        let a_value = starknet::storage::StoragePointer {
            address: base_address,
            offset: current_offset,
        current_offset = current_offset + starknet::Store::<u128>::size();
        let b_value = starknet::storage::StoragePointer {
            address: base_address,
            offset: current_offset,
        MyStructSubPointers {
           a: a_value,
           b: b_value,

impl MutableMyStructSubPointersImpl of starknet::storage::MutableSubPointers<MyStruct> {
   type SubPointersType = MutableMyStructSubPointers;

   fn mutable_sub_pointers(self: starknet::storage::StoragePointer<Mutable<MyStruct>>) -> MutableMyStructSubPointers {
        let base_address = self.address;
        let mut current_offset = self.offset;
        let a_value = starknet::storage::StoragePointer {
            address: base_address,
            offset: current_offset,
        current_offset = current_offset + starknet::Store::<u128>::size();
        let b_value = starknet::storage::StoragePointer {
            address: base_address,
            offset: current_offset,
        MutableMyStructSubPointers {
           a: a_value,
           b: b_value,

StoragePointer is a new type defined in storage.cairo, it points to a concrete storage slot via a base address and an offset. The above generated code explains why only structs that explicitly derive Store allow individual member access. The generated code assumes that each member is stored via its typeā€™s Store implementation, which is not necessarily the case for custom implementations, e.g. ones based on packing.

To understand how to get from self:ContractState to, we need to look into the types in question. The ContractState type is an empty struct generated by the compiler, that can be derefed to the ContractStorageBase or ContractStorageBaseMut types that are generated based on the Storage struct defined in the contract module:

#[derive(Drop, Copy)]
struct ContractStorageBase {
    member: starknet::storage::StorageBase<MyStruct>,

#[derive(Drop, Copy)]
struct ContractStorageBaseMut {
    member: starknet::storage::StorageBase<starknet::storage::Mutable<MyStruct>>,

pub struct ContractState {}

impl StorageBaseImpl of starknet::storage::StorageBaseTrait<ContractState> {
    type BaseType = ContractStorageBase;
    type BaseMutType = ContractStorageBaseMut;

    fn storage_base(self: @ContractState) -> ContractStorageBase {
        ContractStorageBase {
           member: starknet::storage::StorageBase{ address: selector!("balance") },
    fn storage_base_mut(ref self: ContractState) -> ContractStorageBaseMut {
        ContractStorageBaseMut {
           member: starknet::storage::StorageBase{ address: selector!("balance") },
impl ContractStateDeref of core::ops::SnapshotDeref<ContractState> {
    type Target = ContractStorageBase;
    fn snapshot_deref(self: @ContractState) -> ContractStorageBase {

impl ContractStateDerefMut of core::ops::DerefMut<ContractState> {
    type Target = ContractStorageBaseMut;
    fn deref_mut(ref self: ContractState) -> ContractStorageBaseMut {

The above generated code shows us how self.member works, via the DerefMut implementation between ref ContractState and ContractStorageBaseMut that has member of type StorageBase<Mutable<MyStruct>>. To see how we can get from StorageBase<Mutable<MyStruct>> to MyStructā€™s members, we need to follow the chain of derefs defined in storage.cairo:

// StorageBase<Mutable<MyStruct>> --> StoragePath<Mutable<MyStruct>>
impl StorageBaseDeref<T> of core::ops::Deref<StorageBase<T>> {
    type Target = StoragePath<T>;
    fn deref(self: StorageBase<T>) -> Self::Target {

StorageBase represents the initial address of some type in storage. StoragePath is a struct that maintains a hash state that can be modified until we reach the storage location we need, and was devised mostly for Map accesses (or more complex storage accesses, such as storage nodes that weā€™ll see in subsequent sections).

We can now convert the StoragePath to a storage pointer by finalizing the hash state:

// StoragePath<Mutable<MyStruct>> --> StoragePointer0Offset<Mutable<MyStruct>>
impl StoragePathDeref<
    T, impl PointerImpl: StorageAsPointer<StoragePath<T>>
> of core::ops::Deref<StoragePath<T>> {
    type Target = StoragePointer0Offset<PointerImpl::Value>;
    fn deref(self: StoragePath<T>) -> StoragePointer0Offset<PointerImpl::Value> {

// T is Mutable<MyStruct>, this impl gives us `as_ptr` that is used above
impl MutableStorableStoragePathAsPointer<
    T, +MutableTrait<T>, +starknet::Store<MutableTrait::<T>::InnerType>
> of StorageAsPointer<StoragePath<T>> {
    type Value = T;
    fn as_ptr(self: @StoragePath<T>) -> StoragePointer0Offset<T> {
        StoragePointer0Offset { address: (*self).finalize() }

// StoragePointer0Offset<Mutable<MyStruct>> --> StoragePointer<Mutable<MyStruct>>
impl StoragePointer0OffsetDeref<T> of core::ops::Deref<StoragePointer0Offset<T>> {
    type Target = StoragePointer<T>;
    fn deref(self: StoragePointer0Offset<T>) -> StoragePointer<T> {
        StoragePointer::<T> { address: self.address, offset: 0 }

pub struct Mutable<T> {}

trait MutableTrait<T> {
    type InnerType;

impl MutableImpl<T> of MutableTrait<Mutable<T>> {
    type InnerType = T;

The above derefs brought us to StoragePointer<Mutable<MyStruct>>. This is where the new sub pointers types kick in, via the following two derefs in storage.cairo:

// StoragePointer<MyStruct> -->  MyStructSubPointers
impl SubPointersDeref<T, +SubPointers<T>> of core::ops::Deref<StoragePointer<T>> {
    type Target = SubPointers::<T>::SubPointersType;
    fn deref(self: StoragePointer<T>) -> Self::Target {

// StoragePointer<Mutable<MyStruct> --> MutableMyStructSubPointers
impl MutableSubPointersDeref<
    T, +MutableSubPointers<T>
> of core::ops::Deref<StoragePointer<Mutable<T>>> {
    type Target = MutableSubPointers::<T>::SubPointersType;
    fn deref(self: StoragePointer<Mutable<T>>) -> Self::Target {

Now that we hold the MutableMyStructSubPointers type, to see why self.member.a works, we only need a reminder of the sub pointers type definition:

struct MutableMyStructSubPointers {
    a: starknet::storage::StoragePointer<Mutable<u128>>,
    b: starknet::storage::StoragePointer<Mutable<u128>>,

Finally, works since StoragePointer<T> exposes read, and self.a.write() works since StoragePointer<Mutable<T>> exposes write:

// Store-based read for StoragePointer<T>
pub impl StorableStoragePointerReadAccess<
    T, +starknet::Store<T>
> of StoragePointerReadAccess<StoragePointer<T>> {
    type Value = T;
    fn read(self: @StoragePointer<T>) -> T {
            starknet::Store::<T>::read_at_offset(0, *self.address, *self.offset)

// When T is `Mutable<K>`, we need a separate "read" implementation in order to reach the internal type
impl MutableStorableStoragePointerReadAccess<
    T, +MutableTrait<T>, +starknet::Store<MutableTrait::<T>::InnerType>
> of StoragePointerReadAccess<StoragePointer<T>> {
    type Value = MutableTrait::<T>::InnerType;
    fn read(self: @StoragePointer<T>) -> MutableTrait::<T>::InnerType {
            >::read_at_offset(0, *self.address, *self.offset)

// Write implementation for StoragePointer<T> where T is Mutable<K>
impl MutableStorableStoragePointerWriteAccess<
    T, +MutableTrait<T>, +starknet::Store<MutableTrait::<T>::InnerType>
> of StoragePointerWriteAccess<StoragePointer<T>> {
    type Value = MutableTrait::<T>::InnerType;
    fn write(self: StoragePointer<T>, value: MutableTrait::<T>::InnerType) {
            >::write_at_offset(0, self.address, self.offset, value)

To summarize, we followed the path:

ref ContractState ā†’ (deref) ā†’ ContractStorageBaseMut ā†’ (self.member) ā†’ StorageBase<Mutable<MyStruct>> ā†’ (deref) ā†’ StoragePath<Mutable<MyStruct>> ā†’ (deref) ā†’ StoragePointer0Offset<Mutable<MyStruct>> ā†’ (deref) ā†’ StoragePointer<Mutable<MyStruct>> ā†’ (deref) ā†’ MutableMyStructSubPointers.


Say goodbye to LegacyMap. Map is a new and more flexible type for maintaining mappings in a contract storage. With Map<K,V> we can:

  • Have nested Maps (rather than having a tuple type key with LegacyMap)
  • Have Map as a member of a struct (we will dive into this in the following storage_node section)

Note that the storage layout of Map<K, V> is identical to that LegacyMap<K,V>, hence you can safely migrate to the new type.

The Map type can not be instantiated via user code.

To illustrate the use of the new type, consider the following simple contract:

mod simple_contract {
    use starknet::{ContractAddress, contract_address_const};
    use starknet::storage::{Map, StoragePathEntry};
    /// the latest edition 2024_07 also requires the following imports:
    use starknet::storage::{StorageMapReadAccess, StorageMapWriteAccess}

    struct Storage {
        basic: u128,
        balances: Map<ContractAddress, u256>,
        nested_balances: Map<ContractAddress, Map<ContractAddress, u256>>,

    pub impl SimpleContract of SimpleContractTrait {
        fn test_new_storage(ref self: ContractState) {
            let address = contract_address_const::<1>();

Maps - under the hood

The basic types that the new maps require are Map and EntryInfo. The purpose of these types is for us to be able to refer to the key type and value type from a Map instance, as illustrated by the following code in the corelib:

pub struct Map<K, V> {}

/// A trait for making a map like type support implement the `StoragePathEntry` trait.
trait EntryInfo<T> {
    type Key;
    type Value;

impl EntryInfoImpl<K, V> of EntryInfo<Map<K, V>> {
    type Key = K;
    type Value = V;

Accessing entires of a collection C is done via implementing the following trait:

pub trait StoragePathEntry<C> {
    type Key;
    type Value;
    fn entry(self: C, key: Self::Key) -> StoragePath<Self::Value>;

Now we can proceed to show how the code from our previous example works:


We already know, from diving into the implementation of individual members access, that ContractState can be dereferenced to ContractStorageBase, where balances is of type StorageBase<Map<ContractAddress, u256>, which can then be dereferenced StoragePath<Map<ContractAddress, u256>> (to get write access, we would need to start from ref ContractState, which can be derefed to ContractStorageBaseMut, which in turn has a balances member of type StoragePath<Mutable<Map<ContractAddress, u256>>>).

From StoragePath<Map<ContractAddress, u256>> or StoragePath<Mutable<Map<ContractAddress, u256>>> we get the entry functionality via one of the following implementations:

impl EntryInfoStoragePathEntry<
> of StoragePathEntry<StoragePath<T>> {
    type Key = EntryInfo::<T>::Key;
    type Value = EntryInfo::<T>::Value;
    fn entry(self: StoragePath<T>, key: EntryInfo::<T>::Key) -> StoragePath<EntryInfo::<T>::Value> {
        > {
            hash_state: core::hash::Hash::<
                EntryInfo::<T>::Key, StoragePathHashState
            >::update_state(self.hash_state, key)

impl MutableEntryStoragePathEntry<
    impl EntryImpl: EntryInfo<MutableTrait::<T>::InnerType>,
> of StoragePathEntry<StoragePath<T>> {
    type Key = EntryImpl::Key;
    type Value = Mutable<EntryImpl::Value>;
    fn entry(self: StoragePath<T>, key: EntryImpl::Key) -> StoragePath<Mutable<EntryImpl::Value>> {
        > {
            hash_state: core::hash::Hash::<
                EntryImpl::Key, StoragePathHashState
            >::update_state(self.hash_state, key)

Above, we can see that entry modifies the StoragePath with a single hash application (specifically, Pedersen hash, as StoragePathHashState is just an alias to PedersenHashState). After calling entry, we end up with StoragePath<EntryInfo::<T>::Value> or StoragePath<Mutable<EntryImpl::Value>>. Note that Value can either implement Store, or itself be another Map, over which we can again call entry. If Value implements Store, then read access will be give by one of the following impls:

impl StorableEntryReadAccess<
> of StorageMapReadAccessTrait<StoragePath<T>> {
    type Key = EntryInfo::<T>::Key;
    type Value = EntryInfo::<T>::Value;
    fn read(self: StoragePath<T>, key: EntryInfo::<T>::Key) -> EntryInfo::<T>::Value {

impl MutableStorableEntryReadAccess<
    +core::hash::Hash<EntryInfo::<MutableTrait::<T>::InnerType>::Key, StoragePathHashState>,
> of StorageMapReadAccessTrait<StoragePath<T>> {
    type Key = EntryInfo::<MutableTrait::<T>::InnerType>::Key;
    type Value = EntryInfo::<MutableTrait::<T>::InnerType>::Value;
    fn read(
        self: StoragePath<T>, key: EntryInfo::<MutableTrait::<T>::InnerType>::Key
    ) -> EntryInfo::<MutableTrait::<T>::InnerType>::Value {

A similar impl will give us write capabilities with the type StoragePath<Mutable<EntryImpl::Value>>.

Storage vecs

So far, to have sequential access to a collection in storage, one needed to use maps or a custom implementation, e.g., as done by OpenZeppelin. This version introduces the Vec type, which allows keeping vectors in a contractā€™s storage.

Below is an example of how one can use storage vectors:

use starknet::storage::{Vec, VecTrait, MutableVecTrait};

struct Storage {
    var1: Vec<u256>,
    var2: Vec<Map<u8, Vec<u8>>>

fn foo(ref self: ContractState) {
  assert!(self.var1.len() == 2);
  assert!(self.var1[0].read() == 1 && self.var1[1].read() == 2);
  assert!(self.var2[0].entry(5)[0].read() == 1);
  self.var1[3].read(); // panic (out of bounds)

Storage vecs - under the hood

The VecTrait and MutableVecTrait traits give us the ability to access vec indices and append new elements. These impls operate on StoragePath<Vec<T>> and StoragePath<Mutable<Vec<T>>>, which are the member types of the generated ContractStorageBase and ContractStorageBaseMut types, as weā€™ve seen in ā€œindividual storage access - under the hoodā€.

pub struct Vec<T> {}

pub trait VecTrait<T> {
    type ElementType;
    fn at(self: T, index: u64) -> StoragePath<Self::ElementType>;
    fn len(self: T) -> u64;

pub trait MutableVecTrait<T> {
    type ElementType;
    fn at(self: T, index: u64) -> StoragePath<Mutable<Self::ElementType>>;
    fn len(self: T) -> u64;
    fn append(self: T) -> StoragePath<Mutable<Self::ElementType>>;

impl VecImpl<T> of VecTrait<StoragePath<Vec<T>>> {
    type ElementType = T;
    fn get(self: StoragePath<Vec<T>>, index: u64) -> Option<StoragePath<T>> {
        let vec_len = self.len();
        if index < vec_len {
        } else {
    fn at(self: StoragePath<Vec<T>>, index: u64) -> StoragePath<T> {
        assert!(index < self.len(), "Index out of bounds");
    fn len(self: StoragePath<Vec<T>>) -> u64 {

impl MutableVecImpl<T> of MutableVecTrait<StoragePath<Mutable<Vec<T>>>> {
    type ElementType = T;
    fn get(self: StoragePath<Mutable<Vec<T>>>, index: u64) -> Option<StoragePath<Mutable<T>>> {
        let vec_len = self.len();
        if index < vec_len {
        } else {
    fn at(self: StoragePath<Mutable<Vec<T>>>, index: u64) -> StoragePath<Mutable<T>> {
        assert!(index < self.len(), "Index out of bounds");
    fn len(self: StoragePath<Mutable<Vec<T>>>) -> u64 {
    fn append(self: StoragePath<Mutable<Vec<T>>>) -> StoragePath<Mutable<T>> {
        let vec_len = self.len();
        self.as_ptr().write(vec_len + 1);

Note that the storage layout of Vec is determined by the get implementation, which computes the address of the nā€™th element as h(base_address, n), where h is the Pedersen hash function. The length of the array is held at base_address, where the base address is determined by the location of the array with respect to the Storage struct. For example, in the case of var1 above, the base address is sn_keccak("var1"), while the base address of self.var2[0].entry(5).read() is pedersen(sn_keccak("var2"), 5).

Storage nodes

Storage nodes are a new concept introduced in Cairo v2.7.0. The motivation behind them was to have Map, or other ā€œspecialā€ types that do not implement Store but can appear inside Storage, as potential members of structs.

You can think of storage nodes as nodes in a tree that lie within the contract storage space. Content is stored in the leaves, and intermediate nodes allow you to point to other locations in storage. Consider the following example:

struct Storage {
    member: MyNode

struct MyNode {
    a: u8,
    b: u256,
    c: Map<u256, u256>

fn foo(self: @ContractState) {

Thanks to the #[storage_node] attribute over MyNode, we can have storage variables of type MyNode, although it doesnā€™t implement Store.

The storage layout of MyNode will be based on the names of its members: a, b, and c. For example, the actual storage key read by self.member.c.entry(5).read() is:

h(sn_keccak("member"), h(sn_keccak("c"), 5)),

where h is the Pedersen hash function.

Maps in structs are not the only thing that you can do with storage nodes. To illustrate their strength, consider the following example:

struct Storage {
    root: StorageTreeNode

struct StorageTreeNode {
    value: u32,
    left: StorageTreeNode,
    right: StorageTreeNode

Without the #[storage_node] attribute, the above code would not have compiled as StorageTreeNode has infinite size. The #[storage_node] attribute tells the compiler that StorageTreeNode will never be instantiated directly and will only serve to point to storage locations.

Note that to make the above example interesting, you would need another property on StorageTreeNode which tells you whether or not youā€™re at a leaf (or, e.g., change value to Option<u32>, where None indicates that you hit a leaf). Itā€™s important to emphasize that a storage node does not carry value by itself, it is essentially a path to some storage location from which I can read members. Hence, I cannot ask if self.root.left is None, it is a path to some location in storage, I can always point to it. Any actual information should be kept in storeable members of the storage node.

Storage nodes - under the hood

Throughout this section, weā€™ll use the following storage node as our example:

struct Storage {
    member: MyNode

struct MyNode {
    a: u8,
    b: Map<u256, u256>,
    c: MyNode

fn foo(self: @ContractState) {;

When trying to work out, without the new #[storage_node] attribute, trying to follow the path from ā€œindividual member access - under the hoodā€, we will break when trying to deref from
StoragePath<MyNode> to StoragePointer0Offset<MyNode>, since the deref implementation needs an impl of the StorageAsPointer trait, and the following generic implementation in the corelib wonā€™t help since we donā€™t have Store:

pub trait StorageAsPointer<TMemberState> {
    type Value;
    fn as_ptr(self: @TMemberState) -> StoragePointer0Offset<Self::Value>;

impl StorableStoragePathAsPointer<T, +starknet::Store<T>> of StorageAsPointer<StoragePath<T>> {
    type Value = T;
    fn as_ptr(self: @StoragePath<T>) -> StoragePointer0Offset<T> {
        StoragePointer0Offset { address: (*self).finalize() }

Thus, we need a new way to get read from StoragePath<MyNode> without relying on Store (we will ignore write in this section since it is a repetition of the same Mutable<T> trick weā€™ve seen in the previous sections).

When annotating MyNode with the #[storage_node] attribute, the following code is generated:

#[derive(Drop, Copy)]
struct MyNodeStorageNode {
    a: starknet::storage::PendingStoragePath<u8>,
    b: starknet::storage::PendingStoragePath<Map<u256, u256>>,
    c: starknet::storage::PendingStoragePath<MyNode>,

impl MyNodeStorageNodeImpl of StorageNode<MyNode> {
   type NodeType = BalancePairStorageNode;

   fn storage_node(self: StoragePath<MyNode>) -> MyNodeStorageNode {
        let a_value = PendingStoragePathTrait::new(
        let b_value = PendingStoragePathTrait::new(
        let c_value = PendingStoragePathTrait::new(
        MyNodeStorageNode {
           a: a_value,
           b: b_value,
           c: c_value

The above is similar to the generated sub pointers type, except now we need to encode MyNode member names in the storage path somehow. To this end, the PendingStoragePath type was introduced:

struct PendingStoragePath<T> {
    hash_state: StoragePathHashState, // PedersenHashState
    pending_key: felt252

Now, the following deref implementation in the corelib completes the picture:

impl StorageNodeDeref<T, +StorageNode<T>> of core::ops::Deref<StoragePath<T>> {
    type Target = StorageNode::<T>::NodeType;
    fn deref(self: StoragePath<T>) -> Self::Target {

This is what gets us from StoragePath<MyNode> to MyNodeStorageNode, a struct whose members are a, b, and c (same as MyNode), but with the member types being wrapped by PendingStoragePath.

The read functionality on PendingStoragePath<u8> comes from the following impls in the corelib:

// PendingStoragePath --> StoragePath
impl PendingStoragePathAsPath<T> of StorageAsPath<PendingStoragePath<T>> {
    type Value = T;
    fn as_path(self: @PendingStoragePath<T>) -> StoragePath<T> {
        > { hash_state: core::hash::HashStateTrait::update(*self.hash_state, *self.pending_key) }

// T is PendingStoragePath<u8>
impl StorablePathableStorageAsPointer<
    impl PathImpl: StorageAsPath<T>,
    // PathImpl::Value is u8, the StorageAsPointer<u8>  impl is given by `StorableStoragePathAsPointer`
    impl PtrImpl: StorageAsPointer<StoragePath<PathImpl::Value>>,
> of StorageAsPointer<T> {
    type Value = PtrImpl::Value;
    fn as_ptr(self: @T) -> StoragePointer0Offset<PtrImpl::Value> {
        let path = self.as_path();

// This impl grants us ``
impl StorablePointerReadAccessImpl<
    impl PointerImpl: StorageAsPointer<T>,
    impl AccessImpl: StoragePointerReadAccess<StoragePointer0Offset<PointerImpl::Value>>,
> of StoragePointerReadAccess<T> {
    type Value = AccessImpl::Value;
    fn read(self: @T) -> Self::Value {

The above shows us how can we get access to ā€œstorableā€ members of the storage node. But what about self.member.b.entry(5).read() or

To get access to the map member via


we need the following two impls:

// T is PendingStoragePath<Map<u256, u256>>`
impl PathableStorageEntryImpl<
    impl PathImpl: StorageAsPath<T>,
    impl EntryImpl: StoragePathEntry<StoragePath<PathImpl::Value>>,
> of StoragePathEntry<T> {
    type Key = EntryImpl::Key;
    type Value = EntryImpl::Value;
    fn entry(self: T, key: Self::Key) -> StoragePath<Self::Value> {
        let path = PathImpl::as_path(@self);
        EntryImpl::entry(path, key)

// T is `StoragePath<Map<u256, u256>>`
impl StorageAsPathReadForward<
    impl PathImpl: StorageAsPath<T>,
    impl AccessImpl: StorageMapReadAccessTrait<StoragePath<PathImpl::Value>>,
> of StorageMapReadAccessTrait<T> {
    type Key = AccessImpl::Key;
    type Value = AccessImpl::Value;
    fn read(self: T, key: AccessImpl::Key) -> AccessImpl::Value {

To keep reading the next storage node via e.g.

we need to go back from PendingStoragePath<MyNode> back to StoragePath<MyNode>, from which we can again call the storage_node() function and obtain the PendingStoragePath<MyNode> type. This is achieve by the following deref impl:

impl PendingStoragePathDeref<T> of core::ops::Deref<PendingStoragePath<T>> {
    type Target = StoragePath<T>;
    fn deref(self: PendingStoragePath<T>) -> Self::Target {

New storage design - examples

The new storage primitives that were discussed in the previous sections open new possibilities. We cover a few examples below.

+= for Storage variables

A common storage access pattern is reading a value, adding/subtracting, and then writing the new value. With StoragePath<T> we can get the += functionality for every storage variable whose type has an AddAsign implementation as follows:

mod numeric_contract {
    use core::ops::AddAssign;

    pub impl AddAsignStorage<
        Lhs, Rhs, +Drop<Lhs>, +Drop<Rhs>, 
        +AddAssign<Lhs, Rhs>,
    > of AddAssign<StorageBase<Mutable<Lhs>>, Rhs> {
        fn add_assign(ref self: StorageBase<Mutable<Lhs>>, rhs: Rhs) {
            let mut value: Lhs =;
            value += rhs;

    struct Storage {
        numeric: u128,

    pub impl NumericContract of NumericContractTrait {
        fn inc(ref self: ContractState) {
            let mut num = self.numeric;
            num += 1;        

By implementing AddAsign for StorageBase<Lhs> we were able to get += for storage variables. Do note that this is not always desirable, since += might hide expensive operations (storage write).

Note that the above will not work for structs members, maps, and storage nodes, as those are not of type StorageBase<T>. To extend += to all uints anywhere in storage, we need our impl to work on StoragePath, or more specifically anything that implements the StorageAsPath trait. This is illustrated below:

pub impl AddAsignStoragePath<
    Lhs, Rhs, +Drop<Lhs>, +Drop<Rhs>, 
    +AddAssign<Lhs, Rhs>,
> of AddAssign<StoragePath<Mutable<Lhs>>, Rhs> {
    fn add_assign(ref self: StoragePath<Mutable<Lhs>>, rhs: Rhs) {
        let mut value: Lhs =;
        value += rhs;

// Lhs is StorageBase<Mutable<u8>>
// LhsAsPath's value is Mutable<u8>
pub impl AddAsignStorageAsPath<
    Lhs, Rhs, +Drop<Lhs>, +Drop<Rhs>, 
    impl LhsAsPath: StorageAsPath<Lhs>,
    +AddAssign<StoragePath<LhsAsPath::Value>, Rhs>
> of AddAssign<Lhs, Rhs> {
    fn add_assign(ref self: Lhs, rhs: Rhs) {
        let mut value = self.as_path();
        value += rhs;

struct Numeric {
    num: u8,
    map: Map<u8, u8>

fn foo(ref self: ContractState) {
    let mut numeric = self.numeric.num;
    numeric += 1;
    let mut numeric =;
    numeric += 6;

To avoid the risk of having += for storage variables that may have large hidden cost, one can ignore the AddAssign trait and implement a new trait, e.g. StorageInc, with an inc function that behaves similarly to the above

Giving access to storage variables

In previous versions, the only way to access storage outside the contract module was to use components or the unsafe_new_contract_state function. With the new storage types, we can call functions that accept StoragePath<T>, and thus allow them to modify our storage.

struct Numeric {
    num: u8,
    map: Map<u8, u8>

struct Storage {
    numeric: Numeric,
    map: Map<u8, u8>,

fn foo(ref self: ContractState) {

pub fn modify_from_outside(
    numeric: StoragePath<Mutable<Numeric>>, 
    map: StoragePath<Mutable<Map<u8,u8>>> 
) {

Note that we had to call deref explicitly to move from StorageBase to StoragePath.

This direction can yield a new way of writing components without much of the existing boilerplate. While still experimental, you can examine such an example in erc20_mini.cairo, and a contract using it in with_erc20_mini. With this approach, instead of using the component! macro and denoting a storage member by #[substorage(v0)], you can define the componentā€™s storage struct as a storage node.

Phantom types

Types annotated by #[phantom] are types that cannot be instantiated. They are used to pass on information via traits that are implemented for them. For example, the following are phantom types:

pub struct Map<K, V> {}

pub struct Vec<T> {}

This shouldnā€™t be surprising as the above types are only used as the generic type of StoragePath. The Storage struct and any struct annotated by #[storage_node] are also phantom types.

Associated items

Associated items are items that are declared in traits and defined in implementations. They are defined similarly to the same concept in Rust. We proceed to dive into each the possible associated items.

Associated types

The addition trait is a good example of the potential advantage of associated types:

trait Add<Lhs, Rhs> {
    type Result;
    fn add(lhs: Lhs, rhs: Rhs) -> Self::Result;

suppose now that a function foo<A, B> needs the ability to add A and B. If we had defined the Add trait with an additional generic parameter that is used to describe the result, then our code would have looked like this:

fn foo<A,B,C, +Add<A,B,C>>(a:A, b:B) -> C {
   return a+b;

However, with associated types, we can get the result type from the impl of Add, and we donā€™t need to pollute foo with an additional generic argument:

fn foo<A,B, AddImpl: Add<A,B>>(a: A, b: B) -> AddImpl::Result {
    return a+b;

The point is that foo doesnā€™t necessarily need to generic on the addition result type, this information is associated with the impl of the Add trait.

Associated consts

Suppose that we have a game with multiple character types, e.g. Wizard and Warrior, and each character has some fixed hp based on its type. We can model this scenario as follows:

struct Warrior { ... }
struct Wizard { ... }

trait Character<T> {
    const hp: u32;
    fn fight(self: T);

impl WizardCharacter of Character<Wizard> {
    const hp: u32 = 70;
    fn fight(self: Wizard) { ... } 

impl WarriorCharacter of Character<Warrior> {
    const hp: u32 = 100;
    fn fight(self: Warrior) { ... } 

Since hp is fixed per character type, associated costs allowed us to bind this number to the character trait rather than adding it to the struct or just hardcoding the value in the implementation.

Associated impls

The new iterator traits are a good example of when one might need associated impls. Consider the new iterator traits from iterator.cairo:

// T is the collection type
pub trait Iterator<T> {
    type Item;
    fn next(ref self: T) -> Option<Self::Item>;

/// Turn a collection of values into an iterator.
pub trait IntoIterator<T> {
    /// The iterator type that will be created.
    type IntoIter;
    impl Iterator: Iterator<Self::IntoIter>;

    fn into_iter(self: T) -> Self::IntoIter;

An implementation of IntoIterator is expected to take a collection and return a corresponding iterator type IntoIter. How can we enforce that the returned type is indeed an iterator, i.e. something that implements that iterator trait? This is where the associated impl Iterator comes in, which is by definition an impl of the Iterator trait for the associated IntoIter iterator type.

The important observation is that any implementation of IntoIterator should return an iterator. Thus, while we can use generic impl params to enforce a specific implementation of IntoIterator returning an actual iterator, it should be already determined at the trait level. Associated impls are exactly the tool that allows us to do it.

Note that an implementation of IntoIterator does not necessarily need to specify the Iterator impl, if one exists in your context then it will be deduced, similarly to generic impl params. This is illustrated by the corelibā€™s implementation of IntoIterator<Array<T>>:

pub struct ArrayIter<T> {
    array: Array<T>,

impl ArrayIterator<T> of Iterator<ArrayIter<T>> {
    type Item = T;
    fn next(ref self: ArrayIter<T>) -> Option<T> {

impl ArrayIntoIterator<T> of core::iter::IntoIterator<Array<T>> {
    type IntoIter = ArrayIter<T>;
    fn into_iter(self: Array<T>) -> ArrayIter<T> {
        ArrayIter { array: self }

for loops

With iterators come for loops. You can now iterate over arrays and spans as follows:

fn test_for_loop_array_sum() {
    let mut sum = 0;
    for x in array![10, 11, 12] {
        sum += x;
    assert_eq!(sum, 33);

The above loop is based on the ArrayIntoIterator implementation in the corelib. You can find more examples in for_test.cairo.


The sha256_process_block_syscall system call is added. Youā€™ll find high level functions for computing sha256 in sha256.cairo, specifically compute_sha256_u32_array and compute_sha256_byte_array.

Below is an example of computing sha256 in your contract:

fn test_sha256(ref self: ContractState) {
    let mut input: Array::<u32> = Default::default();

    // Test the sha256 syscall computation of the string 'aaaa'.
    let [res, _, _, _, _, _, _, _,] = compute_sha256_u32_array(input, 0, 0);
    assert(res == 0x61be55a8, 'Wrong hash value');

Each syscall application costs ~ 180 gas. Taking padding into account, we need a syscall invocation per ~ 14 u32 inputs, resulting in ~ 3.2 gas per byte.

Default implementations

We can now have default implementations of trait functions, similarly to Rust. Default implementations are illustrated in the example below:

trait TraitWithDefaultImpl {
    fn foo(self: u256);
    fn boo(self: u128) -> u128 {

impl SomeImpl of TraitWithDefaultImpl {
    fn foo(self: u256) {}

impl SomeOverridingImpl of TraitWithDefaultImpl {
    fn foo(self: u256) {}
    fn boo(self: u128) -> u128 { self }

SomeImpl::boo(3) will use the default implementation, while SomeOverridingImpl::boo(3) will use its own implementation.

Fixed size arrays

Fixed size arrays, denoted by [T; N], are a type that represents an N-tuple of T:

let arr1: [u64; 5] = [1,2,3,4,5];
let arr2: Span<u64> = [1,2,3,4,5].span();

To access a member of a fixed size array we can either deconstruct it with something like let [a, b, c, _, _] = arr1, or use the .span() function. Note that if we plan to repeatedly access the array, then it makes sense to call .span() once and keep it available throughout the accesses.

With const fixed size arrays, we can hardcode a potentially long sequence of data in our program, similarly to how dw (define word) was used in CairoZero:

const arr: [u64; 5] = [1,2,3,4,5];

To pass the const value cheaply between functions (without copying), you can call .span(), which has a trivial implementation (no cairo-steps overhead)

fn get_arr(arr: Span<u64>) { ... }

Arithmetic circuits

We introduce an efficient way to define and run arithmetic circuits with a 384-bit modulus. Arithmetic circuits in Cairo are aimed at applications that need to be as bare metal as possible, and want to avoid the overhead of Cairo by defining raw circuits. Two new builtins, add_mod and mul_mod, will perform arithmetic operations under the hood. That is, Cairo is only used to describe the circuit.

Four types of gates are supported, AddModGate, SubModGate, MulModGate, and InverseGate. To construct a circuit, we use the empty CircuitElement<T> struct. The circuit description is encoded within the type T. That is, whenever we add a gate to the circuit, we wrap our existing circuit types with the appropriate gate types. For example, adding CricuitElement<Lhs> and CircuitElement<Rhs> results with CircuitElement<AddModGate<Lhs, Rhs>>.

The following code constructs the circuit: \frac{1}{x+y}\left((x+y)^{-1}-y\right):

use core::circuit::{
    RangeCheck96, AddMod, MulMod, u96, CircuitElement, CircuitInput, circuit_add, circuit_sub,
    circuit_mul, circuit_inverse, EvalCircuitTrait, u384, CircuitOutputsTrait, CircuitModulus,
    AddInputResultTrait, CircuitInputs,

let in1 = CircuitElement::<CircuitInput<0>> {};
let in2 = CircuitElement::<CircuitInput<1>> {};
let add = circuit_add(in1, in2);
let inv = circuit_inverse(add);
let sub = circuit_sub(inv, in2);
let mul = circuit_mul(inv, sub);

Now, we need to define the output tuple:

let output_gates = (mul);

Note that any of the circuitā€™s gates can be added to the output tuple. We can access the value of any gate after evaluating, but outputs must include all gates whose out degree is 0. The evaluation would have remained the same if we were do define output_gates as (mul, add, sub, inv).

Next, we proceed to initialize the circuits with inputs, each input is represented by fixed size array of four u96:

  .next([3, 0, 0, 0])
  .next([6, 0, 0, 0])

Note that the next function returns a variant of the AddInputResult enum:

pub enum AddInputResult<C> {
    /// All inputs have been filled.
    Done: CircuitData<C>,
    /// More inputs are needed to fill the circuit instance's data.
    More: CircuitInputAccumulator<C>,

We must fill all the inputs of the circuit, and calling next on the Done variant, whose type CircuitData<C> describes a circuit initialized with inputs, will result in a panic.

Now that we have CircuitData<C> (C is now the long type encoding the entire circuit), we can define the modules and call eval:

let modulus = TryInto::<_, CircuitModulus>::try_into([7, 0, 0, 0]).unwrap();

let res = output_gates.eval(modulos).unwrap();

Note that eval returns Result, as the evaluation may err due to division by zero. If the evaluation had been successful, we can ask the value of any intermediate gate, assuming we an instance of the corresponding type:

assert_eq!(res.get_output(add), u384 { limb0: 2, limb1: 0, limb2: 0, limb3: 0 });
assert_eq!(res.get_output(inv), u384 { limb0: 4, limb1: 0, limb2: 0, limb3: 0 });
assert_eq!(res.get_output(sub), u384 { limb0: 5, limb1: 0, limb2: 0, limb3: 0 });
assert_eq!(res.get_output(mul), u384 { limb0: 6, limb1: 0, limb2: 0, limb3: 0 });

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SNIPs SNIP 18: Stakingā€™s First Stage on Starknet

Published: Jul 10, 2024

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snip: 18
title: Stakingā€™s First Stage on Starknet
author: Natan Granit
status: Draft
type: Standards Track
category: Core
created: July 10, 2024
Github link

Stakingā€™s First Stage on Starknet


As Starknet continues its decentralized journey, we present StarkWareā€™s proposal for the first stage of staking. This is an important step in building the staking community and technology, offering new opportunities for users and developers.

This SNIP aims for the first stage of staking to be live on Starknet mainnet in Q4 2024, featuring a permissionless on-chain staking protocol and stake delegation.

In the following, we will describe in detail the staking proposal, its timeline, and its relation to future steps in decentralization.


The first stage of staking marks another crucial step in Starknetā€™s decentralized vision. Here are the key motivations for an incremental approach in Starknetā€™s decentralization process and for the proposed first step.

In the future, as part of Starknetā€™s Consensus protocol, Stakers will be responsible for maintaining and securing the network by producing, attesting, and proving blocks. However, itā€™s not feasible to hand over these responsibilities all in one day. This is why an incremental approach is necessary, as it allows for the following:

  • Gradual Implementation: A PoS protocol is a complex structure that requires comprehensive testing and validation. By introducing its features in small, manageable milestones, we ensure that each step is carefully implemented and easily integrated. This approach also allows us to refine the process and address issues as they arise.
  • Stakersā€™ Preparation: Giving Stakers time to adapt to new responsibilities, ensuring they are ready for their critical roles, and maximizing network stability during the transition.
  • Proven Reliability: By the time Stakers perform the aforementioned roles, we aim to have a proven set of sequencers that reliably produce and attest blocks, ensuring the networkā€™s stability and performance.

Specifically, in this proposed first stage, we will test the protocolā€™s economic incentive structure and some of its key smart contract components. The protocol reward structure must balance incentivizing participation with maintaining a sustainable inflation rate and allowing a sufficient amount of STRK to remain readily available for other network activity.

By adopting this step-by-step approach, with the proposed first stage, we can gather valuable data, perform crucial tests, and thus refine the staking protocol as we implement it.



The proposed first stage protocol features permissionless staking of STRK on Starknet with two staking flavors:

  • Staking: As a Staker, you can stake any amount of STRK greater than X STRK (X is between 10K-100K). Currently, Stakers are expected to run full nodes in preparation for the following stages. In the future, they will also need to run additional software that sequences and validates Starknet blocks and possibly perform additional network liveness and security tasks.
  • Stake Delegation: Delegators choose a Staker to whom they delegate their Stake, sharing rewards with said Staker. Stake Delegators do not need to run any software, as their chosen Staker runs it for them. This makes participation accessible to a broader audience, allowing users to participate in the Staking protocol without the technical and capital limitations.

Both Stakers and Stake Delegators can unstake their funds, subject to protocol-defined latencies that ensure network stability and security. More details on these latencies can be found in the ā€œLatenciesā€ section.

Staking Rewards

Staking rewards will be based on token minting. The rewards are calculated according to a minting curve, which follows Professor Noam Nisanā€™s proposal (For more details on the minting curve, see the section below). Both Stakers and Stake Delegators earn rewards, depending on their respective stake and the reward-sharing constant (R) set by the Staker:

  • Stakers: Earn rewards proportional to their own stake and the total stake delegated to them, adjusted by the reward-sharing constant. The formula is:

    ({self_stake} + {total_stake_delegated} * (1 - R)) * {rewards_constant} * {time_interval}

  • Stake Delegators: Earn rewards proportional to their delegated stake and the reward-sharing constant. The formula is:

    {stake_delegated} * R * {rewards_constant} * {time_interval}

where {rewards_constant} is determined by the minting curve and depends on the total amount staked in the protocol. This reward structure incentivizes both staking, stake delegation, and competition among Stakers for delegatorsā€™ stake.

Minting curve

The minting curve addresses two critical aspects of the staking protocol by making the rewards dependent on the amount of STRK locked in the protocol. Hereā€™s how it works:

  • Balancing Participation: The more STRK tokens locked in the staking protocol, the lower the rewards become. This design ensures that not all STRK tokens are staked, allowing the Starknet community to continue using STRK for transaction fees and other activities. Additionally, it prevents unnecessary dilution of the token supply.

  • Encouraging Staking: When fewer STRK tokens are staked, the rewards get higher. This incentivizes participation in the staking protocol, guaranteeing a minimum level of economic security for the network by ensuring that a portion of STRK tokens is always staked.

In the first stage, the minting curve will be based on Professor Noam Nisanā€™s proposal, with a slight parameter variation. The minting curve is defined by the following formula:

M = C/10 * āˆš S

Where S is the staking rate in percent of the total supply of tokens, M is the annual minting rate, again in percent of the total supply of tokens and C is the maximal theoretical inflation, also in yearly percent. In Professor Nisanā€™s suggestion, C=4, assuming all 10B STRK tokens might participate in the staking protocol. For this first stage, we propose C be in the range of 1.8-2.5, considering the current circulating supply is much lower than 10B and not all STRK tokens will participate in the staking protocol.

Deciding on a global inflation cap and exact minting curve parameters is a complex problem. Any decision made will likely require adjustments over time as market conditions change, such as the amount of circulating tokens. Given the sensitivity of this subject, we will recommend that the Starknet Foundation (SNF) hold a governance vote to decide on minting curve parameters and the processes to adjust those over time.


  • Today: Entering and exiting the staking protocol is immediate, meaning that users can join or leave the staking process without delay. However, after exiting, the staked funds are subject to a security lockup period of 21 days*. During this period, users will not earn rewards and cannot withdraw their funds. This mechanism ensures network security by preventing Stakers from suddenly withdrawing significant stake and potentially destabilizing the network.
  • Future Versions: In future versions, we would introduce the notion of epochs, which are granular measures of time on Starknet based on blocks. This means that the latency for entering or exiting the protocol will be determined by the remaining time in the current epoch plus the duration of one full epoch. The withdrawal lockup period will still apply after exiting the protocol.

*Although Stake Delegators are subject to a security lockup when withdrawing funds, they can move between Stakers without waiting the full lockup period, enhancing the delegation marketā€™s competitiveness.

Stake Delegation threshold

The ratio between a Stakerā€™s own stake and the stake they receive from delegators is limited by a global Stake Delegation threshold (DT). The constraint is:

{self_stake} + {delegated_stake} < {self_stake} * DT

This requirement ensures that Stakers have a sufficient stake in the network, aligning their interests with network stability and security.

Economical parameters

Here is a table summarising the economic parameters proposed in this version:

Economical Parameter Proposed value
Minimum STRK for Staking (X) 10K-100K STRK
Withdrawal Security lock up (W) 21 days
Minting curve yearly inflation cap (C) 1.8-2.5%
Delegation threshold (DT) 5
Reward-sharing parameter (R) Set individually by the Staker (0-1)

These values are our proposed starting points for this version of the protocol. As part of the rationale behind this version, they are subject to change and may be adjusted to better suit the protocolā€™s needs.

Locked Token Participation

Locked tokens will initially be excluded from staking. When Stakers begin validating and voting on blocks sequenced by the sequencer and their consensus is proved to L1, locked tokens will be allowed to participate in the staking protocol.

General points

  • Rewards are claimed by actively sending a transaction.
  • Both Stakers and Stake Delegators can add to their stake.
  • There is no partial unstaking.

Security Considerations

The staking protocolā€™s design includes several key security measures to ensure its integrity and user safety.

Modular architecture

The proposed protocol will be implemented using a modular architecture, where different functionalities are separated into distinct contracts, such as staking, delegation, rewards supply, and more. This approach offers several advantages:

  • Simplifies Logic: Each contract has a clear and specific role, making the code easier to test, audit, and understand.
  • Enhances Access Control: By defining specific permissions for each contract, the risk of unauthorized access or misuse is reduced.
  • Allows Targeted Upgrades and Changes: Updating only the relevant contract minimizes the potential for introducing new vulnerabilities.

Permissions and Key Management

The Staking protocol allows users to define different addresses for different functionalities. Thus, cold addresses with minimal activity can control important functionalities, reducing exposure to threats and enhancing user security.

Stakers register with three addresses:

  • Staking and Unstaking Address: This address has permission to Stake, add Stake and unstake. This means that it handles large amounts of STRK tokens and is only needed when entering or exiting the protocol. Thus, it can be kept by a cold wallet (minimal activity) to maximize security.
  • Rewards Address: This is the address where rewards will be sent to. It can also be maintained with minimal activity, i.e., as a cold wallet.
  • Operational Address: This address represents the Staker for operational purposes (for example, block attestations in the future) and does not handle large amounts of funds. As it will be frequently used, it should be categorized as a hot address.

Stake Delegators register with two addresses:

  • Entering/Exiting Address: This address has permission to Delegate Stake, add Stake and unstake. This means that it handles large amounts of STRK tokens and is only needed when entering or exiting the protocol. Thus, it can be kept by a cold wallet (minimal activity) to maximize security.
  • Rewards Address: This is the address where rewards will be sent to. It can also be maintained with minimal activity, i.e., as a cold wallet.

Permissions: The protocol uses a hierarchical approach between user roles. Colder addresses, which control larger funds, can replace more active ones if compromised. Specifically, Staker and Stake Delegator addresses can replace the rewards address.

Security lockup period

When exiting, users face a 21-day lockup, during which no rewards are earned, and funds cannot be withdrawn. This disincentivises sudden large withdrawals that could destabilize the network. Future versions will tie the exit process to epochs, maintaining the lockup period for a secure exit mechanism.


This SNIP aims for the first stage of staking to be live on Starknet mainnet in Q4 2024, you can track the implementation progress in the following repo.

Future stages will include Stakers gradually assigned responsibilities, eventually validating and sequencing blocks. This gradual transition ensures stability and allows for thorough testing and improvements. For more details on the decentralized protocol, check out @Iliaā€™s series of blog posts.

More details and proposals on subsequent stages will be introduced, as we progress. The next step is already in the research and planning stages, set to launch a few months after the first stage. Our objective is to roll out these updates smoothly, with ongoing improvements guided by community feedback.


We want you to share your feedback and ask questions. You can comment here and follow our development on our open-source repo.


This SNIP will be released under an MIT license.

26 posts - 12 participants

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šŸ› Governance SNIP 75: Meta SNIP for Security Council

Published: Jul 06, 2024

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Hi all, Iā€™m reposting here my SNIP draft PR for laying out the motivation behind a Starknet Security Council. Weā€™ve worked hard during the Starknet ā€œFĆŖte du SNIPā€ with people from Starkware, Starknet Foundation and the Starknet builder community to come up with the foundations of a Security Council!

Letā€™s take the conversation here.

Simple Summary

Meta SNIP to lay out the structure, motivation and decisions of the Starknet Security Council.

Today, Arbitrum, Optimism and zkSync have created and are continously improving a security committee, a so-called ā€œSecurity Councilā€.

This SNIP answers the networkā€™s strong desire to create a Security Council.


A Security Council is a committee of Ethereum L1 (possibly Starknet L2) multi-sig signers. It is empowered to perform certain actions on behalf of the network: Emergency Action and Non-Emergency Actions.

The specific ways in which the Security Council functions are defined by a set of upcoming SNIPs.

Emergency Actions are the last line of defense against bugs and earthshattering events. They are defined in a specific SNIP. Similarly, Non-Emergency actions frame the normal flow of upgrade and lifetime of the network. They are scoped in a specific SNIP. The Starknet Security Council is elected with the help of the Starknet community, the Starknet Foundation, Starkware and the STRK token holders. The election process and composition of the council is described in a subsequent SNIP.

We rely on the following set of resources:


Starknet has framed itself as a secure rollup from day 1. This is the core idea behind STARK proofs and the concept of integrity: ā€œdo the right thing, even when no one is watchingā€. While this applies at the protocol level, i.e. for state transitions, it does not apply for actions that fall out of pure programmatic security: how the core smart contracts of the Starknet network get upgraded or who can intervene in case of a bug.

Currently, Starkware operates the Starknet network and oversees its upgrades, as well as emergency processes in case of bug. The Starknet Foundation provides support through diverse ā€œcouncilsā€ (DeFi Council, Builder Council, etc.). While Starkware acts in good faith and aims to maximize transparency, it remains a single point of failure. Additionally, partly thanks to L2Beats spearheading the effort, the industry is moving towards common security standards. The concept of Security Council paves the way towards sound and standardized processes with regards to network security.


We suggest a series of 3 SNIPs, one for each important characteristic of the Security Council:

  • Emergency Actions

  • Non-Emergency Actions

  • Election and Composition of the council

Examples and hypothetical future

As a bi-product of the Security Council creation, all upgrades on the Starknet network would be delayed by an amount of time chosen by the Security Council, e.g. 1 month.

Simple minimal examples of how the Security Council could look like (inspired the current states of other rollups):

  • Emergency Actions: the Security Council can reduce the upgrade delay time to zero for an emergency.

  • Non-Emergency Action: the Security Council can vote to accept an upgrade proposed by Starkware.

  • Composition: the Security Council is composed of 12 to 15 people from broad set of sectors (Builders, Users, DeFi, Gaming, Wallet, Cryptography, Infra, etc.), covering a large amount of timezones (always 75% of the council is susceptible to be awake at all time ā€œThe Sun never sets on the Security Councilā€ :crown: :eyes:). Each person in the council has at least 1M vSTRK delegated to them (they must have either skin in the game or a ā€œvote of confidenceā€ from token holders). Council members are reelected by the Starknet Foundation and can be removed by their peers should they misbehave.


Copyright and related rights waived via MIT.

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SNIPs SNIP XXX: get_class_hash_at syscall

Published: Jul 06, 2024

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Taking here the conversation about a new syscall for getting the class hash of a deployed contract, from within a contract execution environment.

Simple Summary

Introduce a new syscall get_class_hash_at, aimed to get a contract class hash at a certain address.


Starknet adopted a system of contract classes to reduce duplication of deployed bytecode. It works in the following way: to deploy a piece of code that has never been deployed before, you must first declare it. You are effectively ā€œdeclaringā€ a class to the Starknet network. From this point onward, one may instantiate this class by requesting the sequencer to deploy it at a certain address. The simple usecase goes: you declare a fungible token contract, the sequencer stores the code once; then, any number of deployments of the exact same smart contract will not further bloat the chainā€™s storage. This is different from the way Ethereum and the Ethereum Virtual Machine (EVM) works. In EVM world, if you deploy a hundred times an ERC20 contract, the chain will store a copy of the code a hundred times. More information:

While there is a way for one to check the class hash of a deployed contract at the RPC level (starknet_getClassHashAt method), there is no way to perform this at the smart contract level. In EVM world, this is achieved using the EXTCODEHASH opcode. The purpose is for a contract to check on-chain whether another contract is an instantiation of a particular class. This is more precise/powerful (and more costly?) than SNIP-5 (inspired by ERC-165).


At Kakarot, we utilize replace_class_hash syscall for upgrades at the contract level, as well as use class hashes as mediums of checking a contractā€™s version. We need the ability to check a contractā€™s class hash. We currently achieve this by enforcing every Kakarot Account to store its own class hash in a storage variable.

We would benefit from a syscall that would enable a contract to check a particular class hash at an address.

Simple use-case for Kakarot: enable the contract-level orchestration of versioning and auto-upgrade of our swarm of Kakarot Account Contracts


  1. Set the new version (a class hash) in the Core EVM Kakarot Contract
  2. Every contract is now able to compare their class hash with the current correct version (situated in Kakarot Core EVM) and decide to self upgrade
  3. Before calling a contract, one may check that it is in the correct version.


One might want to name the syscall in the same way as the corresponding RPC method.

extern fn get_class_hash_at_syscall(
    contract_address: ContractAddress
) -> SyscallResult<ClassHash> implicits(GasBuiltin, System) nopanic;

Alternative API:

extern fn class_hash_syscall(
    contract_address: ContractAddress
) -> SyscallResult<ClassHash> implicits(GasBuiltin, System) nopanic;


contract_address: The contract address one wants to know the class hash of.


Returns the ClassHash if the contract is deployed, an Result::Error if the contract is not deployed. Note that the syscall should never panic. Calling get_class_hash_at_syscall on an address where no contract is deployed will result in a catchable error (equivalent to returning a sentinel value null), not a CairoVM error.


We will require help from the Starkware team to define precisely the implementation.


Copyright and related rights waived via MIT.

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šŸ› Governance About my thoughts on the second Starknet airdrop

Published: Jul 06, 2024

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Dear Professor Sasson, I am a cairo developer and Starknet user from China. I think I have some personal opinions about your question. I spent 3 hours looking through various materials and websites, hoping to be read by you and receive your comments.

Letā€™s start with the first part: what should we make of this anger? How much of this anger comes from agriculture teams who are trying to rationally influence the standards of this and other rounds (Starknet and other projects)? How many of these represent a broad group of people (" farmers ā€œorā€ non-farmers ") who, under different distribution methods, would contribute to Starknetā€™s long-term success?

As for how I view this anger, I think it needs to be analyzed from multiple perspectives:

We will not discuss the failure to meet expectations. This is due to the excessive consumption of gas costs caused by the abnormal use of Starknet network by the farmer team. They got the airdrop but were not satisfied, or they took the Starknet airdrop as an investment. Expect returns of tens and hundreds of times.

Letā€™s talk about the cost to individuals who have invested time and gas costs but not received airdrops, leading them to feel that their contribution to Starknet is not being treated fairly, which may cause them to be angry, causing them to rationally influence airdrop distribution on Twitter, discord, etc.

Letā€™s look at the active users of Starknet airdrop. I saw through that the daily active users almost doubled between August 2023 and November 2023, peaking at 200,000 users in a single day, and then the news of the November snapshot was released. This is also a point that makes many members of the community angry, Starknetā€™s snapshot time is even likely to be leaked or internal witch activities, when they know the rules, they will leave 0.005eth, so it is very unfair for community members.

Next we talk about Starknetā€™s broad population, which we can understand as users, developers, farmers, investors, community members, partners, and so on, since this will include farmers. I think the best plan Starknet has done in this airdrop is for Github developers, ECMP, DP, Ethereum contributors, but there is not a good plan for Starknet users and early adopters, and for Straknet users, this is very broad. There are multiple groups of farmers, investors, users, and so on, but Starknet uses multiple scores for a different number of token airdrops, only to be denied a token airdrop because some real people in this broad group donā€™t meet one of the requirements, which is quite contradictory, to be honest.

At this time, let us refer to Arbitrumā€™s airdrop, their airdrop is very successful, has won the support of a wide range of people, they will not because of the balance and thus do not allow the standard crowd to receive airdrop, this is only a deduction item, because the need to consider should be the correlation and homogenization of wallet address, not because of the lack of balance and no airdrop.

Thatā€™s all I have to say, and I move on to the professorā€™s second part: ā€œAre todayā€™s STRK holders a broad and diverse group who will stay to improve, operate, and protect Starknet?ā€

This is a question that I think requires us to analyze the current holders of STRK tokens. What we know is that ordinary users use STRK tokens because they get some equity or use the Starknet network. Community members such as developers, technical teams, governance participants, etc. wish to participate in the governance of the Starknet community by voting with STRK tokens, maintaining the community and participating in proposals for community development. But farmers and liquidity providers, who use STRK tokens to mine liquidity or make investments for income.

At present, STRk airdrop has been completed, and the coin price will fall, which will increase the turnover rate and reduce the holding rate of farmers. Therefore, STRK holders should all want to invest in STRK or use STRK to pledge to participate in voting and other groups, and they need STRK tokens. Because we donā€™t need to know why they are buying and selling, they could be users, developers, governance participants, whatever it is, and I personally think that when this person owns STRK, he is part of the community, he may be bullish on STRKā€™s price or technology, or he may be involved in governance, so I think, Todayā€™s STRK holders are broad, but they all protect Starknet in one direction or another.

Next is my opinion on the second airdrop of the remaining 400 million STRK. I think the classification of STARK early adopters and Ethereum contributors can be eliminated, because early adopters can be classified as Starknet users, and Ethereum contributors should not get a second airdrop on Starknet.

I think there are three groups that need to be distinguished: ECMP, Starknet developer members, and Starknet on-chain users.

Of course, if there is a need for specific rules, I think ECMP and Starknet developers do not need to question, still follow the rules corresponding to the first round of airdrops.

As for Starknet users, I donā€™t think one rule should be used to determine whether a user can get an airdrop, but rather a multidimensional decision, and I personally developed a solution: the data should be after the first airdrop snapshot and before the second airdrop snapshot.

Cumulative bonus points:

Daily active use: 30/60/120/180, 1 point for each completed item

Monthly active use: 5/9/12/15, get 1 point for each completed item

Tx Active: 30/60/120/180, 1 point for each completed item

Different contract interactions: 10/30/60/90, 1 point for each completed item

Single bonus points:

Use STRK tokens as gas to interact Tx >= 10 strokes and get 1 point

Pledge the number of vSTRK tokens >= 500 STRK tokens for 1 point

Hold STRK different NFT sets >= 5 sets for 1 point

Deduction items:

LP value + balance <= 0.03 eth, minus 2 points

Transaction volume <= $1,000, deduct 2 points



Tx interaction >= 20 for the same contract in one day is not counted as Tx activity

Different NFT collections Those parts of mint whose NFT number >= 2 are created by the NFT platform are not counted as different NFT collections

The total score is 19 points, the total score is less than 5 points will not get the airdrop, divided into 5/9/13/16/19 points five grades to get different numbers of STRK airdrops.

The exact number will be further confirmed by Professor Sasson.

Thank you Professor Sasson for watching and looking forward to your reply.

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Governance Proposals Here are my thoughts and suggestions on a possible re-airdrop

Published: Jul 04, 2024

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@elibensasson My suggestion is that Starknetā€™s future airdrop rules can be improved in the following aspects to ensure that true supporters and long-term holders get the rewards they deserve:

  1. Holding time and frequency of use:

Reward users who hold and actively use STRK tokens for a long time. Determine airdrop qualifications by analyzing wallet transaction history and token holding time, borrowing zkSyncā€™s airdrop qualification time-weighted average method.

  1. Participation in official activities:

Prioritize rewards for users who actively participate in official activities, especially those who use STRK tokens for these activities. This not only shows their support for the project, but also shows a deep understanding and trust in the project.

  1. Encourage long-term investment:

Design a reward mechanism to encourage users to hold STRK tokens for a long time rather than engage in short-term speculation. For example, establish a holding reward program, the longer the token is held, the more rewards.

Users who deposit STRK tokens in platforms such as zklend and Nostra to earn a meager annualized return have demonstrated long-term confidence and loyalty to the project. These users not only did not sell STRK during the market downturn, but also chose to continue holding STRK tokens and use them to participate in official activities. Such behavior undoubtedly deserves more recognition and rewards. Of course, users who participate with ETH or USDC are also true supporters, but their loyalty may not be as good as those who hold STRK tokens for a long time to participate in activities.

I hope the Starknet team will consider these suggestions and formulate more fair and effective airdrop rules in the future.

2 posts - 2 participants

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SNIPs SNIP 17: Procedure for introducing Starknet breaking changes

Published: Jul 04, 2024

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snip : 17
Title:: Procedure for introducing Starknet breaking changes
Author: @amanusk
Status: Draft
Type: Standards Track
Creation date: July 4, 2024
Github link:


As the Starknet network matures, breaking changes to the stack affect many protocol stakeholders. This document aims to establish best practices for making decisions on protocol changes, ensuring that enough community opinions are heard and that the changes are justified.


The purpose of this SNIP is to formalize the process for proposing, discussing, and implementing core updates that are introducing breaking changes to the Starknet protocol. By providing a clear and structured approach, we aim to facilitate community engagement and transparency in the evolution of Starknet.


The key words ā€œMUSTā€, ā€œMUST NOTā€, ā€œREQUIREDā€, ā€œSHALLā€, ā€œSHALL NOTā€, ā€œSHOULDā€, ā€œSHOULD NOTā€, ā€œRECOMMENDEDā€, ā€œNOT RECOMMENDEDā€, ā€œMAYā€, and ā€œOPTIONALā€ in this document are to be interpreted as described in RFC 2119 and RFC 8174.

Starting with SNIPs

Every core update MUST start with a SNIP. The author creates a PR in the Starknet SNIPs repository. And the editor performs syntactic checks as described in SNIP-1. After the SNIP is merged to the main branch, the SNIP proposal SHOULD change the status to review and start a discussion on the Starknet Community Forum.This is the opportunity for the community to discuss whether the SNIP is desired, whether it solves the problems it set out to solve, and whether there are better solutions.

SNIP Acceptance

SNIPs MUST follow the process described in SNIP-1 to reach the status final . The Starknet Foundation SHOULD organise a regular AllCoreDev call so that sufficiently widespread adoption among Starknet operators and full nodes can be reached.

Starknet version & Voting

SNIPs introducing breaking changes will be coupled to a Starknet version. Each Starknet version SHOULD come with a meta upgrade SNIP. The meta upgrade SNIP should specify the changes included in the hard fork and contains the following fields codename , activation (comes with target block on mainnet / testnet)included SNIPS . Versions with significant changes MUST require a community vote. All SNIPs associated with the version will be part of the same vote, and if the vote passes, all changes are introduced together.

Breaking Change Timeline

The timeline proposed here reflects a minimal time to allow all relevant parties to learn about the breaking change and prepare for it. It is possible that some SNIPs will take longer to reach acceptance and deployment.

  • T - 5 months: The initial SNIP idea is discussed with relevant parties (e.g., Full Nodes, Wallets, StarkWare, etc.).
    • A discussion is opened on the Starknet Community Forum.
  • T - 4 months: An initial SNIP draft is open as a PR to the Starknet-io SNIP repository.
  • T - 3.5 months:
    • Initial comments on the PR are addressed and it is merged into the SNIP repository.
  • T - 2.5 months:
    • Comments in the community forum are addressed, and there is a temperature gauge for whether the SNIP is accepted by the community.
  • T - 2 months:
    • The SNIP is discussed in a Community Call hosted by the Starknet Foundation, where the author can discuss more details of the SNIP and its benefits. If there are no objections, the SNIP is en route to being introduced.
    • The content of the community call is summarized in a public Github repository, with decisions regarding the SNIP.
    • The SNIP is officially on the roadmap to be introduced in a Starknet version upgrade.
    • A page summarizing the changes and the effects on relevant parties is added to a SNIPs page on
  • T - 1.5 months:
    • A mailing list is sent announcing the official date when the SNIP will be introduced to Starknet testnet/integration.
    • The mailing list will include relevant links to the SNIP such as:
      • Link to GH discussions.
      • Link to the community forum.
      • Link to the relevant community call.
  • T - 2 weeks: Additional reminder is sent with SNIP main bullet points and dates.
  • T: The SNIP is introduced to Starknet integration.
  • T + ~1 month: Provided no major issues, the SNIP is live on Starknet testnet.
  • T + ~2 months: The SNIP is live on Starknet mainnet.

Fast track for Non-Breaking Changes

As the Starknet network is still in a growing phase a ā€œfast trackā€ is needed for more agility. Thus non-protocol-level SNIPs and SNIPs that do not introduce breaking changes can be ā€œfast-trackedā€ but SHOULD still undergo a regular process to ensure sufficient coverage and comments from relevant community members. Fast-tracked SNIPs can go from draft to last call directly per editor request. However as the network matures more decentralisation will be required and the ā€œfast-trackā€ MUST end in a year time.

Roles and Responsibilities

SNIP Editor

In addition to the responsibilities described in SNIP-1

  • Assess which non-core SNIPs are worthy to be fast-tracked

SNIP Proposer

You are the SNIPā€™s owner. Seeing it through is your goal!

  • Discuss improvement ideas with relevant parties, such as wallets, full nodes, Dapps, service providers, etc.
  • Write a SNIP and submit a PR to Github.
  • Follow discussions on Github and open a Community forum discussion.
  • Address concerns and get approval from relevant parties.
  • Follow the SNIP towards inclusion on Mainnet.

Starknet Developer

SNIPs might require you to adapt to breaking changes. Hopefully, itā€™s for the best. You are responsible for raising your concerns or supporting upcoming changes and making sure you are ready for them in due time.

  • Follow SNIPs and comment on SNIPs concerning you.
  • Comment on the community forum on relevant SNIPs and raise concerns/improvements.
  • Voice your support for SNIPs you understand will help move the ecosystem forward.
  • Join the community calls to discuss SNIPs relevant to you.
  • Follow the mailing list to get notified of new upcoming SNIPs and breaking changes.

Starknet User

While breaking changes affecting the end user are not easy, they are sometimes necessary.

  • You are welcome to participate in any discussion where you feel you can contribute to the conversation.
  • Follow the Starknet mailing list and Starknet official social accounts to be notified of any breaking changes where you might be affected.
  • Changes affecting end users will be more vocally announced to make sure as many as possible are aware of the upcoming change.


Copyright and related rights waived via MIT.

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Governance Proposals From a community member to the Starknet team..

Published: Jul 03, 2024

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Hello, @elibensasson Starknet is my favorite project and reminds me of the early days of Ethereum. I can literally say that I am a Starknet maxi. Recently I got into a fight and almost got beaten up (no big deal) for saying this in a meeting with friends. So what do you think is the reason for this?

Itā€™s because of the lack of communication between the team and the community. The community wants to know that they are listened to. The community wants to know that their opinion matters.

I want to end my talk with a quote that I like very much.

Never underestimate a nail. A nail saves a horseshoe, a horseshoe saves a horse, a horse saves a commander, a commander saves an army, an army saves a whole country.


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Starknet Technical Development New Starknet Wallet<>Dapp API

Published: Jul 03, 2024

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After a long and fruitful community effort, the Starknet JS stack is being updated with a new Wallet<>Dapp API.
The new API simplifies Wallet<>Dapp communication and decouples the dependencies between wallets, dapps and starknet.js versions.
There is a new starknet.js release with support for the new API, new starknet-react and get-starknet versions, and a new home for Starknet npm packages.
The following post summarizes the main changes, how this affects the ecosystem, and what you should do to prepare for the changes.

The current state of Starknet.js and wallet integration

Until now, for a Dapp to connect to a Starknet wallet, it received an Account object injected into the window by the wallets and interacted with the wallet with all the methods supported by the Account class in starknet.js. This meant, in part, that if a new version of Starknet.js was released, both wallets and Dapps were required to upgrade to the new version to stay compatible with the latest Starknet API and Starknet.js features.

This coupling stifled progress and required redundant coordination overhead to move the ecosystem forward.

New Starknet.js stack

Starting with the Starknet community forum discussion, Argent proposed decoupling wallets from Starknet.js by facilitating a message-based API between wallets and Dapps.

Moving to an API-based communication means wallets and Dapps no longer need to support specific Starknet.js versions as long as they communicate with the same API.

After many discussions and reviews of the new API PR, the new official wallet<>Dapp API has been added to the Starknet-specs repository.

What is the new API all about?

Instead of directly invoking Account methods, a PRC message is sent to the wallet. The API supports only methods that require the wallet.

These methods provide, in part, the functionality to :

  • Get account address information
  • Send Invoke and Declare transactions
  • Sign SNIP-12 typed data
  • etc.

Notably, the new API does not allow to send requests to the wallet that can be solely handled by a Starknet Provider. It is up to the Dapp to use either their own node or one of Starknetā€™s RPC providers to get information about the blockchain.

The new API creates a clear separation of concerns between the Dapp, the wallet and the provider. For example, the API does not externalize any options for fee or transaction type selection, which are handled by the wallet. The Dapp should only be concerned with building the appropriate calls and sending them to the wallet for signing and broadcasting.

Along with the new API, a new stack of repositories is released to make transitioning to the new API as seamless as possible.

New repositories and packages


One of the benefits of a unified API is that we can now have a types package, standardizing the expected JS types on both ends. The new types-js repository can be found under

The types repository will follow the versioning of the main Starknet PRC, with only differences to the patch number. The current version is 0.7.X


Starknet.js version 6 and up will support the new API via a new class, WalletAccount. The class is initiated with a Starknet Provider and a Starknet Wallet, which are provided by the wallet extensions. From that point on, interactions with the account are very similar to the current Account in Starknet.js. All of the communication with the wallet is implemented under the hood.

You can read more about WalletAccount in the starknet.js documentation.
Version 5, which supports the old API, will still be available if you specify an exact version.

  • npm: npm install starknet


Get Starknet will be released under a new home on npm, under the @starknet-io organization. The new get-starknet V4 version is available for installation with npm install @starknet-io/get-starknet . The older V3 versions, currently available via npm install get-starknet, will remain available until the old API is End Of Life.


Starknet-react V3 will be released with support for the new types-js and the new API. Documentation on Starknet-react V3 is available here.

  • npm: npm add @starknet-react/chains@next @starknet-react/core@next

When will the API become the standard?

Starknet mainnet is planned to be updated to version 0.13.3 around September 2024. The new Starknet version will ship with and updated RPC version (0.8), and will drop support for old RPC versions older than RPC 0.7.

Starknet.js versions supporting the old RPC, and the old wallet<>Dapp API will then also be deprecated.

What should you do?

The upcoming months will be a transition period when both API versions will be supported by both Argent and Braavos, with additional wallets onboarding using the new API. So, how does this affect you?

New wallets coming to Starknet

  • See the links below for information about the new API spec and example Dapps working with the new API
  • Implement the new wallet<>Dapp communication API
  • Submit a PR to get-starknet to add your wallet to get-starknet discovery

Dapp developers

You are welcome to try out the new stack with the new versions of Starknet-js, starknet-react, and get-starknet. Arget and Braavos are already supporting the new API. While there will be a transition period when some of the other wallets add support for the new API, all existing and new wallets are expected to transition to it by the time of the next Starknet network upgrade (0.13.3).


The change in API shouldnā€™t affect you. Both old and new API versions will continue to be available for a while. If you experience any issues with the support of your wallet in a Dapp, you are welcome to contact the Dapp developer or wallet provider.


This important upgrade is a joint work of many parties. Special thanks to Janek from Argent for the initial SNIP proposal. To Abraham from Braavos for providing the initial implementation of the SNIP and the accompanying Braavos wallet. To Dhruv and Vladut from Argent. To Francesco from Apibara for adding support to starknet-react, to Toni Tabak and the team at SpaceShard for the incredible work on Starknet-js and types.js and for adding support to the new API. To Naor and Dan Ziv form StarkWare for adding the new API to get-starknet. To Philippe Rostan from for the help testing, reviewing, commenting, and building the demo Dapps for the new API.

Useful links

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Governance Proposals Mistakes made and wrong decisions made in the first airdrop

Published: Jul 03, 2024

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@elibensasson Since you want to hear this, let me tell you about mistakes. First of all, the requirement for people to have 0.005 eth in their wallets in the first airdrop round was very unreasonable, I say this as someone whose web3 wallet has been hacked 3 times before. I donā€™t keep my balances in my cold wallet, my balances are usually in my stock market account and I withdraw and use them whenever I need. I canā€™t risk my money again. You will probably say that 0.005 eth is a very low riskable amount. However, this balance is enough for a hacker to steal any NFT assets in my wallet. You could have used different metrics instead. For example, instead of having at least 0.005 eth in the wallet, it is required to interact with at least 5 starknet dapps. Or you could issue NFTs to identify and mark real users at certain milestones since the Starknet network was established. In this way, on the day of the airdrop, you could choose a reward by looking at who followed the Starknet network and how many NFTs they had. Itā€™s just a simple metric. If you think about it, many different and more comprehensive metrics can be obtained. Now letā€™s talk about the second or subsequent airdrops. From the very beginning, we told you to fix the first airdrop allocation first. But you constantly lashed out at the community, telling us that there would be second or third airdrops and that we should continue to use starknet. However, you are forgetting the important point that you do not think about but the users do. Personally, as a starknet user, I did not receive an airdrop allocation even though I had only one wallet in the first airdrop and used the starknet network constantly. Thatā€™s why I stopped using the starknet network. I am not an airdrop farmer. I enjoyed using the Starknet network organically. I got angry at you for the unfair distribution and stopped using your network. Now, you have been saying for a long time that there will be a second airdrop to appease the community. But Iā€™m so angry at you that I donā€™t even care about the 2nd airdrop. Because probably in the second airdrop, the majority of the beneficiaries are those who qualified for the first airdrop and received 100k stark. You distributed such large amounts of stark to many of them, at our expense, that it became almost impossible for us to compete with them for the 2nd airdrop. You did this. If you had listened to us and remixed the first distribution and distributed it to the entire starknet community. Almost half of the users would use the starks from the first airdrop on the starknet network again. For example, delegating. or like buying quality NFTs. However, you allocated the second airdrop allocation to the people to whom you distributed those high amounts of stark from the very beginning. I hope you understand me. People sold 1 Strk for almost $2 in the first airdrop. The person to whom you gave 100k strk suddenly earned $200k. From the very beginning, it was made impossible for users like us to compete with these people for the 2nd airdrop. If you distribute the second airdrop share to users you did not qualify in the first airdrop without any conditions, you can at least regain maybe 1/3 of the community you lost. Respects

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šŸ“œ Development Proposals Reflections on the Decentralized Starknet protocol

Published: Jul 02, 2024

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Reflections on the Decentralized Starknet protocol

In this post we would like to share some of our thoughts at Nethermindā€™s Research group around the Starknet Decentralized protocol. For a well organized and systematic presentation of the protocol, we invite you to read Ilia Volokhā€™s series of posts.

1. Soft inclusion mechanisms for forced staking updates

Context: The L1 Staking Contract can enforce staking updates on L2 via L1 ā†’ L2 messages. These forced updates have a deadline (measured in L1 blocks, around 24h). In the current proposal, when a deadline is reached without L1 receiving a confirmation from L2 of the forced update, honest L2 nodes perform a staker reset (i.e., revert their state to the last accepted block on L1 and reconfigure their staking set to include the stale updates).

Staker resets can affect the latency of the protocol and should be used as a last resort mechanism. Instead of optimistically hoping that forced updates will be included in proposals by altruistic nodes, some soft measures can be taken before the deadlines are reached. We identified two measures that are not mutually exclusive:

A) Decreasing rewards for blocks containing forced updates. Proposers who used some of their block space for including forced updates should get rewards for this. We propose a decreasing reward scheme in order to avoid the scenario in which proposers avoid including force updates in order to increase the rewards for them. Decreasing rewards can lead to faster inclusion of the forced updates into blocks.

B) Engage the consensus mechanism for including forced updates. Proposed blocks should contain forced updates if available. If a new proposal doesnā€™t contain a forced update (which has a deadline in some epsilon amount of time), during consensus, (honest) nodes will not vote for this proposal. One has to take into account the time it takes for nodes to sync their views of L1, so this mechanism can be engaged after an amount of time in which we are sure that all nodes learned about a new forced transaction.

2. Pool of proofs

Context: For a block to include txs, it must include a proof for some previous block(s). A block must contain a proof for the latest non-empty block and all intermediary empty blocks in its strand. A proposer is expected to have such a proof to be able to propose a block. Proposers learn in advance when they have to prepare proofs. A proposer can acquire a proof by computing it or by delegation. The protocol offers rewards for blocks and for proofs. The Starknet protocol is using Tendermint as a consensus protocol. We anticipate that proposers for rounds 0 for any height will be highly incentivized to acquire such proofs, but not proposers for rounds strictly greater than 0.

Nodes learn about a proof only when a proposer makes a proposal containing this proof. We identified some drawbacks around this mechanism. For example:

  1. The proposer who obtained a certain proof can be offline when they are supposed to propose a block, so the computation resources for that proof are wasted.
  2. Being a proposer for round 1 may be a privileged position when it comes to rewards. Suppose in round 0, there is a proposal for a valid block b with proof p , 2f+1 nodes lock on this proposal, but not all nodes commit to it. In this case, the proposer in round 1 is lucky as they can make the same proposal, reusing the proof p and get the rewards.
  3. Similar with the above situation, (rational) nodes can steal the proofs exposed by previous proposers in order to get rewards. For example, at round r I receive a PROPOSAL message with block b and proof p. I can collude with others and decide not to lock on b. In the next round I am the proposer. As I donā€™t want to waste computing power to generate a proof, I propose again (b,p) to collect rewards. Note that such a scenario breaks the trust assumption of 2f+1 honest nodes of Tendermint.
  4. When the upper bound on empty blocks (in a strand) is reached, only a block containing a proof can be proposed. In this case, the consensus protocol will be stuck for a considerate amount of time on a certain height before consensus can be reached on a value, as proposers for rounds greater than 0 may not have had enough time to acquire the necessary proof for making a proposal. Moreover, leaders for rounds greater than 0 have no guarantee that they will get rewards if they acquire a proof, as previous leaders may have already exposed the proof before them.

We think that making a proof a ā€œpublic goodā€ as soon as it is computed is a healthy alternative to avoid the above issues. Proofs should be added to a common pool of proofs available to all nodes and the entity posting the proof should receive the reward. One disadvantage for having a pool of proofs is that it introduces a new component into the protocol.

One can start computing the proof of a block as soon as the block is committed to the L2 chain. Let us describe what the proof for block H looks like, depending on the type of block.

  • Block H is non-empty. The proof for H is the recursive proof of the followings:
    • the proof of the execution of the txs in H
    • the proof of the verification of the proof in H
  • Block H is empty. The proof for H is the recursive proof of the followings:
    • the proof that block H is empty
    • the proof of the previous block in its strand, i.e., block H-k

With the above mechanism for computing a proof, a proposer for block H+k must include the proof for block H, independently of whether block H is empty or not.

In terms of who is in charge of computing the proofs, we can think of several approaches. The simplest one is the current Proof Scheduling mechanism (i.e., the proposer for round 0 of height H is in charge for computing the proofs for the previous non-empty block H-ikwith i > 0, and all empty blocks H-jk, with i > j > 0, in the strand of block H); note that this approach doesnā€™t solve the above case 4. Alternatively, one can allow a general race or a priority race (in which leaders for all rounds for height H+k have priority on proving block H) for computing proofs, enabling a faster access to proofs.

Unprovable blocks. One big concern around the Starknet protocol is due to unprovable blocks. Consensus can be reached on unprovable blocks due to, for example, inconsistencies between execution VMs and provers (e.g., an execution VM used during consensus for validating a block may output that the block is valid due to a bug, but the prover cannot actually prove the block). In such cases, a recovery mechanism must be triggered. In the current design, there is no mechanism for signaling that a block is unprovable. However, the system can recover by employing the reset mechanism used for forced staking updates which can take more than 24h.

A pool of proofs can help dealing with unprovable blocks. The entity who is supposed to provide a proof for a block can submit instead a proof showing that the block is unprovable. For example, if a prover fails to prove the execution of the txs in a block, then the entity can run a prover in a zkVM building a proof showing that the prover failed (and consequently, that the block is unprovable). Even though this mechanism is extremely computational expensive, using it in extreme rare situations can improve the current mechanism for dealing with unprovable blocks.

Resets can also be avoided when identifying an unprovable block. When there is a proof P in the pool showing that block H (already contained in the chain) is unprovable, nodes can treat block H as an empty block (i.e., a block that doesnā€™t change the state) and use the proof P in the recursive proof that will be needed in the next non-empty block.

3. Decrease the rewards for empty blocks

Context: When they are missing the expected proof for making a proposal, proposers can propose empty blocks.

Even though having the option of proposing empty blocks helps in not slowing down the protocol while waiting for proofs to be computed, it raises other problems For example, malicious/lazy nodes can propose only empty blocks for censoring transactions or for damaging the quality of the chain.

The protocol should discourage nodes for proposing (only) empty blocks when not necessary. A solution around this would be to halve the rewards for consecutive empty blocks proposed by the same node. The first time a node proposes an empty block, the reward should not be halved.


With this post, we wanted to point out some problems the Decentralized StarkNet protocol can encounter. We made some suggestions for circumventing them which hopefully can improve the robustness of the protocol. We look forward to hear your feedback on these reflections!

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šŸ™ Help and Support Media Application

Published: Jul 02, 2024

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Hi everyone

Iā€™m the founder of this media project. We recently came out of stealth after quite some time spent at mechanism design. Eg we built an entirely novel market based on Bayesian Truth Serum to gauge the quality of opinion articles that weā€™re particularly proud of. Weā€™re now investigating the various options of where to build and are very impressed with the Starknet ecosystem.

Weā€™re an app and want to focus on making it as successful as possible. The less we have to focus on building infrastructure, the more we can focus on that goal. So weā€™re trying to outsource as many things as possible to stuff thatā€™s already built. We donā€™t want to build our own L1 or our own DID or PoP protocol, etc, etc. Not just from a development perspective but also from the perspective of having to get L1s supported by CEXs, etc, etc. These things take a lot of time and energy and theyā€™re not core to what weā€™re trying to do. So long story, short, the likes of Starknet is a natural place to build.

The revenue model of the app will rely heavily on micropayments so weā€™re an extremely fee sensitive app. From my research of Starknet, to achieve our goals under the assumption that usage of Starknet is going to be a lot higher than it is now in two years time, weā€™re either going to have to rely on volitions or spin up our own L3. The volitions integration timeline is a little uncertain but weā€™re not going to launch for some time so this is probably not going to be an issue.

I have a few questions regarding both these possible routes.

  1. When volitions are implemented will contracts that use different DA solutions to each other lose syncrhonous composability on Starknet (this is not a big deal to us BTW Iā€™m just curious)

  2. If we spin up our own L3 can we abstract it away from the user by either employing a bridge that permits synchronous composability (ZK Sync claims to allow this with ZK Porter shards) or at the wallet level using account abstraction and relayers? We really want to avoid having our users manually bridge across from Starknet as the UX of bridges is simply not suitable for the masses in our view.

  3. Would anyone be able to provide a rough estimate of the TX fee differences between using a L3 over Starknet and volitions on Starknet directly assuming the same DA layer is used? Second part of this question if we were to use relayers from L2 to L3 for each TX (assuming this is even possible) do any cost advantages it might have evaporate?

If anyone had any insights here theyā€™d be greatly appreciated.

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šŸ“œ Development Proposals Zero Knowledge Governance for DAOs on Starknet

Published: Jul 02, 2024

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By team: Verse


Modern digital identity systems, while enabling complex online interactions, have significant weaknesses due to centralized control, making them vulnerable to coercion, hacking, and misalignment with user interests. Decentralized, cryptographic mechanisms like zkSNARKs offer solutions by enabling credible claims without a trusted authority. This shift allows users to control their identity data, enhancing security and privacy. This has been our greatest inspiration to create the Zero Knowledge Governance Solution for Starknet.

The Starknet ecosystem is home to several prominent projects like Realms and Ekubo, which are governed and managed by DAOs. These organizations are committed to the principles of transparency, decentralization, and community-driven governance. Despite these ideals, there remains a significant reluctance among community members to engage in governance. The primary concern is the visibility of their voting actions on the blockchain, which can expose sensitive information regarding their decisions and influence.

While zkSNARKs inspire us to explore technology creating secure, privacy-preserving identity systems,vbuterinā€™s vision for minimal anti-collusion infrastructure (MACI) provides a foundational principle for our proposal. MACI focuses on offering collusion resistance with centralized trust while ensuring blockchain guarantees of correct execution and censorship resistance. By using a trusted operator to manage keys and actions, encrypting messages to maintain vote privacy and integrity, this method prevents bribery and ensures votes are counted accurately without exposing individual choices.

Zero Knowledge (ZK) Governance building on MACI abstracts governance voting to ensure privacy and collusion resistance using encryption and zero-knowledge proofs. With a trusted coordinator managing key changes and actions, providing credible results without revealing individual votes. This approach ensures voting remains private, secure, and verifiable without exposing votersā€™ identities or their choices. This innovation encourages greater participation in DAO governance by safeguarding the anonymity and confidentiality of each vote, while still maintaining the integrity and trustworthiness of the voting process. When integrated into Starknetā€™s governance platform, this solution can significantly enhance participation rates and foster a more inclusive governance environment.

Source: MACI Introduction. Introduction to MACI | MACI

Problems with Current On-Chain Governance

DAOs in the Starknet ecosystem currently face several challenges that hinder active participation in governance:

  • Lack of Privacy: Voting actions are publicly visible on the blockchain, leading to concerns about exposing decisions and associated assets.

  • Fear of Repercussions: Members may avoid voting on sensitive or controversial issues due to potential social or financial backlash.

  • Transparency vs. Confidentiality: There is a conflict between the need for transparent governance and the desire to keep individual voting choices private.

  • Influence and Bias: Public voting records can lead to undue influence, where the votes of prominent members sway the opinions of others.

  • Low Participation Rates: The visibility of votes discourages engagement, leading to lower participation in governance processes.

  • Data Sensitivity: Voters prefer to keep their voting history and the details of their holdings confidential to avoid revealing personal strategies.

Zero Knowledge Governance Solutions for Starknet

Zero Knowledge Governance (ZK Governance) offers a comprehensive solution to these challenges by balancing the need for transparency in governance with the privacy of individual voters. Key features of ZK Governance for Starknet DAOs include:

  1. Zero-Knowledge Proofs for Voting Privacy: Utilizes zero-knowledge proofs to validate that a vote was cast by a legitimate wallet address and backed by real assets, without revealing the voterā€™s identity or choice. This ensures that voting is private and secure, fostering greater confidence in the voting process.

  2. Anonymity in Participation: Ensures that whether a wallet has voted, the direction of the vote (yes or no), and the amount of voting power exercised remain confidential. This privacy encourages members to participate without fear of repercussions or undue influence.

  3. Snapshot-based Asset Validation: Assets are validated at the time of voting through a snapshot taken at a specific block height, ensuring the voteā€™s legitimacy without exposing details on the blockchain. This method ensures that votes are cast by eligible participants without compromising their privacy.

  4. Encouraged Participation: By protecting voters from potential backlash or influence, ZK Governance promotes more active and diverse participation in governance decisions. This leads to a more robust and representative decision-making process within DAOs.

  5. Equal Voting Power: Maintains the principle of token-weighted voting without compromising voter privacy. This ensures that all stakeholders have a fair say in governance matters while protecting their anonymity.

  6. Secure and Verifiable: The integrity of the voting process is upheld through secure cryptographic methods, ensuring that all votes are counted accurately and fairly. This transparency helps build trust in the governance system.

  7. Enhanced Community Trust: By safeguarding individual privacy, ZK Governance fosters a more trusting and open community environment where members feel safe to express their opinions. This trust is crucial for the healthy functioning of DAOs in the Starknet ecosystem.

MACI on Starknetā€™s Governance
Detailed Introduction to MACI in Starknet Governance


  • Voters: Only holders and delegates of L1 (Ethereum) STRK and L2 (Starknet) vSTRK have the right to vote, referred to as voters. Voters need to register with MACI before they can cast their votes.
  • Trusted Coordinators: Coordinators help set up and execute MACI voting. They are responsible for deploying the MACI smart contracts, initiating the voting, tallying the final results, and completing the voting process by publishing the final results on-chain.


  • Circom Circuits:

MACI uses multiple circuits to ensure all off-chain computations are done correctly. These circuits generate zero-knowledge proofs (zk-SNARKs) that prove the votes were tallied correctly. Specifically, they enforce that coordinators correctly executed message processing and vote counting. These proofs can then be verified by validator smart contracts on Starknet.

These zero-knowledge proof circuits are written in Circom 2.0. The main circuits include processMessages.circom and tallyVotes.circom, while other utility templates support the main circuitsā€™ proper functioning. These utilities include floating-point arithmetic, private key transformations, and Poseidon hash/encryption among others.

  • Cairo Smart Contracts:

The MACI smart contracts handle the on-chain aspects of the voting system (functionality and storage). They provide functions for deploying votes, registering voters, and accepting votes. They also store and manage on-chain data from transactions, such as encrypted votes. Finally, they verify zk-SNARK circuit proofs so that everyone can validate the voting results.

The MACI smart contracts are written in Cairo.

  • TypeScript Libraries:

The TypeScript libraries manage the business logic between the smart contracts and circuit code. They offer various functionalities such as encryption tools, utilities, and a CLI for interacting with MACI (for operations like registration, voting, tallying, and generating proofs).

Voting Process Workflow

  • Registration:

Before voting, voters must generate a MACI key pair and send their public key to the MACI smart contract. This MACI public key serves as their identity when voting. Voters can delegate their voting rights to themselves or another address, but the message must include a signature from the MACI public key. If the voter holds STRK, the voting address is an Ethereum address. If the voter holds vSTRK, the voting address is a Starknet address.

  • Voting:

Once registered, voters can cast their votes during the open voting period. Voters bundle variables such as the public key, voting options, and the number of votes into a ā€œcommandā€ and sign it with the MACI public key used during registration. The signed command is then encrypted along with the signature to form a ā€œmessageā€. If the message is correctly signed by the MACI public key, it is valid and will be included in the final tally.

Before sending the vote to Starknet, voters encrypt their votes using a shared key known only to themselves and the coordinator. This prevents anyone from viewing the vote content and allows the coordinator to decrypt the userā€™s vote for tallying.

  • Processing Messages:

Once voting ends, coordinators prove they have correctly decrypted each message and updated the state tree. The state tree records all valid votes, without retaining outdated messages overridden by new ones. For example, if a user first voted for option A and later changed their vote to option B, only the vote for option B is counted.

Coordinators process messages in batches to ensure on-chain proofs do not exceed data limits. A zk-SNARK proof is then created to show that the state tree contains only valid messages, providing the state treeā€™s hash and zk-SNARK proof.

These proofs are sent to the verifier contract on Starknet, which validates the proof. If the verifier contract returns true, it indicates the messages were processed correctly. Coordinators repeat this process until all messages are processed.

  • Tallying Results:

After all messages are processed, coordinators tally the votes of valid messages offline. A zk-SNARK proof is created to show the sum of votes in the state tree and provide the correct tally resultā€™s hash and zk-SNARK proof.

Coordinators send these proofs to the verifier contract to ensure their validity. Once verified, users can trust that the votes were tallied correctly. Anyone can see the final tally results and proofs, but individual votes remain confidential, ensuring votes were correctly processed and counted.

  • Publishing Results:

After coordinators process all messages, tally the results, and publish zk-SNARK proofs, the voting is finalized.

At this point, the final voting results can be announced, and anyone can verify that the results were processed and calculated correctly by the coordinators.

Integration with Starknetā€™s Governance Platform
Starknet currently hosts a governance voting website designed to facilitate transparent decision-making within the ecosystem. Integrating ZK Governance to the existing governance platform, is to add a privacy layer to Starknetā€™s governance, lowering the barrier to participation and reducing the potential for collusion.

  • Increased Participation: By enhancing privacy, ZK Governance will encourage more community members to engage in governance, leading to higher participation rates and more robust decision-making processes.

  • Improved User Confidence: Addressing privacy concerns will make members feel more comfortable voting on sensitive issues without fear of exposure or backlash.

  • Enhanced Governance Quality: A more engaged community means more representative decisions that better reflect the collective interests of stakeholders.

Key deliverables will be the followings:

  1. An Anonymous Forum Section: Creating a forum section where users can discuss and deliberate without revealing their identities.

  2. Anti-Censorship/Anonymous Voting: Implementing a voting mechanism that ensures anonymity and resistance to censorship, promoting fair and free participations.

Benefits to the Starknet Ecosystem
Implementing Zero Knowledge Governance within the Starknet ecosystem will bring several advantages:

  • Higher Participation Rates: By ensuring voter privacy, ZK Governance can significantly boost participation rates in governance processes, leading to more democratic and representative outcomes.

  • Stronger Community Engagement: Addressing privacy concerns will foster a more active and involved community, which is vital for the success of DAOs.

  • Improved Decision-Making: With more members participating in governance, decisions will better reflect the communityā€™s views and interests.

  • Enhanced Security: Zero-knowledge proofs provide a secure mechanism for voting, protecting the integrity of the governance process and reducing the risk of manipulation.


The Starknet ecosystem, with its leading DAOs like Realms and Ekubo, stands to greatly benefit from the adoption of Zero Knowledge Governance. By addressing privacy concerns and encouraging active participatio

n, ZK Governance will strengthen the governance framework of DAOs and contribute to a more vibrant and engaged community. We invite the Starknet community to consider this proposal and explore the potential of ZK Governance to enhance the governance processes within their DAOs.


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Support Implimenting interfaces and libraries in a contract

Published: Jun 30, 2024

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I have interfaces and libraries in different files and folders,
I want to use them in a contract in my project,
how can I use it ? how do I import them to my contract file?

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SNIPs SNIP-89: Safe Transfer for Fungible Tokens

Published: Jun 25, 2024

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Discussion for

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šŸ™ Help and Support Report of a Scam/Copycat Project Receiving Seed Grant - Negligent Due Diligence Process & Use of Foundation Funds

Published: Jun 21, 2024

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Hello Starknet Community,

I am Winnal Kuo, founder and CEO of Ender Labs, creators of the Ender Protocol. Please visit our Twitter and website to learn more about our work.

Today, I must bring to light a serious issue concerning a project by the name of Primis Protocol, a recent recipient of the Starknet Seed Grant Programā€”that has engaged in the unauthorized use of our copyrighted material, including IP and licensed code. Despite repeated attempts to engage with the Seed Grant Programā€™s administration, referred to us by CEO Eli Ben-Sasson, we have faced consistent neglect and non-responsiveness.

Key Issues

  1. Unauthorized Use of IP and Licensed Code:

    • Primis Protocol has been using our copyrighted material and licensed code without our consent. This constitutes a severe infringement of our intellectual property rights and poses significant security risks to public users who might interact with their platform.
  2. Fraudulent Claims and Metrics:

    • The project has deployed a non-functional testnet application using boilerplate templates and static, hard-coded values. They have been using these metrics to conduct a fraudulent token airdrop aimed at enriching themselves.
  3. Misrepresentation of Team Credentials:

    • The founder of Primis Protocol, Khoubaieb Blili, has claimed past affiliations with Meta, Blockfi, and Solana Labs, without evidence or references. Additionally, he falsely claimed to have worked at Ender Labs for two months. Our investigation, backed by substantial evidence, disproves these claims. His social media presence as a rapper and musician during the same timeframe casts further doubt on his supposed technical engagements.

Evidence and Attempts to Resolve

  • We have detailed video recordings and documentation of the IP and code theft.
  • Despite numerous attempts to engage with the Seed Grant Program and its representatives, our concerns have been consistently ignored.

Whatā€™s at Stake?

The unauthorized use of our code not only infringes on our intellectual property rights but poses a significant security risk to users. Primis Protocol has misrepresented itself through social media and testnet applications, displaying falsified metrics and functionality to attract unwarranted attention and potential investment. Their actions suggest a pattern of deceit, aimed at enriching themselves through fraudulent airdrops and promotions.

The Issue with Due Diligence

Alarmingly, Primis Protocol received a Seed Grant of up to $25,000 with apparently no thorough vetting of its team or founders. The founder, Khoubaieb Blili, has falsely claimed past affiliations with Meta, Blockfi, and Solana Labsā€”a claim we have found to be entirely unsubstantiated. Mr. Blili previously applied for a position at Ender Labs, and after we identified several red flags, we chose not to proceed. Regrettably, he then exploited this interaction to misappropriate our work and initiate a competing, illegitimate project.

Further Concerns About Integrity

Mr. Bliliā€™s professional background raises significant concerns. He claims to have been associated with well-known entities such as Meta, Blockfi, and Solana Labs. However, we have not found any references or concrete evidence to substantiate these claims. This lack of verification, combined with his verified false claim of employment at Ender Labsā€”where he reported working for two months, which is unequivocally untrueā€”casts serious doubts on the validity of his entire professional narrative. During the period he alleges to have been employed at these companies, his social media profiles prominently feature his activities as a rapper and musician, which contradicts the likelihood of simultaneous full-time employment at these companies.

Technical Inadequacies of Primis Protocolā€™s Testnet

The concerns extend beyond just qualifications; they manifest starkly in the output of their projects. Primis Protocol has deployed a testnet application that is ostensibly non-functional. The application uses boilerplate templates and static, hard-coded values that simulate functionality which in actuality does not exist. This completely fake application lacks critical features that would be present in a genuinely developed protocol, such as the capability to claim rewards from bonds or stake these rewards. Since we are the real and original developers of the project and application, we can pinpoint exact and core functionalities that are completely missing, and they are just faking it by showing an incomplete product in hopes that nobody notices.

Negligent Due Diligence Process & Use of Foundation Funds

A critical aspect of this situation that must be underscored is the apparent negligence by the foundation overseeing the Seed Grant Program. The fact that Primis Protocol was able to secure up to $25,000 without adequate background checks on the team or the viability of their project is alarming. This lapse has not only enabled the misappropriation and misuse of intellectual property but also represents a serious mismanagement of foundation funds, which should be allocated to foster genuine innovation and development in the blockchain space.

The foundationā€™s subsequent non-responsiveness to our repeated attempts to address these issues further exacerbates our concerns, suggesting a dismissive approach to accountability. This lack of engagement and oversight raises profound questions about the foundationā€™s commitment to upholding the standards and values expected within the Starknet community. It is imperative that the foundation re-evaluates its due diligence processes to prevent similar occurrences in the future and to restore trust among developers and investors who rely on its governance and integrity.

Call to Action

  1. Immediate Investigation:

    • We urge the foundation to conduct a thorough investigation into Primis Protocolā€™s activities, their unauthorized use of Ender Labsā€™ IP, and Mr. Bliliā€™s background.
  2. Revocation of Seed Grant:

    • Given the fraudulent foundation of their project, we request that the Seed Grant awarded to Primis Protocol be revoked.
  3. Public Accountability:

    • We call upon the foundation to address this issue publicly, ensuring transparency and accountability within the community.
  4. Review and Improve Due Diligence Processes:

    • We strongly recommend that the foundation review and improve its due diligence processes to prevent similar incidents from occurring in the future.

This behavior is not only unethical but also detrimental to the integrity and safety of the blockchain community. We have gathered substantial evidence, including video recordings and detailed documentation of the infringed works, and are prepared to pursue all necessary legal avenues to address this infringement.

We urge the community and the administrators of the Seed Grant Program to take immediate action against such fraudulent practices to prevent any further harm to unsuspecting users and investors. We are ready to provide all necessary evidence to support our claims and assist in any investigations.

Commitment to Legal Action

Ender Labs is prepared to pursue legal action against Mr. Khoubaieb Blili and Primis Protocol for their unauthorized use of our intellectual property, misrepresentation, and fraud.

We hope that the foundation will take immediate action to address these serious concerns and uphold the integrity of our community.

Thank you for your attention to this critical matter. We are ready to provide all necessary evidence and cooperate fully to resolve this issue. We stand ready to defend our work and ensure the blockchain ecosystem remains a safe and honest environment for all.

Winnal Kuo
CEO, Ender Labs

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šŸ¤·ā€ā™€ļø All-Purpose Hangout Token Burn Mechanism for STRK

Published: Jun 20, 2024

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To maintain the value and scarcity of STRK tokens, we propose to implemen a token burn mechanism.

Unclaimed STRK Tokens: Any STRK tokens from that remain unclaimed for Starknet Provisions Program will be permanently burned. This reduces the total supply of STRK tokens, thereby increasing their value for existing holders.

Fee Payment Burn: A portion of the STRK tokens used for transaction fees will be automatically burned. This continuous burning process decreases the circulating supply, ensuring a deflationary effect on the token economy.

By implementing these burn mechanisms, we aim to enhance the value and stability of the STRK token ecosystem.

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šŸ†™ Versions Upgrade Starknet v0.13.2 pre-release notes

Published: Jun 18, 2024

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Sepolia Testnet ā€“ August 5
Mainnet ā€“ August 26

Conceptual Changes

This version focuses on performance improvements. In addition, we make some necessary adjustments in order to prepare for the transition to a Starknet p2p network between nodes that will happen in a later version. We proceed to describe the version highlights.

Sequencer parallelization

Weā€™re reintroducing optimistic parallelization to the new rust-based Starknet sequencer. The gist of optimistic parallelization is to execute transactions in parallel as long as we donā€™t find a dependency between them. You can read more about optimistic parallelization here. The improvement factor obviously depends on the nature of the common txs on the network.

Starknet applicative recursion

What do we mean by ā€œapplicative recursionā€

SHARP works in the resolution of proof trains, each train consists of a tree whose leaves are jobs, each corresponding to a Cairo program that needs proving (in the case of Starknet, this is the Starknet OS). The final proof that reaches L1 is a recursive proof for all the leaves in the tree. Unlike verification of the proof on L1 which is shared among all the jobs in the train, there is a fixed cost per job for e.g. recording the associated fact, or publishing data which is done separately for each job. So far, each Starknet block was sent as a separate job. This limited our ability to squash state diffs over several blocks, and prevented us from having a short fixed-time block interval (since in the current architecture, each block publishes one blob, so short enough block times will lead to severe blob under-utilization). Even more importantly, this meant a high fixed cost per block (fact recording on-chain and state-update on the Core contract).

To overcome the above issues, we want to have only one fact recorded on-chain, attesting to many Starknet blocks. We refer to this feature as ā€œStarknet applicative recursionā€. The idea is, to generate the recursive proof on the Starknet side, and only send one final job for SHARP. For each block, weā€™ll ask SHARP for a proof of that block, but without the recording on-chain part. Given the proofs, weā€™ll construct a final recursive job that attests to all the blocks, and squashes all the state diffs between them.

What actually changes

The L1 verifier contract will change. Instead of verifying the execution of the bootloader program, it will verify a new program, called the ā€œapplicative bootloaderā€. The applicative bootloader relies on the existence of a ā€œbase programā€ and an aggregator program.

To register a new ā€œapplicative factā€ on-chain, the verifier contract must see a proof for the successful execution of the applicative bootloader with some base program P, and an aggregator program for P. The way the applicative bootloader works, is to verify (potentially several) proofs of the base program execution, and then use the outputs of the base program as input to the aggregator program. In the case of Starknet, the base program is the Starknet OS, and the aggregator program is a new cairo program that squashes the state diffs of several blocks. This way, we can take individual proofs of OS executions for some block range, and end up with a single program whose valid execution attests to the validity of all blocks within that range, and whose output is the squashed state diff. On Ethereum, the Starknet core contract will verify that an ā€œapplicative factā€ was registered on chain, with the expected aggregator program, and that the base program hash (outputted by the aggregator) is that of the Starknet OS.

We summarize the technical changes induced by the above here:

  • The Starknet Core contract now knows of both the aggregator program hash and the OS program hash.
  • The LogStateUpdate event for the Starknet core contract will be emitted once for every sequence of blocks, rather than for every block.
  • The data published on L1 is now the output of the aggregator. While the format of the state diffs, the OsOutputHeader changes. Weā€™re adding four new fields to the header: prev_block_number, prev_block_hash, os_program_hash, full_output. This means that if youā€™re decoding Starknet onchain data from blobs, then youā€™ll need to start decoding statediffs after the first 10 felts rather than after the first 6.

The new Cairo programs, namely the aggregator and applicative bootloader, will be published as part of the new cairo-lang release.

New block hash definition

To prepare for the future transition to p2p communication (as opposed to relying on the centralized sequencer block publications), weā€™re making sure that the block hash structure is robust in the sense that it allows nodes to verify all the data given by peers without being susceptible to DOS.

This change will affect full nodes, and will not be seen externally (past block hashes naturally remain unchanged). You can find a reference implementation to the new block hash calculation in the starknet-api crate.

API Changes

FGW request/response

  1. Block hash definition will change as discussed above, this will affect all endpoints returning the block hash (the response structure remains the same)
  2. Fix bug where state diff hash used for signatures is affected by 0 length state diff.
  3. Receipts will get a new total_gas_consumed property, that will only appear in new transactions after 0.13.2. This is an object that includes l1_gas and l1_data_gas. These are the numbers used for the eventual fee computation, and for the receipt hash during the block hash calculation.
  4. Three new builtins can appear under the builtin_instance_counter property of execution_resources under transaction receipts (which are accessible through the get_block endpoint). The new builtins are add_mod, mul_mod, and range_check96.

The source of truth for the feeder gateway response is FGW response objects.

Stopping support for tracing on the feeder gateway on 0.13.2

The following tracing related methods will not be available post 0.13.2:

  • get_block_traces
  • get_transaction_trace

To clarify, these methods will continue to be supported for blocks pre 0.13.2.


No change in 0.13.2

v0.8.0 will be released alongside Starknet v0.13.3, at which point all support for versions < 0.7.0 will stop.


A new compiler version will be released for 0.13.2, Cairo 2.7.0. This includes a Sierra upgrade to v1.6.0, i.e. contracts compiled with the new compiled will only be accepted on Starknet v0.13.2 onwards.

The Starknet-related features that will be added in this Cairo version include:

  • SHA256 syscall - syscall for computing sha256 on an arbitrary length input
    • High level code for using sha256
    • Syscall cost - the dominant part of the syscall is ~1.1k bitwise builtin applications which today costs ~180 L1 gas (the 2k steps are negligible in comparison). The syscall is applied once for ~14 u32.
  • Circuit builtin - the new compiler version will introduce a way to define ad-hoc algebraic circuits in Cairo. Circuits use the new mulmod and addmod builtins under the hood.

Execution Changes


  1. Parallelization infrastructure: weā€™ll add separate modules to the blockifier that will be responsible for running a block with optimistic parallelization. The sequential flow remains mostly be untouched by parallelization. The entry point to the blockifierā€™s concurrency handling is You can find a short description of the new design in the community forum post.

  2. VM upgrade: weā€™ll bump the vm version v1.0.0 (atm weā€™re on v1.0.0-rc3). This version uses the new lambdaworks felt. The felt change will propagate to the blockifier, compiler and nodes.

  3. Errors prettifying: currently, error strings are not very informative and have a lot of redundant data with no information that comes from the back and forth between the blockifier and the VM. Execution errors are becoming more structured, which will be the basis for better error handling in the next rpc version, resulting in nice error displays by wallets.

Old error template example:

"Transaction execution has failed: Error in the called contract \
Error at pc=0:797:
Got an exception while executing a hint.
Cairo traceback (most recent call last):
Unknown location (pc=0:{account_pc_location})

Error in the called contract ({address_felt}):
Error at pc=0:8010:
Got an exception while executing a hint.
Cairo traceback (most recent call last):
Unknown location (pc=0:{pc_location})

Error in the called contract ({address_felt}):
Error at pc=0:{expected_pc}:
Got an exception while executing a hint.
Cairo traceback (most recent call last):
Unknown location (pc=0:{pc_location})

Error in the called contract ({address_felt}):
Execution failed. Failure reason: {expected_error}.

New error template example:

Transaction execution has failed:
0: Error in the called contract (contract address: {account_address_felt}, selector: \
Error at pc=0:797:
Cairo traceback (most recent call last):
Unknown location (pc=0:{account_pc_location})

1: Error in the called contract (contract address: {address_felt}, selector: \
Error at pc=0:8010:

Limits changes

  • The maximal number of steps in a single INVOKE transaction increases to 10m.

  • The maximal calldata length increases to 5k felts

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šŸ†™ Versions Upgrade Starknet v0.13.2 and Roadmap Summer Update

Published: Jun 17, 2024

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In February, we shared a tentative roadmap for 2024 ā€“ a plan of intent.

Over the past months, we have collected extensive feedback from builders to guide and evolve our roadmap.

  • By all accounts, the two original goals of fee reduction and performance are sufficiently fulfilled since v0.13.1: transaction fees are extremely low, and Starknet can already sustain over 100 erc-20 transfers a second ā€“ more than enough to satisfy current demand.
  • In light of the above, itā€™s time for a new Sheriff in town: UX & devX! Instead of diving into the meta of defining what exactly this means, letā€™s move to some examples with the beloved table, and elaborate afterward.
Wen mainnet Must-have content Effect
v0.13.2 August Parallel execution, SNAR & block-packing aiming at 2 sec confirmation time and reduced block time, execute limit will be increased to ā‰„10M steps Performance, UX & devX
v0.13.3 October/November Cairo-native (Sierra ā†’ MLIR) & L2 gas; additional feature candidates: nonce channels, try/catch for function call failures Performance, UX & devX
v0.14.0 January/February Candidates: Volition, zkThreads, mempool, protocol-level paymaster TBD

Now some more words.


You send a transaction. You wait for confirmation. You are sad. You donā€™t want to wait.

Alrighty then! Thanks to applicative recursion on the SHARP front and its complementary Starknet feature ā€“ block-packing ā€“ v0.13.2 will see reduced block times without increased L1 costs. We aim to reduce block-times until the confirmation time of most transactions averages at around 2 seconds. We expect a block time or somewhere between 20-60 secs. This isnā€™t a hard commitment yet, but itā€™s definitely the goal: the leap is delicate from the engineering PoV and we want to test everything is stable before taking blood oaths.

ā€œAh, but waitā€, you say, ā€œWasnā€™t this a candidate feature for v0.14.0? How could this be?ā€

Sopranos Christopher Moltisanti GIF - Sopranos Christopher Moltisanti GIFs|832.9999999999999x751.0381526104417

The effort to improve confirmation time via reduction of block time will further be complemented by parallel execution! Increased throughput means execution will be even faster, driving down confirmation times.

Before moving on to v0.13.3, we should also mention some great work behind the scenes on key aspects of the network, including improvements to streamline work on P2P, and major optimizations to the committer ā€“ the service that computes a commitment to the state. These may not sound like chad features, but they contribute a lot to Starknetā€™s eternally sharpening jawline.


Currently, the only must-have content is Cairo-native. To copy from the first 2024 roadmap post:

Starknet v0.13.3 will feature a joint effort with Nethermind to integrate the state-of-the-art Cairo-native project by LambdaClass into the sequencer. This is some next level @#$% truly state-of-the-art technology. Hereā€™s the story. Currently, the sequencer executes transactions using the Cairo VM (efficiently implemented in Rust by LambdaClass too). The VM effectively emulates another machine, which begs the question: can we circumvent any emulation to improve performance? Turns out the answer is ā€œvery very yesā€ if youā€™re blessed with a disturbing amount of brainpower. Enter Cairo-native, which lets the sequencer completely bypass the VM and execute native CPU opcodes. Dark magic, you say? Correct! Behind the scenes, Cairo-native is a Sierraā†’MLIR compiler; the sequencer will use it to compile declared Cairo classes to native bytecode, and run the latter during transaction execution.

The only addition to make now about Cairo-native is to emphasize that faster execution will further improve confirmation times. Alongside it, we mention some more feature ideas that are on the cards for v0.13.3 but yet to be decided.


Everything here is TBD. Itā€™s too early to decide now.


Huge improvements to confirmation times are coming in v0.13.2, and more improvements to UX and devX are on the menu. Stay tuned and contribute! Got questions? Ask! Got ideas? Suggest! We would love feature ideas from you folks! It can be a cool use-case, a concrete feature, or a vague fantasy. SNIPs are especially welcome! :slight_smile:


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SNIPs SNIP 13 - Index `Transfer` and `Approval` events in ERC20s

Published: Jun 13, 2024

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snip: 13
Title: Index Transfer and Approval events in ERC20s
Author: @NatanSW
Status: Draft
Type: Standards Track
Creation date: May 5, 2024
Github link:


Events in Starknet consist of two felt arrays, keys and data, the former is analogous to topics on Ethereum. Similarly to Ethereum, Starknetā€™s json-rpc allows you to filter over event keys via the starknet_getEvents method.

In this SNIP we suggest updating StarkGateā€™s ERC20s (including ETH, STRK, USDC and others) to index more fields in the Transfer and Approval events in order to allow filtration over the sender or receiver.


Dapps, for example exchanges that operate on Starknet, need to track transfers from & to specific addresses. At the moment, Starknetā€™s json-rpc only allows receiving all Transfer or Approval events from a given ERC20 in a particular block range. This SNIP would enable filtering those events, allowing filteration by from or to in Transfer events and by owner or spender in Approval events.

This is already the case on Ethereum and other EVM chains. Due to limitations in early iterations of Cairo, events had only one key corresponding to the event name. This lead to only being able to filter over all transfer events, which is far from ideal.

Backward Compatability

This change is NOT backward compatible. All DAPPs listenting to ERC20 transfer and approval events will have to adjust their events decoding, in order to look for fields in the keys array instead of in the data array.


Starknetā€™s json-rpc starknet_getEvents method, takes an EventFilter object, which contains a nested list of keys to be matched against. For example, if the user sent an event filter containing \big[[k_1, k_2], [\;], [k_3]\big], then the node should return events whose first key is k_1 or k_2, and the third key is k_3, and the second key is unconstrained and can take any value. This functionality is supported by variuous Starknet SDKs, for example, see the following starknet.js tutorial to see how to filter events.

Currently, these are the Transfer and Approval events in all StarkGateā€™s ERC20s:

    /// Emitted when tokens are moved from address `from` to address `to`.
    #[derive(Copy, Drop, PartialEq, starknet::Event)]
    struct Transfer {
        // #[key] - Not indexed, to maintain backward compatibility.
        from: ContractAddress,
        // #[key] - Not indexed, to maintain backward compatibility.
        to: ContractAddress,
        value: u256

    /// Emitted when the allowance of a `spender` for an `owner` is set by a call
    /// to [approve](approve). `value` is the new allowance.
    #[derive(Copy, Drop, PartialEq, starknet::Event)]
    struct Approval {
        // #[key] - Not indexed, to maintain backward compatibility.
        owner: ContractAddress,
        // #[key] - Not indexed, to maintain backward compatibility.
        spender: ContractAddress,
        value: u256

This SNIP basically suggests to uncomment the above #[key] annotations:

    /// Emitted when tokens are moved from address `from` to address `to`.
    #[derive(Drop, PartialEq, starknet::Event)]
    struct Transfer {
        from: ContractAddress,
        to: ContractAddress,
        value: u256

    /// Emitted when the allowance of a `spender` for an `owner` is set by a call
    /// to `approve`. `value` is the new allowance.
    #[derive(Drop, PartialEq, starknet::Event)]
    struct Approval {
        owner: ContractAddress,
        spender: ContractAddress,
        value: u256

That is, a transfer from 0x1 to 0x2 of 100 tokens, now emits:

keys: [selector(ā€œTransferā€)]

data: [0x1, 0x2, 100, 0]

The first two felts in the data array are the values of from and to correspondingly, and the last two felts are the low and high 128bits of the u256 of the amount.

If this SNIP is accepted, the emitted event will change to:

keys: [selector(ā€œTransferā€), 0x1, 0x2]

data: [100, 0]

Where selector(x) is the sn_keccak of x .

Security Considerations

Dapps who did not change their code to parse events differently may break after the ERC20 contracts are upgraded.

We considered whether or not the change suggested in this SNIP can be leveraged to cause more damage. The scenario we analyzed is the following: can an exchange that did not change its code be led to thinking that a transfer has been made to its account, thus crediting an account on the exchange, while in fact no such transaction took place.

We claim that this is not possible. Currently, DAPPs take the from and to values from the first and second members of the data array. After the change, the first and second members of the data array would be amount_low and amount_high correspondingly. Since both amount_low and amount_high are enforced to be 128bit numbers, and thus contain 124 leading zeros, these can not collide with an account address on Starknet, which is necessarily the result of a hash computation.


Copyright and related rights waived via MIT.

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Starknet Technical Development ZK Governance for Starknet

Published: Jun 11, 2024

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The Starknet ecosystem hosts several prominent projects, of which many are governed and managed by DAOs, such as Realms and Ekubo. Despite the decentralized nature of these organizations, there is a notable reluctance among community members to participate in governance. The primary issue stems from the transparency of voting actions on the blockchain, which can expose sensitive information and influence decision-making processes.

Votes are conducted publicly, leaving voting systems vulnerable to collusion.

Starknet Governance Hub, designed to facilitate transparent and efficient governance. However, despite these efforts, participation rates remain lower than desired. Our team, with extensive experience in building governance platforms like Frontinus House for Realm, has identified privacy concerns as a significant barrier to active engagement.

ZK Governance provides a solution to this challenge by using zero-knowledge proofs to ensure that voting is private, secure, and verifiable without revealing votersā€™ identities or choices. By integrating ZK Governance into Starknetā€™s existing governance platform, we can enhance privacy and security, thereby increasing participation rates and strengthening the overall governance of DAOs within the Starknet ecosystem.

Problems with Current Solutions

DAOs in the Starknet ecosystem currently face several challenges that hinder active participation in governance:

  • Lack of Privacy: All voting actions are publicly visible on the blockchain, deterring individuals from participating due to concerns about exposing their decisions and holdings.
  • Fear of Repercussions: Members may hesitate to vote on controversial issues for fear of social or financial backlash.
  • Transparency vs. Confidentiality: The need for transparent governance conflicts with the desire to keep individual voting choices private.
  • Influence and Bias: Public voting records can lead to undue influence or bias, where prominent membersā€™ votes sway community opinions.
  • Low Participation Rates: The visibility of votes can discourage engagement, leading to low participation in governance processes.
  • Data Sensitivity: Voters may not want their voting history and associated assets exposed, as this can reveal personal strategies and holdings.

ZK Governance Solutions

ZK Governance offers a comprehensive solution to these challenges by balancing the need for transparency in governance with the privacy of individual voters. Key features of ZK Governance for Starknet DAOs include:

A large-scale anonymous electronic voting scheme based on zk-SNARKs (Zero-Knowledge Succinct Non-Interactive Argument of Knowledge) offers unique value and significance in ensuring the anonymity, security, and reliability of voting. zk-SNARKs is a cryptographic technology that enables one party (the prover) to prove to another party (the verifier) that a statement is true, without revealing any information other than the truth of the statement itself. Applying zk-SNARKs to electronic voting brings several key advantages:

  1. Protection of Voter Identity Privacy: The connection between a voterā€™s choice and their personal identity is not disclosed; itā€™s impossible to identify from public information whether a specific voter has participated. This also enhances the fairness of the voting system.
  2. Prevention of Vote Buying and Selling: Voters participate under pseudonyms and are unable to prove their own voting results. This means voters cannot sell their votes to third parties who may wish to purchase them.
  3. Verifiable Voting Results: Everyone can verify the voting results based on the public counting proofs.

Starknet Analysis

Participants Composition

The electronic voting scheme involves the following five participants: Proposers, STRK Holders IDs=\{id_1,id_2, ...id_m\}, Cryptographic Coordinator, Pseudonym Registrar, and Counters Ts=\{T_1,T_2, ...T_m\} . Among them, proposers and STRK holders are inherent to Starknet. Proposal-related information and voting results are still published on snapshot.

  • Proposers: Also known as project operators, they can initiate proposals and are also STRK holders themselves.
  • STRK Holders: Also known as voters, they can lock STRK tokens to vote. They vote under pseudonyms to ensure anonymity. As shown in the figure below, the voting results published on snapshot will not display the on-chain addresses of STRK holders, but their pseudonyms instead.
  • Snapshot: Publishes proposal information, voting information, cryptographic public parameters, voting results, and proofs of correct counting. The voting results include not only those cast by STRK holders but also null ballots cast by snapshot.
  • Cryptographic Coordinator: Responsible for generating cryptographic parameters and key pairs, and publishing the public parameters on snapshot.
  • Pseudonym Registrar: Registers pseudonyms for STRK holders after they lock their STRK tokens and signs these pseudonyms.
  • Counters: Responsible for calculating and verifying the voting results, and publishing the results and proofs of correct counting on snapshot. Counters use partial decryption keys from a k-out-of-n encryption scheme.

Function Definitions

The voting scheme is defined by eight functions, namely: VS=(Setup,PseudonymRegister, Register, Vote, ValidVote, Append, Tally, VerifyTally ).

  1. Setup

    \text{Setup}(\lambda, R) \rightarrow (PP, sk_{T}, sk_{\sigma}): \text{On input of the security parameter } \lambda \text{ and the relation } R \\ \text{represented as an arithmetic circuit, generate the prover and verifier key pairs }\\ (pk, vk) \leftarrow \text{KeyGen}(\lambda, R), \text{ voting key pair } (pk_{T}, sk_{T}) \leftarrow \text{KeyGenE}(\lambda), \text{ registrar key pair} \\ (pk_{R}, sk_{R}) \leftarrow \text{KeyGenS}(\lambda), \text{ commitment parameters from commitment setup} \\ CR \times T \leftarrow \text{Setup}C(\lambda), \text{ and public parameters } PP = (G, q, g, H, pk_T, pk_R, (pk, vk)).

  2. PseudonymRegister

    \text{PseudonymRegister}(\text{id}) \rightarrow \left( cr_{\text{id}}, c_{\text{id}}, t_{\text{id}} \right): \text{ On implicit input } PP \text{ and STRK holder}\\ \text{identity id}, \text{randomly select a pseudonym } cr_{\text{id}} \leftarrow CR, \text{ compute } \left( t_{\text{id}}, c_{\text{id}} \right) \leftarrow \\ \text{Commit}(PP, cr_{\text{id}}), \text{ and return } \left( cr_{\text{id}}, c_{\text{id}}, t_{\text{id}} \right), \text{ where } t_{\text{id}} \text{ is randomly selected from } T.

  3. Register

    \text{Register}(id, c_{id},{L}) \rightarrow (L, MR_{L}, S_{R}): \text{On input of the STRK holder identity and}\\ \text{commitment} (id, c_{id}), \text{ and list } L, \text{ add } (id, c_{id}) \text{ to list } L, \text{ compute } MR_{L}, \text{ sign } (L, MR_{L})\\ \text{ with the registrar} \text{private key} sk_{R} \text{ to produce the signature } S_{R}, \text{ and then return } \\(L, MR_{L}, S_{R}).

  4. Vote

    \text{Vote}(id, sk_{id}, pk_{r}, v) \rightarrow \beta: \text{On input of STRK holder identity } id, \text{ voting public key } pk_{r}, \\ \text{ and STRK holder private key } sk_{id} = (t_{id}, cr_{id}), \text{ it generates a ballot } \beta = (e_v, cr_{id},{\pi_{id}}),\\ \text{ where } e_v = \text{enc}_{pk_{v}}(v;r). \text{ Additionally, compute a disjoint proof } \text{Prove}(pk, x, \omega) \rightarrow \pi, \\ \text{ where } \omega = (r, c_{id},v, t_{id}, )x = (e_v, cr_{id}, MR_{L}), \text{ and simulate a null ballot proof.}

  5. ValidVote

    \text{ValidVote}(\beta) \rightarrow 0/1: \text{On input of a ballot } \beta = \left( e_v, cr_{id},{\pi_{id}} \right), \text{ check if it is valid, i.e.,}\\ \text{whether this proof is correct and well-formed, by completing the verification through}\\ \text{ executing } \text{Verify}\left( vk, \left( e_v, cr_{id} \right), \pi_{id} \right) \rightarrow 0/1.

  6. Append

    \text{Append}(\text{snapshot}, \beta) \rightarrow \text{snapshot}: \text{On input of a ballot } \beta, \text{according to } D_t, \text{ append }\\ \beta \text{ to snapshot. It generates and appends one or more null ballots } \left(e_0, c_{id}, \pi_{id}\right) \text{ according}\\ \text{to the probability distribution } D_r \text{ and } D_t. \text{ It computes } e_0 = \text{enc}_{pk_{r}}(0; r) \text{ and disjoint} \\ \text{proof } \pi_{id}.

    \text{Prove}(pk , x, \omega) \rightarrow \pi_{id}, \text{where } \omega = (r, 0), x = \left(e_0, cr_{id}, MR_{L}\right), \text{ and simulates the other }\\ \text{ side} \text{ of STRK holder proof.}

  7. Tally

    \text{Tally}(\text{snapshot}, sk_T) \rightarrow (s, \Pi): \text{ On input of the public snapshot, calculate the }\\ text{voting results, return } (s, \Pi), \text{ where } s \text{ is the voting result, } \Pi \text{ is the proof of correct}\\ \text{ counting, with the following steps:}

  • Run ValidVote(\beta) and return 0 in case of failure.
  • For each cr_id appearing in the ballots, calculate image|256x108, 50%,where image|98x72, 50% is the set of (e_v, cr_{id},\pi_{id}) identified by cr_{id}.
  • Remove (cri,\pi_i) from each B_{cr_i}, mix the ballots {{B_{cr_1}, B_{cr_2},..., B_{cr_k}}}, where k is the number of pseudonyms cr_i, and return the mixed ballots image|190x74, 50% and proof of valid mixing.
  • For each B_i^{'} and voting option v \in V, apply the privacy equivalence test (PET) and provide corresponding proof.
  • Calculate the result s for each voting v based on the PET result and publish the proof.
  1. VerifyTally

    \text{VerifyTally}(\text{snapshot}, s, \Pi) \rightarrow 0/1: \text{ On input of } (s, \Pi), \text{ if all proofs are valid, return } 1;\\ \text{ otherwise, return } 0.

Implementation Phase

The flowchart of this electronic voting scheme illustrates the process of Starknetā€™s private governance as follows.

Based on this flowchart, we divide the Starknet private governance process into five stages:

  1. Setup Phase

Given security parameters and relation R, the Cryptographic Coordinator runs Setup,R to:

  • Generate cryptographic parameters (G,q, g), counting party threshold tuple (k, n), voting key pair (pk_T,sk_T), registrar key pair (pk_R,sk_R), commitment function and its parameters H:CR * T\rightarrow C, and the zero-knowledge proof key pair pk,vk for relation R.
  • Publish public parameters PP=(G,q, g, H, pk_T, pk_R, (pk, vk )).
  1. Registration Phase

STRK holders (id) run Register(id) to:

  • Choose a voting pseudonym cr_{id} \in CR.
  • Compute c_{id} = H(cr_{id}, t_{id}) \in \{0,1\}^{ļ¼ˆ0ļ¼Œ\lambdaļ¼‰} using t_{id} \in T and store (cr_{id}, t_{id}) locally.
  • The pseudonym registrar adds (id, c_{id}) to the pseudonym list L
  • Compute the merkle tree root MR_L based on the commitment order in list L.
  • Finally, sign L and MR_L and publish them on snapshot.
  • STRK holders verify c_{id} \in L and merkle tree root MR_L.
  1. Voting Phase

To cast a vote v, STRK holders run Vote(id,sk_{id},pk_T,v), where sk_{id}=(t_{id}, cr_{id}), including:

  • Compute e_v = \text{enc}_{pk_r}(v; r), where r \in \mathbb{Z}_q is a random value for encryption. In the case of revoking a previous vote v_{\text{pre}} and voting for v_{\text{new}}, STRK holders set v = v_{\text{new}} - v_{\text{pre}}.

  • Calculate zero-knowledge proof \pi_{id} using proving key pk:
    image|690x48, 75%

  • Submit \beta = (e_v, cr_{id}, \pi_{id}) to snapshot via an anonymous channel.

  • Snapshot runs \text{ValidVote}(\beta), checks the validity of the proof on the ballot, and verifies if the ballot already exists on snapshot.

  • Snapshot runs \text{Append}(\text{snapshot}, \beta), appending the ballot \beta and null ballots to snapshot.

  • STRK holders verify if \beta is appended to snapshot.

  • Snapshot generates null ballots as follows: Calculate e_0 = \text{enc}_{pk_r}(0; r), choose a cr_{id} from \beta on the snapshot, compute \pi_{id}:
    image|690x44, 75%

  1. Counting Phase

Counters run Tally(snapshot,sk_T), including:

  • Verify ballots on snapshot and select those with valid proofs.
  • Apply the homomorphic properties of the encryption scheme to calculate the final ballot for each cr_{id} on the snapshot.
  • Shuffle, mix, and publish the final ballots without crid, providing proof of correctness.
  • Apply PET to the final ballots and select encrypted votes from the voting.
  • Decrypt ballots and publish results and decryption proofs on snapshot.
  1. Verification Phase

Anyone can verify the correctness of the counting by running VerifyTally(snapshot,s,\Pi), which verifies the results and all proofs published during the counting process. This implementation achieves large-scale electronic voting while ensuring anonymity, security, and reliability.

Future Work

Performance and Scalability: As the number of voters increases, the systemā€™s performance and scalability will face challenges. Future research could focus on the study of fully recursive zk-SNARKs to support larger-scale elections.

User Friendliness: An important task in promoting ZK technology is to address the current complexity of the system for ordinary users. Simplifying user interfaces and operational processes, and lowering the barrier for user adoption, will contribute to the widespread acceptance and adoption of the system.

Compliance and Legal Challenges: Decentralization and compliance have always been antonyms; typically, only the government can prove your identity. However, this leads to the possibility of data being tampered with at the source (but if this identity is recognized by the government, then even the fake becomes real). ZK cannot solve the problem of a trusted source, but we might need to consider: what kind of world it would be if I could prove I am who I am.

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šŸ¤·ā€ā™€ļø All-Purpose Hangout StarkHack Hackathon Starts June 13th šŸ‘·

Published: May 30, 2024

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Hello everyone :wave:t3:

Jacob here from the ETHGlobal team to share that weā€™re thrilled to be organizing StarkHack in collaboration with StarkWare, the Starknet Foundation, and many other Starknet ecosystem contributors.

StarkHack is our first hackathon built with the Starknet ecosystem at its heart. Weā€™re excited to see over 500 hackers come together to push whatā€™s possible with Starknet, Cairo, and STARKs.

If youā€™re a builder in the Starknet ecosystem, a couple key reasons to join:

  • :star: Keynotes, Panels, and a Full Summit: Weā€™ll be kicking off the event with talks from Eli Ben-Sasson, Ariel Elperin, James Strudwick and other ecosystem contributors
  • :rocket: Hands-on Workshops: Learn from the experts with workshops designed to teach new skills.
  • :moneybag: $100,000+ USD in Prizes: Compete for prizes from different industry leading protocols/
  • :bulb: Exciting Challenges: Access to a curated list of real-world problems & project ideas and over 50 mentors to bring your ideas to life.

Why post on the forum?
Two reasons.

Firstly, Iā€™d love to know what key Starknet contributors should definitely take part (think projects that have technology that hackers can use or critical libraries to speed up development) and

Secondly, Iā€™d love to curate a wishlist from the community of ideas for projects we can share with the builders!

In the meantime, if youā€™re interested in joining, applications are open now:

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šŸ“œ Development Proposals Optimistic parallelization revived

Published: May 26, 2024

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Optimistic parallelization revived


  • Optimistic parallelization is now being implemented on the Starknet sequencer in Rust
  • Moar tps in Starknet 0.13.2


Back in Starknet 0.10.2, we introduced optimistic parallelization to the sequencer as part of a series of efforts to improve the systemā€™s throughput.

In parallel, we worked to migrate the larger parts of the codebase to Rust. The result of this effort was the blockifier, Starknetā€™s new execution engine, which in turn relies on the Rust implementation of the cairo-vm by Lambdaclass.

Given that the transition from Python to Rust outweighed most of the potentiatal performance improvements, the first iterations of the blockifier did not contain optimistic parallelization. After a few Starknet versions that focused on stability and fee reduction, we return to parallelization in order to reach the full potential of the Starknet sequencer.

What is optimistic parallelization?

Naively, executing a block of transactions in parallel is impossible as different transactions may be dependent. This is illustrated in the following example. Consider a block with three transactions from the same user:

  • Transaction A: swap USDC for ETH
  • Transaction B: pay ETH for an NFT
  • Transaction C: swap USDT for BTC

Clearly, Tx A must happen before Tx B, but Tx C is entirely independent of both and can be executed in parallel. If each transaction requires 1 second to execute, then the block production time can be reduced from 3 seconds to 2 seconds by introducing parallelization.

The crux of the problem is that we do not know the transaction dependencies in advance. In practice, only when we execute transaction B from our example do we see that it relies on changes made by transaction A. More formally, the dependency follows from the fact that transaction B reads from storage cells that transaction A has written to. We can think of the transactions as forming a dependency graph, where there is an edge from transaction A to transaction B iff A writes to a storage cell that is read by B, and thus has to be executed before B. The following figure shows an example of such a dependency graph:


In the above example, each column can be executed in parallel, and this is the optimal arrangement (while naively, we would have executed transactions 1ā€“9 sequentially).

To overcome the fact that the dependency graph is not known in advance, we introduce optimistic parallelization, in the spirit of BLOCK-STM developed by Aptos Labs, to the Starknet sequencer. Under this paradigm, we optimistically attempt to run transactions in parallel and re-execute upon finding a collision. For example, we may execute transactions 1ā€“4 from figure 1 in parallel, only to find out afterward that Tx4 depends on Tx1. Hence, its execution was useless (we ran it relative to the same state we ran Tx1 against, while we should have run it against the state resulting from applying Tx1). In that case, we will re-execute Tx4.

Parallelization in the blockifier

The entry point to the new parallelization infrastructure in the blockifier can be found in The Rust implementation follows the original BLOCK-STM paper more closely compared to the previous version of our optimistic parallelization. The scheduler tracks the tasks that remain to be done, these can be either validation tasks or execution tasks. Worker threads then query the scheduler for the next task, and communicate with a versioned state to obtain the latest known storage values. This is illustrated in the following diagram:

Diagram: worker threads request the next task, and work on a versioned state (version i contains the writes of tx i). The execution itself is handled by the same code that handled sequential execution.

The blockifierā€™s implementation contains an additional commit phase that isnā€™t part of the original BLOCK-STM paper. The motivation for this phase is to delay fee transfers to the sequencer (which, if unhandled separately, leads any two transactions to collide due to reading & writing the sequencerā€™s balance). If all transactions before transaction i are committed, then the fee transfer is applied alongside an additional check to see whether or not the transaction can fit into a block. If both tests pass, the iā€™th transaction is committed.

Whatā€™s next

Several potential improvements to the blockifierā€™s implementation of BLOCK-STM will be added down the road. At the moment, accesses to VersionedState are mutually exclusive; this can be relaxed to locking only over the particular addresses that we want to read/write from.

Another direction to explore is adding language features that will allow contract developers to write more ā€œparallelizableā€ code. For example, when performing a commutative operation on storage values today, one has to read the value, apply the operation, and write the new value. This means that although the underlying operation is commutative, any two transactions that perform it will have a read/write collision. If, however, the smart contract language has primitives that encapsulate ā€œatomic storage manipulationā€, then these can be used to enhance parallelization. For example, consider u256 addition. If we want to add some value to a storage slot (as happens when updating the sequencerā€™s balance due to fee payments), we can call an ad-hoc increment(storage_address, value) operation that does not necessarily lead two transactions that apply increment to the same address to collide. Collision will only happen if the first operation results in an overflow. This direction was explored in more depth in a recent paper by AptosLabs, where they introduce the notion of ā€œdeferred objectā€ to the smart contract language.

Finally, while mostly targeted for the sequencing layer, the parallelization infrastructure can be used by full nodes to optimize re-execution. The improvement is even more significant for nodes, since they can get the optimal ordering via the dependency graph produced by the original execution.


As of Starknet 0.13.2, parallelization is back on the menu. Parallelization, along with AOT compilation via the cairo-native project that is planned for 0.13.3, will unleash the full potential of Starknet, reaching throughput that is only possible on a validity rollup.

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šŸ“œ Development Proposals SNIPs: process revival

Published: May 12, 2024

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SNIPs (Starknet Improvement Proposals) are the Starknet analogue of Ethereum EIPs. However, in the current state of affairs, there are aspects in which a SNIP differs from an EIP both in its purpose and in its (lack of) processing. As pointed out by the community, little attention has been devoted to the topic over the past few months. The purpose of this text is to revive the SNIP process and propose short-term improvements.

EIP vs SNIP today

The fundamental difference is in handling protocol-level improvement proposals, i.e those which require protocol changes. Ethereum, being decentralized, requires ā€œmeta-consensusā€ on protocol changes among validators and subsequently among client teams. The Ethereum Foundation is a considerable driving force for EIPs, but it does not directly control block proposals. Starknet, in its currently centralized state, strictly requires involvement of the Starknet core teams in StarkWare to implement protocol changes.

Since genesis, almost all protocol-level changes (e.g. version features) have not gone through the full SNIP route, having been decided internally instead. Overall we think this is sensible and justified by the need to move and add features much faster than in Ethereum. That being said, the long term objective is clear: when Starknet is decentralized and mature, the process will closely mirror the Ethereum EIP protocol.

Thus we are left with the question of short-medium term: on the one hand, iterations and versions are still frequent compared to Ethereum. On the other hand, we want to step toward a SNIP process that approaches the ā€œreal thingā€ over time.

Short-medium term proposal

Following SNIP-1, GitHub remains the place to submit SNIPs and is the source of truth for their documentation. Other media are for discussions and ā€œadvertisingā€.

The process

  1. Author submits SNIP.
  2. Following SNIP-1#Editor Responsibilities, the editor performs syntactic checks. If the checks pass then merge to main. Otherwise reject.
  3. After merge to main, the author should change status to review and begin discussions on the community forum, which is the intended domain for discussing SNIPs. The author has edit permissions and is free to modify their proposal at will.
  4. SNIPs enter stale status after 6 months and require an editor (SW) to revive.
  5. An editor can change the status to last call which activates a two week timer. Assuming no other actions, a SNIP in last call status automatically becomes final when the timer runs out.

What does it really mean to finalize?

During the centralized phase of Starknet, finalization has two essential steps: entering the roadmap and running in production. In the decentralized phase, finalization means sufficiently widespread adoption among Starknet operators and full nodes.

What will change now?

The Starknet core teams are committed to much greater responsiveness, both on GitHub and in Community Forum discussions. Specifically, feel free to ping @ilia, @Ohad-StarkWare, @FeedTheFed, and @Leo_L!

What now?

Write SNIPs! :scissors::scissors::scissors:

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šŸ¤·ā€ā™€ļø All-Purpose Hangout Rebuilding Trust with a New StarkNet Airdrop Strategy

Published: May 09, 2024

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In light of the recent challenges faced during the StarkNet airdrop, which unfortunately led to dissatisfaction and a decline in user engagement within the ecosystem, I propose a revitalized approach to re-engage our community and restore confidence.


The previous StarkNet airdrop encountered significant issues that affected the communityā€™s perception and participation. These problems led to many users departing from the ecosystem leaving us with :8ball: users.

Rebuilding Trust with a New StarkNet Airdrop Strategy

In light of the recent challenges faced during the StarkNet airdrop, which unfortunately led to dissatisfaction and a decline in user engagement within the ecosystem, I propose a revitalized approach to re-engage our community and restore confidence.

Background: The previous StarkNet airdrop encountered significant issues that affected the communityā€™s perception and participation. These problems led to many users departing from the ecosystem, looking for stability and reliability that were perceived as lacking.

Proposed Airdrop Using a New Unlock System:

To address these issues and incentivize users to rejoin and continue supporting the StarkNet ecosystem, I propose a new airdrop mechanism integrated with a sophisticated contract. This system will not only distribute tokens but will also encourage long-term engagement and investment in the ecosystem.

Key Features of the Proposed Airdrop:

  1. Unlock Contract Integration:
  • Users will receive airdropped Strk and Eth which will unlock after 6 months within a specially designed smart contract on StarkNet.
  • This contract will manage and store Stark, Eth and potentially other tokens with a clear and user-friendly unlock schedule.
  1. Engagement Through Utility:
  • Unlike traditional airdrops, users can actively use their airdropped tokens, from day 1 (meaning its still locked) within the StarkNet ecosystem to purchase other tokens (which will stay on the contract) or pay for gas fees. This utility ensures that tokens are more than just a passive reward ā€” they are a means to explore and grow within the platform.
  1. Resetting Lock Through Activity:
  • When a user utilizes their airdropped tokens to acquire new tokens, the unlock period for these new tokens will automatically reset to 6 months (reset for that specific token, meaning that, for example, a user doesnā€™t interact with Strk but with Eth, the Strk unlock period wouldnā€™t change but the Eth would). This mechanism encourages ongoing interaction with the ecosystem and gradual integration of users into various services and offerings available on StarkNet.
  1. Secure and Gradual Withdrawal:
  • Post-unlock, users can securely withdraw their tokens to their personal wallets, providing them with full control over their assets after they have engaged with the ecosystem over the lock period.


  • Restores Trust: By addressing the shortcomings of the previous airdrop and providing a clear, user-centric approach.
  • Encourages Long-Term Engagement: Ensures that users are invested in the ecosystem for a longer period, enhancing stability and growth.
  • Promotes Active Participation: Encourages users to explore and use their tokens within the ecosystem, increasing transaction volume and liquidity.
  • Builds a Resilient User Base: Attracts and retains users who are genuinely interested in the development and success of the StarkNet platform.


This new airdrop strategy is designed to rebuild trust and provide tangible benefits to our community. By leveraging a robust unlock system, we can ensure that the StarkNet ecosystem not only recovers but thrives, with an active and committed user base dedicated to its long-term success.
Letā€™s focus on community. After all we can have the best piece of art but if it sits in a closet no one appreciates it.

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šŸ¤·ā€ā™€ļø All-Purpose Hangout Two new things you can do with the Stone prover TODAY

Published: May 08, 2024

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In August 2023, Starknet took a big leap forward in decentralizing its technology and empowering the developer community to build upon it independently by open-sourcing its battle-tested Stone prover. And indeed, the community (you!) stepped to the challenge and has since done truly astounding work to extend Stoneā€™s capabilities, including two that are already available today:

  1. Using Stone to Prove Cairo Programs: Stone has been in production since June 2020, playing a critical role in proving transactions from decentralized applications powered by StarkWare such as StarkEx and Starknet. Back in 2020, however, Cairo was a very different language, and as such Stone was built to prove an older version of it (now known as Cairo Zero) ā€“ but no more! Thanks to the mighty LambdaClass team, Stone is now capable of proving both Cairo and Cairo Zero programs
  2. Verifying Stone Proofs on Starknet: Obviously, generating proofs (either of Cairo or Cairo Zero programs) wonā€™t get you far without verifying them. Moreover, the generated proofs are only as secure as the entity that verifies them ā€“ which is precisely why this verification needs to be onchain. So far, however, Stone proofs could only be verified offchain using the C++ verifier available in the Stone codebase ā€“ but no more! Thanks to the incredible Herodotus team, you can now use the Integrity verifier to verify Stone proofs on Starknet.

ā€œWhat about using Stone to power Starknet Appchainsā€, you say? The missing piece of this puzzle is the Starknet OS program, whose job is to verify the validity of Starknet blocks. So far, however, the execution of the Starknet OS was solely supported via the old and only partially open-sourced Pythonic infrastructure ā€“ but no more! The amazing Moongsong Labs team is hard at work on enabling the Starknet OS to be executed using the new and fully open-source Rusty infrastructure.

More will follow and be described later, but for now, youā€™re more than welcome to join the Stonehenge TG group and start building :moyai:

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šŸ¤·ā€ā™€ļø All-Purpose Hangout EVM compatibility for games and MUD on Starknet?

Published: May 07, 2024

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Itā€™s such a delight that 2 million $STRK are granted to Realms by starknet foundation. I feel that Starknet should be the home of more than ever.

Even after the storm of dissatisfaction over the Starknet airdrop on Twitter on February 20th (why so specific? Itā€™s my wifeā€™s birthday!) Iā€™ve been riding the high waves of builder confidence, fiery passion, and bold ambitions from the ETHDenver Dojo Ninja Cafe to ETHGlobal Londonā€™s AW Researchā€™s Hacker House, and all the way to the Starknet Meetup at the HK Web3 Festival.

But three weeks ago, I landed in Lisbon for the Autonomous Anonymous conference, and man, was I in for a ride! The game composability that I had been eagerly awaiting on Starknet unfolded dramatically right before my eyes during a whirlwind two-day hackathon. I even got my hands dirty and tweaked a game called ā€˜Downstream Utopiaā€™ using Playmintā€™s toolkit. Over those three days, despite the cool demos like ā€˜Dope Warā€™ and ā€˜Loot Survivor,ā€™ perhaps due to a fear of the Cairo language or just unfamiliarity with Starknetā€™s gaming ecosystem, out of over 20 projects, iirc, only one took on ā€˜Dope War.ā€™ As a builder whoā€™s built modifications to spice up ā€˜Loot Survivor,ā€™ I felt a pinch of disappointment, and even caught a whiff of mockery in the tg group.

Over the last year, weā€™ve run some wild experiments in Starknetā€™s gaming ecosystem and even pulled in a bunch of game developers keen on Starknet by translating Dojoā€™s docs into Chinese. We even rewrote ā€˜Crypts & Cavernsā€™ in Cairoā€”twice, thanks to some fun updates. We deployed it onto Katana, aiming to mesh it perfectly with Eternum (big thanks to Loaf). At last yearā€™s Starknet Istanbul Hacker House, we whipped up a product called ā€˜Ryogaeā€™ to tackle the swap issues of non-token assets in the Autonomous World. Weā€™ve crafted character generation modules, game governance modules etc. I know Iā€™m not alone in this, but we havenā€™t managed to rally a devoted troop of onchain game devs like Lattice did with Mud, without even dangling the carrot of airdrops!

Just last weekend, Redstone officially launched its mainnet, bombarded with games! The bull market is peeking around the cornerā€”as Moody hinted in his proposal (Second (Third, Fourth, ā€¦) User Airdrop - Making Starknet Happen) ā€œThe opportunity cost of building for Starknet vs. all-other-EVM-based-L2s is currently too great.ā€ - itā€™s tough getting devs to pick up a new programming language. But Iā€™m betting more onchain gaming devs will come to Starknet to deploy games if written in Solidity. Then, they can get a taste of Starknetā€™s slick tech, and dive into learning Cairo to craft even more intricate games.

Back in EDCON 2023 @Eli said and here I quote ā€œTypically, you would write the first version of your software in Python, but when you want to scale, you need to use other highly efficient languages like C++, WASM, or Rust. I believe the same thing will happen with Cairo; you might deploy Solidity code on Kakarot, but thatā€™s like using Python to write a high-frequency trading engine, which isnā€™t suitable. You would need to write in another language, and that other language will be Cairo.ā€

I think that we should have an EVM-compatible gaming solution on Starknet and explore the interoperability and compatibility between Starknet and Redstone or any other fully onchain game. I hope we can see items crafted in This Cursed Machine then sold in Dope War, and adventurers in loot survivor show up in downstream or biome. This is how we started back in 2022, build worlds not walled gardens, however I am concerned about being left behind or even isolated because of the Cairolang barrier.

I am passionate about permissionless and composable autonomous worlds. Any like-minded pals out there keen to join forces on a product that can onboard more game devs?

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šŸ“œ Development Proposals How will Binius affect Starknet?

Published: Apr 30, 2024

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Iā€™ve dig a little bit into Binius after Vitalikā€™s blog post and it seems that it will be possible to create more efficient proofs using it. The proofs are larger (few MB) but apparently they could be wrapped inside SNARK or STARK proof.
STARKs have had the advantage of being the most efficient zk proofs but that is coming into question.

How will this innovation affect Starknet?

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šŸ¤·ā€ā™€ļø All-Purpose Hangout Rescuing StarknetĀ : 3 (simple) ideas to increase volumes and TVL šŸšØ

Published: Apr 24, 2024

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How to save Starknet : 3 (simple) ideas

Hi, Iā€™m RiskTaker, Iā€™m part of many DeFi/airdrop farming communities. Sure, we are the ones that put money on a new ecosystem, only to get a bounty 6 months later. But we usually are the early adopters, since we can handle risks better than any other retail investor, and we are small enought to thrive even when liquidity is thin. So, our opinion might be usefull :slight_smile:

Rescue team is here guys !

Here is the thing : Starknet has quite a bad reputation now in DeFi/farming communities. No need to explain, itā€™s not the point here and itā€™s been discused hundreds of time

So, how can we increase Starknetā€™ liquidity, and turn it from a Ā« cool tech no one care aboutĀ» chain to a Ā« liquidity leader Ā» everyone want to use ?

Here are 3 ideas Iā€™ve had. None of them imply a second STRK airdrop (but it would help, of course). Iā€™m not the only one who had this ideas for sure, but they have the power to make Starknet (at least) 5 times bigger in the span of 6 months. They arenā€™t meant to add $2B TVL each, but they would change the reputation of Starknet and turn it into Ā« the cool kid Ā». Training wheel is not moving right now, so we need to work on it :slight_smile:

Letā€™s go !

1. Bridge LRTs to Starknet to raise awareness

Sadly, itā€™s a little bit late since ETHFI#1 is done and REZ#1 is going to be distributed in early may, it would have been perfect 3 months ago (when LRTs were only avalaible on Ethereum and Arbitrum). But it still is a no brainer !

LRTs is THE defi trend of 2024. People right now want to play with eETH (, ezETH (Renzo), rswETH (Swell) and many others. EigenLayer could be one of the biggest airdrop of all times, and a whole new field of innovation. ETHFI #1 (etherfi) itself airdropped ~$300M to users. So, hype is real for sure !

Biggest LRTs (ezETH and eETH) ara available on Ethereum, Arbitrum, Mode, Base and Linea

Letā€™s talk about Mode. Itā€™s another useless L2, who only exists to launch a token (users are aware about that). TVL right now is $325M, with no native Mode token. Out of these 325M, ezETH is $141M ! Thatā€™s a 43 % !! And we could add eETH and Stoneā€¦

Bridging LRTs right now would not incease Starknet TVL by $500M obviously (and itā€™s a bit late), but it would change peopleā€™s mind from Ā« I have no airdrop, I hate you Ā» to Ā« okay, so I can farm 2 x Renzo (or whatever) + EigenLayer + Nostra (or whatever DeFi protocol) + Starknet #2, thatā€™s cool Ā».

Adding at least one top 4 LRT (etherfi, Renzo, Kelp, Swell) to Starknet would change peopleā€™s mind. Starknet wouldnā€™t look like this isolated pacific island, it would be like archipelago of Japan : independant, but close to Ethereum ecosystem

Then, adding 1 or 2 exotic LRT would be cool, since it would be waaaay cheaper than on Ethereum. If peg is good, people will swap in order to farm something instead of just holding ETH on zkLend or whatever

Exemple : Inception, Genesis, Claystak, Diva Staking

(Since Starknet is not EVM, youā€™ll probably need to negociate a little bit with teams in order to guarantee users would get their points/airdrop)

I would personnaly farm LRTs on Starknet, instead of holding useless ETH.

Who doesnā€™t love Eigen points ?

2. Add a Pendle-like protocol to make people happy

Okay, Starknet is supposed to be neutral so I might be wrong, but Abdel asked about ideas so here are mines.

Pendle is the pinacle of 2024 DeFi : itā€™s super-powerfull, kind of hard to understand, but can change lives. Thatā€™s what people love !

A whale can use Pendle to earn +6 % ETH in only 2 months. A shrimp (such a me) can use Pendle to earn +$10k airdrops in 6 months. Thatā€™s what is so incredible with yield markets.

After bridging LRTs to Starknet, people would need to play with it. Providing liquidity/lending is cool, but itā€™s not hard enought for some people, we are not in 2021 anymore. So, people (including me) are using Pendle to farm 15 times faster. Others are making a juicy +40 % APR yield on eth (wich is incredible, itā€™s 10 times higher than staking rewards).

Using a yield market can be tricky when youā€™re a newbie, so I would suggest to copy/paste the frontend of Pendle. It would reduce friction a lot

PENDLE market cap is 600M right now, token made a 100x. So, buying PENDLE months ago was a juicy move. Having a yield market would directly increase Starknet attractiveness, since users would have a brand new (juicy?) airdrop to farm. Many people are affraid Ekubo/Nostra/Avnu airdrops will be disapointed (let say, 140 for 6 months lending/LP). From a marketing POV, we need a Jito-like airdrop : huge amounts, to not-so-many people. Thatā€™s exacty what Pendle is : huge amounts, not-so-many people.

And, obviously, it would still be used after LRTs trend fade, in order to farm new things and new protocols (such as Ethena recently)

DEX/money markets were 2021 DeFi essentials. Perp was 2022 DeFi bare minimum. Yield markets are 2024 must-have :wink:

3. Connect to Hyperlane for the HYPE

Not sure about this one, but Hyperlane is a thriving protocol. People are using it to farm HYPE airdrop, but bridging throught Hyperlane is also very quick (and not so expansive). Since itā€™s permissionless, you donā€™t need to pay in order to use it (as a protocol). And itā€™s chain agnostic, it can be used on an EVM chain, a Cosmos chain, etc. So why not a Cairo VM chain :slight_smile:

Connecting Starknet to Hyperlane would have 2 effects :

  • 1 : Starknet is more and more integrated to Ethereum and other chains (sorry, but native bridging and Orbiter bridging feel so bad for 99 % of users)

  • 2 : people farming Hyperlane airdrop are going from time to time on Starknet. Hyperlane is hyped now, but Ā« we are still early Ā», so itā€™s not late at all.

BONUS : more ideas to pump Starknet

  • a ve(3,3) DEX with a nice frontend such as Aerodrome. Always a good idea to increase TVL/volume/reputation by making a 50x on one token, but I have to say I donā€™t really like them

  • an order-book DEX just as Mangrove Exchange. Way less hyped than a ve(3,3), but also more interesting from an innovation point of view

  • make Ā« unruggable meme Ā» looks more like Pinksale ( Unruggable is a great idea, but for now it doesnā€™t help degens buying memecoins with live-charts and all that stuff

  • a leverage farming protocol and/or an autocompounder (such as Alpaca or Beefy). Not so usefull when fees are 1 cent, no hype about it

  • a delta-neutral stablecoin such as Ethena. I donā€™t really like it, stablecoins are not supposed to be degen. Probably not the first thing to create, but it could be a great extender when training wheel is already moving

  • create new things ! Way more difficult to talk about it because Iā€™m not deep into tech, but things like Kakarot zkEVM or Madara could be very interesting from a user POV. We donā€™t HAVE to make it about points/airdrop or whatever, but seeing new things being built make people happy :slight_smile:

So, here are my ideas for Starknet, I hope it could help. Iā€™m not a tech guy so I canā€™t build it, but I would love to beta test any of your work. I like Starknet and I hold my STRK airdrop, so I would love to see it thrive and reach $5 or $10 billions TVL

Hostages are safe boss !

Disclaimer : Iā€™m a retail, Iā€™m not part of any team. I hold tokens from etherfi, Renzo, Swell, Diva, and Iā€™m using some of the protocols I mentionned just above. And Iā€™m not a tech guy, so everything I say might be stupid/too difficult to bootstrap and Iā€™m sorry about that :slight_smile: Thanks for your understanding !

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